Monday, November 24, 2014

10 Random Thoughts.

1. No.
I'm sorry (not really)
but when a man possesses
one of the BEST heads of hair
in quite possibly the whole damn world...

You don't fucking mess with it.
Because why?
Because you can?
Fine. It's your hair.
Point taken.
Now put away the scissors and clippers.

Thank you.

2. Kristen Stewart.

Hard working actress.
Critically acclaimed.
Legit Oscar push.
Fucking THRILLED for her.

Six Movies
in no particular order...







Her work speaks for itself.

3. Robert Pattinson.



Rob has a certain quality that
makes him look great doing 'period' films...
He wears it well.
I miss watching him onscreen.

I need these movies in my face.

Both Kristen and Rob's.
Like yesterday.
Why must we always wait so long?

4. Will we ever see this again?
I hope so.
But I can honestly say
I'm OK with whatever path they choose.

I adore BOTH Rob and Kristen

5. I will always adore Robert Pattinson.
No matter how many times
I get scary intrusive obsessed hags telling me
"You were never his fan".
I have never turned my back on him.
Even when I don't always agree with where he is going
or what he is doing.
I still find him endlessly fascinating
and riveting onscreen.

6. I will always adore Kristen Stewart.
Even when I don't agree with what she says...
or she does something that I don't understand.
I have never turned my back on her.
If anything...
All the vile attacks on her has made me
realize how strong and resilient she truly is.
She's put up with a lot of shit...
and she's still standing
better than ever.
Gotta love that.

It's exciting to be Kristen's fan right now.
I find her captivating onscreen.
She always makes me think...
and feel...
and anxious for her next movie.

7. I love Tom Sturridge.

 I guess that's all I have to say about that.

I pray that they will leave me alone now...

8. Why is it that every time someone
defends Twigs...
They feel the need to trash Kristen at the same time?
How about you leave her out of that drama?
She has NOTHING to do with Twigs.
The Robsessed lunatics cannot let Kristen go.
Even when they have 'supposedly' gotten
what they have always wanted.
They keep rehashing old tired bullshit.
They HATE that Kristen is looking gorgeous
and her career is doing so well.
It KILLS them.
(and I love it)
It's 2014.
Not 2012.
Only Rags and Hags are clinging to those
50 pictures.
No one else cares.
Get the fuck over it.

9. I care about Rob.
And it makes me sad to see how so many people
have turned on him... so quickly.
I think people expect him to just never change
and always be the lovable smiley guy he was in 2008.
He's older.
He's wiser.
He will grow and change.
That's life.
I just wish people were talking about
Rob's career...
and not just his hair
or grabbing his girlfriends ass.

10. There is no PR relationship.
Never has been.
Rob and Kristen weren't PR.
Rob and Twigs aren't PR.
Don't you realize how insulting that is to
BOTH Rob and Kristen
when you say he is with Twigs
as some sort of obligation?
What kind of fans want Rob to be a liar
who would put some bizarre
business venture in front of his wife and family??
And honestly...
(who throws a shoe?)
Who pretends to date someone for an investment?
No one... that's who.
Sometimes the simplest explanation
is the one right in front of you.
Rob and Kristen are not married.
Rob is now with Twigs.
Like it or not...
It's the way it is.

This post is brought to you by Scarecrows

I see people saying
"Use your brains!"

Funny that.
 Those asking people to use their brains...
are obviously not following their own advice.

Until next time.

Bye for now.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dear George...

Remember George?

He is my stuffed St. Bernard that
I have had since I was 9 years old.
 whenever I wrote in my journal
I always wrote it to George.
He was kinda my substitute for 
"Dear Diary"

I thought it was time to write to him again.
It's OK.
He can keep a secret.

Dear George.

Hi George,

 Long time no write.
 It's not that I don't have anything to say 
(we both know that would never be true)
 it's more like I'm not sure what to say
 or quite how to say it. 
I've been reflecting on the last few weeks 
in the Rob/Kristen fandom 
and trying to put my thoughts into words...
not an easy thing to do sometimes.
I guess the biggest realization is
 'can't win for losing'

I'm STILL a fan of Rob and Kristen.
 Together. Apart. Whatever.
For some reason people have a hard time with this.
I don't know why it matters to
 anyone else who I like
(or don't like)
if I talk about Kristen... 
well then I'm not Rob's fan
if I talk about Rob... 
of course that means I'm betraying Kristen somehow.
 See what I mean, George?
People need to realize that being a fan 
is all about ebb and flow. 
Sometimes there is a lot going on with one...
 over the other 
so naturally that's what you talk about.
Simple logic... right?
At least it should be.
 But alas, nothing is ever simple in this fandom.
 Or logical.
People are strange, George. 

I really haven't said much about 
Robs relationship with Twigs. 
Mostly because there isn't much for me TO say.

But at least I can admit there is a relationship...
 unlike some people.
(Give up on the marriage/baby bullshit already, OK?
Rob and Kristen would NEVER be in a relationship for PR)

I don't hate Twigs... 
I don't particularly like her either.
When I think about her 
I physically shrug my shoulders.

But you know me, George... 
I'm not going to hate on Twigs just  
because Rob is dating her now. 
It really doesn't matter if I like it or not... 
does it? 
Besides... I don't want to be like the 
Robsessed Nonstens who have hated on Kristen 
for the past 6 years.
Who needs all that bitter in their life?

I do find the whole 'Twigbert'
 thing pretty hilarious though
Gotta admit.
All the years of being called a Robsten Shipper
and now to have those same people 
fawning all over Twigs and shipping Rob and her...
Funny shit, George. Hilarious shit.
They are oohing and awing over her every move
because that's what "REAL" fans do.

I saw her on Fallon, George. 
I liked what she did with the huge scarves... very cool. 
Her singing? Not so much. Not my thing.
Can't pretend otherwise.
I wish this meant they would back the hell off Kristen 
(of course they won't...
they still discuss her and 2012 every day. 
Every fucking day. 
I bet a Ninnie somewhere is 
talking 'mini cooper' right now. Wanna bet?)
Everyone knows that 99% of their adoration 
is because she's NOT Kristen. 
You know how it goes, George...

There has been some comparison of Rob/Twigs to 
John Lennon and Yoko Ono 
(and I have to admit, George... 
when I saw recent pics... 
John Lennon did pop into my head)
You KNOW I have been a major Beatles fan 
since I was just a wee lass, 
so I know a bit about the whole Yoko deal... 
and to be honest, George... 
there are a few similarities.
Yoko was blamed for everything.
She supposedly broke up the Beatles!
Well according to disgruntled fans anyway.
Its easy to pin the blame on 
the quirky, weird avant-garde artist
who has seemingly bewitched their beloved hero.
Suddenly they're not the 'same' anymore
 They wear strange clothes. 
They behave differently. 
They don't look like themselves...
And it's all HER fault. 
The thing is.. people change. They grow.
No one remains the same forever... 
and who would want to?
Do I think Rob is influenced by Twigs? 
Aren't we all influenced by 
the people closest to us?
Whether we like it or not.
It is what it is.

I can't tell you how indifferent I am..

How extremely nonchalant 
I am about their relationship.
I was overly invested in Rob/Kristen 
Never again.
Thank GOD I learned my lesson years ago.
It makes things so much easier.
You live.
You learn.

I will ALWAYS love and be grateful 
for all the years that
Rob and Kristen gave us.
It doesn't diminish what 
they shared together.

Memories... light the corners of my mind...

Years of watching them fall in love... 
sharing a life.
No one can ever take that away from them... 
from us.
It was a wonderful ride. 
We had a lot of laughs.
We had a good run... didn't we?
And while Rob and Kristen are 
now riding in separate cars,
It's OK... It really is.
I think they are both where 
they want to be right now.
They both seem happy.
What more can you demand ask?

Misty water-colored memories... of the Way We Were.

And besides... you know how it goes.
There is nothing to say that the road 
they are on right now
won't someday intersect with the other...
You never know, George... You never know.
(This is where I add "love is long"... 
because well... it is)

Love is LONG.

Final Thoughts for the day, George.

1. Thanks for listening. 
You are a captive audience as always.

2. Some people still seem to think its my job 
to police the fandom. 
I'm supposed to "do something" about the hatred 
that is spewed out there. 
Like what exactly? 
Throw them in cyber jail?

I don't remember being given a badge. 
(but it would kinda be cool 
if you have one lying about)

Here's the deal.
I'm not responsible for what other people say.
That goes for people who follow me
 or whom I follow.
Just because I talk to someone 
who has a certain opinion...
Doesn't mean I share that opinion. 
The world is made of of DIFFERING opinions.
That's what makes it interesting.
If I only talked to people who agreed
 with my point of view 
it would not only be incredibly boring... 
but I'm sure the number of people 
I actually talked to would be quite small. 
What fun is that? 
And why would anyone limit yourself 
like that on a SOCIAL PLATFORM?
I am only responsible for my 
own words and actions.
I stand by every one.
I still adore BOTH Rob and Kristen 
and remain a fan of their work... 
and I can guarantee you have 
NEVER seen me disparage either of them. 
And you never will.
If you have a problem with something I have said?
Come talk to me and discuss it like an adult.
If you have a problem with something 
someone else has said?
Don't complain to me. 
Go to the source and deal with it.
Or you can lock and block 
and mute or unfollow.
Whatever floats your boat.

The Queen of Sundance.

3. Kristen attended the 
AFI Indie Contenders Roundtable.
Cool beans, George.
She was in awesome company 
and got to discuss her upcoming incredible movies.
You know, George...
I have always hesitated using 
the word "proud" in relation to people 
I don't personally know...
But dammit.
I'm fucking proud of her.
She's worked so hard. 
She's come so far.
And she deserves every bit of
 praise and admiration she is getting right now.
I'm looking forward to seeing more 
promo for her movies.
I can't wait.
She is endlessly interesting and captivating.
I couldn't be more thrilled 
and happy for her.
I. Adore. Her.

4. Oh dear Rob.
He shaved and cut his hair, George.
I'm wondering what it will look like without the hat.
I kinda feel how Rob looks in this picture.

But there is GOOD news!

BOTH Rob and Kristen are going 
to be at the Hollywood Film Awards this Friday. 
AND it's on TV!!

Unfortunately I already have plans so 
I won't be able to watch "Live"... 
but maybe that's just as well considering 
the drama at just the fact that 
Rob and Kristen would both be attending.

Might as well get used to it.
It's going to happen from time to time.
That's what happens when people 
make movies and go to festivals 
and award shows. 
I'm sure this is only the beginning.

5. I will never forget this... 
and forever want to see it again.

6. I adore shaggy beardy Tom.
Hell. I just adore Tom. Period.

This post has been brought 
to you by acceptance.

It really does bring peace.

Thanks George.

Until next time.

Bye for now