Monday, March 16, 2015

Thank You...

Thank You
Random blurb I saw in a magazine in July 2008
about a popular series of vampire books...
(because I kinda like vampires)
Which led me to immediately buy
Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse
and become all enthralled with Edward
Then Robert
Then Kristen
Then Robert and Kristen.

It was the beginning of my intoxication.

Thank You
Stephenie Meyers and Catherine Hardwicke
for casting 
Robert Pattinson
Kristen Stewart
And letting us watch them fall in love.
You are actually
responsible for...
dare I say it...
It's been good
It's been bad 
It's been the sweetest ride
We've ever had.
No regrets.

Thank You
who for some reason
just the thought of him and Kristen
really bugs the hell out of some people.
(They will gladly pair him with anyone else)
So thanks for the entertainment factor
just for tweeting your name.
And you're cute.
Like really cute.


Thank You
for the letters P and R
It's because of you that we had to deal with
6 years of the Lunatic Ninnies screaming that
Rob and Kristen were only in a PR relationship
and being hateful bitches towards Kristen.
And what makes matters worse?
Now we have the Bullshit Baby Brigade
screaming the same thing...
And being bitter banshees towards Twigs.
Poor Rob and Kristen.
What did they ever do to deserve fans like that ?
As IF Rob or Kristen would ever
let other people/business dictate
who they wanted to be with.
Complete Bullshit.

Thank You
For not getting the fuck out of here.
I mean...
It's 2015 dammit!
3 years you have been hanging around
like that last drunk asshole
who never wants to go home.
People need to let you go.
You need to go back to the past...
where you belong.

(Although I doubt the Robsessed Fringe could go one hour
without bringing up something related to 2012...
How pathetically sad to be obsessed with a
couple of minutes in someone else's life.)

Thank You
Robert Pattinson
For your talent
Your hair
Your smile
The way you walk...
Your charm
Your laugh
The way you look in sunglasses.
You continue to fascinate me...
I like listening to what you have to say
and I'm always looking forward to what's next.

Thank you
Kristen Stewart
For your talent
Your strength
And how you always stay true
to who you are...
No matter the cost.
For your beauty
and all the smiles that
so many people seem to miss.
The more I get to know you...
The more I want to know.
Everything you do and say
Interests me... Makes me think...
and keeps me wanting more.
Your future's so bright...

Thank you
Thomas Sturridge
For your incredibly sweet smile
(that you rarely use)
And those blue eyes...
For your quirky hats
And for all the energy you have on stage.
For the subtle ways you display emotion
and most definitely for your voice.
Your voice.
So proper
So rich
And so exquisitely British.
Thank you for always being
a shining star
in a fandom that sometimes
is so bleak and dark.

This post is brought to you by
Green Sheep.

Thank You.

Until next time

Bye for now.