Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Week in Pictures

If a picture paints a thousand words...

We finally got to see some new pics of Rob.
Big hair.
Kinda like an edgy Edward.

But who took the pics somehow garnered
even more of a reaction...

Karl, himself.
Imagine that.
Now a huge deal was made out of that fact..
Even though I don't know why.
Mr. Lagerfeld takes pictures of people.
A lot.

Because you know...
If Karl took Rob's pictures...
AND Kristen's pictures.
They MUST be married!!!
Isn't that the most logical point of view?

A store in NY
recently posted that Rob and Twigs
came into their store and bought 
a "clown padding jacket"

I don't know who it's for...
but I can see either of them wearing it
(please soon)

But as usual...
The Baby Cult came out to attack
and tried to discredit the store
and called them liars... etc.

A shop got all excited because famous people
came into their shop and bought a jacket...
They had no reason to lie.
I mean... come on.
If you are going to make up someone to come 
and buy something in your store
You could come up with all kinds of more famous people
than Rob and Twigs to make that claim.
It was a big deal for them...
why wouldn't they talk about it?

And then a few days ago...
we got a few shot of Twigs with fans.
Yeah. OK. So what.
See the hooded figure in the back?
Kinda looks familiar doesn't it?
So of course...
People being what they are...
and doing what they do
asked the guy if Rob was there.

"She was with him, but I didn't care
about him. I was interested with her"

Hey to each their own, right?
Kinda proves that the tall guy in the hood
standing behind his girlfriend...
was indeed Rob.

Now I could bring up endless sightings
and tweets of people 
(Including Kellan Lutz talking about their upcoming wedding)
who saw Rob/Twigs together
But its pretty obvious they were.

I have to clarify.
I don't care if they are together or not...
Just being honest.
But it's fascinating seeing the 
lunatics scramble and shout
accusing everyone and their daddy
of being in on some grand conspiracy.
They are completely scary and irrational.
They talk in plurals...
"WE can't divulge our sources"
"We are many"
"We are RK's Street Team!!"
"We have many trusted and vetted sources"


I mean...
WHO talks like that?

Isn't it convenient that the loons
make up a twitter account
JUST to corroborate their lunacy?
"Hey you better listen to me!
I'm VETTING every sighting!"
So what?
You can say whatever you want
doesn't make it true.
It's just another opinion.

Guess what?
I have someone who vets stuff too!

Meet BrilliantSpy

She says that the pic of the hooded guy
behind Twigs is definitely Rob.

And this picture?

Is most assuredly a NotRob.
Rob has longer, shaggy wavy hair...
No way.
No how.

and this one...

BrilliantSpy says her sources tell her
that "Moms" is what Cam calls his mother.
It has nothing to do with Kristen whatsoever.

And you must just take her word for it, OK?
Because she has super secret sources
that she would NEVER exploit or expose.
So just BELIEVE her!
She DOES have Brilliant in her name, after all.
No questions asked.

Chanel’s Eyes 2016 Campaign

I honestly cannot think of ONE person
who has more beautiful eyes than Kristen.
She is fucking PERFECT for this.
My sweet lord.
It's really hard to not just gush over every image of her.
She looks stunning and beautiful and...
absolutely perfect.

and let's not forget...


Nicholas Hoult.

Can I have EQUALS


My sweet Thomas.
Haven't seen hide nor hair from him in ages.
What does he look like?
Big shaggy beard?
Clean shaven?
Top knot?
Buzz cut?
Come on, Tom...
Show that beautiful face.
Thank You.

Final Thoughts.

1. Although it appears that Rob and Twigs
are indeed still together and haunting New York together...
(Ring or no ring... doesn't seem to matter)
Whether they remain together or not
doesn't mean he will run back to Kristen.

2. The reason I point and laugh at the Baby Cult
is because I think people need to realize how toxic
they really are to this fandom
(or whatever the hell this is)
AND to Rob and Kristen.
The majority of what they do/say
is attacking Twigs
And anyone who doesn't agree with them.
If they truly believed that Rob and Kristen
were in some fabled everlasting romance...
They wouldn't feel the need to trash Twigs all the time.
They are the ones with the Kristen avis
who go and attack Twigs on social media
Making all Kristen fans looks bad.
Making the fandom look ridiculous.
Embarrassing everyone.
They are the ones who insult Twigs
which makes the Sessed attack Kristen in retaliation...
Then the Krisbians attack Rob.
They drag Kristen and Rob into their bitter battle...
and its fucking annoying.
It's a vicious cycle.

3. Kristen doesn't need Rob...
or anyone else right now.
Maybe she is seeing someone
Maybe not.
It's refreshing that I can say
I don't really care.
(at this time anyway... heh)
I love what she is doing career-wise.
She is so focused and determined
to be the best she can be...
And she has finally stepped into the light
and she's earned every sweet moment.

4. There has been spewage about the EPIC reveal again.
Oh it's close y'all!
Like last July when there were going to be
And how can we forget 
Just about every week or so
Something EPIC is supposedly going to happen
to make all haters and doubters cringe in defeat.
Yeah. OK.
It's been over a year and a half...
Any time now

5. It was good to see Rob in work related pictures.
He's been stingy lately with showing his face...
either on set or off.
It's funny...
I was reading the other night
and I heard "Whole Lotta Love"

I'm immediately drawn to watch 
Rob running across the roof...
driving in the surf
kissing the girl.
The man really is ALL kinds of sexy in that commercial.
I hope to see more of that in the future.

This post was brought to you by the #Truth
If you look
You will see.

Until next time.

Bye for now.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Just Another Manic Monday...

What's new in the ever fascinating
world of internet fandom?

Nothing much.
Same shit.
Different day.
Sometimes its different shit
same day...
But you know how it goes.

Anyway... let's see what we have.

1. Kristen at Sundance

Her film "Certain Women"
was getting wonderful reviews
especially Kristen's performance.
No surprise there.
Sundance and Kristen equal Brilliant.

2. Rob's hair

Rob is working on "Good Time" right now in NY
and I guess he got a perm for the role.
It's hard to really gauge the depth of curliness...
But there was much ado about it.
I would like to see him on set and the perm
in its full glory...

3. Nicholas Hoult

I think he's pretty.
And tall.
Like REALLY tall.
And he's British.
And did I mention how adorable he was?
And tall?
I post about Nicholas Hoult
Some people seem to get all bent about it
But too fucking bad.
I like him.
A lot.
And I'm looking forward to this

oh... and this...

No matter the circumstances of their relationship...
There ain't NOTHING wrong with that.

4. Thomas Sturridge

I adore him completely.
He has a role in "Hollow Crown- War of the Roses"
playing Henry VI.
Stellar cast.
And seriously people...
go watch some of Tom's films.
He's really quite good at what he does.

5. Baby Cray

The Baby Cray have taken it up a notch
to full blown insanity.
Whats new?
As usual... any picture that doesn't fit their 
psychotic agenda is
It's the GO TO excuse.
The ONLY excuse.
I mean... seriously.
How can anyone just sit there and believe that shit?
They argued for days about the pics of Rob getting a perm
Look at the snow!
Look at the lights!
The pics are old!
All to secure their fantasy that Rob was never in London
all this time... with Twigs.
(Don't look at the man behind the curtain)

I'm sorry (not really) that I laugh at this lunacy
I can't seem to help it.
They contradict themselves at every turn
and its quite entertaining.
They ignore all evidence that Rob is with Twigs
and instead pull out pictures of Rob/Kristen
that are YEARS old.

People are being lied to...
And People are most definitely lying.
Liar. Liar. Pants. On. Fire.

No insider 'Cuz'
(alternate personalities don't count)
No super secret sources.
No FBI photo analysts

The whole "if you knew what we know"
really doesn't fly.
(not that it ever did)
Because it's quite obvious that 
You know dick shit.
Kristen said so.

6. Kristen's interview with Variety

You all know by now that Variety 
erroneously (purposely) attributed Kristen's comments to “diversity.”
They have since clarified above that her comments 
were addressing gender equality.

It didn't take long for the hyenas
to come out for the attack.
They smelled blood.
They all wanted a piece of Kristen.
They ripped and shredded.
Even when it was clear what Kristen was referring to...
The hyenas continued their attack.
"Well... she was attacking women.
Does that make it better?"

Except Kristen's views on gender equality
are well known.
She's a feminist.
She works with women on projects
about women starring women
directed by women.

Yeah... maybe she could have worded 
her response a bit better...
(I guess not everyone is as perfect as you are)
But you all know what she meant.
Even the blood thirsty hyenas.
It sucks to want to try and hurt Kristen
time and time again...
yet her career is on FIRE.
And that burns you most of all.

7. Rob fan.

It irritates (some) people that I don't talk enough about Rob.
As I said before...
Not much to say.
Dior ad.
Good Times.
If my ovaries don't burst on every tweet
and in every post...
I must not be a fan anymore!
Well of course that's complete bullshit.
As always...
I don't get why its so important how much I talk about Rob.
or how I talk about Rob.
What's it to you?
I talk about what I want...
and I'm sorry if I don't talk about Twigs
(I don't care about her)
or Rob's perm.
I go see/buy his movies.
That's all I need to do.

Oh. And.
I don't keep my blog name
to annoy idiots out there 
who are somehow offended by it.
Like I would let some random people
dictate what I should do.
Right. OK.

I keep the name because I like it.
And I still like Rob.
Because I've had it for over 7 years
and its mine.
I don't keep it to spite anyone.
Or to garner more 'hits'
because honestly...
I'm guessing if I called it 
Kristen Stewart Intoxication
it would get more.

I've never been about hits...
I don't care.
I write this because I want to
not because I have to.

And in closing...

Kristen Stewart is better than you.
And you.
And definitely you.
And you know who you are

I adore her.
She's not perfect.
She's flawed.
But that's all part of her immense charm.
And you know she has 'something'
that keeps you all hanging on her every move
and her every word.
Admit it.

Robert Pattinson is with FKA Twigs.
I wish he would just marry her already...
and maybe that will shut up the Cray.
Although I'm sure they will find 
some sort of conspiracy theory
to cover it up.

It is interesting to note that the crazy
isn't just in this fandom.
I just read recently where some fans
of 1D won't accept the fact that
one of the boys recently had a baby with someone.
There are pics of her pregnant...
Pics of him with the baby...
It's FAKE.
I mean.
And here we have people 
desperately making fake babies!!!


One last thing.

I loved Rob and Kristen together.
I really did.
I spent a lot of time talking about them
I enjoyed every minute.
But guess what?
I love Rob and Kristen APART
even more.
I think they are better apart.
And they both seem happy with their life.

At least we will always have Paris.
It was sweet...
while it lasted.

But the party's over...
It's time to call it a day.

With acceptance
comes peace.

Until next time.

Bye for now