Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I'm fucking done.

Here I sit, with my laptop humming on my fucking lap. And as much as I would love to stop inserting 'fucking' into every sentence, I fucking can't. So far, it hasn't come out of my fucking mouth...just off my fucking keyboard. Maybe I'm not completely fucking insane.
I just wanted to fucking write in here before I am taken somewhere, where I won't have computer access. Fucking bullshit. How am I supposed to survive without my fellow RobKats? Fucking how? I am leaving fucking Jan 1st and will be home sometime on Jan 4th.
My Robsession will be on dangerous fucking overload by the time I get back.
The lovely ladies of Robsessed...have helped me with my fucking addiction. My fucking overwhelming NEED of all things Robert Pattinson. They fucking understand me. They fucking get me.
They fucking help me deal with this fucking passion, they help me figure out why the fuck I react to Rob so fucking strongly.
Yes. I will be in grave peril come Sunday afternoon. I hope I survive that long...I fucking hope so.


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.