Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Trix Fix ♥

This is for Trix.
Because I her.
She knows why...
And if it wasn't for her...
I probably wouldn't be here.
Look at that face.
Without the hair to distract us...
his face is still one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.
Bye for now.


  1. Rose, I know how you feel. I feel the same way about Trix also. And I love Trix fix, that's very appropriate. She's pretty special.
    Also, I want to say I really like your blog.

    Rose, you're funny and you make me laugh and I think if I didn't have the laughs I wouldn't put myself through this also. I never wanted to have a celebrity crush. I'm trying not to, not able to say with all my powers yet, but let's just say I understand how you feel, especially about Trixie.

  2. Rose - I am just speechless. I want to say something so meaningful to let you know how this posting made me feel. But, I have no words.

    So, I'll just say thank you, for EVERYTHING. I'm lost without my daily Rose Dose...

    I <3 you, too!

  3. Jovie, my darling...

    Thank you, too.

    You are so very, VERY special to me. If it wasn't for you, I would have locked my true feelings away forever and replaced them with self-doubt and uncertainty. Because of you, I have embraced things about myself that I have pushed away for so long.

    If Rob only knew the bonds he has indirectly created...

  4. Darn it...I'm just not that good with words. Just thank you for putting it all in words for me, Rose. xoxo

  5. In reference to this picture.. yes he is indeed beautiful, but I'd just like to add that "like attracts like" SO for all the lovely women who I've come to know as a result of said beautiful man.. It's no coincidence.. I think you're all pretty wonderful..

    Great post Rose.. you are fantastic, and so is Trixie.

  6. My ♥ is bursting. You ladies really flatter me....and all I am doing is putting down how I feel.
    Thanks so much for all the wonderful comments.
    You know how much I ♥ you all.

  7. Rose, we ♥ you also!
    Trix, I ♥ Rose Dose.

    Tess, loved your comments. You're all special ladies and he has unknowingly brought us together and it's made my breaking from him all the much more difficult, because now it would be letting go of my feelings for him and then all of you have to go with it and that's something I haven't been able to do.
    ♥ ~Jov


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