Monday, August 17, 2009

Rose Regrets

That's it.
I'm done being annoyed.
I'm done letting petty shit bug me.

I'm just going to love Robert.
As always.
And I'm going to enjoy looking at his pictures...
and listening to his voice...
And watching him walk...
and yes... speculating on his lovelife.

But I refuse to get dragged down
into the negativity any more.
I don't even want to type Robsten.
I'm so tired of it... and what comes with it.

Let's face it...
in the grand scheme of life...
this matters little.
(well... except to Rob and Kristen...)

I also rarely post about my beloved RobKats...
but I want to today.
I love all of you.
Each and every beautiful RK.
You have all brought something special into my life...
You let me love Rob unconditionally...
You share Rob with me...
You always find a way to make me laugh...
and you listen when I won't shut up.

But most of all...
You have shown me I'm not alone.
And for that I will be forever grateful.
And a special note to Gozde ...
Without you... there would be no RKs.
And without RKs... there would be no Rose.

So Thank You... You all mean more to me than I can ever say.

Bye for now


  1. Awww, Rose! I love you, too, and all my lovely RKs!! :)

  2. Please please please don't get discourages from all this bullsh.... just because there are so many blind people doesn't mean that you have to stop your awsome robsten decleration and fight!! There are so many with you that love everything that you write, because we truly love Robert and want what's best for him!! And we have seen from the beginning that he is head over heals for kristen and we are so so so happy that he finally got his girl!!!
    Let the petty chics cry that they didn't get Rob!! As if there ever any chance of that!!Robsten is real, it's on its rise, don't give up now!!!

  3. Maria~ The bitch in me won't let me quit. I just don't want to lower myself to the same level as some Nonstens.
    I'm still Robsten all the way...
    Just have to channel my irritation in a better way!
    Thanks for reading:)

  4. I just discovered your blog the other day and was so glad to see there are other folks out there who feel like I do and say it the way I would. You're smart, funny, and most importantly, keep this crap in perspective which I'm realizing far too many people do not.

    I always thought Rob and Kristen made sense for each other and it seems that they've realized that recently too. More power to them. If that fact kills a few Nonstens in the process, so be it.

    Don't let the extremists get you down. I've been enjoying your posts too much.

  5. Rose:
    You're spot on.
    It's so weird to read your blog and just keep sayin',
    "Yes, right, I agree, hell yes, fvukin' hell yes, etc etc."

    I'm not used to this level of robhellatious agreement, cause I don't find it elsewhere in the nettie world at this level.

    See you tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day for more resonance.
    You make me happy. *hearts*

  6. Rose, I simply do not remember (I DON'T WANT to remember) a day before there were the RKs and YOU!

    Loving Rob brings many blessings in the form of each and every RK.



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The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.