Monday, November 30, 2009

Missing Rob and Kristen...

It's been pretty dry out there in
the land of the ROBsessed.
Which is a good thing.
Well... for Rob and Kristen.
I'm sure they are just enjoying
each others company right now.


I hope they are having a wonderful time...


Someone sent me the link for
this video the other day.
(It's at the bottom of the post)

It's Sam Bradley (and the Men)
It was taped on Nov 13, 2009
in Minneapolis, MN

Now... I was told that Rob supposedly
co-wrote this song with Sam.
But I'm skeptical...
and until there is actual confirmation...
I will leave all the credit to Sam.

It's a GREAT song...
and Sam is incredible...
But the lyrics?
Fucking A.
It sounds like something Rob
COULD have written... yes?
I fucking LOVE it.
Love Sam
Love Rob.
Love Kristen.

Listen to the words.

Bye for now.

Here are the lyrics...

Fucking lights, straining my eyes.
No sleep at night. It's just a waste of time.
And LA's burning... NY's painted black .
London's calling, calling me back.
Simple patterns make me crack.
Fucking lights, Hurts my head.
Borrowed youth.
All those wasted years.
And LA's learning. NY too.
London's calling, I'm calling you.
What doesn't matter, Still holds its truth,
That nothing matters, When I'm with you,
Cities only fill the void of people wasting, wasting time on you.
Pretty lies and secret love,
Nothing gets me what I want from you,
From you, All I want,
what I want from you.


  1. "And LA's burning... NY's painted black .
    London's calling, calling me back"

    What doesn't matter, Still holds its truth,
    That nothing matters, When I'm with you,

    OIC! OIC! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  2. Hi Rose,
    thanks for the lyrics! I love that song and I read that Rob co wrote it. I don't know, but considering the lyrics... :))

  3. no news in RobStenland,missed them so much though happy too cause it might seem they spend the day together at her home or his hotel :)

  4. Fuck, Sam's good. Great song, whether Rob co-wrote it or not. It sounds like something he would write.... As usual, you fucking rock, Rose.

  5. either way, amazing song. I love it. Im happy Rob and Kristen are in hiding. LOVE THEM!

    I know I havent shown the love on your blog lately, Iv been sort of busy. Hubby's father is in critical condition and it isnt looking very good, so I just havent had too many words lately. But your blog is still a step out of reality that I need. Along with Fan-Fic, and of course the amazing ladies on the According to My Sources website. Send my love there way. You girls are amazing and you make me smile, thats all I need right now!

    lol.... ok, word verfication this time : aszhat.... *died*

  6. you and your blog.
    Love the song.
    Love Sam's performance of it.
    Love the lyrics.
    LOVE that Rob and Kris are getting some well deserved downtime.

  7. What if Rob and Kristen are hiding,but not with each other,but with other people?What if we all learn that they were never together and they had other relationships well kept?What if it is all PR?tHEY HAVE 2 MORE MOVIES TO GO.

  8. @ anon 11:57... I think if that was a possiblity, we would all survive and wake up the next day, just like we do now.

    but i highly doubt that they arent together, theyre always together.

  9. The blog is in Portuguese, but Dani Santini is a very influential person in LA to her since she has worked as a model, she created this blog investigative reporting on the true story of the members of the saga, but mysteriously left the blog after she was hired to organize the arrival of Kristen and Taylor to Brazil, she came to report some things ... saying she was very very very close to Kristen and Taylor, all suspect that she learned and other ethical issues left the blog over from other members who have since failed to regain the news. It is very interesting if you can translate it .... Excuse my English, I am using a translator online. Beijos !!!!! Is the tip!

  10. This song seems to be writen about Rob and Kristen.. in my perspective He is angry about the ~lights~ (maybe papparazis? midia?) and hate the fact that he has to love her secretly...

    *** I love your blog, I agree with each comment that u made about them.. thank u for this! ***

  11. @ anon 11:57
    What if my aunt had balls? She`d be my uncle.:p What if, what if...BS. Seems to me you arent clear with yourself whats what, hon. JS

    Rose, your blog, as usual, makes my day way better. Yeah, that song sounds def like something Rob would co-write. But even if its all Sam, its still fucking beautiful song, so TYSFM for sharing. :)

    Man, I srsly hope our bbs had a fuck awesome Thankgiving with the fam. ;D

  12. Thankyouthankyouthankyou Rose, I've been trying [very ineffectively no doubt] to track those lyrics down for the last couple of days...

    They do sound like Rob could have written them last summer when he was alone in NYC...

    Haven't thanked you enough recently for how much I enjoy your blog... it's always such an enjoyable retreat - and your new Rob photo is absolutely lovely. *Sigh*

  13. Nope, i'm not going to talk about WHAT IF! i'm here bc i want to share my happiness between people who truly care about R/K,and you Rose received 11 NICE comments n just 1 miserable b*t one,so WHO CARES? And again, of course, u made my day, afternoon n nite.Robstenland is in PEACE n R/K are really HAPPY and enjoying as much as possible their time TOGETHER.Thx Rose for your lovely words.By the way i miss them too.sigh...

    Oh yeah LA was burning,but now it's burning in a different situation/

  14. Rob definitely wrote this, the lyrics say it ALL!


    hey rose, i think you might like the gif above :) thanks for your blog, you have the gift of expressing our thoughts with beautiful words :)

  16. Oh that sounds fresh from Mr Pattinson! We all know he wants to be back in London :)
    But even if its not his's an amazing song! Love the voice :)

  17. "nothing matters, when I'm with you,"
    remind me so much of rob's smile for me a romantic fool,but to me rob got this 1 spacial smile when kristen near him. i call it "the kristen smile"

  18. Wow this is SO Rob and NOT Sam!! Sam performs it beautifully!!

    This reeks of the seperation of Rob and Kristen this summer...New York was painted black to him and why was LA burning....because Kristen was there :)

    AND love the line London's calling, I'm calling you

    Him calling her.

    And an even stronger lyric:

    What doesn't matter, Still holds its truth,
    That nothing matters, When I'm with you

    He so missed her this summer and I think he wrote this for sure!!

    Thanks for this Rose...amazing :)


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.