Dear Kristen...
I'm lost.
You're gone. He's gone.
It's like a huge hole has been punched into my chest...
So I went to see New Moon again
(you can tell, can't you?)
Watching you and Rob onscreen fills the hole in my chest...
for a little while.
4 scenes still make me cry.
The break up scene... of course.
That will never stop ripping my heart in two...
The scene in the rain with Jake.
You are brilliant.
The scene with the Volturi...
"Kill me... Kill me..."
Shit. I lose it.
And of course...
The Jake goodbye...
with "It's ALWAYS been him".
Did I already say brilliant?
Good. You are.

Dear Kristen...
I'm sorry to say that the HATE
is still going strong.
I know you don't need my protection.
You are fierce and strong.
But I can't help defending you.
Some people will find any excuse to slam you.
But we both know the real reason
is because of Robert.
The haters would rather Rob be with ANYone
other than you.
(at least that's what they say...
I'm guessing if Rob started dating someone else...
they would start hating on her, too)
But now they are all about Uma Thurman.
I know... right?

There was another regurgitated interview with Rob...
Gossips and magazines will print anything
in hopes of boosting sales and online hits.
And of course, the haters will grab onto any dismissal
of the relationship you have with Robert.
Both you and Rob have said you don't
want to discuss your relationship.
People are claiming you are.
Same shit, different day.
I can't imagine how tedious it is for you.
I hope you and Robert at least
get some laughs out of all the bullshit.

Dear Kristen...
This is one of my fave pics of you and Rob.
It's so intimate to me.
You clinging to Rob's hand...
And the smile on Rob's face...
I hope that you both can reenact that picture very soon.
And that this trip to London...
Rob will be able to show you around...
and you can spend the holidays with his family.
Even though I miss you both...
I hope that you find peace this holiday season.
Please give Rob my best.
(and maybe a hug)
Until next time.
Bye for now.
This is one of my fave pics of you and Rob.
It's so intimate to me.
You clinging to Rob's hand...
And the smile on Rob's face...
I hope that you both can reenact that picture very soon.
And that this trip to London...
Rob will be able to show you around...
and you can spend the holidays with his family.
Even though I miss you both...
I hope that you find peace this holiday season.
Please give Rob my best.
(and maybe a hug)
Until next time.
Bye for now.
wow ur awsome, kristen should see this, u rock!!
ReplyDeleteI support you on your dedication
ReplyDeleteI really like your blog
greetings and kisses from valencia
Dear RoseSee,
ReplyDeletethat was absolutely wonderful... I smelted away, when I read your new post... You express your feelings in the same way as I think, but yours is written so...lovely...and I really could read, that you wrote with love, passion... Absolutely beautiful. I wished, Kristen could read this. She'd know how we love her, how we're amazed to see her with Rob, how we love her acting...
Thank you so much, RoseSee <3 It made my day, perhaps even my week :)
With love
Aww! I love your blog. If only she read this. It would probably make her day. :)
I miss Kristen, this drought is killing me. I need to see New Moon again as well, this post reminded me of that.
ReplyDeleteDear Rose
ReplyDeleteYou made me cry again...i miss them too.There's a huge hole in my chest too...i'm not going to say anything about haters, they don't deserve it.I'm glad we have u to write such beatiful words.
Yes, I miss Kristen and Rob too. Kristen a little more because she's so unique and mysterious and I adore
ReplyDeleteher. I know Rob makes her as happy as she makes him happy so Rob is special to me too. I know how much you love Rob, yet you still give our girl some love as well and I love YOU for that. I'm so happy that they've found one another and it warms my heart to know they're enjoying their precious time together. I'm so over the haters now.
I've learned to tune them out, but it does get quite annoying
sometimes. And I do what you do when I'm missing them,
I go watch New Moon and my Robsten video collections.
Love you Rose.
Rose, love this post, love your blog. You are so clear-sighted with regard to our favorite actors, and you express your thoughts with such an edgy grace -- like Kristen.
ReplyDeleteI also love your support of this girl. I agree, the vitriol would spew out at any girl he dated. I'm glad she's strong and fierce, but sometimes I cringe at what she has to endure. Be well, Kristen. Be well, Rose.
Dear Rose, ILY and your beautiful mind. Srsly, thats all I have atm, because you so wonderfully put everything I feel into words.R/K <3
ReplyDeleteyou're so sweet. She'd totally love you, were y'all ever to meet. 'Cause she's cool like that. As are you.
Dear Rose I really enjoy reading your post. You are a very good writer. I love Kristen & Robert they make a beautiful couple.
ReplyDeleteWell written. They are a beautiful couple. Rob sets a standard for men to live up to that isn't easy. Kristen has been one smart young lady in making sure she had his heart and soul before moving forward with a relationship with him. Very smart. Again, beautiful couple. I miss them but I also hope they're enjoying some private time to nurture that rare gift they share.
ReplyDeleteThis is my first post here, but WOW! Kristen should read the awesomeness that is this post. I agree with you a 100%, thank you for such lovely and eloquent words.
ReplyDeleteI love Kristen and am no hater, but how do know she is heading to London? I'm pretty sure the last thing she wants is to be snapped walking through LAX boarding a Heathrow bound plane. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post. Well done!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love what you have to say about Rob and Kristen. You took the words right out of my mouth. I am SO hopeful for them. It's nice to see a website such as yours because it is so different and it's SO ROBSTEN. Thanks, and keep up the good work !!!!
ReplyDeleteRose,i totally agree with you.Rob's idiot fans want him date anyone but Kristen.The stupid girls on IMDb even want him to hook up with Uma,because they think it's hot.(???)
ReplyDeleteROSE!!! THANK YOU!!!!dear god! this is all that is getting me through this horrible droght!1 I am obsessed and i mean obsessed with Kristen and i love that you love her as much as she deserves!! I have no words for how perfect Rob is in everyway and how undoubtedly perect they are for eachother!! i can not agree more about the haters that just try and cause trouble between these two perfect people!! Reading this and knowing im not the only ones who is hurting right now, and when i say hurting i mean like cant eat cant sleep hurting because i miss these two people sooooo much, it makes me feel at least an ounce better! You describe them perfectly anad i thank you for being so i love with these two people to give them the respect and love they deserve!! Seriously thank you Rose from the bottom of my at this point in time lost heart!
ReplyDeleteYou have such a beautiful heart and even though you are a Rob fan first you seem to love and adore kristen as well. I don't understand how/why some of Robs fans can support all of Robs other friends Bobby, Sam and Marcus but when it comes to Kristen they do nothing but bash her. Of course this prob goes for some of Kristens fans too but it makes no sense to me. People will beleive what they want to and no matter what evidence is right in front of their eyes they will find some reason to ignore/dispell it.
ReplyDeleteThis is so true!!I really miss kristen so much a day without seeing her makes my day dull,i think i have to wait for Sundance just to be able to see her again.But I'm hoping she will go to London(please lord i want repitition of paris scene).
ReplyDeleteas to hater just ignore them they are just waste of time!!
Beautiful blog entry written to a beautiful girl.
ReplyDeleteDear Rose-
You're the best. Thanks for being you.
Me :)
from a KristenFan- great blog! yeah, i miss robsten. i don't care if they are on, friends, whatever. my day is not complete without seeing any new pictures of them. but then again, i don't wanna see pics of them taken by crazy paps. so i just sort of sit back and wait till another promo pics of their upcoming movies come up. i hope they are happy with their free time aside from the fact that they cannot go out just for a walk and not be bothered by lurking paps. gotta go watch new moon, for the nth time.
ReplyDeleteYou are briliant. I love your posts very much.
ReplyDeleteYou are my Jacob who fill the hole from my chest
For this one I'll just say Ditto. I couldn't have said it better myself. Really. ;)