Monday, December 28, 2009

You Say Nonsten, I Say Robsten...

I'm going to rant about people
who come here...
read my thoughts...
and then take it to their site and rip it apart.
I've been sent copies of posts
where people who I've never spoken to...
who have no clue who I am...
Personally tear me apart.
Because I post my opinion on
Kinda mind boggling... isn't it?

Now, I might not agree with a lot
that is said about Robert and Kristen.
And I might let my feelings be known...
But I've never directly attacked someone
for their point of view.
I always tried to be a
'to each their own' kinda person.
I actually enjoy a good debate...
which I admit is getting harder and harder to find.

You don't have to agree with me.
That's cool.
But to take my posts and put them on your site...
and then call me names?
Not cool.
And kinda lame.
And pointless.

I've said it once...
I will say it a zillion more times...

I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck.
how you feel about Rob and Kristen.
It doesn't impact my opinion.
At all.
And I've never once felt the need
to personally assault someone
on my blog.

Should I be flattered?
That someone would think my thoughts
on Robert and Kristen's relationship
(and oh yes... they are in a relationship;)
is worth reposting...
and dissecting?

Or should I feel pity?
That some people are so insecure
in their own point of view...
That they need to attack anyone
who doesn't agree with them?

I think I feel pity.
With a touch of ...
"Sucks to be you"

I hope you like disappointment.
But then... I guess you are used to it.
(Robert Loves Kristen!)


Bye for now.


  1. You're really cool, girl! :)

  2. I love your post so much. Don't give a shit about the others. Those people who took your post and attack you are cowards.

  3. love your opinion sweets! if they feel the need to take it and rip it and dissect it and analyze must mean something, right? maybe your opinion threatens them somehow... threatens their perfect little dream world where they will someday, maybe, possibly, most likely than not, marry Rob and have cute little Robbies together...or...I don't know...maybe it threatens their perfect little world where Kris will decide she's actually gay and single them out from a crowd for a Madonna&Britney kinda kiss :D...pathetic really, but that's the internet world for ya...

    anyway...much love to you, keep on expressing your say what I wanna say, only better :)

  4. Oh Rose...
    Just keep being you and keep drowining out the noise...because really that's all the petty stuff boils down to....background noise.


  5. You are my fucking hero,Rose.JS :D

    Haters will hate,bb. You know that the only reason they are attacking YOU personally is out of sheer desperation. ;p

    Is it cuz everyone sane & their grandma by now knows that Rob and Kris are together? Um, DUH. LOL

    So fuck them all, I say. Their desperation for Rob`s "singleness" & their WISHFUL THINKING doesnt make Rob single,but it does make haters & nonstens really,truly pathetic.

    I think its a win-win situation 4 Robsten fans. Y/Y? ;D

  6. I Love Your Blog And All Your Post Keep On Keeping On Fuck The Haters. They Know Robsten Is Real That's Why They Hate.

  7. I found this site a few days ago and I love it. I love your insights and the way you express them.
    These people you're referring to, don't deserve a minute of your time, otherwise they feel important and they are not, at all...
    Thanks for your good work!

  8. Rose, I consider you to be one of the few bloggers out there who has true writing skills, a clever style, a facile mind, great senses of irony and humor, a kind heart, and the courage to stand behind your beliefs. I also happen to be on the same page as you with regard to Robsten.

    I'm sure you know that there is a plethora of people out there who keep their blood moving only by being destructive rather than constructive. To give these trolls the time of day is to give them a credence they don't deserve.

    Also, given the current Robsten drought, there are a lot of bloggers out there who have embraced the "no paps" rule (their hearts are in the right place, I know). But with no news and no original photos, they're desperate for material.

    As irritating and mean-spirited as it is, I think you can take some comfort in their misguided tripe; in pulling from your blog they take from the best.



  9. He he, you tell 'em Kiddo -

    Oh and Robert loves Kristen - my favorite part...

    :) Thanks for what you do!

  10. Keep up the inspiring work girl! You rock!

  11. I can't believe some people actually do that. Glad I stick to robsten-friendly sites and blogs.

    Loved the end of your post too: "I hope you like disappointment. But then... I guess you are used to it.(Robert Loves Kristen!)"...

  12. Hi. Just found your blog and respect your honesty so thought I'd share this with you all. I'm pretty certain I saw RP in London last week - in heavy disguise - shades and hat totally covering his hair. I could be wrong but I am a betting kinda girl and if I had to stake cash on it being him I would. It was close to old bond street in a pub off the main drag. It was really odd because he waited for me to pass him on some narrow stairs and as he spoke to tell me to go after him I instantly recognised the voice but couldn't put a name to it. I was also struck by how familiar he looked despite the hat and shades - rayban aviatars - they were huge on him so between those and the hat his face was well covered but despite all that it was obvious that this boy was drop dead gorgeous and desperate not to be spotted. I'm now kicking myself for not waiting for him to reappear from the WC to examin him some more. It was only later in the day that the penny dropped. Wish I could tell you he was with a girl that looked like KS but didn't think to look ! DAMN. Anyway. Happy Christmas x

  13. Great speak Rose! You're right! I believe in Robsten and I feel good on your site and what you write there. I like honest, passionate and free minded people.
    Hope he is in London and hope Kristen comes to New Years Eve to celebrate with him into the New Year with all their love very privat and with friends and family.

  14. "Hear,Hear" Hats off to you my friend. keep posting we love your posts :)

  15. Hi Rose,
    I haven't been posting comments lately, I have the hardest time logging, it's just me. I hope this one goes through. I do read your blog everyday because you always put me in a great mood and I love reading about my favorite couple and like I said to you before, you just always make sense,you're wicked smart and witty. Please never stop writing.
    I love what you said today about these immature, no life people out there, sad isn't it. They just lead miserable lives and hate the thought of other people being happy and in love. I think if they would just stop hating maybe they will also find some happiness in their life. Wake up people, this is it, no dress rehearsal, while you are hating life is passing you by.

  16. Rose, if the haters didn't hear truth in your words it wouldn't have such an effect on them. Like you said, you don't go on their sites and bash their views. I think they are trying to prove it to themselves as well as everyone else. Also, why hate on Kristen so badly if they don't think they are together? Don't let them get to you, such strong responses mean your doing something right.

  17. I love your attitude Rose! I still do not believe that they are together...but they would make a lovely couple...



  19. Go Rose!! Don't let those haters get to you! You ROCK, bb! XOXO

    And you speak the TRUTH! And we all know that some people can't handle it! LMAO!

    Love you!

  20. I love to read your blogs. I enjoy reading them mostly because you are NOT afraid to give your opinion. I love that! I am the same way. I sometimes get in trouble because of what I say. I don't care though. I am just being honest. I laugh outloud when I read your blogs because You are MY voice. I agree exactly with you on Robsten. Keep on ... Keeping on!! Love you!

  21. I read here for about 2 weeks with and I like it when someone takes his mind rationally and calmly. Unfortunately, many people use God, the I-Net for reducing aggression, because it is anonymous. My son is 23 years old, so you can call me a Twi-mom. A complete Robstenfan I'm not. Despite everything, I love both. Both have talent and have remained in spite of their success-earth people, and in any case, we can still expect a lot from them. Dumb are so-called pseudo-fans who think boycotting their films to have to do not because their favorite actor in the private lives, imagine what these pseudo fans themselves. I respect their privacy and if they have a relationship, I think it's great that they do it so well under the radar to wander. Dear Rose, do not let yourself be provoked by various haters and stay true to your line. So you get more friends than I-Net, the others will ever have. Sorry for my bad English, I am from Austria. Love from Nunja

  22. I love your posts - you rock!

  23. Love you and love your blog and love RK. R loves K and K loves R. period. Next.

  24. what gets me, is that people deny things to the point where you think "damn whats going on in that head of yours? Are you ok? would you like me to call someone? a therapist maybe?" it gets to the point where you almost feel sorry for them. The only thing that comes to mind that describes these nonsten fans is the movie "single white female"...SERIOUSLY! If i was robert i'll be freaking the shit out at these seriously ill fans!

    p.s...LOVE YA WORK ROSE!

  25. Well, with these obsession thing, it won't go away for quite a long time. I remember Rob in the Premiere Night in LA when he took the microphone addressing the fans he said "jokingly": "YOU ARE ALL COMPLETELY INSANE!" With our obsession we can't deny that we are feeding the pappz, the reason why they never stops haunting them to have a piece of these two for our own pleasure. And yet we always say: Leave them alone, they need privacy, WTF!

  26. Thought people would want to know...The Stew has arrived in London!!

    Isn't life grand :D

    Twitter. From two very, very reliable sources who have gotten everything right thus far!

  27. Seriously, whose business is it for people to say who they can and can't date! This must be the work of teens. 13yr olds right! Cause no grown women in their right mind would cause sooo much hatred towards a stunning young lady like Kristen. If its true Rose and your baring the brunt of this from hateraters, then...shux!!...I'm sure theres a room in some hospital for these people...i for one hope none of these haters have any children they're raising...cause that would really, really, really be sad!!

  28. If the Tweeter is true and reliable, we need the pappz this time to be satisfied. We need pics on NYE of Rob and Kristen! Isn't life grand, if it's real!?

  29. @anon 3:56 oh really? =D
    May i have the twitter accounts??
    Thanks :)
    Oh and Rose... i really LOVE your blog ;)

  30. Twitter account:

    1) Happy Monday. It is a very happy Monday indeed. Got some good news, peeps. Deets later.
    about 12 hours ago from web

    2) Looks like she is already in London. That wasn't a very long separation. Wow. Stealth.
    about 9 hours ago from web

  31. Kristen's in London....YAY !!!!!
    Happy New Year !!!!! There's nothing like ringing in the New Year with the one you love...xoxo

  32. This is insane. I visited Robsessed site.They are just arguing about the credibility of this Delaney!

  33. Sorry I visited that site and there's nothing written about Kristen in London, not this time!

  34. ^^ look man, take it or leave it. All i know is that this chick is 100% in London, and people will second guess this one way or the other!...Any of robs fans will find any reason to not want to believe anything!...thats all im saying.


  35. Rose, great post as usual. The haters have no more ammunition, they are still on Ted's saying" "the CM was for work only and K was there to hang w/R's friends." LMAO Pathetic. Here we have 2 very attractive, single young people with lots in common who hit it off the second they met and spend LOTS of time together and are 'very, very close'(to quote HB.)Why is it SO bloody hard for people to realize,"Gee, maybe along the way, they fell in love and are happy together as a couple." Like that has never happened before in the history of the world with 2 young people esp. the lead costars in a film!

  36. In my experience,people who don't care about something have no strong feelings one way or the other. They are neutral. They wouldn't care if R or K are dating or fucking or spending their nights together watching House reruns on TV. They don't care. The nonstens/haters OTOH,protest WAY too much. Even the *possibility* of R and K together sparks feelings of hatred and insecurity in them,hence the spewing of vitriol against Kristen and/or people like you who know the truth. And the truth is KILLING them.


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.