Sunday, April 11, 2010

Robert and Kristen. Only Time Will Tell...

So OK, I admit it.
I let my 'real' life get in the way of online bullshit.
But it's pretty obvious to me that I didn't miss much
in 24 hours.

Same shit...
Well, you know how it goes.

Couple of thoughts.

1. I hate the whole 'real' life shit.
Does that mean I have a fake life?
Being online is part of my life...
Whether I like it or not.
It's real.
That almost bugs me as much as the haters
who constantly spew
Hello? I'm alive...
I already have a life.
I'm sorry you hate yours so much...
Too bad. So sad.

2. Twitter.
I'm not even sure how to say this.
I'm not sure it makes a difference.

People get so... so...
over what they read on Twitter.
Like its a matter of life or death.
I just want to say
Calm the fuck down!
You can obviously believe whatever you wish.
Use that little brain in your noggin and let it
chug chug chug away...
But don't take someone's Tweets like
they are written in stone
and are the gospel fucking truth.
That goes for ALL tweets.
Just because someone tweets what you want to believe
Doesn't make it so.
And just because someone tweets what you don't
want to believe...
Doesn't make it so.
I can tweet
*@RoseSee  I'm a Victoria's Secret model*
And while that would be awesome (heh)
Sadly, it's not true.
And neither is 99% of the bullshit you read on Twitter.
Because people do it for attention.
Or to get followers.
Or just to fuck with you.
They can say ANYTHING
and there will always be someone willing to take
it as truth.
So while it's cool to have faith...
or believe in some people...
Always have that grain of salt on hand.

And yes, folks...
That brings us back to Robert and Kristen.
So much has been said.
Nothing has been proven.
There hasn't been a picture of Kristen
in quite a long time.
Not in LA with a box (of clothes)
Not in Budapest with her fox.
I haven't seen pictures of Robert off set either...
Just the usual chatter of how he is here
or everywhere
But not with Kristen.
My thoughts?
(and keep in mind... just my thoughts)
I still believe she is there.
Hanging out with Robert
waiting for him to wrap up...
Maybe heading over to London
Who knows.

Isn't there some concert thing they are going to?
Ah yes... speculation.
Isn't it fun?

I'm thinking we might have to wait until
an airport... or a concert...
some public thing.
But I have to say...
Kristen is rocking the invisibility cloak!
So I guess we just wait and see
where the first picture of her shows up.
Where in the world is
Kristen San Diego??

Can YOU handle the truth?
I don't think you can.

Bye for now.


  1. Speculation is so much fun but I believe not knowing the truth about them is so much better for them in the long run. The more people know, the more they want to know. If people are kept guessing, maybe they will have a little life to themselves of which I believe they deserve. I as much as the next person would love to see "Proof" but then again do they not have the right for a bit of privacy. Lets hope so. Just my opinion though :)

  2. Twitter is a real pain in the ass.There are thousands of people who believe every crap it's there.Why?Because they want to.I have no idea where Kristen is,maybe in LA,maybe in Hungary,but my life isn't depended on it.It's her life and frankly i don't know how she deals with all this craziness and all these morons out there.I know that i would have been crazy.Everybody was expecting April 9th to be something like the 4th of July,with fireworks lol.Has anyone thought that maybe she's somewhere else with her family?Is it a bad thing?Because some people were expecting her to show up in Budapest,doesn't mean that she was obliged doing it.Rob was filming all day.

    Once again i want to say how much i feel sorry for these 2 kids and how much i admire them for being still sane in all this madness.I wish the crazy twilight fantom to finish as soon as possible,so these 2 could find their peace again.

    Sorry for my english,

  3. Rose: SPOT ON AGAIN! I think sometimes you want to believe something SO BAD that you start believing perfect strangers (that you don't know whether they just want attention or it really happened)

    I believe in you Rose, that's why I'm here everyday waiting to read what you have to say and commenting on it! You rock!

    I love Rob and want him to be happy! he seems happy with Kristen. I believe they're together and in love with each other. I also believe she's over the pond somewhere waiting for her man to finish up his movie!
    I hope we get some pictures soon. I'm having Rob and Kristen withdrawals.

    Grazie Rose for always making things clearer to me, sometimes my obsession with Rob makes me get CARRIED AWAY FROM REALITY!

  4. Great post Rose. So right on. Wisdom and reality is needed. A grain of salt is always helpful.
    @skye282 - I agree.
    No photos needed. May they enjoy their down time. They need privacy just like we all do. I respect that because I respect them.


  5. Right On Rose. Time well tell a an I'll be hear waiting. I dont mine waiting on Rob and Kristen. Im glad they are or will have down time together.They need there alone time Thanks again Rose for your sweet post have a good day hun. Deb

  6. Hi Rose,
    brilliant post as always with intelligence and lucidity.Thank you
    for being a light in mediocrity.
    To Lena
    I'm with you.


  7. Man how I love these two people whom I've never met. At the same time I am sane enough to not believe everything I read, whether it be online, in print, or on trash entertainment shows. Until they are married, living together, and openly romantic I refuse to speculate. Now in my fake world they are together and just as in love as Edward and Bella but alas they are only fictional characters and real life is never quite that beautiful. But hey, a girl can dream, right? Rob and Kristen, live your lives and ignore all those crazy people out there, maybe you're together, maybe you're not, live will go on for all of us. No matter what though you guys will always be in love in my world. Lol. Man I'm glad I'm not them. Lots of love to you Rose for having fun with all this. Don't listen to anybody's B.S. Thanks for giving us a place to have fun with it all. I'm sure we will all get over our obsession someday but let's have fun while we can! Oh and how great is it that the word Rob is in my word verification. :)))

  8. Hi Rose,
    Again, great Post.
    And Hey, I'm the Victoria Secret Model, great, you are so funny.
    Shit, don't you hate Kristen, why is she so damn good at hiding. Why is she so damn good at whatever she
    Wasn't she the shit (that word again) as Badass Joan Jett..unbelievable. You couldn't take your eyes off of her but she wasn't on the big screen enough, I just didn't want the movie to end.
    I wanted it to go on with Joan's story, more Kristen.

    And her being with Rob, of course she is, where else would she be.
    Some people need to see and touch something to actually believe in it. I don't, I go by what I see and I see two people in love.
    Have a good Sunday Rose.

  9. This guy says hes gonna be seeing Kristen.. @FashionGuyzz Just got an email that we will be fitting Kristen Stewart on Wed. I'm uber excited! I love that girl.

  10. riiiiiiiight this guy is friends and talks to that lying bitch who was pretending to be friends with kristen yesterday,she said she was at sundance with her,yeah right we have pics of kristen and her friends at sundance going and coming home and this girl wasnt there so keep trying nonstens

  11. where is waldo or carmen ha ha,how does she do it be it LA or europe she is so good at it....

  12. Yay Rob and Kristen were spotted in a hotel in Budapest..

  13. are these the same interns who dropped off kristen;s clothes on a drive by drop off evading pappz ha ha, i wonder who they really are why they want the attention because they know what a shitestorm it causes

  14. Again Rose, you're SPOT ON!! I really like coming here and reading what you have to say about Robert and Kristen...and Robsten, Kpattz or whatever. You always are reasonable and witty! And as far as Kristen is concerned I believe that she's in Budapest too( as Rose said in a previous post, I have my reasons..). She has travelled before without being papped or seen, she knows how to hide. This isn't the first time(BAFTA, NYE,etc).And honestly, wouldn't you spend your birthday with the man you love?I know I would. And for all the people saying that Kristen wouldn't have spent her birthday with Rob knowing he had to work all day, I'll tell this: it happens in everyday life that when our birthdays aren't on Saturdays or Sundays,we have to work on our birthday and our husbands or boyfriends have to work too. But we celebrate it anyway,when they come home and we just are happy to spend even little time with them on our birthday, we just enjoy being with them even for a bit of time on such an important day.I don't think it matters how much time we spend with them when we have the opportunity to spend it. I think that to Robert and Kristenis is important to actually spend time together without thinking how much. This is my opinion of course. I hope that they are happy in this very moment and enjoying being with one another without thinking about all the crazy stuff that surrounds them.Keep up the good work, Rose!

    Ele from Italy

  15. once i see them in the same town i will believe these sightings tweets no good until after the fact like the london ones that proved right because we knew they were there and saw them leave together

  16. So,there are people who are fitting Kristen in Wed,others who attended her birthday party and others who spotted them in a hotel in Hungary.Well,i guess Kristen has many clones then at many places.What a load of crap.Some people are really pathetic famewhores.

  17. Just my opinion.... But why would she be in Budapest with him? He's working right? If you dig up other celebrity relationships, the other mate almost never bugs them while on set or on location. I know if I was Kristen I wouldnt wanna fuck up his craft! But I'm not, I'm just a girl inlove with the same idea as you all. That being said.... I also think that its a great day today to go out and see Remember me or call some girlfriends over, grab some really spicy food, and watch New Moon for the 100th time!!

  18. soo true! People believe everything they read somewhere ... so stupid!
    anyways, i hope there will be no picture of kristen and robert! i think it would be the best way! cause ife there would be a picture of them both together, holding hands or anything else, people would talk even more about them, like they still do!
    thats one thing i dont unterstand about our society!
    gosh its their life's and no one have to care about it, if they are together or what they are doing!
    they just choose to be an actor and giving up their privacy ...
    its just not fair, that you get it inclusive if you want to be an actore or singer ...
    not that just everyone is talking about you and most of all they talking bullshit, the other problem is that you are followed by stupid paparazzi ..,
    baah i just hate it!
    i guess i wouldnt change my life with one of them ...

    anyways, i love your posts! keep it up!

  19. well rob was papped alone leaving today,rose you delaney and others should feel shame of playing with the fans like that.

    Ok apparently Rob has now left Hungary. *waves* Bye Rob! :) Acc to reports some paps were at the airport, so maybe we'll get pics... 18 minutes ago via web

  20. Has anyone thought why Rob stopped anwsering the Kristen queston after the VF interview?Maybe because some freaks got pissed with him saying that he and Kristen are just good friends and they were wishing him dead?Why i'm asking this?Because maybe they're just good friends and Kristen hadn't a reason to go and spend her birthday with him.Maybe she wanted to spend it with her loved ones,her family.Come on.people!Didn't you wonder why they don't answer straight if they're together or not?They know that this reaises more speculation and craziness.Sorry,but something is fishy here with robstenland.


  21. If Rob was papped leaving Hungary alone,then tomorrow there will be plenty of pics and the stupidity is gonna end(i hope so).


    robert and kristen leaving budapest! take that haters!

  23. I think they broke up.... Just my opinion, because if you look at recent pics of her in the media, she all the sudden is wearing make-up,dressing better and even doing her hair! As all of us girls know when you are single again you tend to wanna look greatfor revenge sake or for a potential new suiter.... Just sayin.

  24. I'm wondering if all these twatters have a life or they're pathetic human beings,who are finding meaning to be alive by stirring the pot and tweeting BS.


  25. anon 12:59,how's your eyes,hon?And your brain?Kristen wears amke-up only at her premieres and her appearances.Not in her private life.Moron!

    Stupidity is a sin

  26. that vid is awesome, looks like there were paps unfortunately, but I have to say I'm excited to see the pics !

  27. to anon 12:57

    i can't tell if it's them and if this is new video or it's from when they were back at LA.They wear the same clothes (how sad it is that i know that).


  28. Here's a present for all you damn annoying and lying Nonstens. Now got suck on it and enjoy it bitches!!!.............

  29. We see only their backs,for crying out loud!We don't know if it's them and if this video is new or old.With all the larest nonsense,i want pics of their faces.Then i'm gonna do my happy dance.

  30. please a minute of silence for hyenas ,nonsten and bad/mad people

    rose i love you....forever

  31. @JossMed can you translate this ?

    @JossMed Nothing interesting in the first one apart from someone overhearing K saying she didn't wana get out of the car coz of paps...


  33. I can see them clearly. 99,99% sure, even it is just their backs. And my eagle eyes also see that they are wearing the matching Adidas...Facepalm, LOL.

    Smile, enjoy, I wish eveyone a happy sunday.


  34. Rose: I just watched the video! That's them! YES! "THAT'S what I"M talking about" Big smile on my face.

  35. Pics or it didn't happen.

  36. anon @ 1:45...seriously just STFU already and raise your white fuckin flag. KRISTEN WAS IN BUDAPEST.

  37. char,you STFU.Because you believe every crap they serve you doesn't mean that everybody else is idiot,too.

  38. really Rose i trust you..,think about it..she loves r/k and is a fan of both!! why would she mislead us..she isnt Ted who makes up bs and tries to stir the pot..sometimes i have my doubts but i believe Rose.

    pic of them leaving huh? anyone seen it accurate? and is it new most importantly!! if its true everyone (nonstens) can finally give it a rest!! enough is enough xxx


  39. you two stop the arguing..and what do you need pics for? some people are ALWAYS in denial!! give it a rest already


  40. the video of them leaving budapest

  41. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  42. Girls, I want to say it out and loud, I was wrong, you were right! I just saw the video. And I would like to say something too, kudos for the Hungarian fans who knew K was there and didn't say a single word just to give them some privacy. I'm reading this girl twitter, Alexandra,, and well, I have to say I got a little bit emotional. Still a lot of people said bs about they exactly knowing what K and R were doing at that very moment, so. Guess I have to learn who deserves credit and who don't.

    Maybe if you love someone so much you spend your birthday in a trailer and could be happy anyway ;)

    Best wishes Kristen and Rob xxx


  43. I have a big smile on my face right now.:D

  44. There are some posters in Robsessed who claim that their teams leak information at the media and on internet and that is all PR.Crazy stuff,but maybe it's kinda true?

  45. Oh my word!!!! I had to see it to believe it. Guys, I was watching the video and my 4 year old and said "Rob" and i even had it on full screen so she couldnt see the words on top. Even a blind man can tell you it was them. I can spot Rob's signature walk from miles away. It's them!! hell yes!!! lol!!shhhh...i can barely hear a word. no howling(Do hyenas howl??) foaming (rose you have taught me well lol!!)'s very quite!!! too quite. why are all of them now?hehehe...

    "I'm thinking we might have to wait until
    an airport... or a concert...
    some public thing."-Rose. YOu've done it again hun!!! now time to leave them alone..this has put a smile on my face. I hope they had a kick ass time in Budapest and lots of r &r because LA is a different world altogether!! cheers to all you robsten fanatics!!xxx

    P.S. I can just here the denials right now and some havent even started..."that wasn't them we need pics" my reply: dont worry you little heads we will get pics tommorow!! "you could only see thier backs" my reply: the shoes and tell me that is not Rob's walk!! the walk!!


  46. oooh another one!!! I am having so much fun Rose!

    "It was all PR their team leaked it!!" my reply:hahahaha!!! Kristen flew all the way to hungary for PR, she must be desperate. she just must be!! Hmmm...i wonder how much they paid her to do that she must've really wanted that money!!!..IDIOTS!!!


  47. anonymous 2:48 Um no. They wouldn't be trying to HIDE if it was for PR. Kristen would have been out and about everyday in Budapest. People say it's PR because they don't want Rob to really have a girlfriend.

  48. why don't yo haters give it a rest, i guess you don't want to accept the fact that it is really Rob & Kristen.

  49. looks like a fan camera video that was them in budapest so i am assuming pappz at budapest didn't get them maybe they will get them coming into london? kudos to them for having some private time and bravo to the hungarian fans for keeping their mouths shut

  50. Hi Rose! Hope you're having a great Sunday. I was just on my favorite non-crazy site, and the twitter shit is giving me a headache. I don't even go on twitter any more. I'm with you, I believe the are or will be together soon, though my life does not depend on it. It just makes me all the more happy to know that they are happy and left alone to enjoy themselves. :)

  51. I'll admit it: i luv the reaction at to the R and K siting in Budapest. It's so predictable, like a script. Once they can no longer reject the "evidence" the smug and superior nonsteners come to the inevitable conclusion that K spending her birthday with her boyfriend makes her pathetic. They are never as vicious as when R and K are seen together and they are so bitter and so irrationally angry with Kristen for EXISTING they can't acknowledge the fact that Robert obviously wanted her in Budapest with him. They are so out of step with how people function in relationships that they interpret every siting of these two as something ugly and underhanded. So because she's decided to spend her hard-earned money on a quiet vacation in one of Europe's oldest and most beautiful cities with her beau means that she's pathetic and clingy and that her life is an elaborate PR strategy. How sad that this is the only way they can process ordinary human behavior.

    But what is truly obnoxious about these nonstens is that they have the balls to call "shippers" and other fans interested in and happy for R and K pathetic. Meanwhile the most popular threads on are about R and K and the shippers! But oh no, they don't care. nope, they're not invested in R and K at all. And DON'T YOU DARE call them haters because they're just being "sarcastic and sexy" when they call K a friendless pathetic loser. Yeah sure.

    The truth is they CAN'T STAND that there are people that are as into Kristen as they are into Robert. They are offended that not everyone sees her they way they do and has the nerve to say so. As if they get to decide who is deserving of love and acceptance and adoration!!


  52. Can YOU handle the truth?
    I don't think you can.

    Bye for now.

    So damn cryptic;)

  53. Bibli, interesting post!! Stop going to dont think it helps at all. I was there for like 5 minutes and i almost threw up with all the psychos on there!! I quit going on there a long long time ago (and the AT!) let them live in their own world. That is why I am very grateful I found Rose's blog. Someoone is actually logical in this crazy fandom!!! I agree, Rose is cryptic!!! And the thing I love about Rose is that she isnt a shipper because sometimes the shippers can be way too obsessive. This is why i come here everyday and i cant wait to see what Rose has in store for tommorrow!!xxx


  54. I can't believe some of these people on twitter. "Kristen is pathetic for going to Budapest". If they were the girlfriend of Robert Pattinson and could spend their birthday with him in a beautiful country they wouldn't? That sounds hard to believe. She's not pathetic at all, she's smart and normal!:) And I applaud the hungarian girls who kept it quiet they knew until today.

  55. Rob hates 'fans' who hate on Kristen. And I use the term fans very, very lightly.

  56. You want to know what's really pathetic? Jealousy.

    Enjoy your time with Rob, Kristen. The haters will never, ever have a chance to.

  57. I can't stop thinking how deep Rob and Kristen's love must be. They're young but their lives are so complicated.. their jobs keep them apart, they have to cope with all sort of gossip, they have or had to cope with Summit.. so many obstacles, but look at them, they still manage to go on with their beautiful love story and they look so happy! I love you Robsten!

  58. I've learned today, some people will never believe Rob and Kristen are a couple nomatter what. Had to unfollow one of the "I don't care" people today, who spent the whole day making up lies and making fun of R/K fans.

  59. Rob and Kristen fans, just enjoy the moment!!!!

    Ignore the miserable nonsten or haters or whatever they are. They have no reasons to enjoy, so they'll always try to spoil these delicious Robsten moments. Don't be like them, ignore them and.... enjoy!!!!

  60. To all Nonsten losers reading here...Robert Pattinson will NEVER kiss you, will NEVER hold you tight in his arms, will NEVER make sweet love to you, will NEVER look deep into your eyes as he tells you he loves you, will NEVER sleep wrapped in your arms at night, will NEVER want to spend every minute of his free time with you. However, he DOES do these things over and over and over again with Kristen Stewart. Judging from the adoring way he always looks at her and has for the past TWO years, He will continue to do so for a LONG, LONG time. Sucks to be you.

  61. Rose: Jesus SOME OF THESE PEOPLE ARE INSANE AND SICK! But most people are happy for Rob and Kristen; and that's why we come here. Grazie for your blog Rose and letting us voice our opinions!



    Embrace their love! I am.
    Ginnie I agree with everything you said, but looks like some people live in lala land and can't face "THE TRUTH"

  62. This person says Rob and Uma are on the same flight together but Kristen isn't there.. lynsey_anne uma thurman's stalking me! thurs nite she dined in same restaurant + she was on our budapest-london flight w/ robert pattinson just now...

  63. Dear Rose,pathetic ppl will always be pathetic.They are unable to accept reality that Rob and Kris are together,have been for more than a year now and if God willing,will be happy together for years to come. TYSFM for once again saying exactly what many of us think. ;D

    @ginnie 5:46 PM MTE,bb.You totally read my mind. :D

  64. to all haters...EAT SHIT!!!!



  66. Well I was there and heres my account. When they got to the airport it was crazy, paps everywhere. Rob and his people got out of the car and they seemed to be waiting for someone. I heard a lot of yelling and it seemed like Kristen was there and didn't want to get out of the car. I think I heard her yell "I wish I'd never come here" Poor Rob, he looked devastated. She finally got out and Rob took her hand and she scowled at him. They walked to the terminal with his people then Kristen tore her hand away from his and walked away from him. Then Rob started to cry. Then he was gone. Sorry.

  67. cant stay away from your blog Rose, thats how much i love it!!
    stupid fucking pappz glad they hid away for awhike before this i guess we'll be seeing pics tommorow..i'm sure they were upset..but it will shut the.....(no name calling i'll be nice) up..its a double edge sword!!


  68. Your account is completely false, cause I was there and this is what really happened. Rob and and the suits were waiting for Kristen to get out of the car and she didn't want to get out because of the paps. Rob was yelling at Kristen and was ordering her to get out of the limo. I was rather shocked by Rob's nastiness. Kristen finally got out and Rob forcefully grabbed her hand and dragged her to the terminal. I asked Rob for an autograph and he gave me a dirty look. I was horrified. Then they parted ways. I now think Rob is not a nice person at all and is treating Kristen badly.

  69. To 8:17 Oh, grow up. You posted this same nonsense on the AT board.

    Thanks Rose for your wonderful blog! I enjoy your posts. It's heartwarming seeing them together again!

  70. Bahahaha Dear Anon at 8:17, well I was there, and I saw Rob with his hand up Kristen's lil' T-shirt and he was tongue kissing her something fierce, he reluctantly pulled away when the car door opened, and they got out, and held hands thru the terminal. Sorry.

  71. Ok anon 8:17, 8:34 I don't believe either of your fan accounts. You just twisted a real fan account and turned it into something else. As I understand it, Kristen was falling behind and they did hold hands. No fighting, scowling in legit fan account. They pretty much said they were cute with eachother.

  72. OMG, I was there FOR REAL - Kristen is wearing a new big ass diamond ring, OMG!!!!!!!!!! Go ROBSTEN!!!

  73. Ha ha ha. Remember Me was a piece of shit! Poor little rotards. Accept that Rob is a joke and lousy actor. And because of the Kurt Cobian rumour more people hate Rob now than ever. Most of you little girls including Rose will have given up on Rob by next year cause he'll be flipping burgers by then. The guy can't act and can't sing either. You deluded bitches.

  74. Remember Me sucked. Rose knows it. Why do you think she hasn't seen it again? Because she knows its shit. Give up Rose. Rob was great blah blah blah. You know the movie was crap. Quit making out it was great and that Rob can act just to please your fans.

  75. wow...these haters are so fcking scary. I seriously never knew. Do you guys find that these crazy wack jealous bitches get even MORE insane when news of Robsten togetherness breaks??!! It seems they lose a little more of their minds when we get yummy confirmation like we did last night. Just look at 8:45. Do you think they're 12 year olds or lonely fat ass cat ladies?? I'm torn. Now I finally get what my friend was telling me about the haters Brangelina has. It's like there's a certain segment of women who fall in love with male movie stars or sex symbols, and when these same men find love IRL, it drives their scary obsessive fans insane with hatred -- so they not only attack the woman these men love, they double back and rip the guy to shreds to. I mean look at 8:45's post...What. THE. F*CK?! She is bat sh*t crazy. If Rob were still a single guy adorable dork who was bemoaning not being able to get a date and being asexual she'd be raving about him - but because he falls in love with a young actress he deserves this kind of nasty deranged filth stalking his fan boards??!! Ugh. Get help loser. GET A LIFE.

  76. Hahaha, I guess the bit about the diamond ring sent the dumb jealous cow over the edge - look at her ripping up Rob like rabid dog,, she's really losing it. Let's send her further out on that ledge shall we...altogether now: 'Here comes the bride...all dressed in white...and chucks...!!' Muahahahaha!! Suck it haters!!!

  77. oh dear rose, i can't wait for tomorrow's blog post! i smell epic snark coming soon y/y?

    most people with any kind of sense can discern the bullshit from the truth. anyone who gets worked up, on either side of this insanity, needs to take a step back and look at why they are that emotionally involved.

    i adore both rob and kristen as people and think it's awesome they've developed such an intense bond. they respect each other immensely and i find it sad that "fans" can't do the same.

    can't wait to see what happens next *puts 10th bag of popcorn into microwave*


  78. The good pics have been sold and are out BABIES!

    Read it and weep haterzzzzz!!! LOL Awwww, sooo cute, and Rob's wearing his other trusty K hat (The LB 'Long Beach U' hat). cuties. love it.

  79. @ginnie 5:46 PM MTE I agree everything you say. :)

  80. rose - the new pics are great! how does it feel? I must have clicked on your twitter and blog a million times waiting for these. hehe. you are the best. love the "reports" about her not wanting to get out of the car, yeah right. what a joke.
    finally vindication. again.
    paris, new years, bafta, budapest.
    how much more proof do they need??????? you don't see any other twilight stars at any of those places with rob, hmmmm? if this was all for publicity from the studio.

  81. Yeay!!!!! the pics are out now.
    Robs loves Kristen lobes Rob :)))))

  82. Dear Rose,
    I can't wait to read your post tomorrow after the pictures of Rob and Kristen in Budapest are out now.


  83. great post rose, can't wait to read tomorrow, your twitter has been so fun today

  84. Well, they are out.. I was a believer but a TINY part of me wondered. After tonights pics of the leaving Hungary, there is no more doubt. FOR ME.. I know there are haters who will make every excuse possible..

    I know some people will not agree with this but now I really hope people will leave them alone. It's clear they'll be seen together at times. That should be enough. They may not come out and say "we're together" but you see it. I think if they weren't stalked, we would probably see more.. Anyway, I'm sure the pop. will never leave them alone but I can hope!

    Can't wait for tomorrows blog Rose!


  85. surHey Rose luv this finalisation! In case you don't say it I will for you"TOLD YOU SO,GO EAT DIRT YOU HATERS!!!! Until I hear the comments by KStew on tape I do not believe the BS these haters spawn! Their young have close feelings for each other and deserve some happiness. To the haters what do you want him to be a monk in a monestary?? He is in the prime of his libido give him a break! She said earlier she going to Hungary,why did't they believe her. He's been working hard and needs someone close to understand,who better than the woman he loves. I repeat the women HE LOVES,(not you!) GET A LIFE!! Mandy.

  86. After these pics a lot of fans are saying they are done with Rob. Are they serious?? Did they really think they had a chance with him? Some are acting like scorned ex girlfriends or something! It's crazy! Now I hope they can get peace and privacy and I wish them all the best.. Can't wait for your post tomorrow Rose. You are probably the most sane, rational blogger out there!

  87. Have all of the haters gone to bed, so they can get up for school? Apparently they don't appreciate Rob's acting abilities. Maybe they only love EDWARD!! I adored the books and read them three times, I usually don't commemt but I remember James Dean when I was a tween and I think that Rob will replace him in this generation! I believe his big breakthrough will be in WFE. He's creating his own personna and then will be truly appreciated in the adult world. Thank you for listening. Mandy.

  88. the nonstense are licking wounds and regrouping now its attack rob and his work and say you hate kristen and its all for PR they are truly pathetic and delusional and they call robsten believers delusional and pathetic, we are the ones who see it and are proved right every freakin time yet they still can't accept it for what it it?

  89. can't wait for your post today rose ha ha

  90. i guess all the paprika, hungry and frogs legs clues were all CORRECT love it!

  91. re: nonstens they are seething, literally seething, now rob has apparently lied to them all? serves them right idiots, i wish he would completely tell them off in no uncertain terms

  92. Did yall see the Fokusz video of Rob going into his can see ASB john hanging out outside the trailer at 2:30. I can't believe no one else has noticed this!


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.