Monday, April 26, 2010

Robert and Kristen- Pretty Lies and Secret Love?

A few months ago
there was a video of Sam Bradley
singing "Lights (Fucking Lights)"
Great song.
At the time it was discussed that 
Robert had co-written it with him.
I never read anywhere where this was confirmed...
But the lyrics to the song...
It's almost like Robert was talking to Kristen
last summer when she was in LA
and he was in NYC...
(Or anytime they are separated, for that matter)

I love it.

Fucking lights, straining my eyes.
No sleep at night. It's just a waste of time.
And LA's burning... New York's painted black . 
London's calling, calling me back.
Simple patterns make me crack. 
Fucking lights, Hurts my head.
Borrowed youth.
All those wasted years. 
And LA's learning. New York too.
London's calling, I'm calling you.
What doesn't matter, Still holds its truth,
That nothing matters, When I'm with you, 
Cities only fill the void of people wasting,
wasting time on you.
Pretty lies and secret love, 
Nothing gets me what I want from you,
From you, All I want, 
what I want from you.
I'm in a great mood today...
No NONsense...
No talk of slobbering beasts.
Just pretty words...
and pretty pictures.

In a couple of days...
Robert and Kristen will be together.
So consider this a nice quiet lull
in the ongoing drama.
If I were you I would stock up on popcorn...
The beverages of your choice
And make yourself nice and comfy.
It only gets better from here.
Bye for now.


  1. Rose, I've always thought Robert wrote this song. Even if there is no proof.What a beautiful song. They will be together soon. Also, everyone in the UK over 18, when you vote..just think.. WWRVF? Who would Robert vote for? That is all. x

  2. very good i love it and it would make sense if he did write it. Looking forward to the next installment (not just Eclipse) xx

  3. Hi Rose, nice post once again, thanks. Do you know something that we don't? Why the reference on, in two days time they'll be together? That would be squee worthy, I hope you're right. I'm glad they're not clingy towards eachother, it make for a very hoooot reunion. Our kids knows how to spice their love. K2

  4. Hopefully at the END of the trilogy, Kris will come out and say that she and Rob were never together. The suits what her to wait until the movies are over. p.s. she is with someone else, a shame.

  5. Cheers to be "GIDDY" for Rob and Kristen.
    To us for the happiness they bring to the world.
    Love this song to.

  6. Those definitely make you think he wrote them about him and Kristen. Beautiful really!

    Love the pics Rose. Another great Blog.

    I look forward to these every day, as I'm looking forward to a wonderful few months to come.


  7. never heard of this song, guess ill listen to it later ;)
    but the lyric ... wow its really like about the time he was in NY for remember me and she in LA ...
    im sure he wrote it!
    thanks for sharing this ;)
    i really love the lyric ...

    btw your amazing! i love your posts!
    they are sooo f*** true ...
    keep it up!

  8. *squee*

    beautiful and sweet post today Rose. how very apt that song is, regardless of whether or not Rob helped write it. they give me such warm fuzzies, and i can't say enough how much i enjoy coming hereevery day to feel some of that love.

    my popcorn is stocked, i've got some nice vodka chilling... pretty sure i'm ready to go ;)

    bless you Rose <3


    p.s. i'm ridic giddy in anticipation of Rob's return to the US, cant even imagine how Kristen must be feeling XD

  9. To Anon 10:55. This is how way off you are that Twilight is NOT a trilogy. Do you not get tired of your pettiness?

  10. Great post. Love the photos. Go Rob and Kristen!

  11. Great Post It's Cute Love Your Blog!!!!!

  12. Love your post, so ever!!! :) Robsten is so beautiful and so true and so on..I can't wait to see them back togher again..:) During this year, Kristen spent almost all her free time with her Rob, her handsome, brit boyfriend :)doing the best thing!Lucky her :) ..beautiful little woman.. <3, Well, now I'm leaving the blog before hyenas coming...they scream..and we smle, right? That's the life.. :) they'll write the same bshit an blah, blah, blah...nobody cares about them. Nobody believe them. Because everybody can see and Robsten love is so clear ;)
    Yeah, next days and months are going to be great. Lies will always be around but..fact will speak louder than words even these times coming...
    RobertLovesKristenLovesRobert...And that's all Folks!:)
    May God Bless Rob&Kristen and their blessed love!
    Great Post Rose!

  13. Oh Rose, i love your blog, your thoughts...I just saw some videos of K and R...they're an inspiration for us, lovers...Great blog...only kind words...

  14. Awww Rose, you made me smile today which is hard to do on a Monday. BTW, beautiful song written by a beautiful man for his beautiful lady. I love it.

  15. always love the last pic from that VF, their face is very resemble one and another. in my country when a couple had a same/look a like face or expression it means they're match made from heaven or soul-fucking-mate!

  16. I also love that song Rose. Perfect lyrics while he was filming RM in New York and she filming TR in LA. And London is his home! Sam does a GREAT JOB SINGING IT!

    I'm getting anxious for the Rob/Kristen get together,
    Vancouver is waiting and so are we! I'm having ROB/Kristen withdrawals ! Pretty pictures PLEASE ???

    Grazie Rose for this special "PREPARE FOR SOME HAPPINESS POST"

  17. hmm I do remember reading about this at the time...pretty song...
    beautiful people, and wonderful sentiments...
    Love Rob, Love Kristen, Love them together...and Love U because you write beautiful words!

    Putting my rainbow colored wellies on so the foam doesn't get to me :)

  18. Love your of my favorite moments of the day...reading your Posts.

  19. Hi
    Thanks for this post I love it!!
    Love Rob and Kristen.....will def follow you on twitter!


  20. those are beautiful lyrics, regardless of who wrote it - talented boys!

    Loved the post. So funny how people assume "the suits" control their personal lives to the degree that Kristen would spend half her time on otehr continents and cities with someone in hiding - "for publicity."

    It's an Orwellian vision/delusion some of these angry gals have....

  21. aw, never heard of the song but it sounds lovely.

    Robert and Kristen just seem like two decent human beings in an industry that's pretty indecent, both in presentation and content.So that alone makes me think they are an adorable couple.

  22. robs music is so deep at least he can
    have something.Kris is important to him he looks so sad when is girl
    is not around.Music is his soul way to poor out feelings. :)

  23. I love your post Rose, is so sweet, so Rob and Kristen. Reading you is the best way to start a week, and what a week, in two days Rob and Kristen will be together again **sigh** I'm missing them so much, Rob and Kristen are more adictive than heroine!

    Thanks Rose!

  24. sigh....that last picture where she has her hand in his sleeve. They look like effing twins there! God, if they ever stayed together and like 15 years down the line made babies, it would be like some super-race humanity I'm telling you. Too much pretty in on place!lol

  25. "What doesn't matter, Still holds its truth,
    That nothing matters, When I'm with you..."

    Our bbs will be together soon (if they arent already ;D).Yeah,I always believed that Rob wrote those lyrics&it says so much about things,doesn`t it? <3

    Dear Rose,I am so there with you.Its so nice to not have drama for few hours in this fandom. *sigh* But I definitely stocked up on popcorn and drinks.I kinda feel this is just a calm before the shitstorm.Lets enjoy it while we can. LOL

  26. Yay, Rose! Thanks for the pretty pictures. I have stocked up on popcorn and a variety of beverages to enjoy! ;)

  27. Yeah, I also read he cowrote that song. The lyrics made perfect sense for that to be the case. Nomatter who wrote it, I really like that song a lot. I loved the pictures you used Rose, they are just perfect! Can't wait for the R/K reunion (not that it's been long since the last time they've seen eachother hehe) but it will be fun to see what epicness is up ahead.:)

  28. I love this post. Great pitures, awesome song...peaceful *sigh* Thank you, Rose

  29. Hey Rose... Happy Monday and thank you for another great post.
    I have also heard the rumors that RP cowrote this song and it makes sense that he did. The stress he went through in NYC last summer with the fans and Papzz and missing Kristen, It brings tears to my eyes when I read the lyrics.
    For those that have not heard the song, you can find it on You-Tube.

    To Novie: Love what you said about couples that start looking alike, so true.

    Getting my popcorn ready Rose, what a beautiful reunion it will be. Thank you.

  30. Rose, I wanna live in your world of make believe... Oh I do hope I get to meet peter pan and Santa. I want whatever you take on a daily basis where you truely believe that song was written about them... or anything else you conjur up in that silly little mind of yours, Hey, do you belive in unicorns too? You should be a writer... a fictional one of course,because man can you dream and you have all these followers that hang on your every word. You should call your followers The Thorns..LOL.

    Good grief, whats this world coming to....

  31. Lovely post today, Rose. Love all the pics. I had heard the song before, but I didn't know it was rumored that Rob had co-written it. Makes sense that it's from his viewpoint.

    I too will leave before the hyenas get out of school.

    Hugs for you,


  32. OMG! Those lyrics!!!! Thank you for this post, what a great way to start the day!!!

  33. Beautiful post as usual Rose. Just listened to that song on you tube (thanks for the heads up kharma1). Still hoping Rob makes time for his music one day.

    p.s. I have been browsing your archives just for fun. I'm curious if you ever see the comments long after your posts are done? I found a year old post with comments that were made recently. (not by me)

  34. well...per the song, he wants to be in London, not LA. the line "lies and secret love" is also telling.

  35. Kristen goes and spends time with him all around the globe.But he doesn't the same for her.When he's on a break,like he's now,he prefers his friends and family.Isn't this terrible?Maybe they have a free relationship after all.Rob's attitude shows that he's not as interested as her and that's sad.Kristen deserves someone better,who loves her and respects her.Rob probably thinks himself as a sexy god,because all these crazies are drooling over him.I wish he leave him as quickly as possible,he's not the right guy for her.He's a pussy,he has admitted it many times.Or maybe he's just gay.

  36. anon 1:19,go and fuck yourself dear or just lick your Rob's poster.

  37. Sad? no telling? yes. Actions speaks louder than words and last time I check Rob never talks about kristen in a romantic tone plus when he is supporting people he loves he never hides it, I have yet to say supporting Kstew. She's young and he's having fun. Tom is going to L.A with him, this summer is going to be awesome just not for the reasons you shippers think.

  38. Rb is not visiting kristen when she is working and she will be out of L.A the minute he is done with WFE He loves it in London. He has everything there, his family, his mates and girls who know to keep quiet.

  39. Great lyrics. Seems to fit, huh? I'd never heard that song before. Love this blog site! Have a fabulous day, Rose.

  40. anon 1:31,1:32,1:19,can you take the stick off you ass,please?You come here every single day and posting the same crap again and again and again,it's so boring.Ok,Rob is in London with his friends,he hates Kristen and he prefers quiet girls,like you?lol

  41. Rob is a selfish dude who doesn't give a shit about Kristen. Kristen has travelled to London, NYC and Budapest just in order to please him. But when it comes to push, hes too lazy to haul his ass over to her to see her. Hes too busy getting drunk and getting high. Dude needs to get his properties right.

  42. Rob is a open,loyal kind of guy. He is not ashamed of shy to show the world how much his real friends and family meant to him and his actions prove that. The day he falls in love with a girl, woman he won't hide it and his actions will show the importance of that person in his life. He likes to have his friends and family close.not just 4 weeks in 4 months.

  43. I agree with you anon 1:50.Rob is an ass,who doesn't care for Kris.He cares only for his friends and his beer.He's a pathetic loser.I don't think they'd stay together for long.Kristen will dumb his pathetic ass very soon.She's very young ans beautiful,she'll find someone better.If he cared,he'd go to LA right after finishing BA.I don't believe that he still has some work in London.He's probably having fun and i bet he's hooking up with some London sluts.


  44. I'm not trying to be rude, but why is it that hyenas always have so many spelling and punctuation errors?

    And anonymous 1:50, Properties?? Do you mean priorities? *fp*

    I don't understand why people post here over and over if they know this blog supports R/K and they don't. It's pathetic really. I don't know whether to be amused by hyenas or just feel bad for them.

  45. to the anon who posts here the last few days about how much loyal and kind and god is Rob and how he doesn't want to be with Kristen,but he prefers his friends.I wonder if you're posting the same crap every day just to persuade us or yourself.I think it's the second.Why don't you go at the hyens blog,where you belong?They'll welcome you with open arms and you can all discuss about your robsession and your Rob posters.

  46. to LaurieP: You might want to correct your spelling errors prior to posting your rant. Your inability to spell only makes you look dumber....which, going by your post, you're not the brightest bulb in the first place.

  47. To ATTEMPT and compare his loyalty to Kristen with family/friend is STOOPID.

    Kristen has to have a bodyguard all the time now-and not just due to fans. She's "collected" several new stalkers in the last year.

    Robert and Kristen are careful in how they conduct themselves publicly for a variety of reasons, but keep in mind the security issues at stake too, haters.

    Oh, and if you want to know how protective Robert is with Kristen? Watch any of the videos from Vancouver of fall '09 when they go out to dinner. Robert and her manager do a basic triangular security buffer with Kristen. She is the point behind them, while the manager and Robert walk in front of her to form a triangle with them as a line of buffer defense.

    It's a basic security move, but Robert does this for Kristen because he is protective of her. You little girls have no clue what your little dream boat has had to go through to keep the crazies at bay while he attempts to date someone he really likes.

  48. dear haters: you realize your obsession with robert is the reason he's been so isolated for years now right? And when you are that isolated,and the circle you rely becomes smaller and smaller, it really limits who you would date? See, that's the irony of it all. The more famous Robert got, the more close he got to Kristen, and now they are inseperable. Pat yourselves on the back for being such great matchmakers!lol

  49. omg, anon 2:22, I never heard of that before about the security buffer! People were always saying Robert didn't care about her or was embarrassed of her and that's why he walked ahead or away from her. And the whole time he was acting as a buffer. sigh, I heart him and her.

  50. OK, I love this blog and it's truly a Robsten lovers dream but I have to say this to the Haters: HATE MUCH! It's on baby...I could not read more than I did today because I got Pissed, SO:

    11:52am- Hate much!

    1:19pm-Rob has worked more that Kristen lately...the films she has done with the exception of The Runaways were filmed before Twilight. So Bite me.

    1:27pm...You don't know s*th! Hate much.

    1:31pm...Same as above...

    Ok I've said my peace...

    I love Rob and Kristen and whether they are together or a little damn respect.

  51. To ATTEMPT and compare his loyalty to Kristen with family/friend is STOOPID.

    Yes you are right it's stupid and pointless. He gave us the answer during the last 4 months. Not need to debate or shit. The answer is right there.
    Also yes Rob is a sweet, loyal guy who will do just about anything to protect and make happy his family and friends. He doesn't hide what he feels. So shippers stop looking things that don't exist.

  52. Someone above mentioned the security move that Rob does, I'd also like to add he ALWAYS looks back and checks on her several times. It's kind of cute how protective he is over her.:)

  53. ok,nonsten 2:40.We got it.You're desperately in love with Pattz and you think of him as the GOD.Now,can you move on?Go and spread your nonsense in another blog.You're so boring!All your posts are about the same thing.Geez,you're not so bright,huh?You know,there are other things out there except Rob.

  54. Anoymous 2:40 LOL the last 4 months? He was working! You think all those times Kristen visited him she showed up uninvited and unannounced? No he WANTED her there. And I agree with the person who said you're getting quite boring. Move on already. You're just making yourself look very desperate.

  55. Anonymous 2:01 is FWB from the AT. Sweetheart, can't you find original stuff to post at each site or do you sit on the computer all day and post the same thing word for word on every Rob/Kristen site you can find? Sad life.

  56. seriously...enough with the hypocrisy already. I can't deal with it anymore. Robs lunatic fans, Robs stupid fans.. blahblahblah...
    I see a lot of people calling out KStew hate but not batting an eyelid when somone bashes Rob. It's getting f*cking ridiculous.

    don't forget Kristen's fans who hate Rob and threaten him... dont forget Hyenas also include Kristen fans who hate Rob.

    the hypocrisy of some of the shippers. Almost enough to make me want to become a nonsten
    enough is enough.

  57. LMFAO. Why are the "non" people so desparate to convince us (or are they really just trying to convince themselves?).

    We get it. The thought of Rob and Kristen together makes you very upset and angry so you lash out. Also, "your" Rob will never care about you, love you or even know you exist but he does, in fact, know Kristen (very well), cares about Kristen, loves Kristen---Ouch. That must really hurt. So, you lash out at Rose, who is one of the most sane, level-headed, logial fans out there. And lash out at the others on this blog and elsewhere who don't feel the way you do. It must suck trying so hard to bully people into your way of thinking yet you're always met with resistance and people who just don't give a shit about what you have to say. It's gotta be soooo exhausting posting the same crap over and over again!!!

  58. to anon 1:52 / 2:02

    umm.. okay. Please go back to licking kstew's poster and leave Rob alone.

  59. Rob is a pussy. Its his fault that he has crazy fans that hate on Kristen. I hope Kristen breaks up with him and then he can have all the psychos to himself. I'm sure he'll love it since he enjoys sucking up to his fans so much.

  60. So beautiful today Rose.
    I just listened to Sam on You Tube. I had not heard this song before. Loved it. : ) Thank you so much for sharing it with us. So heartfelt and honest.

    I see that they are casting "Host" I can picture Rob as Ian in the film and Kristen as Wanderer.

    It will be a nice to see Rob and Kristen together again. Peace, calm, and love to them.

  61. anon-3:06 Oh please. People don't protect Rob? I'm more of a Rob fan and I admit there is just way more Kristen hate and so maybe that's why people are more protective of Kristen. Have you even read the comments here? Many people protecting Rob. I think you should become a nonsten. You seem to have what it takes.

  62. I love it and I love even more that great things are coming to those of us who have waited!

  63. anyways..thx again rose..earplugs are good..from time to time..ignore the hate..and the selfishness..but i wonder why u were giggling so much..:0)

    true love..

  64. I think the supposed Rob haters here are AT trolls. Can never tell if they are serious about what they say or trying to prove a point about equal hate between K&R.

  65. to 3:06

    All I can say is AMEN!...

    dear kristen fans..

    You are not that different than
    psycho rob fans. Please stop being so hypocritical. You act like you're so innocent. Seriously, it's so ridiculous, it's not even funny anymore.

  66. @3:35. I agree. I find it interesting that the Rob hate posts sound just like the other posts. Like it's all the same people. And then once we get a few of those posts, someone comes on to point out the Rob hate and how hypocritical Kristen fans are. It's a pattern I have definitely noticed.

  67. to anon 3:25

    Oh yes everything is Rob's fault.
    Let's blame Rob for everything. *yawn*...

    am i on AT boards?

  68. Rose,

    Liked the post a lot, and the song :)

    Rumors are surfacing since perhaps, in May, we'll get a BIG question resolved. I alwayws thought the thing was they were to buy a new house, and move in together. But now I'm reading this boards, AT, and they are saying MARRIAGE. What? I love them, but it's only 20 and 24 (almost), please, just wait a little bit, years to come will give you experience, and that's so precious, you can even imagine.



  69. to anon 3:06: FYI: a 'shipper' likes both Rob and Kristen. You will not see a 'shipper' bashing either one. They like them both, thus they are 'shipping' the R/K relationship. Now, a 'nonsten', 'krisbian', 'robtard', etc. are for one or the other or neither. Got it? Know what you're talking about before you speak.
    Truly yours, a shipper
    PS- Robsten lives!

  70. Wish I had gone to Heathrow Airport, Terminal 5 to wave off the 17.10 flight, direct to Vancouver.....

  71. Thanks for the song, I'll have to find it on you-tube. Great post as always. The VF photo of R/K is one of my all time favorites.

    Feeling under the weather today, no energy for the vile. I suspect I won't miss much anyway, since it seems to be pre-recorded and set on replay.

    Have a great day.


  72. Rose, I know you will LOVE this...for the nonstens... *Which* head??? Both. LMFAO


    youtube link to the song. Awesome song.

  74. @ wow..there u have it..:0)...from kris..lolz..

    true love..

  75. see shippers
    LOVED No.2 see, even reports see the truth lol

  76. @ Ana. I adore Rob and Kris too but I would be totally FLOORED if it is marriage. I mean SERIOUSLY. I would be not surprised at all if it was that they are getting a house together.

    WHY HASN'T ROB RUSHED TO KRISTEN'S SIDE? The logical, non-heyna answer is: Rob is about to have a JAM PACKED schedule... Eclipse Promo. WFE. Breaking Dawn. And maybe some Unbound Captives filming in between all that.... It would make ALOT of sense that he wanted to spend some friend/family/normal time for a week or so before he came state side. Because much of this work schedule WILL be spent with KRISTEN in the coming months... regardless of how you FEEL about it nonsteners. It IS going to happen.

    @ ANON 11:57 ROSE is NOT smoking something. She is commenting on the REALITY of the situation and how she FEELS about it. Rob and Kris ARE together and babbling about Santa and Peter Pan just makes you look like a jack ass. Not Rose.


  77. HAHAHAHA @ 4:37 They HAVE been seen together 2 weeks ago. Irish Central is one of the LEAST respected gossip sites. And you really believe Rob is hooking up with everybody? OMG. Now I know why Rose calls you clingers. Sad sad person.

  78. @anon 4:37 Irish Central got totally b*tchslapped (verbally) by KStew411 with well PROOF.

    What is that NONSTENERS? You want proof... well KStew411 has yet to be inaccurate and she pretty much just admitted and posted urls to pics with... yes... proof. Is it the proof we have seen a THOUSAND times already? Yes! However having KStew411 actually posting the pics might as well be total BLUNT PROOF. Kstew411 might as well have jumped on the couch and said "will you shut the **** up they're together already!"


  79. Rose :))))
    Words to that beautiful song., The letter becomes exciting and ... Rose once again a beautiful post
    I loved it,
    (I see so many comments on this blog ... but they are so so stupid that it hurts, sadness of people)
    A kiss for You Rose directly (today) from Rio Zezere Portugal:)

  80. Anon 4:37 PM, what a bunch of rubbish.. It says "GOSSIP" that is that girls OPINION.. Pictures do not lie.. But anyway, WHAT difference does it make? You believe what YOU want, we'll believe what WE want.. WHY try to change our minds? GO UP or GO AWAY.. You're choice!

  81. what a great song!! it may seem silly but it almost brought me to tears!!! the lyrics were so wonderful!!! it is so obvious who inspired it...should we guess no...kristen!!! loud and clear...kristen!! i am stacking up on snacks rose...its going to be a great summer!! and i am preparing myself all the bs...robsten fans are in for a special treat i just know it..and i have a great feeling xxx


  82. Love your blog as always.
    Thank you for posting these lyrics, I could use a pick me up today.

  83. I wonder why those two little words "secret love" from this song suddenly made me so emotional? I guess it's because it rings so true for our fave couple. I hope they will together again very soon. Thanks for your wonderful blog Rose.

  84. to anonymous 4:03: Awww! Rob is in the air?! "...reunited, and it feels so good..."!

  85. why am i crying? In this world, there is NOTHING better than LOVE. Real LOVE is just a gift...cherish it, rob & kristen, in YOUR world nothing else matters.

    i believe...
    thx rose :)

  86. i have noticed that all the above comments are great sane ones (except that stupid anon one)!!! must be the kids/tweens/teens who are the hyenas (no wonder!!)..after school is over this is what they come here doing...just an observation. go do your homework!!


  87. you are right anon 5:36 is such a beautiful thing..muy hermosa!!...its really all they have now...each other!! they should hold on to gives hope in this crazy fandom...thank you Rose for your great posts!! bless your heart!! xxx


  88. Dear Rose,
    beautiful lyric, beautiful song, beautiful post.
    Thank You <3

  89. after reading the 5 reasons me thinking if the heters got they way with Rob, the dude going to die old and lonly...or maybe that is the reality with the nonstens, they are just lonly and not so attractive group of people.

  90. I've been watching all these videos of Rob and Kristen while they were suposed to be in other relationships. It's amazing the intimacy (even in one of your pic her hand is going up his sleeve in a very intimate way), the looks, the touching i.e her fingers removing something in his mouth; she playing with him in a tree. I think they make a cute couple, but I would not want to be one of the people they were dating cause that must have been painful for them to watch. In the end Hollywood young and old it's the same old story.


    This sounds like a real "committed" guy. He's out every single night drinking and now he's basically going to see women strip? I don't know what Rob and Kristen are to each other. I think more than friends but I highly doubt these two are serious. Most women aren't hoping their drunk azz boyfriends go see naked women on another continent.

  92. Rob sure doesn't seem in a hurry to get back to Kristen. He is no longer working so don't use that excuse and flights are leaving the UK. Last summer he couldn't wait to get back to her but now, looks like he is more into the booze and partying(and now going to a strip show??) than being with her. No, I am not a nonsten, I like both R and K, I do think they are in a relationship but it's an odd one. What kind of relationship is it when he stays partying until the last minute in London when he has barely seen her in a few months d/t filming? Most men in love would be high tailing it to their gf * Just am not very impressed with him lately. How long will it take Kristen to wake up? She is much more mature than he is.

  93. LMAO now what shippers? our baby boy was with a stripper tonight.

    Good night and good luck :)

  94. Wow, and just because someone posted it on their twitter it's real??? What's to stop me from going on my twitter and posting anything I want right now? Will that make it true?????? Come on.. Lots and lots of tweets about where he's been and what he's been doing. We've seen ONE pic since we seen him with Kristen.. He was at his sisters gig.. GIMME A BREAK people.. I gotta bridge, wanna buy it?

  95. OMFG OMFG I'm performing for EDWARD CULLEN. R- fucking-Patz is fucking here. I'm gona fucking pee myself on stage.
    OMFG OMFG. No OMFG. Know most of u hate Twilight and I prrooobs shouldn't be tweeting what just happened but OMFG ...there aren't words
    He is SO lovely in real life. I got nervous & joked that I was a crack whore. He thought it was funny. Whaaadda utter cutiepie.

  96. People will defend RP saying he's staying so long in London as he won't see his family and friends for a while.BFD,he's a grown azz adult.I moved 2000 miles away from my hometown after graduating from college to get a job,and see my family once a year.My husband also lives far away from his family.When you're in love,your lover should be first priority,and it doesn't seem that RP and KS feel that way.

  97. So everyone is lying about Rob being at the show? I doubt it. Multiple tweets. Whoever said he was going to Vancouver tonight was either a liar or he went later.. he went out to a show and got wasted then went to Budapest the same night. Looks like he was at a benefit show where some stripping went on and talked to the girl after. I really do think R/K are dating. I just see where the non-crazy people who think they are just friends are coming from. These are not the type of tweets you hear about other men in relationships.. out drinking all the time, talking up burlesque dancers, staying in London until he has to be in LA/Vancouver for work.

  98. Rob and Kris spent her birthday together and it was their saying goodbye to each other. Too much pressure, too many temptations for Rob to resist... He is not ready for commitment... They'll complete last leg of franchise and will remain great friends. I hope Kristen will rebound, it was harder for her than for him...

  99. Suddenly the shippers are silent lol all it took was a stripper! Looks to me that all about having fun, good for him. He is young, hot and rich why stay with one girl when he can sleep around even with strippers? let him be.

  100. I love that all R&K are trying to hide the stripper tweet and pretend it never happened lol
    Girls, I think it's time to retweet and let the world now that Robert Thomas Pattinson loves being a bachelor :D

  101. It's late night in much of the US. But I don't think anyone is too worried about a stripper's tweet... It doesn't matter if you say he wants to be single, or if we say he doesn't.. We will probably NEVER know what is, or has went on, unless someday they end up married or one of them writes a tell all book!! LOL Can't we all just have fun in OUR fantasies until then??? Because after all, it is OUR fantasies, they have NOTHING to do with them!

  102. He's at a fundraiser for a charity, not a stripper bar. There are all kinds of artists there and one happens to be a burlesque dancer who spotted Rob and tweeted about it. Look it up. Don't believe the nonsten lie. How pitiful do you have to be to purposely try to make someone look bad, knowing that it's a complete lie? Feel sorry for some of you ladies. You'd think you'd learn that the truth always comes out and you end up looking foolish. Peace out.

  103. He was there!
    Caroline (the stripper tweet that she was performing at Proud Camden gallery for a show) guess what?

    Not the best daughter... - What are you supposed to do when you hear that Robert Pattinson is just down the...

    CONFIRMED He is still in London havin fun and flirting with strippers.

  104. Yes, please look up Proud Camden gallery and see what event was going on. Fundraiser! Wow, shame on Rob for going to a fundraiser! OMG! That's just terrible of him to go to a fundraiser and I'm sure Kristen is pissed! LMAO!

  105. *yawn*

    I am so bored. Repetitive convo makes me bored. Monotonous. Tedious.

    Hey, anyone watch Nurse Jackie? It's a great show! Peter F is so freaking funny in it. Probably one of my favorite roles of his.

    Okay, off to watch some Vampire Diaries before bed. I need to catch up and love me some Damon/Ian Somerhalder. Paul Wesley ain't bad either.

    Good night.

  106. everything you need to know about where Rob was tonight is here anyway all ended at 1:30am London time and the burlesque dancer (who is NOT a stripper) was not the only act. This event was put together by a group of students so I doubt it was a hardcore show. The cover price was very low so I'am kind of surprised there are not much more tweets about this.

  107. It was a CHARITY EVENT. I know it's hard for you hyenas to comprehend and think logically but he wasn't out partying with strippers. JFC.

  108. So Rob attending a charity event that had numerous things going on, ONE of which was a burlesque dancer, somehow got turned into Rob being slutty manwhore at a private stripper show? Is that about right? Man, I do not even want to understand why that is more appealing than the reality of the situation. Hyenas, why so gross? Why twist Rob into something he's not for the sake of your obsession with hate? Is your life that empty? How very sad for you.

    FYI, you should really take the time to look up the difference between a burlesque dancer and a stripper but I suppose that would require some rational thought.. which we know isn't your forte, hyenas.

    I know some shippers can get carried away in their excitement but the amount of lying and fabrication the slobber-monsters will go to is astounding. Do you have some rotating shift of people looking for tweets about Rob?

    If you think Kristen didn't know where Rob was tonight, you are sorely mistaken. Again I say - how very sad for you lot.

    Hope Rose can enjoy the lulz when she checks in again <3


    p.s. I'll be sure to inform my bf that the burlesque show I saw a couple months ago makes me a ho'. He'll be ~devasted~ esp since he's been to one without me as well. OMGAWD OUR LOVE IS A ~LIE~
    lmao. whatever hyenas. whatever.

  109. My friend was there he was there with his mates and left with a huge group to continue the party elsewhere. Delaney lied again? lmao poor shippers when he goes to VC and spends his free time with Sam and not kristen then what?

  110. i don't know what believe about Rob and Kristen.they both say nothing .but she is seen with him.I hope they are not a summit ploy for PR sake.I feel bad for them either .
    way.Rob has said no so, has Kristen but the fact they are caught are seen together and people say summit makes her pretend,I am not sure if this is true or not.I just hope they are happy.

  111. anonymous 11:34 Why are you hyenas so obsessed with Delaney? I swear YOU follow her more than anyone else. Yes, I'm sure your friend was there *eyeroll*

    It was for a charity event. Many acts. Had nothing to do with stripping. What nice fans Rob has to try to turn him into a man whore. I'm sure he'd really appreciate that.

  112. to 11:34.

    Does Delaney need a restraining order? Just asking.

  113. Not that there would be anything wrong with him being there, because there wouldn't.. but wouldn't more people be tweeting about it? Not sure I trust it. Everytime he's anywhere like 15 people tweet. Hmmm.. suspicious to me. Does the pics or it didn't happen apply in this instance also? And if he was there, bravo Rob for going to a charity event. Kristen is really into charities too. :)

  114. ...say watever u wanna say haters..wait till u swallow ur own medicine...twilight trilogy haha....
    PR...PR...PR...nothing bUt PR...PHHTTT YEAH RITE...!!!!

  115. Linzy,, "slobber-monsters" GOOD ONE! LMAO


    I whole fully believe they're together. How together, I do not know. Does anyone? NO. Maybe they're just friends with benefits? Either way, they must be good benefits or she wouldn't fly across the world to see him for it! ;) It is NOT PR. Do you all not read or listen to anything Kristen says? She VERY strong in every way. She wouldn't do anything ANYONE told her, let alone a studio! GEESH!

  116. @10:54. You know Rob isn't allowed to go to a fundrasier nor is he allowed to talk to people! Even if they approach him to meet him!

    From just this post alone, I see that Rob has some real asshats for fans. Not to mention they're really creepy and pretty sad. Poor guy. I'd seriously consider changing professions if I had people like that as "fans"...Yuck.

    Well, maybe there will be some pics. That's really the only way it can be confirmed 100% where he is/where he was. That's my policy because I like to know things for sure. I don't take every little thing so factual with twitter. People that see Rob, Kristen or Rob and Kristen out and about are sometimes right, sometimes wrong and sometimes they're just lying.

    And we all know that any info and/or sightings of Rob and Kristen together has to be proven with a plethora of pics AND an affidavit practically signed in blood. LOL.

    Still don't see the big deal that Rob hung in London for a few days after work finished. And that he has reportedly gone out. But that's just me. I guess some have an "OMG" problem with it. Or are just trying desperately to stir the pot. If Rob was at the event, hope he had fun.

  117. OMG! I was really hopeing the freaking sad heyena's were out scouring the web for more crap to sling, but unfortunately they have nested here again. Ugh, seriously get a life. Rose great post, haven't heard this song but I will. lol "Trilogy" ???? bwwwaahahahahaha! yea now I really believe everything you say. a-holes! why are you even here if you are such haters? I really hope you are like 13 and not 33 lmao.

  118. So this is apparantly what Rob went to..

    "Come and help us raise money for the Chelsea College of Art and Design-Graphic Design degree show from the 18th (Private View) to the 27th June 2010. The students are trying to raise £1000 in order to put on a beautiful show in the summer and would love to see everyone come celebrate with us, see some work, enjoy live music and help us raise money!"

    Yeah, how scandalous hyenas!! Bahahahahahahaha.

  119. No wait, it gets better. Now that the hyenas know that the jig is up and everyone has found out this was a fundraiser, they're saying 'but he left with a group of people to go somewhere else!' Oh no! You mean he LEFT with a large group to hang somewhere else? Terrible!! How dare he not leave the fundraiser completely alone? So vile that he would go have a drink somewhere else with a group of people! What are they orgy? God, this gets better and better. LOL

  120. Where are the multiple twitters of this appearance? I found two, one was the chick and she called him edward cullen and mentioned twilight, the other was a guy who is about to put out an album. Please give us more than that. And RT's and followers of either of the twitters don't count.

  121. Yup. That's right hyenas, Rob and Kristen must not be together because he went to a student fundraiser. LMAO. Did anybody else read about it? It had music and face painting. If nothing else, hyenas are always good for entertainment value.

    I honestly don't understand. Somebody please explain to me why they would rather have Rob out hooking up with random chicks than have a girlfriend who he obviously admires and who supports him? Not that our opinion matters anyway. Rob and Kristen are together, get over it. But I don't get why some of his "fans" would want him perceived that way? Do they think their chances increase if he's that way? Because NEWSFLASH-With Kristen, not with Kristen your chances stay at zero. You don't like Kristen? He doesn't care. It doesn't affect you.

    Maybe I should be glad I don't understand the hyenas. I'm guessing their minds are very scary places.

  122. dear nonsten
    how do you say to be a fan of robert pattinson if you fell him a manwhore?

  123. aww he loved the stripper :D

    CarolineKent@ ihateyouYasmina yes, & I was nearly naked at the time. Pretty proud of myself.
    CarolineKent @kirstintraynor haha fo realz?! AWESOME. He bloody loved it He said Tay sends his regards.

    Kristen who? our boy is getting around and loving it, a smile on his face proves it :)

  124. I was at that funraiser,too.Rob and Tom were fucking the Caroline stripper,but Bobby and Marcus were whining because they wanted to fuck her,too.Then Sam got mad,because he wanted a piece of the stripper,too and he killed Rob.The end.

  125. I don't understand why some nonstens keep coming here and try to sell us their crap.Don't you understand that nobody cares and nobody wants to be persuaded?You believe what you want and we also believe what we want.So why are you're wasting your time with us?Does this give meaning to your life?Is your life so sad and pathetic that you feel whole only when posting BS at some blogs or when you're dreaming of Rob hooking up with some strippers?lol

  126. I really would like to see pics of Rob leaving with strippers. That's the new story now. Fundraiser didn't leave the illusion that Rob is an aweful man, so they had to say he left with a bunch of strippers. Yeah, that sounds like something Rob would do for all at the fundraiser to see. LOL. The hyenas are sure desperate to get something on Rob or Kristen before they reunite! Wonder why? Is it because deep down they know the truth that Rob and Kristen are together? Bingo.

  127. Reunited for work darling not because he wants to see her in his free time. He is loving it in London and if he didn't have to work you can bet he would still be in london partying with his boys.

    He loved the show :)

  128. Oh HELL NO! I don't give a flying fig if you were at the fundraiser Mr/Ms 7:49am...why not leave your name instead of being Anonymous. I will NEVER believe that Rob FUCKED anything unless I see picture...not of the deed but of him with them at all. He is a MAN, so of course he looked but to disrespect someone with this shit is just uncool. IF all you NONsten need to stop your shit because us TRUE Robsten Fan will never believe your trash talk. And there are more of us than you...So stick that up your ass and smoke it. People so write stuff as Anonymous are just cowards. Put your ID out there so we know who you are and can dis you the right way!

  129. Don't feel bad for Kristen, she uses everyone for sex only, she is the type to use sex to get her own way, that is the real her.


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