Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rob and Kristen- What You See Is What You Get

Rob on Ellen.
He's just SO SO SO 
Incredibly adorable.
He makes you want to hug him.

The screams weren't as bad this time around.
But bad enough that Rob got to feel uncomfortable
and kinda cringe and be embarrassed.
Screaming. Bad.
Don't do it.

He looked wonderful.
As always.
And his new haircut for WFE looked great.
But again...
That hair... That face...
Not a lot can go wrong, you know what I mean?

The mole.
Nice to mole you.
Moley. Moley. Moley.

Austin Powers: Mole! Bloody mole! We're not supposed to talk about the bloody mole, but there's a bloody mole winking me in the face! I'm gonna chop it off and cut it up and make some guacaMOLE!

Forgive me.
The Mole.

*deep breath*

OK. I'm better.

Lots of people were making a big deal
about Rob's shorter haircut.
But as we all know...
People like to make mountains out of 
MOLE hills.
Bahahahahahaha. Sorry.
But I HAD to go there.

Robert has cut his hair off before.
And guess what?

Personally, I like the short hair.
I like the longer hair.
I like the 'sex' hair.
I love Robert Pattinson.

USA TODAY released more pics from their interview.
Is there a limit to how much I can say CUTE??
Every picture I see of Robert and Kristen...
Just enforces what I already know to be true.
There is just no hiding it.
As much as they want to...
As much as they don't talk about it...
Robert's face is an open book.
He literally cannot disguise his adoration for Kristen.

Poor Taylor.
He really looks like the odd man out.
I like Taylor.
I really do.
But he looks the same in every picture.
He has a wonderful smile...
Wish he would have used it.

But back to Robert and Kristen.

*Nice necklace, Kristen ;) *

SOME people
(The scavengers who attack and foam)
Have said that Robert isn't looking at Kristen at all
in the pictures...
But he's looking at Taylor.
(Yeah, I know... so sad)

FIRST he was looking at something Taylor
was supposedly holding...
And then when the bigger picture was released...
Rob was looking at Taylor's watch.
Excuse me a moment...

Yeah. OK.

I don't even have anything else to add to that.
Because you know what?
As much as reading the denials 
The excuses, The rationalizations
are incredibly hilarious...
It's getting to a point that it is just...
I mean... really really sad.
I feel sorry for these hyenas people
Because I cannot imagine what it would take...
The effort, the strain...
To keep denying what is right in front of you.
Gotta be a lot of work to ignore the obvious
All the while trying to convince yourself
That what you are saying...
makes any sense at all.
(It doesn't)
Pathetic Rants.
Pretty Ridiculous.
Profuse Rabies.


Bye for now


  1. thank you rose <3 i love your blog so much and i love rob&kristen together or not .. i love your way to describe your feelings and sensations thank you!!! i'm waiting for tomorrow's post p.s. the mole is so sexy ^^

  2. Hi, Rose!

    I love the post...I love robsten...I love you :-)

    Thank you! You make me happy every day :-)

    Many hugs from 42-years old mom with two kids!

  3. Rose u always spill out the things out off my head. Yessss Rob's face is an OPEN BOOK. So does Kristen sometimes that i cud almost hear the silent conversation between those two. :-))))

  4. Ahahaha! SO cute! Loving the pics.. And indeed what a nice necklace, K! Now, if we could just get a close-up HD..Hmmm..
    Thanks for the R/K love Rose! I'm enjoying my summer in the islands and I can't wait to be back for your daily blogs.
    Spot on.

  5. The excuse:Rob is just looking at Tay's watch"is hilarious.And pathetic.And sad.And desperate.

    Some people made a lot of fuss with a guy who tweeted that "Rob Patterson's gf was hitting on Monte,one of AL's band".Rob Patterson is a musician who is working at the studio and that Monte guy is 34 years old and really ugly.I don't think Kristen has the time following Rob at his TV appareances and flirting with old guys(old for her).But some people are SO desperate to "prove"that R/K are at least "friends with benefits",so they cling at every lame excuse and tweet.

  6. I like the new haircut.He looks like a child!

  7. Thank you so much for your posts and your statements about rob and kris. They are what they are, one happy couple and people should just move on and give them their space. It´s a fact, they´re together. They don´t need to say a word, for sane people like us and the real fans, it´s pretty obvious. Let the nonstens, haters and whatever people out there just deal with their lives. Thanks again for our daily dose of giddyness!

  8. Haters will never,ever believe that they're together.They'll always come up with a stupid and lame excuse.If someday Kristen will come out pregnant,they'll say that she'd just ate tooo much!lol

    I'm glad he cut his hair.Some idiot twihards will stop seeing him as Edward,at least for a while.Maybe some stupid teens and drooling cougars will stop seeing him as a piece of meat,too.

  9. hello rose

    love the picture, and rob interview on ellen, he still funny, adoroble, hotness and rob short hair is so cute, rob like collage boy...and ladies rob hair grown anyway...imagine when kristen got mullet she took almost a year till her hair you see now in usa today beautiful and natural...

    bhawaahaha..those non believer so ridiculous every day, every time, every minute those hyena excuse to silly story and said nasty, seriously hyena take your medication...
    rob seen taylor not kristen, seen taylor watch???? LMAO...
    bye rose love you

  10. Oh Rose, you had me LOL today. And yes, Rob was adorable on Ellen. So much cuteness in that boy. I like his new haircut, it makes him look younger and so boyish. I bet Kristen loves it too. Love those new outtakes from USA Today. They make me smile :)


  11. Rob is a cutie.And a really happy and giggling cutie.Love him.Tomorrow he starts filming in LA.It's gonna be tiring,but i'm sure his girl is gonna relax him in her own way!


  12. I was a rob and Kris fan. Now not Rob so much. He has lost many fans in the past few months purely by his own volition. No one likes a player. His image was different to this, and he seems to just spit at everyone around him-including Kris.

  13. Troll anon 11:12,GTFO.Rob's a player?Really?Has he played with you or your friends and i don't mean in your dreams,but in real life.Go and ship Spencer with Heidi and leave R/K alone.Crazies like you are not welcomed.Go back to twat land.

  14. About the RItz. I think everyone should know there is no outside bar by those fires. The outside bar is on a veranda in a different part of the hotel. Also, look at this guy. He is wealthy and owns a boat. He lives further around from Laguna Niguel in Laguna. This is a wealthy neighborhood. I mean million dollar homes and boats! Yet, when the guy is writing he is unable to differentiate when to use the word TWO as opposed to TOO. I have no doubt that this guy did not write this and I am not afraid to say it here.He says on his tweet he does not understand the hype and then proceeds to write about how in love they are. I think if he saw these 2 the hype was referring to the connection between the two. That is to say not that much going on! I am not sure if the whole sighting was fabricated but that written blog is BS. The insinuation that Rob's head was turned and hand on her neck JUST ENOUGH to feed the fans that there was PDA going on. I actually call BS. It is freezing at night

  15. I love you Rose ...I love robsten pictures!!
    And I love the post!!!
    holy words!
    I feel sorry for these (hyenas )people too bwahahhahhaha NO , not true bwhahahhaha I don't care about them bhwhahhahah
    fats, pathetic,sad, desperate hyenas bwhahahhahhah

    Robert and Kristen : love at the first sight

  16. bwhahaha....looking at taylor's numbskulls he's teasing Kristen, like a little kid trying to get someone to look at them, and Kristen's playing back by ignoring him. It's cute. You don't have to believe in Robsten to imagine these two are close enough to tease one another, especially during boring promotional junkets. It's called passing the time, sillies!

  17. Long hair, short hair, bald. . . It really doesn't matter. Rob is physically gorgeous. But is he stratospherically more beautiful than any other man ever?

    Maybe yes. But for me it's all about that magnificent personality and character. That's what ignited my flame. He's a rare man of substance. There's simply never been anyone like him.


  18. HEY Rose I like the short hair Didnt Rob once say he needed a hair cut and couldnt wait to cut it Well any way I like it And if look at ALL the pic. from the USA Today you well see Rob LOOKING right Kristen more then once Love your post today YOU HADE ME CRYING I was laughing so hard (the Mole) to funny well my friend i hope you have a good day cant wait to see ELEEN today.You know that Kristen LOVES the hair.And all that gos with it. DEB

  19. omg, about monte's tweet...hello people, it was a joke for his friends! It annoys me when people are so freaking literal. I don't even think she was there, I think the guy was just having a joke with his friends like kristen was all over him when he's not exactly Robert Pattinson pretty,but all the people who stalk twitter jumped on it right away! Lame, people need to stop twitter stalking and leave people alone.

    Anyways, Rose, great post! Robert and Kristen are adorable together, great chemistry!

  20. aw, they are so freaking cute. Kristen is usually so serious but Robert brings out the goof in her, it's so cute. And the way Robert looks at her is just sweet. No way around it, that gaze he gives her has been around since twilight and hasn't left his face since then.

  21. Hi everybody

    Luved the new haircut! just watched a video of Ellen interview, poor baby, seems so nervous! In Oprah looked different, more secure. Ellen is funny but I think she kind of intimidate him talking so fast and joking all the time. Loved that Rob always make fun of himself, that's such a good thing.

    He doesn't need a babysitter to come to interviews, thanks. Last night I felt so sorry for the poor fangirl who twitted that he actually was alone in the show! some mean people jumped into her troath just beacuse she didn't say he was with "someone else" . Bleh. He is 24, can be all by himself.

    Sorry, but still can't see the big deal with usa today pictures. Not gonna say a thing about Taylor cause you know what I think (but it's possible!!! maybe not at the watch, but...)

    see you tomorrow, bye, lily

  22. Rose: That GORGEOUS MAN always puts a smile on my face. I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE HIM. Short hair,long hair,sex hair no hair. He is sooo ADORKABLE. I could watch him and listen to him all day.

    I also loved those pictures of USA shoot. He ADORES HER and just like you said, it's written all over his face. Taylor is like a robot (I like him but he needs to loosen up and quit TRYING SO HARD) I wish Summit would quit pushing him down our throats. Enough already !

    I noticed Rob wearing the shoelace bracelet again that he and Kristen wear. On his right wrist on Ellen.

    I wish we would get a better picture of Kristen's necklace (that she has been wearing since her trip to Budapest) It looks very delicate.

    (K Pattz)

    One of his (twitter) friends told him to quite fooling around with the 'Twilight Fans' (supposedly his wife is crazy for Twilight )and he was just kidding around.
    All the guys in Adam's band were posting the same shit!

    Grazie Rose for another Great post. We love Rob and Kristen and ROB LOVES KRISTEN AND KRISTEN LOVES ROB AND WE LOVE YOU ROSE.
    ROCK ON !


  23. to the posting calling bs on the Ritz: I think Robsten is on, I think it's very possible they were in Laguna, BUT at the same time I found the long post really weird and not believable. A passive observer who is a guy would be like "yeah, they were sitting by us. They were sorta sucking face." But instead it was this weird jackie collins description about intoxicated by love. like what?lol I think they definitely did spend the birthday together, but I don't necessarily belive that account. It was just a weird story that was too flowery for some dude to write.

  24. 11:26 I agree, it's kind of strange a grown man write something like that, maybe he wants some fame. I never believed they were there, anyway.


  25. True Kpatzz, people started making a fuss because of that tweet...ridiculous...that Monte guy is really ugly (sorry Monte), can't imagine kristen flirting with him.
    Wen I saw that tweet I was we go again...the haters are going to love this.
    what i think is funny is that they spend their time trying to prove that Rob and Kristen aren't a couple...but if something like this happens...they say Kristen was cheating on Rob or Rob was cheating on Kristen and if it is someone saying that they saw them and 'thought they were a young couple in love. They were just really caught up in being together'...Hater scream PR or Lies.
    Haters(heynas) should make up their minds...they are or they aren't together?!


    Your right Rose, Rob was SO SO So incredibly adorable...well his always adorable and I too want to hug Him...protect him.
    I'm loving the hair, he looks even more younger...and with the short hair we can see more of his angel it.

  26. Hey,11:38 anon l--y maybe you should meet with anon 11:26 and hook up.At he Laguna Ritz!Bahahaha!

  27. Sorry Rose i spelled Ellen wrong sorry hahaha ....DEB

  28. Oh,i see the psycho teen which not shall be named is already here.I wished that she could disappear or go to another blog."People" like her are like mosquitos.Really annoying.

    By the way,i don't believe Kristen was there.She wouldn't go at a TV studio,knowing that everybody would tweet about her.Rob was there for business and he can take care of his hit without his nanny.He's a big boy.A big,adorable boy.

  29. To anon 11:38... Oh man, you have totally convinced me!!!..... After reading your story, I am SO convinced that....wait for it, wait for it....that YOU are a complete idiot!!... That's right, and I feel like an idiot too now for wasting 5 seconds of my life to read your BS dribble. Thanks a lot!

  30. The USA today pictures are so sweet because they are playful and sweet. Taylor is such a counterpoint cause he's all business, and then in sharp contrast you have Robert messing with Kristen and kristen pretending to be unaffected. It's just cute, they're having fun.

  31. From my sane Robsten fan pov:

    1) monte tweet? God people take a joke. Kristen wasn't there, he was joking on his twitter like Kristen was all over him. I can't believe people actually tweeted him like "what do you mean? Is kristen there???"

    2) Ritz: I could see them being there. The guy's account got more suspect the more he wrote though. I say they were together for his birthday, but it ain't my business where they partied!

    3) USA photos: Adorable. Telling. Those pictures say more from the look on Rob's face than any interview. Those kids are punch drunk crazy in luvs or likes or something!

  32. Ok, so here's another reason I adore Rob. Ellen: Did you recently get the haircut? Rob: Yeah, I had a bunch of nits so I had to cut my hair. (I'm paraphrasing). LOL That boy just says whatever pops into his brain. I adore that. He's not rehearsed. Oh and I for one think he looks mighty good with the short hair. Liked his longer hair also, but it's nice to see a change up every once in awhile. Bet Kristen likes it too. *wink* Have a fabulous hump day everyone! xoxo

  33. Hey nik, shame on you to call someone psycho teen, specially if you are a grown woman.

    To the Rob_basher: STFU, now. He is not a player, he is just super-childish and good-harted. he feels sorry for her, plus he thinks everybody is as good as he is and she is not, not at all. It's impossible Rob could hurt someone by purpose.


  34. Hey nik, shame on you to call someone psycho teen, specially if you are a grown woman.

    To the Rob_basher: STFU, now. He is not a player, he is just super-childish and good-harted. he feels sorry for her, plus he thinks everybody is as good as he is and she is not, not at all. It's impossible Rob could hurt someone by purpose.


  35. Hey Rose, great post as always, looovee that you addressed the whole thing about R looking at Taylors hand in the pic of the three of them.bwaaahhhaa soo stupid. Love the pics, and his hair cut is a nice change, can't look the same for every movie. Then the hyena's would say "he looks the same in every movie" lol great post. Thanks Rose

  36. oh the things from Ellen are great so far--especially how he wishes he could think before talking! You can tell on Oprah when he said he got the "sloppy seconds" to Kristen about her kssing a bunch of guys before him, and she's like gross! And then his FACE, his FACE, when he realizes what he just said, it's gets so stone serious, like wtf did I just say! Watch it on the interview again, he goes from laughing to being mortified when Kristen's like gross!

  37. anon, 12:09--it's time to take your meds. None of us know these two kids, so please stop acting like Robert is cheating on YOU or something with whatever he does in life. Kristen's a big girl, she seems capable of taking care of herself. If she and Robert have issues, that's for them to deal with, no you or me to judge.

  38. Anon 11:38...or sound familiar is that you again Happyfeet...did they let you out again of the metal hospital...You should take your meds.

  39. The Usa Today pics show Rob's everending desperation to get Kristen to notice him. But Kristen knows what Rob is really like and ignores him. She is so happy that Rob is not doing the Korean promo so that she can be rid of him. Unlike Rob, Taylor is not a player.

  40. KPattz@11:48, I like your suggestion. Haha~

    From Asia,

  41. It's just gets more pathetic by the minute....

    Rob is looking at Taylor? LOL. When is Taylor ever in Rob's orbit? And what are these people trying to insinuate? That Rob is into Taylor? LOL forever. Oh, yes Rob is looking at Taylor and not Kristen, I'll buy that...never.

    And Rob is never alone when he goes to these types of interviews. Nick is always with him and people who work for Nick and Summit's handlers/PR peeps are there too. He does not go alone.

    Also, why would I ever care what Ashley says? The quotes from that interview are mixed with things I have read before. Seriously doubt if she ever said that, it was recent. Try 2008.
    But I must say, and people wonder why Rob and Kristen are NOT close to these people outside of work? This is where Taylor earns my respect. As well as Jackson. They don't ever put their noses into Rob and Kristen's personal lives and act like they know them so well. And if anyone has been around them the most (working and promoting)'s Taylor. Also, Dakota, who is actually friends with Kristen said "if they're not going to talk about it, then I don't have the right to talk about it" mature for only 16.

    About the Ritz--I can see them there. I can see why that place would appeal to them. It's secluded and there's no way idiotic fans would harrass them and no paps. Just some quiet time. The guy wrote a lot but he was asked a lot of questions. I think he then understood the hype. Whether he saw exactly what he wrote, don't know. Maybe his female friend who was there helped him out. Don't know, don't care. One thing is for sure--Rob and Kristen celebrated his birthday somewhere.

    Whatever. I have come to the conclusion certain people will NEVER believe. There will always be excuses and other BS. I am WAY PAST caring about what these people think or say.

  42. LMFAO.

    Oh, look the "Rob is a player" BS is back!

    Take your fucking BS back to the AT board.


  43. Hi Rose, what a cute funny post today :)What a cute lickable mole that boy has, it is even placed in a spot that is divine. I am sure Kristen thinks it's yummy too. I watched Ellen, I get the feeling Rob may be getting tired of the Robamania.
    I love seeing pictures and interviews of these two cuties, their love for each other shines on them. I look forward to seeing them in their projects and knowing they are together. I look forward to your next post, see you tomarrow, and God bless.
    (By the way, does any one else here howling and sniveling in here, oh well,maybe it's just my ears.)Melenas

  44. Great post today. I agree Rob's face is an open book, the looks he gives Kristen are so telling. At this point, I can't understand how there can be anyone out there that follows these two and not believe that they are in a relationship.

    I think that the number of non-believers are a very small fraction of the fandom and that they post repeatedly under different names and such. I also think that deep down they really know the truth and at this point they are just carrying on with the farse because they enjoy goading people and causing discord amongst the fans, which is really pathetic when you think about it but what can you do, some thrive on conflict, while others(most)enjoy laughter, smiles and happiness, which is why I come to read your blog.

    Thank you for spreading the laughter, smiles and happiness that revolves around are favorate couple.


  45. @12:20pm. Texting and has secrets with Ashley? LOL.

    Did you even read the supposed quote. She said "girls" please tell me what girls are on set? Kristen. ER. NR. and her. And you actually think they all sat around giving Rob texting advice?


    You're too desparate. Maybe a few more 100 posts and people will buy this crap. LOL.

  46. whats the problem with rob's hair, its cute and its for his new movie which is based in the 30s? do people seriously expect wfe people to let him keep his edward hair LOL, cute on ellen silly as usual thats why he likes doing it. these two are totally together, cute and know how to hide as they have said, adore them

  47. Rose:))
    great post, I became addicted to your blog.
    And I still say that just do not see love that exists between Rob and Kris, who does not want to see.
    But that does not matter nada.Eles (Rob and Kris) live very well and happy without the opinion of people stupid.
    I believe, like Rob and Kris, are two young but very mature. So I'll stop reading non-believers., IGNORE it.
    A good day for you Rosa
    A kiss from Portugal

  48. Rob looking at Taylor's watch? Bwahahahaha I could see it though..."Let me see that damn many hours until I get to make love to Kristen again?"

  49. 12:28. OMG. You have me soooo convinced.


  50. to anon 12:11 I noticed that too...Rob was like what tha hell i just said. I felt bad for him.
    I'm like that to...sometimes I speak without thinking...and then a get terribly ashamed for the things I say.

  51. Love it. Love rob. I hope he never changes. Sweet, adorable rob.

  52. At Ellens...oh my, he was so cute, I love the haircut and he is so funny, natural and...*sigh* the list is endless. I really adore him and the same I can say about Kristen. They deserve each other.

    Thank you for the wonderful pictures. They always make me smile.

  53. to 1220 anonymous-ITA with you. People get on Taylor because they say he is boring. But you know what? Out of ALL the cast, he is with Rob and Kristen the most, he was with them in Europe, knows they are together and stay in the same room, eats dinners with them and has seen hugs and kisses and handholding galore. And he has NEVER not once said anything about them or their relationship to anybody, he keeps his mouth shut, unlike Ashley and Nikki. He has been a very good friend to them and they know that. It's apparent that they really like him and vice versa.

    Would not be surprised to hear that Ashley called the paps on those 2 like Nikki did. She's a famewhore who will have no career after the saga is done. Did you all see her pic on Robsessed? Where I come from, your bra goes UNDER your shirt. No wonder R and K don't hang with her.

  54. Wait, what did Ashley do and say? I heard nothing.

  55. ano 12:20 aka 12:28 aka Happyfeet Go TAKE YOUR MEDS...AND GET THE F***CK OUT OF HERE.

    Ashey interview...mix very old quotes...and if ha reading comphrensin you sould have read 'the girls and I' meaning Ashley, Nikky, Kristen and Elisabeth

  56. I spy with my little eye...a black shoelace/bracelet on Rob's wrist that matches Kristen's...

  57. What ashley interview?

  58. Wtf?! I mean seriously... Where am i? or AT boards?

    The hate here is sick. All this hatred for Rob is just so confusing to me. The guy has done nothing wrong. Jeez, you are sick people!
    and people are complaining about kristen hate? Oh please. I'm not fooled anymore.


  59. lovely post rose!

    I was just watching the oprah show belatedly and had to share with you all:

    At the 1:00 mark when they start talking about Taylor's crazy abs and showing pictures of him topless, KRisten's like "Taylor!" And then she does this double take looking at the picture, and Robert's watching her watch him and then looks back. And then they show another shot of his abs and you Kristen consoling Robert, patting his shoulder.

    It just cracked me up and I had to share, Robert is an open book, cause his reactions in that segment are priceless-so are Kristen's.

  60. ps: people just ignore lily and haters, they end up hijacking the threads with their silliness.

  61. Wow just wow!

    Lainey's comment about Rob's hair;

    ''As for Pattinson, he taped an appearance on the Ellen Degeneres show yesterday that will air today. Gave the Twi-Hards a good look at his new short hair. It looks great. Really, really great''

  62. Rose always says something like....

    I wish being stupid was painful.

    I have the same wish.

    I also wish insane people could be banned from the internet entirely. I would lose a lot of entertainment but, damn, the crazy is just getting beyond ridiculous.

    Like the asshole who keeps coming to Rose's blog posting such nonsense over and over again? That kind of behavior is rather scary. I really feel sorry for that person. I shudder to think what their life must be like. And the bullying tactics used by some is very scary shit.

  63. @1:02

    What did I do now? Just get mad with that silly Rob hater!


  64. one more tidbit from Oprah to share:

    at 4:20, when kristen has to talk about how she knew Robert was the one for the part, Robert gets so nervous -I've seen him do this in other interviews, when Kristen has to speak about his capabilities,etc. He takes a drink of water, and the intensity he gives her way while she speak of him is just sweet. It means a lot to him how she views him and expresses those views of him.

    Just ah....sweet.

  65. Lovely post Rose..

    I just love RoB. Can't help it. He's handsome,hot,talented etc.. most important to me he's so adorkable lol.. and i love him even more for it. I hope he never changes.


  66. Anon 12:53 is a ashley interview that came out with mix old quotes from her...maybe 2008

    You can go and check it on Robsessed...the interview is old quotes from Ashley.

    ohh...and there are too post here with Anon 12:20 one is sane the other is isane...the isane is easy to notice...she is the one will all the Bulshit BS.

    to the sane One...Agree with you, Taylor is the one who spends more time with Rob and Kristen and never once said a thing about them.

  67. To anon 1:01 I noticed that to Kristen opinion means a lot to Rob.
    I think it's so sweet

  68. Listen to Oprah and when O asks TL what he wants in a woman he first says loyalty. Now listen to Kris's reaction to that. It is heart wrenching.AS if she is telling him GET REAL that is not possible ever!She knows what Rob is really like.

  69. To 1:05 anon...not only do the psycho haters come here, but they also go to Ted's and cut and paste the same comments. EVERY DAY. Pretty pathetic to have NO life and spend your days filled with rage against 2 young people that will never give a shit about them.

  70. Okay, just a couple of things:

    First, dude - when the same person comes back and posts again and again and again under "Anonymous" using the same grammar and syntax and making the same arguments, we know it's literally just you.

    That is, unless you have a whole cadre of angry anonymous posters, all of whom lack the ability to construct a proper sentence. However, kudos on the creativity of your arguments; if you turned your powers to good, I suspect you could write the next great American novel. Or at least a solid beach read.

    ANYWAY. Whoever you are, I don't actually think you're a Kristen fan. The tone is all wrong. There's no support, no fun, no joy in your posts. It actually sounds much more like somone who feels betrayed that Rob would DARE be with anyone else and vents that with the bitterness spewed here.

    Think the storyline of Atonement, minus any actual relationship or even contact with the people in question.

    At any rate, carry on; you're free to state your opinions, and the rest of us are free to be really, really amused.

    Oh, and PS, just heading off one potential response at the pass ... I'm not worried about being proven wrong. I find Rob and Kristen fun, charming and refreshing in Hollywood. I think they're cute together and enjoy following their careers and what little they share about their lives. But I have no investment in them beyond that. (And honestly? You probably shouldn't either. It's not healthy.)

    Rose, thanks as always ...

  71. For God's sakes there is no Rob and Kristen. Rob has his own place in La and is doing his own thing. You will not see them together because they are NOT together. KS dumped RP. Rob is clammering for their friendship. Ks does not want it. Too many things. This will not be announced, and it will be announced in some subdued form until after Eclipse. Just wait and see, Rob hurt Kris and they are trying to be friends.Kris is professional and will be so through out promotion.We shall see about BD

  72. @1:50

    hey you! Altough I wish you were right about the break-up, in that case, It would NOT be Rob's fault, ok? Damn, this is Rob pattinson intoxication, if you don't like Rob, go to some krisbian blog!

    And I will stay here until Rose change the name to Robsten intoxication. Nuff said.


  73. @ the insane anon 1:50 For God's sake stop embarrasing yourself. You are deluded, seek help asap, Do therapy, do it offline though, with real people and real dreams.
    Your situation, is not even a bit funny, sad... who gave you internet access anyway...


  74. Hey 12:07.I never mentioned you as the "psycho teen",you did.I guess you know it,maybe because the kids at school call you that.I bet you're the school's weirdo.Something like Carrie,have you seen the movie?lol
    Now,will you make yourself the favour and get the hell out of here?Go to,you belong there.Everybody there will appreciate your sick thoughts.They're all mental.too.

  75. Is it full moon today?Because all the crazies are out full force.1:50,2:01 are out of control already.

  76. @ thanks for the laughs. Robert Pattinson and Robsten are inseparable now. If you have noticed, Roses' posts have a lot of Rob only, some of Kristen and sure lots of Robsten. Thats how it works, like an equation, you like it or not. You got no power to change a darn thing. So dont suffer darling. But hey, stay, give us more laughs with your imaturity and excessive obsession for Rob. Im sure he dreams about you every


  77. Pffffffffffffffffffffff

    Ps. pfff


  78. @ Lily..lets be kids together...buahahahahaha...wosh wosh

  79. to 1:50. LOL.

    Why this makes me laugh? Because this has been posted how many times? 200,000?

    It's classic. Whenever GOOD things are happening with Rob and Kristen...this kind of crap is posted. Without fail, this happens.
    People like you (or your multiple personalities) type this up and post it to places like Rose's blog.

    One thing I know for a fact--you don't know shit about Rob and Kristen.

  80. Hey,i'm Lily.I'm 14 years old and i'm addicted to Robert Pattinson.I know that he's my prince charming,my white knight,who is gonna save me from the sad life i lead.I know that when we're gonna meet,he's gonna fall head over hills with me,because of my amazing heart,which always full of love.I never say bad things for anyone,because i'm generous and kind and everybody likes me.But Rob is my dream man.I wanted him to be the first boy in my life,but since this is never gonna happen,i found a poor guy,who is willing to sleep with me,just because no other girl wanted him to.But,when i have sex with him,i think that it's Rob.And when he's not with me,i use my Edward dildo or i'm licking my Rob's poster.It's not sexy as the real thing,but since that bitch(i won't mention her name),i'll compromise with the substitudes.

    Please,don't bash me,because deep inside i'm a good person,especially when i remember taking my meds.When i forget,Lilly Hayde comes out and play.

  81. To Lily pfffffff....
    Did you just farted or you smell like shit all the time?

  82. Can't we all just get along?Wednesday, May 19, 2010 2:29:00 PM

    Is anyone on this blog representing themselves maturely today?

    Come on, y'all. When someone's being nasty, don't fall into the trap. Your mama was right - you don't have to sink to their level.

    Are other fandoms this divided? Fascinating and kind of horrifying at the same time. Strange to think that while people who ostensibly are all fans of the same books/movies have nothing better to do than rip each other apart day after day, there are people on this planet for whom day-to-day life is a struggle to survive. It's a crazy world.

  83. Hey Lily pffffff.....
    Did you just farted or you smell like shit all the time?

  84. My pervious moniker was dedicated to Lily.I hope she got my point.Oh,and that she's a bitch.

  85. I'm ALMOST 14.
    Hope you are near my age, cause if you are a grown woman...


  86. HA,
    wow,Lily,now your breath is smelling,too.

  87. My recommendation to all the youthful hyenas: stop wasting your time on blogs and social networking sites and get an education. Your lives will be better (and your insults more effective) if you have a good command of the language and reasonable skill at critical thinking.


  88. Dear Anon 11:26

    So the bar is on a veranda in a different part of the hotel. Hmmmm. Funny. During our US trip last summer (LA - Colorado - Utah - Arizona- Monarch Beach/Dana Point - LA - back to Europe) we stayed about week in the Ritz Carlton Laguna Niguel, we spent a lot of time around the pool (the bigger one, which is in a courtyard on the southern side of the complex). We loved the outdoor bar, we actually spent 3 nights having snacks and drinks there instead of a proper dinner at the restaurant. It was windy and cool during nights at that time, but we loved the evenings outdoors. I thought the description of the location was quite accurate. But you seem to know the hotel better. So in which part is the "veranda"? And the restaurant when you come from the reception, where is it, right or left, where is the other bar? On wich floor is the veranda? On which level is the spa? What is next to the spa? Where is the morning pilates/yoga class. Whe had fun watching the wedding rehearsals from our room, because we don't have them in Europe, we just get married here. Where are they held? Where can you see wich wedding is on today? Where is breakfast served? Where do you get your beach umrellas? Oh and parking your car, give me some details about that.

    Love Anna

  89. Rose, any way you can make it so that only mature ADULTS not psychotic obsessed teenyboppers will post here? I left Tiger Beat and jealousy/hatred of actor's girlfriends behind long ago, as did the majority here.

  90. Nice to see Lily's parents are so involved in her life and keep such a close eye on a 13 year old that is trolling all over the internet. Boy,they really missed the mark there.

  91. Lily,dear.Does your mommy knows that you spend so much time on the internet?Today is a school's day,have you done your homework?If yes,then there are better ways to entertain yourself,watching cartoons is always fun.

  92. Lily,do you know that Rob is 10 years older than you?Have you seen his interview with MTV,back in 2008,where he said that he doesn't like kids,and he meant teens like you, who were asking him to marry them?If not,then go and find it on you tube.

    Geez,if you are such a hater at 13,then imagine how you'll be in 23!A bitter woman.

  93. I want to suggest to Lily a celebrity she can follow,with who she has many possibilities to have a fling,amybe.Lily,do you know Justin Biemen?He's your age.And he's a good singer.

  94. God! Some of
    these comments on here are making me feel idiot by just reading them.

    Anyways, great post Rose..

    Loving Rob more and more everyday. *sigh*

  95. Correction.I meant Justin Bieber.He's cool

  96. ROSE,
    you have a personal stalker ,(carzy)lily .
    real life is so hard and so short.
    please ,we can ignore this girl !!

  97. hmmm...I don't know what's worse...having the krisbians,nonstens come on the board and bash Rob or come on and pretend to be fans... obviously the poster "lily" is trying to sound like a tween and make fun of fans.
    Haters always focus on the little things because the overall effect of Rob is just too overwhelming for them to handle..

    Great post as always,Rose..


  98. Martha,nonstens don't bash Rob,but Kristen.

  99. Rose,today your board is on fire.It's a teen parade.

  100. Dear LK, belive me they do. a lot..


  101. Can we all just ignore Lily? She's just a kid who is upset Rob has a girlfriend. At 13, you have the right to be immature.

    LOL at the hyenas who say Rob is looking at Taylor, it's obvious he is making Kristen smile and staring at her lips. What some were insinuating yesterday was just downright creepy. I believe the hyenas have truly went off the deep end, the last week has just been too much for them.

    I kind of believe that Brent guy. Many people were emailing him asking for details. Maybe he exaggerated, but I can see R/K being in their own world (they are a couple you know) And the dropping of the ciggarrettes seems likely, lol. I saw it as he was getting a lot of hate mail, and he was just basically saying 'Look this is how it is'.*shrugs*

    Great post today Rose, as usual!

  102. CLAIRE

    Isn't this supposed to be an ADULT blog? Were grown women come and have RESPECT for one another?
    Maybe I'm mistaken but doesn't that mean you appreciate that not everyone's going to hold the same opinoin as you?
    To be fair, Lilly never said she didn't believe they were at the Ritz but that she didn't believe the flowery account (excuse the pun.)
    This is a DISUSSION comment section, not everyone will agree, and that's great, the world is supposed to function that way!
    Stop jumping down someone (and i mean in the abstract not just this one specific comment) when they say something you don't like. but telling people to FO or GTFO is just insanely immature, and fyi, you're spewing as much hate at them as you claim to despise from the "hyenas"

    sheesh ladies!

    Btw, Rose love the blog, think you're great, and of course love me some Robsten!
    ;) xxx Claire

  103. Rose...I LOVE the MOLE!!!!! I have been waiting for someone else to mention this. It's soooo incredibly sexy, the perfect spot for a kiss...right, Kristen?

  104. Oh yeah because all you retarded "adults" out there, we don't know it's you posing to be Lily at all. Not at all. (my sarcasm hand is raised)

    Lay off, which in any case IF IF IF she is a real teenager, how does that make you feel, "GROWN WOMEN" bullying and picking on a teenager. That's just so cool, oh yeah did i mention ON THE FREAKING INTERNET.


    - A

  105. Top of the Thursday morning to ya Rose....

    Firstly: I lurve Robs hair ....he could be DREDLOCK hippy, bold, sex hair,edward buffeunt i really couldnt give a rats arse!!!!
    When you have a pretty that....the hair means NUFFIN......JACK SHIT!!!!!

    Secondly: all this SHIT- CHILD MINOR CRAP is boring me to death..... The bicKering was bad yesterday and worse today....

    Thirdly: Robs on ELLEN @11am on Arena Foxtell for all you Sydney Australia people....

    Fourthly: Taylor is in my opinion the loyalist cast member to R & K ....he would have witnessed everything with those two....and unlike NIKKI { i cant stand her} and the few others. He keeps all that he knows to himself...

    Fifth: , Rose I quite like to call it a "BEAUTY SPOT"....B/C of the obvious HE IS SOOOO BEAUTIFUL....

  106. well, you know there is a lot of talk about double standards lately and last night i just sit and watch twitter. stalkerish. i know lol.

    I don't know where to start! First of all; dear robsten accounts why dont you just remove 'Rob' from your names and be happy. Clearly, you are just 'sten' fan. ''boo no kristen talk i wont watch it, meh, i'm uninterested now.'' Seriously, it's so ridiculous, It's not even funny anymore.

    secondly, lol i really love this part. 'eww someone touch rob? disgusting, ugh i can see what a classy show' lol! Yes i read this stuff and then 'ahh i personally would rather feel up Kristen, grabbing her but and..' LOL! Oh Yes... stay classy!

    shallow people are shallow. And some people are surprised why Rob fans don't like KStew.. that's the same with you..

  107. Good heavens,the AT board has been a teen beat Kristen/Rob haters board for awhile but now Rose's blog? Arggh,thought it was safe here.

  108. Rose,
    Ilove your blog, but today the comments here are beyond the limits of insanity

  109. Couple of things.

    1. I have no idea if "Lily" is indeed just 13. I'm thinking No. But no matter what her age is (mentally or physcially) It's not cool to bash on her. She obviously craves attention. Don't give it to her.

    2. As far as I know there isn't a way to block just one person who comments. I will have to look into it. I'm particularly tired of the bullshit back and forth Rob and Kristen attacks. That's what Hyenas do.

    3. So what have we learned?
    It smells like a hyena.
    It types like a hyena.
    It has no common sense or rational thought like a hyena.
    It's a HYENA.


  110. To Abby...IF this "Lily" person is really 13(cough cough)all the more reason young teens should *not* have unlimited access to whatever they want on the internet.

  111. To anon 4;25
    Why? Because it's expected that if they so much as go onto a blog, decide to leave their point of view they are entitled to have abuse hurled at them..

    ok let's all join the facist agists!

    :) great going

  112. To Abby-age has nothing to do with it. If one can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

  113. Hey there

    I'm 14 in two months. Wish my english was better so I can respond you properly.

    No, I don't want attention, I said a thousand of times "don't talk to me if you don't like me" I'm here to support Rob. Dont like her, it's not a crime, booo.

    XD A 13 years old can't write in a rob pattinson blog? JFC, this is not a porn site!

    Block me if you want Rose. All the Rob bashers can stay. Only those who are against that woman must go. Ok

    bye then.

    Ps. someone ask me why I don't like her before...well, look at the backstage video of Oprah, when Rob comments the spoon-thing. Look at HER face. I saw that same face looking at Rob a lot of times before. That's love? Sure. She had a entire YEAR to tell Rob that she loved him, and she didnt. When I met my boyfriend I knew I loved him at the very first moment. But she had to wait until Rob got famous.

    That's all I have to say, and it's my opinion.

    Miss Robert pattinson intoxication when it was a Rob fans blog.

    Better get out of here.


  114. I just saw Rob on Ellen,he looked adorable but the segment was so short,only a few minutes.He looked tired and who can blame him with WFE and Eclipse promos back and forth.No wonder he can't think!I love his short hair,he looks more manly and I love the mole! Bet Kristen has kissed it a million times.Lucky girl!

  115. To Lily-not going to bash you but I'm sorry,you don't sound like a 13 year old girl talking about JFC and porn sites and telling your bf you loved him right away.Not buying it.

  116. @4:53 You don't know many 13 years old, that's for sure, we are in 2010.

    I have a boyfriend, my first one. And I know what porn is (not that I watch it!)

    But it's ok, If you wanna think I'm 55. Go there.

    Bye, Lily

  117. @4:53 You don't know many 13 years old, that's for sure, we are in 2010.

    I have a boyfriend, my first one. And I know what porn is (not that I watch it!)

    But it's ok, If you wanna think I'm 55. Go there.

    Bye, Lily

  118. HI its me again Well this is what i think (1) I just think every one is getting ready for the BIG movies coming out so they think its ok to START SHIT (2)I think it would be nice if we the FANS of Kristen and Rob put our guns away and play nice ( with each other)(3) do you really think that ether Rob or Kristen would like to know how we fight and say MEAN things about them OR to each others? I dont see there parents (ROB and Kristen) bring them up that way they are sweet people and are doing there BEST to make US (you and me ) happy Like some one has said here before WE all arent going to see eye to eye on all things SO lets just agree to disagree ok thanks to all OF the FANS out there AND A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR ROSE WE LOVE YA GIRL ...DEB

  119. Lily is not a teenager!!! This is a grown women/man who has a twisted agenda. I think a mental health screening is called for.

  120. LOLOLOLOL ok, wait I tell my friends this XD


  121. LOL. Nits. LOL.

    Are they not called nits here? LMAO.

    There's just like an episode of the Simpsons up her. LMFAO!!!

    Ballet. Batman cap. Classic Rob. Adorable, lovable, funny Rob. :-)

    I loved Ellen. I loved Rob on Ellen. I love Rob.

    Were going to play a game... patting pattinson. FIRST THOUGHT: OMG Thank God this wasn't a joint Robsten interview because Kristen would have had gotten a bitch face so bitchy death rays may have shot out of her eyes an incinerated the Aussie girl on the spot. LMAO. Which is why I love and adore Kristen.

    Love. Love. Love.

    A Short Hyena Story:
    "If you let a hyena on your blog, chances are it's going to want to make an ANGRY, IRRATIONAL comment. Once it makes an angry comment, the other commenters will respond and chances are the responses are going to be logical. Once the hyenas read these logical comments, they will start to drool. The drool will be the first sign the hyenas are rabid. Once the green glow of crazy enters their eyes they will become blind to obvious things and develop a case of terrets. The terrets will make them growl random angry disjointed words like PR, Angarano, Lesbian, He's Mine. And once the terrets gets bad enough, chances are its going to come to your blog AND If you let a hyena on your blog, chances are its going to want to make an ANGRY, IRRATIONAL comment."

    *Suzy Q*

  122. To 5:05 anonymous, I agree. This Lily is messed up with mental health issues and obviously has no life. Any to Lily, many people have teens or have teen siblings but they aren't allowed to have boyfriends or surf the net at 13. Some people actually care about their kids,2010 or not. But anyone can say they are 13, and I live at the South Pole.

  123. I thought the only friend Lily had was her Robert Pattinson doll. My mistake.

  124. @ anon 5:18

    No, I think even the doll turned on her.

    *Suzy Q*

  125. ...hey Lily...thought you were leaving?? Good riddance and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out...Justin Bieber and the Jonas Brothers could always use another delusional fan.

  126. Okay I love the short hair on Rob. I like that is still a little longer on top, easy for Kristen to run her fingers through it! WINK WINK!

    The USA pics were cute. You can tell that R/K are totally okay with being in each others personal space. Wish Taylor would loosen up some. He has a great smile.

    Gosh the comments today have been all over the place. Most of it has just been crap.

    Thanks to everyone who provided sane and rational comments! That's why I love this blog. The rest I shall ignore. There is no room for hate in my life.


    Hatred is self-punishment. Hatred it the coward's revenge for being intimidated. (some are intimidated by Kristen me thinks)

    Hatred is active, and envy passive dislike; there is but one step from envy to hate. (some envy Kristen me thinks)

    Hatred is a boomerang which is sure to hit you harder than the one at whom you throw it. (so make sure you duck!)

    Enjoy the rest of the night everyone.

  127. RPattzNews works for Perez Hilton. No different from the other robsessed sites then. Rotards are pathetic.

  128. Rose,

    I know you are interested in Kristen's is a closeup...pretty...get a view of the Stew cleavage and moles lol...perhaps that's what Rob was looking

  129. Lily is NOT 13. If she were she would be in school instead of posting ALL DAY LONG on this site, every day. No, she's not 13. More like a pathetic 18+ year old. Who knows how many + years. Ignore her posts. Maybe she'll eventually go away.

  130. Rob was boring on Ellen. He´s becoming more awkward everyday and without Kristen he´s just tedious. Ellen didn´t ask him anything and he answers nothing at all. Those talk shows are really pure tedium. Just for twihard psychos.

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. Rose: OMG, OMG, OMG I couldn't wait till tomorrow to comment. I just watched Rob on Ellen. Could I LOVE THIS MAN ANYMORE THAN I DO EVERY TIME HE IS HIMSELF IN AN INTERVIEW.

    First of all I LOVE HIS HAIR, HE JUST GETS BETTER EVERYDAY ! His sweet, shy, nutzie, adorkable humble self! every funny quote out of his mouth. He 'JUST HAS IT, DOESN'T HE' ?
    I hope we get to see a lot of him while filming WFE. I hope he gets to tour with Kristen for 'Eclipse' I'm so afraid that he's going to be too busy filming and we will miss all the cuteness we witnessed for"new Moon" and 'Twilight' with the two of them. I hope not ! That's the best part of the movies for me, seeing them together with tons of pictures and interviews.

    I can't wait to read your post on the show. grazie Rose for your blog.

    To all the lovers of ROB AND ROB AND KRISTEN ENJOY !!!!

  133. To annon 5.46
    What the hell are you talking about? If you mean RobPattzNews you are so wrong. I follow her on twitter and she is a great person. She has nothing to do with Perez so please go away and take your hate with you.
    And to annon 6.24
    You obviously need glasses cause Rob was not boring on Ellen, in fact I thought it was one of his best interviews to date. Awkward? please. He looked relaxed to me on the show and was his usual shy and giddy self.

  134. Dear Rose,
    thank you for another beautiful post. You can always put a smile in my face everyday. I have read your post last night before I went to bed and now I post to thank you for making me smile before I sleep :)))
    I often skip the haters comment here, because I don't want to be upset because of them. I am here because I love R/K and I love your blog.
    Like Patricia always says, embrace the love not the hate.

  135. GREAT post Rose..

    My goodness.. What have we come to here? I am not sure what "Lily" is really posting and what someone is posting "for her" But either way.. Lily, HONESTLY, are you REALLY only 13? If so, (and I mean no disrespect) you shouldn't be talking on a blog about some of the things you do! Where is your Mother? Does she know what you're doing? My gosh, I know it's 2010 but Mother's must STILL watch what their children are doing!

    And us Mothers??? Or just ADULTS, I can't believe some of the things that have been said here today. :( Doesn't matter if she's 13 or 18, STILL a child! Let's TRY to act accordingly.. With that said, I must admit, I RARELY laugh as hard in a day as I do here! You all are a riot! And now I will climb off my soapbox and say carry on as you see fit! LOL

    As for Ellen, I didn't like it. :( I LOVED Rob, loved his hair. He did seem guarded.. I didn't like it because I thought Ellen really fell down on the job. She said about spontaneous when he was talking about, he needs to think so he doesn't insert foot in mouth by saying too much. Also, stupid when he said he starts WFE on Thursday and then said "I don't know, is it Tuesday or Wednesday" and she said she didn't take care of his career! FAIL! All she had to do was say it was Tuesday! I could go on and on.. But I'll spare you all.. Because no matter what! I got to see Rob so it was good! lol

  136. Lisa:

    I agree with you, I didn't like the way Ellen interviewed Rob at all. The other two times she was great !
    She just wasn't as connected with him as she has been in the past.


  137. Hi Rose as always love the blog ...@ Lisa the confusion with the time is that they taped the show I think they taped it either yesterday or Monday I can see the confusion happening ..with that said he does get fluted I would too if I had to watch every thing I said ...
    @ Lili ...honey it would be impossible for you or any one to know how any one thinks we could assume but only if we would have more information , I tell you this b/c how do you know what is going inside Kristin when she looks at him or any one , and if you are truly 13 , I don't think that would have given you so much experience as to know how to read ppl that well so pls don't say that you could tell all that much by a look would be impossible..
    As to if they were in that hotel or not I don't care , I don't care b/c he is 24 and she 20 old enough in my book to be any where doing what ever together or separate One last think they are more than " just friends" like any grown up can tell there is familiarity between them both that there is not with her and Taylor .I take that for what is worth and heck I would jump him too if I could but I can't so I'm happy ( very happy in fact ) that she can...I'm happy that the object of my affections ( in this case Rob ) is happy ...I know I will never get to meet him but I'm also ok with that I do actually have a great life so I want the same for them both either together or separate but happy ...And that as they say is my 5 cents Good night to all ...

  138. Lisa:

    I agree with you. I felt the same way. I was very disappointed with Ellen. She was way better with him the other two shows. She was actually boring !1 He can do no wrong in my book. LOVE HIM !


  139. I thought Ellen was fine. She was bantering with him, they have a groove together. He acts in over his head every time he appears, and she gently pokes fun of him for it.



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