Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rob and Kristen- Get Ready!

Robert going to a 'business' meeting...
or something.
Interesting look.
But he is walking...
which is always good.

Is it just me... or has the whole Twiworld
been asleep the last few days?
Even the Hyenas don't have much to say.
Not that they have anything worthwhile to say anyway...
But come on... sometimes you just need to laugh.
And yeah...
I know the Eclipse Promo is just about to blow up
with interviews and magazines... etc...
So I'm sure this is the calm before the storm.

An 'extended' version of this kiss was released.
It kinda affected me.
Well... Robert kinda affected me.

I liked it.
A lot.
And I really
like hungry, black-eyed Edward.
A lot.

I would take hungry Edward over golden eyed Edward
Any fucking day.
I've missed the black eyes.
We should have seen them in New Moon.
When Edward is in Italy...
He wasn't hunting... he was hungry...
Yet, his eyes were golden.
So it's great to see them here.

I loved this clip.
I know some hyenas people are saying there wasn't any chemistry
(Kristen's fault, of course)
And I know some people are trotting out 
the kissing scene from Remember Me.
(No comment)
But that's hardly the same thing.

Did you really expect Edward to just
fucking take Bella and have his way with her on the
hood of his beloved Volvo?
Yeah, because they did that ALL the time.

I enjoyed the kiss.
I enjoyed watching it.
Listening to it.
And I enjoy watching a possessive jealous Edward.

So yeah.
Good Kiss.
I saw plenty of chemistry.
I heard it, too...

I just wanted to mention that I get comments
saying that I can't go a day without talking about 
The Hyenas.
And then when I don't talk about them...
I get comments asking why I'm not.
There is a plethora of hyena idiocy out there.
I mean...
Someone could write a series of books
on all the silly, desperate delusions.
So never fear...
As long as they continue to blather and foam...
I will be sure to comment on it.

Oh yeah.
I keep getting emails telling me 
BIG things are coming.
Like HUGE.

I'm getting the vibe that Robert just
wants the whole relationship OUT there.
I saw it Sunday night at the MMA's
When he just fucking took that kiss from Kristen.
He loves his girl.
He wants the world to know it.
So is that what is coming up?
I guess we shall see.
Very. Soon.

Get Ready!


Bye for now


  1. Oh I am READY for The BIG that is DEFINITELY coming.
    Don't mind me, I'm just here, *pushing*.
    Loves to you, Rose. xo

  2. ugh, I hate when people try to compare kisses. Edward is an uptight vampire virgin who doesn't want to kill his gf by accident - he's all restraint and repression. Robert has even admitted he really emphasizes that in his acting-that when they are being affectionate he tries to show the pain that accompanies it. And we're suppossed to compare that kiss to RM's Tyler, who is an open wound of a young man who acts out constantly? Man, people don't get it.

    And especially in this scene, Edward's marking his territory in front of jacob, and bella knkows it and is self conscious.

    Anyways, whatever. I can't wait to see the interviews - promotional interviews are a lot of fun to look over from all the cast.

    Thanks for the blog rose!

  3. Where can I see an extended version of the kiss!!!!!????

    BTW, I thought Edward's eyes should have been black at the end of NM too. He's haggard, deep shadows are under his eyes, but they are golden. Huh? I like the black eyes better as well. :o)

  4. Rose: I personally am having a hard time with these trailers of how it seems Bella is so into Jacob. How it looks like she is slighting Edward and so into comforting Jacob...... I KNOW the story (read it 4 times ) I'm disappointed with what M.R. wrote and hope that I'll change my mind once I see 'Eclipse' 10 or 12 times. I love how Edward looks (with black eyes ) and I love jealous Edward.

    I hope you're right about something good coming...After the MTV Awards I'm crazed again with their BUBBLE. OMG ...That was wonderful !!!! THEY WERE SO HAPPY TOGETHER THAT NIGHT ! I LOVED IT ! ROB LOVES KRISTEN LOVES ROB.....

    I still will miss the promos of them together. But looking forward to Jimmy Kimmel Special. And The Premiere of 'Eclipse'

    Another great post Rose...


  5. Rose dear i have missed your blog!!! saw the movie thing!! our boy has it bad...he now wants to let the whole world know...that its his girl!!! mentioning her name and all in the award show...they are so cute...and you are right THIS is the calm before the storm..even your blog is u ussualy quite..hmmmm race yourselves robsten lovers i also strongly feel we are in for something big especially from Rob!!!! xoxo

  6. HI's normal that i'm too apprehensive about this interviews / press conferences coming to us?
    I loved that scene, remind me Twilight Edward...

    Love, Carol.

  7. Love it Rose!!!
    I love Rob/Edward/Tyler/DuRob/Dali/Jacob and whoever else he will ever be.. :) I don't give a darn what color his eyes are! LMAO OK, I think I'm worked up because of twi-con! LOL Although he could loose the dorky blue socks.. But then he is ADORKABLE isn't he?

    I do agree about NM. I think that was one of the major fails. When Bella saves him, they kiss and then he looks at Demetri & Felix, he looks like hell. His circles are so pronounced but there are his golden eyes! :(

    Extended "kiss" scene here:

    Everyone is implying something big.. A big revelation.. I hope it's true, but I'll believe it when I see it.. However, I sure do know he's awfully happy these days.. His smiles are HUGE and he's often whistling!! That makes my heart smile! :) ENJOY the weekend everyone!

  8. Rigth On Rose you said it all I cant wait to see whats going to happen next Yep its going to be big I love the black eyes to I cant tell you how many times I watch them kissing you can see they where really into it it looks like they where really kissing I CANT WAIT TO SEE BD boy now thats going to be a GOOD MOVIE NO holding back .Have a good day Rose . DEB

  9. Robert reminds me of a cute little boy in 1st grade who has the biggest crush on the girl that sits in front of him in class. Too cute!

  10. Saw the kiss (repeatedly) Whooooo!!!

    Love how he pulls her up against his body.

    "MINE" is written all over that kiss!

  11. LMAO Thank you Jen at 12:27pm, excellent breakdown of characterization and motive, common sense rocks. These nonsten haters are such a silly bunch - they can't think rationally...they watch actor's performances and think they're getting a slice of the Rob & Kris homelife. Hahaha. Oh look, Edward is jealous of Jacob, and mad at Bella that equals: Rob being mad at Kristen. Hahahaha! Lames

  12. I notice 2 things(silly things), but they made me smile!

    1) R's cap has a K on it!(she's is always in his head lol)

    2) his sneakers have no shoelace.(what reminds me K's sneakers).

    they are so alike.

    I have the same feeling, something HUGE is coming, something very very FANfuckingTASTIC.

    Nice weekend!

    Oh and of course that blue jacket reminds me Kristen's too. I know they aren't the same but they are very similar. I love how they like to dress alike.

    Oh yeah Rose: Rob loves his bbgirl Kris.


  13. Rose you make shit up! I am convinced of it now. You do it so people can bitch on your blog.... typical high school crap.

  14. I remember reading that a "contract" (that involved the studio) was up on May 15th of this year a while back. Seems to me maybe two people have been able to cut the apron strings so to speak and we will be seeing/hearing more and more. They'll still keep things to themselves but hopefully all the negativity will die down just a bit. Who knows. Just love seeing them HAPPY together when we can!! I am ready too!

    So press conference going on. Some interesting things that have been said that I'll share for those not on twitter.

    1. Kristen stated she is not ready to get married right now but looks forward to having a family one day.

    2. T says that he got to kiss Bella in Eclipse finally but that he didn't compare notes with Rob! Ha Ha! What's there to compare. Rob gets to kiss her in real life all the time.

    3. Kristen states that it was a mistake for Bella to kiss Jacob and that the kissing Jacob scene was the most challenging in Eclipse for her to do. Sorry Taysten shippers!

    4. T says a line in the movie "After all, I am hotter than you" to R. He said it was a little difficult to say to Rob. No kidding!!

    5. It's hard to take details of your personal life and apply them to a scene." - Kristen Interesting...I think she and Rob are applying them well especially the kissing scenes.

    6. K was also asked about her relationship with Rob...doesn't comment just says there will always be speculation.

    7.Somebody ask Kristen to compare kissing Dakota & Taylor. Says she preferred Dakota, but she's obviously just trying to get to next question.

    Rob is up next...can't wait to hear what comes out of his mouth!!

  15. Anon 1:36

    Please share...what crap is she making up?

    Oh that's right you people like to come spew and leave and are to cowardly to stay around to see what we have to say to you.

  16. @anon 1:36 pm you are the one coming..gtfo already! you are not wanted does it feel to be unloved?! you just love attention dont you?

    will this bullshit ever end?!?

  17. Trish, thats why you come on here!! You love it and you know it. Cram another twinkie in your pie hole, cause I aint goin nowhere. Its a public blog!!! Aint America Great.

  18. Kristen has said in the press junket..

    that she has more fun working with Taylor and laughs more around him.

    and that Rob is no fun.

    Take that as you will.

  19. Rob in the press junket:

    He said: "Everyone feels entitled these days" He is "completely amoral and talentless"

    There ya go folks. Right from the horse's mouth!

  20. Rob at a press conference:

    12:13 p.m. Now Rob gets the Rob/Kristen question. "Do I understand the fantasy of it? No, not really. People like the stories. My basic conclusion is that they want everything to be about 'Twilight,' I guess..." He pauses for a while after promising the truth. Then? No answer. I'm shocked.

    What do we make of this....?

  21. @ 2:20

    HE WAS TALKING ABOUT HIS CHARACTER IN BEL AMI.. .if you are going to re post something don't be misleading....

  22. People from both sides,hyenas and shippers,are totally crazy.Today Kristen said once again that she doesn't think about marriage and she's not ready for such a thing and still there are hardcore shippers who insist in this stupidity,that Robsten are secretly married.(!)

  23. anon 2:21,Rob meant that people are making up stories and fantasise about their relationship.Engagement,marriage,rings,necklaces,clothers,backbags,bracelets.Do i have to say more?

  24. anon 2:21

    This is what I make of Robert's answer.

    He's been media trained, dont' let anyone tell you otherwise. lol

    Notice how he reframes the question so he can answer what he wants to answer.

    And how does he reframe the question?

    "Do I understand the fantasy of it?"

    He just deflected the question regarding their real life and distinguished the fantasy of Robsten and his real, personal life.

    he's not going anywhere near the personal life. He's sticking with the "fantasy" of it.

    The images we fans project upon him. Adn we all do to an extent.

    BUT, the point is this: he just used a basic pr move that both him and Kristen have used time and time again. And that's the art of:

    1) redirection


    2) deflection.

    He redirected the question. And then deflected the answer people wanted by talking about the fantasy of his alleged personal life, not the relaity of it.

    Kristen has used this tactic before.

    Public figures learn how to not answer things they don't want to, and how to answer what they are willing to do instead.

    Sarah Palin did this the WHOLE time during her vp debate. lol They would ask her a question, she would redirect the question into something she wanted to talk about--and deflected answering what she couldn't/wouldn't answer!

    So let this be a nice little media training lesson for us all.

    Robert has been prepped, and so has Kristen.

    They both do this to deflect having to answer one way or the other.

    They both often talk about the fantasy of "robsten" and fan expectations. They speak in hypotheticals too. And why?

    Cause after they are done answering and going onto the next question, everyone only then thinks, "hey, wait! He/she didn't answer the question!"


  25. Ha... Push right back to you robstens!!! Rob confirms today at press Kristen and him are NOT together!! See what happens when you ASSume.

  26. OMG, how much I loved this press conference.

    Let's see...

    Kristen is going on a four-week Beatnik Boot Camp in July in preparation for OTR... sound pretty intense...Rob would be filming...mmm


    She said she believes in marriage BUT SHE'S NOT READY...oh, I see, ... BAHAHAAHAAAAA

    ASked about their relationship...Kristen said she has no answer and speculation will continue...Oh, wait! NONONO, IT CAN'T BE! where is the SFA news? what about July? hello ODO? hello Rose? hello insiders? poor ODO, guess nonsten will continue after July :)


    You see? It was only smoke


  27. @2:29:00 PM she didn't say she "didn't think of marrage" she said she's "not ready now but has a great family and looks forward to having my own" GOD ppl, READ the whole thing!

  28. 2:33 & 2:34 either one and the same or butt buddies! You really need to learn reading comprehension AND get a grip on reality! Oh, and grow up!

  29. bwahahah 2:33, where did robert confirm anything? He didn't. He's basically letting YOU and ME believe what we will still.

    Straight from hitflix who's in the room with him:

    "12:13 p.m. Now Rob gets the Rob/Kristen question. "Do I understand the fantasy of it? No, not really. People like the stories. My basic conclusion is that they want everything to be about 'Twilight,' I guess..." He pauses for a while after promising the truth. Then? No answer. I'm shocked."

    See that last part? sarcasm. AS in the reporter is NOT shocked that Robert didn't even answer the question.

  30. Neither Rob or Kristen denied they are together, they both didn't answer the question. They both have said they won't answer the question because they want to keep the relationship for themselves. Their actions say 'couple'.

  31. So,now Rob is dodging the question about fantasy?Really?I thought he wanted this "relationship"out there,as Rose and so many others say.Maybe you should think for a while that this roller-coaster is good for the PR of Eclipse and Robsten,too.They're so playing with the fans.I'm sick of them.

  32. Wow the hyenas really know how to twist and turn things to fit their own foaming agenda don't they? I actually think the NONstens were expecting more than the Robstens were. Kristen and Rob were exactly as I expected them to be. And so what that they are going to be filming movies at the same time, isn't that what ACTORS do? Oh btw where exactly did Rob say that they are not together? Because I certainly didn't get that from anything he said. I guess the hyenas really do hear and see things differently than us normal folk huh? Well listen to the voice in your head that is telling you to GTFO

  33. To lisa, etc

    I know exactly what I read. Kristen said she is not ready for marriage NOW, so take that all you shippper crying outloud they were married, wedding gold band for sure blahblah.

    Second, Rob didn't answer THE question, where is the OPEN Rob we would see in June July?


  34. Wow!ROBSTEN ARE NOT TOGETHER!Yeah!Once again you have the proof and you don't want to accept it.

  35. Kristen has said in the press junket..

    that she has more fun working with Taylor and laughs more around him.

    and that Rob is no fun.

    Take that as you will.

  36. 2:44--anon:

    I never said he wanted it out. Guess what? Different people have different opinions on the matter.

    Amazing, right?

    I think they are both fine with neither confirming or denying.

    I don't expect any big announcement officially. I doubt they will ever make a statement that puts them on record.

    At the same time, I think they aren't exactly hiding things either.

    They aren't hiding it, they just aren't defining it for us.

  37. Hey Anon 2:44:00 PM:
    If you're so sick of them buh bye then. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out. Maybe you're sick of them because they're not behaving the way YOU want them to. Why should that be their problem? It's hilarious that people come to a fan site to rant garbage when they're obviously not fans.

  38. Shippers cry big time by

    You're all so stupid and pathetic with your marriage fantasy and your "Rob wants the relationship out here,he wants to scream from the roofs".Yeah,he wants to scream:"I'm not with her,people!"

  39. @ Lisa
    Love the full Kristen quote :-)
    Where are you reading the whole thing? I can only find partial quotes?



    *Suzy Q*


    Rose...another wonderful post! :-D

  40. hahaha you think you are soooo funny!!!! boooooo!!! rose it looks like the hyenas have jump on board...take your meds you fucking psycho!!!!

    And hi Melinda its been awhile i guess i didnt miss much, the hyenas are still here....i am going to enjoy my weekend..kisses to all you robsten fanatics...who knew there were so many lunatics in this world!! Rob loves Kristen loves Rob and i love you Rose and your blog!!!

  41. So Kristen spoke about how much she prefers to work with Taylor with Rob again. Lol come on, you have an idiot to think she loves Rob when she seems more into Taylor than Rob. It obvious now. Rob is such an absolute idiot. He can't even see how that she isn't even into him. And now hes going to get his heart broken. Enjoy your sad fantasy cause soon he'll be a broken man. And it'll be all his fault. I used to support him but if he wants to act a fool in love and sets himself up for a fall he deserves it. She'll dump him and he'll wish he never met her.

  42. Robsten have broken up?Oh,my God!Will someone tell me what's going on?I'm gonna kill myself,if they did.My life is all about them,i feel love only through R/K.

    That's what a stupid sheep says all the f*cking time.

    Rob is not with her.Period.Accept it befoer it's too late for you and your mental health.

  43. Rob and Kristen answered everything like I thought they would. Avoiding and deflecting. Do people still need a verbal confirmation? Because IMO we have gotten plenty of non-verbal confirmations. I think it's probably uncomfortable talking about your personal life infront of reporters and cameras. Also what I have *heard* is Rob IS more open in magazine interviews coming up. If anyone actually expected them to say "yes we are together" in this type of setting, they are crazy. And hyenas who are coming here saying 'look they aren't married'..Umm.. who said they were? I haven't even heard of people thinking that. JSYK hyenas your obsession shows you believe in R/K just as much as anyone else.

  44. People are really misreporting and misinterpreting what Rob and Kristen were asked and answered.

    If anyone thinks they are going to be open during a PRESS conference, you're crazy.

    In a sit down interview with a good journalist, yes. During a press conference, no way.

    At the end of the day, people will look at their actions the most. The fact that they won't answer, they just buzz around it. They did that during NM too. It's nothing new. What do people expect of them?

    FYI--only a minority of people think about the marriage and engagement stuff. The majority of fans do not....

  45. @ 2:55

    The majority of people who post here are
    1. happily married
    2. normal
    3. they would NOT be ready to kill themselves if a couple they have never met broke up
    4. they are not psycho like you
    5. GTFO!

  46. Kristen says that she thinks the speculation about her and Rob will go on til the films end. (It IS relentless. We feel for them) #realtalk less than a minute ago

    WOW...sounds like she is talking about those crazies stalkers who watch a film and want 2 costars get involved romanticaly no matter what reality say...

    I f*cking love so much this press conference. All insiders greatest hits are falling down the toilet!


  47. Kristen has said in the press junket..

    that she has more fun working with Taylor and laughs more around him.

    and that Rob is no fun.

    Take that as you will.

  48. one last thing and I'm out ---

    Notice how smart rob and kristen's strategy is(and I don't think they came up with it themselves, they've had folks in the business cook this up for them).

    Look at the hyenas declaring victory. Look at the blog regulars completely satisfied at the same time.

    That's the BEAUTY OF DEFLECTION, hyenas. By neither confirming or denying, everyone still gets to be satisfied with their own beliefs.

    So keep on declaring victory, that's the whole point of this STRATEGY.


    Good day ladies and hyenas...

  49. I have a queation to those anonymous hyena assholes who come here sprouting about how Kristen said she is not ready for marriage NOW and blah blah. What in the blue hell does that have to do with anything about her personal relationship now? She is 20 years old for fucks sake. No one I know believed that they were secretly married or whatever. The only time I heard the marriage word was on those supermarket tabloids. Is that what you hyenas do? You scour the internet all day and look for every bit of evidence that they might not be a couple?
    I believe that Robert and Kristen are together, never once have I believed that they are married or engaged. And no one else I know believes that either. So not exactly breaking news there.
    Oh and to the idiot Anon who keeps posting that Kristen has more fun with Taylor; hasn't she said that before? Hasn't she also said that both she and Rob could stand to benefit from Taylor's light demeanor? I mean really again nothing new. And what does a working realtionship have to do with a personal realtionship? Sometimes I believe that come here to spout their bullshit haven't had any kind of working or professional realtionship EVER.

  50. The minority of the shippers believe they're married?Bahahaha!Are you serious?Have you any idea how many crazies go to blogs and post crap like "they got married in Italy","that's why mamastew was so affective with him,because he's her son-in law"and stuff like that?I think they're the majority not the opposite.

  51. LMAO at some people.

    Can someone please post a link where Rob and Kristen SAY they are not together?

    Because if they didn't, then why are some people taking this press conference so seriously? LOL.

  52. "Apparently Kristen and Taylor end up cracking up more when filming scenes together, more so than with Rob #Eclipse" Seriously, go and ship taysten they are more into each others than robsten. I feel sorry for Rob. I really do. He always talk nice things about kristen what the f-ck is wrong with her? I am not buying 'she's so private' stories anymore." If she doesn't wanna talk about rob she can stop talking about how much she loves taylor. I wonder what rob's family thinks about how she acts with taylor?

  53. 3:02pm. Yes I am serious. Don't know where you're reading but it IS the minority. Sorry to burst your bubble.

  54. Why would they answer personal questions at a press confrence for a movie? Why are some people acting like Robert and Kristen are walking around with a big picket sign saying NO were are not in a relationship?

  55. Dear shippers, if you think this press conference was ok for you, denial is the word. Too much even for you.

    Face it.

  56. Ohh..and Jen..i loooved your post about the are right all this time they have def. been media trained i agree completely...they wont answer the question but actions speak louder than words..i say it always!!!!! after the MMA's last sunday NOBODY can tell me these two are not together..i am not a shipper and dont believe in fantasy...i am a med student and certainly a logic thinker...those who till this day dont believe they are together..all jokes aside, you need help..thats the inly thing i can advice...and the media are fools..big fools..thinking these two will answer...never but i chose two believe what i perfectly see...they are together and have been for a while.

    my word verification was look..look and you will your eyes! oh and there are some here who just want to mess with the Robsten fans..ignore them..let them keep it up..Ms. Kharma is bitch!!

  57. I don't like Taysten,but i'm pro GarryStew.I think "on the road"will be something quite amazing for Kristen.Professionally and personally.She'll leave the lame twilight boys behind at theit teen fans.

  58. Kristen's audio from press conf.

  59. Dear Anon 3:07:00 PM,
    If you think this press conference was any different than anything the SANE shippers were expecting then it seems to me you are more invested in their relationship than we are. I know all about denial and it ain't just a river in Egypt. We have nothing to be in denial about because nothing said here was anything new. I won't speak for the rest of the normal shippers, but I am completely OK w/the press conference today. They talked about their movie and I wasn't expecting anything less or more frankly.

  60. oops i meant..*who believe are NOT together*

  61. anonymous 3:02 Well WE haven't heard of anyone talking about them being married. So you don't believe they are together but you spend your days on over-the-top shipper sites? See how YOU are more obsessed about it than anyone else?

    Rob and Kristen are together, but say they weren't. How does it bennefit you hyenas? I really want someone to answer me on this. It shouldn't change your life at all. Rob is never going to meet you or be with you, so why do you care so much? I see two people who spend a great deal of time together and are most likely together, and I'm a fan of Rob so of course I like this and want him to be happy. But I literally can't understand the hyena view.. please enlighten me.

  62. 3:07. LMFAO.

    Then what will you say with a future interview when Rob and Kristen do open up and it's not what you want to hear?!?!

    How big will your denial be?

    I mean, so many things are just completely ignored when signs definitely point to Rob and Kristen being together. They have NOT denied being a relationship. At all.

    So, you hightlight and twist things from a press conference and think they have given you a straight answer?

    I believe what I believe because of things I have seen with my own two eyes. Not from answers at a press junket where they are not going to get personal.

  63. To aurora
    Oh you would! Fine by me though. I think the sooner Rob and Kristen finish up twilight the better. Then Rob can be with someone who loves him and isn't afraid to show the world that she cares for him instead of pretending to love her other costar instead.

  64. yeah that vid with a jealous Edward was mouth watering, yum!

  65. You know what I wonder. Why is the hottest man in the game without a woman? I mean he has thousands of women at is finger tips. All these beautiful actresses, models, etc. You would think this pretty man would at least find one of these women appealing enough to go out with. Right? Wealthy, handsome, and talented. What’s the problem with him? Oh hell, I forgot. There is a pretty brunette that spends quality time with him. Maybe he is into her. You think?

  66. RT @BUZZNET: Apparently Kristen and Taylor end up cracking up more when filming scenes together, more so than with Rob #Eclipse.. Haha so much for you shippers constantly going on about how Taylor is the third wheel. Sounds like its Rob thats the third wheel here.

  67. Not talking here to you if you don't know a thing about ODO, insiders, marriage/engagement speculation, gold bands etc. If so, you are not into this fandom.

    Just a tweet to make an example:

    @InKstewsPants: Rob Is talking the longest to come out. Maybe He has to compose himself after kstew said she was excited to be married

    LOL So kristen says she is not ready to get married now and excited about Bella getting married and THAT'S your conclusion?

    Denial. Again.


    1. Where is the amazing summer? Rob working almost 24/7 and Kristen doing working-camp FOR 4 WEEKS, ALL JULY, my bet is far away from Cali...

    2. where are the SFA news coming in June July? where is OPEN rob, OPEN Kristen?

    And here we go, one more year, exactly the same as the last one. With NO confirmation.


  68. Heyyyyy, ODO!!! just in case you read this...Did you enjoy teasing the harcore shippers? July independence? SFA news coming in July?. France, really?

    You know, there's a place when nonbelievers have fun and talk, you said it would implode after's ok bb, you can join there


  69. Yes, Kristen loves Taylor. AS A BROTHER. I think she has said it 2-3 times now. You can't see someone romantically if you also see them as a brother. Sorry Taysten shippers. Oh yeah, and it was "weird" to kiss him.

  70. Rose,today your blog is full of psychos.....again!I guwss since there's no school today,many kids came here to play.Hey,girlies!Go and lick your Edward doll!Please!

  71. Am I missing a poster here that posts as ODO? Because why is this shit brought here?
    Kristen was more open in Elle and Rob was pretty open at the MMAs. You can't fake that shit. In fact, both of them were more open at the MMAs. Also, as far as how much Rob works...don't know. I am sure he has most nights off. And when he shoots late night, he has most of the day off. There is time for Kristen. And Kristen doing pre-prod, I don't know much about what she's doing for that. I know she had pre-prod for The Runaways to learn to play the music and stuff. I would imagine it's about picking up the times the book was written in.

  72. I love how the hyenas come here trying to get approval on what they supposedly 'believe' and they admit to following Robsten insiders and twitters. It cracks me up. I've never even been to a nonsten twitter because it's crap and I make my own opinions based on what I see. But, hyenas come here to a site that obviously supports Rob and Kristen because they are so desperate and insecure. Funny.

  73. Rob is hooking up with Reese.He even met her daughter.Cry,sheep.

  74. Not talking here to you if you don't know a thing about ODO, insiders, marriage/engagement speculation, gold bands etc. If so, you are not into this fandom.

    Just a tweet to make an example:

    @InKstewsPants: Rob Is talking the longest to come out. Maybe He has to compose himself after kstew said she was excited to be married

    LOL So kristen says she is not ready to get married now and excited about Bella getting married and THAT'S your conclusion?

    Denial. Again.


    1. Where is the amazing summer? Rob working almost 24/7 and Kristen doing working-camp FOR 4 WEEKS, ALL JULY, my bet is far away from Cali...

    2. where are the SFA news coming in June July? where is OPEN rob, OPEN Kristen?

    And here we go, one more year, exactly the same as the last one. With NO confirmation.


    Saturday, June 12, 2010 3:30:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Heyyyyy, ODO!!! just in case you read this...Did you enjoy teasing the harcore shippers? July independence? SFA news coming in July?. France, really?

    You know, there's a place when nonbelievers have fun and talk, you said it would implode after's ok bb, you can join there


    Saturday, June 12, 2010 3:33:00 PM

    It's funny how this ODO person keeps getting brought up by the hyenas. I haven't a clue who this person is, but wouldn't a normal person take second hand information with a grain of salt? And you hyenas also seem to know more about these "insiders" then the shippers do. I believe in logic and what I see on my own. It seems to me that it is the HYENAS who listen and take what these so called insiders say as gospel. Can you not think for yourselves? And if this place where nonbelievers have fun and talk is so great why don't you go there now instead of coming here to a fan blog to post your shit. What a waste of space you are. Pathetic
    Wish I had a real push button.

  75. This is from Rob's press junket when asked about Taylor:

    Was it hard for Rob and Taylor to keep straight faces during The Tent scene? That scene was, apparently, re shot. The first time, he (Rob) apparently got claustrophobic and antsy and Kristen sensed his agitation and tried to crack him up to loosen him up. "We got like literally one take where we got it right," Rob recalls.

    Rob also says it was nice to work with Taylor more this time around.

    So since he and Taylor get along SO WELL and like working together let's just ship them together shall we instead of Kristen and Taylor. LOL!

    For the person who keeps saying that Kristen said in the press junket that she has more fun with Taylor and that Rob was no fun to work with, that is total BS. She never says that. Really try harder.

    I got out of the press conference exactly what I thought it was going to be. Rob and Kristen talking about the movie and once again deflecting and redirecting questions about each other. I don't know why the media is so concerned with their personal life. They should know by now they aren't going to answer in that type of format.

    Here is the thing...if they aren't together they would DENY it. They have no reason not to. I truly believe that Summit would like them to keep their relationship under wraps. That's just my opinion.

    As I see it, it's pointless arguing with idiots. They think they have a victory here again with this press conference. THEY are the reason why Kristen says that she hates that her private life is entertainment for public.

    To me their private life is theirs. It brings a smile to my face to see them happy. They are a cute couple.

    The majority of their fans that are happy they are together don't sit around obsessing over what they are doing or where they are. Yes we do JOKE about things but that's it.

    That's the difference b/w a sane rational fan and an obsessed hater.

  76. Rob says he cant understand the "fantasy" I AGREE. All of you crazy Robobssssed that hate and bash KS because in your sick mind he will come knock at your door. THAT is fantasy. Reality IS, KS is the only one he is seen or has been seen with for a year now, RP is the one who's pics re in her phone. KS went to Budapest for her B-day and holiday. That's reality, it doesn't take a smart person to figure out they are a couple. No one ever thought this big relationship conformation was going to come out on a 20 min ECLIPSE promo. Does it matter who this guy is dating? I mean really. Why do people care so much? SICK.

  77. To all the idiotic hyenas screaming about people here saying R and K are married,engaged etc...WHERE IN THE HELL did you EVER read that here??? The answer would be NEVER. Rose has never said it and neither has anyone else here. Knowing they are together does not equal marriage. And only you TINY number of stupid online hyenas STILL can't accept the fact they are together when 99 percent of the general population does. And do people REALLY think either one of them was going to say "yes we are dating" in a press conference??? LMAO

    Actions speak louder than words.

    Now get off the computer and start reading to expand your pathetic miniscule minds. A class in logic and reason would be helpful,too.

  78. "Do I understand the fantasy of it? No, not really. People like the stories. My basic conclusion is that they want everything to be about 'Twilight,' I guess..."

    robert pattinson. He doesn't understand why you speculate with that nonsense and thinks you wanna thhis suppossed relationship to be true just like twilight.

    Well said Rob.

  79. 3:43 I’m sure Reese’s kids got to meet others as well. I guess that means she is hooking up with others outside of Rob as well. Reese has her own personal life outside of the WFE set. I'll wait on that hook-up like you were praying for the Emilie de Ravin hook-up. I am sill waiting to see that one. Clock is ticking!!!

  80. TO SAM- this is from a comment posted on yesterday's blog about ODO.

    "to 339 anon...actually ODO is a pro R/K poster on R's IMDb...he/she defends K against R's more rabid fans...he/she sounds British...they have been spot on about GOOD things with R/K...they post in VERY cryptic terms and riddles...they posted about Oprah before Delaney even did, they knew about Tom going to RM premiere, they knew about K going to Budapest via Paris before anyone else even had an inkling(and then there was a tweet saying K was on their Paris flight) they knew about K going to the Met gala before it was published etc. And now they are cryptically saying Rob will have some very interesting things to say in a July publication that will not make nonstens very happy and that July has many Independence Days...sounds as if Rob is going to make a statement once and for all about his gf Kristen. I'm not a naive 'shipper' but have read R's IMDb for the past 2 yrs and this person has been 100 percent right. "

    This is what has been going on in the nonsten's/hyena's world right now. They are OBSESSING about an article Rob did that is coming out soon. Supposedly it will confirm what Robsten's have been saying all along.

    You remember when Kristen showed the pic of her, Rob and Jella to the interviewer in Elle. Hyena's went off on a tangent after that saying it wasn't Rob it was Michael, her dad, or her one of her brother's. They completely ignore the fact that the person writing the article calls Edward deliciously handsome, Rob deliciously handsome, and the guy in the pic a familiar deliciously handsome.

    So for them to believe that R/K are in a relationship it has to come from Rob b/c they will never believe Kristen b/c they hate her.

    Hyena's are OBSESSED and really loony.

  81. Is it a coincidence hyenas have such a hard time spelling basic words?:/ I can't ever take their comments seriously because their spelling and grammar is like a childs.

  82. Anyone who thinks because Kristen said she is "not ready to get married anytime soon" is a denial of a R/K relationship is DELUSIONAL and DESPERATE!

  83. OMG! Too funny. The hyenas are still losing their minds and twisting reality. No one denied anything. And I am pretty sure ODO alluded to an interview at the end of the month. It is still early June. There was some hint about the Today Show interview on Monday, but I'm not sure about that. Could just be another deflection, but with a wink or something. We'll soon find out.

    The only people I see that truly believe this marriage crap are the ones on the R/K thread on the forums at AT. They are a very small group. I roll my eyes whenever they start talking about that.

  84. Rob was talking about the fantasy of it. I am not even sure what he was asked. But it's not nonsense to talk about him and Kristen spending New Years together, leaving BAFTAs together, Kristen going to his premiere, Kristen going to spend her birthday with him, them completely avoiding the question when asked by Oprah, Kristen saying she doesn't want something personal to be entertainment for people...this is not people making stuff up. These are FACTS.
    Rob and Kristen do not have a supposed relationship. It's a legit one and THEY have shown us that. Their actions speak louder than their words.

  85. To Sam at 349....ITA with your assessment of the nonsten hyenas. I didn't even know who Delaney or ODO were until the hyenas started talking about them ad nauseum, first on Ted's AT blog and then here. The hyenas pay more attention to them than Rob and Kristen's fans! And they also pay more attention to details about Rob and Kristen's relationship than the fans. LMAO
    Now how fucked up is that?

    I don't like Tom Cruise or Katie Holmes. What the nonsten hyenas are doing is like me spending what precious free time I have searching the net for TomKat info all day long and then posting hate filled diatribes against them and their fans on their fansites. ALL DAY LONG.

    Hyenas need to get a life.

  86. @ 3:57

    Just want to say that the sane R/K supporters believe what we see. We believe that R/K are a couple b/c SO MANY rational things point to this.

    What Rob is saying is there are Twilight fans that live in "fantasy" land. This includes the hyenas that make up all kinds of garbage. It also includes the people who believe that Rob and Kristen are Edward and Bella in real life.

    Clearly the rational sane R/K supporters who believe they are together DO NOT fit in either category.

    So don't come on here and lump us with the people living in the "Twilight Zone".

    Fuck Yeh i Heard it THE KISS alright..lolololo,saw it too But those Natural sound Effedts where something else were they Not Rose..lolol....he pulled her subtly, tightly towards her, just like you see in the meadow scene when they are standing amoungst the flowers.......
    Still reading...hopefully there will be more acknowledgable comments in stall today....cause they weren't impressive to me yesterday...with all due respects to you Rose and the know who you are...and if you dont...consider yourself one of them if you converse on here with intelligencs,witt,humor and Most of all NICENESSS .....BBS

  88. You know a shipper is desperate when:

    1. makes joke about language skills
    2. doesn't answer key questions

    Shipper1, two days ago :" Ohhh, you heard that? Something big is coming, R&K will be more open about their relationship, *squeeee* maybe a confirmation, like Kristen iPod Pic, look at the ringggggg, and the necklaceeeee, blahblah," *push*

    shipper1, today: "of course they're not open, it's a press conference, we all know the truth, don't need confirmation"


    Amazing summer? TOGETHER? Really?

    "Insiders" knows No_thing

    good grieve

  89. Wow---my mind is reeling from all the vitriol being spewed.

    Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but this was an Eclipse press conference, not an I Want To Discuss My Private Life press conference.

    None of the fans here expected a declaration of love or a copy of a marriage license. Who the hell said they were married anyway?

    We just believe that they are a couple. We are taking more of an "Awwww, how cute" stance concerning their relationship.

    Why are the hyenas making it into an "I told you so!" war? What exactly do you think you are accomplishing?

    They didn't deny anything!!!

    Soooo, who is Kristen dating? Who is Rob dating?

    RW brought her daughter on set to meet Rob Pattinson--because--he's Rob Pattinson!!! The girl's a fan.

    Were Reese and Rob caught out together--like--say--at a concert, at a pub or two, in a foreign country where only one of them is working?

    As far as I know, she has a boyfriend.

    Even so--why the hate??? If you don't agree with the other posters, go somewhere else.

  90. To Anon 4:05:00 PM:
    Thank You for the explanation of this mysterious ODO. Well I certainly didn't need any info from an insider to believe that R/K are a couple. Maybe ODO knows what he/she is saying or maybe not, but I never knew who this person was until it was brought up here by a hyena.
    And to Anon 4:12:00 PM:
    Isn't it funny that the hyenas seem more scared and desparate than the sane r/K supporters. So desperate that they would come to a blog that supports R/K, and not stay with their people at I mean it seems they are becoming more and more unhinged as time goes by, yet the "shippers" are called pathetic.

  91. Anon 4:23:00 -- Its not as if all the "shippers" are on the same page. Some take it overboard. One constant throughout is unwillingness to talk about it. If there was no relationship, it would be denied. That always happens. Only thing shippers are on the same page about are the undeniable actions that have taken place. How do you, a "Nonsten," explain Budapest on Birthday. If you say PR, then you are pretty dumb.

  92. to Jen, I agree about Sarah Palin,lol. She would speak for 2 hrs and everyone went "what the hell did she just talk about? All we know is that she can see Russia from her house." lol (No offense meant to SP fans,just showing a point)
    And that's exactly what she wanted, same with R and K. He has spoken of wanting to become a political speechwriter after he left HS and wanted to be a 'spin doctor.' Now I am sure the child(ren) posting here as hyenas have NO idea what that means. But that's why he is so expert at dodging the original question. He would make a fabulous poilitician.

  93. It's good grief--not good grieve. Grieve is a verb.

  94. anonymous 2:23 We're desperate and yet you're the one who comes here. Interesting.

  95. I am just LMAO at these hyena fools today. Who the hell is ready for marriage at 20???? Just turned 20??? Doesn't matter how in love you are, that's the age of the average college sophomore. I met my husband at 19(he is 2 yrs older) and married him at 23. Neither of us were ready before,but we were in love and knew we would marry in the future.

    Marriage is a HUGE step and both Rob and Kristen appear to have a grasp on the seriousness of it by their comments...both have said how happy their parents are after many yrs of marriage, how great their family life was/is, Rob esp. has spoken of wanting children by age 30 etc. So how does this translate into Rob and Kristen not dating???

  96. Audio for Rob press conf up at

    Rob in response to Kris q... The truth, I haven't had enough sleep to come up with an answer to this question.... I don't know... Laughing.

    Verdict is in: No answer was given.
    Hyenas will definitely hear a denial and squeal with joy... because they WEREN'T ACTUALLY LISTENING.

    LOL. Hilarious. Its like watching a dog chase its tail. And we all say to the dog... HEY DOG (or HYENA) YOUR CHASING YOUR TAIL. But of course the dog can't understand you... it just keeps chasing its tail. That is what these comments sound like today. All the wonderful commenters (whom I adore - you know who you are!) are saying to the hyenas... hey whoa... that's not real.. you're just talking your self into delusive circles... but it makes not never mind what we say the hyena just keeps running around in circles hearing its craziness in its head. Which... maybe its a little mean of me... but I think its *HILARIOUS*

    Can't wait for the interview videos to start popping up and then the conference with all three later tonight. I love Eclipse promotion time. :-)

    *Suzy Q*

  97. 4:23pm. Good grieve?

    What am I (and others) supposed to answer to comments as idiotic as yours? You're like a 2-year-old throwing a tantrum.

    And what did you expect them to say at this press conference? They are dating? When they didn't even answer it to Oprah? LMAO. They are asked questions and they answer according to what they're asked.

    Why are you so OBSESSED with insiders? I have no idea who ODO is and I find it fucking HYSTERICAL that someone who doesn't like Rob and Kristen together obsesses over an insider. LMAO.

    Majority of fans are far from desperate. We are not the ones throwing up crap all over Rose's board. My goodness you would think Rob and Kristen declared they weren't dating today. When they said nothing of the sort. At the end of today, they still are what they were last Sunday night :) I let you guess what that is.
    Because, please, Rob and Kristen know damn well that even a blind person knows they're dating.

  98. interesting that I only come to this blog and I never venture to the site where people think they aren't a couple. I don't feel compelled in the slightest, it's their right to feel differently than me.

    Which begs the question - why are you people coming to this site if you feel differently?

    I find it quite ironic some of you are calling us names and being disparaging when you're actually wasting more time and energy trying to convince me I'm wrong.

    It's a case study just waiting to be written.

  99. Okay it has been really crazy on here today and I think we need to lighten up the mood a little.

    Rose says she likes Hungry eyed Edward better. I happen to agree so here is a little something for the "regs" to enjoy! It's fitting to say the least!!!

    also ANON 4:43...did you miss the MTV video awards Sunday? Rob PUBLICLY thanked Kristen for being the linchpin of the Twilight series. It was very sweet and Kristen is humble enough not to think that she is.

  100. Look, I don't know who "ODO" is... although I have heard of him/her.
    I don't need a LEADER to tell me what I can or cannot believe.
    I can make up my own mind.

    I never thought Rob and Kristen were engaged or married. I do however think they are in an intimate relationship. If/When there comes a day when I don't believe it? Then I will be OK with it.
    Damn... it's foamy today.

  101. @ Melinda

    Love the youtube.

    Hungry Eyes. *such a fab movie* Too cute connection :-)

    *Suzy Q*

  102. Actions speak louder than words.
    Exactly! please show me all the places and time off work "robsten" os spending together in cali? ..Oh that's right you can't. lol
    This press conference was great both Rob and Kristen were clear that the crazy fans want them together, and they don't mind playing a little for summit sake's.
    Funny how kristen said she knew BD was going to be 2 movies for the longest time, but coulnd't talk about it. You have to wonder 2 years from now what she will reveal lol
    Oh shippers, be ready cuz GQ interview is not what are trying to sell you. I see more dissapointed in your little faces this week

  103. hahaha SueBee i effing love you..when i read that persons comment i was like..doesnt he/she mean good grief..i was lauging my ass off!! they are all children!! its going to be a long summer....

  104. Connection I did take note of:

    Rob talking about watching Twilight again on TV and Kristen talking about re-watching the movies especially "with members of the cast" you realize how things get lost which is why she is glad Breaking Dawn is going to be two films. And Rob saying how when he watched Twilight you would definitely would have read the book to have got that one. Its sometimes the little things that slip that show they spend time together.

  105. @anon 5:01..i wasnt going to say anything but havent you heard of budapest incident and IOW?? (and did you miss the MMAs last weekend)... that was their time off or you think she travelled all there for pr or a game!?! curious...
    p.s i am no shipper just someone with eyes and a brain that functions!

    i dont understand..why is it so hard for ppl to accept they are baffles me!

  106. to hyena at 5:01...are you always this obtuse? Although I know you have no idea what this means as you are showing you are b/w the ages of 12-14 by your immature,moronic comments. I haven't seen a pic of Meryl Streep with her husband in public lately,so this MUST mean they are no longer together. See how stupid you sound??? "WE have gotten better at hiding." WE NOT I.
    And the MMA's?? *Everyone*(including the LA Times)is saying what a cute couple they are. Keep grasping,it's actually pretty funny to see your desperation.

  107. @ 5:14








  108. To the LONE hyena posting here today-it's SO obvious you are the same girl droning on and on and on about R/K not being together. Your grammar,spelling and word usage is horrific and is the same in every nonsensical post. I suggest some summertime reading-your local library is a good place to start. See if Mommy will drive you after your computer time is up.
    P.S. I've heard that Joe Jonas and Demi Levato broke up. I think the fansites for them are more geared to your age group. GTFO and go spread your idiocy there.

  109. @ anon 5:19

    LMAO. I totally agree.

    *Suzy Q*

  110. Wow. What's going on here? I read the QA's from earlier today. It's been obvious for many months now these two are all about each other. She is never going to talk about it. She is the anti celeb, anti attention seeker. Very unique, strong willed young woman. Real beauty. Not a fake boob bimbo. I love her. Wish i was him sometimes. She resents that people know their business. He, on the other hand, does seem like he wants to give it up. I wonder if they argue about this. It seemed like he almost gave it up today.

  111. Ok, now I see what you are talking about when you say hyenas and push. I work in law, and I live and breathe by "the facts." The way people are misstating comments made at the press conference by Rob & Kris was unbelievable to me. I hope that none of you haters are ever a part of a jury pool. Rose, just keep pushing and know that there are same people, people who love and are fair and unbiased out there who love your blogs.

  112. jen @ 12.27, 2.33 you are in a league of your own..pat yourself on the are immensly enjoyable to read.....a credit to ya girl...
    melinda @1.42 enjoy your input as never let me down girl....
    Jenn@2.45 LMAO
    Jen 2.48& 3.00 i dont know if you could impress me anymore....looooooove your mind

    kristine.hills@ 1.19 funny...i thought i was bad


    @ 1.36 Get the F..k off here..your
    input is a waiste of space

    LISA 2.36,2.40 LMAO remember your patience girl an idiot amongst the crowd gives you a little entertainment for ONLY a breif moment.....dont waist your breath on STUPIDITY...

    Trish @308 right on

    anom 3.28 you think????lol
    im sorry but you are all cracking me up mentioning you and LMAO in here...truly amusing realy makes up a good read....i take that back from yeserday.....and im still readin ...havent finished the last post .....keep them coming truley entertained this crisp, frosty cool morning

  113. Thanks, Trish! :o) I just couldn't let that little bit of idiocy pass!

  114. Confession Time: Okay so i stopped coming on here for awhile but i have to say despite all the craziness...Rose and people like louisafrmdwnundr, Jen, Melinda and a few others keep me coming here! i was going to stop coming here because i havent been here for awhile but people like the ones i mentioned make it worthwhile! shout out and thank you to you all!

    As i said before, after last Sunday's awards all signs lead to ROb and KRisten being together...and whoever said that everyone thinks they are a cute couple is right! even my mother who is outside of this whole fandom while watching the movie awards was like...who are those two?..they are so adorable...i havent seen love like that in a long time..she alsop said..look how he looks at her and that incident of K almost falling and running back to Rob for support is what did it for she is full blown Robsten fan and will def. be going to see Eclipse! even though she didnt know them she asked me.."who is that COUPLE?" even ppl outside this fandom who dont give a crap about twilight know they are togehter..and prob. getting it on evey night LOL (sorry just had to add that one in there)

    Rose you do a good job of keeping up with all the nonsense..i am not delusional and dont believe they are married or engaged as someone said only the crazies at the AT belive that..but if they were ever to have a little one..Rose, you must be the godmother lol...the crap you take is must really love Rob and these two..thank you!!! and thank you for this blog...

    OpyTaylor.. i really hope they stay strong because as a rational person i know at time relationships have difficulties..this isnt twilight or Edward and Bella happily ever after its life and reality! (some really need to be able to discern fantasy and reality..two different things)...i just hope they stay strong even if they have arguments or conqueors all and i know they will make it!

    As for this press thing...did some of you really think that they will talk about their private lives? are you all stupid? this is their job...i am sure they hate it when their personal lives mix with their career.

    Any way i am done ranting..hope I made sense.. :-)

  115. Oh and i missed SueBee..shout out to you to darling.

  116. OMG the freaks are out arent they today! LMAO

  117. one more thing: this is my fav article..i completely agree as a matter of fact i think there are more is the site


  119. OK OK I read it all and Im still shaking my head WHAT PART OF !!Im!! NOT going to SAY any thing about my personal life. LIKE A-L-O-T. has said TODAY that Kristen W-E-L-L N-O-T say anything of her private life for the (what for it )here it is read the words-------E-N-t-E-R-T-A-I-N-M-E-N-T of others ROB and KRISTEN well not is not dose not (see the word (N-O-t)going to say a word THEY DONT HAVE TOOOOO THEY (look at the word-)-------S-H-O-W --U-S.I think it is so funny how the haters and nonbelievers well say and see ONLY what they want I really liked what they had to say today So believe what you want THEY DONT GIVE A Fuck what any one thinks they know they have each other and thats all they need . DEB.

  120. Did anyone actually LISTEN to the question the reporter asked Rob? The exact question was: "Do you understand the fantasy of people wanting you and Kristen together in real life and what's the truth of it?" And Rob reiterated the question, i.e. "Do I understand the fantasy of it?" And then something about people wanting everything to be about Twilight. And then after a loooooong pause he said the truth is that he could've used a few more hours of sleep. That's all that was said. Rob was answering in direct response to the question asked. He himself said nothing about their relationship being a fantasy, the reporter did.

  121. This is bullshit.

    Seriously a beatnik camp? Its nice to see Kristen is pulling out the stops to make sure she will do her character justice.

    But now this just makes me pissed that Rob even didn't do circus school even though he was told to like his other costars and then had the cheek to get drunk on the day of filming. Seriously does Rob even care about his work at all? Why does he fail to show dedication to anything?

  122. Lol so Kristen knew BD would be 2 films since forever and Rob didn't even know. Isn't that like when she met Jack Nickelson and he didn't even know either. Wow they really must have such an open relationship huh?

  123. Dear Rose,

    why don't people wait and look what was really said before foaming and running around like headless chickens.

    I listend to the audio of Robs conference part and his answer of the "question" is hilariuos:

    "There are a lot of fantasies people have about you and Kristen together in real life -
    And what's the truth about it?"

    -nervous laughter, long pause -"Do I understand the fantasy about it? Hmmm" -Pause- "No, not really - Oh I guess people like the story, I mean" - Pause, laughter - "I mean is kind of my basic conclusion is like you know they want everything is about Twilight I guess, but äähm"

    - Pause - "but ähm ...the truth is ...ähhm ..." -nervous laughter -"I wish I had a few more hours sleep today" - laughter- "I could think about better answers ...ääähhm" -laugh, long, very long pause "I don't know". long laugh.

    Poor Rob, he is totally sweet, didn't had enough sleep to come up with a better deflection than a sheepish "I don't know". Very telling Rob.

    Listen yourself, it is the in the 3rd part, starts 5:53


  124. trish @ 5.51 dont stop coming on here....we are have good days and not so good......with all the promos coming up , a lil spice will spruce things up on here...cant you see ....its already started....

  125. Anom 6.11 you know why he needed a few more hours you not...wink wink ...hehehhee

  126. You can watch and listen to the Twilight Eclipse press conference here:

  127. I think Rob was kidding about the Breaking Dawn two movies thing. There is no way he didn't know until the press release because of scheduling/filming/contracts... etc. He was just kidding around.

    The Jack Nicholson comment... Rob wouldn't have said "whoa, I didn't know that" to Kristen if he didn't know here very, very well because otherwise he would be saying that in every interview. He said it like... "Wow, there IS something I don't know about you." As in he already knows pretty much everything.

    *rolling eyes*

  128. I just shake my head.

    The people screaming PR give me a migraine. So now Rob and Kristen are fakes? Kristen went to London and Budapest just for the heck of it? And all the other times they have been seen together? And there is some big conspiracy? LOL.
    That's better than them being in a relationship? Really? Wow. I know it's that crazy faction of Rob's fanbase saying this and I know they don't care about Kristen but they really would rather Rob be THAT kind of guy? *mind is boggled*

    And Rob was definitely overtired today. He wasn't all there. And when he is asked stupid questions such as "fantasies" ugh...
    I think Rob and Kristen view a lot of the fans the same way. Just like Rob thinks fans love Edward and not him and Kristen thinks people love Bella and not necessarily her--of course, they think about people just wanting them together because of E/B.
    But their view on this is just as skewed as them thinking fans only love their characters and not them. There are tons of fans who love Rob and Kristen, as them in their real lives, together. It has nothing to do with E/B. It's not fantasy for most people. Everything is not about Twilight. They can differentiate. And that's why I hated that question. And for reasons stated above, I understood where Rob was going with the answer...I wish he and Kristen would give fans better credit than they do at times. I mean, there is some nutsos out there but they're a lot of us who love them as them and love them together.

    And asking what's the truth? Like Rob was going to give them confirmation at a press conference when he and Kristen have been avoiding it for how long? Dumb to waste even asking at press junkets.

    And 6:13 LOL if you think Rob didn't know about it. Of course he did. Didn't he have contract negotiations?

  129. OK. I know I've commented LIKE five times today... but I just can't help it... and no one has said it yet. Did anyone else catch Rob talking about the tent scene and how Kristen must have sensed he was nervous so she was trying to make him laugh. So sweet!!!

    *Suzy Q*

  130. Its nice to see Rob talk about Kristen. Too bad she'd rather talk about how much she loves Taylor than him as usual. Guess as usual we're supposed to believe she cares for Rob despite the lack of evidence from her mouth.

  131. oh, god, I lied. I actually listened to the interviews for both now.

    Um...when someone asked Kristen about success, her definition was doing things that made her happy and not lying to anybody.

    I think that's a very telling assertion, in light of the fact there's Perez saying she's gay and Robert's a beard. A similar argument hyenas make.

    She's saying that's where she's at right now-she's doing things that make her happy and she's not having to lie about it.

    It's a similar sentiment she made in UK Elle--that sometimes she wants to be 19 year who is excited and happy about things going on her life.

    What did she show the interviewer right afterward? A picture of Robert.

    She knows people are saying crap about her, essentially accusing her of lying about her life,etc.

    But her response? Hey, I'm happy right now, I sleep at night cause i'm doing what I want to and I"m not lying to anybody about it.

    Love it. I'm a Rob fan first, but this girl gets dumped on so much, it makes me respect her more for it and seeing through a relationship that is by no means a walk in the park for her(or him).

  132. I hope that the "something BIG" is that they are already married. I'd like to think that they would be able to pull that off and I can't think of a better FU to the paparazzi and the haters, can you? I've had my suspicions that they were married since Oprah. It wasn't just the looks that he gave Kristen during the interview. It was the way that he played with his fingers. You know how some married men absentmindedly twirl their ring around their finger? Well, it was kind of like that minus the ring. I also loved Kristen's response when Rob said "Kristen's pregnant!" She started to say "We've actually already had this discuss..." and then caught herself. LOL. But the best part was Rob's sigh at the end of her rant. He sounded so disappointed. LOL!


  133. Thanks someone said we all know why he didnt have enough sleep...LOL awwww.. Robsten is so cute!

    and i wont stop coming here, people like you and the rest i mentioned make it worthwhile and as Rob said we will soo have somehting great coming away so i am hanging on..the hyena comments were rather hilarious today! most of them were so laughable and you could tell that it was the same ppl coming to say the same bullcrap!

  134. to add on to my last comment exhibit A anon 6:47 PM so laughable! and they always comment us ANONYMOUS!!My theory is if you are going to talk least tell us your name! hahahaha!!

  135. i mean as *Rose* said..something big is coming soon and i feel it also..its just one of those things!

  136. Anna i loved the headless chickens statement!!!! you are too funny and thank you for clarifying it..the hyenas wil make sure they get little tidbits to make their point they are just like the media! savages!!!

  137. Sorry about the choppy tweets. Here's full statement: Eclipse Junket 6/12

    Do you understand the fantasy that people have of you and Kristen being together in real life? What’s the truth about that?

    Do I understand the fantasy of it? No, not really. Well, I guess people like the stories and…. My basic conclusion is they yeah just want everything to be about Twilight. But the truth is, …um… that I wish I had gotten more sleep today, then I could think of better answers. I don’t know...

  138. ANON 6:00

    Little one let me tell you about ADULT relationships. If you don't want to be together you get out (except in severe abusive relationships but that's a whole other subject).

    R/K are together because they want to be. They make each other HAPPY. And b/c they are in a normal real adult relationship I am sure they have arguments. No relationship is perfect.

    No one is forcing them to be together. They are so NOT a PR couple. PR relationships happen b/c each person has an agenda. They want to further their career, hide a "secret", etc. Rob and Kristen just want to be together that's it. No agenda.

    When you get older and start a relationship with someone you'll understand what I am talking about.

    ANON 6:12

    What I am reading from you is that Rob refused to go to circus school before doing WFE. So did Reese or Christopher go? If so show me how YOU know they did. And the whole "he was drunk on set" bit is BS. That gossip rumor was debunked by people on the set that said he was not drunk at all. Give up already will you.

    Thanks for all the shout outs from various "regs". You ladies, Rose (and OPRYTAYLOR-our lone man in this den of women I believe) make my day!

    Laughter is good for the soul!


  139. trish 2 6.49 thats me on both it not?

  140. @anon 6:30 PM thank you so much for those words of wisdom!! i feel the same exact way! they NEED to know that not all the fans are the same they need to see "the other side" of the us! us much i love Edward and Bella...forget them! outside of the movies is reality! we love them togehter as Rob and Kristen..not because we want a real life Edward and Bella...i cant say it enough! my love for Robsten has nothing to do with the i said before some really need to learn how to seperate reality from fiction/fantasy!

    The way ROb looks at Kristen is enough for me to support their relationship! if thats what keeps rob happy then i am all up for them being together! And the way Kristen was so happy at the MMA's made my heart swell with joy! i am genuinely happy for them!

  141. @ Sue Belvior exactly i wasnt initially beeing RUDE he may have Not been Sleeping GET IT >>>CRYPTICALLY saying maybe he was know being serious not sarcastic....

  142. oh right, louisafrmdwnundr but i agreee! we all know why! LOL

  143. Anon 6:00:00 -- Please don't associate your comments with mine.  Your reason for why she won't talk about it is hateful.  And its dead wrong.

    Her private life is very precious to her.  Discussing it with the media "cheapens" it.  This is what she has said and I believe her.  Rob is being smart by restraining himself and following her lead, against his instincts.

  144. Emily @ 6:49-

    Kristen said today that she isn't ready for marriage right now.

    Here is my take- if they ever decide to get married I have a feeling no one (meaning the public or media) will know right away. They are ninjas at keeping things under wraps.

    Jay-Z and Beyonce never publicly made a statement that they were dating ever. You would see them places together so logically people knew they were.

    They are now married. They did not sell pics of the wedding to the media so no one outside family and friends have seen wedding pics. Even though the media knew they were getting married they were able to keep it totally under wraps b/c they are private people. They have never made a public announcement that they are married. Yet everyone knows it even without the "proof".

    I think if R/K's relationship lasts and they decide marriage is in their future we will never see "proof" much like Jay Z and B.

  145. Rob refused to go to circus school?


    I'm sorry but ROSE... that should be the title of tomorrow's post. I laughed so hard... it brought tears to my eyes.

    THAT has to be THE most dumb thing ever said by a hyena. But no fears...I'm sure something stupider will be said tomorrow.

    *Suzy Q*

  146. Kris def had her neckless on today


  148. Hi Rose, what a day huh? These kids can't answer anything right.
    Kristen said this....Robert didn't answer ass is on fire...blah blah blah...hiss hiss spit...hahaha....;)
    Why do some reporters ask stupid questions? The same reason they ask questions that may give them the most hits to their site.
    Me personally am not worried, their relash is strong.
    Why do people want to hear something they will deny anyway it is answered?
    Why is so many people up in arms today? Why do they care so much,they still don't have a chance at Robert, that won't change.
    He reads blogs, he even admits to it.Don't you think he's heard about the mean ones as well as the thoughtful ones.
    Don't get upset Rose that all the spewing is ending up here, I know it is alot of foam to clean up but tomarrow is another day.
    I am not worried at all. You can borrow my shopvac.

  149. to Melinda

    There is proof that Reese went to circus school so Rob should have gone.

  150. Why would he go to circus school????

    HE wasn't a circus performer. He's the makeshift vet of the show. Reese is the performer, she'd need to learn all that stuff, not him.

  151. Rose:)
    good post, wonderful as always, very clear that there is chemistry, there is much that will back them, because if there really was not what everyone sees even those who do not want to see, I have not read the comments of idiots and no nexus that are about us.
    And I'm Portuguese, born and raised in Lisbon, my language is Portuguese, but I see something of English and not heard from Rob in the interview to say something that no longer is saiba.Nao confirms nothing, in the interview with Kris not confirm anything but everybody knows and they also know that we know that Rob and Kris are together.
    I still can not understand this hatred so great that there is, as Rob and Kris are together.
    Rose admire it, because you have a dose of patience to be able to read the crap they leave here writing on his blog.

  152. Hey that is a pretty hot kissing scene, I mean it's sort of for Jacobs benefit so Edward was all over it. lol And yea definately chemistry. Great post as always Rose.

  153. Can you get your Circus G.E.D. if you drop out of Circus School? Maybe there's online classes!LOL

  154. I see some people were bent out of shape today. It's always best to ignore the crazies. Stop listening to them and come to your own conclusion. Don't let people feed you a bunch of bullshit.
    Following Rob and Kristen is to know how they handle stuff such as their relationship. Them on vacations and traveling together, all that time they have spent together over the past year, holidays, birthdays, the MMAs, etc. mean more to me than what they say at a stuffy press conference with some less than reputable journalists there.

    All the crap about Rob and Kristen's answers today, I really don't see the big deal (considering what they were asked). They did NOT answer any relationship questions. Rob was at a loss in deflecting, he was stuttering and uncomfortable and spinning his wheels for a good deflection answer, but his ending of 'I don't know' was more of 'I am not going to answer you'-'I don't have an answer for you'---not him saying he doesn't know about his relationship. Unless he's brain dead, then of course he knows. He's just not going to tell a room full of press!

  155. I know this is not Rob/Kristen related but I've gotta say I'm disgusted at the revelation that Bella kisses Edward in front of Jacob in Eclipse. I now officialy hate MR for rewriting Eclipse and trying to ruin the Edward/Bella romance. I wonder if Rob and Kristen were ok with the changes that were made to the Eclipse?

  156. @ 7:57-

    Good point! Sometimes I am so dense.

  157. HEY Im back Just watch i dont know how many interviews of Rob and I didnt SEE once that he said any thing about his relationship with Kristen dont you know he inst going to say any thing about it HE knows how Kristen feels about that and he loves her and wonted say any thing to up set her You are right Opytaylor THEY wont say any thing that well cheapen there relationship HE knows that and so dose she TO Melinda I like the way you think right on TO Trish and Louisa it would be nice if THEY new that they DO have FANS out there that love them for them selfs THIS ISNT going to go a way soon and they know it AND I for one JUST LOVE ROSE for having to put up with ALL this SHIT I have to hand it to you Rose YOU ARE A TRUE FAN and I thank you for it YOU give ME hope in all this craziness and all the hate thats in here Rob did look tired I feel sorry for him I know Kristen well take care of him Well im off agin see ya soon or tomorrow DEB

  158. Solid proof that Kristen hates Rob.

    From Twi-Convection:

    At one point Kristen flipped Rob off for laughing at what she said

  159. Kristen loves Taylor and despises Rob. I knew it!
    Robsten ain't real Rose.

    At one point Taylor turned his chair on Kristen messing around and she ended up kissing his neck. Very sweet!

  160. LOL, I think the posters who are nonstens are like young kids. So, we'll have to cut them some slack. They don't get how adults do verbal or nonverbal foreplay. Robert likes it feisty, and I'll just leave it at that.

  161. @ 10:36
    None of the live tweeting mention nothing of the sort. They all say how cute they were.

  162. @anon @10:36
    Guess you selectively missed all the other tweets:

    I have to tell you ..there is clearly a reason Summit doesn't want Rob and Kris doing press interviews together..they can't hide anything!!!

    @KJN52 Ohhh the bubble! The sleep deprivation! The mumbling and giggling! Its all soo good!

    OMG K and R conversing cutely, while T turned his chair away from them

    Taylor moved his chair away out of protest and then came back and KStew said "Oh you think you can sit with us again?"

  163. Kristen looks at Rob like hes the brother she never had.

  164. Like with all her brothers Kristen was playful with Rob and showed him the finger. But she could not hide her feelings for Taylor and kissed him on the neck in an inimate gesture.

  165. The Hyenas really know how to take things out of context. What gets me is how they come here to post their s**t faster than anyone else. Like they have no life, no where to go where people will accept them. They love being confrontational here, getting attention. Demented.

  166. RT @KillerCortez KStew kissing Tay's neck in front of the boyfriend. OIC

  167. People SERIOUSLY do not get Rob's sarcasm. In fact, I don't think ANY of them were taking this all that seriously. LOL.That, plus Rob was so sleep deprived he was loopy. I've been there before, you just get weird and crazy. LOL

  168. KillerCortez:

    RT @AwesomeArianna: @romania_robsten I really do wish I got it on video but it happened. It was just a playful peck. Nothing serious. :)

    RE: neck kiss RT @AwesomeArianna And guys please, the Kristen and Taylor thing was very playful. Rob was laughing the whole time. :)


  170. No fears. I didn't even have to wait until tomorrow.

    Something stupider was said by a hyena today.....I really didn't think it could get stupider than Rob didn't go to circus school. BUT....

    "Rob looks at Kris like a brother looks at a sister."

    I suppose they COULD be right. I'm sure Byron looked at his sister the same way Rob looks at Kris. And I'm sure the next time we convict someone of incest... they might be looking at their sister that way....

    These people keep me laughing though.

    *Suzy Q*


    VIDEO! VIDEO! VIDEO! I know it just finished... but WHERE IS THE VIDEO?? I'm so impatient!!

  171. Its Rob that Kristen sees as a brother not Taylor. You can see it everytime she looks at him. But what Kristen and Taylor have obviously is more. The neck kiss just proved that. I hope her and Taylor will be very happy together.

  172. It's more than obvious that Kristen is in love with Tay.I think she and Rob are just besties.But they leave the rumors out there,because of the films and because they want their fans to believe whatever they want,as long as they buy tickets.I'm sure,after BD is done,you'll never see them again together.

  173. Kristen sees Rob as a brother?????

    I know I'm sleep deprived but did I seriously just read that?

    Whatever gets you through the night!

  174. Suzy Q video wheres the bloody video i just came back [ i cant stay away] im so bllody existence that is....someone post a link dieing here

  175. Wow, if I looked at my brother the way kristen looks at Robert, I think I'd be breaking several state and federal laws.

    You folks who see sibling you happen to also enjoy dueling banjos as well?

  176. Hey Jen have you got a link for a video plz?
    dont worry about your insest arguement lol

  177. Except for the one Taysten shipper, the haters are very silent tonight. :)

  178. Kristen prefers Tay.She even said at Access Hollywood that their kiss was the most unique in the series.

  179. Kristem plays PR with both Rob and Taylor.She wants the rumors about her hooking up with Rob,because it helps her career and let's face it.Because of the rumors the media are interested in her and she's in the spotlight and takes roles.And from the other side,she flirts with Taylor big time,because she wants to sell Eclipse.She's so fake!

  180. @ Louisa

    Still can't find ANY video :-(

    If any pop up... let me know. These are some of the sites I look at for that stuff, still can't find anything:

    But its 1:23AM I'm off to bed. LOL.

    I totally realized that you are SO on the other side of the world when you posted about it being a crisp, frosty morning. It feels like a sauna here...even in the middle of the night, its still hotter than hell.... The heat index the other day was 103. All I was thinking was... a crisp, frosty morning? I would kill for that!!

    *Suzy Q*

  181. Jen at 10:49 and 12:00

    You have made me laugh so hard I have tears!!!! Thanks for the snark!!

    Well I can say tonight that the hyenas were good for something today.

    They have kept me entertained with their wacky comments. Seriously you guys are nut jobs.

    I really think you know Rob and Kristen are together you just think it is fun to come on blogs like this and make silly comments.

    They keep me entertained as long as they aren't hateful, spiteful, or poisonous.

    Can't wait to for Summit or someone else to release the video from tonight. I need to see some more cute Rob and Kristen moments!!

    Sweet Robsten dreams everyone!

  182. No worries Suzy thanks for your reply...i know i can rely on for anybody else give mt a LINK im dyen>>>>>

  183. Good Lord!

    I know it's tough for some but surely to suggest that Taylor and Kristen are a couple is beyond any level of commonsense.
    It really smacks of deep desperation.

  184. melinda help a link im on twitter cant seem to find a vid link

  185. Rob said at the press conference that he has been part of a triangle and he fought for the girl,not from love but from pride.Does this sounds familiar?K/R/MA anyone?So,i guess Rob wanted K just for his ego.He was gushing over someone else's girl just because he was so selfish.What an idiot!

  186. HAHAHAHA ho please go on she said it was like kissing her LITTLE brother HOW FUNNY YEP has to be the kiddies on here posting And Louisa do you know if they well be or have a press junket tomorrow?I hope when this was over today that Rob went home and went straight to BED poor kid needs his sleep haha and I was reading where Taylor felt like the 3 wheel its ok hes young cant wait to see what Rose well say Louisa well you let me know about tomorrow THANK YOU .....DEB ps and what time

  187. deb are all you talkin about the 3 seperate interviews released im wanting to see the video of all 3 together up on stage...have you come across it...i feel im grasping at louisa

  188. jen, 10:49pm. I always enjoy your posts. That was the thought I had when reading the comments---How old are these people? I am always left laughing at their attempts.

    Also, WTF with the bro/sis crap? Are they seriously trying with this excuse? I have a brother and - hell no- we don't act they way Rob and Kristen do. That's

    I mean, I get it. The TwiCon portion was too much cuteness for you and now you have to RUSH to Rose's board to sell Kristen and Taylor. LOL.
    Well, if she loves Taylor so much, then--for example--why the heck didn't she just stay in LA to celebrate her birthday with him?!?! *snicker* No doubt you have yet ANOTHER excuse. But, sorry, folks, but it doesn't add up for you. Now the guy (that would be Rob) she DID spend her birthday with--flying all that way---I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that that's who she loves :)

    Excuses, excuses, they are pouring down! Rose, we need umbrellas STAT!

    It was great to see Rob and Kristen have fun tonight and be themselves. I always like when they're more open. It beats press conferences because of that. Taylor is fun too when he's around Rob and Kristen. They seem to like the kid a lot and enjoy teasing him!

  189. There's a short video at this link:
    Scroll down.


    volume not too good but obvious bubble. Like Ted says, Robsten was kinda making fun of Robsten fans, such as him saying the Runaways was his fav movie and her saying Remember Me was her fav

  191. at 2:20pm when Rob made that statement he was talking about his character in BEL Ami don't blab at the mouth if you don't know what your talking about! Rose why do we need a statement from the two of them that they are together, just look at their faces,Rob has never been happier in his life!

  192. It's beyond annoying that hyena posts the same shit over and over again. *eyes rolling*

    Opytaylor@5:27, yes, Kristen did great in the press con. She always tries to give in-depth answers regarding her role and the story and she articulated it so well today!~ Kristen's a FANTASTIC woman. Beautiful ouside, strong inside, dedlicated to work, loyal to families and friends, honest to herself, etc.

    Trish@5:51 & 7:07, regarding the Robsten fantasy I think you've addressed it clearly. I think many fans could distinguish between movies and reality. At least for me, it's the purity and truth of Ronsten love that attracts, nothing to do with Edward & Bella. I'm not a huge fan of Twilight honestly. I was only drawn to the books b/c of R&K. But I guess R&K see themselves quite differently from the way we fans do. Remember, Kristen only thanked the fans of Twilights in BAFTA. And Rob said a few times in his interviews that whom people loved was Edward, not himself. I think they both underestimate themselves. They outshine the characters they play. They are persons with great CHARM!~

    Anon 6:30, thanks for clearing my doubts. Sometimes I'm insecure and easily distracted by some haters' nonsense cuz I want so bad that R&K could make out and have a everlasting relationship. I can do nothing to help but support, pray and give my blessing.

    I never expect "something BIG" given that both R&K are private persons. Their actions tell and that's enough, no need to display publicly as a show. This is THEIR love. This is THEIR relationship. It's even kinda sweet and subtle to keep it themselves I think, though I understand fans would like to share their joy and hapiness (me either). I respect their decision no matter what they do.

    Monica from Asia

  193. louisa I seen one on Robert pattinson life they have a youtube with the3 of them (L.A.Twilight Convention)I think thats wheres it at I'll go back and see ok they said the'll be more tomorrow that Rob was keeping something for tomorrow Be right back ...DEB

  194. In this one, he is teasing Kristen, making her all shy "I just love babies"

  195. LOUISA --- ITS at @Rosesee/blogs-gossip robPattz news try that one and see they have2 now ya one whit Rob saying he loves babs its funny . DEB

  196. have just foun d x2 minute bits...thanks ANOM & deb [ who are you anom 12.54 , 1.59] love ya anyway gf

  197. Good enjoy them Hope we get some more tomorrow cant wait Louisa do you or dose any one know what time tomorrow the press meeting is? THANK YOU DEB

  198. Don't have time to read as I am STILL catching up on todays goodies but saw a bit on twitter about what's going on over here.. Those who cannot see it, or continue to deny it or make up shit just are crazy and I don't do crazy!!!

    Didn't want to loose this.. and all I have to say is BUBBLE!!!!

  199. Hey all, PatrickStoner film critic saw R/k out tonight he has been tweeting about it. He says, "Happy couple for sure" :) awww.


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.