Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rob and Kristen- The Wolf is Out of the Bag

I'm not quite sure what to post today...
Usually I just sit down
Read through my email
See what is happening on Twitter
And then just write down my thoughts.

But lately...
It seems that I can't do that without ruffling some feathers
I'm actually OK with that.
Someone is always unhappy with what I have to say.
Maybe what I write about isn't always 'drama' free
but that is the nature of this beast right now.
I just write what I feel.
It's not my intention to offend anyone...
I just call it like I see it.
You know my motto...
"If the shoe fucking fits... slide that bitch on"

First it was...
"Your blog is Robert Pattinson Intoxication! 
Why don't you go back to talking about Rob?"

Well.. I do talk about Rob.
Every damn day.
Yes, my posts have changed over the years
(and wouldn't it be strange if they didn't?)
I started out just gushing endlessly about Robert...
Going into great detail about my obsession.
Trying to understand it.
I'm pretty sure I still don't understand it...
(I'm still here after all)
But I seem to have gotten it under some sort of control
And seriously...
How many posts can I write where I just lavish
massive amounts of praise on Robert?
I love and adore the man.
I still do.
And so it's been written...
And so it's been done.

I write a lot more about Kristen now.
I'm pretty sure I love and adore her, too...
And I guess some Rob fans don't want to read about her.
So sad.
Too bad.

Now some will say that I only like Kristen because she's with Robert.
I know that's not true.
I find Kristen interesting...
I love reading about her.
I love watching her movies
And if there ever comes a day where her name
isn't linked 24/7 to Rob's...
I will still be a fan.

I love Robert and Kristen.
Together... or apart.

I'm going to just write what I'm thinking about.
What I'm interested in...
And right now it's the airport pictures of Rob and Kristen.

So much to say...

First off...
Rob and Kris... are still together.
I'm thinking that Robert hasn't left her side
(not counting when she was working, of course)
Since he got to Montreal.
I think the fucking gloves are off now.
Maybe the whole Malibu paparazzi thing was the final straw...
Who knows.
But I think Robert has decided to do what he wants...
and let the chips fall where they may.
Robert has had enough.
He is staying by Kristen's side.
He will take care of her.

Does this mean Kristen is weak?
Not even.
But look at her...
She's a tiny little thing.
When you have 20 assholes chasing you with cameras
shouting at you...
shoving their cameras in your face...
Why wouldn't he take care of his girl?
Why would he ever leave her side?

Why would people expect Rob and Kris to smile
and hold hands skipping through the airport?
I read "Oh they look so miserable together as always"
Because watching 2 people get harassed and stalked through
an airport isn't really a barometer on how they 'look'
when they are together.

^ I think this is more like it...


And then someone says to me...
"Rob and Kristen are just doing this for attention!"

 Rob and Kristen don't have to do anything for attention.
They step out of their house
(Did I say THEIR house? nudge nudge)
And there are cameras in their faces.
You can't tell me you think they ENJOY being stalked
by photographers...
If I ever saw 2 people who didn't enjoy attention...
it is Robert and Kristen.
(Anti PR... by the way)

I sense a lot of anger in Twilight land.
Well, only small factions.
The lunatic fringe, if you will.

People are pissed off at Rob and Kristen...

"They are getting what they deserve!"
"You made your bed, now lie in it!!"
"Rob is ruining his career! What is he thinking?"


Doesn't anyone else just see two people...
Who have fallen in love
Who just want to be together?
Aren't they allowed to live their lives 
and be with who they want to be with...
Without getting scolded by people 
who think they know better?

I've never been one to throw around
"Get a life" bullshit.
Way overplayed... way overdone
Because obviously, if I am breathing, I have one.
But seriously.
Don't worry so much about how Rob and Kristen 
are handling their relationship.
Don't get so bitter and angry about them walking
through a damn airport.
They don't give a shit about what you or I think.
Rob and Kristen have a 'life'
Let's leave it up to them to live it... shall we?

For some strange, odd reason...
This picture really hit home for me.
I like it.
A lot.
It's just how I picture Robert and Kristen.
Side by side.
Plowing through the bullshit together.

They obviously want to be together.
And it is obvious.
Crystal clear.
I'm wondering if Robert won't just stay by her side
as much as he can now.
Unless he has other business...
I don't see him leaving her.
I just don't.
And yeah... that's just my opinion.

I just feel a shift in the air...
A change.
And I think Robert and Kristen are only at the beginning 
of what is to come.


I just HAD to get this one in there.

So final thoughts.

1. Please do not use the NON***n word
in the comments anymore...
They are obsolete now.
It was never about not believing Rob/Kristen were together.
It was always just an excuse to hate.
Let's never speak of them again.
(Maybe they will just disappear!)

2. Fucking give Kristen a break for flipping off the paps.
They're not gonna yell at them.
They're not going to punch them.
They have to just fucking take their shit
through the whole damn airport...
Let the girl flip the fuckers off.
She's at least earned THAT much.

3. Rob and Kristen are together.
Get used to it.
They won't talk about it...
They don't have to.
But you're going to see...
Oh yes.
You will see.

It's been a helluva summer, hasn't it?

This post has been brought to you by the letters *R* and K*

For Robert and Kristen
may they find some peace and quiet
in the eye of the hurricane.

Bye for now


  1. As usual, Rose. You took the words right out of my mouth. Thank you!

  2. Nail. It has been hit on the head! Great blog!

  3. loved it!
    i'm so TIRED of people bashing Kristen, god damn it give her a break!!!

    if you HATE the paps, you have to read this:

  4. "And That's All Folks" I LOVE IT. Your blog is the best!

    Nekol (Petegirlsmom)

  5. Dear Rose,like always,you put what I feel so perfectly into words.I think all its left rn is to just smile,hope papz finally fuck off (or at least,find some fucking class)&enjoy Rob&Kristen`s OBVIOUS love.

    This love of theirs aint going anywhere anytime soon,me thinks. ;DDD

  6. Perfect Rose...always...
    Today when i saw the fingers shoot i knew wht was coming...a lot of hate!I know something for a fact; no matter what K do or talk or act some people are always banish her, calling her names and judge her.You don't have to like her but please respect her.
    And i love both, K and R, and i can feel that they are gonna stay together for so long...


  7. It's been a hell of a summer! Things have changed.. I'm happy for them! They made a HUGE statement.. He went for nothing other then to be with her. And then they traveled together without trying to hide it at all. I hope people will lay off some.. I can dream anyway.

    I LOVE seeing them but it turns my stomach to see how they're stalked! :( If anyone other then the pops did that, they'd be arrested! Bittersweet indeed!

  8. You've said it all,Rose!I think something has changed,too.Maybe they're done with hiding.

    Today i've read some many shit over the flipping the bird thing."It's not classy","she has no manners","he can do so much better".By the way,that last one makes me furious.Some people think they know what Rob needs or what it's better or worse for him.WTF?

    I must admit that i;m not fond of the flipping the bird,either.I think she gives them what they want,some reaction and then they color her bad(the paps i mean).BUT,i also have to admit that i understand why she does that.When you have those scumbags following you around,yelling hideous stuff,taking photos of private moments for the money,i think it's the least she can do.I'd do far more worse.I'd gone Sean Penn style,kicking asses.These people took like 9999999999999999999999999 pics from LAX airport.Did we need all those pics?NO.And some of them were close-ups.Rob looks pissed,sometimes i feel that he's about to explode.Did you see the video,before they get into the car,that she's checking if he comes behind her.He was the one who usually did that.I love how protective they're with each other.I feel the best is to come.

    PS.I agree with you,Rose.Let's stop talking about the h*****.They don't deserve it.I think we had enough of them.

  9. Rose, I so agree with EVERY WORD you said! At long last they are free to let the chips fall where they may. F*** Summit, f*** the paps, f*** they who shall be nameless (non****), and f*** everyone else who ever said this was a PR stunt! Now that I have gotten that off my chest, I look forward to what's ahead for them (and us). Even if it doesn't last (but it will), I will still love them and will always be a fan. Just because a couple breaks up, it doesn't mean we didn't enjoy the romance. Remember "The Notebook"? If we will all just let Rob and Kristen be it will be a beautiful time for them. Real love like theirs is rare, so let them enjoy it! Thanks for this post and I will continue to support you and your site.

  10. Rose, Awesome post as always.

    @ Lisa, couldn't agree with you more.

  11. Rose you said it ALL RIGHT ON girl friend Lits give them so room Im happy for them And HELL YA Kristen FLIPPING them off .Rob well be by her side you know he well hes been waiting to it just that a long time now Thank You Rose YOU GO GIRL YEP theres NO MORE NON its only BELIEVE NOW ROB loves Kristen Loves Rob END OF STORY DEB.

  12. Rose,

    Fabulous as always. And all so true in my opinion. You have a way with words.

    I couldn't imagine trying to just get home and having to deal with all the b.s! I'm with Kristen...I think she shows enormous restraint when dealing with the paps! Personally I would spit on them or punch them in the face. She is a much stronger person than I!!

    I am glad we will be seeing things change. I hope they are both at a point that they decide to do what is best FOR THEM. I know it's not always easy to blessings upon them in their life together :)

  13. Hi Rose,
    first time commenting on your blog (and sorry for any misspelled word, I'm portuguese).
    I'm really happy that some people like Kristen much as I do. She's 20 like me, and I cant imagine how hard is for her to get throught all this harassement and total disrespect for her private life.
    Love to think that she has by her side such a beautiful, kind and strong person like Rob. Perfect... perfect for her.

    Love your posts, and I agree with you "a shift, a change" is in the way. Rob doesnt give a f*** now... The "vamp" is out of the bag!


  14. You're absolutely right about that picture,Rose,they are right where they've always been,side by side, dealing with the crap together,a team.No matter how much BS the media and the crazies level at them,they each have the luxury of knowing that "someone" has their back 100%. Anyone who can say that in life is pretty damn lucky.Rob himself has said Kristen's "amazing".She's a tiny little thing but she's fierce,she'd tear apart with her bare hands anyone who even looked at him the wrong way. Anyone who imagines he wouldn't do exactly the same for her is beyond delusional and long may she continue flipping off the paps!!

  15. Hi Rose,

    I really love your blog. I look forward to it. I have to say that now that the initial euphoria has worn off I'm really sorry they captured that kiss moment. The scenes in the Montreal and La airport yesterday really made me sick. Now that the pap admitted he stalked them for over a year to get the shot I figure a lot more bottom feeders are going to do the same to get their payday. I like observing their relationship in the bubble with them not admitting anything but the looks of love so unmistakable. Now I fear that the hunting and stalking will go into overdrive. I can't imagine what the press junkets for their next films before breaking dawn will be like. Anyway I'm believeing they are strong enough to go through.

  16. All I can say is bravo, Rose, bravo.

    My new favorite line that I am going to try to use all the time is, "If the shoe fucking fits....slide that bitch on."

    May Rob and Kristen have lots of alone time that is peaceful and loving and 100% theirs.

    I >3 this blog!

  17. I like it that they are SIDE BY SIDE NOW unlike before when they walk not even acknowledging the other's presence.

    Rob values Kristen so much. Look, he didnt even go home for his moms birthday. I hope that the nega SMALL FACTION of the fandom will respect that.

    I always pray for lasting happiness for this two coz they are so adorable together

  18. And rock girl...i'm with you...


  19. omg you know what i just realized that pic of rob when his at the airport with his new haircut his wearing the same shirt that kristen wore yesterday to lax!! so either they share clothes or they buy a lot of the same things. i agree with you some rob fans are just so crazy i don't even know if i should call them rob "fans" because if they were his "fans" they wouldn't care who his with they would love him for who he is and how happy he is. i don't get how anyone can hate kristen she's amazing. how can people say they aren't happy together do they expect them to be happy and fake when they have like a LOT of camara in there face? i was feeling bad for kristen because of how lame some of rob's suppposed fans are how they are calling her all these names but now i just don't care anymore she has the guy and they don't. they don't even know her how can someone be so judgemental? kristen is the perfect girl for rob she's not fake at all and she has a good personlity they share a lot of the same interest. they are HAPPY! and in love. stop with all this robsten bashing. they don't even know you. what will they gain by calling kristen all these names? they will only LOSE because they are so insecure and jealous. i don't get why they are jealous. i mean the guy never even met them lol. rose you are right in everything you said. i love your blog btw. the paps should get a new job and leave the couple alone. they are HUMAN lets not forget that people. i love robsten and i only wish them the best. they shouldn't care what anyone thinks. i belive even when twilight is over they will still be together. i like what someone posted on twitter. this is the quote. One day on Robsten's happy 25th wedding anniversary, after they have posed for a family portrait with all of their wild-haired, movie-star-eyed, bitch-faced children.....there will still be people on gossip sites saying these two aren't really together, never had sex, and that Tom Sturridge was the surrogate mother of their children.LOL i agree 100% people are just so pathetic. w/e i guess some people never change. again i love your blog. your so amazing! xD

  20. "Doesn't anyone else just see two people...
    Who have fallen in love
    Who just want to be together?"

    That's EXACTLY what I see. And exactly what those of us not blinded by hate/bitterness/boredom/mental illness see as well.

    As long as RK continue to follow their hearts, happiness and success will find them. And I hope they know their supporters FAR outweigh their critics. We're with you.

  21. "If the shoe fucking fits....slide that bitch on."

    Too Funny!!! Well said!!

    Great post today, as always.

    And about flipping off the papps, to be honest, if I had people with cameras following me all the time, yelling things out at me, I can assure you I would do something MUCH WORSE that flipping them off!! GUARANTEED!! She shows GREAT restraint..

    Keep up the awesome work Rose, hopefully your positivity will spread. From the looks of some posts in other places, there are some people who REALLLLY need it!! or maybe they just need to get a life and stop spewing hate on people they don't even know...Oh well...

    I hope everyone has an awesome day, and don't forget to TWIRL!!

  22. A MEN Emma You said it all in a NUT SHALL OUT WITH THE OLD IN WITH THE NEW They are the same as always just more open now My God keep them both safe.And Rose this has been a GOOD and beautiful summer. DEB

  23. I am of the opinion that in the long run, Rob is going to be better off without the type of fans who focus more on his personal life and hating his girlfriend than on his career. He NEEDS to lose these fans that do nothing but hate on his choices.

  24. Here here Rose...

    Although I'm glad it's finally out there without any doubts (except for the terminally obtuse) I just hope that R&K do get a break. Leave them be...poor Kris...she slipped at the YUL airport (Montreal) but took it like the champ she. Rob seemed really angry and I don't blame him.
    They've dealt with this crap for awhile so they will survive...things will die down eventually I just hope it doesn't leave too much of a scar.

    Rose, why do I still have that nagging feeling you know something more about them that you are letting on? Will you ever spill?
    Or do we have to wait another what? Two years until the end of BD in the theaters? Time will tell even if you don't but dang the wait is killing me!!

  25. Brilliant! Your blog is an island in a sea of craziness...Thank you, Rose. You wrote exactly how I feel. Love your writing!

  26. Rosa .))))
    First of all wish you a happy day month wedding anniversary.
    I've posted because I have not been possible, but I have read every day your blog, because for me is unique and very real love
    This post today as all the other words are true, sincere, passionate and can only be written by someone familiar q Love and live like it should be lived.
    Fortunately I also know what it is )

    A kiss

  27. Please help Rob winning this one


  28. Please help Rob winning this one


  29. Great Post Rose and I agree with you..Let's wish Rob and Kristen well, ignore the haters from now on and just enjoy seeing two people in love. (Ignoring the haters won't be easy for me but I'm going to try) As for Kristen fliping off the pap...I understand father-in-law was killed in a house fire this Feb...and the media where he lived, was there in full force, (was a slow news day I guess) when my husband and I arrived..they had cameras in our faces and kept asking I don't remember saying this but my husband and a police officer who was guiding us through the media so we could make an identification says that I told one camera man to get his "Fucking camera out of my face or else I was going to grab it from him and shove it up his ass" which is totally out of my character, to say the least, I was stressed by one camera man in my face for a brief time..imagine that kind of attention 24/7 I'm proud of Kristen for not voicing her thoughts!

  30. It was never about not believing Rob/Kristen were together.
    It was always just an excuse to hate.
    Let's never speak of them again.
    (Maybe they will just disappear!)

    It was always what I thought!
    If we stop talking about this 'people' everything will be better... more fun. Just love and love, and ignoring hatred.

    Love you and the post, Rose ! :)

  31. Ahhhh I love coming to your blog Rose, your thoughts always mirror my own but in a much more eloquent way! You should write a book, I know I would buy it :-)

    Loving all the positive vibes on here the past few days! I really hope R & K are relaxing at home now...enjoying each others company...Rob strumming on his guitar.....Kris sticking a loquat pie in the oven! ha ha

    Go Kristen for flipping the finger I her situation I fear I would do a lot worse.

    Quote of the week has to be "If the shoe fucking fits... slide that bitch on" EPIC!!!

    Love Kristen.

    Much love to you all my friends!


  32. You know what, I'm glad Kristen flipped the paps the bird. One rude turn deserves another in this case.

    Just my opinion.

    What else could she do without being sued?

    Sooo, anyway, glad to see Rob and Kris side by side. They deserve to be able to act like a regular couple.

  33. Hooray for Rose!
    You are truly
    a sweet champion for Rob and Kristen.
    Excellent post today.

    They are such lovely soul mates. I too sense great happenings filled with happiness in their future together. And very good things often happen when people are patient and travel through life wisely with the support of family and friends.

    Always been a believer,
    Olivia (Tx.)

    Oh, and damn the rude, repulsive,
    and reptilian razzi!

  34. Oh, one more thing. AFriend is really creeping me out with his comments to Rose. Is this tongue in cheek or serious stalking?

  35. LOVE LOVE your post said it all, you say everything SO perfectly...I agree with you 1000%.

    LOVE Rob and Kristen, and I wish them all the hapiness

  36. @ Suebee...I take it as tongue in cheek ;) Sometimes things just don't come across in print....I can think of a few interviews that have come across that way...LOL! Details anyone??

    But, that's just me...I'm a sarcastic B at times ;)

  37. Dear Rose,

    I am afraid I have offended some of your friends with my pathetic attempt at humor at the expense of mutual friends. One of them told me to fuck off and I think I have scared another. My intention was only to compliment you and perhaps make you laugh. I did enjoy our conversation and maybe we can chat another time.

    To Rose's friends--I simply was making pathetic and clumsy attempts at humor with Rose. No worries-she is a wonderful writer and I wish her nothing but the best.

    A friend of a friend

  38. Great Post Rose...Seeing those pics kinda makes me sad...these paps are soooo unbearable..

    What i dont understand is why they have to hound them 24/7 they're done with their movies, their obligations, just let them live their lives...i really see these two leaving Hollywood..because its just too much..


    I say hell ya to Kristen for given the finger they deserve it!

    And yes its been a helluva summer! who would have thought the beg. of June we were in for a great summer.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE how they go everywhere together! so happy for them!

    Kisses to all the regs and kisses to you Rose...

    Robsten, stay stong! wish them all the luck and protection especially..Happy Rob is with his girl! xxx

  39. Happy Wednesday
    and Hi Rose..
    Another amazing post..we all are in agreement with this,
    You have that gift to be able to express feelings down on to a piece of paper.. a gift from god.

    Not much to say after that but
    I do want to comment on the first picture of them at the airport.
    The first thing I noticed was Kristen smiling or laughing at whatever the guy in the tshirt said. Look at Rob, he just looks at her, sees the smile on her
    face and his entire face lights up.
    It's so obvious what this girl does to this young man and visa versa.
    If you believe in "soulmates", this is an example of two people that are so connected to each other.. it's absolutely beautiful to witness.

    Thanks again Rose.

  40. Well lady, you batted this one right out of the ball park--truly best blog you've put out there.

    When Rob and Kristen are attacked, we all take it so personal. It's only because we care for them so much, and we sincerely only want the best for them.

    Change is is a comin'.

  41. A friend of a friend,

    I think your comments to Rose are quite wonderful and funny!!

    Keep them coming!! They brighten my day and make me laugh!!

  42. Thank you Rose. As usual, you found a way to say all the things that I was thinking. They seem so right for each other - I'm really glad they found each other.

  43. Hi Everybody,

    I am finally joining the gang by posting a comment. I have been reading for months but working up the courage to post.

    Anyways, I LOVE the way Kristen is so true to herself. When she flips them off she shows them exactly how she feels! She is REAL despite all of the madness!!

  44. Dearest Friend of a Friend...

    Never fear, I wasn't offended in the least and you always make me laugh.
    Where would I be without your shameless flirting?

    A sense of humor is always required when you read whatever you or I have to say...

    Please take care of yourself my friend. Hope we can talk soon.

  45. @Friend of a friend,

    No offense taken--ditto to manjen, funny stuff....

  46. What a beautiful post Rose.
    Love Rob and Kriste.

  47. Well said. I really feel for these 2. I hope their feeling for each other can make it through this chaos. I wish them all the best.

  48. Give Kristen a break??

    I want to give her a freaking award!!

    What she should just take the harassment because she's famous? I think that is crap. If someone is harassing you... you should be able to flip them off and not get any flack for it.

    Just my opinion.

    I heart your post. As always, Rose. You rock my world :-D

    Its like you take my thoughts out of my head and put them together in this awesome, sassy way. =)


  49. Ah Rose--I was so hoping you would respond and reassure me that I had not offended you. With your blessing then I will be back to be charmed by your words and to express my appreciation. At the moment I am preoccupied, however, as our mutual friend called me, after reading my drunken messages to you of yesterday, and I am now quite busy adjusting to the new hole in my ass that she ripped for me.

  50. So I'm having a squee moment over these pics.. but it's because of what's in them :) The new hat.. Cherokee National Forest.. he so got that in Chattanooga. And I recognize that logo from his guitar case! It's from Gruhn Guitars here in Nashville. It's a guitar shop that specializes in vintage guitars. I told the hubs that if Rob was anywhere near Nashville, he should visit Gruhn's :) But moving on! Squee moment over.. not trying to be stalkerish, just loving the hometown stuffs.!

    I'm SO glad she flipped off the paparazzi. From what I've read about it, they weren't exactly being polite(telling them to get new jobs if they didn't like being photographed), and there's only so much a person can take. That she ONLY just flipped them off and didn't start trying to throat punch them is amazing. I would have started throwing punches and breaking cameras.

    And I love these two together. I love that he's with her, I love that she's with him. I love that they're seemingly not giving a flying fuck who sees them together anymore. Good for them. They can live their lives according to their own rulebook and still keep the private parts separate from the public/work stuff. We don't need the massive doses of PDA from these two. They don't need to do it to show the world they're together. They don't need to talk about it.. They've shown so much already without saying a thing.

    Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.
    - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    We've seen those moments.. happens all the time :)

    And, fyi.. I'm totes stealing the line about the shoe.. that was epic.

  51. SuzyQ Give Kristen a break HELL YA GIVE HER A FREAKING AWARD She deserves more that that for putting up with all the crap shes been through She needs a shirt that saids KISS MY ASS to go along with Robs Get Off my DICK shirt They can ware them when they go out.Or it can say dont like it HO WELL DILL with it. DEB.

  52. I'm twirling with you, Rose! I've sensed the change too, a little before Eclipse, I think it was the Oprah interview. There was something different, then, the MTV Movie Awards, and certainly the premier. I'm glad, it can't be easy pretending, hiding, covering...being in the "closet"!

    I understand and have no issue with Kristen flipping the bird. I find it way more offensive to my sensibilities how many celebs alter their appearances to the point they're almost unrecognizable, lie about it, and we all get fed we're supposed to look like that.

    I love Kristen, I love Rob, and I love them together!

  53. How come Kristen and Rob aren't standing near each other on the elevator? I think its says something

  54. Hi all,

    This isn't my first post but I'm not a "regular" like a lot of you are, though I read almost every day.

    I'm going to bare my soul here ... I'm 100% happy to see them together and see them happy .... but they did NOT look happy once in LA because of the paps. I am very sad about this, really sad, I am on a guilt trip because I was really enjoying all the photos like everyone else, now I wish we could turn back the clock to a week ago when we were all GAGA over the "nuzzle" photo from the OTR set. I'm 58 years old and feel the same way towards R/K as I did about Princess Diana. I know that sounds weird BUT she was never going to be a part of my life but I SO WANTED her to be happy (as R/K will never be a part of my life other than on the screen) and was so sad that the world had to lose her. I believe eventually that these two young people will have much to give to the world, even more than their acting, though that would be enough. I believe they are both destined for greatness, not sure in what avenue, acting, writing, music, stage or what. We can only pray that they'll be doing it TOGETHER in the years to come.

    Does anyone know when OTR goes to Argentina? Perhaps that will be where R/K goes next and can have a private vacation before or after K's filming and before BD starts.

    Thanks everyone for being here, all of us, for the same reason.

    THANKS ROSE, never stop!!!

  55. Heyyyyy Louisa my friend. Good evening (or should that be morning!) to you!

    Thanks for the link...perfect timing :-)

    Much love


  56. How come I have a sudden feeling to throw up on something sweet yet sticky!!!!!!

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. LOUISA that video was SO ROB and Kristen the WORDS in it made me car ( OF JOY) it is beautiful like it saids I LOVE YOU THE WAY YOU ARE Thank YOU so much for my fix. THEY DO BELONG TOGETHER DONT THEY ..THANKS AGAIN my friend DEB.

  59. bluuuuuuuuuuuuu
    I am vomiting by the way !!!!!lol

  60. Sorry if I grossed you out this morning////or evening it wasnt planned...I dont really know what came over

  61. Ya' know, maybe some Twilight fans are pissed off at Rob and Kristen. But a lot aren't. Not the true fans of Rob and Kristen. You called it right, those pissed off supposed fans are the lunatic fringe.

    I really can't comprehend their anger or their denial. What Rob and Kris do really has nothing to do with that rabid bunch. Or any of us either, come to think of it. But I support them and love them in any way I can. And I love how you stick up for them too. Good on ya!

  62. hehehehehe
    Im just reading thru the comments

    @ A wtf......look im not going to take another friggin sip of my coffee...coz Im back to mopping up.....LMAO be sure to fix that adjustment will ya LOL..

  63. Rose, Rose, Rose: You are awesome...

    "If the shoe fucking fits..........slide that bitch on" That was the best thing you have ever said ( NO DOUBT ) We love you !

    I think one or two pictures of them is enough. The Paps (have fucking lost their minds over them) I enjoy seeing them too. It's a double edge sword. But we don't need ugly , mean words to provoke them. That's what pisses Kristen and Rob off. ENOUGH !!!!!

    I love them side by side ( at the airport) and the picture of them with Rob's hand on her shoulder (in Montreal) to me is better than the Kissing ones.

    They don't GIVE A SHIT WHO KNOWS IT ANYMORE. THEY ARE TOGETHER, THEY JUST "DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT" Actions speak louder than words. They'll be absent again, we probably won't see them for awhile.


    Welcome Liz

    Hi to all the gang that post here. We really enjoy 'our say' don't we?


  64. What happened Lousia? Did someone sneak some nasty old honey into your coffee?

  65. I recently (like a month ago) came across your blog after being routed from some random R/K Facebook link and I've been hooked ever since.

    I check your site daily to see what's going on with R/K and to read your commentary.

    It boggles my mind also why I have such an obsession (but not the kind that would cause me to stalk someone for 1 1/2 years!!) with not only Rob but with Kristen as well, more specifically their relationship.

    And I think it boils down to this: love. They truly epitomize romantic love, young love, pure love and I think it is rooted in the love story they brought to the big screen in Twilight (for many people they ARE Edward & Bella) but I think there is something else there that we just can't explain. . .it's just a feeling. They make me smile. And warm my heart. Seriously.

    I am a happily married, 40 year old black woman from the South with two children, a full time job and currently enrolled in school to get a second degree so my life if BUSY & FULL but I'm always logging on to see what's up woth these two.

    Even before I ever heard of "Robsten" - I thought that was a teeny bop group- I knew there was something special going on between the two of them. I never ever doubted it. Love your blog ignore the ignorance because I honestly think people say stupid shit to get a reaction.

    Those paps are lucky all they got was a middle finger. They are freakin' vultures!!

  66. Rose, you are spot on again! This is why your blog is the only one I read and post to. Keep up the good work, my friend.

    Liz, you articulated perfectly what a lot of fans feel about Rob and Kristen. By the way, we're the same age!

    I feel very protective of these two. It upsets me to see them being hounded like they are. They deserve to be treated better than this.

    I hope they have a nice bit of down time before Kristen has to start filming again. I,too, feel as if it'll be a long time before Rob leaves her side again. Wouldn't it be wonderful if they did arrange their movie filmings so they be together more?

    I love the way filming stops for a bit and the gold ring is prominently displayed on Kristen's finger again? I have my own thoughts on that!

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Rose, you are so right on the money with this post. It still amazes me that people have such a negative reaction to them being together, like they could care less what anyone thinks. They're obviously verrrry happy, and I think your right that Rob just had enough of the crap and just wants to be able to be with his sweetheart. Good for them! And no one can say they asked for the pap harrassement, did you watch the video? That one chick was up in Robs face trying to snap a pic around his body guard. What is wrong with these people? Anyway I can't wait to see what happens with them next. I'm really torn, I love to see pics of them, but I hate seeing them harassed. Thanks again Rose.

  69. Brilliant post Rose! I am all about ignoring the hate that is associated with Rob and Kristen.

    If they write BS just hit the delete button and maybe they will go away.

    I too have sensed a change since Kristen's birthday actually. I just think that they have taken the next step their relationship.

    They love and support each other and as fans of theirs it is great to see.

    I hope that the frenzy will die down soon for them. Maybe the more they are spotted together as a couple it will become boring for the paps to chase/harass them.

    I am happy they are so REAL in a world full of make believe. This is why I am a fan of theirs. It is a pleasure. I wish there was a way to convey this to them somehow.

    You can tell that Rob is tired of the BS they get from media/haters. He is all about protecting the woman who holds his heart. Gosh I could just kiss him for that!!

  70. yes @ Marie it did... but the Biatch deleted the groser comment in between so it may not make sense to my reactions [e.g the motion of bringing up]hehe

    Welcome Liz sorry forgot to say before.....
    Can I ask are you a Nana?....I just want ask you to know If I'm still in the minority.....

  71. Patty hi I don't know about you but I DON'T want to get the BELT out and WHIP some papa. ass But I'll do it if I have to you don't want to mess with this mama bear. DEB.

  72. Just in case you were wondering Louisa I'm not a nana....or a mother for that matter.

    Big love to all the nana's :-)

    Hey Deb you go girl....whip some pap ass for all of us!


  73. You are the sweetest Rose:) I *heart* you. Much happiness to R & K.

  74. WE are so protective of this couple. We are True Fans and dearly love both of them That's why we're HAPPY that they are happy and together.

    Deb: Hopefully those pap ass holes will leave them alone. They don't know WHO they're messing with do they ????

  75. Your lovely, insightful postings, with each thought, word, and line you write, I believe, help to heal the world, one heart at a time.

    So inspiring, comforting and real.

    I'd like to share a partial text from a book that has greatly helped me in difficult times.

    "Nothing real can be threatened, and nothing unreal exists, therein, lies the peace...."
    A Course In Miracles

    Many thanks, Rose, for each day's labor that creates this special place.

  76. To Karen: Wow, we're the same age!!! Us old "Twihards" are a growing number. Last week we were doing the Alice Cullen Happy Dance together!! I'm a little too sad to that right now, sorry. I'll feel better if we get some "happy" news about R/K, like maybe she spends time with her family or Rob gets to spend time with his music friends, anything but being hounded by paps and some fans. Not all fans are as "perfect" as we are and want to see them have their space.

    To Louisa: No, I'm not a Nana, had no children but WISH I were, does that count? I sort of think of R & K as grandkids.

    To Secretaddict40: You go girl, having all that going on with children, husband, and school. Does Twilight and Robsten keep you sane? Do you sometimes wake up and THINK that you live in Forks?

    Hey, has anyone seen Kristen's necklace lately? Maybe she doesn't wear it when she's working on a movie, what do you think?

    Thanks again everyone for being here, keeping me sane.

  77. Hi, Rose. GREAT post.

    That is what I see too ....
    Two people, who have fallen in love and just want to be together.

    The haters will continue their bullshit and the tabloids will continue their bullshit
    But I will be here continuing to support Rob and Kristen all while ignoring the bullshit.

    I agree Melinda -- Rob and Kristen love and support each other and as a fan of theirs it's great to see.

    I hope they have some peace and quiet too, Rose. They deserve it.
    And always hope they know that they have so many supporters out there that far outweigh those spewing hate and garbage.

  78. @ Liz I have a theory about the Necklace.....and it may have something to do with a certain two ppl having an uncontrolled moment..It may have broken in the heat of the moment.....hehehehe
    if ya know what I mean....
    @ LJ Like you would be a nana you young beautiful pommy you!!!!your probably 1/2 my age.....

  79. "Look...
    They obviously want to be together.
    And it is obvious.
    Crystal clear.
    I'm wondering if Robert won't just stay by her side
    as much as he can now.
    Unless he has other business...
    I don't see him leaving her.
    I just don't.
    And yeah... that's just my opinion."

    NO ROSE you are NOT alone, we are with you! That's why we are here, bc in this madness, we can find tenderness here.You simply know what we need to read!You put our thoughts into words!

    Well it really pisses me off some 'calledROBfans' bash K when she flips the birds for those vultures.I don't even go through all the drama 'if it were Rob thing', bc Rob doesn't deserve it. He didn't ask for those kind of 'fans'.
    Nobody Knows what they have to endure every single day.They can't breath anymore, they can't go out on a date, there is always someone there to bother them.It's true WE NEED TO LEARN HOW TO BE A FAN.There are boundaries/limits, it's NOT just the pappz anymore, the fans need to learn how to give them a break, leave them breath.I know we get excited "WOW it's not every day you meet the hot couple RK",I KNOW and i understand that. It can be a chance in a million, but come on, did you read those people who said some 'fans' lost their mind and started yelling at ABS(AKA John) bc he said NO MORE PICS??? WTF! NO is NO.
    And don't say it's the fame price, i don't agree,i don't get it. RK can't sacrifice their lives for us, they are young and full of life, let them be! Let them LIVE.
    Do you want autograph or pics, just go to premieres and events when/where they are promoting their jobs, this is fair!Don't think they own us anything.Don't think you have the right to ask what you want whenever you see them, because you don't have this right.'s so difficult to explain my POV in another language!



    XO from Brazil!

  80. Rose, your blog is wonderful as is like you are inside my head because you always say exactly what I am thinking, but I could never write it down as beautifully as you do. Thank you. I have enjoyed all the wonderful news we have had this summer, it has changed everything, and I admit I enjoyed seeing the pictures of R/K kissing and snuggling in Montreal. When I saw what they had to endure in the airport, I felt physically ill. It is not fair, it is not decent, and I wish there was a way to stop it. I think Kris showed great restraint in flipping off the paps, and I don't blame her at all. I think she is fantastic, and I love the fact that Rob and Kris are more open in their relationship, they truly love each other, and I hope it last forever. I will wait anxiously for your blog tomorrow---keep up your wonderful work.

  81. Am I the only one who wants to moonwalk just because Kristen uses his hat to cover her face and flip off the paps? That shit was soooo great to me.

    BTW, I agree with everything you've said. I'm so over these delusional ass females who are so obsessed about people they don't even know. I really don't understand how people truly believe they know what's best for Rob and Kristen when like 99.9% of said people have never spoken to these people before in their lives. These morons take facial expressions, rumors from poorly-ran gossip blogs and magazines who have these anonymous "sources" and draw their own conclusions based on convenience for themselves. I cannot believe how some of these females are saying they aren't "fans" anymore just because he wants to DATE somebody. Honestly, if it wasn't Kristen, they'd bitch about how someone else. What kind of shit is that?

    Rob and Kristen don't owe us any explanation of anything outside of their careers. Yes, as fans we've made them who they are but in their personal lives, it's just that: personal. Some of these people make me embarrassed to be a fan. They really do.

    (sigh) Okay, now that's out of the way, like I said, great post. Laters.

  82. Lovely Rose,

    A fine morning to you.. and to all
    Robsten lovers..
    Lovely post, my dear..You always say thing eloquently..
    I'd say, Kristen, atta girl..those paps deserved that..
    Stop bashing Kristen!!People are just so jealous of her..Beautiful and smart..and a whole lot of woman..That's why Rob loves her so much..

    I just hope she realizes there are people who trully admire and respect her.. I know she's a strong woman..They'll get thru all of this

    Be strong and let's support Rob and Kristen in anyway we can

    To: Psyche 263& SuzyQ: very well said. My sentiments exactly

    It's so nice coming to this place full of Robsten Love..

    Have a nice day to all

  83. Liz and Louisa :

    I'm a nut-job about that necklace, gold ring and black shoelace bracelet. I look for all three every time I see her in a photo. When she left for Montreal and we got those pics of her at LAX. I didn't see the necklace, but she had on the gold ring and Black bracelet. She had both on again when she flew home yesterday. No necklace. I think she left it home because she couldn't wear anything during filming. I also use to look for
    the Chanel black flower ring(she never wears it anymore.)

  84. @ Patricia my theory sounds more exciting than your bloody policing.......LOL I was waiting for your 5cents worth.....Just imagine my theory.....[all due repects] Im sure that would'nt be hard for the imagination....
    Espesially from what we have seen as an example of "ON SCREEN".....Im only joking to those who dont understand I have a warpt sense of humour....Now leave me alone I have house work to do......oh joy.....

  85. First of all your site ROCKS!!! I also have this obsession with R.Patt and of course that includes K. Stew...but your posts are so right on. Thanks for all you do to support my addiction!

  86. Secretaddict40, welcome to the group! I'm sure you'll find that this is a great group of people who all feel as you do. We love our Rob and Kristen!

    I'm a 59 year old teacher from Maine.

  87. Brilliant you darling..
    Love Kristen she's a girl after my own heart ♥ with the universal sign language.. you go girl, & Rob by her side with his trusty it what you may.. art imitates life but these two were were meant to be together.. I wish them both success and privacy to pursue their love for each other..I enjoy the bloggers on your page they are mature, witty and funny..keep up the great work this is my "Rob" therapy..
    keep on to all
    Boogie with Stew

  88. THANK YOU Rose once again for saying what we all Think and Feel about them. I support them together and individually. I really do feel for them with so much hate out there. I just don't get it. Why do people waste their energy on hating someone they don't know.

    We are all fans or at least that's how it started. There was a time where the fandom was just that...Fans...supporting a book series that we were hooked on. I was more than hooked but that's a different story. Remember when everyday things would somehow remind you of something or someone related to Twilight. Remember when you felt an instant bond when you met another 'fan'.

    Then the movies came out and we all fell hard for our new favorite actors especially K and R. At least MOST of us did. I don't think it could have been played by anyone else. It just seems like they were meant for this and for each other.
    They are together and I couldn't be happier. They just seem so in love.

    Who knows what will happen in the future or if they stay together. I hope they do. They will always be special to each other. No matter what-- only the two of them know what it was like to go through this experience.
    No one should judge them or criticize their personal lives. It's not your place. It's no wonder why they lean on each other. Most importantly their relationship is NOT FOR SALE.

    So young and so much pressure from the world media and everyone else. Haters just move on and find something you do support. Do something creative with all that energy. There are so many real problems in the world - just move on already if you hate them so much. The rest of can go back to supporting these amazing and gifted actors, their movies and the books we love. Don't give the haters the attention they are desperately seeking.

    The fandom is still special to me. There ARE sooo many supporters out there. So many inside jokes, funny comments and creativity on twitter/websites/blogs - I enjoy them all - not the drama!

    I know I will follow ALL the movies that Kristen and Rob are apart of. I truly enjoy watching their movies and will continue to support them. I hope they find the peace they deserve...and if one day they want to tell their story it will be on their terms and in their own unique way.

    "Loving can cost a lot, but not loving always cost more" Merle Shain

    Dedicated to all those who took a chance and chose the more difficult road-R/K.

  89. So this is kind of off subject...but not really. I just got finished watching Pirate Radio!! I really watched it because I was interested in Tom Stu because of Robert and Kristen and the fact that he is such a wonderful friend to them. He was fabulous!! I may have a new crush *blush* I must recommend this movie for anyone who is a fan of the 60's music movement. And Mr. Sturridge was excellent ;)

    I have been so excited about On the Road all along because it's one of my favorite novels and of course Kristen. Now I really can't wait! 2011 is going to be a great year for Robert and Kristen. WFE and OTR!! Can't wait :)

  90. Nice job Rose, I'm with you all the way...

  91. Welcome Liz.
    This truly is a special blog spot that Rose has created. The group is a very good one that is for the most part passionate and supportive of Rob and his beautiful Kristen. You and Karen are one year behind me, but I bet you both will agree with me that it's amazing how one continues to feel so young. I am a mom but not a nana. I too feel like I have "adopted a couple of additional young adults - Rob and Kristen" and am rooting for a wonderful and successful life for them just as I do for my own wonderful child, who is almost 8 years older than Rob.

    Welcome secretaddict 40.
    Your life does sound very busy and full. This is a wonderful place to come for a few minutes, enjoy Rose's great blog plus fantastic pictures, read terrific comments, get great vid links, relax and share thoughts with like minded fans from across the world. That is a part that I love, hearing from all of the group regulars from so many countries. And our desire to see Rob and Kristen, individually and as a couple, be successful and happy, this wish unites us all! How great is that?

    Tracy, the MLK quote was beautiful, I have copied it and will use it as a bookmark to enjoy in the future.

    Fall semester is beginning, so I will not be able to peek in on the comments at work. (Where did summer vacation go? It is as if we never left.) Thank you again Rose for this beautiful blog and your dedication and caring.

    @Marie, (4:43)
    That was so subtly funny : )

    Hugs to all.
    Peace to Rob and Kristin.
    Olivia (TX.)

  92. so true...what the heck, they are in love..let them be.

  93. Beautifully said, Rose.
    I notice also how Rob has a T-shirt that said "Get off my Dick." and everyone liked it.
    Then everyone gets mad a Kristen for flipping the bird, essentially the same thing.
    The old boring double standard.
    I love them BOTH too.

  94. Hi--Love your blog; check it out all the time. First-time poster.

    Just wanted to point out that the reason Rob and Kristen look studiously UNhappy in airport pap pics is to SPOIL THE PICS. The paps are less likely to be able to sell pics of glum, expressionless celebrities.

    Even less can they sell pics of celebrities that include "the bird," especially if it obscures the face. That's why Kristen flips them off. Not just for the inherent message (though that's certainly part of it, I'm sure).

  95. @Louisa, I love your theory about the necklace, hehe~ ^^

    Rose, your post says it all. I don't have much to add. It seems we have more and more new friends enjoying Rose's blog. Just sayin'

    Monica from Asia

  96. Right fucking on, Rose. This is why I come here, wonderful women around my age who love Rob & Kristen. Young'uns are cool too.

  97. Okay girl! I don't even i have words for this kind of sh*t. You are absolutely right. I hear people talk about kristen and rob 24/7 like it's a bad thing and to be honest i actually like the idea that they are together. Now about these pics in the airport.I saw them when they were first posted and it really made me kinda feel bad for them. Kuz i mean who would honestly want a life like that?! being harrased all the time by some f*cking idots are not the lifestyle i would beg for. I saw a few videos of Rob in i think montreal and he had to get out of his car and fuss at these guys for following him around with cameras and he even called the police and they just stood there watching like "what are we supposed to do about this?" ah hello wtf. I am so over this bullsh*t. Okay they're dating now what? Kristen told the interviewer for access hollywood that she respects her privacy by not letting the world know what's going in personal her life. Acting is her career. A career is something that should not be intertwined with one's personal life. It has really come to the point where she's flippin off paps because of their stupidity. I was at the new moon premeire last year kuz my friend wanted to go, and there were of course tons of paps there, but there was one lady that was so rude. She was just yelling at her and her publicist so she could get a good picture of her and i was like are kidding me? I mean it's really sad but i know Rob is going to make sure she's safe, because there are tons of females that don't like her because of Rob and they don't know either one of them.(sigh) Well ima stop here, kuz i could go on. Life is a damn storm! smh

  98. I think one change is already in the works. Don't know how Kristen feels about the kiss bring photographed, but consider this: she wanted to kiss him more that she wanted not to be caught. I hate the TV show, Enews, but confess to watching it this summer, especially when Eclipse was coming out. Last Friday the nuzzle was the lead story on Enews. This week, the Kiss has not been the lead story. That's awesome. That shows a trend of the press losing interest in this very much settled issue. Now that the kiss has taken place, these gossip outlets know that they really have been a couple all this time. And they are a stable couple. And that is considered boring to attention seeking gossip whores. This means eventually the paps will back off too.

  99. @Opytaylor

    I agree. Now that the "money shot" has been had, I don't see the point is trying to catch them together.

    They've been caught. They know they've been caught, hence the walking TOGETHER at the airport.

    Kristen and Rob aren't hiding anymore, much less running, so why chase them?

    If anything, let them adjust to being "outed." Celebrities are people too and they don't need to be yelled at, stalked, or harrassed.

    They just wanted to go home!

  100. Hello fellow believers,
    Louisa: LOL, loved the throw up on something sweet yet sticky!! Don't forget my FB vids hun!! thanx

    Kristine.hills: I didn't know fans yelled at John, was this in Montreal the night all the other fan pics came out? If it was, I'm glad he did it. You could even tell in the pics Rob and/or Kristen did not look too pleased!

    LK: I agree!! How in the world can ANYONE choose the right person for someone else? Geesh, my kids would've killed me if I'd tried! Rob himself has said he's difficult to deal with and realized from the start Kris knew how to handle him! Some so called fans don't seem to realize that they really don't know a person just from a movie. It's a whole different ballgame living w/someone.

    twilightbabez: I thought the same thing and how interesting it was that he didn't attend his mum's bd. That speaks A LOT of volume in my book.

    Ashers: YES YES YES, she's IS the one for him for all you listed and probably more!!

    Mothermercer: I saw what you meant about her looking back for awesome is that. I also hope that the couple that did the Notebook were completly different than what we've seen aspire thru Rob and Kristen!!

    Kharma1: I noticed that too!!

    Secretaddict40: Spoken well as to what it boils down to!! ;o)

    Patty: the chanel ring she had I think for a long time didn't she? I hope it's not true that we won't see them for a long time now. ;o(

    Melinda:I think you're right about that change.

    Marie: WOW!!

    FJSA: I voted!! It said it was tied for the moment. 50% to 50%

    Deb: Go Get Em' Girl!! Get Er' Done


    Rose: I can't begin to tell you how much I NEED, yes need, your blog each day. I have yet to see you be wrong!! Keep up the good work.....your'e dynomite!! donna

  101. I love them, i really do.
    But after this artical . i don't think it will last.
    K is too boosy and Rom (or every man need freedom)

    Love you Rob :)

  102. 1st
    @ Rose, Your Blog is a fabulous place to be!! U should NEVER have to appologize, qualify, or explain yourself. U R ALWAYS allowed your opinion!!

    @ ALL the WONDERFUL posters here (if U R NOT "MY" type of wonderful then DON'T READ). I've not seen anyreason for U guys to appologize, qualify or explain, either!

    We ALL want & feel the same toward Rose & RobSten! Don't let the couple annoyances affect our HARMONY here! :)

    There is NOTHING odd in how we feel toward RobSten--NO MATTER our age! It's just that we feel love is greater than ourselves & we want to share it!

    Each of us has either experienced the RobSten kind of Love, or else we just KNOW it excists & that is why we hold it & support/share our strength w/it.

    As a military spouse I get to relive it over & over again each tiMe he comes home safe!!

    Like Robsten I KNOW that physical distance means NOTHING--it is in the emotional distance that a relationships strength is determined! Like I hinted as a military spouse our relationship has weathered many vast distances, because NO PHYSICAL distance can touch our love! :)

    This is how I see Rob & Kristen!

    Ignore the hateful & negative people & concentrate on the people here whose words lend strengh to our convictions!

  103. get the hell outta here with that US weekly crap. It's made up. And for bossy women, you are wrong. I blogged about it yesterday. I am male, straight, and confident women, who can come across as bossy is a major turn on, for guys like me, and apparently Rob. He has been with her two years and doesn't want her to change.

  104. Christina: What a wonderful example you have shared. I pray you and yours do well w/the seperations!! God bless your family!!

    Opy: I am sooo glad you addressed that and you're right. Women that are strong in opinions, etc. come across bossy. Again, you know it about Rob...he has said he loves what Kristen displays in emotions and that they're basically on the same page!! Keep it real, Donna

  105. Opytaylor , i'm not from USA, so i didn't know that US is crap.

    I just hope that both Rob and Kris won't lose themself in their love.
    That the Relationship between them is healthy .

  106. Hey,no new R/K today?Geeeez!That's a miracle!I hope they can hide for a while and have some peace.

    I don't think that paps will stop following them soon.Maybe the kiss pic is out there,but it's expensive,grainy and many shows or mags can't published it.So,they're waiting for something more clear,i think.And don't forget that R/K are on demand now.Everybody talks and is intrested in them.Don't you think that all those paps and journalists visit blogs and see how many comments are there about them?Hey,we discuss about them here every single day,with no stop.

    @kesea,i've not read this article and i'm not gonna to.I prefer to believe Opytaylor that it's made up.And how do you know it's not gonna last?Are you a fortune-teller or something?Pleeeease!Nobody knows what is gonna happen.And all this stuff that "oh,they're so young,it's not gonna last,Kristen is bossy and Rob a pushover,she doesn't love him the way he loves her,she's gonna break his heart:are things that come out of the mouth of certain group of people.You know their name!lol

    @Opy,i visited your blog yesterday.Boy,you're good!

  107. And something else.There's an interview with Kristen during the Eclipse promotion,the MTV rough cut,i think with Josh Horowitz,and he asks her if she gives advice to Rob or something like that and she says"I never tell him what to do".I think many people,especially a part of Rob's fans,underestimate him.They think he doesn't know that he knows he's a catch,he could have any girl or woman he wants,but he chooses with a girl,who is gay,bossy and doesn't love him enough.Yeah,right!

  108. nice one, Rose ;)

    I somewhat like airport pics. especially now when they dont feel the need to walk a mile apart anymore. but some of those make me sad.

    but why in teh freaking hell would I ever expect them to smile in those pictures? they both stated several times how they feel about it and how they handle it. needing to rush through an airport with a pack of yelling people with cameras chasing after you is no smiling matter.

    and the finger? I say "You Go Girl!" more power to her

    I too think they are past hiding in while in plain sight. I dont see them ever flouncing it but it was out there for so long it just seem they dont really care anymore about putting on a pretense

    and as for Rob not leaving Kristens side, I agree with you. why would he? why should he? they are both in a line of work that has them leaving home for extended periods of time. spending as much time as they can together is only natural

    and August has been freraking awesome :D


    If you haven't read that yet,please do!It says it all.

  110. @LK,

    Papz will not stop following them. They're the couple of the moment. They don't care about R&K feelings, they do care about the interests of the public, us, and money.

    R and K have to learn to handle these situations. Maybe they should have anticipated to Papz before they caught them "in fraganti", so no one papz would have got such a lot of money for a grainy pic.

    It was obvius that one day or the other, a papz would catch them as it has happened.

    Rose thanks, not only for your wise words, but for this space to comment, peacefully on our favourite couple.

  111. Hi Everyone, first time commentor but love the blog and am also a big supporter of R&K. I had some thoughts and was hoping you guys would help me out: Do you think if R&K do start being more public then the PAPs would back off as someone else suggested? Would we want to hear them declare how they got together and how much they love each other or would it then lose the mystery? Am also wondering about the lack of the necklace. I feel sorry for Rob at LAX, we all know how much he loves her, must be hard to put up with them shoving cameras in K's face. I'd love it if they could just go for a walk. Last thing, if they took a break from it all would they stop getting followed or lose fans do you think?

  112. Yes Rose, it's sad and bad that some Rob fans don't want to hear it. I'd say it's ignorance but then I think it's more hate from those Rob fans who don't want to hear about her.

    The other day I was on the worst livejournal for him, and found comments wishing he breaks up with her! How cruel. Why wish heartbreak on someone you apparently like? And to be talking about their personal life, personal relationships, you're a fan of them away from their filming. So why wish heartbreak for the guy?

    Oh and that Honey only commented the other day, on another site, only commenting on them not being side by side on the escalator. Lol. Ignorance is bliss for her. They were standing side by side walking through the airport. So did she just forget to comment on that?

    If Kristen was a druggie, whore, cheater, and so much worse...I'd understand he'd be ruining his image. But she's not any of those.
    How can he ruin his career through being with her? Crazy...!

    Yes Rose, I see two people in love who want to be together.

    I feel a shift in the air too. I mean he could have gone to his Mom's Birthday party. He stayed with Kristen. Obviously that's what love does to you, you see less of your family and see more of your partner.

  113. LK, I agree. The fans who used to call Kristen clingy...The fans who used to say and still say Kristen doesn't love Rob like he loves her...They underestimate him. I'm sure if she didn't love him like he loves her, he wouldn't stick around like he does.

  114. i know so many people are happy for our fave couple:) and i only wish them the best in everything as well..God bless!

  115. Whether alone or together, they are always hounded by the paparazzi. Remember the most recent incidents like Kristen and Tom Stu, it was really horrible and I am sure Rob was very grateful to Tom for being there for Kris when he was busy with WFE

    Then for Rob, that Malibu incident, it was horrible too..

    SO , maybe they decided to its better to face the papz TOGETHER and gain the strength from being with each other..

    I think so too that they did not care anymore what the people will think about their relationship.

    I too hope that people close to them will give them good advices they also need guidance from those who are in the industry for a long time.

  116. @Patricia: Im so glad Im not the only one who looks for teh accesoires :) I nicknamed the necklace Waldo even, cause it was the first thing I looked for in pics :D

    @Leigh: I wathed The Boat that Rocked because I adore Richard Curtis to no end and the cast sounded wonderful even before I realized TomStu was part of the cast. and he was amazing indeed. I think Im crushing a bit too. or a lot *blushes* I watched all the interviews I could get my hands on on youtube and he is so much like Rob its scary. except where Rob is big smiles and silly jokes he is more soft spoken

    is it confession time then? I used to feel kind of oldish in teh Twidom but now I simply dont think about it anymore. you meet so many different people. you meet 18 year old who are more mature and articulate then some 40somethings. you meet grandmas that can get as excited as their granchildren. and thats while I lvoe this fandom for most part. and why its so easy to ignore the lunatic fringe for teh most part. and since we are confessing, Im 29. going on 17 :)

    both Rob & Kris are strong personalities. and while I believe he would bring the moon donw for her, he wont let anyone tell him what to do. not even her. and I also think she respects him too much to even try.

  117. @Opytalyor and @LK, agree with you. Whenever I read someone said they won't gonna last, I'm like "WTF"?! If things won't work out for relationships with love in such depth, what will?!

    Even I'm not from US, I know tabloids from all over the world are the same. They made up juicy stories. God knows how come they get so many inside sources!!~

    Monica from Asia

  118. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. I woke up this morning and looked online and saw the caption "Kstew and Rpatz Love Nest" and it was showing pictures of a house...God I hope and pray that this house is not the house where Kristen and Rob are living...the paparazzi know no boundries...stalking them is bad enough...but in sick as it is...they know that there is a possibility of having their pictures taken..but to have them find their home and then camp outside with cameras to take pictures of them AT so wrong.

  120. Marie,

    I saw the same thing this morning...I agree with you 100%. There are too many crazy people in this world for them to post that!!

  121. I don't know why everyone is getting their panties in a wad. Rob and Kristen have been together for a long time. It just so happened that they let us see the picture that went around the world. It's out now and the pap that got the picture received a hefty payday, so there isn't anything else they can do to Rob and Kristen. They are going to love each other and it could be forever for them, who knows. I am just going with the flow of loving both of them and hope they are soulmates.

  122. to Marie

    Heard people talking about this pics...I also agree with you this is So wrong...if this is the house Rob and Kristen were staying I hope to God that they are NO longer there.


  124. You may be right about Malibu being the turning point. Who knows, maybe Rob realized that he didn't want Kristen to be followed around like that if she were out running errands alone. Or, maybe he realized that maybe it scared her when the papz did exactly that the night that they followed Kristen and Dakota around after they left that party last summer. I thought it looked like Rob was covering Kristen's back in these airport least until the BG showed up when they arrived in LA


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.