Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Robert and Kristen- The Best Is Yet To Come!

My oh my...
That is some kinda beard, Mister Sir.
You look kinda... Gruffy.
 I like it.
A lot.
It suits you somehow more than the polished Edward look...
But the fact remains that you just got off an 11 hour flight
and you still look fantastic.
As in fanFUCKINGtastic.

And who do I spy behind you?
Is it...
Could it be?
Adorable Thomas?
I have to say...
I've missed his face.
The beard suits him too...
Makes him less pretty... more rugged.
Pretty fucking OK in my book.

 See... these pictures are all kinds of delicious.
Robert back in the good ol' USA
(safe from harm)

A mysterious blonde!!
All the bases are covered!
Thank goodness for that.

People had Robert all over the place yesterday.
NY at some concert
which turned out to be Ed something or other
from Gossip Girl.
Sorry... but I NEVER got his appeal
(Is that mean? Oh well)
And to be confused with Robert??
Can I just say...
I'm sure he's a very nice guy and all...
But um...
No real fan of Robert would look at that guy and say
"Oh hey... look... it's Robert Pattinson!"

Just NO.


There has been a lot of blather about where Kristen is as well...
Besides NY with Fake Rob...
(Does that mean there is a fake Kristen, too?)
She has been spotted here there and everywhere.
It is amazing how many people fucking lie on Twitter
Isn't it?

I suppose I kinda get the fun of poking the beast...
(something I enjoy every now and then)
But to lie about seeing Robert and/or Kristen
is a pretty lame cry for attention.


Robert is back in Los Angeles.
So tell me...
Where do you think Kristen is?


Of course he went back to L.A.
He always goes back to her.
They always end up together.

Yeah. Yeah....
It's ALL work related.
Keep telling yourself that.


You shouldn't get upset that Robert can't seem
to stay away from Kristen.
I don't think he can help it...
It's like...
He's always pulled back to her.

So now I sit here with a big ol' smile 
on my face.
Like really Big.

And I'm kinda singing a song...
and maybe later I might even twirl a little.

It's good.
Great even.

Be  Happy!

This post is brought to you by the letter *R* and the number *11*

R for Robert Pattinson
My intoxication level is off the charts at the moment.

And it feels so good.

The number 11
That's how long the flight from 
London to Los Angeles is.
And how many 
Hops, Skips and Jumps
I've done so far...


Bye for now


  1. I've never commented here before, I've been lurking for a while though. Today seems like the perfect time to comment. Rob is back and all is right with the world again! I'm sure he's with Kristen or will be soon! I'm twirling!

  2. Rose, I agree with you about Ed, he is not someone I would mistake for Robert, and Ed to slightly creepy >.<

  3. Our boy looks great, well rested and gearing up for BD. Heard that Kristen has just finished in Phoenix and was heading back to LA. They can have some time alone before BD. Getting very excited to see all the pictures that will be coming from the shooting of the film. Rob is just like Elvis, he shares is good fortune with his best buds. What a great guy.

  4. Happy Wednesday
    And Hi Rose...

    Crystal, I could not have said it better myself, "All is right with the world again". I don't know what it is, when they are apart things just don't feel right.. it's kiltered (is that a word,lol) a bit.
    We will see that smile, that smitten smile back on Rob's face again and that just makes me happy.

    Another awesome Post Rose. Your Post is what I look forward to reading everyday because it always puts me in a Happy Place. The
    "World is Right Again" and I am Twirling.

  5. Rob could have just as easily stayed in London for another couple weeks before going straight to Vancouver for BD filming. Hmmm...wonder what made him come back now? Interesting timing with Kristen finishing filming and heading back to L.A. As Rose said, somehow, some way, they ALWAYS end up together.

  6. For once, Rose, I don't agree with you. The beard doesn't fit Rob, noooo! I's a crime to hide that pretty face under a beard. He looks older and serious. If you ask me, he looks like a monk. Well, it's my opinion.

    I couldn't stand that drought anymore. I'm happy he's back to LA and probably Kristen was already waiting for him. I'm not sure whether we'll have so much Robsten from now on. I mean, out of BD shooting news, they've become so stealthy that I hardly doubt that we get sightings of them.

  7. I've been MIA again but knew I had to read today.. Gosh I've missed him! :) Couldn't agree with you more Rose on everything.. Especially that Ed guy.. I read yesterday he said "I get mistaken for Rob all the time"? WHAT?? BY WHO?? Ewwww I don't watch that show but he seems to be everywhere and always talking about Rob.. WHY? Hmmm he's not for me. I can't believe that anyone that knew either one of them would mistake him for Rob.. Just noooooo LOL

  8. Robert is back in Los Angeles.
    So tell me...
    Where do you think Kristen is?


    Of course he went back to L.A.
    He always goes back to her.
    They always end up together.

    There's none so blind as those who won't see. ;) IJLY,Rose. <3

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Rose: I love how you covered the blond being there. Perfect. He is so fucking gorgeous even with that HUGE beard. I love him no matter what. The intoxication just gets stronger. I feel the sweet reunion of our favorite couple. Now hopefully a picture of the two of them together. Is that asking too much?
    Grazie for pics and post.

  11. This is my first time commenting. Have loved the posts here for months, but I never had the nerve to post. I'm so glad Robert is back safe. I'm twirling too.

  12. :):) Rob is back. Wow. Gosh these distances seem to become less of a distance. He goes to his family for a week, then back to LA, back to Kristen. Soon he'll only stop for a couple of days! He's heading straight back to Kristen. Why? Because Kristen is a main part of his life.

  13. Can you please Rose, delete Honey's comments? All the time. She is so obviously not a fan of Robert. Never has been never will be. Why do you allow her comments to be posted?? It would rid the hate from this site.

    a) you've stopped talking about haters
    but b) there's always Honey's comments coming through

  14. "Celebrate good times, come on"....Kool and the Gang say it all.

    I've been on vacation, and have a big project with stained glass---but nothing is keeping me from this blog....actually Rose, you have me so addicted that I've been lurking back and forth, all day and all night---so I keep up with the news.

    Tracy, be strong and keep the faith. Hugs

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. HONEY WHO???? I don't see honey...I don't hear honey...lalalalala TWIRL IN MY ROSE COLORED GLASSES...;)

  17. Rose...Some new pics I haven't seen...beautiful thank you

  18. :D Yay. ^^

    Isn't it great Rose, that Rob's back in LA. I wonder how long his beard will be kept for too, since soon he'll have to start BD stuff right. I hope he has a break though with Kristen first. :')

  19. BWAHAHAH...mystery blonde. Bases ae definitely covered!

    Wow, I honestly didn't imagine these two so welded to the hip like they have been all summer.It's sweet to see, young love in bloom and all that. God, even Lainey was saying on her liveblog yesterday that everything was fine and happy with R and K, and that Rob is way into her.

    It's just really cute, how this summer has played out. They seem quite supportive and committed to one another. How anyone can take that personally and negatively are silly.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hi All, Hope you are all well and happy, Beardy man Rob sure looks happy to be back to the US. I'm glad he's he came back here for a visit, but I'm sure he feels more at home in LA now, obviously cause Kristen's there.

    I loved all your comments Rose, I wonder what all the excuses for him returning to LA will be, did he come back because Tom had to work, or breaking dawn needs some PR so get to Kristen now or he's her because he missed his blonde haired publisist hahahahahha!!!!!!

    These numptys should be comedians.

    Keep up the good work Rose, its down to you now RP life is gone.

    Speak soon and I will keep laughing here in Scotland HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

  22. Honey, Honey, Honey...

    Is that the best you can do? Why don't you come and chat with us one night? We wouldn't make too much fun of you ;)

    Why try to cause all the drama? I would think that you would have figured out by now that it's not going to work here. I mean seriously...NOBODY believes a word you say. We all find you rather amusing...

    So, instead of making us laugh AT you why don't you come laugh WITH us?

    Okay, I tried. See Honey...that's the way you are supposed to behave. Just in case you were raised by wolves and not taught any other way :0

  23. Rose...I am sitting here with a big ole' smile too...thanks to you!! You make every word, wink and nudge ever so clear.

    Kami...oh my...Robert and Ed should never be in the same thought form...creepy yes...

    And Honey...I want to thank you for providing Susan/Sue Bee with the BEST material this summer. I cannot remember laughing so hard while visiting the island and the Disney Cruise ship!!

  24. Well look it's the lovely (not) Honey!!

    Our very own rare flower

    Appropriately named

    "The Bloomin Idiot"

  25. Hi manjen **waves**

    How is your day going?

  26. Leigh

    My day is going fine. Thanks for asking.

    I talked to my husband and he is working on the days of the concerts..Thank you so much for thinking of me. I HONESTLY appreciate it!


  27. manjen

    You are very welcome!

    I had extras and wanted to offer them to you first. There are a couple of my Hubby's friends who want them so thanks for letting me know.

    Have a great rest of the day :)

  28. How very happy it makes me to know that he's with her. (Because we all know that he went home to her and they're together) With all the insanity and shit out there, I am glad that they have each other to hold onto.

    Now.. the beards.. (and I do mean plural, since the Tomster seems to be sporting one as well) Usually not a big fan of the beards.. but they're starting to look a little more appealing..

    And Ed whatshisname was mistaken for Rob? Are you serious? Uhm.. Ed? if you're out there.. sorry dude.. that's just not right. At all.

    And btw.. is it still a cat nap if the dog is napping with you? My dog has to be right up against me everywhere I go today.

  29. Rose, thanks once again for this wonderful post. I lost count on how many times you wrote the word FUCK in your blog, but I don't care, as long as you stay put and fight back!

    EW's eyes and receding hairline looks creepy to me. He's nothing like Rob. BAW, Rob's back and so is Kristen;);) Where do you think they are now?~^.^~mmmmmm..

  30. Rob's back Honey! Meaning the start of your exodus towards Calvary:)))!! AGAIN!!!

    I can sing a really old song for you. "Oh its crying time again. You gotta believe me.":))))!!

  31. Hello Roseland-
    Just sitting here twiddling my thumbs--all alone.

    Oh wait I have honey to keep me company! Honey you psychotic bitch how are you? Still stupid and delusional? Honey I so wish you were here with me as I am sure I could convince you that every thought you have is wrong but alas you are far from me. I would say I miss you but there is a large, old dog that makes deposits in this yard, and so, when I miss you, I simply go outside and I can stare at a steaming pile of shit, which is how I picture you dear honey.

    Have a good day honey and please try to find your way back to reality soon.

  32. Tracy!!!!!!!!


    I missed you!!

  33. Hello Lilly!

    You're not alone!! At least not on here..

    I'm alone here at home.. everybody's left me here too! Kiddo's at school, will be gone all day.. hubster went out of town..

  34. Tracy

    BTW I LOVE your avatar! ;-)

  35. Rose-I'm dying here. I said once I would use Rob's beard as a loofa and I'm not fucking kidding. Beards do it for me, big time. I'm twirling with you, Rose. So fucking happy to know that they are together, In LA, at home, together. I fucking love it, together=happiness!!

    T-Come on babe, give it know you're loving that beard woman. On both of them ;)

  36. So much talk about a beard. Its everywhere on the internet today. Personally, I'm with Rose, I like beards. But it really doesn't matter because its his face, or their's, if we include Tom in this discussion. I'm not about to ask them about my hair color choice and they certainly don't have to clear it with me whether or not they can grow a beard.

    Just as an aside, facial hair or the ability to grow it is linked to testosterone levels. So think about that.

  37. Manjen :) Took me a while to find it. I have others.. and I'm actually looking through my bajillion pictures to find another one I want to use later maybe. We'll see.

  38. when I first saw the beard I thought he looked like a musketeer. the second time around I thought he looked like Jesus. now he reminds me of Robinson Crusoe.

    and its always good to see Tom. no matter what :D

    and of course him going to LA is work related. I bet right now he is rehearsing some scene from BD with his leading lady ;)

    havent twirled in days and I miss it

    so, twirl you later <3

  39. Rose~

    I look forward to reading your blog everyday! I love all the beautiful pics that you post...soo much pretty!! It's refreshing to be able to come to a place where everything is soo positive and has good vibes. Thank you for making a sane place to come to, especially with all the crazy that is out there.

    P.S. Love the's one of my favorite photo shoots!!

  40. And for the starfish (sorry guys.. still catching up.. )

    The picture is for you.. hope you can see it.

    We're glad Rose found you too, and threw you in with the rest of us. ;)

    **I may randomly interrupt with replies to things from yesterday, so skip ahead if you want.**

  41. What's the matter Honey? Sour Grapes? Get over it sweetie, Kristen and Robert weren't put on this Earth for our enjoyment, they have a right to their own lives and guess what...we have NO say so in them. Just accept the fact that you're wrong and move on with your life. BTW I think the men in the little white coats are looking for you again...

  42. Kami

    Honey always deletes her post as soon as we address her...I wonder if she thinks WE are the voices in her head!?!


    You have lots of..ummm..interesting knowledge ;)

  43. Tracy is back and all is right in Roseland. I ADORE your little picture!!! I have a shirt just like it-- and your Bailey brownies are so delicious! I am glad you are here Tracy--your strength is amazing.

    At some point smitty emerged for a
    brief moment (to grab food) and, before disappearing again, asked about you and your family. Perhaps tomorrow when one of them comes out again I will let her know you are handling it like a pro!

    I do, by the way, believe beards are a sign of high testerone levels--can you handle a
    bearded woo today my friend??

  44. Hi everyone *waves*

    Okaaaaaaaaay so I'm back......just been reading through the posts and Tracy it's sooooo good to have to you back on here. You were only gone a day and I bloody missed you!

    Why does Honey keep posting then deleting it? I have no idea what she wrote but I can imagine the crazy shit she probably came out with. *HONEY YOU NEED TO SEEK TREATMENT LOVE*

    Anyway, back to more wonderful topics...this post. I hate the fucking paps but I can't help but love seeing this pictures, because it means Rob and Kristen are back together........

    ......buuuuuuuuut personally my eyes were drawn to one thing only in these pics....Beardy Tom = hot. ******SIGHHHHHHHHHHH******

    Much love,

  45. Yay!! Woo Tracy Woo tracy.....I love a good woo ;-)

  46. Testosterone, beard driven woo? Oh my. I'm pretty sure I can handle it, but if I pass out.. someone's gonna need to be on hand to revive me.

    Liza! *hugs*
    flove you!

    I missed you guys too :)

  47. I think Honey deletes her posts because A) she's a coward; but mainly B) Honey aka stewridge/garrettstew/tomgarrettstew has made various threats against Rob on her twitter and people have warned her they are reporting her. Apparently she's never heard of screencapping. She doesn't seem to realize that there is proof even if she deletes it. She's not exactly the brightest star in the sky is she?

    Two days ago she was talking about how Garrett and Kristen are MFEO. Now she's changed her twitter name AGAIN and is talking about how Tom came back with Rob because he and Kristen are dating. Watching Honey is like watching Meet the Parent's. It's so uncomfortable to watch someone make such a complete ass of themselves. I just don't understand how she's not totally humiliated all the time to be proven wrong constantly. Whatever. We're clearly not dealing with a full deck here are we?

    Can't wait for pictures of Kristen and Rob together to start surfacing. You know it's only a matter of time. I wonder when they have to be up in Vancouver. Maybe they'll take a little holiday before they go.

  48. Liza,

    Have you started drinking yet because you are bad. Go, girl, go.


  49. Yep Rose HES HOME and I'm hoping hes Home with his Girl or soon to be I'm oine happy person right now and the Beard well lets just say HUMMMMMMmm But I love Rob anyway thank you Rose DEB.

  50. Leigh I think Honey has so many voices going on in her head she probably doesn't realize the rest of us even exisit...and if she notices us, she probably imagines that we all agree with her and worship the ground she walks on,she probably even thinks we all hear her voice in our head. If she wasn't so damn evil I might take a minute or two to feel sorry for the little witch. But since we all know she's the devil's sister...I will use my energy doing more enjoyable things than worrying bout honey...things like cleaning toilets.. Kami

  51. Liza! How are you sweet girl? I want to thank you for being in the correct time zone as your messages kept me charmed during a lonely night.


    Some women like their men
    to be shaven and quite clean
    some think a beard makes a man
    look roughy and also quite mean.

    But Tracy you know that a beard is,
    a way of saying to you,
    my testerone is feeling racy
    I need one of Tracy's sweet woos.

  52. Ha!, no Penny I've finished drinking...I only had a couple after work.

    Anyhoo I'm not bad just stating facts ;-D

    Tracy I flove you too!

  53. The game continues?
    I'm allowed to rhyme?
    You won't be all worried
    To disappoint me this time?
    The beard is attractive
    I have to admit
    If it increases your levels
    Then I flove it
    I missed your sweet words
    You have to know
    I'm glad I have a chance
    To let that show
    Nights forgotten
    Memories erased
    New laughter and wooing
    Shall take it's place
    Our friendship continues
    I couldn't ask for more
    Because you are the one
    I truly adore.

  54. Rose,

    I've got this BIG SMILE that I just can't seem to get rid of, and it seems to me that this BIG SMILE is not going to disappear any time soon. So I'm Twirling, Twirling because Robert is HOME with Kristen...where else would he supposed to go!?

    Ohh, I didn't read any of the drama out there...I've been trying to stay away from twitter, because everytime I go there the drama is always there...and I do not want anything interfering with my Twirling.

    Robert and Kristen REUNITED... Hurray.

  55. Wonderful Syd,

    I hope you didn't read my post above when I said that Beardy Tom was hot. Because I can assure you that if you, my lovely Syd, were to grow a beard then your hotness would be off the scale....

    And I will charm you anytime my love, timezones or no timezones.

    Ps, loved the woo and Tracys reply....epic! You are so bloody clever the pair of you :-)

  56. Liza ----> ❤

    Oh, I downloaded the Elbow album you suggested. And I'm trying to download a Biffy Clyro one right now but iTunes is being a bitch about it. :(

  57. Tracy

    I must say, your woo poem was off the chain!!

  58. Ohh, I see Fuckwit Honey has alraedy deleted her comments ...such a little coward, isn't she?

  59. Rob and Tom one looks like Jesus the other like Moses! LMAO

    Little beard 1

    Little Beard 2

    oh I wonder where are you? :) :)

    IMO kissing a bearded man is def sexy, and tickles. I am more of a Go T type of girl though.

    As long as Rob is far away from crazy K, I am all good, got my spiked heels on twirling with Rose See! :)

  60. Thanks Manjen :)

    I'm kinda liking the testosterone fueled woo myself.

  61. Kathy she does that shit every time she comes here. A COWARD she is :P

  62. LET'S ALL TWIRL TOGETHER .... how about the old TURTLES SONG, "Happy Together" ......

    Grin, Grin, Grin

    Hope they have some together time without paps stalking them.

  63. I don't usually like beardy Rob, but your right the man looks great! Maybe it's the lack of recent pictures lol. I don't really get why people would post stuff that's not true, it's just kinda pathetic to me. But whatever floats your boat I guess. I'm pretty sure Kristen is right next to Rob wherever they are, and soon we will know cause they'll begin shooting BD, can't wait.

  64. T-You're mad wooing skillzzz are back...loves it! You keepin it reals T! (gangsta just for you ;) )

  65. Is Syd behaving today ladies? Hi Tracy!! I heard you had a rough day but I see you are already back and in rare form. You seem like a really strong person. I'll keep you and your dad in my thoughts.

    Hi to everyone else. E how is your friend doing today? Still so happy she got to stay with you for a few more days.

    Alright Syd, I am still around so behave and play nicely!

    Hi Liza! Hi to anyone I'm missing.

  66. Hi Bailey :) *hugs*

    I got some testosterone fueled woo, but when I wooed back, I think he passed out..

    Honestly though.. thank you for your concern. It wasn't the greatest day, but like you said. Now I know, and that's better than not knowing. Now I an process and deal with it, which I am trying to do.

    Have fun today!

  67. Hi 1Rosefan my friend, hope you are having a wonderful day ;-)

  68. Hi 1RoseFan

    Hope you are having an awesome day!

  69. You too Liza!

    Tracy--glad you are feeling in control. That's good. I didn't understand the whole testerone woo thing but then I got it--the whole beard thing Mel was teasing about. You guys are too much.

    There's a lot of new people here today--that's good for Rose but makes me want to be careful. I hope Syd understands that too. He was getting mouthy before--he's kind of nuts but as long as everyone understands it won't matter.

    Okay, I'm getting myself all nervous and I should get going anyway--take care.

  70. 1Rosefan-

    Hey, she's great...I'm actually trying to finish up here at work to meet up with her. We're going dress shopping for her for my friends wedding. Looking forward to that ;). I usually shop for boys.
    How are you...happy eh? You were too cute yesterday! Love it!


  71. We're always cautious.. always careful. Don't make yourself nervous! Just go enjoy your day.

    We'll keep an eye on things.. Me and my tiara 2.0 (I've upgraded!)

  72. 1RoseFan

    Hi, how are you, today :)? I Hope your having an amazing day!

    Take care

  73. Aw man!!! I missed the Honey posts!!! How can I write a diary if I can't read the crazy? Someone want to e-mail or tell me what today's psychosis is?


  74. 1Rosefan

    I hope didn't make you nervous sweetie LOL, I am in and out here, I'm sure you have seen me around(changed my pic and made my name shorter recently though)

    30yearoldtwifan :)

  75. SueBee *HUGS*

    I don't quite remember what craziness Honey was on today, but I think she said something about Kristen not being with Rob today because Kristen is in Canada or something like that.

  76. SueBee, I saw you posted you started a "official blog" for your chronicles! Well done girl! They need to be framed and laminated if anything :)

  77. Manjen!!!!

    Hugs! Sorry, I would have been here earlier but I needed a nap!

  78. @30

    My, oh my! Thanks!

    I was hoping to write another installment soon but I need a bit more, um, research! :o)

  79. Hi Katy, Susan, and Manjen--I am having an exceptional day-lol--and that's all I'm saying about that.

    E--how cool you get to take her shopping-good for both of you. I bet you both have a great time. I hope she finds something that makes her feel like a princess.
    Do you live in CA by chance? If that's too persona just ignore me--just wondering if you are near LA. I uh, have some friends who own a place and could have them help you guys. Just a thought.

  80. SueBee Are lovely Honey did "a post and run ..delete" again, ya know her usual. LOL

  81. The E resides in NYC
    and that totally rhymed

    someone stop me!

    Imma going to visit her gansta self this summer, hopefully!

  82. Hey SueBee!!!


    and I think I saw a Manjen in there somewhere!

    I'm multi tasking again!

    Working on a blankie :) Like the good aunty I am!

  83. Hi 1RoseFan/Bailey!

    Good day, huh? That just makes me grin like an idiot.

    Glad things finally came together for you.

  84. RK... You sound like Forrest Gump! Hahahaha!

  85. So, Honey posted, deleted, and dashed, but what did she say?

    Hi Tracy!

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. I only saw the one where she said that Kristen was on her way to Calgary for some OTR stuffs.. some randomass tweet..

    I didn't catch the first one.

  88. Thanks Tracy--do you know what size her friend is by chance. Have you seen a picture of her or anything like that?

  89. 1RoseFan

    Smiling ear to ear :)


  90. 1Rosefan-

    That's so sweet of you, but unfortunately I live in NY! I'm taking her to my friends store...she's got a lot of great vintage stuff...that's where I got my dress and I think she'll love it.
    The wedding's gonna be at a really nice place here in the city...I think you're familiar with the CA version of it. Don't wanna give too much away. You never know...I might be really famous ;)
    But please let me know where this store is...I think I'll be in LA in Nov or Dec... And our sweet lord knows I love me some shopping.


  91. Rose!! How good to see you! How's it going for you today?

  92. I know the girl is 17, and I'm assuming somewhat of a small stature considering her situation. I'll send E a message for her to come give you more info if you'd like.

  93. Smitty! I thought we might not see you for a few days... :)

    I'm in a great mood! And how are you? Heh.

  94. E... Tricksy that one. Knows when I'm talking about her. Has like a built in T radar or something ;)

    Lurve you!

  95. Hey E--Its not really a public store-lol-okay I just know a couple stylists who owe me some favors and I thought it would be fun to have them fuss over her.

    I know just the place and LOVE the NYC one. So nice and fun--a wedding there--hmmmmmm

    Vintage is great--I'm sure you'll find some cool stuff.

  96. Can't you feel that "something" in the air...the moment they tantalizing!

    BTW: LOVE THE BANNER! *100 twirls!*

  97. I see the village idiot dropped by! Oh well what can you do but laugh. Today is to good of a day to not.

    Rose- can't stop giggling for some reason. Great post!

    Tracy- Welcome back! We missed you yesterday but totally understandable. Love the avi!! I am in awe of your woo poem.

    Syd- glad the password info I gave you worked. Was the movie any good or did you not see it yet?

    I see you are in fine form once again, bring the woo back!

    1Rosefan- glad to see you are having such an exceptional day!! You are making me giggle as well!!

    Hey everyone else- you all are nuts and in a good way of course!!

  98. Don't you start too Rose. Syd has been driving us crazy all morning--and into the afternoon. We are supposed to go to my parents but I don't know if that will happen. Would you believe I may have to leave for a day?? How bad is that? Trying to get out of it.

  99. I'm laughing at how happy everyone is here--are you all on something or what? LOL--I mean I like it but really, what gives?

  100. I refuse to be unhappy today. No real rhyme or reason.

    Happy is good!!

  101. Smitty,

    We're just happy that you're happy! :o)

  102. Tracy just noticed what you said about knitting our little Tom a blankie.......seriously THANK YOU!

    Just remembered I've got some new pics so I'll send them to you. Get ready for the cuteness!

    1Rosefan I think there must be something in the air....and if there is its made its way over to England too because I could deffo twirl.....

    Oh and don't go anywhere if you can help it ;-)


  103. Its just so much more fun to be HAPPY!
    Sometimes you don't want to deal with the negativity and you just want to throw the starfish back in the ocean...

  104. Hi 1Rose,

    I think its just all that testosterone wooing and such that has everyone happy today.

    I really don't think its the weather that's doing it.

  105. Love is in the air! (sing it with me!! and Tom Jones!)

    It's a good day to be in a good mood. Friends are happy, we're happy...

    Not sure if the guy I yelled a string of curse words at on the interstate this morning is happy.. but whatcha gonna do?

  106. Omgod--she is awake and not otherwise occupied. Look darling, there are about 100 phone messages, packages being delivered and some bitch is insistent on Gruff being someplace about 3 hours ago. I don't mind playing assistant but you could answer your phone or check for texts. Also, you need more coke.

    Will his and her royal highnesses being leaving their royal nest anytime soon to come along on the magical mystery tour this evening or must I disappoint everyone? There are actually odds being given on whether you two will show up. I, of course have taken all comers since I know that the chance of you two going anywhere is slim to none.

    Also, I believe you have some foundation issue as I heard a bit of moaning and creaking last night and then multiple times today. You should have a structural engineer come and investigate. It sounded quite serious.

    Paybacks love--seems as if nobody was too upset about my drunkenness. Rose is not shutting down the blog and Liza does not hate me. Nobody jumped off a building and nobody is catatonic either.

  107. Someone earlier mentioned the Turtles "So happy together"

    I like that one.

  108. Tracy

    I would SOOOO love to sing with you...unfortuately I don't know that song...can we pick another?


  109. Not to nag guys, but does anyone know what Honey said specifically?

  110. Okay, happy is good then! Glad you are all having good days (except the guy on the interstate)

  111. How about "Shelter of Your Love"--that's my favorite song right now.

  112. My darling syd.... I've missed you ;)

  113. 1RoseFan

    knowing people are happy...makes me happy.

  114. 1Rosefan-

    Oh gotcha...thank you for thinking about her. I'm sure we'll have fun. I want to make this really special for her. She's really simple in what she likes and is extremely petitte...I'm sure we'll find something that's just lovely for her. My friend is dying to get her in there and fuss over her just like you said. I got caught up in a shitload of work today and I'm running late.
    She's on her way to the store and I'm meeting her there.

    T-I do have a radar specially for iPhone is so attuned to the blog that it just sings for me to check!
    Love you more babe!!! Muacks!!!

  115. My song choice for happiness right now is:

    "Happy in Love" by Colbie Calliet (okay so I'm sure I didn't spell it right but who cares)

  116. Starfish epic pictureness!!!


    Just for you.. in case you missed it earlier.

  117. Rose--how are you my friend! I've missed you and the other Roselanders also, of course!

  118. well.. we'll try again.. technical difficulties!

  119. Was the song Shelter of your love in the movie Cocktail?? If so...great song!

  120. Mel I LOVE that song too!

  121. Awwww--Tracy--starfish. Love it!!

  122. And now back to my regularly scheduled blatant adoration.

  123. I don't know if it was in that movie--its by Jimmy Cliff--great, great song. Kind of obsessed with it actually.

  124. We saw that starfish while we were at the beach in Destin. It took a couple tries to get the shot right.. and ya know.. I put that sweet thing back into the ocean before we left. :)

  125. RF-

    One of the best happy videos out there on youtube has that song in it and the pictures that go with it make people happy.

  126. *Sings*

    How I survived, Oh, I dont know.
    Still I'm glad to say, I'm still here today.
    I tried to pretend, but it was just a show.
    Now I, I just cant hide. I had to swallow my pride.
    And I had to:
    Run for the shelter of your love. (x4)

    You know I'm a man, I dont like to brag.
    But it's been cold and empty out here, it's been a drag.
    A man dont fight and run away. He will live to fight another day.
    Well it's these words I sing that keeps me holding on today.
    I know that I can:
    Run for the shelter of your love. (x4)

    The shelter of your love. (Longing for the shelter of your love.)
    The shelter of your love. (Talking 'bout the shelter of your love.)
    The shelter of your love.

    I know that I can:
    Run for the shelter of your love. (That's what kept me holding on so strong.)
    Run for the shelter (So strong, so long.)
    Run for the shelter of your love.
    Run for the shelter of your love.
    Shelter of your love (talking 'bout the shelter of your love)
    The Shelter of your love

  127. Thank you Tracy- and I will not go away Miss Smitty as I have as much a right to converse here as you. Rose's blog-Rose's rules.

    You might want to call some of these people back love, seriously, I can slide the paper under the door if you like. God knows i will NEVER open it as I don't know where you two keep the bleach.


  128. Guys, I'm trying to catch a fucking cab and read your comments at the same time. This shit is not gonna end well. Over here you'll get tackled for a cab at this time of day. I should go...catch you laters! Love you all!

  129. Thanks for the lyrics Manjen and really Melinda (do yo mind that I call you Mel--I have a friend that is a Mel so it seems right but tell me if it bugs you--kinda sensitive to the whole annoying nickname thing) I should look for it. I didn't know he did a video--I would have thought it was too old.

    Rose--have you ever considered making this blogland just for women?? I would propose that might be a good thing.

  130. Okay gotta jet. My kiddies (not my own other peoples) don't need me to be late to sing with them.

    I'll try to pop back on but it won't be until 10 PM eastern time.

    Happy, happy, joy, joy!!!! That's all I gots to say!

  131. E - your cabbies scare me. Srsly. They race to squeeze in tiny roads where there's already a bus and two other cars all trying to get into the same lane. Stop. Go. Stop. Go. Stop. Go.. ugh.. made me sick to my stomach!

  132. Wow--you took that picture Tracy--amazing. I really love photography.

    Glad you saved him too. :)

  133. Be careful E--NYC is great but insane! Good energy and all that though. Have fun with your girl tonight!!

  134. RF-

    Only family and close friends call me Mel but by all means, I could really care less.

    Truthfully it's a lot easier.

  135. I recommend "True Companion" by Marc Cohn

    Baby I've been searching like everybody else
    Can't say nothing different about myself
    Sometimes I'm an angel
    And sometimes I'm cruel
    And when it comes to love
    I'm just another fool

    Yes, I'll climb a mountain
    I'm gonna swim the sea
    There ain't no act of God girl
    Could keep you safe from me
    My arms are reaching out
    Out across this canyon
    I'm asking you to be my true companion

    True companion
    True companion

    So don't you dare and try to walk away
    I've got my heart set on our wedding day
    I've got this vision of a girl in white
    Made my decision that it's you allright

    And when I take your hand
    I'll watch my heart set sail
    I'll take my trembling fingers
    And I'll lift up your veil
    Then I'll take you home
    And with wild abandon
    Make love to you just like a true companion

    You are my true companion
    I got a true companion
    True companion

    When the years have done irreparable harm
    I can see us walking slowly arm in arm
    Just like the couple on the corner do
    'Cause girl I will always be in love with you

    And when I look in your eyes
    I'll still see that spark
    Until the shadows fall
    Until the room grows dark

    Then when I leave this Earth
    I'll be with the angels standin'
    I'll be out there waiting for my true companion
    Just for my true companion

    True companion
    True companion

  136. RF-

    If you don't find the video just ask me and I'll get it b/c it is combined with something else. I think you would like it. It's really well done.

  137. SueBee

    Not sure I have heard that..going to listen to it now.

  138. Good Day All!
    Almost awake...


    Glad to see you.


    "True Companion" makes me cry, I love it so. And I did find one after all, the memories haven't faded.

    See you later, coffee please.

  139. I love when my internet is pure fail. Nothing frustrating about that AT ALL.

  140. Rose, that's when I start yelling at the in house tech support.. aka.. the hubster.

    Oh, and I also yell at my computer, and curse at the cable company. Makes me feel better.

  141. SueBee did anyone ever answer you honey question?

  142. @Kami

    No. I've been kind of just sitting here hoping someone would throw me a bone. LOL :oP

  143. SueBee... normally I would be able to help you out with what Honey said... but I think I deleted the email already. What I remember she said something about Kristen being in Canada somewhere and not with Robert in L.A.

  144. @Rose

    Thanks! Is that really the best she could do? I'm almost disappointed!

  145. k her first post said "Fucking clinger"

    and her second post said "Kristen is not in LA she is in Canada" she gave some site and then said "She is with Garrett now doing OTR"

  146. And that ladies, is my life. You are in the middle of a conversation, people are sharing their feelings, their pictures, their videos, songs, etc and then, poof, they just exit stage left. Nobody else matters--its sick really.

    Rose back me up here--you've been witness to their ridiculous behaviour. Its very strange I think, don't you agree??

    At least I will make some money on it this time--I've got about $100 dollars saying there is no way they will go out with everyone tonight. No way I'm losing this bet.

  147. Found them! heres one...

    Kristen isn't in LA. Shes in Calgary.

    RT @jasoncermak: Putting 2gether an audition for "OTR" shooting in Calgary, starring Kirsten Stewart.Callback for random car commercial 2day

    and the other...

    Pathetic fucking clinger.

  148. Well Syd... it has been 13 days... give them a break. Hahahaha

  149. Rose--the connection here just went phlbbt also. it makes me gush to know you had the same thing happen at the same time.


  150. Thanks, Kami! Any idea who she was calling an effin clinger?

  151. Bwahahahaha Syd... you are so damn cute. GUSH!

  152. LOL well I'm going out on a limb here considering how she feels bout Robert and saying it's bout him...but you know honey it could be about her imaginary husband

  153. SueBee... I think she was talking about Rob... she doesn't like him much.

  154. I'm telling you Susan.. Honey's gonna head north! It could be epic!

  155. This comment has been removed by the author.

  156. It was only 12 days because he was giving her shit about it and she said the day you leave and the day you return don't count. Trust me--I had to listen to his blather for 11 fucking hours.

    Him "Its so cute. I was saying it was only 13 days and we broke the rule and how hard it has been and she said she didn't want us to break the rule because than we would stretch it again and it sets a bad precedent so she said it was really only 11....and ...." until 11 hours later he finally shut up.

    And you know, people go to war and don't behave this way.

  157. Syd... when it comes to Gruff... I don't blame Smitty for not wanting to break the 10 day rule.
    Hell... I would make a 5 day... wait... 3 day... maybe a 24 hour rule!

  158. OMGOD! I may agree with Honey about something-lol!!

  159. @Kami

    Yeah, whatever gets her through the day :oP

  160. Rose, in a different universe where husbands did not exist, I would make a 1 minute rule for you and I.

    You are the sweetest gusher I know.

  161. Liza!!! CUTE!! :)

    Give him hugs and kisses from Aunty Tracy!!


  162. Musn't agree with the sticky one on anything. She's nutters.

  163. Syd- The "no no no" was you agreeing with Honey.

    And you never fail to make me smile... and gush. And why does gush suddenly sound all... um... inappropriate? Hahahahaha

    (yes, I'm laughing out loud)

  164. @Syd

    If I were Smitty, I would sprint out stage left, lower the blinds, turn off the phones, lock the doors, and rehydrate periodically.

    Just sayin'! :oP

  165. @Rose

    All I saw was "gush" and "minute" and I was giggling

  166. Happy day! Handsome gruffy Rob and beautiful Kristen are reunited! Life is good! Smiles, twirls, sincere happiness and heartwarming wishes and thoughts for the lovely couple.
    Yeah for Rose! Rose knows and she is the sweetest for giving us such gorgeous pics and words.

    Hugs to Tracy, so glad you are back.
    Elaine, that shopping trip sounds so fun.

    1RoseFan, Boris, and LWA, special hugs to you guys!
    I agree, "Happy Together" is the tune I'm singing while I twirl, skip, and tip toe doing the happy dance.
    Olivia (TX.)

  167. Okay I thought I had typed a name or something and was not finding my error.

    See how well behaved I am today ladies? A veritable prince of etiquette here today heh?

    I think the word gush is very sexy when it is in the same thought as anything having to do with you Rose.

    You know I am failing miserably at my goal about being better balanced and trying to control myself.

    Sue--if you were in her position I guarantee you would take some time with him but you would find time for other things also. It is a bubble with those two and year after year we all keep thinking it will get better but it does not. Okay, I like teasing them both but honestly, they are very sweet and I love seeing my friend in love with a woman who clearly makes him beyond happy. The fact that I adore her also is simply a bonus. The fact that she gets so flustered and shy and embarrassed when I tease her about their, um, relationship is one of the best things about her.

  168. I kinda like you off balance, Syd...

    And I love how you love Smitty.
    It's so damn sweet.

  169. LWA what you just said is so very sweet. What a true loving friend you are to both of them. You are a gem.
    Olivia (TX.)

  170. Aw Syd. You sound like you need cheering up. Hang with us a while.

  171. Ok so Rose now that I have read your comments I'm glad to see you happy ...have a great night ...I don't always leave a comment but I do lurk around .

  172. What's not too love--and I'm not talking about Smitty my sweet Rose.

  173. I agree with SueBee

    Heaven knows I need fun company today :) You should stick around if you can, or come back later if you can't stay right now.

    I'm by myself,and the house gets quiet. Not necessarily a good combo.

    Plus, I have pictures of a tiara to reveal. The new upgraded model. The kiddo is totes jealous.

  174. You are sweet Sue--no I just like giving Smitty grief about how they are. I'm good and kind of excited about a night out with some friends we haven't seen in awhile.

    Thank you for caring though--you are all very special and important to me.

  175. LWA

    I agree with Olivia, what you just said is very sweet...You are clearly a loyal and loving friend...they are very lucky to have you as a friend.

  176. I think I saw SueBee throw some duct tape in her bag earlier...

    who knows WHAT the night's gonna bring.


  177. Tracy

    I'm thinking about changing my pic too. Its getting unsettling seeing my face pop up so many times on one page.

    Didn't realized I posted so much!

    Hugs and you aren't along because I'm with you

  178. I think the post traumatic shed disorder is flaring up again....

    keep a watch on her.

  179. You are sweet Sue--no I just like giving Smitty grief about how they are. I'm good and kind of excited about a night out with some friends we haven't seen in awhile.

    Thank you for caring though--you are all very special and important to me.

  180. Tracy

    It might be Post Traumatic Shed Disorder (PTSD)!!!

    I am having crazy thoughts and might have to write them down.

    Oh, you saw that thing with the duct tape???

  181. Yep Tracy our nephew is total cuteness.

    No SueBee leave your pic there it's gorgeous!

    Do you think maybe thats why I can't see pics because I don't have a pic of me up? it's really annoying!

  182. SueBee

    Don't forget the rope!

  183. Woah

    Deja vu

    Did I take the red pill? or the blue pill?

  184. Tracy and Sue--I will come back later but I have no faith in myself so if I feel at all inebriated I will not post anything. I am staying on the good side of all of you Roseland foks because you scared the piss out of me the other day-lol!

    You are all very fierce and protective mama bears.


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.