Monday, October 18, 2010

Rob and Kristen- From Soup to Nuts

This is Kristen leaving the SCREAM Awards.
Wonder who she is texting?

I have a couple of ideas...

I'm still loving the 'Band of Gold' on her left hand.
Don't ask me why...
Or I might just tell you.

I'm not sure where to begin here...
But a promise is a promise.
(Right, Buddy? :)

That is a bowl of soup.
Bull Penis Soup to be exact.
It was on Andrew Zimmern's show...
Bizarre Foods.
I've only seen a couple snippets of his show in the past...
The guy has a major fascination with
animal testicles/penises.
He eats them all the time.
Kinda gross.

And kinda funny too.

Yeah, I know... that's kinda how I feel, too...

I don't think Kristen is interested either...

Well... it IS supposed to be some sort of aphrodisiac...

Have I said too much?

Just felt like adding him in here...
Haven't seen him in a while.
Kinda miss him...
You know what I mean?
Do you think Tom likes soup?
Just a thought.

Parting thoughts.

1. There were two quotes from co-stars recently that created quite
a little bit of a stir.
Well... it only creates a stir in those who don't want to believe...
but anyway...

Jackson Rathbone at the SCREAM Awards
"When Rob & Kristen look at each other as Edward & Bella
and that spark happens, you don't need 3-D for that."
And Charlie Bewley
“Those two are just brilliant together. Really. It’s a perfect match.”
Just simple, honest thoughts
from two people who actually know Robert and Kristen.
That's all.

Kristen is in NYC right now...
Doing promotion for WTTR
There is some sort of Full Press Screening
and then an after party...
No 'premiere'.
Then tomorrow she is on Regis and Kelly.
So it's a quick trip.
No sign of Robert...
While it would have be AWESOME
if he had shown up...
I completely understand why he wouldn't.
It's not like a red carpet event or anything.
(But I'm still hoping... hehehe)
I suppose they will be together soon enough...
(why does that make me giggle?)

So the question is...
Where is Robert Pattinson?
The Isle Esme location?
Kristen's Hotel Room?

Who knows.
All I know is I'm smiling...

And there ain't nothing wrong with smiling.

This post is brought to you by the letters *B* and *S*

B for Bull Penis Soup
And that will be the last time I write that.

S for Sorry!
You know who you are.
Turnabout is fair play.
Bye for now


  1. Rose lol I'm sure it will be appreciated that you were able to work in the Moo Moo Hoo Hoo soup... (still love it Suebee)

    Sure you know this already but likely return of M&M.

    off to sleep, this time I really mean it...

    great post Rose.

  2. Rose,

    This post is all kinds of awesome!!

    Bwahahahaha!! I'm dying ;)

  3. hey rose, great post, so, a promise is a promise?? does that mean anything specifically?? i'm curious, though! i can't believe it's just a promise ring. this must be much more! cause, she wore it exclusively at the scream awards! i rella hoped, rob would be in n.y. with kristen...maybe....we'll see.. till tomorrow

  4. I don't think he'll be there either- no red carpet premiere.

    I sorta care more about what Kristen is wearing to be honest, cause she's like a paper doll for me at times. lol

    They are cute, and Kristen seems hella happy lately, wonder why.

  5. Jen,

    I totally agree! The shoes she had on Saturday night. I would go beyond doing bad things for them ;)

    I have a thing for shoes...

  6. Speaking of Bull Penis Soup (and who isn't? LOL) I have a new diary up at the Chronicles if anyone missed it.

    Kami--Hope you feel better!!!!!

  7. SueBee,

    I flove the Moo Moo Hoo Hoo soup! I can't wait to see where Simon takes her ;) Brilliant, as usual.

    Thanks! For some reason my avi feels appropriate today. LOL!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'm still loving the 'Band of Gold' on her left hand.
    Don't ask me why...
    Or I might just tell you.

    Oh come on Rose...spill why don't you. We know you know a heck of a lot more than you are letting on and even Delaney is 'borrowing' your term 'foamers' that will be lathering up what are you NOT telling us? SPILL, pretty please...

  10. OMG Rose you do have mad writing skills as someone has recently said!!!

    I can't believe you were able to get it into this post and make it make sense.

    Poor poor adorable man we love....

    My thoughts:

    1. Honey- seriously you are all kinds of silly. Sometimes you are more than that. I will say I am glad you figured out that people around here aren't going to let you get away with your vile death talks, etc.

    2. I love what Jackson and Charlie said about them. Sweet words from people that know them.

    3. I need to see WTTR! I think it will come my direction since I live in a pretty big metro area. CAN'T WAIT!

    4. Looking forward to seeing Kristen in all her perfection over the next couple of days.

    Great things are coming despite the foaming. Hang on tight to the happy!

  11. That's hilarious. Bull Penis soup. So, I have a confession to make. I might have an unhealthy obsession with this place. This weekend, I was at a black tie benefit with my boyfriend. And I could not help myself, in my formal gown I snuck off to the bathroom to check for Rose's post. A few times. Sitting in the bathroom with my cell phone and it took forever but I kept checking. At one point when I came on, there were way more posts and I was all concerned that some troll had come in and harassed Roseland. Only to scroll down to about a hundred posts on bull penis's. Too funny.

    My bf feeds them to his dogs. Dried, not fresh. I have never had the pleasure...but being from Colorado, I have had Rocky Mountain Oysters. Which are good.

    Anyway, so excited for the Kristen stuff to come up. It'll be nice, since soon they'll practically be under lockdown. I am unfortunately not expecting Rob to go either as he is working. I would love it if he could sneak up there for her though. But I don't know if it's even worth it given this isn't a premiere.

    Either way, it'll be nice to hear about all her interviews and see her pretty face.

  12. Rose, Great post, as usual!!

    Hello Everyone!!

  13. Sydney,

    Nothing about Roseland is unhealthy except for the trolls.

    We are a good kind of crazy!

    So the dog eats bull penis's...begs the you see a difference in excitement level after???

  14. Oh wow........Huge Cheshire cat grin from me..... From the Jackson Rathbone and Charlie Bewley quotes to the inclusion of the words Bull Penis Soup! :)

    Hello to all.

  15. Just a FY!... That's NOT Bull Penis Soup. That is Pho. There is not bull penis in there. JS.

  16. Melinda:

    I have not paid close attention to the dogs after they've eaten the peni. I will check next time and let you know.

    Did Honey already do a drive by? I missed it! Honey, you total fucking idiot, I see that you tried to change your twitter name again. Twitter tracks the name changes though, and you can still find your page the same way. So nice try...but Kristen and Rob and Tom will still be able to see you and your crazy shit. Give it up.

    Oh, don't think we don't all know that you were that Taysten shipper who used to come here all the time. We know you will switch once again to that a few months into BD filming. You're not fooling anyone.

  17. Rose,

    Great post, Smitty will get a kick out of it...

    Poor Syd, but such a great sport! We love you guy....

    Have a wonderful day, everyone.

  18. Hello everyone!

    Rose- You're a good friend to keep your promise. Thanks for another great post.

    Hmmm, I think I'll have some soup* for lunch. ; )

    * No bulls became steers during the making of this lunch.

  19. I must be out of the loop as to the funny behind the bull penis soup, but it totally grossed me out!

    Good post Rose! I really want to see WTTR too. Stupid Wisconsin will probably never get it either! Damn this hick state I live in!

  20. I had oatmeal--now I wish I would have had soup!!! LOL

  21. Sydney:

    Bwhahaha...I really don't need to know. Kinda gross actually (male dogs excited).

    All Honey said this time was she was glad Rose is getting away from her "silly obsession" (which in itself is silly) with Rob and moving onto Tom because of what Rose posted today. More blah, blah, blah...

  22. Waves Rose!! Awesome post...I'm laughing at Bull Penis soup.

    Can't wait to see all Kristen interview coming up.

    As for Rob showing up at NYC...I'm pretty sure he'll be there with Kristen but even if he don't show up, it doesn't matter because they will be together soon enough.

    Big smile with those Jackson and Charlie Bewley quotes and like you said they are from 'two people who actually know Robert and Kristen'

    Waves Roseland ladies!!!

  23. Gee thanks Carefreed! It's bull penis soup to me! I just googled it and that was one of the pictures that came up. One of the LESS offensive and gross pictures...
    So I went with it.

    Thanks for being on the 'ball' and pointing it out though!


    MELINDA! Where did you get your avi??? Too cute for words!

  24. This post is giving me such a warm feeling, well actually those comments made about them is giving me a rather hot sensation. They are a sizzling spicy couple. Oh no wait they are not a couple, I forgot, they are just actors pretending to be a couple. Shit they should get oscars, damn good acting.

  25. Rose~

    Rob and Kris are a perfect match! I love what Jackson and Charlie said...sweet, simple, and true!!

    I can not wait for WTTR to come to my town! I was all kinds of happy when I saw that out little theater was getting it! I am beyond excited!!

    Love the pics you use everyday! They always go soo well with your posts!!

    Have a great day everyone!! :)


  26. Rose-

    There is an actual town somewhere up north called Roseland.

    This is the logo to an actual company there.

    I thought it was appropriate here in Roseland.

    We are waging war against infectious diseases with the help of you, our cyber god and the rest of us Roselanders.

    Gotta protect the fab 3 while we can!

  27. Rose,

    Your welcome. I don't want ppl thinking that soup had bull penis in it... bleh. Funny post though =).

  28. Rose,

    I am DYING at the shit storm this post has caused! LOL

    Everyone is trying to figure out what it means...because you know that EVERYTHING you say has a deep mystery behind it!


  29. Another kick ass post from Rose! ;) I am sure Smitty will hear shit from Sid on this one though LOL

    Kristien's eyes in that first pic are Gorgas! Just when I think she cant get more gorges another pic comes out to prove she can :) I hear today is WTTR press, I hope are girl is kicking ass! I know she is, even though she might be nervous she shines/cares, her passion shows every time. For people that want to see it.

    Where oh where is are dear Robert? I am missing seeing that gorges face of his also. I wonder if he is in Edward mode yet? Are sweet Edward. I miss him so!


    I think this slogan paired with my avi might make a cute Roseland hoodie. It kinda sorta reminds me of another hoodie that I've seen a time or two. ; )

  31. Bull penis.....this means something

    or not! LOL

  32. Leigh, what about the ring comment?

  33. SueBee

    Well, it certainly means something to the bull...especially if he's now a steer.

  34. Swweeeeeeet Caroline

    You have a point there, sisterfriend!

  35. 30,

    The whole thing :) It's too funny. People don't understand the whole soup thing! LOL And of course the ring thing. They somehow think the soup has something to do with the ring! Bwahahahah!

    I'm loving it ;)

  36. Too bad it isn't hyena soup. ;-)
    I love the gold ring. I miss the necklace. Where did the necklace go? And I want her shoes. All of them. :-D

  37. I think Rob will stay in Baton Rouge, which is fair. :) I mean he went to Montreal for Kristen.
    Sometimes he's got to work, sometimes she's got to promote. Sometimes at the same time for both.

  38. Leigh, that's why I stay away from twitter most of the time, the fuckery and reading into things is just to much for me. LOL

  39. Caroline- great hoodie idea! I am glad none of us look like that though!

    Leigh- maybe people think that the ring is a male member ring if you catch my drift... 0_o

  40. Infusing Bull Penis Soup into a blog about love takes a lot of talent. When I wasn't saying awwww I was wanting to puke! Great post....I think!

    Oh, Love the Chronicles!

  41. awesummmmmmmm

    will love to see ma♥ ROBSTEN ♥together at NYC...

    ROB suportin jis LOVE KRISTEN..
    aww sooo cute...u have to jus loveeee ROB...♥♥♥

    again 4 my ROBSTEN LOVE...
    from kristen to ROB...

    ‎"Love is looking into his eyes and without him telling me, knowng he's absolutly in love with me."..♥

    love u...

    love ma♥♥ ROBSTENN..♥♥

  42. Waves Leigh

    just spit my coffe...people are thinking the ring thing has something to do with the soupe! Bwahahahah...Why???

  43. Male member ring--took me a moment to work that one out

    I must be totally off my game today!!!

  44. Susan- please know I know NOTHING about those kinds of rings...ha,ha!

  45. LOL Melinda!


    *waves back* People are crazy! It's really funny. They always want to scream how Rose doesn't know shit. Then when she does a entry that has some type of 'meaning' (like this one does--Sorry Syd, but this was HILARIOUS!) they are all looking for the 'secrets'! LOL

    This is why I FLOVE Rose!! She's the Queen :D

  46. so funny. and i think its sweeet that the other members of cast have said such nice things about rob and kristen. obviously they have a nice presense. i can't wait until more set photos from breaking dawn. i really don't get why there are haters in the world. it doesn't make sense. :S oh well... keep up the good and funny blogging! oh and that soup... ewww! lol

  47. Leigh, that's what brought me to Roses blog, I fucken love how she messes with the hyenas in such a way, they would jump off a cliff half the time LOL

    I hear "other" types of rings can feel pretty good to SueBee if ya get my drift, maybe even better than the soup Syd ate :)

  48. Leigh

    That's one of the reason I love Rose too...she pisses heynas off

    Melinda...LOL at the 'member male rings'

  49. Melinda-

    (sniff sniff) My avi is a picture of me and Kami watching the Dallas Cowboys yesterday afternoon. We had just gotten done trying to shoot tequila into each other's mouths, but we both missed...the ol' eyesight just isn't what it used to be. I think I'll just sip my tequila from my Bra Flask from now on.

  50. Caroline,

    LOL! Bra Flask ;) Where can I get one of those? It's going to be the season's must have accessory ;)

  51. Rose-loved it!

    Melinda-male member ring? hahah-you're killing me!

    Hi ladies- Happy Monday! (it is for me :)) Hope you're all having a great day!!


  52. Leigh-

    The Bra Flask is great! You can enhance your breast size and keep your favorite alcoholic beverage right at the tip of your nips, er, I mean at the tip of your fingers. The bad part is that the more you drink, the flatter you get...but by then you're too drunk to care. ; )

  53. I need a helmet!!! and

    Penny Lane! I need back up again LOL

  54. Quick!!! Someone call the FOAMagator!!!!

  55. ------------------------->>>>>>

    I found a new Avi :D

  56. "picks up walkie"

    "I have a 666 at Roseland, Need back up"

  57. Thank you, Rose or Leo aka Cyber God!! We appreciate it :)

  58. Bwaaaaaa! Someone s having a MELTDOWN! LMFAO

  59. @30: LOL
    ....And with that, they're gone! :)

  60. Damn this phone! Takes too long to type!

    *hugs* to all my friends! <3 you guys!

    Leo... as awesome as ever dude.


  61. Wash

    Maybe you should switch to decaf?

    You certainly are getting extraordinarily riled up over people you don't know.

  62. Does this nutter ever give up? Dam, such FOAM and HATE, over someone they don't even know. What a sad existence.

  63. Interviews with Kristen

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. The anger and biterness is increasing...So sad

  66. Susan-

    I think they need to take a bath personally. Get rid of all that filth they are covered in. Plus baths can relax you...

  67. This would be funny if it weren't so sad. I picture someone screaming at a wall.

  68. SueBee

    ...while wearing a Vicking's helmet.

  69. Can't forget the thong---even if we might want to!

  70. Yes, Susan...

    Hugging themselves while rocking back and forth and drooling...

    It really is sad.

  71. Uh Oh! It's bored. Too bad no one cares.

    Such anger--can't be healthy.

  72. Thanks for the link Melinda! Kristen is doing great. :) I Cant wait to see WTTR!

  73. You actually have to wonder about these people's lives as a child and now.

    Seriously I think they must have had an awful childhood/or are still having an awful childhood to be this messed up.

    That's sad actually. But one must move beyond their circumstances and become their own person.

  74. 30-

    I believe Katy provided the link....

  75. Opps... Thanks Katy LOL

    I got all discombobulated with that dam gremlin stopping by!

  76. 30,

    Sorry I couldn't bring backup. I was unavailable, out of area, out of service, however you want to put it. It sounds like Leo saved the day again.

    What did I miss? I see a lot of bull penis foaming and ring foaming. Does the ring go on the bull penis? Ok that's just gross.

  77. Oh boy!!!!W e l l l e t me see... ROSE...i may have to give u a 5star on that post...i was wondering how u could work it in and u did it...u have amazing clever...
    SYDNEY...ur not alone. im just exactly that bad also...this is the most fun ive had in years following this blog...i love the sense of humor, love the "happy couple", the twilight books...and the roseland bloggers...this is a great diversion and we're not hurting anybody
    DREAMER...u have captivated my soul with ur wonderful "lyrics" etc that u do in the evening...the discussions in the evening like last night with LEIGH...that was very special.
    Now, last comment...since we are having this wonderful dialogue about penises...just so you will know a bit of trivia..if u take the blood pressure (on an erect penis, the...appropriate cuff size for the extremity of course) it will give u the same reading as an arm cuff reading....if anybody wants to know the circumstances of that i will tell u tonight but gotta go for now.

  78. OMG SuperRN...

    They MAKE an appropriate cuff size for the extremity?? LOL! I gotta hear this one ;)

  79. Rose-

    Just checking in from the clearance aisle to say YOU FUCKING ROCK and I ADORE YOU!

    Seriously thanks so much!

    I'm in the ladies room and I suppose someone might be wondering what I am doing that is making me laugh out loud in this stall--the things we do for Roseland huh? Gotta peace but really Rose--thankyou thank you thank you. Today is long and I loved the laugh!

    As for the rest--just ignore it.

  80. SuperRN,

    DEFINITELY want to know why blood pressure is being checked on a erect appendage. Would it have anything to do with Viagra? "If you experience an erection for over 4 hours please seek medical attention."

    And would you use an infant, child, or adult cuff?

    Oh the visuals this conjures up.


  81. Rose, great post. I wish I could tell you how much your words mean to me. Kris looked so beautiful at the Scream Awards and so happy, which makes me happy. Like you, I think the ring means something since she wears it all the time. I do miss the necklace however. Bull penis soup is too, too funny, and something I have never heard of before. Take care, Rose, and I look forward to tomorrow.

  82. Thats ok Penny! Leo saved the day :) and yeah, we started talking about penis and rings,then the gremlin visit ruined are moods. LOL

  83. Nuts on sale in the clearance aisle.

  84. Smitty-

    If you check in again...I hope your day is going great. Lots of work but the payoff is worth it.

    Hope we catch you on the flip side when things calm down.

  85. Rose,

    You have got to be laughing at how many people admit to sneaking into the bathroom to check this blog. I have to fess up too since I did it during a party at my own house. I actually took my whole laptop into the bathroom.

    Are you honored or appalled that we go to such lengths?


  86. Is there an echo in here?

    This is sad. The only one getting worked up is the thing repeating itself over and over and over again.

  87. Hi Smitty!

    Now how much shit are you going to hear on this one? LOL

    Now don't get caught in the bathroom looking at Rosland with all are penis talk and rings! ;)

  88. Does she have it on a loop or does she forget she already posted that?

  89. Such cattiness. Someone needs some Xanax and a motivational CD.

  90. Sydney-
    See you're not the only "bathroom reader" in Roseland. Roseland's an addiction! ; )

  91. Blah, blah, blah.

    This is so sad. Screaming into the wind.

    Bet she's stomping her foot too.


    Mental illness is so disturbing.

  92. Because I respect her I am going to ignore...

    however someone needs a padded room stat!

  93. Do ya all hear something?

    I don't.

  94. 30: I heard the latest episode of Ghost Adventures went to The Stanley Hotel. I don't usually watch that show but I DVR'd it so I can watch that one. I live in Colorado and have been to the Stanley a few times. You should check it out. You are pretty much guaranteed an experience at that hotel.

    Penny Lane:

    It's kind of embarrassing to admit that I had checked this blog like a crackwhore in the bathroom. Gotta get my fix. The writing is tiny, and you can hardly see it on my phone...nevertheless, I checked it once, twice, maybe three times thoughout the night. I may or may not have also looked when I was at the Bronco Game yesterday, but was a little to tipsy to navigate.

    I love when people come in here defending Nikki. Didn't Marlen say that Nikki would be the better choice for Rob? Nikki, who wrote a semi-autobiographical screenplay about being a crackwhore by the age of 13. Yeah.

  95. Okay okay I'll confess as well...I have read Rose's blog in a public bathroom too!

    Sydney- there is no logic with the mentally unstable...

  96. Crack whores rule!!!!

    What? Just kidding! LOL

  97. Still blows my mind that people go to a blog that supports an actor and dares to call supporters crazy for not agreeing with their hateful tirades.

    If they only had a brain......

  98. Someone has acknowledgement issues.

    Sounds like middle child syndrome.

    Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!

  99. Rose that was BRILLIANT!!! Would it be rude to say it wouldn't surprise me....

    Are you doing the cleanup or is Leo?

  100. I've been deleting... I get to delete any trace of the comment...
    Poor Ikki :(

  101. Rose,

    I totally agree! I already called her on it and she didn't deny it...


  102. Wonderful post!

    "crack whores rule" that's some funny stuff. Almost everyone here makes me smile.

    And I also sneak to the bathroom to read me some happy Roseland stuff.

    Funny, funny, wonderfully talented bunch of you.


  103. haha that was funny rose.

    um i would think that Tom (with his sexy self) likes soup.

    but maybe not bulls penis soup. ion know if he'll go for that one lol

    and I think rob is where we last saw him, on the set of the movie.

    but it would be great if we saw him with Kristen once again after she's finished on Live with Regis and Kelly Tomorrow morning.

    unfortunately I will probably only see 5 mins of it. I have an Economics class tomorrow morning at 930 (comes on at 9am here)

    but yeah. and you see she isn't blonde anymore!

    So ready for Breaking Dawn! the way peter keeps tweeting about it and Nikki and Jackson talking about it, I think it's gonna be pretty rad!

    so until then I'll just watch live with Regis and Kelly and the scream Awards when it comes on 2mrw.

    TTYL! ~sierra~

  104. Sierra

    What has Peter been tweeting?

  105. Well thanks Rose...ikki needs to vanish...

  106. Kind of sad to keep repeating yourself because no one is listening. No one cares.

    Insignificance must be a burden.

  107. Susan- I don't know if Sierra will come back on but I think Peter said something about looking forward to playing "grampa" to Rob and Kristen's kid.

  108. Hey everyone!

    Good we have another crazy person on our hands??

    Okay so I'm taking my friend Smittys advice and ignoring........*waves to Smitty in the loo!* lol

    Rose! bwahahahaha epic post, from now on I shall be eyeing all soup you Syd ;-D

    SueBee epic new diary entry....Tracy you hope your having a wicked time, miss you!....

    Lots of love to everyone else!

    Liza ❤

  109. Rose saves the day again....glad that's least until the next nut shows up.

    Super back to your comment on taking the blood pressure of an erect penis...sounds tell!!

  110. Wash

    Of course we can have different opinions here.

    Melinda thinks you should vanish and I think you should be sedated.

    Our ideas differ but we get along famously.

  111. Wash-

    There are plenty of times we all have a difference of opinion here.

    When you choose to state your opinion with such hate prepare to be deleted.

    It will not work around here.

    While I don't hate Nikki I would never go to a blog that is specifically for her fans and say such nasty hateful things about her.

    This blog is about Robert. Kristen is a big part of his life. We support her as we think she is just as great as he is.

    If you don't want to be deleted find somewhere else to's that simple.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. Wash

    Like I said--anger and acknowledgement issues.

    Keep your screaming and whining if you want.

    No one cares--about you or your strange obsessions.

    All we hear is blah, blah, blah--whine-stomp-blah

  114. Well well well, Rose I applaud your creativity for working in the soup WHICH SMITTY FOUND SO FASCINATING SHE RECORDED THE PROGRAM. This was HER television ladies.

    I did not eat the soup. I would not eat the soup. I would not eat it on a train. I would not eat it on a plane. I would not eat it with a band. I would not eat it in Roseland. I would not eat it with SueBee. I would not eat it with Tracy. I do not like bull penis soup, I do not like it Rose I am.

    As for the other nonsense, Leo's mom is ill. I'm working on reaching someone else to help you dear Rose. Thank you for your help.

  115. Awwww, Syd. You wouldn't eat it with me????

  116. Syd. You know I adore you...
    But hey...
    I did the gorilla and the moose...
    And besides...
    You know how it is when Smitty wants something!
    Pretty hard to turn her down.

  117. I am going to take Smitty advice and try to ignore the mentaly unstable.

    Here's another link for a new Kristen interview.

    Waves, Syd...Hope everyghing is great with you!!

  118. Pathetic is coming back to a board to see if your comment is still standing--then repeating the same vitriole to an uninterested audience.

    Were you not hugged enough as a child?

  119. Syd-

    Quoting Dr. Seuss,my all time fav children's author.

    Well we got a laugh out of it even if it was at your expense. Glad you see the humor in things!

    How is your day going?

  120. Dearest Rose,

    I know and it is fine.

    I got ahold of Leo. He said he is working on it but his mom has dial-up. He is headed to a nearby coffee shop to try to help. He said to tell you he is terribly sorry.

  121. Oh--and I deny her nothing these days so I completely understand. If it made her smile a bit than I am all for it.


  122. My darling Syd-
    Yes... I'm all for the smiles!

  123. Hi Melinda! great thanks, hope your having a good one.

    Syd--hey gorgeous boy :-)

  124. Awww, Kristen's interviews from earlier today are so great and she looks lovely. Thank you for providing the links.

  125. Susan-

    About what? My comment to Wash or to Syd?

    Because I'm washing my hands of Wash. What they are saying is a bunch of hogwash. To bad they aren't wishy washy like our dear honey.

    Okay I am done with that...he,he

    maybe not- someone needs to wash their mouth out with soap...

    now I am done!

  126. I am laughing so much at all the closet bathroom bloggers here.


    You are such a good friend and loved your Dr. Seuss rendition.

  127. Liza- day has been good, just chillin, relaxing

  128. Your right Susan although I am inclined to believe their brain has been fried due to the massive amount of meds they have inured over time.

    But yes we have been brain wash by the evil Kristen.

    (cue maniacal laughter)

  129. Rose--

    Done! Easy one this time and I'm sorry I wasn't on it quicker. My mom had some minor surgery and despite raising a cyber god she is not technologically up to date and lives in the middle of nowhere.

    My sincere apologies for not being able to be more vigilant. This one matched last week so that helps me a great deal.

    Have a calm evening Rose!
    Leo, who is not very god-like today

  130. Thank you Leo, cyber god!

    Hope your mother recovers quickly!

  131. Thanks Leo!

    You are the bombdotcom....

    Hope your mom heals quickly.

  132. Waves Leo!!! thanks and I hope your mom recovers quickly.

  133. Syd,

    First you quote from Winnie the Pooh and then today you channel your inner Dr. Seuss. What's next The Little Prince? You're going to make us all forget our adoration for a certain handsome charming Brit. You'll be our new Robsession...or would that be Sydsession? How about Syddiction or maybe Syduction? You maybe laughing now, but this could be your future. Don't say I didn't warn you.

    PS Please tell Leo that we hope his mother gets better soon

  134. Rose, Melinda, SueBee, Caroline, Syd, Liza, katy, Leigh, Kami, Elaine, Sydney, SuperRNGP, Penny, ksrocks, 30:

    Thank you, all. No thank yous could be more heartfelt.

    What a way, and Monday, to wake up to best of wit, humor, wackiness (wash) along with my coffee.

    Flove Rose, Roseland, Sassies, Sillies and Bull Penis show watchers & recorders.....

  135. This comment has been removed by the author.

  136. Thank you Leo, you'll always be our hero!
    I hope your mother feels better soon.

  137. Thanks to mama Leo :-)

  138. Rose and Leo

    Thank you for cleaning up the shit. It can smell up Roseland pretty bad plus, we all have weak stomachs here. :)

  139. Leo,

    You'll always be our cybergod.

    Wish your mom a speedy recovery from all of us.


    I think you've coined a new term. Syduction, love it.

  140. Hi DK,

    Are you well-rested and ready to face another day (well, closer to evening for you)?

  141. Sydeny, just saw you comment :) I am def watching that one, I don't miss an Ep, I am a bit disappointed there not doing a "live" Halloween one like last year though. I will have to watch Ghost Hunters I guess, but they never find anything ya know. New ep of Paranormal State stated last nigh and physic kids, they were really good.

    HI DK!!!!!!!!:)

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. OMG SYD... I had to get back on right quick to say u cracked me up big time with the dr. suess. when my children were little i could have recited the entire book by it...thanks a billion.
    WASH...just curious...would u send us a picture of u ?a full face and a full frontal and back side too? WE WOULD BE GLAD TO CRITIQUE U IN THE SAME "SPIRIT" that u critique that precious are shooting "below the belt" U ARE A EVIL AND VILE HUMAN BEING..r u one of those size 0 people who think everyone that is a size 4 or more is obese???Have a great life>

  144. OMG Super RN

    I'm a size 4!!! Wash will put me on a diet in no time!

  145. LOL Caroline, Bra Flasks with Cuervo...LOVE IT!!

    ahhh looks like I missed out on a lot today while sleeping...crazy screaming...syd quoting Dr.

    Leo hope your mom gets well soon.. Sorry you had to leave her to deal with a pimple on the ass of humanity, like that guy.

  146. Caroline
    Lol, yes, to me it's the start of the day. Hullo!

    Penny Lane
    Yes, I am well-rested and have already been called upon to give massage therapy advice and work on my son's neck tonight.

    You are the exception to all rules, too. Best to your mother in her recovery.

  147. Kami,

    How are you feeling after your rest? Better I hope. You have to stick around tonight to find out why SuperRN is putting blood pressure cuffs on erect peni.

  148. Penny, thanks I'm feeling somewhat human after my rest..and I wouldn't miss the blood pressure cuff on an erect peni for

  149. matter how hard you try...that picture of a tiny little blood pressure cuff sticks in your head...doesn't it?

  150. Omg, check out this new fan vid!!

    It's the way breaking dawn should be, but probably won't

  151. Somebody clue me in...what is the point of taking erect peen blood pressure? It's sure to be off of the charts high, isn't it?

  152. LOL Dk according to supergprn if you take the blood pressure there it is the same as it would be if you used an arm...and don't you know many men will say..." arm's smaller" (rolling my eyes)

  153. This comment has been removed by the author.

  154. I have several friends who are nurses, and I don't know how true this is, because I've never actually seen it, but they told me that if you are preping a man for surgery and have to shave...there...and something suddenly comes up (my ode to the Brady bunch for the day) that if you thump it on the head it will instantly deflate and causes very little like I said, no idea if that is true or not..but it is a funny story.

  155. Oh, I get it!
    If the overall systemic blood pressure is too high (per the peen reading), it would need to be lowered quickly, so that the sufferer gets relief from the underlying condition.
    Makes total sense to me.

  156. Kami
    I have heard similar about the head-thumping technique but don't know of anyone who will admit to doing it or having it done to them.
    Surely, nurses aren't the only ones who need to take charge of an awkward situation.

  157. Bop it on the head??? Sorry, I just got stuck on that! LOL

  158. Oh my God. This conversation is hilarious.

    Bopping it on the head. I'm looking at Little Bunny Foo Foo in a whole new light.

  159. When you bop it, do you have to say "Bad tallywhacker!!! Down!!?"

  160. OMG LMAO SueBee I can always count on you to think just like me in these situations

  161. Sydney
    This convo is killing me with laughter, too.

    Good choice of words to use.

    And of course, since I have been voted the Fairygodmother of Roseland, I would be waving that magic wand, sprinkling fairy dust, and saying, "Bippity, Boobity, Boo".

  162. "Bad tallywhacker Down". I guess it's the Dr.Seuss, or maybe the meds, but I keep thinking to myself..."Bunny Hop, tallywhacker Bop"

  163. FYI
    This FGM (Fairygodmother) is not limited to collecting lost teeth. All requests are granted.

  164. I meant to add, like my sister, TTF (The Tooth Fairy)!

  165. And I have been meaning to tell you all day how absolutely beautiful your daughter is..

  166. Tally whally you must stop
    or I'll give you such a bop

  167. OMG LOL...hysterical...

    sounds kinda like a dance "Tallywhacker Bop" to be followed by the Bunny Hop, but first we must all do the Hokey Pokey..

  168. And don't you all know that somewhere lurking in here someone is thinking "Hmm they are talking bout penises again...this HAS TO MEAN SOMETHING!!! It has to be code

  169. You guys are killing me with the bad tallywacker.

    Sydney, Little Bunny Foo Foo is what I thought of immediately too.


    I think I'm missing something tho. If they are getting shaved for surgery, they are still awake and lucid. So wouldn't the guy say something if he got bopped on the head?

  170. Meant "Boppity, not Boobity" but WTH (what the hell), if the shoe fits, put that bitch on, or similar quote.

    Certainly, we have been down the boobity path before on here, remember?

  171. You put the left one in
    you take the left one out

    you put a pressure cuff on
    and you shake it all about...

  172. OMG SUEBEE You are the best.

    Yeah Penny I've always thought that I said I don't know if I believe it but several nurse friends have told me that in the past. I mean ice water on the crotch would work just as well

  173. SueBee
    SFH (So fucken highlarious), you are.

  174. Kami,

    He would definitely say something about the ice water. You are too funny.

  175. LOL yeah he would but you can explain away ice water, thumping him on the head..not so much lol

  176. Kami
    Thanks for the comment on my daughter.

    Since Drew Barrymore has some family around our area, she was recently taken for her, and the restaurant owner would not believe that she wasn't Drew, lol.

    She is thinking about moving to L.A. for show biz but I'm not keen on it. (not that my opinion counts for much)

    Maybe she could try Chicago first and get discovered or discouraged with family support nearby.

    It was nothing less than a miracle that she found that pic for me and told me I could post it here to help other little girls like she was. Usually she's on my back about excessive time at Roseland.

    Everyday, some miracles appear, if we dare to ask for them.

    Here's the true story...there is a condition called priaprism...u can google it if u want to know is very painful and sometimes may require a surgical intervention to get the blood out of it so it will go down. i was on call one night and we had to do a prisoner with that condition and the surgeon requested a neonatal blood pressure cuff hooked to a machine (dinamapp) that could be set to inflate every 15 mins or so to keep the blood from going back in and causing the erection. i noticed that the blood pressure reading on the "boppity"? was the same as the arm cuff pressure reading....Now about whacking that thing.a guy must be careful...we had a patient one time that always woke up in the morning with "u know what" and he would whack it on the bedside night stand to make it go down. one morning he whacked it too hard and "fractured" it and required a trip to the OR to repair it.
    Love u hilarious

  178. Can you imagine a teenage guy using the PBP (Penis BP) theory to try persuade his girlfriend to lend him a hand? lol

    "No Baby, I promise this is a totally legitimate medical emergency. They put this tiny, er, I mean magnum sized blood pressure cuff on and everything. I've been diagnosed with High Penis Pressure. If you don't stroke it soon, then it'll stroke!"

  179. Teenage boys everywhere--

    It's Priapism--you need to help make sure my bp stays regulated.

    Here- there are some hand exercises the doctor told me about! LOL

  180. SuperRNGP & Caroline
    You win and you win. There is so much win around here right now.


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.