Saturday, October 30, 2010

Rob and Kristen- Up Close and Personal

Not much going on right now.
Robert and Kristen going to Rio soon...
Good thing they've been practicing for the honeymoon scenes
for the last 2 years
*wink wink nudge nudge*

Don't you just love the above picture?
I never get tired of looking at the gloriously happy face
that Robert has in this set of pictures.
And our dear sweet Kristen...
holding on to his hand
(contrary to foaming opinion)
It just makes me smile.
Get that?
The huge difference between people like me...
Who believe they are together
We smile and are happy to see 
Robert and Kristen smile and be happy.
Unlike some people...
Who only spew bitter hatred
and are just so damn ANGRY all the time!
So very very angry.
What a way to spend your time...
all pissed off because 2 people want to be together.

So since there isn't much to talk about today...
I thought I would pull out random Robert/Kristen pictures...
and kinda giggle...
and maybe TWIRL a little.
Remember these?

Oh how these pictures were debated.
Such fun!
I think PR was even thrown about here as well
as the overused comment...

"They can't hear each other so they have to get close
to talk over the music.
I talk that way all the time with my friends
when we are at concerts"

And while that MIGHT explain the first part of that picture...
The second part?
Not so much.
Unless Rob is lip reading...
And he has to place his lips on Kristen's lips to do it.
Lip reading.
That's it!

ALMOST the same picture that I always post.
Except Robert's head isn't touching Kristen's... yet.
Robert must really be a 'close talker'...
It's like everytime he has something to say to Kristen...
He puts his face really really
close to Kristen.

Let's see...




Well... you get the point.

At least you should get the point...
Because you'd have to be blind
or at least blinded by hatred and jealousy
to not get the point.
Am I stirring a bit too much today?
Yeah... possibly.
But sometimes a girls just got to do
what a girls got to do.

And if you've gotten this far in my post...
and don't like what I am saying
Why are you still here?
You might want to ask yourself that question.
Enough poking the beast
I love this picture of Kristen
because she has such a HUGE smile on her beautiful face.
She has looked so so so happy the last few times
we have seen her in public.

I love happy Kristen.
She deserves to be happy.
And how lucky for her that Robert
happens to be the one to make her happy?
So Kristen puts a huge smile on Robert's face...
and Robert puts a huge smile on Kristen's face.
There aint NOTHING wrong with that.

And well...
I'm just posting this picture because
Robert looks completely intoxicating!
The man travels well.
And I'm all about the sunglasses for some strange reason.
I love his eyes
(Like the banner? I mean... HELLO Gorgeous!)
But in this picture
he's got the scruff...
and the sunglasses...
and he looks
That's all there is to it.


I have a party tonight...
and I intend to drink the  BWitches brew all night long!
So I hope you all have a great weekend!!

Closing thoughts.

1. Do you REALLY think Robert and Kristen
aren't staying together in Baton Rouge?
Come on...
I know desperation can play tricks on people...
But  Really???
Let me just add...
and many more HA's after that.

2. I don't have a 2
It just happens to be my favorite number.

This post is brought to you by the letters *T* and *S*

T for...
So much TWIRLING to do...
How can we possibly squeeze it all in??

S for Smitty.
Consider this a virtual hug.

“You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you.
You have to go to them sometimes.” 
~ Winnie the Pooh

Bye for now


  1. I totally liked this. Made me laugh a bunch of times!


  2. oh my, wow you did it again....i know there aren't any news about rob and kristen these days, but your blog makes me smile every day...

    truer words were never spoken

    of course they are at a house somewhere hidden together. spending as much time together, as they can, before the filming starts... and kirsten obviously has taken good care of rob! i would really like to see some pics of kristen now, too. to see, if everything is okay with her...we haven't seen her since i make a wish!! they could have the halloween party, some people were talking about something like that...would be great....and one pic would be enough, really!!! ;)

  3. YEP Rose I love the love that rob and kristen have cant wait to see them and that big fucken SMILE on there faces thanks again Rose HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE TO STAY . DEB .

  4. such a sweet quote <3

    Happy Halloween to you too

    love all the close-talking pictures. that explanation is logical and in a lot of pictures probably true (like Munich and Eclipse convention) but at the KOL pics, or the Sam Bradley concert pics, he is not whispering in her ear, they are basically Eskimo kissing. so unless they are sending telepatical messages trought their eyes, I will go with my explanation of them simply being lost in each others gazes

    *twirl you later*

  5. Well for those of us who are in relationships with partners who don't require batteries,yes it is obvious when two people are VERY obviously together - we recognise the signs. I may be weird but I find at loud,rock concerts (of which I've been to many!), if I put my mouth against my husband's ear, he hears me a lot better than when I talk against his lips and oddly enough, in normal circumstances, he can hear me from several feet away.

  6. lol, this was hilarious--"he's just a close face talker."

    I always loved the paris shots too, Kristen always has her "armor" on in public, looking infallible and untouchable, like an ice queen older than her years. And yet in the Paris picture, look at her! Demure, girly, holding onto his arm all sweetly.

    Me thinks we don't see a lot of the real Kristen in the public forum.

    And that last pic of Robert, with his lips doing whatever they are doing. Yikes, I never tire of this handsome kid. lol

  7. Stir the witches pot Rose- it makes me happy when you do. I can't help it.

    I see total bliss when I see their faces. I truly think they are in a great place in their lives together. Nothing is stopping them. I am sure the road hasn't been easy so I am happy for them.

    The pic of Rob is just all out yummy! The pic of Kristen at Leno is great. She is just her cute adorable self.


    Cate- w00t! wOOt! Congrats on the win today!

    Okay gotta jet because I am needed to party.

  8. Oops one more thing...

    Liza that bracelet you sent Tracy is so pretty. I see she couldn't wait to wear it. :)

  9. great post Rose.

    Liza love the bracelet you sent Tracy...ok back to the hubby

  10. Great post, Rose!

    Have fun at your party tonight :)

    Happy Halloween to all!!! Stay safe :)

  11. Lip Reading...Close it!!! So funny as always !!!

    Happy Halloween to everyone in Roseland!!!

    Off to put on my false eyelashes and wig for a costume bash tonite. Hope everyone has fun whatever the weekend brings........

  12. Happy Halloween Roseland!!!

    Cate – CONGRATULATIONS to your son’s team!!! Yay!!!!!

    Elaine – good to see you and know that you are doing okay...been thinking about you.

    Annie and Cate – thanks for bringing the wonderful reviews of WTTR to Roseland. I am really hoping that it plays somewhere close to me. From what I have seen it looks fantastic and Kristen’s performance is so incredibly real my heart breaks for Mallory.

    Rose – Great post today - I love it when you stir the pot/caldron! Have a wonderful time drinking the witches brew all night.

    To all the rest of my silliebillie Roseland friends – I hope you have a “spooktackular” night tonight! I am off to drink some pumpkin juice of my own. Stay safe and have fun! :)


  13. Wonderful Rose, I absolutely love the Winnie the Pooh quote...

    “You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.”

    Such a wise little bear :-)

    Lots of love ♡


  14. Thank you Rose for the beautiful post.
    Agree, the Paris tarmac photo was the one that really confirmed my gut feeling that Rob and Kristen were meant to be.

    Yes Melinda, total bliss.
    And I agree,as Rose says, it is such a natural emotion to be happy that they are happy together.

    Cate, congratulations on the win for your son and his team!

    Rose, have a fun and relaxing time at the party.

    Kami, so glad your hubs is home with you. Enjoy.

    Hope and Kay, have fun tonight!

    Liza and Tracy, hope the two of you will be able to arrange an across the pond girls vacay.

  15. Thanks Melinda and Kami, its nothing compared to what Tracy did for me though when she made the beautiful blanket.

    Love you Tracy :-)

  16. I can't help it. I miss those beautiful Rob pictures with his sun glasses on and his baseball cap and all scruffy looking ROBERT PATTINSON GORGEOUS at the airport.

  17. Wonderful post Rose. So appropriate to be stirring the cauldron this weekend.


    So funny, "those of us in relationships with partners that don't require batteries".


    I see you came up for air (kidding).

    To all the rest,
    Happy Halloween Eve

  18. Loved your post as always...I laughed myself silly in a few spots...I love all the pictures you posted today, I never get tired of looking at them either, I too have quite the collection of Robert and Kristen pictures in my photo gallery; the Paris airport set has always been a favorite...I love seeing those two looking happy, together or seperate...Sometimes I wonder why I feel the way I do about Rob and Kristen; I don't know them but I just smile and feel happy when they smile and look happy...Geez, I'm sure in smiley, happy mode today, and now I'm rambling so I think I'll go now...Rose, I hope you have a great time at the party; Happy Halloween to you and all the nice people on here! :)

  19. Yep.. kissing is the new way of reading lips. It's been proven to be the most accurate way of knowing what someone says without having to hear the words.

    “How did it happen that their lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill? A kiss, and all was said.” -Victor Hugo

    Hi everybody! *hugs*

    Love you too Liza!

  20. (Rose said Up Close & Personal)

    One Kiss

    One kiss, one man to save it for
    One love for him alone

    One word, one vow and nothing more
    To tell him, I'm his own

    One magic night within his arms
    With passion flower unfold

    But I will try to love only one man
    And no other man in the world.

    Barbra Streisand & kissing magic:

    Color Me Barbra Album-
    Song-Hammerstein & Romberg

    Thank you/Queenofphilly101-youtube

  21. ROSE...loved ur post today...u know how much i love Pooh Bear>>...LIZA...u r right Pooh Bear is very Wise.

    The depth of the love this couple shares is so evident, as Rose says, u would have to be "blinded" by a jealous rage to refuse to see the obvious! I think when u get to be the age of some of us u know how extraordinary this depth of feeling and commitment is in such a young couple.

    ROSE...i wonder about the gold band she wears on her middle finger...not trying to be a pot stirrer but i bet Rob gave her that ring as a commitment to that relationship...could it be more than that even??could they have already tied the knot and just don't want to announce it???I guess im old fashioned like Edward Cullen, but if u feel the way they do about eachother, why wait??? Listen, i know they arent Edward and Bella, but the only reason i could justify them not tying themselves together in every way would just be scheduling conflicts.
    I hope they won't be of the mindset of Brangelina and not think marriage is important. Oh well, i guess only time will tell.

  22. Hi, Rose!!!

    Totally loved this post and love the many EPIC moments. I never get tired of looking at them. How can anyone not be happy for them??!!

    Some haters bitterness and anger it's because they are always proven to be WRONG... other are angry just because Rob and Kristen are together and happy...while they are all alone, beeing all sad, pathetic and with no one who loves them.

    People underestimate Robert and Kristen relantionship...I believe they love each other no matter what and all the bitter hatred that is spew out there isn't going to touch what they have.

    Those pics of Kristen on Leno and Robert at the airport...Just Gorgeous.

    Loved that Winnie the Pooh quote.

    Much Love

    Hi, Tracy, Dreamer and RN...hope you're having a great day.

  23. Olivia

    Thanks for the good wishes! I'm having a great meal as a beginning tonight, cajun sausage, sauteed red peppers, ciabiatta bread and Boddingtons Pub Ale-complete heaven.

    Decided to not go out and celebrate Halloween tonight after all. So, here I am, and Roseland will be my party place.

  24. PL LOL well I came up for air again, the hubs is making dinner..I know I'm a lucky woman, both breakfast AND dinner.

    Rose just read the post again and have to say I loved EVERY SINGLE word you used to stir that pot. Very fitting. It's just too bad that the ones who could use those words of wisdom the most, will never realize you're talking to them.

    Cate congrats on the Win!!!

    Kay, hope you have a wonderful time (((HUGS)))

  25. I've Put A Spell On You

    I put a spell on you
    'Cause you're mine

    You better stop the things you do
    I ain't lyin'
    No I ain't lyin'

    You know I can't stand it
    You're runnin' around

    You know better daddy
    I can't stand it cause you put me down

    I put a spell on you
    Because you're mine
    You're mine

    I love ya
    I love you
    I love you
    I love you anyhow

    And I don't care
    if you don't want me
    I'm yours right now

    You hear me
    I put a spell on you
    Because you're mine

    Nina Simone mesmerizes you:

    The Very Best of Nina Simone Album-(1949) Screamin' Jay Hawkins, Slotkin

    Thank You/JukeJunkies - youtube.

  26. Rose,

    I loved your post today. Like others, I don't know why seeing these two together makes me happy. It isn't just that they are beautiful, something else just shines through. It is almost tangible. I think they are very blessed to have found each other,because what they have seems incredibly special.
    On that note... I have a request for the Wunderkind of Music. I love this song and it makes me think of Rob and Kristen, "When You Say Nothing At All". Can you post the youtube with Alison Krauss because she sings it like no one else.

  27. Oh, Kami, so many comments I could make...but I'll be nice. Fixing dinner now? He must have really missed you.

    Slow night here. Halloween is celebrated tomorrow in my area, but I guess a lot of places elsewhere are doing it tonight.


    Celebrating in tonight?

  28. I love your blog so much. Not only do you credit Robert "the most fucking fantastic man ever" Pattinson but you also credit Kristen "she owns my soul as much as RPattz" Stewart. Robsten rock, and so do you! Thanks for sharing your blog!

  29. Birdie

    My pleasure, pal! Hope your night is howling fun......

  30. Same thing about Halloween here. As a matter of fact the city took a HUGE stand on celebrating it on Sunday and only Sunday...

    Dinner is ready! cya

  31. For Birdie, Robert & Kristen:

    When You Say Nothing at All

    Alison Krauss is the best:
    (video with lyrics)

    Thank You/sweetcandy214 - youtube

  32. DK,

    I like the Ronan Keating version myself. Wasn't it used in Notting Hill?

  33. Hi all! Dropping in to say Hello!

    We just got home from Trick of Treating.

    Right now. I'm trying to make myself feel better by thinking all that walking must have burned enough calories for those 4 mini Butterfingers.

    Or not.

  34. SueBee,

    You don't have to count calories anymore, you already went to the party.

    I just realized I never read your new installment. Heading over now.

  35. Kami & Penny

    Happy night!

    Adults around here go to bars/clubs yesterday + tonight in costume and celebrate Halloween.

    As I mentioned earlier, I was to do that but plans got changed and here I am.

    Celebration is my usual choice, 24/7, 52, 365, reality allowing it to be so, lol.

    The kiddies trick or treat on Sunday during specific hours. To my dismay, there haven't been any knocking at my door in the past two years. Maybe tomorrow!

  36. Hello Everyone!!

    I hope you all are having a great day!

    SueBee!!!!! **HUGS**
    How was Trick or Treating??? I don't get to go anymore my kids are too old!! :-(

  37. Hi all!! :) Hope everyone had a great day. I definitely did ;) I had such a blat at Zombie Walk! So many kick ass brain eaters there. Around 4000 people showed up! DK if you get a chance check out my face book page for pics! Me and my daughter looked so freaken creepy!! ha ha ha...

    Trick or Treat tomorrow, then my favorite holiday is.. over :(

    Rose, great post as usual :) Winnie the Pooo! ..So sweet!

  38. Sue,

    I loved it. Humping Doc Boris - in her dreams.


    I get so many kids here I run out of candy every year. I don't live in a large subdivision but they come here in vans from who knows where. Every year I buy more and every year even more kids show up.

  39. Hi Manjen!

    My kids have some major ninja skills. They managed to go to several houses twice, especially the ones giving out full sized candy bars.

    That's my girls! LOL

  40. Ya all know my new avi is going to give you nightmares tonight!! LOL

    An actual pic from today! ;)

  41. For Penny Lane:

    When You Say Nothing At All

    It's amazing
    How you can speak
    Right to my heart
    Without saying a word,
    You can light up the dark
    Try as I may
    I could never explain
    What I hear when
    You don't say a thing

    The smile on your face
    Lets me know
    That you need me
    There's a truth
    In your eyes
    Saying you'll never leave me
    The touch of your hand says
    You'll catch me
    Whenever I fall
    You say it best
    When you say
    Nothing at all

    All day long
    I can hear people
    Talking out loud
    But when you hold me near
    You drown out the crowd
    (The crowd)
    Try as they may
    They could never define
    What's been said
    Between your
    Heart and mine

    [Repeat chorus twice]

    (You say it best
    When you say
    Nothing at all
    You say it best
    When you say
    Nothing at all)

    The smile on your face
    The truth in your eyes
    The touch of your hand
    Let's me know
    That you need me

    [Repeat chorus]

    (You say it best
    When you say
    Nothing at all
    You say it best
    When you say
    Nothing at all)

    Ronan Keating says everything:

    Notting Hill Movie

    Thank You/iftomorrownevercomes
    youtube poster

  42. PL

    I know I don't have to wear the dress but my jeans are another story!

  43. SueBee

    The full sized candy bar houses were ALWAYS the best...I miss those days!!

    30 Your new AVI is indeed creepy!! AWESOME!!

    Hello PL and DK!! :-)

  44. 30, SueBee, Manjen & Penny Lane


  45. DK

    Great song you dedicated to PL...Love it!!

  46. manjen

    ITA, about full size candy bars. They're the best.

    Why it takes 3 or 4 of those mini's to satisfy like a full size bar.

  47. manjen

    Birdie also asked for that same song earlier, but by Alison Krauss. Two very different renditions-equally fine IMO.

  48. manjen I apologize if it gives you nightmares tonight LOL

  49. Here is a picture of my daughter and me at her party. She is dressed as Jane from the Volturi.

  50. Since you're all remembering the candy bars of the old many pieces of candy do you hand out per kid now?

    I usually give 3 to start with and then when the big kids start showing up I have to cut back to 2 so I don't run out too soon.

  51. DK-
    Thanks for posting Hey, Soul Sister earlier. That was one of the overplayed songs at the beach this summer. Your post brought back memories of this summer in Cape Cod. Oh to sit in the sunshine!

  52. 30

    I'll take a look at your FB pics and try not to have nightmares tonight!

    Sounds like you and you're little girl had loads of fun.

  53. Sue,

    You are so photogenic.

    Is your daughter taller than you or were you sitting?

  54. SueBee

    Great pic and costume. Those spooky Volturi, rock on Halloween.

  55. SueBee

    She looked great!!

  56. Manjen

    Do you have a song you'd like to hear?

  57. IBelieve

    Thanks for saying so about Hey Soul Sister. I'm relevant and didn't even know it, ha, ha.

  58. 30

    I hope I don't have nightmares tonight...but something about Chuckie....I'm scared!!


  59. IBelieve

    Today I took a nap on my bed with the sun shining on my face.

    20 minutes later my face was reddish but I felt just wonderful and must have gotten my vitamin D load for the day.

    Then again, we all come be in Aruba, eh?

  60. DK,

    Thank you so much. I don't know why, but that song makes me kind of weepy. Brings out that old romantic fool in me. It is probably why I am drawn to this couple.

  61. Dk

    I will have to get back to you on songs are coming to my mind right now :(

  62. Love that song, it is at the top of my play list. Really like Break Even too.

  63. Rose, you always put a song in my heart. Tks. Safe travels to Brazil for our favorite happy couple.
    <3 Hope you have fun at your party and the boys enjoy Halloween tomorrow! BOO!

  64. Aruba would be wonderful!! We could have a huge Roseland party there!

  65. Thanks, Ladies! PL, I'm on my knees next to my daughter. She's not taller than me yet but I'm sure it won't take long! LOL

  66. PL

    I will give out 3 each, if any come at all. If not, I'll eat it all over the next week or so, with some help from my daughter.

    A lady at the store today said she had almost 200 kids last year.

    She finally put the candy outside in a plastic pumpkin and let them take some when they came.

    It was a matter of being too tuckered out to keep answering the doorbell.

  67. Well, well, a foaming goblin has arrived!

  68. Expect jackals, hyenas, ghouls, and uglies to visit us this weekend.

  69. Guess her name says it all...someone is full of herself!

  70. For "I"Believe:

    Break Even
    (Lyrics on video)

    The Script wonders what to do:

    Thank You/xTrueLoveWaits - youtube

  71. Happy Halloween Roseland!

    Finally i'm up to read your posts Rose. Im gigling and twirling w/ you now... I love 'stirring pots'.

    Hello to everyone!

  72. Aw...thanks DK....that was so nice of you!

  73. I'm going to watch Graham Norton. New season starts tonight.

    Remember Don't Feed the Crazy

  74. Omigosh look what i found!

    I'm taking it home with me!


  75. gwen

    Yes, I know how you love to "stir pots" and what a good cook you are.
    Nice to see you tonight.

  76. These little "pop ins" are just irritating. It's not even the content because it's the same tired bullshit.

    Blah, blah, blah, hate, foam, nastiness.

    Go somewhere else and let the grown ups talk, okay?

  77. Somebody describe Tracy's avi...I'm on my old computer and I can't see!

  78. Have a nice night (sane Roslenaders)!!

    I am going to go ,I think. Talk to ya all tomorrow! :)

  79. SueBee - I agree,it's like groundhog day with them and every comment is the exact opposite of the truth,they are becoming caricatures of themselves!!

  80. When I went to the store tonight, I bought some of those cheap DVD's of older movies like:

    Sabrina with Harrison Ford,
    IQ-Meg Ryan & Tim Robbins,
    The Prince & Me,
    Born Romantic with Craig Ferguson!
    and Miss Julie a 19th century romance movie.

    Hey, want to know what else I got at the store?

  81. 30
    Bye, girl, see you soon.

    I enjoy your posts and this one, too.

  82. La, La, La, LEO, LEO, LEO or ROSE, ROSE, ROSE.

  83. Of course you want to know more!

    When I went to the store tonight I got:

    French Brandy VSOP
    Martini & Rossi dry vermouth
    Estancia Cabernet
    Boddington's English Pub Ale
    Origin Bourbon Whiskey

    No, it is not all for tonight but the prices were good and I'm stocking up for the holdays.

  84. should have known the trolls would be out tonight

  85. Dk could you look up a song for me and post the words please?

    "Close Enough to Perfect" by Alabama

  86. When I went to the store tonight I also got:

    Strawberry cheesecake
    Portabello mushrooms
    Taco chips for "natchos"
    Old Style pretzels
    Aidell's sausage & meatballs (yum)
    Honey Crisp and Fuji apples

    Is your mouthwatering yet?

  87. DK

    I get to catch up w/ you guys. I havent touch my computer till now. I had to sleep all day yesterday. I had not sleep well on Friday coz of some spooky and creepy ghost videos on tv. Gives me goosebumps. That's why im not so a fan of halloween here coz almost all the shows are spooky. I can tolerate the horror movies but never the alleged true ghost videos. Eeee!!!

  88. DK - Thank you :) I like you're shopping trip better than mine, I just bought groceries.

  89. I know this is random, but I am a Southerner but not a Bible Thumper, but I'd like to state for the record...the ONLY PERSON I WORSHIP IS GOD.

  90. SueBee your daughter made a wondeful Jane and she's beautiful! the baby zombie

  91. DK
    Honey Crisps are my favorite apple! They are so crisp and sweet.

  92. Hi Ladies :)

    Just got the kiddies settled for the night after trick or treating :) Fun stuff!

    I'm sure I won't make it back to Roseland before Monday so I hope that all of you have a great Sunday! Ignore the trolls they are SO desperate. Sad really.

    Cate!! Congrats!! Isn't it a great feeling to see your children do so well in something that they care about? Woot woot for him!!

    Kami, I'm glad you are enjoying your weekend with the Hubby ;)

    Penny, DK, Tracy, Suebee, manjen, 30, Katy and all the other Roselanders...Have a fantabulous Halloween!!

    Leigh ♥

  93. I bought a box of those today and they are good

  94. Oh lord, I shouldn't have responded.

    Here we go again.


    Here's the deal--no one cares, no matter what the content of the posts are.

    Go ahead, keep throwing your tantrums; we'll skip over them until they're deleted.

    As far as we're concerned, you aren't here.

  95. Leigh WHO DAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yall be safe.

  96. Close Enough To Perfect

    Sometimes her morning coffee's way too strong
    And sometimes what she says she says all wrong

    But right or wrong she's there beside me
    Like only a friend would be
    And thats close enough to perfect for me

    Now she's been known to wear her pants too tight
    And drinking puts her out just like a light

    Heaven know's she's not an angel, but she'd really like to be
    And that's close enough to perfect for me

    She kisses me each morning
    And smiles her sleepy smile
    And she don't have to say it
    I can see it in her eyes

    Don't you worry about my woman
    Or what you think she ought to be
    'Cause she's close enough to perfect for me

    Well sometimes she gets down and starts to cry
    But then again a lady has a right

    She's everything I ever wanted, she's all I'll ever need
    She's close enough to perfect for me.

    Alabama sings this perfectly!

    Thank You/KOUJ1328D - youtube

  97. Thanks Kami!

    I'm headed to bed. We have a early start in the morning. I have to make sure we get there early enough to make it by Cafe du Monde for breatfast ;)

    WHO DAT!!!

    Have a great night everyone!

  98. Thank you DK my husband propsed to me while playing that song on Valentine's day 1989

    And if you read the words I bet that's how Rob feels about Kristen...she's close enough to perfect for him.

  99. Hey Tracy!!!!!
    Your AVI is too cute!!

    Hey Leigh!!!!!

  100. Kami - That's really sweet and yes,I'm sure you're right about Rob :)

  101. DK

    will you post some lionel richie 'endless love' here...want to hear it again. Swoon!

  102. Thanks, Kami! Oh, BTW, tell you hubby thanks for his chronicle comments!

    Have you been enjoying his homecoming? Nevermind, of course you have!

  103. Have you ever heard the Phrase "Guilty dog barks the loudest"?

  104. Been playing Magic and Spell songs, what would you like to hear?

    Bat Out of Hell-Meat Loaf
    Devil Went Down to Georgia


  105. up until a skunk ruined our evening...and I mean a real life skunk..a/c scared it and it sprayed right by our house. we've been having a blast

  106. Okay so I am home from the community wide Halloween shindig...WAY TO MANY PEOPLE! Fun but crazy.

    Confession time...was getting alerts on my phone while out...

    see someone was up to no good, no surprise there. I think it is sad that someone has to monitor this blog because someone else has nothing better to do with their time then start BS that none of us believe so why waste time and effort.

    Wish she would go see a therapist. She has some major issues she needs to deal with.

    Susan- your daughter looks great! Hope she had fun.

    Hello to everyone else!

  107. Kami, it's just so damned stupid. Skip over it--and forget it. Not worth the time.

    BTW, how's your niece feeling? I gleaned from your comments that she is pretty sick? Was it cancer?

  108. LOL not paying attention to anything other than my hubby...I just wish that stupid skunk hadn't sprayed under my bedroom window.

    She is doing much better was kinda scary this week, the chemo really really made her sick, then they did a routine test and thought the spot on her lungs had grown,it hadn't..BUT it's all good now and she's out trick or treating tonight.

  109. For Darling Gwen:

    Endless Love

    My love, there's only you in my life,
    The only thing that's right.
    My first love, you're every breath that I take,

    You're every step I make.
    And I, I want to share, all my love with you,
    No one else will do.

    And your eyes, they tell me how much you care.
    Oh yes, you will always be, my endless love.

    Two hearts, two hearts that beat as one.
    Our lives have just begun.

    Forever, I'll hold you close in my arms,
    I can't resist your charm.

    My love, I'll be a fool, for you I'm sure,
    You know I don't mind.

    Cause you, you mean the world to me.
    Oh, I know I've found in you, my endless love.

    And love, I'll be that fool, for you, I'm sure.
    You know I don't mind.

    And yes, you'll be the only one.
    Cause no one can deny,
    This love I have its fine.

    I'll give it all to you,
    My love, my love, my endless love.

    Lionel Ritchie & Diana Ross:

    Thank You/koiazami505 - youtube

  110. Hey Melinda

    Hello I Believe..The Monster Mash is an excellent choice!!

  111. Melinda (((hugs))) sorry tonight I feel all lovey dovey...

  112. Thanks, Melinda!

    BTW, we played Monster Mash when the kids were doing musical chairs. It's a classic.

  113. Kami-

    that is a sweet song that you were proposed to...

    I can see why you are being all lovey dovey tonight.

    Great song...

    Hey Manjen!

  114. **Waves** and hugs to all.
    Happy Halloween Eve.
    30-Must have been so much fun for you and your daughter. Little pic is quite scary though.
    SueBee, little Bee is precious. Love the costume.

    Great songs DK as usual.

    I have one, quite different but beautiful in honor of Rob, Kristen and life. It isn't in Portuguese,in honor of the BD shoot that will take place in Brazil soon, but in a sister language, Spanish, as that is what Joan Baez sings it in. I believe she has a gorgeous voice and the song is so special. This is for Rob and Kristen, but also for all of Roseland and life.

    I apologize for the length of the lyrics, but I have the Spanish/English version because the words are so lovely.

    Gracias a la Vida -- Thanks be to Life
    Written by: Violeta Parra
    Translated by: gift_of_song

    Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto
    ---Thanks be to Life that has given me so much
    me dio dos luceros que cuando los abro
    ---It gave two bright stars that when opened*
    perfecto distingo lo negro del blanco
    ---perfectly distinguish the black from the white
    y en el alto cielo su fondo estrellado
    ---and the starry depths of the far off high sky
    y en las multitudes el hombre que yo amo.
    ---and in the multitudes the man that I love.

    Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto
    ---Thanks be to Life that has given me so much
    me ha dado el oido que en todo su ancho
    ---It gave me an ear that within its width
    graba noche y dia grillos y canarios,
    ---records night and day crickets and canaries,
    martillos, turbinas, ladridos, chubascos,
    ---hammers, turbines, barking, rainstorms,
    y la voz tan tierna de mi bien amado.
    ---and the oh so tender voice of my dearly beloved.

    Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto
    ---Thanks be to Life that has given me so much
    me ha dado el sonido y el abedecedario
    ---It has given me sound and the alphabet
    con él las palabras que pienso y declaro
    ---with it the words that I think and declare
    madre, amigo, hermano y luz alumbrando,
    ---mother, friend, brother and shining light,
    la ruta del alma del que estoy amando.
    ---the route to the soul of the one I am in love with.

    Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto
    ---Thanks be to Life that has given me so much
    me ha dado la marcha de mis pies cansados
    ---It has given me the march of my tired feet
    con ellos anduve ciudades y charcos,
    ---with them I walked through cities and puddles,
    playas y desiertos, montañas y llanos,
    ---beaches and deserts, mountains and plains,
    y la casa tuya, tu calle y tu patio.
    ---and your house, your street and your courtyard.

    Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto
    ---Thanks be to Life that has given me so much
    me dio el corazón que agita su marco
    ---It has given me a heart that speeds its beating
    cuando miro el fruto del cerebro humano,
    ---when I look at the fruit of the human mind,**
    cuando miro el bueno tan lejos del malo,
    ---when I look at the good which is so far from the evil,
    cuando miro el fondo de tus ojos claros.
    ---when I look into the depths of your clear eyes.

    Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto
    ---Thanks be to Life that has given me so much
    me ha dado la risa y me ha dado el llanto,
    ---It has given me laughter and it has given me sorrow
    así yo distingo dicha de quebranto
    ---in that way I can distinguish happiness from grief
    los dos materiales que forman mi canto
    ---the two materials that form my song
    y el canto de ustedes que es el mismo canto
    ---and your song which is the same song
    y el canto de todos que es mi propio canto.
    ---and the song of everyone which is my own song.

    Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto . . .
    ---Thanks be to Life that has given me so much . . .

    *Luceros: in Spanish this is an extremely poetic way to say "eyes," because it compares them to bright stars.
    **I don't know how common this expression is in English so I wrote this note: when she says fruit, she's talking about the accomplishments or results that have come from the human mind.

  115. I do wish that when the Trolls visit they wouldn't cause the site to run slow.

  116. Kami

    She's 11 and has lung cancer? How are the treatments going?

    My heart goes out to you and your family. I know this sounds trite, but is there anything at all I can do?

  117. For *I*Believe*

    Monster Mash

    Bobby "Boris" Pickett & the Cryptkickers scare us:


    Thank You/soulrocket - youtube

  118. SueBee she's 11 and has bone cancer. She's lost part of her left leg, but she is going to walk again soon thank God,they fitted her for her prosthetic leg last weekend. They discovered a spot on her lung a few months ago, they are keeping an eye on it while they are fighting the immediate threat. In the new year, after she gets back from Disney World, they will go and see what that spot is.

  119. DK

    thanks! I always swoon whenever i hear that song. Im kinda playing that on my head when i read Rose post today with those lovely pics ;-)

  120. I love proposal stories!

    "Broken Arrow" was playing on the radio when my husband drove me to a park we hade gone to on our first date. Then he popped the question--well--I said yes before he got the whole question out! LOL

  121. This comment has been removed by the author.

  122. Olivia

    I love when Joan Baez sings in Spanish, thanks so much-playing it right now.

  123. LOL my husband got down on one knee and asked me to marry him and I very romantically said:

    "Uh Huh"

  124. Hey Kami

    Your family will be in my thoughts...

  125. Kami


    My husband said "Will you marry m----"
    and I hopped on him and said yes.

    I was so excited that I forgot to even look at the ring. :o)

  126. Thank you Manjen

    SueBee LOL how sweet. I love Proposal stories too.

  127. Olivia what a beautiful song. Thank you so much for posting it.

  128. Kami & SueBee

    My husband just looked at me and wanna get married..How's that for romantic??

  129. Monster Mash was great..I love how they clipped together all of the old monster movies for the video...thanks DK.

    Kami sending good wishes to your family.

  130. My husband was in the Navy at the time. They gave him a food allowance but all he spent it on was a loaf of bread, bologna, and mayo.

    He ate bologna sandwiches for a month to save enough money for my engagement ring.

    It's been a long time since I've thought about that. I think I'm going to extra special sweet to him tomorrow.

  131. Manjen lol well that is kinda sweet at that.

    Thanks everyone for the good wishes and prayers for Taylor. That's exactly what my sister says needs right now.

  132. That is such a sweet thing to have done, you're a lucky woman Suebee. I think we all are.

  133. Awww when I hear proposal stories it makes me want a husband...

    There used to be a show on TLC that was showing people proposing. Some people really got creative.

    Always teary eyed watching...I am a sap for real.

  134. Awww SueBee
    That is a good story!!

  135. Hello Roseland,

    I actually have company, but I was wondering if anyone has heard or seen this.....

    I'll see you guys later, gotta get back...
    Waving to DK and Gwen....

  136. On a quirky, funny note:

    My first husband said I'd better marry him or we were through-I was 15, so we married when I turned 16.

    My second husband proposed to me after we had been living together for two years, by telephone and stinking drunk. I suggested that he take a few days to get sober and make up his mind. We lasted 4 years. The fab daughter made it worthwhile.

    The dearly departed and bestest thought I could use some health insurance, so he said, let me give you some, let's get married. I was 50 and he 54. It's never too late..

    I guess that I haven't been fated to have romantic proposals but let me say, I have loved deeply and think that it was returned, regardless of how my history seems.

    The bestest # 3 was The Great Love and all that entails. Third time was a charm.


  137. Dk That's sweet.

    Melinda, here's a funny side note. My husband's landlady kinda let the cat out of the bag that day that he was going to propose, and I waited and waited and waited, and it was getting LATE..he looked at me and said "I'm going to go shower" and left, I sat there all wondering what in the hell happened...and then he came out with the music playing and proposed.

    I asked him later why he waited all evening before he popped the question and he said "I wanted to surprise you but every time I said your name you jumped and answered me so quickly you reminded me of Barney Fife and I knew someone had told you, so I made you wait"

  138. Kami,
    Your niece, her family and you are in my thoughts and prayers. To be so young and innocent and have such a challenge to face each day is daunting. What a tremendous aunt you are to wrap her in so much love.

  139. SueBee

    He did have a ring. :-)

    We talked my parents into giving us the money they would have spent on a wedding, we went to the courthouse and got married, then took the money they gave us and went to Aruba for a week for our honeymoon!! It was AWESOME!!

  140. you keep a knockin but you can't come in

    Little Richard...I love that song

  141. You do realize I'm biting my tongue here right...SueBee you know what I want to say don't you?

  142. Prissy, answer this can you read about an 11 year old girl with Cancer and then say that?

  143. Oh, you guys all your proposal stories are making me teary eyed and I never get like that.

    I see you've had visitors.

  144. Yes and like a really rotten house guest who stops up your toilet, they have the site lagging....

  145. OMG


  146. Kami- LOL that's funny.

    Manjen- you sound like my kind of woman. I am all about a great honeymoon and low key wedding.

  147. Yeah I was right a fucking bitch is a fucking bitch regardless.. and I don't care if I do get in trouble.

  148. And FYI Bitch that was what we were talking NIECE so SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO AWAY.

  149. If this is our usual guest, she really has no life. Saturday night, halloween parties and she's here?

  150. Melinda
    I do not regret doing that...
    It was THE BEST, I would recommend Aruba to's a beautiful place!!

  151. It's Never Too Late

    Get the message
    Oh, it's never too late
    Get the message
    Oh, it's never too late

    It's never too late
    To try and reach for your desires
    Even when your luck is down
    You still got chances of turning around
    Get the message
    Oh, it's never too late

    Get the message
    Oh, it's never too late
    Get the message
    Oh, it's never too late

    It's never too late
    To hold the power in your hands (power in your hands)
    You will find a good, good feeling
    Makin' new plans and starting again
    It's never too late
    No, it's never too late
    No, it's never too late no, no, no, no

    No, it's never too late
    No, it's never too late
    No, it's never too late
    It's never too late

    Time keeps changin' everything
    Sometimes tearin' down
    The treasures that it brings
    Ever strong
    You'll make it through
    The secret lies in knowing
    That it's up to you
    Say it with me now

    Get the message
    Oh, it's never too late
    Get the message
    Oh, it's never too late

    We got the time
    There's no doubt in my mind
    That it's never too late

    Get the message
    Oh, it's never too late

    Diana Ross jams us toward love:

    Why Do Fools Fall In Love album

    Thank You/Koach127 - youtube

  152. Awww i love proposal and ourtship stories, so i gotta find a husband for myself, lol


    just be strong. My aunt had a breast cancer and she'd already lost her left breast. She's ok now but we're still cautious if it will spread. We'll include you to our prayers.

  153. are so come onto this blog and spew your hate, for what reason??? What does it benefit you to do that??

  154. Dear God, please give me patience and the strength not to lose it and say something I shouldn't.

  155. This comment has been removed by the author.

  156. It is amazing just how heartless some people can be.

  157. This comment has been removed by the author.

  158. I know I*belive* I'll take a drug addict slut (which I know isn't true)
    over a heartless bitch any day of the week

  159. I love this site and I love our friend but listening to that crap and letting them get away with it is asking a lot.

  160. This comment has been removed by the author.

  161. And PL think of being with someone when you go to sleep and waking up in their arms...sigh so romantic..must be sad not to have that.

  162. PL
    You are so right..I bet NOLA is AWESOME during Halloween!!

  163. lets just ignore her, i wont stoop down to her level.

  164. Kami

    Think about the mentality. We are talking about your niece, who has bone cancer--a serious subject--this person wants to get attention for calling someone a slut.

    Why address someone not worth the trouble?

  165. Since everyone is sharing proposal stories...
    I ended up marrying my former boyfriend's best friend. It had been several months after we parted ways when his best friend asked me out. We were in college, and after almost two years of dating, he proposed and gave me an engagement ring on the 4th of July while we were watching fireworks. He said, he never wanted the fireworks to end! Bless his heart, we were married 10 beautiful years before he passed. Never met anyone like him again. But life goes on, and life is good. Life is what you make of it, and what you are handed. Like John Lennon said: " Life is what happens to you while you are making plans to do something else."

  166. This comment has been removed by the author.

  167. This comment has been removed by the author.

  168. This is my advice-

    Simply try to ignore her. I know it is hard but we believe what we believe and truthfully nothing is going to change it.

    Let's not make it any harder than it already is.

  169. Olivia how beautiful that story is...and how wonderful that you had those 10 years.

  170. Olivia,

    Such a great story. Even though your time was short, I bet it was magical.

  171. SueBee
    You are takes someone absolutely heartless!! Really Sad!!

  172. Olivia
    That's a great story!!

  173. Sorry, guys. I just can't take her bitchy, superior attitude.

    I know better too.

  174. Olivia-

    That is a beautiful story...

    I said this to Kami the other day and it fits here as well...

    Life throws you curve's up to you on how you play the game.

  175. PL don't apologize we're human, and we've done very well...FOR

  176. Trolls Be Warned:

    Blame It On Your Heart

    You've got a thing or two
    To learn about me baby

    Cause I ain't taking it no more
    And I don't mean maybe

    You don't know right from wrong
    Well the love we had is gone

    So blame it on your
    Lying, cheating
    Cold, dead beatin
    Two timing, double dealing
    Mean, mistreatin
    Lovin heart

    Well all I wanted was to be
    Your one and only

    And all I ever got from you
    Was bein lonely

    Now that dream is laid to rest
    Cause you have failed the test

    So blame it on your
    Lying, cheating
    Cold, dead beatin
    Two timing, double dealing
    Mean, mistreatin
    Lovin heart

    Are you heading for a heartache
    Oh yeah

    Gonna get a bad break
    Oh yeah

    You made a bad mistake
    Oh yeah

    Well your never gonna find
    Another love like mine

    Someone's gonna do you
    Like you've done me honey

    And when she does you
    Like she'll do you

    It ain't funny
    You'll need some sympathy
    But don't be calling me

    Hey blame it on your
    Lying, cheating
    Cold, dead beatin
    Two timing, double dealing
    Mean, mistreatin
    Lovin heart

    Are you heading for a heartache
    Oh yeah

    Gonna get a bad break
    Oh yeah

    You made a bad mistake
    Oh yeah

    Well your never gonna find
    Another love like mine

    Someone's gonna you
    Like you've done me honey

    And when she does you
    Like she'll do you

    It ain't funny
    You'll need some sympathy
    But don't be calling me

    Hey blame it on your
    Lying, cheating
    Cold, dead beatin
    Two timing, double dealing
    Mean, mistreatin
    Lovin heart

    Yeah blame it on your
    Lying, cheating
    Cold, dead beatin
    Two timing, double dealing
    Mean, mistreatin
    Lovin heart
    Patty Lovless has had it:

    Thank You/twistedtommi - youtube

  177. Was it Leo or Rose who did the cleanup? I guess it doesn't matter.

    I'm going to call it a night. I'm too bitchy to play chicken with a troll.


  178. k ladies I'm going to head out now to spend time with the hubby, and also I need to quit while I'm ahead...and for ME I'm ahead.

    Loved hearing and sharing the proposal stories!

    And I keep seeing comments I made a half hour or an hour ago just now pop up, so I'm guessing we have issues with the site.

  179. Olivia

    The road less traveled makes all the difference, doesn't it?

    ((Tackle Hug))

  180. This comment has been removed by the author.

  181. Kami & PL

    Yes, so true and good night, sweethearts, till we meet tomorrow.

  182. Thanks y'all.
    I love the saying ( several versions) :
    When one door closes,
    another one opens.

    If you keep looking backwards, you can never move forward. Life is much better when you stay positive and kind.

  183. Family first and this:

    PrissyKrissy has left a new comment on the post
    "Rob and Kristen- Up Close and Personal":

    The slut stupid stuttering idiot has nothing to do with a kid with cancer.

    Is why I'm night yall

  184. kami- you are Roseland's Zafrina, oh fierce amazon warrior.

    Did she just cleaned her own mess?


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.