Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rob and Kristen- Have Yourself aTwirly Christmas!

The following post is full of my thoughts and opinions.
If you don't possess a sense of humor
and rational logic to accept the obvious...
Please read no further.

Robsten Decoder Ring setting for 23/12/10
Number 26
Letter L

The "We are in Rome and can't deny it anymore" Twirl.

The "God, Rob is sexy when he's wet" Twirl.

The "We obviously are falling for each other" Twirl.

The "Falling in love for the last time" Twirl.

The "You are the luckiest girl in the world!" Twirl.

The "This dress is kinda annoying but I'm liking how close I am to you" Twirl.

The "Kristen loves me too!" Twirl.

The "I don't care if we are between takes, I want to kiss you so much" Twirl.

The "I can't believe we get paid for this" Kneeling Twirl.

The "Will you marry me... for real?" Twirl.

The "SHE SAID YES!!!!" Twirl.

The "I could get used to this" Twirl.

The "We are exhausted from all the Twirling and now just want to enjoy the Holidays in Peace" Twirl.

Final Thoughts.

1. Lots of negative chatter (as usual)
But since I'm trying really hard NOT to be all Grinchy
I will choose to focus on the Twirly Love that is Rob and Kristen.
(At least until after Christmas)

"Have yourself a foamy little Christmas"

2. So... They are DONE filming.
Where oh where will they turn up?
Will they turn up?
Will we get some completely random picture of 
Rob and Kristen in some completely random place
with some completely random person?
Will we never see them at all?
They've done it before...
(More times than you know)
I guess we shall see... maybe.

At this point...
Even though I miss their smiling, smitten faces...
I hope they have a quiet Christmas
and a peaceful New Year.

3. And for God's sake...
I'm not saying they are married.
(I'm just saying... they probably thought about it.)

This post is brought to you by the letter *T*

T for Together.
As always.

T for Tome.

Tome For The Holidays.
I miss Tome.

Bye for now


  1. Ha! What a brave soul you are today, Rose! Enjoyed this one very much..loved the pics and the captions!:)

    Hope everyone is having a Happy Christmas Eve Eve!

  2. I love this post! I'm currently sick with the stomach flu and am rereading Eclipse. Today I just got past the chapter where Edward and Bella kinda bicker about matrimony and I can totally see Rob and Kristen being the same way in real life :)

  3. Rose, Rose, Rose,

    What are we going to do with you? You KNOW what you just awakened.

    Happy Festivus!

  4. Love the captions Rose.

    Have a twirly xmas everyone.

    Sorry I forgot to post my bread pudding reciepe. Between birthday and the crazy rain, I got distracted. Dreamerkind and Olivia if you still want it, give me a shout.

    Glad Rob and Kris are staying under the radar, but I really miss them.

  5. Oh Rose...I just love when you start your post with "WARNING" just means you have written something extra brilliant !!!

    May I add the pics and the twirly captions are my favorite to date!!!


  6. Hi, Rose! LOVE the pics and captions! I miss their gorgeous faces.

    Hope everyone is having a HAPPY day! Hugs to all

  7. Here's hoping that Rob and Kristen have a Peaceful Merry Christmas and a Twirly New Year - wherever they may be. :)

    Happy December 23rd, Rose, Penny, jentoo, Katy, Hope and the rest of Roseland!

  8. Aww, I love your twirly post and pics today! And your thoughts...tee hee...I agree. I've a feeling they've thought A LOT about certain things, too.

    Did anyone catch on the "commentree" how quick Rob was to say "no, they don't!" when Bella mentioned the marriage/divorce rate ratio? And Kristen's little giggles? Or in the proposal scene, how she got all mushy and said "I just can't handle this?" Hmm....

    And all jokiness here, but I wonder if Rob *thought* to pay the make up crew to use super glue instead of gum glew for the belly scenes, hee, hee.

    Oh! Jenny: I know we've never talked, but I hope your flu goes away soon! Drink peppermint tea, it'll soothe your stomach, if you can.=0)

    Adios, amigos!

  9. Rose...

    This is some of your best work so far! But, PennyLane is know the haters are in a tizzy..I love that about you!!
    The pics and captions were exceptionally awesome today. Here's to a Happy,Twirly,Rob and Kristen Merry Christmas..wherever it may be!!

  10. Awesome post Rose. Love the pictures and the captions. Love it all!

    Glad that Rob & Kristen are in ninja mode. Hope they get to enjoy their break in peace.

    It's already Christmas Eve in Australia, so looking forward to the cook-a-thon...not!

    Oh btw, yesterday a guy at work sent me a text message telling me to "Have a great tome!". Ummmm..How does he know about about 'Tome'? Rose, I'm starting to think he intercepted my decoder ring, since I have not received it. ;)

    Have a great Christmas everyone!

  11. JENNY...hope you feel better soon. ROSE...I agree...YOU are EXCEPTIONAL!!!

  12. Excellent! Although your post may ruffle more than a few feathers, I find it rather soothing.

  13. Birdie – I agree with you. Twitter is probably all aflutter at the moment based on Rose’s “twirling”, but I too find it rather soothing something. LOL.

    Rhonda, sorry I missed you yesterday. Things are great here in the great white north – and Montreal actually does have a fair bit of the white stuff. Hope you are well down in Tennessee.

    Hi Super RN, Thimbles, Amara, Kay, Katy, Birdie, Hope, Bev, Penny Lane, Jenny and Jentoo and all the other regs.

    Hope everyone has a great day.


  14. How Meany Christmas has it been for them now? Seems to me they just keep getting better Love all the TWIRLING pic Rose KEEP IT UP Merry Christmas EVERYONE AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. DEB

  15. Do you hear what I hear? All those heads exploding trying to figure out your super secret codes and if you know something, if you're saying something or if you're just tweaking noses...I have to say I love it!

    Penny I loved the cream cheese sugar cookies!!!

  16. LMAO! that's great Rose, I'm doing the damn Kristen is a lucky girl twirl. lol love the "she said yes" twirl...classic. I know they're going to have a great Christmas, they're very wiley haha. Thanks again Rose.

  17. Thank you, Kami. Your peanut butter cup cookies are cooling as we figuratively speak.

  18. Freddie, happy to hear that all is well and very excited about your snow! Hoping for some of it here..the forecast is trending that way. So keeping my fingers crossed for a white Christmas :)

    I hope you are having a great time with your family...Enjoy!

  19. Love this post! It's Christmas, we should twirl, drink and be merry!!

    Love the captions. Whenever there is a Rob and Kristen drought your captions will always get everyone through.

    Now that filming has wrapped I hope wherever Rob and Kristen will be traveling may they be safe.

    I am sure that there are people howling at the moon right now. All I can say is bwhahahahaha. Too busy with life to say anything else.

    Gotta hit the grocery store to buy what I need for tomorrow's Christmas Eve dinner. Not looking forward to it as I am sure it is probably a madhouse.

    Hope everyone is happy and somewhat stress free (I say somewhat b/c it is the holidays and I don't know of anyone who isn't a little stressed right now).

  20. Love the post,Rose, I also love everyone losing their shit and watching airports while the rest of us are busy cooking and wrapping :) It's especially funny given they both managed to get into London completely unnoticed last year!

  21. Hiya everyone!

    Hope your all ready for a wonderful few days :-)

    Wherever Kris, Rob and Tom are spending Christmas I hope they have lovely time!....and if they are headed back here I hope they've packed their thermals it's bloody freezing! ha ha

    Loaaaaaads of love to all and if I don't get chance to come on tomorrow.....I hope you all have magical Christmas eve.


  22. Love the "She said yes" twirl! *can't stop laughing*

    @Jenny, feel better soon!

  23. Should say, I'm drinking Pumkin Spice eggnog with Rum while perusing your post!

    Tis the season to be jolly...and you have made my day with this post today. Happy Holidays!

  24. So, I just wanted to let you all in on something. I "know" someone who has inside info from the Baton Rouge set and she said that Rob and Kristen are currently on a flight TOGETHER to go to London. So, we will just have to see if that is accurate. All of the other information she has given me has been spot on, so I am REALLY hoping she is right on this one too!

  25. omg! havnt been on my blog or seen yours in a while..the baby is giving me a run for my i love her so much i absolutely love being a new mom..except the dirty diapers and the weight gain lol (which i'm working on by the way) and my birthday was this past Tuesday..

    but i loved this post im liking the picture comments haha funny..
    if i don't hav time to come by again b4 christmas, kwanzaa or whatever you guys celebrate then i wish you all the best..

    Be Blessed!

  26. just posted a tweet that Rob and Kristen have hopped a plan in NOLA for London -- so of course you were right, Rose!! They are spending the holidays TOGETHER!

  27. OOOOOHHHHHH!!!! Great news....I hope they have a great time in London...Hey Angelica and LJ..keep an eye out for our favorite "couple"!!!

  28. Hi Super - I demanded they re-open Heathrow just so they could land :)

  29. Just catching up here for a moment.


    That is REALLY good news. We shall see, won't we.

    Time to get things finished. I really need to get myself TOGETHER.

  30. Penny - I have SO much still to do! Hence why I'm still up at 1.45 when I have to be at work in 5 hours!!

  31. Marilyn, that is REALLY good news! more rest for you...get yourself TOGETHER!!

    But then who am I to talk? I REALLY need to get myself TOGETHER too!

  32. Angelica,

    Poor you. You have to work tomorrow? You seem to work 24 hours a day. Do you ever have any time off?

  33. Oh Shit, I cant wait to hear about the "reaction's" to this post. LFMAO

    I dont give a crap if "we" get a of them or not,unfortunately some peoples lives revolve around these two 24 hours a day. So some will bitch no matter what. I personally would rather we don't, as the leech paps will be the ones making money off of R an K if they catch up with them.

    As long as they get to there destination SAFE, all is good for me.

  34. PL,
    I also have to work tomorrow. :(

    That's are life in retail.

  35. Marilyn, this is great news..I so hope it's true! I wish them safe travels :)

    Angelica, sorry to hear you have to work..I do also. For me, that's the only downside to working in healthcare..working holidays.

    Have a great night everyone!

  36. 30..sorry your working as well... Wow I'm sure retail is really hectic right now!!

  37. Penny - I'm on 24 hour call, aviation security ironically. I never really sleep soundly since I always have one ear on the phone.Fortunately,I'm used to it by now :)

    Rhonda - I'm hoping to get everything finished early so I won't have to be there all day.Fingers crossed!

  38. Hi Rhoda! Yeah, its crazy then in a few weeks it will totally die and I will have my hours cut. LOL

    All, this is a GREAT post about RM and The Runways,check it out. The comment section also has a lot of positive support for R and K. :)

  39. Angelica,
    I'm crossing mine for you too!!

    30-Good luck with all the last minute shoppers!

  40. What a lovely post Rose. The pics and the captions are great, lol. Hope Rob and Kristen have a happy christmas wherever they may be. And to you Rose and my Roseland friends, have a merry and twirly Christmas!

  41. Rose, loved the pics and the captions. Like you I am hoping they have a lovely Christmas, hopefully together. I would also like to wish all Roselanders a very Merry Christmas.

  42. Lovely Twirly post.

    Have your self a twirly little Christmas....


  43. (Sneaking in real quick)

    Penny and Kami- you two are REALLY REALLY funny TOGETHER!

    That's all folks...


  44. You Needed Me


    I cried a tear: you wiped it dry.
    I was confused: you cleared my mind.

    I sold my soul: you bought it back for me.
    And held me up and gave me dignity,
    Somehow you needed me.

    You gave me strength to stand alone again,
    To face the world out on my own again.

    You put me high upon a pedestal,
    So high that I could almost see eternity,
    You needed me.

    And I can't believe it's you, I can't believe it's true:
    I needed you and you were there.

    And I'll never leave: Why should I leave? I'd be a fool.
    'Cause I've finally found someone who really cares.

    You held my hand when it was cold.
    When I was lost, you took me home.

    You gave me hope when I was at the end.
    And turned my lies back into truth again:
    You even called me friend.

    You gave me strength to stand alone again,
    To face the world out on my own again.

    You put me high upon a pedestal,
    So high that I could almost see eternity,
    You needed me.

    Thank you/TDHMusicStudio

  45. Good morn to you, on this early Christmas Eve, dear Roselanders!

    I'm here for a little while, and wishing you a peace-filled day.


  46. My Favourite Time Of Year

    Florin Street Band/Victorian scene:

    Lanterns lighting up the town,
    Peace on earth is all around,
    Everything is calm on Christmas Eve.

    There’s goodwill in the air tonight,
    Angels sing by candle light,
    Their voices carried on the wind.

    When carol singers gather round,
    When I hear that festive sound,
    I wanna join with them and sing!

    They sing a merry song and we all sing along,
    A festive melody that tells us Christmas time is here.

    See the stars tonight; they’re shining bright,
    ‘Cause it’s Christmas time and it’s my favourite time of year.

    Deck the halls with boughs of holly,
    Give me mistletoe; it’s the season to be jolly,

    Wrapping presents, writing cards, helping decorate the tree,
    But there’s one thing that makes it all for me.

    When carol singers gather round,
    Angel voices fill the town,
    It’s like the world is joining in!
    (Noel, Noel, Noel)

    Christmas Eve,
    Still believe,
    So excited,
    Can’t sleep,
    When the morning comes,
    Church bells ring,
    And he’s been!

    They sing a merry song and we all sing along,
    A festive melody that tells us Christmas time is here.

    See the stars tonight; they’re shining bright,
    ‘Cause it’s Christmas time and it’s my favourite time of year.

    And it’s my favourite time of year
    (Noel, Noel)

    Thank you/florinstreet'schannel

  47. Very very good Rose, I love your twirls they crack me up every time. Merry christmas and a very happy delicious R/K newyear with lots of twirly titbits!

  48. Bren
    Indeed I am and there, everywhere.

    How is Bren?

    Been to the races...

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I write this big ol' goodnight speech, and there you are, funny....

    I can't really hang around too long..I have to get up early, and buy one more gift...then a lot of cooking ahead of me...

    Kim brought over the cookies today, I thought she would just do like six doz or so...nothing a big ol' box, so many varieties...and the iced cookies are so beautiful...she did a fabulous job, and they are delicious...

    This is funny, word verif.....BALLA

  51. @Bren
    I need to retire early, too, so we'll chat for a bit, eh?

    Cookies sound so good, thanks to Kim, right?

  52. He's doing good, happy to be here...but it'll be a short trip, they'll have to head back the way he does have a name...LOL..he's Rick, his wife is Amy..the kids are Mark and Sam (Samantha)...

  53. @Bren
    It's sometimes hard to be apart, when you are close.

    I'm sitting here wearing my new white spa robe from my bro G and SIL T which they gave me after our dinner out tonight. It is soft and lovely, so warm.

  54. @Bren
    And I got my favorite whole herb tea, pecan crescent cookies, hot chocolate, and we weren't supposed to exchange gifts. Silly family, wanting to give and not receive.

  55. It is hard to be apart...he's the only brother, not the baby...but none the less very spoiled...and he's always been the protector...he gets along with all the brothers in law, and especially loves it's cool..

  56. Your robe sounds comfy and fab...

    Ha,Ha,--I got pecan crescents in my cookie box too....

    What a bunch of sillybilly's they actually want to give and not receive?

  57. @Bren
    There were lots of funny moments at dinner tonight, but I'm not in the state of mind to write them. Maybe after Christmas, we share our funnies, what do you think?

  58. My pecan crescents are dipped half in chocolate, are yours?

  59. @Bren
    No, they are not dipped in chocolate! I wish....

  60. White Christmas

    Jascha Heifetz's violin sings/here:

    Thank you/kumansky

  61. I'm feeling wiped out, and I can tell you're about there too...

    Let's call it a night, and we'll talk in a

    I think of Linda, everytime I see a Fed-Ex truck..CNN said they are processing 30,000 pkgs per hr...It's almost over, for her...

    Have a great Christmas, Linda and rest up!

    DK, Birdie, Gwen and SC,

    I'm leaving you with warm wishes for a beautiful Christmas...


  62. @Bren
    My exact sentiments, to you and yours.

    Merry Christmas!

    Gwen, Birdie & Louisa

    Best wishes for a beautiful holiday and maybe I'll catch you here soon.

  63. It Came Upon A Midnight Clear

    Sixpence None The Richer/listen:

    It came upon the midnight clear,
    That glorious song of old,
    From angels bending near the earth,
    To touch their harps of gold:

    "Peace on the earth, goodwill to men
    From heavens all gracious King!"
    The world in solemn stillness lay
    To hear the angels sing.

    Still through the cloven skies they come,
    With peaceful wings unfurled;
    And still their heavenly music floats
    O'er all the weary world:

    Above its sad and lowly plains
    They bend on hovering wing,
    And ever o'er its Babel sounds
    The blessed angels sing.

    O' ye beneath life's crushing load,
    Whose forms are bending low,
    Who toil along the climbing way
    With painful steps and slow;

    Look now, for glad and golden hours
    Come swiftly on the wing;
    Oh, rest beside the weary road
    And hear the angels sing.

    For lo! the days are hastening on,
    By prophets seen of old,
    When with the ever-circling years
    Shall come the time foretold,

    When the new heaven and earth shall own
    The Prince of Peace, their King,
    And the whole world send back the song
    Which now the angels sing.

    Thank you/KimoraTimmerman

  64. Rose Wins The Contest

    "Our admiration of fine writing will always be in proportion to its real difficulty and its apparent ease."
    Charles Caleb Colton

  65. Bren and DK,
    I'm so sorry that I missed you this morning.
    So glad that you had a nice evening with your family.
    A white spa robe with red ruffled RL's, how festive you will look DK! I wish you a very Merry,Merry Christmas!

    So glad that Rick and his family got there safely. Have a wonderful Christmas with those you love!

    Gwen, SC and Louisa,
    It is Christmas Day in Australia right now,I think. I am not so sure about the Philipines.I hope you are all enjoying Christmas and it is all you hoped it would be!

    It is finally upon us. I will be so glad to finally put that damn candy in the stockings and take the sweets to grandma's house for Christmas. Thanks for all the wonderful recipes and calories! I hope everyone can take a collective deep breath tonight and just absorb all the joy that Christmas brings.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  66. Hello!!!

    Rose, Gruff and Smitty, Syd,Liza Penny, Angelica, Melinda, Olivia, Tracy, Leigh, Majen, Susan, Kami, DK, RN, Kay, Freddie, Annie, Jentoo, 30, Barbara, Birdie, Bren, Gwen, I Believe, PR PRO, Hope, Jenny, Thimbles, Amara, Sue, Rhonda, LK, Beaculen and to all the people I may have missed and Lurkers...Wishing you all the joys of the season. Wish you all a wonderful and blessed Christmas with familie and friends. Merry Christmas!

    Hugs to all

  67. Good Christmas Eve Morning to Rose and all the wonderful Roselanders who visit here.

    May you be able to catch your breath in the midst of all the holiday preparations and festivities. Please accept my wishes of good health, happiness, peace and appreciation for family and what we have in life as my gifts to you. May we remember those less fortunate and help them,however and whenever we may be able. For the Roselanders that do celebrate Christmas, may we remember the real reason for our celebration.

    Thank you Rose, for your gift of time, intoxication, labor of love and dedication to create and maintain Roseland.

    Thank you sweet Roselanders, Smitty, Gruff, and Syd for your lively, thoughtful, caring, and fun comments. This is such a nice place to stop by during busy, hectic days; a relaxing way to enjoy a sweet, guilty pleasure....sharing our positive thoughts and admiration for two lovely, talented, young people...Rob and Kristen.

    Rob and Kristen, may you have a private, beautiful and wonderous Christmas holiday with family, friends and of course, each other. Stay safe and happy; you know that we are sending positive thoughts and wishes your way.

    Katy, thanks for the wishes.
    Bev, if you have time, I would love the bread pudding recipe.
    Short day today, only have to be at my second home away from home from 1 to 5:30. We will close early, thank goodness.

    Love and hugs to all,
    Olivia (TX.)

  68. Dear Rose & Roselanders.....

    It's now Christmas Day for me...You have a little more time to wait for the day to with that....
    I would like to wish my Dear, Dear ,Dear Cyber family a Joyous, Peaceful & Loving Christmas Day....
    I hope you are able to enjoy this day with your family, friends & loved ones.....Also to remember those who are no longer with us be placed in you thoughts too.....

    Merry Christmas......



The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.