Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rob and Kristen- The Robsten Code

Oh how I love Calvin and Hobbes.

And as usual...
they are right on.
Super Secret Messages in Code!

Robsten Decoder Ring
Ever have one of those days where nothing makes sense?
When you are positive people are speaking in tongues?
Where you read the words and they just look like gibberish
and gobbledygook?

You're not alone.
Now there is help for all those people out there
who take every word and dissect them
add their own meanings and interpretations to them
and then get all pissy and snarly when it still doesn't make sense!


And it can be yours for FREE!
All you have to do is send in 5 olive jar labels...
That have been on the roof for 4 days.
Make sure each one has 3 notches on the left side...
With a picture of 2 olives clearly visible.
Add 1 self-addressed envelope.
It's as easy as 1-2-3-4-5!

Send all Olive labels
(Remember the French green olive... not the Spanish)
to the following address:

1234 R. U. SERIOUS Lane
Give Me Abreak, California 92286

You should get your Robsten Ring
in 4-6 months...
Don't hold your breath until it shows up
because you need to breathe and you will die if you don't.
And keep a look out for the next
Robsten Decoder Ring post
That has instructions on how to use it
so that things like 10.12.10
and 02.2
can finally make sense!
We will be here at the ready!
Same Rob Time
Same Rob Channel!

Something In The Way He Moves...

There will never come a time when
I grow tired of watching Robert Pattinson
Nobody does it better.

I Love You... You Love Me. We're as happy as can be.

Gotta tell ya.
I'm finding myself "Laughing Out Loud" at the reactions to the
Wedding pictures.
It just fucking KILLS people that Rob always chooses Kristen.
Here we have a private wedding
Where Rob and/or Kristen could come with whomever they wanted.
And guess what?
They are together in EVERY picture.
The foam burns doesn't it?
So what do the haters focus on?
What they are wearing!
Yeah... because hating on Rob and Kristen's clothes
will completely divert all attention away from the fact
that Robert and Kristen
have turned up together
at a private function
Because that's how they roll.
And really...
critiquing Kristen's hair...
and Robert's shirt...
and the color of Kristen's blouse...
Did I say "laughing out loud"?
How about...

Can You Believe Those Idiots Are Still Foaming Over Rob and Kristen Being Together?
That's more like it.

Come on... you know you are smiling!
Who doesn't smile at Calvin and Hobbes?

I Don't Care! I Don't Care! It Doesn't Mean ANYTHING!

Oh that's right...
They probably don't...
They are too busy being all angry and foamy.
Sucks to be them.

I will leave this post on a couple of final thoughts.

Yes, I Need You To Hold The Cigarette To My Lips... Obviously My Hand is Busy Holding Onto You.

Yeah, We Look SO Miserable Together! Sharing the Balcony of OUR Room ;)

I don't know...
I just feel all TWIRLY and stuff.
Like majorly Twirly.
It's just so so good.

And the olive is in the tugboat.

So it's kinda like the Austin Powers clip
where he just can't stop saying Mole.
Hilarious shit.
That's how I feel about Twirl right now.

You Make Me Feel Like Twirling... Gonna Twirl The Night Away!

"The sound of laughter is like the vaulted Tome of a temple of Happiness."

This post is brought to you by the letter *B*

B for




That shit cracks me up.

Bye for now


  1. Rose,

    You know you just did it again. You just had to put California as the mailing address for the secret decoder ring.

    And then you mentioned French olives as opposed to any other. So now we have 2 more clues. California and then France or is it the other way around? And which one is 10.12.10 and which is 02.2?

  2. Rose- Your posts always put a big smile on my face!

    Olives, olives, olives! I love all kinds.

    Hello lovely Roselanders, hope you all have a wonderful evening.


  3. Hi Rose and All,

    I KNEW you were going to mention all the lovely photos from the wedding, they do look very happy together.

    I was also VERY EXCITED about the Marie Clare interview with Rob where he mentioned that "he gets carried away kissing Kristen" while filming BD. It sounded really cute the way he said it. I saw it on Twitter in the last couple of days.

    Love to all, RL gets in the way of posting much but I'm dying to RK news like everyone else. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO in a couple of years, after BD is over and done with and the only time we'll every see either of them will be if they are promoting a movie? I get a little "anxious" just thinking about it. BUT, I want them to be happy and I believe they are happiest out of the limelight, SO BE IT, we'll all survive, do you think?

    Liz, NC

  4. Rose,

    Can I substitute a label from a bottle of Stoli vodka for one of the olive jar labels if the empty Stoli bottle was on the roof of the shed for 02.2 days before the label came off? Pretty please? I really, really want my decoder ring!

    Hi Penny and all of my other Roseland friends - I hope you are having an AWESOME Thursday! :D

  5. lol, Rose, I don't know how you do it, but you entertain every cotton-pickin' day on this blog. But the hyena are ripe with material aren't they?

    I have noclue about clues or whatever, but I do enjoy your snark and the pretty that comes from pictures of Rob and Rob and Kristen.


  6. Penny - She said Channel too, Rob Channel. That's another clue because The English Channel separates England from France. Rob's from England. So I deduce, Rob is going to swim The Channel at 2.02 on 10.12.10 in wombat print trunks, Kristen will be rowing alongside in a tugboat,encouraging him and feeding him French Olives to keep his strength up - Kristen's from California (see how that fits?).

  7. I know nothing about clues or whatever, but man,I love your post. I usually lurk, but this time I really wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your words and humour. Thx for making me smile! Viva Robsten! =)

  8. Ho my GOD Rose HOW FUCKEN FUNNY (Robsten Decoder Ring) You do it to me all the time PUT A BIG FAT SMILE on my face and I thank you for that You are Rose Rob and Kristen are together been that way for awhile and it lookes to me its going to be A HELLA BET LONGER AMEN TO THAT Thanks again Rose For the laugh. DEB.

  9. Rose.....Where is the 800 #....?!!?

    I just want to pay my $19.99 plus S&H NOW so I can have it before my new Valentine's Day 10.12.10

  10. Angelica,

    I don't know how I missed that Channel clue. But you are absolutely right, he must be swimming because we have learned recently that he does like to go swimming.

    Back to my online shopping.

  11. Oh Angelica your so right! *looks around suspiciously and whispers*.......It was sno'fro gnome who told me, he's the newest member of the Britpack. He's organised the whole caboodle..even went over in the tugboat and hand picked the perfect olives!

    Cheeky little gnome...... ;-)

    Hello everyone!!

    Much love,
    Liza (& sno'fro gnome)

  12. Can't stop laughing at this post!! That's all...

    That picture of Rob...anyone know where it is from? He is a handsome devil...

    You ladies are awesome can I just say that...


    Going to see Young Frankenstein the musical tonight. Mel Brooks is a comedic genius. Will catch up with everyone later.

  13. Kristen shoul WIN!
    Just click on the links below. and vote for Kristen. Do it. and Thank You

    added more : VOTE NOW! thanks!


  14. Hi! Roselanders!

    Hahaha! I can't quit laughing!

    I want my decoder ring before my 22 anniversary which just happens to be on 12/10/10.(lol)

    Gotta go playing Santa's elf
    Oh wait is that another clue?

  15. Hi, Rose!! awesome post

    You are all make me laugh with this clue thing...very funny.

    Melinda that beautiful picture of Rob is from the Vogue photoshoot.

    Hugs to all

  16. Rose, There are NO fucken words to describe this post, I almost peed myself like 5 different times from laughing!

    I like pitted olives the best to be honest, the green ones are good to, but you definitely have to have a acquired taste for those suckers.

  17. Oh Liza.. it's the cheeky gnome and his snow 'fro!! You have insider information! NO FAIR!!!

    ILY :)


    Hurry, quick.. everyone else needs to get their Robsten decoder ring. Some of us have ours already. Because we're dedicated like that. Do you know how long it takes to get those labels just right?!? Gah! Sometimes it rains, or snows and it just ruins it!! And then the wind, oh lord, don't get me started on how many labels got blown away!

    I guess I shouldn't tell you that when you receive your ring, it comes in a 6 Sun 59 Step Ran Yosegi Japanese Puzzle Box. Leave that little surprise for you to figure out.


  18. Ok so you know, some idiot is actually going to be mailing olive labels then blogging for the next year about how they didnt receive the decoder ring...bwaaahahaha! definately!. thanks Rose.

  19. Rose,

    I want to trade my Robsten decoder ring for a Robsten fanny pack, ya know the one with super secret compartments. Can we do that?

  20. Tracy he's gone all quiet now....says he just wants to stay under the tree and until he's grown a snow beard for his Britpack road trip on 10.12.10....cheeky little beggar!

    ILY too...lots!!

    30, Robsten fanny pack??!! not even going to

  21. Decoder Rings? Once I get my decoder ring, is it just gonna say "b-e s-u-r-e t-o d-r-i-n-k y-o-u-r o-v-a-l-t-i-n-e?"

    Cause that would be a disappointment. I think it should have like lat-long coordinates or something for Rob and Kristen's secret lair. No?

    What is OLIVE? An anagram? I LOVE? Oh, I see what you did there. Surely that's part of the clue.

  22. Oh Rose! Too funny!

    Sydney....Approximately how many times will you watch that movie over the next few weeks? I'm thinking I'll watch it about 5 or 10. I actually saw a leg lamp in Borders the other was pretty damn funny!

  23. Jentoo: since it plays on TBS for 24 hours on Christmas approximately 6-12 times. Never gets old.

  24. Liza - Poor little gnome,he's exhausted from all that olive picking and he doesn't want his sno fro ruined by the salt water in the channel - that's why he's keeping a low profile.

  25. Sydney...You're right! It never does!

  26. Rose
    Wonderfully funny post, and it's now my #1 favorite of all time! DK

  27. You'll shoot your eye out!!

    I like that gnome. He's so cute. I do hope he gets his snow beard before his road trip though. Beards are crucial to the traveling.

    And I'll be watching Scrooged more times than is considered normal over the next few days. :) I like the ghost of Christmas present in that one. She cracks me up.

  28. Jentoo:

    We do a big white elephant gift exchange on Christmas within my family and family friends (usually around 25 come over for Christmas dinner). You inspired me to order this as my gift:

    I think it'll be the hit of the party.

  29. Don't forget 'Elf'! It's one of my newer faves. 'You're an angry little elf' is something I say to peeps all the time.

  30. Sydney...LOVE those! Hilarious! If I wasn't afraid my hubby would actually want to put that lamp up somewhere in the house, I'd go back and get it for!

  31. Good day Roselanders!

    Ooh, la, la! Merci.

    You shine like the brightest happy together.



  32. EPIC post Rose!
    Absolutely highlarious and so well done. Calvin and Hobbs : )
    .......too cute.

    I agree with Hope that a 1-800 # would be so very nice and convenient.

    Syd, loved the info about that beautiful and amazing love story.

    Thanks MrsNR for the links for the voting for Rob and Kristen. Will keep voting for both of them.

    Leg lamp > white elephant gift = priceless!

    Like Elf too! Last year I saw an older film on TV for the first time, Home for the Holidays, with Holly Hunter. It was sad, funny, dark, goofy, odd and very entertaining all at the same time. Has anyone else seen it?

    Hugs to all.

  33. Hey DK! Hope all is well with you!

    I'm off to go groom my doggies....the poor things! My clippers aren't very sharp, so I have a feeling the outcome won't be, at all! If you see a woman walking a sad, raggedy ass looking toy poodle and mini'll know it's me:)

  34. Rose! Olive-you...hehe!! :)

    Super post...cracked me up!! I love Calvin and went super with this post!!

    That pic of Rob...there are no words for him...he literally takes my breath away...soo handsome!!

    Love the "Robsten Decoder Ring" very funny...I'll order mine right away ;)

    Hope everyone has a great evening!!


  35. For SuperRNGP:

    Happy Anniversary to you and your hubs. ((Hugs))

    Anniversary Song

    Eva Cassidy/listen here:

    Today has been a special day
    An anniversary, a request
    That you play your piano
    As the evening sun slowly sets

    I never thought I’d get this old dear
    Never had a reason to live so long
    And the Lord’s been like my shadow

    Even when I was wrong
    No I never thought it would turn out this way

    A birthday with apologies
    For all the tears and regrets
    And I’ve always saved your poetry
    For these years when you forget

    So sing with me softly
    As the day turns to night
    And later I'll dream of paradise with you
    I love you and good night

    Thank you/Joner888

  36. Olivia...I have seen that movie and loved it! I think I'll try to find it and watch it soon....thanks for reminding me about it:)

  37. Rose,

    So funny today..Robsten!!
    What's even more hilarious is that these two probably do have a secret code..their so good at laying low..I like the thought of it..LMAO!!!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!!

  38. Rose I am putting the olives on the roof, I've just spent the afternoon notching them perfectly and I am going to wait patiently for my Robsten decoder ring...I mean after all not to do so would mean I have life...right?

    Epic Post Rose..Simply Epic Post...

    Oh and by the way...The buckeye is in the oven...I repeat the buckeye is in the oven...

  39. Funny enough, when I saw that pic at the wedding, I automatically wanted to crop the other couple out of it. (No offense, other couple)

  40. I got my decoder ring but my message just said "Drink More Ovaltine."

    I know this means something!!!!!!


  41. DK...thanks for my song!!!! We are in Georgia now..hope to be in Orlando by 11pm. ROSE...I will have a couple of drinks with olives of course in your honor this weekend! I now proclaim that you are the SULTANISTA of EPIC TOMENESS and the KEEPER of ALL ENCHANTED gnomes, codes,dates, cartoons and TIGGER! (He is my favorite friend of Pooh Bears)...and I must say I am SO TOTALLY intoxicated by walking Rob.

  42. Rose, a great and funny post. The ring will surely be a best seller of all time, with the craziness of some on this fandom, i wouldnt be surprise at all, LOL.

  43. Hi everyone,

    I get home from work and get on-line, only to find that I’ve missed most of the party.

    Really fun post, Rose. I suspect that you had a lot of material to work with based on the comments from last night and this morning. You can put me down for one of the decoder rings, and while I like 30’s idea of a fanny pack, I’m afraid it would accentuate certain attributes that I don’t want accentuated. Cough*butt*cough*hips*cough…

    Katy – there seem to be a lot of multi-lingual board members. I’m positive that your french is better than mine. I hope I didn’t give you too much comic relief with my rusty (and quite probably error-filled) french, or unintentionally offend any francophones. I work with a number of francophones, but english just seems to be the language of business in my company so I don’t get to practice very often. It was fun to try last night, but much harder than I thought it would be. In the interest of maintaining international peace, I’ll be sticking to English from here on out.

    Have a great evening everyone.

  44. *******ALERT!********

    The proof is in the pudding.

    I repeat...

    The proof is in the pudding.

    That is all. As you were.

  45. Yes, but what kind of pudding? It makes a difference!

  46. The proof is in the dick!

    Words of wisdom!

  47. For Rose & Rob:

    A Walkin' Miracle

    The Essex saw Rob walking:

    Did you ever see starlight
    Rushing from the skies
    Heading for home
    In a certain someone's eyes

    Uh uh huh, that's my baby
    Talking bout my baby and I love him
    He's a walking miracle (ooh, ooh)
    He's a walking miracle (ooh, ooh)

    Did you ever see sunshine
    Come pouring out of space
    Just to be part of
    The smile on someone's face

    And you should see
    Cherries do flips, oh, yeah,
    When they're picked to be
    The taste on his lips, oh, yeah

    And I know how happy
    His clothes must be
    Cause that's how I feel
    When he's close to me

    Did you ever see loving
    That really rings a bell
    Kooky and crazy
    Like Romeo himself

    And I know how happy
    His clothes must be
    Cause that's how I feel
    When he's close to me

    He's a walking miracle
    (Walking, walking, walking)
    He's a walking miracle.....

    Thank you/jrocuts

  48. aaaaaaaaaaaand for anyone lurking, just to be clear, I am in no way claiming insider knowledge that anyone has a spotted dick!


  49. I KNEW it Liza it was Code for something I knew it!!!

  50. Rose - Love your banner - one of my favorite pics of Rob and Kris.

    Love Calvin and Hobbs.

    And -- if Rob and Kristen ever showed up at a wedding I was at - what they were wearing would be the farthest thing from my mind. Besides, I don't think either one of them look bad in these pictures.


  51. Rose, I read your blog every day - or at least every day that you post - and I have no clue what you're talking about, lol, but it doesn't matter cus you made me smile and laugh today!

    And I really needed it.Thank God I don't understand Twitter. The rare times I go on there, I have no clue what's going on.

    By the way, if you would just clear up the 10.12.10 date, that would really help solve this puzzle. Lol! October 12, 2010 or December 12, 2010? Cus in America 10.12.10 means October 12, 2010. ROFLMAO! Can't wait to see what you say about the kissing scene on the beach video!

    Is it 11.18.11 yet? Wow, just realized if you flip that it's still 11.18.11. ROFLMAO again!

  52. I came across this posting on another site and wanted to say something about it, because this person has been on this blog acting like they think that Rose is the absolute best thing in the world then they post this. And I'd like to start off by saying I am stroking NO ONE's backside.

    "Well whatever it is that Rose is doing... I am getting heartily sick of it!
    I enjoy her blog usually and do visit daily... but for the past week and half, every time I visit I come away feeling snotty and bitchy. (lol).

    The put downs about deciphering and codes are now over the top and are really beginning to irritate me, and as for the comments section... grrrrr I am tired of reading crap written by a bunch of folk who seem to want to somehow stroke Rose's backside.

    Ooops... I seem to have had a rant. Sorry Angels & Dave! '

    Cheers Chrissie (aka Saphire1231)

    My question is this...who told anyone of you that 10.12.10 was a date for public consumption?????? Who told anyone of you that Tome was something you needed to know about?
    And lastly...why in the hell does it bother you that Rose twirls?

    Facts are: No one said it was a date...for all you know it could be a combination. If it is a one told you it was a date you needed to know about. No one said that Tome had anything to do with Rob or Kristen..If you're seeing codes and secrets in things you have no one to blame but yourselves. Seriously please get a sense of humor and realize while you're at it, YOU DO NO PAY ROSE TO POST...THIS IS HER BLOG....SHE CAN SAY WHATEVER SHE LIKES...IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, HER OR US...PLEASE FEEL FREE TO BYPASS THIS SITE. Thank you.

  53. SuuueeeBeee...Pirate Radio is on HBO momentarily...

  54. I Love your blog, it is very funny and adorable, excuse me my english, i am brazilian girl

    love you all girl

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Penny, it just irks me that people come on here and are all "Oh Rose I love you,I love your blog, you're so great" here and then go somewhere else 5 minutes later and rag on her, it's hypocritical and begs the question of if you feel that way why hang out here?...and the part about us wanting to stroke Rose's butt well that just pissed me

  57. Cause I don't want to stroke anyone's butt...not even Syd's

    (No offense Syd I'm sure it's a cute butt)

  58. Kami,

    I was just going to say the same thing. I don't think there's any butt stroking going on because ewwww. If we address our comments to Rose, well, duh, it's her blog.

    Who else should we address...the great Olive King?

  59. hmmm I say we address the Lizard King. (of course he's dead so do you have a ouija board?

    Oh and the buckeye is in the oven thing...was because I have a wonderful friend who is attending Ohio State and he called to tell me he and his wife are expecting...and he said "We have a little buckeye in the oven." no code.

  60. Kami, yeah, unfortch Rose doesn't have an IQ prerequisite to post here, and not everone can tell the difference between a joke and a code. Not your fault. Not Rose's fault. But yeah, two-faced posters are irritating. They can be lumped into another certain group, I think.

  61. You guys realize what this means, right? Her application to ride on the Homecoming float has to be denied. A sense of humor is a must if you want to be part of our super secret club.

    And no decoder ring for her.

    Or olives.

    I don't stroke anyone's backside. If you don't like what's posted here or what we say or talk about then just stop reading it. For fuck's sake. It's pretty simple.

  62. Tracy I support what you said about no homecoming float for her! No decoder ring, no olives, no cookies...she no longer exists for us!

  63. Freddie

    You didn’t give me any comic relief with your french. I think your French is very good :)

    Take care

  64. Guys.. serio.. the tv just told me December 10th, and EPIC (they even used shouty caps for EPIC)

    I now know where the Olive is going to be.

    Brace yourselves.....



  65. Kami,

    It doesn't surprise me that was posted. I mean, no offense to that blog, but its pretty rude to call another blog out like that. Especially when Rose, nor us did a thing to deserve that shit.It seems a sense of humor is left at the door with some. And a humor is a must to be part of Roseland .:)

    To be honest, I only post here and the Orgs, (and the orgs are for Twi news only.) Twitter is a rare thing for me,plus I have a life and cant be stalking R and K 24-7, Nor would I find that fun, or a highlight of my day. Unfortunately that is some people's life day in day out. :/

  66. NARNIA!!! NARNIA!! I love Narnia!! I'm going!!

    30 I post only here and Susan's blog...that's it. I only came across that post because a friend of mine who knows I post here sent it to me. It was rude, and uncalled for. The people over there are losing their minds over 10.12.10. There was one person who said it was unkind to make people think it was something special...hang on I've got the quote...

    "Sometimes it's fun to try to read between the lines and solve riddles. However, it's not fun when the person who has the answer makes you feel silly for not being able to figure it out OR when there really isn't an answer and it's all been a big joke. That's really unkind when you think about it. Am I being too cryptic? I should probably just shutty uppy
    It's like the mean little girl on the playground who dances around (twirls?) and sings "I know something you don't know" just to get attention! "

    I mean they act like Rose is forcing them to believe that there is this epic date then...once they are all excited she tells them "April Fools"

    Once again I say Who told them there was a code, a date, a tome...get fucking real people...

    ok I'm through posting what other people say...for this minute.

  67. Kami,

    Good job for not calling them out right there on that blog.I most likely would not have been able to control myself if I saw something like that posted against Rose or us.As you know (and you to) I do tend to have a big mouth and defend to the death if I feel something isn't justified.

    I do NOT GET there obsession. I just dont get there mentality. Is there something wrong with me here ? lol

  68. Ugh, well Jesus Fucking Christ, if they'd have read ANY of the comments EVER, they wouldd have known it was a JOKE. For God's sake, why aren't they spending their time wondering why they take everything so GD seriously?
    This is why I read nothing but Rose's blog. Too much idiocy elsewhere.

  69. Hellllooooo!

    I will stroke anyone's butt if it will fast track me to a decoder ring!

    Who's first???

  70. *I*B*

    I'm with ya pal, I want that ring, stroking, baby, lol.


  71. Sorry "I". My ass is a bit chapped right now. LOL No stroking for you.

  72. Dear Lurker who finds it necessary to obsess WAY too much about what gets said here:

    This is an open letter to you. Grow the fuck up. Get the fuck over it. Why do you feel the need to pick and choose certain words and phrases to obsess over? JFC.. it's not like we're discussing national secrets here. Seriously. Olives and wombats and sheds?! Fuck's sake... maybe we should work for the government. Nobody can make a cipher like we can here on Rose's blog.

    You've stumbled on the one place on the internet where we know it all. We know everything. And yet, collectively, amongst the group of us here, we have not only decided to not reveal it, we've cleverly crafted a code which you can not break. Sucks for you.

    I have absolutely no tolerance for people who have nothing better to do than to go around to different places on some fucked up reconnaissance mission to gather info, and then bitch about it on other blogs and boards.

    What's funnier? The more you guys obsess over what the meaning of things here are, the more we're probably just going to laugh our asses off at you. It's not stroking anyone's backside. It's straight up laughing at the people who take this shit way too seriously.

    Oh, for my fellow strokers.. the olive that is now ripe is in the shed with the tome. Expect to find a wombat waiting for you at the end of the rainbow. Beware the ducks as they have started chanting in French. And the cat... she purrs.

  73. That is awesome news Tracy, everything is going EXACTLY as planned. Sweet dreams everyone!

  74. Wait, Tracy, what happened to the buckeye? Or was that the decoy?

    Heading back to the barn to tend the donkeys and monkeys. Will chat on the handheld. By password only.

  75. Dreamer's gotta say this:

    Robsten Angels is a very well-informed, usually courteous, international blog. They adore R & K and have been on their support bandwagon from very early on. I am registered on that site, too.

    saphire1231 is not the usual type of commenter on that blog. In general, it is a peaceful and considerate place. Maybe they are too deep into timelines and answers but that's their focus.

    It certainly was a faux paux to say what she did about Rose and the Roselanders. I'd bet my usual hundo that she regrets saying what she did.

    Guess we'll have to wait and see if she responds. As for me, I feel badly for anyone who slips on any blog and looks foolish. I can really understand feeling like that myself.

    Too much love for R & K can't be too bad of a thing, IMO!



    What A Fool Believes

    Doobie Bros. aren't fooled:

    He came from somewhere in her long ago,
    the sentimental fool don't see,
    tryin' hard to re-create what had yet to be created
    once in her life.

    She musters a smile for his nostalgic tale,
    never coming near what he wanted to say,
    only to realize it never really was.

    She had a place in his life.
    He never made her think twice.
    As he rises to her apology,
    anybody else would surely know
    he's watching her go.

    But what a fool believes he sees,
    no wise man has the power to reason away.
    What seems to be is always better than nothing.
    And nothing at all...

    keeps sending him somewhere back in her long ago,
    where he can still believe there's a place in her life.
    Someday, somehow, she will return.

    She had a place in his life.
    He never made her think twice.
    As he rises to her apology,
    anybody else would surely know
    he's watching her go.

    But what a fool believes he sees,
    no wise man has the power to reason away.
    What seems to be is always better than nothing.

    Love can come and love may go,
    but why can't love return once more?
    Who's got the power?

    I believe she's never going away.
    But what a fool believes he sees,
    no wise man has the power to reason away.

    What seems to be is always better than nothing.

    Thank you/Auriflamasp

  76. The cat is purring folks..the cat is purring. Gather together the woo hoo and meet at the shed. Where we shall dance, drink and laugh and write tomorrow's epic codes!

    If you are lurking on a recon mission wanting to find out if the monkey, dish, spoon and olive fork have returned from watching the cow jump over the moon..know this...if it feels like we're making fun of you...that's because we ARE.

  77. Dk, please know this I do not have a problem with that blog. I know nothing about the blog so thank you for clearing it up for us. I meant and I mean no disrespect to Robsten Angels. And certainly not to you.

    I did however want to point out a hypocrite.

  78. DK,

    I understand what you are saying about maybe saying something critical unintentionally on another site. The irony is most of us, myself included, never heard about this blog until she posted her link and invited everyone over.

    So it was a bit hypocritical to come over here, do her own brand of ass kissing and then go back over there and criticize us all. It's just proof that some people are way too invested in this, and when Rose points that out, they take offense.

    It's just a blog, not the rosetta stone or something. They all need to lighten up.

  79. My google is suggesting sites I can visit on Olives and for some reason the Dooby Brothers

  80. *crackle static* Sydney.. come in Sydney *crackle* The password is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.. *static crackle*

    The buckeyes were a diversion, repeat.. diversion. The gnome with the snow 'fro needed a chance to escape so he could go work on his snow beard.
    And watch out for that monkey. He'll steal your decoder ring if you're not careful.
    Stay tuned for further instructions. *crackle static crackle*

    And while I get that every once in a while, one of us here takes a misstep, it is completely different than acting nice here and then going somewhere else and intentionally and willfully posting negative things about us. Nobody is chained to their computer, nobody is being forced to read anything here. It's a choice they've made, and if it displeases them at all, then they can choose not to come here at all. Problem solved. No need to speak disparagingly about us elsewhere.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Kami & PL

    I totally get what you both mean and a mistake was made that was discourteous and hypocritical, too.

    No one seems to recall, and it's not that I care about being first, but I have linked that site over here several times in the past few weeks.

    Before saphire1231 even commented at Roseland for the first time, I had seen her over there and did not notice any kind of hostile attitude in her posts. Something must have set her off, poor lady, to do as she did.

    Several Roselanders have commented on how great it is to visit Robsten Angels, another very much needed, positive place, in the R & K fandom.

    Thanks for getting my meaning, ya know I heart us all...


  83. Tracy Alert!! The Monkey is dancing the Merengue on the Elephant's trunk...I repeak the Monkey is dancing the Merengue on the Elephant's trunk!

    The Elephant is wearing Choos...The Elephant is wearing Choos.

  84. Roger that. Mary Poppins out. Going to fly a kite. Snap, crackle, pop.

    Thing is...we already have enemies here. We don't need the wolf in sheep's clothing. Puns intended.

  85. DK I understand what you're saying and why. I would however like to point out that I didn't name the blog. I just called out the person. I'm sorry if I offended anyone it wasn't my intention, I just felt that standing up for Rose and all of my friends here was important. No one deserved that.

  86. repeak is it code??? Or is it sloppy fingers?? Only the Monkey knows

  87. Dk,

    You know I was the one who named the blog and I probably shouldn't have. I just remember Saphire because I thought she had misspelled her name so it stuck with me that she had posted that link.

    I should probably go back and delete that post where I mention the name.

  88. Kami
    If you meant me, how could I be offended at yours and others, totally appropriate and lovely defense of what we all hold dear?

    You're my favorite champion, and I hope you know that. ((Hugs))

    Three cheers and a toast with a dry martini (with 3 green olives)to:

    "Roseland forever, and ever in our hearts!"


  89. PL
    I am constantly naming that blog on Roseland, several times a week, so there is no problem with you doing so, is there? :)

    During my late night chats with pals and maybe even during the daylight hours (!), it is RA this and RA that.

    They name and link Rose's blog several times a day, lol.

    No worries, eh?


    Head up.
    Lock your frame. Lock it.

    Look, spaghetti arm.

    This is my dance space.
    This is your dance space.

    I don't go into yours. You don't
    go into mine. You gotta hold the frame.

    Do you think the monkey had Merengue lessons? He should be careful about the spaghetti arms.. Patrick Swayze taught us that much. :)

  91. Well let's just hope the Elephant didn't put Baby in a corner!

    I loved Patrick Swayze, I love that movie...

  92. Ahhhhh...just watched Pirate Radio. Yet again. Tom is so adorably dorky. And yet hot and smoldering at the same time (can I mention everytime I type 'time', my blackberry tries to make me use tome). Reminds me of someone. Oh right! Rob!! And now Chelsea Handler is talking about uncircumsized peni. Gets a girls mind awandering.

  93. Totally random- but my eyes are about to fall out from studying,

    but you guys are really cheering me up so Thank you!

    Back to wanting to slit my wrists aka cramming:)

  94. Let's dance....let's twirl, let's merengue, let's tango!

    "We dance to a tango of love. Your heart beats with mine as we sway.
    Your eyes give the answer I'm dreaming of."

    Do I feel a song coming on?

  95. Teeth
    Please, no slitting of wrists, get up and twirl with me for a few minutes....

    You'll be just fine and the pass any tests with flying colors!


  96. I hope everyone will forgive me as I try to mend a fence or two. First and most important to me. After I posted the comment from Saphire, I received an e-mail from my wonderful friend Penny, who asked me what blog I had seen that on. I told her and she asked me if I was going to post the site name, I misread what she said as asking if I was going to post the rest of the comments I had told her about, so I said "yes". So when Penny put the blog name up she mistakenly thought I had already done so, that was my fault and I apologize to her for making that mistake. I'm sorry Penny.

    As for Robsten Angels, I am so sorry to all of the WONDERFUL people who are regulars and lurkers who post on that blog if for one second I made it seem like the problem was with the blog and NOT the people. To hold Robsten Angels resposible for what people post on their blog, would be the same as holding Rose responsible for the horrible things Honey posts. I was so angry that someone I felt was a friend of this blog had posted something that seemed so hypocrtical, I hastily reacted instead of thinking through what I wanted to say. I am sorry for that.

    I would like to note however, that my apology is in no way directed to the two faced person/persons who have pretended to be friends of this and then stabbed Rose in the back. She does not deserve that disrespect and neither do any of the other people on this blog who were accused of "Stroking Rose's backside" I am not stroking...I am standing up for what I believe is right against something that is wrong.

    Now No More Drama...I think Drama is illegal during the Holidays...and if it isn't is should be.

  97. Kami
    I'll have to say what I mean in a song..Heith is so lucky.

    You Are So Beautiful

    Joe Cocker gets you, too:

    You are so beautiful,
    To me
    You are so beautiful,
    To me

    Can't you see
    You're everything I hoped for

    You're everything I need
    You are so beautiful
    To me

    You are so wonderful
    To me
    You are so wonderful
    To me

    Can't you see
    You're everything I hoped for
    You're everything I need

    You are so beautiful
    To me

    Thank you/dabo4217

  98. I don't know how you do it day after day...I am still laughing from today's blog...I need one of those rings hahaha. I am twirling because I have never been so happy about Rob and Kris, and I hope they are together forever.Goodnight Rose and all Roselanders---I am off to bed now, to dream about Robsten.

  99. Barbara Fenwick
    Thanks for your thoughts. Hope you are doing fine.

    To dream about Robsten is to confirm the very existence of love in ourselves, and I say "Amen" to that and other dreams of and for Love.


  100. I'm posting this incredible version of a Peter Pan song.

    I'm Flying

    Bernadette Peters on Johnny Carson:
    1991 Peter Pan

    I'm flying,
    Look at me way up high,
    Suddenly here am I,
    I'm flying.

    I'm flying,
    I can soar, I can leap,
    And what's more,
    I'm not even trying.

    High as night as I can be,
    I must be a sight lovely to see.

    I'm flying.
    Nothing can stop me now,
    Higher still,

    Look at how I can zoom around,
    Way above the ground,
    I'm flying.

    Like an owl, like a bat,
    On the prowl, it's so satisfying,

    I'm whizzing,
    Through a cloud, past a star,
    I'm so proud, look how far I've risen.

    High over the Moon,
    Higher I fly,
    My, oh, Mister Moon, bid me goodbye.

    I'm flying.
    Heading for out of sight,
    Second star to the right,
    Now the way is clear.
    Neverland is near,

    Follow all the arrows,
    I'm about to disappear,
    I'm flying.

    Thank you/kjanson

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. To all the little night owls....

    Sorry, I can't hang with you tonight...I have to drive Miss Daisy (for u who don't know, that's my mom) to an appt, in the morn...I'll get with you guys tomorrow.


    I haven't forgotten about your Q's, will give you answers tomorrow as

    Have a wonderful day, everyone.


  103. *I*B*

    I did not get to watch that romance movie last night, as my family has the gall to call me late at night when I am on Roseland, or watching one.

    They dislike that I stay up all night (why I wonder, they are asleep?) and steal my nightime away from me, whenever they can.

    Lucky for them that I realize they are the most important loves in my life, so steal away...

    But now since Bren is off to bed, Gwen is absent, and Birdie doesn't visit till later, I'll be off.

    I go to watch "Nights in Rodanthe" I think it's called. Did anyone else like the Nicholas Sparks book or movie?

    See you later, friends.....

    (My magic wand is waving tonight for Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All)
    Fairy Godmother/Dreamer/DK

  104. Oops, I Did It Again

    Britney Spears made an oops, too:

    I think I did it again
    I made you believe we're more than just friends

    Oh baby, it might seem like a crush
    But it doesn't mean that I'm serious

    'Cause to lose all my senses
    That is just so typically me, oh baby, baby

    Oops!...I did it again
    I played with your heart, got lost in the game
    Oh baby, baby

    Oops!...You think I'm in love
    That I'm sent from above
    I'm not that innocent

    You see my problem is this,
    I'm dreaming away
    Wishing that heroes, they truly exist

    I cry, watching the days
    Can't you see I'm a fool in so many ways
    [Oops!.. I Did It Again

    Thank you/pumpsvidmusic

  105. Fantina
    Just wanted to say hello and it's so nice to see someone from Brasil here. I love Brasil!


  106. Love that new pic of Rob...yummy! I'm counting down the days to the Eclipse DVD release!! I can't wait to hear Rob and Kristen's commentary.

    As for the lurker...ehh, whatever. Being fake is lame, the good news is it doesn't have to impact Roseland and the Landers one bit! :) Have a good night, everyone!

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. Well, that was quite a tearjerker movie that I watched, and I am about ready to retire for the night.

    I'll hang for a while, in case Birdie shows up to say, hey.

    Then there might be one or two more songs urging to come out and be heard.


  109. Corcovado
    (Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars)

    Astrud Gilberto & João Gilberto

    Stan Getz-sax/Antonio Carlos Jobim & English lyrics Gene Lees

    Quiet nights of quiet stars
    Quiet chords from my guitar
    floating on the silence that surrounds us

    Quiet thoughts and quiet dreams
    Quiet walks by quiet streams
    and a window that looks out on Corcovado
    Oh, how lovely

    Quero a vida sempre assim
    (I want life to always be like this.)
    Com vocé perto de mim
    (With you right next to me)
    até o apagar da velha chama
    ('till the love ends.)

    E eu que era triste
    (And I who was sad)
    Descrente deste mundo
    (Having lost faith in this world)

    Ao encontra você eu conheci
    (I found you and then I knew)
    o que é felicidade, meu amor (what happiness is, my love )

    This is where I want to be
    here with you so close to me
    until the final flicker of life's ember.

    I who was lost and lonely believing life was only
    a bitter tragic joke, have found with you,
    the meaning of existence, oh my love.

    Thank you/StrawberryFairyShoes

  110. Dedicated To The One I Love

    The Shirelles are dedicated:

    While I'm far away from you my baby
    I know it's hard for you my baby

    Because it's hard for me my baby
    And the darkest hour is just before dawn

    Each night before you go to bed my baby
    Whisper a little prayer for me my baby

    And tell all the stars above
    This is dedicated to the one I love

    Love can never be exactly like we want it to be
    I could be satisfied knowing you love me

    And there's one thing I want you to do especially for me
    And it's something that everybody needs

    Each night before you go to bed my baby
    Whisper a little prayer for me my baby

    And tell all the stars above
    This is dedicated to the one I love

    Thank you/YCSMusic

  111. I'm Your Captain
    (Closer To Home)

    Grand Funk Railroad chugs home:

    Everybody, listen to me,
    And return me, my ship.

    I'm your captain, I'm your captain,
    Though I'm feeling mighty sick.

    I've been lost now, days uncounted,
    And it's months since I've seen home.

    Can you hear me, can you hear me,
    Or am I all alone.

    If you return me, to my home port,
    I will kiss you mother earth.

    Take me back now, take me back now,
    To the port of my birth.

    Am I in my cabin dreaming, or are you really scheming,
    To take my ship away from me?

    You'd better think about it,
    I just can't live without it.
    So, please don't take my ship from me.

    I can feel the hand, of a stranger,
    And it's tightening, around my throat.

    Heaven help me, Heaven help me,
    Take this stranger from my boat.

    I'm your captain, I'm your captain,
    Though I'm feeling mighty sick.
    Everybody, listen to me,
    And return me, my ship.

    I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
    I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah

    I'm getting closer to my home ...
    I'm getting closer to my home ...

    Thank you/tommusicianfan19

  112. It's goodnight for me and the best of this day for you all...


  113. Good morning Rose and Roselanders,

    We made it to Friday and I hope it is an excellent, calm, and happy day for everyone.

    Just a note by the way. Roseland is a lovely place not only because of Rose's dedication and hard work, but also the enjoyable, fun and interesting comments posted by fellow Roselanders, who are so congenial, witty, and devoted. I enjoy posting comments here and would like you to know that the only other blogs I have posted on are WFE, Opy's, Remember Me, and Jella. For a long time I would always include some form of "believer", or Olivia(TX.) because last year there was a person who for several days posted very unkind remarks as "olivia" here on Rose's blog and it was not me. In fact, someone commented ( I think it was Deb), that it had happened to them too. I just got tired of adding that at the end of each post and stopped. So if you see the name Olivia elsewhere, (ie, on the NR blog) it is NOT me. Just to let you know. I also do not do facebook, or twitter.

    Have a wonderful day, hugs to y'all.
    I think Rose and Roseland is a great place!
    And, as I used to include:
    Respect Rose, Rob and Kristen!

  114. TGIF!
    Tracy, Liza, Susan--------------->

    Hope everyone is as happy to see today as I am.

    Melinda thanks for correcting my faux pas. Sorry Penny….really is a great idea.

    Tracy, are you sure (best Gollum voice) “the precious” came in that Japanese box thingy? I thought it was the big surprise in the Robsten advent calendar. Sigh…must be remembering wrong. Guess that’s what happens when you open all the doors on those things ahead of schedule.

    :) It’s FRIDAY baby!


  115. Finally Friday,

    Here's raising my orange juice glass to no drama today and maybe receiving my decoder ring since I priority mailed my request.

    And to any lurkers,

    You're welcome to visit here anytime, but please be kind in your reactions to us and remember, this is all in fun. So just enjoy what you read and if you don't like something, just leave.

    And Kami, you're the best.

  116. I am a member of the RA Board and make it a point to read Rose daily. I think I can safely say that most of the angels love Rose and her blog, even those who were expressing frustrations.

    I don't think the funny riddles and clues were really the issue as much as the impression that some felt they were being mocked for trying to understand what Rose was saying. They were offended and now some here have been offended. I'm truly sorry about that.

    I hope everyone can just forgive and forget. Afterall we are on the same team and we all love and support Rob and Kristen.

    The haters would love to see this strong fanbase splintered. This is me, a Robsten Angel, offering an "olive" branch. ;)

  117. I'm extremely glad it's Friday. My decoder ring is stuck in the depot due to bad weather

    Penny - I'll raise my coffee mug since I'm currently running on pure caffeine :)

  118. @an angel - Hi there,

    I don't think anyone here has any issue at all with Robsten Angels or any other site that supports Rob and/or Kristen, as you quite rightly say, we're all ultimately on the same side. I believe it was one specific comment that was taken exception to and to be fair to the girls here,I fully understand why that was the case. I don't wish to offend but if individuals are feeling "mocked" then I would venture to suggest that they are perhaps being a little over-sensitive? To anyone who reads/lurks at Rose's blog regularly it should be very clear that any comments,jokes etc.if aimed at anyone at all,are directed at those who e-mail Rose and harass/insult her, DM people on twitter (and that has happened to me and more than one of my twitter friends!) asking if we can decipher Rose's apparent super secret-code. I'm sure you would agree that's a little ridiculous.
    Other than that, I think Penny Lane's post at 7.19 says it best. Have a great Friday :)

  119. Morning all! Happy Friday to you! Thank goodness it is here finally....

    "An angel"- thank you for coming here and offering an olive branch. While I have never been over to the RA site myself, Dreamer has always said great things about you all. So I guess it was a little off putting to see one or more people saying such negative things about Rose or us when they have acted nice here on the board.

    I think people put way to much effort into trying to figure out what everything means. When they can't figure it out (because there is NO meaning, just people being silliebillies) they get bitchy.

    So my advice if you lurk here...take everything that is said here with a grain of salt and lots of tequila.

    Read the comments/blog if you want. While this is a public board, what we say in the comments section is intended for each other here most of the time. That being said, what makes perfect sense to us probably sounds silly or makes no sense to outsiders reading and THATS OKAY.

    As someone here on the board said just days ago- be happy because it is the only way to live. Plus life is to short to fuss over things beyond your control.

    Okay done with that. I just wanted to put in my 2 cents. Now I am moving on.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  120. Oh I forgot one thing....

    Katy thanks for letting me know where that picture of Rob came from.


  121. Hi Angelica,
    I admit that I was one of those who felt a little hurt yesterday and you are so right, I was probably being overly sensitive. I should have given Roseland the benefit of the doubt. I've never commented here before and am sad that my first comment had to be an apology. Thanks for responding. Hopefully now we can all just sit back and enjoy all the great things that are happening and look forward to all the goodness to come. Have a great Friday, Roseland!

  122. An Angel,

    I wanted to thank you for extending your apology to us. Since I was in on the initial fray last night I felt I should acknowledge your gesture. I hope you feel comfortable visiting in Roseland because it is a special place.

    We don't analyze dates and times and gestures and nuance because we really don't care about those things. We like to be sarcastic and, yes, we do make fun of the obsessive parts of the fandom. Also, as you found out, we're very loyal to Rose and each other. So thank you for your honesty and good will.

  123. An angel-

    Like other have said.. our issue was not with another blog. It is a coincidence that it happened to be the angels web site on which this person chose to post. And her comments not only spoke badly of this blog, but of those of us who comment here regularly. And as you've probably seen, we're fiercely protective of each other here.

    Things are crazy enough in this fandom. That people are out there pouncing on every little word typed, or every little nuance of what someone's opinion is.. that's hard to believe sometimes. Like someone reading a tweet, and believing it's some cryptic clue to a hint about the Oscars in February?

    Here's what I don't understand.. why do people believe other people put THAT much effort into being cryptic? Why do people believe that SO much time is spent creating these mysterious clues that lead to bigger clues that lead to other clues? That's a lot of complicated work, don't you think? Sometime, and really that's most of the time, things mean what they mean.. no conspiracies, no hidden messages, no clues buried deep within the post or comments.

    Can't we just enjoy the amazing connection between two people, and not have to try to guess their every move?

    Would you want someone doing that to you? Always expecting to know every move you make? It would be exhausting.

    No hard feelings, no grudges being held.. nobody's trying to start a turf war ;) It's Friday!! Time for the weekend. Let's enjoy it!

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. An Angel, thank you so much for extending an olive branch and I hope you will except mine back to you. I also hope that the post I made last night apologizing to the Robsten Angel blog will be accepted as being true and heartfelt because it was.

    I am sorry the blog name was posted here as it is with 100% certainty that I can's not the blog that was an issue yesterday, it was the fact that someone who has posted here and we considered friendly, if not a friend of Roseland was talking about Rose and us behind our backs, I don't handle that kind of behaivor well and felt the need to defend not only Rose but my friends here.

    As to the joking and kidding around about dates, monkeys and tomes...that is ALL it is...we mean no disrespect to anyone who is trying to figure out what it all means in an honest and caring way. It is the people who are constantly thinking EVERYTHING said and done here has some hidden meaning and then holding group discussions as to why Rose only twirled 2 times instead of three and does Tome mean that someone is writing a book about growing olives... that we are joking about.

    The simple truth is, this is Rose's blog, she has a killer sense of humor and she uses sarcasm to express herself and I personally think she does so very well. Rose also has in the past put things on the blog that was a personal message to a friend in real life, a friend or friends on the blog going through hard times or celebrating good times, or as a personal joke that someone asked her to play on someone who reads the blog. She doesn't detail what she is saying because it is private, but she posts it because she knows it is important and she is showing support..nothing more, nothing less.

    It's kind of like when she said "S is for Sillibillies. I love my Sillibillies" that had nothing to do with codes, or Rob and Kristen, Tom or the milkman.

    I'm so sorry if anyone with good intentions and a big heart has been hurt by our antics, it was not to you we were refering our comments. This is a place for fun and that is what we've been having the last few days. The people who post here are not doing so with the intention to hurt, maim or frustrate the good guys, it's the trolls, haters and idiots we are after.

    Thank you Angel for the olive branch and I hope you will accept mine.

    I will end by saying...if you come to this blog, pretend to be a friend, then turn around and stab us in the back...I WILL call you out...sorry it's just the way I am.

  126. Hello, Roseland!!!

    Well said, Penny, Melinda, Tracy and Kami.

    Hope everyone has a great day!Hugs to all.

    PS: An Angel, I hope you keep visiting this blog. Like you said we are all on the same team...we all love and supporte Rob and Kristen.


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.