Friday, March 4, 2011

Robert Pattinson- Twirling for Elephants

I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday...
But I was so overwhelmed by 

This movie looks absolutely spectacular.
And Robert?

He not only is completely gorgeous 
but is showing just how talented he really is.
Can you imagine seeing the whole movie???
I'm dying already.
But its a good dying...
I hope so because after seeing the trailer
I find myself having to jumpstart my heart.

Everything about this movie looks incredible.
Visually stunning.
And Robert.
I love seeing him be able to show emotion...
because he does it SO well.
Just one look at his face
and you know what he is feeling.

And I adore Reese Witherspoon.
She looks very 30s Jean Harlow glam.

Rob's love for Tai...
Any man who loves animals as much as Robert...
You know is a good guy.
Not that we didn't know that already.
He has shown us time and again
what a sweet, charming man he is.

My stomach is just in knots over this movie.
Is that even normal?
Probably not.
See what I mean?
Robert Pattinson seems to have this ongoing effect on me.
I can't seem to shake it.
Even when I think things are under control
and I'm handling stuff...
WFE trailers come out
and I continue on down the road
to complete and total adoration.
This is why I know I will always be Rob's fan.
I care so much about him...
His career.
I want this movie to fucking KILL at the box office.
I want the whole world to see how talented
how sincere
how fucking incredible Robert is.
He's so much more than Edward.
He's so much more than we know.

Final thoughts.

1. WFE!!!!!!!

2. ROBERT!!!!!

3. I'm sure by now you have heard the Seacrest interview.
Rob sounded like the sweet, giggly Rob I come to expect.
It was nice to hear.
This is why Robert should probably stay away from print interviews.
They always seem to create controversy.
Even if there isn't anything really...
His words get pushed and twisted and picked apart.
And you can only see him thru the writers POV.
I like watching him talk...
Hearing him talk.
There are fewer mistakes to be made when you see him say the words.
No feelings
No meanings
Can be piled onto his words when you hear him say them.
Less chance for misinterpretation.
Ya know?

And finally.
Thomas Sturridge.
I do adore him.
No doubt.

I miss seeing pictures like this...
Him hanging around with Rob.
Because you know that there will be laughs.
And you know that Rob is safe.
And you know that their friendship is real.
I like that.

This post is brought to you by the letters *W* and *T*

W for 

I cannot wait to see this movie.
I cannot wait to fall harder for Robert.
I didn't think it was possible...
But I know it will happen on April 22nd.

T for TWIRL!

I haven't had a good twirl in a while.
And twirling is good.
Twirling is fun.
And lots to twirl about!

T for Together!
(Yes, that would be Rob and Kristen)

Life is good.

Bye for now


  1. I think it's safe to say that WFE will be huge. I loved the book myself and there are a ton of fans of the book that will go out there and support the movie. I love Rob & Kristen I'm a fan of both of them. I love your blog as well. I agree with you 100% of the time.

  2. Good morning, Rose and Roseland - TGIF! :D

    I'm with you Rose, after seeing the trailers for WFE all I can say is WOW! This movie is going to be fantastic....fabulous in so many ways.....just, amazing. I loved the book and they really seem to bring it to life.

    The Seacrest interview yesterday was great....happy, relaxed Rob. Good interview questions, no leading agenda.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

  3. Beautiful post, Rose...

    I simply cannot wrap my mind around how spectacular WFE loooks to spectacular Robert looks, and sounds...

    This will be talked about as his breakout role as a "serious" actor (whatever the critics mean by that!)for years to come. I can feel it, can't you all in Roseland?

    It's going to be good, baby, so, so good! :)

    Lots of love to Smitty (& how I adore your wit!)...please pass along my VERY BEST to Gruff (& of course the charming Syd)

  4. Can't wait to see WFE! Imagine how proud Kristen must be :)

  5. Wonderful post to end the week, Happy Happy Friday Everyone!

    I'm so incredibly excited for WFE, I loved the book so much. It really is a great story and you can tell how dedicated Rob was to his role. Everyone seems to have done a really great job and I can't wait to see it.
    I feel like this film will be a huge step for his career and if we as fans can feel proud of this accomplishment for him, imagine how Kristen and his family and friends feel.
    I'm happy for him, as Rose said, he is a good guy and he deserves all the good things he has going for him, both professionally & personally.

    Love all the WFE pix too, especially that first one, that is a beautiful shot.

    Hope everyone has a great day, time to get some work done now I guess! Haha :)

  6. I wonder how many trips to the theater we will all be making?

  7. Your on the money Rose as always -

    "I care so much about him...
    His career.
    I want this movie to fucking KILL at the box office.
    I want the whole world to see how talented
    how sincere
    how fucking incredible Robert is.
    He's so much more than Edward.
    He's so much more than we know."

    I hope he blows it out of the water!! He's incredible!

  8. I'm really looking forward to seeing WFE, I'm sure it's going to do well with such a brilliant cast and the role seems to suit Rob so well :)

  9. I'm so excited for this movie. I have several different groups lined up to see it with because I predict somehow once will not be enough. If the trailers are any indication, this looks like an incredibly well done movie, and I think could be a big catalyst for Rob's career.

    And, gorgeous, beautiful, handsome, classic...just incredible. He looks so damn good. I love Reese Witherspoon too, I think she's a fantastic actress and always has good chemistry with her leading men.

    The press tour for this should be a lot of fun. From the descriptions, they had a great time on set, so it'll be fun to see them together. Can't wait!

  10. I am so looking forward to WFE. One of my favorite books, read it if you haven't.

    Last day of vacation. talk to you all next week.


    Sorry I'm late but definitely Jawline.

  11. Hi Rose and all Roselanders, As always you said it perfectly. Can I join you in a twirl or two? This will be Rob's moment to shine in what appears to be a beautiful movie. I loved this book and can't wait to see it brought to screen. It is going to be EPIC and I am so happy for Rob. Kristen must be so proud of him. I have already rallied the troops and have my whole book club ready to see the movie the day it opens. Can't wait!

  12. good morning Rose!!

    long time not post in your awesome blog, RL so much hectic months.. Le sigh WFE so much better, it's definetely BO movie, and every single character in this movie i adore so much , Rob (perfection) very breatheaking jacob jankowski, Crish waltz (incredible-- like rob said in Ryan secret intv), Reese (reminds me stunning HW 30's era, such grace kelly, katherine hepburn--perfect)even i'm thrilled so much exotic animal specially Rosie, i could imagine so much D'Aww moment, melting heart when seen in the big screen, and not forget mention Cinematography so beautifull..and hope WFE not seperate time longer screening in my country than US...please help me cross finger my country my govn't had issue to raise custom for import the distribution film wait and see of the regulation..but i very assure soon or later i've seen WFE....and others such BD1, OTR..i'm such movie goer, and very exciting to see RK up coming movie

  13. Loved the Water for Elephants trailer! :) Gorgas Rob, Gorges Reese, Gorgas settings. And really Rob worked with so many respected actors on this, he deserves HIS respect by media and fans alike. Also more great news, I saw yesterday the "unofficial" WFE face book page WAS reinstated and it seems the official one and this have bonded together too get the word out on this beautiful film. Makes me happy that who ever reported it, did not win this one. :) Fans are happy.... Good for Robs movie. Win Win!

    Oh and I talked my 66 year old mommy too go see WFE also. She has never seen a Rob movie, but seemed interested in this one. I really think this movie will take hold of many ages all around. :)

  14. ROSE...I agree 1000 perent with EVERYTHING you said today! I HAVE to see this man in person. If I got close enough to him to speak, I don't know that I could survive THAT but I want to go to one of his premiers sometime just to get a 30...I just HAVE to see him with my own eyes, somehow...

  15. Yes, Super Seeing Rob with your own eyes is a beautiful thing. He IS charming and beautiful inside and out. :)

    Have a great day Roseland! :)

  16. Hi 30...I too was pleased to see the WFE page get reinstated to facebook (I think I "liked" it on FB right after you did!).

    HI Super, PennyLane, and anyone else still around...TGIF!!

  17. Good morning. I have a question...what happened to some of the songs on the player? It started with Stray Dog and now there are just 3. Not complaining, but curious! :)

  18. Hi, Rose!!! lovely post...

    To say that I'm excited to see Water For Elephants would be an understatement! Whatching the trailer it gave me goosebumps...the trailer is breathtaking...stunning. Can not wait seeing Rob and Christoph working together. I'm really happy for Rob and he looks absolutely gorgeous.

    I Loved The Ryan Seacrest, after reading the VF interview where Rob sounded a little down, hearing giggly, funny and Happy Rob was a tottal win and it made my day.

    Hi, Roseland!!! I hope you are all enjouing your day.

    Hugs to all, take care and be happy

  19. Hi Kenezz! :) Glad too hear that. :)

  20. KENZZ...TGIF to you and all of Roseland....30...OMG..My first grandchild is due on April I can't go to WFE...hopefully BD!!!!

  21. exciting for you & your family! Maybe the baby will be late, and you can go to WFE! lol

    Do you know whether it'll be a girl or boy, yet? Shopping for baby clothes is so much fun! :)

    Since it's your first, do you have a prefernce for what you'll be called...Nana, Grammy, or some other name entirely?

  22. Hi everyone,

    I hope you are all having a wonderful Friday.

    "Twirling for Elephants" - great title Rose. Like everyone else, the trailer yesterday only made me more impatient to see it. Rob looks and sounds wonderful in the part, and as you said Rose, the movie looks visually stunning and the music (at least in the trailer) seemed to embellish the images.

    Rose - nice post. It seems very "Jawlinesque" in tone. Smitty should be pleased.

    Hi Super, Kenzz, Kay, Katy, dottie, Groovie, Birdie, Angelica, Sydney, Penny, 30 and everyone else I missed. Have a good rest of the day. I'm off for a ladies night out, so I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow.

  23. Hi Freddie: good point about the tone today...definitely jawline-ish...Smitty is surely proud of herself! hehe

    Just heard Kristen is officially in Snow White...begins filming all over Europe in August...Yay!!! I couldn't be happier with this news...I just have a feeling that she's destined to do this film. *Twirling*

  24. Great post Rose...

    Loved the Ryan Seacrest interview too...Ryan puts his guests at ease and Rob was so funny on air.

    Reading WFE while on vacation...excellent read and picture Rob on each page.

    Super...CONGRATS on your 1st grandchild on the way. How wonderful!!

  25. Hi Kenzz..Is that true?? So many rumors for months...makes sense they would film in Europe.

    Hey Freddie, Katy, Angelica, 30,Kay,Birdie, PL, Sydney and everyone.
    Snowing in CO this morning.

    Have fun Freddie!!

  26. Hi Hope! I have no personal knowledge of the truthfulness of the Snow White news..I read it on usual, everything is subject to rumour vs reality...

    Next time, I'll make judicious use of the disclaimer: "alleged" news!

    Freddie, have fun on girls' night out...

  27. Can not wait for the movie, the book was so good and the trailers are GREAT!!! Rob's interview with Ryan Seacrest yesterday was the best! Good blogging Rose! Have a great weekend everyone!!!

  28. Just a quick drop by on my lunch break...

    Love all the stuff coming out for WFE!! The book was amazing and I can't wait to see it come to life. Like I literally can't wait in case you didn't pick up on it the first time!

    Freddie- Enjoy your GNO! I'm doing the same thing tomorrow night. There is nothing like kicking back with the girls.

    Kenzz- I read that as well. Makes me super excited. I've gotta be honest and say that Snow White is my least favorite of the fairy tales. However, will definitely plop down $ to see Kristen play Snow White if this is true.

    I also read that Cosmopolis should be wrapping up around the time Snow White starts which is good for them. Guessing that non dueling film schedules makes things easier.

    I hope everyone has a fabulous Friday!

  29. ...Enjoying your day not enjouing and total not tottal.

    Hi, Kenzz!! I heard that too. I hope it's true... super happy!! we have SO many things to look foward to. :)

    Freddie, have lots of fun!!! Hugs

    Hi, Hope, Kay, Groovie, Birdie, Angelica, Melinda, 30, Super, Dottie, Penny, Sydney, Berry! Wish you all a fabulous weekend.


  30. Hi Rose,

    Im in complete agreement with you.This movie is going to be spectacular! Man oh man, what a performance Rob is going to give us!

    Super- Congrats on the baby news :)

    Hi Freddie- Enjoy girls night out!

    Smitty- Kenzz is right, you have lifted the mood around here. You should come up with some more polls for was fun :)

    Angelica- I was almost late for work yesterday trying to straighten my hair out. You should've seen it!

    Hi Penny,Kay,Hope,30,Melinda,Birdie
    dottie,Groovie,Sydney and anyone I missed :)

  31. Sorry I neglected to say hi to everyone this morning. I was commenting from work and had to make it a quickie so....

    SUPER-Congrats on the grandbaby! What a happy time for you and your family!

    2011 is turning out to be a wonderful year for our favorite couple. I'm just so happy and proud for them!

  32. Kenzz- I love the new avi,its beautiful. Where is that?

  33. Rhonda: I figured as I was tired of looking at my own face as my avi, the rest of you probably were sick of it, too! :)

    The new one is just something I took off my computer's sample pics ...but it reminded me of Maine, where I grew up.

    Running out for a bit...have a great weekend everyone! ((hugs))

  34. Hi Freddie,30,Kenzz,Rhonda,Super,Katy Melinda,Dottie :)

    Kristen as Snow White would be amazing too!

  35. Kenzz- Lol, we wern't tired of looking at you :)

    Angelica- I hope it's true. Kristen would be great in that role!

  36. Kenzz & Katy,
    Just checked on Robstenation like you mentioned...sounds pretty official. (S calling her SnowStew...cute!)
    I read the script on-line when rumors were swirling and she will be perfect Snow White.
    Oh...the costumes and filming in London. Yay!!

    Hey Rhonda, Dottie

  37. Hi Hope- How was your ski trip??
    Thanks for the Snow White update )

  38. Hey Rhonda...we are still here and it is beautiful. Hubby and K are on the slopes now. I opted to stay in an enjoy some quiet time reading, etc.

    Are you off this weekend??

  39. Hey ladies!

    HOPE - I was just thinking about the costumes for SW & wondering what they will look like?

    R/K are showing how versatile they are with the roles they are choosing. Love it!

  40. 30..I meant to tell you the other day that your avi of the dog is cute! Is he a Shiz Tsu???? I used to have a female one named Molly and I could never ever get her "house broken". I had her for 11 years...she was a sweetheart though.

  41. Hope- That sounds nice. Do you ski at all? Yes, I'm off until Monday. Yay!!

  42. Rhonda...yes, I ski well enough so I do not tumble down the mountain. LOL. Really... the game plan each day has been EAT,DRINK,SKI.
    Are you following Chris Weitz on twitter??You said you just started. Do you like it??

    Dottie...yeah..wondering too.

  43. Hope- you sound like me. Lol, I ski just well enough to stay upright.
    Twitter..hmmm..I'm not sure yet. I like keeping up with friends and things I'm interested in but there are parts of it I hate. I guess I just need to avoid the crazy stuff.
    I told Super I don't really know what I'm doing and it's only a matter of time before I screw up and get kicked out. I'm not following CW but I will check him out:)

  44. I didn't catch the Seacrest interview, I'll have to find that. I'm reading WFE, love it so far and no doubt I'll love the film. I used to live by where they did a lot of the filming, it'll be fun to see the background!

    It was funny, last night, I had the TV on and it was background noise, I suddenly noticed a voice, and it was Rob's, I yelled out loud, it was the WFE trailer! I can recognize that voice anywhere, and it makes my stomach flip and twirl!

  45. I an sooooo excited to see WFE. The book was awesome, and just seeing the clips, it looks like they brought the book to life. Rob looks great, so does Reese, actually alll of the cast. Great post, Thanks Rose, I totally agree about the interview with Seacrest. It was really good, the print one, it's hard to tell how to intrepret it. Anyway thaks

  46. Hi wig4usc!! I've been trying to catch you on here but keep missing like ships in the night! hahaa

    Did you mention you're from s. cal? I'm going to san diego shortly and was trying to get an idea of how dressy vs casual it is on Coronado..any suggestions?


  47. Love the post Rose, and like you, I can't wait for the movie to come out. It looks epic, like movie making used to be...without the explosions and profanity, just a well-written, well-acted movie...where dialogue is valued!

    Thank goodness you're still here Rose...I checked a few of the other sites I frequent, and some have shut down, in part because of RL, but mostly for the drama surrounding RPattz. I had no idea it was that serious...God bless you all who put up with the 'form' and continue your blogs.

  48. So the co-producer that announced abt Kristen confirmed to play SW has now deleted his tweets regarding it.

    Me thinks since (according to him) the official conformation isn't until next week he thought better of letting twitterverse know about it prior to the studio announcing it. Live and learn I guess.

    Hope- Enjoy what is left of your vacation. I think that reading instead of skiing sounds just about right.

    Rhonda- If you are on twitter you should def. check out Chris Weitz. He is really funny. Over the past couple of days he has said some really sweet things about Rob and Kristen. Nothing personal (as you can see by his tweets he really respects the two of them) just about their character and their talent.

    Interestingly enough someone asked him if he would like to work with the two of them on another movie and his rely was "in a New York minute". So maybe one day down the road given the right circumstances it might happen.

  49. HI GUYS...I am at the Outback waiting on a friend to join me . I am working on Margaritta #2! Not trying to be the devils advocate, but when the HELL is BelAmi coming out?

  50. Melinda...thanks so much.
    Read the tweets from Chris over at his kind words about R/K. are in the know...any thoughts on who should play the Prince in SW??

    Off to the fire pit for drinks/music. Last night here...sigh.

  51. Good Day, everyone! Hope all is well and wish you a great weekend.

    I envy you the margaritas and Outback, so might have to hit my favorite Mexican place tonight.

    Nice to know you are out having fun with a friend.

    I'll be over the rainbow soon, myself.

  52. Melinda- I looked up CW on twitter. He was so sweet in his remarks regarding Rob and Kristen. Makes me like him all the more :)

  53. Hello Super! Sorry I didn't answer earlier, I had too go too work. And Yes :) My avi is Sigmund and he is a Shih tzu dog. A handful but a hole lot of fun very lovable. Hes my 2nd baby, of course my daughter comes first.LOL

    I reread my above post, and my dear god. I type so fast and make these dumb ass spelling mistakes every time. Sorry all! I swear I do have a decent IQ.

  54. Rose, great post, thought of you watching Robert walking in the beginning of WFE trailer. yum

    Happy weekend Roselanders.

  55. Thank you Rose,

    Beautiful new banner.... a calm, peaceful, and intimate moment between Rob and Kristen at the piano. May they be able to find many more of those quiet, quality, together moments amid the hustle and bustle of life and work.

    Your post today was beautiful. No words for the pictures. Stunning just doesn't do it. Maybe heavenly. This movie will be a visual feast of aesthetic excellence.

    Love your blog Rose.
    Hugs to y'all.

  56. Kind And Generous

    Natalie Merchant:

    la la la la la la la la la.................

    You've been so kind and generous, I don't know how you keep on giving
    For your kindness I'm in debt to you
    For your selflessness, my admiration

    For everything you've done, you know I'm bound, I'm bound to
    thank you for it....

    Na Na na na na na na na na na

    Oh, I want to thank you for so many gifts you gave with love and tenderness,
    I wanna thank you

    I want to thank you for your generosity, the love and the honesty that you gave me

    I want to thank you, show my gratitude, my love and my respect for you,
    I wanna thank you

    Oh I want to thank you, thank you, thank you,
    thank you, thank you, thank you...

    Thank you/shula198499

  57. Put Your Records On

    Corinne Bailey Rae:

    Three little birds, sat on my window.
    And they told me I don't need to worry.

    Summer came like cinnamon
    So sweet,
    Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.

    Maybe sometimes, we've got it wrong, but it's alright
    The more things seem to change, the more they stay the same
    Oh, don't you hesitate.

    Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
    You go ahead, let your hair down

    Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
    Just go ahead, let your hair down.

    You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.

    Blue as the sky, sunburnt and lonely,
    Sipping tea in a bar by the roadside,
    (just relax, just relax)

    Don't you let those other boys fool you,
    Got to love that afro hair do.

    Maybe sometimes, we feel afraid, but it's alright
    The more you stay the same

    The more they seem to change.
    Don't you think it's strange?

    'Twas more than I could take, pity for pity's sake
    Some nights kept me awake, I thought that I was stronger

    When you gonna realise, that you don't even have to try any longer?
    Do what you want to.

    Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
    You go ahead, let your hair down

    Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
    Just go ahead, let your hair down.

    Oh, you're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow

    Thank you/beefNbroccli

  58. Groove Is In The Heart


    We're going to dance
    And have some fun

    The chills that you spill
    Up my back keep me filled
    With satisfaction when we're done
    Satisfaction of what's to come
    I couldn't ask for another (I-I-I-I)
    No, I couldn't ask for another (that's right)

    Your groove I do deeply dig
    No walls only the bridge
    My supper dish
    My succotash wish (sing it baby)
    I couldn't ask for another (uh-huh, uh-huh)
    (I-I-I-I) No, I couldn't ask for another

    Groove is in the hea-a-a-art
    Groove is in the hea-a-a-art (astronomical)
    Groove is in the hea-a-a-art (hit me!)
    Watch out!

    The depth of hula groove
    Moves us to the tenth hoop
    We're going through too
    Horton hears a who-o-o
    I couldn't ask for another (I-I-I-I)
    No, I couldn't ask for another

    DJ Soul (Soul!) was on a roll
    I've been told he can't be sold
    He's not vicious or malicious
    Just dee-lovely and delicious
    I couldn't ask for another

    Someone's in this torso (yeah)
    Hot! Gotta deal you wanna know (wanna know)
    Dee-Liteful truly Dee-Liteful (liteful)
    Makin' it doin' it 'specially at show (show)

    Feeling kinda high like a Hendrix haze (haze)
    Music makes motion moves like a maze (maze)
    All inside of me (side)
    Heart especially (yeah)

    Help of the rhythm where I wanna be (c'mon)
    Flowin' glowin' with electric eyes (ha)
    You dip to the dive baby you'll realize (yeah)
    Baby you'll see the funky side of me

    Baby you'll see that rhythm is the key (hmm! )
    Get get ready with it (with it)
    Can't can't quit it (quit it)
    Stomp on the stoop when I hear a funk loop (loop)

    Playing Pied Piper
    Follow what's true
    Baby just sing about the groove (sing it)

    Groove is in the hea-a-a-art
    Blow them horns, oh lord
    Groove is in the heart
    1-2-3 brrrrr

    Groove is in the hea-a-a-art (yeah

    Thank you/FatnessXII

  59. Beautiful Day


    The heart is a bloom, shoots up through stony ground
    But there's no room, no space to rent in this town

    You're out of luck and the reason that you had to care,
    The traffic is stuck and you're not moving anywhere.

    You thought you'd found a friend to take you out of this place
    Someone you could lend a hand in return for grace

    It's a beautiful day,
    the sky falls And you feel like
    it's a beautiful day,
    Dont let it get away

    Youre on the road but youve got no destination
    Youre in the mud, in the maze of her imagination

    You love this town even if that doesnt ring true
    Youve been all over and its been all over you

    It's a beautiful day,
    Don't let it get away
    It's a beautiful day,

    Touch me, take me to that other place
    Teach me love, I know Im not a hopeless case

    See the world in green and blue
    See China right in front of you
    See the canyons broken by cloud
    See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out

    See the bedouin fires at night
    See the oil fields at first light
    See the bird with a leaf in her mouth
    After the flood all the colours came out

    It was a beautiful day
    Don't let it get away
    A beautiful day

    Touch me, take me to that other place
    Reach me, I know I'm not a hopeless case

    What you dont have you dont need it now
    What you dont know you can feel it somehow

    What you dont have you dont need it now
    You dont need it now

    Thank you/Music4u2009

  60. Be back soon, Pals.

    Yelp, if you want my help with chatting and groovin' on a Friday night!


  61. Missed you yesterday,Rose, but I do understand. The new trailer for WFE is fantastic. I believe this movie is going to be wonderful and can't wait to see it. I know Rob is going to show just how talented he is. I do miss seeing Kris however.

  62. Hello!

    I'm also excited for WFE. I really pray that it will be shown here in my country. I've seen the trailer, and it looks great. And man, Rob is so gorgeous and that Vanity Fair photos, I've got no words to say anymore.

    Hi to DK, Bren, Birdie and to all the regs here in Roseland. It's been so long to be here again.

  63. DK and Bren

    I'll be waiting for you two mamas to appear here tonight and chat with me, or maybe you are busy since its Friday and been out all night. Miss you guys and I'm glad to be back here.

  64. @Gwen
    How nice to see you here! I've been watching episodes of "House" online and roaming the internet.

    Getting pretty tired, so won't be here long.

    You okay, and how was the vacay?


  65. DK

    Never been better and we have so much fun even though it was raining and we still love the beach. We climb the city's highest peak (that is about 3,003 steps) and we only climb about 900 steps. Its not good climbing up since it was raining and fogging, we dont want to be lost up there.

    How are you? I dont want to read the past posts coz its too long lol.

  66. @Gwen
    So happy you had a good time despite the rain and fog. Really delighted that you are better than ever, could you be in love?

    I'm fine now. Had a couple of cases of the gunk, that lasted about 3 weeks but lots of garlic got rid of it.

    It's quiet on here these days, so mostly we have fun talking about R/K, and things. I don't talk much during the day, only at late night, when I get very silly, as you know.

  67. DK

    Glad that you're okay now and about R/K, I'm happy to say that all is quiet about them, nothing much to report. No I'm not in love, just rejuvenated, lol. Yeah I noticed that RL is quiet today.

    So you dont go out tonight? Where is Bren.

  68. @Gwen
    I stayed home and played around. Bren had a dinner party for friends/family tonight, so she probably was bushed.

    Don't know where Birdie is?

    We did have fun the other night.

    Rejuvenated is a great state to be in.

  69. DK

    If you're still up, its time for me to say say goodnight. Have a happy weekend!

  70. @Gwen
    So funny, the many times we all posted at exactly the same time, and miss each other's very important comments!

    Happy weekend to you, special One.

    See you soon, I hope.

  71. May as well trip the light fantastic, on my way to a few galaxies, not far from Roseland.

    Bid you all a fair good night.


  72. i will love to see WFE, TRENDING!BUT i cannot for the likes of me, understand, about trending, or what a bummer, i have looked at that second trailer 101, times, i count it, and is about to re-read the book, everyone is excited abt VF, SAD, need mine

  73. Morning Roseland!

    Been enjoying the WFE trailor and Rob's radio interview with Ryan. This looks to be a really great film!

    DK Beautiful Day by U2 is one of my favorite songs. (going to their concert July 2nd in Nashville at Vanderbilt Stadium) I'll be singing it all day (smile)!

    SuperRN Congratulations!

    Off to work (raining again, ugh)


  74. Good Morning Rose and Roseland!

    Olivia- I agree with you about the WFE pictures Rose posted.No words needed, they are visually stunning :)

    Hope and Penny- Safe travels today

    IB- Good luck with the cheer competition

    Freddie- Hope you're not out of sorts from your night out..hehehe ;)

    30- Sigmund is adorable :)

    Angelica- I hope today is pain free for you :)

    Happy Saturday!

  75. Happy Saturday all who have popped in or will later. Hope you all have a beautiful day.


    I don't know anything about anything. I do keep up with Rob and Kristen's film work so I read what going on with that. However being that the info is coming from the internet it's hard to know what is truth or not. Name of the game I guess.

    As for who to play the prince in SWaTH. I think he needs to be a few years older than Kristen. I have seen some suggestions that I'm like "he looks like he is 12, not believable enough". 3 guys that I like (not that I have any say ha,ha!) are Armie Hammer, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, and Ben Whishaw.

    I saw that Colleen Atwood has been signed on to do the costumes. Big Yea! She just won an Oscar for Alice and Wonderland and has won a couple more Oscars as well.

    Also read that Juliette Binoche has been cast in Cosmopolis. Things are shaping up for this film as well so 2011 and 2012 will be good for all us fans. Now if we could hear about Bel Ami and OTR release dates.

    Man that was long winded. :)

    Safe travels to you and your family today.

  76. Oh Melinda! I like the idea of Ben Whishaw. I could imagine him and Kristen being a really good match.Kristen's such a strong girl some wish-washy pretty boy just wouldn't be believable.
    I was also really pleased to see Juliette Binoche cast in Cosmopolis.He's getting to work with some really great co-stars

  77. The new WFE trailer is fantastic.
    Rob transforms into his character
    Jacob so perfectly. (His short hair cut really plays a huge part in this).
    Bravo, Rob!

  78. Angelica-

    I like Ben. He has the right color so no worries about crappy wigs (oh wait a minute wrong studio). Plus you can't go wrong with a British man. ;)

    I'm sure whoever plays the prince will be fine. Not sure how much screen time he actually gets so it might not really matter in the long run.

    As for Juliette Binoche well one of my favorite films bar none is "The English Patient" in which she won an Oscar for so I am really happy she signed onto this project.

    Marion Cotillard was involved but I guess has now pulled out. I know she is currently expecting a baby so maybe that has something to do with it? Who knows. She would have been fantastic as well though. If you've never seen "La Vie en Rose" do. Beautifully done film.

  79. Angelica and Melinda- I like Ben Whishaw, I think he would be great :) Didn't he play Keith Richards? Am I thinking of the right person?

  80. Hi Angelica- What'd you get into today?

  81. Hi Angelica, Rhonda, Melinda, & anyone else I might have missed!

    I'm enjoying your discussion about SW & WFE. I just saw the latest WFE trailer. It just keeps getting better & better, doesn't it?

    Hope all of you are enjoying your week end!

  82. Hi dottie- Yes, it does. Rob is going to exceptional in this movie :)

  83. Hi Rhonda - I went grocery shopping since everyone was out for the day - it takes a quarter of the time and costs half as much if I go on my I'm choosing a new bed now. It's really peaceful actually, just me the dogs and crap TV. Neither of them are back until tomorrow afternoon so I'm getting a mani/pedi and going to lunch with my siter tomorrow :)

  84. Hi Dottie - The trailer IS fantastic, Rob looks so good in it ;)

  85. Angelica- It's nice and quiet here too. I got my nails done on Friday. I went with the gray color I told you about :)

  86. Angelica- Lol, Saturday must be an international crap tv day. Sucks here too!

  87. Has anyone seen the latest trailer out today? Whoa momma! This is going to make waiting just that much harder.
    As much as I love seeing these and seem incapable of not looking,I really hope they don't give away much more.

  88. My stomach is in knots hoping that this movie knocks everyone's socks off. I want it to burn up the box office too, Rose. GREAT post!!

    Hi, everyone :-D

  89. Hi Melinda...I like your idea of A. Hammer as Prince Charmant...he is handsome and regal looking.
    And by the way, it is obvious you know a lot about many things!!

    Hi Rhonda....thanks for your travel wishes too. Good to be home. Hope you had a happy Saturday.

  90. ROSE...Are you having another day like the other day when you didnt post because you were in shock and awe over the first WFE trailer and so now TODAY we have the 2nd one and its even MORE awesome than the first one? I am almost "incoherent"...I swear I am.

  91. No mention of Kristen any more... Is it finally descended on Rose's kingdom that it's over?

  92. Hi Ladies! I cant wait for Snow White too be confirmed for Kristen now.(fingers crossed)

    That will be huge for her. Rob, I am sure is very proud of her as so are her fans. :)

  93. Hi 30 and Angelica- Yes, let's hope we get the official word soon. Kristen will be great in that role :)

  94. @Super
    I am behind in almost everything today, for I've been on a phone blitz with my FL friends. All is as well as can be expected for these early days of loss.

    See, I'm here and there, so where are you?

  95. @Bren
    Need some tea, be back when I've got some. 5-10 mins.

  96. @Bren or Anyone
    So far, I am nowhere, no how, somehow, meaning I'll drift until someone, comes on here, and summons me. See?

  97. Sorry about no songs tonight.

    I seem to be songed out and taking a break, until I break, that break by posting a song or songs.

    Don't forget you can request songs to be posted, and that would make my break, break.

    @Syd, I am conjuring for you, as always, don't doubt it. DK

  98. What a contrary woman I am. Surprised?

    No sooner did I write what I wrote about breaks, than songs started singing in my mind, and I almost posted one, but held off, to show some discipline over it.

    One is not wise to be ruled by anything but by love, to use for loving.

    Now, since I love songs and lyrics, and would speak using only those in conversations, if it wouldn't truly put me in a padded cell for the rest of my life, there wouldn't be all that much harm in being ruled by them.

    The harm comes when the songs/lyrics demand posting and that is too much of a demand when I don't want to.

    Thus, a mini-break is needed of 1 or more hours, or one day, or no break at all.

    Like I said, contrary and whimsical.

    Bet there's a song about that which will sing in my mind, demanding posting, soon!


  99. Hey DK!
    Are you still out there? I am going to make coffee and will check back.

  100. @Birdie
    Time flies when I'm having fun, so I didn't check back here for too long and missed you.

    I'd like some coffee time with you, too, but sleep would be wiser and I am working on my wiser.

    So, adieu, see you very soon.

  101. DK, sorry I missed you. Hope things are getting just a little easier.
    Bren, was your pot roast a success?
    Gwen, glad to see you came back in one piece from your vacation!
    Rose, Roselanders, and Roseland's Trio, I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!

  102. Good Morning!

    I just saw the new WFE trailer. Wow! The whole cast looks amazing and the visuals are stunning! Rob is so much more than a handsome face, but he is devastating in this movie. Will we survive it??

    Hope- glad you made it home safely :)

    Angelica- enjoy your day of pampering ;)

    Olivia- I hope your day trip went well :)

    Have a great Sunday everyone :)

  103. Happy Sunday morning Roseland.

    Like everyone else I'm looking forward to Water For Elephants.
    If the performances, direction and photography are as brilliant as the trailer suggest, I hope it's not forgotten at awards time later in the year. So many times movies released around this time are ignored/forgotten at awards time.

    I hope everyone is doing well. Off to do some errands before the heavy rain sets in.

    Be back on later.

  104. Good morning Rose and Roseland,

    Thank you Rhonda. Even though the weather was cold, windy and wet in the morning, I went to the Woodlands, had a bit of shopping therapy, a great lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, and a fun day with some former colleagues who are now retired. The sun came out around noon and it was a lovely day.

    I'm off to peek in at an estate auction preview, however I cannot stay because I do work this afternoon. I love poking around garage/estate sales, second hand shops and antique emporiums when I have the time.

    BBL this evening,
    Hugs to y'all ! : )

  105. Olivia- I'm glad you had a nice time. I think we would be good shopping buddies, I like old stuff too. Now if I could just stay away from expensive purses and shoes...

    Annie- I hope your feeling better. I know you had a bit of a cold :)

    Talk to everyone later,

  106. RHONDA and Roseland...Good Morning! I am taking a break..having my second cup of coffee..this morning it is Tullys Kona...My house is the "to go" place for daughters baby shower this afternoon..soooo I have been cleaning and re-arranging "things" while I am still thinking about the NEW WFE trailer!!!! I put the picture of Rob with Tai as my screensaver...OMG...I am still "swooning"!!!!!


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.