Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rob and Kristen- All Together Now

This was the beginning...

I'm not really in much of a mood to write today.
I guess I'm just exhausted from all the giggling
and finger pointing
and generally being a 'told you so' kinda bitch.

Can't help it.
It's not like I didn't know this all along.
Because to me it's been obvious for quite some time.
And the pics from the other night are
just more icing on an already delicious cake.
A huge multi-layered sweet beautiful cake.

Rob can't seem to keep his lips to himself...

And Kristen always seems to have that same knowing smile...

1... 2... 3... 4

Can I have a little more?

5... 6... 7, 8, 9 10


So anyway.
Kristen left Vancouver this morning...
No doubt heading back to L.A.
Where Robert happens to be.
Maybe a couple of days before they head off
somewhere to do the reshoots?
First it was Florida...
Now possibly the Virgin Islands?
I guess we shall see.

Then Robert...
Sweet Sweet Robert
Starts his whirlwind premiere schedule

 Aprl 27 - WFE Premiere in Berlin
April 28 - WFE Premiere in Paris
    May 1 - WFE Premiere in Barcelona
     May 3 - WFE UK Premiere in London
May 6 - WFE Premiere in Sydney

Where will Kristen be?
Oh I'm sure "Summit" will force her to go with Rob
to London...
They have SUCH power over FOX movie premieres.
(Even in Europe apparently)
One minute the Foam is spewing about how the NYC premiere
was all staged and planned down to the second.
How everyone was in on 'it'
Keyword? EVERYONE.
But now?
Oh no.
Now it seems that people 'in the know'
are saying how pissed off FOX was at these shenanigans.
(Don't you just love the word shenanigans? Hahahaha)
So... Now Fox didn't plan this wondrous publicity stunt?
I guess EVERYONE wasn't in on it?
Or... Wait.
It wasn't all staged and planned?

Flailing Foam is Flailing.

Keep chasing that tail...

Round and Round you go...
Where will you stop?
You never will.
Keep pushing that PR train up that hill...
It's getting harder and harder to do now... isn't it?
That hill is so steep...
And the train...
Oh that train is sooo heavy.
Nearly impossible to budge...

"I think I can... I think I can..."

Rob actually looks comfy with Ellen...

Don't forget!

Rob is on Ellen and Kimmel today.
Catch him while you can!!

Final Thought.

Just Because.

Tom was seen coming out of the same restaurant
as Miss Sienna Miller.
Things that make you go...

But he looks adorable just the same.
Still haven't seen any pics of him in NYC.
I will take what I can get.

This post is brought to you by the letter *B*

B for Bart.
I love my Bart.

B for Beards
I love beards.

I love scruffy Robert.
I love scruffy Tom.

Keep it up.
No... really.
Keep going.
Keep whining "I DON'T CARE"
Keep trying to convince yourself
that the EXIT STRATEGY is still in place.
Keep pretending that this isn't fucking
making you even more bitter and angry.
Go on.
You can do it.

*Gets the popcorn and soda*

B for 


  1. Love it Rose.
    loved the pics.
    the " I LOVE YOU" part made me think of the "1 2 3 4" song by "plain white t's" LOL

    I have to say.. i love beards as well.. not long ones though..

  2. Loving that vanity fair collage, those are always great pix to see!

    I would love to know how a rather smallish studio, Summit, has obtained world domination and power over absolutely everyone, including other studios; and absolutely everything, including actions of people not associated with them in any capacity..fascinating! (Note the sarcasm)

    Lovely post & pix as always!

    I'm sure rob & kris are ready to be done DONE filming but I guess jetting away to a beautiful island to finish it out with your significant other on & off screen is pretty decent way to end things.

    Hope Rob gets some well deserved rest & relaxation in the few weeks he has between wfe promo & cosmopolis production.

    Seeing WFE at midnight tomorrow night, can't wait!

    Hope u are all having a snazzy day!

  3. Rose,

    Twenty years from now R/K children
    are going to universities & these
    cr*zies will still claim PR!!!

    They should just get a life & leave
    R/K alone.


  4. I like beards too.

    I just watched Ellen and I don't know how Rob can say he isn't funny. Maybe he just doesn't realize it, but he is hilarious.

  5. Just watched Rob on 'Ellen'...
    Saving snails and that video he shared with her!! LOL

    Cannot wait for Kimmel tonight!

  6. Hi everyone.

    I'm just popping in quickly to get my Rob and Kristen (and Tom) intoxication fix before I head out again. Thanks Rose for the post as always.

    Have a good day everyone. Stay well.

  7. Hahahaha omg lmao!
    Just finished watching Ellen!
    I agree with you.. Rob is just too funny that everytime I know i'll be laughing after the first 20 seconds.. LOL
    and the nice thing is that he is funny in a very light and genuine way...

  8. Rose- love the pics, how many kisses does someone need to see to make them accept the truth? Ill never understand the crazy.

    Fiorels- your little dog is super cute:)

    Hi to anyone around!

  9. Hi Lindsey :D
    thank you!
    hi groovie, PL, Hope.

    Freddie.. as soon as you can let me know about Thomas. *hugs*

  10. Happy Humpity Day everyone!

    I was glad to see Kristen heading home for a few days of rest. Hopefully both she and Rob can just laze around for a few days before things get busy again.

    ROSE, the pictures in today's post are just gorgeous. Wonder when they will do another photoshoot? It's about time, don't you think??? ;)

  11. Love it Rose. :) I usually tend to stay away from reading the spewing of the perpetually silly, but I haven't been able to resist this week...astounding! I swear, you must not have a butt left after laughing your ass off at all of the stuff you've been seeing these days.

    Hi Fio, Groovie, Penny, Hope, Freddie and everyone else out there in Roseland.....hope your Wednesdays are going well. Sending you good thoughts for Tomas, Freddie.

  12. Hi Rose,

    Nice post.Love the pics too, thanks <3

    Rob was hilarious on Ellen, and the saving snails story was so sweet :)

    Hi Fio,Hope,Groovie,Penny and anyone posting while I'm still typing :)

    Freddie- Any news?

  13. OH, I love beards too ;)

    Hi Kay, dottie & Lindsey!

  14. I can't do beards. I have super sensitive skin and I look like I fell face first on concrete and skidded a few feet whenever I make out with a guy who has a lot of stubble and/or a beard. Woe is me, I know. Cause excessive stubble/beard = hot.

    Speaking of hot...reshoots or more scenes being shot this weekend? It must sort of suck to hear "that's a wrap" but then to have to STILL do this shit. I mean, they get to do it together so that's great, but still. Three years is a long time. Poor Rob will have to put the contacts back in.

    Ellen was hilare. Looking forward to Jimmy Kimmel.

  15. Hi Rhonda, Fio,Kay, Dottie and everyone who just popped in.

    Freddie...saw your quick hello...any news on Tomas???

  16. Great pics Rose! I'm still smiling from Sunday.

    Rob's always hilarious and why can't I look like Kristen when I go through airports at the crack of dawn ?!

  17. Angelica- I know she always looks great! I shudder to think what my pics would look like :)

  18. Hi Hope, Angelica, Rhonda, Sydney, Kay, Fio, Groovie, PL, Freddie...

    Angelica, I agree. I wish I could look that good in the airport, too!!

    Freddie, add me to the list of people wondering about Tomas.

  19. Hi Roseland,

    Did anyone else read the interview with some magazine where Rob said he'll be attending the Royal Wedding? Hmmmmm, do we think this is true? If so, I can't imagine him taking anyone else but Kristen unless maybe his Mom or one of his sisters. What do you think?

    Still twirling, though getting tired!!!

    Liz in NC

  20. Hi, everyone.

    Quick stop to tackle hug and then off I go!


  21. Hi Dottie :) It is Hump Day However, I haven't been humped nor done any humping in a long time! I think I'm getting ripped off.

    Where's the complaint dept? LOL

    HELLOOOOOO! Roseieland! I am in a mood today. :p

  22. Liz, I did read it.. lol
    can you really picture him going? lol

    haha oh god.. do you know the word verification that appears everytime before posting?
    I just got "tromb" that is an italian way to say "fuck" LOL

  23. "slaps suebees ass" NOW you can go!


    TWO more days until "Water for Elephants!"

  24. Fio- LMAO! I'm going to remember that one!

    Hi dottie,Sydney,Susan and 30 :)

  25. haha LOL
    Hi Rhonda, Sue, 30, angelica, Dottie and Sydney!

  26. Fio- I'd like to learn how to curse in a variety of languages, I think ;)

  27. Hi, Rose!! excellent post, LOVE the pics...OHHH, and I LOVE scruffy Rob and Tom...LE Sigh

    Well, if true that Rob and Kristen are going to the Virgin Island to do Reshoots, I hope they don't have to work the whole time while there, so they can relax and enjoy that beautiful island.

    Watched Rob on 'Ellen'...Rob was hilarious. And that storie about saving snails...thought it was sweet. Looking foward for Jimmy Kimmel.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!


  28. Oh me too Rhonda.
    The funniest is when you can curse in a language that people don't know..
    in italian there are lots of way..
    the most common is "Vaffanculo" if that's any help for you LOL

  29. Hey gals!

    Katy - seriously, what a sweet little soul...saving all the snails while all the kids and TEACHER tried to kill them. Says a lot about him, I think.

  30. Fio- Lol, I'll get you to teach me some more as we go along ;)

    Hi Angelica- Did you have fun today?

    Hi Katy :)

  31. Sydney- Are you hanging in there with the nails ;)

  32. Rhonda - actually, one just peeled off. Normally they stay on for two weeks. I think they know how hideous they are and they're now attempting to run off in shame.

    Dilemma: do I just get the one nail fixed, or full stop get a new color?

  33. Sydney- Lol, are they really that bad?

  34. Sydney- wish I could advise you well but.. not really my thing lol

    Rhonda- let's make it one word a day...
    or.. a week maybe hehe

    I'm off ladies.. I'm asleep on my feet..
    talk to you tomorrow/later!

    have you all a good day!

  35. Sydney Nails are my thing, so do you have a fill? acrylics or just a regular mani? I say get a full new color but that's just me.

  36. Hi Rhonda, Yes I got my nails done and bought books and make up.

    Sydney - just get them all done :)

  37. Rhonda: kinda, yeah. They are that bad. They're just not me. I usually do red, black or french. So, bubblegum/flamingo/neon pink just looks foreign.

    Don't worry though...just made an appointment for a repolish for just that one nail. I'll live with my awesome decision-making-skills-while-hungover for another week. It's a good punishment.

  38. OK this is going too bother me all night. WTF was Robert eating in that cup on Ellen? Glass? lol

  39. 30 - I'm trying to figure that out too!

  40. Sydney- Lol, you'll do better next time :)

  41. I am willing to bet that Rob and Kristen are looking forward to some time off, I can't imagine working the schedule they do, interviews, talk shows, he does look tired and I'm sure Kristen has had quite enough with all the green screen work this week. See she is still wearing a brace on her hand, wonder what the injury was that is taking so long to heal?

  42. 30: the main dilemma is that it's a normal manicure but the polish is gel. So you know, it stays on for a couple weeks. It's kind of damaging to do the manicures to close to one another and I just got them done on Saturday. I'm just doing a repair though.

  43. 30, Angelica- I must've missed that..eating??

  44. Rhonda - He had something in a cup but at the end hewas crunching whatever it was :)

  45. Angelica- Maybe, it's pretzel M&M's ;)

  46. Yeah so do the repair then,The gel should last and if they weren't done that long ago maybe they will fix it for free.

    Angelica, it was glass! lol

    or cereal?

  47. Sydney - It could have been, obvious really but it never occurred to me :)

  48. For those of you who haven't seen what we are talking about. Here is the video.

    I have too compliment Rob here, his eyes are absolutely beautiful in this video.

  49. Sydney, yes, it does say a lot about him. His such tender, loving person with sweet, kind soul. Is it possible to love him more?

    30, Rob's backstage vid made me also go 'WTF' but yet thought it was funny. Whaterver he was eating in that Elen cup it made a like crunching sound. I am going to agree with Sydney and say it was ice.

    Hi, Angelica, Rhonda

  50. I'm going with M&M's..only because that's probably what I would be eating :)

  51. Hi Roselanderites-

    How are you all tonight? Groovie--guess where I am? lol--ANIMAL STYLE!

    did you like it--i haven't looked to see if you said.

    this is a drive by at the drive thru--later gators

  52. Hi Smitty ~Hope you are driving thru to go get a big juicy burger, not tuna on lettuce!

  53. Smitty - So glad you finally got one!!

  54. Hey Hey Hey!

    LOL Smitty, I was wondering how long it would take for you to get your animal style! Enjoy!

  55. SMITTY-
    Hell yea! Good for u!!
    And yes, I absolutely loved it! So fucking yummy!
    So, no I did not curse u! I may have actually made an inappropriate noise and mumbled " fucking good!"
    I got mine without tomatoes though.

    Enjoy it! I'm sure u will!
    Did u score a chocolate shake to go with it?

    Someone at work today told me they hated their fries and I think I gasped in shock lol

  56. @Fio
    Sorry you didn't like the video I linked. Everyone brings something different to the table. Like I said when I posted it, as I watched the video, I related it to my wonderful relationship with my husband and wished the same for Kristen and Rob.

    The song was worth listening to, in and of itself.

  57. Annie, Fio, MySoCalled, Hope, Rhonda, Kay, dottie, IB, Super, DK, Penny, 30, Angelica, Olivia, Melinda and everybody else who has been kind enough to inquire about Tomas, my sincere thanks to you for your inquiries and well wishes.

    I really don’t mean to be melodramatic here and drag things out, but I thought I would know the scoop today. Regrettably, I don’t. I took him to the vet today and they took a urine sample which they need to send out for other tests (checking for infection and protein levels etc - stuff I don’t really understand). Waiting, waiting and more waiting. The vet did take his blood pressure, thinking that if it was high it might have damaged his kidneys or vice versa. The good news is that his blood pressure seems perfectly normal. It was actually kind of cute helping the vet put this tiny blood pressure cuff on his paw and then measure the pressure.

    So, all this to say, I don’t know yet. On one level, I hope I haven’t over-reacted, because then I’ll feel like a damn fool for panicking. At the same time, I hope like mad that I have over-reacted and that things turn out to be in the early stage and are quite manageable.

    I mentioned this yesterday, but it bears repeating: you ladies are incredible. It was the supportive, funny and thoughtful ladies and gentlemen of Roseland that made me want to be a part of it. You continue to reaffirm my belief. So my heartfelt thanks.

    So now back to our regularly scheduled programming. Anyone have any good jokes?

  58. Freddie- I'm keeping my fingers crossed ((Hugs))

  59. Freddie- I'm good, thanks. I hope you are too..:)

  60. Freddie, I hope you have over-reacted too. Better safe than sorry, though.

    30, I left before I saw your post earlier, but I wanted to tell you that I am sorry you haven't humped or been humped in a while..... Roseland, we need to find 30 a humping buddy! :D

    Groovie, Glad you liked your Animal Style. :) (Imagine how this must look to a lurker who has no clue what we are talking about! hahaha)

  61. Hi Freddie - Fingers crossed, it's nerve wracking,I know :)

  62. Dottie - I offered to lend 30 my husband ages ago when he was being a nuisance and she wasn't interested!

  63. Hi Angelica, IB, dottie, Smitty, Groovie and anyone else I've missed. I hope you all had a good day.

    What's up? Looks like I missed a lot last night.

  64. Dottie-
    Oh yea, loving it animal style! Lol!

  65. Freddie~Never feel that way, like you over reacted, we all know how important each others pets are...we are here to support you no matter don't be a sillybilly......we are glad we can be here for you!

  66. dottie - that was very considerate of you. LOL.

  67. Rose you are too funny! Loved the post as always! One of Rob's best interviews yet on Ellen. She is great! Wonder how the Jimmy Kimmel will go tonight? Bought my tickets for WFE...can hardly wait! Have a good evening everyone!

  68. Hahaha Angelica! You are sweet to offer but I understand why 30 might want a humping buddy of her very own. Some things aren't meant to be shared! You crack me up!

    Groovie, I've heard that once you go ANIMAL STYLE nothing else quite satisfies. Have you found that to be true? I understand if you'd rather not tell.

  69. IB and Angelica - thanks muchly. How are you both? Are you both enjoying your time off? Hope so!

  70. Angelicca- Lol, you've offered him up to me too ;)

  71. Lol, sorry 'Angelica' too many letters there :)

  72. You too, Rhonda?? Good grief! Angelica takes generosity to a whole other level!!!

  73. Ooops - Angelica - that was you offering your husband (LOL) not dottie. Sorry got that wrong.

  74. Dottie-
    I can actually confirm that is true!

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Good for you, Groovie! I feel like maybe I am missing something since I've never had it.

    Freddie, if you catch me on a bad day I might be tempted to give mine away... nah!

  77. i agree all began with those pictures...and yes we need more! love that everyone here loves rob and kristen! no one gets me.

  78. Hey Freddie, Rhonda and Angelica!!!!

    I finally had some time to myself! I had my hair done and had a facial so I am happy!

    Angelica~How are you feeling? Did I mention that my husband is having shoulder surgery, not until next month and he is in tons of pain?

  79. Rhonda, I am very curious about Angelica's husband now. I wonder if the poor guy knows that at any moment he might be given away to a new owner? LOL

    Is Angelica even here???

  80. Hi IB- I'm glad you had a nice day :)

  81. Dottie- I don't think she would actually give him away ;)

  82. Dot-
    Oh u are missing out! Haven't lived until you've had it animal!

  83. IB - I'm really sorry to hear about your husband's shoulder. Will it involve a long recovery?

    Glad you managed to get some time to yourself. A facial sounds heavenly.

  84. Yes, the recovery is long...he will be on "desk duty" and will not be a happy camper!

  85. "tears" I want too try "Animal Style" too. We dont have them out here on the East coast, dam it.

  86. Here is the Mustard Sauce Recipe :)

    Mustard Sauce
    1 cup sugar
    2 tbs. dry mustard
    2 eggs
    1 cup white vinegar
    1tbs. butter or marg.

    In a small saucepan, mix sugar and mustard. Add eggs one at a time and stir well. While stirring, add vinegar slowly. Cook over medium heat until heated thoroughly. Add butter at end. Drizzle over sliced ham.

  87. 30- It's good stuff, but I had to go to Vegas to get it ;)

  88. Hi Rose and Roseland,

    **Waves** to everyone!

    So happy Smitty, that you were able to make a drive by of the drive through at In N Out. The tuna last night just sounded so wrong. In addition, a warm beer....double wrong! I did google the animal style burger just to see it, since there are no In N Outs anywhere in this area. It does look "awesomely" yum! The animal style fries were even more impressive!

    Oh my, Rob was so much fun on Ellen! What a great sense of humor and very tender heart he has. A very sweet and sensitive person.

    Freddie, waiting for test results is always so hard. Am hoping for the very best for your little guy Thomas.


  89. Oh, maybe that didn't sound right, LOL!


  90. For Freddie, "clears throat"

    A lady takes a stained shirt to the dry cleaner. She asks the clerk if it can be cleaned. Partially deaf, he says "Come again?" She responds "No, it's YOGURT!"

  91. Survivor is on. I'll be back later with wine :)

  92. Thanks for sharing the recipe, IB. You're a peach!

  93. TWO MORE DAYS!!!! AGGHGHGHGHGHGH! omg! Great post, and I gotta say the haters have been quite entertaining the past few days....well maybe not. lmao. Thanks Rose!

  94. Rhonda... LMFAO !!

    Why did Cinderella get kicked out of Disneyland?

    For sitting on Pinocchio's face and saying, "Lie to me" "Tell the Truth"

    One More,

    Mr and Mrs Blobby are in bed, Mrs Blobby says "blib blob bobble blub bibbly bob blubbly blib!" Mr Blobby says "for Christ's sake just swallow it!".

    HA HA HA!!!

  95. 30 - LOL...That's great. Thanks. Where do you get them from???

    Regardless I'm glad you do.

  96. Oh Freddie if I told you, I would have too kill you! LMAO

    30's "special place."

  97. Dottie - I'm back! I usually do warn him he's about to be given away free to a good home :)

    Rhonda - He must have really annoyed me that week!!

    Freddie - Thank you,I'm loving my time off :)

    IB - I'm not too bad, just been down for more drugs, we've been walking a lot this week! What's he having done to his shoulder?

  98. All this talk about burgers is making me hungry. And I don't have an excuse because I already had dinner.

    30 - we don't have In and Out here either, so we're stuck the usual players and a few local ones. Licks Burgers (yes, that's the name) is pretty good.

  99. Angelica- Lol, well, at least you give him fair warning :)

  100. 30 - Your jokes are getting better by the day.LOL

  101. Well 30 - I wouldn't want you to have to kill anyone (especially me) so we'll just be glad you have "30's special place".

    Keep 'em coming.

  102. Rhonda - I kid you not. They're actually not too bad. They have a really tasty garlic "special" sauce they call "Guk". And spicy "Hot Guk". LOL

  103. Susan - new picture. Beautiful.

    I realize this probably sounds bad....

  104. Good Evening Roselanders...

    FREDDIE..Good to see your post..We will be listening out and hoping for the best outcome possible for Tomas...

    SMITTY..Glad you are safe and sound and "ANIMALIZED"..LOL

    Hello RHONDA, DOTTIE, IB..Sorry to hear hubby needs shoulder surgery..mine does too, but refuses to go to the doctor about it...

    What time and what network is Kimmel on? I probably will be asleep by then... are the funniest most delightful actor on the planet and we love you for it. Dont EVER change....

    word verif zoopyran

  105. Freddie - No way would I eat Guk from Lick's Burgers.LOL

  106. Angelica- Lol, I don't know, I was thinking Hot Guk was sounding alright ;)

    Hi Super :)

  107. Angelica - LOL. Would you think badly of me if I confess that I have had Guk on a Lick's Burger???

    Super - how are you? Love your "animalized" comment to Smitty.

  108. Thanks Freddie. You're sweet.

    Guk sauce? Is that what we're calling it?


  109. Susan - LOL. I love where this discussion is going....

  110. OK I just saw Rob on Ellen. So funny! I wonder if the girl in the video saw the show? Imagine watching Ellen & suddenly Rob P shows your video! I wouldn't know whether to be proud or mortified!!! LOL

  111. "Licks Burgers"

    "Licks Burgers"

    "Licks Burgers"
    Who came up with that name? Mr.Swallow? lol

  112. 30 - LOL. That would be appropriate.

  113. Thanks Rhonda. :o)

    Mr. Bee took that today so I figured I would update stuff. (Almost typed "stiff.") Freudian slip!

  114. Susan - I'm jealous of the length of your hair,I'm willing mine to grow!!

  115. With all this talk of food and "licks", and "Guk" and "Stiff - oops I mean stuff", I think Freud would have a really good time analyzing us. I suspect he would say we have an "oral fixation".

  116. Damn, my Tivo didn't tape Ellen the past two days and I missed Rob but I will definately be watching Kimmel tonight.
    I can't believe the foamers are still trying to put Kristen being at the premiere, afterparty, and going back to the hotel together as a PR MUST of Summit's. Have these ppl not seen other couples that have worked together in love stories of Summit's together 24/7, all over the US, all over the World, NO!!!! They need to start chillin or pretty soon they are all going to suffocate in all that foam.

  117. In a nutshell,Freddie! Glad to see Thomas' pressure is OK. That is a good sign.
    Good evening,ladies.

    Susan, you are very photogenic!

    So where are we? Food and sex again?

  118. Freddie - It's very important to put one's mouth to good use :)

  119. Hi Birdie- We can't seem to stay off it ;)

  120. Oh Angelica - you are so right. LOL. Warn me next time before I drink...

    Birdie - thanks so much. And yes, we're back to just that: "food" and "sex". Discussions tend to devolve into that.

  121. Thank you all for the kindness

    Food, sex, and....I'll think of something. Give me a minute!

  122. FREDDIE...I am good...I see this discussion is going "down(freudian slip)hill FAST! lol

  123. Olivia - my apologies...I missed your comment earlier. Thanks for your well wishes. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  124. Super (Gigi) - how is your grandchild? Have you visited recently?

  125. IB..I have a ham for Easter...I will make the Mustard sauce..that looks really good! thanks...

    DK..Where oh where are you ?????

  126. FREDDIE..I havent seen the little guy in two days..except in pictures...I will try to catch up with him tomorrow. Everybody is doing well. Thanks.

  127. I'm off to do some reading and relaxing. Enjoy your evenings!

  128. I finally got to see Ellen. Could Rob be any cuter?
    Because I am rarely up past 10, what time is Jimmy Kimmel on? Same time as Leno and Letterman or later?

  129. Super - glad everyone is doing well. You still sound smitten (as is appropriate).

  130. Birdie - I'm on east cost time - Kimmel is on at midnight here - so 30 minutes after Leno and Letterman. I hope that helps.

  131. Heh..Someone new to love...Life is Good!!! My daughter said she would put him on my avi...maybe tomorrow....

    I am going to call it a day...I will catch Kimmel on one of the fan sites tomorrow, hopefully.

    Good night Roseland...and DK..wherever you are waving your wand!

  132. Thanks Freddie. That may be a tough one for me. I may have to try to sleep now and try to catch it later. Well, I have had a long day, so I will see you all later.

  133. Night Super - have a good one. We'll look for the picture tomorrow (or shortly thereafter)

  134. Survivor is over so I'm back.

    Hi Super, bye Super!
    Hi Birdie, bye Birdie!

    Sorry I missed you guys!

  135. Hi IB - On Survivor, I was wondering if they might actually vote off Philip. He's a piece of work...

    I hope Boston Rob doesn't get too cocky.

  136. Yes, Phillip is out there but I agree with you, Boston Rob is cocky (sorry Kenzz). Tonight Rob said,"It's tough to rule an island."

  137. IB - I like Boston Rob, so hope he doesn't scuttle himself or get overly confident then make mistakes. In any case, I suspect he will be a big target as they get further into the game.

  138. Believe,

    Thanks for the recipe. This is to serve with the ham, not as a glaze, correct?

    I'm an American Idol fan not Survivor. Never could get into that one.

    Hi Freddie!

  139. Rose- I love a happy post! Those VF pictures are my favorite.

    Just passing through tonight. Procrastinated last night with stuff so I've got to get it done tonight!

    Freddie- Sending happy vibes your way as you deal with this stuff about Tomas.

    Smitty- Glad you got your In N Out tonight. Hope there was a cold beer waiting for you when you got home!

    This is for 30:

    A guy walks into a sperm donor bank wearing a ski mask and holding a gun. He goes up to the nurse and demands her to open the sperm bank vault. She says "But sir, its just a sperm bank!", "I don't care, open it now!!!" he replies. So she opens the door to the vault and inside are all the sperm samples. The guy says "Take one of those sperm samples and drink it!", she looks at him "BUT, they are sperm samples???" , "DO IT!". So the nurse sucks it back. "That one there, drink that one as well.", so the nurse drinks that one as well. Finally after 4 samples the man takes off his ski mask and says, "See honey - its not that hard."

    To the rest of you, I hope you have a wonderful evening/morning depending on where you rest your head.

  140. Yes, PL. I serve my Mustard Sauce in a gravy boat on the table. Guests pour the amount they like over the carved ham. If I ever showed up at Easter dinner without this stuff, I would be tarred and feathered! It is delicious! It goes perfectly with the saltiness from the ham.

  141. angelica~Hubby gets his operation May 15th. This is a long time to go with pain. They are giving him NOTHING. All he can take is Tylenol or ibuprofen.

  142. Melinda,

    That was priceless. 30 is going to have to work hard to top that one.


    I have never served a sauce with ham. Maybe my daughter would actually eat it with that. She is not a child, by the way.

    Do you glaze it with anything while it is baking?

  143. Hi Melinda- Have a good night :)

    Hi Penny :)

  144. Hi Penny and Melinda - hope you are both well.

    Melinda - LOL. Good one. It fits in well with the discussions from earlier.

  145. Penny- I like the new avi. Is that STFU?

  146. Rhonda,

    Yes, that's the one and only STFU. I thought I should give her some screen time since everyone else does.

  147. She is cute but she's getting old with white hair/fur. Kind of like her owner.

    I'm off to read so have a good night whoever is left here.

  148. When we went to Ocean City, Maryland, we went to see the wild horses on Assateague Island. I will try to load a picture of them. Hold on.....

  149. PL - I'm not a dog expert. Is she a golden lab? I gather she can be loud, hence the STFU? is that correct or did she earn the name for another reason?

  150. Freddie,
    She's a golden retriever. She really isn't a barker but she picks the most inopportune times to bark when she does, hence the name.

  151. Yeah, I did it. I rejoice with small accomplishments. I still can't figure out how Rose does what she does.

  152. IB - beautiful picture. Congrats on mastering the technology. That's still something that eludes me.

  153. I was so glad we got to see them. They are shorter than regular horses because of their bad diet ie: living on seashore fare. Also, they are bloated because they actually drink the salt water which bloats them.

  154. Melinda, I just spit my cupcake out! LMFAO

  155. Fair well Freddie, Rhonda and everyone else. I am going to call it a night!

    Be well!

  156. Freddie, Rhonda, IB, 30 and whoever is still here...

    A quick hello after reviewing hundreds of notes with K for a big history test tomorrow.

    Freddie...just wanted to say that your description of Tomas getting his blood pressure taken was the sweetest. Hang in there...and it is NEVER silly to worry about your furry loved one.

    Everyone watching Kimmel tonight??

    Sweet dreams to all...

  157. DK – I wasn’t sure if I would be on when the late shift checks in so I thought I would post this now. First off, thanks for posting the Sophie Milman song the other evening. I still enjoy her when I need something mellow. She has another song – an oldie, but goodie – that I think is quite perfect for Rob and Kristen.

    Make Someone Happy.

    Make someone happy,
    Make just one someone happy.
    Make just one heart the heart you sing to.
    One smile that cheers you,
    One face that lights when it nears you.
    One gal you're everything to.

    Fame, if you win it,
    Comes and goes in a minute.
    Where's the real stuff in life to cling to?
    Love is the answer,
    Someone to love is the answer.
    Once you've found her,
    Build your world around her.
    Make someone happy.
    Make just one someone happy
    And you will be happy too.

    Have a good evening DK and the rest of the late shift.

  158. Hi Hope- Yes, I'm planning to watch ;)

    Freddie- I hope you get good news soon regarding Tomas :)

    Goodnight All!

  159. RHONDA!!! LOL I might need too borrow your Roseland bib actually.

    I am going too bed, I so wont be able too stay up for the show tonight with Rob, back too work for me tomorrow also. Is it bad I am looking forward to it? I have spent way too many days online getting aggravated on twitter and reading nonsense. Have a good night all. :)

  160. Hi Hope - thanks so much for your kind words. I hope all is well with you. I'm planning on staying up to watch Rob. I may end up sleeping at my desk tomorrow, but it'll be worth it.

    Good night Rhonda and 30. Have a good rest of the night.

  161. Hi Gals - I am trying really, really hard to stay awake for Kimmel, but I am really, really tired.

    Did I mention I'm tired?

    Freddie - I'm crossing my fingers for Thomas. If all is well, don't feel like you were over-reacting. It just means you love your little buddy.

    30 & Melinda - love the jokes. They are keeping me awake. I have one to share. OK, here goes:


    A woman gets home, runs into the house, slams the door and shouts at the top of her lungs, "Honey, pack your bags. I won the damn lottery!"

    Her husband says, "Oh my god! No shit?! What should we pack? Beach stuff or mountain stuff?"

    His wife yells back, "It doesn't matter. Just get the hell out!"

    On an editorial note, this joke originally had the husband winning the lottery, but I like this version better ;)

  162. Hi Rose! Nice post and beautiful pictures...Robert and Kristen so hot together! I love scruffy Robert too.

    Kisses everyone,

    Fiorels - I'm so sorry. My bad. I'm ashamed ... really sorry, no intentional ... Do not get upset with me ... pleeeeease ...


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.