Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Robert and Thomas-- Oh My

What a day this has been
What a rare mood I'm in...
Why it's almost
like being...

Could they BE any happier?

What a beautiful day.
A gorgeous most splendid day!
I finally got my wish...
Oh yes.
Robert and Thomas.
Together again.

I'm actually so thrilled and giddy right now...
I'm having a hard time focusing on what I want to say
What DO I want to say?
I don't know.
I forgot.

Oh Shaggy and Scrappy... I have MISSED you so much!!

Oh yeah.
Robert and Thomas.
And Bear.
(Oh my)
Just LOOK.
Rob and Tom are so damn smiley...
(they were until Rob saw the pap)
Just walking along
Being all smiley and cute
and charming and delicious
and wonderful
and pretty
and beautiful

I'm seriously losing my train of thought.
That's what these pictures are doing to me.
What the hell.
I guess I really missed seeing Rob and Tom together.

I will be twirling for the rest of the day...
I'm afraid I just might be on Auto-Twirl 
from now on...
Just going about my life
and twirling.
I will NEVER get enough of this.
People need to stop going on and on
about Tom's beard.
So it's a teensy bit bushy...
and OK
it might be a wee bit out of control...
Come on
You gotta remember what is underneath that hair
Near perfection.

Probably my favorite picture... Damn.
is hiding under that hair.
It's still there.
Waiting for its moment to reappear.
And seriously...
Like Rob isn't going to give Tom 
a run for his beard money?
It will be a matter of days
(No, really)
Before Rob has a bushy beardy thing on his face.
Oh I see great things...
Wonderful things ahead.

Which brings us to...
Completely Cute.
Our lovely Kristen.
OK sure...
It would have been fanfuckingtastic
to have seen Rob and Tom and Kris
smiling and walking Bear...
But 2 outta 3 ain't bad.

And it seems like since Rob has gotten
back to LA...
We haven't seen Kristen.

But we have Comic Con starting tomorrow...
And we will see both Rob and Kristen
and who knows what else we might
get a glimpse of...
Oh the possibilities!
Oh the joy!
Oh the many awesome
things that lie ahead.

You know Kristen is thinking "Man... he's CUTE!"

Do you think she could lean into him any more?

Taylor who?

Thing is...
It doesn't matter who else is around.
Not at all.
Because Rob and Kristen
always seem to be in the 'zone'
when they are together.
You know what I mean...
The 'Bubble'.
They are the only two people who exist.
I feel like I'm intruding just looking at this picture...
My love must be a kind of blind love
I can't see anyone but you.

Are the stars out tonight?

I don't know if it's cloudy or bright
I Only Have Eyes For You, Dear.

The moon maybe high

but I can't see a thing in the sky,
'Cause I Only Have Eyes For You.

I don't know if we're in a garden,

or on a crowded avenue.

You are here

So am I
Maybe millions of people go by,
but they all disappear from view.
And I Only Have Eyes For You.

That is the Rob/Kristen Bubble.
It exists.
And it's lovely to watch.

This post is brought to you by Bear.

Thank you Bear for getting my 
2 favorite people together...
Smiling and Walking.

Bear likes Green Sheep.

Bye for now

Day 1


  1. Just knew you'd be all twirly today, Rose when I saw the happy, smiling, walking pictures this morning. :)

    Have a fun and happy hump day, Roseland!

  2. Do I get to be 1st today???

    Awww ROSE! You got your Tom & walking Rob all in one shot w/a side of cute Bear! Bear's coat is gorgeous, by the way.

    I hope CC is fun for Rob and Kristen, even if it is work.

    Hi everyone!

  3. LOL Kay you beat me! Or well, 2nd isn't so bad. :)

  4. hehehe...I'm sneaky that way, in - run out ;)

  5. Happy smiley post!
    Can a blog post be smiley?
    I guess it can if the writer, readers & subjects are all smiley!
    Bear is too cute for words! Love puppies! And he is all happy & cute walking along with Rob & Tom.
    Tom's beard is getting so big, it may require its own zip code soon lol!

    Love all the comic-con pix, tomorrow should be fun! I hope Rob & Kris have fun with it & its not too insane! And that they still have their hearing afterwards.
    I don't get all the screaming anyways, do they not want to hear anyone speak? Lol! Gets annoying as hell!

    Hope you all have a great day, hump day is finally here! I'm going to go mini-golfing & lazer tag with my sisters & cousin after work, should be fun! My goal is to kick their asses of course lol!
    And thanks to all the well-wishes yesterday on my job interview! I really appreciate it! :)

  6. LOVE the " in darn CUTE,HANDSOME,HAPPY,W A L K I N G dog....adorable!!!!!! We are having lunch at The Tilted Kilt at Broadway at the Beach...DK...I am having Steinlager Pure beer from New Zealand with pizza....OMG...OMG...And is DELISH!!! I don't generally like beer that much...but I will now make an exception:)

  7. You deserve to be twirling Rose. :)

    Lol, I'm so glad you've got that optimism for Tom's beard.

  8. You deserve to be twirling Rose.

    Lol, I'm so glad you've got that optimism for Tom's beard. :):)

  9. Oh Rose,

    How incredibly cute. I'll be twirly and giddy with you.

    Fun post.

    I hope everyone has a great day in Roseland.

  10. Hi Rose, Great post!!

    AWW, my heart can’t take the cuteness of these pics. Love seeing Rob and Tom smiling and looking happy and Bear is SO adorable…love his floppy ears.

    Hope Rob and Kristen will have fun at the Comic con...Can't wait.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.

    Be happy

  11. Awww,cute pics,Rose! I'm sure the beard is just to protect that cute little face from the sun :)

  12. Very cute pictures. With this type of response to 2 guys walking a dog can you imagine what the reaction would be to a picture of one of them pushing a baby carriage?

    And I am not implying anything at all by that, just posing a question. There is just something about men and animals and kids. I guess it's because it shows the softer side.

  13. Every time I read you, I can't help drop a few tears of the emotion that you transmit with your words, it's beautiful! thanks! from paraguay.. I always read you .. Surely you're not imagine that someone in Paraguay (it's a country, if you don't knowed, haha) always read you .. I let you know now.. every post it's more beautiful than the last. kisses, bye!

  14. Awww Rose! Happy twirling, you really deserve it and I think we are all twirling with you. They look so happy to be together although we know of course, that Rob always looks this way when Kristen is around so imagine his joy at have Kristen and Tom with him. Can't wait for CC and everything it holds in store. Twirrrrrling!

  15. Hi everyone!

    Bear is too cute for words <3
    Rob and Tom look good too, lol.

    Can't wait for CC and the "bubble"...

    Happy twirling Rose!

  16. ROSE...You got your WISH!!!
    We are twirling again too...YAY!!!

    Daddy Rob, Uncle Tom and Bear...what can be better than that!? Well, Kristen along for the stroll too.

    Bring on the BUBBLE tomorrow!!


  17. Loving the pics of Tom, Rob and Bear and the post. But, green sheep thing doing my head in a bit now, what's it all about?

    I doubt that Rob can achieve the epic beardiness of Tom, although,
    I hope he'll give it a go.

  18. Rob are you walking Bear or is Bear walking YOU? lmfao

    Cute Pics!

    "Stalkaarazzi" still SUCK!

  19. Good afternoon Roseland!

    Those pics are great and I love that "Irie" T-shirt on Mr.P.......Feeling great I'm sure in life and love :)

    @DK: Thank you for posting the other UB40 song for me. :)

    I hope everyone is doing well.
    Air conditioning is my very, very best friend at the moment. Preparing myself for the real feel temps that will be between 100 -105 degrees, starting tomorrow and continuing through Saturday.

  20. Hi Annie!

    Yup here also 100 degrees by Tomorrow and Friday. Yes, I will be at the beach the first moment possible! lol

  21. Hi 30!
    There's not any relief at night either.
    Any body of water will work for me.

  22. Annie you are more than welcome too come down too the Jersey Shore and hang out with me and my daughter at the beach. :))

  23. This post was all kinds of giggly and cute! I knew as soon I saw those pics you would be all giddy and twirly Rose!

    Love CC, bubbles, puppies and beards!

  24. :)) Aww 30....That's really sweet of you. :))

  25. Yeaahh, those pics are too darn cute lol. Bear still has the long legged puppy thing going on, he's too stinnking cute lol. I notieced the pic where Rob noticed the photog, that's gotta suck. Having a nice walk with your friend and your puppy and, even though it looks like a very rural area..surprise there's a pap. They suck, but it was nice to see the pics. I am sooo excited for Comicon, I missed them not being there last year. Happy humpday everyone!

  26. I love you Rose, but I will never understand your love of Tom...

    These pictures are splendid though...


  27. Rose, couldn't wait to see your blog post today when those pics surfaced...walking Rob-with Tom... doesn't get any better!!

    Just reading your enthusiasm and joy made me giddy and twirly!

    This week is definitely looking up, if you can survive the "heat dome" (I guess heat wave wasn't impressive enough for the forecasters?) We're going to feel like 105 here tomorrow... Annie, if you decide not to join 30 at the Jersey Shore, you can join me and my daw out by the pool! :) I think we're growing gills here...

    Special shoutout to our lovely friends Gruff, Syd, and Smitty...keep smilin' :)

    HI to all in Roseland!

  28. :))Ah Kenzz.....I think I envy you and your growing gills! :))

  29. Yay! Walking pics, happy Rose, comic con, Robsten bubbles, what more can you ask for in life? LOL

  30. Hi Rose,

    Awww, this post is too cute. I'm twirling with you :)

    Thanks, again, for all you do <3

    Hi everyone, I hope it's been a good day.

  31. Hey Everyone!

    I am happy just 'cause they're happy!

    PL~Love the baby carriage thought...brought a big old smile to my face :)

    Annie~Keep cool...we are having a heatwave upstate as well. Anybody know about Saratoga Race Course where the thoroughbreds race?

  32. So nice to see all the happy here! New Shaggy and Scrappy pictures with the infamous Bear. It has been one hell of a July hasn't it and more to come...
    I love the captions with the CC pics. "Taylor who?", too cute.

    It remains hotter than Hades here in the midwest. My niece was at the local pool and said "Mom, I'm even sweating in the pool." Apparently the water is no longer refreshing. Stay cool,everyone!

  33. Hi Believe and Birdie,

    This heat is something isn't it? This is kind of gross but it is so hot that when I do the dog "clean up" the stuff is baked.

    I'm also constantly watering things outdoors, sometimes twice a day for the things in pots.

  34. im so happy you got your wish Rose. We can really feel how happy you are by your post :)

    one of my (not so)secret wish is a Rob, Kristen and Bear pic. That would be so cute and i know many of us wish it too. Bear is so cute and gotten so big and looks like he's walking Rob not the other way around, lol.

    Of the two, who is Scrappy and who is Shaggy? Maybe im late to know who is who.

    Have a happy Wednesday everyone! CC tomorrow, cant wait.

  35. @Rose
    Tra, la, la, la-ing along with you! The Trio in the pics, oh, my, oh, mio!

    Happy Hot As Hades Day, Everyone!


  36. Such a beautiful and happy post, Rose!

    Am still smiling, twirling and believing.

    Two wonderful friends and the cutest puppy ever having a great time together. So very nice.

  37. For Tom, Bearded Warrior

    Yes, Sir That's My Baby

    Lee Morse-1925:

    Who's that coming down the street?
    Who's that looking so petite?
    Who's that coming down to meet me here?

    Who's that you know who I mean,
    Sweetest "who" you've ever seen,
    I could tell him miles away from here.

    Yes sir, that's my baby
    No sir, I don't mean maybe
    Yes sir, that's my baby now

    Yes, ma'am, we've decided
    No ma'am, we won't hide it
    Yes, ma'am, you're invited now

    Oh by the way, oh by the way
    When we reach the preacher I'll say (with feeling!)

    Yes sir, that's my baby
    No sir, I don't mean maybe
    Yes sir, that's my baby now!

    Thank you/RReady555

  38. ROSE...The thing about Tom...with the isn't the is quite fine(you don't want to see my hubbys vacation beard)...its the glasses he had on and the want to be on auto twirl sounds like a wonderful place to be...sigh...I am having trouble accessing the internet on my laptop at the vacay house...bummer for ComicCon watching..don't know what I can get on this cell phone. We shall see.Hope everyone is having a good evening...FYI..2 hour wait for dinner tonight. Myrtle Beach is packed with folks...We haven't been here in July in many years...I will make sure NEVER AGAIN....October...that is the time to come....having a great time anyway...(HUGS). Gr

  39. Well look who's here! DK the DJ!!! Hugs to you dear DK! Would you just look at this word verif. Why must they be soooo long? Sessessio

  40. For Kris & Rob
    (Cause No One Else Has A Chance)

    Everybody Loves My Baby

    Boswell Sisters-1932:

    I'm as happy as a King/Queen,
    Feelin' good n' everything
    I'm just like a bird in Spring,
    Got to let it out.

    It's my sweetie, can't you guess?
    Wild about him/her, I'll confess!
    Does he/she love me?
    Oh my, yes!
    That's just why I shout

    Everybody loves my baby,
    But my baby don't love nobody but me.
    Nobody but me.

    Everybody wants my baby,
    But my baby don't want nobody but me
    That's plain to see.

    I am his/her sweet patootie
    And he/she is my lovin' man/gal,
    Knows how to do his/her duty,
    Loves me like no other can.

    That's why:
    Everybody loves my baby,
    But my baby don't love nobody but me.
    Nobody but me!

    He's/she's got a form
    Like Adonis/Venus,
    Honest, I ain't talkin' Greek!
    No one can come between us,
    She's my Sheba, I'm her Sheik.

    That's why:
    Everybody loves my baby,
    But my baby don't love nobody but me,
    Nobody but me!

    Thank you/RReady555

  41. @Super
    "Sessessio" only came up on word verf. to messessio with you, it's necessessio, you see?

    A 2 hour wait for dinner, and I would be soooo drunk! But then, the meal would be very cheap, since I wouldn't be eating much. Good deal in the end.

    October sounds like a lovely time to go there instead.

    Don't feel bad about Comic Con, if you miss it livestreaming. We'll watch it later on YT or talk about it somehow.

    I'll be out running around myself and will miss most of it for BD1 but hope to catch SWATH. If not, what can I do, besides shed a few thousand regretful tears?

    Then, very soon after, we'll both be so smiley, when we have seen it, thanks to our favos doing their own kinda things for us.

  42. Is anybody old enough to remember the original Scooby Doo cartoons where they eventually added "Scrappy Doo"??? The little dog companion to Scooby? BEAR can be Scrappy Doo!!!

  43. Here's a link to see, e his own wiki page!! LOL

  44. We've All Got One

    Beautiful Soul

    Jesse McCartney:

    I don't want another pretty face
    I don't want just anyone to hold
    I don't want my love to go to waste
    I want you and your beautiful soul

    I know that you are something special
    To you I'd be always faithful
    I want to be what you always needed
    Then I hope you'll see the heart in me

    You're the one I wanna chase
    You're the one I wanna hold
    I wont let another minute go to waste
    I want you and your beautiful soul

    You might need time to think it over
    But I'm just fine moving forward
    I'll ease your mind
    If you give me the chance
    I will never make you cry c`mon Let's try

    Am I crazy for wanting you?
    Maybe do you think you could want me too?
    I don't wanna waste your time
    Do you see things the way I do?
    I just wanna know that you feel it too
    There is nothing left to hide

    I want you and your soul
    I don't want another pretty face
    I don't want just anyone to hold
    I don't want my love to go to waste
    I want you and your beautiful soul

    Beautiful Soul, yeah
    Oooooo, yeah
    Your beautiful soul

    Thank you/Dandan199568

  45. Kisses Change Things Up

    Why Don't You Kiss Her

    Jesse McCartney:

    Were the best of friends
    And we share our secrets
    She knows everything
    That is on my mind

    Lately something's changed
    As I lie awake in my bed
    A voice here inside my head
    Softly says

    Why don't you kiss her
    Why don't you tell her
    Why don't you let her see
    The feelings that you hide

    She'll never know
    If you never show
    The way you feel inside

    Oh I'm so afraid to make that first move
    Just a touch and we
    Could cross the line

    And everytime she's near
    I wanna never let her go
    Confess to her what my heart knows
    Hold her close

    Why don't you kiss her
    Why don't you tell her
    Why don't you let her see
    The feelings that you hide

    She'll never know
    If you never show
    The way you feel inside

    What would she say
    I wonder would she just turn away
    Or would she promise me
    That she's here to stay
    It hurts me to wait
    I keep asking myself

    Why don't you kiss her (tell her you love her)
    Why don't you tell her (tell her you need her)
    Why don't you let her see
    The feelings that you hide

    She'll never know
    If you never show
    The way you feel inside...

    Thank you/pianisteee

  46. @lisajsien
    Thanks for the link, and the memories of Scooby doo. :)

  47. This quiet place is one of peace...

    Off to get my zzzzz's.

    Sweet dreams, Roselanders.

  48. Wonderful post Rose- full of smiles & lots of twirling... Which has become a favourite pastime:)

    Adore the pics of the gorgeous Rob, Tom & little Bear.. (pity about them being taken by the pappz- catch 22).

    Hope all are well & happy in Roseland.. And looking forward to the goodness that will be CC.

    Always enjoy reading all your comments- have been so busy lately, so it's been a challenge to get on!

    Thank you Rose for continuing to bring a smile to my face each time you write your blog :)

  49. Good morning all! It's Comicon Day. Let's hope for some fun times ......It's going to be 105 in the shade here today. Stay cool peeps, as always.


  50. Hi everyone,

    Love this post Rose!

    Aww this is the first time I have seen these pics. Super cuteness from the boys!! They look so happy and carefree and I love that. If Kris was in the middle of them that picture would be perfect :)

    I probably wont be here until next week as its my brothers wedding this weekend. Its in such a beautiful place, please send thoughts of sunshine over for me its rained all week so far!

    Hope you all have great weekends.

    Massive love to you all,

  51. Hi Liza - Praying for good weather for your brother, have a great time :)

  52. Hi Rose and Roselanders,
    Just enjoying the pics and tweets coming from CC2011.
    Love Robs new hair do....I'm anticipating all the new YT footage....Can't wait to get a chance to get a look in...
    Have a fab day y'all.
    From TiaMaria, lol , who else!, lol

  53. Hi Liza- Best wishes to your brother. I will be praying for sunshine. Have fun :)

    Hi everyone- I hope it's been a good day :)

  54. Thanks Angelica and Rhonda :)

    Just seen a few comic con pics....Kristen looks beautiful.


  55. My first impressions from the few interviews I have seen? Kristen looks beautiful, at ease and just happy. Taylor is sweet. Rob, that is some crazy hair, which in no way distracts from the handsomeness. They have all really grown, haven't they? I really love seeing them this way.
    I'll hope for sun. Have fun!

  56. DK to Rob & Kris-Thank You So Mucho

    With A Song In My Heart

    Jane Froman-1952:

    With a song in my heart
    I behold your adorable face
    Just a song at the start
    But it soon is a hymn to your grace

    When the music swells
    I'm touching your hand
    It tells that me
    You're standing nearby

    And at the sound of your voice
    Heaven opens it's portals to me
    Can I help but rejoice
    That a song such as ours came to be

    But I always knew
    I would live life through
    With a song in my heart for you

    Thank you/chargertom

  57. Done To A Turn by R & K!

    You Did It

    Rex Harrison/Robert Coote/Phillpa Bevans

    Tonight, old man, you did it!
    You did it! You did it!
    You said that you would do it,
    And indeed you did.

    I thought that you would rue it;
    I doubted you'd do it.
    But now I must admit it
    That succeed you did.

    You should get a medal
    Or be even made a knight.
    It was nothing.
    Really nothing.

    All alone you hurdled
    Ev'ry obstacle in sight.
    Now, wait! Now, wait!
    Give credit where it's due,
    A lot of the glory goes to you.

    But you're the one who did it,
    Who did it, who did it!
    As sturdy as Gibraltar,
    Not a second did you falter.

    There's no doubt about it,
    You did it! I must have aged a year tonight.
    At times I thought I'd die of fright.
    Never was there a momentary lull

    Shortly after we came in
    I saw at once we'd easily win;
    And after that I found it deadly dull.
    You should have heard the ooh's and ah's;
    Ev'ry one wondering who she was.

    You'd think they'd never seen a lady before.
    And when the Prince of Transylvania
    Asked to meet her,
    And gave his arm to lead her to the floor...!

    I said to him:
    You did it! You did it! You did it!
    They thought she was ecstatic
    And so damned aristocratic,
    And they never knew
    That you
    Did it!

    Thank Heavens for Zoltan Karparthy.
    If it weren't for him I would have died of boredom.
    He was there, all right. And up to his old tricks.
    That dreadful Hungarian?
    Was he there? Yes.

    That blackguard who uses the science of speech
    More to blackmail and swindle than teach;
    He made it the devilish business of his
    "To find out who this Miss Doolittle is."

    Ev'ry time we looked around
    There he was
    That hairy hound From Budapest.
    Never leaving us alone,
    Never have I ever known
    A ruder pest

    Fin'lly I decided it was foolish
    Not to let him have his chance with her.
    So I stepped aside and let him dance with her.
    Oozing charm from ev'ry pore
    He oiled his way around the floor.

    Ev'ry trick that he could play,
    He used to strip her mask away.
    And when at last the dance was done,
    He glowed as if he knew he'd won!

    And with a voice to eager,
    And a smile too broad,
    He announced to the hostess
    That she was a fraud! No!

    Ja wohl! Her English is too good, he said,
    Which clearly indicates that she is foreign.

    Whereas others are instructed in their native language
    English people aren't.

    And although she may have studied with an expert
    Di'lectician and grammarian,
    I can tell that she was born
    Not only Hungarian, but of royal blood,
    She is a princess!

    Professor Higgins, For your glorious victory!
    Congratulations, Professor Higgins!
    You'll be mentioned in history!

    Sing hail and hallelujah!
    Ev'ry bit of credit For it all belongs to you!

    This evening, sir, you did it!
    You did it! You did it!
    We know that we have said it,
    But-you did it and the credit
    For it all belongs to you!

    Thank you/leporello56

  58. Only posting two songs tonight, ones that express my absolute delight with Rob, Kristen and Taylor, and all they gave us at the BD1 Comic Con panels today. Happy day!

    So, I'm off to bed and look forward to reading everyone's comments.

    Maybe we'll have another brilliant Rose post to toast!


  59. Good morning Roseland!

    It's 5:30 AM and already 85 degrees here (real feel 96)!

    Many great images from BD1 at Comic-con 2011. :)

    Liza.......Hoping for great weather for you brother's wedding.

    Have a cool day everybody.

  60. Good Morning! It's been a long week, so ready for the weekend!

    Liza- Thinking happy sunshiny thoughts for your brother's wedding. Have fun!

    For those of you with all the HOT weather, I hope the temps get cooler quickly.

    Rhonda- Enjoy the vacay!

    Still catching up with all the CC goodies. One thing for sure, I'm so happy that we could actually hear their answers this year!

    Hope to pop in later. Have a great day everyone!

  61. Morning!

    Comic Con was fantastic yesterday!
    Kristen was on top of her game. She looked beautiful in her peek-a-boo her effortless style.
    Rob was his adorable self!

    Rose...Looking forward to your Comic Con thoughts...hopefully we will hear from you today!

    Liza...wishing you and your family a wonderful weekend as you celebrate your brother's wedding! travels to SC! Have a blast!

    Hi Melinda, Annie, DK and all! Have a great day.

  62. Sorry but I just had to leave a comment on Rob's hair.

    At first I was like ''WTF ROB!!??''

    But the more I look at it the more I actually like it. LOL

    Only he would leave his hair like that or at the least not cover it up for a public appearance. LOL


  64. Thank you Katy! :)

    It's 101 degrees here at 5:00PM BUT that Bel Ami trailer is much hotter!

    I read the book and from the trailer, it seems they got it right. Hope it opens here soon.

    Hello everybody.

  65. @ katy

    Thank you so much!!!!

    This is THE movie I've been waiting for and I'm nearly speechless at the moment.

    Rob's acting in just that short teaser was brilliant. I'm so proud of him, so so proud.

    Not long to wait now.

  66. Hi all,

    From the pics and interviews I was able to see, Comic Con was great. Kristen looked beautiful and so confident. Rob was funny, and handsome as ever...haphazard hair and all. Taylor, well, I'm continually impressed by him. I think he's a really good guy.

    Hope & Melinda- Thanks for the good wishes. I leave later this weekend. Still don't have one thing ready to go :)

    I hope everyone has enjoyed a nice day so far.


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.