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Are you looking at me? Yeah... I am. |
Hi George--
It's been a helluva week for me.
"Real life" stuff.
(yeah... my fake life is just peachy)
I don't make a habit of discussing my personal life
on a Robert/Kristen/Tom Intoxication blog.
So we will leave it at helluva.
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"That's my hand on his chest. Mine. He IS mine." |
So George...
What is there to talk about?
Not much.
Soho sightings?
NYC sightings?
People picking and choosing on what they
want to believe.
Typical day in the neighborhood.
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?
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Ha.Ha.Ha.Ha. |
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Kristen likes touching Rob's thigh... doesn't she? |
So what else, George?
Rob and Kristen are enjoying their down time
And honestly George...
If people were SO certain that
Rob and Kristen were just a showmance...
Why do they get so damn angry all the time?
Why so bitter?
I know why George...
Because they KNOW the truth.
They hide behind excuses and rationalizations
but you know how it goes, George
Robert and Kristen
End Up
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Really funny. REALLY funny. |
And finally George...
The news of the day.
It made these lyrics go thru my head
all damn day...
I couldn't stop it...
In the shower.
Drying my hair.
Doing laundry...
While I was cooking dinner.
It wouldn't go away
I can think of younger days when living for my life
Was everything a man could want to do.
I could never see tomorrow,
I was never told about the sorrow.
And how can you mend a broken heart?
How can you stop the rain from falling down?
How can you stop the sun from shining?
What makes the world go round?
How can you mend this broken man?
How can a loser ever win?
Please help me mend my broken heart and let me live again.
What do you think George?
Too sappy for even me?
OK it's really not THAT dramatic...
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This was sent to me. Thank You. |
Thomas Sturridge.
It's pretty common knowledge how I adore him.
So when the news broke that
Sienna Miller was pregnant
And Tom was the father...
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I like this one... He's smiling. |
Can you imagine what went through my head?
Can you?
It's not that I thought he was mine, George...
I'm not delirious...
But I often thought he and Sienna were an odd couple.
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I will always love you, Thomas. |
Some people expect me to hate on Sienna.
But that's not going to happen.
I won't be starting a NonEnna forum
to trash her everyday.
I will admit to being indifferent to Sienna
up to now...
But I understand what she sees in him.
I get why she wants to be with him.
He's Tom.
And now they are going to have a baby...
So all I can say is
If Tom is happy...
Than I'm happy.
Isn't that what matters, George?
If you adore someone...
You want them to find happiness...
And love.
And all that goes with it.
I hope Tom has found that.
I really do.
So that's where I stand today, George.
I really don't have anything to complain about in my life.
I have a family who loves me.
Friends who put up with me.
And two incredible sons.
Who are beautiful and smart and perfect.
Life is good.
Rob and Kristen are happy and in love
And together.
And Tom is happy.
It will be OK.
I promise.
This post is brought to you by one of my favorite
sayings ever...
1 – 200 of 356 Newer› Newest»"If you adore someone...
You want them to find happiness...
And love."
Perfectly said!
It is with Rob and Kristen and it is with Tom.
I'm with you Rose...
Sienna is kinda indifferent to me but after all i'm no one to have the right to have any opinion on someone i don't even know and never searched info about or seen interviews or read bio or anything like that.
As long as Tom is happy, I'm happy for him :)
Many congratulations to the new-parents-to-be!
Hi Rose,
I hope you have a better week next week. I’m sure things will look up.
Wherever Rob and Kristen are, I hope they are well and happy and enjoying their down time.
Congratulations to Tom and Sienna on their happy news. I wish them all the best.
Hi to Fio and all the other regulars.
Have a good day all. Stay well.
Hoping next week will be better for you Rose!
Congratulations to Tom and Sienna - their baby sure will be beautiful :)
Is it just me or is there something sort of sacrilegious about Mr. Rodgers giving the finger??? hahaha
Congrats to the parents to be! What a special time for them! There's just nothing like it. I wish them all the best.
Love to all my buds! Hope we can chat soon. xoxo
Sorry you had a helluva kind of week, Rose...hope the next one is better.
Wishing Tom and Sienna much joy, love and happiness as they begin one of the most wonderful adventures there is. :)
Happy weekend everyone...take care out there!! <3
Hi Rose,
Sorry for your tough week. I hope things get better soon-((Hugs))
Congratulations to Tom and Sienna- I wish them nothing but the best!
Hi everyone :)
Oh Fio - I meant to tell you that you did another great job on your new video. Kristen looked so young in it.
Hi to Leni, dottie, Kay and Rhonda.
Rose, I hope RL gets better for you very soon and that next week is helluva good! Sending good thoughts your way. ((hugs))
Hi Fio, Freddie, Leni, Kay, Rhonda, and anyone else who might pop in!
Hi Freddie- I hope you're doing well :)
Hi Fio, Leni, dottie, Kay, and anyone I missed..
Hi Fio, Freddie, Dottie, Kay & Rhonda :)
Sorry if I missed anyone!
Nice post! We haven't seen george in awhile :)
I think its awesome that Rob & Kristen haven't been photographed, they can go about their lives as normal as possible and enjoy themselves. I would imagine it feels great to just be home for them!
I hope Tom is happy! Congrats to him & Sienna. I would imagine its probably a scary, nervous, yet also happy and exciting time for them!
And Dottie.. No! The button down sweaters & loafers are all a facade! Mr. Rogers was actually pretty badass! He was a military sniper & had tattoos all over his arms.
Hi Groovie! I kind of like the image of Mr Rodgers as a bad ass! haha
Rose, sorry you've not had a great week.I hope things improve quickly,it's always good to count our blessings but it doesn't make the crappy stuff any less so while you're going through it.
Babies are always a blessing and I wish Tom and Sienna every happiness :)
It's great that Rob and Kristen are manage to stay largely under the radar,lets hope they continue to have a happy,peaceful and pap free existence for as long a possible.
I hope everyone's having a good weekend so far :)
Emilia- Sorry I missed you this morning. I hope you've enjoyed a good day with your friends. If things ever slow down, we'll talk cooking, okay?
Dottie- Did you get any of the snow?
Dear Rose,
Hoping you have a much better week ahead! ((Hugs))
So glad that Rob and Kristen have been successful ninjas. May they continue to have as much private time as possible out of the public eye to relax, have fun, work on their own projects, take care of business, enjoy their family, friends and of course, each other.
Wishing Tom and Sienna every happiness possible.
Have a wonderful evening dear Roselanders and a lovely rest of the weekend.
Hugs for y'all.
Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.
Life is good.
Hi Angelica :)
Hi Olivia- Sorry, I didn't mean to leave you out :)
Hi Rhonda,
A big **wave** and a ((hug)). Hope all is well with you.
Just a quick pass through this evening. Take care!
Hi Angelica, Rhonda, and Olivia!
Rhonda, No snow here, dagnabit! Did you get some???
Hi dottie,Rhonda and Olivia :)
Dottie- Yes, we did. Not a lot, but it was pretty :)
Angelica- I like the new avi :)
Angelica, Before I go I have to ask about your avi. Looks like another funny story!
Thanks Rhonda!
dottie - it was taken on New Year's Day,"someone" was hungover and went to sleep on Ellis's sofa, she wasn't giving in!
Hello Rose and Roselanders,
I hope you are all well and enjoying 2012! I'm sad that Rose's week was not good. If the world was fair and just and good, Rose would have nothing but beautiful days full of love and adoration. I certainly hope things are better immediately and stay that way forever.
I like George-he looks like someone that you could talk to quite comfortably. I would settle in with him for a chat. I would tell him how an incredible friendship can carry someone through the most turbulent of times. How when your heart touches another's, in a way that is pure and good and completely honest, well, that changes both of you forever. It bends and changes how you view the world and its rare George...really very rare. So if it happens to me (and it has) I think that I should be happy for the smiles and laughter and love and understanding for those mean more than the pain and sadness that happens when things change.
Anyway, thanks for listening George. You are a very lucky dog.
Hi Rose, Hi George, great post as usual. I really miss Rob and Kristen but I know they are having a wonderful time just being together.
Like you, I have mixed feelings about Sienna, but love Tom. I do wish them every happiness with the new baby.
Sorry you have had a bad week Rose, mine has been pretty bad also. Here's hoping next week is much better.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Now I know you are delusional. You honestly believe Sienna is pregnant? Really? Come On Rose, you have to be more intelligent than this. I think you people will believe anything. Perhaps maybe, just maybe they got engaged, but a baby? Rose, stop believing in everything you read. Hollywood Life, Ted Casablanca, and US magazine are bogus Rose...They are journalist/Blogger posers Rose...See the well is dry, and they need to make up some BS stories to get people interested again...I mean they posted that Kristen and Rob were spending NYE on the IOW, and then it was at the Pailhouse, and then they were at a friends... Then they were seen at Soho eating an ice cream sundae, so that means Kristen is preggers too...LMAO!!! That is funnier and even less likely to ever be true... Geesh so much BS going around it's getting deeper than the manure ponds from the dairy farm around the corner...Fact is no one knows a damn thing. It's all speculation...I know your saying they are always together or end up together blah blah blah, but really come on...Yeah you all like your little bubble Rob Kristen, Tom and Sienna sitting around drinking virgin Mojitos...
Syd- You are a true friend. Anyone would be lucky to call you as such. I hope you are happy and well :)
I was wondering what we'd hear from you on this, Rose, knowing how you feel about Tom! Nicely said!
Enjoy your weekend, Roseland!
Rose, i hope things get better next week! hard times happen but it's almost a good thing thinking of how relaxed we can be when they go away... if this makes any sense...
Freddie- thanks :)
I must agree! everytime i watch Twilight i'm shocked by how young they both look there.
Hi Leni, Dottie, Kay, Rhonda, groovie, Angelica, olivia, Barbara, CynicallyMe :) Oh no wait... i was supposed to leave that out...
Syd- beautiful words :) glad to find you in such a good mood :)
Angelica, I knew there was a cute story to go along w/that avi!
Rhonda, I'm jealous of your snow. Maybe next time we'll get some as well.
Syd, You're very sweet. :)
Syd - What a great way of looking at things. I'd say you're a pretty incredible friend yourself,you're one of the most fiercely loyal,protective people I've ever come across.That's an amazing combination.
Angelica- So I take it Ellis doesn't like to share? LOL
Rhonda - No she does not!! LOL
Angels- awww she looks so sweet in there!
About a month ago we took another dog with us... she's a pincher/jack russel ibrid. I can't even tell you what she's capable of....such a truble-maker lol
It was supposed to be Angelica*... don't know where Angels came from haha
Babies are a blessing should always be cause for congratulations, but children means more than congratulations, but a commitment from both sides ... father and mother committed to be "together" and happy for this child and with this child ... So, my wish by heart is that Tom and Sienna are happy for this child and committed with this child. Children are happy everlasting bond .
Congratulations and happiness for Tom, Sienna and baby!
Rose loved your post, sensitive, direct, honest ... spoke to my heart.
George is always a good listener and friend.
Life is good.
A big hug to you sweet Rose.
Great Sunday for everyone in Roseland
Hi Fio & Wania :)
Angelica- well, she certainly lays claim to her territory ;)
Well said wania :)
have a good day Roseland!
I'm on my way to the bed-
Thanks for the post, great as usual. I hope you get to enjoy the weekend. I'm happy for Tom and Sienna, they seem happy together. I'm glad Rob and Kristen are out doing fun things, hopefully people leave alone.
Rose- I'm sorry your week has been miserable. I hope things ease up soon for you.
Great post. I was not expecting Mr. Rodgers flipping the bird! That gave me a good laugh.
Syd- You make me smile even when what you are saying isn't directed to me. Hope things are well with you.
Hope everyone else is having a lovely weekend so far...
Syd - You have a wonderful way with words. Next time I have a drink I'll be raising one to you and yours xxx.
Sweet Rose...your words moved me to tears.. you express yourself beautifully.
This quote especially....
I didn't come here to tell you that I can't live without you.
I can live without you.
I just don't want to...
Rose you are loved..It's OBVIOUS!
I hope your week gets better.
TO Tom & Sienna congratulations.
HI to all.
So happy Rob & Kristen have not been seen. :)
DK- it's been a while but wondering if you could 'play' a song for Rose.
"Paper Aeroplane" by the lovely Angus and Julia Stone. Thanks :)(Only if you have time!)
Bye for now.
For Our Lovely Rose
It's A Lovely Day Tomorrow
Frank Sinatra:
It's a lovely day tomorrow
Tomorrow is a lovely day
Come and feast your tear-dimmed eyes
On tomorrow's clear blue skies
If today your heart is weary
If every little thing looks gray
Just forget your troubles
And learn to say
Tomorrow is a lovely day
Thank you/philsmusic1000
Hello, so happy to hear from you!
Was just posting a song for Rose and will do your request next.
To Rose From Tigerlily
Paper Aeroplane
Angus & Julia Stone
I spilled the ink across the page trying to spell your name
So I fold it up and I flick it out
Paper Aeroplane
It wont fly the seven seas to you
Cause It didn't leave my room
But it awaits the hands of someone else
The garbage man
Got to say mmm mmm mmm
So he opens it up and reads it out to all his friends
Amongst the crowd a heart will break and a heart will mend
He walks on home tired from work
The letter falls from his hand
He reaches out only to catch the sky
It's gone with the wind
I spilled the ink across the land
Trying to spell your name
UP and down there it goes
Paper Aeroplane
It hasn't flown the seven seas to you
But it's on it's way
It goes through the hands
Then to someone else
To find you girl
Thank you/MrDekstroza
What Is Joined Remains
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
The Hollies:
The road is long
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows when
But I'm strong
Strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
So on we go
His welfare is of my concern
No burden is he to bear
We'll get there
For I know
He would not encumber me
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
If I'm laden at all
I'm laden with sadness
That everyone's heart
Isn't filled with the gladness
Of love for one another
It's a long, long road
From which there is no return
While we're on the way to there
Why not share
And the load
Doesn't weigh me down at all
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
He's my brother
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
Thank you/lmj22
Nitecap time or a toddy.
For Syd The StoutHearted
Reflections Of My Life
The changing of sunlight to moonlight
Reflections of my life
Oh how they fill my eyes
The greetings of people in trouble
Reflections of my life
Oh how they fill my eyes
Oh my sorrows
Sad tomorrows
Take me back to my own home
Oh my crying (Oh my crying)
Feel I'm dying, dying
Take me back
to my own home
The changing of sunlight to moonlight
Reflections of my life
Oh how they fill my eyes
I'm changing, arranging,
I'm changing,
I'm changing everything
Everything around me
The changing of sunlight to moonlight
Reflections of my life
Oh how they fill my eyes
The world is a bad place
A bad place
A terrible place to live
Oh but I don't want to die
Oh my sorrows
Sad tomorrows
Take me back to my own home
Oh my crying (Oh my crying)
Feel I'm dying, dying
Take me back
Thank you/SeaOvJapan
Hi Rose and Roseland,
As always, hoping wherever Rob and Kristen are, that they are happy and enjoying their time and I hope that able to stay under the radar.
And congratulations to Tom and Sienna!! I wish them all the best.
Take care everyone
I always found Mr. Roger's show pretty weird, but that picture made me smile(probably photoshopped,smiled nonetheless).
I continue to wish Kristen and Rob a lovely time off together. They are really masters at remaining away from prying eyes.
I hope this is a better week for you!
I understand why you love the way Rose writes, but you have quite a way with words yourself!
Birthday week. WooHoo!
Onward and forward!
For Birdie In Moonlight
Van Morrison:
Well, it's a marvelous night for a moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes
A fantabulous night to make romance
'Neath the cover of October skies
And all the leaves on the trees are fallin'
To the sound of the breezes that blow
An' I'm trying to please to the callin'
Of your heart strings that play soft and low
And all the nights magic seems to whisper and hush
And all the soft moonlight seems to shine in your blush
Can I just have one more moondance with you, my love?
Well, I wanna make love to you tonight
I can't wait 'til the morning has come
And I know now the time is just right
And straight in to my arms you will run
And when you come, my heart will be waiting
To make sure that you're never alone
There and then, all my dreams will come true, dear
There and then, I will make you my own
And every time I touch you, you just tremble inside
And I know how much you want me that you can't hide
Can I just have one more moondance with you, my love?
Well, it's a marvelous night for a moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes
A fantabulous night to make romance
'Neath the cover of October skies
And all the leaves on the trees are falling
To the sound of the breezes that blow
And I'm trying to please to the calling
Of your heart strings that play soft and low
And all the nights magic seems to whisper and hush
And all the soft moonlight seems to shine in your blush
Can I just have one more moondance with you, my love?
One more moon dance with you
In the moon light, on a magic night
All the moon light, on a magic night
Can I just have one more moondance
With you, my love?
Thank you/Sunsong23
The day is dawning, and I'm yawning. Takin' five to revive.
Peace out to Rose, Roselanders, Smitty, Gruff and Sir Syd.
ROSE....(((((HUGS))))....I loved the post....It was the perfect blend of light humor and profound sorrow...From what I have observed from the peanut gallery, a special friendship developed. It will last a lifetime. Life will bring a shift in priorities and responsibilities, but true love and respect will never die. This is a wonderful thing that has happened...Tom and Sienna...I hope all goes well!
SYD...I love you! Your comment was perfection....
Point 9 "don't feed the Beast" done and dusted, nice job everyone!!
Congrats to Tom and Sienna, the excitement of expecting your first baby is fantastic I hope they are enjoying every minute of the experience xxx
Hope everyone is having a great Sunday, I'm just going out for a good walk to work of a big lunch/11
Good morning Roseland! I didn't have a moment to post yesterday as 5 15 year old boys had taken over my house! They were quite nice actually, my son and his friends, so we survived the onslaught without antsy damage, except to our food supply. 15 year old bots eat a lot!!!
Anyway, I am just so happy for Tom and sienna. Babies are such welcome news, and I know someone as sweet as Tom truly seems to be will be a wonderful father. I wish them both, and their baby, all the best! Parenting is not for the feint hearted, but I believe they deserve all the happiness children bring. I adore my two sons, and all their stinky, food consuming friends! May Tom and Sienna have all that and more as they embark on this new chapter of their lives...
Much love to you all!
Sorry for the typos and mistakes in that post. I'm on my iPad, and autocorrect is a bitch!
Thank you for the song. How did you know? One of my favorites!
Bless you Syd,
You are a lovely, eloquent and sensitive person. I truly wish you and yours the very best that life has to offer.
Syd - wonderfully said!
DK - thanks for the Van Morrison song <3
Have a great day everyone :)
Just have to give a heartfelt congratulations to Tom and Sienna on their upcoming blessed event! Life as you know it will never be the same, but in the best way possible.
Also, my partner in crime, Tracy, sends along congratulations and best wishes.
We are Snoopy dancing at the news.
Once again, congratulations and good luck. :o)
Hello Roseland!
Beautiful post.
I remember you telling us that Smitty made Gruff more than happy. I'm so glad you got some of that yourself now.
Your baby will be a cutie-patootie, just like you, and I know you will be a great dad!
Luck and Happiness to you both.
wow rose this is news! a baby , hmm i'm kinda indifferent to tom but he's a great friend of rob so i'm happy for him and her (her...i guess everyone makes mistakes and i hope this new happening means she's finally made the right choice and is with the right person for her)
don't know what's up with rob, but i dreamed of him, very random and platonic of course! i've always thought since i first heard him speak that rob must be a great friend to hang around with!
lastly that pic of kristen with her hand on her chest makes me smile ,who wouldnt be smug in her place!
ps: i started reading "bel-ami" in french a few days ago that might explain the dream hmm, its really great, georges is such a interesting character, i'm amazed at how women are falling all over him like flies , the best part is i'm totally picturing rob as him!
Rose, hope your week gets better in RL... thanks for the sweet post!
Congrats to Tom & Sienna- may you be blessed in your lives...
Smitty & Gruff: Hope you're staying out of trouble! :)
And to Syd: what a gracious, wonderful person you continue to demonstrate yourself to be! <3
Happy Sunday!
Phone probs, again. Soon over.
You're welcome. Aren't you a moon goddess?
So good to see you on here! Take care.
Wishing Tom and Sienna every happiness!
May they enjoy the wonder and excitement that each day brings.
Fatherhood will be the greatest "role" of Tom's life.
He will be an awesome dad indeed.
Rose...sending you a hug. YOU deserve the best. Here's to a better week.
Rose I hope things work out for you. You deserve the best.
"Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day." - Author Unknown.
Congratulations to Tom and Sienna! Good luck with the little one.
Robsten Angel/robertpattinsonblogspot.
Delightful Rob interview.
No one's gonna rain on his parade!
Come And Get Your Happiness
Shirley Temple:
Why are grown up peoples faces
Wrinkled like a lot of prunes
Money money that's what chases them
Around like crazy loon's
I think they make a big mistake
Wealth and happiness that counts
Are free to all in large amounts
There's millions worth of golden sunbeams
That everybody can possess
All Gods children got success
Come and get your happiness
There's billions worth of silver moonbeams
Enough for everyone I guess
What's a million more or less
Come and get your happiness
Among the wildwood of your happy childhood
Where you were Jill's and Jack
In raggy britches there's a lot of riches
On which you don't pay any income tax
So get under their blue heaven
Away from trouble and distress
Just find Mother Nature's address
And come and get your happiness
Thank you/sarahluvsshirley
Good Monday Morning Roseland,
Hope you all are well!
Rose~I'm glad you have George to talk to.
Rob and Kristen~Enjoy you R & R!
Shouting out to Freddie! We haven't talked in a loonnngggg time :)
A baby for Tom wow I know babies r adorable n alot of work so thats really cool! Dreamer it's almost ur birthday lol partying already? Hahaha I been its been too much party for me n lol if u have to work lol u shouldn't but it's been fun lol till I got in trouble lol there's this spot I love n hahaha I swear we opened n closed the joint lol I had to get picked up n he was NOT happy lol okay I gotta go work work work lol hope ur all having a good day
Just seeing this...I was def living my RL this weekend! GREAT post Rose!!! Hi everyone I hope everyone is good!
Hope we get to see Rob for more than 30 sec at the PCA's!!!
IB!!!!!!! (((HUGS))) to you. Thanks so much for the shout out. It’s really appreciated. I miss chatting and hope that all is well with you and the family, and that you’ve had a great start to the New Year. We’ll have to schedule a chat….
perhaps we can all do colour commentary during the People Choice Awards on Wednesday which will make waiting for a glimpse of Rob bearable. Let me know…. In the interim, take care.
DK – early Happy Birthday. Eat, drink and be merry. Kick up your heels and have a great time, as somehow I imagine only you can. Have a wonderful birthday tomorrow and may the good times continue throughout the year. (Now imagine your favourite singer singing “Happy Birthday to You” to you).
We have got to have a party and soon! We have so much to celebrate. Happy New Year to you FREDDIE!
DK...IN case I miss you FGM...HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS tomorrow!!! This time tomorrow, you will be celebrating with family...raise a glass to your friends at ROSELAND!
Good Night ALL....
I am joining Emilia, Freddie and all of Roseland
in sending DK warm wishes for a most wonderful Happy Birthday! Enjoy the day dear DK and continue your month long celebration with family and friends.
Am passing a pitcher of Sangría around and have some tapas for y'all to enjoy. Chocolate birthday cake at midnight.
Here are some of those famous singers to serenade you while you celebrate.
First, Carole King.....
The Beatles...
and Jimi H......
Hugs for you DK. So happy that you are our FGM and Roseland DJ. May the coming year be your very happiest ever!
Hugs for y'all.
Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.
Life is good!
Oh, and joining Super too!
: )
**Waves** and ((hugs))
First day back at college!
Had a wonderful day, and I hope everyone else did too
Stay classy ladies!
Hi Super and Olivia - Belated Happy New Year as well. I hope you are both well.
Olivia - you certainly covered all bases with your selection of artists/songs. Well done..LOL.
Teeth - continued good luck with your studies.
Good morning!
DK! Happy Birthday to you!
Today is YOUR day! Enjoy a lot! Celebrate with joy, hugs, much love, lots of gifts and all the best for you!
Health, success and happiness always! I adore you, my friend! Lots of hugs!
Happy Birthday DK!!!!
Have a marvelous day!!!
For Dear Roselanders From DK
Strawberry Swing
They were sitting
They were sitting on the strawberry swing
Every moment was so precious
They were sitting
They were talking under strawberry swing
Everybody was for fighting
Wouldn't wanna waste a thing
Cold, cold water bring me round
Now my feet won't touch the ground
Cold, cold water what ya say?
When it's such…
It's such a perfect day
It's such a perfect day
I remember
We were walking up to strawberry swing
I can't wait until the morning
Wouldn't wanna change a thing
People moving all the time
Inside a perfectly straight line
Don't you wanna curve away?
When it's such…
It's such a perfect day
It's such a perfect day
Now the sky could be blue
I don't mind
Without you it's a waste of time
Could be blue
I don’t mind
Without you it’s a waste of time
Could be blue,
Could be grey
Without you I’m just miles away
Could be blue
I don’t mind
Without you it’s a waste of time
Thank you/emimusic
Good morning everyone. How are you all?
Peeking in to wish DK the most wonderful day.
Have a beautiful day.
Happy Birthday!
Cheers and best wishes. :)
Happy birthday dreamer! Hope ur day is full of happy n lots of love! Have fun
Today I am 26 or the reverse! Happy to Be.
I thank you Olivia, Super, Freddie, Hope, Em, Wania, and everyone, for any kind wishes, songs, gifts, cards, letters, poems, twirls, toasts, and thoughts, that you may have sent me or even might have held in mind. All are appreciated and felt by and in this sappy, sillybilly soul.
@Em & Annie
Cheers! Thanks, lovelies. Don't want to sleep, because I'm so happy to be alive and awake!
Happy Birthday, DK!
Wish you all the best :)
Morning Dk!
I understand not wanting to sleep. :)
I hope you're having great weather for your birthday.
You're sweet, and I'm glad you liked the Morrison song.
Mornin' to you! The weather here is surreal, being quite warm, no snow, so we're all in wonderland. How's it in NYC?
I hope you have a wonderful birthday tonight with those you love. Just know we love you,too. You were the first person to welcome me here in Roseland, as you have many others. You remain our amazing FGM!
Happy Birthday DK, have a wonderful day!
I did myself a great favor, meeting you and so many others. Pure selfishness, pure joyfulness. <3
For All
My Best To You
Joni Mitchell:
So here's to you
May your dreams come true
May old father time
Never be unkind
And through the years
Save your smiles and your tears
They're just souvenirs
They'll make music in your heart
Remember this
Each new day is a kiss
Sent from up above
With an angel's love
So here's to you
May your skies be blue
And your love blessed
That's my best to you
Thank you/sherrylynn70
Happy Birthday, DK!
Have a lovely day :)
Wishing DK a very happy Birthday xxoo I hope you have a great day!
Happy Birthday DK!! I hope you have a fantastic day!
To everyone else, hope the week has started out well for you. I read that Rob will be attending the PCA's. Lucky him. I'm sure he is thrilled.
Freddie- It would be nice to catch up soon. I should be around tomorrow night if anyone else will be.
Okay off to get ready for work. Have a great day!
DK- wishing the resident DJ & FGM of Roseland a very Happy Birthday!
I hope you have a wonderful, fun filled birthday with your friends & family .
It is always a pleasure to read your posts & 'listen' to your songs.
You help to make this a welcoming place to visit!
Here's Cheers Dreamer :)
@Rhonda, ali mac, & Melinda
You're so charmingly kind to say so!
Now, since I can't seem to sleep nor should I take a shot of whisky to try, I'll go down to the community room and have some breakfast instead.
Will check back in much later, well fed and well rested, ready to rock!
Cheers to you. I'm pleased you are, too.
Happy Birthday sweet DK! I am so glad I checked in. I would have hated to miss your special day! I hope it is as wonderful a day as YOU are!
Happy Birthday, dear DK! Hope you have lots of fun today.
Waves to all the regs!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy, DK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you have a great day and that all your wishes come true!!
Just stopping by to wish our beautiful Fairy Godmother, DK, a glorious birthday, full of family, friends, & fun! Hoping those of us in Roseland help to fill your special day with warmth, and that your day of celebrations ends with sweet dreams...
Enjoy your week, my friends!
Hugs to Rose, Smitty, Gruff, and Syd <3
Happy Birthday DK!
I hope you have a very special and wonderful day. I think you are the unofficial Roseland welcome committee because you are always so kind to anyone new.
It's a mild and sunny day on my side of the lake so I hope you are experiencing the same.
Happiest of days to you DK! I will raise a glass of champage in your honor!
Happy Birthday DK!!!!
Wishing you the most wonderful day with your friends and family!
WOW, another year has gone by.
Wishing you the "BEST" birthday, ever.
Kick up your heels, little mama.
hey there just popped in for a second; sorry haven't been around. it is a long nightmarish story that will have to wait
but 3 things: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DK
i finally have everything worked out medically speaking: just like new
and i am back at work and super busy
and my old school got their ass kicked last night
ok that was 4 things
DK...I would say "I,m SEXTY TWO today! Happy Birthday to Me!!!". You can be inspiration for all the young posters on the blog. (those under the age of ..50...ahem)....which I suspect is most of us...(except for me...haha)
Happy Tuesday Everybody!
Robert, welcome back! You've been missed, and worried about... Glad to hear things are looking up (well, except for the game yesterday)!
Swing by Roseland again when life settles down a bit for you...
Hola Roseland!
DK~Wishing you the best b-day ever!
Freddie~Yes, Wednesday will work for me...I have to pick up daw from cheer practice but will be home around 9PM EST.
Happy Birthday DK! You bring music to this place and make it a wonderful home for so many people. I hope the year ahead bring you nothing but love and happiness.
Happy Birthday DK!!
Happy crazy-busy Tuesday Roseland! :)
Good grief! I just accidentally posted on the Jan 5th blog. Rose will think I've lost my mind!
Rumor has it there's to be a Roseland chat fest tomorrow night during the
PCAS. Great idea, Freddie! I hope lots of the regs can come.
DK, I can't wait to know what you did to celebrate your special day. :)
Happy birthday DK, Roselands wonderful Fairy Godmother!
Happy Birthday DK!
I wish you nothing but the best on your special day.
Robert - That news has made my day. xxx
Your Wishes Came True For Me Tonight!
There was...
Dancing In The Moonlight
King Harvest:
We get it on most every night
When that old moon gets so big and bright
It's a supernatural delight
Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody here is out of sight
They don't bark, and they don't bite
They keep things loose, they keep things light
Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight
Dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody's feelin' warm and right
It's such a fine and natural sight
Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight
We like our fun and we never fight
You can't dance and stay uptight
It's a supernatural delight
Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight
Dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody's feelin' warm and right
It's such a fine and natural sight
Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody here is out of sight
They don't bark, and they don't bite
They keep things loose, they keep things light
Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight
Dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody's feelin' warm and right
It's such a fine and natural sight
Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight
Dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody's feelin' warm and right
It's such a fine and natural sight
Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight
Lovely words, songs, lyrics. Carole's new song, Frank's old, The Beatles cuteness and the Hendrix, couldn't be beaten for celebrating. So thoughtful!
The finest of results for you, and to share with us! Post some of your tunes.
Made my day even better, razz man.
We all make wonderful, as we can. You have for me today, too.
A chat fest on Wednesday to get over the hump? Let's boogie.
Tonight was so sweet, even beyond that, achingly so. Not enough words. Well, I have a few bits to share:
Great filet Lard Nar, Fuji Appletinis, more 'tinis, Immense Chocolate Cake shared by 3 meant for 6, a call from my son & future DIL from aboard a submarine in Pearl Harbor, cards from family, time with old friends, a pearl marcasite ring from my daw, voice mails and those special wishes from you all. My cup runneth over.
My Cup Runneth Over With Love
Ed Ames:
Sometimes in the mornin' when shadows are deep
I lie here beside you just watching you sleep
And sometimes I whisper what I'm thinking of
My cup runneth over with love
Sometimes in the evening when you do not see
I study the small things you do constantly
I memorize moments that I'm fondest of
My cup runneth over with love
In only a moment we both will be old
We won't even notice the world turning cold
And so, in these moments with sunlight above
My cup runneth over with love
With love
Thank you/kw9999kw
My heartfelt thanks to:
Rose, Smitty, Gruff, Syd, Bren, Super, Gwen, Birdie, SJ, Wania, Em, Olivia, Freddie, angelica1, Dottie, IB, PL, Hope, Annie, Rhonda, ali mac, Melinda, Tiger, Leni, Manjen, Kenzz, Sydney, katy, Robert, ADD, marjorie1211, Kay, BoogiewithStew, Kami and anyone else that I may have missed.
Until we meet again,
Your very own DJ/FGM.
Happy birthday DK!
you are one of the nicest and most caring woman i've ever met in this crazy fandom.
Hope you have a great day and all you wish! <3
Happy birthday DK!!!
Yes, Dottie, let's meet up during the PCA's:)
Syd~You have such a way with words and always know just the right thing to say~
Have a wonderful hump day everyone!
Good morning!
@DK: The lyrics to that Ed Ames song are beautiful.
Thank you.
So happy that your birthday celebrations were all that you could have wished for.
The weather here was lovely too, sunny but chilly still.
So, a Roseland chatfest during the PCAS? Chat with you all then.
Have a great day everybody.
No doubt I will be in the land of nod when you are all having your chatfest, but I will be there in spirit :)
I'm looking forward to seeing some new photos or vids of Rob from the PCAs it's been too long!!!
Hope everyone is having a great day so far xx
Hump Day Greetings!
IB -- Unless something comes up, I'll be here!
DK -- Awww It seems you had a very special birthday. Much deserved, I might add!
Robert -- I'm so happy your procedure was a success. Hope you will pop in again soon.
*My code word is "woozymog" I actually feel a bit like a woozymog today!
To DK ~ Happy belated birthday wishes!!! Sounds like you had a wonderful day! Although I missed your actual birthday (sorry, I've been away), I just wanted to send my wishes & a special thank you because it was your comment that finally got me to start commenting (especially on a blog most of you know each other so well already). From the comments, I see I'm not the only one who thinks you are lovely!!! Wishing you all of life's joys! <3
I'm sorry I missed your birthday, DK!
I hope it was happy and all your wishes came true!
I'm also sorry that I haven't written a new post in a while... I've been working on it and wanted to wait until after we see Robert on the PCAs!
Thanks for all the positive support, ladies...
It really means a lot to me.
Thank you.
Thanks so much! If it weren't for you and what you've created, we wouldn't be here to support or follow you either. A happy thing for all.
Glad you did come out to play.
You are a jewel that brightly shines in this crazy world!
Hi DK...Call me when you get a sec:)
Hi ALL..I will try to stay up but probably will not be able to make the party tonight:(..have to go in to work extra early in the morning...
I hope you all have a fun evening and of course we know our special actors will win...everything!
Hi Super - I hope you are well. Have a good night if we don't catch you later.
I'm ducking out for a bit, but will be back later to chat (hopefully).
Hi FREDDIE..Have a good evening:)
If anyone is interested, the PCA Red Carpet is on the Reelz channel. To anyone who plans to watch tonight, enjoy!
Dottie! Are you here?
I just got here!
I'm here too!!! How is everyone?
Who else is here?
Hey! I want NPH to host!
Hi IB and dottie!
Hi IB, dottie, and Freddie! *waves*
Hey Kenzz :)
The opening was a little goofy.
Hi dottie - I actually like Kaley Kuoco. I'm hooked on the Big Bang Theory.
Kenzz!!! Long time now see. How are you?
Hi Freddie and Kenzz! Do we have a party?
I like Big Bang too Fredster.
Hi everybody...I'm here, but just kinda lurking while I'm multi-tasking....I'll be poppin' in and out. :D
Hey ladies!Sooo nice to see you :)
Oops - Should say "long time no see" not "now see".
Great taste dottie!
Hi Kay!
Hi Kay!
Can I just say that I love it that Rob skips the Red Carpet? Good for him!
Hi ladies :)
Hi everyone! Thank you Dottie for fetching me!
Hi ladies!
yay Rhonda!
Hi Rhonda!
Yeah...Ellen won!
Hey Mel and SJ!
Now we've got ourselves a party! :D
Hi Kay, Rhonda and sj. How are things?
dottie - I agree. Rob's smart to miss that. I'm thinking he will hang out back stage vs. sitting through all of this.
Hi Gang! So nice to see everyone!! It has been too long!!
How's everyone doing? Long time, no talk..
Not sure I can bring myself to watch the PCA's this year. The funniest thing about last year's show was the running commentary on here by Smitty and RealPrPro (at least I think it was the PCA's...whatever it was, it was a LAME show!)I had tears running down my face.. those two should take it 'on-the-road'! {no pun intended}
Pr pro is coming...thanks Dottie! Hi everyone!
Hey Melinda. It's definitely a party! Hope all is well with you.
Ellen's hair is looking great. And I suspect that newly firm jawline isn't just from Cover Girl foundation...Not judging mind you. I've only got 50 percent of my original body. But just saying...
Hello ladies,
I think Emma is quite cute, love the "be true to yourself" and slight awkwardness.... another real girl.
My Rob has aged!
My guess is that to get celebs that have no desire to be "on" all the time etc. they would have to ply them with a little (or a lot) of bubbly.
That's where I would be if I had to attend!
Hey PR PRO! Fancy seeing you here...
Kenzz - that was a fun evening. Not sure tonight will live up to that, but it's good to talk to everyone.
Birdie - you took the words right out of my mouth. Bet Emma doesn't get raked d over the coals for not being letter perfect.
I'm already liking this yr's PCAs better than last. Queen L. was so over the top!
You're welcome SJ.
Hi Birdie and PR!
PR-I was just thinking of you today and how you had us cracking up last year during the PCAs.
I'm nit a fan of lea Michelle. Sorry.
sjjw - thanks for the heads up.
Ok - when did Lea Michele become a comedic actress? Or an actress for that matter?
Too soon to be mean?
Birdie- I agree. Emma is great :)
Hi Pr pro- nice to see you here :)
Hi PR Pro and Birdie - nice to "see" you both.
PR - LOL - Not one of Rob's better looks.
I was thinking the same thing and she is with her mother. I would bet that won't be discussed all over the internet.
Dottie - I've been saving my snark for just this night.
Me either, SJ, me either!! She to over the top!
I think the original decision to keep her off the ballot should have held
You guys are making this palatable! Oh, Nd it won't suck when we see Rob! Lol
PR-NEVER too soon! I love your snark!
It seems like the "real" girls end up w/the best guys. :)
dottie - totally agree. Queen Latifah tried too hard.
Melinda - LOL - yes, you would need alcohol to make this bearable.
sj & melinda - me three.
PR, How is it decided who attends these award shows? Do the stars even have a say in it? Especially the biggies like the GGs and Oscars?
So I've got to assume that nominations closed before BD was out in theaters? Looking at nominees it seems they were all out before Nov
Dottie: So true about the real girls!
Later HI to sjjw, PrPro, Melinda, Kay, Rhonda, Birdie (did I miss anyone?)
Sj, Mel, Freddie- me four. She gets on my nerves ;)
This is fun! And we can be snarky, in a nice-ish way, right?Lol
I like Emma however she and Andrew are making me :/ because they seem to get papped alot lately.
I wish Rob would do a skit with Betty White. That'd be hilarious..
Rhonda - good way to put it.
Cheech Marin is still alive? LOL.
Dottie - it depends on the show.
Presenters are always by invitation. With the Oscars all nominees and members of the voting Academy get a ticket -- if you are Jeff BRidges and nominated for Crazy Heart the studio that produced your movie will toss in some of their tickets so you can take your entire family.
For something like this, they have to beg to get actors there. Most of the people in the audience are indeed seat fillers - and only the actors who are presenting or win something actually show up. Thats how we know Rob is going to win - he's showing up.
Rhonda, I agree. That would be so fun!
Yes SJ-Snarky in the nicest way!:)
PR-I believe you are right about BD not making the cut for this awards show.
Melinda-Yeah, I noticed that too. Kind of surprised by it, actually. :\
Yea NPH! I love him!
What happened to Chong?
Birdie - nothing happened to Cheech. He's just been around for a loooonnng time.
Demi is really singing? Points for that...
Yikes this is no bueno! Disney has done a huge disservice to these kids.
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