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You can tell me anything... |
Hi George.
I kept saying how much I missed Kristen's face...
and Lo and Behold...
She appeared.
(She's nice that way)
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There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with this picture. |
Looking luminous...
Look at her, George...
Doesn't she look happy?
In Love?
Yes she does.
And we all know who she is in love with, George...
Her English boyfriend.
The man in her life
The ONLY man in her life.
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What possible word describes this?? |
And there Kristen is...
all gorgeous in Dior Couture
for a Vanity Fair shoot.
How phenomenal is that??
How phenomenal does she look?
Don't you feel like Kristen is growing up right
before our eyes?
Growing into a stunning woman.
Becoming comfortable in her own skin...
Finding out who she is
Owning it
And being damn happy about it.
So George...
Tell me something.
Why do people want to make such a BIG deal
about Kristen flipping the finger?
Why George?
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It's just a finger after all. |
Like she's never done it before?
Like she will never do it again?
So what?
Honestly George...
People just want to fucking WHINE
all the damn time.
Over a finger, George.
A fucking finger.
It doesn't matter to me one way or another...
It's pretty obvious that I'm in no position to judge
Kristen's finger flipping...
I have a bit of a potty mouth myself
(you may have noticed)
I'm pretty sure no one else can judge her either...
But they do, George
They do.
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I bet those grapes are BITTER. |
Yes, George... I know.
It's always something.
If its not the finger...
Its the hair.
Or the makeup
or the clothes.
or her face
or her shoes
or the words she says
or the words she doesn't say...
it doesn't matter what she does
or how she does it...
They will always find a reason to judge her.
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Have they ever posed like this... with anyone else? |
But in the end, George
Who wins?
Who gets to be with Robert?
Because we all know he doesn't look at anyone
like he looks at Kristen...
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Smile that smile... |
He looks at her like she is the most beautiful girl he's ever seen
Like he can't get close enough...
He looks at her
Like she is the only person that matters.
(Like she's something to eat...)
Flaws and all.
He loves her.
And the really beautiful part, George?
It works both ways.
Kristen loves Rob.
Flaws and all.
And the really beautiful part, George?
It works both ways.
Kristen loves Rob.
Flaws and all.
So Kristen wins.
So does Robert.
They always do.
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Oh My. |
I need this movie.
Come on George...
What's a girl gotta do to see this movie??
Move to Berlin?
I'm trying really hard to be patient, George...
But we all know it's not one of my virtues.
(Do I have virtues?)
OK George.
Here's a virtue
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Hey... I got to keep the clothes... |
My adoration for Tom Sturridge...
Does that work?
"a good or admirable quality"
Yeah George.
I think it does.
Nothing wrong with that.
Nothing at all.
Green Sheep.
You know it's true.
Flawed Perfection.
Why expect perfection from Kristen...
If you don't achieve perfection from yourself.
I kinda like my imperfections.
It's part of what I am.
I kinda like my imperfections.
It's part of what I am.
With acceptance
This post is brought to you by mistakes.
Glass houses.
Throwing stones.
We've all been there.
Hopefully you learn something along the way.
Thanks for listening George
Until next time...
Bye for now
What a nice surprise when I pop on the computer during a lunch break and find a new post!
This Paris shoot is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. I can't wait to see the finished product!
I'm with you Rose on Bel Ami. I so hope it comes somewhere near me. It looks great!!
I hope everyone is doing well. It's been busy, busy, busy lately. Maybe we can carve out some chat time soon!!
Take care everyone. Happy middle of the week...
Hi Melinda! I can't wait to see the finished product either. Just the little we've seen looks amazing!
Hello to the regs. I hope all of you are well and happy on this Hump Day. I can't believe it's already Feb!
Hi Mel, Dottie, Rose and everyone else out there in Roseland! I hope you're all having a great week. :D
Kristen has looked stunning in ALL of the pictures we've been seeing from Paris....and so very happy. Bel Ami really does look so good...fingers crossed that it gets to my area...pretty great for Rob (and the rest of the cast) that it is opening in Berlin. How can anyone not be happy for their happiness?! :)
Have a Happy Hump Day and a wonderful rest of the week everyone! <3
And right when I was feeling down..
A post!
Always a great read.
Rose you have such a great way of saying exactly what we are all feeling!
Kristen looks so happy and well rested she was really glowing in Paris, I bet Rob is looking just as well :0)
Hi to Melinda, Dottie, Kay and Teeth. Hope you are all having a great day and hello to everyone else yet to post x
Hi everyone, I hope you're having a good week so far :)
Kristen looks like she's been having a great time in Paris and she looks great, really happy and well rested. Hopefully Rob will be looking just as well and happy when he arrives in Berlin :)
Yay, new post. I gotta say Kristen looks so beautiful and happy in all the latest photo's. That dress is huge lol. I can't wati to see all the pics. she's really photogenic, lucky girl. The BelAmi poste...wow! can't wait to see it. Great post Rose. thanks
Hi Rose and Roseland,
My self esteem is lowering with each gorgeous pic of Kristen...she looks stunning!!!
That Bel ami poster is gorgeous!! Can't wait for Bel Ami promo time and Rob's breathtakingly handsome face!!! And I NEED to know what his up to (next project).
Rob and Kristen are lucky to have each other. They are just adorable together.
I hope all of you are well and happy
Hahaha....Hello ROSE and ROSELANDERS....That was a great post, Rose! Yeah, I think we are all perfectly imperfect and the potty mouth...lol..I am embarrassed to say how many expletives I use under my breath every minute of every day( I should probably be put in jail for it)!
Kristen is growing up right before our eyes and I am proud of her...I think I know enough of her character to know if she threw up her middle finger, she had a good reason for doing it:)
Happy Wednesday everyone...It is a beautiful day here sunny and high 70's....
Great post Rose & George!
I love that first pic of Kristen, beautiful, happy smile!
And I love the Bel Ami poster! Kinda cool modern twist on the poster for a period film.
I've been running around crazy at work all day and finally got a minute to breathe so I'm happy to see a new post!
Hope u are all doing well, happy hump day!!
Kristen flipping the finger... I agree with you Rose, it's not such a big deal and people blow things way out of proportion. We all do it occasionally and other famous people do it too.
But it IS considered a rude gesture in every culture, she will always be criticized for doing it in public. And that's exactly why I don't like to see her doing it, why give people a "valid" reason to criticize her? Every gossip site is now talking about THAT, instead of talking about how pretty and awesome she looked. And when she does it, she gives the pappz what they want, a reaction. They win...
The thing is, when you repeat a certain behavior over and over again, you start to be identified with that behavior, and, honestly, I don't think it's flattering to her to be identified as that actress that curses a lot and gives the finger all the time. We're fans, we "know" her, but for those who are not familiar with her... things like this can give a wrong impression about who she is. Just my opinion.
Hi Rose and fellow Roselanders,
I ‘m just popping in quickly for my Rose fix. Thanks Rose for the new post. It’s a real feather in Kristen’s cap that she was selected for such a high profile shoot. Kudos to her. And yes, she has blossomed in the beautiful young woman that she is.
I too am eager for Bel Ami. The poster shot looks wonderful. I wish everything good for Rob on this latest venture.
I hope everyone is well. Life seems to be very busy for everyone. As Melinda said, hopefully we can all get together sometime soon for a chat.
Take care all.
BONJOUR !!! lol
Seeing Kristen in Paris has been so exciting!!!
The gowns, hair, make up.....Kristen looks out of this world!!
Loved the pics of her with Karl L....OMG....so cool.
Hope everyone is having a great week!
Thanks for the post Rose!
Kristen looks breathtaking and so very happy :)
Hi ladies!
I saw it's the end of the world...Kristen flipped the bird... on one of the facebook sites I follow the other day .And there they all were, bashing her bla fucken bla.
I of course just wrote GO KRISTEN! under all their BS. lol It's just so old at this point.
I knew Rose would have a post up pretty soon too defend Kristen.As always she has her back. :)
By the way GORGAS images Miss Stewart! Not everyone can pull off that couture picture. We wold look like peacocks!
Dear Rose,
Thank you for the excellent post today.
Kristen has grown and matured into a beautiful, beautiful woman. Hope the photo shoot in Paris was wonderful for her in every way . So happy that she has been selected for all these marvelous jobs and is participating in exciting public and private events.
Very excited for Rob, too! Bel Ami is rapidly approaching. First, pics and news from Berlin, and then, hopefully, the opening here stateside in March. I'm prepared to travel a few hours to make it to a theatre if it does not open locally. Wishing Rob every good wish for his promotion of the film and also for whatever he may be working on for the future.
Wishing Rob and Kristen some quiet, private time to catch their breath before the public craziness begins anew with their new films.
Hugs to all y'all here in Roseland. Have been very busy in RL and school.
Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.
Life is good!
Hey Rose, what a wonderful surprise.The photos of Kristen are absolutely beautiful. She looks so healthy and happy.
As for Kris throwing up her finger, I am sure she had a good reason for doing so. But, of course, it gives the haters something to complain about. They always have to have something.
I don't care, I think Kristen looked wonderful. I was so happy to see her.
Have a happy Wednesday Rose and all Roselanders.
Good evening Roseland!
I don't care whether Kristen flipped one finger or several.....The moon rises, the sun sets, water is wet and Robert Pattinson is still Kristen's boyfriend!
Kristen looked stunning in Paris. Looking forward to that issue of Vanity Fair magazine.
Goodnight all.
I can't wait to see the results of this photoshoot. What we have seen so far is breathtaking. Truly, in the grand scheme of things does Kristen swearing or flipping the bird affect anything? Does it change her performances? Does it make her photoshoots any less beautiful? Her interviews any less interesting? Let her just be who she is because that is all she really needs to do and she doesn't owe anyone more than that.
Next up...Rob. Man, I hope Bel Ami this way comes.
Sweet post, Rose <3
It's been great seeing all the pics of Kristen from Paris. She looks incredible!
Love the Bel Ami poster. I really want to see this movie-just hoping it opens somewhere, anywhere near me...
Hi everyone- I hope it's been a great Wednesday. Lots of love :)
Feel the same way Rose! But God! Need to see them together! Just a tiny little bit!...
Yeah!!! Love seeing our dear Kristen!!! Rose, I love your comments about "perfection". Here is one of my FAVORITE quotes, along the same lines......
~I may not be PERFECT but
parts of me are EXCELLENT~
Perfection is overated IMO.
Bye Roseland!
Good Evening every one! I hope you all have had a great week so far. I was delightfully excited to see a new post today. Rose like everyone else has already said " I couldn't agree more". I believe Kristen looks so good, healthy, happy and well rested. I don't see how she couldn't be any of those things when she has an awesome man like Rob to love and take of her. I'm just a bit jealous of her seemingly perfect skin with or without make up. That would be one of my imperfections I guess among others.
I think that it's the little imperfections that make someone perfect!
I just have to laugh at the "flipping the finger" comment where they said it's not flattering since the comment in its self is NOT FLATTERING. who cares?? I do things that aren't flattering I'm sure, everyone does. There are FAR more important and horrible things going on or happening that the attention should be on.
sorry this was way longer than I intended. It's been one of those annoying days and I'm just over people making such a big deal over stupid things that don't really matter and shouldn't matter to anyone. I say kudos to Kristen & Rob, for being so smart and strong to only flip the middle finger, being so calm and not say or do anything else. I wouldn't be able to be so strong or calm. That is just my opinion. sorry again for this being so long.
here is a song for you wondering if you have heard it yet and what you think of it??
"video games" Lana Del Rey
Dear Rose, you've said it all and then some!
Really tired tonight and not playing anywhere.
Thanks so much, and I'll check it out.
Happy day!
sixxmuseum this is "motley man" from 1/26 tour.been researching. i think sarah roemer & pattinson got LA shaking like the San Andreas Line @VanLathan
lawrence_rachel@sixxmuseum Did you see pattison recently in LA? kindly elaborate.
@MARLEY I love love love that song "Video Games" by Lana Del Rey, her voice is gorgeous She performed it on BBC Radio One Live Lounge and it was just as good live. I heard she had a bad performance on some American chat show I don't know which one, but I just love her voice!
Oh my God you guys...it must be true. Rob and Sarah Roehmer. Ejh said so and you know how twitter and the AT boards never lie. Guess we better pack it up.
On to reality...its supposed to snow about 12-18 inches in Denver in the next 24 hours. Yikes.
Hope you're all well. Anybody have any new and exciting Super Bowl recipes they're trying?
Ejh: If I am forced to read idiot comments well before noon, I like to do so with a large cup of coffee. It lessens the pain of realizing that I just wasted brain cells.
Do us a huge favour and take your rubbish elsewhere.
ohhh, it seems some villages are missing an idiot again!. Ejh...STFU.
lol @ Katy
ejh - Do you not get bored of spouting shit? You must lead a very unfulfilling life if all you do is troll. Get out and meet people, it might do you some good.
I saw that tweet RT'd in my timeline and a bunch of people talking about it. That guy (brian scott thesixxmuseum)said that he's been researching and that Sarah and Rob "got LA shaking", and he mentioned VanLathan, a TMZ staffer.
It can be fake, it can be true, who knows? We have no clue about what Rob does on his private time. We do know that Rob and Sarah know each other and that she's relevant enough to have dinner with him and seat beside him. We were probably not supposed to see them when they're papped. We don't know how many times they've been together and what kind of relationship they have. There're lots of tweets/sights from random people, during the summer, linking him with a blonde girl, so, who knows?
We don't know if Rob is still with Kristen, we can speculate all we want, but we don't really know shit. We have not seen them together since november, they can be happily together or... not. I will not be surprised if I see him again with Kristen, but I will not be surprised either if we start seeing him with someone else.
@Ali yes her voice is so different, I wasn't sure if I liked it at first but I couldn't get it out of my head either. Needless to say I now have it on iPod. Glad you like as well.
@Sydney I must say I'm little jealous you guys actually are getting some snow, although I wouldn't have that much at one time. We used to live there so maybe that is why I love all the snow. Makes for good skiing!! for Sunday have you tried pepperoni rolls??
Happy Thursday!
trying to get a photo up but its not working. ideas anyone??
I thought this was a fun parody of a classic book.
The image must be 50k or smaller in size. Maybe that's why it's not working for you.
Sienna Miller had dinner tonight with Eddie Redmayne. She has been seen before with him. Its been a few weeks since we've seen Sienna and Tom together! They MUST be broken up. Is that logical? Nope...didn't think so.
Marley...it is kind of fun to get this much snow. The man and I decided to just get a hotel room downtown so we wouldn't have to deal with traffic fuckery in the morning. It's kinda fun. We ordered room service and a bottle (or 2) of wine. Feels like a mini-vacay.
Good evening, everyone.
Soon, we'll be on our weekends, doing our kind of recreation, hooray.
You sound quite content with your point of view. Nothing better to be, for you chose it. Of course, no one has to agree with it. Whatever works, to each his own, etc.
@Sydney & marley
Me, too. More snow, please.
I'm off to walk a mile in my shoes (treadmilling it) and shall return later.
@Add thanks I will try that.
@Sydney Yes the driving would really suck, but I think your plan to have a mini vaca is perfect and fun!
Marley- I live 15 minutes from downtown and with that much snow,it can take almost 2 hours. It totAlly sucks.
Sadly it is not snowing in the mountains where we need it. We're actually heading up after work to enjoy the nice weather.
Happy Birthday, to all those who celebrate being born in February!
The Beatles:
Thank you/abbacraft
Happy Friday Roseland! The weekend is upon us.
Hitting the treadmill? You go,girl. Very diplomatic answer to K, by the way.
Send a bit of that snow this way!
Good morning.
It's early and I've had my first cup of coffee.............Here is why I don't have a twitter account, some people just love posting shit to get a reaction.
DK: Are you still up?
Have a great day everybody.
GOD, is it a full moon?!? Karen is it to much to ask to take your BULLLSHIT elsewhere. NOBODY here believes that drivel.
Wishing to all the sane and lovely people (you're NOT included Karen and Ejh) on Roseland to have a great day!
Yes, more snow, please (can't believe I'm asking for it!)
Oh, yeah, go me for I did the bike and elliptical(?) for almost a whole hour. Amazing to me, must be stronger than I knew or thought or was, lol. Rock your day.
Hello, passionate babe!
As you see, I'm still up but still musically blocked.
Wish you'd make some requests, along with everyone else, to jump start me with some new tunes.
Slippin and a'slidin, movin and a groovin, toward my mattress.
Good gravy! Do I have to start putting on my boots again? The bs is getting deep!
I understand that we are all entitled to our own opinions but REALLY, why stir the pot? Go elsewhere!
@DK~I agree, I want snow too....if the temp is going to be freezing cold, we might as well have something pretty to look at :)
Have a great Friday Roseland!
IB,DK and Birdie - I'll happily wish for snow for all of you if you'll wish it away from us :)
IB....I can't "believe" you said that! lol...Does my memory serve me correctly that you and KENZZ were freakin buried in snow just last year? haha...be careful what you wish for:). I guess we are having a mild winter this year. I saw people out yesterday with shorts, sandals and sleeveless tops !
KAREN....How old are you ?
Good Morning Everybody!
ANGELICA..Good Morning....or I guess Good Afternoon to YOU:) Do you have big plans for the week end?
DK: Sorry, I missed you, I was in transit.
David Ford- A song for the road.
Nelly Furtado- Powerless( Say what you want)
The Moody Blues- Your wildest dreams
Howie Day- Collide
Faith Hill- There you'll be
Michael Buble- Home
Hi Super - Yes, it's just afternoon. Everyone's away for the weekend so I have big plans to lock myself in with chocolate,wine and movies :)
Angelica do you have snow yet? or are you awaiting the arrival of it at the weekend? It's cold here now but I think we are going to miss out on the snow and just get a great big load of rain :0(
ali mac - Not yet,it's supposed to arrive tomorrow. We were down to
-7°c this morning
ANGELICA... That sounds good. Too cold where you are to get out...let us know if you watch something interesting:)
Hi ALI MAC and ANNIE...Hope you have a great weekend :)
I heard a couple of patients escaped the asylum & found their way to Roseland. :0 Hopefully they've been captured and are back in their straight jackets by now!
Sydney, I'm jealous of your week end plans. Have fun!
Angelica, Hope you don't have to go out in the cold. Stay warm, friend.
Love to all!
My plans for tonight are the same as yours. Here it was -8°c this afternoon so I don't even want to know how cold it is now..
Wishing you all (except for the two crazies) a great weekend :)
Hi SUPER hope you have a great weekend too!
Angelica we were only -3* this morning so not as bad as you!! I hope you don't get it too bad. I seen pics on the news last night of the beach in Nice covered in snow and the palm trees too, which just didn't look right!
Hope everyone has a lovely safe weekend xxxx
Hi ALI MAC...It sounds like its verrrry cold in the UK this weekend! Stay warm and have a good weekend.
We are getting ready to go to Columbia to a Ruth's Chris Steakhouse...never been before but I am excited. Hubs won a bet with someone on the Internet that a rogue planet would not destroy planet earth in 2011( yes folks, there are lots of crazies out there that believe that sort of nonsense). Anyway the guy said he would send us a gift card for Ruth's Chris if we were still here in 2012...so there you go..He actually did send them, so off we go!
Super, that whole story is unbelievable!!
Super, that whole story is unbelievable!!
Super~I am deperate for a snow day!! And yes, we were buried last year, you have a good memory. Enjoy good old Cola and salute Five Points for me :)
Good evening everyone!
Hope everyone is off to a great start this weekend. My weekend should be eventful, if all goes as planned.
Anyone ever been to the Princess Diana exhibit?? I guess it's at the Mall of America for a little bit, might have to get out there one of these days.
Also excited to see the new commercials during the super bowl. I'm gonna have to go with the Giants to win.
Morning all
SUPER how was your meal at the Ruth's Chris steakhouse? A free meal is always a bonus!!
MARLEY your weekend sounds like it's going to be fun :0)
Good morning! Hope you're all keeping warm. I just got home from a very late girls night in, at another place in my complex. Time keeps on ticking into the future.
Thanks so much for the songlist which I will listen to and play.
A gift cert for a top steakhouse right out of the cosmos! Divine intervention at its best.
@Smitty, Gruff and Syd
Waving the magic wand in your direction, with fondest wishes.
23 skidoo!
("It's time to leave while the getting is good.")
Double post deleted.
Wonderful graphics on this post!
Morning all, happy Saturday..
Birdie, DK, IB- I'm wishing for snow here too. We've had very little so far.
Sydney- enjoy your weekend, the mountains sound nice.
Angelica, Ali & Leni- stay warm :)
Super- that's a wacky bet, but at least you got a good meal out of it ;)
DK- girls night in sounds like fun. I hope you had a great time!
Wow...We had a nice dinner...the petit filet was perfectly cooked...they put it in a very hot oven....over 1000 degrees...I don't understand how they can cook it at that temperature but it was perfect...We had a bottle of. Cabernet Sauvignon that was incredible...I have never tasted a cab that was so full bodied, just mildly sweet but complex..an amazing bouquet ...then we split a piece of cheese cake...but this was no regular cheese cake...it was presented on a large plate..it had a thick chocolate Oreo type crust, then the chocolate cheesecake with a tall layer of chocolate whipped cream on top...it was very tall and verrrry large...three of us couldn't eat it all and we had French pressed coffee to top it all off!
Happy Saturday!
SUPER, that meal sounds fantastic from beginning to end!
DK, Glad you had some fun last night w/friends. :)
Rhonda, I want snow, too!
Have a great day!
Just popping by to say I hope everyone has an amazing weekend!
Super- So it seems you enjoyed your dinner last night. Ruth's Chris is a fantastic steakhouse. I love their lyonnaise potatoes. Love the bet that won you a gift card there. People are funny.
DK- Glad you had a fun night "in" with the girls. Your community sounds like a lot of fun/very active.
For all you snowbirds- All your snow talk makes me shiver. Too cold for this Fl sunshine girl! Although it is beautiful to look at!
Off to find some new bedding and grocery shopping for the super bowl party tomorrow.
Have a happy one!!
I meant to say that the Cabernet Sauvignon was from North By Northwest
Have a lovely day Ladies:)
Excellent post Rose! Perfect! Nothing flawed.
I adore Kristen Stewart! I adore how she is gorgeous! I adore her flawed perfection! I adore how happy it makes Robert! ...
I adore how this makes the idiots and haters bite themselves!
DK, my friend! I miss you and I will feel much more ... and also everyone here at Roseland ... I'm going on vacation with my husband e family next week ... won a trip of my brother in law ... a present... Thailand, Cambodia and some more ... This is unbelievable to me! A dream...I think it will be an adventure ...
Take care and see you soon ...
Happy Day!
Have a great one.
So exciting, you're going to those ancient places, your dream realized!
Miss you, too. I should be staying home tonight for a change, so will return. ((Hugs))
Go team!
You're right, I've been having fun with new folks in my new place! Last night, I was dancing for hours to gypsy music. Oh, golly, Miss Molly-like that...lol.
Dreaaameeeerrrr lol ur too cute keep having fun I been kinda lost but its halftime n my mom I'd dancing to Madonna lol n she's happy n having fun n me too! Goooo giants!
Good morning and happy Monday everyone!
DK- I can see you dancing the night away! It's good to enjoy life...
Wania- Sounds like a great trip is planned! Lucky you! Have lots of fun!
Emilia, Annie and any Giants fans- Congratulations on their victory! Fun game. Thought the final Giants touchdown was great. I have a feeling it will be played over and over.
Hello to everyone else. Hope you all had a fantastic weekend! Take care!
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