Monday, February 6, 2012

Rob and Kristen-- Truth is Truth.

What day is it??

The beat goes on.
And the beat goes on.
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain...

And on and on and on...

At least
That's what it feels like some times.
Mostly its just the same monotonous droning
that's pounding to the brain.

You know how it goes.

1. Nikki Reed supposedly did some tweets
about shorty spice.
You know who I mean...
(I can't wait for the comments on this!)
Now in all fairness I didn't see these tweets personally
But I guess she was singing his praises or something
I guess she may or may not have mentioned Kristen and Rob
in some roundabout vague way.
Implying this, that or the other.
All I have to say is ...
Who gives a fuck?
talking about
some bland boring spice...
Who? What?
If he wasn't lurking behind Kristen
He didn't exist...
Kinda like now.

Wake me up when it matters...

I don't even want to get into the 
Chatty Cathy Hardwicke bullshit drama.
(But of course... I will)
She brings up Twilight and Rob and Kristen
whenever she has some movie or something to promote.
2008 is calling and it wants its drama back.
It doesn't fly anymore Chatty.
It really doesn't.
Over 3 years ago.
No matter how people spin the whole
Rob/Kristen/Oregano/Nikki bullshit...
3 things are the truth

1. Kristen dated Oregano when she was 17.
She grew up and out of that relationship.
It's like a high school romance that ends
when you go away to college and meet other people.
Kristen met Robert.
Get over it.
Truth is truth.

2. Rob and Nikki were friends when Twilight started.
They aren't friends anymore.
She fucked it up.
Big time.
It is SO obvious that Robert cannot stand
to even LOOK at her now.
Details don't matter.
Truth is truth.

3. Kristen and Robert are STILL together.
Still going strong.
Still in love.
Truth is Truth.

I love how you love me.

Do you realize that its been months since we
have seen Rob and Kristen in the same frame of a picture?
Do you?

Yes folks... We live together.

I know this picture is an intrusive Pap picture...
But I'm posting it because
Even though Rob and Kristen were obviously
Living in the same flat in London
(Yes.. with pics to prove it)
There was still major denial.
And people would rather buy into some
Questionable Auntie shit...
Then believe what is right in front of their eyes.

As for Auntie Monica.
Still not buying she's legit.
(and again... if she is... SHAME on you)
But I have a couple of final thoughts on her too

1. Monica posted a picture of Rob's mother Clare.
It was dark and moody.
Her eyes were closed.
Clare looked absolutely lovely.
(But doesn't she always?)
But it wasn't a candid pic
that was supposedly taken in a bar.
It looked posed.
Not a picture one sister would take of another sister
while in a pub.

2. Even though I'm doubtful about the legitimacy 
of this person being remotely related to Robert...
She still didn't say anything scandalous.
The biggest thing was that in 2008...
at the height of Twilight... 'back then'
She said media hyped an 'imaginary' couple
Rob wasn't in a relationship with his co-star.
(And Kristen was with MA at that time)
That was then.
This is now.

3. Under the previously mentioned picture of Rob's Mum...
This is what was written...

"Clare Pattinson, mother of multi-millionaire
'Twilight' actor Robert Pattinson."

That is how you describe your sister?
That is how you describe your nephew?
Why even put Rob's name IN the description?
You see where I'm going?
Because I'm at the point right now
that I want this to be a fake blog
Not because of what she has to say
(which is vague and irrelevant)
But because I would hate to think that 
Robert and his family
(especially his lovely mother)
Have a woman like this in their life
Trying to latch onto something that isn't hers.
Really sad all the way around.

This post is brought to you by drama.
Robert and Kristen are surrounded by it
But hopefully they only see seconds of what is out there.
Stay safe.
Stay happy.
You deserve it.

And of course...
Where would a post of mine be without a pic of
Thomas Sturridge?

You are so.... to me.

So until next time..

Keep living in your fantasy world
of unicorns and dancing elves...
And where Oregano never became freeze dried.
And Nikki is the star of Twilight
Riding off into the sunset with the vampire...
And up is down.
And left is right.
And go on believing that Rob and Kristen
aren't together RIGHT this very moment.
We don't need the details...
Truth is Truth.
Hey. You. Get off of my dick.

Right in front of your face.

Bye for now.


  1. Truth is Truth....happy for the sweet and happy. :D

    Have a great week Rose and Roseland! <3

  2. Truth is Truth, Rose. Thanks for posting. I hope Rob, Kristen and Tom are all well and happy and oblivious to any nonsense out there.

    I hope everyone survived the game yesterday. Congrats to the Giants and their fans on their win. Sorry Kenzz....

    I have to run, but hope everyone is well. Take care all.

  3. Oh, Rose, common sense rules, as always. Of course Rob and Kristen don't want to have anything to do with ikki (nor would the rest of the cast, by the looks of the Ellen interview). That speaks volumes. And as far as Chatty Cathy, she just needs to move on already. I will always hold a sweet spot in my heart for her for getting Rob and Kristen together, but it's time to let the past remain there. And the interview that has so many flailing about - the placement of quotation marks is noteworthy. The part where she is supposed to have alluded to there having been a Rob/ikki relationship was not in quotes. It saddens me that this is what the state of our school system has become that people don't understand the significance of this non-quote. At any rate, thank you for stating the OBVIOUS, as always. You rock, girl!

  4. Ah Nikki. Poor thing. Should be enjoying marital bliss...yet cannot seem to stop thinking about Rob and Kristen. Talk about being stuck in 2008.

    Speaking of Nikki...did anyone else picture her going all 'Mommy Dearest' when Jackson's news came out? I can see her screeching - it was supposed to be. Me! I should've been first!!!! She is just comical. Can't wait to see her next desperate move.

    Hmmm...anything else? Congratulations Emilia, on your Giants! I hate when football season is over.

  5. Yep! Truth is truth! I think by now even those spouting nonsense know the truth. They just like seeing the reactions. This is probably not a realistic wish, but I hope Rob & Kristen are blissfully unaware of most of it.

    As much as I would love some snow, it's so beautiful here today! I've been sitting outside soaking in the sun. Ahhh!

    Hope all of you are having a great week so far. :)

  6. Great post!
    You laid it all out there and like you said, truth is truth. No one's delusions or crazy lies spinning around change what the actual truth is!

    Hope you are all having a good Monday and that its better than mine!
    My team lost the superbowl, and I made one of my employees cry this morning. Totally unrelated by the way, I didn't go off on some poor unsuspecting Giants fan! Lol! :)

  7. And you just say the truth Rose :)

    "That was then.
    This is now."
    love this piece of truth!

    Hello Roseland!

  8. Oh Dear God! Catherine Hardwicke needs to get some new stories,Spice Boy hasn't been relevant since...well he hasn't ever been relevant and as for Mrs McDonald well she makes up The Unholy Trinity all by herself.She's as difficult to get rid of as herpes and just as irritating.

  9. Great post and so true!
    Some people really need to stop living in 2008..

    Hi everyone :)

  10. Rose at least get the story straight you dumb bitch. Nikki Reed could not care less about either of them. Fuck off then die.

  11. Wow Rose! You certainly hit a sore spot with someone.LOL

  12. Indeed...she cares so little she visits a daily blog about them.

  13. Dear Rose,

    Hear! Hear!

    Truth is truth.

    So happy that Rob and Kristen are staying under the radar. Wishing them every possible moment of privacy, happiness and time with family, friends and each other.

    Fio, thank you for another beautiful and very sweet Rob and Kristen vid. Congratulations, very well done!

    Best wishes go out to Jackson and his girlfriend.

    Still hoping that B.A. will be here in March.

    Hugs for y'all.
    Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.
    Life is good.

  14. You know what must suck is being so obsessed with someone that you cling to him despite knowing he has a real girlfriend and only has a fake relationship with you to fool the public. THAT IS PATHETIC AND SAD. The truth is coming out and you will be proved a fool and liar. She's a fat slut and will fail unless she continues the lies with him. He is too nice to say no because he feels sorry for her but he has a REAL girlfriend now and doesn't have to put up with her ugly anymore. One more movie and its DONE for them and this whole bullshit.

  15. That's right Malica.
    We all can't wait for that!
    Thanks so much for being part of this! <3

    Thanks Olivia.

  16. Rose it's always a sure sign that your posts are especially brilliant when some lunatics come out of their hiding to spew delusional bullshit that nobody cares about..

  17. @Fio
    I just watched your new video - it's one of your best! Thanks so much <3

    Congrats to Jackson and his girlfriend :)

  18. Some key words stuck out for me there:

    Fake relationship
    Fat slut
    Fooling the public
    Pathetic and sad

    Now who does that sound like???

  19. Truth is one says it quite like you Rose. Thanks for bringing a nice dose of reality to this sometimes crazy fandom!

    I see the bitch brigade is out in full force. Keep drowning in your filth, no one cares really...

    Happy news for Jackson and his girlfriend. I have a feeling he's will be a fun dad!

    Wishing Rob, Kristen and Tom all the best!

    Speaking of Kristen. Some girl on the radio when asked which celeb she looked like her response was "Kirsten Stewart before she went goth". Um I wouldn't liken Kristen as being goth. Marilyn Manson yes, Kristen no.

    Fio- Great new video as always!

    My mom and I are going to see the new Sandra Bullock movie tonight. Hope everyone has a lovely evening! Take care.

  20. Since Chatty Cathy loves to talk so much abt that time period maybe she should tell us when she stopped sleeping with Nikki's father...was it before she chose Nikki for the role of Rosalie or after? hmmmmm?

  21. Sydney - It's the strangest said exactly what I was thinking

  22. Sydney- i have an idea hehe

    Leni, Mel- thank you!
    and enjoy the movie!

    Raven- mean one but... lol

  23. The 80's Alt station on Pandora is pretty much the Adventureland Soundtrack. And now I must go home and watch it.

  24. OMG

    Hi Everyone... ROSE. It seems to me that since we are in a Dry Spot... Some People are just trying to sift through old news in an attempt to get a reaction... Desperate,..ahem...the scary part... They are waiting in the wings ready to pounce on the next thing tcingular that comes along... They are "there" ooooh...I know I'm scared:)

  25. Sorry for the typo:(. A long day. And using cell phone...

  26. Truth is certainly Truth Rose! Love reading your blog - sad that still a few non believers poke their unwanted noses in but hey that's life.
    Glad Rob, Kristen & Bear are staying under the radar even tho missing Rob like mad. Hope they're enjoying plenty of good times with family & friends.
    Looking forward to the BA Berlin film festival. Stay sane & have a good one!

  27. o_O okay, this is getting weird.
    I'd better leave before getting infected lol

    night friends! :)

  28. SYDNEY...There is a psychological name for what you described... When the very thing one accuses another of... Is exactly a description of themselves... Can't think of the name...

  29. I can't decide if I should be amused by this or scared..

  30. Good evening Roseland.

    Rose: Truth is truth. Thanks a bunch! :)

    Just ignore Malica.........She's looking for relevance.

  31. MALICA. That jealous? What other bad names can you make up???? Geez.....(not many I know... Low IQ). Lol

  32. ANNIE... You are right.... I shouldn't "engage" ...

    Hi FIO and LENI:)

  33. Hey Super........:) How are you?
    Hello everyone.

  34. Hi Super, Annie and everyone else :)

  35. Hi Rose and Roseland

    Truth is Truth

    Excellent post as always!!

    Wishing Rob, Kristen and Tom much hapiness!

    Lookie here, the psicho bitch MALICA!!
    yep, Rob is keeps his secret girlfriend locked up in a attic, while he takes Kristen with him on vacations, dates, weddings, christenings, premieres, and lives with her...among other things. She so understandable, she should like win a prize or something. Seriously, You need mental help

  36. Hi Leni :)
    I'm fighting a cold but other than that things are good.

  37. @Malica

    His girlfriend, is she Sarah Roemer, like some people are saying?

  38. @Annie:
    I hope you feel better very soon :)

  39. I am going to check to see if it's a full moon.......Excuse for a second.

  40. Annie - I believe it is a full moon,actually

  41. ....... Nope........No full moon.
    Must be a glitch on my I-pad.

    Leni: Thank you. :)

  42. ANNIE. Feel better soon... February is Flu month folks so 80 percent of the flu is transmitted through hard surfaces like telephones door knobs so wash your hands often in warm soapy water and keep hands Away from mouth and nose

  43. Super: Thanks so much.
    I'm washing away! Everyone around me is nursing a cold as well :(

  44. Oh my God. Is there always this much flying ignorami stalking the blog and we just never knew?

  45. can bet your "bippy" on it! (a term from an old show in the 60's called Laugh-In:)

  46. Hi Super, Sydney, Angelica, and Annie!

    Super - Thanks for the good advice! "Sock it to me!!!"

    Sydney, How were the mountains?

    Just lurking while dinner is in the oven. ;)

  47. Annie, Well tonight's menu is.... chicken and potatoes. Not very exciting, huh?

  48. It's my ultimate comfort food.
    Add apple pie to that and I'm satisfied! :)

  49. Hi Dottie: the mountains were great, thanks. Though I forget every single time how cold it is up there. May have stumbled out of a bar late night with a girlfriend, singing loudly, fell into a snow bank, contemplated sleeping there but then thought about the headlines when we were found frozen to death in the morning, and somehow found the motivation to make it back to the house. Where we may have eaten all the snacks to be saved for the Superbowl. Good times.

    How was your weekend?

  50. Rose!!! Your post is awesome and perfectly stated. I had almost forgotten about Shorty Spice and that girl who's name starts with, I think it is "N". See how easily I had forgotten them!

    Of course the trolls rear their ugly heads. I find them quite hilarious!

  51. Hi DOTTIE... Dinner here was yesterday's leftovers. Lol. They were lucky to get that:).

  52. Hi IB. I do hope you get a snow day very soon !

  53. Annie, I have chocolate cake for dessert, but now you've got me craving a piece of apple pie! :P

    Sydney, Sounds like a good time! I'm glad you made it out of the snowbank. LOL

    Super, I love leftovers! In fact they almost got leftover Sunday roast tonight instead of the chicken. :)

    Hi IB!!!

    We need to do another recipe exchange. I'd love some new recipes to cook for dinner.

  54. DOTTIE.. There are 2 items at Earth Fare that have done me in. Chocolate covered malted peanut butter balls and Jennies Coconut macaroons... I am addicted:) You sound like my mother , DOTTIE... She always had a good dessert sitting on the kitchen counter...and the erode part... She never had problems with her weight:(

  55. Dottie: The recipe exchange for dinner meals is a great idea.

    Here's another dessert treat....... Crumble original Oreos then roll a scoop of vanilla ice cream in it. Love!

  56. Super, Don't give me too much credit! A friend brought the cake to us yesterday. LOL I make dessert maybe 2xs a week if they are lucky! Most of the time I don't crave sweets but I'm a sucker for a fruit pie of any kind!

    Not to stir up a hornet's nest or anything but I saw this posted on Twitter & thought it very interesting and relevant...

  57. Great post, Rose. You're exactly right..Truth is Truth!

    As for Nikki, you said it perfectly- "wake me up when it matters" ZZZZZZZZ

    Emilia & Annie- Congrats to the Giants!

    Kenzz- Sorry about your Pats :(

    I see we had a visit from crazy, still spouting the same old bullshit..

    Hi, to all the regs. I hope you guys had a great weekend. Lots of love :)

  58. Hi Rhonda. :)
    Thank you re:The Giants :)
    Unlike parade for me this Superbowl win.

    Dottie: That's great for Mickelson.
    Many people hide behind the anonymity the Internet offers to threaten, bully, insult and defame.

    I personally think it's great he won.

  59. Hey Rhonda!

    I forgot to congratulate the Giants fans. Mr Dottie & I like those Manning boys so it was nice to see Eli do so well. Sorry Kenzz. :(

    Annie, The Oreo Ice Cream treat sounds yum. And the best part, easy!

    I have to go get the food on the table. It's been fun chatting!


  60. Annie, I agree w/you. Hopefully it's a wake up call for others.

    OK Bye for real now!

  61. Enjoy your dinner Dottie.
    I'm out too......... Goodnight Roselanders. :)

  62. Hi. RHONDA... I'm out also... It's been a long day ..have a good evening ROSELAND:).

  63. Hi Guys! Sorry I missed you all! I popped in and then over to do some school research and got caught anyone still here?

  64. Hey Rose, great post---Truth is Truth...I like that statement. As for the Aunt, I do not believe she is a member of Rob's family. It is just hard for me to believe a family member would betray the family like she is.

    As for Nikki, I thought she was supposed to be happily married. She must be so bitter, because she will not let it drop.

    @Malica-you need to take your stupidy somewhere else. We do not need or want it here.

    I really miss Rob and Kris. The pictures of Kris last week were great, she looks so happy. I look forward to seeing them together, but know they are happy.

    Take care Roselanders and dear Rose. Have a great week.

  65. It must be a full moon over there, the M troll is back in the house.

    Go and get fucked, you odious cretin.

  66. Hi :)

    follow me???

  67. For Ali Mac

    Video Games

    Lana Del Rey:

    Swinging in the backyard
    Pull up in your fast car
    Whistling my name

    Open up a beer
    And you say get over here
    And play a video game

    I'm in his favorite sun dress
    Watching me get undressed
    Take that body downtown

    I say you the bestest
    Lean in for a big kiss
    Put his favorite perfume on
    Go play a video game

    It's you, it's you, it's all for you
    Everything I do
    I tell you all the time
    Heaven is a place on earth with you
    Tell me all the things you want to do
    I heard that you like the bad girls
    Honey, is that true?

    It's better than I ever even knew
    They say that the world was built for two
    Only worth living if somebody is loving you
    Baby now you do

    Singing in the old bars
    Swinging with the old stars
    Living for the fame

    Kissing in the blue dark
    Playing pool and wild darts
    Video games

    He holds me in his big arms
    Drunk and I am seeing stars
    This is all I think of

    Watching all our friends fall
    In and out of Old Paul's
    This is my idea of fun
    Playing video games

    It's you, it's you, it's all for you
    Everything I do
    I tell you all the time
    Heaven is a place on earth with you
    Tell me all the things you want to do
    I heard that you like the bad girls
    Honey, is that true?

    It's better than I ever even knew
    They say that the world was built for two
    Only worth living if somebody is loving you
    Baby now you do

    Thank you/TheVALIUMPRINZ

  68. For Annie

    There You'll Be

    Faith Hill:

    When I think back
    On these times
    And the dreams
    We left behind
    I'll be glad 'cause
    I was blessed to get
    To have you in my life

    When I look back
    On these days
    I'll look and see your face
    You were right there for me

    In my dreams
    I'll always see you soar
    Above the sky
    In my heart
    There always be a place
    For you for all my life

    I'll keep a part
    Of you with me
    And everywhere I am
    There you'll be

    Well you showed me
    How it feels
    To feel the sky
    Within my reach
    And I always
    Will remember all
    The strength you
    Gave to me

    Your love made me
    Make it through
    Oh, I owe so much to you
    You were right there for me

    'Cause I always saw in you
    My light, my strength
    And I want to thank you
    Now for all the ways
    You were right there for me
    You were right there for me
    For always

    In my dreams
    I'll always see you soar
    Above the sky
    In my heart
    There always be a place

    For you for all my life
    I'll keep a part
    Of you with me
    And everywhere I am
    There you'll be

    Thank you/1surfup

  69. For Rose, Truthteller

    The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
    - Oscar Wilde

    Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.
    - Thoreau

    Truth fears no trial. Proverb

    Truth is such a rare thing, it is delightful to tell it.
    - Emily Dickinson

    If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.
    - Mark Twain

    Wisdom is found only in truth.

    When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey.

    The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.
    - Jim Davis

    It is the truth that irritates a person.

    A truth that’s told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent.
    - William Blake

    A truth spoken before its time is dangerous.

    The truth is more important than the facts.
    - Frank Lloyd Wright

    You never find yourself until you face the truth.
    - Pearl Bailey

    Three things cannot long be hidden the sun, the moon, and the truth.
    - Confucious

    The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear.
    - Herbert Agar

    The Truth is heavy, therefore few care to carry it.

    If you wish to astonish the whole world, tell the simple truth.
    - Rahel

    Truth is the only safe ground to stand on.
    - Elizabeth Cady Stanton

    Truth will rise above falsehood as oil above water.
    - Miguel de Cervantes

    Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
    - Albert Einstein

    Time discovers truth.
    - Seneca

  70. Oh! So good! Still had time to read the new post of Rose ...
    What a nice surprise! Clever post! Really delicious to savor ... Thank you Rose!
    Now. .. get some songs to listen to on the trip ... all ready ... backpack ... leaving tomorrow ...

    Sweet DK, thanks for beautiful songs and for words ... see you soon, my friend...

    Thanks, Melinda! I will ...

    Great week for all

  71. DK Dances Chicago Gypsy Style


    Eyes Manouche

    Thank you/ kingtutdrums

  72. @Wania
    So excited for your trip! Keep us posted, luv!

  73. Innocence Still Is Just That

    Peter Paul & Mary (Live 1966):

    Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
    And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee,
    Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff,
    And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. Oh

    Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
    And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee,
    Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
    And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee.

    Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail
    Jackie kept a lookout perched on Puff's gigantic tail,
    Noble kings and princes would bow whene'er they came,
    Pirate ships would lower their flags when Puff roared out his name. Oh!

    A dragon lives forever but not so little boys and girls
    Painted wings and giants' rings make way for other toys.
    One grey night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more
    And Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.

    His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,
    Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.
    Without his lifelong friend, Puff could not be brave,
    So Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. Oh!

    Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
    And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee,
    Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
    And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee.

    Thank you/thatsakeeper

  74. Been watching a movie on my laptop for the first time. What fun!

    Have a lovely Tuesday Rose, Roselanders, Smitty, Gruff and Syd!

  75. DK thanks so much for the song!! I ♥ it xx

    Did anyone see the fan pics over on Robstenation, the fan had one with Kristen and one with Rob (they were out for sushi) lucky girl. It was so good to see a picture of them especially when it isn't a papz one!!

    Not long now till BD comes out on DVD!!

    I've been a fan for a couple of years now and I still have not worked out what makes people go on to a blog and read it if they are not a fan and know they won't like what they read!! I think they must be lacking something in their lives that they need to replace with drama and hate, I don't know where they get the energy for such misery, reality gives us enough to deal with. Anything I look up on the internet is to make me happy and to make me laugh.

    FIO I loved your new Vid xx

    Have a great day Roselanders ♥♥

  76. Rose,you speak the truth and BAM...we see it. I think a few people must be in full tailspin today. That would be you, Miss M. I love this- "2008 is calling and it wants its drama back."
    It sounds like you have been a busy girl these days and nights. I am so happy that you are enjoying life in your new home.
    I hope Rose, Smitty, Gruff,Syd, and all you Roselanders have a lovely day. Off to a good start!



    1 tbsp olive oil
    4 Large chicken breasts, cut into chunks
    1 leek, finely sliced into rings
    4 tbsps butter
    25g/1 oz/1/4 cup plain flour
    475ml/2 cups of milk
    1 tsp wholegrain mustard (I use about 3)
    1 carrot, very finely diced
    225g/3 cups button mushrooms, sliced
    900g/2lb potatoes finely sliced
    Salt and ground black pepper

    1. Preheat oven to 180*C/350*F/Gas 4. Heat the oil in a large saucepan. Fry the chicken for 5 mins until browned. Add the leek and fry for another 5 mins.

    2. Add half the butter to the pan and let it melt. Then sprinkle the flour over and stir the milk in. Cool over a low heat until thickened, then stir in the mustard.

    3. Add the carrots and mushrooms. Season with salt and pepper.

    4. Lay enough potato slices to line the base of an ovenproof dish (1.75 litre/7 ½ cup). Spoon one third of the mixture over. Cover with another layer of potatoes, repeat until you have used it all, finishing with a layer of potatoes. Top with remaining butter in knobs.

    5. Bake for 1 ½ hours, covering with foil after 30 mins

    Just a little dinner recipe, I like it cos you can prepare it in the morning and then just stick it in the oven in the evening. My kids love it too which is always a bonus :0)

  78. Morning all, happy Tuesday...

    DK- thanks, great songs and quotes :)

    Annie- I hope you get feeling better soon.

    Wania- enjoy your trip. Safe travels.

    Have a great day everyone-((Hugs))

  79. I forgot..

    Ali mac- that recipe sounds yummy, thanks for sharing :)

  80. Morning everyone!

    I see Miss M worked her magic - spout your crap and they're sure to appear :)

    ali mac - That sounds lovely, i shall try it at the weekend :)

    dottie - that link is very interesting,you'd think some would pay attention....

  81. Oh happy day, dear Roseland!
    Thank you for the giftie!
    Beautiful Kristen, handsome Rob.
    Life is good!

  82. ali mac - Are those your kids? They're very cute :)

  83. Yes Angelica, that was last Summer in a field of Sunflowers in the Cotswolds.

  84. LOVE starting the day with good news... Pics of Rob and Kristen with a fan. Sweet!

    Ali Mac...I am going to make your recipe for dinner....always looking for something NEW for the family.

    Wishing everyone a happy day!

    Congrats to all the Giants' fans....Annie, Em...great game!

  85. Happy to help Hope. I hope you like it.

    I think I start nearly everyday with the same sentence "What will I make for the dinner?" followed by the same reply, "I don't know" so I have to think of something myself and it gets hard to think of something everyone will eat!!

  86. Hello Roseland,

    Waking up and seeing pics of Rob and Kristen gorgoeus faces, looking happy and relaxed has made my day!!

    Ali, your recipe sounds yummy!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day. Take care.

  87. Hi Ali....LOL...I do the same thing!

    Your recipe has everything in it that my family will eat, YAY!

    Have any others you want to share?!!

    Hi Katy

  88. Hey everyone!

    Ali Mac, Thanks for the yummy recipe. I'll definitely be making it for dinner soon. Love your avi!

    It's ridiculous how happy I was to see Rob & Kristen's faces. The cuties! :)

    Have a great day, friends!

  89. Hello everyone!!
    I miss a day and I miss a post and have lots to read but a few of comments were not worth the time spent. Great post though Rose, I totally agree with you in that people really need to move on since it's now 2012!
    I had a good weekend, had basketball games to go to everyday, the hubs brother stayed over one night and watched the big game which I picked the right team to win it. We had a beautiful day outside yesterday so spent time out. Went rollerblading with the little one for about 2-3 miles round our neighborhood. Was a lot of fun!!
    Getting really excited to get my hands on the BD movie only 3 more days to go!

    @Sydney I'm so glad you had a lot of fun in the mountains. I miss them.

    @DK I see you posted the song "video games" did you like it. It's one of those that the melody can get stuck in your head easy.

    well I suppose I am not going to get the things done on my list for today if I don't get going. Happy Tuesday everyone!!

  90. Marley...where did you live in Colorado? Are you in Minnesota? I will be there this weekend!

    Glad we got to see pics of the lovely couple to go with the tweets. Even though I know they hate that and clearly people have been respecting their boundaries these last weeks...or months. Obviously they've been doing this all that time according to all the tweet sightings - people just left them alone and didn't ask for pictures.

    Interesting how our recent visitors are suddenly quiet. Couple is still a couple. Think they'll come eat crow? Yeah, me neither.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. @sydney, we used to live in denver and golden. I still have family out there. Well u picked a good winter to come here to mn, snow wise. Yes I live in mn
    I have a desert if anyone wants to try. Strawberry margarita squares. with or without alchol.

  93. Marley- I'll have the Strawberry margarita squares, with alcohol...please ;)

  94. marley - I'll just have the alcohol please :)

  95. Be OK

    Ingrid Michaelson:

    I just want to be ok, be ok, be ok
    I just want to be ok today
    I just want to feel today, feel today, feel today
    I just want to feel something today

    Open me up and you will see
    I'm a gallery of broken hearts
    I'm beyond repair, let me be
    And give me back my broken parts

    I just want to know today, know today, know today
    I just want to know something today
    I just want to know today, know today, know today
    Know that maybe I will be ok

    Just give me back my pieces
    Just give them back to me please
    Just give me back my pieces
    And let me hold my broken parts

    I just want to be ok, be ok, be ok
    I just want to be ok today
    I just want to feel today, feel today, feel today
    I just want to feel something today

    Know that maybe I will be ok
    Know that maybe I will be ok
    Know that maybe I will be ok

    Thank you/iDancer101

  96. Collide

    Howie Day:

    The dawn is breaking
    A light shining through
    You're barely waking
    And I'm tangled up in you

    I'm open, you're closed
    Where I follow, you'll go
    I worry I won't see your face
    Light up again

    Even the best fall down sometimes
    Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
    Out of the doubt that fills my mind
    I somehow find
    You and I collide

    I'm quiet you know
    You make a first impression
    I've found I'm scared to know
    I'm always on your mind

    Even the best fall down sometimes
    Even the stars refuse to shine
    Out of the back you fall in time
    I somehow find
    You and I collide

    Don't stop here
    I lost my place
    I'm close behind

    Even the best fall down sometimes
    Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
    Out of the doubt that fills your mind
    You finally find
    You and I collide

    Thank you/switlab

  97. Lovers Love Sushi

    Gimme Your Sushi

    Leningrad Cowboys:

    Gimme your sushi, little Susie
    Gimme your sushi, little Susie

    I don't care what the people say
    I don't care about it
    Well, my little sweet Susie
    She's the love of my life

    I don't care what the bitches say
    I don't care about it
    Well, little by little
    Everything seems to be fine

    She's so beautiful when she's walking around
    She's got everything money just can't buy
    Gimme your sushi, little Susie
    Gimme your sushi, little Susie

    Give me your monkey I will suck it
    Gimme me your sushi, little Susie

    Thank you/pixeleye

  98. Just Might Work!

    Put A Tax On Love

    Eddie Cantor (1933):

    Thank you/voglesque89

  99. I thought the same thing about Chatty Cathy (lol) why is she still talking about Twilight, and how they picked Rob? hahaha, great post Rose. And I really don't want to think Rob's aunt would talk aboout her nephew like that. Thanks

  100. Good morning all,

    It was nice to wake up yesterday and see the two ninjas come out of hiding for a bit. I'm glad the pictures we saw were from a stoked fan and not the paps!

    Ali Mac- Thanks for sharing that recipe with us. Sounds yummy and it will definitely be going into the recipe box for a future dinner.

    Marley- Please do share with us your recipe too! Around here I think it's safe to say we'd all enjoy it with the alcohol! ;)

    Annie- Sorry to read you are under the weather. Hope you start feeling better soon!

    Have a fun hump day!

  101. I watched the two new clips of Bel Ami and I just cannot wait to see this movie!!!!!!!!!!! Rob seems so good in the clips :0)

  102. Hey everyone! Here is the recipe although personally I make it w/o alcohol and it is still so yummy.
    Strawberry Margarita Squares
    4 c. crushed pretzels or gram cracker
    1 c. butter(melted)
    1/2 c. sugar
    ~ mix all together and in a 9x13 GLASS pan (or two 8x8 glass pans) press crust as even as possible. Bake Crust for 10 minutes on 350 degrees, then cool fully.

    2 (8oz) cream cheese
    1/2 c. margarita mix (mix your choice of alcohol with margarita-no more than 1/2 cup)
    2 (8oz) Whipped cream
    1 (3oz) Strawberry jell-o
    1/2 c. boiling water
    10 oz frozen strawberries with syrup.
    ~Beat cheese and margarita mix, add 2 c. of whipped cream. Put over crust and chill until firm.
    ~Dissolve jell-o in boiling water, add frozen strawberries.
    ~Stir until jell-o is thicken, lightly mix whipped cream (3c.) with jell-o
    ~Cool until top layer thick (about 2 hrs. ) Top with drops of whipped cream & fresh strawberries.

    I hope everyone is having a great hump day!

  103. I might not have alot of main dinner recipes to share but I have alot of desert ones if anyone needs!!

  104. Good evening Roseland. I hope you're all well....... No colds!

    Rhonda and Melinda: Thank you for the well wishes.

    DK: Thank you for the tunes. :)

    Marley and Ali Mac: Share away. Thanks. :)

  105. Hey Rose, If you wanna write a post tomorrow for my birthday, you go right on ahead!


  106. @Teeth
    Happy Birthday!

    @ali mac
    Yes, I liked that song by Lana! Will post others of hers, too.

    Hope anyone not feeling well, feels better soon!

    Shouting out to Rose, Smitty, Gruff, Syd and You All!

  107. Deleted Scene

    Robert Pattinson-Vanity Fair (2004)

  108. Song For The Road

    David Ford:

    Well the day casts down
    Lengthy shadows on unfamiliar towns
    I drove 300 miles from the place I call home
    And I tip my hat to the angel of the North

    And the sun sets fire to the heavens
    On the hills over Sheffield tonight
    And I'll sail over this countryside with new friends and old
    And we are no where, but man, we're alright

    So you can keep your belief in whatever
    I'll wear my cynicism like a tattoo
    While poets try to engineer definitions of love
    You know all I can think of is you

    And I can't wait to see you on Sunday
    Far from the traffic and the smoke and the noise
    For this evening I will play back every message that you sent
    And I will sleep to the sound of your voice

    Now I don't like using words like forever
    But I will love you til the end of today
    And in the morning when I remember everything that you are
    I know I'll fall for you over again

    I know someday this all will be over
    And it's hard to say what most I will miss
    Just give me one way to spend my last moments alive
    And I'll choose this, I'll choose this, I'll choose this
    I'll choose this, I'll choose this, I'll choose this
    I'll choose this, I'll choose this, I'll choose this

    Thank you/heidike123

  109. Those Were The Days My Friends

    Your Wildest Dreams

    The Moody Blues:

    Once upon a time
    Once when you were mine
    I remember skies
    Reflected in your eyes

    I wonder where you are
    I wonder if you
    Think about me
    Once upon a time
    In your wildest dreams

    Once the world was new
    Our bodies felt the morning dew
    That greets the brand new day
    We couldn't tear ourselves away

    I wonder if you care
    I wonder if you still remember
    Once upon a time
    In your wildest dreams

    And when the music plays
    And when the words are
    Touched with sorrow
    When the music plays
    I hear the sound
    I had to follow

    Once upon a time
    Once beneath the stars
    The universe was ours
    Love was all we knew
    And all I knew was you

    I wonder if you know
    I wonder if you think about it
    Once upon a time
    In your wildest dreams

    Once upon a time
    Once when you were mine
    I remember skies
    Mirrored in your eyes

    I wonder where you are
    I wonder if you
    Think about me
    Once upon a time
    In your wildest dreams

    Thank you/EssentialDegnities

  110. @marley
    Duh, thank YOU for the Lana song suggestion, and the Margarita Squares may just be one thing I can and will make. Matter of fact, I think I first had similar when I lived in MN, and also found out about "hot dish" meals, so yummy. Thanks!

    A near miss again, but I will get back to you soon.

  111. Soulshine

    Warren Haynes/Vusi Mahlasela:

    When you can't find the light
    That guides you through a cloudy day
    When the stars ain't shining bright
    And it feels like you've lost your way
    When those candle light of home
    Burn so very far away
    Well you got to let your soul shine
    Just like my daddy used to say

    He used to say the soulshine
    It's better than sunshine
    It's better than moonshine
    Damn sure better than rain
    Hey now people don't mind
    We all get this way sometimes
    Got to let your soul shine
    Shine 'til the break of day

    I grew up thinkin' that I had it made
    Gonna make it on my own
    Life can take the strongest man
    And make him feel so alone
    Now and then i feel a cold wind
    Blowin' through my aching bones
    I think back to what my daddy said
    He said, boy, in the darkness before the dawn

    Sometimes a man can feel this emptiness
    Like a woman has robbed him of his very soul
    A woman too, god knows, she can feel like this
    But hey, when your world seems cold
    You got to let your spirit take control

    We all get this way sometimes
    Got to let your soul shine
    Shine 'til the break of day

    Thank you/bscrugs99

  112. For Syd & His Love

    Laura Marling:

    There lies a man of my heart
    A fine and complete work of art
    Here I his woman
    His home and his heart
    And proud to be playing that part
    And proud to be playing that part

    Rest in the bed of my bones
    All that I want is a home
    And all you can do
    Is promise me bold
    That you won't let me grow dark
    Or cold
    As long as we both shall live.

    The bite will come.
    But you'll feel your call as a sound as I
    Believe in you

    The first deal's the hardest I'm sure
    Where our shadows come to the shore
    Know that it's you and I till the end
    And all I want from life is to
    Hold your hand

    All that I have are these bones
    And all that I want is a home
    And all you can do
    Is promise me bold
    That you won't let me grow dark
    Or cold
    As long as we both shall live.

    The sirens come
    They always will
    But the dart between my heart and his
    Is as good as a diamond chain

    This is the bed of my bones
    And all that I want is a home
    And all you can do
    Is promise me bold
    That you won't let me grow dark
    Or cold
    As long as we both shall live.

    Thank you/SpinningOnAir

  113. Once Again To Be Heard As If The First Time

    Kissing You


    Pride can stand
    A thousand trials
    The strong will never fall
    But watching stars
    Without you
    My soul cries

    Heaving heart is full of pain
    Oooh, oooh, the aching
    'Cause I'm kissing you, oooh
    I'm kissing you, oooh

    Touch me deep, pure and true
    Give to me forever
    'Cause I'm kissing you, oooh
    I'm kissing you, oooh

    Where are you now
    Where are you now
    'Cause I'm kissing you
    I'm kissing you, oooh

    Thank you/MizJamz

  114. @Birdie
    Missing you. Call me? Walking the doglets?

  115. @Birdie
    Yes, dear, I am here, and so lost in music.

  116. Well, there you are. What's going on in your world?

  117. @Birdie
    I am missing those who may see me and that is everything, ya know?

  118. Good morning dear Rose and Roseland,

    Wishing y'all a lovely Thursday.

    DK, thank you for the beautiful Laura Marling "Rest In the Bed" vid. Her voice, guitar playing and song writing are heavenly. What a wonderful early morning concert piece to go with my cuppa.

    Hugs for y'all.
    Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.
    Life is good!

  119. Good morning Roseland!

    I am convinced that they are people who still fight the fact that the world is round.

    Have a great day everybody! :)

  120. Good morning, Roseland....Hope all is well in your world(s)...

    So happy to sneak a peek at the dynamic duo, particularly since it was pap-free!

    DK: Your songs have been getting me thru the flu (although it sounds as if a few others are under the weather, as well)... Get well wishes to everyone suffering from illness, doldrums, and any other maladies!!

    The Truth will set you free; Rose, thanks for your continuous attempts at emancipation for the crazies... you simply can't cure stupid, though :(

    Hugs to Smitty, Gruff, and Syd...

  121. Kenzz, I hope you feel better soon. There seem to be a lot of people suffering with colds and flu at the moment :0(

    Hoping all the UK Roselanders keep safe on the roads tonight, there are some bad conditions out there in some areas!!

    Home made Burgers for dinner tonight, simple but yummy :)

    Hope everyone is having a good day so far xx

  122. Hope everyone is having a great day today. Its actually some what nice out today. Sorry for everyone who doesn't have nicer wheather and hope it gets better for u soon.

    I can't wait to get a copy of BD tommarow, will give me a great movie to watch this weekend since it's going to be really cold. Also excited to watch Grey's Anatomy tonight!

    Ali- those burgers do sound good, can't wait for summer so we can have them off the grill. All meat seems to taste better when cooked on the grill

  123. Marley I have to agree with you about meat of the grill. We don't always get good weather here even when it's supposed to be summer!! but we still BBQ as much as possible, I send my husband out to stand in the doorway of the shed and cook on the BBQ even when it's raining (very mean wife lol)

  124. @ali:
    I tried out your recipe and both the bf and I loved it! Thanks for sharing <3

    Have a great day everyone :)

  125. That's great Leni, glad you liked it :0)

  126. Kenzz,
    Sending "Get Well" wishes your way. Take care.

    Hope you are feeling much better by now.

    Wishing you a wonderful trip. So excited for you!

    Hugs for y'all.

  127. Thank you DK!! :)
    There's still hope for a new post!

  128. Ali Mac,

    What lovely, lovely children you have! Such joy!
    Their pic with the sunflowers is beautiful, and this one with the duckling, so cute!

    : )

  129. Thanks Olivia, I want to put a Rob or Kristen pic up but haven't worked out how to do it yet!

  130. Dear Teeth,

    Happy, Happy Birthday! Enjoy this beautiful day!

    Hope all is going well. I'm sure you are super busy with school.

    ((Hugs)) and a **wave** at 'ya in ol" S.A.

  131. Kenzz - Hoping you feel better soon :)

    Teeth - Happy Birthday!

  132. Teeth: Happiest of Birthdays!!

    Thanks for the get well wishes... feeling 1000 times better than the beginning of the week!

    Have a great almost weekend :)

  133. Teeth- Happy Birthday!!

    Marley- thanks for sharing the recipe. Also, I agree with you and Ali about the grill--it makes everything taste better.

    Ali- your children are all kinds of cute :)

    Kenzz- glad you're feeling a bit better, take care.

    Hi everyone- I hope it's been a great day...


    Happy Birthday TEETH!

    KENZZ... Sorry to hear you have been sick I hope you are back to normal

    Love to ALL

  135. Awwwww thanks guys!
    Ya'll are really sweet.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful day.
    Breaking Dawn dvd on friday! :D

  136. Thanks Rhonda, I agree but I'm biased. LOL

  137. Hello, Roseland! Checking to see if anything new happened today...looks like the troll(s) went underground again. I had a good chuckle yesterday!

    Sooooo excited to buy BD tomorrow, I'll be there! Nightie night!

  138. Good morning dear Rose and Roseland,

    Mon Dieu, formidable et très fantastique! 11+ minutes of Bel Ami wonderfulness. What a lovely surprise to see this morning. Trying to be patient, this film promises to be magnifique!

    Have a lovely Friday.
    Hugs for y'all, Smitty, Gruff and Syd.
    Life is good.

  139. OLIVIA... Mon Francais est terrible... Mais jadore Bel Ami trailer aussi!!! Bon SoIr mais Amis au Robert Pattison Intoxication!!!!


  140. LOL for a moment there until i read 2 lines further down i was wondering "there was a shorty spice in the spice girls band?!!!"

    indeed truth is truth

    i would love for nikki to just give it a rest already its getting stale, have some self-respect

    i know the saying goes 'there's no such thing as bad publicity " but still nobody likes when you reek of desperation , the joke is on her now

    anyway about rob, i have seen the poster of bel-ami and great job to whoever did that poster rob looks even more beautiful than ever, now that i've read a month ago i'm really eager to see the movie and love that so far the echo has been positive

  141. Hello, Happy Friday, Lovelies!

    I am not off to Target for BD1, for I can wait, feeling full from the movie itself. Satuday or Sunday, oh, yes!

    Of course, I will own it and happily add my two cents to Rob and Kristen's legacies, for I believe they make good life choices, and if they don't, well, they may have it nonetheless. Free and clear.

    Guess some music may be called for, we'll see.

  142. For Kristen Who Loves Big Band, Too

    String Of Pearls

    Glenn Miller Orchestra (1946):

    Thank you/Genius5ROBLOX

  143. My Salty Tears Swell & Love Feels Real

    How Long Has This Been Going On

    Audrey Hepburn (1957):

    I was taught that I ought
    Not expose my inner senses
    Had no plan for man
    I was full of self-defences

    Now I feel that I really
    Should face the consequences
    My philosophic search
    Has left me in the lurch

    I must find why my mind
    Is behaving like a dancer
    What's the clue to pursue?
    For I have to have the answer

    I could cry
    Salty tears
    Where have I been
    all these years?
    Is it fun?
    Or should I run?
    How long has this been going on?

    There were chills
    Up my spine,
    And some thrills
    I can't define
    Does it show?
    And who would know?
    How long has this been going on?

    Oh, I feel
    like I could melt.
    Into heaven I'm hurled.
    Finding another world.
    Can I trust how I feel?
    Is this my Achilles heel?

    Look at me:
    I'm all at sea.
    How long has this been going on?

    This is grand!
    This is great!
    I'm in such a lovely state!
    Can one kiss do
    All of this?

    Thank you/MyPhilosophicSearch

  144. Oh, Just Kill Me, It's Good

    I Won't Send Roses

    Michael Feinstein:

    I won't send roses
    Or hold the door
    I won't remember
    Which dress you wore

    My heart is too much in control
    The lack of romance in my soul
    Will turn you gray kid
    So stay away kid

    Forget my shoulder
    When you're in need
    Forgetting birthdays is guaranteed
    And should I love you
    You would be the last to know

    I won't send roses
    And roses suit you so

    My pace is frantic
    My temper's cross
    With words romantic
    I'm at a loss

    I'd be the first one to agree
    That I'm preoccupied with me
    And it's inbred kid
    So keep your head kid

    In me you'll find things
    Likes guts and nerve
    But not the kind things
    That you deserve

    And so while
    There's a fighting chance
    Just turn and go
    I won't send roses
    And roses suit you so

    Thank you/BestArtsBroadway

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. I Repeat Myself As I Should Darlings

    The Circle Game

    Joni Mitchell (1974):

    Yesterday a child came out to wonder
    Caught a dragonfly inside a jar
    Fearful when the sky was full of thunder
    And tearful at the falling of a star

    Then the child moved ten times round the seasons
    Skated over ten clear frozen streams
    Words like when you're older must appease him
    And promises of someday make his dreams

    And the seasons they go round and round
    And the painted ponies go up and down
    We're captive on the carousel of time

    We can't return we can only look
    Behind from where we came
    And go round and round and round
    In the circle game

    Sixteen springs and sixteen summers gone now
    Cartwheels turn to car wheels thru the town
    And they tell him take your time it won't be long now
    Till you drag your feet to slow the circles down

    And the seasons they go round and round
    And the painted ponies go up and down
    We're captive on the carousel of time
    We can't return we can only look
    Behind from where we came
    And go round and round and round
    In the circle game

    So the years spin by and now the boy is twenty
    Though his dreams have lost some grandeur coming true
    There'll be new dreams maybe better dreams and plenty
    Before the last revolving year is through

    And the seasons they go round and round
    And the painted ponies go up and down
    We're captive on the carousel of time
    We can't return we can only look
    Behind from where we came
    And go round and round and round
    In the circle game

    Thank you/CTDMedia

  147. I Love My Mistakes, I'm Alive!
    Every One Counts

    Until It's Time For You To Go

    Buffy Sainte Marie:

    You're not a dream
    You're not an angel
    You're a man

    I'm not a queen
    I'm a woman
    Take my hand

    We'll make a space in the lives
    That we'd planned
    And here we'll stay
    Until it's time
    For you to go

    Yes we're different
    Worlds apart
    We're not the same

    We laughed and played
    At the start
    Like in a game

    You could've stayed
    Outside my heart
    But in you came
    And here you'll stay
    Until it's time
    For you to go

    Don't ask why
    Don't ask how
    Don't ask forever
    Love me now

    This love of mine
    Had no beginning
    It has no end

    I was an oak
    Now I'm a willow
    Now I can bend

    And though I'll never
    In my life
    See you again

    Still I'll stay
    Until it's time
    For you to go

    Thank you/SixtiesPopGold

  148. I Like The Thought We Can't Help It

    You Made Me Love You

    Al Jolson:

    I've been worried all day long
    Don't know if I'm right or wrong
    I can't help just what I say
    For your love made me this way

    Why oh, oh why, do I feel blue
    There were times
    When I'd laugh at you
    But now I'm cryin
    No use in denyin
    No other gal will do

    You made me love you.
    I didn't think you'd do it.
    I didn't think you'd do it

    You made me want you,
    And all the time you knew it.
    I guess you always knew it.

    You made me happy.
    Sometimes you made me glad.
    But there were times dear,
    You made me feel so bad.

    You made me cry cause,
    I didn't want to tell you,
    I didn't want to tell you,
    I want some love that's true
    Yo know I do.

    Gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie what I cry for
    You know you got the kind of kisses that I die for.
    You know you made me love you.

    Thank you/u1n2s3u4n5g6

  149. Morning all, happy Saturday..

    It's a cold, snowy one here. I love the snow and glad to see it. We've had very little this Winter.

    I hope everyone who's been sick is now feeling much better--((Hugs))

    DK- great tunes last night :)

    Have a great day everyone. Hopefully we can all catch up soon. Lots of love..

  150. Rhonda,
    Not fair! We aren't even getting snow in Minnesota.
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.