Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Rob and Kristen- Private Practice

Ignore the man behind the curtain...

Just having fun...

I know.
It's a Pap picture.
Let's face it... 90% of the pics out there are Pap pics.
But there are degrees...
At least to me.

1. The Paps are clearly not in their faces...
shouting nasty shit at them.

2. Kristen and Rob both are smiling.

3. This pic suits my purpose.

What do you see when you look at this picture?

Do you see a clingy famewhore...
desperately holding on to their "15 minutes" of celebrity?
Do you see someone who deliberately called the paps?
Do you see a couple who are frantically trying to overcome
the popularity of Hunger Games??


Do you see Robert and Kristen...
Hanging out with friends
Having a smoke and a few laughs?

Keep digging...

Some people would have you believe that 
Rob and Kristen
going out with friends...
whether it be to a concert
out to dinner
or someones video shoot...
is flaunting their relationship in our faces...
that these 'private' people are anything but.

But lets take a look at what private means... OK?

Rob belongs to Kristen... publicly and privately.

1. belonging to some particular person: private property.
(Kinda like how Rob belongs to Kristen and vice-versa)

2. pertaining to or affecting a particular person or a small group of persons;
 individual; personal: for your private satisfaction.
(Kinda how their personal lives... shouldn't affect yours)

3. confined to or intended only for the persons immediately concerned;
 confidential: a private meeting.
(To whom it may concern... Not you)

4. personal and not publicly expressed: 
(Personal. Private. Not Public)

Yes. This is the way he always looks at her.

People often screech that Rob and Kristen
don't REALLY want to keep their lives PRIVATE
because they keep showing up together...
doing stuff together.
But what is privacy?
Do you expect them to just hide away 
in a basement somewhere
(where a lot of the screechers live)
and never go out...
Never do anything?
Private is not talking about their relationship.
Private is not flaunting it.
(Case in point... Nikki Reed)

What would you sell out your wedding pics for?

People are confused.
Or stupid.
Or both.
Probably both.

Rob and Kristen have both stated that they
will not discuss their relationship.
They don't.
They don't stop and smile for the cameras
while on their PRIVATE time.
But that doesn't mean they will never go anywhere
or do anything together.
They will still live their lives.
They will.
They do.
And guess what?
They do it...
are you ready for this?



Get fucking USED to it already.

He will be her man.

Couple of thoughts.

1. All this bullshit talk about Rob ruining his career.
Based on... what exactly?
Do you know what he is doing?
Who he is talking to?
Maybe he's working on his music.
Maybe he's taking his time deciding
what to do next.
Just maybe...
He has earned the right to take his time
and do what he wants.

2. Want to hear something REALLY funny?

Ninnies actually believe...
I mean. Seriously.
That not only do Rob and Kristen read their toxic waste
But that when Ninnies suggest something...
Rob and Kristen DO it!

So Kristen wearing Rob's hat the other night?
Or hanging out with Kristen's friends?
We can thank the Ninnies for that!

Oh My.
And you know...
I don't doubt that someone somewhere
is out there keeping tabs on what fucked up Ninnie bullshit
is out there.
It's good to know your enemies... isn't it?
And that's what it comes down to
Make no mistake about it...
Rob despises them.
He's made that clear.
Any good decent man would.
Who would EVER for one moment
side with vicious, hateful, lying harpies
whose only purpose is trashing and hurting 
someone you love?

3. I'm going to see HUNGER GAMES today with
some girlfriends.
It wasn't my idea... but I'm looking forward to it.
I've read the first two books now...
and almost done with the third.
They are good books.
But they did NOT affect me like Twilight.
Not even close.
And I admire the Katniss character...
she is strong and brave.
And guess what?
I like Jennifer Lawrence too!
But I don't get the lame competition.
Totally different stories.
Totally different actors.
Just totally different.
Just because its a 'Young Teen' trilogy
and it stars a young beautiful girl?
And honestly...
Why must people trash Twilight to like Hunger Games?
You can like both...
Or you don't have to like any of them.
It's not a prerequisite to hate Bella to like Katniss.
People are lame.
It's just another rather obvious excuse
to hate on Kristen.
And Twilight.
I'm glad Hunger Games is doing so well.
But if people think it impacts
Rob and Kristen in any way?
They will be disappointed.

To each their own.
I say go forth and prosper.

And may the odds be ever in your favor.

This is who Robert fell in love with...

4. Rob and Kristen are only going out to be seen
because Hunger Games is doing SO well at the box office!

Isn't the BD2 teaser trailer in front of Hunger Games?
Aren't they from the SAME company now?
Is having some grainy pap pics of Rob and Kristen 
standing around with friends...
REALLY considered promo nowadays?
In what universe?

Laughing AT you... Not with you.

5. I don't even have the energy for a 5.
Laughing takes a lot out of you... you know?
I do know that the only 'clingers' 
in this scenario 
are the people desperately clinging to
Exit Strategy
Damage Control

They can see the writing on the wall

Robert loves Kristen loves Robert
They just refuse to read it.

6. Tom Sturridge.
Of course.
I always talk about him.

I miss Shaggy and Scrappy... a lot.
I adore Thomas Sturridge.
I can't help it.
It's just one of those things.
Those things I do.

So in closing...

This post is brought to you by one of my
all time favorite movie quotes.

"Everything seems like nothing to me now, 
'cause I want you in my bed.
 I don't care if I burn in hell. I don't care if you burn in hell. 
The past and the future is a joke to me now.
 I see that they're nothing.
 I see they ain't here. 
The only thing that's here is you - and me." 

It's from Moonstruck.

The only thing that's here...
is you-- and me.

Until next time.

Bye for now


  1. Lovely ROSE... Enjoy the movie! I am still in the middle of the first book. I will go see the movie when finished. Hope eveyome has a good Wednesday:)

  2. Rose,
    I love and miss your Shaggy and Scrappy. I am so happy that they taking this time to just be and have normal lives. They have so earned it. I'll never understand the need to hate and try to drag someone down. I don't understand how these women think that this young couple's lives are their personnal property to dissect and that it has anything to do with them. Very twisted.
    A HUGE congratulations to Rob, Kristen and Tom! It looks like they are bound for Cannes. So proud of them and their dedication to their craft.
    Hello to all you fabulous Roselanders!
    Get packing!Haha!

  3. Happy Hump Day! Hope everyone is having a great week so far.

    I'm always happy to see pics of them as long as they aren't being harassed. Looks like they were having a fun time with friends.

    I get tired of overexposed celebs so I'm glad they are a private couple. Happy that they are getting this time to live quietly without the hoopla surrounding them. Goodness knows it's going to be crazy and busy with movie promo's and such.

    I read the interview Sienna gave that accompanied her magazine cover. It was an interesting read. After reading it, I think there's more to her than how the media has portrayed her.

    Angelica- Hope you had a fantastic birthday!

    Hello to all the rest of the regs!

  4. Ya just had to swing for the bleachers again, didn't ya? I think the label you're shooting for is anemones. Think about the characteristics. Predatory, soft, bloated, stinging tentacles, mostly stomach, and no brain? (chuckles)

    As for THG, I honestly don't care for it, and I only care *about* it insofar as people use it to whale on something I do care about. The Saga. Bring the invidious comparisons and I get defensive.

    All that being said...(shakes head) is there anyone here stupid enough to believe that BD2 is the Titanic to THG's iceberg? Or that BD2 won't kill at the box office, even if Rob and Kristen elect to stay home?

    And then there's the obvious fact that anything that THG or Ms. Lawrence can do to pull some of the spotlight off of R&K is a good thing for our heroes. They've got youth, beauty, soaring careers, and half as much money as the IRS...and they've both earned every last drop of it in blood, sweat, an tears. All they've been lacking is genuine privacy.

    So whether I actually LIKE THG is irrelevant. As I see it, it's a good thing for R&K.

    That's all I need to know about it.

    You did good again, Rose.


  5. I'm currently trying to read Cosmopolis and I'm not finding it easy reading, did anyone else find this or is it just me?

    We are having glorious weather here at the moment and I've been doing a bit of spring cleaning and sitting in the garden sunning myself, bliss!!!

    I will eventually see THG but I would like to read the books first so it will be a while.

    Have a good day Roselanders xxx

  6. hi to everyone that's posted so far and those yet to post :0)

  7. Loved the post Rose! Hope you enjoy THG...I saw it this weekend and really thought it was good. Of course I also liked the books! And again this movie/series is so totaly different than twilight! Twilight is just a special love stoy. The Hunger Games not so much, but still good! So happy for Rob and Kristen...looks like we will see them in Cannes! I love/hate the pap pics, as you said the ones from a distance I can take a little better. Hope everyone in Roseland is having a good week!

  8. @ali mac...I have tried to read Cosmopolis and did not get very far...gonna just see the movie!

  9. Hi Rose, Super, Birdie, Melinda, TwiHusband (bravo!), Ali, Berry and all the rest!

    I thought THG movie was a good re-telling of the book but it didn't really give me the feelings that I had when I read the book. (if that makes sense) Other friends loved it but I just felt kind of blah. Maybe I was just in a mood that day.:D

    I'm glad that Rob and Kristen continue to live as honestly and normally as they possibly can, in spite of the spotlight. The few remaining clingers will just have to get used to being wrong.

    Have a great Wednesday!

  10. I was just wondering if someone on top is keeping tabs on the nonstens. won;t be surprised if they do after what happened at the UK premiere.

  11. Hola, Dottie!

    Just an offhand comment. Bella's Lullaby started playing on Rose's playlist and I went to answer my cell phone. That's my ringtone for my wife. (grins)


  12. Hey everyone!

    I saw the hunger games, I liked it but its not something I'll do repeat viewings of at the theatre. I'll buy the dvd when it comes out and watch it everyone once in awhile.

    Pap pix are unavoidable at times and Rob & Kristen seemed to be having a good time in the latest pix, all happy and smiley and hanging with friends. The whole pr angle is so absurd, some people need new brains lol

    Hope u are all doing well and having a good day!

  13. Another great post, Rose. I saw HG yesterday and thought it was great. It was beautifully cast, beautifully acted, and hit all the right notes. I also loved the books.
    I'm a writer and editor, and I've read literally thousands of books in my life. But like you, I've never read anything, including HG, that affected me like the Twilight series. I loved the concept, I loved Edward most of all, and I wanted to be adopted into the Cullen family!
    The ridiculous pitting of Twilight against HG, the constant snarky remarks about how poorly the Twilight saga was written in comparison to HG. . .. How irritating! Twilight carried me along (through five readings) on pure feeling. It still does.

  14. I knew I was forgetting something!

    Loved the quote from "Moonstruck!" One of my all time favorite movies. I may have to dig it out and watch it again later. :)

    TwiHusband - Very sweet!

    Hey Groovie!


  15. Thank you for the great post, Rose!

    Angelica...when was your birthday??? Hope you had a fun celebration!

    Hi Everyone!

  16. Hi Everyone!

    It's always good to see the two of them getting the chance to do normal things and just have fun,while managing to(mostly)be left in peace to live their lives.

    As for the delusional freaks....well I'd be lying if I said I didn't find it greatly amusing to sit back and watch them chasing their collective tails,while the universe bitchslaps them on a daily basis.

    Melind - Thank you, yes I did :)

  17. Hi Hope - It was on Monday, cream cakes,wine and roses were involved, I was happy :)

  18. Hi Rose,

    Rob and Kristen

    Get fucking USED to it already"

    And move on, Ninnies.

    Looking at those pics from the other day of Rob and Kristen, definitlely looked like two happy people having fun with their friends.

    Rob and Kristen are happy and that make me happy!

    Cannes is looking more and more like a YES!! May is going to be much good things to look foward!

    Hope you are all having a wonderful day. Take care.

  19. Thanks for the great post Rose!

    angelica - Happy belated Birthday! <3

    TwiHusband - really liked your comment!

    Have a great day/evening everyone :)

  20. Thanks Berry I don't feel so bad now!!

  21. Angelica, Happy belated Birthday! I hope you had losts of fun celebrating your Birthday.

    Take care

  22. Happy Hump Day!

    Moonstruck left me thunderstruck.
    You've reminded me, how that movie
    was also one of the most romantic
    I'd ever seen.
    Twilight to me, is the same. Scorching lovers, speaking of passion, create lasting impressions.
    Thanks, and may you and your buds enjoy THG, too.

    Hahahaha! You are so right. Today, I'm cracking the whip. Ouch.

    So glad you had a lovely birthday on Monday. I'll toast you tonight!

    Good to have you join us here.

    I found the book Cosmopolis very complicated, too. The movie will clarify the plot, imo, and be terrific. These links helped me:

    PART 1

    PART 2

    PART 3

    I'm off now..see you all soon.

  23. Hi Rose & Roseland!!

    An AMAZING post today. You are always so "right on" and say exactly what I'm thinking.

    God Bless You and also Rob & Kristen!!

  24. To those of you having a hard time reading Cosmopolis, you might want to try the audiobook. It's wonderfully done by a professional actor and really gets you into it.

  25. FRIENDS: Has anyone ever wondered about the kind of "real" friends that Rob & Kristen have? I mean, so many of them could be making a little extra money just by giving out "tidbits" of their personal lives; yet, we rarely ever hear anything about their personal time. I think it's wonderful that they have so many trustworthy friends and family.

  26. DK thanks so much for the links, they are great!

  27. Great post Rose, as usual. When I see a post from you, it makes my day brighter.

    I have never understood why people want to compare Twilight and THG. I haven't seen THG yet, but plan to, but I have read the first book. The two are nothing alike. The same goes for the actors. Leave it alone, please people.

    It is so good to see Rob and Kristen out having fun, living their life.

    Take care Roselanders. Enjoy your week.

  28. Rose – great quote.

    Hi to all the regulars and some welcome newcomers. I hope you are all well.

    It’s so nice to see Rob and Kristen enjoying some nights out – and getting relative peace to do so. I agree Rose, I’m glad Rob is getting some time to do whatever he wants – whether it’s planning for his next project, working on his music or just plain sitting with his feet up. He’s earned it.

    Angelica – happy belated birthday. It sounds like it had all the perfect ingredients. I hope you had a good time.

    Have a good rest of the week folks. Take care.

  29. So I saw Hunger Games with the hubbs today, it was ok. Your right Rose, not like Twilight lol. My favorite hater activity is when they try to act like they know R and K. It's endlessly entertaining. I also like how they call anyone who disagrees with them a sheep...but wait...aren't they all sheep if thy all think alike? bwaaahahaha, Thanks so much Rose, you make my day when you update!

  30. I'm toasting Groovie and angelica1, my good Roseland buddies/birthday gals!

    This Spanish champagne is said to rival France's Cristal. How would I know?

    Plus since Birdie got on my case about not slacking at packing, I am mostly in the big closet not doing that. Oh, what gorgeous treasures I have found that were forgotten. Thrilling, just like Christmas!

    I believe I can fly..and you all know why.



    That is the most adorable thing I've ever heard.

    Well I had one of the best days ever today and I hope everyone else did too!

    P.s. why does the Blogger format keep changing??

    No me gusta!

  32. DK,
    You go girl!

    Happy Belated, Angelica!

  33. Hi everyone
    I hope you all are well and happy. I'm Always so touched by Rose's blog. I suppose many of you are also or you would not read it. I just find her extraordinary- she should write more than a blog.

    I m not sure if most of you will remember me but I was thinking and it had been too long so here I am. Take care

  34. Syd, are you kidding about "remembering" you? That's half of why we're here!!! Hope all is well in your life, full of upcoming excitement and great things! And of course Rose should branch out and share her mad crazy writing skills with the rest of the world... We've been a selfish bunch hiding her here for our own entertainment...
    Take care, Syd :) Lots of love sent your way from Roseland...

  35. You Go To My Head

    Michael Feinstein:

    You go to my head
    And you linger
    Like a haunting refrain

    And I find you spinning
    'round in my brain
    Like the bubbles
    In a glass of champagne

    You go to my head like a sip
    Of sparkling Burgundy brew
    And I find the very mention of you
    Like the kicker in a julep or two

    The thrill of the thought that you
    Might give a thought to my plea
    Casts a spell over me

    Still I say to myself
    Get a hold of yourself
    Can't you see
    That it never can be

    You go to my head with a smile
    That makes my temperature rise
    Like a summer with a thousand Julys
    You intoxicate my soul with your eyes

    Though I'm certain
    That this heart of mine
    Hasn't a ghost of a chance
    In this crazy romance
    You go to my head

    Thank you/treeborps

  36. Rose, your posts never disappoint! Agree about the Twi & THG comparisons- nothing sucked me in like the story of Bella & Edward, although I found THG entertaining.

    Hugs to my Roseland friends, birthday wishes to all you March babies, and a special wish to our FGM: may your move be in your favor and may you find continued happiness in your new abode!

  37. @Syd

    It has been too long, but not so long that you aren't remembered. Why, really that last song I posted was for you, without saying so.

    Rose would agree for you two got that thing, that certain thing..

    You're greatly missed.

    And, I'm moving again, within the same building. It's in my gypsy soul, you know.

    Sweets, you got that right! You are doing good?

  38. My fab FGM : we're all well here, and how nice of you to ask! Son out of hospital and back on track, I endured a ct scan today which was uneventful except for the vampire bite like bruise on the arm where the IV went in (couldn't resist the cheesy analogy), and daughter spent the afternoon getting xrayed, only to end up with a wrist brace. Seriously, no wonder health care is so pricey!

    How's the move, my friend? Is it difficult after so recent a change, or easier because you're now "experienced"?!

  39. @Kenzz

    Vampire bite like bruise, eh? Fits right in with our fascination.

    It is a difficult move since there are my eBay treasures since 2005 that must be dispatched. I am very experienced after 40+ moves in my lifetime!

    Glad you all are not seriously challenged.

  40. DK , your riddles never fail to both intoxicate and perplex me... Thanks for being so true to you

    Have a lovely night, I intend to till my hubs returns from his week-long sales mtg

  41. @Kenzz
    You continue to fascinate, too, as I do not know what riddles intoxicate and perplex, but I say, what the heck, it's living large, darlin' girl!

    Ain't we got fun?

  42. Kenzz & Me

    Ain't We Got Fun

    Van & Schenck (1921):

    Bill collectors gather
    'Round and rather
    Haunt the cottage next door
    Men the grocer and butcher sent
    Men who call for the rent

    But within a happy chappy
    And his bride of only a year
    Seem to be so cheerful
    Here's an earful
    Of the chatter you hear

    "Every morning,
    Every evening,
    Ain't we got fun?
    Not much money,
    Oh, but honey,
    Ain't we got fun?

    The rent's unpaid dear,
    We haven't a bus.
    But smiles were made, dear,
    For people like us.

    In the winter, in the summer,
    Don't we have fun?
    Times are bum and getting bummer
    Still we have fun.

    There's nothing surer,
    The rich get richer
    And the poor get children.
    In the meantime,
    In between time,
    Ain't we got fun!"

    Just to make their trouble nearly double
    Something happened last night
    To their chimney a gray bird came
    Mister Stork is his name
    And I'll bet two pins
    A pair of twins

    Just happen'd in with the bird
    Still they're very gay and merry
    Just at dawning I heard,

    "Every morning,
    Every evening,
    Don't we have fun?
    Twins and cares dear come in pairs, dear,
    Don't we have fun?

    We've only started
    As mommer and pop.
    Are we downhearted?
    I'll say that we're not!
    Landlord's mad and getting madder.
    Ain't we got fun?

    Times are so bad and getting badder,
    Still we have fun.
    There's nothing surer,
    The rich get richer and the poor get laid off!

    In the meantime,
    In between time,
    Ain't we got fun!

    Thank you/RReady555

  43. Pulling the sheets up, but had to say thanks for the song!

  44. @Kenzz
    I admire you, and the pulling up of your sheets! Very much!

  45. It Only Takes A Moment

    John Barrowman:

    It only takes a moment
    For your eyes to meet and then
    Your heart knows in a moment
    You will never be
    Alone again

    I held her for an instant
    But my arms felt sure and strong
    It only takes a moment
    To be loved a whole life long

    I've heard it said
    That love must grow
    That to be sure
    You must be slow

    I saw her smile
    And now I know
    I'll listen to just my heart
    That smile made me
    Trust my heart

    For I held her
    For an instant
    But my arms felt sure and strong
    It only takes a moment
    To be loved a whole life long

    And that is all
    That's love's about
    Then we'll recall
    When time runs out

    That it only took
    A moment
    To be loved
    A whole life long

    Thank you/HereComeTheDrums2

  46. I'm hoping to see Hunger Games this weekend, not much free time lately! But I do make time to come here! :) I think people are desperate, some are stupid, and some just thrive on drama. That's the best I can figure, when people create the drama, make stuff up, its just to keep themselves engaged, in the mix.

    Love seeing smiles on their faces, having fun. And I love the way he looks at her, I could look at that all day!

    Good night, Roseland!

  47. Kenzz and DK
    Thanks for the song and sweet words. I fell asleep or would have come back sooner.
    Another night we can talk more I hope. Take care!

  48. Freddie And Birdie - Thank you for the birthday wishes.

    Syd - As if we could forget you :)

  49. One day closer to the week end!

    Syd, It's great to see you! Hope all is well.

  50. Just popping in quickly to wish everyone a good day.

    Syd - you're definitely not forgotten. It's always nice to see you pop in. I hope all is well with you and yours.

    Kenzz - nice to see you. We've missed you. I'm glad that your son is doing well. You need to stop supporting the US healthcare system though, with all those doctors and hospital visits. Take care.

    Have a good day all.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Waves Syd, nice to see you stopped by here. Hope all is well with you.

    Have a wonderful day everyone. Take care.

  53. Some of you are up early! Hello back although I think Angelica is in the UK so not early for her either right?
    I wish Rose would hoist herself out of bed before noon today and say hello. I know Nana Rose needs her beauty sleep but seriously, that much rest isn't good for anyone right?
    She probably is still dreaming about the boys from the Hunger Games. She told me the little short one is really her type. WAIT--she should change this blog to a blog about him! Think of all the fresh ideas and pictures.
    So do you all still play your games at night about choosing which poor soul you want to kill?
    Well, I'll just keep hitting refresh until Rose decides to come and visit. Its how I spend all of my days. Waiting for her to grace me with her beauty, intelligence, and typing/spelling abilities. She blames her ipad but between us, I think she really has a problem spelling words such as "tree" and "book." Don't mention it to her and I doubt she reads the comments I leave anyway so....

  54. HAHA--I forgot my picture was of that officer and looked down the comments and thought "what asshole has that picture for themselves?" HAHAHA-ME!

    I need to change that quickly.

  55. would probably....

  56. ...make Rose annoyed....

  57. ...if I wrote comments...

  58. ....she gets a text or email...

  59. ...if anyone wants to join me ....

  60. trying to awaken Sleeping Beauty....

  61. Did you ever really really REALLY want to talk with someone but they lived in the middle of the wrong country and didn't start their day until about mid-afternoon?

  62. Did it annoy you? It annoys me. Can you tell?

  63. I suppose it wouldn't be that bad except when you are expected to stay awake until FOUR IN THE MORNING waiting for SOMEONE to return from the movies and "a bite to eat."

  64. Doesn't that phrase "a bite to eat" imply it will be a quick thing? Maybe grab a sandwich or something nearby and then return? Does anyone else think that "a bite to eat" would imply a 7 course meal that takes HOURS to finish? Am I right or am I right?

  65. I can just do this until she shows up. Its not like any of you who might read this think I am sane anyway right? So this is just confirming for you that I am in fact mental, especially where Rose is concerned. (Cue that old "Crazy for You" song DK)

  66. You know Rose is very sweet and spends alot of time discussing all the things she likes about Kristen and what's his face. Don't you think we should discuss what we like best about Rose? I'm sure she would LOVE that type of attention.

  67. I love Rose because she is a good writer....even if she is declaring her love and devotion to some idiot...she does it with such style and passion that you can't help but enjoy reading it.

  68. I love Rose because...
    she seems to have a special supplier for those cute little smile people graphics.

  69. I love Rose because...
    She has great taste in clothing and wears it all so beautifully. cough orange shirt cough

  70. Ohhhhh I have to go do a pesky thing called work. More later.

  71. I have read what the "some people" have written and all I can say is they are "ASSCLOWNS"!! Thats all! Who gives a flying Fu@# what these idiots think or say!!
    Love you Rose!!! :)

  72. rose rose wake up rose
    hurry hurry wake up

    Ok I did it. Now stop fucking calling us-its too early for this shit.

  73. Syd... adorable as always.
    And no, I didn't mind getting a zillion emails with ONE WORD on them.
    Why would I mind that?
    Too CUTE... Syd... TOO CUTE!

  74. Awww Toots I'm so glad you enjoyed them. Rest assured if the rules are ignored again, I will be sure to send many more that way.

  75. OK Cutie Patootie!
    I will try to keep that in mind.

  76. I love The Hunger Games, Harry Potter and Game of Thrones. Why does everything have to be a competition?
    So annoying.

    Rob and Kristen are one of Hollywood's most private couples. It's insane to call them famewhores.

  77. Speaking of 'Moonstruck' my favorite quote is when the grandfather starts to cry at the end of the movie and says "I'm so confused'

    And that is how I feel reading about all this bull crap being spewed by these so called ninnies.

    Thanks Rose for deciphering what really is the good, the bad and the very ugly in this so called fandom.

    No wonder Rob and Kris can't stand them...they lower one's IQ trying to see logic in what they're saying but you just can't cure stupid.

    (Btw the mention of Ikki always brings a sour taste in my mouth. Please put some kind of warning before, my stomach thanks you ☺)

    Oh and before I forget, great post once again Ms Rose.

    As for 'Hunger games' maybe it's my age group or the subject matter but like you mentioned, you can't compare the two...there is absolutely NOTHING in common so why do that?

    My nephews liked them better than the Twi Saga. Would it be safe to say that Twi attracts more the female population than the other?

    After you see the movie, can you let us know? Not really interested in seeing them until they come out on BluRay.

  78. Saw this re-tweeted in my twitter timeline so I'd thought I'd share...

    Not sure what to say after reading it...

    Angelica- Your birthday sounds like a win! Glad you enjoyed it.

    Syd/Smitty- Nice to see you pop in. Hope all is well for the both of you.

    Thank God another work day is over. Have a wonderful rest of the week...

  79. I see we had a blast from the past. Hope all is right in your worlds,Smitty and Syd!
    Hope all you ladies and gents had a great day.

  80. It's fun to play in Rose's place and always so nice when old regs return bringing their lightheartedness. Thanks Rose, Smitty, and Syd!

    So excited for May, June, oh, for everything (Cannes)!

    Back later.

  81. For Birdie

    Wear Your Love Like Heaven


    Colour in sky prussian blue
    Scarlet fleece changes hue
    Crimson ball sinks from view

    Wear your love like heaven
    (Wear your love like)
    Wear your love like heaven
    Wear your love like heaven

    Lord, kiss me once more
    Fill me with song
    Allah, kiss me once more
    That I may, that I may

    Wear my love like heaven
    Wear my love like heaven
    La, la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la

    Colour sky havana lake
    Colour sky rose carmethene
    Alizarian crimson

    Can I believe what I see
    All I have wished for will be
    All our race proud and free

    Wear your love like heaven
    (Wear your love like)
    Wear my love
    Like heaven

    Thank you/TheBacmaster

  82. For Syd's Rose

    Crazy For You


    Swaying room as the music starts
    Strangers making the most of the dark
    Two by two their bodies become one

    I see you through the smokey air
    Can't you feel the weight of my stare
    You're so close but still a world away
    What I'm dying to say, is that

    I'm crazy for you
    Touch me once and you'll know it's true
    I never wanted anyone like this
    It's all brand new
    You'll feel it in my kiss
    I'm crazy for you

    Trying hard to control my heart
    I walk over to where you are
    Eye to eye we need no words at all

    Slowly now we begin to move
    Every breath I'm deeper into you
    Soon we two are standing still in time
    If you read my mind, you'll see

    I'm crazy for you
    Touch me once
    And you'll know it's true
    I never wanted anyone like this
    It's all brand new
    You'll feel it in my kiss
    Because I'm crazy for you

    Thank you/The80sJukebox

  83. So distracted working in my drive-in closet (as the brochure calls it) that my mind is a blank, i.e. no musical inspiration tonight.

    Wandering away for now, while keeping an eye out for lurkers, lingerers, and lovers of any kind.

    Welcome to Friday!

  84. DK,
    Drive-in closet? I am jealous. Thank you for the song. I had forgotten about Donovan. I always loved "Crazy For You". Syd, forever the romantic.
    It's Friday! WooHoo!

  85. @Birdie
    Don't be jealous even though one can put a full size bed in that closet. Who could sleep in one?

    Mostly, there were about 100 unpacked boxes in there, hiding from sight. But I've got 'em good and down to maybe 30.

    There is no such closet in the new apt. for I believe they did make a bedroom in the space instead. Clever of them, and I'd better be even more clever in what I take with me.

  86. I thought you were thinning out your treasures with the last move. Haha! Hard to let go. I tell myself that the kids may want it someday. Man, I hope they do!

  87. Kristen is confirmed to be at the Kids Choice Awards, and Taylor's going to be there, too. Not sure about Rob though.

    Sat. 3/31 at 8pm EST.

    Now that news is exciting!

  88. @Birdie
    Ha, ha. I did thin them out last time until my energy and patience got too thin to continue the thinning out.

    Besides, my excuse is having done an eBay business for 3 years, and this is the fallout!

    Truly, my kids tell me often how much they DON'T want any of it.

    Letting go of my family Xmas decorations is the hardest and I still have 4 bins of them. In due time, when I'm ready for the doing, they'll be done and making someone else happy I hope.

    Can you imagine me sitting in that closet looking at family photo albums for an hour? I did.

    Change is a challenge.

  89. @Birdie
    You're probs out on pet patrol. Have a great day and weekend. I sent you an email earlier.


  90. I can imagine the photo albums. Such fun and the perfect way to procrastinate. Thanks for the email. I am running late for work-procrastinating. I will send a reply later. Have a good sleep!

  91. I hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing, fun, and amazing weekend!

    Take care out there everyone!! :D


  92. Dear Rose and Roseland,

    Have a beautiful Friday.

    Thank you dear DK for the lovely Donovan song. Listened to it twice this morning with my cuppa. His music brings back such wonderful years and memories.

    Out the door and off to school, will peek in this evening.

    Hugs for y'all.
    Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.
    Always wishing you three the very best.
    Life is good.

  93. Hi Roselanders,
    I know I'm not a reg, and never know if I should post, but DreamerKind always draws me in with her song choices. Teaching Gatsby right now, so you're choosing music close to my heart.

    Life seems good right now for lovely folks, despite the existance of some goofballs. (shaking head)

    And how nice to see your Syd here. It's been a while. What a funny character!

  94. DK - thanks for the beautiful music!

    Finally got my BD DVD so I'm going to watch it now :)

    Have a great day/evening everybody :)

  95. Good evening everyone!

    I agree about that Donovan song-so beautifully mellow each time it's heard. Timeless.

    Seems to me you're a regular now and I'd consider you a Roselander, too. Have a great spring break!

    Thanks for enjoying the music. May your weekend be sunny.

    Time for my closet playtime. Bye for now.

  96. Mwah! Kisses in the air, in the night, and goodnight!

  97. Good Morning ROSELAND

    It has been a busy week but I wanted to take a moment to say HI...(waves)!!! I was just minding my own business and then on Tuesday...BAM...the pollen decided to do battle with me in the worst way...I can hardly talk ( I know...such a shame...hahaha ) and nothing else is much fun either...unfortunately, activities still need to move on and so I have been pushing myself along and will today also( baby is having a birthday party at my house TODAY):)

    I also bought a new car yesterday and I am beside myself with excitement...if you will recall I have wrecked my car ....( I am challenged when backing out of the garage...sometimes.. Well it's really dark when I leave the house early in the morning and my son and hubs have been known to place obstacles in my way that SHOULDN'T BE THERE... Lol) and of course THE DEER was the last straw for me...even hubs couldn't argue ...the car is cursed!!!! So now that I have the new car, I am TERRIFIED to drive it...luckily...for the has 4 FREAKIN CAMERAS so I can see and a sensor that alarms if you are fixin to run over something...I hope it will help:).


    SMITTY...Come back when you can't STAY SO LONG!!!!( shhhh...reverse psychology)...:)


  98. Hi all,

    I'm just popping in quickly to wish you all a good weekend.

    Super Gigi - have a wonderful celebration with your grandson. I hope you get your voice back so you can sing him happy birthday. Congratulations on the new car. It sounds wonderful. Go forth and conquer (in a non-collision kind of way). LOL.

    Have a good one everyone. Take care.

  99. Good morning dear Rose and Roseland,

    Hope the little one's birthday party is wonderful. Take lots of pics. May those allergies clear up enough for you to enjoy the busy day.
    Hooray for the new car. Enjoy!

    Belated birthday wishes to Groovie and Angelica.
    (Cream cakes, wine and roses are all good!)

    Kenzz, good to see you stop by. Glad your sweet son is back on track. Hope all is well with you and also with your daughter.

    Welcome Litmom! Enjoy that Spring Break!

    Both HG and MM, for me, were one viewing movies.

    HG 7 .5 / 10
    ( Stanley T. did an excellent job, really liked the two dresses "on fire". Shakey camera really annoying. Ending does not leave you wanting more. What is up with the pin? Wrong. How will they handle the pin in the next movies?)

    MM 5 /10
    (Lily is a beautiful girl. A young Audrey Hepburn in looks. Dwarves and Nathan L did a good job. Julia miscast. Her beauty treatment grossed me out. Poor A.H., shirtless (the token chest) and embarrassing segments. Thankfully SW Bolly # only appears in the final credits. Didn't like the stylized cartoonish beginning but really liked the very cute and not at all scary looking dragon monster.) Best thing about MM - (so sorry), the trailer for the Johnny Depp movie, Dark Shadow. It looks awesome. Lots of chatter in the audience about it.

    Have a lovely Saturday.
    Off to an area downtown art fair and then maybe Salmon Fishing in the Yemen if there is time left after a late lunch.

    Hugs for y'all, Smitty, Gruff and Syd.
    Life is good.

  100. Hello everyone!

    Happy Birthday to Super Gigi's grandboy! It doesn't seem so long ago that we were congratulating you on his birth. Hope you get your voice back soon. Enjoy the new car.

    Olivia, Thanks for the movie reviews. :)

    Waves and big hugs to all the regs!

    I'm off to continue working in the flower beds. Happy weekend!

  101. Wow, I totally missed Smitty's drive-by. I must be blind.

    My other home is off-line (again...). Is that how you knew I was on SB???

    I obviously need to give Joe Flynn a listen - I love expanding my interests! So many talented people out there that need a fanbase!

    Off to to check out THG with my guy. Hmmmm. No desire to see MM.

    1. Uh, I'm an idiot - typed Joe Flynn instead of Johnny. I know better, really I do....

  102. Hi Everyone

    Super - Happy New Car! I hope your grandson has a wonderful birthday :)

    DK - I could do with that closet of yours!!!

  103. Super, Happy Birthday to your grandson! I hope he has a wonderful birthday party.

    Congrats on the new car. Enjoy!

    Take care everyone.

  104. What a lovely day after...hope everyone is well and chipper!

    Very exciting about grandbaby's first bday! Hope your voice comes back, you feel tip top!
    A new car needs to be backed into and pulled forward out of the garage, as I learned to do being challenged, too. Beyond wonderful!

    Yikes, the new place has few closets so I'm in a panic. (For the short while I had one, the drive-in was glorious!) Actually, I have two but the second is much smaller, lol.

    Gatsby gets everyone gaga, and I had a huge crush on Fitzgerald the man & writer.

    "Cut out all these exclamation points. An exclamation point is like laughing at your own joke."
    F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Alas, I use !!!! like crazy and it is in the spirit of fun-just like darlin' *IBelieve*!

    Sweetness and light from you as usual along with a cracking pov on the movies. Mwah.

    Thinking of Sat. night kissing songs, got any in mind? Unless I get to actually kissing tonight, and then it's Sunday kisses.

  105. Be back later, maybe a Mega Millionaire (after I check my lottery tics).

  106. Love how during an interview quite a while back Rob wished for date nights. How very lovely that he and Kristen now get to enjoy them a bit more easily.

    Congratulations to Kristen!
    So happy for her. She looked stunning at the KCA in the Stella blue lace with matching shoes.

    Yeah for Taylor! Good to hear that he also won.

    DK, two songs for you to spin:
    The Crystals - Then He Kissed Me (1963)
    Hall & Oates _ Because Your Kiss is on my List ( 1980)

    (By the way, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen is an absolutely wonderful movie. Very highly recommend it. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Kristen Scott Thomas, Ewan McGregor, Emily Blount, and Amr Waked all give marvelous performances in this very well done film.)

    Have a good evening. Off to read, am tackling 1Q84.
    Hugs for y'all.

  107. Then He Kissed Me

    The Crystals:\

    Well he walked up to me
    And he asked me if I wanted to dance
    He looked kinda nice
    And so I said I might take a chance

    When he danced he held me tight
    And when he walked me home that night
    All the stars were shining bright
    And then he kissed me

    Each time I saw him
    I couldn't wait to see him again
    I wanted to let him know
    That he was more than a friend

    I didn't know just what to do
    So I whispered I love you
    And he said that he loved me too
    And then he kissed me

    He kissed me in a way
    That I've never been kissed before
    He kissed me in a way
    That I wanna be kissed forever more

    I knew that he was mine
    So I gave him all the love that I had
    And one day he took me home
    To meet his mom and his dad

    Then he asked me to be his bride
    And always be right by his side
    I felt so happy I almost cried
    And then he kissed me

    Thank you/gthalfblood

  108. Kiss On My List

    Hall & Oates:

    My friends wonder
    Why I call you all the time
    What can I say?
    I don't feel the need
    To give such secrets away

    You think maybe I need help
    Though I know I am right
    I'm just better off
    Not listening to friends advice

    When they insist on knowing my bliss
    I tell them this
    When they want to know
    What the reason is
    I only smile when I lie
    Then I tell them why

    Because your kiss
    Your kiss is on my list
    Because your kiss is on my list
    Of the best things in life
    Because your kiss
    Your kiss is on my list

    Your kiss I can't resist
    Because your kiss it's what I miss
    When I turn out the lights

    I go crazy wondering
    What there is to really see
    Did the night just take up your time
    Cause it means more to me

    Sometimes I forget what I'm doing
    I don't forget what I want
    Regret what I've done, regret you?
    I couldn't go on

    Because your kiss
    Your kiss is on my list
    Because your kiss
    Your kiss I cant resist
    Because your kiss is what I miss
    When I turn out the lights

    Thank you/watashi81

  109. mega millionaire am I. One of the 3 winners of $233 million EACH was from Illinois, just not me (I almost won $10 and then didn't). It's all in fun.

    Other winners-Kids Choice Awards:

    Kristen as Favorite Movie Actress for BD1!

    Taylor for Favorite Buttkicker!

  110. What You Said

    Been Listening

    Johnny Flynn & Sussex Wit:

    The song's a thing
    And this one's thin
    From traveling light
    The stars at night

    Have seen old time to new erosion
    Old time gone with old religion
    Prickled interest seizing pride
    The night the music upped and died

    Been listening all the night-long
    Been listening all the day
    Will I listen for the one you know
    Will I listen, will I pray?

    It's a-coming all the night long
    It's a-coming in the day
    It's blowing through my stone ears
    Whistling its way.

    Left the song behind old chums
    The faintest trace of what's to come
    What's behind and what is near
    Banished by a suckling ear

    Coffee lustre
    Lend me mine
    Nothing came with fear and wine
    Been listening all the night long
    Been listening all the day
    Will I listen for the one you know
    Will I listen, will I pray?

    The music's gone
    The music's dead
    The music went and in its stead
    A single song, a chorus strong
    A symphony
    Songs right or wrong

    The band's rehearsing, the radios off
    The silence is everything
    Hold that cough
    Been listening all the night-long
    Been listening all the day

    Will I listen to the one you know
    Will I listen, will I pray?
    It's a-coming all the night-long
    It's a-coming in the day
    It's blowing
    Through my stone ears
    Whistling it's way

    Thank you/PenceyPrepsDropout

  111. Acting very silly tonight with friends. No great kisses distracted me, only unoaked wine which was fine, very fine,

    Kisses sweeter than wine? Ask Kristen or Rob.

    Happy Sunday!

  112. Olivia,
    Thank you for the movie reviews. I hadn't heard of Salmon Fishing...will look for it.
    Fun tunes! Sorry you are losing closet space-what would Martha Stewart do?
    Kristen looked lovely last night. Such a beauty (and a sport)!

  113. Happy Sunday and April Fool's!

    Super- Hope your grandson had a fun filled 1st birthday! Congrats on the new car. Hopefully with 4 cameras you will have better luck!

    Olivia- Thanks for all the movie reviews. Not at all interested in MM but I heard "Salmon fishing" was an excellent movie. Plan on seeing it when it comes out on dvd.

    Thanks DK for playing one of my favorite songs by the Crystals and Olivia for requesting it.

    Saw pics of Kristen from last night's KCA's. Glad she wasn't a slime recipient b/c that dress was too pretty to ruin!

    Hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend! Take care...

  114. Hi all, happy Sunday..

    I hope everyone is doing well, and enjoying what's left of the weekend. My week was insanely busy, and I'm so out of the loop. Just now reading the post and trying to catch up on comments.

    Syd- it has been too long, and you've been missed. No way you'd ever be forgotten. I hope you are happy and well :)

    Super- Happy belated birthday to your little grandson. I hope you all had a great time at the party. Also, feel better soon-allergies are in over-drive right now!

    Olivia- I remember that interview too, and I agree. It is lovely that he and Kristen are enjoying those date nights :)

    DK- sadly, I'm not a mega millionaire either. Lol all my tickets were a total bust ;)

    Will peek back in later tonight. Lots of love..

  115. Rhonda! I missed you! I hope things have calmed down now.

    My guys returned from Spring Break..... along w/their dirty laundry..... It's nice to have everyone under one roof again.

    Enjoy what's left of the week end!

  116. Good Evening ROSELAND...Is anyone there??????

  117. Good evening!

    I have seen both Johnny or Joe Flynn on various web sites.

    As one of the RA lurkers, I did see the SB info. on there. Plus it is Spring Break time all over the country and for our RL teachers, beginning or ending.

    See you all soon.

  118. I'll be taking up paddle boarding as soon as I move to Southern Cali! Picture a day at the beach.

  119. Damn, feel bad if these were razzi pics.
    Sorry, I looked, but must say....

    What a gorgeous way to end the weekend and begin April.
    And we thought the month of March was unbelievable.
    I'm a very good way.... with a big smile.
    May the months of April and May ( oh heck, all of 2012 and beyond ) just keep on amazing us.
    We love it.
    Always so happy for them.

    Have a beautiful evening.
    Hugs for y'all.
    Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.

  120. April 1st Is A Winner

    It's A Good Day

    Kay Starr:

    Yes, it's a good day
    For singing a song,
    And it's a good day
    For moving along;
    Yes, it's a good day
    How could anything go wrong,
    A good day from morning' till night

    Yes, it's a good day
    For shining your shoes,
    And it's a good day
    For losing the blues;
    Everything go gain
    And nothing' to lose,
    `Cause it's a good day
    From morning' till night

    I said to the Sun
    Good morning sun
    Rise and shine today
    You know you've gotta get going
    If you're gonna make a showin'
    And you know
    You've got the right of way.

    `Cause it's a good day
    For paying your bills;
    And it's a good day
    For curing your ills,
    So take a deep breath
    And throw away your pills;
    `Cause it's a good day
    From morning' till night.

    Thank you/nixisan

  121. What A Man

    Linda Lyndell (1968):

    I get lovin'
    By the hundred
    And I get lovin'
    By the pint

    Got me doin' the camel walk
    In my sleep
    Make me do the James Brown
    Every time I get on my feet
    Listen to me

    What a man, what a man, what a man
    What a mighty good man
    Yes he is
    A mighty mighty good man

    Let me put it on your mind
    He thrills me, kills me
    He's a lovin' kind
    Another ounce of his love

    And I think I'm a gonna slip
    Lose my grip
    And do back over flips
    Listen now

    What a man
    And deep inside I know it
    What a man
    And I'm not ashamed to show it
    Yes he is

    He can do, good god
    He can do the funky broadway
    Yes he can

    The funky four corner
    He can back up
    Back up and do the tighten up

    Thank you/vaataja

  122. Surf's Up

    Brian Wison & Beach Boys:

    A diamond necklace played the pawn
    Hand in hand some drummed along, oh
    To a handsome man and baton

    A blind class aristocracy
    Back through the opera glass
    You see the pit
    And the pendulum drawn

    Columnated ruins domino
    Canvass the town and brush the backdrop
    Are you sleeping?

    Hung velvet overtaken me
    Dim chandelier awaken me
    To a song dissolved in the dawn
    The music hall a costly bow
    The music all is lost for now

    To a muted trumperter swan
    Columnated ruins domino
    Canvass the town
    And brush the backdrop
    Are you sleeping, Brother John?

    Dove nested towers the hour was
    Strike the street quicksilver moon
    Carriage across the fog
    Two-Step to lamp lights cellar tune
    The laughs come hard
    In Auld Lang Syne

    The glass was raised
    The fired rose
    The fullness of the wine
    The dim last toasting
    While at port adieu or die

    A choke of grief heart
    Hardened I beyond belief
    A broken man too tough to cry

    Surf's up
    Aboard a tidal wave
    Come about hard and join
    The young and often spring you gave
    I heard the word
    Wonderful thing
    A children's song

    Child, child, child, child, child
    A child is the father of the man
    Child, child, child, child, child
    A child is the father of the man
    A children's song

    Have you listened as they played
    Their song is love
    And the children know the way
    That's why the child
    Is the father to the man

    Child, child, child, child, child
    Child, child, child, child, child
    Na na na na na na na na
    Child, child, child, child, child
    That's why
    The child is the father
    To the man

    Thank you/mickeyelm

  123. Let Me Fall In Love

    Marketa Irglova:

    Before I go to sleep tonight
    Won't you tell a story
    One that does not center
    Around power or glory

    A simple tale of love
    That is tender and sweet
    However glorified still uncorrupted
    With a steady heartbeat

    Or better still of love
    That's also passionate and wide
    That holds the light of youth
    And makes you playful
    Like a child
    And let me fall in love
    Fall in love

    I've heard people speak
    Of sad endings and broken hearts
    But the heart does heal
    And where one thing ends
    Another starts

    I've heard them say
    They wish they never knew
    Such pain
    But to wish for pain-free love
    Is to wish in vain

    And anyway pain
    Does not have to mean suffering
    If love is a gift
    To it
    Yield an offering

    Cause when you're in love
    You fall in love with everything
    With everyone

    And you look at the world
    Through a new pair of eyes
    And you see fear it crawls
    But love it flies

    So, fly away, fly away
    Grow a pair of wings
    And soar up high
    This bird it sings a lullaby

    Close your eyes
    Now go to sleep
    And dream a dream
    Of falling deep in love
    And let me fall in love
    Fall in love

    Thank you/cryde12

  124. hi roseland.. it's been a while since i left a comment here.. but i have to tell you.. if people are wondering, why rob said, he couldn't play 17year old edward..

    they have to look at the malibu beach pictures.. this is a man... a real man. and my god does he look good!!

    i am so happy that they can enjoy their downtime like this

    kristen was positively glowing from happiness at the KCA's!!

    thanks rose for all your wonderful blogposts!!! hugs

  125. DK,
    "What A Man" is the perfect song today, that he is!
    Could these two people be more beautiful? He just looks so happy and free. It looks like the life he has chosen is agreeing with him (and Kristen). Wow,what a weekend of pretty.
    Just curious, what kind of car did you buy that has cameras? I want one of those.
    Have a great week everyone!

  126. Morning all,

    Just peeking in quickly before work..

    Super- I completely missed that you got a new car-that's great! I hope you enjoy it :)

    DK- great tunes last night. So very appropriate ;)

    Have a great Monday everyone. I wish you all a stress free start to the week. Lots of love..

  127. Hi Roseland,

    I can't get over MalibuSurferRob. He looks AMAZING!!! UNF!!!

    Indeed, felecity, he is definitely real MAN...not a boy.

    Kristen looked incredibly gorgeous at the KCA!! her makeup, her hair...her dress...just STUNNING!!

    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. Morning all!

    Great pictures of Rob and Kristen this past weekend.......I am so happy that they're enjoying their downtime.
    Kristen looked beautiful at the KCA's and those pics of Rob made me miss the beach.

    Here's to a great Monday!

  130. Hi Everyone.

    Great pictures over the weekend. It's good to see them both looking so happy and well :)

  131. Hey gang!

    Ditto to what everyone has expressed about the week end pix. It's nice to see 2 hard working people enjoying their much deserved time off. Life is good!


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.