This is a still from a nasty pap video.
I know.
The only reason it is here... now...
Is because of the smile on Rob's face.
That big ol' Robert smile.
The one that is always on full display whenever Kristen is around.
And our dear sweet Kristen.
All smiles as well.
Even though she is walking into a sea of cameras
She is all smiles.
You know my mantra.
And why is it that seeing Rob and Kristen
Makes me smile?
Because I'm smiling BIG time here.
BIG fucking time.
And if I think about it...
I guess I just love seeing them happy.
Happy in love.
So anyway...
This whole Paris thing has been VERY interesting.
The reactions were nuclear.
And when I say that these people are clearly
I've never been more serious in my life.
Rob goes to Paris to see his girlfriend
and hang out in the city of love.
After all...
Paris has been good to us before...
Hasn't it?
Oh yes.
We all remember that.
But instead of just accepting the OBVIOUS.
The most normal
explanation for why Rob went to Paris...
We get...
1. Summit sent Rob to Paris to help out the
Balenciaga campaign.
Because Summit really cares about that...
2. Rob went to Paris because he likes to drink wine.
And hey... Kristen just happens to be there too...
Just coincidence.
3. It's blatant PR! Summit made Rob go to Paris
because The Hunger Games is beating them.
At something.
Rob and Kristen are always promoting BD2
even though its 9 months away!!
4. Rob and Kristen are FAMEWHORES!
They knew Paris is full of paps and cameras
they wanted to be seen.
There is something 'off' about all this.
Oh Robert... Kiss your career GOODBYE!!!
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S.S. Ninnie |
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Making Rob walk the plank because he disappointed the Ninnies! |
It's amusing really.
A guy flies to Paris to see his girl
and its all this.
The good part of this Paris trip
is that a lot of the LOONEY-TICKS
jumped off the sinking ship.
They went scrambling for higher ground as soon
as Rob was seen with Kristen.
They can't forgive Robert for this.
They know what is best for him.
Why can't he just be like he was in 2009?
There are always a lot of names thrown out there
Famewhore being the most popular now.
It's funny...
So many people compare Rob and Kristen
to other more public couples...
and screech
"This is how you do it!"
"You will never see Rob and Kristen do this!"
and then...
and then...
When Rob and Kristen are in public
acting like a couple...
THEY are famewhores.
How does one respond to such mental instability?
I kinda like to poke it and see what happens.
But that's just me.
And don't worry.
I'm not naive enough to think that all the foamy bitter haters
will abandon ship permanently.
I'm sure they are already regrouping...
brushing away their tears of disappointment
And clinging even more tightly to their empty PR claims
and their toxic hatred of Kristen.
But at this point?
They all know the truth.
Everyone knows.
They just can't let go of the hate.
It has consumed them.
I'm still smiling.
There is something about this picture that I really like.
Not sure what it is.
Maybe it's as simple as they are both in it.
So smile!
Life is good.
Rob and Kristen are happy!
(ever so happy)
And let them have their little trip together
and try not to worry about where they are all the time.
Just knowing they are together
and in love
and smiling
That's good enough...
Isn't it?
This post is brought to you by the following sentence:
With Acceptance Comes Peace.
and by
I adore you Thomas Sturridge.
I can't wait for what comes next.
(because you ain't seen nothing yet)
Until then.
Bye for now
Happy sighs...cute couple is cute (even if they have to deal with pesky and often quite rude paps)!
It's scary seeing people so emotionally vested in a celebrity's life that they have ceased to function as a normal human being. I'm forever glad that is is just a small fraction. Sometimes they amuse but most of the time I just want to use a taser on them or something.
Super- Glad your brother's surgery went well and he's on the road to recovery.
Hello to all that stop by. Hope you all are having/or had a great Monday.
Great post!
I keep seeing people mentioning the crazies & how they are "SO DONE!" with Rob.
Well I say good riddance and hope they mean it! And I'm sure Rob & Kristen share similar sentiments.
Rob doesn't need psycho fans like that, he has plenty of sane & rational fans that are happy for him and support his career!
Hope Rob & Kristen continue to enjoy their time in the city of love & lights and aren't bothered too much by fans & papz lurking about!
Hope you all had a good weekend :)
I was in the mountains all weekend celebrating a friend's 30th birthday and somehow missed all this. What a fun day it has been for me catching up on all the sweetness between Rob and Kristen. Even moreso the more I hear of nonnie meltdowns - always enjoy those.
I am going out of town again this weekend...maybe it'll be good luck and there will be more cuteness if I'm not there to see it.
Hope eveyone is well...I haven't had a chance to catch with the post over the weekend so hopefully I didn't miss anything vital.
Just knowing they are together and happy is enough, but seeing them puts more smiles on faces than frowns. I can't explain the anticipation of seeing them together, but its there, for like many, many people. I don't know what to say except they captivated so many people and we just love them...individually and together! Great post! Love your post! Have a great week Rose & Everyone here!
Just knowing they are together and happy is enough, but seeing them puts more smiles on faces than frowns. I can't explain the anticipation of seeing them together, but its there, for like many, many people. I don't know what to say except they captivated so many people and we just love them...individually and together! Great post! Love your post! Have a great week Rose & Everyone here!
I agree w/you, Melinda. A taser might be just the thing--that or a cattle prod! :D
Hi Groovie, Sydney, Anna, and anyone else who stops by.
I hope everyone is having a good Monday.
When I saw the pics of them in Paris I thought of you Rose saying "They Always End Up Together" .
They seemed to just glow with happiness. Thats why I follow them "I Love their Love" .... Also love their Movies.
I think everyone either has, has had, or wants a true love like they have.
Went Riding today and thought, those few haters will never = the multitude of people who were touched by Rob and Kristen's sincere performances, and love for each other.
Did you guys read this? I can't even find words to describe how GODDAM AWFUL this is. The thing they said about Rob... Disgusting..
Rob loves Kisten. He's happy. The end.
why they cant be just happy for him?!
Hi everyone,
Rose – I’m smiling too…big time.
The pictures of Rob and Kristen in Paris are incredibly sweet – despite being pap pictures. It’s too bad they can’t find a way to bottle the love between them because it gives a natural high. It sure makes most people (the sane ones) incredibly happy just to see them happy.
Hi to Melinda, Groovie, Sydney, Anna, dottie and all the other regulars. I’m glad that we got good news from Kenzz and Super over the weekend. I’m sending out best wishes to everyone in Roseland for good health and happiness.
Take care all, and talk to you soon.
What a great few days Rob and Kristen have given us. How any sane,rational being can look at these two together and not smile is beyond me. They're adorable.
I have to say the loons have given me some of the biggest laughs of my life this weekend.Rob really needs to get a grip, some of these expert fans who know how to do it properly are 2 years away from totally giving up on him. Does he not understand that without those 14 extra ticket sales, his career is in ruins??!!
That is all!
Hey ladies!
Angelica...I was thinking the same thing. Rob will rue the day he went against the Nonnie credo (said with a shaking fist)! That cost him at least 32 tickets! What a fucking joke these chicks are. They had zero impact when they loved him. They'll be equally ineffective in their hate.
Thanks for the lovely post before heading to bed, Rose.
It always makes me laugh the possible options they come up with when they 'accidentally' happen to be in the same place lol
I'm just happy to see Rob and Kristen together. That's enough.
Have a good day/night everyone <3
Hey Angelica and IB.
Angelica - LOL. I don't know if Rob should risk it.
IB - Ha ha. Your comment was wonderfully succinct and totally on point.
Rose...awesome post!
I love the pic of Kristen....the smile on her face says it all.
I hope they continue to have a wonderful time together in romantic Paris!
Happy Monday everyone!
These last few days have been awesome... with all the Paris goodies ;) It's great to see everybody happy!
well, almost everybody...
They have regrouped already in a new blog.
But now they openly hate on Rob too... Sick, sick people. You're right Rose, they know, they just refuse to accept it. Their lost...
Hi Rose,
Excellente post11
My heart melts, seeing them smiley and playful. Love that they both looked happy and seemed that they were having a great time. I freakin love that!!!
Ninnies are completely psychotic, their level of craziness is off the charts. They just refuse to accept truth and some even act like Rob has done something to's insane and disturbing. Rob is better off without these lunatics. He has a LOT of fans that love him, respect him and support him no matter what.
I hope Kristen and Rob know just how happy they make people. Wishing them the best of everything.
Hope you are all well. Take care.
Yeah, huge smile...our weekend was awesome!!!
Well Rose, I dare to say that there is no Nonsten anymore, what they really are is a lot of hardly loved women, who NEVER EVER will know what trully is , to have someone who does care for you, who does love you (deeply).
So yeah, haters! They hate Rob and Kristen, they can never win.
I read what Delaney twitted today and I agree 100% with her, thank goodness we are much better than haters, there is no camparasion.
We will always support RK, no matter what.
XO from Brazil
How can a person hate so much? It is NOT health...
"I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain" ~James Baldwin
Wow, now Rob's former "biggest fans" are hating him.. I say good for him to finally be rid of them!
Excellent post Rose - had to laugh at all of the reasons they come up with to explain his trip to Paris.. Whatever gets them through the night, I guess.
Hope you are all doing well, I'm off to sleep :)
I know their jobs give them incredible benefits,but living in the public eye cannot be easy. How fortunate that they have each other. You would think their "fans" would be happy that they have found someone to love. Sad excuses for human beings.
Rose, I love your posts and your constant support of this darling couple.
You are class acts and your positive vibes are what makes this the place to be. Someone should take a lesson.
Oh Rose, last week was wonderful. First the pictures of Kristen,where she looked so beautiful. Then Robert showing up with that big smile on his face. I am still smiling because I love it. I do wish the paps would live them alone.
Rose- I'm still smiling too :)
I hope Rob and Kristen enjoy every moment of their time in Paris <3
As far as the haters, I don't know what to say about them anymore. They remind me of a Benjamin Franklin quote: "we are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid." Clearly, these crazies are working over-time ;)
Hi everyone- I hope it's been a great day. Lots of love..
Rose...I like the pictures same as you...pap or not...I'm over my angst from yesterday (thanks to all that gave me an opinion):) and I trust Robstenation to do the best that they can's a tough call sometimes... Rose, did you see Robs hand in that picture you like? So cute...wonky Rob..adorable and so happy in love..I agree...
IB...Hahaha...I wonder what ever happened to Honey.... "that is all"... Lol
Leni...I am sure you are right...with fans like that, one surely does NOT need enemies!
Sydney...Hubs is going back to NASA tomorrow to walk through the retired space shuttle, Endeavor...
Hi Melinda, is home...these days they throw you out of the hospital as fast as possible...once a procedure is done then they start losing money the longer the patient remains in...
Fio...Sleep well...I can't wait to see the new video!
Hello to Anna, Angelica, Barbara,Hope, Hopesecho, RK Soul, Groovie,Birdie,Dottie and anyone I missed...
Amen to everything you said. I still can't believe grown women are taking this kid's romantic life SO personally! Whatever, they are just projecting their frustrations on two kids who are young and beautiful and in Love in Paris right now. Hope they have a nice time searching out the city together. They are terrific.
Rhonda...Hi! I didn't see you. How was your day?
Hi Super- I had a training class for most of the day, but it was good. Hope yours was too :)
Hi Rose! I always read your blog and love what you have to say, but today I had more tears of mirth than usual. You always hit the nail right on the head, maybe the ninnies should take a que from you. Yeah, I know, that will never happen. Anyway, loved your post today and the emoticons were especially cute too. I love seeing Rob and Kristen, but even if I don't I'm sure they are enjoying their time together in Paris. I like you, and most of us here have big smiles on our faces. Just seeing them happy makes me happy too! =) xo Kelly
Rhonda...I had a good day. We are still trying to work out the bugs in the new computer system at work..otherwise restless spirits have backed off for the time being...thank God!
Hi Rose! I always read your blog and love what you have to say, but today I had more tears of mirth than usual. You always hit the nail right on the head, maybe the ninnies should take a que from you. Yeah, I know, that will never happen. Anyway, loved your post today and the emoticons were especially cute too. I love seeing Rob and Kristen, but even if I don't I'm sure they are enjoying their time together in Paris. I like you, and most of us here have big smiles on our faces. Just seeing them happy makes me happy too! =) xo Kelly
Super- that is awesome! Your husband does a lot of cool things. I would love to see that.
Rose thanks for yet again another amazing post. Although it's not a surprise that is was amazing, as all of your posts are. I loved that picture with Rob getting out of the car as well, and I too cannot figure out exactly why I like that one so much. I can't stop smiling myself when I see them so happy and in love, untouchable on cloud 9 floating above all the negative crap that never seems to always be around.
Hope everyone had a great Monday and is off to a great week and will be blessed with some warmer spring time weather and good health.
It's a quiet, cool morning in the middle of the week.
Twenty four years ago today; I had my daughter.
Oh, happy day!
See you lovelies, later.
DK - Happy Birthday to your daughter!
DK Happy Birthday to your daughter x
DK- Happy Birthday to your daughter. I hope she has a good one..
DK, Happy Birthday to your daughter!! I hope her day is filled with smiles, laughter, and love.
The very reason why I love RoseSee's blog is it exudes positiveness. Your mantra is very true, Rob and Kristen ALWAYS ENDS UP TOGETHER!!! Rob will never worry loosing the so-called "many fans". Why? Rob has what he always wanted---KRISTEN!
DK....Happy 24th Birthday to your daughter !!!
DK ~ Happy Happy Birthday to your daughter!
*Waves* to Roseland! <3
RHONDA ..Did you get much snow the other day?
Have a good day at work.
Happy Tuesday Everyone!
Hi Hope- I feel like I haven't got to talk with you in a long time. I hope all is well. As far as the snow, we only got a dusting, but it was so strange because 2 days before we had tornadoes. Weird weather right now :(
Morning all.
Hope all is well with everyone
DK: Happy birthday to your daughter.
Rhonda: Ditto on the Benjamin Franklin quote.
Have a great day everybody........Ir's freezing here this morning and we're looking at near 70 degrees on Thursday!
Good Morning ROSELAND
Happy Birthday to your daughter DK!!!
ANNIE HOPE and RHONDA. Spring comes on like a lion and leaves like a lamb.... (I think it goes something like that). I was watching the Weather Channel last week and they said that when we have a mild February that we can expect payback in the form of tornados....something to do with the warmer air combined with the March winds.
Have a great day Everybody:). Sunny here high 61 today
FIO...I watched the new video. You are such a talent! You have really captured the heart of this couple!
ROSE...Hangin with Sir Paul...not too shabby!
I LOVE Paris! I love it that Rob and Kristen are there together!!!!Great post Rose! You get it just right! Hello Roselanders! Hope our week just gets better and better!
Dottie- I love the idea of the cattle prod! They could get shocked every time they spew BS! They need to be branded with something along the lines of "I'm clearly unstable. Approach with caution."
DK- Happy belated b-day to the daw!
Super- Glad he's home and resting.
Rhonda- Love the quote. So true!
Hope everyone is having a fun day!
i do not understand
HI rose and you ladies, i read the new blog, that have been created to place rob hate and slander, i am happy rob is with the one who has his heart, i live on twitter now, i rarely go to robsessed, it's the first blog, that i look for after i got my own laptop, it's almost 4yrs, but this is a new laptop, bot ialways forgets my e-mail address!but i like here, i will love to see kristen go to the LV show tomorrowm and carry rob, only to read the haters getting their panties in a twist
Howdy Muffalumps!
Freddie~Glad you liked my comment :)
Super~Honey!!! LOL!! Wow, what a blast from the past!
Happy Hump Day!
@Super, angelica1, Rhonda, Hope, katy, Melinda, ali mac, Annie, Dottie and anyone I've missed:
Thanks so much for the bday wishes for my daw C. She had a great time out with her father and his gf and we'll cellebrate on Thursday.
I while away my days, sorting and dispatching "le stuff", in my place (so in a French mood these days)! It looks like I may even finish before the snow flies again here (if it ever does).
Only 13 more days until Spring. Are you feeling it?
Love in the air, makes any season fair!
Spring Song (Mendelssohn; Op 62 #6)
Ronan O'Hora:
Thank you/Derwentcub
Whispers In The Moonlight
Omar Akram:
Thank you/savic027
Spring Brings Wishing & Hoping
I Should Care
Jane Monheit:
I should care
I should go around weeping
And I should care
I should go without sleeping
Strangely enough I sleep well
Except for a dream or two
But then I count my sheep well
Funny how sheep can lull you to sleep
I should care
I should let it upset me
I should care
But it just doesn't get me
May be I won't find someone
As lovely as you
But I should care
And I do
Answer Is Give To Receive
The Moody Blues:
Why do we never get an answer
When we're knocking at the door
With a thousand million questions
About hate and death and war
It's where we stop and look around us
There is nothing that we need
In a world of persecution
That is burning in it's greed
Why do we never get an answer
When we're knocking at the door
Because the truth is hard to swallow
That's what the wall of love is for
It's not the way that you say it
When you do those things to me
It's more the way that you mean it
When you tell me what will be
And when you stop and think about it
You won't believe it's true
That all the love you've been giving
Has all been meant for you
I'm looking for someone to change my life
I'm looking for a miracle in my life
And if you could see what it's done to me
To lose the the love I knew
Could safely lead me through
Between the silence of the mountains
And the crashing of the sea
There lies a land I once lived in
And she's waiting there for me
But in the gray of the morning
My mind becomes confused
Between the dead and the sleeping
And the road that I must choose
I'm looking for someone to change my life
I'm looking for a miracle in my life
And if you could see what it's done to me
To lose the the love I knew
Could safely lead me to
The land that I once knew
To learn as we grow old
The secrets of our souls
Thank you/Burythneedle
Hopping a breeze to be swept on my way.
Blowing Windy City kisses out to Rose, Smitty, Gruff, Syd, and Roseland's mes bel amis!
A bientôt. (See you soon.)
Good Morning ROSELAND
DK...I almost called you last night but I thought you would be out partying with daw...then I scratched my head and then I remembered...d u told me last week about THIS WEEKS plans...I will catch up with you ASAP...Sleep well Party Girl!
ANGELICA...The Party Prince, Prince Harry has made quite an impression with some Islanders...I didn't catch the name of said Island, but he was schmoozing with the Prime Minister..female...and she was blushing and gushing over him and he was dancing and partying with the locals...I think he should be re-named Prince Charming:). He was wearing blue suede shoes...How cool is that!
Hello and Happy Hump Day!
Kenzz I've been thinking of your boy. How is he doing now that he is home?
DK, Good luck on your sorting and cleaning. I need to do some spring cleaning here.
I hope everyone has a fab day! <333
Super - I believe it was Jamaica. Harry's quite the charmer alright!!
ANGELICA.... Jamacia is a British colony? I drink a coffee at a local bakery called Jamacian- Me-Crazy. It's Delish:)
i just love flove rob's "kristen is in near proximity" smile something about it just warms the soul! kristen is a girl after my heart she's so low key like whatev' clothes and hair-wise 95% of the time but when she needs to dress up she does it in style and class! her heels are to die for, she must have quite the collection!
poor ninnies something about paris always hits them right in their weakest spot! LOL
i just love flove rob's "kristen is in near proximity" smile something about it just warms the soul! kristen is a girl after my heart she's so low key like whatev' clothes and hair-wise 95% of the time but when she needs to dress up she does it in style and class! her heels are to die for, she must have quite the collection!
poor ninnies something about paris always hits them right in their weakest spot! LOL
Have a good day everyone
Ladies did you see the tomatometer for BA?75%, IS THAT REAL, OR AM I DREAMING? if i'm dreaming do not wake me up!
Hello Roseland Has anyone seen Libenets new video, it is beautiful and I would recommend it to to any one that like vids!
I have a rotten cold and am feeling very sorry for myself today, I've done nothing but sneeze and blow my nose all day, with the result being a very red hooter (nose) :0( On a good note my Sister in Law has gone in to be induced today with her first baby, exciting times!!, I'm just hoping I will be over this cold so as I can go and visit when it's born.
And yet more goodies from Paris :0)
@ali mac
Hope you feel better soon! Garlic!
New baby to come! R/K at play!
Hope you are feeling better soon!
Happy belated birthday to your daughter!
R/K are just so sweet <3 And Kristen looks stunning as usual (I'm sure Rob does too - we need pictures!) :)
ALI MAC. I hope you feel better very soon! 5000 U Vit D3 per day during cold and flu season. 3000 U per day the rest of the year:)
Thanks for the advice and well wishes ladies. I'd never heard the Vit D3 before Super, I'll have to get some tomorrow.
Ali- Awwww, a bad cold can make you miserable. I hope you get feeling better soon ((Hugs))
Congrats to your SIL on the new baby :)
Teeth- best of luck with exams..
Hi everyone- I hope you all have enjoyed a nice Wednesday. Lots of love..
Ali- I'd listen to Super... Vit D is the way to go. Hope you feel better soon!
Dottie- yes, my son is getting back to himself after the surgery and ensuing complications.... He's such a fighter, and has such a positive spirit! Thanks for thinking of us...
Paris will surely hold a special place in all of Roselanders' hearts! Hugs to Smitty & Gruff; love to Syd <3
If anyone on here or any lurkers are going to school or anything, I recommend this website:
I am so happy to see them happy and just having fun. Kinda hard to say they're not together lol. Liv I have to say I was shocked that there really are people out there just brimming with so much hate. WOW that site is one hot mess, and I don't ever need to look at it again. I am actually ashamed of the things those people were posting. It's a sickness. I'm glad Rob and Kristen seem to be happy, good for them. fuck the loser hater assholes.
Kenzz glad to hear your son is doing well!!
MY SIL had a baby girl this morning!! so excited!!!
Good Morning!
Thanks for your bday wishes. :)
@ali mac
Congratulations on your sweet niece!
I've meant to answer your question for so long; I am not working a new job. The son got one. I remain "at ease". ;)
Ali, Awww, congratulations on your baby girl niece!!!
Kenzz, happy that your son is doing well!!
And Safe travels to Rob and Kristen!
Happy Thrusday to everyone
Good morning all!
It's been such a joy viewing the pics of Rob and Kristen in Paris.....Safe travels to them wherever they are headed.
It is a gorgeous day here!
Take care everybody.
I was so happy and thrilled to see Robert and Kristen in Paris~they look happy and so comfortable with each other.
I did visit that terrible website on haters of this couple...I can't imagine anyone having so much hatred pouring out of their pours...We have temendous affection, love and admiration for these two young people and to hear such bitter, vile remarks saddens me alot that there are such sick angry people wishing these kids the worst. Blah! To them...Again this is a great site and am enjoying it very much
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