Thursday, April 5, 2012

Rob and Kristen-- Guest Blogger

The opinions expressed in the following post
do not necessarily reflect the opinions of
Robert Pattinson Intoxication.
But then again...
Maybe they do.

Any pictures and/or smilies used in this post
were added by me.

Here we go..





At this point in time, we can confirm that (GRAB YOUR ANKLES HARDER) Robert Pattinson WAS IN FACT
at a bar with friends AND there were other women present!

(I will pause here and allow you all to scream and panic and write ridiculous emails and tweets about how
this MUST be the end of Rob and Kris' relationship and how he probably was, in fact, fucking some used up hag actress on the bar in front of everyone.)

(Also cue the Kristen supporters who are so fucking delusional that they believe they have to bash Robert if he and Kris are not together, 24 hours a day, 366 days per year)

(Oh and also, RED ALERT to the Rob haters who believe he is an alcoholic and a manwhore)

Now that all groups who like to jump to conclusions and over react have been notified, please let the insanity begin!!!

Ok for anyone with a fucking brain let's think about some things here....

This is Robert Pattinson.  We know some things about him. He's a good guy, a good friend, he's loyal, he likes to play music (acoustic guitar mostly) and he loves one person at a time. (BUT HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT LAST BIT? HE WAS AT A BAR WITH LINDSAY LOHAN!!!!)

Well, again, USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN PEOPLE. Robert has never been linked to more than one woman at a time.  He had some old girlfriends--notice the use of the term girlfriends MEANING, because I obviously have to spell it out, the guy is a serial monogamist. He dates one person at a time and usually for a good deal of time.

Name one.

I'm waiting

Still waiting.

Do you have ANY idea what an "I slept with Robert Pattinson" story would be worth to the tabloids?  Even in American money (haha) it would be  certainly enough to entice even the most moral of slutty women to talk and share. Yet, we are some 5 years into this nonsense and not one of these alleged conquests has come forward.   Know why?  BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY!!  THE FUCKING MORONS WHO MAKE THESE CLAIMS HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING BUT TALK. NOT ONE PICTURE NOT ONE WITNESS NOT ONE ANYTHING OTHER THAN JEALOUS BITTER HARPIES WHO HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN TALK SHIT ABOUT A DECENT GOOD PERSON.

Moving on.

This is Kristen Stewart.  Lovely, beautiful and yes, talented.  Oh and I know there are some "paralegals" in New Jersey who don't agree she is talented but when EVERY SINGLE PERSON she has worked with her does nothing but sing her praises, well I am going with the directors and producers and other actors and I'll let the paralegal go fuck herself. (By the way, did you ever see a picture of that bitch, because she is seriously one of the ugliest women I've ever seen. Someone shared a picture of her in a bathing suit and I had to wretch afterwards)

Now this is Lindsey Lohan.

Hmmmmm, aside from the obvious why the hell would Robert possibly give up or risk a solid, healthy relationship with Kristen to entangle himself with this mess of a life.....

Pssst, no you don't. You have a picture of Rob leaving (and looking angry because more than likely a certain recently incarcerated washed-up actress called the paps when she realized Rob was there and she could get herself some attention by selling him out) and then a picture of said washed-up fame whore leaving later that night.

(BUT WHAT ABOUT THE PICTURES OF THEM FUCKING ON THE BAR???)  I was kidding you idiot--there obviously are no pictures of them within even 20 feet of each other. WHY? Because they don't know one another.  Cameras DO IN FACT work indoors and trust that if they were chatting, standing near each other, or even in the same room, there would be pictures. Instead we've got the earth shattering news that GASP ROBERT WAS AT A BAR WITH FRIENDS and LINDSEY LOHAN WAS AT A BAR WITH FRIENDS.
 The rest is nothing but bullshit folks.

Oh and by the way, Ms. Lohan tried this before without success.
She REALLY needs a hobby.

(BUT MAYBE HE AND LINDSAY WERE THERE TOGETHER!!)   I'll let you in on a little secret....Rob is kind of a pussy about police and crime.  I could tell you stories about when he was younger and he would dive out of windows if he thought the police might be bursting in to catch him drinking when he was not yet legal--good times good times--but there is NO FUCKING WAY Robert is going to volunteer to be near someone who is the tornado of trouble that is Ms. Lohan.  Not way.

So on behalf of your governments I implore you to stop being over-reactionary and use your brains.  Rob is a bright boy and he loves Kristen. He's not about to mess that up and besides, she would certainly kick his ass if he did--hahaha.  

This is nonsense and you all should know better than to react to it.

One more thing, just in case any of you heard about a certain art show going on I wanted to just express that the no name hacks who are participating are simply leaches who have no hope of ever making anything of their lives without trying to exploit and mock a young girl who has never hurt anyone or done anything wrong. For those that argue that the "curator" is a fan and intends it as a tribute, trust that she is the king of the leaches and attaching her hole in the wall, rat-infested store to this project was the only way she could hope to generate even 1 person wandering in for any reason besides to use her urine caked loo.  She and all participating are the worst sort and I hope they all rot in the hottest part of hell.


This post is brought to you by

Thank You Guest Blogger.
Until next time...

Bye for now

You're the cutest thing that I ever did see
I really love your peaches
Want to shake your tree


  1. Hi Rose and Guest Blogger, I'm happy that Rob and Kristen have good people like you in their corner. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for them and the people who know and love them.

    While I don't believe any of our Roseland regs gave that Lilo story a second thought, this post is perfect for some deluded soul who may wander in and need an education. ;) Well done!

    Have a good one!

  2. Appreciate your great effort! For those of us with half a brain that whole Lohan thing is the biggest load of feces ever!!!

  3. Oh, Guest Blogger - you grace us with another winning post. Well done! You and Rose are a winning combination.

    I wish the people that needed to read this would read this, but they probably lack the reading comprehension skills needed to understand.

    Thanks for coming to support Rob. He doesn't deserve the crap he gets at the hands of the paps and the nay-sayers. He is lucky to have such a supporter.

    I hope everyone is well. For those that celebrate, I hope you have a good Easter and that the Easter bunny is good to you.

    Stay well.

  4. Possibly my most favourite post ever.

    Makes perfect sense to me, as it would to anyone who isn't completely stupid. Haha I have no idea who this swimsuited Paralegal is but she sounds like a right twat. Shes off to a bad start with me anyway, anyone who posts pictures of themselves in swimwear in a failed effort to look sexy is clearly a twat anyway....

    Nice job guest blogger :)

    Lots of love, hope everyone has a great weekend.

    Liza <3

    Ps, how amazing does Kristen look in that picture. Just lovely.

  5. Ps, just googled how old Lindsay Lohan was and realised I'm older than quite a few years.

    Fucking hell she looks terrible!

  6. I particularly love "most moral of slutty women"

    Next to that pariculalrly stunning puicture of Kristen which is one of my all time favourites, her...."rival"...looks even more like a washed-up,geriatric drag artist than usual.

    Liza - I think the "paralegal" hoped the sight of her droopy arse and child-bearing hips in a bikini would draw attention away from the fact that she has a face that only Picasso could paint

  7. Thank you Rose & Guest Blogger!
    I'm fortunate to have functioning eyeballs & brain and a healthy dose of common sense. So I agree with everything said here.
    Anyone that trashes Rob or Kristen for nonsense like this is a waste of space & needs to just fuck off; I'm certainly glad I didn't see any of that shit, don't need it contaminating my day!

    Hope you are all doing well! :)

  8. Hi Miss Liza, Fredster, Angelica, Sydney,and Groovie! Liza, you crack me up.

    I have to add one more thing to my earlier comment...

    The bottom line is Rob loves & is committed to Kristen. It doesn't matter who the other person is or what they look like, he's not interested.

    Now someone please help me off this soapbox. :D

  9. HA! Angelica she sounds like a beauty.


  10. Thank you for this post. I usually don't read all the stupid shit the crazy nonstens write because a)It makes me sick and b) Unlike them, I do have a life.
    I don't know anything about this so-called art show you mentioned but it sounds like psycho nonsten territory, that is, disgusting.
    Have a good day everybody!

  11. Thanks so much Rose & Guest Blogger!

    Had to laugh so hard at "most moral of slutty women" :)

    Have a great day /evening everyone :)

  12. Hi Ladies,

    I can't believe I'm commenting twice in one day. It's been a long time since I've been around.

    Guest Blogger always makes so much sense. Maybe they should stop by more.

    Give me your hand and step down from the box. We'll all help you, lol.

    I hope you all have a joyous Easter or just a good weekend if that's the way you roll.

  13. Hi dottie, LJ, Angelica, Groovie, Sydney, Leni, PL and everyone else who posted.

    Here, here dottie - totally agree with your comment.

    PL - nice to see you pop in - twice.

    With respect to the picture of the paralegal, I haven't seen it. I guess I'm lucky.

    Super - congrats on your car. An Is this the one that automatically stops when there is something behind it while backing up?

  14. HAHA Thanks and welcome back, PL. :) Normally I'm pretty laid back about this junk but every so often I get myself all fired up and have to let it out. Even my rants are pretty tame, truth be told. :D

    Lots to celebrate in the next few days. I hope everyone enjoys it to the fullest!

  15. Err... Rose, you should put a warning sign on that picture of LL... Fucking scary! O.o

    How can anyone think that...? I'm kind of speechless, Lol.

    Great post Guest <3
    You should post more often :)

    1. On an unrelated note...someone called PinchOfOregano was retweeted in my tl. The visual...I can't. Oregano will never not make me chuckle.

  16. Guest Blogger, we so adore you!

    Loving the: "Not happening... no how... no way"...

    Would certainly like to hear a couple of those window-diving stories!

    Thanks for being the kind of loyal supportive friend to Robert, Kristen, and the wonderful Rose... You're a "real peach"!!

    Take care, Roselanders... Happy Easter weekend to those among us who celebrate the holiday :)

  17. Awesome post, sweet Guest blogger!!! Thank you SO much for this.

    It baffles me that some IDIOTS actually believe this utter BULLSHIT.

    As if, Rob would ever want anything to do with Linday. EWWWW!!

    Hope everyone is having a great day. Take care.

  18. Guest Blogger well said! Robert has shown time and again he is a committed relationship type guy. One woman at a time and for the past several years that woman is Kristen. Robert is simply not interested in any woman besides his love Kristen. Nonberts and nonstens alike show their stupidity whenever they question or mock that.

    Hello to Rose and all Roselanders =)

  19. GUEST BLOGGER....You hit that post out of the ballpark just as you did the other one!!!!! We appreciate everything about you...BLUNT HONESTY, YOUR INSIDER POINT OF VIEW, and YOUR CALLING THE SCUM out on their ridiculous behavior!

    It's so good to see PL!!!!!!!!!!! (HUGS) and so many of the regs the last few days... LJ, FREDDIE ( I don't know the answer to your question...hope I never have to test, KATY, KENZZ, SYDNEY,DOTTIE,GROOVIE, ANGELICA and LENI...and anyone I may have missed...

    About LINDSAY LOHAN...Now there is the poster child for addiction to alcohol and other illicit would you like to look that bad in your twenties????? I promise you that if she is still among the living in her thirties and beyond, she will look way amount of Botox or fillers will make her look good...and whoever did her upper lip must have been on looks horrible:(

  20. Liza- I have to agree with you. Definitely one of the best post ever!

    Angelica- LOL @ "washed up, geriatric drag artist"

    Kristen is beyond beautiful in that picture, she's radiant with it. There's no comparison.

    Thank you, Guest blogger. Simply, brilliant!


  21. Oh, and Hi to everyone- I hope it was a great day...

  22. Hi people! I wanted to say thank you to "guest blogger" for writing this and to Rose for sharing it with us.
    I can't believe some so called fans actually believed this fucked up story. How can you even say you support Rob, even adore him when you immediatly doubt him and think that the ridiculous story that someone, somewhere made up is true?
    Lindsay Lohan? Really? ..Do you know Rob at all?
    I'm really sorry that a good guy like him has to go through all of this when he deserves the best. Not to mention what Kristen has to deal with........
    (It's my first comment but I always read your blog, Rose. Thank you for your words, they are gold for me.)
    Sorry if my English made you throw up. Bye :)

  23. WTF happened to Lindsay Lohan? Remember when she was an actress? Now she's making up rumors and calling the paps--SMH.

    Happy Easter everyone!
    If you're catholic lent is almost over--phew.

  24. Dear Guest Blogger: You offer a ray of hope to those of us who feared that the passing of Christopher Hitchens was also the death of the art of the elegant skewer. Like Mr. Hitchens you are a master at hoisting ignorance and ugliness on its own petard. (Although considering the heft of your targets, that better be one mighty sturdy petard.)
    I must correct you however on your description of one of the better known nutcases. She is from New York, not New Jersey. (As a former resident of the Garden State I felt that I must defend it from another unfortunate association with the dregs of society.) And secondly, she is not now and never was a paralegal. She is in fact an unemployed administrative assistant. Not to suggest that there is any dishonor in being an admin - only in misrepresenting yourself as something you are not.

    Thanks for putting a smile on everyone's face today.

    And by the way - if you think the picture you saw was bad, you should see some of the other hate mongers. I happent to have a collage of them all together so anyone who has a strong stomach can feel free to DM me and I will happily share.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Hi PR Pro, Dottie, Freddie JL, angelica, and anyone else I might have missed!!

    Guest blogger, that was perfectly stated! Thank you very much for sharing your elegant and insightful views with us. I doubt those who need to get what you are saying will, but it is obvious what a genuine, sweet good friend you are.

    Happy Thursday all!


  27. HI RHONDA!!! I knew I'd miss someone, but certainly didn't mean to!!! HI!!

  28. I heart you, Guest Blogger...

    Laughed out loud (bwah - ha - ha) when I saw that crapola earlier. Glad the GB responded!

  29. Hi everyone
    I love the guest blogger so much! And in sorry PR. I love new jersey and I think I'm the one who may have told guest blogger the wrong info....NJ is to pretty to be the home to that psycho!
    Hi to all of you but I noticed DK is gone? Is she alright? I come read here and I know she moved. Hope she is ok bc she seems very sweet.

    Hope everyone else is well. I'm behind but good to see things here keep humming along. Take care!

  30. Oh Rose, I adore Guest Blogger. Everything that was written was absolutely true.I love to see Rob and Kristen defended from the crazies that are out there.

    Have a wonderful week Roselanders.

  31. Hi sj!

    Hi Smitty - DK's around, just busy getting settled I think :)

  32. Hi Smitty- great to see you. You've been missed. I hope you and Gruff are happy and well.

    Sj- no worries :)

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Well, I just had to pop in since everyone else has been saying HI! Hope everyone is world is busier than ever...hopefully it will slow down so I can spend some time in Roseland.

    Take care and be well you silly billies!

  35. Hi sj, Angelica, Rhonda, Barbara, Smitty, IB and anyone I missed from earlier. I hope you are all well. How's it going??

  36. Smitty, you know it's too early for DK to make an entrance!! Looks like you and Gruff are enjoying life! Tell Syd we love his way with words...

    Hi Rhonda, sj, pr pro, angelica, super, and all the wonderful folks I've missed this evening

  37. Hey Kenzz - hope you are well. How's your son?

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Sorry, guys...the deletes are mine. I keep posting twice. I'm such a dork..

  40. Hey Rhonda, Super, Kenzz, IB, BarbF, Smitty, and you others I said hello to earlier.

    It's nice to see so many popping in. Roseland continues to be a fun and happy place. :)

  41. You're a lovely dork though,Rhonda :)

  42. Hello to PRPro too. I knew I was leaving someone out. Your comments are always entertaining! :D

  43. Can't believe I missed my fellow northeast chapter members, Freddie & IB... Hope all is well with you guys !

    For those who asked:
    Son is good. Recovered from surgery, albeit more slowly than your typical kid due to his "stuff", but he's back at his school, planning for his prom, and was home last weekend swearing up a storm as only a 17 yr old can do, I guess:( His biggest complaint this week is that we are now in the process of replacing his 6 yr old wheelchair ( not looking forward to the arduous process of dealing with insurance co's ...), and he is not a patient fellow! Lol

  44. Good evening all! :)
    Hi Smitty.

    To the guest blogger: Brilliant!

  45. Hi Annie... I feel like I'm saying hi one Roselander at a time... <3

  46. Kenzz - So glad things are getting back to normal there. Your son sounds like a fun young man!

    Hi Annie!

    Did you all see the gorgeous stills from OTR that were posted today? I'm so excited to see that movie!

  47. Hi Annie! I hope all is well.

    Kenzz - so glad to hear that he's feeling better and back to being a regular 17 year old. LOL. We were kind of worried about you guys, so I'm glad all is well.

  48. Hi Angelica and everyone! Kenzz...glad to hear that son is doing well!

  49. Freddie & Dottie: seriously, just this... <<<333 for you guys!!

  50. Hi Dottie, Annie, and anyone else I might've missed..

    Angelica- :)

    Kenzz- that's great to hear he's doing so well ((Hugs))

  51. IB, how goes the cheering competitions??

  52. Hi Kenzz, Dottie..........How are you both?
    hello to everyone!

    Kenzz: I know! I don't even attempt it because Freddie does it to perfection! I go with - Hello everyone! :)

    So happy your son is doing so well.

  53. This is like old times. So many of us here. It's good :)

  54. Rhonda, I feel like we never "see" each other anymore... How are things with the fam? Drop me an email when you get a chance...

  55. Hi Rhonda, Freddie....,,....Doing good here.

    @Dottie: Where are those OTR stills posted?

  56. Annie, truly, the best I could hope for is to "ditto" whatever Freddie says!

  57. Kenzz - Glad to hear he's doing so well :)

    Hi dottie - Those stills were great.Lots of goodies coming up :)

  58. Dottie: I found the stills. So great! :)

  59. Rhonda, if PL, 30, super,& DK dropped by, it would be like "old times" (I'm sure I'm forgetting someone, though)

    And how I miss the days of Syd's late-nite rambles, Smitty's jokes, and Gruff's occasional drive-by hysterical comments on the state of the fandom ( first time I ever heard the term "fuckery")

  60. Dottie- the stills were great. I'm excited to see this movie too :)

    Kenzz- yeah, life's been keeping us all busy, but it's good to see everyone now ;)

  61. Glad you found them, Annie. Hopefully we won't have to wait too very long to see it.

    Kenzz - I have a 17 yr old, too. Solidarity! *Sending you a cyber fist bump* LOL

  62. Hi Annie! I'm here!

    Kenzz~We just came back from a huge national competition last weekend in Ocean City, Maryland and we WON our division! We brought home a banner, surfboard that says "First Place" and each of the kids got a jacket!!!

  63. Dottie: right back at ya', my friend!

  64. This place is jumping tonight! At least u guys are having fun when I'm at work!
    Hi dottie, freddie, smitty, rhonda, angelica, IB, kennz and anyone I missed!

    Dottie- love the new OTR stills too! That's gonna be an epic film

  65. Dottie~I bet my 16 year old's attitude is close to what you guys are dealing with so I'm fist bumping too!

    Btw, how are you???

  66. I miss playing MFK. LOL I remember we played one night and we started to feel sorry for the poor saps we killed off ;)

  67. Seeing ADD's comment on Lent reminded me of a family joke. Legend has it that one night my father turned to my mother and said, "Hey hon, how about a little lovin' tonight." Supposedly my mother responded by saying, "But Frank, it's LENT!" To which my dad replied, "Well, get it back!"

  68. Kenzz, Annie - thanks ladies, but you are being way too kind, cause I always think the same about what you ladies (and gentlemen for that matter) write.

    IB - congratulations to the team. They must have been over the moon. Wow as surf board - they could join Rob...LOL.

    Hi Groovie!!!

    Yeah, it's nice to see so many of us here at the same time. We haven't had a group chat in a while.

  69. IB, congratulation hugs sent your way... Shows what hard work and practice can accomplish!!

  70. Oops typo - "a" surfboard...not "as" surfboard...

  71. IB- how is your daughter and the XBOX boys?

    PR Pro- too cute!

    Freddie- are you still liking your job?

  72. Hey Groovie! Sorry you're still at work. Do you leave soon?

    PRPro! LOLOL

    Congrats to the cheerers IB! I love Maryland, BTW. And YES! A 16 yr old girl definitely warrants a fist bump!!!

  73. Hi groovie and pr pro... Happy almost Friday

  74. Well damn, I go clean up the kitchen and check back and I am missing the party...Hello REAL PRPRO, ANNIE, RHONDA,IB,KENZZ,BARBARA...
    SMITTY...DK is a truly nice and caring person...I was so fascinated by her musical posts and whimsical musings when I first stumbled onto this blog that I contacted her immediately...we,ve been friends every since...( DK...don't be mad at me for telling the truth).

  75. IB, I'm thinking a 16 yr old girl is equal to a much older boy, so we should be fist-pumping you! (I speak from experience with a 15 1/2 yr old daughter)

  76. Hey Rhonda!!! Daughter's cheer season is in full swing...oldest son's JV lacrosse team is in trouble for a "locker boxing" is when two boys put on lacrosse helmets and gloves and box each was posted on youtube so they were found son was just a spectator......other Xbox boy....still addicted

  77. Here's the link to those pics in case anyone wants to see them.

    Greetings Super! Are you enjoying the new wheels???

  78. IB- Congrats to the cheer team! I totally missed that comment. I'm slow tonight..;)

  79. Helloooo Super!

    Lol~my oldest is a boy...daughter is the youngest, although she does have the attitude of a 16 year old...sassy to the bone....ugh!

  80. Hi Super :)

    IB- I love the XBOX boys ;)

  81. Thanks Rhonda! Hope you are well!

    Hi Dottie!

  82. Hi Groovie and Super.

    If you celebrate Easter, do you only cook fish on Good Friday?.....I do.

  83. Rhonda~The oldest is Xboxless...he gave it up for lent...bless his soul :)

  84. REAL PRPRO...I would like to see your list of scum bags...funny how so many times when the heart is black, the face reflects the darkness within...of course there are "wolves in sheeps clothing" sometimes...

  85. We don't necessarily eat fish, we just don't eat meat. Even when I was little I thought it was odd because it gave you a silly excuse to eat fattening stuff like fried fish, fried clams and cheese pizza.

  86. Annie, Irish catholic inlaws... Definitely fish on Good Friday tomorrow for us!!

  87. Hi PR Pro and Super!!

    Rhonda - So far so good with the new job, thanks for asking. There are still days that I feel in over my head and still feel like I have so much to prove to earn the respect of the team. They are all senior professionals who are very good at their jobs, so my job it to make it easier for them to do what they do so well (remove barriers, organize, provide air cover, act as proponent for the team etc). It's a great challenge and I'm learning a lot.

    Are you still enjoying your new (or not so new now) job?

  88. IB- awww, that's actually really sweet of him :)

    Yes, I'm doing okay..thanks for asking.

  89. Freddie~Congrats! You got a new job?

    Kenzz~Any Cape plans? We're going the week of Aug. 4th!!!

  90. Rhonda~glad to hear things are good :)

  91. IB, that is a big sacrifice for a boy his age. Good for him!

    Do you ladies have traditional foods that you serve for Easter dinner?

  92. Hi Roselandians-

    Hope you are all well-Im fighting off sleep waiting for a friend. Very busy here tonight.

  93. Hi Syd!!!!!! Are you ready for the Easter Bunny?

  94. Freddie- I have no doubt you are a valued member of that team yourself. I'm happy for you :)

    Yes, I still like my job, very much. It can be really busy, but I'm so glad I made the decision to change.

  95. IB..I haven't "seen" you here in a long time...good to have you with us tonight!!!! It sounds like you are busy with the school and at home! Lol, IB...There was a you tube of an incident that occurred in one of our local schools last week...some guys ganging up on another teen with a disability..they dropped the charges against the wrong doers because they say the kid agreed to it...Somehow I bet the kid was coerced into it...don't know for sure...

    DOTTIE...I can't begin to describe how satisfied I am with the

  96. Syd, Sooo loving this post! ( just thought you'd like to know!!)

  97. Rhonda, JINX! You owe me a coke! haha

  98. Hi IB-

    I'm not sure how to prepare for him (or her?)-much more exciting if its a her-haha. Yes though I suppose I am prepared as I am going to be. I always thought the Easter Bunny thing was so odd. Santa made sense but how would a rabbit bring anything and why eggs. I know someone who believed bunnies laid eggs until she was about 15 because of the Easter bunny madness.

    Are you ready?

  99. hi back to you all and I am well thank you.

    Kenzz I think the post was rubbish and whoever wrote it is a complete git. Definitely does not compare to the supreme masterpieces that our beautiful, sweet Rose produces.


  100. Anglican/Catholic family.........Fish is a must!

  101. SYD...Hi .... I bet ROSE will come out to play NOW!!!
    Thanks for sticking your head in the door for a visit.

  102. I'm confused...did both Freddie and Rhonda get new positions?

  103. Rhonda - thanks. Glad to hear you're still enjoying it. Being busy makes the time go quickly.

    IB - the interim assignment that I had last fall became permanent in December so in a sense it's not new.

    Hi Syd - hope you are well.

  104. Syd, Don't say bad things about our guest blogger! Them's fightin' words! ;)

  105. Syd- I think Rose is quite the brilliant writer too, but our guest blogger is proving to be equally as talented ;)

  106. Syd, you strike me as a romantic and sensitive fella. I have a daughter who doesn't know how to let a guy down gently ( she's a sensitive soul)... Any suggestions from a guys point of view ? ( its been a while since I've been in high school!)

  107. Syd - I actually think that the Guest Blogger and Rose make a really great team. We're lucky that they share their thoughts with us.

  108. Freddie~That is what I figured...congrats!!

    Syd~No, I am not ready for the Easter Bunny. I have lots of candy shopping to do *cough, cough*

  109. Syd, I simply will not tolerate anything derisive said against our guest blogger, although I agree that Rose sets the bar very high !!

  110. Rhonda, Has this week been better? I didn't like it last week when you dropped off the face of the earth!

  111. IB and SYD...No Easter Bunny at my house...I've got to work this weekend:(

  112. Kenzz well now since I have been thrown out more times than I can remember I will tell you honesty is NOT the best policy. Under no circumstances should she tell him she simply wants to move on. I would suggest, if she wants to be kind she says that she adores him so much it scares her and being such a young girl, she must simply end it for fear that she will never be able to find someone as wonderful later in life...that is unless he wants to marry now? That will send him running-haha!

    No seriously, she must just tell him and be certain. Don't leave him with any hope or he won't move on. Something like while she has treasured the time they have shared its time for both to pursue other things and she will always be grateful for having known such a wonderful guy.

    Poor boy-I feel his pain.

  113. Dottie- yes, much better! Thanks for asking :)

    IB- I have bought Easter candy, ate all the candy, and bought Easter candy again ;)

  114. RHONDA..I did the same thing with the candy...The only thing that's left is chocolate covered marshmallow bunnies...

  115. Well gang, this bunny's gotta bounce! I will talk to you all soon! Be well!

  116. Rhonda and Super - LOL on the candy. That's exactly what I did with candy for Christmas stockings. In future, I'll have to leave the candy purchases to the last minute.

    Good night IB. Nice to catch up with you for a bit.

  117. Syd, I'm crying... Why couldn't you have been there when I was at such a tender age? LOL

    The problem, I think, is that she isn't sure of her feelings. Such a sweet soul, doesn't want to lead him on, but not sure she wants to encourage a close friendship, knowing he likes her. I have evidently been no help, ( as she is a teen, and I am a mother!!)

  118. IB...Good night. And I must do the same...Good night everybody and Happy Easter!

  119. Kenzz, As the mother of a teen boy I totally agree w/Syd. Cut the boy loose. It's cruel to keep him waiting for something that isn't going to happen.

    No Easter candy here just yet but Son1 brought home a Snickers Ice Cream Bar tonight. Oh my goodness. Have any of you tried one?

  120. I'm sure I'll delete that last comment in the morning, as the daw would DIE of embarrassment if she knew what I commented upon

  121. Super-
    Your comments to Smitty about DK are spot on. Her musical selections were the catalyst that inspired me to "be brave" and post on here in the first place. May never be a reg, but love the friendships on here (like my other "home away from home"). Hope DK comes on and serenades us tonight. Maybe some oldies?

    (Speaking of that other home, you're missed Dottie, I hope you know that!)

    And super, your car sounds awesome, what a treat for you!

    Have a great night, Rose & her Roselanders!

  122. Holy Shit! I can't believe this place today. How wonderful to see all of you ladies and gent. It has been waaay to long.
    Guest Blogger,
    I love it when you get fired up!
    I haven't caught up on the whole LL thing, but it is so preposterous that I do not need to go any further.

  123. It's been so great talking with everyone, but I got to go. Have a great night all..

    Syd- so nice to have you stop by. You've really been missed, and could never be forgotten as you have previously suggested. Stay happy and well :)

  124. Hi Birdie and Litmom.

    Night IB, Super, and Rhonda. I'm going too. Sweet dreams!

  125. Dear Rose, Guest Blogger and Roseland,

    I agree, a brillant post by Guest Blogger today. Thank you so much for calling like it is.

    The "despicable ones" desperately need a free eye exam and logic lesson. Truth is, they will always refuse every hint of honest observation and rational reasoning.

    I just got home and it is so nice to see a wonderful crowd here tonight.

    Kenzz, happy to hear that your son is getting back in the groove. Sounds like he will have a busy few weeks coming up. Poor daughter, that is a predicament. I really like Syd's advice.

    IB, Congratulations to your daughter and her team. Hugs for you and the special Mom support for her and her friends.

    Shout out to everyone, especially those Roselanders that have been too busy to post for a while. Special **wave** to Syd, PL, IB, pr pro, sjw, Liza, and all y'all : )

  126. Night dottie, Rhonda and Super - have a good one.

    Hi Litmom and Birdie.

  127. LITMOM...We are glad you are posting with us...Hi BIRDIE!!!! Im out guys...what fun!!!!

  128. Good night to all those headed off.
    Kenzz well if she isn't sure is there some reason she has to decide right now? Seems to me if she is that uncertain she should just be honest, keep seeing him and it will declare itself one way or another. Just tell her to talk to him and say they are young (they are free -opps sorry-that song was just on-haha) and that she just doesn't want him getting any grand ideas. Tell him to slow the train down and enjoy the ride or something. God im so tired I think I am making no sense. sorry

    And of course you are not helpful-haha-you are only the mum right?

  129. Im going also as my friend is finally here. Sweet dreams sweet friends-

  130. Hi Olivia - loved your post from the other day. Wonderful.

    I've got to head off as well ladies and kind gentleman. It's been wonderful to catch up with you all. It's been too long.

    Have a good night all.

  131. Hello all,
    Wow,it is so nice to see everyone here tonight. I just got home from work and am dead tired. This is such a pleasant surprise. I hope all of you are doing well.
    DK, where are you?

    Good night,Syd. A pleasure,as always.

  132. Thank you Freddie.
    Good night and sweet dreams dear Roselanders.
    Off to read for a bit.
    Hugs for y'all.

  133. Don't post often....but have to say Guest Blogger FTW.

  134. Syd, certainly no reason to decide right now... I've suggested she just be friends, but evidently at this age (15-16), it's bf/gf. And you're making perfect sense!

    I'm going to try the "slow the train down" analogy! Wish me luck...

    PS. to Syd... You're going to make a great dad one day :)

  135. Goodnight everybody.....It's been fun. :)

  136. Goodnight friends, heading off to bed in preparation for another busy day! Have a great evening and/or morning ...

  137. Good evening, fair friends!

    What, I missed an impromptu Roseland gathering? Wining and dining out is risky but as Kenzz said, I usually post late or even later, until it is early again.

    I am not gone, Sweets! Not in that way, still alive, still packing, moving 30 feet over/one floor down between 5/7-5/9. Dreaming up my life as usual. Don't believe Super, I am feisty and she kindly befriends me (my good fortune). So nice that you care.

    Here I am, You!

    That song stuff is my gimmick to get undue praise from lurkers like you. Happy are we! (Some of my oldies are ancient, but coming right up) :)

    @Guest Blogger
    You're the stoutheartedest voice, heard around the world. Love your beautiful noise.

    Lie in a warm place, cozy in love and sleep.

    Who could be mad at you for saying a nice thing? Mwah.

  138. Brilliant post, Guest Blogger....absolutely perfect. :)

    Good to see so many people stopping in tonight...take care and have a great weekend everyone!

  139. Love Makes You

    You Made Me Love You

    R. Kelly:

    The power of love
    Said I
    Said I didn’t
    I didn’t want to fall in love
    Oh oh oh oh oh oh
    The power of love y’all

    Anybody anybody anybody (help)
    Anybody anybody anybody (help me)
    Anybody anybody anybody (oh yeah)

    I was just minding my business
    When Ms. Pretty you came walking
    My heart stopped
    Said what is this
    Just as soon as you started talking

    Something happened deep within me
    All of a sudden I got this feeling
    A chill came from feet to head
    And then I turned away from you
    And said to myself

    This is not supposed to happen
    You’ve been hurt
    Too many times before
    First I tripped
    Then I slipped
    Then I fell

    You made me love you
    You made me love you babe
    Made me love you babe
    Made me love you babe, (oh Lord)
    Ooh, look at you

    Said you must be
    One of the top models
    Body curved like a pop bottle
    Got me sweating like a boxer baby
    I done stumbled upon a perfect lady

    Could this be what heaven sent
    To me
    An angel come to set me free
    Love has been a stranger to me
    And myself keeps telling me that

    Said the power of love you see
    Are 10 billion wonders to me
    Like the moon and stars above
    There’s a whole new world
    For my eyes to see

    So much joy
    Darling you put in me
    And now the sun is shining
    Where there used to be rain
    And now no more loneliness
    No more hurt
    No more pain

    You made me love you
    You made me love you babe
    Listen it’s like going to church
    It brings love peace
    Strength and joy
    You made me love you

    Thank you/MsDevada

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. Hi Rose & Everyone here! I wanted to check in with you all and wish everyone a Happy Easter! I so don't get to hang around here with you guys anymore but I never miss a post from Rose! I am looking forward to On The Road...I would really like to read that book, but its hard to find! So I hope this finds evveryone doing great and I hope the bunny rabbit brings lots of treats to y'all! Take Care!

    P.S. our Guest Blogger did a great job! I really don't even feel like commenting on that nasty skank LiLo!

  142. It Works Like This

    The Clouds Will Soon Roll By

    Peter Skellern:

    Night seems darkest
    Just before the dawn
    Just as the daybreak nears
    Soon we'll see a sunny sky
    It's time to dry your tears

    Somewhere the sun is shining
    So, honey, don’t you cry
    We’ll find a silver lining
    The clouds will soon roll by

    I hear a robin singing
    Upon a treetop high
    To you and me he’s singing
    The clouds will soon roll by

    Each little tear and sorrow
    Only brings you closer to me
    Just wait until tomorrow
    What a happy day that will be

    Down Lovers Lane together
    We’ll wander
    You and I
    Goodbye to stormy weather
    The clouds will soon roll by

    Thank you/Mehefinheulog1

  143. @Anna
    Happy Easter to you!

    So great you posted today, miss you!

    Nice to see you again. Happy holiday!

    You are a very fine mother to your lovely daughter, methinks. Syd's advice seems soundly sensible.

    Back in a while, got to go see a man about a horse..

  144. Hi, people... This post is dramatically hilarious and brilliant. It's perfect to this day when some people need create a crazy story about a young man that spends time with a bunch of guys and beers.

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. Boy, am I a screwup with the song postings tonight! Deleted and then repeated is my current MO.

    You've got that right! Happy day!

  147. Pity The Poor Fools

    Town Without Pity

    Eddi Reader (1996):

    When you’re young
    And so in love and free
    And bewildered
    By the world we see

    Why do people
    Hurt you so
    Only those in love would know
    What a town
    Without pity can do

    If we stop to gaze upon a star
    People talk about how mad we are
    Ours is such an evil age
    We’re like flowers in a cage
    What a town without pity
    Can do

    Yeah, we have problems
    Many problems
    We need an understanding heart
    Why don’t they help us

    Try to help us
    Before this grey and granite planet
    Falls apart

    Take these eager lips
    And hold me fast
    I’m afraid this kind of joy
    Can’t last

    How can we keep love alive
    How can anything survive
    When these little minds
    Tear you in two
    What a town without pity can do

    No it isn’t very pretty
    What a town
    Without pity
    Can do

    Thank you/ILoveJenni47

  148. For Litmom

    Those Oldies But Goodies

    Little Caesar & The Romans:

    Those oldies but goodies
    Remind me of you
    The songs of the past
    Bring back memories of you

    I always remember
    The first night we met
    The songs they were playing
    I never will forget

    I always will treasure them
    So close to my heart
    They always will haunt me
    Although we're apart

    Each time that I hear them
    A tear's bound to fall
    For I love those memories
    That I recall

    SPOKEN: "Yes, dear, they are playin' our songs. And they will always remain our songs. And each time you hear them, I hope you, too, will cherish the wonderful
    memories that our love once knew. For these songs are just a symbol of the love that I had for you."

    Those oldies but goodies
    Remind me of you
    The songs of the past bring back
    Memories of you

    They will haunt me
    But what can I do

    Thank you/oldiesphxmannyb

  149. @dottie
    Oh, how I long for that Snickers ice cream bar you mentioned.
    Will make do with a nitecap of lemoncello to cleanse my desires (for Snickers, the rest can stay!).

    May have to be my own Easter Bunny this weekend, and fill myself up with fine chocolate bunny ears & feet, jellybeans, Peeps and marshmallow eggs. If I get a tummy ache, well, you all will hear about it.

  150. Sweets For The Sweet

    Sell Me Candy


    Sell me candy like it's summer
    When it's melting in my hands
    I know you're around
    Like the ice cream man

    I can hear you calling
    Whisper something in my ear
    You're sweet like sugar
    Tell me what I wanna hear

    I'm weak by your touch
    And when it's melting on my lips
    I run through my body
    When you lick my fingertips

    You're selling me a fantasy
    That I want to explore
    It sounds so good
    Spoil me rotten to the core

    Talk to me
    Take care of my dreams
    All I need
    With you beside me
    It's destiny

    Just let it be
    If words can speak
    Then baby sell it to me

    Sell me candy
    Sell me love
    Sell me heaven
    Sell me doves

    What's the charge
    What's the cost?
    I'm the daddy
    You the boss

    You could be a professional
    Boy you make a sale
    I try to resist
    But every time I fail

    The one temptation that I gotta endure
    The running through my body
    Now you're knocking at my door

    A thin little kiss and your call is really sweet
    But the shawty that you're rocking
    Is nothing like me

    You're selling me a fantasy
    That I want to explore
    It sounds so good
    Spoil me rotten to the core

    I wanna play
    More than you know
    So don't you leave
    And don't you go
    I want it all
    Until time falls

    His arms
    I want to roam
    I want to love
    Give him my trust
    I want to live
    For both of us

    I want to breathe you
    Lay on your shoulder
    I want to warm you
    When nights get colder
    I want love

    Thank you/RihannaTVchannel

  151. Shock Alert!
    Leaving Roseland early, now, on this new Friday morn.

    Gonna say the usual but with more feeling:



  152. Can't believe I missed all this last night!! This sleeping lark really isn't good.

    ANGELICA Do you not go to bed till very late??

    It was so good to see so many posting last night, it made for a good read over breakfast this morning :0)

    GUEST BLOGGER I really enjoyed that!! Lyndsay Lohan AS IF!! Whatever she has done to her face she now looks like Elizabeth Taylor did in her 70s! She is a nut job!!!!!!!!!

    KENZZ so pleased to see your son is recovering well, I hope the red tape for getting his new chair isn't too frustrating.

    MARLEY where are you these days?

    Happy Easter to all who celebrate, just wondering if you lot on the other side of the pond have the same tradition as us over here, where the kids boil eggs and decorate them and then take them and roll them down a hill on Easter Sunday? Anglicans and Catholics both do lent, my hubby and I have gone of crisps (potato chips) for lent so I'm looking forward to a large packet on Easter Sunday!!

    Have a great Good Friday xxoo

  153. Morning everyone!

    ali mac - I'm rarely in bed before 2am. I get called out a lot for my job and "Mr Angelica" and I are usually in different time zones so we have to catch up when we can :)

  154. ANGELICA I rarely make it past 11.30pm lol
    But when you are catching up with your other half it's worth it to stay up <3

  155. Hello Roseland,

    Love coming here and see some many of you here!!! Especially, Smitty, Syd, Liza, PL, PR PRO and I Believe, because it's so rare now.

    Hope you are all well and happy. Take care everyone.

  156. Morning all! Seems I missed some fun times last night after I left. We had a lacrosse game w/ son2 (what's new) then dinner w/ family and friends!

    Happy Easter and Good Friday to those who observe it. I love Easter best of I'm sending peaceful, happy wishes to all my friends, here. Spring has sprung, and it's beautiful.

    My peonies (see avi) are almost all the way up, and should be blooming soon! I will take pix and share again, maybe even a new avi this year!

    Off to help my other SIL at the office this a.m. Best to you all...


  157. Hi Guest Blooger,

    What a great post! It's bad enough that Rob and/or Kristen can't go out without getting papp'd. I know it doesn't happen all the time. It seems that some places are cool enough not to call the paps (at least that's what I gather).

    Oh the horrors, to be somehow linked (however impossibly) with Lohan. Gad, she really does look horrible, doesn't she? Yikes.

    But I never put much worth in those tab stories. I mean, though I don't know Rob (or Kristen) I think I know enough of their personalities to know that this story is a load of bull.

    Of course the ninnies or nonstens or whatever you want to call them would sure make hay out of the non-story. That's how much they lurve "their" guy, 'cause they'd much rather paint him as a manwhore than see him happy and faithful to Kristen. Creeps.

    I actually haven't heard of this art show on Kristen. What?

    And no, I haven't seen the picture of the alleged paralegal (ha!).

    So, Real PR Pro, I would love to see what you have.

    Take care.

  158. Seems like I missed quite a bit of fun last night - happy that so many Roselanders were here :)

    Kenzz - so happy that your son is recovering!

    Just was at my mum's place and we cooked together (I think Annie asked about having fish - yes, we eat fish every year on Good Friday).
    The bf is coming home today after a way too long business trip so everything is great :)

    Hope you are all having a wonderful Easter weekend or a fun normal weekend <3

  159. Thanks Guest Blogger for taking time and writing something about the nonsense. I know sometimes we should not even give credit or importance to stuff like that and prefer just going on or passing by, but other times it's just too much and you have to speak.
    So thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
    That's a win!

    Hello Rose and Roseland!
    Long time, no post from me.
    I just have been very busy, but thought of you quite often.

    How are you all?
    Any plans for Easter?

  160. Leni - We're sat in Ikea car park eating McDonalds as our "traditional" Easter food. LOL

  161. sjjw -
    Love your peonies - so beautiful; we used peonies at my daughter's wedding last May. And I smile evey time you mention your sons' lacrosse games - it's my new fave sport! Discovered it a couple of years ago (the school where I teach has award winning teams) and can't get enough!

    Thanks for the music, dear!

    Syd had good advice for your daughter. Honestly, but gently, is the best - so they can remain friends. Raising a girl is hard work, but so rewarding, right?

  162. angelica - actually that sounds like a lot of fun :)

    Fio - happy to see you stopped by :)
    Hope you are well!
    I just watched the vid you made last year for Kristen's Birthday - it's one of the best I've ever seen <3 I hope you make one this year too :)

  163. DK, I'm sorry we are so rarely here at the same time. Hope the packing is going well. Inquiring minds want to know.... have you purchased a new Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it??? ;)

    SJ, I love peonies! Things are blooming here, too. I should be smart like you and take some pics.

    Happy Good Friday to all!

  164. Leni - Hi! How are you? :)

    angelica, dottie and litmom - *waves*

  165. Fio - I'm great thanks :)
    Are you looking forward to Easter?

  166. Leni - Not really.
    I mean i don't mind it of course but i'm not like a Easter fan or something haha.
    I particularly like the lunch ahaha it's better than the Christmas one for me.

    What do you usually do on Easter?

  167. My Easter highlight is also the lunch ;) It's not really that big of a deal in my family.. it was a lot more exciting when I was a kid LOL

  168. Ahaha i know what you mean. Now we basically just sit at the table for hours, eating. Ahaha

    The monday is more fun actually. We have tradition of spending it with friends, having a pic-nic or whatever.

  169. Yeah we do the same LOL

    But your monday sounds like fun :)

  170. eah :) kinda sorry i won't really be around for Kristen's bday.
    I mean, not that it makes a difference but anyway lol

  171. That's sweet :)
    But you support her (and Rob) all the time, so don't worry ;)

  172. Well for Sunday it's lunch with my family and Monday lunch with the family of my bf and in the evening going out with some friends :)

  173. Sounds fun as well :)
    hope you have a great time! :)

    and i gotta go now but talk to you soon!

  174. Enjoy the rest of your evening :)

  175. Happy Friday everyone!

    Guest Blogger- Brilliantly said!! Thanks for showing people what stupid looks like. There is definitely a special place for people with ugly hearts. The fire inside will consume them one day.

    I spent the whole day helping my B/SIL move into their new house so I missed all the nonsense yesterday. I'm pretty happy I did.

    Speaking of the Lohans. Did you know that you can call either Dina or Michael Lohan through "Dial-A-Star"? They charge $25 a minute and give parenting advice!!

    I was thinking who in their right mind would call them for advice and then it occurred to me it would be the same people that think Rob would hook up with LiLo, the train wreck.

    It's a scary world, I tell ya.

    DK- I hope you are getting someone to help you with the move because if you are doing it on your own, my hat's off to you! Moving is a chore.

    Ali Mac- Why do ya'll roll the eggs down the hill??? Just curious.

    Freddie- Sounds like the job is going well. Glad you like the change!

    IB- Congrats on the cheer win for your daughter! Glad to see you pop in...

    Kenzz- Happy that things are getting better for the son. Prom is a fun thing to look forward to! Good luck on getting a new wheelchair for him. Insurance can be a headache sometimes.

    Syd/Smitty- It's always great to see ya'll. Safe to say you guys are missed. Hope all is well.

    I feel like I'm missing some things but got to get back to work.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend whether or not you are celebrating the Easter holiday. Cheers!

  176. YOU GO ROSE! Great fucking post! Well said.

    Happy Easter Everyone!

  177. Whistles and claps for Guest Blogger!
    Loved the post.

  178. Hi Fio! You brought up some of the best vids on Twitter this am.! I guess it was this a.m., could have been last night. I'm not on that much...

    I agree - Easter lunch is the best ( and easiest ) - good ol' Honey Baked Ham! But gotta fix those deviled eggs!

  179. So great to be here and read truth, logic and reason - so thank you Rose and Guest. To be a young man and women in love, in a town without pity, and do it with intelligence and grace is a wondrous thing. The sharks exist and will circle but there is a way to BE where you don't feel the bite and you certainly won't get torn to pieces. My hat is off to them.


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.