Friday, June 15, 2012

Rob and Kristen-- Remember When?

You may or may not have noticed...
that I've been feeling particularly nostalgic lately.
Digging up old posts.
Old pics.
Watching old videos...
Missing how Twilight used to make me feel.

Remember when Rob and Kristen did the MTV
Twilight Tuesday interviews?
That was the beginning...
The looks.
(The start of the "Robsten" bubble)
The intimate way they touched each other.
(Yeah, she picked something off his mouth... Pretty damn intimate)
The knowing smiles.
We pretty much saw them fall in love.

And so what happened the other day?
To pile on to my already wistful mood?

This comes out.
Breaking Dawn 2 pics in EW.
And this really affected me.
Maybe because I was already all sappy and mushy...
But seeing Edward and Bella again
It made me happy.
It made me excited.
It made me realize that no matter that
those books will never win a Pulitzer Prize
and those movies will never get critical acclaim...
I don't care.


And I will miss them when they are done....
and we don't have any more movies to look forward to.
How can any fan of Robert and Kristen NOT love these movies?

We actually got to watch these two people fall for each other.
And wasn't it lovely to see?
Didn't it make you go...

You could tell with each passing interview...
and subsequent photo-shoot
that they were ...
Dare I say it?
Falling in love for the last time.

And no...
I never 'shipped' Robert and Kristen in their real lives
But when it became so obviously apparent 
that they were in it for the long haul
How could I not cheer for them?
How could I not love seeing how happy they made each other?
How could anyone not adore watching them in love?

So yeah...
It's almost like when your little one goes to Kindergarten.
You watch them grow up
You love and adore them
You smile and laugh with them...
But one day
One day you know you will have to drop them off 
and watch them walk into that door
without you.
You have to let them go.

So goes Edward and Bella.

They are all grown up now.

We get one more movie.
One more round of interviews
and magazine covers and promo and red carpets...
And lots of after parties!
Hopefully like this...

And NO that
Sorry about the caps lock ranty thing.
I'm better.

Final thoughts?

It's bittersweet to think of the whole Twilight saga
being almost over with.
But it has been pretty damn sweet for the most part... hasn't it?
It brought together Rob and Kristen
and this whole fandom...
And we have Rob and Kristen spreading their wings
and doing other exciting projects
And really...
Just because the movies are over
We all know Rob and Kristen are happily together.
So while it is bittersweet...
I think I will stick with the sweet
and leave the bitter to those who can't
be happy for 2 people who just happen to love each other.

This post is brought to you by the letter *S*

S for
Thomas Sturridge

I saw this picture and it made me wonder...
Has Tom given up smoking too?
I mean... with a baby on the way and everything
It's a possibility, isn't it?

Isn't he adorable?
Yes he is.

And S for

The future is so fucking bright...
You're going to need them.

Until next time.

Bye for now


  1. I love nostalgic Rose! I'll be dreaming sappy sweet dreams tonight. :)

    Good night, Roseland!

  2. I'll take the sweet and leave the bitter too; and this was a very sweet post!

    I do love the surprise of unexpected Entertainment Weekly covers! Vamp Bella looks all kinds of fierce & awesome!
    From the article, sounds like Tay will have his work cut out for him! Rob is only just get started on his relentless teasing! Lol!

    Hi to all the regs, Friday is finally here! Hope u all have a super cool weekend (figuratively and literally, its gonna be 112 here! Ah!)

    And safe travels to Kristen! I assume she will have to jet off this weekend for the upcoming Oz premiere...unless she has unlocked the secret of teleportation!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Nostalgia is underrated...I LOVE looking back and reminiscing so thanks for this. It's all SO true!

  6. -time diference,15/06 afternoon here,in indonesia- great post, usual. your post always made my day. beautiful & sappy post as always. and made my heart melted..good job! say hi to everyone in roseland from indonesia!HI!

  7. I'll always love The Twi saga and Edward and Bella...ALWAYS..cheesy..shitty..lame..people can call it what they want but there has never been anything like it and being part of the Twi fandom...I will miss it dearly!!

  8. @Rose
    It's been a really good show, I agree. It ain't over, until it's over.

    Been storing those short term memories/images you mentioned, which are now long term ones, and holding onto the happy that came out of being a part of it all. What is the price of priceless?

    Mwah-Rose, Smitty, Gruff, Syd & Luv,

  9. Great post, Rose. I absolutely love looking back at the start of Rob and Kristen's love story, and throughout the last three and a half years. They, along with their careers have grown so much, and the sky is the limit for those two! I feel so much like a proud parent!

    Hope you have a good weekend. :o)


  11. When I saw the new pics it got me really excited about BD2, there's been that much happening this year so far that I hadn't been thinking too much about it. I think I'm going to really enjoy all the interviews pics etc cos with it being the last we may never get to see them interviewed together again :0( I hope hope hope someone sets up an interview with just the two of them, fingers and toes crossed xxxxx

  12. It's so lovely to look back at how it all started and see how far they've come since then. I never pay attention to celebrities beyond going to the cinema or concerts but there was just something so compelling about watching Rob and Kristen fall for each other that it drew me and I think, a lot of other like-minded people, in. I really do feel like a proud parent watching them go from strength to strength both in their respective careers and as a couple.

  13. I was the same with celebs Angelica,(I was interested if they got married had a baby etc. but never looked them up on the internet) but from the moment I watched Twilight I was hooked on the two of them, they just had something different. True love me thinks :0)

  14. Awwww, now I want to IS going to be sad.

  15. I have loved the whole Twilight ride....the books, the Bella and Edward that Kristen and Rob brought us, and watching their happiness sappy heart is going to miss all the Twilight stuff when it's gone next year, but I'm so glad I was drawn into it all. It has been fun watching Rob and Kristen grow through these years, and it's going to be exciting to see what all they do in the future, both together and in their careers....I am all kinds of happy for them.

    Take care and have a great weekend, everyone! <3
    TGIFF! :D

  16. Oh Rose, you can wax nostalgic anytime.

    Twilight, the movies and books, get ragged on all the time by the critics. Sure, they're not the best movies. They're not well written books. Still.

    Still, they touch something inside me (and each of us, I imagine) that is undefinable and cannot adequately be explained. I've never gotten into Harry Potter or The Hunger Games with this passion (and no, I've never camped out for the midnight openings or gone to any events. I'm just a fan, not a super fan.) So, I didn't miss or dread when Harry Potter ended. And I haven't even seen The Hunger Games (though I read the book.)

    Part of the movie's attraction is, of course, Robert and Kristen as Edward and Bella. Their chemistry. Their camaraderie. Their respect for each other.

    I will miss the characters. I will miss the photo shoots (some of the best damn photo shoots ever!) I will miss their interviews, especially the ones they did together. I will miss them showing up at Comic Con. And they better win Best Kiss next year. Just sayin.

    So, yeah. Go ahead and wax nostalgic. As long as you like company, I'm coming for the ride.

  17. Awww, this makes me sappy too. Sweet post, Rose <3

    Angelica & Ali- it was the same for me. I never followed any celebrities until Rob and Kristen. It's been a pleasure watching them succeed, both professionally and privately. I wish them every happiness :)

    Morning all, happy Friday...

  18. Now I'm sappy too.

    I love Twilight and will miss it, when it ends :(

    Angelica, Ali and Rhonda - I was never interested in any celebrities before, but there's something about Rob and Kristen.. they are just so real and it's so beautiful seeing little glimpses of their love for each other <3

    DK - I hope you are feeling better!

    Have a great day everybody :)

  19. Rose, loving the sweetness and nostalgic memories you've brougt back. I'll jump on the bandwagon with Angelica, ali, Leni, and Rhonda.... Never followed a celebrity until these two came roaring across my radar... There is something so special to witness as we've watched them come into their own personally and professionally. I'm just...proud, like Rose!

    DK, hope you're back to your wonderful self...

    Last day here for school, expecting some very happy kiddos arriving home soon :) Have a great weekend, friends.

    Smitty, Syd, and Gruff... All my best...

  20. Sweet post, Rose!! made me feel all sappy and mushy.

    For Breaking Dawn 2 promo, I need LOTS of Rob and Kristen joint interviews and photoshoots.

    I never followed any celebrity until Rob and Kristen as well, there is just this uniqueness about them that we don't find in any other celebrity. And it was wonderful to watch them fall in love and grow. Cannot wait for their future endeavours. As always wishing them the best of everything.

    TAke care everyone

  21. Hey Rose and everyone ~
    So love this post. I'm with all of you; it's been as if we've watched them grow and develop, and now it's time for them to fly- which they are!

    I'll admit- I came a little late to the party...a student talked me into reading Twilight, then lent me the movie. Well, I was hooked. So by the time NM was filming, I was a fan of both the actors and the characters. And like Angelica, I had never followed celebs - but there's just something about these 2 that made me root for them!

    So- bring on BD2! Can't wait to cheer them on and on! I'll wipe away a few tears at the end credits, but will leave smiling for what is to come from Rob & Kristen!

  22. Thanks Rose for your great post today. Bittersweet is the word for so many things Robert and Kristen, with Twilight right in the middle of it.
    I love that Litmom describes her her early fan days. I also had a student of mine introduce me to the films. I was teaching a film class and mentioned that I wouldn't allow horror films to be crtiqued. A student from Hong Kong wanted to use New Moon. I had never heard of Twilight and she loaned me her DVD to watch; that was right when New Moon was coming out and it was a cold, rainy winter. I think I must have watched Twilight three or four times and then saw New Moon the same number in the theaters.

    I had never responded so to the two characters or actors as I did to Robert and Kristen. They were never one person to me, but always a team. And, yes, I watched fascinated as their bubble surrounded the love that was growing within. We can never have too much of the hopefulness and the innocence these two offer the world.

  23. What are we all like lol I'm so pleased to have come across this blog and so many like minded fans <3 <3

    Have a great weekend all Roseland Regs (hopefully we'll here from Freddie soon!!)

  24. TGIF my sap sisters! haha

    Since we are feeling extra sappy today, I thought I'd share this lovely thought. It can be applied to all relationships IMO.

  25. u guys r so cute n it's cool that u have like this love or idea of how like should be idk for me it's kinda complicated n lol most of the time I have no idea what I'm doing but it's crazy cause I know it's there n just idk stuff sucks sometimes but I should go lol shouldn't even be here but lol he's walking my baby lol it's my dog btw hahaha but I'm like supposed to be having a quiet weekend n stuff n he's like really good at catching me lol okay hope u guys have fun n stay happy
    Oh wait Melinda haven't seen u but idk how to like I wanna show u something I think u would be maybe interested I remember u mentioned something just if u have n email maybe? I would give u mine but idk lol can't put stuff here so let me know. Okay now for real bye

  26. Happy Friday y'all!!

    Rose you are killing me with the sap today! Happy tears. It's coming down to the end and it's been a great ride.

    I didn't come to the Twi craze until after Twi and before NM. Rob and Kristen did something to me with their chemistry. At the time I had no clue if they were a couple but after watching her pick something out of his teeth I kinda figured if they weren't yet they soon would be! It's been sweet watching their love blossom.

    Excited to see the promo for BD2. It's uncanny how much Makenzie looks like Rob and Kristen. It's like seeing into the future.

    LitMom- Love the statement you made about them flying. They have a lot of fans that want to see them soar that's for sure.

    Em- We'll figure something out. Hope you get that relaxing quiet weekend. :)

    Dottie- I'm usually happy in my singleness but that quote you shared. Makes me want to go find a husband! Thanks for sharing.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend! For those who will be celebrating father's day, hug him tight b/c you never know when you won't have the opportunity to do so again...


    ROSE....What a lovely post to come home and find on Friday afternoon!!! I feel the same way about Twilight and the Robsten Bubble....couldn't be any more adorable and in some ways it's addictive just to watch them because they are so good together. I feel like an intruder when I look at those precious pics from Cannes, but how can I not?

    The rain finally stopped...can you believe it? And it is going to be a beautiful weekend here in the old South! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

  28. DOTTIE

    How lovely!!!! A good day to reflect on relationships!

  29. Dottie- that was really sweet <3

    Melinda- I still miss my dad every day. Thanks for reminding us not to take them for granted :)

    Em- good to hear from you. I hope you enjoy your quiet weekend. Take care :)

  30. As usual you hit it right once again with your post, thanks Rose

  31. I love looking back on Robert and Kristen when they were first getting to know each other. I feel so blessed to be able to watch two special people fall in love. I still feel that way because they are still in love and still special.

    I will miss Twilight when it is all over, but I will continue to support Rob and Kristen in their other projects. I feel they are both going to be really famous before they are finished.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  32. Barbara,
    I agree! I'll always support the two of them in their careers - and you're right - these two are going to be HUGE!

  33. My my,Rose, you and the girls are an emotional crew today! All I can say is DITTO.
    I,too, have absolutely no explanation for why love these two,but I do. The beauty of it is these two are just warming up!

  34. Actually, I hate the twilight saga. I think the plot is unsatisfying and the dialogue is cringeworthy (books and movies), sparkling vampires (wtf Meyer?), and on and on.... But I love Rob's dorkiness and Kristen's vulnerability during interviews. They're just so damn adorable. I looove that they don't play the Hollywood game and stay true to themselves, no matter what the bitter bitches and pansies say. But I feel like cutting a bitch sometimes for the unfounded hate they receive for those movies. THEY'RE JUST MOVIES, NOT REAL LIFE. But I digress, I think they'll be just fine. They'll win in the end, whether the haters like it or not.

  35. Oh it has been one hell of a ride hasn't it, watching Rob & Kristen fall in love more & more through out the whole Twilight Saga. With each movie that came out and all the interviews & behind the scene pictures & videos & magazine shoots; seeing their love grow & blossom into something so beautiful. And along with their love growing stronger the more and more you could see it in Edward & Bella which made the movies even more fantastic. I wouldn't trade watching it for anything. I couldn't be more happier for them than I am right now and I truly believe they are in love for the Last Time. They are so different from any other "Hollywood" couple i've ever seen, ever and I believe that is the key that will always keep them locked in each others hearts.
    I will miss Twilight sooooo much it has been such a big part of my life these past 3 1/2 yrs. but I will forever pick up one of the movies & pop it in the DVD machine & watch it from time to time and think back & say "Awwwwwww, I remember it well!"

  36. Another beautiful nostalic post. Thank you Rose <3

  37. Finally had a chance to see SWATH tonight, and REALLY enjoyed it...Kristen did a fantastic job (as did Chris, Charlize, Sam and the rest of the cast) and the film was everything I hoped it would be. :)

  38. Good morning, Roselanders!

    It's Saturday, and I'm glad to be here.

    •"The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together."
    - William Shakespeare, All's Well that Ends Well, 4.3

  39. "Make the coming hour o'erflow with joy,
    And pleasure drown the brim."
    - William Shakespeare, All's Well that Ends Well, 2.4

  40. All Is Well That Ends Well

    Agnetha Faltskog (Pre-ABBA):

    The first time I met you
    A rainy, dull day
    How did you make a poor figure
    Looked dull, I thought

    Then I fell in love than ever
    If start than was cool
    Is the end good, I understand
    Well, everything is good.

    Now you're the one I dream
    And always think of
    I wander in a rosy intoxication
    My whole world is blue

    That everything would
    Change his mind, no one could foretell
    Is the end good, I understand
    Well, everything is good

    Man tracks but fate yards
    And you never know how
    Sometimes it goes crazy
    But sometimes I get lucky

    And are you in love, you're there
    You will never get out
    Is the end good
    I understand
    Well, everything is good

    Nu är du den jag drömmer om och alltid tänker på
    Jag vandrar i ett rosigt rus, min hela värld är blå
    Att allting skulle ändra sig, det kunde ingen spå
    Är slutet gott har jag förstått, ja då är allting gott.

    Människan spår men ödet rår och man vet aldrig hur
    Ibland så går det tokigt till, men ibland så har man tur
    Och är man kär så är man där, man kommer aldrig ut
    Är slutet gott har jag förstått, ja då är allting gott.

    Thank you/mauvetys

  41. Joy Ride

    Mariah Carey:

    Our love goes round
    Our love goes round and round
    (On a joy ride, on a joy ride)
    With ya babe, with ya babe

    Baby baby, don't you ever let go
    More and more until we both overflow
    Got a feelin' that my heart's never known
    And I found love

    Tender kisses and I'm floatin' on air
    You can have me anytime, anywhere
    When you need me
    I will always be there
    And I found love

    And our love goes round and round
    Way up high, a joy ride
    We can touch the stars above
    We found love

    Loving you is like a taste of heaven
    Wanna gaze into your eyes forever
    Run away and spend our lives together
    And I found love

    Baby baby, all it takes is one touch
    And immediately I feel a rush
    Baby boy, too much is never enough
    And I found love

    I don't need anything
    When you're here next to me
    Nobody in this whole wide world
    Could ever replace you in my eyes
    We found paradise
    Forever you and I, yeah

    Our love goes round
    Our love goes round and round
    (On a joy ride, on a joy ride)
    With ya babe, with ya babe

    And our love goes round and round
    Way up high, a joy ride
    We can touch the stars above
    We found love

    And our love was heaven sent
    From the day we first met
    We got something they can't touch
    We found love


  42. Kiss Of Life


    There must have been
    An angel by my side
    Something heavenly led me to you
    Look at the sky
    It's the color of love

    There must have been an angel
    By my side
    Something heavenly
    Came down from above
    He led me to you

    He built a bridge to your heart
    All the way
    How many tons of love inside
    I can't say

    When I was led to you
    I knew you were the one for me
    I swear the whole world
    Could feel my heartbeat

    When I lay eyes on you
    Ay ay ay
    You wrapped me up in
    The color of love

    You gave me the kiss of life
    Kiss of life
    You gave me the kiss that's like
    The kiss of life

    Wasn't it clear from the start
    Look the sky is full of love
    He built a bridge to your heart
    All the way
    How many tons of love inside
    I can't say

    You gave me the kiss of life
    Kiss of life
    You gave me

    The kiss
    Of life
    Kiss of life

    Thank you/kell4809

  43. The Dum Dum Ditty


    He doesn't talk much but when he does
    He's saying something
    He lives in the slums
    Cause his folks never had nothing

    He's a rebel without a cause
    He doesn't do what everyone does
    And he makes my heart go
    Run run ditty boom boom
    Makes my heart
    Go run run ditty

    See him everyday
    Hangin' 'round the neighborhood
    They say stay away
    Don't talk to him
    Cause he is no good

    How did he ever
    Get in so much trouble
    Shadadada, Shadadadadada
    Why do the papers
    Always mention his name

    He doesnt do what everyone does
    And he makes my heart
    Go run run ditty

    Oh yeah makes my heart
    Go run run ditty
    Boom boom

    Thank you/donthavetobebeautiful

  44. Lullaby

    (Instrumental-George Gershwin)

    Alicia Zizzo, piano (9:20 mins):

    Thank you/Epogdous

  45. Lullaby
    (For String Quartet)

    Mischa Lefkowitz, Robin Olsen violins, Thomas Hall viola, Richard Treat cello:

    Thank you/MrLirami1

  46. Sometimes, once is just not enough, and you have to do it, hear it, feel it, let it be, twice or thrice, all through the night, if need be.

  47. Calling All Lovers

    All Through The Night

    Ella Fitzgerald:

    All through the night
    I delight in your love
    All through the night
    You're so close to me

    All through the night
    From a height far above
    You and your love
    Bring me ecstasy

    When dawn comes to waken me
    You're never there at all
    I know you've forsaken me
    Till the shadows fall

    But then once again
    I can dream
    I've the right
    To be close to you
    All through the night

    Thank you/Scout4Me1

  48. Laying my head upon my pillow..

    Hugs for all, naturally.

  49. dreamer ur adorable hope n I hope u have sweet dreams

  50. Melinda yea just is this organization but I'm kind of around doing some stuff n it freaks ppl out if I say too much on public things but they have this vid w info just I thought u would like watching it but I gotta go now lol he's sleeping but he's got a radar always on bye guys

  51. Em- Made my profile public so you can get my email from there if you still want to send it when you have the time. Would be interested in seeing what it is.

    Have a great weekend hon...

    Rhonda- Hugs to you and anyone else who are missing their dad or the father of their children.

    Off to be lazy before going out tonight to celebrate my best friend's impending graduation from nursing school. Should be a fun night! Cheers!

  52. Hi ALL

    OLIVIA. Congrats to your friend... I hope you have a wonderful evening !

    I just finished reading my EW mag. Great pics... Great article about BD 2. Soooo, we fans are going to have a special treat at the end of the movie that's going ro have us all balling our eyes out.... cant wait!!!!!

  53. Funny, a twifriend and I were just saying on Thurs that we're excited for BD2 but we're so sad it's the last one. Then we said some mean things about SM writing more and well yea lol. Great post, I love seeing the old pics, they look so young, and the new pic I LOVE!!! Kristin looks so fierce and whoa Rob? whew, I'm gonna miss the yearly hype. But I'm gonna follow them in whatever else they do. Thanks Rose.

  54. So, why are you nostalgic? Because you know that they're finally over? Did you know that he was at some bar last night with a woman? You go, Rob! Can't wait to see who's next! You know, he said in a interview that it felt like he was really having sex in Cosmopolis. Not the kind of thing that a men in a relationship says, right? :)
    I hope he finds someone as pretty and talented as him this time!

  55. @ Lisa
    WTF? I guess this is "Rob's a cheater" weekend. He was out with friends. BFD!

    Go away!

    Ps: He's already with "someone as pretty and as talented as him". Her movie has made 247 million dollars worldwide. Amazing.

  56. Like Rob/Kristen & Sam/Laura

    More Today Than Yesterday

    Spiral Staircase:

    I don't remember what day it was
    I didn't notice what time it was
    All I know is that
    I fell in love with you

    And if all my dreams
    Come true
    I'll be spending time with you

    Every day's a new day
    In love with you
    With each day comes a new way
    Of loving you

    Every time I kiss your lips
    My mind starts to wander
    If all my dreams come true
    I'll be spending time with you

    Oh, I love you more today
    Than yesterday
    But not as much as tomorrow

    I love you more today
    Than yesterday
    But, darling
    Not as much as tomorrow

    Tomorrow's date means
    Springtime's just a day away
    Cupid, we don't need ya now
    Be on your way

    I thank the Lord for love
    Like ours that grows ever stronger
    And I always will be true
    I know you feel the same way too

    Oh, I love you
    More today than yesterday
    But not as much as tomorrow
    I love you more today
    Than yesterday

    Only half as much as tomorrow
    Every day's a new day
    Every time I love ya

    Thank you/60otaku3

  57. Happy Monday, Roselanders! I hope the coming week is a good one for all of you. :)


  58. Some people can really put out some silly comments, here and elsewhere. They show their ugly side, their jealousy, immaturity and truly low understanding of normal human relations.
    Poor Rob, he can't go out for a beer with a friend, a grown-up man, not a kid, without having his life dissected online. I'm glad he's turning down fan pics and keeping his life as sane and private as possible. He must be so sick of stupid comments like this, if he even pays attention to them any longer at all!

    I don't take the time to respond to negative comments, as that is what these poor, lonely and deluded people want, more attention -- any kind will do! Sorry to say this to them, but maybe they could read more, real literature, pay attention to worthy world events, spend time exercising and eating right, lose that extra weight, and live a real life in the real world and like the old saying goes, "Wake up and smell the coffee!"

  59. Belladonna- nice comment, I agree.

    DK- are things going better? No more accidents or injuries?

    Hi all, I hope it's been a great start to the week ((Hugs))

  60. @Rhonda
    Things are going, moving, changing, as I am in the flow, baby. You are so dear to care.

    Good day, Rose, Smitty, Gruff, Syd & Lady, Rose's Land and it's peeps!

    Love for all, too. Bring it!

  61. Well said, Belladonna!

    Yeah, I wanted to come on here and blast the you know what out of our random poster, but decided it wouldn't do any good, and it was probably what she wanted - to get a rise out of us.

    Hope everyone is having a great Monday!
    Love to ALL!

  62. Belladonna - Great comment! I too, wanted to respond, but held my tongue as to not give her what she wanted :)

    DK - so glad that things seem to improve for you <3

  63. Belladonna - Very well said!

    Hi Everyone, I hope your week has started well.

    DK - I hope things are going better for you.

  64. Rose~I have a funny story to share. Today at school a
    1st grader read another girl's shirt aloud. She read, "Happy Birthday TOME"......she looked up and asked, "What does that mean?" The other girl's shirt actually said
    "Happy Birthday To Me!" LOL

  65. Don't Forget Everyone Needs

    You've Got Your Troubles


    I see that worried look
    Upon your face
    You've got your troubles
    I've got mine

    She's found somebody else
    To take your place
    You've got your troubles
    I've got mine

    I too have lost my love
    All of my dreams
    Have flown away

    Now just like you
    I sit and wonder why
    You've got your troubles
    I've got mine

    You need some sympathy
    Well so do I
    You've got your troubles
    I've got mine

    She used to love me
    That I know
    And it don't seem so long ago

    That we were walking
    And we were talking
    The way
    That lovers do

    I too have lost my love today
    All of my dreams have flown away
    And so forgive me
    If I seem unkind

    You've got your troubles
    I've got mine
    I'd help another place
    Another time

    You've got
    Your troubles
    I've got

    Thank you/Nocaro

  66. Been hanging on Twitter, watching @Vonch. She's beyond great with goings on now. Almost as pertinent as Robstenation but not so dear as Rose!

    Hear ye, hear ye! Don't miss any R/K flicks, life could pass us by or close our lids, thus still asleep.

    And, the Fairygodmother, holds you close and flies alongside, all the way.

  67. Still crazy after all these years..but having my fun being so.

    K and C are in OZ but R is there, when anywhere, he's ninja rare.

    Got it? DK is silly.

    Off to sleep. I pray my soul to keep.


  68. A Lover's Concerto

    The Toys:

    Thank you/Nocaro

  69. No lyrics posted so listen, it says stuff good.


  70. Early pics of Kristen look amazing. Very cool hair.

    Very cute story!

    Hey DK! I am off to work. Have a good sleep,dear.

    Have a lovely day Rose,Smitty,Gruff,Syd and all you fabulous Roselanders!


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.