Monday, July 30, 2012

Rob and Kristen-- What a Fool Believes...

I started this blog to figure out my feelings
about Robert Pattinson.
Writing has always been a form of therapy for me...
I've needed it this past week.

There is a lot of speculation right now.
There are a lot of 'insiders' giving tabloids the scoop.
There are a lot of lies and whispers.
There is a lot of bullshit.
99% of it is what you think you know.
Because everything else is shit.
If Rob and/or Kristen
(and that includes Nick, Steph, Ruth or their immediate family)
haven't said it...
Then its all theories and guessing.
and what have we heard from any of them?

What We Actually Know.

1. Creepy pics of gross director with his arms around Kristen
and kissing her in her car.

2. Kristen's apology to everyone she hurt...
and her desperate love for Rob.

That's it.

What We Think We Know.

1. Pics of U-Haul truck seen at Los Feliz home.
Logically we can assume someone moved out.
No one is seen.
No statement is made.
Who would want to stay in a home with
a zillion paparazzi camped outside your door?

That's about it.

What A Fool Believes.

1. Everything else.

That goes for any 'source' who claims to be close
to either Rob or Kristen but is yet spilling to Gossip Cop
or some other media outlet.
No one who loves and cares about Rob and Kristen
are sharing their pain with gossip rags.

Everything else is assumption and speculation.

And please stop fucking trying to blame Rob for this.
People are out of fucking control.

What I Believe.

1. People on twitter continue to mourn this situation.
I know everyone grieves differently.
And hey... to each their own.
I'm not telling anyone how to feel.
I'm just telling you how I feel.

I don't wallow in grief.
I'm tired of being sad.
I'm broken heart/sad faced out.
I prefer hope.
I have faith in forgiveness.

That's not me saying I think
Rob and Kristen getting back together is a done deal.
I don't.
I don't offer false hope.
But this is me accepting the possibility that 
they can find their way back to each other.

2. Rob and Kristen love each other.
My Opinion.
That kind of love doesn't go away overnight.
And they will figure this out...
What's best for them.
Whether it's together or apart.
I just want them to be happy.

What I Know.

1. I know that a lot of people I thought I knew
really disappointed me.
So quick to throw Kristen away.
So many who only pretended to be her fan...
have now come out full force in hating her.
I hope you feel better bashing her now...
You feel justified somehow... right?
Like you KNEW all along she was bad for Rob?
You still don't matter.
And guess what?
Kristen STILL owns you.
You can't stop talking about her.
Obsessing over her.
Enjoy your foaming...
because it's still bitter 
and no matter what happens to Rob and Kristen
It won't change your sad life.

2. People have asked me if I will continue to write my blog.
I'm still intoxicated with Robert Pattinson...
So yes.

As long as he gives me this...

And this...

Oh... and this...

I'm in for the long haul.
I'm not going anywhere.
(Sorry if that disappoints you)

I just want Robert to be OK.
I just want to see him laugh again.
I just want him to be happy.
And I want the same for Kristen.

And that is where I will leave this topic.
I'm done with it for now.
So many people have said so many things...
(Have you ever seen SO many Twitlongers?)
And I don't need to add to the dark cloud
hanging over this fandom.

Sometimes you just have to know when to let it go.

It's like a bloody sore.
We keep picking at it...
Scratching it.
Sometimes without really knowing we are doing it.
But its not helping.
Every time it starts to scab up...
something comes along to rip it off
and we are right back to the bloody sore.
It hurts.
I know.
But it won't get better if we don't leave it alone.
We need to give it time to heal.

Final Thought.

OK...  I will admit I'm not over it.
But I'm getting better all the time
(Can't get much worse)

And yes... that is part of a Beatles song.
In the past...
When I have gone through bad times...
I have often turned to the Beatles music to make me feel better.
And they have never let me down.
Now there are a number of love songs (And I Love Her)
hopeful songs (We Can Work It Out)
cheering up songs (Hey Jude)
But one of my favorite songs...
seems to fit this moment.
At least for me.

I Will.

Who knows how long I've loved you
You know I love you still
Will I wait a lonely lifetime?
If you want me to I will

For if I ever saw you
I didn't catch your name
But it never really mattered
I will always feel the same

Love you forever and forever
Love you with all my heart
Love you whenever we're together
Love you when we're apart

And when at last I find you
Your song will fill the air
Sing it loud so I can hear you
Make it easy to be near you
For the things you do endear you to me
Oh, you know I will, I will

And just to leave on the same note I came in on.

I adore Shaggy and Scrappy.
They always make me smile.

This post is brought to you by the Letter S.
You know why.

I adore you, Thomas Sturridge.

Until next time.

Bye for now

And the beat goes on...


  1. Perfectly said, as always. Thank you Rose for being very level-headed about the situation. With love for Rob, Kristen and Shaggy.

  2. Perfectly said, again.
    I said something very similar yesterday, we know very very little and its not our place to know more.
    And I'm disgusted by fans eating up every new tabloid or gossip site story, believing "sources."
    Its all a bunch of bullshit.
    Time and space is needed for Rob & Kristen to heal. If they are meant to be together, then they will.
    Nothing anyone can say or do about it. They have to search their hearts and feelings and do what is right for them.

    Hello to everyone!

  3. Like always,you own the situation like a boss. :) For real, thank you for being the voice of reason.

    Tbqh,I never thought there were so many hypocritical ppl in this fandom.I guess it goes to show that you know who is who when the shit hits the proverbial fan. *sigh*

    You totally made my day. ♥

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you for making some sense and staying classy. We so need someone like you these days.

    I'm really really tired of all the hate that's on the internet. Tired of people eating up all the things the trashy mags/sites publish. Tired of people judging as if they were God.

    Just stop it people. Give it time and back off. But stop with the hate. If you ever cared about them at all, stop it.

  6. thanks rose..

    i know it's been a while since i left a comment, but i have to now.

    i am very disappointed in some so-called 'fans' of kristen.. they threw her away like trash.. as if they are without guilt.

    those people, who are pointing with their finger at kristen, should look at their hands.. 3 fingers are pointing right back at them..

    we don't know what's really happening.. and i am glad about that..

    they need to figure that out.. all alone and on their own..

    this is their relationship.. and we are nothing, when it comes to that!

    we just have to keep our faith, that they will come out of this situation.. stronger than ever..

    if it will be separated, or together!

    and people, don't wait for a statement from either of them.. there won't be one..

    they won't talk about it! this is their private life..

    we have to respect that.. and that's the problem right now.. some people have no respect!!

    hugs rose.. loved your blogpost!!

  7. Rose -
    Abso-freaking-lutely PERFECT post. Thank you!

    I'm certainly not Miss Twitter - only follow about 130 people, but I have "unfollowed" SO many in the past few days. Who knew there were so many shallow turncoats in this world??? Man. And I refuse to read any articles from Gossip sites - even "reputable" sites. Can't do it. I choose hope.

    Love your words, love your heart.

    I can't handle keeping up with 700+ posts, so may be a little scarce on here, but it doesn't mean I'm not hoping and praying for happiness and peace for all, no matter what.

  8. Great Post. I so want Rob and Kristen to work things out and grow old together as we all hoped once. But I am also prepping myself should he decide he can no longer be with her. I can't imagine what he is going through, what they are both going through. As you said Rose I just hope he can mend his broken heart enough that we can see him smile and make his goofy jokes again. I miss him. I miss them...but boy do I miss HIM.

  9. ROSE I'll always bleve in their love for each other I WISH THEM BOTH PEACE UNTIL THEN I WILL. Thank you Rose :) DEB.

  10. Faith.Hope.Love.....if it is meant to be, it will be.

    (( HUGS ))

  11. Rose I LOVE your wise & true words! That is all!

  12. Hey, hi! Just to say I like to read your blog. I am very, very sad but when I read you in tweeter or here I feel better. Never stop writing. Keep safe,let's think positive and pray for better days.

  13. Thanks, Rose.
    I'm on your side.
    Lots of hatred going on, and I don't like it at all.
    I also choose to forgive and hope.
    May love brings us to a better tomorrow.

  14. I totally agree with everything you said. I too am surprised and appalled at the hate I have seen thrown around over this. I know this is a volatile issue and people's own experiences certainly affect how they feel about it, but there is no reason to attack each other. I am seriously considering stepping away from twitter and the blogs for a while because I don't see things getting better anytime soon. I hope Rob and Kristen can work things out but that's the romantic idealist in me speaking, the realist knows there is a good chance they won't. I fear the 'fandom' won't be able to work things out either.

  15. Thanks for telling it how it is, Rose!

    I cannot believe how many former "fans" have abandoned Kristen.

    Oh and again.. I am NOT blaming Rob AT ALL.

    Sending positive thoughts towards Rob and Kristen!

  16. Rose, you have shown them both incredible respect. Thank you. I don't think you will realize how sincerely I mean that.

    Kay - I love your sentiment. I wish that I could say that I don't care about the outcome, but I do.

    What does Rose always say...With acceptance come peace...

    As always, I wish them both well and pray that they find the comfort and healing they need very soon.

  17. Love to both Rob and Kristen. I will always love and support you both, together or apart.

  18. ROSE

    Thank you for a no nonsense post today. Well said:). And I am relieved to have you say you have no plans to stop your blog.


    I don't believe AT ALL that it's over... Not by a long shot. Anyway I am ready to let go of this doom and gloom and just be a supportive fan. They will figure all of this out. Time is on their side.

    Have a good day everybody.

  19. Leni sometimes things get lost in translation even when we are all speaking the same language :0)

    Rose well said again!!!

    It would be great for a bit of normality now as we can't change a thing.

  20. love your blog you have been meaning to comment on it for quite some time now ... i hope these so called sources just shut up and respect robs & Kristen's privacy ... the feeling that i have been having for the past week is not good i wish this could just go away but i guess time is the best healer ...... i wish both of them luck ....... Love you rob always have and always will

  21. Rose once again I read your blog and it is so good to read what I am feeling. Yes it would be great if Rob and Kristen can work all the hurt,trust issues, and bullshit out, BUT if things don't go that way it is their decision and I will respect it.This is their life that we have been lucky enough to catch a few glimces of from time to time, and I have to remind myself that I only know the Rob and Kristen that they allow us to see. I have no idea what their actual private life is really like. I hope with all my heart that they will both come out of this a little stronger and wiser. And yes I would love to see it be together, but if not that will be ok too. What will be will be.

    Thanks once again Rose and I am so glad you will keep on blogging about Rob with Tom on the side!

    XOXO everyone!

  22. Rose, I haven't read your blog but a few times. I've been a regular on a different one. I find myself staying away from it lately, however.I'm appalled at the hate! What you just posted is a much-needed dose of compassion and respect! Rob is a very smart man, let's give him the space and privacy he desperately needs to sort this out, whatever he decides! I have no doubt that they still love each other and are capable of coming out of this stronger. That's all I want to say about it, since I really don't think he wants us dissecting and examining what happened. Let's look forward to the day when we see this wonderful, beautiful man happy again, alone or not! And concentrate on what he shares so freely...his talent!!! Can't wait for Cosmopolis, MB, and The Rover!!!

  23. Rose, I haven't read your blog but a few times. I've been a regular on a different one. I find myself staying away from it lately, however.I'm appalled at the hate! What you just posted is a much-needed dose of compassion and respect! Rob is a very smart man, let's give him the space and privacy he desperately needs to sort this out, whatever he decides! I have no doubt that they still love each other and are capable of coming out of this stronger. That's all I want to say about it, since I really don't think he wants us dissecting and examining what happened. Let's look forward to the day when we see this wonderful, beautiful man happy again, alone or not! And concentrate on what he shares so freely...his talent!!! Can't wait for Cosmopolis, MB, and The Rover!!!

  24. Rose, you have yet again shown us what a wonderful woman you are...would love to buy you a drink in appreciation!

    No more beating a dead horse, because there really isn't anything else that we can say other than repeat the same thing over and over again.

    Sending my all my love and support to Rob & Kristen. What ever is meant to be will be.

  25. Rose,
    I'm so glad you will carry on and because you are sane(and wise), so will I.

    For Rob and Kristen,
    With each day I hope you find some clarity and eventual peace.

  26. Thanks Rose - your post was perfect and at the right time

  27. Rose,

    I am sadder today than I have been since this whole thing started. I think it's starting to sink in now. God, they really did love, didn't they?

    Thank you for your kind words now and always.


  28. It really bothers me that the fans are taking sides, proclaiming their hate for one or trying to blame the other. But what is really scary to me is that some of these people, it think that they are kids, are actually issuing death threats, emailing friends of both, coming up with petitions - for what I am not sure. But they belive that if they do this stuff everything is going to be better. They are actually making things so much worse. It is just fueling this flame so much more.

    I have been cheated on, so I guess (I knos) that colors the way I look at what has happened. I just can not nor will I ever condone adultery, I don't care who it is. I take the marriage vows very seriously. No, I am not perfect, but this is one thing that I draw the line on. But that is just me. I do fear that there is somthing else coming. I can feel it. Don't know if it is good or bad, but my feelings are usually right. I hope this one is wrong, praying for that actually.

    Yes, I would love for things to go poof and not have happened. I even came up with excuses for all of this, like this was a diversion sot that they could run off and get married without being bothered. (yeah - I wish) or that Kristen was being sexually harassed. I just finally had to try and stop thinking about it. I still have a very hard time looking at pics of them together - still hurts too much.

    Then I think of how they are feeling. Especially - Rob. I like you Rose was caught under his spell first, then realizing how he love Kristen, I fell under hers as well. I loved her because he loved her. Dumb I know, but that is the truth.

    I just wish that the crazy atsmophere I am seeing would stop. Kristen's mother had to close her twitter account. Who on earth has the nerve to ask her about all of this??? Apparently some of the Twi fans do. That is just so wrong in so many ways.

    Take care, everyone. Thanks to Rose for a place of calm. This has gotten so crazy that it makes me scared for all involved. I hope the ones hurt are OK and the ones that did the hurting are not hurting too badly themselves.

    Thanks Rose

  29. Well done, Rose.

    I've been thinking alot about Rob today. I hope he will follow his heart and not let his pain and humiliation cause him to do something he might later regret.

    We don't know all the facts, nor should we, but if it truly was a momentary STUPID failure on Kristen's part, I pray he won't allow it to erase all that they fought so hard to build and all of their hopes and dreams for the future.

    Life is long. We heal and move on. Kristen has learned a terrible lesson. She will probably never do anything like that again and will surely treat her future relationships w/much more care.

    I know I'm rambling now. It's just so so sad that something like this could ruin something that was so special and doesnt come around very often.

    Always wishing the very best for both of them and trusting them to know what that is.

  30. Thanks Rose. Keep the faith. Everything happens for a reason.

  31. @PipDancer
    ITA. Some fans keep looking for updates like this is some sort of soap opera. Everyday has to have a new chapter or development. Let's give them some privacy. They need it to heal.

    This song is very dark but it makes me believe we can always start over. No matter what. Everyone has been posting songs, I guess it's my turn.

    Hurt - Johnny Cash

    I hurt myself today,
    To see if I still feel,
    I focus on the pain,
    The only thing that's real,

    The needle tears a hole,
    The old familiar sting,
    Try to kill it all away,
    But I remember everything,

    What have I become,
    My sweetest friend,
    Everyone I know,
    Goes away in the end,

    And you could have it all,
    My empire of dirt,
    I will let you down,
    I will make you hurt,

    I wear this crown of thorns,
    Upon my liars chair,
    Full of broken thoughts,
    I cannot repair,

    Beneath the stains of time,
    The feelings disappear,
    You are someone else,
    I am still right here,


    And you could have it all,
    My empire of dirt,
    I will let you down,
    I will make you hurt,

    If I could start again,
    A million miles away,
    I will keep myself,
    I would find a way.

  32. I think at this point I wish anyone who knows them would either just shut up (this includes Gio while I find him funny he is not helping, he is giving more fodder for the media) or learn the meaning of no comment. No one knows what tomorrow has promised - one day you can be absolutely sure of your path and it be changed in a matter of days, minutes, seconds. That is the funny thing about emotions - they can change and evolve at any given second. Anger is the easiest of the emotions to deal with, I would not be surprised if that is what he is still feeling.

    *inserts sarcasm* I keep thinking am I going to wake up to a ten page spread of them breaking up and who said what and who gets custody of what friend or what shirt based on how many stories they post a day. I wish the media would drop this

    Oh and someone brought up the twitter death threats - the news is taking them posting peoples twitters with pictures and mocking them. Can't be an undercover hater when people outside your circle can see it. Now that is embarrassing.

  33. Hey Yall.

    I haven't posted in forever, but I still read frequently. Crazy times, eh?

    No disrepect, but I've never believed that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes, shit just happens, and it sucks and it's awful, and we just have to get through it the best we can. Hopefully we come out smarter on the other side.

    I've enjoyed reading Rose's words and all of the comments over the past few days. You know I love the love of these two, and I'm sure hoping for the best for everyone, whatever that may be.

  34. Rose I love your post. I have reals hopes that Rob and Kris can work this out. I know Rob is feeling very hurt right now, as is his right, but also Kris is in pain also knowing that she may have lost the best thing in her life. I know that pain first hand because when I was young and foolish I thought because someone paid me the highest complements and made feel beautiful and wanted that I could have a taste of something else in my life. All I can say is that I was a fool and no one could love me as much as my husband. He fought for me, against his ego which I literaly destroyed, his friends who told him to cut me loose and even me because I felt so unworthy of his love and WE WON. We went to conciling and work hard to get things back to what we had. We have now been married 35 years. It take hard work to make a relationship work. They can come back stronger. And Rose, I have never strayed again. I respect my husband more than anyone in the world just for the effort he but into mending our relationship. I was in the wrong but he forgave me, enough said.

  35. Geezz Rose,
    I have made it through this whole thing without tears and "I Will" just killed me.......

  36. @Rose
    I heart you, Rob, Kristen and their immediate circles.
    The Beatles pretty much covered Life in their songs.

    Hello, all!

  37. Rose's thoughts are always the most heartfelt and sanest.

    I will always be a fan of Robert Pattinson.
    I will always be a fan of Kristen Stewart.

    Their personal life is none of my business.

    For better for worse, tomorrow is a new day with endless possibilities and choices.

    My thoughts and prayers are for hope and healing for everyone.

  38. I LOVE U ROSE...........I am so happy your staying online unlike some lol I was so smiley seeing u post the pic of rob with kellan....yummy. Cant wait to see you give us more awesome stuff.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Rose, your words are always so comforting. You soothe a lot of people everytime you post. Wishing peace, strength and safety for Rob, Kristen, and the people who are supporting them.

  41. Dottie: I totally agree.

    Maybe we've made more out of their relationship all along. But I just don't think so. Same reason I am reluctant to judge Kristen with what I've so far been presented with. I don't doubt my instincts, ever. And something ain't right. Whatever and however. I hope the time is taken to make rational decisions and that the best outcome is achieved whatever that will be. Of course I want them together. But I undertand that may not be possible.

    I worry for them both without each other's protection though...they seemed to be a refuge for each other. I so worry about their future projects without each other to go home to. I just hope that they can heal fully while doing what's best for both.

    Still overinvested for sure. Can't seem to learn that so obvious and painful lesson.

  42. Thanks Rose for the nice words,I have tears reading,I don't know why I'm emotional today.I'm happy to hear that you will continue with your blog.

    Rob is hurting right now, and also Kristen,I know that her soul and heart is in very dark place.But eventually they will talk and figure this out.I know that love is fragile,but love is also strong,and we know they love each other.We just pray that the power of love conquers all.

  43. Thanks so much for the voice of reason!

    Until an official statement comes out from either/or both Rob and Kristen, they are doing/deciding what is besrt for them.

    The fandom needs to relax, trust, forgive, move on, and celebrate their careers. They need that from us right now.


    It's so good to see you guys!!!!


    I saw your return post a bit ago...I had to go to work earlier...I always enjoy your perspective on everything. Hope you are continuing to if not already maximally recovered!

  45. Thank you Rose for the perfect post.
    I've been waiting for you to say that. I mean, all that.
    And I am 100% with you.
    I love Rob, Kristen and this; our safe harbour.
    Just hope for the best and lets keep it this way..

  46. "When over the years someone has seen you at your worst, and knows you with all your strengths and flaws, yet commits him- or herself to you wholly, it is a consummate experience.

    To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God.

    It is what we need more than anything. It liberates us from pretense, humbles us out of our self-righteousness, and fortifies us for any difficulty life can throw at us. " - Tim Keller

  47. Tweet
    Women Of History ‏@WomenOfHistory

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. -Marianne Williamson

  48. Won't Back Down

    Mat Kearney:

    And I won't back down
    I won't turn around and around
    And I won't back down
    Doesn't matter what comes crashing down
    I'm still gonna stand my solid ground

    You found me once and for all
    I laid it down in the sinking ground
    The hopeless undertow
    Singing out the gentle sound
    Rattling through my smoking screens
    My broken dreams last night

    Hallelujah ripped through my veins
    I heard the hammer drop
    My blood in the rain
    Hallelujah came like a train
    When all is lost
    All is left to gain

    And I won't back down
    I won't turn around and around
    And I won't back down
    Doesn't matter what comes crashing down
    I'm still gonna stand my solid ground

    Thank you/easylyricsorg8125

  49. Rose, I have had the same reaction as IB... Didn't feel teary-eyed until reading today's post, and reading DK's quote about being loved & known...

    Have gotten such a kick seeing those "activists" in the fandom hiding copies of US Weekly in stores... may not make a difference, but I bet it felt good!

    IB, we definitely need to convene a Northeast Roseland chapter meeting!! I've been traveling tons while daw was away, but will probably be headed to the Cape
    within the next couple of weeks... Keep me posted on your travel plans! BTW, looks like we need to open up our chaptership, as a few other NEsteners are commenting more regularly!

    To the Roseland trio, my thoughts are with you...

  50. LOVE what you have to say today Rose. It's perfect, as usual. I find myself feeling a bit better each day. I honestly hope they find their way back to each other again. It's hard to stop loving your soulmate. I still love mine (even though we're not together). Rob is angry, and rightly so, but once the dust settles maybe their love for each other will win out. I've decided, for my own peace of mind, to step away from this daily drama. I'll just make myself crazy waiting for something positive to happen. I feel that's a long way off. I've been praying like mad for these two and I hope someday my prayers are answered. xo

  51. Thank you Rose. This is the best post I have ever read. It's perfect and capture how I feel about this situation. Please keep this blog alive. I love both Rob and Kristen and I can do just that. I will not judge them because this is their personal lives. Anger and hatred will not help anyone.

  52. Rose, thank you for your calming words, and thank you for agreeing to be around...we need you desperately.

    I am still sad but a little better every day. I am trying to stay away from the hate. I love Rob and I love Kristen, and I cannot turn my back on her. She is hurting also.

    I also feel there is something off about this business. We will probably never know one way or the other, but it is just too weird.

    I hope the fans (I use this word loosely) will calm down, because all the hate and name calling is not helping, and this is none of our business. We need to leave them alone.

    Take care everyone, and I hope we all feel better soon.

  53. Rose, again your timing is perfect. Just what I needed...a nice injection of the truth to combat my fallout fatigue. Today's post is a perfect example of why I love your have an uncanny way of separating fact, fiction, and sometimes downright delusion. Your blog for a long time has helped me understand the fandom and fear it less.

    I am worn out from the resentment and bitterness from this past week and now want to take it one day at a time...and laughs and smiles are a great remedy...I've been turning to comedies for mine.

    I look forward to the day of seeing Rob and Kristen smile again. I hope each passing day is better and brighter for them.

  54. Thank you, Rose!!!

    And, take care everyone

  55. Love your post today, Rose.
    Thank you. Thank you.

    Keeping Rob and Kristen, their family and friends in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs for y'all dear Roselanders.
    Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.

  56. I love this blog and it has helped during this time! To read how that others are feeling the same as me! I will forever love and adore Kristen! I will forever love and adore Rob! I would prefer them together!!! I want them to be happy with whatever decision they make with no regrets!
    But time will tell! I wish them the best!

  57. Barbara Fenwick... I repost everything you've said!

  58. Beautiful heartfelt words Rose. It feels good to not be sad. To not be angry. To just accept that none of us are perfect and we all at some point in our lives will mess up.

    My Sister in Law gave this quote to my neice on her wedding day. She had it framed as a reminder to her when things get rough in her marriage. She didn't say if things get rough because she said she knew there would come a time when they would..

    "Be mindful what you toss away, be careful what you push away, and think hard before walking away."

    I think those are pretty good thoughts for all of us in our relationships. If we think long and hard on these three things we'll know without a doubt that we did what was right for the two of us.

    I've been praying alot for Rob and Kristen and I personally pray that they can find their way back to each other. However, We don't know whether they will have a new beginning or an end of something that was beautiful. We have to allow them time to make that decision. Whatever they decide I will support both of them.

  59. I'm thinking this song might reflect what Kristen is feeling right now

    I'll Be Waiting lyrics

    Hold me closer one more time,
    Say that you love me in your last goodbye,
    Please forgive me for my sins,
    Yes, I swam dirty waters,
    But you pushed me in,
    I've seen your face under every sky,
    Over every border and on every line,
    You know my heart more than I do,
    We were the greatest, me and you,

    But we had time against us,
    And miles between us,
    The heavens cried,
    I know I left you speechless,
    But now the sky has cleared and it's blue,
    And I see my future in you,

    I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
    I put my hands up,
    I'll do everything different,
    I'll be better to you,
    I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
    I put my hands up,
    I'll be somebody different,
    I'll be better to you,

    Let me stay here for just one more night,
    Build your world around me,
    And pull me to the light,
    So I can tell you that I was wrong,
    I was a child then, but now I'm willing to learn,

    But we had time against us,
    And miles between us,
    The heavens cried, I know I left you speechless,
    But now the sky has cleared and it's blue,
    And I see my future in you,

    I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
    I put my hands up,
    I'll do everything different,
    I'll be better to you,
    I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
    I put my hands up,
    I'll be somebody different,
    I'll be better to you,

    Time against us,
    Miles between us,
    Heavens cried,
    I know I left you speechless,
    Time against us,
    Miles between us,
    Heavens cried,
    I know I left you speechless,
    I know I left you speechless,
    I'll be waiting,

    I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
    I put my hands up,
    I'll do everything different,
    I'll be better to you,
    I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
    I put my hands up,
    I'll be somebody different,
    I'll be better to you.

  60. okay time for a little comic relief courtesy of one of my students

    i may have already told yall this but if i have, too bad you just have to hear it again

    in his american lit research paper he wrote:

    "he was known to the world as Mark Twain, but at conception he was known as Samuel Langhorne Clemens"

    which then allowed me to write in the margin "no one is named at conception, if we were we'd all be called 'Ohgod' or 'Don'tmove' or 'that'sitrightthere"

    thank you i am here all week

  61. in these dark times you always make me smile.

  62. Thanks Robert...lmao

    So Rose,
    You echo my thoughts...was thinking today while I was at the airport dropping off my teenage nieces and waiting out a 2 hour delay.
    Why am I checking the web every hour or so...?
    Why am I so obsessed with "if they are or if they aren't...??
    I guess it is the same reason I come to your blog check up on "them"..
    I don't want to obsess...I want to let it go as well.
    Going to try...but I do care as well.
    Why...?? Because they seem more alive around each I said seem...that is all we know, what they allowed us to know or what they showed us.
    I just wish I knew why K was so easily photographed...she and R hid for so long...okay. Obsessing again.
    I do want them both to be happy, no matter what.
    Thanks for your blog and for your voice of reason.

  63. Rose, thank you for the post. Thanks for being the voice of reason!

    Yay, to me, I just unfollowed a bunch of ppl on twitter!

  64. @bubblejoi
    gosh, the lyrics killed me!

  65. i am not a violent man and the idea of death threats is just too stupid for words
    but if i go outside tomorrow and see people wearing team rob or team kristen tee shirts i will have to cut a bitch

  66. This is actually the first time I've cried.

  67. Robert .,, Your student story slayed me!!

  68. of course i meant bitch in the non offensive asexual way

  69. @Robert
    XOXO plus (Hugs)

    "All the gold in California, is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills, in somebody else's name!"
    Come back and truthsay along with us.

    Oh, and sorry, I didn't see your shoutout, so Hidy, Hidy, Hi! XO

  70. @ Sam I just joined twitter literally 2 days ago - am following like 24 and already people and already feel a unfollow coming.

    Evening ladies I had to step away from the computer for a little after I chain smoked a pack of cigarettes this morning and yelled at a guy in Target while doing school supply shopping because the zip lock bags were not where he said, I needed to get a serious grip. Pretty sure my oldest picked the check out with no magazines cause she thought I was going rage and throw them across the store.

    DK looking for some good music - just some tunes with a good feel for the soul.

  71. @Robert that is too funny it is ok to cut a bitch or even give them a bitch brow

  72. More coffee or booze tonight? Can't choose. Pizza for sure.

    How's Roseland, hungry, thirsty, lonely, feeling stuff?

  73. @Ginger
    You delight my mind! Can I email you why?

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Every once in a while something good is found on twitter...

    Robert Downey Jr ‏@RobertJrDowney
    Before you talk, listen. Before you react, think. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try.

  76. Sorry I had to delete that cause there is illiterate and there is ILLITERATE

    @DK absolutely.

  77. @ One heart

    Oh god he tweeted something else that was pretty crappy that was re-tweeted by the one that made my finger itch to unfollow and I was like really - I remember when you were the one asking for forgiveness........It wasn't that long ago

  78. Oneheart, Thanks for the RDJ quote. Now there's a dude who knows something about the power of forgiveness and 2nd chances! (3rd, 4th, 5th...) Love him.

    Here's to hope!

    Good night!

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Hi Dottie yes he definitely knows alot about second chances...I love him too. I felt like this one was sincere and heartfelt.

  81. ginger

    thanks for the inside info

    DK i'm baaack [tackle hug
    [uh oh i'm becoming one of those people]


  82. kenzz & super & everyone i missed


  83. DK hope you don't mind but I listened to this song today and even though it's a little sad it has a happy ending..Aren't Happy Endings what we all want in our lives and for others. No matter what choices are made.

    "A Beautiful Mess"

    By: Jason Mraz

    You've got the best of both worlds
    You're the kind of girl who can take down a man,
    And lift him back up again
    You are strong but you're needy,
    Humble but you're greedy
    And based on your body language,
    And shoddy cursive I've been reading
    Your style is quite selective,
    though your mind is rather reckless
    Well I guess it just suggests
    that this is just what happiness is

    Hey, what a beautiful mess this is
    It's like picking up trash in dresses

    Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you write
    Kind of turn themselves into knives
    And don't mind my nerve you could call it fiction
    But I like being submerged in your contradictions, dear
    'Cause here we are, here we are

    Although you were biased I love your advice
    Your comebacks ‒ they're quick
    And probably have to do with your insecurities
    There's no shame in being crazy,
    Depending on how you take these
    Words that paraphrasing this relationship we're staging

    And what a beautiful mess, yes it is
    It's like we're picking up trash in dresses

    Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you say
    Kind of turn themselves into blades
    And "kind and courteous" is a life I've heard
    But it's nice to say that we played in the dirt
    'Cause here, here we are, here we are
    Here we are [x7]

    We're still here
    What a beautiful mess this is
    It's like taking a guess when the only answer is "Yes"

    Through timeless words and priceless pictures
    We'll fly like birds not of this earth

    And tides ‒ they turn ‒ and hearts disfigure
    But that's no concern when we're wounded together

    And we tore our dresses and stained our shirts
    But it's nice today. Oh, the wait was so worth it.

  84. @Robert I think sometimes we take ourselves to serious - call a spade a spade ;)

  85. @Ginger
    Got it, now you might want to delete that post for sanity's sake.

    Tackled to my very soul. You haven't fooled anyone, you lover man.

  86. @Oneheart
    Loved the Downey quote and that song you posted, too. I snap songs from RA without asking, so please post to your hearts delight. First and foremost, I am a fairygodmother or godfriend, dj second. XO

  87. @DK - deleted :) yeah that e-mail doesn't worry me a whole lot cause it is just an empty e-mail but haters don't worry me a whole lot - they just run in circles because if your argument in not valid you just chase your tail after awhile.

  88. DK


    flat in baton rouge headed for a train

  89. This Poppert guy have the nerve to came out today an attend an event in LA as if nothing happened.Definitely this guy and his wife have a motive.He make sick.

    Sorry guys about my rant.

  90. I believe in forgiveness.
    That's all.

  91. I'm feeling a lot of empathy for Kristen today. There are songs that I have loved because of the melody or how the artist used their voice without thinking deeply about the lyrics. They are coming to my mind now and they seem to relate to what she's going through. She certainly has a lot of regret. Unfortunately regret cannot erase a hurt you've caused. I hope they find a way back to each other's hearts. It's possible. Some of you have first hand experience. This Jazmine Sullivan song came to mind as I thought about how K is feeling tonight.

    Jazmine Sullivan
    I Need You Bad lyrics

    If I had you back in my world
    I would prove that I could be a better girl
    Oh oh oh
    If you let me back in
    I would sho'nuff never never let you go again(hey baby)
    I was so foolish to ever leave your side,
    Searching for what was right before my eyes
    It was me who didn't realize
    'Till it was gone but now I know I need you in my life

    Boy I need you bad as my heartbeat, (bad like the food I eat)
    Bad as the air I breath, (baby I want you bad)
    I need you bad I can't take this pain, (bad I can't take this pain)
    Boy I'm 'bout to go insane (baby I need you bad)
    I need you,
    I need you,
    What I gotta do (baby I want you bad)
    I need you,
    I need you,
    Do it all for you (baby I need you)

    Baby there's nothing I wouldn't do to get back what we had when love was true.
    (Oh oh oh)
    No lie I'd give up all I got
    Just so I could get back in my spot (Ooooh)

    Boy I need you bad as a heartbeat, (bad like the food I eat)
    Bad like the air I breath, (baby I want you bad)
    I need you bad I can't take this pain, (bad I can't take this pain)
    Boy I'm bout to go insane (baby I need you bad)
    Cause I need you,
    I need you,
    What I gotta do (baby I want you bad)
    I need you,
    I need you,
    Do it all for you (baby I need you)

    When you want him so bad and you gotta get him back say oh oh oh oh
    (Oh oh oh oh)
    Cause it won't get no better til you are together say oh oh oh oh
    (Oh oh oh oh)
    If you believe in love and you can't give him up say oh oh oh oh
    (Oh oh oh oh)
    If there's nothing you wont do to get back with your boo say, Oooohhh

    Boy I need I you bad as a heartbeat, (bad like the food I eat)
    Bad like the air I breath, (baby I want you bad)
    I need you bad I can't take this pain, (bad I can't take this pain)
    Boy I'm bout to go insane (baby I need you bad)
    I need you,
    I need you,
    What I gotta do (baby I want you bad)
    I need you,
    I need you,
    Do it all for you (baby I need you)

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Youth football started this was a nice break from the angst.

    @ the story. I am sure you have plenty to share..feel free.

    @Kenzz and IB...just give me a time and place and I'll be there...though hubbie is planning a camping trip to upstate VT this weekend. Probably won't have internet connection. No choice but to be one with nature.

    I avoid Twitter. I tried awhile back to follow a few people, but I just don't have the patience to tolerate the nonsense..I just can't get into it.

  94. I actually thought about watching Angela's Ashes or Imitation of Life just to cry all this emotion out - 2 hour cleansing/sobbing fits do wonders for me

  95. @Holy - this is going to be sad but I honestly think I am way more disgusted at the media then him. If he had anything devious to do with this and they are enabling this just gross. Kristen has to be afraid for her safety and Rob has to afraid for his sanity. He was just walking like he was the man - just yuck on it all

    sorry had to fix the errors cause they were bad, oh so bad

  96. @Ginger
    Amusement can be had in hate busting, Ita. But it is so time consuming, when we could be playing in our school yard.

    And, I believe in You.

    I'd love to jam with you.

    "Jam up and jelly tight
    My, my, my baby
    Now you're outta sight
    Jam up and jelly tight
    You look a little naughty
    But you're so polite
    Jam up and jelly tight
    You won't say you will but
    There's a chance that you might"

  97. i am resigned to the fact that this is going to take some time and while i'm worried about rob he does have the brit pack to fall back on

    here's what i would like to see i want dakota fanning, ashley greene, elizabeth reeser, jodi foster and joan jett track kristen down and take turns holding her

    and maybe bill conden

  98. @torrimarie
    Congrats on the expected baby and I will toast that tonight. :)

    Yes, decided to experiment with creating more healthly martinis using aloe vera, etc. Brilliant don't you think?

  99. Oh my God! Now they're reporting a vicious custody battle over Bear. These gutless rags are so low

  100. DK: Hugs you really tightly. :) :)

  101. @Ginger,I just can't believed he had the nerve to smile in front of the cameras.

    @Robert,you're hilarious,I love it.

    Again I love all the songs.Thanks.

  102. Have You Ever
    By: Brandy

    Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry?
    Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night?
    Have you ever tried to find the words but they don't come out right?
    Have you ever, have you ever?

    Have you ever been in love, been in love so bad
    You'd do anything to make them understand?
    Have you ever had someone steal your heart away?
    You'd give anything to make them feel the same
    Have you ever searched for words to get you in their heart?
    But you don't know what to say and you don't know where to start

    Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry?
    Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night?
    Have you ever tried to find the words but they don't come out right?
    Have you ever, have you ever?

    Have you ever found the one you've dreamed of all your life?
    You'd do just about anything to look into their eyes
    Have you finally found the one you've given your heart to?
    Only to find that one won't give their heart to you
    Have you ever closed your eyes and dreamed that they were there?
    And all you can do is wait for that day when they will care

    Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry?
    Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night?
    Have you ever tried to find the words but they don't come out right?
    Have you ever, have you ever?

    What do I gotta do to get you in my arms, baby?
    What do I gotta say to get to your heart?
    To make you understand how I need you next to me
    Gotta get you in my world 'cuz baby I can't sleep

    Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry?
    Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night?

    Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry?
    Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night?
    Have you ever tried to find the words but they don't come out right?
    Have you ever, have you ever?

    Have you ever

  103. DK...Wow, you know how to make a grown girl cry...So very true. Everyone wants to be loved like this.

    To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God.

  104. @bubblejoi,you're kidding right,custody battle with bear?I think the media are losing it.

  105. Rose, have not posted for a long time...but you always have such beautiful words. I like the rest of you am hoping that Rob/Kristen find their way back to each other when it is right for them. I have faith and patients.

  106. This is so wrong. That scumbag is traipsing around in the sunshine while ROb is in probably the darkest time of his life and is hurt beyond belief. Kristen is receiving death threats and being called everything but her name. How is he the one smiling???? This is complete and utter bullshit!!!!!!!!!!

  107. @Holy of course he smiled. Take everything out , all suspicions of everything - he got a 22yr old who is the it girl from the it boy. I bet he is a legend in his own mind, I wouldn't even be shocked if he fist pumped it too - sorry for the language but he is a dick. Hell I called one of my 9yr olds friends dads a pedophile for checking out my 19yr old and he is only in his early 30's. Also he is walking away from this smelling like roses in the media. Ugh just a class a a-hole and my middle finger just got more frequent flyer miles as I send a personal salute to him.

  108. Poopert is showing his ugly mug? Don't need to see that this late in the evening.

    Just think happy happy happy thoughts.

    Gossip rags are soulless vultures.

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. @Ginger - Angela's Ashes is one of my all time favorite books. The movie is wonderful, but listening to Frank McCourt read his story aloud is beyond inspiring. I laugh and cry, sometimes simultaneously. I have enjoyed your posts, and sense a kindred spirit. I am probably 10 years older than you, but I still wear jeans, t-shirts, and converse or vans. It's just who I am, and my husband of 25 years wouldn't want me to be any different. Don't ever let that 'part' of you diminish.
    @DK - as a long time lurker I must tell you that your positivity, way with words and sense of humor are always a blessing - as a fantastic fairy godmother should be...Thanks!
    @Robert - I wish my youngest had you for a teacher. You could entertain each other endlessly with that sense of humor! I'm sure you inspire all you encounter.
    @Rose - I started following your blog over 2 years ago because I was curious about Rob & Kristen and you said exactly what I would say, with the same words and inflections. That hasn't changed one iota, and today's blog just reinforces my respect for you. Your patience and dedication to 'Roseland' and all who travel here is beyond compare - not to mention the care and support you offer to a couple you've only known from afar. They are blessed to have you 'online' and in their corner. Thank you for keeping perspective for us all in the realm of common sense.....and humor!

  111. Rose, so glad to hear that you and some Rob fans haven't turn their backs on Kristen. Even though she royally fucked up, I will always be her fan. She has had so much hate thrown at her in her young life and now she is being crucified. Can't help but think she probably thinks herself worthless at this point. Rob, a beautiful soul, is hurting. I only hope forgiveness is in his vocabulary but that will take time, maybe even years. It would hurt a world if they can't even be friends.

    A Kristen and Rob supporter, always!

  112. well finally, adrienne curry has weighed in and enlightened us with her wisdom

    here's the bottom line AC you need to go back to bed and get some rest because losing rob is still better than keeping peter brady, you stupid bus station skank

    now all we need is for jennifer love hewitt to start her bullshit

  113. Excuse me..serious mixology going on and cleaning up of sticky floor that resulted.

    @Loui White

  114. @Jentoo~Hi! It has been too long! I am sorry I didn't say hi earlier, I was just too upset.

    @torrimarie~Congrats! Do you know if you're having a girl or boy?

    @Barbara Fenwick~Glad you posted!

    @Everyone else...I hope we are all feeling a little better tonight.

  115. @Robert
    Play for me, this night until daybreak:

    I’ll Never Find Another You (aka There's A New World Somewhere)

    Sonny James:

    Em F D7 G7
    There's a new world somewhere
    they call the Promised Land C Am F G7
    And I'll be there someday if you will hold my hand
    Am F G7 F G7
    I still need you there beside me no matter what I do C Em F G7 C
    For I know I'll never find another you Em F D7 G7
    There is always someone for each of us they say C Am F G7
    And you'll be my someone forever and a day Am F G7 F G7
    I could search the whole world over until my life is through C Em F G7 C
    But I know I'll never find another you Em F G7 C
    It's a long long journey so stay by my side Em F
    If I walk through a storm you'll be my guide G7Be my guideC Em F D7 G7
    If they gave me a fortune my treasure would be smallC Em F G7
    I could lose it all tomorrow and never mind at all Am F G7 F G7
    But if I should lose your love dear I don't know what I'd doC F G7 C
    For I know I'll never find another you

    Thank you/SlightlyEdgy

  116. @Ginger,I'm with you,he's definitely a d@ck and a pedophile.I hope this man will not work in HW.

    @bubbljoi,I doubt that Rob/Kristen people will said anything to the media.What bothers me also was about the U-haul truck,if Kristen/Rob move out from the house why are they renting a U haul not the movers.Plus do you think Rob will let his people tell the media that,he ask Kristen to move out?Rob is man with a big heart,even though his hurt,he will not do that to Kristen.

  117. HI Ladies, i read everyone of you'll comments, firstly let me say,honestly i'm a rob's fan first, so in my eyes he was blind sided big time, i cried and i cried, but i prayed for him allot to get over the hurt, i know rob loves kristen,but something seems to be wrong, who knows, i have no idea if this is true, but rob's no taking no one calls, the director from WFE and Sarah Godon from cosmopolis, now i do not believe all the rumors about kristen but some of the things are to be true or else photos would not exsist, i pray every day night anytime for them, unlike my 100% hard core rob's followers on twitter, i want rob to forgive her, love could never die this fast, yes i believe in forgivness also, we all make mistake in our lives,and we are all human, rob's sister tweeted and said pray for them, well ladies, this was nice.

  118. Thank you so much for coming back to us Rose! This past week has been so sad and lonely:-( It does my heart good to read your level-headed take of the whole tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with Rob and Kristen both. I pray they both come out of this horrible experience stronger and that their relationship will endure and grow because of it.

  119. @Robert...wasn't jennifer love hewitt fangirling over rob not too long ago? Something about her annoys me...can't quite pinpoint what.

  120. Hi everybody,

    I feel so out of the loop here with my ~fandom life and my real life going nuts at the same time. To be honest I think I'm glad real life took over. Less chance of seeing the ugliness in people.

    To those who I talk to regularly on here I've missed chatting and catching up with you. Reading the comments and it's nice to see a little sunshine between the clouds.

    ROSE- I was hoping to see that you were on the road to a better place with everything that has happened. Thank you for your honesty, clarity and objectivity in this moment of chaos.

    ONE HEART- Thank you for sharing that beautiful quote.

    I've been conflicted on whether or not to add to what has been said already. But Rose is right we need to know when to let go.

    Yet I still hope for the following:

    That peace will come and healing can begin. I don't know what the future holds for them. From the outside looking in, they had a connection to each other that is rarely seen. It wasn't epic. It just was. I hope because of that connection they can pick up the pieces and rebuild something stronger and better. It can happen b/c I've seen it. You just have to want it. However it's their life and their choices to make. I support them both, no matter what.

    As for the scumbag walking around right now wearing his wedding ring like nothing is wrong. I can't wait till karma catches up with him. God, one of the better things to come out of this mess in the future would be to see him get blacklisted in HW. I have nothing good to say about him as I never thought there was anything good about him in the first place.

    I have hope that there will be better days on the other side of the mountain. The journey may be hard and painful but the end result of seeing yourself at the top and knowing you did it makes it worth it.

  121. I'm finding it difficult to deal with all the horrible things people are saying, my heart breaks for Rob AND Kristen. I think people are mistaken if they think Rob would appreciate all the terrible things being said about Kristen. Even if they are "over" it helps NO ONE to tear her apart, not even Rob. I feel so bad they have to endure this under such a harsh microscope, they are both so young! Thank you for continuing to support them both and thank you for being a voice of reason!

  122. We're All Shiny & New

    Instant Karma

    John Lennon:

    Instant karma's gonna get you
    Gonna knock you right on the head
    You better get yourself together
    Pretty soon youre gonna be dead
    What in the world you thinking of
    Laughing in the face of love
    What on earth you tryin to do
    Its up to you, yeah you

    Instant karmas gonna get you
    Gonna look you right in the face
    Better get yourself together darlin
    Join the human race
    How in the world you gonna see
    Laughin at fools like me
    Who in the hell dyou think you are
    A super star
    Well, right you are

    Well we all shine on
    Like the moon and the stars and the sun
    Well we all shine on
    Evryone come on

    Instant karmas gonna get you
    Gonna knock you off your feet
    Better recognize your brothers
    Evryone you meet
    Why in the world are we here
    Surely not to live in pain and fear
    Why on earth are you there
    When youre evrywhere
    Come and get your share

    Well we all shine on
    Like the moon and the stars and the sun
    Yeah we all shine on
    Come on and on and on on on
    Yeah yeah, alright, uh huh, ah

    Well we all shine on
    Like the moon and the stars and the sun
    Yeah we all shine on
    On and on and on on and on

    Well we all shine on
    Like the moon and the stars and the sun
    Well we all shine on
    Like the moon and the stars and the sun
    Well we all shine on
    Like the moon and the stars and the sun
    Yeah we all shine on
    Like the moon and the stars and the sun

    Thank you/JacobL616

  123. G'night eveyone.

    Lack of sleep is finally catching up with me.

    Rob & Kristen are in my thoughts and prayers this evening.

  124. @Maria
    Goodnight. (All the beautiful sounds of the world in a single word.)

  125. ok now that I got 3 very grumpy girls all packed up for school and into blissful dreamland - it is music time. Sorry I am keeping the positive vibe going not trying to upset anyone but it beats throwing stuff in my local Target

    Marvin Gaye

    Ain't No Mountain High Enough lyrics
    Songwriters: Ashford, Nikolas; Simpson, Valerie;

    Listen, baby, ain't no mountain high
    Ain't no valley low, ain't no river wide enough, baby
    If you need me, call me, no matter where you are
    No matter how far, don't worry, baby
    Just call my name, I'll be there in a hurry
    You don't have to worry

    'Cause baby, there ain't no mountain high enough
    Ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough
    To keep me from getting to you, baby

    Remember the day I set you free
    I told you, you could always count on me, girl
    And from that day on I made a vow
    I'll be there when you want me some way, some how

    'Cause baby, there ain't no mountain high enough
    Ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough
    [. From: .]
    To keep me from getting to you, baby

    Oh no darling, no wind, no rain
    No winters cold can stop me baby
    No, no baby, 'cause you are my love
    If you ever in trouble, I'll be there on the double
    Just send for me, oh baby

    My love is alive way down in my heart
    Although we are miles apart
    If you ever need a helping hand
    I'll be there on the double just as fast as I can

    Don't you know that there ain't no mountain high enough
    Ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough
    To keep me from getting to you, baby

    Don't you know that there ain't no mountain high enough
    Ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough
    Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low enough

  126. Shaking my booty with you cuties, to this song.

  127. I've got so much to give away, and no one wants it. Bags and bags of baggage. Meaning that literally.

  128. Bangles

    Eternal Flame lyrics
    Songwriters: Steinberg, Billy; Kelly, Tom; Hoffs, Susanna;

    Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
    Do you feel my heart beating?
    Do you understand, do you feel the same?
    Am I only dreaming, is this burning an eternal flame?

    I believe it's meant to be, darling
    I watch you when you are sleeping
    You belong with me, do you feel the same?
    Am I only dreaming or is this burning an eternal flame?

    Say my name, sun shines through the rain
    A whole life so lonely
    And then you come and ease the pain
    I don't want to lose this feeling, oh

    Say my name, sun shines through the rain
    A whole life so lonely
    And then you come and ease the pain
    I don't want to lose this feeling, oh

    Close your eyes, give me your hand
    Do you feel my heart beating?
    Do you understand, do you feel the same?
    Am I only dreaming or is this burning an eternal flame?

    Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
    Do you feel my heart beating?
    Do you understand, do you feel the same?
    Am I only dreaming, is this burning an eternal flame?

    Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
    Do you feel my heart beating?
    Do you understand, do you feel the same?
    Am I only dreaming, an eternal flame?

    Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
    Do you feel my heart beating?
    Do you understand, do you feel the same?
    Am I only dreaming, is this burning an eternal flame?
    Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling

  129. @Ginger
    I am eternally flaming and burning. Say my name and poof!

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. Sigh - this goes right back to my teens and I always said I hated the 80's but maybe not so much

    Richard Marx

    Right Here Waiting lyrics
    Songwriters: Marx, Richard;

    Oceans apart, day after day
    And I slowly go insane
    I hear your voice on the line
    But it doesn't stop the pain

    If I see you next to never
    But how can we say forever

    Wherever you go, whatever you do
    I will be right here waiting for you
    Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
    I will be right here waiting for you

    I took for granted, all the times
    That I thought would last somehow
    I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
    But I can't get near you now

    Oh, can't you see it, baby
    You've got me goin' crazy

    Wherever you go, whatever you do
    I will be right here waiting for you
    Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
    I will be right here waiting for you

    I wonder how we can survive
    This romance
    But in the end if I'm with you
    I'll take the chance

    Oh, can't you see it, baby
    You've got me goin' crazy

    Wherever you go, whatever you do
    I will be right here waiting for you
    Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
    I will be right here waiting for you

    Waiting for you

  132. @Ginger
    What's up next? Putting a coin in your jukebox.

  133. This comment has been removed by the author.

  134. Ok I cried a little on this one and I need to remember to post the video cause the main picture of Rob makes me super sad every time I see his eyes. Windows to the soul they are


    Hard To Say I'm Sorry lyrics

    "Everybody needs a little time away," I heard her say, "from each other."
    "Even lover's need a holiday far away from each other."
    Hold me now.
    It's hard for me to say I'm sorry.
    I just want you to stay.

    After all that we've been through,
    I will make it up to you. I promise to.
    And after all that's been said and done,
    You're just the part of me I can't let go.

    Couldn't stand to be kept away just for the day from your body.
    Wouldn't wanna be swept away, far away from the one that I love.

    Hold me now.
    It's hard for me to say I'm sorry.
    I just want you to know.
    Hold me now.
    I really want to tell you I'm sorry.
    I could never let you go.

    After all that we've been through,
    I will make it up to you. I promise to.
    And after all that's been said and done,
    You're just the part of me I can't let go.

    After all that we've been through,
    I will make it up to you. I promise to.

    You're gonna be the lucky one.

  135. Boyz to men

    "On Bended Knee"

    Darlin' I can't explain
    Where did we lose our way
    Girl it's drivin' me insane
    And I know I just need one more chance
    To prove my love to you
    If you come back to me
    I'll guarantee
    That I'll never let you go

    Can we go back to the days our love was strong
    Can you tell me how a perfect love goes wrong
    Can somebody tell me how to get things back
    The way they used to be
    Oh God give me a reason
    I'm down on bended knee
    I'll never walk again until you come back to me
    I'm down on bended knee

    So many nights I dreamt
    Holding my pillow tight
    I know that I don't need to be alone
    When I open up my eyes
    To face reality
    Every moment without you
    It seems like eternity
    I'm begging you, begging you come back to me

    Can we go back to the days our love was strong
    Can you tell me how a perfect love goes wrong
    Can somebody tell me how to get things back
    The way they used to be
    Oh God give me a reason
    I'm down on bended knee
    I'll never walk again until you come back to me
    I'm down on bended knee

    I'm gonna swallow my pride
    Say I'm sorry
    Stop pointing fingers the blame is on me
    I want a new life
    And I want it with you
    If you feel the same
    Don't ever let it go
    You gotta believe in the spirit of love
    It'll heal all things
    It won't hurt any more
    No I don't believe our love's terminal
    I'm down on my knees begging you please
    Come home

    Can we go back to the days our love was strong
    Can you tell me how a perfect love goes wrong
    Can somebody tell me how to get things back
    The way they used to be
    Oh God give me a reason
    I'm down on bended knee
    I'll never walk again until you come back to me
    I'm down on bended knee

    Wanna build a new life
    Just you and me
    Gonna make you my wife
    Raise a family

  136. Ok DK this my last for the night cause 5:30 is going to be here soon and I really don't want to be crying with my girls while getting them to school then to work. You have to change she with he but it is the sentiment of the songs. Have a good night you very sweet person :) and night to anyone else on lurking

    Jaged Edge

    "Walked Outta Heaven"

    [Verse 1 (Brian):]
    I'm rolling down a lonely highway asking god to please forgive me for messing up the blessing he gave to me, I see,
    Everything clearer now the nights is black as, black as its ever been
    Without my girl, I'm gonna lose it, I pray that he would just shed his grace on me, I need just to be back with my baby

    Feels like I just walked right out of heaven
    Feels like I have damn near thrown my life away, hey yea yea
    Scared, just like a child that's lost at seven
    Don't know what to do, get back right wit you
    Feels like I just walked right out of heaven
    Feels like I have damn near thrown my life away, hey yea yea
    Scared, just like a child that's lost at seven
    Don't know what to do, Feels like I just walk right out of heaven

    [Verse 2 (Brandon):]
    See my mama told me that's if its meant to be she'll come back and she'll forgive me and the best thing I can do it to just
    Let her, let her go I know, I don't wanna do it
    But if I continue to push she'll just pull away and I know that in my heart its a reality I didn't treat her like she wanted
    To be treated, and I hope that shes not gone for good no no


    [Bridge 1:]
    Hey girl waiting for you all the time, suppose to move on with my life, and girl I tried and I tried
    I feel like I can't walk, I feel like I can't talk girl I don't know what to do get back right with you I feel like I just
    Walked outta heaven

    [Bridge 2 (Wingo):]
    If u ever loved somebody, and if you ever had somebody, but you know that you hurt that somebody, let me here you say yea

    [Chorus (repeat till fade)]

  137. @Ginger
    Nitey, night. You'll receive a dossier from me via email manana.

    Maybe I'll tell a short Indian spirits story now, a bedtime story.

  138. Was visiting friends at their lake home in Minnesota and had brought my two children and sister along with me.

    We hunkered up for sleep the first night, in a very comfy four person camper. No nightlight was left on for the moon was high and shining light in through the curtains.

    Everyone else had fallen asleep, and then I heard movement, something passing by me, where I lay in the lower bunk.

    Through the corner of my eye; I saw two people's legs, walking slowly but smoothly past into the front quarters of the camper.

    Before I could get out of the covers and bunk, my sister started yelling. She was screaming to someone to get out, go away!

    In seconds, I was there and caught the briefest glimpse of an old man and woman dressed in Native American garb. In a flash, they were gone.

    The kids took it in stride and went back to sleep. My sister and I, whispered between us while checking outside the camper, and all around.

    What had we both seen in those moments? We had a troubled night's sleep.

    At breakfast, we told our hosts about it. My friend's husband eloquently waved his hands, while explaining that those we had seen, were ancient Indian spirits, who he had often witnessed walking, across his yard to the lake or woods.

    He would tip his hat to them, if he wore one or nodded. That had happened many times, during their twenty years living there.

    They lived in a town called Mound, where the old Indian mounds were long gone, but their occupants, obviously not.

  139. Looks like DK closed up the store tonight, sorry I missed out. I read thru all the comments, I laughed and cried tonight.

    @bubblejoi - the Adele lyrics made me cry

    @Robert - you cracked me up!
    @Ginger and @DK - you guys are helping me with a serious condition - don't know lyrics so I make them up-itis!

    I don't want to be sad, Rose, we seem to be processing in a simiar way. I still have the knot in my stomach, wish we could roll back time. But know its time to look forward. I'm looking forward to seeing what's to come.

    And, Twitter is a scary place. Some of those people are seriously unhinged!

    Good night, Roselanders!

  140. I would add that we know that they love each other.

    What we can guess?

    1 - Kristen was in a vulnerable moment and "someone" profited.
    2 - Strong feelings often prevent us to understand how the partner really feels
    3 - Had Robert been more mature, he would have detected the first signs of uneasiness in Kristen and he would have helped her.

    It is way too common to meet the right person at at time when you are not yet able to manage a relation.

    Hope that Robert and Kristen will sort out this mess.

  141. Hai everyone here in Roseland.......

    Rose....i'm so relieved that you are going to continue your blog. Please write more often. And thank you. You are really the voice of reason.

    Yesterday i made decision to STOP READING about 'this' news. For me they are so mean, harsh and don't have any compassion.
    And i think it' s beyond crazy, with all the comments of the ridicilous news (story).
    I remember when Rob caught going out with freinds and without kristen, they called Rob was unfaithfull, and robsten relationship is unreal.
    And then, there were robsten moments caught up cuddling / kissing / showing PDA, they called it just for PR!!
    And then now, when Kristen ' indescrition' (don't know if it's true) , they called every ugly names in the dictionary can find for Kristen. And they encourage Rob to leave /dump her.
    Why in the sudden they believe in Robsten relationship??????? They were NEVER believe it back then.

    So for my own sanity sake I refused to read any news about 'this' ,unless it' s official. Don' t want to be guessing about something that i don't know for sure.
    I support Robert Pattinson
    I support Kristen Stewart
    I believe in Love

  142. @Bubblejoi/@Ginger with a soul/@Oneheart, the lyrics,
    I thought most of my tears were shed. No matter how much you shake, twirl or twist it, it's still so so sad. From so much love to so much heartbreak. Their beautiful happy faces in so much pain, Rob's eyes always so telling, staring at me filled with tears, pleading why why why.
    You're telling me, that mr. SCUM is walking around smiling, makes me want to puke, preferably all over his smug ugly face, unbelieavable what a basterd and getting away with it.

  143. @Wig4usc
    Store is not closed this early on the FGM's watch.
    You sound better, and that's all that we hope for all of us in Rose's Land.

  144. @25abcdefgh
    Ah, guesses that actually question answers and give clarity. :)

  145. Thanks Rose for staying sane in all this madness,
    I do believe they still love one another, so whether they're together or end up apart, I wish them both peace.

  146. For a quick pick up, I turn on the boob tube! The Olympics are on in the background, while I'm doing other things.

    All of the soulful performance music, clapping, cheering and joyful noise, comes right out of the screen, taking me far away, to England, where love lies.

  147. Big booming storm going on. May get fired and not in a fun way. Pray.

  148. This comment has been removed by the author.

  149. Thank you, Rose <3

    So well said, and so needed...

    I believe in forgiveness too, and I wish for Rob and Kristen some peace and privacy as they try to navigate through this. I support them both...always.

  150. (All clear. I'm here. Lend me your ears.)

    A Whistle Stop Away

    Fast Train

    Solomon Burke:

    Oh, you've been on a fast train
    And it's going off the rails
    And you can't come back
    Can't come back again

    And you start breaking down
    In the pouring rain
    Oh, you've been
    On a fast train

    And your lover has gone away
    Don't it make you feel so sad
    And you're going
    On a journey way into the land

    And you start breaking down
    'cause you're under strain
    And you're jumping
    On a fast train

    Gotta go on the lam
    Stuck in no-man's land
    Ain't nobody here
    On your waveband

    Ain't nobody gonna
    Give you a helping hand
    And you start breaking down
    And go into the sound
    But you hear
    That fast train

    And you keep on moving
    Onto the sound of the wheels
    And deep inside your heart
    Do you really
    Know how you feel

    And you start breaking down
    Going to the pain
    Keep on
    Moving on a fast train

    Well way over the line
    Next thing
    You're out of your mind
    And you're out of your depth
    In through the window she crept

    Oh there's nowhere to go
    In the sleet and the snow
    Keep on
    Moving on a fast train

    Oh going nowhere
    Except on a fast train
    Oh trying to get away from the past
    Oh keep on moving
    Keep on moving

    On a fast train
    Going nowhere
    Across the desert and the burning sand
    Through the barren wasteland
    On a fast train

    Going nowhere
    On a fast
    Train going
    No where

    Thank you/unknownuserXXXXX

  151. @Rhonda
    Why up up so early? Needed these. ((((Hugs))))

  152. In my above comment, I did not get "fired" or "fried". Only one of those might be pleasant, if I breaded and greasy. Yum!

  153. Washed Clean With Tears

    Cry To Me

    Solomon Burke:

    When your baby leaves you all alone
    And nobody calls you on the phone
    Don't ya feel like cryin'
    Don't ya feel like cryin'

    Well, here I am honey
    Cc'mon, you cry to me
    When you're all alone
    In your lonely room
    And there's nothing
    But the smell of her perfume

    Don't ya feel like cryin'
    Don't ya feel like cryin'
    Don't ya feel like cryin'
    C'mon, c'mon
    You cry to me

    Nothin' can be sadder
    Than a glass of wine alone
    Loneliness, loneliness
    Such a waste of time, oh yeah

    You don't ever have to walk alone
    Oh you see, oh c'mon
    Take my hand
    Baby won't ya walk with me
    Oh yeah

    When you're waitin
    For a voice to come
    In the night
    But there is no one
    Don't ya feel like cryin'
    (Cry to me)
    Don't ya feel like cryin'
    (Cry to me)

    Don't ya feel like cry-cry-cryin'
    (Cry to me, cry to me)
    Don't ya feel like cry-cry-cryin'
    (Cry to me)

    Thank you/NoRosesForMe

  154. @Birdie
    You are always on my mind. Going to the gym this morn? How about those pets, any new stragglers?

  155. Brain break or broke.
    Will return too soon for some, when never would suit others. Tough break.

  156. DK,
    Yes,pet patrol(no one new,thank God) is done and I am heading to the gym. How well you know me. Your uplifting spirit never ceases. So glad you are here! Sleep well.

  157. Beautiful song

    I Can't Let You Go
    By: CueShe

    I've been to many places
    I've met different races
    I've seen so many faces
    But it's you I can't forget

    I've been through high & low

    Till I got no where to go

    I got this funny feeling

    That it's you who I'm still missing

    So baby c'mon

    Don't let this go

    You know I love you so!

    Don't throw away

    Let our love grow

    I can't let you go!

    We've always been so strong

    We almost had it all

    Don't give up now on me

    Cause, we will always be

    So baby c'mon

    Don't let this go

    You know I love you so!

    Don't throw away

    Let our love grow
    I can't let you go!

    So baby c'mon

    Don't let this go

    You know I love you so!

    Don't throw away

    Let our love grow
    I can't let you go!

    Let's come to think of this

    Look at all we could miss

    Why can't let this happen

    Cause its you that i always be love you

    ooooooh i wont let you go

    oooooooh i never let you go

    ooooooh i cant let you go

  158. you know most in fact all of my followers,that are rob's fan, do not want rob, to have nothing to do with kristen,and i now came from robsessed blog,same thing, i never fancied kristen, just respected her, because i knew rob loved er,and i believed she loved him, now rupert is safe with his wife and after, maybe conning kristen boosting her ego to great highs, she got caught, or kristen i feel so sorry for you, i want rob to forgive her,and give her another chance, oh yes i believe she did wrong, but those who are without sin, cast the first stone, this hurts me, like i'm part of their lives, kristen you play with dogs you get bitten by fleas!

    By: Nickleback

    Just one more moment
    That's all that's needed
    Like wounded soldiers
    In need of feeling

    Time to be honest

    This time I'm pleading

    Please don't dwell on it

    'Cause I didn't mean it

    I can't believe I said

    I'd lay my love on the ground

    But it doesn't matter

    'Cause I made it up

    Forgive me now

    Everyday I spent away

    My soul's inside out

    Gotta be someway

    That I can make it up

    To you now some how

    By now you know that

    I'd come for you

    No one but you

    Yes, I'd come for you

    But only if you told me to

    I'd fight for you

    I'd lie, it's true

    Give my life for you

    You know I'd always come for you

    I was blindfolded

    But now I'm seeing

    My mind was closing

    Now I'm believing

    I finally know just

    What it means

    To let some one in

    To see the side of me

    That no one does or ever will

    So if you're ever lost and

    Find yourself all alone

    I'd search forever

    Just to bring you home

    Here and now, it's a vow

    By now you know that

    I'd come for you

    No one but you

    Yes, I'd come for you

    But only if you told me to

    I'd fight for you

    I'd lie, it's true

    Give my life for you

    You know I'd always come for you

    You know I'd always come for you

    No matter what gets in my way

    As long as there's still life in me

    No matter what, remember

    You know I'll always come for you

    Yes, I'd come for you

    No one but you

    Yes, I'd come for you

    But only if you told me to

    And I'd fight for you

    I'd lie, it's true

    Give my life for you

    You know I'll always come for you

    No matter what gets in my way

    As long as there's still life in me

    No matter what, remember

    You know I'll always come for you

    I'd crawl across this world for you

    Do anything you want me to

    No matter what, remember

    You know I'll always come for you

    You know I'll always come for you

    By: 3 Doors Down

    A hundred days have made me older
    Since the last time that I saw your pretty face
    A thousand lies have made me colder
    And I don't think I can look at this the same
    But all the miles that separate

    They disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face

    I'm here without you baby, but you're still on my lonely mind

    I think about you baby, and I dream about you all the time

    I'm here without you baby, but you're still with me in my dreams

    And tonight, there's only you and me

    The miles just keep rolling

    As the people leave their way to say, hello

    I've heard this life is overrated

    But I hope that it gets better as we go

    I'm here without you baby, but you're still on my lonely mind

    I think about you baby and I dream about you all the time

    I'm here without you baby, but you're still with me in my dreams

    And tonight girl, there's only you and me

    Everything I know and anywhere I go

    It gets hard but it won't take away my love

    And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done

    It gets hard but it won't take away my love

    I'm here without you baby, but you're still on my lonely mind

    I think about you baby and I dream about you all the time

    I'm here without you baby, but you're still with me in my dreams

    And tonight girl, there's only you and me

    I'm all alone

    By: Hoobastank

    I'm not a perfect person
    There's many things I wish I didn't do
    But I continue learning
    I never meant to do those things to you
    And so I have to say before I go
    That I just want you to know

    I've found a reason for me
    To change who I used to be
    A reason to start over new
    and the reason is you

    I'm sorry that I hurt you
    It's something I must live with everyday
    And all the pain I put you through
    I wish that I could take it all away
    And be the one who catches all your tears
    Thats why i need you to hear

    I've found a reason for me
    To change who I used to be
    A reason to start over new
    and the reason is You

    and the reason is You [x3]

    I'm not a perfect person
    I never meant to do those things to you
    And so I have to say before I go
    That I just want you to know

    I've found a reason for me
    To change who I used to be
    A reason to start over new
    and the reason is you

    I've found a reason to show
    A side of me you didn't know
    A reason for all that I do
    And the reason is you

    Maroon 5

    Beauty queen of only eighteen
    She had some trouble with herself
    He was always there to help her
    She always belonged to someone else

    I drove for miles and miles

    And wound up at your door

    I've had you so many times

    But somehow I want more

    I don't mind spending everyday

    Out on your corner in the pourin' rain

    Look for the girl with the broken smile

    Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

    And she will be loved, and she will be loved

    Tap on my window, knock on my door

    I want to make you feel beautiful

    I know, I tend to get so insecure

    It doesn't matter anymore

    It's not always rainbows and butterflies

    It's compromise that moves us along, yeah

    My heart is full and my door's always open

    You come anytime you want

    I don't mind spending everyday

    Out on your corner in the pourin' rain

    Look for the girl with the broken smile

    Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

    And she will be loved, and she will be loved

    And she will be loved, and she will be loved

    I know where you hide alone in your car

    Know all of the things that make you who you are

    I know that goodbye means nothin' at all

    Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls

    Yeah, tap on my window, knock on my door

    I want to make you feel beautiful

    I don't mind spending everyday

    Out on your corner in the pourin' rain

    Look for the girl with the broken smile

    Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

    And she will be loved, and she will be loved

    And she will be loved, and she will be loved

    (Please don't try so hard to say goodbye)

    Yeah, I don't mind spending everyday

    (Please don't try so hard to say goodbye)

    Out on your corner in the pourin' rain

    (Please don't try so hard to say goodbye)

  163. DK Sorry I ran out on you last night. Thought I would post some songs this morning. Thank your for always touching my heart with your songs and all of you other ladies who post them. Music is a way of expressing our soul that our heart can't often say.

    Have a beautiful day Roseland.

  164. Morning.

    After the dust settles on this Kristen and Rob will know who their true friends really are.
    I have never read/seen such viciousness attached to any scandal/story coming out of Hollywood.

    What saddens me more than anything is that it seems Rupert Sanders is getting a free pass........ Sickening!

    I was going to write that I can't believe there are people who see this situation as sport/entertainment but sadly I can.
    How very distressing for humanity when we can't find it in our hearts to be forgiving and compassionate although we maybe hurt and disappointed in actions.

    The holier-Than-Thou attitude that many people are on...........Really? What the hell!

    For many of us who have been cheated on we do know that forgiveness and a stronger relationship is not only a possibility but a fact!

    “There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.”

     “It takes one person to forgive, it takes two people to be reunited.”

    Have a better day today.

  165. @Oneheart - Thanks for all the songs. I like the Hoobastank song.

  166. Hi Rose Hi ladies,

    I found myself sticking up for Kristen again on "People Magazine" blog and GC not for the cheating I won't defend that, but just the comments there, OMG Rose it is just a disgrace the hate the bulling. I am seriously worried for Kristen's welfare for BD2 promo I hope the plans are being made to ensure her safety. No matter how pissed I am at her at the moment I want her to be safe and no one deserves to be treated this way. Murderers don't even get bashed the way she is right now. These women need some serious mental help. I am hoping as I am sure Kristens people are, this is going to blow over on the blogs, but we all know how fucken crazy some of these fans of Rob are now they have a perfect excuse for more hate.

    I just want to state, I do NOT hate Kristen, disappointed Yes of course, but this is not my personal life. I have not lost any sleep over this. I do hope for peace for them both and will of course support Rob's future movies whatever his personal choices are, I LOVE seeing that man on screen. :)

  167. Annie - That's exactly how I feel about the situation!

  168. As morning comes to America, its getting late in Asia..
    Hi to all the dwellers of Roseland..

    I began my day with positive mind and thank God, I'll go to sleep with still a positive mood.
    I boycott all tabloids, entertainment news and anysort of crappy stupid donkey-dope news in the internet for the past few days.
    I feel better.
    I just cant help thinking about both of them and their whereabout.
    Hopefully they have their privacy and are well protected from those lunatics out there.

    Thank you so much for all the songs. I love all of it. I downloaded all and made a playlist. I called it Roseland musing and I play it all the time. Keep on giving us all those beautiful songs, people.

    Not forgotten, I hereby curse Poopert with Avada Kedavra! *how I wish it works..

    May PerezHilton, Tedwhatshisname, US Weekly, People and all crappy cheapskates tag along with Poopert! And that, for ruining the privacy of our beloved 2 persons in the whole entire world.

    I miss them both :'-(

  169. Morning ladies - pit stop before dragging kids from their warm and happy places.

    @Annie - I think that most of the women (I use that term loosely after they started to post twitter pictures of some of the death threats and they look about 15 at most) that have the holier than thou attitude are doing it because they are hidden behind a computer screen and have no fear of exposure of who they themselves are. I have no doubt they are riddled with their own self hate , insecurities, and are feeding into the mentality that why not trash her to make myself feel better. There is being a fan and then there is delusion, delusion to the point of worship and feeling that Rob is infallible, never leaves his socks on the floor, never is human , and is all mighty God. No he didn't do anything wrong at all (I really hate justifying that too because not everything that is said about him is in insult but the opposite to me) but what I am saying is he is a walking flesh human being that is not without flaws. They have created this ideal and have pursued him to the point of insanity and if he ever dated someone else (even one they deem acceptable now) they will tear her apart. These women that call her a whore and homewrecker would cheat on their own spouses/partners if given a shot at him - hypocritical much - and already are to extent with the amount of emotional lusting they have for him (emotional cheating has always felt worse to me then the physical). My crush is Brandon Boyd - I think he is sin on legs - but I know for a fact the man behind that oh so beautiful face is that a man. The media frenzy will continue as long as it is fed and I am sorry it is being fed by these same delusional women and I will throw in Kristen's way way over invested fans that are now attacking Rob. The media is now turning and making fun of these same people because they are either blind or too stupid to know that it is them they are pointing out. I think that at the end of the day that how this played out say more about society than it does about the act.

  170. *and owh forgive me. Let me rescue Ted Casablanca from Avada Kedavra. Obviously, he's not one of them. He's a Robstener true and true!

  171. @30 I did it at first too at Gossip Cop (I can appear illiterate to from time to time because apparently when I am pissed I can't spell or pull an articulate sentence together)

    I posted a thing from the good house wives book that a friend gave me that I thought was funny (I am liberated and not a dog waiting for a pat on the head) because when I was married I was the bread winner (damn it why did I not have slippers waiting for me when I got home and why were the kids in mismatched clothes looking like they were in the wild for the past month pfft) and was floored by the whiter than snow response that out was out poured for their pristine mouths. Those vile people will never get it because they are blinded by hate. I did however get a couple to admit that they just hate her and that this is their justification for all their hate. I also think a couple are the same poster spewing the same BS and talking to themselves. One said they never ever have lied to their spouse and I was the like is complete crap - we all lie (small or not) at some point. I wish I could just have a webcam blasted on them while they are spewing to see if they still feel justified when people get a look at who is typing.

  172. Ginger - I totally agree with your last comment. I also have to say that watching the insanity over the past week makes me wonder what these crazy individuals would do if poor Rob ever does do something they don't approve of.They seem completely incapable of rational, reasoned thinking.

  173. I shall be back later I am sure I will be on while at work - it is a hard habit to break

  174. Warning! You CAN eat too much fiber in a ten minute segment! DO NOT!

    Fiber likes to play soccer and destroy sleep. :O

  175. Happy Tuesday! I woke to thunder, lightening, rain... Perfect day to stay under a blanket w/a good book.

    Poor DK! Hope you feel better.

    Smile and have a good day!

  176. Felt a bit sad today, just realising how much I miss seeing them together never mind the possibility we might not get to see together again :0(

    But I will keep my chin up and not loose hope!!

  177. *lose, I too seem to have lost the ability to spell correctly!!

  178. Dear Rose, this is a very smart comment, and I´m happy that I found your blog last year. Back then I spend hours to reread everthing till the begining.
    Last week I felt see that me cope in a similiar process with this tragedy like you did.
    After the overwhelming heartbreak I felt, I start to wonder why everybody belives Rob did not know about the fling. Everybody quote Rob about not understanding how you could cheat- but where is the quote: I would immediatly break up? No, he never said that. You can find a quote that he would fight for a life-long- relationship, and accept that it can be very hurtfull.
    Everything is possible, so my next step two days ago was- maybe the "momentary indiscretion" meant the dry humping at daylight and getting papped and not the cheating for it self. Maybe they talked about Kristens feelings to RS before Comic Con- I thougt since CC something is off. He looked tired and she was so overbearing in charge. Maybe she promissed him to get over RS and just couldn´t helped herself after he came back from his family-hollidays and gave her the call. Theories, theories- I could write for a rag.
    The next thing I wondered about was Robs attitude to Sarah Gedon in Cannes. He was constantly avoiding to be next to her at the photo calls. Sarah gave a very sexy praise about Rob: he is pulling up such a strong mascullinity on screen, which she mentioned is very rare (so true.)

    So he was nice and did not touched his costar, and Kristen gets groped by RS at the Sydney Premiere. I don´t belief Rob hasn´t seen it, obviously he is very aware of how he is embracing his co workers in the photocalls- I mentioned till WFE that only Kristin got his palm around her waist, a thing I miss since Comic con- he was holding her with his knuckles- Ok , obvious I´m also good in reading tea leafs. What I´m realy wanna say: its maybe a better guess then the shit with"Sources said " but its the same stupid guessing.

    That they both have heartbreak and are humiliated is cristallclear- but why quote Kristen with the deathly honesty she told to have with Rob and take it as proofen that she wasn´t honest to him about RS? I wonder where you get this information from? Sure its still cheating, but aslong I do not hear it out of Robs mouth, I refuse to belief that he was completly blindsighted and clueless and I refuse to call Kristen a liar or worse. I´m still looking forward for BD II and the Promo.

    They are both artists deserving to make experience which make them maybe better ones (qouting rob) and I trust them so much do come out of this as better ones, together or not. And the fan-sorry to say that- is not the owner of his object of fandomire!

  179. @faa

    If RS WILL sow seeds of LOVE immediately, he can break the curse of Avada Kedavra. I believe that pigs can fly.

    "crappy stupid donkey-dope" is my fav saying of this new day!
    Got more?

    Sleep well.

  180. @Dottie
    Where is my Bridget Jones wit?

    Let's see..I am losing one pound every fifteen minutes! That is very unusual, for someone, who does not lose any, when eating anything or not at all.

    Feeling light and airy. Like a fairy.

    Flying away to write a little ditty, so I can win a contest, something that will buy some pretty!

  181. @ali mac
    Aww, babe. I'm thinking something gold and shiny would make your day. Find that pot of gold!

  182. You're a strong-willed woman. Kudos to you, Rose~~~

    I still believe the good qualities I see in Kristen. Read a comment on another blog. I cried. Want to share with you.

    "But for anyone who can no longer support her...if you can't support her at her worst, you don't deserve her at her best."

    Monica from Asia

  183. I hope you regulars don't mind me invading your space, like I have been doing the last week.
    I visited this blog every day for the last 2,5 yrs, to see if there was a new post. Somehow I always found myself agreeing with, laughing and understanding Rose's words perfectly. My comments were not needed as her words said enough.
    I was a reg on Robstenation, we had a lot of banter, dirty talk, support and lately all this sorrow. R&K brought us together and we formed long distance friendships like some of you have.
    S. is on hiatus right now, she allowed us to vent our sadness, anger, confusion in over 990 comments. She had to close it down for now as she's getting so much shit and hate thrown at her, being accused of all kinds of stuff. All this hate is just so incomprehensible to me. Yes, we can be disappointed in K. for doing such thing to Rob but please people ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, do we have to throw stones at each other for having different POV's as well?
    It's making me so sad that someone, who dedicated her time out of love for Rob and Kristen is being vilified just because she doesn't hate Kristen or doesn't remove K's pics. God this world is a shitty place sometimes.
    At the moment I feel that so much has been taken away from me, my daily joy is gone.
    Yes, I do realize my love for R&K's bubble was borderline obsessive, that I should snap out of it, come to terms with the fact that it's very unlikely they ever be together again, that they prob filled a void in my problematic life. I know all that. I wasn't blind, perhaps hoping but not believing in the HEA. It's just that I didn't expect it to end so suddenly and so cruely.
    I know it's pathetic for a 46 yr old mother but I'm not ready to let go yet. I haven't found the right balance of acceptance & avoidance yet. I know I will by reading your comments/theories and by listening to your songs. R&K always had this great love & connection for music maybe this will help them finding their way again, wherever it will lead to.(prob missed the point that that was your intention all along, music is a great healer and form of communication; Im a newbie who doesn't know you well). If you don't mind, I would like to stick around cause you have some great comments that give some perspective and laughter.

  184. Hiya DK and everyone. Its been to long since my last post here. Just want to share one of my fave song. Cheer up peeps, it is not the end of the world yet. Give them time and space they both need.

    Rainbow by Southborder

    Fallin' out, fallin' in
    Nothing's sure in this world no, no
    Breakin' out, breakin' in
    Never knowin' what lies ahead
    We can really never tell it all no, no, no

    Say goodbye, say hello
    To a lover or friend
    Sometimes we never could understand
    Why some things begin then just end
    We can really never tell it all no, no, no

    But oh, can't you see
    That no matter what happens
    Life goes on and on
    So baby, just/please smile

    Coz i'm always around you
    And ill make you see how beautiful
    Life is for you and me

    Take a little time baby
    See the butterflies color's
    Listen to the birds that were sent
    To sing for me and you

    Can you feel me
    This is such a wonderful place to be

    Even if there is pain now
    Everything would be all right
    For as long as the world still turns
    There will be night and day

    Can you hear me
    There's a rainbow always after the rain

    Hittin' high, hittin' low
    Win or lose you should go, yeah yeah

    Getting warm, getting cold
    Weather could be so good or bad
    But baby this is life now don't get mad no, no,

    Life's full of challenges
    Not all the time we get what we want

    But don't despair my dear coz I know now
    You'll take each trial and you'll make it through the storm

    Coz you're strong my faith in you is clear
    So ill say once again this worlds wonderful and
    Let us celebrate life that's so beautiful, so beautiful

  185. Your words were beautifully said. I too have hope, and I too am sad; and it's not my life, nor are their lives any of my business, but I love them still; both of them. I hope they can move past this, but who knows.

    Your words actually made me feel better, so thank you.

  186. And...just like that brother dearest(insert sarcasm here) just played Twilight! How cool huh. Seriously though,watching it,I feel no pain either seeing their pics again. Because all I always remember is their love. Ahh those days, brings smile to my face. I love their love.

    Wanna know my secret why its easy to bear this? Because I have a hobby, and that is reading fanfiction LOL. Well aside from being busy with life.

    Take care ya all.

  187. Thanks DK I'm not so bad really :) hope your having a good day and your fibre problems have blown away ;))

  188. The way you love Rob is the way I love Kristen. But here's the kicker I has no idea I felt that way until everything that happened this past week. I feel like she's my sister and I can't save her or help her. So I do the only thing I can do which is look for truth in all the wrong places. What breaks my heart is that I don't know if she's okay...if THEY'RE okay. They should have the right to deal with this privately yet everyone wants a peice of them. Kristen is not an idiot and neither is is Rob. But we all make mistakes and I'm disgusted by everyone who was so quick to label her and draw their own conclusions.

  189. The way you love Rob is the way I love Kristen. But here's the kicker I has no idea I felt that way until everything that happened this past week. I feel like she's my sister and I can't save her or help her. So I do the only thing I can do which is look for truth in all the wrong places. What breaks my heart is that I don't know if she's okay...if THEY'RE okay. They should have the right to deal with this privately yet everyone wants a peice of them. Kristen is not an idiot and neither is is Rob. But we all make mistakes and I'm disgusted by everyone who was so quick to label her and draw their own conclusions.

  190. SUE your very welcome here, I'm so sorry to hear that S has had to close her site, that is where I went to find all my R&K news, it's hard to get your head around the hatred, I think most of them where just waiting for something to sink their nasty little teeth in.

  191. I think it is funny now the trash rags are getting caught up in their lies and People looks to be part of it as well as gossip cop. The old saying is so true - believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Sorry had to pit stop while at work - back to the grind before my boss figures a way to tie me to my cube.

  192. Here's my unsolicited 2 cents worth.

    I hope that no matter what the decision is, Rob does what is best for him without worrying about what fans, media or handlers think or want.

    I hope that no matter what happens, everyone can accept and support them.

    I hope that just because people see things from opposite sides on this issue, everyone can remember that at one time you were all friends. I haven't posted here before this happened, but I always thought it was amazing how everyone supported each other. Things have been strained this week, and tempers have flared, harsh things have been said. I hope when the fog clears those rifts in friendships can be repaired.

    Take care everyone

  193. @robstenaditted, thx for sharing and much appreciation.

    @Sue, it's pity that S has to colas eth comment section. I see that coming reading the latest comments which become so negative.

    @Lyn, You are a loyal fan. I love her as my famiy too. Therefore, I would never abandon her. I really wonder people who claimed to be her fans can turn into haters overnight.

    Monica from Asia

  194. Rose~

    Beautiful post. Beautiful words...soo true!

    Hi everyone...don't have much to say today/right now. I love all your comments and especially the songs! I wish it were easy to take everyone's pain away, mostly Rob's and Kristen's. But it's not that easy.

    Just remember love, compassion, and forgiveness. I support and adore Rob and Kristen. I hope everyday gets them to a better state and closer to working everything out, whether it being just friends or more. It takes time...a long time! But love is worth fighting for. Relationships are not easy but are worth it if you love each other :)

    Hope everyone has a good day. My little man (he's 8) is to have his football practice today but it has been storming, so maybe it'll get canceled. Thinking of you all and keep up with the music!! Great choices.



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