The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Shattered Opinion

 I don't hate Kristen Stewart.
I'm disappointed.
I'm confused.
I'm trying to wrap my head around all of it.
It's not working.
I feel sorrow.
Sorry for the innocent people this has hurt.
Sorry for the hatred that this fandom is seething with.
Sorry that sometimes sorry
isn't enough.

Kristen didn't betray me.
Everything I did for and about her...
I did for me.
No one forced me to go to her movies
or buy her magazine covers...
Or rush to her defense.
And contrary to popular opinion
No one made me love her.
And him.
I did that on my own.
And I have no regrets over the last 4 years.
I would do it all again.

And guess what?
I still feel protective over her.
Can't help it.
I get if you feel betrayed.
I get that you are mad.
I even get if you don't like her anymore.
But the violent hatred I have seen online
makes me nauseous.

I don't condone having affairs with married men.
It's wrong.
It's destructive.
It's completely selfish.
And it makes no fucking sense.

I admit that I'm overly invested in this.
I loved both Rob and Kristen.
But my biggest clue was that I was physically ill this morning.
As in throwing up.
Over this.
Over two people's relationship.
And I'm not one of the people.
It shouldn't affect me this strongly.
But it does.

I will always be a fan of Robert Pattinson.
I fucking adore him.
As for Kristen...
I can't turn my back on her.
Even now.
I need to see how this all plays out.
I need to know ...
That they are BOTH OK.
I will still care about Robert and Kristen
Together. Or apart.

Kristen released a statement today regarding this whole thing...

I'm deeply sorry for the hurt and embarrassment 
I've caused to those close to me and everyone this has affected.
 This momentary indiscretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life,
 the person I love and respect the most, Rob.
 I love him, I love him, I'm so sorry.

I love him.
I love him.
I'm so sorry.

What was left of my heart... shattered.

What remains to be seen...
Is how Robert handles all this.

I wish that they could just figure it out on their own.
Without the whole fucking world watching them.
Judging them.

I feel protective over Rob... too.
He loved her so.
She made him so happy.
And that made me happy.
I can't imagine anyone doing this to him.
Especially Kristen.

Kristen is flawed.
So is Robert.
Human. Imperfect.
We have no idea what is happening with them...
or why.
We see tiny glimpses into their lives
Glimpses that we probably don't deserve.
Are you without flaws?
Have you never hurt someone you love?
Whether Kristen is forgiven or not
isn't up to you.
Or me.
Just Rob.
This is their relationship.
It's between them.
Only them.
We are outside... looking in.
We don't belong inside.

This post is brought to you by my heart.
It aches for Robert.
It's sad for Kristen.
It's hurting for this fandom...
who have loved Rob and Kristen
so well for so long.

Where do we go from here?

Will they find happy again?
Will we?

One last thing.

Don't make me choose.
It will be him.
It's always been him.

Bye for now


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Hope said...

LYNNE....Great post...thank you.

Hope said...

LYNN....sorry for misspelling your name.

BOOGIE...I like your good thoughts too.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what makes so many people think that Kristen Stewart is sorry for her actions. Her public apology? That was damage control and trying to save her public image, she's sorry for being caught.

GC just confirmed what everybody knew already by looking at the pics. This was going on for weeks, this was not a "momentary indiscretion" (basically, she lied in her supposedly oh so sincere statement. Nice to meet you, real Kristen Stewart!). In the meantime, she was seen several times with Rob in public looking like the perfect girlfriend. If she was ok with being with her boyfriend and that other dude at the same time, FOR WEEKS, lying, manipulating, cheating, what makes you all think that now she's sorry? A person that makes this kind of thing FOR WEEKS, knows perfectly what she's doing. She's selfish, she's immature, and (sorry) she's a fucking slut.

Rob can't forgive her. I'm sure that anyone who has been reading this blog carefuly knows why. A wise advice was given a few weeks ago, "No car rides for a while!", to a certain person that had been caught doing something wrong. No need to say anything else.

She doesn't love him and she doesn't deserve his love. It's over, end of story.

Dottie said...

Beautiful words, MLH.

It is a comfort to know they have supportive people to lean on. I agree that Kristen may need to seek some help outside of just talking to family and friends. Sometimes a counselor can do a world of good and help us dig into causes for self destructive behavior. If they do decide to try to reconcile a good couple's counselor wouldn't be a bad idea either down the road.

Right now we fans just need to express our love and support and hopefully drown out some of the hate and lies. This too shall pass.

Ginger with a Soul said...

Oh my sadness didn't come from the articles on GC - face it they are beating this horse as much as the rest. It was the posters on there that made me lose it. I had my 3 youngest daughters asking why I was crying so hard and am so happy that I am working from home cause my co-workers would be stunned. My heart hurts for him because he was wronged but dear god, the level of hate she is receiving is astonishing and just made me lose faith in people a little more today. Like these people would see someone dying on the side of the road and drive on faith. She did absolutely nothing to these people , she did this to herself and Rob and her actions do not deserve the death penalty.

Boogie with Stew aka MJ said...

@ Hope thank you..I thought this was a good message for all in Roseland...

I have a theory... Brit's well they handle things just a tad different then us, Yanks or Americans....
Here's another special couple ... remember this and how it eneded,,

Theirs is a storybook romance — but the course of love did not always run smoothly for Prince William and Kate Middleton. In “William and Kate: A Royal Love Story,” Christopher Andersen reveals the intimate details of their celebrated courtship, including the person who was really behind their headline-making breakup, and how Kate won her man back.

JMF said...

Spot on Dottie!

Boogie with Stew aka MJ said...


Super RN Gas Passer said...


Who are you? You are a vulture!!!! It is interesting to me how some people love to kick someone when they are down. You are on the wrong blog site. What YOU are engaging in is pure evil intent

MLH414 said...

@Hope and Dottie...thank you

@Sarah...remember yesterday, when some of you weren't believing GC when they said that it wasn't a sexual affair? NOW, you're believing them when they say multiple hookups? Well guys, which is it? You either believe everything they say, or nothing. The point is, NO ONE knows anything except for the ones involved. I truly believe that gut-wrenching, heartfelt apology. Do we know if it was multiple times they hooked up? No we don't...but it is not up for us to judge her!! Remember. no one in the media knows everything. Do you truly and honestly believe that either she or her team is going to GC and other places saying these things? Really?? are right...she needs help...something is wrong! I'm afraid that she's alone right now. Not wanting to talk to anyone except Rob (of course). I have a good feeling that Rob is with loved ones :), but a not so good feeling about Kris. She's a girl (woman) whatever. We know how we punish ourselves when we do something awful and I can't help but think she is all alone. I hope not!! Please!!

And I think, like you said Dottie, that couple therapy down the road is a good thing...even if they don't stay together...being able to talk with a counselor together will be good to hash out feelings and such.

Guys, please take everything you hear in the media with a grain of salt. Remember, they really don't know anything!!


Anonymous said...

I'm someone like you, who has been reading this blog, including all the comments, for more than 2 years. I know perfectly what I'm talking about and I'm sure you know too.

Kick someone when they are down? Are you kidding me? She put herself in this situation, she chose to do it in a public place in broad daylight, she didn't care about the possibility of being caught! She didn't care if Rob would be publicly humiliated! Rob is the one who should be defended, not her! Stop making excuses for her behavior, she doesn't deserve it, she would still be doing it if she wasn't caught!

Anonymous said...

i'm so disappointed in some of you.

and yes while rob is undoubtedly hurt not everything is black and white.

did you know that sienna miller, rob's best friend's baby's mother/fiancee, slept and had long term relationships with TWO married men? Jude Law and Bathalazar Getty? Balthazar eventually went back to his wife and four kids but damn.

everyone else must be pure as driven snow.

yes she messed up but damn has she not been shat on enough times?

Annie said...

Kristen is publicly humiliated too! Can't you see that?

I don't condone what Kristen did but this is turning into a Salem witch hunt and a public burning at the stake!

Rob is humiliated, devastated and suffering, I can fully understand that BUT so is Kristen................


I am beginning to feel that if it was Rob who was caught in this situation, the reactions would be far from this condemning.
I have never seen/read anything like this when other celebrities have been caught in far worse situations.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@ Sarah - you have your right to your opinion and feel funny for even really saying anything with being a new commenter but I hope you never trip and fall, I hope everything in your life goes as scripted and planed but for your sake I also hope that if you do stumble that the person next to you does not share your same view on life because instead of offering you help they might just shun you and throw stones. Also I will defend who I want, people like you have made my claws come out full force in defense today - there is a constructive way to approach this without the names

Annie said...

I remember quite clearly when it was announced that Sienna Miller was dating Tom Sturridge and was later pregnant with his baby, how many on here posted wishing her and Tom well and declaring how everyone deserves a second chance in life........

How fucking hypocritical of some of those very same people to now want to eviscerate Kristen!

JMF said...

Kristen does not deserve the hate and death threats.....she didn't do this to us remember. Whatever the outcome it is between she and Rob. I read somewhere that if the shoe had been on the other foot that Kristen would be blamed for Rob cheating, that it would be her fault for not being able to keep her man. How sad that it has come to this. I ache for Rob, I cannot imagine how he is feeling, but I also ache for Kristen, who made a horrible horrible choice and lost what was most precious to her. I am keeping hope that they work things out, and if they do I believe it won't be for some time. Please don't spew the hate here, this is a place where we can come and voice our support and support each other.

Kathy said...

@ Rogue....obviously you don't see the same ROB we see. OUR Rob has always made it known in some way that he LOVES Kristen. If you've watched ANY of his interviews and if you've ever seen the way he looks at her then there would be NO question as to how ROB feels about Kristen. REMEMBER THIS- ROB IS NOT THE ONE WHO CHEATED. SHE is the one who didn't want public displays of affection. A lack of anything on his part comes from his desire to PLEASE HER AND ADHERE TO HER WISHES. SHE has always wanted to keep everything SO private. That's understandable, but do NOT go blaming this on ROB because it's just not the way it is. He'd marry her tomorrow (had she not screwed it up) if he could. However I don't think she EVER had any intentions of that. Just saying. Oh and by the way, thanks to all of you for all the encouraging words. It's like our own therapy group. I know I definately need it. It helps SO much. xoxo

Anonymous said...

I'd like to point out that just because i feel bad for KS doesn't mean I'm not mad at her or that i don't feel bad for rob.

but listen, people have gotten over it. she's not the first person to cheat and as lainey pointed out....

Justin Timberlake cheated on Jessica Biel and they're engaged.

David cheated on Victoria, and they had two more kids and seem very happy together.

Monica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


i don't blame rob in teh slightest but i guess it makes some people feel better to victim blame. not right but they are just coping. i don't think they really mean it.

i would also like to point out that if he ever loved her than he wouldn't want her to suffer and be as humiliated and have such hate spewed on her.

he might want to break up with her, he might never want to speak to her again but i don't think he would want this for her.

his fans are doing him no favor by crucifying kristin

Monica said...

@Lynn, I actually has the same worry too. I am really afaid Kristen world hurt herslef. Losing the love of your life, reputation and dignity ruined, career jeopardized, facing such level of moral condemnation from the whole world......I hope I have just been overworried :(

@Hope, @Dottie, @bluetiffanyxoxo, @Super RN Gas Passer, @Ginger with a Soul, @Annie thank you so much ladies for your kind words. I tried to read comments on those gossip sites too, wow, just wow, the ugliest and most sickening hatred I've ever seen in the history of mankind.

@Sarah, I assure you that you will thoroughly enjoy visiting those sites. Go ahead. Seriously, even I have different opinions with some ladies here, they are nothing like you. Even it's Kristen put herself in this situation, who are you to tell those INVOLVED PARTIES what to do? You must be a saint, never and ever do wrong and therefore you are so justified to judge other poeple and announce their sentences.

I would really like to ask some of you what do you expect from Kristen? Crying, begging, confessing, one her knees, slapping herself in front of cameras?

God, I'm having a headache now. Sometimes, the self-righteousness and lack of compassion of people sicken me more than anything.

Sorry for getting too emotional.

FreeSpiritKaren said...

Thanks Rose, You got it right. Oh it's a nightmare. Love them both so much.

Anonymous said...

@monica i can no longer read oh no they didn't because peopel have been so vile to her.

I honestly it's worse reaction that when Chris Brown beat up Rihanna!

once or several times, it doesn't really matter.

betrayal is betrayal. in many ways i can see forgiving a one night stand more than forgiving emotional cheating. so the details aren't our business (none of it is really) but in many ways they don't matter.

She'll have to come clean to rob, tell him everything even if it hurts.

personally, i want her to give an interview and just tell us what happened. i think a barbara walter special when she just admits everything will be good for her. all the secrecy regarding her relationships have taken a toll her and she just needs to accept her celebrity not trying to find it. partly because I selfishless want answers but also because i think it'll clear teh air and humble her. and peopel need to hear from her that it was her fault, that she is sorry, that rob was amazing and she messed up.

we've all seen the pictures, they is no privacy to be expected but a public mea culpa might work.

I'm still rooting for them.

robsten was perfect and a fairytale until now.

but what's even better than the perfect fairytale love is true love.

Love is patient, love is keeps no record of wrongs. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

LizzieD said...

Hi all, still so much sadness today. When I saw a photo on GMA this morning of the white van loading up Rob's stuff, it was like a knife in the heart so his pain must be multiplied 100 times that.

Since there are over 400 comments and I haven't been on since last night this might be old news to everyone. There is a theory out there that Sanders KNEW they were being papped and perhaps set it up that way so that Rob would see it and would break up with Kristen, thereby leaving her free for himself.

As crazy as it sounds, if you put the photos in the right order and look closely, he is looking right at the camera while he's kissing her in the car. Apparently he was dropped off at the meeting location, allegedly by a pap friend, and that's when the pursuit ensued. She still should have kicked him where it counted but unfortunately succumbed to his advances. Only she knows why. But, look at the photos of him looking at the camera, they are really creepy.

ROSE, thank you so much for being here for us. I can't understand why so many other sites have just gone "on break" when we all need each other so much right now.

Liz in NC

P.S. If anyone wants the link this theory, let me know and I'll post it.

Kathy said...

I don't really hate Kristen. I HATE WHAT she did and WHO she did it to. To me, cheating is cheating, whether it be sex or a make out session, as some have called it. I don't want anyone to physically hurt her (ok, maybe I have wanted to secretly bitch-slap her just once, and ask her what the hell she was thinking) and I don't want her to hurt herself, because I'm sure ROB would not want that for her. He STILL loves her but he's angry and hurt. HOWEVER, SHE brought this on herself. She's always been SO careful about her relationship with Rob but with RS she's been nothing but careless. I almost believe she wanted to get caught. Almost. She looks just too happy in those pics with RS. TOO happy for my liking. Was she really that miserable with Rob? One things for sure, she's a great actress.

Melinda said...

Hi everyone,

So much to say and not enough time to properly say it right now.

However things have been crappy in real life the last two days and trying to deal with it.

I'm headed out of town for a girls weekend. Please do yourself a favor. If this whole thing is that upsetting to you, find something else to occupy your time.

Being ugly and spiteful helps no one! Take a deep breath and know that time moves forward and we must move with it, whatever we are feeling.

Anonymous said...


i totally agree with her being so careful and now this!
i'm not excusing what she did. what she did was horrible! very very horrible.


she's been in a relationship since was 15 and has been looking over her shoulder since she was 18. maybe she just snapped? i've never been in her situation.

she brought it upon herself but i get no joy from her suffering. but hopefully it does teach her a lesson.

when people least deserve love that's when they need it most of all.

LizzieD said...

I love it here. Everyone is so "mature" and reasonable compared to elsewhere. Even the comments about being really angry with Kristen and wanted to throttle her are said in a reasonable way.

As for doing something else... perhaps the Olympics will take our minds off of all of this. Don't think anything extraordinary is going to happen anytime soon.

BUT, I think it helps for us to stick together. Most of us all agree, as much as we love them together, we'll still love them apart and hope the best for them both.

Anonymous said...

@ Liz

definitely agree with you on focusing on godo things.

like this adorable photo of harper and david!

(i'd like to point out that David was caught cheating too and rebecca loos even did a tell all but as you can see from that gorgeous little girls adorably chubby cheeks, love conquers all :) )

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose! how are you today? somehow I'm feeling kind of hopeful lately, maybe is wishful thinkin,g but I think as soon as people let it go and let them be and do what they have to do, things will come to a closure whatever that closure is....

I'd like to be able to talk to you directly, cause I feel like we all should kind of support each other to get pass this, I follow you on twitter, but you don't follow me, so I can't send you DM's is there a place or chat where we could talk? or someone else out there that would like to do so? let my know! hugs for everyone!!

ali mac said...

Hi to all the regs Dottie, Groovie, Hope, Melinda, Annie, Super, Dk, Litmom, Freddie, Leni, Kay, Katy, Kenzz, Angelica, Birdie, Rhonda, Oneheart.(no doubt I've left someone out,sorry if so) I hope you are all well. Hopefully when this all comes to some sort of conclusion we will all still be able to come here.

I've gone through a lot of feelings on this. Disbelief , shock, anger, sadness! So sad for all involved, but also so sad for us all as fans, there was something special about coming here and chatting about R&K and all their projects etc, and our own lives aswell. I really hope we won't loose every aspect of it..

A lot of these reactions are grief. And what I know of grief is that time is the best healer.

Big hugs from me to all my Roseland frinds and all the new posters too. ((()))

ali mac said...


Cate said...

Sometimes loving someone isn’t enough.

Someone’s love isn’t enough to heal those self-medicating, self-loathing with personal baggage so heavy it is nearly impossible to know what problems started first and what behaviors developed to cope.

I hope those around Kristen have enough love for her not to enable her to hide this as simply an indiscretion of youth…a miss step in judgment. Maybe had this been with a peer in a social situation it would qualify as just that. But she crossed lines both society and she herself spoke to hold, and in true Kristen fashion she did it full on, guns blazing. I always fucking loved her for that capability, but steam rolling over your own morality doesn’t happen if everything is right in your world…your head…your heart. The basic biological need to protect one’s self typically kicks in. I hope someone can help her to find the ability to love herself enough to truly face her life without further degradation.

Forgiveness is only Rob’s to give and judgment to a higher power. Our opinions are solely that and as varying as our experiences. While not fair, the immediate direction of both of their lives lays heavily on his shoulders. What he does from here will no doubt influence the public and professional perception of them both. I think he’ll hold true to form and follow his heart…what that heart is telling him only time will tell. Godspeed to this man!

As for Mr. Sanders… Let him hide in the normalcy of his existence knowing the advantages he has taken upon the people in his life and hers. For one day as he sits alone, old and gray with only his conniving thoughts and sagging sac with people paid to take care of him will his sorry ass have the possibility to comprehend how it feels to have his own incapacities exploited.

Hello to those I’ve had the pleasure of hanging with before and sorry for the word vomit to those I haven’t. I guess we all need a little air.

Love the comment today @ 0113!

Keep it real, but keep it in perspective. Only you can make & keep your own peace.

LizzieD said...

Cate, very well said. He has to follow his heart and I believe he will rather than what is being told to him by anyone or anything else. Only he will know what he can deal with. And, I just hope that if he decides to "try" to give them another chance that everyone around him will respect that he's following his heart; otherwise they don't stand a chance.

ALI MAC: Grief ... been there, lost a husband at a young age AND he had been a cheater. I fought to keep us together and it worked for the most part. I believe that if he spends some time grieving for what they had, perhaps if she gives 250% toward trying to reach out to him, they'll be able to start a "new" relationship because that's what it would be, not the same, never the same.

Kay said...

I've missed you and your wise words, Cate <3

Holy said...


@MLH414,beautiful words.

@Dottie,Monica,Litmom,I agree with you guys I just hope that Kristen family will be able to comfort her,but I have my doubt.I think the only thing that will be able help her is Rob.
I know that Rob is hurting right now,but do you think if he reads all the level of hate and death threat for Kristen,he will be happy for it?I don't think so.

MLH414 is right, nobody knows the full story and the media will make up anything for the money.
I also agree that Kristen needs help,just looking at those pictures,it's not the Kristen we know,my gut feeling is telling me that she's on something or have some alcohol. She's been hiding from the papz for a long time and flipped her finger and now she's allowed them to photograph her?I just don't know.I still have my suspicion that RS set her up.

As I said before,I'm not excusing Kristen behavior,but she doesn't deserved all the hate she gets.As a real fan of her I will not abandon her especially now that she's in the bad place and needs all the support she can get.

Unknown said...

Hello everyone, forgive me for not introducing myself previously when i made comments yesterday. I'm from Indonesia. I follow your blog rose, all the time, I made comments but not until now I registered using my name. Because I need to have, like some of you already pointed out, a SUPPORT GROUP.

I'm shocked how this event is affecting me. And knowing that I share the same intense feeling or even physical (like nuasea, vomiting, can not sleep, lost of appetite), with many individuals here, is a real comfort. I thought, I'm literealy going insane. Even my husband is raising his eye brows witnessing I collapsed like that.

We are all in different part of the world, but yet sharing the same thing. I guess somewhat its quite a miracle. Love and respect all of you here. Hope the pain in our chest will ease as the time goes by. May ROB & kristen have all the care and warmth of their loved ones now, and soon find peace and recover from the wound someday. It will leave scars, but at least it will stop from bleeding.

Salamander said...

I am sad for all involved. I worry about Kristen because she seems like a naturally fragile person. It appeared that much of the time she leaned on Rob for strength (when shy or stressed). I worry for Rob because he seemed totally vested in the relationship and must be heartbroken.
In defense of Kristen, she is only 22. As far as we can tell, Rob was only the second boyfriend she has ever had. That and her age might lead her to make such a terrible decision.
Yeah, I am crazy. I want the real world counselling and I want them back together. If not together, then both emotionally healthy.

SueBee said...

If anyone is questioning my motives for commenting, seriously, just e-mail me. I'm the same person I've always been.

I thought I had just been moving along through my own life, making real life commitments (husband and children) more of a priority. Was there some secret meeting that had me expelled without my knowledge?

Something serious happened, so I chose to comment about it. There is no political propaganda or secret infiltration of the inner circle.

I'm just one person, who happened to have something to say at this time.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@valéria - I know that this may not be the most popular response and I will say I have a very different view on how I look at things in life (but yeah who wants us all the same) but he destroyed his marriage not her - her wrong doings were to the person she was in a relationship with. He was the one who committed to marriage to his wife and his children and was his obligation to with hold. I am not saying what she did is right so don't it take that way. Why is it always the women that has to be vilified in these situations and it is almost always by another women. I could right a novel cause a spent an hour talking to my son in law last night about this after he laughed at me for the subject and he actual gave me another side to think about. I will come back on later after work (yeah for being called into work) and share......maybe play some music if DK lets me spin with her

Anonymous said...

Rose why does every headline start with Kris's name? Why don't we have headlines like "Director, Rupert Sanders, relentlessly pursues young actress"? It would portray more of what I see in the pics and also what happens to attractive women with lecherous older direct reports. Just won't sell magazines I guess cause its soooo common less disturbing.

Unknown said...

This is a very joyful day of my life because of the help Dr.Osita has rendered to me , I am out here to spreed this good news to the entire world on how I got my ex love back just yesterday i contacted dr osita for help ,I was going crazy when my love left me for another girl , But when i met the Email address of Dr Osita ( ) the great messenger to the oracle that he serve,I narrate my problem to Dr Osita about how my ex love left me and also how i needed to get a job in a very big company. He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect .He told me what i need to do After it was been done,In the next 24 hours,My love called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me before now and also in the next one week after my love called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for an interview in my desired company were i needed to work .I am so happy. Contact this great man too for help, his contact: ( or OR whatsApp Him on his number +2348110670600
He is specialized on the following spells:


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