Blind Gossips
Oh My
![]() |
Why do I find myself referring back to this movie so much? |
Let's start with how the Lunatic Fringe is SO scared
about what will happen when Rob comes back to LA
(namely back in Kristen's arms)
That they are
and I'm completely serious here...
Believing online 'psychics'
to tell them Rob's future!
And isn't it always nice that these so called seers of the future
just so happen to agree with Lunatic Theories?
How lucky they were to find these people!
What are the odds???
Which brings us to all the
Blind Gossips out there.
Fascinating, really.
Word for fucking word
is right out of the Ninnie book
of delusional conspiracies.
You would almost think a Loony wrote it...
You think?
Talks about how Rob and Kristen are
contractually obligated to be together
and not date anyone else
Until August!!
Where did that come from?
What happened to the break up
after the DVD dropped?
Hmmmm again.
August gives them another 5 months
to excuse any time Rob and Kristen appear together.
Isn't that a bit convenient?
I mean...
Rob wants OUT after all!
Kristen is the clingy so and so
who won't let go!
Come on, Rob...
Be a sport!
Whats 5 more measly months
after almost 5 years??
Makes perfect sense to me.
Who WOULDN'T sign a contract like that??
Why don't ALL studios do this?
I mean... look at how successful it was with Twilight!
Why isn't Jennifer Lawrence signed up to
be the one and only with Josh Hutchinson?
Tell me... WHY?
It's not illegal or anything... is it?
What young beautiful shining star
wouldn't want to sign their life away?
I mean...
You can NEVER have enough millions!
Who wouldn't sacrifice YEARS of their life
to virtual emotional slavery
for the profit of a movie
that was almost guaranteed success anyway??
And finally...
Heavy sigh.
Before you get all in my face about privacy...
I realize that Jules is Kristen's mother
and is no doubt loved by Kristen.
And I don't hate the woman and won't be
calling her vile names and chasing her on twitter.
She is the one who gave this interview
and decided to talk about her daughter in such a way...
She is the one who made it 'public'... isn't she?
And so I have an opinion.
It's kinda what I do.
The title of the article was
"Jules Stewart wants to emerge from 'Twilight' shadow"
"It's extremely frustrating for me, because she's 22 years old and I'm almost 60,"
said Stewart, who looks almost Goth with her long jet-black hair,
chunky silver rings and sleeve of tattoos.
"In terms of life experience — hello! —
I have it all over her. It's not like I came out of nowhere."
Twilight shadow? Really?
I don't know...
Sounds kinda... sour grapes... to me.
"I have it ALL over her"
She wants her own fame.
"I have my own career. My own thing going on."
This is what you see when you read the interview...
Kristen. Kristen. Kristen. Kristen. Kristen.
Kristen. Kristen. Kristen. Kristen.
Kristen. Kristen. Kristen.
Kristen. Kristen.
It's disappointing that Kristen's own mother
feels the need to drop Kristen's name into the conversation
every chance she gets...
and then complains about how she's languishing in her shade.
I only see one person here throwing shade.
And now for something completely different...
Rob looking all gritty and sexy on the set of
The Rover.
I'm looking forward to this movie.
I look forward to any movie Rob is in...
especially when he plays against type.
Good Stuff.
Kristen was seen recently at the batting cages
with some of her friends... and Taylor!
Isn't he all kinds of cute?
I think so.
I think so.
He seems protective of her too...
How sweet is that?
I like Taylor.
He's been a great friend to BOTH
Robert and Kristen.
I also want to say that Lainey
is the one who 'broke' the Jules story.
(Guess she saw the article first)
Everyone pretty much realized who she was talking about.
If you have been a member of this fandom for
any length of time...
You aren't even surprised at all.
But remember this...
"By the way, her boyfriend has been very supportive through all of this,
certainly her most reliable source of strength."
Don't doubt for a second that Rob has been there
as much as he could be...even at a great distance.
He takes care of her. He protects her.
He loves her.
And of course...
Gotta have Tom.
Always. Forever.
Even with his long flowing locks.
This post is brought to you by the letters B and D.
B for BLIND gossip.
Love isn't blind
Jealousy is.
D for Disappointed.
Maybe its not my place to be disappointed
in how Jules talks about her own daughter.
But as a mother... I am.
You love and nurture and support your children
You never tear them down to build yourself up.
You sacrifice for them...
You don't make them sacrifice for you.
Until next time.
Bye for now
Another great post Rose. I can't wait to see gritty Rob, Rover is going to be great! So cute seeing Taylor with Kristen.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteRose - Yup that is pretty much what I said earlier you just said it better. I didn't read the psychics stuff - I mean if you can predict all that about a stranger why not, I don't know pick the winning lottery numbers or the stock market, them being selfless doesn't work either because give someone else the lotto numbers. I didn't get to really see the Rover pics or the batting cage pictures until this am but I like them both and I look forward to non type cast Rob. I like their friends more and more
ReplyDelete@Marjorie1211 - I really like your avi - the colors are beautiful
Thanks, Rose :)
ReplyDeleteTake care and have a good weekend, everyone!!
Great job Rose!
ReplyDelete"You love and nurture and support your children
ReplyDeleteYou never tear them down to build yourself up.
You sacrifice for them...
So, so true.
Hope kris loves and respect his mother always,BUT know that sometimes loves also means ENOUGH!
I honestly didn't get that vibe from the Jule's interview. I think she is stating reality. Jules is much older with more life experience and you know how written interviews can be taken out of context. I'm just saddened that even some R/K supporters are slamming mamaStew and some with some real cheap shots. Not you, Rose, you gave your opinion respectfully. How the nitwits got exit strategy from this interview is ????!!!! fucking logic.
ReplyDeleteAs for that blind whatevs from Lainey, I just can't take it as gospel. I don't need Lainey to tell me that Rob is supportive of Kristen and you can betcha that Kristen is just as supportive of Rob.
Thankyou Atticus,I agree with your comment especially the part about Jules,I definitely never got that vibe from her and of course it's written from the perspective of the interviewer.
DeleteRose- awesome post as always.
ReplyDeleteBwahahahaha,So the studio extended their contract to be a couple till August,that was the stupidest excuse ever.
Rose, I have to admit...I did not read the article. All I can say is...I hope the things quoted were taken out of context by the interviewer. :(
ReplyDelete"You love and nurture and support your children. You never tear them down to build yourself up.You sacrifice for them...
ReplyDeleteYou don't make them sacrifice for you."
There, you said it! Mom is supposed to be your safe harbor, not the kamikaze who bombards and sinks the your life!!!
What it's really annoying is that she knows how much private Kristen is an she doesn't let a one single opportunity to bring Kristen names when she gives interview. And please, we only know her because of her amazing daughter...tsk tsk tsk it's embarrassing the way a sixty-year-old lady does not know how to shut the big mouth up and be grateful for everything Kristen brought to her life! sigh
God bless Kristen's heart.She is our precious girl, and a God brought Rob to her life to be her hero, lover, friend.
@Holy - specifically to sell more DVD' wouldn't they force them into the MTV awards and such to help sell the swag, oh wait.....
ReplyDelete@ Rose
ReplyDeleteThanks for another great post :) I'm glad I missed the whole psychic thing but it can't be any more rediculouse than the body language experts LOL.
I think this will be one of Robs best projects yet and one that he will be most proud of because of all the physical aspects of it, he always thinks he doesn't do those kind of things very well but obviously he did very good.
I was really impressed with Taylor's ability to bound over that yellow is that guy athletic or what ?
"You love and nurture and support your children. You never tear them down to build yourself up.You sacrifice for them...
ReplyDeleteYou don't make them sacrifice for you."
There, you said it! Mom is supposed to be your safe harbor, not the kamikaze who bombards and sinks the your life!!!
What it's really annoying is that she knows how much private Kristen is an she doesn't let a one single opportunity to bring Kristen names when she gives interview. And please, we only know her because of her amazing daughter...tsk tsk tsk it's embarrassing the way a sixty-year-old lady does not know how to shut the big mouth up and be grateful for everything Kristen brought to her life! sigh
God bless Kristen's heart.She is our precious girl, and a God brought Rob to her life to be her hero, lover, friend.
ReplyDeleteyour take on this whole circus is the fucking lighthouse in the harbor. i'm on this train till it derails [could i mix any more metaphors?]
bringing this over from the last blog:
a friend of mine and i have this running joke, where we refuse to accept each others cliches when we write to one another
after awhile we just got lazy and started rewording actual cliches in ways we think are funny
so yeah the pot calling the kettle back, would be pot calling the kettle black just like brown horse should just be horse
ReplyDeletei see where you responded to my last post on rose's last blog
ReplyDeleteYour sentiments regarding Mama Jules is the same as mine. I just did not "have a dog in that fight" so kept my comments to myself and didn't interfere.
I still remember the tweet from Jules about if anyone sees Kristen to tell her call her mother. I felt that was quite odd, also.
Love your blog, Rose!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't believe by how much Taylor cleared that yellow post. I was a little worried in the prior pic that he didn't care whether or not he'd ever have children! lol
Just because it's the LA Times doesn't mean we should believe what they wrote.
ReplyDeleteCould they have painted any more unattractive picture of Kristen's mom than in that article?
I blame the writer of the article because I think her agenda was to make Kristen's mom look bad
Do you all remember the very nice pics taken outside of the hospital when Rob and Jules were leaving after Kristen's dad's surgery. Very sweet pictures.
How would you like it if your mother was portrayed by a newspaper in that fashion?
I'm reposting my points from before because I still think the article is a piece of trash.
1 She uses the name Twilight in the title of her article which = website hits = $$$
2 She uses Kristen's name in the tag line of the article = more website hits
3 Could they have taken a more unattractive picture of Jules?
4 She freely identifies the city and the name of the building and a myriad of details, decorations, painting of the place, the garage door, Kristen collectables of the supposed Kristen retreat (no ethics there) all about Kristen only
5 She puts her personal opinions in the article saying Jules is often enraged (the writer's view only), stating that she is competitive with her daughter (another personal opinion of the writer)
6 For all we know the interview was 2 hours long, mostly about how it was to direct the film, but she fills her article with a majority of comments about Kristen and makes it appear that is what was on Jules' mind. I think she probably talked about making the movie, but hardly any of that made it into the article
In regards to the "article that caused the uproar of the day/week". What struck me when I first read it was that the author never intended this to be an article about Jules. This was always about Kristen.
ReplyDeleteThe writer found a way to get backstage. I can't recall ever reading an interview given by Kristen that took place at her house or office. She always either goes out someplace with them or does the interview by phone. And of course personal questions are always off-limits. But the rules don't apply to Mom; she'll invite you over for a chat. This woman managed to get inside the office and for someone writing a story about a new director and her new movie she sure spent an unnecessary amount of wordage talking about something (and someone) else entirely.
Was the article Kristen, Kristen, Kristen because of Jules or because of Amy? See Amy knows that if you want the world to pay attention to what you're writing throw in Kristen's name. If you want the world to really sit up and notice, describe her office interior. Once you've got 'em hooked, reel 'em in with some juicy spin. A jealous mother - now that'll keep 'em talking. This would hardly be the first time that a writer with an agenda manipulated someone's words (or only focused in on one part of an interview) in such a way as to create an entirely different conversation than the one that was had. She put a Twilight/Kristen Stewart spin on this because she knew she'd get millions more readers than if she just talked about Jules and her movie with no talk of Kristen at all.
Remove the spin and what you have is a woman saying that she wants to be judged on her own merits and given credit for her own achievements. She doesn't want a ride on Kristen's coat tails (which, notably is exactly the opposite of what the mother in Lainey's BV is up to). She did not say that she competes with Kristen or that she's trying to distance herself from her. The writer threw that part in, along with the references to Twilight, and the hints and insinuations that Jules resents Kristen somehow.
Look closely and you'll see that the only comment she made about their relationship was that she respects Kristen enough to not interfere in her relationships or comment on them. There's this saying that I really like: "respect is love in plain clothes". I'll leave it at that.
i really love rob, but i really love taylor too and i hope he remains their friend when rob gets back from oz
ReplyDeletebut as a guy, i gotta say, "taylor, quit jumping over posts like that. one of these days you are going to slip on your approach and then the only place you're going to be able to find work is in an italian boys choir"
@artemisluvv, strong and valid points, love it. What pics of Rob & Jules at the hospital?
ReplyDeleteIt's strange that Jules is being misunderstood just as her daughter has always been misunderstood.
talk about bad writing, "as a guy" like what else would i be writing as----a turtle?
ReplyDeleteI agree with your comment, so much. Yeah, she found a way to get backstage, a more experienced person might have met her at a hotel. I was nervous about putting up a different opinion. Glad to see at least one more person might see Amy Kaufman as the bad guy in this.
ReplyDeleteMan, it's just one of those kinds of days, when the world rocks itself off its axis and jumbles our collective mind. I KNOW you know, and am glad you do as you've done, so many times before.
I am yours, adorable girl.
Freddie, Ali, PL
Delighted to see you again. Nothing new under the sun but there is the sun.
That cliche game sounds crackin'. Keep 'em comin'.
I wonder if Taylor is a tenor?
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I think it's actually a video, where they are in the hospital parking. I'll see if I can find it and post it. Yeah misunderstood, perhaps on purpose, for more attention for the writer. I guess we know that's nothing new.
@ tuf
ReplyDeleteYeah :)))
My thoughts at first seeing Taylor do that to. I love the look on CJ's face watching because you know he is thinking what we all thought...THIS COULD GO BAD FOR TAYLOR'S CROTCH AREA. Hahaha
Is there a link to a video where i can watch this? Just wondering:)
Delete@Ginger- thanks again.I know right,we've been hearing the same excuses for 5 years already.
ReplyDelete@Atticus- I think what Arte was talking about was when Rob was with Kristen and her family in the hospital when PapaStew had a surgery.Their was an article about this a while back.
ReplyDeleteI'm eating your logic up with the same gusto, as I am this gelato on my dish. Delicious.
ReplyDeletelets see we came up with a bunch of them but of course i cant remember any of them,
"sometimes you got to read between the blinds"
"did anyone see where i put my seeing eye glasses, i can't find 'em without 'em....because i can't see"
the last one isn't really a cliche i just think its funny and it comes from a different friend, the same one who calls "chickens," "those little chicken birds"
i'll post more as they come to me
I don't trust that article. Something must have been taken out of context or she was kinda joking about how famous her daughter is. If I see a video I'll want to know the exact questions. Otherwise, I don't buy that Kristen's mom would diss her. The only thing that gives me pause is she once tweeted "tell Kristen to call her mom." Women Kristen's age do sometimes have temp feuds with their mothers, but I am going to be shocked if she took something venomous like that to the public. Kristen was raised right. I don't think that kinda jealous person would have raised her. Hope this gets cleared up.
ReplyDelete@ dano328 - the part that got me was her retweeting that article :(
ReplyDeleteI'm older but much wider now.
Blinds and seeing eye-good ones.
By tweeting it she could have made it clear that it was taken out of context or corrected things not right about it but I don't think anyone said she did that.
ReplyDeleteSorry everyone. I was watching a rerun of Fullhouse. I love to laugh. And also was watching a rerun of 227.
ReplyDeletethe birds of forever, float like a feather
ReplyDelete[that one even has alliteration]
fuck you and the boat you rowed in on
sometimes you cant see the forest
you wanna know why? because they got a bunch of trees in the way
Holy-I remember of Kristen's dad had surgery. When was this?
ReplyDelete"older now but wider" good god woman you're better at this game than i am
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they just decided to tweet anything and everything about the movie since that is what they are working on at the moment. Is it really her mom's twitter?
Holy, don't want to sound insensitive, but this surgery Papastew had, was it that story about him having cancer. I really took that whole story with a super massive grain of salt as I heard it was thru some comment board. Was there a legit write up?
ReplyDeleteArleen & Atticus
ReplyDeleteHoly said it better..."Rob was with Kristen and her family in the hospital when PapaStew had a surgery.Their was an article about this a while back."
I think there was a video by some paps taken when they were in the hospital parking lot. It's in a lot of R&K videos, I just can't find one at the moment.
@Arte - it is her moms twitter and the guy who is a producer/friend/I am not sure at libertine re-tweeted it before she did.
ReplyDeleteOMG, maybe he wasn't in the hospital? Wow! LOL!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info girl!
ReplyDeletewhat really makes this funny to me, is that my friend who invented the game, is part owner of an oil company [he's loaded, could retire anytime he wants], he says these things in meetings with actual clients and they don't even know that he's kidding
he once said, in a meeting, "you know what they say, the apple don't fall too far from the ground
@Arte - there was an article that came out that I think they talked about it - would have been January 2012 or 11 but I think 12 for the surgery.
ReplyDelete"you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him swim, cause he'll drown and then what?"
ReplyDeleteSo funny, my mind's in a curl.
You friend is the reel peal.
Watch what you hay, someone may shear it.
ReplyDeleteI am getting sillier and sillier, and sense my senselessness.
ReplyDeletemy first girlfriend, who i dated for four years, broke up with me because, get this: me and my friends spent too much time trying to make each other laugh
her breaking up with me was the best move i never made in my life
Don't cry over spilt milk, take a lickin' instead.
ReplyDeleteThank you for everything, you are a sweet person for sure. I missed the article.
This is one of the pictures I thought was from the hospital parking lot.
ReplyDeleteThat 1st gal needed some big time ass kissing.
anyone else want to join me and dk in the sabotage a cliche game?
ReplyDeleteginger, super, anybody,
anybody., bueller?
ferris bueller?
@Arte/Atticus- yes, as Ginger said the surgery was Jan 2012.If I was not mistaken it's was a lung surgery.
ReplyDelete@Arte - that was after the MTV movie awards but I do think there are pictures of Rob and Kristen at the hospital - I didn't think Jules was there. The article was in a craptastic tabloid
ReplyDeleteyou are sweet yourself :)
ReplyDeleteour version of that went something like "you can't cry over split milk, it aint bad its just split is all
@Robert - asking the person who has issues putting a sentence together to do a word game......I am enjoying the 2 of you coming up with these though :)
ReplyDeleteokay i just don't want you to end up like the little boy blue who cried like a baby wolf
Arte, you're sweet but thanks to Ginger, waves, our resident fact checker, that pic was the morning after the '09 MTV awards at the Charlie Hotel.
ReplyDeleteRobert, I would be crappy at this game but you keep at it, lol!
Took a tiny break cause I just kneed myself, gaffing.
ReplyDelete@Robert - you are entirely too funny
ReplyDelete@Atticus - waves back :)
A snitch in time, saves prison fines.
ReplyDeleteHey diddle, diddle, the cow humped over the moon and soon, the dish did the spoon, so we soon had a larger family, cause the cat had fiddled, too.
ReplyDeleteits the early bird that has worms
ReplyDeletethose who live in glass houses should get stoned, i mean wasted
then you have the more well known ones. like from monty python's "life of brian" they are standing around listening to jesus deliver the sermon on the mount but they are too far away and cant hear him. they all ask john cleese what is he saying and cleese goes he said blessed are the cheese makers for they shall inherit the earth or something, and one of them says just the cheesemakers? and cleese answers i'm sure he meant makers of all dairy products
Someone stop me now.
ReplyDeleteYou're too kind. I was fooled again by this Super Massive Black Hole called the Internet! Still it's kind of a nice picture anyway.
okay i gotta go to bed
ReplyDeleteyall try to keep it on the download
and you know what they say: don't let the bed bugs fight, cause you shouldn't go to bed angry even if you're a bed bug
There u r dreamer I miss u gotta crash now but have sweet dreams
ReplyDeleteGoodnight, sweet prince, hearting you on the morrow.
ReplyDeleteRobert, are some funny cliches from comedian Andy Sanford:
ReplyDeleteCrime doesn’t pay: you have to STEAL THE MONEY!
-You can lead a horse to water, but it’s not going to drown itself
-There’s no point in beating a dead horse when I’ve got a live cat right here (okay...this one not so funny I guess)
-Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water…we need that bath water!
-well here’s my two cents. That and a dollar will buy you a cup of coffee
-there’s no time like the present, except for the recent past…and the near future
-it is not a kill or be killed world. That is just something murderers say
-ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies…wait, that’s not true
-all’s fair in love and war. So really, my gf should be flattered by all the mines under her carpet
-a medieval weapon can be a double-edged sword
-I speak softly and carry a big stick, but in all fairness, I should speak louder before I hit people with such a big stick
-swallow your pride because you are what you eat, guess everyone is leaving now...
ReplyDeleteG'night and sweet dreams!
ReplyDeletethose are pretty good remember steven wright? he said "i have a map of the world........its actual size"
nite everyone
ReplyDeleteHere I r, ur dreamer. Dwell with moonbeams and stars.
There I go, to reap and sow, the little bit of truth, I truly know. Shalom.
Yes Robert...he is hysterical.
ReplyDeletehere he is on youtube:
ReplyDeleteThose were great. I'm around but getting hungry. My brain waxes empty as my ears are full.
hi Rose,
ReplyDeletethis is one of the few times I disagree. I will never take the word of a writer vs. Kristen's family or friends. They've proven their loyalty but the press has proven their dislike of Twilight and Kristen. This article is not the exception.
DK, enjoy your meal.
ReplyDeleteI'm off to dreamland. :)
Have a nice weekend Roseland!
Most of you who comments here my opinion is mostly kristens fans, but that's cool we are all entitle to our opinions i recently read where rose said she started of as a rob;s fan but later she got into kristen, and from reading most of the comments seems the same, but i am only a rob's fan, so on twitter i e to read the amount of hate, kristen receives, which is pathetic, but firstly after july the hate that kristen received was purley rob's fan at least they claimed to be, but not now they just dislike k, for no real reason,now i know you ppl might be saying why do i keep following them, but sure you'll know how twitter works, if one person i follow follow anyone else, i can also,now at first the rob fans who bashed kristen, i did not have to unfollow them, when i said my piece, the used the most vile obscene words against me, i ever read, one told the others unfollow and block me, they said i could never be a true rob's fan to defend someone you humiliated rob for the whole world to see, my mum was pissedwith me for saying i hope rob forgive her, now i am just saying from what most of us saw, but pleae even if you insult or bash me,i;ll never know because after i comment here it will be another week or two when i return!but anyway, after they block me, the end! But now these are a who different set, first they don't seem to be so grown because they tweet about transport, college and dorms or even their homework or parents,now the psychic, i know about, of course it's a female!i detest psychic to me they are not of God! like horoscopes but that's just me, but i did asked my fellow prayers partners, two were totally disgust by just me asking them, but one saidd she could be real, because some ppl are given gifts from God, when to explain does and don't to them! I said okay, i'm going to ask some thing about what she mention, of course R&k! she said kristen was infatuated by rupert and if he was not married or had kids, she was going to leave rob for him! you know being a rob's fan i felt like it was me kristen hurt!. Then they wasthe K gay story but that was no from her, i had finish with her! i called her ; satan spawn! i said i believe in Gd an satan was a liar,,, then i deside to say my piece i did not believe K as gay, stop bash her or her family, but i just got 12 unfollow in one day!see i might not be a K fan but i cannot dislike anyone,it's not in me, and i know you will just be hurting rob by sawing all those sick things about someone he loves, sorry about this long post rose, and i never learned how to write in paragraphs!
ReplyDeleteMost of you who comments here my opinion is mostly kristens fans, but that's cool we are all entitle to our opinions i recently read where rose said she started of as a rob;s fan but later she got into kristen, and from reading most of the comments seems the same, but i am only a rob's fan, so on twitter i e to read the amount of hate, kristen receives, which is pathetic, but firstly after july the hate that kristen received was purley rob's fan at least they claimed to be, but not now they just dislike k, for no real reason,now i know you ppl might be saying why do i keep following them, but sure you'll know how twitter works, if one person i follow follow anyone else, i can also,now at first the rob fans who bashed kristen, i did not have to unfollow them, when i said my piece, the used the most vile obscene words against me, i ever read, one told the others unfollow and block me, they said i could never be a true rob's fan to defend someone you humiliated rob for the whole world to see, my mum was pissedwith me for saying i hope rob forgive her, now i am just saying from what most of us saw, but pleae even if you insult or bash me,i;ll never know because after i comment here it will be another week or two when i return!but anyway, after they block me, the end! But now these are a who different set, first they don't seem to be so grown because they tweet about transport, college and dorms or even their homework or parents,now the psychic, i know about, of course it's a female!i detest psychic to me they are not of God! like horoscopes but that's just me, but i did asked my fellow prayers partners, two were totally disgust by just me asking them, but one saidd she could be real, because some ppl are given gifts from God, when to explain does and don't to them! I said okay, i'm going to ask some thing about what she mention, of course R&k! she said kristen was infatuated by rupert and if he was not married or had kids, she was going to leave rob for him! you know being a rob's fan i felt like it was me kristen hurt!. Then they wasthe K gay story but that was no from her, i had finish with her! i called her ; satan spawn! i said i believe in Gd an satan was a liar,,, then i deside to say my piece i did not believe K as gay, stop bash her or her family, but i just got 12 unfollow in one day!see i might not be a K fan but i cannot dislike anyone,it's not in me, and i know you will just be hurting rob by sawing all those sick things about someone he loves, sorry about this long post rose, and i never learned how to write in paragraphs!
ReplyDeleteWow! Not one word about rob and is movie and the great buz it is getting, not one except t mention his support for kristen, as a boyfriend which is good, but ppl the rover is wrapping up tomorrow if anyone you might be just be a tad interested!
ReplyDeleteI keep my own tabs on Rob's work schedule, as best I can, by following legit film sites or RPLife.
No worries about wrap dates or add'l work in Sydney.
He will do what needs doing, the hardworking, talented, dependable actor that he is known to be. Throw away your calendar!
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ReplyDeleteI'm really feel disgusted about this fandom !!!It's disappointing that people believe in this shit around Jules Stewart! WE already KNOW that a lot of robert and kristen's interviews and answers are made up.It's the same for Jules and many actors ,producers ect.And a quote it's just a quote "I hate Vagina" as an example
ReplyDeleteyou want to start a war between mother and daughter. really? this is what this fandom wants?!
I pray that nobody start to
badmouthing robert's mother. The reactions should be very very very interesting .
let me tell you ,It's disappointing that ROBSTEN's fanbase feels the need to dis Kristen and her mother's
ReplyDeleterelationship to promote "the perfect boyfriend" propaganda.
live kristen alone ,we know it's always about ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT!
Words, words, words, and what do they mean? Everyone has their view. In times of trouble, let it be. Wait and see.
ReplyDeletePeace in, peace out, and be fancy free.
Rose, I swear, sometimes what happens with your posts is a bit creapy, because I feel like you're in my head LOL
ReplyDeleteToday is a new day!
Good morning, everyone!
I'm so behind, but what psychic staff are we talking about?
ReplyDeleteGood morning Roseland,
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Rose!!
All I am going to say, is...I am really happy Rob and Kristen have each other.
Take care everyone
Morning all.
ReplyDeleteStill cold here but not as windy and harsh as yesterday.
St. Patrick's Day weekend! Happy weekend to all.
I think Kristen's mom invited the criticism in with her answers.
Reporters will ask, you don't have to answer.
Rob and Kristen have proven that quite effectively.
Have a great Friday.
Great Post Rose. Another day in the life of this fandom. Concerning the LA Times article, is it true, is it taken out of context. I don't know.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking for myself and not to anyone here because I respect everyones opinions here, that is what makes this world a fun and sometimes crazy ride...For me personally I learned a long time ago to never say something bad about someone's husband or wife, mom or dad, brother or sister, even if that person is talking bad about them. So I avoid getting into personal family matters that aren't mine. LOL
As always I want what Rob and Kristen want, however they handle their lives is fine with me. They're doing great all by themselves.
DK you are so ya. You should be an ambassador of love and peace. Hugs
ReplyDeleteLoved your words "Words, words, words, and what do they mean? Everyone has their view. In times of trouble, let it be. Wait and see.
Peace in, peace out, and be fancy free." by DK
Have a happy fun filled day everyone.
@Annie, I'm not wanting to bring up last night again. I posted a comment and then went to bed so I didn't get to reply. Sorry you were offended that I didn't say hello to everyone. All I wanted to do was let Pisteou know she wasn't on her own in the way she feels about the gossip issue. I may no longer comment but I do lurk now and again and I felt she needed to know she wasn't alone.
ReplyDeleteYou also mentioned how we all left this blog with out even a good bye. The reason I never said goodbye was because I have seen so many people on here make a big deal about leaving, but what they really wanted was for people to tell them how great they are and how much they all want them to stay and I didn't want people to think I was looking for that kind of reassurance!!
Since I am here now I will take the opportunity to say hello to a few people I miss chatting with.
So a big hello and hugs to DK, Robert, Katy, Pisteuo, Em and I'm sure there are others but I can't think of them at the moment :0) Catch you all later (())
Aaaah. I'm going to La la land and will wait for the 'broken limo' headline.
ReplyDeleteWhere is Holy ?
Good Morning everyone! I am not leaving you guys. I got tired last night. I am sorry. I haven't forgot you.
ReplyDeleteI will support all the STEWART-PATTINSON clan. Bear and Bernie if they decide to enter the showbiz...Luv them all! I miss Jella.
ReplyDeletei don't get it . it seems pretty simple to me. trolls are easy to identify, they reveal themselves usually right away. they are bullies and you deal with them the same way you would a bully, you either ignore them until they go away, or confront them with a greater than force. but when it comes to general discussion, this is roses blog, she makes the rules, and somebody will jump on me here if i am out of line, but i feel like she has made it pretty clear that it is okay to have your opinion as long as you aren't hurting anyone.
ReplyDeletewhat is so hard about that?
as per usual, sorry if i offend.
ali mac
ReplyDeletei understand if you don't want to respond, but i was wondering, has hart of dixie started its new season where you are? if not i can't wait for you to see it. if it has and you feel like it let me know what you think
Good Morning, Rose and her 'landers!
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday! - and a happy one it is - Teacher Workday for me, with NO MEETINGS! Just a full day to GET SH*T DONE!
I had a little tickling feeling that you would be posting a new blog last night, Rose dear. Past my bedtime, though - so had to wait until this morning, and here I am wayyyyy down the list of comments.
Okay, here's my take. Like Rose and many have said - I would sacrifice my SOUL for my daughter, but would never, ever want her to feel she had to do the same for me. That's what unconditional love is - and that's what a mother has for her child.
THAT SAID - I don't live in their house, I don't live in their world, I don't know anything - especially what was asked, what was said, what was left out of that article. I reserve judgment.
DK, Roberto - y'all were KILLIN' ME last night. Yuk, yuk, yuk.
Meh, as fan of Kristen, somebody who is constantly maligned for her interviews and how the interviewer chooses to 'spin' i am not going to insult her mother (that is what people are doing, based on a BS blind vice, an interview, and personal bias. She has said lots of nice things about Kristen, about how proud she is, how she pushed her to take Snow White over K11 as it was a great opportunity.
ReplyDeleteJules wasn't shading Kristen, if anything she was trying to distance herself from her daughter's success (which is the opposite of the blind item in case you didn't notice). She could have talked about Kristen for 3 minutes in a 30 minute interview and this is what the interviewer chose to concentrate on.
Kristen fans are oh so quick to attack Jules. I've seen some dreadful things said. Kristen would be horrified.
If the last piece of that BV had said 'the boyfriend has not been very supportive' there would be a completely different take from shippers. And that is the truth!
I admire Kristen. I admire Jules. I don't admire 'fans' who choose to attack Kristen's mom based on how they perceive her quotes. Very deja vu nonsteny vibes from that attitude!
Good morning everyone! I just wanted to stop in for a moment and say hi. I also wanted to address the article about Jules Stewart.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts are that this article was designed to get attention by paraphrasing Jules words and painting her in an unflattering manner in order to garner attention and readership. That said, Jules should have tempered her comments more carefully. For someone who has been in the business for many years she was quite careless with the way she expressed herself. I just can’t believe that she would be that naïve for a nearly 60 year old woman who has life experiences “in spades.”
Look, mothers and daughters often have difficult relationships, and jealousy, although unimaginable for some, is a sad reality for others. I am not sure that was the case in this situation, although it certainly was written to sound that way. I suspect that when Jules said that she had a lifetime of experience compared to her 22 year old daughter that she spoke out of frustration to the questions posed by the interviewer. I would like to see the actual transcript of that interview before I made judgment. However, I will also say this; if Jules Stewart really is a jealous mother who would use her daughter’s fame as a means to propel her own career, then I feel very sorry for Kristen. In fact, given the climate surrounding this family last summer (sick father, parents going through a divorce, etc..) it really doesn’t surprise me at all that Kristen was in a vulnerable state of mind and was therefore prone to making bad decisions in her personal life. To be honest, I think Rob understands all of this far better than we do and I am sure that factored in his decisions regarding the status of their relationship. He loves and wants to protect his girl. I mean, come on…it’s so obvious. ;)
I wonder if we will see a retraction from Jules on this article?
Happy Friday!
@Robert, No it still hasn't started, I think it will be late spring before it's on here!!!!!! The wait is killing me (a tad extreme, but you know what I mean). By the way I noticed you saying had pneumonia. I hope you are recovering well and also that you are looking after yourself properly you don't want it to relapse!
ReplyDeleteAli, Freddie and Pisteuo:
ReplyDeleteAlmost everyone on here wants/hopes/prays for privacy for Rob and Kristen. No one here is a greater or lesser fan in that wish.
What I have never and will never understand is the constant bringing up of those who left versus those who are here now .
When an opinion is given there will always be a response. Like it or not....Since when has disagreeing with someone equated to bullying.
Bullying has never been a word associated with this blog and I have been here long enough to recall major disagreements.
Last night started out with one simple question and ended up with hurt feelings.......unnecessary on all counts.
The above being said, Ali, was nice to see you here.....many people have been asking about you. It shouldn't have to take you feeling the need to defend anyone to put in an appearance.
I do feel that last night's "explosion" did not need to happen.
LIZZIED; If you are lurking please come out of lurkdom.
Liz in La La Land is not the same without you saying it.
"a bird in the hand is worth two on the bus"
ReplyDeletethat's all i can remember for now
one more
ReplyDelete"sometime you just got to turn a blonde eye to some things"
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMorning Ladies and Robert
ReplyDelete@Robert - I want to make a joke about feeling the estrogen this morning and you waving a white flag
@Annie - I agree.
Rose - you kicked a bee's nest :)
It is very frustrating the line of who is the better/right fan, who loves them more, you can't be a fan if you do this, do that, you can't be a fan of both, you have to love everything about a person to be a fan. I just want to be the fan that I want to be of both, I didn't enter a competition and didn't realize there is a guidebook for this, who gets to enforce the right and wrong way. I am just a fan - I may adore both and be a fan of their movies but I don't love them in the true sense of love - I don't know them, just about them
@Katy - enjoy your trip today
ReplyDeleteDreamer thanks :) sorry I crashed was tired but I do come around late nights just to see what ur up to even if I don't comment I just read bc u make me smile
ReplyDeleteRobert lol u started early keep it up
hope u guys have a happy Friday gotta run now forever late n I gotta meet someone that hates when "I'm tardy" lol his words but who says that hahaha okay bye
Dear Rose, again an awesome post!
ReplyDeleteI don't know the family dynamics of the Stewart family and I do not pretend to know the status of the relationship between Kris and her mom, but If there is something I do understand is that Mother/Daughter relationships are complicated and not easily discerned via some wacky behavior and an ill advised interview with a self proclaimed wacky and eccentric mother.What I DO know is that the purported interviewer - Amy Kaufman Amy in LA is that she is a robsessed, anti K "journalist" who made some nasty statements about K over the summer and also retweeted an unfavorable tweet about OTR bombing last week, so it's safe to assume she is NOT a fan of Kristen and by and extension her Mom.Not surprised that she - Lainey aka Lamey was given a "sneak peek" of the said interview by this Kaufman chick and then wrote the Blind Vice in anticipation of the article, these two (forgive me) cnts have sunk their claws into K and will not let go, guess if K won't play the game, then she should sink into oblivion - unloved, dumped and despised! I guess she flipped the script didn't she!! She has friends, a man who will NOT leave her and fans who will defend her at all cost, better than that she has industry cred with the individuals that matter and a box office champ to boot! I still give credit to Jules though, she made K independent, hard working and intelligent, probably taught her to stand on her own two feet also, the repercussions of last summer would have sunk a weaker girl, but this sweetheart stood up to scrutiny and re -entered public life and I have to believe that Jules who K calls "tough" has something to do with K's backbone.That being said I must admit that there has been something apparently amiss in the Stewart family for some time, perhaps since the divorce? i do not want to read too much in to this but the lack of public appearances by Jules at K's events seem strange. her Dad (I love me some papastew!!) seems always present supporting and loving openly but not so her.. this is an assumption because it seems that she was present at BD2's after party but the divorce may be took its toll on this family and family stresses and professional concerns and all the shit she has thrown at her took its toll on Kristen personally and in a moment of weakness let her guard down to a predator who was disguised as a close friend. You will never convince me this was a long standing affair, this was NO affair AT ALL - I remember being 22yrs old and making misssteps but the difference is a did not have a whole world staring at me, all judging me 24/7.Her guy knows this, this is why they we're able to get past it relatively quickly, IMO. Although I am not fond of the K needs to be protected/rescued from herself (baby girl is a tough cookie!) I do love how Rob loves Kristen and make no mistake he LOVES HER. I often remember him talking about how his parents met at the respective ages of 17 and 25 ( Mom and Dad) and seeing the parallels between this and him and K. R is 4 years older , his dad is 8 yrs older than his Mom, no doubt both at would have had greater life experience than their female partners, I am pretty secure that his parents counseled and advised him on how to handle the sad problem that erupted in July and I believe it was this which led to the reunion in some part. It is clear his family, parents and sisters are still close to K's family (as evidenced by the BD premieres) and encouraged him to fight for the relationship and her. Rob sent after her not because he was sorry for her, but because he cannot live without her, true story
@allyt - well said :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday everyone
ReplyDeleteHopefully we will see or hear about a very jet lagged Rob coming home this weekend :)
@ Katy
Have a wonderful trip and be safe
@ allyt
ReplyDeleteGreat post :)
Forgot to add to my last comment.
Need to go do some errands catch everybody later
If your traveling back today, safe journey :)
Morning Ms. Ginger. Morning all.
ReplyDeleteAllyt......Brilliant comment. Thank you!
@Vangie...well venturing out from ROBsessed I see. And I think you might be wrong that most of the people that comment here are only Kristen fans.
ReplyDeleteIf you have read Rose's blog regularly you will see she is a fan of Rob, Kristen and Tom and defender of both Rob and Kristen as the need arises.
This blog if anything it is one of the few non partisan blogs out there. And like DeamerKind said above there are other places to keep track of Rob's films like the legitimate film blogs and RP Life.
If you read Rose as often as you say you do you should have noted that each time she posts she has picked a topic for discussion as the focus for the blog that day.
Kristen is a dear sweet woman who has been roasted alive for months for a single mistake for which her boyfriend and lover has forgiven her and they have both moved on.
Some "fans" though and I use that term lightly feel that they need to keep this fresh in everyone's mind by supporting the trashtoids that make up and recycle the most gross fabrications.
Kristen has in the last month has been trashed for daring to show up on crutches and in pain at the Oscars, having a Gay Male lover in the form of her friend CJ, has stolen Rob's best friend Marcus Foster from Rob to support her PR agenda, been the Lesbian lover of Kay Perry's assistant and is now heaven forbid been seen enjoying normal outdoor activities such as golf and batting cages things she probably did before she was stalked by the paps...trying to live her life again.
But not in the accepted Hollywood style draped all over her boyfriend.
And where is Rob I think it wouldn't be far off saying he was suffering for his art, in very difficult conditions.
So while he is away their friends rally around Kristen to keep her company and yes even to protect her while her man is away.
So who needs Rose's words? Right now all the fans that might get caught up in the crap being printed about Kristen, Rob's significant other. This blog is about respecting Rob and Kristen their choices, their careers and each other.
Sorry for being long winded and off topic from Rose's post.
Ginger and Pamh, thanks!!
ReplyDeleteWaves Ali, hope all is well with you. Hugs. :))
Be happy everyone
I always has an impression that Kristen's family is tight. I hope everything is just a misunderstanding.
ReplyDeleteHi, Ginger, Holy, Lizzied. It's been a long time~ :) And hello, readers~
Monica from Asia
@trashapathy - You read my mind!! excellent points!!
ReplyDeleteDear Vangie - this blog is called Robert Pattinson Intoxication - it is Rose's blog, she i dear say must know the content better than anyone, why so pressed? She mentioned her pride in "The Rover" as did many other commenters on the previous article entry post, no one if forgetting Rob and if you are primarily a Rob fan why so obsessed with Kristen and he who shall not be named? talk about the Rover to your heart's content remember "praise what you love but don't bash what you hate"
Do people know what love is? - it's equal parts forgiveness, humility,hope and faith. In some ways R and K learned an important lesson through this ordeal - how much they love and need each other. it's not a cliche when you love someone you will do ANYTHING for them..
Robert and DK
ReplyDeleteNorm Crosby was one of the first to play the word game. Here he is roasting Kirk Douglas. So funny!
ReplyDeleteYou know getting pretty tired o people, coming here and say, that we are not fans of Rob. I mean look at my profile pic. What that does tell you? I AM a FAN of Rob...a huge one, keep track of EVERYTHING Rob related. And I and as well of other people here are very well aware that Rob is wraping The Rover tomorrow. And I couldn't be more excited for this project. but I am also a Fan of Kristen, love very much, as well. It is possible you support both of them.
now I am off
Annie - I'm okay, going skiing for last time this season.
ReplyDeletePAMH - No travel until Sunday.
Hope everyone has a nice day!
LIZ IN LALA LAND -- TWIRLING because R&K will reunite soon!
@Annie and Ginger, I don't think any of us think we are the best and the right type of fan. With most differences of opinion you just state your opinion and get on with it. The problem here is that the difference of opinion is about how and what we want to chat about. Therefore I think it is something that cannot be solved by just saying agree to disagree. That is why I decided to stop commenting and to just lurk now and again.
ReplyDeleteI can't help wanting it to be like it was when I started commenting here, but since it no longer is I will just pop in now and again to catch up with old friends.
bye for now...
@Monica - waves stranger - how is work going?
ReplyDelete@Katy - some people will never grasp the concept of being a fan of both - they count how many times you say this about one or the other and then label you, oh no you didn't talk about this you are no real fan , oh no you talked about this you are not a fan - blah blah blah - the only competition I have is to see which one of us will post updates on either or 1st :)
@Annie - morning sunshine
@Liz - enjoy your last day of vacation !!!!!!!!!!
Waves - trashapathy, Pam, Tuf, allyt, Frannie and anyone I missed that is on - IT IS FRIDAY !!!!!!!!
Happy Friday Everyone! Did I miss anything. Just got home from my nieces. Then at lunch I am heading out. Running errands won't be back til dinner.
ReplyDelete@Ali - I can say I wish you well and I have no ill will towards you - I hope your family is well. There are things in life some people will never agree on but it doesn't mean I that I dislike you or want bad things for you because that is not the case.
ReplyDeleteFlying distance between Los Angeles and Sydney is 7533 miles.
ReplyDeleteEstimated Flight Time 14 h 36 min.
Hurry home, Rob!
@Tuf :)
ReplyDeleteI think Kristen and Jules will be doing a reality show together one day, America loves white trash fighting.
ReplyDeleteYou know...I woke up this morning with this song playing and strange:
Guess it inspired me to comment on the "endless" battle of who's the better person/fan.
Okay...YOU are the better person, YOU win. I hope YOU are pleased with YOURSELF. THAT is all that matters.
valéria-We don't haters on this comment. And that was uncalled for.
ReplyDelete@Ginger with a Soul and everyone else TGIF!!
ReplyDeleteAnd hopefully @tufenuf55 Rob will be on a plane this weekend. Headed for a well deserved rest in the arms of his love ;o)
As dfor Annie, Ginger, Kay, Marjorie, tufenuf55, Litmom, Rose, Robert, gargamel, artemisluvv, Atticus, Kay, and everyone else hello. Have a good day. I miss you all. Have a great weekend. Keep posted and on your comments.
ReplyDeleteSorry for my miss spell on for part. See no one is perfect.
ReplyDeleteLooks like someone *coughs* valeria *coughs* put aside dry humping trees for a minute to comment here lol
ReplyDelete@Arleen have a good day !
ReplyDeleteMorning Roselanders!
Exactly true, why take the word of a writer over family.
Delle1, Omoiyari, gargamel - loved what you all wrote!
Thank you for your wonderful comment, right on!
To get a retraction you have to ask the newspaper or the writer to do it. It's very hard to accomplish, and then they usually print the retraction on page 21 in very small type at the bottom of the page.
Love your comment! I am not surprised that Amy Kaufman "is a robsessed, anti K "journalist". She needs to be taken off the list of journalists that the family talks to. It's like so obvious in her writing she is a b**%H.
ReplyDeleteConfucious say: Woman who behaves like an ass will be the butt of those who crack jokes.
ReplyDeleteHi back to you! Hope you have a great day. Soon we will hear about Rob and that will make you happy I know. :)
Pisteuo: Many of us are long past last night's issues......You want to continue with it, knock yourself out!
ReplyDeleteMoving on.
ReplyDeleteSorry forgot you name in my post. I agree with you that they seem very close.
"I know nothing, I come from Holland". Sorry a little Fawlty Towers moment.
ReplyDeleteHmm, an article in a newspaper, must be true so. C'mon people have we not learned anything, twist and turn let's shake it into something we can sell. And no, I haven't read it only what info you're giving me and I certainly don't care for Lainey one fucking cent, I never give that bith any clicks.
@Allyt, what you're saying about the Stewart family, I've thought a few times. She seems much closer to her dad but what the hell do we know.
I've seen enough moms being jealous of their daughter, anything is plausible.
@Robert, 'Life of Brian' absolute brilliant movie, love the way religion is made ridiculous, no correction the way people are so gullible and such sheep.
@Vangie, not trying to be a bitch here, I have a slight problem in following you, but even if Kristen was gay, is that wrong in your eyes? Is their something wrong with being gay? Are you Christians not supposed to be forgiving and love thou neighbor kind of stuff or only when it suits you?
Plus, you're full of shit about Rose's blog. She explained often enough how she feels about Rob and Kristen. These fucking 'I'm in Team Rob' lets hate Kristen, bloody hell, why don't join the Disney Club or the Justin Pieper Squeeker gang, such childish mentality.
Hell sue, you're on a roll.
@Sue - you pick the funniest times to pop in about DOUBLE STANDARDS!!
ReplyDeleteIt would not matter what I say. You will ALWAYS be WRONG.
Couple of thoughts.
ReplyDelete1. People are 'leaving' because they don't like what is discussed here? Really? Pist is right... its a battle of who is the better fan.
"I don't like what you say so I'm LEAVING!"
Except you don't really leave... you lurk and then go back to the hen house and cluck over there.
Same difference.
This is a comment section of a Robert Pattinson Blog.
It's not serious business.
Good grief people... get off the fucking soapbox and talk about what you want and ignore the rest.
Is it really that hard?
I don't know what goes on 'behind the scenes' but JFC... get over it.
I talk about current events that are going on in Rob/Kristen's life.
So there will be speculation.
As long as no one is trashing them... its ALL good.
part 2 coming up.
Ali: The St. Patrick's Day parade here is tomorrow and I know the day is not as big a celebration in Ireland as it is here.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the day nonetheless.
Can I ask?? I'm new here. What is "Lunitic Fringe"? I'm guessing they are people who don't believe Kristen and Rob are together, right? on the internet or as a whole?? I absolutely love that gif of Rob comforting Kristen. I remember seeing it for the first time and my heart just melting. and I love that Taylor and Kristen still hang together. Awww.....
ReplyDeleteThanks for the new blog, love it as always! Thanks for making it
clear yesterday that you don't have rules about what we talk about, just that we play nicely with each other! :) As a newbie
I appreciate everything you said.
Just for the fun of it, I want to say HI to everyone on the lovely Roseland blog - so here goes..
A big HELLO to Majorie1211, Ginger with a Soul, Kay, Arleen Parkinson, nela, Atticus, Holy, Pisteuo, @CrisRK913, PamH, Robert, tufenuff55, Lizde, DreamerKind,
dano328, Em, bebe, Delle1, Martha Oriz, Omoiyari, Stella, Christina, Katy, Annie, Oneheart, ali mac, gargamel, Litmom, RedEyeDream, Frannie, allyt, Lizzied, trashapathy, katy, Monica, claud9z, bluebee, and sue.
Whew..that was fun! I love all your comments and what a great place you help create when you come to the blog. I still find it a wonderful safe haven for a Rob and Kristen fan.
Dang it rose lol hurry up bc I wanna read part 2 lol I think I wanna get tshirts made lol ROSELAND'S # 1 FAN hahaha
ReplyDeletePisteuo u see? still alot of talking not much listening :) hope today is better
I also wanted to comment on the whole Jules thing.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt... I really did.
But when she and her partner both RT'd the interview link on their Twitter... I'm guessing Jules is OK with how it comes across.
Of course she loves her daughter, but let's face it...
She didn't have to talk about Kristen. Even if the writer has an agenda (and don't they all) a simple "no comment" would have sufficed.
And when the press release going out about K-11 introduces her as "Jules Stewart- Mother of Twilight Star, Kristen Stewart"
It all seems a bit hypocritical to me.
To me... she is using Kristen to get attention for her movie...
Even if it is negative attention.
I guess that's between her and Kristen.
ReplyDeleteSeems you are right about the press release, of course. All I can say is a stunned wow!
@Rose you are dead right as a mother I was taken aback by some of the things said in that article. But then I decided its between Jules and Kirsten. I'm not going to lose any sleep over this.
ReplyDeleteRose...I am? Right, you mean? (PLOP!)
ReplyDeleteEm...You know? I was hoping that might be the case.
T-shirts? Hey order me one! LOL!!
Yes, are! I don't understand how people can get all fucking worked up over comments.
ReplyDeletePeople think their point of view is the only way to see things.
How very tedious. And boring.
For some reason... the following lyrics come to mind.
Why oh why must it be this way?
Before you can read me you gotta learn how to see me,
I said
Free your mind and the rest will follow
Be color blind, don't be so shallow...
I guess it is what it fucking is.
@Rose - would we even be discussing the movie or would she even be getting these interviews if she wasn't Kristen's mom? If she said no comment every time would there be another high profile interview like E for a little indie movie? Would that movie even been made if she was not her mom ? Being Kristen Stewart's mom is not a curse, if anything how proud would you be to have your child succeed at such a young age at what they wanted, I just didn't get her comments at all. Plus if she had been around the block as she said why talk to the specific ones that have trashed your daughter about her - she has to know what they were going to do, she is not green business wise. Then she retweeted and yeah
ReplyDeleteRose, I really have no comment on the "article"...other than sadness.
ReplyDeleteI did not read it (other than what I read on your post) and will not read it.
Hey everyone could be on the Divergent casting picks - there is more concerning who they are picking for it then the Pope - and no I don't follow it but I see it
ReplyDeleteI agree, so true. Just thinking, a lot of has happened since Rob has been gone. One thinks a 6 week movie shoot isn't that long, but really it is.
Damn it Rose! Don't make me cry!
ReplyDeleteBut, is what it fucking is! Hey, that's an idea for a t-shirt!
i said i was not coming here for weeks but here i am, well i read four comments addressed to me, could be more, but there is where i stop, i know this is rose blog, always did! have i disrespected anyone?and for me commenting on robsessed, i stayton twitter mostly now, but have i pissed off anyone here, as long as i do not disrespect anyone, am i not entitle to my opinion? geez
ReplyDeleteI meant I agreed with your comments on the movie, Jules and the article etc. I have no idea what Divergent casting picks are. LOL!
@Arte - yeah :( it will all be over soon and the good thing is she looks happy and well in all the pictures we have seen of her - can't judge Rob because well his role is too look like he is living in hell and he is doing a good job - but that is my wish for them the most is their happiness
ReplyDelete@Arte - I think it is supposed to be like hunger games I am not sure either LOL but a lot of people were really concerned who they picked for the roles. I saw a huge spike in twitter and it was because they selected someone LOL
ReplyDeleteYes, someone said earlier "he is suffering for his art", and it appears so true with this movie.
I think its bc people's minds r small like really narrow n only see things one way n that's theirs but what do I know lol but like u say it is what it is
ReplyDeletepist? Lol can I call u that hahaha I think we could open a tshirt business n make some money
@Arte - right but man what a good thing it looks like it will be. I am not sure I could hang in the outback - the bugs would do me in
ReplyDeleteI agree with everything you said. I LOVE the new banner!
ReplyDeleteI know, I don't like it and I can't sleep when there are mosquitoes around! All that buzzing and my thoughts of them blood sucking, ewwww! And forget about it if there are snakes! I think the movie will be awesome too. He mentioned he was looking forward to the challenge of working in the conditions of the outback.
@Vangie Rose's blog has a way of drawing people back to again and again.
ReplyDeleteI took exception to your assumption that the people who comment here are only Kristen fans.
And then to the fact that you chastised the people here for not talking about Rob's movie The Rover.
But as Rose said this isn't serious business. We can talk about what we want. But she also said,
"Before you can read me you gotta learn how to see me,
I said
Free your mind and the rest will follow
Be color blind, don't be so shallow..."
So enjoy yourself but I would like to suggest that you not make unfounded assumptions about the people here. I've stated before...people can call me whatever, as long as they are my friend and not being disrespectful. Even then, like I've said...what's a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. No?
ReplyDeleteOkay...I can hear some you gagging...LOL!!
@Arte - some of the most deadliest bugs/spiders/snakes live in Australia - horrifyingly gross. I wouldn't be sleeping either - I would have a lighter and raid on hand 24/7
ReplyDeleteAnd...The Rover! Hell YEAH!!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for the first trailer. Of course that will be a while yet.
@Pisteuo LOL I Love Shakespeare And Romeo and Juliet how fitting... :o)
ReplyDeleteI know! Raid and a blow torch! I wonder how he will talk about it now that he has been through it for real. Those interviews will be so interesting.
trashapathy, what can I say?
ReplyDeleteI'm hopeless. And a romantic!
That is...when I'm not being "other" things. LOL!!
Most of you do not know me, however I have lurked on this blog since 2009 and have commented only VERY rarely. My reason for following a blog for so long and not commenting is a personal choice. Simply put, I saw something several years ago in two people’s love for each other that drew me in. As I learned more about them as individuals, my respect for them increased. They are serious about their craft and refuse to compromise themselves for the celebrity standards that so many others strive for. I have no issue with others commenting about them if that is their choice, but I personally do not feel that it is my place to contribute to discussions about the lives of people that I do not actually know. Neither approach is right or wrong, just right or wrong for each individual.
ReplyDeleteWhat saddens me is that over the years, this blog was more than a fan site. It was a gathering place for people from all over the world, who may have come together with a singular interest, but had a lot of fun together discussing and sharing things far beyond an obsession with two people that no one here really knows. There were hilarious jokes, recipe exchanges, night time DJing by the fairy godmother, games of MFK and Would You Rather, and even fun playing with troll visitors. It was a fun place. In fact, often the discussions had little to do with R and K once a few hours had passed after a new post. Everyone seemed to understand that there were boundaries between intoxication and obsession. Rose was out front, with her snark and wisdom, saying it like it was, but there was not the ongoing need to know every detail of two people who have repeatedly said that their personal life is sacred to them. I would inquire whether anyone here today feels that the boundaries that R and K have set are being respected. From what I would guess without knowing them personally, I would think that they would love Rose’s snark, would be happy that there was a place where their fans gathered to share music and recipes, talk about books they’ve read and share jokes with each other. However, I also think that be uncomfortable with many of the topics of discussion. I know if there was a blog about me that I would hope that people would respect me enough to draw a line in the sand.
There will always be disagreement between people of varying backgrounds and life experiences when brought together in a forum where personal opinions are the topics of discussion, but everyone needs to ask themselves if they are dealing with those differences in a constructive manner. Are you seeking to learn from each other? Are you open to hear other points of view? Play nice people; the world has enough drama without creating more just for the sake of argument. If someone says something you don’t like, ignore it and respect the rights of everyone to have an opinion.
With that, I go back into my little lurker hidey hole. Bye
Pist lol ur cute n totally right a name it's just a name n I should know lol u should hear the names i been called but it's what's behind that matters ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm off to RL adventues, again!
Em, one of my friends calls me "dumb bitch"...I call her "ignorant slut".
ReplyDeleteI really gotta go this time! LOL!!
@Arte - the nightmare of crap crawling on me - just not good. I bet the interviews will be hilarious - the flies alone
ReplyDeleteYep, hilarious indeed! I know that TropFest video of him swatting the bugs in front of his face is funny. In that last few pictures his face has looked more peaceful than on that day.
I'm sure she deserves it :) have fun in RL take care n be happy
ReplyDeleteI mean he has looked kind of serene or something lately, maybe the intensity of it has been a good thing for Rob.
@Arte - I think the adventure alone has to be surreal - I bet the days are long but worth it - something to tell the grandkids about one day
ReplyDeleteAww nice image, tell the grandkids about adventures in the Australian outback. I'm off to lunch. Yay! We had a fun convo & avoided the bait being thrown out there this morning.
@Arte - sunshine and rainbows - feels better :) have fun sitting on my couch working :) not gonna complain at all about it either
ReplyDeletein the land of the blind the one eyed man is still pretty fucked up
ReplyDeleteone of my favorites is from 2 and a half men charlie sheen's best friend from high school has had a sex change operation and he says something like "if i had a nickel for every time that has happened to me.........i'd have a nickel"
@Robert - LOL I had to read it twice - slow on the draw today
ReplyDeleteGood Afternoon Roseland!
ReplyDeleteGreat post Rose...always uncanny how well you express what is on the minds of many that frequent this blog.
Happy to say that I've never left. Just been out of commission for a little in regards to was easier just to lurk.
Its very sad how the media will do anything to keep dragging Kristen's name in the mud...whether it's attacking her directly or going through her mother instead. As for my take on the article, well I only caught parts of it...and I'm still undecided as to how I feel about it. I would rather give Jules the benefit of the doubt and say that things were taken out of context, but her and her partner's tweets don't really place her in a positive light. A strong bond between mother and daughter is a very special thing...I hope she doesn't jeopardize it by trusting the wrong people.
Looks like I missed a whole lot of creative takes on cliches last night! Ah well, I still enjoined reading it...DK and Robert you have definitely got a flair for wit.
As always, I whole-heartedly support both Rob & Kristen...individually and together. I admire how they handle themselves in their professional commitments; and I'm proud of the way they handle themselves when they venture out in public on their personal time. I respect them and by default that respect is extended to their family members and friends. Just as we don't know the true catalyst to July's unfortunate occurrence, such is the same with print interviews. The media has a certain picture that they've aimed to paint, and don't care how accurately its depicted.
I for one, deep in my heart, believe that Kristen's love for Rob is great, and that she would do anything to protect him and make him happy...and I have the same conviction of his love for her. It's unfortunate that there are those who don't respect that.
I do believe that I've made up for my months of not posting. ;)
Sorry for the headache.
@Maria - you feeling better finally ? appears that I'm finally on the mend. I've had some pretty severe joint pain since June...and the doctors had no clue as to what was the cause of it. Over the long run it effected my sleep and a slew of over things. About two weeks ago I came across an article with the symptoms I was experiencing. A change of diet and through in some much needed amino acids, and I've seen a huge improvement this past week. Things are looking positive for a change.
ReplyDelete...apparently my grasp of the English language has still been compromised...geez! I noticed all the typos ... well, I'm only human.
ReplyDelete@Maria - please, you do better than I do and I speak/write it LOL I am glad you are feeling better :)
ReplyDelete@Ginger...LOL. My fingers and mouth can't keep up with my brain, there in lies the problem! There are times when I feel so much, and I'm trying to sort through it and get it down in "writing", but then I get overwhelmed or frustrated and I give up. Not good.
ReplyDelete...and what's more pathetic is that I'm born and raised in the US!! Well, I'll chalk it up to being bilingual, but that's a load of crock!