The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Friday, March 8, 2013

What If You're The Bad Guy?

I know that there are a lot of 'fan videos' out there...
But these two
They kinda got to me.
Like the weepy sad kinda get to me.
I hope HoneyBuzy and FragileCloud 
don't mind that I put these on my blog.
(If you do... let me know)
Listen to what they are saying
The looks on their faces...
Can't you see that these are just two human beings?
They are navigating a life under intense scrutiny...
Constant vicious attacks.
They are trying...  you know?
How can you watch them speak from their hearts
and not feel for them?
How can you not want to defend them?

Made by "HoneyBuzy"

Made by "FragileCloud"

How can anyone have such vile bitter hatred for either one of them?
Why would you want to hurt them in any way?
They are just people.
They don't want to be on anyone's pedestal.
What if they aren't Superheroes?
What if you're the bad guy?

And in keeping with my adoration for Thomas Sturridge...

He likes the word extraordinary...
and hats.
And his voice.
Good lord.

This post is brought to you by the following announcement:

Rob and Kristen always end up together.
Whether you like it or not.

Until next time.

Bye for now


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tufenuf55 said...


So sorry you are sick. Take special care of yourself as pneumonia can be deceiving. You think you are better and return to normal activites and next thing you know, you've had a relapse. I know...been there, done that!

Anonymous said...

So glad you got some medicine from the doc. It's so hard to tell with a cough if it's something that needs attention or not. You will start feeling more in your normal mind in a couple days, but like Tufenuf says take it easy until you know you're completely better. :)

DreamerKind said...

Tuf is right about relapsing, so ease up on the fly, babe.
But, a poodle that plays & sings would make a very loyal & lovely companion.
Yes, I have said my first, second and third spouses, while on a date with a potential fourth, only for clarity's sake.
Left classy on that subject, a long time ago, and now truth shall reign forever and ever, for me.
What you see and hear, you get, so pay attention, for people reveal themselves very nicely.

Sweet, comfortable sleep will settle upon you now. Smooch.

DreamerKind said...

The floor is yours. Playtime.

tufenuf55 said...

Began a Q&A game for us several posts ago as to who said what in the Twilight Sagas, but LitMom posted about her husband and his job loss. Hardly seemed appropriate to continue right then as we all wanted to be supportive of LitMom (and still are). I'm definitely up for game time.

DreamerKind said...

Oh, you meant my surprising you with the "bad guy, good guy" remark I made, right?
(See above and any of the many other comments I've posted on my frail humanity.) None is better, one is all.
Cheers, luv.

DreamerKind said...

Excellent supportive of Kristen (and all women) article:

DreamerKind said...

Ah, I see. Sounds like fun.

Anonymous said...

Tufenuf & DreamerKind
Sorry guys I really want to play the game, but I'm getting so tired. I wish you both a wonderful starry night. Bye for now.

DreamerKind said...

It is late for non-fairy godmothers, that's true. May you sleep deeply and wake brightly.

Atticus said...

Sorry guys, took a break. You know when someone posts a pic of either Rob or Kristen or both and you know when and which event it was the pic was taken but I'm shitty at posting pics. Anyone else have a better idea?

Atticus said...

Guess everyone went to bed. Good night all!

valéria said...

Whatever crap this poor lonely obese lady post here since her mobile home, the fact is: Kstew is reduced to calling the paps every time she goes out with her lesbians famewhores hipsters girlfriends. She wanders in LA unemployed, with zero projects and a catastrophic image. Rob is working in Australia and he doesn't give a flying fuck to his "girlfriend". If he wanted her to be there, the poor girl would be there. Rob is the only thing that separates her from the anonymity of the losers.

Annie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
katy said...


There is a special place in hell reserved just for people like you.

Annie said...

What the fuck is wrong with you?
You come here and routinely fling insults at Rob and Kristen every chance you get.
You really need to start getting rid of all the noxious hate you carry around.

Stella said...

So, Valeria, I would say I'm glad to see you again here, but I like to always say the truth and be honest (which you obviously don't), so I WON'T say it's good to read once again your post.
What is that makes you feel the need to come here every once in a while? To visit a post where everyone loves and respects BOTH Rob and Kristen? What do your continuous visits say about yourself? I'm struggling to find the right word... Oh, yes, "masochist" I think suits you... It's nice to be hurt, right? I hope you're enjoying yourself. LOL

Take care, everyone! It's not long now 'till Rob and Kristen are back together physically, because we know that emotionally they were NEVER separeted!

Intruth said...

@Stella, well said! Love that last bit, "It's not long now 'till Rob and Kristen are back together physically, because we know that emotionally they were NEVER separeted!" So right!

I'd like to add, Valeria, your insults toward Rose, toward weight issues, and those who live in mobile homes are all just plain ignorant and cruel.

Go away! Shoo!

Good morning Roseland! Hugs to everyone!!! You all play too late for me, but I love reading your comments when I wake up way to early at 3:15 in the morning :)

Intruth said...

Ah... that's "too" early... knowing Robert is out there, I'm trying to do a better job of correcting my errors... really just typos, I promise! LOL ;)

Anonymous said...

I think I smell a troll or a hater.

Anonymous said...

The rest of Good Morning. Have to get ready and go to my two favorite nieces and work.

Stella said...

@Intruth *waves*
I can guarantee you that all the mistakes you find in my comments are not typos but are due to my incompetence in mastering the English language... LOL

Sorry if I offend anyone with my mistakes, by the way...

Intruth said...

Oh, Stella!*waves back*

You do an amazingly awesome job with English!!! I'm sure no one is offended. Your comments are always beautiful.

Robert said...

don't make me pull this car over people

the internet is one of the greatest forms of human expression ever invented

i would never try to stand in the way of that

please don't let my presence change anything

Intruth said...

@Robert, I was really just joking, dude! The thing is, I'm an English major and have all these pet peeves about using the language, but it's humbling to re-read my own posts. No matter how hard I try, I make the very mistakes I hate to see others make. I've even made the dreaded "their/there/they're mistakes! And I know better! It makes me cringe! Guess my brain is getting old!

You're fine, Robert. Never change :)

Stella said...

Robert, hi!
Don't worry, I don't hold back when I want to say something just because of the mistakes I am bound to make in my spelling or grammar. But, I teach my mother tongue (as I think you do, too) and I know it can get a bit frustrating when someones makes childish mistakes in the said tongue...
What can I say? Sometimes I even make mistakes in Greek, so mistakes in English are only to be expected!

Take care, everyone... The weather is warm, the air smells Spring, my fever has dropped and life is good again LOL

Robert said...


if you are still out there ...ever see a movie called monty python and the holy grail?

in one scene there's this french knight trying to defend his castle from arthur and the other knights of the roundtable.he says all this goofy shot like "run away or i shall taunt you a second time and then fart in your general direction"

pretty much says it all don't you think

valéria said...


Intruth said...

New still of Rob and Guy in character and great little article, too:

katy said...


Frist still looks really it!!! and also loved reading Michod comments about The Rover and Rob's character. Sounds awesome. Cannot wait for this movie!!

Intruth said...

@katy, me, too! Love the description of Rob's character:

"a quite troubled and damaged, but beautiful and naïve, soul.”

He has the vulnerability to play that so well!

katy said...

Intruth, Yes, agree!! :)

tufenuf55 said...

Robsten Dreams posted Herself Magazine illustration of Kristen with other actresses for their Spring issue.

tufenuf55 said...

Since I posted a few days ago that Keanu Reeves would be a good choice for Focus with Kristen (and some of you agreed), I hope no one minds that I'm posting Keanu Reeves' new movie trailer, Generation Um...
to show why I feel this way.

tufenuf55 said...

Even bloodied and bruised in new still from The Rover, Rob continues to emit hotness!

gargamel said...

Valeria doesnt have a clue of the meaning of anonymity. ANONYMOUS?
Kstew's $name is PLASTERED EVERYWHERE haloooo. Fansite and Hate sites. Ragshits and bullshits.
So...did u get your DAILY DOSE of attention today? Good. Now would you go back dry humping a tree and leave this blog.

gargamel said...

Okay guys...stop trying to picture valera doing the act. Disgusting.

Unknown said...

@ valerie
In this world we need peace and love, we had enough war and chaos. Dont add... May God Bless you!

Ginger with a Soul said...

Morning Ladies and Robert

Totally crashed last night because this weather is killing my allergies.

@valéria - I wasn't going to indulge you the attention that you so desperately need but you keep proving me right. Your crush on Kristen is showing more and more every single time you post. People that display extreme homophobic behavior do so because they are fighting their own inner battle of liking someone of the same sex - in your case Kristen. Calling her names won't make her notice you though poor thing, you can't have her she belongs to Rob as he belongs to her. The best thing you can do for yourself is resolve those feelings you have and embrace it - oh and don't forget - sweet dreams ;)

PamH said...

Hello everyone

Rob's going to so great in The Rover :) just from some of the photos we've seen so far I think this will be one that really stands out for him.

Woke up to a snow covered yard but now it's gone and the sun is shinning . It can't make it's mind up :)

My niece came over last night and we watched the extended version of part 1 together and she just now noticed Kristen wearing her gold band during the shoe practice scene . I laughed and said as many times as you've seen the regular DVD how are you just now seeing that ? She asked if I thought Kristen did that on purpose or by mistake ? Hmmmm, not sure about that one.

KStew Krew said...

@ Valerie....hey girl I see you made it over to this site. Tired of posting shit about Kristen on HL, Perez, and GC. Thought you would come here and give it a try? Well, all I can say is welcome....welcome to a website that LOVES KRISTEN and ROb and we here like to post the positive and leave trash like you outside. Warning to everyone....Valerie is an attention, hate spewing troll who has been around the block a few times. She loves posting hate and shit about Kristen. Rose...all I can say is please ban her...she just likes to start shit. I am sure her band of haters are not long in following her here...beware. Everyone else...please ignore her, she is NOT worth the time of day much less a reply,she is one of the "bad guys". Hopefully she will get the clue that her type is not appreciated here.
BTW...on ,the first video..who is singing and what is the name of the song?
To those of you under the weather, take care, spring is almost here. To all...have a great day!

KStew Krew said...

Thanks for the dirty mind movie of Valerie...yuck. Shaking my head from the stank! Not a mental picture to have...LOL! She only wishes she could get some action...she would probably rub the bark right off that tree...poor tree.
@tufenuf55...Keanu would be a much better choice than Ben...agree with you he would be good.
@Robert....saw that movie, very funny, just like you...thanks for the laugh. Good ol' Val is like a mouse in a cat house isn't she....she is clueless, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hello tufenuf, PamH, Ginger, DreamerKind, Atticus, katy, Annie, Stella, InTruth, Arleen, Robert, gargamel, ikay. KStew, and any folks that I missed. Love you guys, it's fun reading your comments and news items, while I'm at work. Just taking a quick break. :)

That Rover picture and article are amazing. I can't wait to see the movie. I love the description of Rob's character, really got me with that one, makes me love the character already.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Keanu too! He has that artistic vulnerability as well as sexiness.

Pisteuo said...

Hello Roseland!
Real life is keeping me occupied lately.

About those Rover photos, hmmm...
Well, it just makes me want to woop somebody's ass for bullying a beautiful, naive soul like Rob's character.
I think this movie is going to spark some serious emotions in me.

Pisteuo said...

oh fuck...I guess that's "whoop" somebody's ass.

Anonymous said...

Love that movie! If only we could push a cow over the castle ramparts in valeria's general direction and squash her with it! LOL!

Pisteuo said...

Well, actually it should be "whip" somebody's ass. Right, Robert? :)

tufenuf55 said...


Loved everything Monty Python did including the movie!

ali mac said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

artemisluvv- Hi! I miss you too. Just got home from work. Actually volunteer. Start in May or after my birthday I may start looking for a job. Maybe put some money away for emergency.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're having your usual busy and fun day. Hope the weather is not too cold for you. Good luck if you decide to look for a job!

Anonymous said...

artemisluvv- Actually I did. I help my sister in law with her two girls. From 6:15am to 9am. Then volunteer at my church store. Then come home after lunch.

Pisteuo said...

Hugs to you, DK! Just got around to reading more comments.
I think we got the "surprise" cleared up on the other post Rose wrote.
Today is a new day.

May you all hold tight, what is precious to you. Bye!

Pisteuo said...

Oh, and Robert, I was just funning with ya.
Your comment about "don't make me pull this car over", brings back memories of my childhood when my mom did her fair share of saying that to me and one of my brothers.
And I usually had some smartass remark that got me into trouble.

Holy said...

Hello guys.

@gargamel- high five.

This woman make me sick.Go away and don't come back.

@Ginger- hey girl,have fun tonight.

LizzieD said...

GINGER -- GIRL, YOU HAVE A BALL TONIGHT!!! I hope you get your pic with Marcus. And hoping you'll be lucky enough to meet CJ and Suzie.

LizzieD said...


I haven't read ANY comments from today so have no idea what's happening here. I hope everyone is doing well.

LIZ IN LALA LAND --- TWIRLING!!! R & K will be together soon. Her smile from the other day tells it all.

LizzieD said...

STELLA -- I heard you weren't well, I hope you'll feel better soon.

INTRUTH, ROBERT & STELLA -- LOL, I barely have time to type out a comment, much less make sure it's correct English. I know, I know it's difficult to read "bad English" sometimes but we're all in a hurry and just can't help it sometimes. Those who study and teach the language need to lighten up on the rest of us!!! I hope all of you are doing well.

INTRUTH -- I am still hoping that you'll have a bit of free time to spend with me and Arte next October. Arte & I are really hoping to go and search out the baseball field ...

LizzieD said...

STELLA -- Just read your response to Valeria ... couldn't have said it better myself, you go, GIRL!!!

VALERIA -- Just go away ... there are plenty of other places for you to go and spew your hate.

Stella said...

@Lizzied, How are you, girl?
I'm feeling a lot better, even went to school again today. I had missed it, to be honest...
Have fun skiing. How many more days are you staying there?

Intruth said...

@Lizzied, maybe it will work for me to meet up with you and Arte in the fall... I really want to. I just get so overwhelmed sometimes with feeling so busy, especially with helping my mom, it makes it hard for me to plan ahead... That probably makes me sound like a basket case. Oh, well, maybe I am, a little :)
Thanks for thinking of me... I think I know something about that baseball field. I believe it's on land owned by Washington State University or University of Washington-- one of the two. I know I read something about it before.... I'll try to find out for you guys.

Loved reading all the comments! Thanks, everyone, for all your funny, clever, pithy, passionate and other comments. My job is pretty stressful sometimes. I work with elementary age kids in an emotional/behavioral challenged classroom. I don't always get to come straight home, but today I did, and it's a treat to read what you all have to say!

Hugs to Stella, Lizzied, Arte, Holy, Pisteuo, Arleen, tuf, Ginger, KStew Krew, gargamel, ikay, PamH (thanks for the tip on finding Suzie's bear pic!), Robert, and anyone I missed or lurking!!!

Intruth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tufenuf55 said...

Went to Robsten Dreams as I do at least once a day to see pics posted and comments and got this message:

It doesn't look like you have been invited to read this blog. If you think this is a mistake, you might want to contact the blog author and request an invitation.

They have my correct email but access was denied. Does anyone know what this is about?

Intruth said...

@tuf, I was able to look on their twitter and they are doing some maintenance. It'll be back up soon.

Holy said...

@Intruth-hello there.

tufenuf55 said...

Thanks, InTruth

Anonymous said...

It did the same thing to me too. On Robsten Dreams.

LizzieD said...

TUF & INTRUTH & ARLEEN -- I was just able to get on RobstenDreams, try again.

INTRUTH -- I know exactly what you mean about being overwhelmed. I have both of my parents and am an only child. Plus I work 3 jobs consistently and have several "side" jobs, though some are voluntary, i.e. my fanfiction editing. Let us know what you find out about the baseball field. I remember reading somewhere that it belonged to the University also. I don't think they would care about us just going there to take pics, etc.

LizzieD said...

STELLA -- You might be in bed by now. I am still skiing and no further accidents so far!!! I leave early on Sunday morning and will arrive home early on Monday morning, a very long day :-(

Stella said...

Lizzied, I'm still up, preparing some movie to show tomorrow at school and a small speach for racism.
I'm sure you're having a lot of fun. It will be a long journey back home, but I'm sure the days you've spent there worth the effort.
Take care.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lizzied.

Anonymous said...

Hug to you too Intruth.

LizzieD said...

GINGER, ARTE, STELLA, PAMH, DK and others who have asked about my photos at Lake Tahoe -- here's a link, hope I'm doing it right!!!

LizzieD said...

PHOTOS -- for some reason, the title didn't show up under the 7th photo -- should be titled "Scene of the Accident" ... yes, the one with 4 SLOW SIGNS across the slope .. lot a good that did, right?

PamH said...

OMG what a wonderful view :) all the blue is just so beautiful and soothing in the photos. Thanks for sharing that with us.

@ Intruth
Your welcome for the heads up on Suzies instagram, she usually has some really cute photos, I loved her photo of her and Jack's feet from yesterday. Kristen and Rob has some really great friends who seem to have a lot of fun together and support each other.

Tuf, Arleen, Holy and Stella
Waves :)

Anonymous said...

PamH- Hi! I am just kicking back. I have a little company with me. She has white fur and some black on her face and her tail. She loves to keep me company. She is also my baby. Her name is Angel. But I call her mamas. And she loves that. My daughter calls her fluffy. And yes she is a cat.

LizzieD said...

PAMH -- Thanks for the compliment on the photos -- now you know why I love it here. It's beautiful where we live, also, but this place is truly special.

ARLEEN -- Your cat sounds pretty, she's probably as spoiled as my little dog.

gargamel said...

@Holy and Kstew
She's gone for the moment...i'm nervous for the tree. I hope it won't bear a fruit.

PamH said...

@ Arleen & LIZZIED
Our pets are our children also :) and when something happens to them it hurts just the same.

PamH said...

@ gargamel
LOL, I think the tree would die first from being infested with worms or tree rot. hahaha

Mirah121178 said...

Hi...Ginger, Holy or other roselanders...Do you mind to check Lainey article about mother issue of a mega star (child star??). I'm afraid it's about kristen and her mother...please check...I hope i'm wrong..

tufenuf55 said...

gargamel and PamH

Probably sprout warts in all the wrong places!

tufenuf55 said...

Stray adult female cat started appearing in and around my yard. Well, I just have a soft spot for animals. Needless to say, I began to feed her and she stays around now. I thought she wouldn't come near me; thought she might be feral. But, she rubbed against my legs and allowed me to pet her. She seemed starved for affection which leads me to believe she has been "dumped" in our neighborhood. She's more than welcome at my house. I will get her spayed. I'm a big advocate about spaying and neutering pets as to overpopulation. She is yellow and white and a real sweetie. I have a bird feeder and she has an interest in it, so will need to get her a collar with bell.

LizzieD said...

Mirah121178 -- I read the article. This would be the first I've heard of any discord with that relationship. Also, not sure it it's true because K's mother is already "in the business" and has been for many years. She has plenty of contacts. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if something else appears about this. Also, K's Mom has always stayed out of K's limelight so not sure why she would start now. It could be a lot of different stars that she's talking about.

Holy said...

Just saw Kristen's new pics,damn the girl is hot.And she's wearing Rob plaid shirt.And CJ is back in town already.Taylor will be a member of the LA/Brit pack now.LOL.

Holy said...

@Pam- hello there.

@gargamel- everybody did a good job of driving her away.She's a pain in the ass.

@Tuf- hey there, I forgot to ask did you watched The Following last Monday.

liz/arte/Kstew/Arleen/Topaz/DK/katy and to those around that I forgot-WAVES.

Anonymous said...

That is cool. That Kristen is out with her friends.

Anonymous said...

Hi Holy!

Anonymous said...

PamH-I wonder when Rob gets back to his home and his girl. I wonder if Suzie and Jack and Kristen and Rob. Double date. That would be cool.

tufenuf55 said...


I did watch the following and felt really sick when Joe stabbed the volunteer victim. Director really kept camera on that for a long time to show that the death of another is the biggest high Joe can get. Oh, my poor stomach!

tufenuf55 said...


Saw the new pics. Kristen's wearing necklace and ring. Rob's plaid shirt has been around for a long time...must be really, really soft by now. I had read that Kristen is planning to surprise Rob by being in car/limo without his knowledge and that she has asked friends to give her a full 24 hours alone with Rob due to jet lag and her missing him so much. Don't know how much of this is true. Could just be a rumor, but sounds so romantic.

tufenuf55 said...


I, too, am an only child with senior parents. However, they still live on their own, for now.

tufenuf55 said...


I think the first time Rob and Kristen go out it will be with all their friends who are in LA. he will want to see them all and catch up with them. I'm a firm believer in the more, the merrier. Unless it is romance time. hehe

Holy said...

@Mirah121178- I don't think,it's Kristen's mom that Lainey was talking about.First of all Kristen is not the bread and butter for her family,her parents are known in town and have money and owns some property,they're also both in the business since Kristen was baby.I think Lainey is probably talking about any of the other actors that have a stage moms and you know theirs a lot of them in HW.

Anonymous said...

tufenuf55-I don't like blood bath movie. About someone getting cut on the their bodies.

DreamerKind said...

Hi-Ho, the Merry-O!

The Tahoe shots are as magnificent as the area itself. Good job!

A sweet new cat for you to love! What a lovely surprise! I like the bell on the collar idea.
Most of my pets have shown up in my life that way, to bring joy which is always needed.
I'm always keeping this thought in my head about Lainey or anyone/any other celebrity posts:

"Most likely bullshit and if not, then not my business either."

Keeps me saner, calmer, nicer, happier.

tufenuf55 said...


I agree. The Following is on at 9pm and that particular scene was really graphic and long.

Holy said...

@tuf- Joe is so sick.But the writer of that show is good though.

Unknown said...

Hi Holy, waves to you :)

Hi everyone,

Kristen always has her ring and necklace on. It is like having him close to her even though he is far away. I'm so happy for them that they continue their love for each other.

I just finished watching The Far Pavilions on netflix. Has anyone seen it before? A British office falls in love with an Indian princess who's betrothed to another king, I think. It is forbidden love. Even though they were apart, their hearts belonged to each other and she always wore her half of the necklace. Then later, when he finds out that she is to be sati, a Hindu practice where the wife is burned alive with her deceased husband, he comes back for her. Anyway, I loved the movie. If anyone is interested, I think you can watch it on youtube too.

This evening for me is getting too warm. Also last night was so warm, I had to open our bedroom window. The weather here is getting warmer and warmer, and when this happens, I always feel like the days are getting longer and longer. LOL :) Happy evening to you all.

DreamerKind said...

That's everything

It Is What It Is

Kacey Musgraves:

I think we're thinking to hard,
So put on your shoes and get in your car,
Put it in drive and point it this way,
We don't have to talk,
You don't have to stay.

But I aint got no one sleepin with me,
And you aint got nowhere that you need to be,
Maybe I love you,
Maybe I'm just kind of bored,

It is
What it is
Till it aint,

We've tried being apart,
But the truth is,
We are who we are,
Were so much alike,
It aint a good thing.

Too dumb to give up,
Too stubborn to change
Till something better comes along,
Till whatever we have is gone

But I aint got no one sleepin with me,
And you aint got nowhere that you need to be,
Maybe I love you.

Maybe I'm just kind of bored,
It is what it is
Till it aint,

Thank you/WXTUphiladelphia

DreamerKind said...

Hey, Topaz, Holy, Tuf and any Lurkers, too.

I've only read the book "The Far Pavilions" many moons ago, and it was lovely. Will check it out on YT. Thanks.

DreamerKind said...

The Boz! Are you going? Feeling better? ((Hugs))

Time for a gin & tonic but I'll be around.

Unknown said...

DK, enjoy the movie. Maybe I will read the book if I'm not too lazy, ha ha :) I can also imagine Kristen and Robert in a remake of this movie. I will be the first one in line at the theater, ha ha.

PamH said...

@ Arleen
I bet RK & SJ have done some double dates before and considering they would have never got to know each other if not for Rob and Kristen forming their friends into a family and spending time as a group. Not sure what Marcus and Jacks schedule will be by the time Rob is finished but I hope after he's done they can all spend time together....after Kristen has had her reunion time with him of course : o

I love that Taylor is becoming part of their little pack. He's also having a good time hanging out with them. I'm thinking why not Taylor and Scout ? LOL

Holy said...

@Pam- R/K will probably ship Scout and Taylor too.LOL

LizzieD said...

HOLY & PAMH -- Interesting idea on Scout and Taylor ... could be happening, perhaps we'll find out soon.

I notice that Kristen is still wearing a sock on her injured foot, probably a good idea since it was a cut.

PamH said...

@ Holy
Yeah, I bet they have their own little following just like they did with Suzie and Jack, wonder what their name will be ?

PamH said...

It looks like she's walking ok now so that's good. I think T & S would be cute together or just make for good hang out buddies :)

Unknown said...

PamH, I am interested in knowing what will happen with Suzie and Jack. Will she move to England? Will he move to LA? LOL :)) It is amazing that they became a couple.

Unknown said...

It is so hot here, I am eating mango ice-cream topped with bananas and canned peaches. Yummy.....

Holy said...

@Liz-I think she's wearing those elastic sock that support your foot and ankle.

@Pam-someone will figure it out what to call them.LOL.

@Ginger- How's the concert girl,we're excited to hear from you.

PamH said...

@ Topaz
I think they will be having a long distance relationship and trying to see each other as much as possible :( at least Kristen will be able to help Suzie since she knows what it's like to be separated from your boyfriend .

@ Ginger
I can't wait to hear all about the show :)

gargamel said...

The Limo ride surprise sounds very very sweet. I'm thinking of a good S-reunion title for"The Eagle Has Landed"....or "Touchdown"...or "Honey We Broke the Limo"

Anonymous said...

Good Morning everyone! Going to volunteer at reading program at school. Then I will be back. The usually routine.

Annie said...

Morning all..... When I start trying to list names I always forget someone, so........Morning! Morning! :)
I hope everyone is doing well or better.

There is nothing about today's weather here that screams Spring........It is cold!
Cloudy, blustery and it was in the 20's early this AM. Now it's around 30 degrees.
Winter coat alert!

Anonymous said...

Same here Annie. Its cold here. But little snow. Just left over on the ground. I will be leaving soon. Be back at 9am.

Annie said...

Arleen: It's so great that you volunteer at the school's reading program.
Enjoy the day.

We may also get some snow flurries. Unbelievable!

Stella said...

Good morning/afternoon everyone!
@Lizzied, those photos are really nice. Looks like a very beautiful place and I guess the weather was great for skiing. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Annie-Yeah it is good to volunteer. One of my students is mad at me for missing this Tuesday. Because I was sick. She thinks I don't want to be there. Which is not true. I love working with these kids. They needed our help with reading.

Ginger with a Soul said...

Morning Ladies and lurking Robert

So much happened yesterday

On Lainey's blind - I personally do think it is about Kristen even more so after her moms article in LA times that just came out which probably spurred the blind to begin with. I can only speak for myself but Lainey is a gossipy bitch and we all know it (hell she knows it) but she has always liked Kristen in only a way that Lainey can. Her mom is her mom but when your kid wants anonymity it is odd to bring her up and in the weird context that she does. Some of the twitter stuff her and the creepy partner has said uses Kristen - she uses her period so for her to be bitter about it is just stupid. Maybe I am bias because I appreciate her fathers approach better which is being supportive and telling people that the media lies not giving them more fuel to the fire. If you don't want it to be about your daughter then stop answering the fucking questions but chances are she getting the interview because of those questions.

Ginger with a Soul said...

Ok on to the Concert Last night. I want to start with that if he is in a town near you and you can make it to the show I would encourage you to do so. The guy that opens for him , Reston Kelly is really good - he was so nervous but I really enjoyed him.

My sister had to do something for a Derby sister and couldn't make it so I took my oldest daughter. We met Marcus and talked to him off and on all night as well as all the other band members. Marcus is really soft spoken as is Jack. We both took pictures with Marcus and I took a picture of my kiddo with Jack. I recorded a few of his songs that I will put up in a little bit but I have to say it again - absolutely amazing live and worth it. We were there for 5 almost 6 hours with them before we had to go but my guess is they closed the bar down last night since they had today off. Also No Suzie as most of you know - even if she hadn't posted her pictures I was by their van talking to them for a while and didn't see her. Also I didn't see any openly twilight fans at all there - we talked music, weather, altitude and drinking.

PamH said...

@ Ginger
It sounds like it was a great night :) we're all a little envious of you. Looking forward to your videos. It's very rare to get that kind of a personal meeting with a band now days so it just make it all the more special.
As far as the Jules/ Lainey thing, I also felt it was about K and her Mom, it seems like since her mothers movie was put in the works and actually filmed she's used Kristen's name to keep interest going to help her movie do well, never before her project did she ever talk about Kristen to anyone like she does today. This is just my opinion but I always felt her answer "It's not my affair" to being ask about what took place was in bad taste....just the wording alone seemed bad. They seem to be close so if K had a problem with what her Mom says I think she would say something ?

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - It is weird - I hate judging parents cause we all have missteps but you rarely she her at events or with her lately - it is her dad or brothers. I don't think she would be to happy with her mom discussing things she isn't willing to discuss herself - it just bring both her and Rob back into the fodder. The past is over - a simple no comment or I am here to talk about any of that goes a long way....If she wants her own thing without being in Kristen's shadow then don't make her part of the discussion. I get her need to be known on her own but her mouth and actions are in constant conflict

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - OMG sweetest guys ever. They are really funny and really cool to talk to. After meeting them it solidified a lot of things I thought about a lot of things, I enjoyed the small venue too. I have met other guys from bands but their are usually so many people there that it is hard to have a real conversation. I met and talked with every guy in the picture Suzie had of them on the bears. I need to find a way to get the pictures of us with him and her with Jack so you guys can see them without them being on the web floating - don't want to expose my child to some of the crazies out there

Ginger with a Soul said...

Also I obviously am having a harder go at spelling and being grammatically correct this morning - can we all pretend the horrid sentence structure doesn't exist and read it like I should have wrote it - sigh embarrassed LOL

Anonymous said...

Rose-Any new blog. I am looking forward to new ones.

Unknown said...

Ginger, I'm glad u had a great time. Did they know u we're a twilight fan? Im going to guess but i bet u never once mentioned rob and kris, huh? I am a pretty shy person around strangers, so I don't think I would have talked to them unless they approached me first, ha ha. Well, I checked their schedule, and I don't think they are coming to my area, so maybe next time......

As for the Lainey thing, it is sad for K. If it were my mom, u know, I wouldn't mind helping her out, but she and I would have to agree that she keeps my name out and to answer no comment to every question about me. If u are a private person, what daughter wouldn't be upset and disappointed at their mother for that? I would tell her never to do it again or I'm not helping anymore. For example, I hate it when I catch my mom gossiping or talking to my relatives about my personal life. I have to remind her that I really don't like that so stop talking about my business. The reason is because I don't trust anyone, just very few people that's close to me. So bad for K, because this is printed to the public, and that's just a no no in my book.

Happy day to u all. 8-)

Unknown said...

And ginger, don't worry about ur grammar and spelling, we all try our best, and besides, it's not like u are writing a paper, heehee.

Anonymous said...

Hey no one is perfect on the grammar.

Bugsrunny said...

New poster...

I, too, think Lainey's blind has to be about Kristen and her mom after reading the LA Times story, which struck me as odd, at best. Jules's words at the beginning and Goran's quote at the end both came off as hugely defensive. They were baffling and bold quotes to give to a reporter, no?

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Topaz - I would say I am way more of a fan of Rob and Kristen then twilight but no I didn't bring them up - felt disrespectful to do it since it was his time to shine and for his music. Besides I would say that without a doubt I think he would hightail it away if someone asked about them - he was super friendly but always seemed to be checking people out. I am outgoing but I can see where being shy would be hard to meet them. They were super personable so even a shy person would feel comfortable and really - you would be shocked how soft spoken they are - when they get on stage it is almost like getting in character but off they are just regular guys. J

Ginger with a Soul said...

@ Bugsrunny - welcome

@Topaz - It is sad and feels so very wrong for her mom to do this

Unknown said...

Ginger, ha ha ha, probably he was checking to see if anyone coming to see him is a freak, like some rk fans are, ha ha. I'm really happy u met those who are so close to rk.

Arte, I'm glad u had a great time too.

Hopefully, they'll come to my area and ill most likely have my sister come with me as I can never rely on my brothers, ha ha. Thank god and thank my mom that I have one sister.

Unknown said...

By the way, I have not read that la times article.

Ginger, do I want to read it? If its not that bad, can you direct me the link?

KStew Krew said...

@ gargamel....LOL!!! We should probably get that poor tree an insecticide treatment, yes! Thanks for the laugh!
@ artemisluvv, PamH,and Holy...waves back at ya!
@ Ginger....soooooo jealous of you girl...glad you had a great time. Maybe Marcus will head my way sometime too.
Kristen's new pics for the day at the batting cage...wonder who's idea that was..Taylor no doubt. I would have paid a million dollars to see Kristen and Scout batting. AS for Taylor...damn, he is cute. Like the helmet look on him. I think he is always stylish and well put together. Such a great friend for Kristen.
Everyone...enjoy your day!

PamH said...

@ Ginger
I totally agree about being leery of putting your child's photo out there for all the crazy people on the net.
When you talk about how soft spoken they are I imagine that's what it would be like to meet Rob. Like you I would never have brought up RK either, I'm sure they get their fair share of that anyway, people showing up at shows just to chance a sighting of them or just being a fan of the band because they are friends with them. When I meet Scout I was never going to say Kristen's name until she asked me about The Runaways movie and their music but all I said was they should do another movie together sometime and she hugged me, smiled and said We would love that.
Once I seen Suzies instagram I figured she must have left before the show and we already knew CJ was back home hanging with K, Taylor and Scout. I was so hoping for a pic of CJ in the helmet swinging the bat..hahah

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!

I agree totally with everything you said. All the guys are so real & down to earth, and Marcus is a really sweet guy. The small venue is so cool like you said. There were quite a few Twilight fans in Portland, but I hope they didn't discuss it with the band, as Marcus and all of them are amazing artists in their own right. If you think about his music writing, singing and amazing guitar playing__ the gu

Anonymous said...

.....guy is so talented.

Glad you had fun and were able to spend so much time with them. I didn't even know what to say, guess I must be shy.

Yes, I would recommend the show to anyone who can go, it's a great night!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for those gorgeous pics of the mountains, so beautiful!

Okay back to work for me, bye everyone.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Arte - I was surprised by Reston he is really good too. We told them it had been a while since we had been to a concert where we truly enjoyed everyone that played. A lot of shows we go to it is for one of the bands but we will listen to the others even if it is not our cup of tea or we just skip the show. That is why I didn't see three days grace before because they were always with Nickleback and I just can't see myself paying to see them

Pisteuo said...

Hey Roseland!

Ginger, I'm glad you had a good time and got to meet Marcus and crew.
About sharing the pictures...might I suggest emailing them to the ones that would like to see them?
Just a suggestion.

Anonymous said...

To each their own and I'm not one to tell someone what to discuss. I will say this, my mother makes me beyond angry at times. I will bitch and moan about her to my very best friends. I will avoid her calls and stay away for a good bit of time until I feel I can look at her and give her the respect she deserves as my mother.

Now that being said, if anyone and I mean anyone even thinks they are going to call her names and judge her... NO. Hell hath no fury. That is my Mother. Get where I'm coming from? No matter your opinion, that's Kristen's Mother. Why would someone who calls themselves a fan want to discuss this? (I guess that's a stupid question, why would they want to discuss most of what they do about her life) It's not really your business or mine for that matter.

I just feel like there are things that are completely off limits, parents and children being among them. I will fade back into lurkdom. Just wanted to share my two cents.

Pisteuo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pisteuo said...

Wow Lolly, why don't ya just say what ya really mean? LOL!!!
Of course it will not surprise anyone here that I TOALLY agree.
Wish you would stick around. I'm always in the minority where R/K and their family and frind's privacy is concerned

Kay said...

Thanks, Lolly - I've been thinking the same thing.

Pisteuo said...

And that should be "friend's" not "frinds"

Hi Kay! :)

Kay said...

Hi Pisteuo! :)

Happy Thursday, Roseland ❤

Ginger with a Soul said...

Ok here is the link to the 3 songs I recorded - amazing artist and if you can buy tickets do so - they are more than worth the cost. I am right on the stage so there will be a little feed back and yes one of the songs is I am was broken

Ginger with a Soul said...

Annie - you at work?

Unknown said...

Ginger, it is weird. I found the la times article, but its not letting me view it. Maybe they pulled the article down?

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Topaz - my opinion on the article - it will make your eye twitch

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Topaz - I think it is still up just a million people reading it probably. Be back in a little have to do mom things and run something to school that one of the kids forgot

@Holy - waves :)

Unknown said...

Well, no time left, I gotta go now. Maybe I'll try opening it again later......

tufenuf55 said...

Topaz and Ginger

I read Lainey's article when she first posted it and immediately thought she was talking about Kristen and her mom. I've noticed that since Kristen's parents separated, Kristen does things with her dad and brothers, but no pics of doing anything with her mom. I often wondered if there was a problem for mom when Kristen did SWATH rather than K-ll. Also mom tweeting that if anyone sees Kristen to call her mom. Just something hasn't seemed right to me about Kristen and her mother for quite some time. Never saw her mom at any of Kristen film premieres, etc. I could be totally off base, but I believe mom drops Kristen's name whenever she can to keep interest in K-ll. Not sure if Kristen minds or not. It is a family issue/problem. I haven't read the LA Times article. If you have a link, please provide. Thanks!

LizzieD said...

LOLLY & PIST -- I agree that the normal, average person should not have their familial relationships discussed. However, WE at RPI did not start the conversations occurring about this. The LA Times articles (including one from a few hours ago) are all over the place including IMBD which is where people go to find out info on anyone in the film business.

We don't intend to do or say anything to disrespect Kristen or anyone in her family. We were only commenting on something which has already occurred. We only want the best for Kristen and her family and friends.


LizzieD said...

Sorry -- that's IMDB ...

DreamerKind said...

Good afternoon, everyone!

I'll be heading out very soon for errand running then dinner with old friends.

What a fun time you had! Happy for you and the daw. I agree with your opinion about their excellent music and performances. Still weighing going on the 20th.

Are you my dear daughter posting here today? ICU. (Hugs)

Minorities change the world often, too. :)

Off the air now, taking my bag of wind with me.

tufenuf55 said...

I found the LA Times story.,0,1936209.story

Ginger with a Soul said...

@DK - you would have so much fun - if you go you have to call me and let me know

Pisteuo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pisteuo said...

LIZZIED, So, your point being..."ME" or "Lolly" are not a part of the "WE" in RPI? Or are you just reprimanding us for having a difference of you do with so many others that have left this blog?
Might I remind you, this is NOT your blog, dear. Rose will decide who is welcome and is not. I don't think it's your place. And by the way, all I did was agree with Lolly. And it is absolutely true that what I find offensive and disrespectable...others on here do not. So we have agreed to disagree...that is not something we have just now agreed upon.

Pisteuo said...

Hi DK!
Yes, minorities have changed the world...but, at what price?

I'm not sure I have the patience.

gargamel said...

I will WATCH and SUPPORT K'Stew's mom's project because i love her daughter.

Ginger with a Soul said...

I maybe misreading but I didn't see anything about people not being allowed to post here.........

Pisteuo said...

Ginger...neither do I.
I think it's a matter of posting different opinions.
Maybe I didn' word it correctly.

Anonymous said...

I thought we don't read gossip. That is what I thought. I really don't get it.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Arleen - this is an interview her mom did and there is so much more to it going on - her partner is re-tweeting the article. So some will like it, some won't tis the way of the world

Anonymous said...

Ginger-I see. I also read it, too. I am really confused here.

Pisteuo said...

LIZZIED, I just re-read your post...and am trying to see it differently...however, it stil comes across as you being the "spokesperson" for RPI. And I should have said...Rose will decide which "opinions" are acceptable or not.

Ginger with a Soul said...

I have a new song that I just can't stop singing and dancing too

Capital Cities - Safe and Sound

LizzieD said...

PIST -- I apologize if I offended.

I believe you and I have had this same conversation previously when you were posting by a different name.

ARLEEN -- I wouldn't call the LA Times gossip no matter what we read there.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Arleen - shrugs - I am one that doesn't like it at all. I would have liked it if she used no comment for 75% of the article

Anonymous said...

Lizzied-I understand. Sometimes I don't like bad news. That is all.
Ginger-I completely agree with you there. I can hear all the haters and other tabloids saying means things. Which I am glad I don't listen to trashy gossips. I rather hear it from you guys. Which I have been pray for them. Every night for some miracle. Unless they screw up.

Bugsrunny said...

The LA Times article is a new interview with Kristen's mom--it's not gossip. Jules Stewart is quoted extensively (saying, in my opinion, pretty bold stuff) about K-11 and also about Kristen. I would never wish either Stewart anything but happiness and success. And I'm sure Jules Stewart loves her daughter. But it's an odd interview. In my opinion, of course.

gargamel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LizzieD said...

PIST -- Rose has always been the deciding factor on what posts here. Again, again, and again, I apologized ... not sure what else you want from me. Most of us that post here respect R & K and yes, we discuss them and their relationship just like Rose does.

Anonymous said...

Bugsrunny- I know that. But I meant other idiots.

gargamel said...

If mommy Jules is closely watching her daughter's fanbase...she will see where the different opinion is coming from...and as a loving mother ...will be paying attention on the effect of her 'responses' where the privacy of her baby is concerned.

Anonymous said...

gargamel- Neither do I.

gargamel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pisteuo said...

Arleen, you will find that most of the bullshit that is discussed comes from gossip media.
I agree...very contradicting and confusing.
But, of course...that's just "my" opinion!

Pisteuo said...

Whatever LIZZIED, it was you that called me out. I just responded.

LizzieD said...

PIST -- Thank you for graciously accepting my apology.

PamH said...

The main issue I had with the article was at the beginning it goes into detail about where Kristen goes to get away from prying eyes and have time to think and have peace and quiet from being hounded, if I had a daughter that I knew was treated as K is and had a place for her to hide away I sure wouldn't tell the location, that she comes there or let people into it. And I don't understand how you say it's hard to get the project funded even with Kristens name because of the Bella / jailhouse thing but after it is finally funded and filmed be worried its only getting recognition because your her mother ?
I feel bad for the people who starred in the movie because the media is treating it as a Kristen movie when really all anyone will hear is her voice for maybe a second

Ginger with a Soul said...

Pam - she doesn't like it to be about Kristen but she talked about Kristen none stop...she retweeted the article as well as her partner so I guess that blows the gossip angle away.

Did you get to listen to the video's?

PamH said...


@ Ginger
I'm with you on the NO COMMENT during the article, it should have been about her career and what the movie is about and the people who are in the film.

Pisteuo said...

LIZZIED, your apology was accepted in the manner it was given.

LizzieD said...

GINGER -- Videos were great, I love him singing I Was Broken ... love that song.

PAMH -- Hi!!!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Liz - I knew you would love them :) !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! I got a house almost full teenagers.

PamH said...

You stole my thoughts :))))

@ Ginger
What LIz said lol
I Was Broken is my favorite good

Pisteuo said...

Be careful, Arleen. Teenage boys will eat you out of house and home!

Anonymous said...

Pisteuo- I have only one daughter. And she is 15 years old. And she knows the rules. She is not suppose to date 16 years old. I attend to keep that rules.

Anonymous said...

She just brought her friends over from school. Just threes girls and one boy. Their just friends.

LizzieD said...

ARLEEN -- I'll never forget the time when my stepson was a college freshman and brought his girlfriend and his roommate home to spend the week. This was 18 years ago and it cost me $600 worth of groceries just for that week!!!

Mary said...

Well, it's been months since I've stopped in and I see nothing has changed. I thought I'd peek in to see if the Paul Revere of Roseland has rode through spreading the latest gossip and sure enough.

Yesterday, news of The Rover was all over the internet even the very important IMDB where we all go to check film news. I'm not going to go back and check, but I bet it didn't warrant more than 5 comments here - tops. I guess actual news isn't worth talking about.

Just because you don't originate something, doesn't mean you don't make it worse by talking about it

Hi Pisteuo!!!

You are a better person than I. I can't wade through the muck daily just to get my message across.

See ya

Holy said...

Hello guys.

@Ginger- hey girl,I'm glad that you have a good time and thanks for sharing those videos.

I agree with you all,that Jules are talking too much about Kristen,but why now,she haven't done it before and this was after the divorce with PapaStew.By her asking Kristen to help her in the business just doesn't make sense to me.Why do she needs Kristen now,she's been in the business before her daughter.My guess is probably because of her partner.

@gargamel/Pam/Arte/Liz/Tuf/Annie/Arleen/DK/Pist- WAVES.

@Bugsrunny- welcome aboard.

Pisteuo said...

That's good, Arleen. Maybe you will still have food left in the fridge or pantry when they go.

Stella said...

Hello, everyone!
I hope you are all ok, though some times real life can be a bitch...
I guess Rose has stated here many times that we can say our opinion in her post, no matter what our opinion is, as long as we are respectfull to Rob and Kristen and to other people and their opinions on the blog, so I thought I could state some feelings about Jules interview I've read today.
She's Kristen's mother and even for that reason alone she deserves my respect. Ill talking about her could affect Kristen or make her sad and that's enough for me not to say anything bad. Jules has shown many times that she's a special person, unique, different than the ordinary. My personal opinion is that she's harder to like than Kristen's father, but that's just my personal opinion and nothing more.
When I saw the fuss on twitter for her interview I was wondering what she said that I didn't catch. What was so aweful than deserved all those attacks from Kristen's fans. Well, I didn't find it.
I sometimes have the feeling that our judgement is distorted by our love or admiration to Kristen. Jules is not her fan, is her mother, she is entitled to have her opinion and express that to an interview, no matter the reason behind her decision.
If we respect Rob and Kristen, our respect is to be extented to their loved ones, also... What happens in their families or with their friends is not our job to jugde it, we are of course in no right to interfere to their relation. What we can do is state our opinion about that, when we are amongst friends (like we are here), with respect and tollerance to the different opinion.
I know many will say that it's not our right to even express our opinion about their personal affairs, that by discussing it even here (where I feel it's something like a "safe environment") we invade their privacy. I don't agree with that, I think we are here to discuss about Rob and Kristen in general, not only about their films or their promo appearences. I respect every different opinion but I don't have to accept it, right?
So, I'll continue to write here what I believe and I'm sorry if I offend anyone. Unless Rose asks me to stop doing it, or Rob or Kristen send me a personal mail to tell me to shut the f*ck up (LOL)... Then, be sure, I'll do just that...

Take care, everyone! Friday is near!

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