Friday, May 3, 2013

Yakety Yak- Don't Talk Back

I've been reluctant to write another post...
Because inevitably something cool or interesting
always happens immediately after.
It's like...
I post on the blog...
New pics of Rob and/or Kristen show up.
And for some reason...
a gut feeling maybe
I just feel like something is going to happen
as soon as I hit PUBLISH.
And its not like I'm not way (WAY) excited
about what might happen...
It's that I'll JUST miss it
and by the time I get to write about it...
it will be old news.
Story of my blog.

There really isn't too much to yak about.
Isn't that an odd word?
I mean... on one hand its this big old buffalo looking thing.
And on another...
It's incessant meaningless senseless chatter
Basically... The Fringe speak fluent Yak.

It's their own special language.
Yak. Yak.
Sounds like someone hacking up bitter bullshit.. yes?

Yakety yak (don't talk back)

These were the last pictures released of Rob and Kristen
before Rob left LA.
There was MUCH speculation as to when they were taken.
Some were saying at the beginning of April
(But I honestly don't see the point of holding them for 3 weeks)
Some were saying this past weekend.
Some even said they were old pics from years ago!
I say...
Who gives a fuck when they were taken?
Does it affect how you view them? Really?
Does it take away any enjoyment from seeing them?
What matters...
Is that there were MORE pictures of Rob and Kristen
Out and About doing normal coupley things.
We get to see nice pictures of Rob and Kristen...
Doing what, my friends?
Being all cute and sweet.
Focus on that...
Rob and Kristen.
(As always)

The Fringe always claim these sort of pics are...
Kristen calls the Paps!!!
That's why there are so many PHOTO OPS!!!
Yakety Yak.

It's ridiculous that people actually believe...
I can't even go there with what is ridiculous anymore.
All they spew is senseless delusional drivel.
The Lunatic Fringe are indeed... Lunatics.

The fact of the matter is...
The reason there are so many more pictures of
Rob and Kristen together and solo...
is because they have a professional stalker.
He waits for them.
He follows them.
He stalks their every move.
THAT'S why there are so many pictures now.

If you actually believe for ONE second that
either Rob or Kristen would ever sell their
 private life like that...
You haven't been listening to anything they've said.

They would never sell their relationship...
No matter how much you want to believe its not real.
Oh it's so Real.

Then we got this.
Once again...
As soon as Rob or Kristen go somewhere without the other...
Idiots start acting like its some sort of barometer 
to the status of their relationship.
Not sure how that works exactly.
All couples must remain next to each other at all times.
You can NEVER fly somewhere without the other.
If you travel alone... you must be single!
Yakety Yak!

So where did Rob end up?
New York City!

Turns out he went to see Tom in Orphans...
And isn't that the sweetest thing?
Going to see his BEST friend...
in his stellar role
that has earned him a TONY NOMINATION!!

I want to say I'm proud of him...
But I've always known how talented he was.
Tom has such a vulnerability about him
and he expresses so much with few words.
He's brilliant.
And I'm so thrilled that other people are finding that out.

But anyway.
Rob is in NYC.
Hanging out with Tom.
and guess who else might be coming to NY soon?
(If not already there...)
For the Met Gala.

All part of the plan?
I've read that Sienna is going too...

Will she be going with Tom?
Will they be wearing Burberry?
Will Rob show up?
Will they be a foursome?

I don't want to get any hopes up that Rob 
will hang out on any red carpet...
Because we all know that's not his deal.
We can hope... right?
There's nothing wrong with that.
It's not really an expectation...
It's just a... dream.

Ever drifting down the stream
Lingering in the golden gleam
Life, what is it but a dream?

So on that note of blissful longing...

This post is brought to you by ...



Tom has a nice stride too...
(Or maybe I have a hankering for Brits in motion?)
but what I like best about this picture
is the BIG smile on his face.
I want to see more smiles like this.

I adore him.
And I look forward to the Met Gala
in hopes of seeing him too...

Rob. Kristen. Tom. Sienna.
Now that would be a Photo Op!

Until next time.

Bye for now
Green Sheep.


  1. were right about the weather. Beautiful and full sun today, supposed to reach 63. Is the snow still on the ground there?

    Hey Roseland hope everyone is having a very beautiful day! *waves*

  2. Hey Rose
    Love the green sheep lol, and you are so right about yakety much talking, nothing being said.

    So excited for Tom and his nomination and the walking comment cracked me up. The Met thing is around the corner and I imagine if Rob and Tom not there with the girls they sure will after ;) I'm dreaming with you though...

    Awesome always

  3. Love it Rose...thanks! You always have something relevant to say. You just don't always know who you might touch with your words and it what way. But you made my day much better! So Thanks once again!

  4. Rose - I thought the pictures were cute not so much the 2 day debate over when they were taken(and some people were literally pulling their hair out wanting it to be one date or the other and not for them just to know). Congrats to Tom again - he was so humble and refreshing when talking about his nom.

    @Tracy - Snow is all gone today and we are back in the 60's - woohoo !!

  5. Omg I have to share my previous word verif:

    Titfuse Watson

    I sure as hell don't know who Watson is, but my tit is def a fuse ha!

  6. @Ginger
    Yea! You get to thaw out lol. If the haters didn't argue shit about pics, dates, where, when, yada yada yada...what else would they talk about lol.

    I have a question, I can't remember who but someone mentioned Rob would be portraying a pap in MthS. Is that true? And don't you find that totally ironic. I wonder if he begged for that character? huh!

  7. Tom is so adorable,humble and worthy. Guess that's why he and Rob get along so well together.

    My word verif is what my intuition has been thinking about R&K for about a week:

    ringsln together

  8. Rose-I thought you might do a post today! I've been watching for it. I hope your trend continues and there is lots of activity for you to write about next week! Fingers crossed for a fun-filled R/K night at the Met Gala. Have a great weekend everyone!

  9. I love that their closest and longtime friendships appear unchanged by the crazy of Hollywood and fame....there is just something incredibly special about the love and support from and the supporting of the family you get to choose.

    Happy weekend Rose, Roseland and lurkers...take care and be safe. ❤

  10. Good afternoon everybody

    Great post like always. Your so right about those Brit boys having a great walk :)

    @ Ginger
    Glad your gloomy weather is gone finally.

    I guess we'll have to wait and see if Kristen has left for Met Gala yet.
    I agree with Rose that we can always hope to see the foursome together even though we know its unlikely...but boy what a shit storm hat would cause the lunatic fringe but one of the best moments ever for us fans.

    So excited to see what K will wear.

    Tracy, bwen, midnight, tuf, Kay and any lurkers

  11. Excellent post, Rose!!

    Completly agree with you on your thoughts about the speculation about when the pics were taken. Don't unsderstand why it matters so much for some. Why not just enjoy the pics. I sure did.

    Congrats to Tom on his Tony nom!!

    I hope everyone is well. Take care.

  12. @Rose
    The lyrics Master puts them to good use, along with a tap on the wrist for all of the doom & gloomers. Hope erupts again like "Old Faithful"!

    Love to all!

    Back in bits & pieces, as my word v. suggests:

    "self yr increments"

  13. Hello Roseland! Hope you guys have an awesome weekend!

    DK- well damn, I should have stuck around a little longer last night/this morning to see your lovely comment to me.
    Yes my dear one....Truth by her own simplicity is known,
    Falsehood by varnish and vermilion are shown.

  14. Carey Mulligan (beautiful, such a sweet-looking face)....cannot wait for her to work with Robert. If there is another actress I approve of working with Rob, it's Carey.

    And oh my god. Anna Wintour and Carey Mulligan (Great Gatsby dinner).....Anna seems to like Carey very much. Seems like Carey has lost some weight.

    Leo and Carey, Great Gatsby premiere (I wonder how she will play the character of Daisy. She has such a sweet face, but Daisy is a real careless bitch in the story from what I remember who said rich girls don't marry poor boys)

  15. And Rose, I love it! Why yes, you are indeed a rose.

    "Rose knows" :)

  16. can't wait for Kristen to wow us at the gala with her amazing face, i hope she has fun.

  17. Holy,

    maybe Anna Wintour told Carey that she should stay on a low car steak diet like her, LOL, LMAO. Ms. Carey Mulligan has obviously lost a bit of weight, still pretty either way. I hope to see Kristen and Carey pose together please.

  18. Hello Roselands! Just got home from the luncheon for all the volunteers for the reading program. I found out that our students have been doing better on their reading test scores. Which is good. I hope I get to work with them next year.
    Rose- By the way great post.
    Any words that Kristen is already in New York City yet?

  19. sorry for posting so much about Carey, after this I will stop, but I found this quote...

    "Baz Luhrmann reportedly saw Scarlett Johansson, Michelle Williams, Blake Lively, Keira Knightley, and Natalie Portman for Mulligan's role of Daisy, but Mulligan had the best chemistry with Leonardo DiCaprio, so she got the part."

    Hmmm, doesn't Leo like tall leggy models? I would have guessed Blake Livley to have better chemistry with him. But I can see why they picked Carey, she has that 1920s classical look to her. Based on the preview of the movie, it looks terrible (kind of like Moulin Rouge terrible with so many bright distracting colors blinding you until you fall asleep halfway through the movie), maybe I will watch it but I don't expect it to be better than Robert Redford and Mia Farrow version, Robert played Gatsby so well, a clueless fool, Mia played Dessy so well, a careless bitch.

    ok, i will stop now...


  20. It's embarrassing but I do not like Sienna, but all the others are in my heart, irretrievably!! Kristen is like a daughter, I have worries but very proud!! May God protect them of the envy !!

  21. crisk, really? You don't like Sienna? Well maybe she doesn't like you either. So, no love lost.

    Tom sure adores her so she must have some redeeming qualities.

    Well fuck...there I go! Sometimes I should have all my fingers broken,

  22. Can not wait to see what Kristen wears. With the punk theme, I have no doubt she will be able to carry it off like no other.
    So cool that Rob was able to see Orphans. Man, I would love to see this and I definitely want to know how this play ends. What a talented bunch these young British men!
    I have felt your winter pain. We got over a foot of snow yesterday and is supposed to be in the 60's next week. I can't even shovel this heavy shit so I am just going to wait for it to melt.

  23. Pisteou,
    I was thinking the same thing,lol! And I do not worry about Kristen.

  24. What Birdie? That I should have all my fingers broken? LOL!!

    "Bar mrniagal"

    Why yes Mr. Niagal, point me to the bar. please.

    It's friday...right? LOL!!

  25. I didn't know Tom was nominated for Tony. that is awesome. crossing fingers he wins. but ven if he doesn't I'm glad his talent gets recognized.

    and I'm looking forward to the MET Gala. I hope she wears something spectacular. I must admit I was not thrilled by the dress she wore last year. it was not bad she just looked uncomfortable. but whatever the dress I am just happy to see her again glamurous and all made up. and while I don't believe Rob will be strolling donw any red carpets I'm sure they will have a lovely evnign either way

  26. Well Roseland, some of you will be glad to know that I gotta go for now! LOL!!

    Hugs to you, Birdie. :)

  27. changing my avi to Kristen's beautiful face....kristen for the win at MET.

  28. there are a lot of gorgeous women, but place Kristen next to them and I only see her. Here, she reminds me of a young Demi moore from About Last Night. To me, this is one of her BEST facial looks EVER. I LOVE IT.



  30. Rose- brilliant post and I like your title. "Yakety Yak- Don't Talk Back"

    Hello guys and happy Friday.

    Where is waldo Kristen.And why we haven't seen Rob since Wednesday.Hmmmmmm,my guess is she's with Rob in NY or she's on her way.

    Congrats to Tom for his nomination.I hope he win.

  31. @Ginger- hey girl,that's a good weather right there.I have a question,is Nittie's last name is Wakefield?

    @Topaz-hello- I will not be surprise if Anna W will say that to anyone.LOL.By the way Kristen and Carey are friends.Kristen mention her in one of her interview a while back.I like Carey,she's such a nice girl and down to earth.I read one of her interview that when she came to LA her people told her to have a make over and she refused to have something done to her body and face.And Good for her,she already pretty.

  32. Rob visiting Tom in his play was the sweetest thing ever. I'm sure he feels very proud of his friend. I remember Rob saying he wants to play in some theatrical play sometime but, for obvious reasons that would be very difficult in the near future. I really hope he manages to do it some day.
    I wonder if Kristen is stil in LA or if she's gone ninja on us and is already in NY. No matter what, I can't wait to see her on Monday. One can only hope that Rob and Tom will join their ladies, but it seems highly unlikely to me. But, as I said, one can only hope.

    RL has been very busy lately. I can hardly find any time for myself as we prepare for Easter here in Greece.
    Thank you for the post, Rose. Beautiful said, as always.

    Take care, everyone!
    Καλή Ανάσταση!

  33. What Pisteou? No, never. Those little fingers keep people on their toes. :)

  34. Great post Rose, I am always happy to see pics of Rob and Kristen out, enjoying their life They always make me smile.

    I am very proud of Tom. I always enjoy his movies, and I would love to see the play, which I heard was great. He is doing very well and seems very happy.

    Take care Roselanders. Until next time--

  35. Holy

    And don't forget, Carey dated Tom for a while.

  36. Hi Tuff, Ginger, DK, Super, Holy, Barb, Birdie, Annie, Robert, Rose, Lizzied, KK, Intruth, PamH, and the rest of Roselands. Happy Friday. Any word on Kristen in New York yet. And I hope everything is ok.
    Tuff- I didn't know the Carey dated Tom.
    I heard Kristen and Rob are going to Cannes on May 26. Hopefully they go together to the airport together. And home too.

  37. Arleeen

    She dated Tom for a few times after she broke up with Shia LeBeouf. she's also gone out a few times with Eddie Redmayne. So she knows a couple of Rob's friends.

  38. To all the Roseland! I just saw in Eonline that Kristen was in minor accident. No one was hurt thank god for that. But again. At least she stay just in case. She must of look bad for that. I just hope Kristen was talking on cell while driving. In California law if you talk on cell phone while driving you can get a ticket.
    Tuff- Thanks for that info.

  39. Glad no one was hurt in the minor car accident Kristen was in. Not sure if it happened today. She'll probably be happy to get to Rob and NY.

  40. I'm glad Kristen and the other driver and the kids were okay. @Ginger -so Nettie is an artist then. She's pretty and talented. @Tuf- hello, yes you're right Tom dated Carey.

  41. @Holy
    Nettie is very talented. I've always wondered what kind of artwork she's done for Rob and Kristen. Maybe she's done a portrait of the family for RK's

  42. Waves to Tracybell, bwen, Ginger, Tufenuf, Midnightgirl, Kay, PamH, Katy, DK, Pisteuo, Topaz, Arleen, Crisk, Birdie, Carly, Holy, Stella, Barbara and Lizzied keep twirling girl. Hugs.

    Rose another great one Yakety Yak indeed. I'm with you as you said, "Blissfully Longing" to see them at the Met Gala...fingers, toes and eyes crossed but if not I'm just happy knowing they are together. Whether they go together or not to the Met Gala doesn't change a thing. As always I want whatever Rob and Kristen want it's their choice not mine.

    So glad Kristen and the lady with the children weren't hurt. I've been involved in a couple of them myself in the past few years, not my fault but it still was scarey until I found out everyone was okay.

    Also great news about the nomination for Tom..wish him luck and more great plays and movies in the future.

  43. @Pam- hello-it's probably a family portrait with baby Bear and Bernie,or a portrait of just them two wearing tux/gown.Hmmmm.

    I guess Kristen is no longer attach to Lie Down in Darkness.I don't care about this movie anymore without Kristen.As Kristen fan I'm moving on.Waiting for Kristen next project.

    Director Scott Cooper Talks About Kristen's Attachment with Lie Down in Darkness

    1. Good morning Sweet ladies!!!!

      It doesn't matter what #RK say, show to the world, even when they use their nonverbal communication, haters will be always haters living in their #3D stupid world DENIAL/DESPERATE/DELUSIONAL... or should i say they are going to drown in their De Nile!!??

      Have a great weekend!!!

      AMAZING way to start your day. even when the moment the post comes out the pics are already old news. What it's worth is what you write.


  44. Hi Holy doing pretty good...It's Friday and I live for Fridays LOL It's been a looooooooooong week at work. Hope you're doing great and I know you join me in looking forward to May being as great as April was.

  45. Hello, Roseland! Happy weekend!

    Great post, Rose. Love the "yackety-yak"!- I remember hearing that on the radio. Oh, and I can just hear those annoying saxophones (just like the annoying loonies). No offense if you play the sax; I played one myself all through school ( not too badly, either -if I do say so myself).

    So excited for Tom's Tony nom! And I've missed that ol' Green Sheep ;-) .

    I am getting so excited to see what Kristen wears on Monday!!! And, Rosie - I'm dreaming, too!

    Goo night everyone!!!

  46. That was supposed to say GOOD night.

  47. New pic of Rob having dinner with friends on RD

  48. @ Holy
    I can totally see the tux & gown portrait =D
    Iread the article about Lie Down in Darkness, I'm not familiar with the book so I'm not sure how old Peyton is supposed to be in the book but if it takes another couple of years before this film is ever made they'll probably say she's to old anyway, even though K could still pass for a teenager.

  49. @Oneheart- me too,I love Friday's and hated when Monday comes.Yep,May will be great again for us R/K fans.

    @Pam- I would love to see that portrait.LOL. I was excited about LDID and was hoping that Daniel DL will play Milton.

  50. @ Holy
    DDL and Kristen would make a great movie together I think.

    From the pic it looks like Rob is letting his beard grow. Gotta love smiley Rob :)

  51. Hi Oneheart, Litmon, Holy, and all the Roseland. Glad that Kristen is ok of accidents. Hope that Kristen and Rob will see each other soon. Any more news. Hope Kristen left tonight to New York.

  52. It was and still is a sweet recall

    It's Been A Long, Long Time

    Frank Sinatra:

    Kiss me once and kiss me twice
    And kiss me once again
    It's been a long, long time

    Haven't felt like this, my dear
    Since can't remember when
    It's been a long, long time

    You'll never know how many dreams
    I dreamed about you
    Or just how empty
    They all seemed without you

    So kiss me once and kiss me twice
    And kiss me once again
    It's been a long, long time

    Thank you/Daiane Jances

  53. Why you!


    Marylin Miller (1929):

    Who stole
    My heart away
    Makes me dream all day

    Dreams I know
    Will never come true
    Seems as though
    I’ll ever be blue

    Means my happiness
    Would I answer

    Yes to
    Well you
    Ought to I guess

    No one
    But you

    Thank you/joseseminarista

  54. Love is love

    Not Fade Away

    The Grateful Dead (1975):

    I wanna tell you
    How it's gonna be
    You're gonna give
    Your love to me

    I'm gonna love you
    Night and day
    Love is love
    And not fade away

    And my love is bigger
    Than a Cadillac
    I'll try to show it
    If you drive me back

    Your love for me
    Has got to be real
    Before you'd have noticed
    How I feel

    Love real
    Not fade away
    We'll love real
    Not fade away

    I wanna tell you
    How it's gonna be
    You're gonna give your
    Love to me

    Love that lasts
    More than one day
    Well love is love
    And not fade away
    Well love is love and not
    Fade away

    Thank you/chasefukuoka61

  55. We can all be there washed clean

    Take Me To The Mardi Gras

    Paul Simon:

    C'mon take me to the Mardi Gras
    Where the people sing and play
    Where the dancing is elite
    And there's music in the street
    Both night and day

    Hurry take me to the Mardi Gras
    In the city of my dreams
    You can legalize your lows
    You can wear your summer clothes
    In the New Orleans

    And I will lay my burden down
    Rest my head upon that shore
    And when I wear that starry crown
    I won't be wanting anymore

    Take your burdens to the Mardi Gras
    Let the music wash your soul
    You can mingle in the street
    You can jingle to the beat
    Of Jelly Roll

    Tumba, tumba, tumba, Mardi Gras
    Tumba, tumba, tumba, dayimon

    Thank you/gmtobehere

  56. For our dear Rose

    Words Of Love

    Paul McCartney (1985 Acoustic):

    Thank you/jacenty841

  57. Goodnight, with my love

    Ibrahim Ferrer/Buenavista Social Club, Full Album (1 hour +):

    Thank you/hafid barri

  58. She's baaack! I'm talking about our resident DJ. Thanks for the tunes,DK.

  59. Good Morning to all the Roselands! Hope you all have a good Saturday. I might be going some where today later. Any word on Kristen fly to New York any time soon I hope.

  60. Good afternoon all.
    It's a beautiful day in the city.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  61. I think one of the friends at dinner with Rob (blonde woman)looks a lot like Carey Mulligan. She and her hubby are in NYC, so it could be her.

  62. I was just asking around what is going on with Katy and Rob? I heard from some of the twitters that they have been spending time. I hope everything is ok with Rob and Kristen.

  63. Morning Ladies and Lurking Rob

    @Tuff - think it was his UK agents who are in town for Tom's Tony stuff but I lost interest in who it was pretty fast - I settled on the Easter Bunny :) I just said awe nice smile

    @Annie - Beautiful here too - think I am going to take the kids to the park and soak up some sorely missed sun

  64. Ginger-Hi! I am miss you. Is it raining over where you are? We were suppose to get rain here.

  65. Hi there ladies. :)
    Ginger: Is it safe to say no more snow for you?
    Enjoy the sun and the outdoors. :)

    Arleen: Don't hurt your head over the Rob/Katy tweets. There are some folks who live to create drama.


  66. Annie- I am not hurting my head. I was just asking that is all.
    Hey, is Kristen on the plane anytime soon to New York. Have any heard about her or saw her.

  67. @Arleen - no rain here but I think we are supposed to get a few storms next week

    @Annie - I hope so but I am afraid to say it is over because the past 2 times I did we got huge snow storms so I am just going to live in ignorant bliss and pretend the snow can't come back - Ha

  68. Arleen: Ok. :)
    Kristen will be on a plane soon I think. I'm sure they'll be pics, if she's leaving from LAX.

  69. Ginger. :):):)
    The sun is out here and it's a gorgeous afternoon but it was a lot cooler this morning. Still a bit breezy, even now.
    We have light sweaters on.

  70. Thanks Annie and Ginger! I will be stepping out soon. Later.

  71. Good morning Saturday,

    Gorgeous beautiful sunshine. No place on earth can beat our Bay Area weather. I look out the window and I see a lot of yellow and light orange filling up my neighbor's loquat tree over the fence. When they're fully ripened, it will be time for me to climb on top the fence and pick how many I can reach. So yummy.

    Well, I am off to take my neice and nephew to have Dim Sum at the shoreline. Enjoy your day folks.

  72. Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gents and happy Saturday.

    Caitlin Moran rules- she's seeing what we've always seen about Kristen. She ignores the rules, that is one of many reasons we love the girl.

    Scan of the Times article talking about Kristen) :)

  73. @Ginger- hello- wow, you guys finally have a nice weather.You guys will be outdoors today?

  74. Rose, so glad to see a new post as always. It doesn't matter if you are behind in your posts.....what matters is how you analyze the bullshit out there and put your crazy twist called reality on it! That is why we love your posts and appreciate you and your opinion. I swear, I laughed so freaking hard this morning after reading Yakety Yak that I nearly pissed myself! I had to go run but wanted to check if you had anything new...needless to say, I smiled all through those 10 miles! Thanks!
    @Arleen Parker...look honey, you need not worry about Kristen. She will be up up and away in good time. Don't stress for Kristen cause she is strong and can deal with the haters as usual....they are nothing in her life. So, Mrs. Pattinson will soon be reunited with her man in good time!!!!
    Waves to everyone and glad to see new posters comment.....always refreshing! Newbies come out and play with us....we won't bite! (caution: haters beware!)
    @DK...did you have a chance to check out the music of Tanlines? They played at Coachella. They are my new fave group. Just wondering.
    @bwen...seen you post on always have nice comments! Glad you are here too!

  75. @KK2
    Just listened to the Tanlines and they are a high energy band with an upbeat sound. Very enjoyable. Thanks.
    You and anyone else can post tunes here, anytime. The more the merrier!

    Happy Day!!

  76. @Gargamel
    I appreciated your triple back flip comment but hope your spine is uninjured! ;)

    Word V:
    travel and tur

    (I certainly am doing both!)

  77. Ginger

    I felt the same way about who was at dinner with Rob. Unless it's Kristen, not really interested except to see adorable Rob. Just posted for anyone interested.

  78. Rain and breezy all day and probably tomorrow here in the Southeast.

  79. I'm looking forward to all the beautiful fashion at the MET, especially what Kristen will wear. It seems like a fun event & she will have quite a few friends there.
    I'm not expecting Rob to make an appearance, but hopefully he & Kristen can have some fun in NYC together.

  80. Ok Roseland

    I am having the best meal I have ever had right now in Charleston with my friend BJ. We have been at a Nirse Anestheaia conference down here since Thursay

    If you ever have the opportunity to come here, go to Halls Chop House. You won't regret this recommendation!!!!

    We have just had fillet mignon to die for .. D I E for.,, lobster , oysters Rockefeller and have just ordered caramel cake with
    Bananas foster and coffe for dessert ...

    I have to go home tomorrow... So sad.. But it's been a nice weekend and yes... Dieting on Monday !!! Lol

    Love the post ROSE :))))))

    Hi to All !!!!

  81. Hi everyone! Just got home from babysitting my nieces. Took them to the park and then went A & W for a small treat. I love it when they come in also in kid size on the shakes. Its cool. While their grandma, uncle, grandpa, and their mom do yard work. Especially when they do mow lawning, and that thing for weeding things. Don't want the kids to get hurt while they do that.
    KStew Krew- Thanks! I am just hoping for good news on her and Rob. Sorry I have been about them all day.
    As for everyone else. Hope you all have a great Saturday.

  82. Ginger- We are going to get a storm here in Logan, Utah. Just got strong windy over here.

  83. Good evening Rose and everyone. Hope your post comes true Rose. There have been some great positive things written about our gal, Kristen lately, especially the one written by Caitlin Moran for the The Times of London. Everyone should read this.

    I don't think Rob will escort Kristen to the Met Gala but I will happily eat my words if they surprise us. Gahd, I thought Kristen would make her way to NYC by now, but c'est la vie, tomorrow it is.

  84. Greetings, friends!

    I am packing to relocate to another friend's house! More wandering for me. Will be on & off as I can, so don't worry about me.

    It will be an exciting R & K next couple of weeks with lots of pics and vids. Happy fans!

  85. Χριστός Ανέστη!
    Happy Easter to those who celebrate it today!
    Happy, happy times ahead!
    Take care!

  86. DreamerKind

    So sorry you still can't go home. Glad to know, though, that you are ok! Yes, we do have some moments to look forward to from our pretty girl, Kristen and handsome Rob.

  87. Good Sunday Morning Roselanders

    WOW, I thought by now we would have seen a pic or at least a tweet about Kristen traveling to NYC.
    She must have been a really good ninja this time :)
    Or I guess it's possible she hasn't left yet ?

    @ DK
    There's no place like home....Sorry you still can't go home yet, hopefully the time will fly by till you can.

    @ Stella and Tuf

    @ LizzieD and Ginger
    Miss ya! I hope all is well :)

    Everyone lurking
    Hope your weekend was great .

  88. Good Sunday Morning to all of you.
    PamH- I hoping that she is in New York with her guy. Keep me posted.
    Ginger and Lizzied- This strong wind had kept me all night. It feels like someone is hitting my roof.

  89. Heya Everyone!!! Having BEAUTIFUL weather in PA these last couple of days! Been gardening and mushroom hunting and dog walking and getting sore muscles and sun burned in the process!

    Can't wait to see what our girl wears to the gala! Saw it live last year on the web but I don't remember where. Does anyone know if that will happen this year?

  90. Morning Ladies and lurking Robert

    @DK - you know you always have a place to stay here :)

    @Pam - was enjoying the sun yesterday then came home and watched Sinister finally. Can I tell you that movie is just so fucked up. I slept with the lights on and have thought twice about excepting any drink my kids offered. I am glad I didn't see it in the theaters because I would have either covered my eyes, yelled that we don't chase noises in the dark, or would have clawed the shit out of the person sitting next to me leg. I don't do well with creepy kids or old people (the Shining still scares the shit out me to this day). Gah

    @Atticus - I don't think so either but would be more than fine being proven wrong. The theme was made for her so it will be interesting to see what she wears

  91. @Barb - there is a live feed I have seen it floating on twitter, when I see it again I will post it for you

  92. Hi everyone! I am so mad right now. One of the member my so called family just pushed my disabled older sister yesterday. It happen at the casino in Gold Coast in Vegas yesterday. I wasn't there but my father inform me about it. I wish I was there that way I would reported to security and police. But my sister will reported to the social worker. First of all you don't hurt family especially when they disabled. I told my father to let her. There is got to be security cameras there that should be watching that. Can they?
    Any ways any news on Kristen?

  93. @ Ginger
    I knew Sinister would get you because of the creepy kids. My next cant wait to see is The Conjuring on July 19th, it has a lot of good people in it, especially excited to see MacKenzie Foy. I really hope that in the future Kristen does another horror type movie...and maybe persuade Rob to do one as well, scary/scarred Rob would probably just crack me up.
    Glad you got to enjoy some great weather for a change :)

  94. @Pam - My son cracked me up - he was so mad at the ending and just kept walking around saying that the movie was wrong on so many levels, it is. The movie surprised me for sure and I was going oh no when you saw what was really going on - great scare with almost no graphic violence and not a lot of special effects. I think (my fingers are crossed as well as my toes) the snow is done

  95. @ Ginger
    I agree, most of all the really good scary movies to me are the psychological scary instead of slasher, bloody, cgi stuff any day. I felt the same way about the ending lol

    I hope K is already in NY and her and Rob are just doing the down low with friends and have managed to not be seen. Maybe we will get a tweet from her hair or make up people tomorrow, I don't know if TS would tell who she's wearing before we see her on carpet ?

  96. PamH and Ginger- Hi girls! I need advice about what I posted about my so called family do you think my sister will do the right thing. About pressing charges.
    I am also hoping and praying that Kristen is there too.

  97. Happy Sunday, Roseland -

    DK - So sorry you're still a (Happy?) Wanderer. I hope things work out soon.

    Arleen - that's terrible! I hope your sister is okay, and that your family "took care of" the culprit, even if it is a family member.

    Atticus - that was a fantastic article. Bravo, Caitlin Moran!

    Ladies - I can't handle scary movies - psychological OR slasher. I'm a weinie.

    Hope to have news of Kristen in NY soon!!! Crossed fingers!

  98. Litmon- Thanks! What really started my father told my disabled sister to get his money from his cousins from bowling money. Then all of sudden one of his cousin pushes her and told her to leave. She is ok. But feeling hurt. Just they have a problem with my dad. There are issues with them. Kinda like when Edward says about family drama. But I don't blame her for to report it.

  99. Hello all.
    Just passed by The MET.......Tent's up for the gsla tomorrow.
    Last year the gala was on May 7th and Kristen left LA for NYC on Sunday the 6th.

  100. Hello Roseland!

    Here's a link for the Gala that hopefully works.

    Hope everyone is happy and healthy.

  101. @Arleen - she should do what feels comfortable for her honestly. I despise people that do that to other people in the 1st place because it takes a lower form of person to pick on someone disabled especially unprovoked but some people just don't feel confident facing the legal system and it is a million times worse when family is involved. Casinos have surveillance everywhere but to get the tapes the police have to be involved or a court order for them

  102. Hi Roseland! Thanks for your advice. I am going to go to church to clear my clear. About what is going on with my family.
    Pisteuo- I will check on that after church. Later.
    Annie-Hello! Thanks for info.

  103. @Litmom - Ha this movie sticks with you big time - I would say it is a cross between The Exorcist, The Ring and The Blair Witch Project. I watched it in the dark and kept looking up the stairs and every noise or shadow freaked me out. I almost succumbed to the safety of the blanket over my face at points

  104. Hello guys,I hope everyone are having a good Sunday.

    We didn't see R/K for 2 days.This 2 are good with their ninja skills.Can't wait to see Kristen tomorrow.

    @Ginger- hello-did the kids slept well?

  105. Thanks for the link, Pisteup!

    Saved it to my favorites for tomorrow evening.

  106. I literally cannot type - PISTEUO. Good lord.

  107. Thank you dear Pisteou.
    Bookmarked it.

    The vid of the Campbell/Bolton presentation explaining and defining Punk Chaos to Couture was an excellent orientation to precede the Met Gala Red Carpet. Really liked the selected fashion pieces Bolton used to illustrate the DIY philosophy of style. Wow! Who knew that the Punk Ethos of DYI was divided into four categories: Hardware, Brickalage, Graffeti and Destroy ( destruction/deconstruction). So cool. Really wish I could see the exhibit. What a fun opportunity for Kristen.

    This is the dress I always associate with Kristen and this style:

    Take care Pisteou!
    Hugs for you and dear Rose.
    Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.
    Life is good.
    Respect Rob and Kristen.

  108. Hi Ginger, Lizzied, Bwen, Rose, Annie, Intruth, DK, KK, Super, Pisteou, Litmom, Holy, Atticus, and the rest of Roselands! Just got home from church. I am starting to feel better after your guys advice about my family.
    I heard Kristen is in New York already.

  109. I hear Kristen is possibly in NYC now and was spotted in Queens. New Yorkers, could you please explain where Queens is in relation to the Bowery Hotel and MOMA. If she is in NYC, man, she sure used her ninja skills. Bravo!

  110. Hello again everyone.

    Kristen is probably in NY right now.I don't think she's still in LA,the Met Gala will be tomorrow already.So excited to see what will Kristen be wearing tomorrow.

  111. Hello Roselands! Sorry I was almost worried about my cat I thought I almost lost her. I pray about it then my prayers have answer she was hiding.
    Glad that Kristen is in New York.

  112. OK Roseland...I think we can all take a collective sigh of relief....wooosaw!!!! Kristen is in NYC...YEAH, gotta love those ninja skills! Patiently awaiting to see what she wears and who she wears and if Rob will escort his lady. I think it would be a tragic shame if Rob and Kristen didn't make a front for the haters and ugly paps by not being together, especially on the red carpet. I say fuck all the haters and do their thing...together. I think they need to say to the world publically through actions like that that they are indeed a couple and don't give a damn what anyone thinks. JMO. I am angry tonight, don't know why. Just want Rob and Kristen to be able to be together publically as far as public work relations. Been eating at me for awhile...sorry for the rant. Frustrated. Sigh.

  113. People are tweeting that Kristen will be with Nicolas G tomorrow at the Met Gala.I hope this true.

  114. got the ninja bout stepping it up to shurikenjutsu? Throw em metal stars at pesterazzi's ass while you sashay past em INVISIBLE!

  115. gargamel and Holy- Hi! How are you? Glad that Kristen is in New York. And safe. I hope she and Rob have a great time. Hope spend time together while there.

  116. @Holy & Arleen
    I'm very well and thank you. Excited for our 'sneaky baby'.

  117. gargamel & Holy- Hi! I am fine. Just went thru with family drama. I am sure you read my post about it. And I thought I almost lost my cat. She is my baby. I can't replace after this. I would be lost without her. She is sweet and loving cat. She likes to be with me at all time except outside. She is indoor cat not an outdoor. Plus I am allergic to fleas. Don't want her to get that.

  118. @Arleen. Glad to hear she's back with you.

    Just finished watching NEWMOON (again). As usual...with the volume turned off lip reading and mentally reciting everyone's dialogue.
    I dare you to tell me you haven't done it.

  119. gargamel- I thought she went outside. We never leave our door open for her. So she never went out. I kept searching calling her out she usually response when I called her. Then when my daughter got home she finally found her. She was under the covers by the couch. Which I didn't notice. I am just glad I have her with me.

  120. Big day today for Kristen. My prediction: she will rock it. I would love to see Rob at her side but if not Nicholas will do, haha!
    It would be so cool if her designer is Nicholas and he has created something for her, so cool.
    See you later Roseland.

  121. Hi guys!
    Sorry I haven't posted on here in awhile but I have been incredibly busy finishing up my semester. It seems lately every site I visit is all panicked over the fact that Kristen and Rob have been separated for, what, a few days? Lol! RPI is the only sane harbor in this sea of crazies, I swear. We all know that Rob has been practically joined at the hip with Kris since he jetted back (early) from Oz. Reason would have it that she more than likely told him to go to NYC early so he could see his friends and attend Tom's play. There is no doubt in my mind that their intentions are to meet up with each other this week. I doubt that he will walk the red carpet with her as her date, but I do think they'll meet up later after the event for parties and such. I have the feeling based on their actions since he returned from Australia that something big is going down. It might be wishful thinking, but all signs seem to be pointing to a….nope, not going to jinx it. We shall wait and see. ;)
    Hope everyone has a great day. Looks like I'll be wading to work this's pouring out here!

  122. Frannie- What do you mean something going down? You mean bad or good?

  123. Morning all.
    Happy to hear that Kristen got into NYC without being papped.
    Atticus: If it's Long Island city, (LIC) Queens then yes, it's close.

  124. Good Morning Roseland!
    Hi Annie! I will be right back soon. Be right back. Going to my sister in law house.

  125. So, Roselanders...

    Will Kristen rock Punk Chaos or Couture tonight? I am leaning toward Chaos. Excited to see either as long as we get to see Kristen. I think Rob and Tom will meet up with their ladies after.

  126. Good Morning Roseland

    @ Frannie
    Great to see you here. I never thought about K wearing a dress by NG but your right she very well could, just imagine how much that would help him because a lot of people are going to watch for what she wears. Like you I also think Rob will join Kristen during after parties but not the ball. Trust me we all hope something big is going down in the near future. Some of us are still going hmmm on the meeting with the designer who just happens to do wedding dresses...but I guess we just have to wait to hear who she's wearing.

    Hope everyone's weekend was good :)

  127. Frannie...

    I posted last week that I had some type of intuition/feeling that something big is about to happen. Like you, I didn't put into writing what I thought it would be as I didn't want to jinx anything. Could be wishful thinking on my part. We shall see...

  128. KStewNews reports that Kristen will attend Met Gala with Nicolas Ghesquiere. I am so excited to see if this is true.

  129. Just like to add that Rob's pals Andrew and Eddie are also in NYC with their girls. Looks like this might be a Brit boys and BBGs week!

  130. Good Morning to all the Roselands! Hi Tuff, Annie, Ginger, Rose, Lizzied, Holy, PamH, Intruth, Super, Robert, DK, KK, and everyone else is on Roseland post. How are you? I can't wait til later to watch MetGala on my computer.

  131. Keeping my fingers crossed for the met gala......

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.

  133. I'm with the others that have their finger crossed fro the Met Gala ;o)

  134. tufenuf55...I hadn't read your comment last week but it sounds like we're on the same wave length! Like you, I have no concrete proof of anything tangible, but I have eyes and a good strong hunch, which combined suggests to me that something major is about to occur between these two (and in a positive way!) Conversely, last summer, I had a hunch that something bad was going to happen between them, and of course, it did. (And even though I am not a controversy theorist, I believed then, as I do now, that there was a lot more to that little drama then we were ever privy to. What amazes me is that everyone in their camp is still so private about it. Which is a good thing.) Anyway, I have my fingers crossed that tonight will bring some pictures and maybe a few small articles (I hate the sensational crap that is intrusive and harmful but I’m no saint…I adore seeing these two together!) It would be fabulous if Rob did walk the carpet with her, but regardless, I do hope that tomorrow will prove they were reunited once again. My magic eight ball says…”Most definitely.” ;)

  135. Hi Ginger, Holy, Tuff, Annie, and the rest of the Roselands! How are you? I am waiting for tonight.

  136. Forgot to mention that Scout answered question on Twitter a couple of days ago that she was still in LA but would be leaving there Monday (today). She is Kristen's BFF. Maybe she's is in NYC. Lots of R&K BFFs in NYC.

  137. AP is reporting that Rob will be attending the Gala tonight! If this is true, I'm over the top!!! Watching Live Stream Red Carpet.

  138. I'm trying to find another LiveStream that shows stars getting out of car and walking red carpet. Any suggestions?

  139. Love it Rose! How nice of Rob to support his friend, very sweet. I love all the pics of Rob and Kristen out doing regular things. cant wait to see what is up next for them.

  140. Hello ladies and gents.

    I think I'm going to have a heart attack waiting for Kristen to show up.LOL

  141. Dakota Fanning, another Kristen bestie, is in NYC and at Met Gala.

  142. Kristen just arrived and wearing a Stella McCarthy outfit,it looks like a catsuit.

    Katy Perry just ran over to hug Kristen Stewart. #MetBall

  143. Just saw Kristen and Stella McCartney being interviewed. Kristen is soooo beautiful. Her makeup and outfil are amazing!

  144. Wow, didn't expect Stella but I loved the color of Kristens outfit.
    She says she's not in NY long, in and out.

  145. I fucking LOVE her outfit. It looks so comfortable. I would totally wear it and she is totally rocking that burdundy number, looking real confident. I am so happy for her.

  146. SOOO, what does everyone think of Kristen's dress? Well, not a dress, guess a pantsuit? I think she looks lovely, edgy and confident.

    My guess is that she & Rob will head across the pond after this, we shall see.

  147. HI EVERYONE!!! I apologize for being MIA the past few days, work has been killing me and now, I fear I'm getting a cold. I don't do colds well. Can't slow down to get better either.

    I have lurked a bit but only was able to scan a few comments and I appreciate the "hellos" I've received and feel bad for not being able to communicate with everyone.

    I look forward to pics of Kristen later and hopefully some pics of her and Rob doing after party. Guess we'll have to be patient and see, right?

    LIZ IN LALA LAND --- TWIRLING ... our girl is growing up, looked so confident tonight, wow!!!

  148. @ LizzieD
    I loved the color. I just wasn't thinking about SM being her choice for her outfit. I hope she gets to catch up with some of her friends tonight since there are so many there especially Dakota.
    I guess we will be waiting to hear if they attended any after parties, if Rob is still there also. She commented that she wasn't staying in NY but I would say that even if I were if I was Kristen.

  149. Y'all, I just had a thought ... perhaps Rob is babysitting with Marlowe??? As Tom & Sienna are at the Gala and the dressing up thing isn't his favorite, could be, right?

  150. PAMH -- "waves" ... I loved the color, also, looked really good on her. I agree that Kristen would say that about not staying in NYC no matter what, LOL. Anything to throw off the paps, I think.

  151. another great angle at her whole look

    i hope we get hq pics soon.

    and lmao, is that katy perry behind her, looking like queen cleopatra? No, katy, just no.....but I love Katy perry.

  152. I just noticed Kristens shoes they have spikes on the back :)
    Her and Katy seem to be sticking close together so that's probably who she'll be with throughout the event.

    @ LizzieD
    I haven't seen a photo of Sienna yet, so Tom attended with her ?
    I'd love to see Rob doing Uncle Eddie babysitting duty lol

  153. Spent an exhausting 12 hour day on the road. Glad to be home. Kristen punkin' it out with Stella McCartney...gorgeous. Keeping my fingers, toes and anything anatomical that can be crossed for good things to come tonight and beyond. Some of us are a superstitious bunch, huh, lol!

    @Annie, waves, thanks!

  154. Dummy me I meant Uncle Rob, to much fanfic on the brain =D

  155. Hi everyone.
    Lizzied- I hope you feel better. Is it raining and windy where you at? Because over here I am getting a storm over the weekend and now.
    I can't believe Kristen is not staying long. Why? I hope Rob and her are ok.

  156. Kristen looks gorgeous as always and those eyes are so hypnotizing.Good lord the girl is hot with that red outfit.

    WAVES- Tuf/Topaz/Pam/Arleen/Annie/Lizzied/DK/K2 and to those I miss.

    @Ginger- girl where are you.

  157. Kristen rocked the punk look.

    Kirsten Dunst was also there. Not sure if Garrett is in town, but so many, many friends of Rob and Kristen are in the same place at the same time.

  158. Hi Holy- I miss you too.

  159. Dakota Fanning had a very grown up look with her sheer bodice with wings on her back. It looked very nice on her, more grown up than she usually wears.

    Finally seen Tom & Sienna together, it's great to see him out and about even though he seems like Rob in it not being his thing really.

  160. PAMH -- LOL, I know where your mind was thinking about "Eddie" ...

    Yes, Tom was with Sienna and they looked cute, both in same designer, I think.

    ARLEEN -- Buck up, girl, R & K are completely fine. Whether Kristen was telling the truth about not staying in NYC remains to be seen. My guess is they'll head over to the UK for his birthday and maybe, just maybe, they'll go on to Cannes. We'll just have to wait and see, right? BUT, even if K goes home to LA and R goes to the UK doesn't mean they're not fine. He needs to spend some time with his family with or without her. Just because they're not shooting movies at the moment doesn't mean they don't have other work commitments that we're not aware of.

  161. Holy, waves :) She looks amazing, fierce and confident and that's the way she should look.

    and the rumor about her showing up with Nicholas G was so so wrong, who the hell spread that rumor? People lie too much, i can't stand it. i'll never believe anything about her anymore until it happens. for some reason, i don't want her to stay in NYC for long. I would like to see her fly back home to LA very soon, back to bear and bernie.

    i'm hungry now, gotta eat, hubs is cooking and it smells so good....

    kristen = beautiful always.

    good night.

  162. Lizzied- Thanks! I just want to be clear. I hope she goes with them to the UK and then to Cannies. I hope. I am glad they are ok. I guess I worried too much. Can't help it. I care for them.

  163. ARLEEN -- You are definitely not the only person who would love to see them go to UK and/or Cannes together. I only wanted to impart that just because they might not go together doesn't mean that their relationship is not as solid as a rock. I think everyone here loves them and worries about them, also.

  164. TOPAZ -- lucky you having a hubs who cooks !!! Enjoy your dinner ...

  165. Kristen's eye make up and that burgandy (red?) color make her eyes look even more green!

  166. Lizzied- Thanks! I guess I just started you know as women get every month. Its must got to me. When I get that I end depress or emotional. And thanks I am glad I am not the only one is worried. I am sure you guys are too.

  167. Evening Ladies and lurking Robert

    @Holy - waves. I could barley keep up with Twitter for a while there

    I liked the color and the top of her outfit and she was one of the few that got it right tonight. Sorry I didn't expect so many bad prom dresses with the theme. Her hair and make up was A++ tonight as well. I liked Sienna's outfit as well.

  168. Arleen -- I feel your pain. I used to have bad depression in the old days, LOL, at 61 don't have to worry with that.

    I don't worry so much about "them" as I worry about their wellbeing and their safety, together and apart. They are so solid in their relationship that we really shouldn't be worrying about that. Only about the paps invading their privacy and them enjoying their lives in spite of their lack of privacy.

    I'm going to bed soon, nursing my cold. Goodnight, All!!!

    LIZ IN LALA LAND --- TWIRLING because of all the nice pics we're going to see tomorrow :-)

  169. DIFFERENT SUBJECT, Y'ALL ... CNN is reporting that 3 missing women have been found alive after almost 10 years. Two were taken when they were 14 and 17, not sure how old the other one was when she disappeared. AMAZING that they are all alive, living in the same house, same guy, in Cleveland. Many happy families tonight and lots of prayers answered tonight. Miracles do happen.

  170. @Holy
    While you were waiting for your impending 'heart attack' ...moments later...i was being resuscitated! I had it worse. Sooooo happy!!!

  171. @Ginger- hey there,finally you're here.I was waiting for you to show up in twitter.LOL

    @gargamel-I thought I'm going to have a heart attack.Kristen takes forever to show up.Damn, the girl was probably still cuddling with Rob,until it's time for her to go.LOL

  172. I was really disappointed by the hosts and coverage of Met Gala. We didn't get to see Kristen arrive, walk the Red Carpet, and the interviewers were terrible. JMO

  173. Wow, just WOW!!!!! That is truly all one can say about Kristen tonight.....WOW!!!!! I love it when she wears red, the eye makeup is absolutely exquisite and does make her green eyes pop! Damn girl is fine....such a cute bod too! Legs forever! Girl cleans up nicely... I do love my hobo Kristen too! need a chill pill or at least a good stiff drink to calm those nerves, you crack me up! Ten deep breathes in and out slowly, lol! You mark my words, all is well with the Pattinson's! Rob and Kristen always end up together!
    @Holy....good to hear from you, missed you. Waves back at ya! Funny comment about R and K making out until last minute....can you blame him...she is red hot!
    @Ginger...good to see you post too.
    @Robert...I know you are there....waves!
    @Topaz your comments about Kristen killing it tonight! Agree with you 100%.

  174. KStew Krew- Lizzied already clear it up for me. I know and I am sorry. My mind going thru alot. As you read my yesterday post. My family problems. About my disabled sister. She is just in shock same things as you if were attack or accidents. Those kinda shock. When thanks to all of you for support on that. Then I thought I almost lost my cat. And thanks good she is home. I never let her outside. Because I am allergic to fleas. And today I started you know as women gets every month. Me I just care about them as you do. I know they are together. Some of the twitters saying that Tom gave Kristen and Sienna a ride. I think Or in the same car. Which I am glad.

  175. Just let you all know my disabled sister is ok. She is not physcial hurt. Just feelings hurt. I had to talk to her. Her and rest of my family lives in LA. I am all the way in Utah. I can only talk to her on phone and/or computer. Its helps. I can only calm her down. My father is already taking care of her. Right now which is good. So thanks to all of you. Me I am still mad at the family for it. I think she did the right thing by telling her worker. I am hoping something good will do.

  176. What can we say about Kristen's eyes that hasn't been said. It's a TKO and can send you to the moon. Heard she's getting rave reviews from all the fashion outlets. Seen pics of other startlets and most of them did not dress the part of the MetGala's theme.

    No Rob, but we got the next best thing...Kristen left with Tom & Sienna. No doubt who they're gonna meet up with.

    @Arleen, glad your sister is physically OK which must be a load off your mind. Still it hurts.

  177. Mornin' everyone.

    Don't remember when I've seen such interesting and fun rockin' fashions or event. Met Gala I mean you. Kristen & Sienna I mean you, two. Everyone tickled my fancy but I am fancy free like that.

    Almost ready to retire and sleep away after my busy day.

    Fare well, all of you fair ones.

  178. bed...adrift to la-la-land with a plastered smile on my face...(drool alert).
    That's sum smoky, purr-fect cat-eye. It's almost vampire-bella if not for the natural green.

  179. Good morning to all the Roselands! I have one thing to say to Eonline about Kristen and Katy. I can't believe they say they had worst dressed. Which I think they look beautiful. Its their personality. They can have their own fashion look. But I am glad that Kristen is with Rob after MetGala. Her, Tom and his girl, Dakota, and Ruth went to dinner. I saw it on one of the Twitters.

  180. HI ALL!



  181. Yes, she rocked it,yes she did. Loved the eyes!

  182. LOL Rose, Just reread the post (see something new every time I read them)! They are real and they are SPECTACULAR! Hehe love that episode of Seinfeld!

    I really have nothing more to add about the Gala cause I knew she would look PERFECT!

    Twirlllling allll the Waaaay!

  183. Hi Ginger, Rose, Lizzied, Holy, and the rest of Roseland. Hey Rose when are you going to do another blog.
    I can use some good news. To keep my mind off of things.

  184. Hello everyone.

    Still looking at some of Kristen's pics last night.Our girl is hot.

    We have Rob/Kristen's sighting last night after the event,eating dinner I guess,with Dakota F and Ruth was there too.Oh,I love that pic of Katy P.pinching Kristen's ass.LOL.

  185. Holy

    Thanks for that pic. Really shows that they have a great friendship! lol

  186. I can't stop clicking and zooming her pics.

  187. gargamel

    I'm with you. The more I look at her the more I am loving the look she was rocking last night. She is getting top 10 most daring looks on People. I doubt FP will give her anything, as usual. Kelly has stopped crucifying her and leaving it to Joan to do so fans of Kristen will leave her (Kelly) alone. Not that it matters whatever those vipers say about Kristen, her true fans will never desert her. Love to our BBG for job well done!!!

  188. @Ginger- waves.

    @Tuf- hello,you're welcome.

    @gargamel- take a deep breath,you might pass out.LOL.

    So Kristen went to see The Orphans today.I love how supportive Rob/Kristen with their friends.


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.