The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

This is still one of my favorite Rob/Kristen moments.
The way he looks out for her.
The way he takes care of her.
You don't 'fake' that.
That's not an act.
He saw she was nervous and shaking...
He gently nudges her to remind her
that he is right there
That it will be OK.
He's not going to let anything happen to her.
That is Rob and Kristen.

And as it goes...
That is MY impression of Rob and Kristen.
I don't speak in absolutes like so many do.
I only speak to what I see
What I know.

I truly believe that this fandom is afraid.
All of it.
For different reasons.

Serious walk.

The Ninnies are terrified that their 'single' Rob
is just a myth... a fantasy fed to them by gossip rags.

The Nonberts are petrified that their 'baby girl' truly
hasn't walked away from Rob...

The Robsten/Shippers are afraid to hope.
They want so desperately to believe
but remain cautious and wary.

The Robsessed are worried too...
They try so hard to just focus on Rob
but are scared that Kristen is still in his life
because they are Ninnies at heart.

Did I leave anyone out?


Pictures come out...
and immediately it is a statement
as to the status of Rob and Kristen.

Rob goes to a Beyonce concert with friends
So of course he's enjoying 'single' life.
Lord knows you can't love someone
and go and enjoy a concert.
That's forbidden.

Kristen goes to Paris for Fashion week
so that means she's 'showing' the world
that she's happy and single.
We all know that Kristen has never gone to
Fashion week before and looked fabulous
and been glowing with happiness.

Rob goes grocery shopping with his buddy...
"Rob is free!"
"Look how happy he is!"
For sure!
Grocery shopping is something only guys
who cherish their freedom can do.
I guess he better stock up now...

Is she for real?

I get asked a lot
a lot
If I think the redhead in the truck is Kristen.
(and you can 'dead horse' me all you want... go for it)
I will be perfectly honest.

 When I first saw the pictures...
I thought it looked like Kristen
but the red hair threw me.
But truly
Everyone that posted those pics added
'Kristen Stewart lookalike' to their narrative.
Why isn't it Kristen?
Because they have 'broken up'?
Because of the red hair?

In the sunlight... her hair IS red.
Who knew?
I mean... look at the above picture.
Pretty much the same shade of red... yes?
And then you add in the glasses.
and the profile...
and yeah.
It's a definite Kristen Stewart LOOKALIKE.
Or just Kristen Stewart.

I can't believe it either...

Does that make me in denial?
I don't think it does.
I'm just calling it like I see it.
I'm not making shit up.
It's all there.
It's my perception.

Of course it might not be reality.
We might never know who that girl is...
But at least I realize that 
Just like you have to at least consider it could be her.

You don't have to believe in Rob and Kristen.
You don't have to think that is Kristen in the truck.
You don't have to think that Kristen was incredibly
gorgeous and fabulous and glowing with happiness in Paris
(and only one guy makes her look like that)

It doesn't matter to me.

But unless you are hating on Rob and/or Kristen
I will respect your opinion...
and I won't force feed you mine
and judge you because of it.

I realize that my thoughts are clouded by the last four years.
How can they not be?
We had four years of love and devotion
I don't believe either one of them can just turn their back on that.
They share so much.
They went through so much.
They love so much.

I'm one of the 'hopeful' ones.
I'm not afraid to admit it.
I believe in Rob and Kristen.
And until they show me differently...
I will continue to have faith.

I won't tell you what to believe.
or think.
You can figure it out.

But even if you don't want them together...
and you adore Rob
How about you just leave Kristen alone?
And if you adore Kristen...
How about you just leave Rob out of it?
If you are SO sure of where you stand...
SO positive that this is the end...
Then enjoy it.
Wallow in it.
Roll around in your joy
Why continue to hate on someone that you
think is no longer a factor in their life?
Hating them just shows that you're not certain.
That you're afraid.
Everyday you wake up hoping today won't be the day
that a picture of Rob and Kristen together comes out...
You know its true.
You. Are. Scared.
Otherwise what Rob and/or Kristen does apart from the other
shouldn't matter to you.

So fucking true.
And it's coming back around...

See that corner? It's been turned.

This post is brought to you by

My beloved Thomas Sturridge.
I adore him.

And this post is brought to you by the word 

Maybe people who 'believe' in Rob and Kristen
are said to be a bit delusional for the past 2 months...
I don't know.
But I do know that haters were delusional for over 4 years...
So we ain't even close.

Gnaw on that.

Until next time.

Bye for now


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DreamerKind said...

For Tracybell


Will Smith/DJ Jazzy Jeff:

Thank you/DJJazzyJeffVEVO

Tbell said...

Aaaaaah...thank you it!

Elizbeth said...

Sorry I am posting this late. Been a busy day. But here goes:

Hi all. I said I would tell you guys this story that is totally Twilight related when I got a chance. Well, here it goes. So last night our air/heat repair guy came over to check our central air ( the stupid thing decided to quit working just when temperatures is soring to 90-97 degrees). Any way, we got to talking about little things here and there, somewhere in this little chat my husband mentions that I am a Twilight fan. I don't know how that got into the conversation since we were talking about music. The guy goes, "twilight! You mean that silly show? I liked the first one. The one with Brad Pitt." So I said, "you mean 'Interview with the Vampire'? Hed said yes. I asked why he liked Interview with a Vampire more and his response was because he like his vampires ruthless, killers, and all the other gory stuff that comes with it. "But these twilight guys", he said, "they are walking in the daylight, handsome, all well built and all. Not real vampires." Now, mind you, my husband is not into Twilight, but he is fair. He then reminded the guy that there are no rules for vampires as they are completely imaginary creatures. I told this guy a story I will now share with you. My mother in law in her teens/early twenty went to school in London. During this time, she use to spend some afternoons during school breaks watching movies. Back in the eighties and nineties, she will tell me how she and her friends would go see this vampire film, again and again, and when they got home they were so scared that they couldn't sleep. After hearing this for so long, I finally asked her why she would go see a film again and again that scared her so much. She said this: because the vampire was so charismatic and romantic, and although he scared her with the coffins and bloody stuff, she could not resist going to catch a glimpse of him again and again. I told the air/heat repair guy, that through out the years/decades, women always loved vampire films. From my mother in law's generation, to my generation when interview with a vampire came out. I still remember the frenzy. How do you think Brad Pitt got famous? Stephanie Meyers is a genius. And people can say what they want about her books, but who is laughing last? In her vampires world, she give us what women always wanted; our magical creatures without the coffins an bloody stuff. And then my husband blew my mind by telling the air/heat repair guy this: "Twilight is one of the greatest love story ever told. It is about a girl and a boy falling in love regardless of their impossible circumstance and both willing to die for other. People think it is silly because they are teenager, but people couldn't be more wrong". The air/heat repair guy never read the books, he watched every single one of the films in the theater. He said that it was not like Interview with a Vampire, and that it was a corny film. We all had fun discussing the films. And when he left our house, our teenage daughter had been listening the whole time with her room with her door slightly opened. She came downstairs as the guy drove out of our driveway. "He is not a fan of Twilight?" she asked. "Nope", I said. "Really?", she asked. The first time, he didn't know it a silly film; the second time, maybe someone twisted his arm; the third time, someone dragged him there? And the fourth time, someone stuck a gun to his head? You see something one time and if it sucks you don't go see it three times after that. He is a freaking "Closet Twilighter mom." I laughed to hard. I just had to share with you guys. So many closet twilighters out there!!!

Barb said...

Elizabeth I love your daughter "a freakin' closet twilighter" That is to funny! :)

Elizbeth said...

Guys, I notice couple of errors in my previous post. That's what happens when you're sneaking off posting instead of working. I had to hurry so I can make my train on time. Oh, you know the actor Kristen sat next to at the Channel show ( Michael Pitt)? When I worked at the Grace building (NYC), I got in the elevator and there he was with two it three other guys. I was frozen. I remember two things only, (1) his skin was flawless and (2) people shouldn't look that good. He looked a hundred times better than in the movies and his hair, at the time was the usual blond. I met my husband outside and I was shaking. He was laughing at me saying "I thought you say celebrities don't rattle you?". Lol. This was made year. HBO us in the Grace building. Cheers

Super RN Gas Passer said...


A lovely story ...none of us would be here and R and K may have never met if not for Stephenie Meyer...let's not forget that!!! And all because of a is a sobering thought...

Anonymous said...

Hi to all Roselands! I just got home from work and babysitting. Did I anything while I was out?
vernistene- Thanks! I am glad you guys are not mad at me. I am also glad I am not the only one who pissed at these idiots.
Elizabeth- Thanks. I am glad that you love my post.
Super- Hi! How are you?
Tracybell- Hi! How are you? I agree with you about the phones.
PamH- Hi! How are you?
Em- Hi! How are you? How is your summer?
Pist- Are you leaving us? I hope not.
As for everyone else I hope you have a great day. Just keep me posted.

Elizbeth said...

I do browse other sites such as Robsten Dreams and other Robsten sites. It is sad how the haters could never and will never accept Rob and Kristen together no matter how obvious it is that they are and always have been together. This doesn't bother me no more than it bothers Rob and Kristen. What bothers me is how the so called fans are so easily persuaded. Some hater comes on and says they broke up and they say, "ooh, now I am sad. I miss them so much". Now someone wrote that the person in the truck was 52 year old Julianne Moore, and not Kristen. They buy that too. So easily persuaded. And here is the kicker, and I say this because I am a woman. It bothers me that every time it is assumed a couple has broken up, the woman is the one with the broken heart, the one crushed, the devastated one, the broken one; while the man is free and happy at last. The brain twister here is that it is women who are thinking this way. In all my forty something plus years on this earth, it is my experience that all the personal relationships I know that ended, it was my lady friends who give the boot; the good old "pack your shit and get the hell out". It is 2013 and women are still trying to burn other women. It rubs me the wrong way. We are by far stronger than that. You can still love someone with all your heart but never giving them the power to own you. No man can break you as he did not make you. Now that I've got that off my chest, I hope everyone had/is having a pleasant evening. I am going out for ice cream. Hugs to all.

Pisteuo said...

Hey Roseland!
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

Hi Arleen, no sweetie, I'm not going anywhere. What makes you think that? I'm just busy with summer adventures, :))

So, stay Happy, Happy, Happy Roseland!!! :)))

DreamerKind said...

Ice cream would be my choice after pondering the mystery of human actions, male or female. Great idea, and so I shall.

DreamerKind said...

I have lost my cool on Roseland, my peace of mind, used cursing (fuck, fuck it, marry, kill or fuck!), and have even been misunderstood.
Blogs and comments on them, can be misconstrued and abused. Media can use what we say, too. (Thinking that they do!) I heart you, too!

DreamerKind said...

Peeking around the corner..and it's all clear. Lovely.

Maybe more music tomorrow, if I get it in gear.

***Happy birthday you super rn gas passer, you!

To everyone who celebrates in July, cheers to you!

Birdie said...

What? A birthday for Super? Happy,happy birthday Super! Have a wonderful day.
Happy birthday to all you other July babies.
Have a wonderful day, Roseland.

Pisteuo said...

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Super!!! Have a freaking awesome day!! HUGS!!!

Tbell said...

@super and barb
Happy birthday girls!

Super RN Gas Passer said...

Thank you BIRDIE, PIST,DK and TRACYBELL and Happy Birthday BARB!!!

MELINDA. If you are out there HUGS and Happy BDay:))

Vernier said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear super and Barb.....
Happy Birthday to you!!!!
And Many More.......;))))
Happy Birthday you two and to all who have a birthday in Roseland today.

olivia said...

Dear Super,

Wishing you a lovely and very happy, happy, Happy Birthday today and many wonderful birthdays to come.
Of course, the celebration must continue with a serenade by the Roseland favorites.

And a longer version by Sir Paul. Enjoy!

((Hugs)) for you, dear Super.

Hugs for y'all.
Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.
Respect Rob and Kristen.
Life is very good.

Kay said...

Happy Birthday!! To all of the July babies out there, and happy, happy Thursday Roseland! ❤

Anonymous said...

Good Thursday morning to all the Roselands! Hi Holy, Mari, RKsoulmates 913 (oooh it's fun to type that) Kay, wonderfulbliss, Nora, DreamerK, Whyistherum, Katy, Barb, Kathy, Robert, Birdie, Elizabeth, linese, Stella, vernistene, tufenuff, Olivia, Super, PamH, LizzieD, Pisteuo, Em, Sue, Linz,Litmon, ADD, Zkorpiozz, Rose, artemisluvv, Ginger, and the rest of the Roselands! I am getting ready for work. Keep me posted on our couple.
Happy Birthday to Super and Barb! I hope you make your wishes come true.
Olivia- Hi and Hugs!
Pist- Hi and Hugs! Sorry didn't get back to you. I was tired and emotional right now. For a week. You know women get everytime of the month they do get emotional during that time.
DK- Hi and Hugs! I hope you're not mad at me. If you are I am sorry whatever it is. You are a good person. And hope you're comfortable in your new place.
Well got to go now. Have to get ready and go to work. But keep me posted. I believe in you Rose and everyone on Roselands too.

Elizbeth said...

For Super and Barbs (Happy Birthday Ladies!!!!!)
I would send you a dozen roses if I could
Red and yellow roses to color your day
But roses wither and are soon forgotten
So I'll give you words today
and hope they'll stay with you for all your days
Happy Birthday, Super and Barbs. May God grant you many more.

Best wishes,


Here is my gift to you. I know, you may have read this before, but I wanted to send it to you today just the same. Hope you like it. I read it when I was in my teens. The meaning is clearer and more powerful now that I am older and wiser.

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

DreamerKind said...

Happy Birthday to you, Barb!

Happy day, Roselanders!

Pattybg said...





Elizbeth said...

@Pattybg You are welcome :)

Unknown said...

Thought you all might find this post interesting! I certainly did!

Barb said...

Thanks for the b-day wishes everyone!


Pisteuo said...

Happy, Hapy, Happy Birthday Barb!!!
I hope you're having an awesome day!

Ah Elizbeth, you picked one of my favorites by Max Ehrmann. Great poet!

Barb said...

Thank you so much Elizabeth! I think I will have to save that! Thank you again. ♥

Anonymous said...

Hi to all the Roselands! I just got home from work and cleaning my house. As a housewives do.
lacy gera- Hi! How are you? Love the blog. I am staying all of them. Included here too.
Barb- Hi! Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoy your birthday with your family and friends.
As for rest of you have a great day. I am about to get ready for my book club with my friends soon. Keep me posted.

Holy said...


@Barb- HAPPY B-DAY!!!!!!!

olivia said...

Dear Barb,
Have a wonderful and very Happy Birthday!

tufenuf55 said...

Happy, Happy Birthday to Super and Barb! Hope you are having a fabulous day!!!

Ginger with a Soul said...

Evening Ladies and Robert

Happy Birthday Barb and Super !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Holy, Mari, RKsoulmates 913 (oooh it's fun to type that) Kay, wonderfulbliss, Nora, DreamerK, Whyistherum, Katy, Barb, Kathy, Robert, Birdie, Elizabeth, linese, Stella, vernistene, tufenuff, Olivia, Super, PamH, LizzieD, Pisteuo, Em, Sue, Linz,Litmon, ADD, Zkorpiozz, Rose, artemisluvv, Ginger, and the rest of the Roselands! Just got home from book club. Very interest history there about the dust bowl. I even watch a video about it. I love history. Anyways, Any new on our couple?
Super & Barb- Happy Birthday. Hope you both had a great birthday with your families and friends.

DreamerKind said...

Well, blow me over! My new neighbor gave me a leather recliner, so after watching Richard Burton on YT, talk about a public, private life, I'm going up to her place, with a bottle of red with glasses, and free our minds from stress.
Meaning I'll help her pack her kitchen. My future DIL, now darling daw, saved me 2 years ago, so I'll pay it forward.

Nothing is awry, yet is not aligned but you are me and I am you! Sillybilly.

DreamerKind said...

I love ginger, anything! It stops a cough.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone on Roseland! I just want to say goodnight. Keep me posted. Goodnight.

Unknown said...

Hi, Rose. I love your post. Well, Your posts always amaze me.
I adore them on that gif, and I don't know if you notice the slight nudge that Kristen gave to Rob, it was like silent communications between them :)

katy said...

Good morning Roseland,

Happy Belated Birthday Super and Barb!!! Hope you both had lots of fun.

Arleen, Rob and Kristen seem to be getting ready for work...and that's good news. :))

Wish you all a happy Friday. :)

Anonymous said...

Good Friday Morning to all the Roselands! Hi everyone. How are you? I just got up and getting ready to go to babysitting and work. And tonight I am also babysitting. I am sleeping over at my sister in law's house.
Katy- Thanks. That is good news. Just keep me posted will you all.
DK- You're silly sometimes. But its cool. Sounds like you got good neighbor.
Anyways, to go now. Take care everyone.

Monica said...

"No man can break you as he did not make you." Yay, love this one, @Elizbeth~~

Monica from Asia

Em said...

wow so I missed birthdays n celebrations lol happy birthday super n Barb hope u guys had n awesome time ;)

I'm still crazy busy lol was kinda in a funk but much better days now :))

okay guys wish I could be around more but in the words of our aweosme Pist just stay happy happy happy n keep having fun

Elizbeth said...

Happy friday everyone. Stay healthy and safe. Break a smile because life is good. I heart all of you. :))

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone on Roseland! I just got home from work, babysitting, and errands. But just let you know I won't respond tonight because I am babysitting mean I am spending the night at my sister in law's house. Watching my nieces. But I will talk to you guys tomorrow. Keep me posted on our couple. I am keeping positive, faith, prayers, and in my heart for them.

KStew Krew said...

WTF did u just say? I need translation plz. Headache full blown cause you are the hypocrite. I am a Robsten fan....don't lump me with your narrow minded bullshit. I hate that term Robsten. So I will say again... I am a fan of both. More so for Kristen...I have always been honest about that fact. You need to learn to formulate a complete thought and make a complete statement before you come out and make stupid comments. Go back to second grade and learn to write and comprehend and formulate your thoughts before posting idiot.

KStew Krew said...

@Holy.....waves back at ya!!! Miss u guys! Been busy but reading comments and lurking when I can, you all make me laugh and cry at the same time!!!! Love how RPI takes care of the trolls...don't they know better by now? Lol!!!!
Always twirling with Liz!!!! Never lost the faith!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi to all the Roselands! I am leaving now. Going over to my sister in law's house. Having a sleep over with my two nieces. Keep me posted on our couple. Talk to you all tomorrow. Take care you all.

tufenuf55 said...

Hello all Roselanders and supporters of Rob, Kristen and Tom!

Am I the only one that wonders if the first Kristen ring has been melted down and incorporated into the new Kristen ring? I know, I'm nuts, but have wondered about this for some time now. Only felt comfortable to putting this out there.

Pattybg said...



P said...

@tufenuf55 I like the way you think! That makes sense to me. A great way to make the new ring even more meaningful and the reason we haven't seen it!

PamH said...

Hello Roseland

@ tuf
Your not the only one to think that about the rings I discussed the same thing with Ginger last week thru email. It makes since with the missing of one and the appearance of the other and the multi color of the new bling...yes it would make the rings that much more meaningful to them.

@ Pattybg
Congratulations to your Goddaughter :)

Have a good weekend everyone

Barb said...

@ Olivia LOL thanks sweetie Love the kitty! sooooooo cUte!! (and the rest of the mix :))♥

Barb said...

@ Super lol I may be younger but where you work you can easily make yourself look younger. That's what is no fair. LOL ;)

Super RN Gas Passer said...


Good morning...well you can't blame me for trying ...I decided many years ago that I was going to look good going down the toilet:))))


Thanks:))) I hope you have a lovely weekend in Portugal. If it doesn't stop raining here in SC I'm going to have to use a boat instead of a car...Take care !!!


Whoa ...I scanned back through the comments. Did I miss something???


I haven't talked to you in awhile...Hooe you are doing well


HUGS and thanks for the songs!!! You are wonderful:)))

Have a great weekend everybody. We are going to Myrtle Beach for the weekend....but it's going to rain, rain, rain but I'm going to be happy, happy happy...tttyl

Anonymous said...

Good Saturday Morning to all the Roselands! Hi Holy, Mari, RKsoulmates 913 (oooh it's fun to type that) Kay, wonderfulbliss, Nora, DreamerK, Whyistherum, Katy, Barb, Kathy, Robert, Birdie, Elizabeth, linese, Stella, vernistene, tufenuff, Olivia, Super, PamH, LizzieD, Pisteuo, Em, Sue, Linz,Litmon, ADD, Zkorpiozz, Rose, artemisluvv, Ginger, and the rest of the Roselands! Sorry I didn't respond last night. I was babysitting and sleep over at my sister in law's house with my two nieces. We had a great time. I am still babysitting today. We are going on a walk today to the farmers market. Then to my house. Keep me posted on our coup;e.
Super and Barb- I hope you are having great a birthday.
I will talk to you guys later.

Anonymous said...

Good Saturday Morning. Hi to all the Roselands! Just stopping by then I will be leaving in a few minutes. Then will leave to the farmers market. Keep me post on our couple. I know its no news as good news. Later.

Anonymous said...

@ Tuf, I thought the same thing about the new ring and in fact I also wonder if her infamous necklace didn't also get incorporated into the new ring as well. It's an interesting speculation in nay case. I do see to recall some months back that Rob was designing her a ring. I didn't give it too much thought since most of what I read back then was from less than credible sources but now I am beginning to wonder if there wasn't some truth to it. All I know is that these two love to keep-em guessing and it's working. Lol!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Barb said...

I did some lookin up on that new ring. It seems like it is an eternity ring. The Brits call it red gold. They seem to be around for a very long time cause I found a similar one on an antique jewelry auction site from the early 1900's. That seems like something that would appeal to Rob and Kristen. ♥

Melinda said...

Hi Roseland,

It's been a really long time but all is good with me. I hope everyone is staying happy and keeping the peace here. Happiness instead of misery always wins. :)

SUPER- just wanted to say thanks so much for the b-day shout out. I had a great time being with those I love. Can't ask for anything more! Happy birthday to you too. Hope you had a wonderful day!

Excited for new projects for Rob, Kristen and Tom. Always, always wishing them happiness and all good things. That will never change.

Rose, just wanted to say also that I'm sorry you are dealing with some hard stuff in your life. Wishing you better days and making happy memories that will last a lifetime.

Take care Roseland and stay happy!

tufenuf55 said...

I had forgotten about the necklace. Thanks for the reminder.

TY for the interesting facts on the history of the new ring. I agreel, that it is something that would definitely appeal to R&K.

tufenuf55 said...


I am thanking you for your dedication to this blog and to those of us that agree with the support you give Kristen and Rob and to Tom. It means the world to us Roselanders. Again, thank you so much for you time and love!

tufenuf55 said...


I live in SC and we've only had rain twice. The first time was about 30 days and the 2nd has been about 40 days! LOL

tufenuf55 said...

Special "hello" to Holy, Arleen, Super, Barb, PattyB, Ginger, and to everyone else whose name I sure I have forgotten to list here. I hope regardless of the weather, all are having a good Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Tuff- Hi! How are you? You're special to me.

Elizbeth said...

Good afternoon all. Another rainy day in my neck of the woods. I just got my first reading glasses; can someone please recommend a good book. Hope everyone is having a good day today. It is raining cats and dogs on a Saturday afternoon in the middle of Summer. Go figure. I am sipping lemonade and watching movies, legs stretched out on my coffee table, checking out Rose's blog. Yes, happiness is what you make it. I might even spoil myself with a date with my husband. There is a nice bar/restaurant about three miles from me. I feel like dressing up and being a naughty tease and I am going for it. Hugs to all. Keep twirling and before this day is over, I'll visit here a few more times. I love happy places, sue me. :)

DreamerKind said...

Good evening!

Certainly don't have any fun plans, as you do tonight, but may walk among the vintage vehicles lining the streets here again. Sure would like some wine, too.

I loved the first two books of this triolgy by Deborah Harkness:

"The All Souls Trilogy follows the story of Diana Bishop, a historian and reluctant witch, as she solves the mystery of Ashmole 782, falls in love with a mysterious vampire named Matthew Clairmont, and learns how powerful it can be to accept who you are."

Back later. Happy day!

Tbell said...

Otherwise occupied and otherwise alone by Shay savage. You'll love them...

Barb said...

Who is the blonde lady behind Kristen in the G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. picture? I know who Ruth is but, who was the dark haired woman with her at the Murad show?

@Pist Ty for the happy wishes! It was a pretty good b-day. :)

KStew Krew said...

@Super!!! I was posting in response to a troll and for some reason it didn't post under their comment..I forget who it was now, so it kinda looks like I went on some rant like a crazy person! I hate these damned cell phones! Hope all is well with you. I am having surgery on August 5th, getting the hysterectomy....yeah!!!! I could use some of that good gas!! Fortunately with the inside job I have, I know who to get for my anesthesiologist! bring on the drugs and get that shit OUT!!!!!!!

Theory of The Ring......some of you are really smart and make such obvious sense. (Palm to forehead .....duh) makes so much sense about possibly using older jewelry to make the new. I have done that myself and it does make it more meaningful.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone on Roselands! Just about to go to bed soon. Just dropping by here. My sister in law got me frosty from Wendy's. I guess from watching and spending time with her girls. They are nieces. And they love me. When went to the farmers market. They got all kinds of stuff. But they love it. Included walking home. The whole walking I did was 4.5 miles in one day. But it felt good. On the way to farmers market there was lightning and thunder. And included rain. which I love the sounds. It only lasted like 10 minutes. Like it went by. But I am sure we will get more. It felt good on walking. One of my nieces held my hand while my friend walk her stroller. It was sweet of her. Kids can be sweet. Anyways, Anything new on our couple? Any sighting of them?
KK- I hope you feel better.

Ginger with a Soul said...

Late Evening Ladies and Robert

Sad night - RIP Cory Monteith not sure if anyone on here is a Glee fan but just sad he was only 31

Anonymous said...

Ginger- I didn't know about Cory. I haven't been reading or clicking the tabloids or news. Its sad tho. I feel bad for Lea. She must be historical. To lose someone you that you love.

DreamerKind said...

Sad times when young ones depart. Breaks our hearts. No sense can be made of drugs that capture our youths. I speak from my own family's struggles. We must do our best to keep them but sometimes they go anyway. Love never leaves. Love lasts.

Sue from Holland said...

I'm so so sorry I missed the birthday girls. Lady S and Lady B, a very belated Happy Birthday!
Yesterday, my head was spinning like Regan from The Exorcist, watching the fandom going into a frenzy over 1 pic from Rob's mom and Riley's aunt or great aunt or whatever aunt she is.
Is it just me or are things getting crazier and crazier?

It is sad the death of such a young person. The joys of HW and there are still people wondering why celebrities act the way they do sometimes? I think none of us even have a fraction of an idea under how much pressure these young people live.
R&K just do what you're doing if that means keeping your head above water.

Anonymous said...

Good Sunday Morning! Hi Holy, Mari, RKsoulmates 913 (oooh it's fun to type that) Kay, wonderfulbliss, Nora, DreamerK, Whyistherum, Katy, Barb, Kathy, Robert, Birdie, Elizabeth, linese, Stella, vernistene, tufenuff, Olivia, Super, PamH, LizzieD, Pisteuo, Em, Sue, Linz,Litmon, ADD, Zkorpiozz, Rose, artemisluvv, Ginger, and the rest of the Roselands! I am all ready for church. Just waiting for my ride. Keep me posted. I know you always do.

PamH said...

Good morning everyone

Such sad news about Cory, addiction is such a powerful thing for many people to battle, my thoughts go out to his family, friends and Lea.

I'm enjoying the two days without rain because I know it won't last long.

I hope everyone here has enjoyed their weekend as well :)

Tbell said...

Morning rose and Roseland

Sad about Cory hope it wasn't drugs who knows. Has the report came out yet verifying drugs? Anyway, looks likewe finally getting some east coast rain....*crosses fingers* it's terrible here, towns almost out of water and everyone fighting over it. Thank god we have awesome well.

Y'all have a good day...@elizbeth...soooo...did u partee with hubs or read a book? Which one?

Pattybg said...





Pattybg said...




PATTY :)))

Sue from Holland said...

Reading Fan Fiction and staying out of trouble? Is that even a possibility?
Just messin with you.
Have to finish a story tonight as well. A complete mad mayhem volatile crazy one, Chop and Change by KrazyK85. I love it, I think I might have a soft spot for the bad ass typos, damn maybe I need therapy.

PC said...

Sad news today about Cory. My heart goes out to his loved ones. We have to hold tight to the ones we love because life is so unpredictable and sometimes way too short.

Beautiful new banner, Rose. Very intense!

Super RN Gas Passer said...

Good Afternoon ROSELAND


So nice to hear from you and I am delighted that you had a lovely Birthday !!!!


Wow...thank you for your explanation and best of luck to you on your surgery !!!! Nowadays most women can have the surgery through the scope...I hope you can as that makes recovery much faster...


Email me sometime. Maybe we could meet and have lunch or something....we just got back from the beach and when we returned to the house around 10 last night there were ambulances, fire trucks and police cars across the street...found out this morning that a 9 year old child drowned in the ocean...was pulled under with a riptide current...apparently it's been really bad this year and there have been several deaths...ugh...

Anonymous said...

Hi Holy, Mari, RKsoulmates913, Kay, wonderfulbliss, Nora, DreamerK, Whyistherum, Katy, Barb, Kathy, Robert, Birdie, Elizabeth, linese, Stella, vernistene, tufenuff, Olivia, Super, PamH, LizzieD, Pisteuo, Em, Sue, Linz,Litmon, ADD, Zkorpiozz, Rose, artemisluvv, Ginger, and the rest of the Roselands! Been home since 12pm from church. Did I missed anything while I was at church?

Elizbeth said...

I wanted to share this along with a link most of us may have missed or forgotten so quickly. I sure did. Rob stopping to make a face at bernie, Kristen is walking ahead, the sun is directly on her. Had we remembered this picture, there would have been no doubt who was in the truck. I've always said it was her. But there it is. Her hair really is reddish with strong sunlight. And last but not least, no one is packing up your dogs and taking them anywhere if you are co parenting. There are laws and procedures. This is not the caveman days. Thats how I know the story was bogus. They are a solid family and I am glad they are at peace and probably enjoying those Sunday dinners Kristen is famous for.

Thanks guys for the books you recommended. I will stop by Barnes and Nobles during my lunch break tomorrow. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

Elizbeth said...

Oops, forgot to post. Here you go.

In this recent Japanese TV show interview when she was asked what her treasure is. But in the new interview below, she confirms the happy news.
“I do have two dogs,” Kristen tells Spencer of her second canine addition. “I adopted Bernie when she was a bit older, so I feel like she’s kind of a roommate.”
The term ‘roommate’ is also exactly how she described her relationship with her cat Max to us during our interview with her in London for Snow White and the Huntsman. In that interview, she also described Bear as her child, which she repeated to Spencer.
“Bear is a child, I’ve raised him,” she says in the interview. “He was handed to me through a car window with one hand… on this movie actually.” She’s talking about the spontaneous decision to adopt him while shooting Breaking Dawn Part 1 and 2 last year in New Orleans.
Fans will get to see Kristen’s maternal instincts on full display when Breaking Dawn Part 2 opens on November 16th. As for Bernie’s first public appearance, we’ll just have to wait for that.
And this statement from Kelly and Michael live:
"They're really very different. I feel like I've raised Bear, whereas Bernie, we got her when she was like four, five we're not positive, but she feels like my roommate. She's just like living in my house," she explained.
"She was very emotionally manipulative. She really milked it," she continued, explaining the reason she decided to adopt Bernie. "Then I got her home and she was like 'I have arrived. I am fine.' You know, she was very comfortable instantly like taking Bear's stuff ... It was like 'You need to slow your roll, girl, and you need to watch it.'"

Tbell said...

Just a note...
Don't think Shay savage is on Barnes and noble but you can download to kindle her works.

She just released "Surviving raine" also. Best fanfiction ever (surviving Bella). Anyway I've downloaded her books and I love them. She wrote Transcendence and she's gonna publish that too. Just thought I'd let u know.


Tbell said...

Thanks for bear Bernie tumbler...awesome!

Anonymous said...

Hi to all the Roselands! I hope you are having a great weekend. Any news on our couple? Rose, We missed you. Hope you are ok. And your family.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone on Roselands! I am about to go to bed now. Take care and keep me posted. Rose- Great banner. I am hoping you post more on your blog. I love your blog. Well good night.

Anonymous said...

Good Monday Morning! Hi everyone on Roselands! I am getting up and getting ready to babysitting and then home. Hope everyone on Roselands had a great weekend. Keep me posted on our couple.

tufenuf55 said...

New fan pics with Kristen on RD at bowling lanes.

tufenuf55 said...

RD has more pics of Kristen in LA today with CJ. She looks very happy. She has her backpack w/her. Could she be going somewhere?

PamH said...

Hello everyone

Two days with smiling pics of K :) no blonde so far. The restaurant looks like the same one that RK and the gang visited before. Military green looks good on both Rob and Kristen. I'd love to see what CJs tattoo on his inside elbow is of, I think it says Watching at the end it looks really interesting.

I hope everyone is doing well :)

LizzieD said...


*dusts off keyboard and taps microphone*

I missed everyone here!!! Been working too hard but have lurked a bit. I have enjoyed each and every pic of R & K although Rob looked a bit peeved last week when he realized he was being papped. Now the pics of Kristen last week with the blue truck, just awful of those sleazy paps. But otherwise, she looked really good.

Today's pics ... she looks happy and relaxed. I hate that the pics were taken by X17 (probably Rolando, ugh) but yes, I looked.

I hope everyone is having a nice summer. We have had almost 20 inches of rain in the NC mountains since July 1st. Almost as bad as Forks!!! But it's sunny today so the tourists are happy and hopefully they'll decide they want to buy houses, LOL.

Take care, all, ....

LIZ IN LALA LAND --- TWIRLING AND TWIRLING because I KNOW that Rob & Kristen are together and happy. Looking forward to seeing some pics from their movies ... maybe?

Tbell said...

Hey guys
I have a funny. One of the ladies on RD is calling new ring "preeeciouuuus" *Use Gollum voice" lol. I think that is so freaking funny. Anyway just had to share...peace out \/

Tbell said...

I'm not making fun of lady at RD...I think she was having fun with it....

DreamerKind said...

New Rose!

china said...

I'm reading your blog for the first time, I like the way you say what you say. You sound passionate. Happy trails. I'll enjoy you again.

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