Thursday, August 8, 2013

Number 9 Dream

Here we go again...

A few months ago...
A pap took some pictures and declared
that Rob and Kristen had a huge fight.
The same pap has taken some pics of
Rob's car parked in front of Kristen's house...
claiming that he's been hanging there all week
(Didn't we already KNOW this has been going on?)
(and much MUCH longer than a week...)

Robert Pattinson is back with girlfriend Kristen Stewart.
 The couple spent time together since last Thursday.
 Rob has been visiting his ex regularly since then,
 his car is pictured parked at her house
 and him leaving her place during the day. 

If you believed him before...
Do you believe him now?
Do you ever believe a paparazzi narrative?
Or do you let the pictures speak for themselves?
Is it really 'Pics or it didn't happen?'
Because let's face it...
This guy is a complete and total douchebag.
Fascinating conundrum... Yes?

As usual...
The reactions have been swift.
The excuses have been rampant...
and even "PR" has resurfaced.
Can you BELIEVE that shit?
You can.
We all can.
Of course they would thaw out
that tired old excuse.

How about...
Rob was just over there picking up 
some of his stuff he left behind?
Cuz you know...
Most people would wait THREE MONTHS
to do that... Right?
Rob was just visiting the dogs!
The very same dogs that idiots claim
Kristen replaced with the new puppy?
The dogs that so many were so sure
were just Rob's dogs...
Those dogs?
Kristen wasn't even there!!!
Her truck was...
And the car she has been driving recently was.
And it IS her house after all
But somehow...
A 'source' says 
Like all the times Rob has been there
Kristen has mysteriously disappeared!
Why not?

Maybe Rob was doing some laundry.
Raiding the Fridge.
Perhaps some light housecleaning?
Rob loves to vacuum!
Or maybe he left some more t-shirts and hats
 for Kristen to wear.
Perhaps Rob was watering the plants...
You know he misses his cactus

Oh hell.
That was Bella.
Maybe Kristen brought the little guy home with her
and Rob became attached to it?
Why not?

Maybe he missed her loquat crumble?

She just baked a bunch of crumbles for Rob
and left the house so he could devour them in peace.
Why not?

We wouldn't just want to accept the simplest explanation
would we?
You know...
Rob and Kristen still love each other...
Still see each other...
And don't give a rat's ass what anyone else thinks.

I get Google alerts.
You know how that goes...right?
You put in whatever you are interested in reading about
in the 'alert' box
and whenever there is news about this person/place/thing
you get an email with links to the articles.

So yeah.
I got Rob in my alerts...

But seriously...
This is one of the emails I received the other day.
All in ONE email.

1. Robert Pattinson and Riley Keough Are Hooking up

2. Robert Pattinson, Riley Keough NOT "Hooking Up" 

3. Robert Pattinson Is Definitely Dating Riley Keough! 

4. Robert Pattinson Hangs Out With Sia Again:

 Their Relationship Revealed

5. Robert Pattinson and Sia Are STILL Hanging Out! 

6. Robert Pattinson not dating Sia

7. Get to know Robert Pattinson's new GF, Sarah Gadon

8. Robert Pattinson Not Dating Sarah Gadon 

9. Robert Pattinson Getting Cozy With Co-Star Sarah Gadon

10. Robert Pattinson Caught Canoodling With Michelle Rodriguez??


I'm starting to believe that Rob has to have a double
or a triple...
Someone he sends out to capture all the attention
so he is left alone to live his life.

As for Riley Keough...
There hasn't been ONE picture of them alone together.
Not ONE sighting of them 'hanging out'
And that's not even counting the one where Riley
was at Kristen's birthday party.

This isn't Riley.
(We know who it is... a Kristen 'lookalike'. Bwahahaha.)
Riley's rep said it wasn't Riley.
Riley's friends said it wasn't Riley.
Riley said it wasn't Riley.
Fans said it was Riley and the Rags ran with it.
And for people to believe that all of Kristen's friends
would be hanging out with Riley all the time
if she was with Rob?

Oh man.
I've just OD'd on the name Riley.

(How many times did I type Riley??)

Face it.
Rob hasn't been seen doing anything remotely
considered romantic or 'single'
since May...
(Either has Kristen)
Maybe because he doesn't really consider himself
to be single?
I don't know.
Just a thought.

This post is brought to you by the 
absolutely adoring image of 
Tom Sturridge.

Love is Long.

And this post is also brought to you by
the number nine.

Dream, dream away
Magic in the air, was magic in the air?
I believe, yes I believe
More I cannot say, what more can I say?
On a river of sound
Thru the mirror go round, round
I thought I could feel (feel, feel, feel)
Music touching my soul, something warm, sudden cold
The spirit dance was unfolding

Ah! bwakawa pouss, pouss
Ah! bwakawa pouss, pouss
Ah! bwakawa pouss, pouss

~Number 9 Dream
Written by John Lennon

Until next time.

bwakawa pouss, pouss

Bye for now.


  1. Great post Rose! Yes, we know why his car is there.

  2. I knew you would be telling the rags they are rags!!! It is so much easier not to look, but sometimes I cheat...I am weak...:( Love your posts, always the sound of sanity in an insane fandom...So are you watching the TCA's? I will if THEY ARE THERE! Keep on posting! Go Pack!

  3. With just a number Rose said everything: 9

    a word or a number to the wise is enough!

    I can't wait for it...

    The better is yet to come... ♡

    Thanks Rose

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hello Rose and Roseland!!

    Excellent post, Rose!! :))

    You know, I been trying to figure out, how the "Kristen wasn't at the house" is a good thing for the haters...I mean IF Rob was there and Kristen wasn't, wouldn't that mean that Rob as a key to the house and can get said house, whenever he wants to.

  6. LOL!! Yep, same story...different day...huh Rose. It boggles the mind.
    Number 9 you say? :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Dear Rose,
    I was trounced when I said Robert Pattinson has found his Heaven On Earth and Match In Heaven in Kristen Stewart. I still believe they are still meant to be. To me, by keeping their private affairs PRIVATE indicates their profound love and respect for each other.

    To me the following quote aptly describe those uncouth vile haters:
    I envy because of the heart
    I glutton because of the heart
    I covet because of the heart
    I am prideful because of the heart
    I sloth because of the heart
    I rage because of the heart
    Because of the heart, I LUST for everything about you!

    Thank you Rose. I get good giggles from your posts albeit the seriousness in between the lines.

  9. GREAT POST, ROSE .... I'm twirling and looking forward to that NUMBER 9 ...


  10. Hi RKsoulmates, Ginger, PamH, Pist, DK, KK, Em, Katy, Kay, LizzieD, Elizabeth, vernistene, and the rest of the Roselands!
    Rose- I have one thing to say great job on your blog. You should add the Faithful Geyser next time.

  11. Rose - you are THE BEST!!! I love your the way your mind works! Ah! b'wakawa pouss, pouss :)

  12. Take care, be safe and have a happy Thursday Rose, Roseland and lurkers out there!! :D

  13. Love this! I just had an idea then other night about K's house. She closed on the house on 8/20/12. How can you find and buy a house in less then a month?

    For those that have never bought a house this is not possible.

    She (they) had to have already had the house lined up prior to the *scandal*.

    A nice gated community would be a great place to hide out together wouldn't it?! (Posted on my tumblr blog)

    I think this goes nicely with Roses comments on where RK have been spending their time! Lol

  14. Rose,
    You do know you're driving us crazy with No 9, right?
    I kind of love the anticipation, though...

    How is everyone?
    Hope you're enjoying your summer.

    Take care!

  15. Such a good post, and the list of emails of Rob's possible hook-ups is just hilarious ;)
    Thank you Rose as always.

  16. Love the number 9, my 5 year anniversary is the 9th of this month. Going to enjoy time with my love by the beach this weekend. Hope everyone else is having a great summer and staying happy! Great post as usual Rose :)

  17. @ Rose
    And the number 9 I hope proves to be very memorable for us Sept. celebrators and ALL RK fans alike.

    @ Linz

    Have a great weekend Roselanders =D

  18. Rose-amazing post as always. So anticipating the big reveal for the number 9! You are like a cool breeze on the most humid of days, refreshing and so well timed! Thanks for keeping the sanity!

  19. Great post Rose! I think the haters just need to back off and let them live their life. I believe they are together but sometimes it's hard when you don't see them around eachother. I know they are trying to stay out of the spotlight which I do not blame them. There are so many that hate on Kristen and now many that are doing the same to Rob. Keep up the great post and looking for what #9 means!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Fantastic post. I still can't believe that they are using the PR thing. I mean come on that is like beating a dead horse. That bus has come and gone. The things they come up with to justify the truth is unbelievable. I really just want to sit back and have a great big laugh.

    People need to just admit that Rob and Kristen are together and deal with it.

  22. Ya got me smilin', Rose!

    Ready for the good stuff - WHENEVER the time comes. It'll come. Soon. :-)

  23. Great Post Rose!!! Spot on as always!!! Can't wait to see what the number 9 means. I wonder if it is tomorrow, or next month. I, like every one else, is finding ways that the number 9 fits in our lives. Like my birthday 3/24 equals 9 or I am 54 added together is 9. I have 9 kids or 9 grandaughters and 4 grandsons which if you are into numbers is the mate to 9. If you add the ages of all 3 of my sons/nephews there age reduced to lowest form is 9. lol lol. It is funny but I find myself looking for where 9 lands in my life.

    Hey friends of Roselanders give us more places where the number 9 lands in your life till the big reveal!!!!!

    NO BUTS.........

  24. I absolutely love your way of thinking. You are insightful and so hilarious. Absofreakinglutely genius.

  25. I must confess that all this, tired me more than usual, served to put aside what is not have conditions to know!! Only wish you the best!!

  26. Great post Rose. I know exactly why Rob's car was at Kristen's house. They are together and have always been together.

    Please keep posting. I look forward to them so much.

    Take care everyone.

  27. ROSE

    Great post...speaking of Number Nine( Revolution- White Album) comes to mind and then my husband says that on this day in 1969 Abbey Road was released:))))

    So. What is all this Number Nine stuff? My mind is floating a few years back now...what was it??? we need to pull out our decoder rings again ????? :)))))

  28. Super - How are you?
    so cool I love Abbey Road. I had a decoder ring too. lol lol Wish I had it now to figure out the 9.
    NO BUTS.......

  29. Hi Super, Litmom, RKsoulmates, DK, Em, Robert, KK, Pist, PamH, LizzieD, Barbara Fenwick, vernistene, Rose, and the rest of Roselands! I just got home from running errands. I got alot to make up around my house and running errands since I got home yesterday from my trip. Those of you already know I am back from my vacation from West Yellowstone.
    Rose- I completely agree with you and our Roselands you are doing a great job your blog.

  30. Hi Roseland feels like forever since I dropped by. Your post today had me smiling. Good things are coming...I believe.

  31. Hi Oneheart! How are you?

  32. Sue Ellen I am really amazed at you Rose because you really do have some good sense when it is so very needed about Rob and Kristen and the absolute nonsense regarding their private lives. I think that the very best thing we can do is pray for their every day safety and let them do their thing which is to create their art and live a useful and loving existence love to all at Roses house.

  33. Hello everyone.

    Rose-great post.

    Rob really misses his cactus that's why he's their-LOL

    Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart always ends up together.

  34. VERNi

    I'm good...I hope all is well with you and your family. I trust the newest addition and your daughter are doing well also:)))

    Hi ONEHEART, ARLEEN and HOLY...:)))

    Just a quick drive by before bedtime....I gotta go now and see if I can find my decoder ring...:)))

  35. @Super - They are all doing great. I am looking for my decoder ring as we speak. I really did call my mom and ask her if my chest of old toys was still in my uncles attic. She said yeah sure they are after forty five years . lol lol lol :0))

    Hi Arleen Sweetie how are you. Glad you had a good day. Hugs()

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. PR for what? Oh wait--TCAs are coming. They're so important. How could I forget? LOL!

    Number 9 is special to me too. My birthday is in September.

  38. Hi, Opening up my computer and seeing your post is the best news I've had today. Ever since their alleged fight and Rob moving out, I would see photos of them together since 2008 and thought Rob isn't thatkind of guy. He's in love with Kristen and no matter what happens he can't stay away. Remember your post where you said, "They love hard and they fight hard."? I think that's true. All you have to do is look at photos of them when they are separated to see the absolute pain in their eyes. Remember Kristen at the OTR premiere in Toronto? Thin, drawn, and when the interviewer asked her about Rob, she said curtly, "We're fine." And walked away. And remember the
    photo (and video) of Rob in the white tee-shirt walking to a car with fans taking photos? One look at his face was heartbreaking. He was a man on fire. Every day I have prayed that they will be together. Thank you for keeping us together in our love and total devotion for Rob and Kristen.

  39. Hi, Opening up my computer and seeing your post is the best news I've had today. Ever since their alleged fight and Rob moving out, I would see photos of them together since 2008 and thought Rob isn't thatkind of guy. He's in love with Kristen and no matter what happens he can't stay away. Remember your post where you said, "They love hard and they fight hard."? I think that's true. All you have to do is look at photos of them when they are separated to see the absolute pain in their eyes. Remember Kristen at the OTR premiere in Toronto? Thin, drawn, and when the interviewer asked her about Rob, she said curtly, "We're fine." And walked away. And remember the
    photo (and video) of Rob in the white tee-shirt walking to a car with fans taking photos? One look at his face was heartbreaking. He was a man on fire. Every day I have prayed that they will be together. Thank you for keeping us together in our love and total devotion for Rob and Kristen.

  40. Come on Everybody give us a Number 9 reference in your life. This might be fun to see where it takes us. I was born in 1959.

    NO BUTS........

  41. GARGAMEL where are you! We all need your math expertise to figure out this #9 thing!!
    Hello to Roseland it's been awhile. Had surgery Monday. All is well! My daughter told the doctor when he showed her the scope pics of my insides that that was her first Homs and now it's destroyed and gone forever, lol!!! She is crazy. I told her not to make me laugh cause it dies hurt a little! So I come to Rose's blog and I am dying in a fit of laughing hysteria! Stick it to em Rose as usual, live it!
    Special shout outs to Arleen, Holy, Litmom, Pist, DK, Verni, Super, PamH, Liz, RKSoulmates913.....good to see you all. Hi to all the new posters and those I don't recognize!

  42. Misspelled words due to Norco buzz...please forgive! Goodnight all.

  43. KK- Hi! How are you feeling? Hope you feel better.

  44. K-Stew - What up my gurl? glad you feeling better. Hope to see you here more while you rest and recover. Sounds like they gave you the good stuff for pain, I like what your daughter said. Tell her it ain't like she was moving back in her first home. Lol lol
    Take it easy and heal well :0)))

    NO BUTS........

  45. Just wanted to say I appreciate all the kind words...
    They truly mean a lot to me.

    Thank you.

    And please try to be tolerant of differing opinions... no need to shout or call names.

  46. Hi to all the Roselands! Before I go to bed. There is something I like to say. I was just telling Justice for Kristen this. There is something that I have learn from vacation. I just went to Yellowstone. I was watching at Old Faithful Geyser. One of these days the more pressure build on the tabs, and papz. Are eventually its going to blow up. Or Celebs are going to blow up eventually the Celebs are going to be fed up with those idiots trashy lies. Especially Rob and Kristen. They will probably hide in the somewhere they are safe and have peaceful for themselves. But to me not just only Rob and Kristen. There are some pressure build with the celebs and the Papz. I could tell there are some much hate. And these tabs and papz are just looking for these story. And get what they want. And end up selling them. I think the Papz and tabs included gossip sites needs to stop. If papz don't want the celebs or their friends touch their cameras then stop stalking them and leave them alone.





  48. mari- Me either. I can't stand rags.
    Good night everyone!

  49. K2...
    9 is the binary complement of number 6. There's no LAYMAN translation...just visualization. But to give you a clue ... when a MAN gets laid (past tense of LAY)...we count by NAEGELE's rule...9!
    P.s....hey can you share that narc?

  50. Good Friday Morning to all the Roselands! Hi gargamel, RKsoulmates, Super, Ginger, LizzieD, Em, KK, DK, vernistene, Rose, Katy, Pist, PamH, Pattybg, Kay, Elizabeth, Litmom, and the rest of the Roselands!
    Gargamel- Hi! How are you? I have missed you. Were you on vacation?
    Elizabeth- I hope you are ok.

  51. @ Arleen
    Hi. That was so sweet of you. Thank you.Yes i was on vacation .

  52. gargamel- Thanks! Same here. I was on vacation. Just this were. Left on Sunday then came home on Wednesday. Was suppose to be home to til Thursday. But my mother in law got sick. Had Laryngitis. But at least we got chance to see the whole of Yellowstone National Park. It was fun.

  53. gargamel don't know what you said but it sounded cool as hell lol :0)
    Hope you had a great vaca. I play numbers here in Nashville and there is a whole underworld meaning for each and everyone of them as far as their placement. I like how you put it. Just so cool!!!
    NO BUTS.......

  54. NAEGELE's rule...9 this what I don't understand but the laid part that goes with it... Too Cool!!!!!!

  55. it's how long it takes to make-a-baby. 9 months.

  56. Oh snap!!! lol lol I like that too. Lol you know I be stupid some times lol lol That's where I heard the word before. lol didn't even come to me. But it still sounds cool!!! lol lol

  57. if it's one of the pups...then it's 9 weeks. Guys please don't slap just guessing under the influence of...

    @vernistene. Thanks.

  58. ROSE

    In no way whatsoever are we referring to all...we just miss the old days when the posters wanted to have fun, not have a earthquake sized reaction to's like the hyenas in's kind of sickening....a frenzy if you will...

    We love your are more than thorough in your appraisals of the latest craziness going on out there....A few high five comments after your brilliant musings is fun but man when people start gathering around and circling its scary !!!

    Some that I LOVE by the way have decided to take the other site as a pot shot to you...that couldn't be further from the truth....we just want to post recipes and talk about books, movies, we used to could do over here but the comments section is so different than it used to be...

    We just miss the old days, that all.

  59. I think that the number 9 has inside, sentamental meaning to Rose and someone she cares about that follows her....kind of like a secret shout-out to someone. Just my opinion, of course, but I really don't see her speculating on "other" very private things....number 9 could be totally unrelated to R/K....JS.

    Hope everyone has a happy Friday...I'm off to work, though I should probably tone down the bitchy buzzkill before I get there, huh?! lol

    Take care, be safe and have a fun and happy weekend, Roseland! ❤

  60. Super, Rose...huh?? Did I miss something??

    Sooooo confused right now.

  61. Super, I have never thought PL started that blog as a pot shot to Rose. And I never thought the name Cluckingham Palace or the chicken avi's were a shot either. I thought it was cute and well...kinda appropriate?? LOL!!

  62. Good Morning PIST

    You are welcome to check out the Hen House if you feel so inclined...You are correct in your assessment by the way...Hope you have a good weekend:)

  63. Hi Kay! Hope you have a good day! Love ya!

    I think people are just wanting to have a little fun with Rose's special number 9. :)

  64. Pist, Super, and Kay I am agree with you. Super, What about Hen House. I don't see.

  65. Rose, thank you once again.

    Good morning Arleen, Garg, Verni, Pist and Kay!

    Super, appreciate your comments. You have always been a straight-shooter.

    I have counted over 30 different people commenting on this one post. Not a single derogatory comment. Sometimes things are lost in translation with these comments and sometimes you may absolutely not like what you read. There is nothing wrong with having a difference of opinion,RESPECTFULLY.
    We are all adults,are we not?

    No one can direct the tone of a comment section on a blog unless you just delete what you don't like. I don't think that is Rose's style. Not everyone is going to click. We have people from all walks of life. Pretty impossible to all mesh,but not impossible to be polite. We do all have that in common, don't we?
    I am sorry for this but I am kind of tired of hearing about the good old days. Some of you remember it differently than me. There was a fair amount of drama way back then,too. It was a haven, completely entertaining and fun. It was also quite cliquey at times and I have seen more than a few members leave with hurt feelings. It was not all a bed of roses, haha.
    I may not always like what I read and may occasionally comment on that. I try to do it in a way that is not condescending and maybe leaves that person with dignity(unless it really sucks).
    Anyway, I think the description of this blog's comment section is exaggerated and to some of us, offensive. The reason I come here is I love reading Rose's blog and though she doesn't need it, to show support. No agenda. Maybe we should all show a little more tolerance.

  66. Thanks Super! I, PL and Kami have invited me several well as everyone else here in Roseland. I am truely honored...I really am. I miss you guys a lot.
    Hey, ya never of these days I just might pop in! :)

  67. Hi Arleen! Sounds like you had a nice vacation. Hope your MIL is okay now. Hugs!

  68. Super- thank you for your response... I'm having a day for hell (and its only 8:30 in the morning) and am having to write this on my phone... As it is I see I typed 'for' instead of 'from' and it won't let me correct it. I will respond more thoroughly here and there as soon as I get a chance.

  69. Rose- You are great person. And doing a good job on your blog. Keeping trolls and haters out.

  70. Dear Rose,

    As always, thank you for your RPI blog. You are very much appreciated. Sending ((hugs)) for you and a bouquet of beautiful "happy" flowers.

    Plus, a sweet tune from our favorite 4 to brighten your day. Enjoy!

    Hugs for y'all.
    Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.
    Respect Rob and Kristen.
    Life is good.

  71. Hello Rose, Kay, Pistueo, Arleen, Super, Birdie and other roseland fiends that might stop by later.

    Kay I agree with you.

    Have a wonderful day everyone

  72. @Rose, again and again...same ole shit.
    The haters are frantically searching for their shoe boxes hidden up in the attic, 4,5 yrs of 'R&K-are-not-together' excuses to battle through. "Hmm, which one can we use this time"?
    I don't do rags/mags/sites except for the occasional visit to GC, just to have a tiny peek..ok honestly this week it was to gloat a little.
    We all know how vile that place is but yesterday it gave me the chills, really really creepy and borderline criminal. There were comments from an AP (Packer thing?), my god I don't shock easily but the things she was saying about Kristen...I honestly have no words for it.
    These are the kind of women so obsessed, she has all the signs of being completely of her rocker and therefore dangerous.

    Rose, I was gonna say you're driving me nuts with nr 9 but...
    @Gargamel, you definitely make the most sense. When I read it, it was like a light bulb went up and it wasn't a case of wishful thinking. Damn why did I not think of this, my oh my just imagine. Than again can you imagine the papz? R&K will never ever get any peace.

  73. Birdie, I think you are correct.

    There are always going to be times when someone has an issue with something someone else has said. I just wish that people would allow time for the ones with the issue to work it out by themselves before butting in to put their take on it. Most of the time when I'm stating an's in general..not meant toward anyone in particular. I think I have always addressed someone directly if I had an issue with what they said. I'm not talking about agreeing or saying you disagree with a know what I mean...or maybe not. LOL!! Some people just tend to get all defensive over every little remark when it wasn't about them to start with.
    And on that note...I wasn' going to bring it up again...but, feel I owe Elizbeth an apology for misreading her comment on the other post...and because I can speak for myself (looking at Vern...LOL!!)

    And...I've spen way too much time on here already!

    Have a Happy, Happy, Happy day Roseland!!

  74. Rose- You are not leaving us are you?

  75. I love coming here. And reading your blog and making friends here on the comments.

  76. Pist,
    You are a straight-shooter,too. You really are easy to understand.LOL

  77. Pist- Rose isn't leaving us is she? I have to ask. Because I love coming here. I don't want her to leave.

  78. I'm so sorry that you are having a day from hell, Rose....wishing you and yours peace and strength.

    Good morning Pisteuo, katy, Super, Birdie, Arleen, olivia and everyone else stopping in!

    Arleen, you didn't ask me, but I don't think Rose is saying anything about leaving.

    Like I said, flipping buzzkill today! ;) I really need to lighten up a bit, but they frown on wine at work...go figure. lol (hugs)

    Take care, Roseland ((HUGS)) ❤

  79. BIRDIE

    Lol. I know what you mean !!!!!

    Have a great day everyone. Love you All :)))

  80. Rose, I so hope what you wrote is true, i.e. they have been together all this time~ Anything that special and beautiful like their love should be long-lasting. :)

    Monica from Asia

  81. kay- Hi! Sorry! I am glad that Rose is not leaving. Thank you. That is all I need to hear.

  82. I'm totally confused w what's going on now so just gonna say happy morning Roseland :))) n rose I really hope ur day gets much better just hang in there :)

    Hope everyone is okay n just know everyone here is awesome n change isn't always a bad thing but ppl change they come n they go n life just keeps going so we just have to go w it :))

    I was trying to go back n read everything from last time I was here n saw Elizbeth comment on her post n I'm glad she clarified n I'm sorry for taking it the wrong way LOL see I can admit when I'm wrong hahaha

    Anyway guys stay happy n just stay close to the ones u love n show them everyday how much they mean to u :)) sorry I'm all emo but I just got here from a 3 hour drive n lol there was alot of talking involved hahaha but my mood is changing bc someone just passed me a mimosa LOL

    have n awesome weekend Roseland LOL n #9 huh? My favorite # is hahahaha top secret but it really doesn't need analyzing ;) okay guys getting off this thing for a bit but following Pist n staying happy happy happy :)))

  83. Pist you know I know you can speak for yourself and very eloquently I might add. I knew it was something more to it. I am glad you understood and it was clarified. i hate it when true Roselanders get upset. Everyone here is goodhearted loving people with families and we all want to have fun. I love when you comment. You like a lot of us here tell it like you see it and have fun with it. You pull us up when we are getting out of hand. If I misunderstand something someone is saying please always help me to see the real way. Sometimes a third person explaining keeps down unnecessary confusion. Thank you:0))) NO BUTS......
    Rose i hope your day gets better. You are very good at what you do. It always hits home right when it needs to.

  84. Arleen, hey sweetie. I don't "think" Rose is leaving. Hope not.

    Em, those mimosas sound pretty good. I'll be enjoying a coctail, wine or beer later on too! It's Friday!! Yay!!!

    Vern, haha...not so sure I agree with the "very eloquently" part of me speaking...but, thanks! :)
    Anywho, I wasn't talking about the part where you were trying to explain how you took Elizbeth's comment. I was talking about the part where you were speaking for me and Em...that part. But's all good now. I hope! LOL!!

    Have an awesome Happy, Happy, Happy weekend, Roseland!!

  85. ROSE

    Sending positive vibes your way hoping your day greatly improves...

  86. PIST

    TGIF. I am ready for a few stiff drinks myself:))).

  87. you always manage to make me laugh which is awesome! i loved the part about the cactus and... oh hell, i just loved the whole thing! keep posting because you're amazing!

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Love your post, Rose! LMAO. You just hit the nail on the head. Everyone is welcome to believe what they want to. I just believe what is most logical.

    NO BUTS........

    Just saw caps sorry ......

  92. Rose Love ya babe! RL is kicking my butt too. Think I'm gonna have to get a second job. You know that sound a balloon makes when you hold the opening and let go? That's what I feel like today.

    I wondered how long it was going to take the "rags" to get here! LOL That cover made me truly lol

  93. Hi Pist, PamH, Holy, KK, DK, Em, RKsoulmates, LizzieD, Ginger, Super, vernistene, Elizabeth, Atticus, Rose, and the rest of Roselands! I just got home from running errands. Having my daughter's sweet sixteen tomorrow. We are preparing them. And having them at the park.
    Pist- Thanks! I think Kay already covered that part. Thanks goodness that Rose is not leaving. I enjoy being here talking to you guys and already making friends.

  94. HI ROSE!




    PATTY :)))!!

  95. Rose! - you are brilliant as ever & I am titling & twirling with you on the number 9! I am for the here & now, as the "g.o.d.'s" held bad memories for me too. Fabulous post! Not paying any attention to haters- they can stew in their own juice. Not paying any attention to rags or tab sites, incl. that nuthouse, GC. I can learn all I care to know on the TL or blogs like yours, Rose. Yes, we know why the trucks are parked where they are. Hummmmm. Have a wonderful weekend Roseland! Keep twirling!

  96. Rose - thank you for your sense of humour. I know, it will sound grandiloquently - since 2009 you are lively history for me, your blog which inseparably intertwined in my eyes with relationship of Rob and Kristen. Not always I agree with your point of view and I'm OK with it. Hugs for everyone, special for Frannie.

  97. Pist they were really good lol so good they left me knocked out on the couch :) hope u have a great time tonight n a happy weekend

    bye Roseland

  98. Hi Em! How are you? I missed you.

  99. Hi Arleen ur so sweet :) I'm good n I hope ur okay too :)) glad u had fun on ur vacation

  100. Em- Hi! Well I was mostly worry about those hot pots or some hot steam stuff in Yellowstone.

  101. Em-And don't forget those mountains where you see the waterfalls. Those can scare you.

  102. Aww Arleen I'm glad ur home safe :) I've heard Yellowstone is beautiful so I'm sure there was stuff u really enjoyed

    I gotta run now but I hope u have a good night :))

  103. Aw, hi Helen! I miss chatting with you. Where have you been, girl?

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I'm off to a girls get-away and I can't WAIT!

  104. Gargamel thanks for your reply and sharing your mathematical genius so we (me) underlings can be enlightened, lol! Loving the rule of 9! However, I don't think R/K would have a baby out of wedlock.....OMG, maybe they are already married! Holy hater meltdown! That would be sweet though, lol!
    Vernistine how the hell ya doin? Hope your private life is looking prayers have been with you and also with all those in Roseland struggling with RL. I can't post to everyone I would like to but, I do lurk and try to stay aware of what's been going on. Your comments in particular make me laugh cause you don't tolerate much crap and shoot pretty straight. I like that, a lot. No buts....I get ya! Go sugar coat someone else's cookie.
    I told my daughter what ya said...she is having a meltdown right now....jk,jk!!!! Thanks BTW for making me laugh....ouch!
    Rose....please know that you are a much appreciated lady. Without you, I don't think I could have survived this fucked up fandom. You have been a light of hope and truth. I am glad I found your blog when I did because I was so downhearted from all the haters. I have a home here with wonderful bloggers who have become my friends. I thank you for that and can never repay you. I can tell you thank you. Thank you Rose.

  105. KStew my friend - I told my daughters what your daughter said and they said "mama we would feel the same way." I told them "Well get to feeling cause that box been gone!!!" Love ya lady take care of yourself. You've been in my prayers too. Tell you daughter I said sorry but that apartment is no longer available. "Go sugar coat someone else's cookie" I love this gonna use it lol lol

    NO BUTS...... :0)

  106. Not telling your daughter the cookie part just the apartment part. The cookie part I was saying I'm gonna use I love it. :0) the way what I said read made it look like the cookie remark was to her. lol But it was separate lol lol :0) okay gonna shut up now lol lol

  107. Some new fan pics of Kristen after filming on set on Robsten Dreams. Very cool of them to not say the location so the papz wouldn't find them :)

    Have a good weekend everyone.
    And those that are in the path of heavy rain and flooding PLEASE BE SAFE!!!!

  108. Hi to all the Roselands! How are you? Sorry I took so long. My dad and my sister visiting from LA. He needed someone to talk to. I was going to mention before my trip. But I wanted to tell me everything about half the family that has been giving him a hard time. You see he was thinking of committing of suicide. Me, my daughter, and my hubby are talking him out of it. My daughter is the only one who can do it. So I am glad he got that finally clear that up. I am very good listener. Sorry if I am telling about my problems. He is my dad. And I love him. So I am telling as a advice don't associate with bullies. Its best to get out of it and stay away from those idiots. He is crazy but hurt by some family member. And I don't attention to associate.
    Anyways, So what is going on with our couple.

  109. Hi KK! How are you?
    PamH- Hi! How are you? I just saw the pictures on Robsten about Kristen at Camp Ray filming. I agree about not telling where the locations. I agree about keeping the Papz away.

  110. @ Arleen
    Hello, and I'm doing good.
    Looks like there are about 3 - 4 fan pics, I just hope everyone is as nice in their comments of Kristen, after she was nice enough after a long day of filming to pose for pics...but we all know that some people act like a fan to get a pic then turn around and be disrespectful to RK. I hope that's not the case this time.
    Goodnight and take care :)

  111. @PH I saw the other pics on Strictly Robsten and clicked on the source. All were very protective of Kristen and her location but they all seemed kinda stalkerish. They went to California to try and see Rob or Kristen and others following them on twitter are coming in a few days to try and see them. I love them both too but stalking? Uh No.... They said she was really tired and they wouldn't mention location for a few days so the papshits won't pounce on her. I thought that was good.

    NO BUTS........

  112. Hi to all the Roselands! I am going to bed now. Soon for being up late. Just checking and having company. Keep me posted.
    PamH- I saw all four on RD. I say its cool.

  113. In the pictures I saw, Kristen doesn't look too happy. Or maybe she was just tired after filming. I really hope these fans will respect her boundaries.

    But I agree with what some of you are saying. It does seem like borderline stalking.

  114. Good Saturday Morning to all the Roselands! Hi everyone! I am getting ready to set up my daughter's sweet sixteen party later on. I hope everyone is ok.

  115. probably feels really fucking great knowing you are being hunted down and used as a trophy.
    Okay, that was a bitchy thing to say, I admit...but hey, that is the way it appears to me.

    Anywho, hope everyone in Roseland is having a great weekend!

    Arleen, tell your daughter..."Happy sweet sixteen!!"

    I'm off to a B-day party, I best put on my Happy, Happy, Happy pants and get to it! :)))

  116. Morning, Roseland!
    Arleen and Pist, have a blast at your parties!

    Pist, Truth is truth and people are fucking weird.

  117. Pist told you I love what you say and how you say it. Stay real my friend!!! It was stalking. Kristen still showed grace. I would have bounced the stalkers back where they came from. I think it is birthday party day. My three year old great nephew is having his b-day party today.
    Pist and Arleen have a great time at the parties. Sweet sixteen is one momentous birthday. Tell your daughter to relish every minute of it. Have a great day Roseland... I'm going to drive go-carts now.

    NO BUTS........

  118. WTF makes people think that behaving that way is OKAY?? When I'm working 12 hr++ days, the last thing I want to do is deal with people...and Kristen is expected to be all happy and smiley to take pictures with these stalkers, I mean "fans" without boundaries? What entitled jackasses, FFS.

    Hope everyone with birthday celebrations have an awesome time, and the rest of Roseland has a great weekend, too. :) Take care and be safe, everyone!

    Kinda curious where you find happy, happy, happy pants, Pisteuo....they sound like they could be useful! ;) LOL

  119. Hi everyone on Roselands!
    Pist- Thanks and I will!
    vernistene & Birdie- Thanks!

  120. Oh, Frannie, I am on holidays, because in Poland the school year is beginning in September, so I am looking after the son, the husband and the house before I don't come back to the work and I am waiting, I am waiting as far as our darling freaks will appear anywhere at all together...
    Big kisses for You and all Roseland.

  121. I forgot to add in the previous post

  122. PIST

    I want a pair of those pants long as there is some spandex in them !!!!!

    Happy Saturday ROSELAND :))))

  123. Ohhh I have my happy pants on :))) happy happy happy lol n maybe buzzed ;)

    Arleen happy sweet sixteen to ur daughter

    Bye Roseland

  124. GINGER

    How is the flooding? I'm thinking of you and hoping everything is okay where you are ....

  125. Evening Ladies and Robert

    @Super - just lots of rain here by me the flooding is more up in the Colorado Springs area which is good 30-45 mins from me - mother nature it not playing nice with us this year at all. My kids are on edge with the random tornado sirens going off left and right too. Thanks for thinking about me :)))

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend

  126. Oh dear another great read Rose; I too am still baffled at people who couldn't tell that was Kristen in the truck, I digress.

    @Shirley Hashim, I love that quote. Rob is such a bibliophile and an eloquent person I wouldn't be surprise to find out that he has already express that exact quote to Kristen.

  127. Hi to all the Roselands! I just got home from my daughter's sweet sixteen party. Her theme is a beach party. Sort Hawaiian theme. But it was fun. Had a great time. But it was at the park with a great day. But I had fun.

  128. Hi to all the Roselands! I am going to bed now. Keep me posted on our couple. Good night.

  129. Sounds like your daughter's party was a success, Arleen!

    DK, Wherefore art thou?

    Have a great day, Roseland!

  130. Good Sunday Morning! Hi everyone on Roselands!
    Birdie- Thanks! We had a great time.

  131. Just stopping by for quick peek.! No contract renewal on that apartment for sure. Are you still keeping shit straight in lockdown? I have no doubt you are! Camp X Ray reminds me of you and Kristen!
    @Arleen...thanks for your inquiry and yes, I feel great. Already back to gym after 4days. My doc will shoot me, but taking it slow. At least I'm not biking....yet!
    Big question...are they, R/K going to be at TCA? Haven't heard. Don't want to watch unless they go. Maybe that's why they haven't said anything yet, keep us hanging on....geez,wtf. I think that would constitute fan abuse. "Those Mothafuckas"!!!! Love slogan for papz. Arleen we all need tshirts made for R/K support against papz with that logo!
    Hope everyone has a great weekend! Rose...always thinking of you!

  132. Hi KK! And you are welcome. Glad that you are feeling better. And glad that you are ok. I agree about the t-shirts. Today is my daughter's birthday. We had celebrated yesterday with her friends and our family. Too bad no boys came. We told her when she goes back to school to ignore them and teach them a lesson for not coming to her party.

  133. Sue Ellen Arleen I wish we could get some t-shirts with that logo also because its supportive and funny at the same time. By the way I have been very much impressed with the way Roses' family of bloggers support each other-you are family! I really enjoyed this post and am also a curious George about the number 9, to be revealed? Well, not to HW-L cretins! Thanks for the bright spot in the Rob and Kristen Fandom.

  134. Sue morris, I am thinking the same thing.

  135. @birdie
    Still in the country with the kiddos
    doing festivals. May be on later. Happy Day everyone!

  136. @Helen, I didn't realize you're Polish. My new daughter-in-law's family is from Polond. She speaks a little bit (mostly the "naughty words" lol!) Her family moved from Polond to Pittsburgh; she is second generation. She is a really beautiful blonde haired, green eyed girl. I'm hoping to have beautiful green eyed grandkids someday!
    Have a wonderful week all! I'm settling down to stream the red carpet for the TCA. Sure wish you know who would be there ... together!

  137. Frannie - in Poland every younger generation speaks English better and better, inclusive with the "naughty" words lol.I am very happy that your daughter-in-law has Polish roots, I also have green eyes, but in my country generally more persons have blue eyes or brown."Together" is a synonym only for one couple on TCA...
    Hugs for You and all Roseland.

  138. @Helen,
    Poland not Polond. What was I thinking? Lord, I'm so tired!
    "Together" forever, girl!

    @Lizzie D, Hugs! ;)

  139. Frannie - no problem, I know that it is only a typographical error ;)

    Lizzie D - I love your optimism.

  140. A second post re who is in the truck with Rob. Of course it's ckristen, glasses, profile, legs up on the seat. Was watching Eclipse Commentary for the umpteenth time just to hear Rob and Kristen talk and the scene where they come back from Florida she is sitting in the seat with both legs up on the car seat. What logo are they talking about for a t-shirt? And what was Rob's comment (someone said he was a bibliophile so of course it would be something he would quote). Thanks.

  141. Hi to all the Roselands! Hope everyone is ok. You guys sound quiet.

  142. Hi to all the Roselands! I know I am up. The reason why I was up I was just watching the meteor shower tonight and last night. And now I will be going to bed. Goodnight.

  143. A new week is upon us. Be safe out there. Be all that you can be. That includes being happy, as it comes along your way.


  144. Good Monday morning! Hi everyone on Roselands! How are you all doing?

  145. Have just read, while having my morning cuppa, that Rob, Kristen, and the Twilight cast and crew won (and truly earned) seven awards last night. Congratulations and much happiness sent their way.

    Dear Rose and Roseland,
    Have a lovely new week.

    Hugs for y'all.
    Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd and their family and friends.
    Respect Rob and Kristen.
    Life is very good.

  146. any monty python fans in here? remember the holy bomb of antioch in holy grail? it was used to kill the vicious flying rabbit. no? well it was funny because they did this whole routine about counting down before detonating the holy bomb in an attempt to destroy the rabbit, that went along the lines of "what shall be the number of the counting? 3 hall be the the number of the counting, 2 shall it not be nor shall it be 4, what about 5? no neither shall it be 5, it is to be 3 and only 3" and it went on and on

    why do i mention this? because friends i have figured out the significance of the number 9. it is in fact the number which lyeth between the number 8 and the number 10

    you're welcome
    and yes as a matter of fact i did get beat up a lot when i was a kid

  147. @Virginia Florey....I was telling Arleen that we need to incorporate Kristen & Lane's hat logo..."Those Mothafukas"....into a t-shirt for support of R & K. No papz, No rags, No Gossip sites, No buts.....
    After the total fiasco of the TCA's last night...I watched cause I am soooooooo bored, but wanted to shoot myself after....I think Rob and Kristen will take a pass on public appearance together for quite some time. Funny how the rest of the cast, even Taylor, wasn't there. Funny how BD2 cleaned up BIG TIME and it wasn't even mentioned.They video taped Bruno Mars, so why not Rob and Kristen or some castmember or even Stephanie M.? Total DOUCHEBAGS. Did they win for best kiss or not? Even Robsten Dreams doesn't have news of it either. I cannot imagine they didn't win.
    Waves to all in Roseland!

  148. K-Stew I just read and no winner was announced for best kiss. I goggled it. They didn't announce a winner. It is pathetic. I watched last night and it was a very sad show. Waste of time. They said twilight dominated in every category they were in but they did not announce the best kiss. Most likely won there too but for whatever reason they didn't announce it.

    NO BUTS......

  149. Quote

    “You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement.

    You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.”

    ― Woodrow Wilson

  150. ROBERT

    You're a genius...but I knew that already :)))))

  151. Hi Super, Holy, Robert, DK, KK, and the rest of Roselands!
    Super- I agree with you.
    DK- Love your quotes.

  152. @Super
    I agree with you like Arleen!

    Some grab my attention and demand to be posted, when I see them! Pesky truths do insist on being shared, lol.

    @Rob & Kristen
    Congratulations on your new TCA awards! Best "Liplock" has finally been confirmed, I believe. Duh, naturally. Best film couple kisses ever.

  153. DK- Why did you block me on your tweet? Or did you change it? It said protected.

  154. @Arleen
    My twitter account is locked/protected for various and sundry reasons. I hardly tweet at all, but sometimes post songs, as I do for beloved Roseland.

  155. DK- I understand. What do you mean beloved Roselands? Is it over?

  156. FRANNIE: Hope you had a nice Monday. I was on the road today but unfortunately having to work "while" on the road and now have to work tonight. Never-ending. Had a really FUN weekend!!! Hugs back at you!!

    HELEN: I have no reason NOT to be optimistic regarding R&K. Sooo, I'm still TWIRLING!!!

  157. LizzieD- I was telling DIDY this: Too bad. Last time I remember I was watch Repo show in LA. One of them Repo took one of the Papz's car for not making their payments. I was hoping they do that to other papz's car. And maybe took took their pictures letting everyone know for not paying their bills.

  158. Hello to Roseland and I am Happy that Rob and Kristen did win so many awards last night--but I really think that they are up to their necks with unwanted pap pictures but am sure they were very proud of every teen vote and they really are in the middle of filming --so it might be difficult to be in two places at one time work they are working for new studios so lets thank everyone that cared enough to do honor to all the Twilight gang, for they are very talented and special to all of us!

  159. Hello to Roseland and I am Happy that Rob and Kristen did win so many awards last night--but I really think that they are up to their necks with unwanted pap pictures but am sure they were very proud of every teen vote and they really are in the middle of filming --so it might be difficult to be in two places at one time work they are working for new studios so lets thank everyone that cared enough to do honor to all the Twilight gang, for they are very talented and special to all of us!

  160. Hi to all the Roselands! I just saw on all Robsten twitters. I don't know if you know but some of us are mad at this SOB. About this Brad Wollack.

  161. @Arleen
    Another media dope, so what's new, hatin' on good people, one we love? Not biting anyone's crap talk by giving it attention!!!

  162. DK- You that right. About Kristen. As for E went along with it. I didn't look at the site. But I saw it on Robsten twitters.

  163. Here you go. This is why we are pissed.
    When journalists become haters ...

  164. Hi to all Roselands! What we need a t-shirts says we are against haters, trolls, PapZ, and all the trouble makers.

  165. Watching Kristen and Dakota in "The Runaways". That's what I give my attention to. I doubt that those persons are considered "journalists" in any true sense of the word. Certainly, not in mine. Sensationalists, rather.

    Oh well, it's always a choice.

  166. Good post Rose.

    I agree w/DK. The less attention paid to negativity, the better. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. ;)

  167. PC- I am with you too.

  168. Hi to all the Roselands! Just to let you all know I am staying here. I don't know where is everyone. I hope all of you are ok. I never want to leave Roselands. And I don't want you guys to leave either. I just want you all to know that before I go to bed.

  169. There you go being all wise again, DK. The less attention the better, that is what they seek.
    Well,look at all those awards again! This cast and movie still loved by their fans, no surprise. Now, on to bigger and better things.
    Have a happy day Roseland!

  170. @Super & Birdie
    Love you two birds of a feather! Now going to bed.

  171. Good morning to all the Roselands! Hi everyone!
    Super, Birdie, and DK- I am with you all the way.

  172. Good morning Roseland

    I hope everyone is well and no one is feeling the effects from all the rain and flooding.
    I've had tons of rain but no flooding, so far, in my neck of the woods.

    To Edward and Bella HAPPY ANNIVERSARY :) because without them being created we would have never got to see the greatness of Rob and Kristen together as actors and as a couple.

    Have a great day everyone =D

  173. Hey Roseland Anniversary Party for Edward/Bella and R/K tonight at
    9pm Everyone come. Sorry it has to be a BYOB but you know they aren't old enough to drink. lol lol
    Everyone must come!!!!

    NO BUTS..........

  174. I saw that Kristen has enrolled in the English Lit program at UCLA! WAY TO GO KRISTEN!!! I hope she knows what an impact she has on young girls. So many follow her example. I hope she does well in her studies.

  175. Of course they are still together! I loved reading this! Makes me laugh because all the stupid excuses. Just admit it fuckers...they have been together ALWAYS

  176. Hi everyone on Roselands! How is everyone? And what is going on. I was at work for a few hours. Did I missed anything today?

  177. @ Lizzie: I had a great weekend! Hugs back! (And Lord, I am STILL tired. Lol!)

    Hope everyone in Roseland is having a good week. XO!

  178. @Frannie, glad that you're back. Glad that you had a great weekend.

  179. Hi Frannie, Barb, and Angela. I agree with you both.

  180. hello to all in Roseland, because I agree with all of you with respect to there really is no proof of a separation so it would seem that the stupid cupids at HW-lies and the rest of the idiots made money by painful drama after drama Thank goodness for Rose and her clear concise common sense and sarcasm which hits home and calms the soul. Thank you Rose for seeing the difference between truth and ignorant lies that are created to destroy and damage R & K and to control , but it has not worked worth a darn because the majority of fans can see the deception and are just really anxious to see their new movies.

  181. A party will be held in their honor

    Tenderly Calling

    John Denver:

    Home, come on home
    Ye who are weary come home
    Softly and tenderly calling
    Home, come on home

    Sometimes when I'm feeling lonesome
    And no one on earth seems to care
    'Im all by myself in the darkness
    With no one and nothing to share

    Just when it feels like its hopeless
    And I'll never make it alone
    I hear the voices of angels
    Tenderly calling me home

    Home, come on home
    Ye who are weary come home
    Softly and tenderly calling
    Home, come on home

    I try to keep it together
    I never let on that I'm scared
    Still sometimes I fall to pieces
    Scattered and lost everywhere

    Just when it feels like
    There's no one
    To mend all my broken down dreams
    I hear a voice deep inside me
    Tenderly calling to me

    Home, come on home
    Ye who are weary come home
    Softly and tenderly calling
    Home, come on home

    So don't be afraid of the darkness
    And don't run away from the storm
    Stand up and face your reflection
    The feelings you try to ignore

    After the tempest is over
    You've let yourself come on through
    You'll hear a voice in the silence
    Tenderly calling to you

    Home, come on home
    Ye who are weary come home
    Softly and tenderly calling
    Come on home

    Thank you/beanscot

  182. DK

    I would like to go to a party !!!! What shall we drink?

  183. @Super
    I only have Heineken but that's no hardship!

  184. DK

    I'm not a connoisseur of beer unfortunately but you go ahead FGM. I think I have some Cabernet Sauvignon...maybe I could have a rain check?

  185. Hey Roselanders!!! I got a full bar!!! What's your poison?

  186. Hey Super and DK...Love the music. How was your day?
    @Arleen - Hello sweetie!
    Where's everyone? This party is suppose to be hoping by now!!!!

  187. Picture of Kristen on Robsten Dreams looks like she broke the arm on her shades. She doesn't seem happy. She at a restaurant. Another of a top on Strictly Robsten of a bottle cap with a message from her to someone on the set of her movie. She is a sweetheart.

  188. Hi DK, KK, Ginger, vernistene, and the rest of Roselands!
    vernistene- Hey girl! How are you? How is your daughter and your grandchild or was it Elizabeth. I remember one of you that your daughter was in the hospital after having the baby was having problems.

  189. Family is on the phone-must talk! Party on!

  190. DK- Hi! How are you? I am eating frozen yogurt as for my party.

  191. @Arleen - It was my daughter and they are both doing great now.
    @DK - I'm into my third Blue Moon Baby!!! LOL LOL
    Played DK's song twice and now I think I'll kick back in a corner and watch the party spin!!! ;0)

    NO BUTS........

  192. We need Katy at this party


    Katy Perry (fun video with lyrics):

    Thank you/KatyPerryVEVO

  193. Love the song DK
    Let's get this party started!!!!!!

  194. strawberry ice cream and the Beatles for dessert!


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.