Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Quick Brown Fox...

I wasn't going to say anything about Liberty Ross.
Because I don't give a shit about her.
Sorry. But I don't.
Vanity Fair had absolutely no faith
in LR's appeal in pushing this article either
She isn't even the one mentioned on the cover...
Is she?

Of course not.

My final thoughts on this.

1. The only people who will like this article
are the Hags and the Rags.
Haven't we been down this road before?

I'm sorry...
but if you are truly a fan of Robert Pattinson
(and it's blatantly obvious some are not)
You would cringe at the sight of this type of thing...
not joyfully RT it in your Twitter timeline
and relish in his pain.
Because it IS his pain you are gleefully tweeting about...
like it or not.
Rob's name is brought up EVERY time.
Yes. You are a REAL TRUE fan of Rob's!
Good work.
I'm sure Rob appreciates EVERY hit 
the article gets from you.
You throw mud at Kristen?
Rob is getting splashed too...

2. When is it ever enough?
It's been almost a year and a half...
and NOW LR regurgitates it back up?
What is she promoting?
Say what you will...
But NO ONE cares about her.
She has to use Kristen's name to make
anyone remotely interested in what she has to say.
Her only claim to 'fame' 
is that her lecherous husband
kissed on a girl 1/2 his age...
It 'was really the worst...really the worst'
that she wants to keep talking about it 16 months later
She wants to keep bringing up this painful horrible 
thing that happened in her life.

Makes sense to me.

3. No one I know condones cheating.
And no, I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories.
It happened.
Kristen apologized immediately
She admitted her mistake.
She has tried to move on.

The Hags don't think she has 
been PUNISHED enough!

She has been crucified in the tabloids
and she has had her relationship
with Robert scrutinized to the breaking point...
And yet all she is trying to do is live her life
Quietly working.
Staying under the radar.
Moving forward.


4. If your first instinct is to hire a P.R. woman to handle the media
That pretty much tells me everything I need to know.

I have children.
My first instinct would be to protect them...
Shield them.
If she truly wanted 
" to keep as far away from it as I could
 and to understand that this is my family 
and it’s the most precious thing to me."


5. I get a lot of
"Rose... Rob and Kristen have moved on
So should you"

Back at ya.
The difference is that I'm hopeful for the future...
and focus on LOVE.

You just focus on the negative past and the HATE.

6. I still want to know how Kristen was 'outfoxed'.
She's not the one wallowing in the past.
She's not the one using someone else's name 
to get attention.

If Kristen's name wasn't attached to this article...
and LR was just talking about her 'career'
You wouldn't give a shit, either.

7. Rob and Kristen.
Guess what?
Like it or not... this is OLD news.
She's not saying anything she hasn't said before.
It doesn't impact their relationship now.
They know where they stand.
They still talk and see each other.
A lot.
You would be surprised at how much.
They still love each other.
(and that is what REALLY worries you)
They don't look back...
They are looking ahead to the future.

This is the last time I will ever discuss
LR or that day in July.
Believe it or not
I don't hate her or wish her ill
I actually hope that LR finds happiness somewhere...
and that she can do it without using Kristen's name.
Because THAT would be 'classy'.

This post is brought to you by mistakes.

Everyone makes them.
Even You.
What's important is picking up your life...
and learning from them.
Have you done that?

And this post is brought to you 
by my complete adoration
of Tom Sturridge.

He is a bright star
in a dark sky.

Until next time.

Bye for now.

P.S. I'm a child of divorce...
I went thru a similar thing as a child
and that is where most of my sympathies lie.
This article doesn't do them any good...
LR needs to focus on her future with her children
and stop ripping open wounds that need to heal.


  1. Love the post. People need to let the past alone in the past where it belongs. I think there are some that get off on seeing others in pain. whether it is Kristen, rob or both. They are just the worst kind of people. Just sad that some can't let it go.LR had her 2 minutes of fame and that is all she needs.(hag)

  2. I love this post. I agree with you there.

  3. Great post Rose. Rehashing the past gets you no where. Sounds like LR has not moved on, hope she finds her way to some happiness

  4. Great post Rose Totally agree with you here why cant they just leave Rob and Kristen alone they dont deserve this and it totally annoys me.

  5. Great post Rose. I still don't know if the crap about Kristen and rupig was all true (never will), but I agree it is time to let it REST!

    Anyone know what Kristen's next project is? Rob's?

    ((HUGGGS)) Roselandia!

  6. This is perfect Rose! I too had a similar thing happen to me as a child. Just not as public. My father had an affair and later (as soon as the divorce was final) married "the other woman".

    But my mother always understood and taught my sister and I that this was not the cause of my parents divorce. It was a symptom of other problems.

    We were taught to have love and respect for our stepmother as she was married to our father. That over time grew to true love and respect.

    I NEVER considered my stepmother to be a home wrecker. The reason why my parents marriage did not work was not due to another woman. It was due to the two ppl in that marriage... My parents.

    1. i agree with u, even though im not a product of divorced. parents or separated ones.
      i believe no one can interfear to the relationship if its sold and its not rocky.
      only the two who are in the relationships knows whhats going on. sometimes its easy to blame to the "third party" how the relationships got broken and ended ,when actually the two people who are involve are the ones the reasons it ended coz they're one the in times it just didnt work out like you want to be.
      But all u have to do is move on,move forward.

  7. Thank you for the post Rose apparently most people do not make any mistakes and live a perfect life that's really nice to know (Not)and I feel bad for Kristen and Rob because certain people want to keep recycling garbage and relive the past but they are moving forward and are still very much a happy couple only trying to live their life and enjoy making movie projects they are passionate about and have always been more than gracious with the fans to bad so many don't appreciate that and want to ruin it for others who only want to wish Rob and Kristen well and I say God love and bless this gorgeous couple who have brought joy to so many and gave us hope that real love still exists in this miserable world and as for LR her shelf life expired on her career years ago and she needs to stop namedropping Kristen's name and worry about her own kids and her rich bf instead of out here seeking any attention she can get!

  8. You were much nicer about this than I would be Rose. This really, really pisses me off....I'm a child of multiple divorces, and there is no way that behaving like this is helpful to the kids. Unbelievable. I'm sure some may think I'm overreacting, but my VF subscription was lost the minute they decided to become a tabloid.

    Take care Roseland ❤️

  9. Rose I am so tired of this subject being rehashed out of a need for the attention it brings others and like you have said many many times the pain it brings Rob and Kristen and their families.

    I was looking at articles on a singer I have listen to and loved for a long time. She is from American Idol so you probably know who I am talking about. She fell short of being prefect also, but what really bothered me more than anything is that the article had to bring Kristen's name into it. Now I doubt if they are friends or even know each other, so I could see no reason for the mention. But that is the way it always is now.

  10. My loyalties will always lie with Kristen and Rob...Thankyou Rose,great article and I taught my children to love their Dad no matter what.His indiscretions were his doing but to still love him.Every day is a new lesson but I'm learning.

  11. @Rose
    True, that focusing on love does change everything & everyone!

    That magazine is another gossip rag. True colors shown. Fockola for $$$.

    Meanwhile, happy, happy, happy thoughts create new possibilities.

  12. Absofuckinglutely perfect post, Rose!!! Thank you!

    “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”

    Wishing the very best of everything for Rob and Kristen.


    For Rob "Queen of the Desert" and "Life" and "Mission Black List"
    Kristen has "The big Shoe", but there is no shooting date yet and Drake Doremus is eying Kristen for next movie "Equals".

    Be happy and take care everyone

  13. Amazing that Rob and Kristen (bar the apology which came out right away) have said nothing on this topic and they're the only ones anyone would actually care to read about. Sick of seeing these two people dragged through mud. Loved your post Rose.

    I still believe in love. Until I see them look at someone else the way they do at each other.

    As for Vanity Fair,they've totally lost my respect. In fact I'd actually prefer for Rob/Kristen not to do any magazine interviews again because they always try pull out the stuff which they misinterpret anyways.

  14. Great Post Rose, very well said.

    Wow Mama Nails - I wish there were a lot more Mum's out there like yours! Kudos to her and your family.

  15. Great post Rose! VF won't be getting any more money from me! Wishing happiness to Rob and Kristen. Can't wait to see their coming projects.

  16. As was stated earlier "Well fucking said!" Thank you Rose!!!

  17. First time poster. LOVE your article, it truly speaks to what everyone with eyes can see. This is just a ploy to get her name back out there so she can get more modeling or acting gigs. Without Kristen's name on the cover, NO ONE would have given the article a second glance. My heart breaks for Rob and Kristen, they have been through so much and to have this thrown back in their faces again is just wrong. As you said, EVERYONE makes mistakes, does a young girl who's in the public eye have to pay more for hers than anyone else? It would appear many think so. This is a sad statement about society when so many people spend their time and energy tearing down a young girl who was taken advantage of by a much older man and owned up to her mistake. I hope this is the last article about this and that Rob and Kristen can move forward, finally heal and get some peace.

  18. Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel. KK, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I am going to take a nap. There is one thing to say.
    Rose- You have done a great job on your blog. You really nailed this one. One thing. The only person that needs to be in the mud is LR and her soon to be her ex-husband the pig. And you are right. Kristen and Rob don't deserve this. So I agree with you there.
    Barb- I have miss you. How are you? I hope you are ok.
    As for the rest of you on Roselands. Great job on your comments. I love them all. Except for trolls and haters. Hope you all have a great day. I am now going to rest my head. I have a headache. Later.

    1. Arleen waves to ya.
      Rose....straight up correct about VF and LR. Never buying that rag again. Huge boycott.

  19. Rose
    Thank you for today's post. For a couple of reasons I was really bummed out. Took a mile long walk and then opened up your post which immediately restored my good humor. Especially #3. A couple of weeks ago I felt I really was smacked down for something I wrote and was told to check out a post, which I did. Now your #3 opinion is what I said and thought. So thank you. Watched old videos of Rob and Kristen. NOBODY will ever love like they loved! Thank you again for all the common sense you impart in every post.

  20. Rose as i see it Vanity just hung themselves you think that their well be alot of people out there who well now want to bye their BS knowing it was all for the money And as for LR shes just mad cause Rob and Kristen HAS GONE ON WITH THEIR life and shes stuck in the past with NOTHING You cant even really call her a mother shes not looking out for her kids ONLY HER SELF and thats a shame Like you have said she cant do anything with out unseeing Kristens name Her PIG of an ex had many other women who he had did she say any thing about them hell know Its sad to think she cant get any where in life with out Kristen i guess you can say that Kristen OWNS her ass to Thank you once again :) DEB.

  21. Marjorie1211, katy, linese, Teacher1209, and the rest of Roselands! I have to also about VF. I say we boycott them just as well as all the those trashy tabs and all the gossip sites. They are nothing but lies, money, and hate. That is all they care about. Its a good things I am a tab free forever. Thank goodness.

  22. I think it absolutely detestable that this woman would bring this up again. I applaud everything you said and I am in 100% total agreement with you that this sort of action only hurts her children and makes her look bad.

  23. Well said Rose! No mother calls a PR person her first instinct would be to protect her children and not add more wood to the fire. I just don't get it, why are these magazines doing this? Since July I no longer purchase any of them nor do I go to their websites. This is hateful! Rose keep up the great work, hopefully one day soon, it will all be positive Rob & Kristen news.

  24. @ Katy Thanks!

    @ Arleen I'm doing just fine! I have been reading A LOT! I have been sewing too. Patching jeans for my two sons and my husband right now, but I'm going to get back into making clothes for myself. I did that a lot when I was in high school. Now that my boys are older I can take time for myself again. :) I'm teaching myself to knit and crochet too. I need to do something besides look at blogs all day! xoxo

  25. I can't believe VF actually stooped to using that story…well written Rose. I tried to shelter my son growing up in a divorced home, trying to make it a loving place…shame on her for still talking about it. She needs help. I get real selfish during this drought and would love to see a fan pic of R/K but your posts help me to just keep the faith. Thanks Rose. Even twitter, that use to be a fun place for the fandom has become way too drama filled….the "I saw Rob with another girl" " I saw Rob in a bathroom" "I heard……can't stand it. Thanks for the sanity Rose.

  26. Thank you Rose. You are a breath of fresh air.

  27. natt39…love your comment about real love and that is exactly why I am drawn to them…good to know there are other people wanting good for these two.

  28. BIG APPLAUSE, ROSE! I love your post and it's pathetic that she keeps bringing up media stories that were over a year ago just as as soon as BD part 2 came out, she filed for divorce because everyone saw Rob and Kristen were fine. She seems to be milking the haters' attention and the fame from dragging Kristen through the mud. It's disgusting. And I still stand by we know nothing about what happened last Summer, the real truth, and she just milks it for what it's worth and it's not worth much besides with the nonnies. Thanks always saying what needs to be said!

  29. She is not worth mentioning, except in the context of what not to do when you have children. I think she is doing this out of vindictiveness, because things are moving forward for Kristen. Jealousy is a very ugly and damaging creature.

    Rose thank you so much for keeping things in perspective and being a wonderful support for both Robert and Kristen. They deserve to have happiness and peace in their lives.

  30. ROSE

    Excellent and none of us ever want to discuss this...but we seem to be finding ourselves having to make a statement about it all the same...sigh...

    I want to encourage anyone interested to go check out a website called " she blames". Go to the "About" section and read the whole thing.

    I don't want to attack LR or anybody but I can't help but come to the same conclusion of many that this is a cheap shot and a desperate move for attention...

    Have a wonderful evening ROSELAND :))))

  31. So who contacted who to write this article. I won't read it and truly can't believe VF stooped this low. I can't think of any reason for an article on LR, just not that interesting or well known.
    I wouldn't think VF is that hard up that they would need to use tabloid tactics. Or did someone contact them with a juicy story? Really pathetic and cruel on both their parts. I am so very tired of the media and all the BS they use to try to stay relevant. The way they exploit people is horrendous. I think this is completely tasteless on Libery Ross's part.
    Mama Nails, loved what you had to say.
    I just don't want to read anymore of this negative shit. Can't they just leave this couple alone?

    Kristen Stewart you are a class act. Always have been and always will be in my book.
    End of fucking story!

  32. ROSE -- PERFECT post on this horrible subject.

    I am in pain seeing the headlines (haven't clicked) of all the major papers picking up this story. I know that R&K are strong but I'm sure they are hurting over this and I'm right along with them.



  33. Vanity Fair may have shot its self in the foot. How many of Kristen's friends and acquaintances will deal with their competition seeing themselves as future fodder for the once prestigious publication now turned rag mag. Hey if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it aint no swan. This is just another tabloid to scorn as far as I'm concerned. I never subscribed but they got the last of my news stand business ever. Enough is enough and too much is just shitty.
    This, this was too much.

  34. Kristen's mistake doesn't define who she is. She has apologized and I believe she is going to regret that moment of weekness for a long time. That's enough.

    LR is taking advantage of a private moment to promote herself. Kim Kardashian is proud.

    Until I see Rob and/or Kristen with someone else, I'll still hope for the best. Maybe they can work it out.

  35. Dear Rose, thank you so much for putting this subject du jour to bed, with a dollop of whipping cream and a cherry on top. So disgusting, so .damaging to her children, especially after just now finding out she was unfaithful to Rupert, and he had been unfaithful with several girls. That is not to say Kristen didn't kiss him, but why? I don't think she liked him-but why do we see Rob kissing friends and fellow actors? Remembering LA, there is a lot of kissing going on and Kristen had a script in her hands, which makes me think she was fooled to think she was reading script when all the pictures occurred. She was reported to say that she was stupid. Nobody knows really but she looked very embarrassed. To say nothing really happened makes sense and she and Rob never really separated for a long period, however when you are in love, a day can last forever. So I think we can move on now, perhaps. The PATTINSON FAMILY has, perhaps we can too. I never did think the pictures looked real and think they were pasted together like a kiddie puzzle. Sad that Liberty wants blood from an incident that she can honestly say may have contributed to. I think she is in some of those pictures that are remixed. Kristen is very small and is not as tall as person in the pictures. This has been proven way too many times.

  36. Shaking head in disbelief and disgust.
    Shame on VF.
    Move on already.

    Respect Rob and Kristen.
    Allow them peace and privacy.
    Hugs for Smitty, Gruff and Syd.
    Life is good.

  37. Hi everyone! I am about to make dinner.
    super, Barb, katy, Nancy Allen, Morning Coffee, LizzieD, Birdie, Rae H., ADD, and sue morris- I love all your comments. I agree with you all.
    Katy, Birdie, Super, LizzieD, and ADD- I have missed you so much. And hugs. I hope you all ok. You are still my friends. You were the ones that help me stop go near those idiots. So that is why I started boycotting those idiots. Thanks for you help and tell me to positive. I owe you and Ginger thank you. I haven't got near those trashy tabs and all the gossip sites. Thanks. I better go check on my dinner. Keep me posted. I Love you guys.
    DK- Keep doing you musics. I love them.

  38. May Rob and Kristen be filled with loving kindness.
    May they be well.
    May they be peaceful and at ease.
    May they be happy.

    May their friends and family be filled with loving kindness.
    May they be well.
    May they be peaceful and at ease.
    May they be happy.

    May those who are unkind be filled with loving kindness.
    May they be well.
    May they be peaceful and at ease.
    May they be happy.

    One can hope.
    Learn from the past, then leave it behind.
    Move forward with loving kindness, knowledge, hope and positive thoughts.


  39. I Believe In You & Me

    The Four Tops:

    I believe in you and me
    I believe that we will be
    In love eternally

    As far as I can see
    You will always be the one
    For me
    Oh, yes, you will

    I believe in dreams again
    I believe that love will never end
    And like the river finds the sea

    I was lost
    Now I'm free
    I believe in you and me

    I will never leave your side
    I will never hurt your pride
    When all the chips are down

    I will always be around
    Just to be right where you are
    My love
    Oh, I love you, girl

    I will never leave you out
    I will always let you in
    To places no one's ever been

    Deep inside
    Can't you see
    I believe in you and me

    Maybe I'm a fool
    To feel the way I do
    But I would play the fool forever
    Just to be with you forever

    I believe in miracles
    Love's a miracle
    And, baby, you're a dream come true
    I was lost
    Now I'm free, girl
    I believe in you and me

    I was lost
    Now I'm free, girl
    I believe in you and me

    Thank you/1987TANJA

  40. The Sweetest Sounds

    Perry Como:

    The sweetest sounds I'll ever hear,
    Are still inside my head!
    The kindest words I'll ever know,
    Are waiting to be said!

    The most entrancing sight of all,
    Is yet for me to see!
    And the dearest love
    In all the world,

    Is waiting somewhere for me,
    Is waiting somewhere,
    Somewhere for me!

    Thank you/65Seasons

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Why do all of you think that the apologies come from her or they were from one of the Kristen team who represented her? Nothing was like paps/tabs told, nothing was like it seemed!

  43. @Anna Maietta
    I have stopped supposition about things I can never understand. Frees my mind and theirs by proxy.

  44. To all the Roselands! I am going bed to now. Keep me posted. I am also twirling too. Night. By the way I love all you comments. Keep up the good. Night.

  45. This is so true and to the point. Great post, thanks so much. I guess she and the hags are wasting their time if they think this sort of bullshit will bring Kristen down. I hear there are new pictures of Rob and Kristen coming out (hopefully before the weekend I hope). They are truly barking up the wrong tree. People make mistakes, even good and smart people. I am glad she has a man who is wise enough to understand that. Thanks.

  46. Good morning to all the Roselands! Happy Halloween! Hi everyone! I miss all of you guys. Pics or not pics I only care about that they are still together. That is all I care about. I rather listen you guys than those trashy tabs and all gossip sites. Well, I am going to work today. Keep me posted.


  48. Happy Halloween :)...
    Your so right Rose, it should be about the kids, obviously LR is trying to recapture her time infront of the camera. I'm sure like all the other crap written this to shall pass in the breeze soon enough. I personally agree and feel that RK have been what they have been all Faith I too have in love :)

  49. Well, Vanity Fair has always been too expensive to buy, so I have stopped buying, so very completely disgusting to see Liberty Ross, mother of two, with her boyfriend whom she was with during her marriage to Sanders . It is a trashy thing to do as her small children are going to have to go through this again. All This for a photo of a kiss, nothing else. Most of the pictures shown are photo shopped as Kristen is tiny and way too short to fit the pictures with Sanders. This says --PAY ME MONEY. Did she not also pose nude? Shocking for children in school.

  50. I agree with you Sue, She did this for money and attention, seems to me she just faded away and now she found away to be seen and heard of again, bring it up and get paid for it too, how sick and how sad. She forgot to tell the whole truth, she wasn't real happy in her marriage before and also was going to file for divorce once or twice before, Oh bring on the lies again and hurt Kristen again with all this BS which isn't true, How sad. Guene

  51. Hi Rose
    I have just spent the last 2 weeks reading your blog from the beginning. I just found you
    a couple of months ago, and am so happy to find someone who feels the way I do about
    Rob and Kristen. I love them, and worry about them like they are my own kids. I can't
    explain how or why it happened, but they are on my mind all the time. I love all of the
    pictures you post. It's so wonderful to be reminded of how much in love they are and
    have been for so long.
    As far as LR,
    I'm guessing since 'Twilight Forever' is being released, this seemed a good opportunity
    for her to get her name out there again. What could VF possibly think she she had to
    say that would interest anyone, except for dragging Kristen through the mud, yet again.
    It makes me sick. Thank you for expressing what I could never have put into words these last 5 years.

  52. Well, this post is a bit of a disappointment. Because, like most of you, I eye-rolled when I heard about Liberty's VF interview, BUT right afterward, I recognized that Liberty is/was a victim in all this, and that she has every right to tell her story whenever and however she wants to. I'm a huge fan of both Rob and Kristen, and it's unfortunate that this incident haunts them the way that it does, but I happened. It did. And I think it's bullshit to demonize Liberty Ross for it. If she's been able to spin her pain into something positive--career renewal, good PR--then good for her. Her smarmy ex-husband humiliated her, after all. I HATE the way Rob's fans use Liberty to hate on Kristen, the way they've practically deified Liberty Ross, but I'm also pretty turned off by people that talk shit about Liberty. It's just gross. You can love Kristen, and Rob and Kristen together without shitting all over other people.

  53. That said, I'm so happy to hear that Rob and Kris have been spotted together--I'd much rather celebrate that than castigate LR. I'm probably one of the few K/S fans that believed that they'd decided to take some time apart. I hope this sighting means that a reconciliation is in the works!

  54. Happy Halloween Everyone, I guess the Witches, Snakes in the Grass and Ghosts from the past have descended upon once more and its getting so old and twisted. Thank you Rose for your welcomed Pearls of wisdom...VF has now become a Rag Hag and if I were Nicole Kidman and her PR Team I'd be pretty pissed off that here I am on the cover of the magazine and above the Vanity Fair Title are the words " The Wife Who Outfoxed Kirsten Stewart..." Are they for real? Liberty Ross has already spilled her story and so is she going to continue this song and dance like an unending soap opera forever? Enough already....She has kids who I am sure have heard the rants and raves...Now its time to shut up and go forward.

    I have found it very interesting that poor Robert has been at an Award Dinner for Australian Films and he is shown and accused of being with every woman on the planet ...than an old video of Katy Perry and he are found singing away at a karaoke bar behaving like silly friends and it hits the Internet and the Rag Hags like a bolt of lightening..."Rob and Katy have had a fling for years"...Duh! Rob was not dating Kristen at the time she was with Michael. Katy on her tour informs the world that he is a good friend and she feels for him because of the media. On top of everything else "Twilight Forever" is being released and the nonsense keeps falling...I wonder if its people who think all of this is PR to say they are together to sell
    the latest Twilight Movies...I think its nuts.

    I believe and will believe till its proven that Rob and Kristen are together and its crazy pseudo journalists who keep stirring the Witches Brew. I can hardly wait till they melt in the muck. Sorry for the rant but it seems every time these young adults try and go forward someone is bringing them down and its getting so old...My wish for this Halloween is that the good of the fandom comes together and stands together and stop this garbage that Rob and Kristen have gone though, because sadly there is too much hate and anger and its wrong...Robert is not going to be with anyone but the woman he loves and Kristen with the man she loves...Sorry everyone that your hearts were broken or the jealousy in their love is something you can't deal with but that's the way it is so like Liberty Ross its time to shut up and go forward....So I am Twirling away with the rest of you.

  55. Happy Halloween Everyone, I guess the Witches, Snakes in the Grass and Ghosts from the past have descended upon once more and its getting so old and twisted. Thank you Rose for your welcomed Pearls of wisdom...VF has now become a Rag Hag and if I were Nicole Kidman and her PR Team I'd be pretty pissed off that here I am on the cover of the magazine and above the Vanity Fair Title are the words " The Wife Who Outfoxed Kirsten Stewart..." Are they for real? Liberty Ross has already spilled her story and so is she going to continue this song and dance like an unending soap opera forever? Enough already....She has kids who I am sure have heard the rants and raves...Now its time to shut up and go forward.

    I have found it very interesting that poor Robert has been at an Award Dinner for Australian Films and he is shown and accused of being with every woman on the planet ...than an old video of Katy Perry and he are found singing away at a karaoke bar behaving like silly friends and it hits the Internet and the Rag Hags like a bolt of lightening..."Rob and Katy have had a fling for years"...Duh! Rob was not dating Kristen at the time she was with Michael. Katy on her tour informs the world that he is a good friend and she feels for him because of the media. On top of everything else "Twilight Forever" is being released and the nonsense keeps falling...I wonder if its people who think all of this is PR to say they are together to sell
    the latest Twilight Movies...I think its nuts.

    I believe and will believe till its proven that Rob and Kristen are together and its crazy pseudo journalists who keep stirring the Witches Brew. I can hardly wait till they melt in the muck. Sorry for the rant but it seems every time these young adults try and go forward someone is bringing them down and its getting so old...My wish for this Halloween is that the good of the fandom comes together and stands together and stop this garbage that Rob and Kristen have gone though, because sadly there is too much hate and anger and its wrong...Robert is not going to be with anyone but the woman he loves and Kristen with the man she loves...Sorry everyone that your hearts were broken or the jealousy in their love is something you can't deal with but that's the way it is so like Liberty Ross its time to shut up and go forward....So I am Twirling away with the rest of you.

  56. Amen! Rose! She is complete white trash, Seriously!!!

  57. Hi everyone! I just got home early from work. I am not feeling well. I can't believe that I am sick on Halloween. At least I am staying home. I just saw on Rob and Kristen's picture on Robsten Dreams. Now I can see it now that those trouble makers saying stuff about them. And included tabs and all the gossip sites.

  58. Happy Halloween to all on Roselands, sorry to hear your not feeling well Arlene ive got that 24hr bug thing been feeling ucky all day, i can see more trouble brewing from paps and Rob/Kristen dont need this take care everyone

  59. NUBBIN

    Can I just point out to you that about...hmmm. A few weeks after Liberty left Rupig she was out and about with a new man on her arm...

    I absolutely understand where you are coming from though and I think since we all will never know exactly what went down its not right to bash her harshly but I gotta tell you that when I saw how quick she was to get "out and about" I thought it was sad for the kids involved....

    But hey, we don't know the whole story...never will...just a side of it....

    Happy Halloween ROSELAND !!!!!

  60. Well I have to say that this post was hard to read simply because of LR. Never heard of the woman till that moment and have crossed her off my path since. The end.

    Love Rob and Kristen unconditionally, I will never pass judgement on them because I don't know them; reading about them and viewing their pictures online is sufficient for me. I believe these two have lived together since NM and are very happy in their cocoon; if only people would recognized!...I digress.

    Rose I support your reason for writing this post. I've loved and enjoyed reading and visiting your thread ever since I found it . Thank you for your hard work.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Hi everyone! Thanks for checking up on me. Just had a stomach problems. Mostly diarrhea. Its a good thing I am staying home for Halloween. I always do. And hoping to pass out candy for the kids. I wish tabs, papz, trolls, nonnies, haters, all the gossip trashy sites, and all the trouble makers would got what I got. Flu bug or stomach bug. I wish someone slip something in their drinks that makes them go to the bathroom part. That is what they get for spreading lies, hating, and making money. That should be fun. And I agree with you guys about the tabs. I am on your side. Well, I better get some rest and talking to you guys on the internet. Keep me posted. Sorry for my grammar part.

  63. New pics up of Kristen in her blue truck and Rob in his white Jeep leaving his house. I am not reading anything into it. Letting them live their lives. Just glad to know they are spending time together, for whatever reason.

  64. Dear Roseland, I really think we are just not getting the real pictures of these two, as they have a fairly normal life, they just do not come up for air. Not often, and then they get their pictures taken. They are not hiding but the folks with the cameras are waiting for them to come out of the gated community. And in the past they caught shots x3. They get that everybody wants to see them- so they lie in wait- just like a hunter stalking his prey. Rob and Kristen, time to shake them up and go dark again.

  65. Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel. KK, vernistene, Elizabeth, tufenuf55, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love all your comments. I am 100% agree with you. I love you music. And keep up the good work. About the pictures the only thing that matters to me is that they are still together. And Tuff, I miss you so much. How are you doing? Hugs. Well, as for the rest of you I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Night.

  66. Great post, and I agree with every word. It is time to leave the past in the past where it belongs. If LR loved her children, she would leave it is over. Take care Roselanders.

  67. Happy Birthday to those who celebrate this month!

    Halloween is over but there are plenty of campy (and romantic) horror movies on television right now. Vincent Price starred in 3 of those that I sort of watched. Good memories and fun combined. Ah.

    Peace & hugs for Rose, Rob, Kristen, Smitty, Gruff, Syd and you all!

    The magic wand waves hello, too.

  68. Seriously, on to bigger and better things. So, where the hell is that Rover trailer?
    Have a wonderful day, Roseland!

    Respect Rob and Kristen

  69. Good Friday Morning to all the Roselands! Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell,Ginger, gargamel. KK, vernistene, Elizabeth, tufenuf55, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, LizzieD, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I missed all of you guys. Do ever leave us or give up. I love you all and already making friends with you guys. I am feeling better. Now I am going to work today. Keep me posted. I better get ready. I love all your comments and you are doing amazing job. Keep up the good work. Except for trolls, haters, nonnies, and you know the rest. Well, got to go now. Hope you all have a great day. Later.

  70. Morning to you all on Roselands hope you all had a great halloween now bonfire night on the way take care all .

  71. GOOD MORNING AND I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO THINK ON YESTERDAY'S TRASH BECAUSE IT IS IN THE DEEP SIX. I think we really need to see Kristen this month on SHOWTIME I ON THE ROAD! she is a warrior to me and Rob is very quietly keeping his cool, which is very cool . Happy Friday you guys and do let's talk about Rob's new movies and Kristen's Newest flicks. Really now, this other stuff is just for the sick sadistic gossip rats and their buddies, the parasites, the pap.

  72. Hello Rose and Roseland!!

    Hope everyone had an awesome fun halloween!

    Hi DK, Birdie and Arleen!!

    Tina, a bonfire sounds fun!

    Take care guys...have an awesome weekend and stay HAPPY!!

  73. Good day! Friday at last!!!
    Hi Birdie, Arleen, Pist & Everyone!
    Carry on with the happy. :

  74. Hi everyone on Roselands! I just got home from work. Yes, I am feeling better. Did I miss anything while I was at work?
    DK, Pist, Tuff, and Birdie- I miss all of you. Hugs and Hi. How are you?
    sue morris and Tina- Love your comments. I agree with you.

  75. Thank you Sue Morris for your always great comments and your continuing determination to defend Kristen by pointing out the irrefutable fact that Kristen was absolutely innocent of any wrong-doing regarding last year's trumped-up and so-called scandal. Forgive me, dear Sue Morris, but I think I love you!

    As I've said before and will keep saying till my dying day, a conspiracy 'theory' ceases to be a 'theory' when it becomes a proven fact.

  76. Rose I always read and enjoy your posts. I, like you cannot figure out the heading on the magazine about Liberty Ross.

    It seems to me from reading many of the posts on the three sites I visit that in all probability the only one Liberty may have out foxed is herself for underestimating the reaction to this rehashing of old gossip.

    Even people who are not Rob and Kristen fans are seeing this in a bad light and certainly not one favorable to Ms. Ross.

    Thank you again for a beautiful and well done post. Peace.

  77. Hello to all of Roseland!!

    This is just a quick drive by ... hubby just arrived with dinner. BBL.

  78. What a day after all! So much threatens and alarms us, seeming to take our personal power away, and impose something else. See the love that reigns despite the fear. Hold on to that, people of the world, and this fandom, too.

  79. Wine and a dose of humor, so help me find my happy, cause I'm watching "His Girl Friday" from 1940 with Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell.

    By golly, the repartee between CG & RR reminds me of the R&K "commentrees" on Twilight Saga dvd's and the newest bloopers releases!

    Think about what lay ahead in 1941 (WWII) but we can't live in the future, only rise to it when it arrives (as the world did back then). Here we are, in the here and now-2013.

    Music may happen tonight, if we will it so. Or should I drink some more wine, not less, also made lasagna and when it cools, it's a goner. I may be also, since the lid had some mold on it! Someone will let Roseland know my when and where, but I cooked the dickens out of it, just in case. Trust in fate. :))

    Join me? To Life. Clink.

  80. It continues! Jean Harlow, Spencer Tracy, William Powell and Myra Loy in "Libeled Lady"!
    Haven't we all had some blame attached to ourselves and been wronged or maligned?
    Oh, those 1930's gowns! Reminds me of Bella's in BD1, a fab choice, imo.

  81. Praise me, I haven't even checked my old people's singles dating site yet today. Disciplined, indeed.
    They who send messages do adore the hats in my pics. Wonder if they get the repartee in my profile, cause it was off the cuff, a bulls eye on the target of my being.
    Harumph! Folderol, of course.

  82. Organs played add angst

    Sentimental Me

    The Ames Brothers (1950):

    Sentimental me
    Guess I'll always be
    So in love with you
    Don't know what to do
    Sentimental me

    Dreaming while I live
    Living just to give
    All my love to you
    No one else will do

    Sentimental me
    Reaching for the moon
    And wishing on a star
    On my honeymoon
    I want to be where you are

    Darling, can't you see
    It was meant to be
    I'm in love with you
    Say you love me to
    Sentimental me

    Reaching for the moon (reaching for the moon)
    And wishing on a star (wishing on a star)
    On my honeymoon (on my honeymoon)
    I want to be where you are
    Darling, can't you see

    It was meant to be
    I'm in love with you
    Say you love me to
    Sentimental me

    Thank you/MusicProf78

  83. I'll Remember Today

    Patti Page (1957):

    For always and always
    I'll remember today
    How you held me and kissed me
    In the tenderest way

    Even though you may leave me
    In my heart you will stay
    Though I'm lonely tomorrow
    I'll remember today
    For as long as I live dear
    I'll remember today

    How you whispered "I love you"
    In the tenderest way
    Through the winds of December
    And the magic of May
    Through a million tomorrows
    I'll remember today

    I remember the music
    And the welcoming skies
    How the sound of your voice
    Through the love in your eyes
    So for always and always
    I'll remember today

    How you held me and kissed me
    In the tenderest way
    Through a million tomorrows
    I'll remember today
    Oh how I'll remember today

    Thank you/jym1644

  84. Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell,Ginger, gargamel. KK, vernistene, Elizabeth, tufenuf55, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, LizzieD, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love all your comments. I agree with you completely.
    DK- Love your music as always. And your comments.
    Jean Worley- Hi and hugs.

  85. Words express it best

    Try A Little Tenderness

    Jimmy Durante (1969):

    Thank you/DJTwain1979

  86. Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell,Ginger, gargamel. KK, vernistene, Elizabeth, tufenuf55, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, LizzieD, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I am going to bed now. I was telling on twitters. Hugs are for Rob and Kristen supporter. And Air horns are for trolls, haters, nonnies, all the gossip trashy sites, and all the trouble makers. Well goodnight. And hugs to you all. Except for the trouble makers. Night.

  87. I'm trying to make some tantalizing trouble but some men are clueless. Bless them. I posted a wanted sign to alert them around here. Going to bed soon.

  88. Morning all hope you all have a lovely weekend still not feeling well :( ,take care all and Rob and Kristen.

  89. Good Morning ROSELAND

    Its kind of rainy yesterday and today...but the leaves have finally turned here...enjoying the color...


    You Do delight me with your musings and songs but the best word I use to describe you is "enchanting"... You have always enchanted me :)))) which is exactly why I had to call you and speak to you after reading RPI for ..I think it was no more than a week or two...I have never regretted it :))))

    I hope everyone has a safe and Happy weekend :))))

  90. ah, Saturday morning and the science fiction channel is channeling dinosaurs and Godzilla. I have a thing for dinosaurs and although I must go out to the magnificent grocery, I am content to just watch movies in bed with my hot coffee and notepad trying to remember what to buy. I am so proud of Rob and Kristen for their dogged ability to just mentally flip off the hateful nags. I suppose you do what you have to! Anyway, power to them! Peace to all.

  91. Hi Rose. You've said before that you don't subscribe to conspiracy theories, and you said it again in this post. Thank you for saying that. And while I don't agree with you about LR's right to talk about her pain, you've once again expressed yourself with aplomb!

    Cheers to you!

  92. Rose could you tell me the name of the movie that Tom Sturridge is dressed in a red uniform for there at the end of the post? I know from the woman's dress it looks like a period piece from long ago. Anyway I
    was just wondering.

  93. Rae H. - The picture is from the movie that Tom is currently filming....Far from the Madding Crowd

  94. I have been coming to this site for awhile but never posted, why because I didn't know how but I figured it out LOL. Rose I like what you wrote, I'm sorry that Nubbin didn't feel that Ms.Liberty was wrong in bring it up again over a year later, I don't feel sorry for her. Yes her husband was wrong in what he did, but it's over now and everyone is trying to move forward with there lives, but she wanted to bring it up again, why??? I hate to say this but I feel for money and attention, it's time to let it go and move on and start a new life for you and your Children. And do you feel it's ok that Lliberty is talking shit about Kristen, has Kristen ever said anything about her, and on top of that I don't think there was an affair, it has been proven to be fake. Check it out on Justice for Kristen and you'll see.

    So I see that there is some poeple here from another site I visit and it's good to see you here my friends. Thanks Bobbie

  95. RAE, Here's the Imfortation you wanted about Tom S.

    Wed, 23 October 2013 at 7:10 pm
    Tom Sturridge & Juno Temple Film 'Madding Crowd' in Period Costumes
    Tom Sturridge gets into character while donning a soldier costume on the set of his new movie Far from the Madding Crowd on Tuesday (October 22) in Dorset, England.

    The 27-year-old actor was joined on set by his co-star Juno Temple, 24, as well as various extras and crew members.

    The film is about a beautiful young woman maintains a relationship with three very different men. Carey Mulligan, Michael Sheen, and Matthias Schoenaerts also star in the film, which is set to be released sometime next year!

    15+ pictures inside of Tom Sturridge and Juno Temple in their period costumes on the set of Far From the Madding Crowd…

  96. Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell,Ginger, gargamel. KK, vernistene, Elizabeth, tufenuf55, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, LizzieD, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love all your comments. And some of you I really miss you. I hope some of you are ok. Hope everyone is ok too. Well, I am going to bed now. Have faith, stay strong, and be positive. Most of all stay away from those trouble makers. I love you guys. You are great friends.

  97. Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell,Ginger, gargamel. KK, vernistene, Elizabeth, tufenuf55, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, LizzieD, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love all your comments. I agree with you completely. You have done amazing job. One thing stay away from those trashy tabs and all the gossip sites. Especially, E!. They bring nothing but lies, hate, and most of all is money. I don't believe their bs. I believe in HKN, RPI, and DIDY. You all have done a great job on your blogs and twitters. I am on your side. Well, I better go to bed now. Keep me posted. Goodnight. I have church tomorrow. Hugs to you and god bless you all. Night.

  98. Hi to all on Roselands loving all your comments keep it up, love to all and Rob and Kristen ,looking forward to bonfire night all the beautiful colours in the sky.

  99. Good Snowing Sunday Morning! Hi everyone! I am up and getting ready for church. I hope everyone is ok. I love all your comments. I agree with you with my heart. Well, got to go now. Going to church. Keep me posted. And god bless you all.

  100. Good Morning all, it's cold and cloudy here in Montana. I need to go around and change my clocks LOL, didn't do them last night.

    Hope everyone has a great day and a safe one, Hope Rob and Kristen have a good day too. Hugs Bobbie

    Quote for today:You have to remember that the hard days are what make you stronger. The bad days make you realize what a good day is. If you never had any bad days, you would never have that sense of accomplishment!
    Aly Raisman

  101. On seeing Rob and Kristen in close proximity in the tabs... Yaaaay cause I want to tell the haters to suck on that you bitches and... Boo cause they finally got caught after all the peace and quiet they had over the last few months.

    Love R&K together ♥♥♥


  102. Bobbie V. Thank you for the info on the Tom Sturridge movie.

  103. Check out article on Kristen is filming in NYC on the columbia campus. I say go girl.

  104. Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell,Ginger, gargamel. KK, vernistene, Elizabeth, tufenuf55, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, LizzieD, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands!
    Barb- I miss you! How are you? I love your comment. I agree with you there.
    As for rest of you I am going to do the dishes and come back and talk with you all. I am enjoying the snow. I am watching it outside of my window. I am loving it. Keep me posted. Later.


  106. Good night to all the Roselands! I am going to bed. I love all your comments. Great job. Hugs and god bless you all. Keep me posted. Night.

  107. Good morning! It's been a busy weekend for me. Hope yours was fab.
    Hugs for all and to sleep I go.

  108. Happy Monday Rose and Roseland!

    Take care and have a fun week! ❤️

    Go Packers! (Sorry DK)

  109. Good morning to all the Roselands! Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell,Ginger, gargamel. KK, vernistene, Elizabeth, tufenuf55, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, LizzieD, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I am getting ready to clean my house. From head to toe. Because I am going out of town this veteran's weekend. I have to get everything done this week. Keep me posted.
    Kay, Barb, Birdie, Super, and DK- Hugs and Hi! You are great friends. Later.

  110. Good morning, Roseland!

    So this is one rumor that I like, Kristen filming in a new movie! That I can handle.

  111. Good morning Roseland!!

    So Kristen managed to sneak out of LA and into NYC without being detected ... gotta love the girl and her ninja stealth.

    Take care everyone and have an awesome day!

  112. Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell,Ginger, gargamel. KK, vernistene, Elizabeth, tufenuf55, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, LizzieD, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I just got done with cleaning my house. And I already throw down dinner in the crockpot. Did I miss anything while busy with my house?

  113. Good evening to everyone, loving rob and kristen even more and loving all your comments ,Arleen hope you have a good weekend you enjoy yourself. saying goodnight to everyone.

  114. So excited for Kstew another movie with JesseEisenberg filming in April 2014 "American Ultra". Saw this on rpl and kstewfan.

    I am so excited for both Kristen and Rob. Everything is falling into place.

  115. To all the Roselands! I am going to bed now.
    Tina- Thanks! But I am not leaving til this Saturday. But I got time to talk to all of you guys. Well, I am going to bed. Good night to you and the rest of Roselands! Hugs and god bless you.

  116. Tuesday may be another good news day like Monday.

    Happy for Kristen & Rob in all they do or will be doing.

    Rock on, Roselanders!

  117. Après un an et demi,Madadame a refait sa vie et elle en parle encore .Mais moi; je pense qu'elle essaie de relancer sa carrière en se faisant passer pour une victime.
    Après tout,le scandale n'est pas le premier ni le denier ( même le président des usa a eu son scandale, mais on n'en parle plus), il faut bien tourner la page.
    Ps, Pour ma part, je serai encore contente de voir Kristen dans ses films et les projets à venir.
    Courage Kristen !

  118. Good morning to all the Roselands! I am up and getting ready for my day. Did I miss anything while I was asleep? You all have done a great job on keeping trolls and haters out. And for keeping positive. I better get going. I will be right back. Keep me posted.

  119. Good evening to all the Roselands ,there is so much great vibes on here,so glad for Rob/Kristen also busy busy for them both,hope you all have a good bonfire night ,great times ahead.


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.