Well damn.
I haven't written in almost a month.
Someone who usually has so much to say...
Someone who used to post daily.
I'm not quite sure what it is.
Maybe there isn't much to say right now.
Maybe I just don't have the time like I used to...
Sometimes "REAL" life does get in the way
of "FAKE" lives... Ya know?
Maybe I just don't have the time like I used to...
Sometimes "REAL" life does get in the way
of "FAKE" lives... Ya know?
I mean...
Beardy Rob is filming in the jungles of Columbia
or something.
Luminous Kristen is filming
on the streets of NYC
or something.
Tom is probably really beardy right now
and who the hell knows what the hell
he is doing... or where he is.
or something.
See what I mean?
I'm not really a 'info' blog
nor do I feel obligated to go over anyone's schedule
and try to decipher where they are
and what they are doing
(and with whom)
and what they are doing
(and with whom)
at any given moment.
So basically...
It's pretty parched up in them there fandom.
Oh sure...
we still have all the lame drama going on...
But I doubt that will ever stop.
The names change
The game remains.
I used to get quite the giggle out of the
whole baby cray stuff...
But at this point
isn't it more sad than amusing?
This was actually written...
on a blog.
"The cuz said it’s unbelievable how big Sweet Pea is getting.
And she is the spitting image of her daddy.
She has his personality too.
Jelly Bean looks more like Kristen
and her Daddy calls her his butterball!"
I mean...
First off... I can't believe
anyone believes one word of this rubbish.
I'm SO sure the "Cuz" has all this insider access
to the imaginary babies!
And I'm also sure that imaginary parents
Rob and Kristen
would have NO problem with someone
ratting out their children on social media
giving up personal intimate details...
Why would they mind?
It's just their imaginary babies after all!
I'm still waiting to see if/when
I will be able to see Equals...
Because I really
Really Really Really Really
need to see it.
and him.
![]() |
Are you kidding me with this? |
And her...
Doing stuff like this...
And maybe some of this...
People still get bent outta shape
when I mention Nicholas on Twitter.
Why Chuck... WHY?
I had gotten this response to me posting a picture of NH
the other day...
(and remember... all I did was post his picture-
there was no mention of Rob)
"He could never take the place of Rob, ever"
What did me posting a picture of Nicholas
have to do with Rob?
Absolutely NOTHING.
Yet... somehow... these people
seem to think I am betraying Rob somehow
like its some weird sort of competition.
It all comes back to the people who spout
"Fans of both"
like its an insult.
They can't conceive of admiring
and being interested in more
than one person at a time.
It's so strange...
and narrow minded.
"You can only like ROB
You can't like both!
How DARE you!"
I like a lot of different actors
and actresses...
and musicians
and artists.
I love movies and music.
I guess that makes me a FAN OF MANY!!
Oh my!
Whatever shall I do?
Wherever shall I go?
![]() |
Fuck ALL the way off. |
And yeah....
I wanna see LIFE
(imagine that! I want to see both
Rob and Kristen's films!!)
and I'm pretty sure it won't be shown around me
because most of their films aren't...
But I'm looking forward to it.
Rob looks GOOD in this movie.
(Now can I see him in it, Please??)
One last thing.
A picture of Rob/Twigs walking a dog.
I can see why this was such a big fucking deal.
Not really.
Walking a dog is a pretty normal thing to do.
But the Baby Cray said it was fake.
(like every picture of Rob/Twigs)
and there was this big uproar
about the name of the dog...
"lady bear"
or something.
1. Why in the WORLD would anyone
fake such a mundane picture?
The whole damn universe isn't in on
manipulating every picture that doesn't
fit your agenda?
2. The Twigberts (formerly known has Nonstens)
were all atwitter at this picture...
Not only for what it showed
(and hey... good on you)
But because some people
were giving Twigs a hard time
over the choice of the name.
Because apparently 'bear'
(which is probably not even the real name)
can only be used once in all of dog names... Ever.
Sorry all you people out there
who have dogs named Bear...
Which my sister happens to be one of-
The bitch!
3. But what I found MOST amusing
and the real reason I brought this insanity up...
was because the Twigberts
were all shouty about how lame
some fans were to make a big deal out of a name.
They went on and on making fun of them...
How quickly we forget, huh?
Does anyone remember what the Ninnies
were screeching when these pictures came out?
"That's not Bear! That's a litter mate that
Kristen bought so people would believe its the same dog!
That's NOT the real Bear!!"
"Summit is making her walk the dog
so everyone believes they are together.
"Kristen even using the same collar with "Bear"
on it and the same leash so she can be
connected to Rob and stay relevant!"
The Faux Bear debacle.
Hilarious shit.
And let's be real...
The Faux Bear bullshit
is ever so much more ridiculous
than the lame name bullshit.
Just a casual reminder...
This post is brought to you by...
I miss his face.
Also by...
Nicholas Hoult.
Because the boy gives good face too.
Until next time.
Bye for now
All I will say about the baby thing is that I think it is very disrespectful to both Rob and Kristen to be saying they have children, what they look like, and their pet names for them when it's all a lie by a woman who gets off having power over her cult.
ReplyDeleteOn better thoughts, there is a very cute photo of Rob in Colombia in shorts and looks like wearing flipflops eating an apple. I hope he has a good experience filming in the jungle. Just read about Tom's new project along with a picture of him and the cast on twitter.
All I will say about the baby thing is that I think it is very disrespectful to both Rob and Kristen to be saying they have children, what they look like, and their pet names for them when it's all a lie by a woman who gets off having power over her cult.
ReplyDeleteOn better thoughts, there is a very cute photo of Rob in Colombia in shorts and looks like wearing flipflops eating an apple. I hope he has a good experience filming in the jungle. Just read about Tom's new project along with a picture of him and the cast on twitter.
The Oracle of Delphi has spoken, let all who doubt, and believe otherwise, be consumed in fires of delusion.
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ReplyDelete@Rose Hilarious, and they swallow everything every word,as they oooh and arhhh.Do you think they are in the basket weaving room listening to the tweeting birds,or maybe that is too much for them at the moment, they are still wearing the straight jackets.
ReplyDeleteThey're coming to take me away, Haa_Haa
They're coming to take me away, Ho-ho
To the funny farm
Where life is beautiful all the time
And I'll be happy to see those
Nice young men in their clean white coats and
They're coming to take me away, ha-ha,Ho-Ho.....
HAHAHAHAHA Corey... well, I guess I could call people who don't agree with me 'dipshidiots'
ReplyDeleteBut unfortunately that clever and witty word is already overused at your blog of choice.
Which begs the question... Why are you here?
Hey Rose, Delphi became the richest and most famous Hellenic sanctuary which is so much better than being a basement demon.
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ReplyDeleteRose, after all the messages explaining why, when this place was tolerant and a place to speak about R and K apart,together,or whatever, and being respectfully tolerated because because I also remained so, to you, my time is up. That message was for LG, not you. However if you are joining the ranks of "Why are you here?" I see the invitation to exit. Okay, fine. Just remember though I don't abide with dipshitidiots or delusional. Name calling is kids stuff,who's intention is to provoke.
ReplyDeleteLG, put a fork in it, you are done. Surprising that you knew it was HS.
I'm gone, you 4 or 5 folks have a good time hating.
I love your blog and miss the almost daily entries. I can't imagine anyone disagreeing with you, its just all common sense. These actors we love together or apart. I adore Kristen and I love Robert. They are both promising young actors with so many more years of brilliant stories to act out and tell. Twilight was the beginning of this love fest for me but not the end. They are both pretty people, what's not to love. What they do off camera is none of my business and lets not forget there are no perfect people in this world.
ReplyDeleteFinally! Your post hit it's mark and was positively REAL.
ReplyDeleteYes, Cory...I've seen you at the Haven..and you are as delusional and disrespectful as the rest of the cult. Even though you say your words were for LG..we all know it was insulting and were also meant for Rose. Go back and worship your leader, HKN!
Wonderful post Rose..Bravo!
Hopeless! I should not bother even wasting text on you, because you of all folks, you are the def.of D&D. You lurk attack, retreat, and cause problems whereeve you land. If you were moving about under various aliases, you know I do not use vulgar or disrespectful lang.unless VERY directly attacked. LG is such an example. SHE/HE likes to rattle the cage, so I rattle back. You have "0." Effect on anyone, cause you live and thrive on discord. U are the Very Last person to call the kettle black, ms.pot!
ReplyDeleteSince Rose directly addressed why am I here, she's suggesting I should not be on her blog. Fine, her blog, her rules. But you H. Desperately need to take your own inventory.
Well, Corey... If you are speaking TO someone specifically then you should address them...
ReplyDeleteOtherwise I have to assume you are speaking to me.
Of course I ask why you are here... Because you obviously don't like what I say.
I do find it amusing that you are so easily offended by pretty benign comments,
Yet you don't have issues with the name calling and censorship at your home blog.
Rose, if you read anything I have ever written, anywhere,but especially here, you know I have never dissed you, quite the opposite. I have been forth right and stated what I believe and do not discredit what you do. I act the same on any site. You can easily verify that. I have been the biggest proponent of focusing on OUR COMMONALITY Rob, and Kris, that we care about them. The illness causing the dimise of so many sites is the "We're right, you're wrong , you suck syndrome " Don't you see that. All sites have the same illness. I don't believe the same as you on 1 point only. Why can't we focus on the fact we care about these actors. I am leaving if you cannot get past our 1 diff. Rather then embracing our commonalry. It's sad though since we should be sticking together rather then tearing ea other apart. For what, diff. In their personal lives? How sad. Bye Rose
ReplyDeleteLive Guest, totally agree with your first paragraph.
ReplyDeleteWhen I read HKN's last post I was shaking my head in disbelief. Finally, I thought, she has written such obviously made up garbage that someone on that blog will stand up and call her out on it. But no, they lap it up and praise her. Quite incredible. But enough talk about them.
Thanks for the honesty Rose.
What has happened to the world. so many people are all stitched up, always looking to tear down someone who doesn't agree with their one eyed outlook. Thank heaven for ROSE,who tells it like it is. Bravo Rose more power to you.xxx
• “You have options. You can either continue to be miserable or you can just stop being angry at everyone and accept the way things are. Allow yourself to live.”
Ricky Gervais.
Cory, I don't think anyone here has a problem moving on and allowing each of these actors to do the same. But when there is so much hate, vile comments and outright lies about their personal lives from fans, its difficult. Obviously, as fans, we are passionate about their careers and possibly too much about their personal Iives.
ReplyDeleteIn the past, I posted on HKN to try to balance out the overt lies she likes to tell, but I quit. No longer feeling sorry fot those who still believe her lies. I hope you all can find a place of refuge and understanding when you finally realize what the rest of the world knows. Instead of admitting she has been wrong, she keeps building more lies and someday her house of cards will come falling down.
Sorry to bring this here Rose. I know you are good about keeping this real.
Cory, you say name calling is kids stuff, yet you called me Delphi which actually should have been Pythia. I think you intended it for Rose. No, I'm not done but it looks like you are since Rose has asked you nicely why you are here which tells me you come to argue since that is not allowed on HKN. Well, good luck with that. And by the way, I studied Green Mythology in college. Maybe you and I could discuss it some time.
ReplyDeleteSorry, typo. That should have been the word Greek, not Green.
ReplyDeleteoooops spelt quote wrong. off to the corner and give myself 50 lashes
ReplyDeleteCory, you don't use disrespectful language yet you call me Hopeless and follow a woman who calls another woman. IT!
ReplyDeleteWho is calling the kettle black now? Shame On You!.
Great post! I agree, I can't wait for Equal and Life and I will support them by going to the movies in the theater and buying the film when it is released on a DVD.Thanks Rose for keeping it real.
ReplyDeleteWow, excellent post!
ReplyDeleteRose, I'm so glad you posted that LUDICROUS snippet from HKN's latest post. You are one of the few people who call out the downright lies being posted about Rob and Kris over at the Haven. Its truly pathetic that these grown women, most of them who are grandmothers, as you said.... believe this rubbish. And i don't know how much lurking you do at the Haven but these women believe so much more than that snippet you posted. And there is no way in hell, if Rob and Kris were really married with kids, would they allow a family member or somebody who works for them, to pass off personal information about their children so that person can then pass it on to some internet lunatic who will post that info on their blog for all to read.
And what's even more pathetic is that some of these women at the Haven actually believe that Rob and Kris are allowing them to know this personal information
again, excellent post
wow - wtf
ReplyDeleteI have been so busy with real life, I have not had a chance to visit one of my favorite blogs. Read the previous post first and now this one. When did one of the more rational blogs become crazytown? How anyone can question Rose's loyalty to Rob is nuts. Don't even get me started about how wonderful she is towards Kristen...I found Rose because of her defense of Kristen. Her thinking Nicholas is cute only means the woman has good taste. He's adorable.
All this in-fighting - it just does not belong here. Have your opinion, play nice and remember the most important thing - this is Rose's blog, you come here to read her opinions. If they upset you, this is not the right place for you. Easy peasy.
A Fan
Popping in to share in the love. It is everywhere present, as when eyes are wide open, and the ears, hear.
Forgive my lapses. Got you in my sights.
Happy Day all!
good lord what in the fuck are y'all even talking about.
ReplyDeletetime to take a step back and breathe easily, seriously just breathe
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ReplyDeleteThree? When did the third one get here? News to me.
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ReplyDeleteLive G, I do apologise for my mistake. I was reading an older post of Rose and got it wrong when she said, "What next Peach Pit,little Pumpkin Seed"?.
ReplyDeletePATTY :))))
"No. #EQUALS will most certainly be in THEATERS first:) and your love and support is key:) @A24 is gonna crush this!"
I hope A24 does a better job with "Equals" than they did with "The Rover" which had only a limited release in theaters. It never made it to VT. I had to wait until it came out on DVD.....I was not happy.
Hello, it's me
I was wondering if after all these years
You'd like to meet,
to go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal ya
But I ain't done much healing
Hello, can you hear me?
I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be
When we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet
There's such a difference between us
And a million miles
Hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried to tell you
I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore
Hello, how are you?
It's so typical of me to talk about myself
I'm sorry, I hope that you're well
Did you ever make it out of that town
Where nothing ever happened?
It's no secret
That the both of us are running out of time
So hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore
Oh, anymore
Oh, anymore
Oh, anymore
Hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore
PubliΓ© par David Love le J
Couple of great pictures of Rob on set of Z. So fit and healthy in his Indiana Jones looking costume then a soldiers costume sitting in the mud. I be he is having a ball with cast and crew.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't look like anyone cares to comments any longer, at least on Rob, so it's been a pleasure when the fandom wasn't such a cluster fu*k. Looks like Robsten Dreams has closed also. It's been fun.
ReplyDeleteLG I am an unwavering fan of Rob.I think the falling off of so called fans appeals to him they have never supported his career. After all those who follow his career don't find the need to post on some of the sites rather, it's the knockers who have for some reason love posting on sites to spew hate against him.These knockers are as relevant as an ashtray on a motorbike.
ReplyDeleteJust ignore what they say I am pretty sure Rob does.x btw can't wait for Z
to be released,Rob will be very busy 2016.
New post!