Friday, October 15, 2010

Rob and Kristen- Can They GET Any Closer?

*slipping on Rose-colored glasses*

Ah... that's better.

"What pretty rosy glasses you have, Grandma!"
(did you get the grandma part? Did ya?)
"The better to not see the bullshit, my dear!"

So here we are again.
Sometimes writing a blog every day gets kinda hard.
Especially when there isn't much to talk about.
Kinda same shit...
Different day.
Well... you know the drill.

So I'm posting lots and lots of Rob and Kristen
being forced to hang out and be together.
Forced to get close and personal.
You know how it goes.

So many pictures.
So many photo ops.
(And please... this whole post is DRIPPING with sarcasm
so don't even fucking go there... OK?)

Kinda weird, though...
I always thought that if you wanted to be seen...
That you would like...
Not just scrambling through airports 
and hiding in (and behind) cars

You know what I mean... right?
If you were performing for the cameras...
Why don't I see the performance?

Isn't that what staging a romance is all about?

We see brief glimpses into their lives.
Only moments.

There is a marked difference to how they are when they
know the cameras will be there...
To how they are when they think they are not being watched.
Complete opposite of a 'showmance'
Because they don't put on a show

Rob's natural reaction to Kristen.
Getting Closer.
Bigger Smiles.
Even Closer.

And as close as you can get.

So what do we have?


Did you ever notice...
That the closer Robert and Kristen appear
The angrier and bitter some people get?
It's absolutely fascinating.

What are they going to do in the coming months (years)?
They are only going to get CLOSER.
What happens then?

I suggest everyone purchase a pair of Rose colored glasses...
and perhaps a sturdy umbrella
and maybe even some good boots and a raincoat.

I see a major FOAMSTORM on the horizon.
Steady foam.
Constant foam.


I'm thinking we might want to build ourselves an ark...

No Hyenas Allowed.

OK... so the glasses slipped a little...
Sue me.

I was told I eat hate 'with a spoon'.
I talk about hate.
I admit it.
But I don't hate anyone.
And really...
I'm not talking about YOU.
Am I?
I've always thought of HYENA
as a vague generalization
Nothing specific.
You THINK I'm talking about you.
Because this just gives me an excuse to throw in
one of my favorite sayings.

If the shoe fits...
Slide the bitch on.

This post is brought to you by the letters *S* and *F*

S for shoes.
We need some good ones for...
are you ready...
Lots and Lots of TWIRLING!

F for Foam/Foamers/Foaming
I'm telling you...
The foam is TOXIC.
Stay away from the foam.
I repeat...
Don't Go Near The Foam!

Enjoy chasing your tails.
(Hint: You will never catch them)

Bye for now


  1. Raincoat..check
    Rose Colored glasses...check

    Ok ready to weather the foaming, ranting, raving, hyena storm.
    Great post Rose!

  2. Slip the bitch on....BRILLIANT!!!!

  3. This post is just toooooo funny! Hyena's and foamer's to the left please..Don't let the door hit you in the ass as you enter the padded cell. I love your blog Rosee but, it get's boring after a while re-iterating what we all know to be true, Robsten is real. The delusional know the truth, they just don't want to admit it. They don't need rose colored glasses because that would mean they still don't believe. Problem is, they do know the truth, they see it, they feel it, they just don't want to admit it. So while they rant, foam and rave, we, the Robsten supporter's can sit back, enjoy our coffee/tea and LOL at the nonsense of Nonsten hyena's.

    BTW: The blog picture is one of my favorites.

  4. When i look Rob and Kristen,i see two kids very much in love,who are trying to be as normal as they can in a very crazy situation and they spend as much time as they can with each other.They travel all around the world just to be together,they look each other like there's no other one around,they make each other smile happily.That's what i see.I don't understand how some people see PR or fake romances.I think they must change their meds.Obviously they're not helping.

  5. glasses...check
    ark....just building one
    rubber boots....yes
    gloves (to avoid contact with hayenas)...yes
    fence to avoid the bitches....yes

    so, the show can start!!

    rose you're a genius!! and yes, rob and kristen will just get closer and closer and the nonstens will just get more annoyed. and we will watch it and laugh out loud, just to annoy them more and more!!!

  6. "What are they going to do in the coming months (years)?
    They are only going to get CLOSER.
    What happens then?

    *starts chant*

    hehe...sorry I'm a wee bit giddy today.

    Rose, thanks for another great post!

  7. Everything's a check, check.

    Thanks Rose! :)

    Rose said it first but it's worth repeating.....
    "With acceptance comes peace"

    Embrace the love.

  8. Rose,

    I seriously snorted my soda up my nose reading this!


    Awesome Post!

  9. Rose....

    Your blog alone is my pair of rose-colored glasses...everything you write, every picture of R&K, every single bit of humor and sarcasm radiates truth and clarity.

    TGIF...ready to twirl all weekend long with all the exciting things happening!!!

  10. Rose

    Love the Ark! We are on a Boat of Right while they are floundering in the Sea of Wrong.

    I really don't see how you are able to do this day in and day out, but every day you come through with a post that is more brilliant than before. We love you!


  11. Oh I love seeing some of those old pictures. It's clear as day the difference in how they react when they know paps are there and when they don't. The thing is, they had to switch to PR when the whole "they're just friends" thing blew up in their faces. If they're still together after Breaking Dawn is finished...what the excuse morph into?

  12. Rose strikes again. Always enjoy the blog. Always come away with a great big smile on my face. Slip the bitch on...dang almost choked on my lunch. Great. Kami I am sorry to say, I dont think the raincoat, boots and umbrella will do. With the way this toxic foam is coming I believe we will need the hazard outfits for toxic waste.

  13. Happy Friday..
    and Hi Rose,

    Great and funny Post, I love the Ark full of holes. The Hyenas on a sinking ship, I hope they know how to swim. It is fun making fun of them, you can't help it, how can someone be that stupid. I guess delusion brings on stupidity.

    LOVE all the Rob and Kristen pics. You can't help but to smile when you look at them, Look how happy they are when they are together.
    It was definitely Destiny, Fate... they belong together.

    Have a GREAT weekend everyone.
    Rose, thank you.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Okay I have my pair of Rose colored glasses, a sturdy golf umbrella, a pair of good boots, and a raincoat. I am ready for the storm

    Nekol (aka Petegirlsmom)

  16. Hi, Rose!! maybe it's hard to write every day a new post but you always do it so brilliantly!!

    I've been preparing myself for the Foam Storm for quite some time now, I felt that with the increasing anger and bitterness of some people, I would need a raincoat, umbrella and galoshes...Toxic or not I'm ready for the foam.

    And hell YEAH I'm 'ready...
    Lots and Lots of TWIRLING!'

    HI Roseland Ladies!!!

  17. Happy smiles for this post! Rose thank you for writing what you write. Other blogs post news and such which is fine but your blog is a breath of fresh air. I hope you do this as long as you are able.

    I have my twirling shoes ready. Can't wait to twirl with the Roselanders.

    Side note: I just looove people who give backhanded compliments...just thought I'd throw that out there.

    Caroline- that song you did on the previous post was funny! Thanks for the laughs.

    Birdie- I am a Florida girl but I love honeycrisp apples. Glad you liked the recipe.

    To the Roseland cybergod and company- thanks for cleaning house this morning! You all are pretty awesome. Wish you didn't have to deal with this though.

    Hope everyone has a great rest of the day. Life is good...

  18. awww...

    dat was soooooooo sweetttttt..

    jus like ma ROBSTEN....

    again 4 ROBSTEN LOVE.... ‎♥♥♥

    ‎"The first time I saw you, I knew it was true, that I'd love you forever, and that's what I'll do. You don't know what you do to me, you don't have a clue, you don't know what it's like to be, me looking at you."..♥

    may they alwazz be together like dis n i knw dey will...:)
    love u ♥♥ ROBSTEN.....♥♥

  19. A beautiful couple so obviously in love...Definitely enough to make me smile...Wouldnt want any different. ;)

    Dear Rose,thank you for making my days.As you already know,I`m all about the love,bb. <3

  20. Very funny post Rose. I love the pics you chose and your new banner is WIN!!!

  21. Rose,

    This post was full of win. "slip that bitch on". I'm going to use that all the time now, hope you don't mind.


    I loved your new slant to Kumbaya.

    Thank you cybergod for keeping Roseland rosy.


  22. Awesome post, Rose!!

    I am chanting IMPLOSION with Caroline!!!

    I hope everyone is having a great day!! It's Friday!! YAY!!!

  23. Ohh, I also want join Caroline and Majen, chanting IMPLOSION IMPLOSION...Love it.

  24. Melinda and Birdie,

    I thought Honeycrisp were available in the midwest only too. I go to the farmer's market every week to get some before they're gone.

    I'm going to make my world famous granola (to my family anyway) now.

    Talk to you all later. Enjoy the quiet while it lasts.


  25. Wow, I leave for a bit and come back to over 200 messages on yesterday's post.

    Strange days...

    Anyway, did someone notice Marlooney's mask slipping on the other post? The person who is so offended by profanity wrote the word "Bitch" in the last post.


    Also, how retarded do you have to be to contend that an actor who has played a supporting role in the last 3 movies would be moved into star position?

    Someone seriously spiked the Kool-Aid.

    As for the other M, watch out for the anger issues--radar is pinging.

    Oh, the other person who wrote in screaming caps--I hope English isn't your first language because you massacre it.

    That's all I have to say for the loonies. I'm sure there has to be quiet time at the asylum sooner or later.

    I do have to go out but I do hope to be back later tonight.

  26. How could I forget?

    Hello my friends---you know who you are! (HUGS all around)

    Be back later. :oP

  27. Rose~

    Great post! I look forward to reading your blog every the pics you put up!!

    Have a great weekend everyone!! :)


  28. Yeah if people have a fit at you, for what you write, they are the hyenas. :) I'm happy for the smiles they have when in one another's company. It's gone quiet now, Rob and Kris need some peace somedays. But I'm not saying they go out where the paparazzi are. They go out and probably think they won't get snapped, but it happens.

  29. Hello Caroline :) Hope your doing well.

  30. Rose,

    Please dear! I cannot take much more of these disgusting images of Kristen Stewart. Just notice how unfeminine and disgusting she is. Do you honestly think Robert doesn't deserve someone better.

    And yes, Nikki is rumored to replace Kristen and even if it doesn't true the fact that there are millions of people discussing it indicates how bad of an actress Kristen is. You can keep saying I am wrong but that does not mean you are right.

  31. Marlen

    Well...I cannot take much more of YOUR disgusting FUCK OFF

  32. Millions of people discussing it? Lol.

    Well I'd like to see these millions of people discussing it. Oh right, there aren't millions. There are 0 people discussing it. I'd say millions of people would include at least some Nikki fans, and Kristen fans. And an actual link today. There's no link today saying Nikki is replacing Kristen. It would be top news, there isn't any news of that. What bullshit. What drugs are you on?

    Whatever, fuck off okay.

  33. Susan-

    Hugs back at you. I think you and I are on the same page with the radar. I think someone is being sneaky by turning on the charm. I'm hoping people will see past the bs for what is really there.

    As for the other one the fact that she said NR will be taking KS role actually made me laugh. Someone spiked the koolaid for sure.

    The screaming caps one... well I think she could be the sticky one's cousin. Wouldn't be surprised at all.

    Ksrocks- I think Rob and Kristen try as best as they can to avoid places that the paps haunt. The problem is people tweet/fb about them being there and then the paps show up. Wish people would respect their desire for privacy and normalcy.

  34. I wish that too Melinda. I know that if I saw them, I wouldn't tweet. I don't like twitter really. And if they don't want to be tweeted, then respect that. Keep the news for a long time to yourself.

  35. I am not on drugs but consider what a wonderful world it would be if it did happen. And you are right dear, there are not millions of people, just thousands. And I wish Nikki would replace Kristen everywhere, including in Robert's life as Kristen will ruin him.

    I do not see or acknowledge your crass words and curses. They say much more about you than about me! So there you wretched bananabrain!

  36. kstewrocks

    I think Marlen may be smoking some heavy stuff or maybe rabies has affect the functioning of her/His brain

  37. Ladies-

    This person is truly unstable and wants us to react. They thrive on it in fact. If they didn't they would come around.

    Please try to ignore.

    We all know how wonderful Kristen is. Rob loves her and no matter what people who don't like her say, it isn't going to change his feelings about her.

  38. Just because I disagree with you and choose to post my opinions does not give you the right to curse at me and say I am under the influence. I have never taken a drug in my life! That cannot be said for Kristen who is a known drug user and alcohol abuser.

  39. Well Nikki's over with. :) Nikki's not his type too. I don't think Robert's that much of a moron too. or Nikki. I mean come on, your supporting heartbreak all around and terrible reputations. Imagine the press! It would be terrible.
    And come on, Nikki took drugs and slept with men underage, several, and wants to be a man herself so she doesn't get picked at for such kind of actions. Considering you have a problem with Kristen, you'd have a problem with Nikki too.

    And if you don't, well you're a hypocrite. Not that you weren't one to begin with.

  40. You're unstable = you're mental
    You're unstable = you're taking drugs

    Your opinion is that Kristen isn't right for Rob. And then you become a hypocrite and say Nikki Reed is, when sorry, but Thirteen was based on Nikki's life. Where she took drugs and slept with men underage. So everything your saying about Kristen, that she isn't right for Rob. Your saying is actually right for Rob.

    *knocks on the head* Anyone in there? Nope. Oh. Better get the Doctors out.

    Fuck off.

  41. Ksrocks-

    You can't reason with someone who can't be reasoned with. It's a loss cause.

    They hide behind the mask of politeness and manners but yet say the most vile things. To me that is way worse than using foul language.

    It takes a lot for me to use foul language. Just because I don't doesn't make me a better person though.

    Some people have a holier than thou attitude that reeks of venom.

    Don't engage in verbal wordplay with such serpents.

  42. kstewrocks,

    Nikki at least looks like someone who should be on Robert's arm. She is beautiful and quite well-thought of in Hollywood circles. Kristen is thought of as a crass person. Remember when she hacked a lung up at the Oscars? Totally embarrassing for poor Robert!

    Nikki knows how to behave and is beautiful.

  43. You people are rude and insensitive. I am trying to express my opinion. You do not need to call me a serpent!

  44. Ah don't worry Melinda, I'm ignoring her for tonight. Let's hope she shuts up.

    There's such a thing as leaving an opinion. Or going overboard. She puts the same thing in every post. And about 100 times in each post.

  45. Don't engage Ksrocks it will just get you more and more angry and frustrated.

  46. Bwaahahaha! stupid Hyena's hasn't the PR thing disappeared yet? omg great post Rose, as usual you couldn't be more right.Marlen what the hell? just fuck off and leave, you obviously don't like what you see on Rose's blog and that's fine. Just don't come here, say stupid crap then act shocked when someone calls you out on it. Thanks again.buhbye

  47. Good job!! They are so not worth the time and energy.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Okay I am out for awhile.

    Word of caution:

    Don't take a bite out of the apples being offered. They are poisonous.

  50. Well there seems to be an overabundance of M's today and not the kind we like like Manjen and Melinda huh?

    Um, are we ignoring--why not deleting?? Where the heck is Leo or Rose? Did we lose our police?

    And yea guys its me--really. Anyone not a psycho around?


  51. I'm not a physcho.
    So your Smitty that keeps being addressed in comments. Was wondering who Smitty and the other S one was. :) Hi.

  52. SMITTY!!!!!! *hugs hugs hugs*!!!

    How are you my friend? I've missed you :-)


  53. Liza--How are you!! God I just was thinking about you today. You always make me smile and laugh sweetie--i miss seeing you and watching you tease Syd too.

    Thanks for coming out--kind of scary as shit here today huh?

  54. Kstewrocks-

    hi-nice to meet you.


  55. Hi everyone!! *hugs to you all*

    Lets ignore these nutcases....I'm still ignoring the hate and embracing the love :-)

    I hope everyone will be around later.....I'm thinking a little Friday MFK????

    Much love,

  56. Depending on when I'm up for that. Liza.

    Forgive me if I am out of line but is kstewrocks cool?
    Should I ignore him/her too?


  57. Hi Smitty!!! HI LJ!!! How are you today? Hope everything is great!!

  58. Dreamer--

    How is the foot (not ankle) today!

    Hey don't play with the trolls hon--okay? Trying to get Leo up to help but no luck so far.


  59. Hi Katy!

    How are you?? Geez, lots of you are here now--:)

  60. Smitty

    Not a player, darling, just being me.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. To be honest Smitty, sometimes I've been the talk of being crazy, because sometimes my comments tend to land me in it. For the past week I've been kind of normal. :D
    I think I know now what to say and what not to say though, and I've actually now remembered some names recently.

  63. Meaning I've kind of found my place here, I hope at least.

  64. ksrocks, LJ, katy

    Good day to you, too.

  65. Dreamer-

    K I'll bottom line this, Mathew and Marlen are creepy trolls. Please just ignore them okay?

    Thanks --I don't mean to sound boss but they kind of don't deserve anyone's attention

  66. Good day dk
    It's night here though. ^^ Still day for you?

  67. Smitty
    Gotcha! It's always best to bottom line with me.

  68. Aww Smitty I always think of you, hate that I always miss you on here!! yeah theres some wierd fuckers around at the moment (oops I was called unbecoming for swearing yesterday.....ahhh fuck it! ha).

    Are you having a fabulous time? I hope so. Seriously **HUUUUUUUUUGS** I really miss chatting to you my friend :-D for teasing Syd I promise I mean every word I say, that boy is beautiful inside and out and I heart him sincerely......although I do sometimes read the stuff back that I say to him and think OMG if someone else had written this I would read it and think what a twat! oh well....heh heh...

    ****Sending you my love****


    Oh and I think kstewrocks is for Matthew, hes got DICK written all over him.

  69. Smitty

    We alraedy figure out that they are Trolls

  70. Yes, it is a very sad day when people go astray.

  71. Smitty

    Your leaving alraedy:(
    Have Fun!!

    Take care

  72. Hi Katy, DK & kstewrocks :-)


  73. If I remember correctly, LJ your from Manchester right? I keep looking at your name and I think, yup, she's close by. :]

  74. kstewrocks

    Tought I've disagreed with you in the past...I think your cool.

    LJ...I agree with you 'Matthew, hes got DICK written all over him'...the trolls are emerging in full force these last days

  75. Not trying to do a drive-by--just need to clear some of the ugly out before I can come back.

    Sorry ladies--if they are here to bug me I'm really sorry.

    Take care--trying to get Roseland security now.


  76. Rose, great post as usual. I am ready for the implosion, and I think it is funny as hell that all the haters and hyenas are ranting and raving. They refuse to see the fact that Rob and Kris are deeply in love, and like you, I think their love will grow deeper and deeper over the years---that is why there is so much foaming, ranting and raving. As for Marlen, I think she must have escaped from the insane alyssum. I bought new shoes so I am ready for all the twirling, and I am smiling and laughing, never been happier. Have a good weekend fellow Roselanders, and Rose, I will look for you tomorrow.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Smitty

    You don't have to apoligize for anything.

  79. Smitty, please don't apologise...lets get rid of these miserable vile fuckers then hopefully we can chat more :-)

    Hey kstewrocks, yep thats me!

    DK I hope your looking after that foot my friend?

  80. katy
    What plans do you have this weekend?

  81. katy, thank you
    I think I've learnt my lesson on what not to say and what to say. I've adjusted to the commenters really.
    So I feel okay (positive I guess), like I won't say anything bad or annoying.
    But if I do in future, I'm sorry. I've got every intention to stay how I am like for example this week has been a good one.

  82. Liza
    As I said last night, when it is not in my mouth, it's healing well. Lol.

    Been waxing poetic and filling Roseland with music with some small success, sigh.

  83. LJ xD Awesome! I went past Manchester, I think it was. Through the motorway last Saturday. Up to Warrington. Past Chester at least. Gosh the traffic was dreadful. It was like a standstill for a very long time.

  84. Fresh coffee now, or maybe some more sleep, so I can face whatever blows in the wind?

  85. Dreamer ... tomorrow I have a birthday party and Sunday I'll take a Levada walk with some friends ... get in touch with nature.

  86. Ksrock-

    I will tell you that for awhile I got frustrated because I felt like some people kept bringing up stuff that was gossip about R,K, or T and we try to avoid it.

    I have to say we kinda jumped all over you a couple of weeks ago. I am sorry if you feelings were hurt about that.

    It has been so much more pleasant around here with the positivity. You are cool. You love Kristen and can appreciate Rob in her life. And you take on the haters just like the rest of us.

  87. Excuse me, Marlen, but you're comments sound like anything but an "opinion". NR is taking over KS's role...opinion? Perhaps some English 101 is necessary.

    If we're all sharing our opinions, then in my opinion, I find Kristen much more attractive, real, and talented. In my humble opinion, Nikki likely would never been in the Twilight saga if not for her dad's relationship with Catherine Hardwick. In my opinion, in most appearances and interviews I've seen, I think she looks and acts snotty, disconnected, and above it all.

    So, you have a very easy choice, clearly people on this blog enjoy and appreciate Kristen and Rob. If you don't, then don't hang around her and look for a fight. You look hard enough, you're going to get one.

  88. Aww DK you are wonderful and I love your music....

    Hi Melinda!

    Yeah KS the traffic on the motorway near Chester is awful. I sometimes go to the beach at Anglesey in the summer and I go that way on the motorway......bloody nightmare!

    I'm actually from Cheshire so about 30mins drive from Manchester.


  89. Katy
    What a beautiful place to talk a walk or anything! Lucky you.

  90. Oh, and by the way, I have my cute pink and white polka dot rain boots ready for the foam! :) I'm twirling already!

  91. Hellooooooooooo Melinda, DK, Katy, Krocks, Liza and anyone I may have missed.

    Looks like our radar was spot on last night. Its good we all are alert that way.

    MFK tonight anyone? I'm leaving town tomorrow but tonight is good.


  92. LJ
    You also are wonderful, cute bug.

    And don't think that I don't admire your tenacity and grit, really everyone's here.

    I am a different kettle of fish. So I do gritty, more like nitty gritty, chitty, chitty, bang, bang and silly stuff like that.

  93. Penny & Melinda

    Games tonight, oh, if it works out-I'm in.

  94. Ah yeah, did go past you then LJ. Via the motorway. The first stop is Chester, well it's before the stop for Warrington at least. Oh I've heard of that. :) The beaches I've been to are Wales and Devon, in the UK. The one in Devon, down South is so beautiful. Lovely and warm too.

    Hi Penny Lane, (:

  95. Ha,aaaaaaa, ha. Ok, going to make that coffee now for the brain is twirling instead of the booty.

  96. Dreamer Thank you. I am fortunate to live in a beautiful island where we have the privilege to give these beautiful walks.

  97. Hi Penny! yes I'm deffo up for MFK later....

    DK you are truly a good soul and that is why we love you, we wouldn't have you any other way....(and I still love 'cute bug' that is such a great term of endearment!).

  98. Well Melinda I've forgot about that. I've adjusted to what not to say and what to say, and it's been good fun really, a nice place. It's been better. So I remember currently the past week which has gone well. It's been lovely. (: Without the crazies, but I guess sometimes they bring a tinsy bit of humour, or can be entirely exhausting.


    Definitely, Rob and Kristen interest me quite a bit compared to any other celebrities or actors. And then here, this blog is a lovely place, the posts are nice from Rose. The commenters too. And if the crazies are here, I'll tackle them too.

  99. thats my girl Rose I got my rose colored glasses on and a BIG ASS sturdy UMBRELLA let the GAMES BEGIN HAVE FUN GIRLS BE BACK LATER DEB.

  100. Waves Penny

    No MFK for me...I have to get up early tomorrow but hope all of you have fun tonight.

  101. DK-

    What rain are you talking about?

    I'm game for MFK later on if it works out.

    Hey Penny!

  102. KSR-

    What's Roseland without the crazy. We need to laugh sometimes.

    There are a couple that not funny at all and thankfully when they start up we have a cyber genius that can do a clean up for us.

  103. Yeah Melinda. Is that who deleted that serpents comments yesterday? I find it amusing when they try again and again to comment, but oops, deleted it again. xD
    Well the honey bee, she, sometimes can be funny. Only with the whole she doesn't give up. She'll never ever give up. But the stuff she comes out with. Kristen's dating Garrett, Tom Stu, who next...? :]
    Of course the next co-star she has!

  104. It doesn't make any difference how many times we have seen these pictures, I, for one never get tired of seeing Rob and Kristen together. They seem to have gone underground again but BD is just around the corner. Should be plenty of new pictures then.

  105. Anyway people, I'm off. Early start tomorrow for another journey in a 3 week row. :]
    Have fun tonight, and have good days tomorrow!

  106. Kstewrocks, I for one think you've been doing great this week!

    Oh and please, I know it upsets everyone who's just signing in and read what's been said, But Please do not engage the M & M only keeps them and their stink around that much longer!

  107. Where's my coffee cake when I need one?

    Did you see the top 5 healthiest rated fast food restaurants?

    Panera Bread, Au Bon Pain, Corner Bakery, Noodles & Co, and one IDK Jason's Deli.

    Bet they all have danish or something for me.

  108. One of your best post Rose!!! Many compliments !!!! You're great and very sweet!!!

  109. Kami
    Hello, there.

    Today, as usual, I am a lover, not a fighter. I'll work on the sillybilly aspect, too.

  110. Took a long nap, I'm wearing my Happy "Don't feed the trolls" shrit so I'm good how bout you P?

  111. Hi everyone! Love the mix of photos of our beloved duo. I'm ready to twirl too, and I've got all my rain gear ready for the onslaught!

  112. Hey DK! Yeah I like the Silly billy tag, I also kinda liked the bananabrain one lol

  113. Kami,

    Did you get that carpet cleaned?

    I spent the last hour in a massive traffic jam and I don't live in a big city. I get the worst road rage, its embarassing.

  114. Yes P, I finally got the carpet cleaned, now if I can just convince those two animals of mine to quit having that pissing contest, it'll be good.
    I get REALLY angry if I'm in a traffic jam, especially when we lived in a pretty small population area for Texas. Here there's always one...learning to live with it

  115. Liza!!! ((((Hugs))))

    is anyone else having issues with their computers on this site?

  116. Kami,

    Sometimes I get a server error when I try to post and the post appears to be lost.

  117. Kami,

    I laughed when I saw bananabrain too. We'll add that to the list under muffalumps.

  118. DK-

    love Au Bon Pain...wish there was one around me.

    Jason's Deli is fantastic. Lots of organic items.

    Hey Kami- we tried really hard not to feed them. Loony Bin didn't like that I called them a serpent much. As Rose says "if the shoe fits, slide that bitch on."

  119. ksrocks
    Missed saying bye to you, so have a good weekend trip/laugh till it hurts.

  120. I'm having that same problem Penny, I posted something yesterday morning and it showed up yesterday afternoon.

    Melinda hi! Y'all did much better at not feeding them than I would have...I had to turn off my computer and take a nap, cause..well you know how they are.

    Hi **I**Believe

  121. DK,
    Your magic wand didn't work yet....still rainy and miserable here.

  122. **WAVES**

    Hello Everyone!!

    I see we were invaded by some CRAZY today!!

    I find it interesting that we are not supposed to say mean and hateful things to her,


    It's OK for her to say mean and hateful things about Kristen!! Doesn't seem fair, does it??
    Did she call someone a "bananabrain" ?? LOL!!

  123. Really, can't we keep the good stuff that comes out of it like:


    Just ignore where they came from and the "serpenty" bits?

  124. Oh yeah Dk I'm keeping those, lol I feel like we earned them.

    Hi Manjen..It did call someone a Bananabrain but I don't remember who lol .

  125. Hi Kami, you Sillie Billie, you. We almost busted out the moonshine this AM to help with the foam.

  126. Moonshine with your eggs...yeah...i could handle that lol may not make the foamers go away but will dang sure make it more fun to deal with them

  127. Manjen!!!!! (waves)

    Yeah the crazy came out to play, it got messy, and someone came in and cleaned up some of it.

    DK- her usage of the English language leaves a lot to be desired. But I feel like a five year old is talking to me when she starts her nonsense.

  128. IBelieve
    Oops, it worked here instead. I woke up to wet pavement and then the sun burst out to my satisfaction. Must have waved the wrong way.

    I'll try another direction. Where are you located?

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. Melinda
    Could be we are thought to be the five year olds!

  132. Okay that was so fast I thought for a minute I was going crazy myself.

  133. Hi Manjen and I believe,

    Does anyone else think that M&M Trolls sounds like a cartoon show?

    I've got to go fix dinner for the menfolk.

    I'll be back later.

  134. Closing the gate worked!!!! It is gone.

    DK wave your wand at Upstate NY, please.

  135. P at the very least a Bob and Tom skit

  136. Wow, wtf is up with the new trolls? Personally, I think Marlen is 100% messing with people. That is not a real opinion, nor a real perspective. Just stirring the pot. That Matthew character? Just a creepy troll.

    Speaking of trolls, heard back from twitter regarding my complaints against Honey's twitter page. They are looking into the allegations. Turns out, shockingly, I am not the only person who has reported Honey's page. They are looking into violations of twitter policies, agreements, applications, etc. mainly due to the violence and threats. But also one I hadn't reported and that is Spam and Abuse because she tweets and retweets the same shit over and over and I guess that is spam. So they said they would be monitering the situation.

    Honestly, I don't expect much from twitter. I am just so happy with the knowledge that, probably today, Rob and Kristen's management will have received the package with all of Honey's nonsense. And maybe Kristen herself will see. Which will be just retribution because you know Kristen would be HORRIFED to hear that she had a "fan" like this.

    As an aside, apparently Honey is also some character named Kiko at the IMDB boards (which I do not frequent) so some kind soul sent me all sorts of creepy posts from her, which I also included in the package. So they will have a nice selection of greatest hits to go through.

    Everyone: happy Friday. Have great weekends!

  137. Penny & Kami
    I got the server error also. Maybe Leo is fine tuning again.

    Wish it were possible to have two sets of comments-one public, one private by sign-in only but that is Rose's beeswax, um, business.

  138. Rose--is that you helping out?


  139. Hi Manjen!!! **hugs** Tracy & SueBee where are you??

    Ha ha yeah Manjen, I was called 'unbecoming' yesterday because I swore. Cheeky fucking bitch! heh heh.....

  140. Sydney
    You are sensational! Thanks for the follow through and update. Way to go.

  141. Leo-

    Rose hasn't been on but the male person said something and it immediately got deleted so THANK YOU!

    You are wonderful btw and we love you around here.

    Thanks for looking out for us.

  142. Okay, we may have trained the jerks to delete their own comments at this point or Rose is lurking and deleting.

    Well done if that was you Rose. Sorry I didn't get to them all sooner today. Would you believe the nonsense is spreading to other blogs/sites.

    Fun fun--thanks--I am instructed that Roseland is to be the priority so I'll try to jump on faster if the beasts return.


  143. Thank you Leo! Please tell our friend all is well with us in Roseland!

  144. Rose

    I never comment only read but today I had to tell you how amazing I find your blog! You're the best!

  145. Sydney- hugs for all you are doing!! She hasn't popped up in the last couple of days so I hope she realizes that people are going to let her get away with it and finally backs off.

  146. Thank you cybergod. You certainly have your hands full.


  147. Y'all realize of course now that we've spoken of the Sticky Devil she will appear.

    Great Job Sydney and thank you for doing it

  148. Leo-I'm sending you a cold beer for all of your hard work!

  149. This comment has been removed by the author.

  150. So, I had a drinking lunch and realized it has affected my spelling. I meant "horrified" and "monitored." Thank you, and sorry.

  151. Liza- just wondering but why did you take your picture off? I just noticed that.

  152. Sydney- lol...a drinking lunch. You need to hang around us more.

  153. Liza

    Yes she is a Cheeky fucking bitch!! LOL!!

    You know you should NEVER fucking swear...I mean FUCKING NEVER!!

  154. This comment has been removed by the author.

  155. No real reason Melinda, here I am ------------------------->

    Too fucking right Manjen! Its a good fucking job I never fucking do swear!


  156. Hmmm...does something seem REALLY disturbing or what???

  157. Manjen-

    oh somebody is bored and hoping someone will take the bait and play I think.

  158. Yep Manjen my friend.....fucked in the head disturbing but Leo is on it.....


  159. Melinda

    I think I will just ignore it then..

    It's still creepy though!!

  160. It' been taunting, stalking and now threatening. A bit too creepy.

  161. Unbelievable.........Just bloody unbelievable!
    Hello Roselanders (You know who you are)

  162. Oh it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

  163. Hi! Fellow Roselanders!

    Was gonna play but son just came in and wants a ride, be back in a bit. Hold the Fort


  164. Hi Rose and everyone!

    Great post, am gathering up all my "hurricane" rain gear, the heavy duty stuff. Always have my rose colored glasses handy. May I snuggle up to tigger on the Ark?

    Conked out early last night. Felt under the weather and decided an early bedtime was in order. It helped. It's a perfect day outside, and I will enjoy some of it now after work.

    Yummm, Honeycrisp apples are available here, but are quite pricey. Well worth the cost! Can be up to 2.50 a lb. Almost as expensive as gas.

    Katy, the Madeira Levada Walks look absolutely beautiful. You are such a lucky person to live on an island, and it is gorgeous.

    Illogical people with their twisted comments are always frightening and they reflect their own actions; they are twisted people acting in an illogical fashion calling out for attention.

    Leo, with all the work cut out for you, you deserve a full case, not just one cold one.

    Olivia (TX.)

  165. ahhh darn you've gone and figured out my secret identity. shoot

  166. Melinda........ I know what you said to do but it's difficult.

  167. Annie, yep agreed, but sometimes there's hyenas and sometimes there are snakes...dealing with a snake..

  168. Sydney
    So, tell me, what is a luncheon type of cocktail? Martini, manhattan, bloody mary or has it changed from my old luncheon choices?

  169. Olivia
    Another sweet voice joins the chorus.

  170. Annie
    It's the bottom line request from the very top, so we must be faithful.

  171. Wildhart007
    TGIF and that's the time to be here.

  172. @Kami:
    Hell yes! Dangerous, dangerous snakes! Mentally disturbed snakes!

  173. Hi DK:
    Will do! I will abide by the request.

    How are you this evening? :)

  174. OK.............Someone was talking about apples earlier. Has anyone ever eaten Pink Lady apples? They are so delicious!

  175. Hello Rose,

    Matt is done--toast, fried, chopped up and eaten. Got the code on the first try because, well, I am the cyber god.

    I'll work on the rest but you should be good for now as far as the creep is concerned. Stupid teenagers bored on a Friday with nothing else to do.

    Have a good night Roseland--you won't have to deal with that one again!


  176. We are dealing with a snake charmer....that's not really charming when the true colors come out....

  177. We all bow to the Cyber God Leo and say a heartfelt THANK YOU!!!!

  178. La la la la, **waves** and a hug to DK,

    Just here for a few minutes. Warming up supper and off to eat on the back porch. ( Lasagna, salad, and a big bowel of steamed veggies. Also, a big mug of my favorite tea. Late evening dessert/snack will be a bowl of greek yogurt with a cut up peach mixed in and sprinkled with fresh TX. pecans.)

    Birds are singing, sun is shining, and will throw a handful of peanuts out for the squirrels for entertainment. Have you ever googled "squirrel fishing"? Highlarious.

    Be back in a while.

  179. "Finally Friday"

    I got a hundred dollars smoking in my bill fold
    I know I outta save it but it's burning a hole
    Right through my pocket and into my skin
    come Monday morning i'll be broke again.

    Cause It's finally Friday, I'm free again
    I got my motor running for a wild weekend
    It's finally Friday, i'm outta control
    forget the workin blues and let the good times roll.

    I got a little sugar baby down the road
    She's sittin' on ready and rockin' on go
    we'll dance up a storm and later on tonight
    we'll be working on a doing all the wrong things right.

    Cause It's finally Friday, I'm free again
    I got my motor running for a wild weekend
    It's finally Friday, i'm outta control
    forget the workin blues and let the good times roll

    Monday i'll be hurtin with my head in a vice
    Tuesday i'll be wondering if i'll ever survive
    Wednesday and a Thursday i'll be slowly tuning in
    Friday i'll be rev-in up my motor again

    Finally Friday, I'm free again
    I got my motor running for a wild weekend
    It's finally Friday, i'm outta control
    forget the workin blues and let the good times roll.

    Finally Friday, I got my motor running for a wild weekend

    It's finally Friday,
    forget the workin blues and let the good times roll!

    George Jones with Friday fun:

  180. Pecans???? Fresh Texas is that time of year isn't it..enjoy em Olivia

  181. Leo- Thank you.....hopefully he won't find another way around somehow and you can enjoy your weekend....

    and I concur you are a cyber god!


The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.