Monday, November 29, 2010

Rob and Kristen- Two of Us

Let's go back to our room and relax for a while...

A lot of speculation.

Get serious.
Are you trying to get me in trouble?
I have 
claimed to know anything.
Other than my own thoughts and opinions.

I have spoken of Tome...
Put in a few quotes...
and an (oh I want it to be) Epic date.
That's it.

I keep getting deluged with emails and DMs
Some people have their 'knickers in a twist'.
I'm not trying to be cryptic and mysterious.
(OK, sometimes I am... but not this time... I swear)

Just posting random thoughts.
And yeah... OK...
The date wasn't my idea.
It was a favor for a friend.
And where did I even mention Rob and/or Kristen?
That's all there is to it.

(Still here?)
Yes... Really.

Hey Rob... you still have soap behind your ears! *giggle*

The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun 
and are in no way meant to cause anyone
harm, grief or despair.
Yes, I can get even closer than this...
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
What part of "He's Mine" don't you understand?

They will never understand... but all that matters is WE do!
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
You and I have memories, Longer than the road that stretches out ahead.

or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Get it?
Got it?

FUN people!
It's all supposed to be FUN!
(til my daddy took the t-bird away)
If you can't fucking laugh...
or enjoy Robert and Kristen...
You need to ask yourself why not.
You need to ask yourself why these simple things
Things that in the grand scheme of things don't really matter...
Matter SO MUCH to you.
So much that you are angry and bitter and foaming
over things you have absolutely no control over.
Ask yourself.
Go on.
I dare you.
Double Dog Dare You.
(This is where I cleverly am supposed to
insert the ever so famous 
"Don't ask if you won't like the answer" line.
But do I really need to?)

Foam(s) of the Day
Wait. I get the joke. I do. It was funny! Right? I get it. I think.
I will spend countless hours trying to disprove something incredibly insignificant and then when I can't prove it I will just pretend like I never cared about it in the first place!

This post is brought to you by the letter *T*

T for "Two of Us" by Lennon/McCartney
Two of us riding nowhere
Spending someone's
Hard earned pay
You and me Sunday driving
Not arriving
On our way back home
We're on our way home
We're on our way home
We're going home

Two of us sending postcards
Writing letters
On my wall
You and me burning matches
Lifting latches
On our way back home
We're on our way home
We're on our way home
We're going home

You and I have memories
Longer than the road that stretches out ahead

Two of us wearing raincoats
Standing solo
In the sun
You and me chasing paper
Getting nowhere
On our way back home
We're on our way home
We're on our way home
We're going home

We're going Tome

Better believe it


Bye for now


  1. Works for me. Like I said before, why get jacked up over something that doesn't matter?

    More likely than not, it's an inside joke, not some clue to life as we know it.

    If it's not an inside joke, if it happens to be something that could be significant, we'll find out when the time comes.

    La la la goes on

  2. Can't go without saying HELLO to my ladies. Hello, Ladies!

    Huge Hugs (almost typed huge jugs--you know THAT wouldn't come from me!)


  3. I'd love to know how many people who "don't care" are frantically crossing off days on their calendar......:D

  4. Hi SueBee - We've got Thunder Snow!! I had no idea such a thing existed but a local school got struck by lightning in the middle of a blizzard.

  5. Words of wisdom, SueBee :)

    And Hahahahahaha Angelica! I can picture them ripping through the paper from scratching so hard!

  6. I'm embarrassed for these people who email you simply to tell you they don't care. Or that you're wrong. Or for any other number of things they email you for. If they're so sure you're "full of shit," why are they in such a panic about every little thing you say? God, it's just so funny.

    Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. I had so much family in town I couldn't even sneak bathroom breaks to check the blog. Hope everyone is doing well!

  7. So true Rose love the post and right on SueBee you go girl Thanks Rose. DEB

  8. Rose...I get it and got it...and thanks for another good laugh...
    "What part of 'He's Mine' don't you understand?!"

  9. I'm sick of serious - can't we all just laugh and have fun?!?!?!

    HI everybody and happy Monday Roseland!! :D

  10. JFC--I cannot believe you are getting hate about a date. That rhymes-holy shit it could be a secret clue. In fact if you read every fifth blog that Rose writes, backwards, skipping every seventh word you get a secret message. You have to play Pink Floyd's The Wall really loud and be stoned to hear it but ... to save you time I will tell you what the message is:


    Sometimes dates and people and places have NOTHING to do with anything. Other times its just kind of fun to yank the chain of a bunch of people who claim to not care but obviously care a very great deal. If that is you, if you are seriously obsessing about 12.10.10 or the word EPIC, please refer back to the secret message I revealed above.

    Now shoo so I can talk to my friend....

    Hi Darling Rose,

    The olive is on the roof and the recipe calls for two eggs. Put the cow in the barn and blue makes everyone happy. Epic 12.10.10 Be sure to mamoo dogpatch in the happy canyon too.

    <3 or >#


  11. Hi, Rose!!! Hello, Roseland!!!

    I really am not puting too much thought about the all Tome thing and the Epic date.

    I agree with Susan, don't understand why people get jacked up over this!?

    Hugs to everyone

  12. HAPPY MONDAY ROSE AND ROSELANDERS...I agree Rose...this is about fun, being happy, about enjoying a couples progression through career choices and successes and love, of course. Its all about the HAPPY. For those who think otherwise, they need to take a long walk off a short pier...(just metaphorically speaking)! Going to work for awhile...I'll check in later.

  13. Oh FFS this has gotten to be ridiculous. I like a good mystery as much as the next person, but to google every word that might be a clue is a bit obsessive, and you know they do that.


    OMG I can't handle all those clues. Where do I begin? What if I get them in the wrong order? What if I chant them standing on the wrong foot?

  14. Syd - I just realised!!!! If you add an 'S' to epic and rearrange the letters, it spells spice - That's it isn't it??? You're baking a Christmas cake on 10.12.10!!!! YAY ME!!

  15. How many homes is Pink Floyd's The Wall now being played in?

  16. Penny - if you chant them in the wrong order, your head will explode and you'll turn into an Aardvark

  17. Hey everyone,

    Love it Rose ;-)

    I kind of feel sad for these people, anyone who has nothing better to do with their day than analyze a random date to death needs to take a step back and give themselves a shake. JFC people, find yourselves some friends or something! (have yourselves a rendezvous....thats my new favourite word...rendezvous!).

    Still no snow here Angelica, hope
    that thunder snow isn't on its way down!

    Much love to all,

  18. Angelica,

    Lol...Well, then I'd better get it right.

    I have to confess when I'm bored, such as any day that football is on, I visit a lot of the sites that have the worst fanatics. It is truly laughable all the people that claim someone said something that could maybe be a hint to a possible event.

  19. Okay this is really funny to me that people are getting so riled up over this!!

    Lord people need to chillax a little or a lot.

    Love this post Rose! I look forward to the captions now. They make my day.

    Susan- are you and the laundry friends again??

    Hello to the rest of you all. Going to my b/sil house tonight so I may or may not pop back on. We shall see.

  20. Rose
    I respect and admire you so much.

    Just stopping in to share the lovely wit and humor ever present in Roseland.

    BBL to add some music that I hope will delight and entertain.

    Good day, everyone!


  21. Oh forgot to tell you all that yesterday I fell out of my mom's suv (don't ask how, cause I am still not sure) and hurt my upper back.

    Pain pills are a wonderful thing...

    I'm okay but don't want a repeat.

  22. I'm just wondering now if I say that I don't care, if it will be taken that I do?

    The trouble with inside jokes is that the only people who know what they mean are the people on the inside.

    It's cute and funny to the people in the know, while unfortunately, leaves everyone else wondering what the Hell it all meant.

    Sure, I wondered, "Hmmm...what was that all about?" but I'm not about to make it a cause or my mission in life to decode the "clues."

    Some obsessive fans have grabbed onto some words that were posted and tried in vain to figure out "WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?"

    Here's a better question--"DOES IT MATTER?"

    It was posted on a public forum yet not meant for public consumption.

    Hey, these things happen.

    All I can do is shrug and follow Syd's eloquent advice and get a fucking life.

    I'm "shooing."


  23. Hi! Roselanders!

    Ya'll are cracking me up. So I have to say this to all the crazies out there.

    Yo dawgs you've caught the wrong scent and are barking and marking up the wrong tree.
    Chill and relax cause you can't run with the big dawgs when you've still got your flea bitten butt on the porch.

    Still laughing at the crazy clues.


  24. I don't understand, but me not understanding is not the end of the world. Is it just the hater/crazies getting mad or more than that?

       /toÊŠm/ Show Spelled[tohm] Show IPA
    a book, esp. a very heavy, large, or learned book.
    a volume forming a part of a larger work.

    or if you just separate the syllables To Me --- that's what is means To Me.

  25. Syd. I <3 you. And #> you, too.

    “Tome is Tome, be it ever so humble”

  26. Hello everyone!
    Here's to wit and humour. :)

    Live, love and laugh.........Lots!

    "What part of he's mine, don't you understand!".............Thanks Rose!

  27. Susan
    I wanted to thank-you for wishing me HB on fb. Still don't have my laptop back so only check there weekly.

  28. Melinda,

    I hope the SUV wasn't moving when you fell. What an awful ending to a family weekend.

  29. I hope everyone had a happy holiday. Great post Rose, I really enjoyed it.

  30. People are lame. lol That's what I've decided. There's a lot of cool people, but there's a lot of lame people too with too much time on their hands to overanalyze or develop persecution complexes.

    I like your blogs. They are funny, I giggle at some of your more elusive writings, but that's the fun part. maybe there's a riddle in there, maybe you are just having fun on your blog. Either way, I enjoy it, and I move on. Wish I could say the same for everyone who gets all neurotic cause you twirl or whatever. lol

  31. PL-

    Nope thank goodness the car was not in motion at the time. Totally lost my balance getting in and went backwards. Crazy.

    Tylenol with codeine is my new best friend!

    Other than that I had a very relaxing holiday so it is all good.

  32. Sue-

    I agree but the "inside" joke involving Tome was discussed on the comments and it was so stupid and totally innocent.

    And god knows from "ta da" to private phone calls to the shed and references to games played elsewhere, and many other things EVERYONE of the regulars has commented and said some inside jokes at one time or other. If Rose posts and says some random date is epic maybe it is to her. Who knows? But I don't think there is a problem with inside jokes unless lurkers use it as yet another way to attack and try to insult Rose.

    Hope everyone is well!


  33. Come on!! Everyone,let's all just be honest...those of us who do not know what "Tome" stands for or doesn't know what 10.12.10 means, have ALL WONDERED,sometimes even speculating friends,what could it possibly mean. And to say I haven't wondered what it means would be a lie...but here's where things get different for me...I wonder...WONDER..I don't scan every word written, I don't read tea leaves, throw chicken bones, or hop on one foot while patting my head, rubbing my stomach and saying all 50 state in reverse alaphbetical order while humming the Star Spangled Banner trying to figure out what the hell is going on...I WONDER, I leave it at wonder because truth be told,when it comes down to it, all I have is a mild interest, I just don't really care. As long as it's not a birthday, anniversary, or a special event I need to remember in my life...I just really don't care.I just accept the fact that it is an inside joke between Rose and a friend and is NOT meant for the entire world to know. So everyone who is scouring every line of what Rose and everyone else writes looking for hidden meanings and screaming because you can't find something...good luck..and might I also suggest...get a fucking life.

    IF you would like to discuss what you think it could mean, then do so for fun...with e-mails, phone calls in person But d don't bombard Rose with e-mails full of tantrums and questions she is not going to answer...seriously get a life.

  34. Believe me... I understand wondering about what something means. I do it all the time.
    I guess what bothers me is people are putting words in my mouth *spits* and attributing things I never said... to me.

    And Syd?
    The olive is in the shed.
    I repeat.

  35. Rose - I don't suppose the spare key for my car is also in the shed is it?? I can't find it!

  36. Melinda, what an awful thing to happen. Hope you feel better soon.

    Hi, Syd!! hope all is well with you...Hugs

    Hi, Susan, Penny, Angelica, DK, Linda, Sydney, Kay, Hope, Liza, Annie and Opy!! Hope everyone is well.

  37. I started the ta da thing and if that offended anyone I apologise. It wasn't supposed to be an inside joke, it was just me being an idiot.

    The last thing I would want to do is ever upset anyone on here, so I really am sorry if I pissed anyone off with that.

    Syd, hope you are having fun & as always, love you lots.


  38. Syd

    I agree--inside jokes shouldn't be used as a way to attack or insult anyone without provocation.

    Like I said before, if it's not my business, I'm not getting involved. It's fruitless and a waste of time.

    If I were meant to know something, I'm sure I would be notified eventually.

    I believe others want to just "be in on it" as a form of belonging or being a part of something exclusive.

    That's human nature.

    Others are malicious and that's unfortunate.

    Some of us are ambivalent and just want to talk about something else.

    Make any sense?

    Good to see you


  39. I seriously hope everyone knows I was NOT bashing on Rose about what she writes...I was NOT! I was just saying, because it's true that we've all wondered...but most of us leave it at that the people that don't are the ones I'm talking about.

    As for inside jokes, everyone hates them unless they are in on them...if it is between two friends then that is cool and the rest of us are not meant understand why the olive is in the shed with Angelica's spare key and JRM..and that's fine

  40. Rose,

    If you and Syd are having martini's in the shed can I join you?? Ha,ha...

    For those asking I am fine-pain meds are a wonderful invention-thanks for asking though...

    Also I have never been offended by anything that has been said here. Wondered about things yes but not lost any sleep over "not knowing" so I'm good.

  41. Liza - I don't think any reasonable person is offended. In most cases someone else's inside joke is just funny because it makes no sense to you.Surely anything that makes you laugh,as long as it's not hurting anyone,is a good thing ?

  42. Hi Rose.

    Fun song choice for your blog today. You know of course, that that song is going to be running around in my head now.

    Hey everyone. Hope you all have a good day. Melinda – hope your back feels better.


  43. Melinda - I have awesome painkillers because I have slipped discs.I'm not sure they kill the pain, I thnk it's more that I just don't care that it hurts.LOL

  44. Melinda

    Hope your back feels better! I recommend NOT doing laundry. :oP

    Martinis also sound like a swell idea. (You never get to use a word like "swell" so I just went for it)

  45. Hi Liza--

    I hope you are well also. I don't think ta-da offended anyone--just an example of an inside joke that was posted. I just meant people have become friends here and sometimes things are mentioned that not EVERYONE knows. That's cool. It shouldn't bother anyone. I just think its silly to say that its a public blog so Rose should not post private things, when, I think almost all the regulars have posted "private" or inside jokes. I mean for the love of god, whose ass was discussed as an "inside joke" by most of you and no offense was taken. I would say, if I had to guess, it was actually flattering. And the bottom line is that it is Rose's blog. If she wants to post nothing but inside jokes that's her choice and her right.

    The goofy thing about this is that it was explained--the whole thing was explained and now all these other blogs are saying Rose has some inside knowledge about Kristen and Rob. It was a fucking typo by a very handsome but very drunk person. That's it, that's all goodnight. She never did post anything that was an inside joke--just a reference to a typo and that was explained.

    Makes perfect sense to me Susan.


  46. Martinis in the shed it is!

    I find myself lost and not knowing what is going on here ALL the time. I miss stuff. I don't understand what the references are...
    It's all good.

    Just know that I've yet to be offended by anything a SANE person has said here. (And I don't want to mention it more than that, but you all know who/what I am talking about)

    And my blog post wasn't to the people who comment here. It got a bit bigger than that. A bit out of hand. So that was what I was referring to. Nobody here.
    Just so you know.

    And now I have olives on the brain.

    Olive Tome.

    And actually THAT makes sense.

  47. Syd

    I regret NOTHING with the ass comments. *sigh*

    I meant every flattering word.


  48. Lovely Rose,

    I hope you have wonderful day..

    only those the crazies try to look for meaning in everything you say..
    Contentment means accepting everything in stride..and not reading to anybody says..

    That's why we're so content..
    Everything post here is an opinion. No one is asking anyone to believe it..i guess they dont take the time to read the disclaimer.. and they're off their meds again..LOL

    Love your post!!Brilliant as always...
    Keep those thoughs coming..

    A big thanks

    Have a Wonderful Monday to all

  49. I think its funny if these people are giving you that much power, Rose.
    They don't like you and they foam over your support of Robert and Kristen. They must FEAR that your riddle is about something new that they will find intolerable --- and maybe that's true ---- LOL

  50. For the record, I agree that it is Rose's blog and she can post kama sutra positions if it suits her.

    I never meant to infer otherwise.

    Can we all just get back to normal?

    I've only been offended by one person here and it was NOT by an inside joke. She blatently insulted me and still refuses to admit to the slight.

    Either way, I'm still not losing sleep.

    Can't we all just get along and have a group hug, seperate hugs, or high fives?

    (Can't promise not to pat a cute butt though)

  51. Susan,

    Can we sing Kumbaya too and then roast marshmallows by the fire?

  52. Thanks for that Syd.

    If anyone knew me in real life they would understand that I rarely shut up and am constantly laughing and joking about things. I don't think my Northern English sense of humour translates very well sometimes! This is the only blog I visit and I forget sometimes how public it is.

    Maybe I'm better suited to lurkdom!

    Oh and yeah, as for the ass comments....only had that dvd a couple of weeks and one part is kinda worn out already...just sayin...


  53. PL

    I'll roast marshmallows but I absolutely refuse to sing Kumbaya


    I love you

  54. This is why I don't comment very often. It never seems to go well.

  55. Syd,

    I never regretted posting the ass video....."it was part of the bare necessities of life".LOL

  56. Susan,

    Then let's do a tantric chant, if there is such a thing. It should relax every part of us.

  57. Liza - The Northern English sense of humour is a national treasure. I try to behave to a degree here since I have absolutely NO verbal filter in real life!!

  58. It must be the Northern thing--you know what they say about girls from the north right? Hahahaha

    As for the rest of you--all of you to the shed now for a very large amount of alcohol. Where the hell is Tracy in all this. She is just returning from her trip and should have some good pent up hostility to unleash.

    All is well I hope but Melinda--please don't fall out of any more cars--sounds horribly painful.

  59. Um,why do I get the feeling that I`m missing something? LOL


    Thats why I get for having a RL that just wont let me have a life. :p

    Anyway,thank you for making me smile.I really need it these days.
    Hopefully,our bbs are having mucho fun rn (both profesionally&privately ;p).

  60. Syd - What do they say about us Northern girls?? Admittedly it's probably true but....

  61. PL

    Let's just go with the alcohol.

    I can't even remember who I have locked up in the shed this week but I better check on him.


  62. What the hell are you all going on about now?? Syd just texted and said there is trouble in Roseland. I immediately know what I thought I get her and people are talking about ta da's and olives and asses???

    I am so behind but I hope everyone is good. I have had the most bizarre day so it only makes sense to get here and see crazy shit. By the way, pretty sure tantric chanting would not induce calm but quite a different response--at least if its done right?

    Be happy guys--life is too short for anything else.

  63. Smitty - *losing the verbal filter for a second* I just don't have the patience for tantra, I just want orgasms!!

  64. Smitty

    Hello sweetie!

    Trouble? Not so much. Was I included?


  65. Ok you horny ladies,

    It would be the calm after the O storm that the chanting would induce.

  66. Hey Smitty! Still sticky and sparkly? :)

  67. I vote for the O storm but I'm not chanting for it. I didn't even want to be a cheerleader.

  68. Ha ha Syd, yeah they say Northern girls are totally f'ing awesome and could teach certain Southern boys a thing or two.....any day of the week! heh heh

    SueBee I love you too!

    Rose, please don't feel like that I love it when you comment. At the end of the day, your thoughts are why everyone comes here and its great to hear from you. I wish you commented more :-)

    Smitty!!!!!!! *HUGGGGGGGS*

  69. SueBee - I don't know, I don't mind shaking a few pompoms, I'm not doing the splits though ;)

  70. the only chanting I intend to do is over a voodoo doll of my Dentist...and the girl who gave me that shot in the roof of my mouth today...let's see I'll need stick pins and a live chicken to carry this off....hmmm

  71. Hi Roseland :)

    Melinda--funny you say tylenol with codeine is your new best friend. I made a trip to the ER with my youngest last night. Her nose met a softball that it didn't like. That's what they gave her for pain and it makes her SUPER hyper!! I mean like seriously like a kid on crack!! It's unreal!! I hope you are feeling better :)

    Me personally--I want a woo woo in the shed!!

  72. Angelica, might have to do a variation of the splits to get through the storm.

  73. Angelica

    Never underestimate the power of flexibility. LOL

  74. Sorry I am late on this post, I feel the need to defend my friend Rose here, and even though we have never really talked,Me and Rose. I feel I know Rose to a degree. I RESPECT ROSE and like I would defend K&R I am going to defend her.

    BACK the Fuck up people, the ones who have NO life. Got it? Dam, always drama. This blog if you haven't figured out yet, is for FUN, imagine that? FUN? Either get a life and stop taking Roses words as a secret gospel, or just shut up about her. Have your little theory's if that what you live for,every day, in and out, 24 7 but do you realize how dumb you look? I mean,really stupid.Your not forced to read this blog.

    I mean really, some of you need a REAL LIFE. Please, get one, and FAST. Get a new hobby, take a walk get a JOB, go to college. I dont care, but back off Rose, oh and R and K. What any of these people do in LIFE, is not your business. Be a fan, NOT a stalker.



  75. I should clarify... Smitty was working on a Christmas project... that included glue and glitter.
    Hence the sticky sparkles.

  76. SueBee,Penny -I like yoga,I could go with a downward dog

  77. Angelica,

    I just had to google that because the images were not good.

  78. Rose - Christmas projects are wonderful for bringing people together - felts very versatile too :D

  79. Great post today Rose. I love the captions with the true. I guess I'm out of the loop...I had no clue what TOME was referring too when I read it for the first time in one of your post.I just thought it was some sort of reference to Rob and Kristen being together for Thanksgiving..LOL..please don't make fun of me for being a little dense at times. I don't need all the details..I just love reading your blog and all the comments from everyone in Roseland. My purpose for being here is simple..Robert and Kristen..Together forever.

  80. My post was for the lurkers and shit starters by the way. Not you all lovely ladies of Roselnad. Just in case it came off that way.

    Hope all is well with you all. :)

  81. Liza

    I'm a northern girl--just a northern U.S. girl. :oP

    I think you're f-ing awesome.

  82. Just reading through the comments..
    :/ & I love dentists:(

  83. LOL--okay I'm not paying attention and trying to be sly and get on here and you all have me in hysterics. Angelica--all of you. (((HUGS)))) Liza and Kami (ouch--wtf--the roof of your mouth???).

    As for the damn christmas project I am just not a crafty person.

    Liza--I just checked--the only thing that Gruff knows about Northern girls is that they are "beautiful and brilliant" so pay no attention to Syd. Given that you live there I think Gruff is right. :)

  84. Liza,

    And the northern girls with the way they kiss
    They keep their boyfriends warm at night.

    Beach Boys

    I'm a northern midwest girl so does that count?

  85. Totally agree with Smitty and Gruff.

    Still don't understand the beans and toast but I'm an American so forgive me! :o)

  86. See this is what I love about Roseland. You can go from talking about tomes to tantric sex!

    Leigh-ouch! I am not hyper more chill and happy.

    Rose- I agree w/ Liza. You should comment more. You are funny which is why we all love you.

    Also the epic date was going to say that I figured it meant someone was getting unhitched and re-hitched to a man with a really sexy voice! Ha,ha!! Wouldn't he LOVE that!

  87. Smitty, Liza - LOL! I just texted 'my' Southern boy and asked him what he likes best about us Northern girls. He says we're "all completely bloody crazy"

  88. SueBee - OMG!! Beans on toast, with grated cheese on top is the best thing ever :)

  89. Angelica1

    That's what Liza said but I just don't know what to think about it! LOL

  90. Aww Penny 'And the northern girls with the way they kiss,
    they keep their boyfriends warm at night' never a truer word spoken, love The Beach Boys!

    Smitty my love, I always knew that Gruff was a highly intelligent and wonderful man and he has just proved it :-)
    Lots of love to you both, its great to hear from you my friend!

    Angelica lol, he's probs right though to be fair!

    SueBee, beans on toast (with a bit of grated cheese) rules!

  91. I'm kind of bummed here, guys. Did I somehow come off as a meanie and not know it?

  92. Teeth...I love dentist too...and I love my dentist...he's the best in town...but after today..well let me say this...if I could jam a needle in the roof of the tech's mouth that did that to mine...I wouldn't ask for anything for Christmas...

  93. Susan...No

    I would give you a prize for being so diplomatic...but ~.^

  94. Rose~

    Great post! I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving!! We had TG at my folks house...let's just say, we didn't end up eating turkey!! Halfway through cooking it, the oven broke! My poor mom...I thought that she was going to burst into tears! We ended up having pizza and laughing about the situation. I know I was thankful this year for having an awesome family! That even though catastrophe's happen, we can keep our humor :)

    And I'm also thankful for wildcherry pepsi slushies from Sheetz (that's kinda like a 7-11 or Piggly Wiggly). I've been craving slushies and pb and banana sand. the last couple of weeks...I think the hubster will go crazy if this keeps up much longer! LOL

    For the crazies, I really don't know what to seems that some people don't really have a life and have to have fantastical delusions to be able to function! My 6yo would say that they are having a "freakout!"

    Well, I'm off to put up some Christmas son is actually standing right by me, screaming in my ear, saying are you done yet?! LOL

    Rose, I love your blog and the beautiful pics of Kristen and Rob that you post everyday, and I'm sorry that you have to put up with idiots that twist and turn your innocent words!

    Hope everyone has a great evening!! :)


  95. SueBee, you could never be a meanie!

  96. SueBee - Read back through your posts and no,can't see anything mean :)

  97. Was it the shot to numb you? or just a random needle?

    and why was a tech doing it?

    Sorry just curious about this.. I hate for people to walk away from the dentist with a bad experience.

  98. Teeth

    Guess it isn't a stretch to say you work in the dental field? :o)


  99. It is a stretch, But that is the working goal right and I know a thing or two:)

    I'm a bit of a teeth freak..

  100. Liza, but those ass comments were EPIC. Are you kidding LOL What a sweet ass that was to see. A slap happy ass, a matter of fact. :)

    Now lurkers and shit starters that's called a JOKE. Some would take that and try to decode it and shit. LOL

  101. Teeth, I guess I could be honest and say that is was necessary to give me the shot in the roof of my mouth because I am having a crown put on a tooth in the upper right of my mouth and they had to prepare and pack the tooth and needed it numb...and it wasn't even the was the Dental hygienist the girl who cleans my teeth...that shot hurt so badly I wanted to I just want to torture...I'll get over it since the girl is really sweet.

  102. Yes 30, one that deserves to be bitten if I remember correctly....


  103. Kami,

    I've said it once, I'll say it again, dentists are medieval torture artists.

  104. Penny, all I can say is thank God it was a dental exam and not a pelvic..Medevial doctors down in a special place not a good thing

  105. Soooooooo, anyone know where I can get a copy of Pirate Radio?

    I think Christmas can come a little bit early for me.

    I've been good! Really! Well, sort of, anyway!

  106. You guys were killing me this afternoon.....left me wanting olives and alcohol with access to neither. All better now. :)

    Rose, I've come to the conclusion that there are some in this fandom that buy their knickers pre-twisted because they can't survive without drama....if there isn't enough they just fabricate their own. I'm glad that you can use your lovely delete key on those pesky e-mails and DMs.

    Kami.....ssshhhh on JRM in the will I ever sneak him past Tracy if you keep reminding her he is there?? ;) Sorry your dental experience was crappy. :(

  107. Kami,

    OMG the OB/Gyns totally have their clamps and scraper things and then if you get a man with big is medieval torture.

    Always get an ugly doctor with really small hands.

  108. Kami

    *GASP!* That would be awful! It's bad enough that they make us wear a paper napkin.

    My doctor has a habit of wanting to carry on a lengthy conversation while I'm trying to keep all of my goods covered without ripping the paper.

  109. KAMI...that is outrageou that the dentist allowed anybody other than himself to do the dental block...there is no excuse and it should never dentist can do it with minimal if any discomfort and I am the biggest baby in the world

  110. Susan,

    Female doctors at least have the common sense to give you a cloth gown.

    Have you ever experienced the stirrup chair? No scooching down.

  111. PL

    My doctor is nice--just chatty.

    Stirrup chair? Yikes!

    Where's my happy place????????

    La la la la la la la la la la

    Tapping my heels together---there's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home.

  112. Susan,

    No, no the chair is a good thing.

    The bottom of the chair elevates so you don't have to move. You know how they do their Johnny Bench pose and keep telling you to scooch down farther? It doesn't happen with the chair.

  113. PL

    Holy hell, you're making me blush.

  114. Susan,

    Is that a hard thing to do, because then I'm proud of myself. Or I'm contrite.

    I don't know which I should be.

  115. SueBee - Mine insists on giving a running commentary. I really do not want a description of my girly bits,thank you very much!

  116. Angelica,

    "Girly bits" that is so British. I love it.

  117. I blush more than you would think. You just can't see me through my computer!

    Then again, just adjust the tint on my avi and you'll get the picture. LOL

    Yes, be proud! :o)

  118. Ok a brief word of warning to all guys...don't read if this subject matter makes you've been warned

    I will tell you the story of my first Pelvic...I was 18 and I went to my doctor with a kidney infection...we lived in a town of 2000 people at the time so I knew everyone...the doctor told me he needed to do a the nurse put me in the paper gown, my grandmother stayed in there with me and the doctor was down...well you know where they sit..and I didn't realize the door was slightly opened...and the way i was laying on the table..everyone could see everything if they looked through that door...anyway the door opens a little and my typing teacher stuck his head in the door and said "Dr. Callan I wanted to ask you to up the dosage on my meds." the Doctor started talking to him...all of the sudden the man looks at me and says "Oh hi Kami I haven't seen you since graduation.' AND BEGINS CARRYING ON A CONVERSATION WITH ME as I lay there on the table...reverse mooning him...I WANTED TO DIE..

  119. OMG Kami!!!!!! That is the absolute worst! Talk about adding insult to injury!

  120. yeah it was an event I NEVER want to relieve...the teacher was like 80 but still...

  121. Kami,

    How dare you drop a story like that and then run off.

    My first pelvic was when I was 19. The nurse put me in the room and had me in the stirrups and told me the doctor would be right in. It took him an hour to come in. Being young and not knowing any better there I lay feet up for a whole hour.

  122. Later, everyone. Need to pay bills and pretend to be a responsible adult for a bit.

  123. Kami, PL, and all you sick pelvic talking ladies. I am SO not getting into this conversation.I am LMFAO at some of you brave women and your comments though, Thank You for keeping me entertained.

  124. I don't have any good stories. I was just cold!

  125. Ok well makes sense. Is the crown finished? Maybe next time you can ask the Dentist to inject the shot?

    Well good luck!

  126. Sorry, that was to Kami.. who isn't here?

  127. 30 don't have to be brave to tell that's just a funny thing that I lived through at the time I wanted to die and now I can's embarrassed laughter but it's laughter none the less.

  128. 2 weeks from tomorrow I get the real crown and they promised me that no shots would be involved but I could have all the laughing gas I want.

  129. Thank you Rose for always finding the right words, the right pictures (with great captions) and the right songs to make Roseland such an enjoyable escape and guilty pleasure while we share our support of Rob and Kristen and friends.

    Also, love that you are such a dedicated fan of John, Paul, George and Ringo. For those who wish to sing along with them:

    Also, a new posting by Jella for those who enjoy the sweet humor:


    Today was back to RL and a normal schedule. Life is good, but it does go by so quickly that it seems like there wasn't even a holiday break.

    Missed y'all this afternoon;
    hugs to all the wonderful Roselanders.
    Melinda, hope your back is better very soon.
    Good to hear from you Barbara Fenwick.
    Kami, I also have a wonderful dentist , but going to have work done is still my very least favorite thing to do.
    No horror stories here, either. Was a bit spoiled because in high school, one of the moms of a fellow member of the synchro team was an OB-GYN. She was who all of us ended up using and she also delivered most of the children of team members years later.

    Hugs to Smitty, Gruff, and Syd.

  130. Hahah, yes I am learning that people LOVE laughing gas.

  131. I'm doing Christmas shopping right now. Looking for office gifts.

  132. PL

    Get me something pretty--or at least shiny!

  133. Susan,

    I'm looking at pastries. How else do you please a bunch of mostly women?

    This is expensive though to get for 4 offices.

  134. I just had a brainstorm. Why don't we do a virtual cookie exchange? Share our favorite recipe.

    That way if something doesn't sound good, just don't copy it. Instead of having to throw away cookies like I always do at actual cookie exchanges.

  135. Penny - I like the idea of a virtual cookie exchange....just don't tell me if you press the delete button on my recipe! :)

    Sweet dreams everyone!

  136. Kay,

    I'm sure I would never delete yours.

    Night all.

  137. PL

    The cookie recipe exchange sounds like a great idea to me.


    Thank you

  138. Bren, Gwen and Birdie
    I have been dealing with computer problems today and may or may not come back this early am. Hope you all are well.

  139. DK,
    I'm sorry you are having problems with your computer.Is it time to buy yourself a laptop for Christmas?
    Good morning Bren, I don't think I saw you on later yesterday. I've started 12 hr shifts,so I may see you later today. Hope you have a great day!
    Where are you? Has it been busy at work with the boss away? I hope you are doing OK. Miss you.
    I am doing bills.Unless I am too stressed to talk, I will peek back.

  140. Hey all.

    I posted a new diary.

    Hope you enjoy it.

  141. I am looking forward to seeing some Xmas cookie recipes posted at some point from you lovely ladies. :) I am always looking for some new ones, and from the other recipes posted before, I am pretty sure you have some good ones to share.

    This is to funny, My word verification is "obsess" LOL

  142. Hi! Roselanders!

    Susan just wanted to tell you I enjoyed the new diary entry. The turkey leg visual is going to haunt me also. I had missed the previous entry. That was hilarious.

    Miserable here today with the rain. Everyone have a good day. Supposed to get news about my laptop today finally.



The BLOGGER team is 100% certain and knows for a FACT that there are no babies and no inside sources...
The voices in your head don't count!
You know DickShit.