The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Psychics, Blind Gossips and Moms... Oh My.


Blind Gossips
Oh My

Why do I find myself referring back to this movie so much?

Let's start with how the Lunatic Fringe is SO scared
about what will happen when Rob comes back to LA
(namely back in Kristen's arms)
That they are
and I'm completely serious here...
Believing online 'psychics'

to tell them Rob's future!
And isn't it always nice that these so called seers of the future
just so happen to agree with Lunatic Theories?
How lucky they were to find these people!
What are the odds???

Which brings us to all the 
Blind Gossips out there.
Fascinating, really.
Word for fucking word
is right out of the Ninnie book
of delusional conspiracies.
You would almost think a Loony wrote it...
You think?
Talks about how Rob and Kristen are 
contractually obligated to be together
and not date anyone else
Until August!!
Where did that come from?
What happened to the break up
after the DVD dropped?
Hmmmm again.
August gives them another 5 months
to excuse any time Rob and Kristen appear together.
Isn't that a bit convenient?
I mean...
Rob wants OUT after all!
Kristen is the clingy so and so
who won't let go!
Come on, Rob...
Be a sport!
Whats 5 more measly months
after almost 5 years??
Makes perfect sense to me.
Who WOULDN'T sign a contract like that??
Why don't ALL studios do this?
I mean... look at how successful it was with Twilight!
Why isn't Jennifer Lawrence signed up to
be the one and only with Josh Hutchinson?
Tell me... WHY?
It's not illegal or anything... is it?
What young beautiful shining star 
wouldn't want to sign their life away?
I mean...
You can NEVER have enough millions!

Who wouldn't sacrifice YEARS of their life
to virtual emotional slavery
for the profit of a movie
that was almost guaranteed success anyway??

And finally...

Heavy sigh.

Before you get all in my face about privacy...
I realize that Jules is Kristen's mother
and is no doubt loved by Kristen.
And I don't hate the woman and won't be
calling her vile names and chasing her on twitter.
She is the one who gave this interview
and decided to talk about her daughter in such a way...
She is the one who made it 'public'... isn't she?
And so I have an opinion.
It's kinda what I do.

The title of the article was

"Jules Stewart wants to emerge from 'Twilight' shadow"

"It's extremely frustrating for me, because she's 22 years old and I'm almost 60,"
 said Stewart, who looks almost Goth with her long jet-black hair,
 chunky silver rings and sleeve of tattoos.
 "In terms of life experience — hello! — 
I have it all over her. It's not like I came out of nowhere."

Twilight shadow? Really?
I don't know...
Sounds kinda... sour grapes... to me.
"I have it ALL over her"
She wants her own fame.

"I have my own career. My own thing going on."

This is what you see when you read the interview...

Kristen. Kristen. Kristen. Kristen. Kristen.
Kristen. Kristen. Kristen. Kristen.
Kristen. Kristen. Kristen.
Kristen. Kristen.

It's disappointing that Kristen's own mother
feels the need to drop Kristen's name into the conversation
every chance she gets...
and then complains about how she's languishing in her shade.
I only see one person here throwing shade.

And now for something completely different...

Rob looking all gritty and sexy on the set of 
The Rover.
I'm looking forward to this movie.
I look forward to any movie Rob is in...
especially when he plays against type.
Good Stuff.

Kristen was seen recently at the batting cages
with some of her friends... and Taylor!
Isn't he all kinds of cute?
I think so.
He seems protective of her too...
How sweet is that?
I like Taylor.
He's been a great friend to BOTH
Robert and Kristen.

I also want to say that Lainey
is the one who 'broke' the Jules story.
(Guess she saw the article first)
Everyone pretty much realized who she was talking about.
If you have been a member of this fandom for
any length of time...
You aren't even surprised at all.

But remember this...

"By the way, her boyfriend has been very supportive through all of this,
 certainly her most reliable source of strength."

Don't doubt for a second that Rob has been there
as much as he could be...even at a great distance.
He takes care of her. He protects her.
He loves her.

And of course...

Gotta have Tom.
Always. Forever.
Even with his long flowing locks.

This post is brought to you by the letters B and D.

B for BLIND gossip.
Love isn't blind
Jealousy is.

D for Disappointed.
Maybe its not my place to be disappointed
in how Jules talks about her own daughter.
But as a mother... I am.
You love and nurture and support your children
You never tear them down to build yourself up.
You sacrifice for them...
You don't make them sacrifice for you.

Until next time.

Bye for now


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Holy said...

@Atticus- I don't know if any celebrities fans are doing fundraisers for their idol.R/K does have a larger fan base.And every year theirs always fundraisers when their b-day are approaching.

Anonymous said...

I am in more into Freestyle Explosion. Two years ago my took me as for my birthday presents to Freestyle Explosion. In LA where MTV movies award was held at. At the Universal Studios. You know Lisa Lisa, Sweet Sensation, The Cover Girls, Debbie Deb, and you know the rest. I think they are getting almost old. But they never give up on singing.

Anonymous said...

I am also into the 90's too. Those two are my most favorites.

Holy said...

@Arleen- Taylor dated Lily Collins and she's 2 or 3 years older than him.Taylor Swift is older than him too.Good for him that he prefers older women.LOL.

@Liz/Annie-good evening ladies.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - I have had that happen before I think it is just a fluke that happens once in a great while

@Arleen - The bands you listed bring back memories for sure.

Anonymous said...

Ginger- You can't forget them. Those singers will always be with me.

PamH said...

@ Arleen
No worries, I know you were joking...anyway I'd be the last person to say about age thing since I'm 3 years older than my husband, actually the exact age that T & S are right now is what age we had our son ( married in 93 and he was born in 95 ) he was wayyy more mature than my old boyfriends that were older than me.
And I love 80s music to

Safe trip home : )
Who knows maybe RK have meet someplace to hide away and have some alone time since he did say he was taking 3 weeks off . I would if I were them

@ Ginger
I bet by Monday some other site will be talking about her being there especially if its a site that grabs their stories from twitter and blogs.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - OMG that is funny just they will freak out again - if it turns out not to be true they will try to act like they were complete asshats today over it - I am not even sure how many people took it to be true or just ran with it as a joke but the shady side ......

@Arleen - music is my therapy sometimes - it can help a lot depending what we need from it.

@Holy - In a week I can tell ya what I think of it too - we like the same things so I bet I will really love it

PamH said...

Just got my laugh for the day by seeing a photo of Bradley Cooper with a head full of pink curlers *~*

Anonymous said...

Ginger-Try to listen to this:
I am sure you heard of these.
and these

Holy said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone.

Lets celebrate Kristen's beautiful Green Eyes.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Arleen - I like both and do remember them :) - I was a huge Prince fan back in those days too

Anonymous said...

Ginger-Prince is ok.

Annie said...

Hi Holy, PamH, Arleen, Ginger. :)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Annie! I am just enjoying my 80's and 90's music.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Annie - Happy St. Patricks day back early from here :) and too the other ladies as well and Robert

Annie said...

Arleen: Hi, I see that you are. :) Thanks for the videos.

Ginger: The parade was today. It was cold and at the end of the day we got snow flurries.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Annie - I am guessing you are probably getting that last front we had come through here - we had another today that just made it cold, we didn't get any rain though like we were supposed too. How was the parade?

Annie said...

Ginger: Didn't get to go to it this year because I had other plans but came home to lots of activity where I live.
Lots of green everywhere. :)

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Annie - nice on the green - festive :)

Anonymous said...

Hey don't forget this too. The Sweet Sensation:
Here is one:
and three:

DreamerKind said...

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Thank you all who mentioned missing the music posts. When the music flows through me; it will appear here. Meanwhile, enjoy those great songs Arleen and others are sharing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks DreamKind.

Birdie said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Roseland!
The day everyone is Irish!

Annie said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

A man once asked to shake hands with me, the "greatest Englishman who ever lived."
I replied, "F**k off, I'm Irish."
- Spike Milligan.

Anonymous said...

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Super RN Gas Passer said...



HOLY. I saw your comment. Thanks, no more deaths this past week and hopefully no more visits to the funeral home anytime soon.


ROB and KRIS. I hope you have 3 amazing weeks of fun memory making good times with friends and family. We love and support you with our best cyber vibes :)))))

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone! Going to church. Be back about lunchtime.

PamH said...

Good afternoon everyone

Since we've not heard anything I hope our lovely couple are hold up somewhere private catching up and making up for lost time.

@ Arleen, Super, Annie, Birdie, DK, Ginger and anyone else lurking
Happy St. Patrick's Day and I hope your weekend went great.

Ginger with a Soul said...

Afternoon Ladies and Robert

Happy St. Patrick's day !!!

PamH said...

On Robsten Dreams the video of Kristen's voice recording from K 11 is up.

LizzieD said...

HAPPY SUNDAY AND HAPPY ST. PATTY'S DAY TO ALL!!! I'm sitting at the Reno Airport, have another hour before boarding so thought I would say hello. I then have a 2-hour layover in Salt Lake City ... ARLEEN -- sorry not enough time for us to get together and have lunch, LOL.

I don't have my earplugs handy so can't listen to the K11 video.

Anonymous said...

Lizzied- I meant I was coming home from church. And I wouldn't be home til 12:30pm. And I don't enough for everyone. Sorry.

Oneheart said...

Happy St. Patricks Day everyone here. Lizzied hope you enjoyed your vacation and have a safe trip back home. Spring is finally arriving in our beautiful mountains even if it is raining today.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose. Cool picture on your blog. Its strong windy here. Looks like I will be getting a storm. Here in Logan, Utah.

Anonymous said...

Happy St. Patty's Day! Hi everyone! Hope everyone is having a good Sunday.

Holy said...

Happy Sunday and St.Patrick's Day to everyone.

Rose- I love the new banner,R/K are gorgeous as always.

LizzieD said...

ARLEEN -- LOL, I'm in SLC now ... I wasn't aware of your earlier comment, I just meant there wouldn't be enough time for us to meet up. Enjoy your lunch with your family!!! The snow on the mountains here in SLC is beautiful but is fairly warm here at the airport, only a few clouds.

ONEHEART -- Hello ... I did enjoy my vacation. We've had snow at home in NC the past few days but it's warming up now ... yea, won't be long until spring.

Take care, all ...

Pisteuo said...

Happy St. Patty's Day!!!

This is your local leprechaun popping in to see if I can conjure up any MAGIC.

May the luck of the Irish be with you! ;)

Kay said...

Glad you're not one of those scary, creepy leprechauns, Pisteuo :)

Happy St. Patty's Day, Roseland!

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone is ok. Probably enjoying your Sundays.

DreamerKind said...

"Be yourself.
Everybody else is already taken."
Oscar Wilde

DreamerKind said...

Back later!

tufenuf55 said...

Hi everyone!

Have been out of state over the weekend. Great to visit but even better to be home and in my own bed with my own pillow. I can't sleep well without my own pillow and usually take it with me, but forgot this time.

Have enjoyed reading posts while I was gone. Today is for wearing green, but I'm feeling blue without news that Rob has made it home. (Sappy, but true.)

tufenuf55 said...

Watching New Moon on TV. Eclipse is next, but MUST watch The Walking Dead.

The best thing is hearing the sound of Kristen and Rob kissing...isn't it?

Oneheart said...

Lizzied I just saw on the news that there is a major fire in Pigeon Forge, TN at the Black Bear Ridge Resort. They are reporting so far 35 cabins have been destroyed. I know you love the mountains and when you are from our part of the world Smoky Mts. holds a special place in our hearts.

tufenuf55 said...


That surely is tragic. Also this weekend was very bad fire in Myrtle Beach area.

Oneheart said...

Hi Tuf was it a condo fire or a residential. Hope no one was hurt. The wind has been pretty strong in our area and that doesn't help when it comes to fire.

tufenuf55 said...


Fire destroyed more than 100 condos!

Oneheart said...

Tuf I am so sorry to hear that. I love Myrtle beach such a pretty place. It's sad to think of people that will have no home now. I know lots of people live permanently in some of the condos there instead of renting them out.

tufenuf55 said...


A fire is a devasting thing in more ways than one. When I was 16,we suffered a fire that took everything we owned including my first dog who was too scared to go to a fireman trying to save him. My parents and I were in town, so we were saved. All my stuffed animals given to me over the years, let alone my dog, my records, photographs of me since children was gone and all things we had as a family...gone. It really pains me to have others suffering in the same way.

Anonymous said...

tufenuf55- I hope no one is hurt. I am sorry people lost their homes.

Oneheart said...

Oh Tuf I am so sorry that you went through something like this. To lose a pet would be heartbreaking. All those pics and special things can never be replaced. I am so glad that you and your family weren't home at the time. You truly know what these people are going through. Again so sorry that you have experienced this.

Oneheart said...

I have to call it a night. Hoping that no one is hurt in the fires. Stay safe everyone and good night.

Anonymous said...

Oneheart-Goodnight. I also hope no one is hurt either.

tufenuf55 said...


Thank you so much for your kind words. Goodnight...

DreamerKind said...

I am very sorry to hear of these fires, too. May all be safe and soon secure for those affected now, and memories of past losses, softened.

Been spending my day in very pleasant ways, reading, toasting all things Irish, and eating corned beef (no cabbage this year).
Hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Hugs to Rose, Smitty, Gruff, Syd and all!

Pisteuo said...

Hi Kay! :)
You do realize that I'm not actually a leprechaun...or am I?
Certainly not the scary or creepy kind for sure. Hahaha!

Hey DK (our one and only FGM) are a few more Oscar Wilde quotes: ( his take on the internet would have been interesting )

Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.
Oscar Wilde

Illusion is the first of all pleasures.
Oscar Wilde

Morality, like art, means drawing a line someplace.
Oscar Wilde

Hi to tufe, Oneheart, Arleen and anyone lurking.

DreamerKind said...

Quotes that ring so true! Wilde had no easy life either.
There is the thought of a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or in reality, only the shining glory of the rainbow. We get to choose that which we see and think.
(Fairy dust is blowing your way.)

beacullen said...

Great post! I am blown away that her mom would make that statement. Wow. And OMG the contract is now til August? bwaaahahahahahahahaah geez they're really getting desperate. thanks Rose

Holy said...

Hello again.

@Tuf- I can't imagine how you and your family felt when it happened.But I'm glad you guys were not home.

@Ginger- hey there,are you okay?

@Super-I'm glad to hear that everything is okay with you..

DreamerKind said...

The Rainbow Connection

Jason Mraz/Paul Williams:

Why are there so many
Songs about rainbows
And what's on the other side

Rainbow's are visions
They're only illusions
And rainbows have nothing to hide

So we've been told
And some chose to
Believe it

But I know they're wrong
Wait and see
Someday we'll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers
The dreamers and me

Who said that every wish
Would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that
And someone believed it

And look what it's done so far
What's so amazing
That keeps us star gazing
What so we think we might see

Someday we'll find it
That Rainbow Connection
The lovers the dreamers and me

Have you been half asleep
And have you heard voices
I've heard them calling my name
Are these
The sweet sounds that called
The young sailors

I think they're one and the same
I've heard it too many times
To ignore it
There's something
That I'm supposed to be

Someday we'll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers
The dreamers
And me

Thank you/AnaCostaCtx

Pisteuo said...

Hey you find a lot of Oscar Wilde's quotes to be condenscending toward women?
Of course his novel, The Picture of Dorian Grey, was very dark.

Seems he had a lot going for him until he became unfaithful...then, it all went downhill.

Hi Holly

Pisteuo said...

The lyrics are beautiful to The Rainbow Connection.

Pisteuo said...

Oh and hi to beacullen.

Time for me to go for now. Bye!

DreamerKind said...

Ha,ha! No, I haven't ever thought about whether Wilde was condescending towards women, quotes or not. He wasn't all that interested in them, I don't think, despite playing by the societal rules of his times, until he didn't. He paid his dues as we all do. He wrote truth as he saw it, and I respect that the most.

DreamerKind said...

Tell Me True

Sarah Jarosz:

Do you think of me the way I think of you?
Do you hope for things most likely won't come true?
Do you dream of me like I dream of you?
Tell me darlin' please, tell me true
Tell me darlin' please, tell me true

Do you hum a little tune all day long?
Do you hear my name in the chorus of your song?
When you sing your song, does it make you feel brand new?
Tell me darlin' please, tell me true
Tell me darlin' please, tell me true

Do you wonder why we live and why we die?
Do you wonder why we laugh and why we cry?
Do you wonder why we dance and why we fall?
Tell me darlin', do you wonder these at all?
Tell me darlin', do you wonder these at all?

Like a child who can't go wait to go and play
I am waiting for love to come my way
Can we make this new love fit like an old shoe?
Tell me darlin' please, tell me true
Tell me darlin' please, tell me true

Thank you/Marley5895

DreamerKind said...

So lost in the music of the film "Amadeus".
So soon going to bed.
So goodnight, and so go, sweetly sow dreams, out of the threads of life.


DreamerKind said...

Stormy Monday

Eva Cassidy:

They call it stormy Monday
But Tuesday's just as

They call it
Stormy Monday but Tuesday's
Just as bad

Wednesday is worse
And Thursday's
Also sad

The eagle flies on Friday
Saturday I go out to play
The eagle flies on Friday
Saturday I go out
To play

Sunday I go to church
That's when I get down
On my knees and pray
I said Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy on me
Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy
On me

Don't you know
I'm just trying to find my baby
Won't somebody please
Send him on home to me

Thank you/CachopaLinda

DreamerKind said...

Really, I mean it, this time. Or do I?


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Everyone! I hope Rob made it home safe.

Anonymous said...

beacullen- What contract are you talking about?

Kay said...

Well, crap I just feel gullible. ;)

Take care, be safe and have a happy snowy Monday, Roseland!

Annie said...


Arleen: There are people who believe that Rob and Kristen pretend to be together by contract to sell all things Twilight.

It's ridiculous and an insult to them both but some are intent on cotinuing on with the nonsense.

KStew Krew said...

Good morning everyone...hope you all had a safe and fun weekend. that pic of Kristen, her eyes are intoxicating and mesmerizing...I like also that I can see her makeup and I will be copying her style.
Patiently awaiting Rose's next post. Patiently awaiting news about Rob and Kristen too...I know they need private time and glad to give that to them.
Sad to hear about the fires, extra prayers to those suffering such a tragedy.
At work, gotta go.......

Ginger with a Soul said...

Morning Ladies and Lurking Robert

@Oneheart/Tuf - the fires are horrible I am glad no one was hurt but for those people that have to start over my heart goes out to them

@Holy - I am good :) thanks for asking. I spent most of the day snuggled with kids watching movies and baking cookies.

I hope everyone had a safe Patty's day and great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! Good morning. I think I am being loved today. By my two adorable nieces, my husband, and my cat. They are just being cute today.

LizzieD said...

Happy Monday, ROSELAND!
Home ...

Now, to get Rob &/or Kristen home, i.e. with each other :-)

Anonymous said...

Annie-Who said Rob and Kristen were pretending to be together. Are you reading gossip site again. Let me ask you a question. Do you think they were pretending to be together?

KStew Krew said...

@Arleen....Just hate those nasty gossip sites that post this breakup shit. Just saw a header that read that Rob is gonna have a sit down chat with Kristen about their relationship when he gets back. How he enjoyed being away from LA and Kristen.How he is not looking forward to coming back. According to the lastest they are contractualy committed to being together until August now. Since Kristen didn't go visit Rob in OZ...the relationship is over. How much more fabrication and sensationalism can the gossip sites possibly post. Don't they know it makes them look really, really, REALLY STUPID. Rob and Kristen never pretended to be together...they just chose not to address the rumors and status of their relationship and that continues today.

Anonymous said...

KStew Krew- Do you believe that they are over? And is it true that they are over? I hope not. I have been praying for them to stay together.

Annie said...

Arleen: No, I do not now nor have I ever believed that Rob and Kristen are pretending to be together.

I try to avoid the gossip as much as possible, sometimes though it is unavoidable.

Anonymous said...

KStew Krew- Its from Radar Online. Which I don't believe them. They always spreading lies. Unless I heard from gossip cop, eonline, or others.

KStew Krew said...

@Arleen....good God NO girl. I have NEVER EVER thought that they were not in a true relationship.I just simply am trashing and laughing at the gossip sites that are saying they are over or that it was all for PR or that they are reevaluating their relaionship now......BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is all I can say to the gossip sites and the haters.
Rob and Kristen will continue to ignore any questions about their status...and that really pisses off the haters and gossip sites. I do believe that a lot of the gossip would die down if Rob and Kristen simply stated that they are in fact together and that it is nobody's business, so stop asking us. I agree with Kristen when she said...they would want to know details and that is why she stays so private about all of her private life, as does Rob. I personally don't need for them to make a statement on their status. I just wish they and us fans could get some relief from all the false stories and hate being said about them.

KStew Krew said...

@Arleen...I don't even trust GC for reliable info anymore. Also, too many haters there.RadarOnline, Perez, Lainey, Popsugar, Celebrity Dirty Laundry (this site is disgusting in trashing Kristen...I never read them BTW),....just to name a few...I wouldn't give the time of day. HollywoodLife (aka Hollyhell Lie) is at the top of the list too. No reliable info at these sites...just hate. They all make themselves look stupid.

Holy said...

Morning/afternoon ladies and gents.

Some birdie are tweeting that Rob is back in LA.I hope it's true.We'll probably not see them for a while.LOL.

@Ginger- hey girl.

KStew Krew said...

@Holy...YEAH!!!! I don't have twitter, so this is good news, thanks! If I was Rob I would make that girl scrub all that dirt off my body....every inch, LOL!!!! Rob and Kristen...go ninja!!!

Em said...

happy Monday guys :) hope everyone had a great weekend

Dreamer I was around enjoying ur music last night but just decided to listen beautiful lyrics

Pist loved the quotes I know someone who's starting as a photographer n he uses quotes on alot of his work like Oscar Wilde some Bukowski n even Sylvia Plath kinda eclectic mix but he got me into it bc I had no idea lol but I have a couple at home n my favorite is the illusion one n the model on the pic wasn't bad either :) okay gotta run starting something new today n gotta focus a bit but hope ur okay bye

Oh hi Kay n Annie Arleen n everyone else bye for real now

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Holy - (hugs) and waves - he arrived in LA at 6ish this morning - people waited for a couple hours to tweet they were either on the flight or knew the flight info so yup the eagle has landed LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Em.

Anonymous said...

I will be stepping out soon. Helping a friend from church. Having luncheon after the funeral. Going to drop off brownies and maybe have lunch with them.

PamH said...

Hello Ladies and Gent

@ Ginger
Thanks for the info on Rob, glad to hear he made it home and that people waited to say something, maybe he didn't get photoed this time. I have a feeling him and K will hide away for a day or two.
I noticed on DailyMail they had a photo of Taylor leaving the diner and you could see Scout in the background and I think I seen some other people that looked very familiar : )

@ Arleen
That's the great thing about this blog and everyone here because none of us believe that R K would ever be together just for the sale of the franchise or that they aren't together because some rag mag or webloid or haters say they aren't . The only thing any of those sites are good for is some laughs

Stella said...

Beautiful banner and very suitable, I must say!
Thanks, Rose!

How is everyone? I'm recovering from 3 days off work (yes, having fun can be a lot more tiring than working LOL)

It was good to know that Rob's finally home. I bet he needs some time to get some rest, adjust and reunite with his loved ones... I have an extreme desire to see him, but I'm also very happy that he wasn't papped in the airports (or so it seems) and people waited a few hours to twitt his arrival.
He must be very proud for this movie and I can't wait to see it and hear in his interviews his opinion about it and the experience he gainned from shooting it. I have a feeling it's going to be good and he'll be more than excited and proud. Hearing the difficult conditions under which he worked, I surely am as proud as it gets.

katy said...

Hello Roseland, hope all is weel. :)

Happy Rob arrived back home safe and sound!!!
Let's hope Rob and Kristen can enjoy their time, without paparazzi harassing them.

Stay safe and be happy

Litmom said...

Hey Rose and the gang ~

LOVE the new pic! :-) <3

Happy days :-)

PamH said...

OMG Suzie has the funniest pic on her instagram from their bachelorette trip...A LITTLE MAGIC MIKE : )))))

wig4usc said...

Hello, Roseland!

I've been lurking for awhile, not saying much, but think of a lot of you from time to time, wondering what's going on.

Now that Rob is back, wonder how long it'll take for new theories to emerge. The whole August thing...why that month? What's the logic, if that exists for the Ninnies??

Hope you all are well!

Pisteuo said...

Hey guys gals and lurkers!

DK, LOL!!! Have I ever told you that I luv U? Well, I do.

Kay, LOL! Guess what? I'm really an internet retard. That's the truth! <3 :)

Em, have fun and be careful! hugs!!

Way to go R/K!! Oh HELL YEAH!!!

Robert said...

here's what kills me. this 22 year old woman does her job better than anyone out there, the spotlight, which she never asked for in the first place [she was 9 when she started] gets too bright and she makes one mistake and she is crucified for it worse and more unfairly than anyone in the history of celeb gossip and how does she respond?

well 6 months later, while the love of her life who forgave her almost immediately, is on the other side of the planet at work, she attends the oscars and plays hurt, even walking the red carpet, which we all know she would rather not do, even if she were not healthy, goes to a show at the troubador, goes to the batting cages, bowling, plays a couple of rounds of golf, goes to the roller derby and has a great time with her friends and his can you not love this girl, and her boyfriend too?

just thought it needed to be said

LizzieD said...


Holy said...

Hello again.

@Ginger- I love how he eludes the LA papz. Eating cookies with your kids while watching movies was fun.My friend and daughter took me to kick boxing yesterday .My arms and legs hurts so bad and I have bruises.I will not try that sh@t again.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! Just got back from the funeral party. I was busy helping with the luncheon party at my church.
Its felt great helping others.
PamH- Thanks.

PamH said...

@ Robert
Well said :)

Birdie said...

And there was peace in the land....well not crazyland!
I love the banner, Rose. One of my favorite pics of them. Speaking of THEM, I would bet they are two very happy people right about now(as they should be).

Robert, I agree. Other than the Oscars (lol), could she be any more normal? How can you not love them?

Hello Roselanders!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well said Robert.

Barb said...

Hi Roselandia!! I really am getting sick of snow - 4 inches on Saturday and 3 - 6 TONIGHT WHHAAATTT THE HELL!!! STUPID GROUND HOG!!! Well now that I have that out of my system...

I have to say I'm with KStew Krew on the comment about relief from all the lies!!

And with Robert! What a tuff little woman she is for sure!

Pist love your enthusiasm sweetie XOXO

Have a great night every one!

Fingers crossed to see Rob back in the States soooon!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Robert - I agree but you already know that ;)

@Holy - kickboxing would be fun though.

@Birdie - I bet they are so happy

@Wig - hello stranger

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginger.

Atticus said...

Awww, Robert, you're making me cry with that comment.

Everyone survived St. Patty's Day? So Rob can ninja his way back from Australia to home sweet Kristen home. Fucking ecstatic over that!

Yeah, what is with this stupid laughable PR contract that expires in August? Why August?

Robert said...


yep that's me the male prototype

first i make you laugh

then i make you cry

sorry couldn't resist

ijesus, i am such a guy

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Arleen - Hi, how are you this afternoon? You guys getting some better weather - we have had sun for the past couple days

Atticus said...

Robert, now I'm laughing.

Anonymous said...

Ginger- It snow alittle bit. And its like on and off. But cold almost couldn't feel my hands this morning on the way walking to and from my church.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Arleen - eek - it is so crazy how our weather varies on the other side of the divide. I don't want anymore snow although it looks like we might get some more this weekend. Stay warm !!

Anonymous said...

Ginger- I enjoy my walking. I am not giving up just because its cold or freezing. I am working on losing some more weight.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Arleen - I hear ya, walking is really good for you

Anonymous said...

Rose- I love your banner.

Barb said...

@ Arleen the cold burns MORE calories! you go girl!!!

PamH said...

@ Ginger & Arleen
We've went through everything weather wise in the last two days we started out with snow that stopped and started till we had a couple inches then by last night we had thunder and lightning that was so loud it vibrated the house then turned to rain with constant downpours that caused flash's finally stopped raining but now we will have to deal with the mud : /

@ Ginger
Did you know that they are shipping Alex Skarsgard and Ellen Page ? I seen a story about them returning from SXSW, when i seen the Taylor story, I knew they made a movie together but had no idea they were claiming them to be a couple. Seeing him made me anxious to see True Blood, waiting on my season 5 DVD since I don't have HBO

Pattybg said...



Anonymous said...

Thanks Barb!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - I didn't know that - I am so ready for True blood with the way they left last season off too. they make an interesting couple if true - I would have never paired them up.

I love our weather here for the most part - I mean we get all 4 seasons but towards the end of the summer I am like could it cool down just a little (we get dry heat so when it is 100 out I can imagine what something cooking in an over feels like) and it has been insane with the cold this year I am craving spring like never before.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Patty - very happy :)

Holy said...

@Ginger- I will stick to walking and yoga not kick boxing.I don't want to break my legs.LOL.

Holy said...

All of you guys needs to move to LA. We have a perfect weather here.LOL

Holy said...

@Ginger- I will stick to walking and yoga not kick boxing.I don't want to break my legs.LOL.

Anonymous said...

Holy-Na. I rather stick with all four seasons instead of one or two seasons. Besides I use to live LA. And its expensives there. Here in Utah is cheaper.

PamH said...

@ Ginger
Yeah, I like Ellen Page, my first time watching her was in Hard Candy and I absolutly loved it and Whip It and Juno are good to. Not two people I would have pictured together but they're both great.
Have you already seen season 5 ? I know they are filming 6 right now and that Sookie gets a new guy who is like her. I really like Eric and Pam so I had to watch the video on YouTube someone told me about that shows how he turned her ( not much choice in the matter ) but I think Tara will be her new distraction.

DreamerKind said...

Howdy, pardners! Did my cowboy song disappear? Ha,ha,ha,ah!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - I have but I have HBO so I watched it religiously. I like Ellen too.

@DK afternoon

DreamerKind said...

You're right, afternoon from me, too. Slept late today. Coffee & cowboys that's how it's starting for me.

DreamerKind said...

It snowed here earlier, not sticking to the ground, and I hear the wind howling, shaking my window screens. If I were a kid again, I would be scared. As an old lady, it's awed instead.

You are one of those dear hearts, and gentle people. Wish we lived in the same hometown!

For you:

DreamerKind said...

Roselandians, have you saddled up, ridden away on your horses, while following Gene off into the West?

Anonymous said...

I love watching Touch by Angel.

DreamerKind said...

Can't give or git enough love, can we? (Squeezes)
Now fortified with a dish of gelato; I remove myself to vacuum this precious place.

Ciao, for now.

gargamel said...

I don't see a 'broken limo' yet.
Maybe a broken 'twin' bed? Because two can only do @%$*&%+£€¢®©√π{<<°°÷°™^^<<™<&..right?..
Shoot me.

Anonymous said...

I hope Rob and Kristen watch Dancing with the Stars. Because I am.

Anonymous said...

Yes!!!!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking that! Saw the tweets at work. Driving home, I had time to think about Rob being back in LA, and home, and, and!!!! Then I started wondering is this thinking normal? Thanks for verifying my normality (I hope)!!???

Anonymous said...

Liked that Jim Reeves song, a nice change of pace.

Yay, for Ninja Rob! So nice that the paps didn't get him at the airport. I really wanted to see him, but I know we will soon.

Robert said...

thank you for dat and as we say in south louisiana

cher [pronounced sha, with an "A" sound as in "at"] dat lil jim reeves over dere

Anonymous said...

Rose - the new banner is wonderful. Love is in the air!

Just a quick catch up, since I missed so much since Saturday..

One of the reasons for the fan fundraisers is to reduce the huge amount of birthday gifts people send to actors. It channels the love to a worthy charity, one that is supported by the actors.

Holy Ginger
I will see OTR on 3/22 also. Holy, you made me really want to see it now.

Great picture of gorgeous Kristen's eyes!

Super RN
So glad this week was better for you.

Hope you had a good trip back.

I thought of you last night while I was watching the movies on TV too. LOL! I just saw them all on Sat. at my friends house, but when they came on TV I still had to watch. I must be crazzzy!

So sorry to hear about that fire you experienced, so glad you were all safe except for the poor doggie, so sad.

OMG I was thinking the same thing! I'm sure they have showers in Adelaide, but forget that logic, I like your idea much better.

That was so nice that people waited awhile before they tweeted about Rob being on the flight. Amazingly nice people are in the world!

That picture on Suzie's instagram is hilarious...OMG! Thanks for the laugh, I needed it badly!

That was an awesome comment about Kristen, right on I say!

Holy said...

@Arleen- yes,I know it's expensive in LA,which part of LA did you live?

@gargamel- how are you doing?

@Tuf- don't forget to watch The Following tonight.

@Ginger- when is True Blood new season start?Do you watch Games of Thrones too?

Holy said...

@Arte-hello- beautiful green eyes isn't it,no wonder Rob is being hypnotize by those eyes.I know you going to like OTR.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Holy - they haven't announced it but it usually is around June. I have seen a couple episodes of Thrones but just wasn't able to get into which is shocking with the video games I play

@Arte - heya

Holy said...

@Arte- and look at this,both of them really have beautiful eyes.

Anonymous said...

Holy- I use live all over in La. 1. Pico Rivera, 2. El Monte, 3. Covina, 4. West Covina, 5. Valinda 6. Pomona, 7. Riverside, 8.Bellflower, 9.Sylmar, 10. Glendora, and last but not least Azusa before I moved to Utah.

Anonymous said...

You can say I use to live in La all my life since birth. I was born USC Hospital in 1974. And also grew up in Fresno too.

Unknown said...

For Robert and Kristen.......i need to watch Twilight again cause that's where their love ignited.

Waves to all the nice people :)

Rob and Kristen - Dreams on Fire

You are my waking dream
You're all that's real to me
You are the magic in the world I see
You are the prayer I see
You brought me to my knees
You are the faith that made me believe

Dreams on fire higher and higher
Passions burning right on the pyre

Once more forever yours
In me all your heart
Dreams on fire higher and higher

Anonymous said...

Holy- And the reason why I left LA is because 1. expensive unless they lower house prices and rents too. 2. Crimes is getting bad there. Not good for my child especially the schools there. 3. The seasons. LA only get ones or two. 4. Plus need to think about my family for their safety. All my families in LA. All my husband's families lives in Utah. Which I got close to his mom. Although my mom is not all there. Don't want to go to detail.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Topaz - waves :)

Anonymous said...

artemisluvv- Hi!

Anonymous said...

Oh you got me with that one, I miss them so much!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, hope you are having a nice evening!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Howzit?

Anonymous said...

artemisluvv- Actually I did. I babysitting my two nieces which I am being loved. I am being love today by my two nieces, my husband, and my cat.

Anonymous said...

artemisluvv- Oh yeah I forgot I was helping my church. With the funeral luncheon thing. I love helping others.

Anonymous said...

That is so nice, glad they are taking care of you today.

Anonymous said...

Rob/Kristen sharing

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Arte - it is a good day even for a Monday :)

Holy said...

@Arleen- so you grow up in LA.I just move in LA 7 years ago.I live in Burbank.

@Ginger- I've seen 2-3 episodes of Game of Thrones and it's pretty good.I just can't keep up with all of them.

Anonymous said...

I know, it wasn't the worst Monday, maybe because spring is coming.

My little fantasy - What do you think - Tom is in New York, Marcus will be there next week maybe a NY trip for R&K?

Anonymous said...

Holy- Yes I did.

Unknown said...

Holy, Ginger,

Game of thrones....hubs got that on netflix the other day and he was watchin it, i saw glimpses of it, it's very R rated, a lot of nudity and sex, so far he's liking the series. He's also been watchin this British show called Downtown Abbey, which by the way I'm kinda surprised he'd even watch it cause I like watching British shows, but Downtown Abbey just doesn't interest me, lol.

Anonymous said...

Hi Holy

That was a nice video and the lyrics are so beautiful

Unknown said...

Arte, yes, so beautiful. And Rob and Kristen are so beautiful together. When I watch Twilight, I get reminded why I got into this amazing couple, they are really such a beautiful looking pair. Actually, the instrumental part of that song is from the movie Slumdog millionaire, I think it's called "Latika's theme." But I think someone wrote lyrics for it to go with the instrumental and his? or her? name is A.R. Rahman, but I'm not really sure if he/she wrote it for the movie, or if he/she wrote it just because he/she liked the instrumental.

Anonymous said...

I thought that song sounded familiar! It fits with the Twilight scenes very well. They are so beautiful together, and there is something from inside, so much more, so indefineable.

Anonymous said...

Good night everyone! I am exhausted from a long day.

Unknown said...

oh my god, who is this gorgeous couple? I can't......sweet dreams.

Unknown said...

Geez! I'm fangirling....

what an angle....

Unknown said...

fan art...

fan manip....

fan manip......

Twilight BTS ?....

Breaking Dawn BTS...

Jeezz!!! Please please make another movie together again, wishin and hopin.....

ok, signing off.....night

DreamerKind said...

Watching for the umpteenth time, P & P (1995) Firth and Ehle. Good heavens, love is pouring upon me.

Talk that Louisiana style to me, dahlin'. Never tire of it.

Sue from Holland said...

Had a deja-vu moment yesterday, reading that Rob was on his way home to LA. I wanted to click on R'Nation to see if there was more info. Robsten Dreams is good but well you know..
I thought my 'obsession' to get info(only R'Nation) on them was so toned down since last summer, that I couldn't get excited anymore. I don't make any sense, I know.
It's not that I don't love them anymore,I really really do, it's just that I used to click on that site 8 times a day or so, way too invested.

@Robert,March18 4:27, You are so damn right. I wonder sometimes if those women who hate her so much are just bitches and miserable twats in general.
Sorry for the late reaction but I'm a wanderer dropping in on the stangest moments.

gargamel said...

I love all the twi-scores.

DreamerKind said...

Checking in and out, since I am running errands with a friend earlier than usual today.

Keep the faith in love; seize this new day.

High fives!

DreamerKind said...

For some every time is like this

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

Roberta Flack (1969):

The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and the stars
Were the gifts you gave
To the dark and the endless skies

The first time
Ever I kissed your mouth
I felt the earth move in my hand
Like the trembling heart
Of a captive bird
That was then at my command
My love

The first time ever I lay with you
I felt your heart so close to mine
And I knew our joy
Would fill the earth
And last til the end of time
My love

The first time
Ever I saw
Your face

Thank you/rovingeye2

DreamerKind said...


Birdie said...

DK, I would bet you could recite P&P line for line. Never gets old, does it?

Annie said...

Morning all.

Ecstatic to learn that Rob returned home to LA without being papped and it was not tweeted until hours later.
Brilliant! :)

Pattybg said...




Anonymous said...

Good Morning Everyone! Getting ready to go to the school. As every Tuesday and Thursday. Keep me posted on how is Rob and Kristen. Hope he is taking care of her and her foot.

Intruth said...

Good morning, everyone! Love the pics linked here in the comments! Thanks @Arte and Topaz! And @DK, "The First Time" is the PERFECT song to go with the BD1 premiere pics Topaz posted with the couple gazing into one another's eyes. Or just the "eyes" pic, too!
New fan and pap pics of Rob in Australia before heading home (from March 17) and cute fan encounter up at RD and RPLife.
Hugs to all!!!

Intruth said...

Oh, gotta say, @DK, P&P with Firth and Elhe-- favorite, favorite!!! I will never get tired of that version of that beautifully crafted story of falling in love!

@Sue== Hi,bb! I know just what you mean about Rnation. Hugs to you.

Intruth said...

Me, again! One more correction: cute new fan encounter story about Rob in Adelaide is on Strictly Robsten :)
Pics from wrap party showing up, too!

tufenuf55 said...


Watched The Following last night. One tense, surprising moment after another!

tufenuf55 said...

Loving new Rob pics from wrap party; fans; and March 17th.

PamH said...

Good morning all

Rob looks really great :) I hope he and Kristen are enjoying some family time together.

I'm glad we are seeing all these photos after knowing he's already back home.

Ginger with a Soul said...

Morning Ladies and Robert

Cute fan pictures and after party pictures from the Rover. He looks tired but after a grueling set like that I can only imagine

Anonymous said...

Morning Roselanders!

Yay Rob pictures! So awesome to see him. He looks good, so good.

Do you all think it looks like he cut his hair off again, maybe for his next role?

Topaz Emerald
Love the pics from last night girl!

Thanks for the info on the fan encounter. That was nice to read about.

tufenuf55 said...


in pic by himself with cap on, it looks like he's done more than buzz cut on the sides at least. But, that being said, could be he trimmed up head as well as whiskers. Looking forward to seeing pic of him with Kristen but no paps. Maybe Scout will instagram a pic which would be better.

Anonymous said...

Hi tufenuf55, Ginger, PamH, Intruth, and everyone else.
Just got home from running errands and from my reading programs. Put dinner in the crockpot. And now I am relax. Plus did my exercise for the day. So anything new about Rob and Kristen?

PamH said...

The good thing is the gossip sites don't seem to know Rob is home, most are still saying he is in AUS because of the photos.

Hope he's rested up now, he looked a little tired in pics but that is expected . Looks like he dressed his buzz cut up some or just cut it all off.
Maybe soon we will hear about RK coming out for some fun : )

Have a good day everyone

Anonymous said...

I hope you saw the new pictures of Rob? That's the latest according to the Roselanders.

That is too funny the rags are not connected to reality, as usual!

I think you're right..maybe more than buzz cut, he does look so clean shaven. Hmmm, guess we'll find out soon. Do you really think Scout might post a pic of them? That would be so incredible. Can you give us the link for Scout's Instagram? I don't think I have that one. Not sure what her Instagrame name is.

PamH said...

@ Arte
For Scout - She may post a pic of where they have been or who they hung out with but none of RK friends ever post them on their instagrams. It's usually always after its already happened or before we find out they were there. They all have great instagram sites with some really good photos

tufenuf55 said...


I agree.

gargamel said...

I'm starting to like the papz are behaving. At least we know they're NOT OUT THERE TRYING TO MAKE A KILL. Could it be that they have NOTICED the PUBLIC'S ANGER towards them? Good to know they are still HUMANS after all.
Happy for the TWOSOME and their broken bed.

Holy said...

Hello ladies and gents.

@Tuf- hello-that show is getting creepier.

@Ginger- hey there,Rob's looks to exhausted in that pic,it's probably because of the heat.The pic was posted in FB 2 days ago,but the ninnies actually said that pic was taken last night and Rob is still in Australia.LOL.

Nikki Reed,needs to keep her mouth shut.
"I don't view myself as what other people in those [Twilight] films view themselves as. I don't think I'm a superstar."

And here's another one.

"feeling loved by people that don't know you -- I don't get excited by that" So in other words she doesn't give a fuck about her fans?

Barb said...

Snow is meltingggg! The sun is shining YEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I live in the grey zone between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic ocean and I get really excited when I see the sun during the winter! :)

Wonder when Rob and Kris are coming up for air? Hope they are doing just as they please!

Barb said...

Nikki should take a flying leap! I never realized she was such a fake. Complete opposite of Kristen. Rob must have figured it out right away.

LizzieD said...


I just saw an E News report and LOL, yea, they're reporting that Rob is still hanging in Aus and "no hurry" to get back ... cracks me up!!!

I'll be lurking tonight, I have editing to do.

LIZ IN LALA LAND --- TWIRLING because we know it's only a matter of time that they'll be seen ... BUT, wouldn't it be great if they could stay hidden for a while?

tufenuf55 said...


I saw that also and was cracking up. Rob and Kristen have become such ninjas that press doesn't even know the latest!

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