The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Instant Karma's Gonna Get You

Rob really seems to be enjoying himself here...

This has been kinda a shitty week... hasn't it?
There are people that I love...who are sick.
No justice for Trayvon.
(and I'm not going to say any more on that topic)
And Corey Monteith died.
I really liked him.
He was talented... and seemed so sweet.
And now he's gone so young.

Sometimes you just want to get away from sad stuff...
Sometimes you just want to have a laugh.
A giggle.
A guffaw.

You came to the right place, Folks.

For today is email day.
I pulled out some of the more amusing
and confusing
questions/statements from recent emails.


Oh and
The bits and pieces of emails
you are about to read are true.
The spelling might be changed so you can understand them.
Because let's face it...
These be some stupids peoples.
They so dumbs.

Why do you even pretend to like Rob? 
All you care about is Rob with Kristen. 
You should change the name of this blog to Robsten Intoxciation.

ZZZZZZZZZZZ. If you tell me what intoxciation is... 

Why do you have to be such a nasty bitch about fans being proud of Rob?
 What's wrong with that?
 He's finally free of that home-wrecker and we can properly idolize him now.

I gave MY opinion. You come to MY blog to read MY opinion.
 Don't complain when you don't like what I have to say.
I think certain people in this fandom get carried away 
with the fangirling over Robert.
 It's crossed the line to C.R.E.E.P.Y.
(and yeah... if you think I'm talking about you... I probably am.)
Shoe. Fits. Slide. It. On.

What do you think about Kristen's new ring? 
Engagement ring?
 Do you think its from Rob?

Yes. No. To get to the other side.

Do you think Rob and Kristen are together right now?

I don't think they have ever been far apart.

Stupid sheeps. Your so delusional. Robsten is over. Deal with it.

If you really believed that you wouldn't be bothered by what 'sheeps' say.
You wouldn't work so hard pushing your agenda
 on Kristen's friends twitter/insta accts.
The "sheeps" are just calmly grazing in the field... 
eating clover and being all soft and warm and fuzzy and cute.
Meanwhile the hyenas are frantic and desperate... 
scared of what is about to happen.
And you have EVERY reason to be scared... 
*cue evil laugh*

Hey bitch! What are your plans to celebrate the Rupsten anniversary?
 I bet you can't wait! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.
 I plan to have a party!
 Get ready for some FUN sheep!

Yes. I'm so SURE this 'anniversary' means so much to you! But truly...
what are you going to do any differently than you have the last 365 days?
Be vile and disgusting about Kristen?
Post those same tired 50 pictures?
Make up lies and innuendo to try and hurt someone you don't know?
You do that EVERYDAY... 
You cling to to that day like it's your reason for living...
Not like its your reason for living... It IS your reason for living.
Only the Hags and the Rags haven't moved on from a year ago.
Think about how you supposedly have gotten what you wanted...
and you still are living in the past.
A fucking YEAR.

Kristen owns you.
Remember that.
Lock. Stock. And bottom of the barrel.

Who do you think is in the truck with Rob?

Money. Sex. Money. Sex. Cat.

What happened with Bear and Bernie?
 Did Rob really take both the dogs away from Kristen?

No. Rob wouldn't ever take the dogs away from Kristen.
Idiots want to believe that Rob and Kristen never talk or see each other
 and that is pure fiction.
You'd be surprised at just how much...
Kristen loves those dogs just as much as Rob does.
I find it amusing that when Bernie came into the picture
 Haters screamed it was only Kristen's dog! 
Rob has Bear... Kristen has Bernie!
 They even called Bernie a FAMEWHORE!
But now... they both belong to Rob?
How convenient.
Bear and Bernie belong to both Rob and Kristen...

walk this way.

Why do you seem so down on Dior Rob?

Have I said anything remotely negative about Rob at all?
Or are you confusing the fact that I find people gushing over the most
ridiculous detail hilarious and open to sarcasm?

(and these women have LOTS of ovaries cuz those bitches are exploding
all the damn time)
"ROB IS SITTING IN A BATHTUB! WET ROB! (except he's not)
People seem to forget... these ads were shot over 6 months ago.
They act like it happened yesterday and now Rob is all hot with this model.
Anyone but Kristen... right?

And for the record.
I'm excited to see this ad campaign and I'm thrilled for Rob
I follow both Rob and Kristen's careers very closely.
I'm so happy they are both back to work...
because I think that is when they are happiest.
I buy tickets to see their movies.
I buy all the movies when they come out on DVD.
No, I don't always post my thoughts about it here
Mostly because this isn't a 'news' blog...
And mostly cuz you can go to RobertPattinsonLife and KristenStewartNews
to get all the info you may crave and desire...

I fucking ADORE Tom Sturridge.
They both look incredible in this picture...
But Tom.
Always Tom.

Green Sheep.


This post is brought to you by what you know.

You know even less now.

Bye for now


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 487   Newer›   Newest»
Vernier said...

Rose I love you Gurl! You my hero. Told the troll you was coming. You came so quick I didn't get my popcorn but I did pop my Corona. Computer chair had to do. I love your blog. your wit and humor. I really love how you come back with so much class. it is awesome. Just enough bite to do the job. No Buts.......

Atticus said...

@vernistene, seriously, TMZ called Kristen a racist? After all the good things said about Kristen from Tactical Media Group and Warfighterbeer, who cares what those fucking hacks had to say, cuz that's what TMZ is...HACKS!

You keep givin' em' hell, girl!

Vernier said...

Yeah they did. It was on their show tonight. I got angry first them I started laughing. She is as far from a racist as Rob is from ugly. No where close! It was about her changing her mind about the movie she was to do with Ben Affleck. Because she changed her mind supposedly after Will Smith signed on. What they say she said was the reason didn't make sense. I heard when she first changed her mind it was a conflict with one of her other jobs that actually had a cast and a date. I think this is the true reason. It was such a shock to think they will stop at nothing to try and insult or hurt this young girl.

Vernier said...

The movie was "Focus"

Vernier said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi vernistene, LizzieD, Ginger, Rose, Pist, Kay, Katy, DK, KK, Rose, Atticus, Holy, ADD, Tracybell, PamH, Stella, Litmon, Pattybg, slutsrunning, Elizabeth, Olivia, Barb, and the rest of Roselands! Just got home from dinner date with my hubby. We have Japs food. And another frozen yogurt watermelon sorbet which I like.
Rose- Good job on your comments.
vernistene- You are right. Kristen is not racist. She has all kinds of friends.

Anonymous said...

Tuff- I just saw the pictures of Rob at Toronto Airport.

mari said...

dear rose,
you are so brilliant in putting these words for the stupid delusional ninnies.
today in the office when i turned in the internet i saw an article
about what happened last year. i didn't read it bec. it
upsets me & what i did was i just clicked the dislike
button so it does not shows up. why would these media reminisced such a negative article that was a headline from last year? you know, just because kristen has so much fans that every article about her will be read they are using kristen's popularity






DreamerKind said...

No point in regarding those who disregard just about all common sense, so spot on.

Fun to do tunes and always keep you, my biggest fan, in mind, too! Smooch.

Yuck, stinks of too much TMZ around our sweet land. They stoopid hacks, true dat.
Having a Heine with ya! Perfect for clarity and sparkle, beer is.

Adoration trumps obsession any day, and it's great fun to have an explosion of excitement, when people give 110% of themselves to others, in any way.

Pisteuo said...

Venrn, you do realize the more hits those sites get, the more they feel justified...don't you?

T will NOT be going there...EVER!

Pisteuo said...

Oh gosh...menat Vern...not Venrn. sorry

Vernier said...

Sorry Pist saw it on my TV. A show I was watching went off and it came on. Wasn't paying attention till I heard Kristen's name. Couldn't believe it. I won't go there anymore either just showing where I saw it and how low down they are. No worries!

Pisteuo said...

And I don't care for gossip spreading either...never saw the point in, I best get out now before I cause a riot! LOL!!!

See you guys later! Summer is very busy for me this year.

Stay Happy, Happy, Happy!! :)))

Vernier said...

Pist and I do know this. I don't do pap sites unless proving something. Not very often at all. Little smarter than that.

Anonymous said...

vernistene- Pist is right. I haven't even watched that show ever. Best to get out of it. There is already almost riot near my families house because of that trial of Zimmermen or something. Glad he is safe. Found out some of the cars there are throwing stuff at their cars. I hope not here. I don't know about LA. Or every where. That is scary. I remember about that Rodney King trial. I was Seventeen going to be eighteen that time. I remember the riot. It was crazy. When I got to school the next morning. Not much kids at school. I guess parents were worried about the safety of the kids. Its was scary.

DreamerKind said...

You in the process of changing your avi or blogger name? Sten or stene?

KStew Krew said...

@Enna....fuck off, go away, go psychoanalyze yourself cause you def need the help. You and other trolls will get pricked by the thorns of a beautiful Rose!

@Rose....baddest bitch in town, meaner than a junkyard dog....DK got me singin to myself! Love you dearest Rose!

@Atticus.....sharing is def caring!!!! Never looked better! Also, love me some KStew in uniform!

@tufenuf55.....missed seeing that HBG is with Kristen. That is reassuring. BTW... Hello to you!

@Tracybell....titles on DIDY and the Rats of Hollywood penned by Nick is hilarious! I have the title of executioner because I wanna slay all the trolls and haters that try to post there. If you get a chance to read older post of the Rats Saga, it really is funny. Tempest and Rose are my absolute faves.

@gargamel....damn it, I forgot to include you in my hello yesterday, so hey! Any more math lessons? Lol!

@Elizabeth....absolutely right on the spot, "they took back their privacy". Hell yes they have!

@Kay....stay away from GC and those rag sites....50 lashes with a wet noodle for you, jk,jk!

@LizzieD....I don't do Twatter, but that Picspam sounds nice. Also, knock, knock!!!!! ROTFLMFAO!!! Pass me some popcorn please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha!

Vernier said...

Hey DK did I say something to piss off Pist? I don't spread gossip. I see something I share and move on. I give my opinion and that's that. I didn't say it. Didn't write it and don't believe it. I was looking for people too shut it down like me. Put out the fire before it becomes a blaze. Sorry Pist if I got you upset.

Vernier said...

No DK leaving it as it is. Don't know why it's cut off.

DreamerKind said...

Show you're you. Doubting.

DreamerKind said...

Some folks steal other folks monikers and such, as has been done here many times before. Always with an eye to the keyhole, if you know what I mean?

Pisteuo said...

Okay Vern, I guess I fail to see how anything can be proven by visiting any of those sites. But, hey if you think you can...knock yourself out. But, I won't be going there or repeating any BS that those bastards come up with.
That's just me though...just don't expect any support from me when it comes to that shit.
So, now you know where I stand. Not that it really matters...but, oh well, I had a little time tonight.
And since I really don't care for drama...I really am going now.
Please stay Happy, Happy, Happy!!

DreamerKind said...

Blazes need a spark and we keep the area nice and cool, with a sweet spot of moisture that discourages scorching.
"Only you can start forest fires." Smokey The Bear

DreamerKind said...

So long, Happy!

Vernier said...

Pist no drama. I see where you stand. I stand there too. I don't ordinarily visit any of Tahoe sites. Saw it on TV and shared. Thought it was really mean and low down. Didn't know anyone would think I wanted them to go there. Gave them the tion. Now you know where I stand. I am a die hard protect them from the bullshit person. I don't like innocent people being lied on. I understand Post. Thank you.

Vernier said...

Pist no drama. I see where you stand. I stand there too. I don't ordinarily visit any of those sites. Saw it on TV and shared. Thought it was really mean and low down. Didn't know anyone would think I wanted them to go there. Gave them the tion. Now you know where I stand. I am a die hard protect them from the bullshit person. I don't like innocent people being lied on. I understand Post. Thank you.

KStew Krew said...

A couple more words to a few posters, bear with me.
@Mari.....correction my dear, Rupig TRIED to have his way with Kristen (so called his dreams only) and he did try to use her for his personal gain, slime ball that he is and sick bastard did get what he deserved from that biotch wife of his....divorce. Rot in he'll the both of them, cause I believe she was also in on it. Nothing more to say on that subject, moving on.

My favorite poster of all I think.....Vernestine!! Damn, where to begin? Your reply to Woody88 was hilarious! Loved your reply about R and K being separate people was awesome! "Troll diaper in a wad"? The mental picture was just too damned funny! Thanks for that one!
"popcorn. Corona, and a lawnchair"....piss my pants!!!
Best line ever...."when ignorance rears it's ugly head and pretends to be smart, I love to school it"....well my dear you schooled that stupid bitch troll, yes you did! Sent that miserable cave dwelling troll back to her hole! Your posts just made my day! Since you work in a jail you must see a lot of crazy shit and deal with some "different" people and situations. Your sense of humor will serve you well. I would want a friend like you who would so strongly defend me against haters and trolls. Rob and Kristen are lucky to have fans like you and RPI is an awesome place to hang out.

Hugs and prayers to you all in Roseland. Goodnight!

Vernier said...

It's me DK
I still got the sharp tongue and you still my girl! Made a mistake posting the vile thing they said about our Kristen. Still No Buts.......,

Vernier said...

Thank u KStew. You just made my day. I always defend people I care about with all I am. I will go into the trolls den to slay bullshit. Thank you. You just lifted my spirits. No buts.....:-)

DreamerKind said...

Some points are too sharp and may prick oneself.
Vile things are just that, aren't they.
Hope you were not hacked, but I'll watch your back.

KStew Krew said...

Just an FYI....when Kristen dropped out of Focus a few months back, the shitrags/media dud try to pull that racial bullshit against Kristen. So old news TMZ. Ass wipes that they all are anyway. None of those shittards cared to formulate an article about the real reasons she dropped out of Focus. Just for the record...Smith and Affleck....yuck, just yuck. Would not have been good. On a happy note...CXR is underway and Kristen is working and looking fab!!!!!

Vernier said...

Thanks DK and Kstew thank you both. I have been properly schooled and have learned from my teachers :-) Thanks for having my back. Hey and new motto for me "fuck the paps" :-) :-) :-) thank u both again.

DreamerKind said...

Correction and update from Smokey Bear website:

"Only YOU can prevent wildfires."

Blasting into present day is fun. Meanings are the same. Guess some sayings have lingered too long, in my oldest brain spots. Happens, sometimes.

Vernier said...

Why did my name change? Thanks for having
My back DK. Should I change it if there is a possibility of it being hacked?

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! I have a question for all of you. Are you guys in your state are having a protest where you live. Because its already happened in LA and everywhere. If you guys are. I just want to say is be safe.

Vernier said...

DK loved the Smokey bear comment. It was on point. Put me on right track....:-)

DreamerKind said...

Did you remove your lovely fluffy sexy babes avi?

Vernier said...

Arleen _They had a quiet march last night. It was rally peaceful.

Vernier said...

No they should still be there DK

Vernier said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vernier said...

I just notice I have no avi .


Vernier said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Vernisten- Well my cousin in LA or Victorville. Just found out where he works at. They had lock down today. And then had to send them home. Found out its happening all over the state. And I am just looking for all of you to all the Roseland. And I know that Vernisten. I remember what happen to that Rodney King riot. I remember all that damage has cause. I don't want to repeat it again. And I have work tomorrow. I want all of you to be a safe side.

DreamerKind said...

A hum is right..

DreamerKind said...

The cable guy (was handsome, too) and I both agreed today, that we cannot wrap our minds around or judge the beliefs and decisions of others, who are so wholly unconnected to our lives. Therein lies peace. Rest well.

Back to unpacking for a few more hours. Love these Hercules hooks for I can hang pics anytime without making noise. Cool.

Keeping watch.

Atticus said...

@verni, I'm going with DK's way with your moniker. You defend so many people here besides R/K & Rose. I know your heart's in the right place. No buts!

Happy, happy with Pist!

Atticus said...

@DK, oh wise one. Just love you.

Vernier said...

Thanks Atticus
Could it be cause I'm on my tablet under my ladylove email sign on. Not my desk or laptop which is what I usually use.

Anonymous said...

DK- What is wrong with me looking or be concern to all our Roselands! And I care. Just want to make sure everyone is safe and want you to be safe.

DreamerKind said...


Vernier said...

123 testing

Vernier said...

Still not there
Hum not cool...

DreamerKind said...

Best wishes on your quests.
Just saying, that me and the cable guy had something going on, that made us happy. Sharing that specialness with you.

Vernier said...

DK you know you own me with that cable guy quote right? lol
Arleen we love that you care and I hope you never stop. It is your nature to care. We see that in your comments and reactions. You are truly a gentle caring soul. Much Love and respect for you.

DreamerKind said...

Go to your blogger profile (you have 2 though) and then to Help for direction. I couldn't email you either. Bet someone is having some fun.

Vernier said...

I got on my desktop and I am back. "Thank you Jesus" :)

Anonymous said...

DK and vernistene- Thanks. I really appreciate it.

Vernier said...

DK you know if I catch the Bitch they will be lunch. Right? That shit ain't cool. I removed the TMZ link. I couldn't do it a few minutes earlier.

Vernier said...

Thank you for your help I will do what u said and make sure.
Thanks for having my back.

DreamerKind said...

Someone's is always knocking on the door. We let them in but will they stay?
Let 'Em In

Paul McCartney & Wings (1976):

Thank you/shawnNhouston

Pisteuo said...

Okay, I lied...I'm baaaaack! LOL!!
Can't fuckin sleep. And I need to badly. Why is it when you need sleep the most, ya just can't!

Vern, no hard feelings and just so you know...I'm not upset. And, I think you are very bright with a great sense of humor and I also think your heart is in the right place. I just despise the tabloid industry with a passion...but, guess you know that now. LOL!!
When RL gets slacker for me, I look forward to some fun and silly times with you and the rest of Roseland.

DK, smooches back at ya! :)

Arleen, you are too sweet.

I'm gonna try to go to sleep now. Just had a cup of warm milk...will see if that REALLY works. LOL!!!

(if not, I could be baaaaack!)

Off to try and dream Happy, Happy, Happy dreams. :)))

Anonymous said...

Pist- Thanks! I am going to bed now. Its almost one now. So good night all of you on Roselands! Keep me posted on our couple.

DreamerKind said...

Warm milk works for me when I can't sleep.
Yet, a warm body next to me does even better for sleeping, deeply.
Perhaps, in future if I truly needed either, but certainly in the past, as a matter of course. Oh, what a time it was.

Old Friends/Bookends

Simon & Garfunkel:

Old friends
Old friends sat
On their park bench
Like bookends

A newspaper blowin' through
The grass
Falls on the round toes
Of the high shoes
Of the old friends

Old friends, winter companions
The old men
Lost in their overcoats
Waiting for the sun

The sounds of the city
Sifting through trees
Settles like dust on the shoulders
Of the old friends

Can you imagine us
Years from today
Sharing a park bench quietly
How terribly strange to be seventy

Old friends
Memory brushes the same years
Silently sharing the same fears

Time it was
And what a time it was
It was

A time of innocence
A time of confidences

Long ago, it must be
I have a photograph

Preserve your memories
They're all that's left you

Thank you/bigbarnbed

DreamerKind said...

Okay, dear buds, I have paused long enough and enjoyed myself very much, with thanks to all.
I'm about to soar high above,
in the skies,
where love's eyes,
keep watch,
excluding none.

Vernier said...

Thank you Pist. You still one of. My favorites. Love ya! :-)

Vernier said...

DK You are just cooler than a fan. I like the warm body. Lol lol
Arleen goodnight sweetie. :-)

Robert said...

just got back from orange beach where i was without internet for over a week and i haven't had a chance t read any of your comments but i did want to share this little story with you.

so, my last name is Gaither which is pronounced "GAY thur" but i live in south LA where there is only one Gaither family [mine] and about a thousand Gautiers ["GO chay"] so not a day goes by where someone doesn't tell me "down here we pronounce that gautier" in my fantasy i always reply "A. i am from here and B. no you sure in the fuck do not" and in reality i just smile politely.

cut to last week in orange beach AL i am at the drugstore and the woman needs to know my name. robert says i, and the last name? so i spell it for her to avoid confusion. she looks at it and says "GARTH ee ay" and i say "Gaither" to which she smiles and says "well i guess it just depends on what part of the country you are from"

so i killed her

Super RN Gas Passer said...


Did you tell her she better be glad you weren't her English teacher or she would have flunked your course?!?!?!

Good Morning All:))))

Robert said...


in my fantasy world i had an alley macbeal moment where i reached over he counter and snapped her neck like a twig

in reality, nada

Anonymous said...

Good morning Roselands! Hi vernistene, LizzieD, Ginger, Rose, Pist, Kay, Katy, DK, KK, Rose, Atticus, Holy, ADD, Tracybell, PamH, Stella, Litmon, Pattybg, slutsrunning, Elizabeth, Olivia, Barb, and the rest of Roselands! I just woke up and getting ready for the day. Keep me posted our couple because I believe in you.
Robert- Sounds like you have been working hard. Oh yeah stay safe. I know the about the protest. I know all over is safe. Just make sure you're safe.
Super- Hi! How are you? We missed you. Hope you have a great summer.
Pisteuo- Thanks! I just want to make sure everyone is safe.

Anonymous said...

Plus stay cool. I know its got to be hot where you at in your state.

Super RN Gas Passer said...


I hope you got some sleep...zzzzzzz

Super RN Gas Passer said...


I think a lot of us have moments like that...hope you are doing well:))))


I'm sorry I missed Rose and the rest of the gang last night :)))

Kay said...

'Morning, Roseland!

Pisteuo...thanks for having my back! I hope the icky warm milk did the trick so that you aren't a tired busy, busy, busy bee today. :D

DK...very sweet, thank you. :)

Take care, be safe, stay cool and have a happy, happy Thursday, everyone!! ❤

Anonymous said...

Super- We missed you too. Stay cool and safe. I know its got to be hot where you at. Where I am is hot here. Just during the day yes. Yesterday in Logan, Utah was 94 degrees where I live. but humid because we have been getting storms all week even today. Well I better not be late today for my water aerobics.

Anonymous said...

While I was out I had this song in my head. You guys should listen to this. Is Rogers- I wanna be your man. RD should put together of Rob and Kristen.

Vernier said...

Good Morning Arleen, LizzieD, Rose, Pist, Super RN,DK, Robert Atticus, Tracybell, slutsrunning, Elizabeth, Olivia, Barb, and the rest of Roseland. Hope you all have a great day.
Arleen try to stay cool sweetie.
Robert loved your story been there. Look at my name lol
Super - good to read ya1
Pist - I hope the milk worked
DK love the song and thank you ;)

Vernier said...

Oh and Arleen thank you for being concerned about everyone. Like I said they had a peaceful rally here in Nashville but other places were not so peaceful. It feels good to know there are people out there who really truly care about what happens to others. ;) You are a true gem!!!

Em said...

so Roseland was the place to be last night lol I'm sorry I been missing out but glad everyone is okay ;)

dreamer u make me smile so thank u :)

Pist hope u got some rest :) I hate warm milk lol but next time why don't u try music idk maybe ur favorite songs or music that reminds u of good things? I do that alot n it helps me so i hope it works for u ;)

Okay gotta go but only about another week of crazy then a little break from all the running lol u guys already know the deal listen to pist n stay happy happy happy n if u don't know now u know lol bye

Pattybg said...






PamH said...

Good morning everyone

@ Robert
Good to see you here, you were missed by all.
I have to say that my MIL would for sure never mispronounce your name but she would be asking you if you are related to the wonderful singing family she sees every chance she gets when they are performing close by and loves all their CDs and if just by having that last name you'd have to be related. LOL

Have a great day everyone here and lurking ^.^

Unknown said... and I emailed a long time ago and what was the insult to you from me? I am perplexed? Giving an opinion is not an insult.

tufenuf55 said...

KStew Krew

Hello to you, too. Also, Rob has Dean with him in Toronto.

Tbell said...

Gooooooood moooorrrrrrning Roseland...

Well missed some crazy stuff last night, but I was having a bonfire and a few beers with my husband so that's ok lol.

Please don't change one thing about yourself woman. Don't let the feelings of one person make you feel like you did something wrong here. You did not. Be yourself in every thing you post because I love who you are. We are all different and if we start conforming to a certain way of posting this place will be very boring. I love Lizzie twirling, dk's tunes, Arleen sweet spirit, super's take on things, Roberts stories and observations, etc. Even the trolls can be entertaining. Don't ever doubt yourself woman.

Very jealous of you right now. Spent a week at orange beach last July and intended to go back this July but husbands work prevented it. Love the gulf coast and laid back lifestyle. We generally hit the beach in the morning and don't leave til sundown lol. Glad your back and don't be a stranger.

@everyone yourself!

Oh...and I just love Kristen in fatigues. I live in military town and they got her look exactly right. Bun in back, fatigues tucked in boots, military issue sun glasses squeeeee! Can't wait for this movie.

Rob looks like wtf at ticket counter lol. Love his expression :) guess he's not a pap in MttS like people thought. He's a struggling actor/limo driver/taxi driver? Anyway love his beanie lol.

Hey vernistene if you ever come to Oklahoma let me know.

Have a beautiful day everyone...laters

Tbell said...

When the opinion is laced with insulting innuendo?'re not as smart as you think you are.

katy said...


What was the insult you made to Rose?

Well..your comment----> "And you don't think it is any creepier fangirling over Tom Sturridge, a man in a committed relationship and a father? To me, that is very creepy."

You basically called Rose creepy...and that to me is an insult.


Love and adore BeanieRob and MilitaryKristen! Wishing them all the luck with these new projects.

Take care, and to quote the lovely Pisteuo...stay happy, happy, happy.

katy said...

Their new projects not these

Tbell said...

One other thing...if you were talking to specifically rose...and not everyone here...why aren't you using her email? That insulting opinion of yours was directed at therefore some here just might take offense to your "opinion". If you want to have an intelligent conversation with rose then email her directly or anyone else here. The only thing is we smell a rat pretty quick.

@kstew krew
Would love to go back and read the posts on didy but the way her comments are set up it's very hard to pull them up once they reach over 200 on my phone. I have Samsung 3 and sometimes blogs are set up to work better with iPhone's so I'm screwed. I'll sit there for five minutes waiting for "loading more posts". Is there a better way to view comments versus trying to view them on mobile? Please let me know if you know. So you're the executioner? Great title!

Robert said...

Pam h and everyone
I lived in Texas for ten years and people were always asking me if I was related to the

Of course I said yes they are my parents

PamH said...

@ Robert
Surprised they didn't ask for photo and autograph :)

After seeing K in uniform and those boots I totally understand the white socks...I can see those being uncomfortable to someone not used to wearing them.
She really looked the part in her uniform though especially the hat and her hair in a bun.
Wonder what Rob thought ? I'm sure she sent him a photo :)

Tbell said...

You must be working on that new twilight sequel....where are you? Start writing that script lol. Seriously it was a pretty darn good plot. Have a good day lady.

Ok seriously gotta go...just read so much catching up I remember more stuff after I hit "post comment".

Life is so beautiful and watching the love between two people only makes life sweeter. My son just got married and I love my daughter in law. And I love the way they look at each other. The sly glances, the look like "I'm ready to home babe", the way he watches out for her, takes care of her...and her him. My son learned very well from his father ;). I see the same exact thing in rob and Kristen. Can't help it...just adore it.

Peace out ¥

Maria said...

A very good morning/day to you all in Roseland!

Appears I missed quite the entertainment last night. ;-)

BBL. Taking the kids to the movies today to escape the heat. Still in the upper 90s here in NH. Gah!

Maria said...

@Robert. I can totally sympathize with the butchered last names. My maiden name is of Greek origin, and always got twisted.

Elizbeth said...

Hey Tracy, I am here. I slept on the train to work today. Stayed up late washing A Walk on the Moon. That is why I missed all the fun on here last night. I don't have to worry because I know you and the ladies keep this place happy and clean of pest. That one (Janen), is an insufferable pest. You pour clorox on it, and it comes back for more. Even cockroaches and mice knows where they are not wanted. But this one (Janen)is a different story. Keep your ears open everyone. There maybe an announcement of an escaped nut from the institution's basement. Tell them we have her here lurking in Roseland. lol!!!!! Will chat later with you ladies later. Smooches and hugs. Yes, Kristen and Rob look so good getting back to work. Happy for them and wish them well. Can't wait to see the end product.

Em said...

okay back for a minute but Kay lol NO ONE would ever think ur a troll ever ;) ur so sweet in all ur comments

Katy hii so good to see u ;) any vacations planned? I have one coming up real soon to a little island where it's hot all the time so I can be at the beach all day w a beer hahaha

okay going back to my working life lol work n more work n repeat hahaha bye guys

Enna said...

"If you read some of the comments made by the stars they are aware of these sights and they appreciate them. They love the majority of these sites." Vernistene, you said this several posts back.

And I'm going to take a wild guess that most of the women here agree with you. So that says it all. And it confirms the theory that most people who build celebrity worship sites do it with the desperate (and usually secret) hope that the object of their worship will visit them online and praise them for their dedication.

Thank you for proving my point.

katy said...

Waves Em,

No vacation planned for now...unless, you can put me on your suitcase and take me with you on your little vacation ;). I hope all is well with you and your. HUGS.

Rose said...

" most people who build celebrity worship sites do it with the desperate (and usually secret) hope that the object of their worship will visit them online and praise them for their dedication."

I started this blog almost 5 years ago to try and understand my fascination (and yes, intoxication) with Robert Pattinson.
I had 5 followers. I have NEVER had the desperate hope that anyone I write about would read my words.

I wrote this blog for me and only me.
So please don't sit there and act like you know me or my motivations for starting this blog.
You know nothing.
You know even less now.

Elizbeth said...

@Rose. I cannot find the words to tell you how amazing you are. You put this site together and lord knows, you did not have to do that. You find the time, take the time, to keep it running and all the while staying positive and never, ever, wavering on your admiration and dedication for Rob and Kristen. You believe in their work and in their love. Even when there is so much doubts, you've always had faith that true love will always prevail; thus the phrase "Rob and Kristen always end together". If the likes of Enema, excuse me, Enna, don't like what you have to say, she can go some place else. I come here because people like me gather and discuss a thing we have in common, and through that we've come to really like one another. I always leave with a smile. Thank you so much for creating such a place. The fact that Enema (Enna) is here means you are doing something right. Lets go deeper under their skins. WELL DONE MY LADY.

Unknown said...

I just love the ladies on this blog, Tbell, especially Elizabeth who has nothing but nice things to say. Good Christian women, well sometimes the language is rough, but all in all a good blog. Think I'll stay.

DreamerKind said...

Happy day, merry folk!
Unlike yesterday, I cannot play in the schoolyard early today. FGM work is clandestine in its nature, and I am usually the "nightshift" around these parts.

Bet you can't wait for that vacay. Fun shall happen.

I say your name as you do, and I am in Chicago. Please slay me with kisses for that.

Looking forward to more chats. :)

"Hi-Yo, Silver! Away!"

Tbell said...

I guess ur going with the "if I can't beat em join em" motto this time around? And don't act like you know me. I don't come to Robsessed, or whatever Rob sight you came from, and call the ladies there creepy. You came here...remember? I don't Twitter, instagram, facebook, vine, tumbler....nothing...other than post here and occasionally at another rob/Kristen sight. So you don't know who I am....or anyone here. I don't know who you are, but I can tell one thing about are bitter and afraid because you're here...on a rob/Kristen sight being harassed by people you don't know and apparently enjoying it. Whatever does it for you but don't even act like you're surprised or shocked by us "good Christian women" when you don't get the reaction you want.

Kami said...

Oh what the hell, I haven't stepped off into the middle of things in a while so here goes.

I find people who read something someone else has written on their OWN personal blog, a blog that NO ONE invited you to read, and I might also point out a blog that you're under NO obligation to read, and then this holier than thou person who has just spent, God knows how many hours reading everything that has been written has the nerve to call someone creepy is absurd!

Enna, if the blog bothers you...DON'T READ IT. You know what is creepier than people who visit blogs to Squeee? People like you. If you don't want to read what is being said on Rose's blog DON'T READ IT...Problem solved. So what if people come to this blog and believe something differently than you? What difference can it possibly make in your life? You do have a life don't you?....Oh wait...nevermind I don't care.

So, everyone please forgive me for disrupting the peace...but I could not fight the overwhelming urge I had to say "Enna shut up" You're seriously becoming pathetic, so pathetic that even I had to say something.

DreamerKind said...

Tom Sturridge Locks A Lead In Searchlight’s ‘Far From The Madding Crowd’:

Atticus said...

tsk tsk Janen Grahl, it sounds like you're mocking us here at Roseland. Good Christian women? I can't speak for others but not all Christian women are good. What do you say about Buddhists or Muslims? I'm sure some of those good Christian women are part of the hate brigade.

Rough language? Some of us freely throw the fucking F-bombs around. Still feel like staying?

Enna said...

Kami. Here's a tip. If you don't like my posts, then you should simply skip them. Don't read them.

I won't be offended. Promise.

Tbell said...

I think janen and enna are two dudes sitting in their grandmas basement and acting like girls so they can talk to women and watch porn.

Mary said...

Hello Roseland,

I'm looking for Pist, but first I thought I'd share a little with you. I learned a while back that nothing anyone says on a blog comment section is going to change someone's mind or opinion. So why bother? It's best to pick your battles. That's just me though.


I need some Would you Rather suggestions and you are always so creative with that. Just no hair eating, lol.

Vernier said...

Janen and Enna -
Well Hello Trolls! I'm back!!!
But first to start with the good stuff.
"Way to go Rose. Slam fucking dunk as usual. You the master. Luv ya gurl!!
Elizabeth and TraceyB - Luv you ladies! Guess I'm a worshipper. You two rock and then some.
"Now to the "get on my fucking nerves" trolls.
First Enna - What I said was and listen closely bitch the stars are aware. Not that they are written so the stars will come. Bitch get it right! If you wanna run with the big dogs you ass better get it right. Cause if you bark up the wrong tree a big bird just might shit on you. So I'm a big fucking bird and you are barking up the wrong tree. Hope you got plenty of tissue cause you fixin to get shit on big time. You twist my words to try and make sense of your delusional ignorance. Good idea for the ignorant like you, wrong smart chick like me to use it on. Rob has said before, like so many others, that they are aware of fan sights. What yo dumb ass forgets is they are real people too. They live in the real world. They are aware of fan sights. Probably are fans themselves of several other stars and while growing up probably visited some. So when they became famous they had more sense than you apparently and took a look to see what people were saying about them. This is not because the person who wrote it was hoping they would come. The person who wrote it put it out there so people who liked or loved what they did and them as people had a place to vent. To come together and start a community to interact with each other. To talk about the movie or music, to applaud their milestones at award shows or yes even in the personal life. The stars know like you should, but don't, that people who like them and their work will say uplifting things that they may need or want to hear. They may need to know the profession they have chosen and the bullshit they go through with people like you and papshits is worth it.

Vernier said...

I ain' done yet!

Anonymous said...

Hi vernistene, LizzieD, Ginger, Rose, Pist, Kay, Katy, DK, KK, Rose, Atticus, Holy, ADD, Tracybell, PL, PamH, Stella, Litmon, Pattybg, Kami, slutsrunning, Elizabeth, Olivia, Barb, and the rest of Roselands! I just got home from work. Its 95 degrees here in Logan, Utah. I am sure where you at are hot or having heatwave. Some states have thunderstorms.
So I have questions about RD pictures about Kristen where she is filming. Where is that at?

Vernier said...

Now Janen Trollicious that you think you are! Christian women? So now you wanna bring religion or peoples character into play. Well let me spout this out to you chick.
You come here along with your little troll buddies to someone else's sight to insult and harass. if you were so insulted, offended, or or who really gives a flying (here it comes the F-bomb) fuck then keep you tight opinionated delusional ass off her sight! What you do or say matters to no one but you until you spew your personal attack at them then baybeee we coming for ya. You are on Rose's sight insulting Rose's blog thinking we don't know a trollhole when we read it. Get a clue chick. This is a very intelligent, protective community. Neighborhood Fucking Watch!! got they eyes on you. Go crawl back to the roach motel/rat habitat troll hole you crawled out of!~!!
Tracy, Elizabeth, Atticus and Kami You do us so proud! You talk the talk and you do it so well!! With style and class. I love you ladies!!! :)
Hey DK we'll chat okay? You know you still one great good one too!!!

Vernier said...

DK I mean good protector of our realm :) Thank you for last night. It helped me with a lot of things. :)

Enna said...

Vernistene, you wrote "Rob has said before, like so many others, that they are aware of fan sights."

That would be fan sites. Not sights.

Vernier said...

Hello Arleen, LizzieD, Rose, Pist, Kay, Katy, Dreamer, KK, Atticus, Holy, ADD, Tracybell, PL, Stella, Kami, slutsrunning, Elizabeth, Olivia, Barb, and all of Roseland minus the trolls.
Sorry if I used to many cuss words. The trolls caught me on a bad day. I will make myself plainer and more intelligent later. I know I did a lot of rattling off so I don't even know if I made sense lol lol but at this point who gives a flying flip. I just wanna say I love this place and I am proud to say I am a part of a sight that protects and uplifts each other and comes together when faced with negative pathetic trolls. I know they do it to get a rise out of us but sometimes ain't it just fun to fuck back with them? To say exactly what you feel to asstrolls like that? I do. We spend so much of or time being polite and trying to say the right thing it feels great to just put the real out there. Well except for me. I do this shit all the time. In person, face to face, over a phone wherever. When someone is attacking people I know not just care about I get my back up and come out with all claws sharpened. :)

Tbell said...

Otto korekt bitxh

Vernier said...

Why Enna thank you for correcting my typing mistake. You are such a wonderful person to make sure I make no mistakes. "Aw golly gee a tear rolls down my cheek I am so overcome with luv." NOT lol lol You get my point lol lol but hey thank you. I say it with luv. lol lol lol

Super RN Gas Passer said...

Good Evening ROSELAND

I see my favorite chicks from Cluckingham Palace have graced us with their presence !!!! Oops...I also am a Chick :))). Good to see you PL and KAMI and I KNOW that PIST will be sorry she missed you...come back though...:)

To our dear TROLLS

We are all in group therapy here and if you hang around with us for too much longer I can guarantee you will become even more unstable than you already are and possibly need to double or even triple the medication you currently be warned...if I were you I would RUN,RUN,RUN( Forrest R U N ) !!!!! whispers...before its too late:))))

Vernier said...

And Enna I did it again when I was thanking the true fans of this sight. "Gosh darn it" I say as I snap my fingers and drop another tear.

Vernier said...


Super RN Gas Passer said...


You are the one that is fantastico !!!!! HUGS:)))

Kami said...

Enna I'm sorry did I not make myself clear? I came on here strictly to mock YOU. Frankly I find you tedious and somewhat dull. I also find it extremely hysterical that you seem to think that you can visit sites and give your opinion about what is and isn't creepy and yet somehow you are ABOVE everyone else. I never can understand how it is that people like you do not see that you are truly the sad ones.

Just so that you don't misunderstand, I am not here for any other reason than to tell you that if ANYONE is creepy here, it's you. Now have a nice day.

Vernier said...

Kami don't know you YET on the site
(see Enna - ma I can get it right with your help lol lol)

but I hope to "YOU GO GURL!!" Spot on!!!!

Enna said...

Like I said before, Kami, if you don't like my posts, skip them.

It's that simple.

Vernier said...

Enna you don't like Rose or her site and what it stands for stay the fuck off. Oops the F-bomb again... O fucking well.......

Vernier said...

Enna leave please you tire and bore us. Don't start with Kami. She will rip you a new one and I can tell. You see her light shines brighter than that disco ball you call a brain.

Barb said...

@ Rose Love you so fuckin much! :)

@ Robert ROTFLMAO "So I killed her" ahahaha! ♥you

@verni Babe you got it goin OOONNN!

((BIG SQUEESY HUGS EVERYONE))save me some popcorn plz!

Vernier said...

Barb - "Popcorn, Corona, lawn chairs for all." Always got you covered. :)

Barb said...

@ Pist Essential oil of lavender is great for the nights when you can't sleep. Don't use it all the time though because it looses something after a while. It is also good for burns and minor scrapes.
♥ Barb

Barb said...

I'll bring the limes! :)

Vernier said...

Barb - :))) a really big Smile right now. :))) :))))

Maria said...

Good evening Rose and the denizens of Roseland!

Some mighty fine entertainment this evening. Munching on my kettle corn, enjoying the show.

At a girl, Vern! Get the trolls!!

Vernier said...

"I gotta Corona and a lawn chair for you to Maria!" Hope you share the Kettle corn." :))

Trolls are like flies. Always flying around getting on your nerves landing on shit. You just gotta swat them!! Splat!!!!!!

Vernier said...

"Hey ladies and gent wanna do shots of Patron with a toast?" :)))
I'll start:
"Here's to Rose and all the Roseland hotties (male and female)
May your lives be filled with lots of love, laughs and living."
To the trolls "Fuck Ya!"

DreamerKind said...

Testing out my new vintage hollow 10" trumpet champagne flutes (filled with champs) that I got at Goodwill recently for 99 cents each. What a find! Hollow stems, make the brew bubble anew, again and again.

@Kami & PL

Cluckingham Palace and all in group therapy! You charm, as usual!!

Enna said...

Well, Vernistene, I have to hand it to you. That disco ball for a brain comment was pretty damned funny.

Pisteuo said...

Hey Roseland!
Wow....I missed a lot today! I did manage to get a few hours sleep. Don't know if it was the icky warm milk or pure exhaustion.(DK,Em,Super,Kay,Vern and...)
Barb, do you take that by mouth or is it topical? And where do you purchase it?

Tracy B, I don't think you need to worry about Vern changing just because I told her how I felt about tabloid sites and that I would not be visiting the link she posted. She apparently deleted it...which I applaud her for.

Sorry I missed Em, Kami and PL.
Em, hope you're having fun and being safe and like Katy, wish you could pack me in your suitcase and take me to your island. :)
Kami, I have missed you and PL. Happy to see you guys.
PL, hmmm...I don't remember about the WYR game. I musta been drinking some pretty good wine. LOL!!! But, here ya go!
Would you Rather...Die on a sinking ship or a burning building?
Kidnapped by terrorist or alliens? Stuck in an elevator or ski lift for 10 hours? Adult or kid, forever? Lose arm or leg?

Robert, sounds like you could use a few Anger Management classes. (so i killed her) LOL!!! I dunno why but, when I was reading your comment...I saw Adam Sandler in that movie. LOL!!!

Enna, what makes you think that celebs would not read blogs dedicated to them? They are just as real as you and anybody else. They breathe, sleep, eat, drink, get sick, get hurt, piss, shit, cry, laugh and oh blogs!!
Sounds like you need a few Happy, Happy, Happy pills. :)))

Vernier said...

"Oh Enna, Enna, Enna"
"And I know this Man" (From the movie Friday)
Funny I am! lol lol
But you're still a troll and sweet talking me don't/won't work.
"Kick Rocks Chick!!!! Back to the asstroll hole"

DreamerKind said...

Oh, this is fun! Lavender oil from the health store or Whole Foods, on the temple and wrists.

Vernier said...

I'm gonna try that too. Sounds kinda delicious and naughty. Ya'll know I had to go there. You see my AVI. Lol lol

Vernier said...

Alien, ski lift, kid, arm I just jump in and decided to play sorry. :)

Pisteuo said...

Hey Vern...don't be sorry. My answers matched yours...except for arm. I don't know what I'd do without both arms. I could always use crutches for getting around. But, I NEED both my arms...I love hugging my loved ones too much. :)

Atticus said...

Hey ladies & Robert! Jumping in to play too.

Yikes death-sinking ship, aliens, ski lift, adult, arm.

Wish I could join in the drinks but makes my heart go pitter patter. Could of used a good ol' stiff one these past few weeks. Salivating at a margarita.

DreamerKind said...

I can totally relate to this version of you, avi and all. No hacker can take your MO!
Jump in, the water's fine, type of things, and games that people play say hey, that's Le Verni the Stene!

Maria said...

Vern...I have a big bag of kettle corn. Always willing to share. :-)

On the subject of EOs...Lavender essential oil is my favorite. Very versatile. I mix a few drops of it with tea tree oil in a small bottle of jojoba oil to treat mosquito bites. Works wonders. Also great massaged into the scalp prior to shampooing.

Maria said...

Ladies & Robert, I'm calling it a night. My eyes won't stay open for much longer.

Goodnight y'all!

Unknown said...

@TBell, Vstene...ROTFLMAO

DreamerKind said...

Celebs are real! They feel! But, of course, like us.
No separation exists between us. Only being aware of taking care, of each and every one of us.
$$$$$$$ is not real in the feels of it all. Don't be fooled. Only kindness rules. And bubbles in champagne reveal, kind of like, Magic 8 ball but with thoughts of hope for the best, to be expected.

DreamerKind said...

Oh, you're onto something good! ROTFLMAO with many other cheerful floor rollers.

Anonymous said...

Hello vernistene, LizzieD, Rose, Pist, Kay, Katy, DK, KK, Ginger, Atticus, Holy, ADD, Tracybell, PL, Stella, Kami, slutsrunning, Elizabeth, Olivia, Barb, and all of Roselands! I just got home again from errands. Did I miss anything today?

DreamerKind said...

I'm Into Something Good

Herman's Hermits:

Thank you/John1948SixA

Vernier said...

Oh Janen, Janen, Janen,
Maybe if you keep ROFLMAO you might roll yo happy troll ass on up out of here. Kick Rocks.....Laugh you ass off at that!!!
But do it with luv! :0)

Pisteuo said...

Thanks DK, so glad I know not to down a bottle of lavender oil.
Hey, it smells good enough to drink....what do I know? (smacking forehead) NOT to drink it now....DUH!!

Anonymous said...

Atticus, vernistene, Pist, and the rest of Roselands! I thought we were suppose to ignore those trolls. Anyway you guys are enjoying your drinks. And I am enjoying my frozen watermelon sorbet. Its good. With brownies on top. Got it from some frozen yogurt place where I live.

Vernier said...

Pist - didn't think about that. I am a big hugger too. Good one!
DK - I like the Le Verni the Stene lol lol
Atticus - I tip a margarita back in your honor :)) (hey any reason to do a cocktail)
Maria thanks for the kettle corn and the tips.
Hey Arleen sweetie - there are pics out of Kristen arriving at woek. She looks awesome. Trolls crawling around but I think we are turning them. They seem to like how we play. They can't win so they may join. lol lol How was your day? I hope it was a bit cooler.

DreamerKind said...

Surreal, it was, as our world turned


Barbra Sreisand (vinyl):

Thank you/WABCRADIO77

DreamerKind said...

Well, excuse moi, Streisand, ha!

Vernier said...

DK love the songs. I go listen and watch. Always on point!

Pist - you so crazy!!! :)))

Pisteuo said...

Hmmmm, Vern...I kinda cringe when you use the troll's names 3 times. Kinda hurts my Happy, Happy, Happy.
Do they really deserve THAT much recognition? I think not!

Oh well, to each his/her own! I'm gonna remain...Happy, Happy, Happy!! :)))

Good-night Roseland!! HUGS!!!

Vernier said...

DK I wanna some of what you got! :))))

Vernier said...

Night Pist,
I want you to keep your Happy, Happy, Happy so I will just call them asstrolls with their name once lol lol You're more important in your eyelash than they are total body. :)))

Elizbeth said...

My dear friends here at Roseland, please hear me out. Haters are like nasty rashes. The more you scratch, the more and faster it spreads. No matter how much it itches, if you ignore it, it will dry up and go away. I know this is too much to ask, considering how obnoxious they can be, but please, they really don’t belong here, just consider them dead to us. Do not respond no matter how tempting. Thanks. Hope you are all doing well. I am looking forward to 2014 and 2015 when Kristen and Rob’s films come out. I heart you all. Sending hugs, like a million of them.

Atticus said...

@Arleen, you're absolutely right! IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE!

Vernier said...

Will do :-) if they do personal attack may be hard but I do promise to try. Good night all be safe

Vernier said...

Just my nature to defend. I am an Aries. :-)

Anonymous said...

vernistene- Hi! I am good just enjoying my sort of frozen yogurt. I am starting liking frozen treat. And I just saw on Robsten Dreams pictures of Kristen at her work. I say cool.
DK- Have you ever heard of Roger Troutman- I want to be your man song. You should listen to it.
Pist- Hi! How are you? Like I was telling vernistene. I am enjoying my frozen treat.
Elizabeth- How are you? Hope you are staying cool. I know its hot.
Atticus- You guys were the one taught us when we had other trolls coming remember.
And the rest of you hope you all stay cool.

RKsoulmates913 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DreamerKind said...

Sue me, sue me, shoot bullets through me, I love you! Meanings like that.

I got Heine, back and front, and on the lips/hips.

As Kami would say, you're a pistol, and shoot from the hip, maybe have more than thrice.

Anonymous said...

RKsoulmates913- Hi! How are you? Were you on vacation? Because we missed you.

Vernier said...

RK as usual you slammed the damn thing shut! You go girl! Made my midnight lol lol
It was just so right :-)

RKsoulmates913 said...

>>> Elizbeth You rock girl. Perfect comments.

>>>>> Atticus you're right ' everybody MUST get off his dick BUT Kristen' :D

>>>> vernistene great comments.

### Enna LOL and how do you call YOUR and haters syndrome? Because you're obsession with RK fans are beyond obsession. Why do you visit sites devoted to them? #RKfansitesobsessionSyndrome 

For all trolls and haters who are obsessed with 'sheeps' :RK are together and never were apart. #borrowingRosesWords:"The "sheeps" are just calmly grazing in the field... eating clover and being all soft and warm and fuzzy and cute.Meanwhile the hyenas are frantic and desperate... scared of what is about to happen.And you have EVERY reason to be scared... *cue evil laugh* If you really believed that you wouldn't be bothered by what 'sheeps' say.You wouldn't work so hard pushing your agenda on Kristen's friends twitter/insta accts. Idiots want to believe that Rob and Kristen never talk or see each other and that is pure fiction.You'd be surprised at just how much"

Rose is SO RIGHT >>>>>Idiots want to believe that Rob and Kristen never talk or see each other and that is pure fiction.YOU'D BE SURPRISED AT JUST HOW MUCH. #ItsSoObvious

>>>Lizzie RK are TOGETHER. #RKendlessLove twirling too. :P

Rose ~ thanks a lot for this AWESOME post.

DONT FORGET TROLLS /Haters >>>> "Kristen owns you.Remember that.Lock. Stock. And bottom of the barrel." 


#StayPressedHaters #karmaIsABitch :P

Vernier said...

Got that in the patio fridge. Gonna do those tomorrow. Girl I got Heine you can set a tray on and serve the drinks off. Loves ya!! :-)

DreamerKind said...

I'm so old there isn't much I haven't heard or listened to. I ask you to hear what I share, there's more even, there.
Seems to me that Kristen owns what she wants to hold as her own, and that's not haters, who need our light touch, so much. A little dab will do you, ya know?
We love to get our fingers in their hair (look this phrase up.) :)

Vernier said...

RK do what you do boo cause you do it so well! :-)

Vernier said...

DK - Brylcream lol love it! Lol in really do love to bite into a trolls ass and watch them scatter. But I'll try to be good. :-)

DreamerKind said...

Although my ex #2, claims to love me no more, he has a shelf that we did read books off of. Still does at 59, got the heine he deserves. HA!

Baby's got back and backbone, so don't moan. Groan!

Vernier said...

Lol DK love it. I loves my shelf girl. Lol as my granddaughter loves to say "Nanie, gotta love it, it's who you are!" From the mouths of babes.
You give good vibes DK :-) :-)

DreamerKind said...

Man, this beats back pain and any gain, for we are not alone, no one is alone. Beer is for muscles, like lavender is for dreams. Quick working.

Anonymous said...

DK- Its one of favorites songs I grew up with.

DreamerKind said...

Call we care

I Don't Want To Be Alone Tonight

Dr Hook:

Thank you/Ronja2H2

Vernier said...

Arleen I like the Roger Trout man song. That s a good one. I grew listening to it too. :-) :-)

DreamerKind said...

Why kid ourselves, we can see through others clothes like Superman! We are what most pleases our true self. Perfection.

Oh, la! I married 2 Aries, and have bff's that are Aries. S'truth, Kristen is an Aries.

Rob just might be "Porphyria’s Lover":

But, what do I know?

Memories are made of this.

RKsoulmates913 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RKsoulmates913 said...

Don't forget that Rob is wearing only his BALENCIAGA shoes. teehee ;) :PAnd his t-shirts are creased... a certain gorgeous brunette with knotted shirts... we know she wears his clothes and he likes her smell on his clothes, that's why his tees are always creased where she ties them. Teehee

RKsoulmates913 said...

>>> DreamerKind - I know, but unfortunately haters can't spend a sec w/o thinking/talking about Kristen.

And like their caps say #ABOVE all this shit/hate because it's #UsVsThem

RKsoulmates913 said...

@Arlene a special hug for you sweetie! ♡

tufenuf55 said...

New pics of Kristen on set on RD. Those sweatpants look pretty big on Kristen. Could they be someone else's? LOL

RKsoulmates913 said...

@Arleen not Arlene

tufenuf55 said...

Great video of Rob on RD set to the music of Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines.

Anonymous said...

RKsoulmates913- Its ok about my name. Other places spell it both ways. I don't mind. I always spell it Arleen. But its ok.

Vernier said...

Enna go scratch worthless use of a brain cell, maybe one day you'll grow up to be as quick witted as me.
DK lighten up on our girl Arleen. She was just sharing. She loves your comments.

Anonymous said...

Hi to all the Roselands! I am going to bed now. Good night. Keep me posted on our couple.

Birdie said...

Good morning ladies and gent,
Roseland was a busy little place yesterday.
Good to see you are still kicking Robert. I'm sure we all have those Ally Mcbeal moments(as long as we don't start acting on them).
DK, sorry about your back. Take it slow, girl.
Vern, You are a fiesty one. I'm an Aries also, so I get it.
E and J, you two are persistent but I don't see you changing anyone's thinking. So what do you get out of visiting here? We're having innocent fun(there is no worshiping,by the way). You're having fun annoying people? Kind of pathetic.
Vanna, I'm not sure if that is a dig but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I'm happy right here, but thank you.
Pist, I use melatonin(by mouth,lol)which is natural. I'll let DK and Super weigh in on this since they do know more about supplements. Sweet dreams.
Off to work. All of you are great here and I wish you a very happy Friday!

Birdie said...

Ah, I spoke to soon.
Vana, it was a dig! Barking up the wrong tree, missy. Don't say I didn't warn you. If you don't like it, you know where the door is.

Em said...

Katy lol so adorable n i would love to take u with me ;) glad ur okay

Pist sorry I keep missing u but last night I think I fell asleep before I even got home lol that's how tired I was but everything is good n safe n happy happy happy ;) lol n u should totally come on vacation too ;) I gotta be out soon so I better go but lol the lavender stuff I bought this lotion at the pharmacy it says it's for kids but whatever lol it said it helps calm n sleep so lol idk if it really helps me sleep but I know I smell really good at night hahaha

Birdie good morning :)

Have n awesome day guys remember happy happy happy

DreamerKind said...

Thanks, luvie. Am doing the RICE thing. Just had a nice nap and am heading to bed for real.

Goodnight, Roseland!

Em said...

Ahhh dreamer how could I forget to wish u good night? hope u have the sweetest dreams :)

DreamerKind said...

We're back to the good old days of ships passing in the night. Take care.
I'll be in the happy place with you and those who click their heels and are there, too.

DreamerKind said...

Another ship came into port with Dior Rob on board! More fab pics of the ads. They are out there at fan sites right now. Oh, la la.


Vernier said...

Good morning Everyone,
Lurking trolls excluded.
Van we uplift Kristen, Rob, Tom and each other. Those other sites do what they do but if you exclude K from R or R from K you are not being true. Their lives intertwine and to neglect one or the other is not cool. I have seen other sites and they are cool but here we are happy to uplift all. But don't think we won't protect each other, Rob, Kristen or Tom if you slither in here and cause unnecessary problems. So thank you for the info but no thanks!!!

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