The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Rob and Kristen- Forever Smitten

I wonder if there is a way to find out just how many times
I have used this picture on my blog.
I bet it's a scary number.
A scary high number.
Because this is (obviously) one of my favorite pictures
of Robert and Kristen.
To me...
This picture is the epitome of their relationship.
Rob's HUGE smile on his face
(and you can tell Kristen is smiling too)
The fact that Rob showed up... again
On Kristen's set to see her.
Rob looks completely and utterly SMITTEN with her.
He always does.


Whats going on around the ol' fandom cooler?
Not much.
The water is pretty damn low at this point.
People are parched.


We did get to see Rob on the set of THE ROVER.
(I picked the walking pic... of course.)
His hair is super short.
He's all grimy and gritty
and sweaty and dirty
and ...
well.. hell
This ALL looks good on Rob!
Reminiscent of Water For Elephants... Right?
One of his all time awesome looks.
Some people were complaining about his hair
like hello?
It's hair.
And if you have followed Robert for any length of time
You know how quickly that man grows hair.
No worries.
I kinda dig the short hair.
Oh yeah... I still am nostalgic for the unruly
slightly greasy, wild hair days of early Twilight.

Nice jacket. Heh.

But I have to wonder if we will ever see that again.
I'm thinking... no.
Rob is more polished and shiny these days.
And even if he's not...
He covers his hair with a hat most times.

What else...


The Rob/Kristen fans on Twitter are
doing a #28DaysofRKLove
It's a nice, sweet way to get through a drought.
So what does the Lunatic Fringe do?
Needless to say
since they have zero imagination
and zero originality
(They are the ones who stay pressed
with PR excuses after all)
They have to 'copy' what is being done
and twist it in their usual vile way.

Of course... that is ALL they do.
Hate. Jealousy. Bitterness. Anger.
Rule their world.
IS their world.

Is imitation the sincerest form of flattery?
It just shows how closely the Fringe
watch everything their 'opposition' does.

On one side
It's sunny and bright and full of hope and promise.
There are laughs and sweet memories
And anticipation of all the good things to come.

On the Fringe side?
And constant...
Never ending

Isn't it great to be on the GOOD side?
The Happy side?
Yes it is.

Oh look. Rob with the director and producer.

Another nugget of bullshit that is going around
is that Rob left EARLY for Australia
just to get away from Kristen
and so he could party and check out the pubs.
Rob was seen with both the producer and director
of the movie he is currently working on
*Key word... WORKING*
He was seen with people he is working on The Rover with.
He obviously went there for pre-production
Unless the director, producer and the rest of the crew
all wanted to escape and party too!
The most amusing part of the whole lie
was first Rob went there a week early...
and now it's worked up to 3 weeks!
Cling on.
Cling on.

Oh and lets not forget the whole mystery blonde
bullshit cling that surfaces just about every other day.
You all know the recent blonde (admittedly attractive) fan
who had her picture taken with Rob
and then kinda intimated that not only she had dinner
with him... but that he appeared 'stoned'?
Yeah. Her.
Of course there was the usual uproar.
This chick was lucky enough to have her picture taken with Rob
And she shared it with the masses and got her 5 minutes of fame.
But honestly... sometimes people just don't know when
to leave things be.
She eventually recanted the whole 'stoned' scenario
saying she was just having a laugh
and even tweeting at Ryan Seacreast
"Thank you for putting everything straight with
Robert Pattinson. Sat near him after dinner.
Nothing in it. Made me laugh."

So yeah folks...
She then proceeded to post a pic of flowers
with the cryptic tweet of
"I can't believe he sent these"
followed by 
"Not saying!"
when asked if they were from Rob...
I'm sure Rob would send flowers to a girl
he probably doesn't even know her name...
AND said he was stoned...
Sounds like legit reasons to send flowers!

That is someone who is clearly enjoying the attention.
Even though she admitted more than once
that it was nothing more than a fan picture.
See how easy it is to rile up this fandom?
Do you hear that?
That's the alarm clock.
Her 15 minutes are up.

Bring on the next mystery blonde/girlfriend.
You know she's out there somewhere.
Refusing to be banished to the shadows any longer!
She wants to claim what is hers!

Someone sent this to me.
I don't know who made it...
But whoever you are
I fucking ADORE you.

@UnpaidPrivEye is the creator of this beautiful collection...
Many thanks for sharing!

These pictures trump all other pictures.
No matter how intrusive they are.
(Sorry Rob and Kristen.)
These pics more than rival the Cannes pics...
Although those still rank at the top because
there is actual video of the whole thing.
(excuse me while I swoon a bit.)
OK. Better.
Why Rose... why do these pictures surpass all others?
I will tell you why.
Because they were taken
And lookie what we have here.
Hugging. Kissing (although that pic isn't included.. wait...)

Where was I?
Still kissing.
Still hugging.
Still having the biggest fucking smitten smile
on his face when he looks at her.

And that my friends...
is what is called coming full circle.
A never-ending circle.

Rob and Kristen.
Always end up...

Which brings me to the final cling of the week.

The whole drama surrounding whether Kristen
shows up in Australia or not.

Honestly... does ANYONE know where Kristen is
right this very minute??
Guesses. Speculations.
But no solid evidence of her being...

As much as I miss her beautiful face
I'm loving that she is living her live undetected.
I'm sure she is loving it too.

This post is brought to you by

and by my complete adoration
of Thomas Sturridge.

Until next time.

Bye for now


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Ginger with a Soul said...

@artemisluvv - night :)

Unknown said...


the LAPD is extremely corrupt. You only have to remember what happened to Rodney King. Right now, the media, FBI, and LAPD are on a manhunt for Christopher Dorner, an ex-military captain who killed I think two police officers. He accused them of corruption but isn't it interesting that the US media did not mention this detail? No, I'm not surprised. Russia Today news station reported this detail. The media is making him out to be a really dangerous man. The people he killed were on his hit list. I think there is a lot more to this story and the lapd, fbi, and media are hiding it. I wouldn't be surprised if they found him dead. If he's not found dead, I guarantee you they are gonna kill him. Lapd is disgusting.

Unknown said...

Guess what? The stupid lapd looking for Dorner just shot 2 innocent woman. And then they fired again at another car, thinking that car looked like Christopher Dorner's. That's how bad they wanna kill this guy they are willing to risk killing any innocent person. They are so desperate to cover the truth. They are truly pathetic.

Unknown said...

Man, he must have some real shit on the lapd if they want him dead this bad.....lapd disgusting pieces of shit...they are basically a microcosm of our federal government.

Unknown said...

You need to give this man his due process here. They are so desperate they are shooting innocent people. There is no coverage of this news of these two woman who were shot. It's so obvious why.....

Unknown said...

I won't even go on a rant about Sandy Hook......

the biggest fear, the biggest danger to our freedom is our government.

Unknown said...

the media is very powerful in forming your mind and opinion on things. They can make anyone look bad, you have to be very wary of them.

DreamerKind said...

We must always look, see, hear, question, and then think for ourselves. For the good of all, is good for all.

I watched the vid and saw that man doing an imitation of my dancing! Love the Black Keys. Disco lives!

Unknown said...

From Christopher Dorner:

"Don't honor these fallen officers/dirtbags. When your family members die, they just see you as extra overtime at a crime scene and at a perimeter. Why would you value their lives when they clearly don't value yours or your family members lives? I've heard many officers who state they see dead victims as ATV's, Waverunners, RV's and new clothes for their kids. Why would you shed a tear for them when they in return crack a smile for your loss because of the impending extra money they will receive in their next paycheck for sitting at your loved ones crime scene of 6 hours because of the overtime they will accrue. They take photos of your loved ones recently deceased bodies with their cellphones and play a game of who has the most graphic dead body of the night with officers from other divisions. This isn't just the 20 something year old officers, this is the 50 year old officers with significant time on the job as well who participate."

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

my first cousin is a police officer, but he is one of the good ones....thank god.

Good night

Unknown said...

hmmmm....... I think his manifesto was tampered with. The flow is very good, but the ideas are incoherent. I say he wrote half of it, not all of it.

ok, i will drop this now

good night

Birdie said...

Loved the Black Keys video. I may be one of the last to still buy CD's but will buy this one.
I read the manifesto. There is probably more to this story and I do find it questionable that they shot up the truck with two innocent women. Doesn't seem like they want to take this guy alive. It is tragic that he has obviously gone off the deep end and thinks killing people is the answer. No justification for that. What a world!

Birdie said...

Thanks for the link to G Goodman's shoes. I love beautiful shoes and wish I could wear them. I think this is going to be fun!
You better be getting comfortable in those heels. Yikes!

tufenuf55 said...

New pic of Kristen (sort of) at Robsten Dreams. Beautiful eyes give her away.

tufenuf55 said...

Steven Tyler testifies at committe in Hawaii to pass bill that prohibits paps activities...The Steven Tyler Bill.

Wouldn't that be great!!

Ginger with a Soul said...

Morning Ladies and Robert

@DK/Birdie - glad you liked the video - they def make music that makes you grove

@Tuf - yeah so many people were talking about her going to that concert so I am glad it is a fan that got her picture, she sure is tucked in there between her friends and Ellie

tufenuf55 said...


Yes, I'm also glad it is a fan pic! These are Kristen's very protective friends who always put her well-being ahead of their own agendas.

Ginger with a Soul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tufenuf55 said...


Reminds me of the pic of her peeking out behind Tom Sturridge's shoulder in fan pic of them and two other guys. Do you know the pic I'm talking about? Loved that one. Tom was wearing his red plaid flannel shirt.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Tuff - she is so tiny tucked in there between Scout and Shannon. Your right - that whole group would without a doubt would protect her. Also the guy that took the picture is so funny - only got his eyes and top of his head trying to fit the whole group in there

Ginger with a Soul said...

I had to fix my last post cause ugh it was bad

@Tuff - yeah when they were filming OTR - you could barley see her

tufenuf55 said...

Watched The Walking Dead marathon until it started repeating. ended with group out of gas and not knowing they were close to the prison. Episodes continue in my area at 1 pm today where Rick and Darrell discover the prison. It will run until the premiere of Season 3 tonight.

tufenuf55 said...

Maybe the guy taking the recent pic with Kristen was purposely hiding most of her face with his hair. Kristen seems to like hiding a little.

PamH said...

I Loved waking up and seeing a pic of Kristen wedged in between her and Rob's friends and having a great time, this little group they've combined seem like they have a lot of fun together and would be fun to hang out with. A most everyone doning great. The guy taking the photo makes me giggle, he's all eyes and hair so everyone can be seen, not sure who he is, while giving K the best place to be seen without being front and center.

@ Ginger
Zack said to let you know you'll still want to see 3DG, he said he was ABSOLUTLY surprised how good they were last night. The two girls that went didn't even realize the change till the guys informed them after the show. He said Shinedown surprised everyone by some of the members being out in the crowd at opening.

Hello, Topaz, DK, Birdie, tuf and anyone I missed or lurking

Kami said...

Pistol, LOL thanks for posting the link to the cartoon,I love those old cartoons and this one was a perfect one to help make your point, unfortunately it seems that for some, they will never get the point because they're busy following "Chicken Little" to the cave. LOL

We've had so much fun discussing the book that we decided to read another one and PL wanted me to post the title in case anyone wanted to read it. It is called "Light Between Oceans." Everyone is welcome to join us.

Holy said...

Good morning/afternoon ladies and gents.

Finally Kristen emerged from it's hiding.And she looks good wearing that glasses and her hat.


Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - I am so torn - I don't know I guess I will have to wait and hear what they sound like with the new singer - I liked most of their older punk songs the most and Adam defined them.

The part of the picture that is the funniest is Ellie posted it.

I think I am going to go see Beautiful Creatures, the previews look so cool

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Holy - waves back how are you this morning?

Anonymous said...

Happy Sunday - morning Topaz, Ginger, Pist, Tuf, DK, Birdie, Pam, Kami, Holy and everyone else.

Birdie - so true, looking at the heels, I can see why KS wants to always take them off asap. Seems like the heels are taller than ever before. Goodman has some low heels and flats, not too expensive.

Tuf - Thanks for heads up, I love the new fan pic of Kristen. Sorry her Ninja status was broken though. It was a good run, almost 1 month.

Ginger - I'm def going to watch the Grammy's tonight, since you mentioned the good line up of artists. It's going to be fantastic, I like LL Cool J as MC, he's a good guy.

Anonymous said...

@Kami - Is the "Light Between Oceans" by the same author?

Going out for bkfst, be back later.

tufenuf55 said...


I'm a fan of LL Cool J. He is a good guy and actor.

PamH said...

@ Ginger
Yeah, Zack wasn't sold either till he watched them last night, he said he thinks if this replacement sticks around they'll be fine, but who knows with a band.
It's good to see her friends keeping her company while Robs away, it'll make time go by faster till they can see each other.
I want to see Beautiful Creatures to but it's hubby's pick this time and he wants to see Identity Theif, not sure BC will be his cup of tea anyhow so I'll probably have to watch alone or wait till my niece ( she's read the book ) is free.

Kami said...

artemisluvv the author is M.L. Stedman. Gillian Flynn wront GG

Kami said...

wrote* sorry bout the typo

Holy said...

@Tuf/Kami/Pam/Artemisluw and to those I miss-I hope you guys are having a good weekend.

@Ginger- I'm good,went for a quick walk and just came back.How are you.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Holy- Good had to run an errand and finish the Mt Everest pile of laundry I had.

tufenuf55 said...

Grammy Red Carpet starts on E @ 5:00 pm EST

LizzieD said...

HI PAM, TUF, GINGER, artemisluvv and anyone else I missed ...

I'm glad that it appears everyone involved survived the blizzard.

I'm glad is "alive & well" but can't help but be a bit disappointed that she was "seen" ... it appears to me that she was trying to hide a bit in that photo!!! Glad she was out having fun with some friends.

I'm watching BD1, working on real estate (never ending) and looking forward to the Grammys.

I hope everyone has a great evening!!!


LizzieD said...

artemisluvv- I just realized that you are near Forks, WA ... lucky you!!! I visited your area in April of 2011 and the weather was lovely. Got a bit rainy on the 3rd day but was leaving then anyway. I visited Cape Flattery which was gorgeous and really loved it. I'd like to someday go back to Forks for the "Forever In Forks" event, it sounds like fun.

tufenuf55 said...

Watching red carpet on E. Just saw Katie Perry. she and others are not paying any attention to caution about wardrobe. Carrie Underwood is stunning!

tufenuf55 said...

Johnny Depp (swoon..)will be introducing Mumford and Sons.

PamH said...

Photo of Mumford band is so funny :)))))

Ginger with a Soul said...

LOL I am sitting just waiting and waiting - 20 more minutes till it starts

I have to catch up on stuff cause I just got back

tufenuf55 said...


Won't post anything else since you're just starting to watch. Don't want to spoil anything.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Tuf - Thank you - just started here

LizzieD said...

GINGER -- ENJOY!!! Can I just say DON'T MISS JT!!!

Birdie said...

I must say the Grammy's were amazing this year!! Wow, what an array of fantastic performances!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Liz - I am past him watching the Black Keys playing right now and OMG they are amazing. Yeah - sorry JT but meh he needs to switch it up a little

gargamel said...

K sighting?'ma wee my pants! Ahmisshertoomuucchh.

tufenuf55 said...


I agree. One of the best I've seen.


So good to see her having fun!

PamH said...

So happy for Mumford and Sons !!!!! It was a hard group because I like FUN and The Black Keys as well.

Anonymous said...

Grammy's almost over for me. Wow, just loved it this year. Music can be deep soul touching! I loved Mumford too, but actually I loved everyone.

Anonymous said...

Lizzied - I'm "sort of" close to Forks, it's a 5 hr drive from my home. I'm going there when summer comes! To my everlasting regret, I never saw Twilight until this year. Is Cape Flattery the beach where they filmed? I've never heard of the "Forever in Forks" event, but I will check it out right away.

Twilight BD2 is still playing in my town. It's at the cheaper $3.00 theater, but it's been sold out. Some girls told me they tried to go last night, but couldn't get in.

Of course I went again today. I've seen it so many times it's embarassing. It was good fun to be in a full theater again, with everyone laughing at the right times!

Anonymous said...

Lizzied - The "Forever in Forks" days are Sept 13-15th this year, apparently encompassing "Stephanie Meyer Day" too. Sept is usually good weather there.

You should come, we'll meet up there in Twilight land! :)

Ginger with a Soul said...

Morning Ladies and Robert

I crashed after the Grammy's but I really liked them. Glad Mumford won for Babel and liked all the performances. Good music = good times

Ginger with a Soul said...

I just saw this joke and had to share

Lawyers should never ask a Georgia grandma a question if they aren't prepared for the answer.

In a trial, a Southern small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand. He approached her and asked, 'Mrs. Jones, do you know me?' She responded, 'Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Williams. I've known you since you were a boy, and frankly, you've been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, and you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a big shot when you haven't the brains to realize you'll never amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you.'

The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked, 'Mrs. Jones, do you know the defense attorney?'

She again replied, 'Why yes, I do. I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a
youngster, too. He's lazy, bigoted, and he has a drinking problem. He can't build a normal relationship with anyone, and his law practice is one of the worst in the entire state. Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women. One of them was your wife. Yes, I know him.'

The defense attorney nearly died.

The judge asked both counselors to approach the bench and, in a very quiet voice, said,

'If either of you idiots asks her if she knows me, I'll send you both to the electric chair.

LizzieD said...

GINGER -- That's the difference in our ages, LOL, I really love JT and I also loved N'Sync.

Art... -- Cape Flattery is the northwesternmost point of the continental US. It's up near the Macah Reservation and if you remember your Twilight history, LOL, Emily was from that reservation.

I was visiting the Mt. Hood area when I was out there and it's about 5 hours from Forks, great drive. I visited all the Twilight movie sites in the Portland area and can't wait to do it again. I'm taking my parents to Portland next Sept/Oct so no "Forever In Forks" for me this year. Maybe next year.

gargamel said...

Could a diehard k fan be her friend? I'm so ready to abandon my life and follow her around!

tufenuf55 said...


That might not turn out so well. She might put a restraining order against you. lol

We love our Kristen and Rob!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Liz - meh - I took the kids to go see n'sync twice when they were little (one of the times we were super close (I will have to scan ya some pictures and e-mail them). I couldn't hear anything during or about a week after because there is nothing like a preteen girls scream in your ear to pop your eardrums. JT was good before I just eh I don't know I was not feeling him at all last night. That and the bob Marley tribute were the lows for me, I wish they would have spent the time on just Marley's songs like they did for Levon Helm - which was a huge high for me.

LizzieD said...

GINGER -- I was just glad to see JT back singing. I think he's a good actor but really like his singing & dancing. AND, I think he's getting better looking as he gets older. I didn't get it when he was younger that all the girls thought he was cute.

I hope Kristen is going to be okay. Like you said, I'm sure she has the appropriate security around her. Maybe she should just go "out of town" .... LOL, wonder where she should go?

tufenuf55 said...

Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Maybe Kristen and Rob will get to share it together, if not on the exact date, then later.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Liz - Yeah - oh well people tipped the police on him. He was stupid to post that stuff ....

Anonymous said...

Lizz & Ginger - just a quick post from work. Please enlighten us, if you have time, why are you worried about KS safety, what guy posted what stuff & the police were tipped?

Ginger with a Soul said...

@artemisluvv - just some stupid kid with a very apparent crush that has taken up parking in front of her house and posting pictures of doing it trying to catch her coming out. People don't take kind to stalkers

Anonymous said...

Ginger - Thank you! Wow , that is a little nuts! Seems like he's not the harmful type. So foolish to post the pictures, but if that helped the police catch him, that's great.

Lizzied - guess I have to learn more about Twilight lore. I'm going to read the books for a 2nd time, that will help. At least this time, I won't have race thru them like like my brain is on fire. LOL!

PamH said...

@ ginger
This kid hasn't made it inside the gated community ? I hope. I'm sure if he's posting these videos Kristens team is aware of him by now, maybe he's harmless but it's still creepy. He might need a little one on one time with HBG :)
What'd you think of Mumfords win last night. I was so stoked they won even though I liked their competition too.

LIZZIED, tuf and artemisluvv
Waves :)

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - the first day her drove past her front door, the second time her parked a couple houses down - he is inside, he knows someone that lives there and if I read him right he waited for a long time outside their house to try and catch her to take photo's with him. Now she would probably freak the fuck out of he approached her but he has been close enough both times to describe her and Rob's cars out front and everything. People called the police on him and reported his name and told her people. I think he should be more concerned with an angry brother or two, her dad or friends taking care of the issue 1st. He is late teens/early 20's and just stupid honestly but I guess you never know.

Ginger with a Soul said...

Might want to keep an eye out - BD2 BTS are up and on some of the fansites if you want to see them

Holy said...

Hello guys.

I really enjoyed watching the Grammy's last night.Prince didn't age at all,he sill looks the same.


@Ginger-hey,grandma just busted the two lawyers.LOL.

tufenuf55 said...


Waves back at you! Hope you're having a good day.


I haven't heard anything about the guy outside Kristen's house, but I remember years ago, how John Hinkley stalked Jodie Foster and tried to kill the President Reagan to try to impress her. Jodie had two other stalkers. One sent bomb threats to SAG and the other sent bomb threats to her and Pres. Reagan to release John Hinkley. This guy followed her with a gun and was going to kill her but said she was too beautiful to kill so he did the bomb threat instead. Glad the police were called. You just never know abut a person's mental health.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Holy - waves and LOL

@Tuff/Holy/Pam - have you guys seen the BTS yet - they are playing with the baby and it is so cute.

Stella said...

Hello, everyone!

I really hope Kristen was not disturbed by this stalker (or whatever he was) crazy fan. I'm sure she has the security needed in these kind of cases. I don't know if he could be any kind of dangerous, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

I love those BTS BD2. Have small "diamonds" inside. Love it.

Take care, all!

tufenuf55 said...


Yes, the BTS with Rob, Kristen and baby are adorable. He will make a wonderfully involved father. Rob has always said he wants to be a young father. Kristen has said in the past that she's not ready for children, just yet. But, you never know.......

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Stella - hey there

@Tuff - I see nothing but baby fever going on - just too cute :)

Stella said...

Ginger, hi!
I'm lurking, as usual...

I always love BTS. Rob and Kristen are both so sweet. Can't get enough of them, it seems.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Stella - you should come out to play way more often, just saying :)

Stella said...

Thanks, it's good to feel welcomed ;)

tufenuf55 said...


I agree with Ginger. Love having you whenever you can stop by for a while.

tufenuf55 said...

Found this manip:

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Tuff - I have seen people that tune out the baby talk - talking babies big time after seeing them both with kids.

gargamel said...

I will just keep passing out everytime i see i wont stalk.

tufenuf55 said...


I just think it is too funny that just because of the BTS, some fans are going CRAZY! I did enjoy that manip of them with two

PamH said...

@ Ginger
Thanks for the BTS heads up :) I had to watch each video twice. I loved them giggling in the sex scene and K telling T they can never sleep in the same room EVER and he has to cover his ears...OMG so funny!!!! The baby gabbing onto Kristens hair and they are cracking up is amazing, they really do need to have babies together..ONE DAY :)))
Knowing that guy is on the inside is unsettling but maybe Kristen has someone staying with her when Rob is away or if the community has surcurity they are aware of him. Is he putting this stuff on twitter or YouTube ?

@ tuf
I thought those manips were great, I've never seen them before. That could so be their future one day...or we can wish :)

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - I saw it from someone tweeting his instagram - all his stuff was on instagram - he is who took the picture of Rob's old BMW in front of their house a couple days ago that caused nonnies around the world to accuse Kristen of grand theft auto.

tufenuf55 said...


The nonnies are absolutely OUT OF THEIR MINDS!!!

PamH said...

@ Ginger
Grand theft auto LMAO!!! I think if K would stoop that low she'd choose a better car, according to Rob it's falling apart and even caught on fire in the dashboard. I truly hope he's had it worked on if he's driving it still. But then again Rob does know how to tell a good story :) these nonnies are NUTS but then again she was also accused of stealing Bear too...probably by the same nonnies.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam and his clothes

Part of the vinyl was coming off in the picture - I think it is all nostalgia at this point.

Holy said...

@Ginger-yes, I have seen all the BTS,R/K are adorable playing with the baby.I think Billy B was having fun too.

Unknown said...

omg melting at bts baby, r, an k video, my heart....

Unknown said...

i thought that was a fake baby too....

Ginger with a Soul said...

@topaz - it is hard not to smile with them for sure

tufenuf55 said...

Rob has been in Australia since Jan 17th. That's nearly a month. Time for Kristen to visit?

PamH said...

@ Ginger
Yeah, his car is sentimental to him probably. He's had it a long time. I wonder if he's keeping his classic car there also or at LF house.

Holy said...

@TuF/Pam/Kami- tonight's episode for the Following was good,don't forget to watch.

tufenuf55 said...


Oh...I totally forgot about The Following. I was watching Biggest Loser and Westminster Dog Show. I will catch up on Hulu. Thanks for the reminder.

Unknown said...


as far as I know, you cannot get inside a gated community without first getting through a security gate keeper at the front gate. They have to be granted permission by the resident, the resident will give the name of their guest to the gate keeper, and that's how he/she will know to let them in. If he knew someone who lived in the gated community, then that's probably how he got in. Now, I wonder how the paps got in to take the backyard pics of them in their underwear.

Unknown said...

and how do we know the police really showed up? Is it true they got him and is he in jail? If true, wow, i guess lapd were able to spare a cop to get him, i thought all of them were out looking for the ex-soldier/cop fugitive so they could protect themselves.

DreamerKind said...

Good morning, Roseland!

Weird things go bump in the night, and I hope they are put back into their proper places.

Safety and security issues for Rob & Kristen are surely a high priority to them.

Even I saw a pic from the stalker and I don't follow much on Twitter.

Enjoyed the BTS released today. Sweet.

Best wishes to Rose, Smitty, Gruff, Syd!

Be safe and well, Rob & Kristen!

Unknown said...

omg omg

Rob: go to sleep, go to sleep

and i melt...

waves DK :)

Anonymous said...

Ginger - thanks for the heads up on the BTS! They were so great! Can't wait for the DVD to come out.

Also, thanks for more info on the stalker. I agree, he must have known someone to get inside.

OMG "Grand Theft Auto" these people are completely bonkers!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!

PamH waves back to you!

Gargamel you are so funny, I guess it's good that you would pass out, that's your safety switch to prevent you from stalking. I know I would be dumbstruck and not able to talk at all!

Tufe the manip was fun! We can dream.

Hi DK & Topaz - yes the "go to sleep" by Rob was so touching, oh my gosh, they both are so amazing.

katy said...

Hi everyone,

Those BD2 BTS. Rob at the piano and Rob and Kristen with that sweet little babie...cuteness overload!!

Ginger, you know that creepy teen,, is the same one that a few months a go posted a pic of a shoe box saying that he had been to LF1 and went through the trash and that the shoe box belonged to Rob. I think...hope...he is harmeless. He is just a very very silly, stupid boy, who doesn't know the meaning of bounderies.

Pisteuo, that chiken little vid to describe fandom...A+++++++

Have a happy day everyone.

Pisteuo said...

Hey Roseland!
I know this is old but, it may help some of you that may be experiencing DT's (Drought Tremors?) LOL!!

It's some of the BTS footage of Rob in Harry Potter and the goblet of fire. Most of you have probably seen it but, some may not have.

Sorry Rob, the devil made me do it! Hahaha!!!

katy said...


I had never seen that one. Awww, so young and adorable. Such a cutie!!!! Thanks for the link! :))

Take care

katy said...

And this is cute too, Kristen frist live talk show

olivia said...

Thank you Pisteuo,
That was a new vid for me. A very fun peek into the past.
Take care.

Annie said...

Morning all.

The BTS video of BD2 is so great, especially the one with Kristen, Rob and the baby.......Truly adorable.

Take care everybody.

Birdie said...

Very cute, Pisteuo. We'll take what we can get. Haha!
I gotta say the BTS of BD2 are very cute too!

Ginger with a Soul said...

Morning Ladies and Robert

@Katy - yeah he just seems like a really stupid kid that has a huge crush and extreme boundary issues. I didn't know he was the one that went through the trash - wow he has been a bit obsessed for a while.

@Topaz - I didn't hear he was arrested

@Annie - cutest ever - babies are awesome

Annie said...

Ginger: I can imagine the drama on Twitter over that BTS. :)

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Annie - people were super happy then Franco happened and there my friend is where the drama started

Annie said...

Ginger: James Franco?
What hapoened with him?

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Annie - he created some piece of art for/about Kristen. The piece was not even close to mine or a bunch of peoples cup of tea (I get what he was saying by the bio of it but just no) and he is starting to come off super creepy - he is really really obsessed with her - so fighting broke out over the art (he used snow white as the focal point), people were fighting because some think he is creepy while others think it is always good for it to be know just how wanted she is. To me and only me - I think he is taking his little crush to far and I would worry about him going through their garbage next.

Annie said...

Hmm.....He has written about Kristen before, in glowing terms if i remember correctly.
I'll look for the art work/article but it does seem as if she really is a muse for him.
He's an intellectual type and in my ways so is Kristen......At this point he should just ask for a business meeting!

Annie said...

Also, .If he continues this way, Kristen may just refuse that meeting.
Come on Franco.....Have your people call her people.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Annie - so now you have seen it - trust me before I used to think it was very sweet of him to stand up for her the way he did (I still do don't get me wrong) because while a lot of people thought the same they were quick to turn their heads in fear they would bring a spot light to their imperfect lives if they showed human compassion. The part in the upper left corner is just ugh, I also wish he would have used another platform. Snow white does not bother me at all (sorry it is a story and a movie and death eaters will not come get me for saying the name)but people keep using it as a form of shame and taboo which just gives people power they don't rightfully deserve to have - it is a movie

Annie said...

Ginger: I don't like the image in the upoer left corner either.

Can't/won't speak for James Franco but it is possible he used Snow White because of that bias you mentioned.....He is getting a lot of press I have to say.
It's going to be interesting to hear his answers when questioned on this, because we all know he will be.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Annie - oh yes he will - he has a movie to promote so you know either he will bring it up or someone else will. The bio on the piece talks about it so you could easily assume he chose it for that reason. People need to get over it - whatever it was is the past and they need to stop acting like the second coming of Christ is coming if they say Snow White. I like the movie and none of that other shit was a factor to me when watching it.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Roseland!

Ginger Annie - where can we find the art that James Franco created? I've been searching the internet, but haven't found it.

It must be a little hard them to live in this realm where people are madly in love with one or the other of them.

Anonymous said...

sorry about the typo, I left out the "for them"

Ginger with a Soul said...

@ artemisluvv

Anonymous said...

Ginger - Thanks for that, what would I/we do without you girl!

Wow, interesting art work. I thought it complimentary, but a little on the dark side for me. The top left looks like his little "fantasy" land.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@ artemisluvv - I have to agree about the left corner - which is what makes it creepy to me LOL

Kami said...

UH, the James Franco art...won't say much about it, except after looking at the name on the site, seeing the way other women are depicted, I seriously doubt he has a crush on Kristen, and given how he depicted the other women in his paintings, I'm going to say I don't think, given that evidence alone...I do not know James Franco...but I don't think he has much respect for women period.

katy said...

I don't like that James Franco work of art about Kristen. Complety opposite of complimentary to me.
I am with you Ginger on the, he starting to come off as "creepy and obsessed" with Kristen.

Anonymous said...

Ginger - yeah kinda creepy, but definitely a guy fantasy thing. At least it doesn't look violent.

Feel kinda bad for Rob though. Possibly, it's easier to be married, and then maybe so many guys wouldn't be hitting on your woman.

Kami said...

With the James Franco art did anyone else notice that the guys for the most part were handsome and well drawn..even the one of Batman and Robin kissing....but that with the exception of the one marked Maddy...all of the women seemed to be cast in the role of 'object'? I think what he was saying about the one with snow white isn't that he is fantasizing about Kristen....Rob maybe...not Kristen.

Anonymous said...

Pisteuo - loved that video with younger Rob. I hadn't seen it before either. Very nice.

Katy - thanks for the young Kristen, another gem of a video.

Anonymous said...

Kami - LOL! You might be right, maybe his fantasy is for Rob. I've never been the best at understanding the deeper meaning of modern artists. You might have something there.

Kami said...

I realize art is subjective and it's supposed to elicit an emotion from those who view it, and this art did for me, and I have to say that the emotion I's just MY feeling on it, not what anyone else should think or feel is that, especially given the fact besides the painting of 'snow' the women do not seem to have faces and the one besides Maddy who does has her eyes 'erased' in an obvious way...says the artist doesn't think highly of women.

The painting before the Snow of a guy with a hairstyle similar to Edwards in the Twilight movies, he is muscled and ripped...he is crying...what looks like blood, which the vampires cry in True Blood...and has a rainbow...just like the Snow one does..says to me that "Hey I have a crush on K Stew" isn't his point. I am actually thinking he's not meaning the Snow one to be seen in a flattering light. But is saying "See what happens when you love or trust a woman." Ok off my soap box and I will say again...this is my take on this art, if it's not your take that's ok, I'm not trying to make anyone else agree with me or see my side, nor am I telling you that you're thoughts are incorrect. Art is subjective.

Anonymous said...

On the other hand, I don't know anything about James Franco. Also, I don't ever believe what is written in the magazines or tabloids anymore. Who knows what he actually thinks in real life?

Although, I think Ginger said he has tweeted stuff, but I don't know about that area.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Kami - he has actually came out and said he has a crush on her (several times and after seeing this maybe one too many) and then did that ..... People just turned there heads and were like oh well before but this went a wee bit too far for me. I wouldn't dislike it so much if the top left was taken out cause there is nothing right about it at all.

@Katy - guess who won't be invited to dinner - ever LOL

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Kami - here is his work up of it.

GAY TOWN explores a variety of themes that are central to Franco's artistic practice, mainly issues related to adolescence, public and private persona, stereotypes and other societal concerns such as society's preoccupation with celebrity. Franco created most of the works for GAY TOWN over the past two years, making many of the works in hotel rooms, makeshift studios and other temporary locations whilst completing other projects, mainly motion pictures. Franco makes reference to several of his motion picture work and related projects in parts of the installations and other works on view in GAY TOWN.

Ginger with a Soul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Kami - agreed, it could be seen as unflattering to women and KS as well. He will def get a lot of attention for that!! Especially using her name there. He also puts in some of his good reviews for his "James Dean" work in one of the paintings. I hope he's not just a blatant attention seeker.

Anonymous said...

Ginger - good to know that he has said he has a crush on her. Even though I might not like the work of art, I feel better knowing that he likes her. I agree it does go too far, but I'm glad it's not a critic of her. Wow, art can cause a lot of controversy.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@artemisluvv - I just think he is a little weird and a tad eccentric which doesn't equal being gay. I see himself depicted a lot in those pictures but for as stand up as he has been about her - I don't even remotely think he was insulting her - he just probably needs to step off her. Also timing is always suspect since Oz comes out and this is giving him a lot of buzz.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Liz - JT is going on tour

Kami said...

Ginger, his sexual preferences do not matter to me, except that from MY point of view, from what I OWN personal opinion was that he wasn't saying he had a crush on Kristen, and maybe had one on Rob. I completely understand if you don't agree or if you see things differently. I said that before.

I DON'T care if someone is straight, gay or bisexual. I do care when I see women depicted, IN MY faceless objects. My opinion. YOU don't have to agree with me any more than I have to agree with you. I most certainly expect you to see things in the way YOU see them, and I will see them in the way I see them. We do not have to have identical points of view, the world would be a very boring place if everyone thought the exact same way.

ART IS SUBJECTIVE it elicits an emotional response from the person veiwing it...each person's views will be different.

Anonymous said...

Ginger - interesting info about him, and well said, timing is everything!

I'm off to work now, bye everyone.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Kami - honestly give it a rest - I responded to someone else about the gay thing and not you in any shape or form. The only thing I said to you was the man has came out and said he has a crush on her. I tend to not respond to you at all because all you want to do is fight and make your off handed insults. Do what you want but stop making other peoples conversation about you because frankly it is not.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Topaz - I have something for you on that Dorner thing - I guess people in LA that have a similar truck as him now have signs posted not Dorner don't shoot and guys that match his description are writing the same thing on their shirts - I really didn't know it was getting that bad. At this point if they don't catch him alive the public is going to think they killed him on purpose no matter what.

tufenuf55 said...

I've looked at Franco's artwork. And I use the term loosely. I could paint that "art". I think Franco believes that he is a genius in every aspect from filming porn; to art to movies to education. He is so full of himself. To listen to him in interviews is be shocked at how great he believes he is in everything. I would hope and pray that Kristen would never give him the time of day. Didn't like him long before he revealed his crush on Kristen. We hear a lot about how girls want to be with Rob and little about how men take to Kristen. But the truth is, both Rob and Kristen have persona and talent that draws in admirers, even the "loony" ones.

PamH said...

Hello Roseland

@ Ginger
Thanks for link to art work. Man so many strange things going on toward Kristen. I have no words for his artwork, not knocking anyone's creative juices, other than strange and creepy. Wonder what Rob and Kristen will think of his art piece ?
Man, Kristen's admirer has been around awhile if he was getting things from the trash from the LF1 house.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - yeah, I had no idea he was the guy from a while back. He either took his instagram down or went private but no good at all.

@Tuff there was a lot of talk about that last night, people felt certain people (haters) needed to be reminded of her appeal as much as his - but this fandom is mainly women so we hear about him far more often in the sense although I have seen a few male actors tweeting about it - Mathew Perry did not go creepy (although he said he felt like a creeper because her age), Devon Sawa needed to stop.

Stella said...

Excuse my ignorance, but who's that James Franco you are all talking about? Not the actor, right? I googled it but I didn't find anyone else, to be honest...
It's a bit disturbing to know that even in a gated community Kristen can not avoid being stalked, but I'm sure she has all the security she needs to be and feel safe. I guess she'll be soon leaving LA anyway for a long flight across the Pacific.

Take care, all!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Stella - it is the actor LOL

Stella said...

Ginger, I kind of hoped you wouldn't say that...
I've studied some art at the university, but modern art, or, to be more specific, contemporary art, remains a mystery to me and maybe that's why I don't really like it. I can see some hidden meaning behind his paintings but the way you interpret each painting is a lot more subjective than the art in the early or mid 20 century. It was always true that the way someone "reads" a painting shows a lot about the viewer himself, but, in contemporary art, that becomes ridiculous IMHO.
But who am I to judge an artist, right?
Thanks for the clarification

Super RN Gas Passer said...


I enjoyed the CUTE...and yes. I think there are enough pics and vids around to tie us over and keep us out of the emergency room !!!!!

Good Evening ALL at ROSELAND :))))

gargamel said...

I wonder how rob sweet-talks kristen...and vice versa.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Stella - if he was going for shock value he scored plus he put the name she hates - maybe that has more to do with it - pointing out the things she hates - the exposure, the names and the bullshit. I just can't stop my eyes from going to that left corner - ugh.

@Super - heya

Holy said...

Hello ladies and gents.

@Gargamel- hey there.Are you still twirling?LOL

@Ginger- waves.

Stella said...

If he was aiming to publicity, he surely nailed it - me discussing his art at 2.30 in the morning is a proof enough of this LOL
I find his painting (if that's what this is) disturbing, not because I think it's insulting towards Kristen in any way, but with what I think it shows of the life of a person who's in the public eye all the time. The fairytale, which is far from a fairytale, the exposure, the necklace to cover the exposure, the dream land with the rainbow along with the top left (totally contradictory IMHO). But, after all, Captain America (that's him, right?) comes to save the day...
Very disturbing to me, maybe because I don't like the truth that lies in there.

LizzieD said...

STELLA -- I'll say it again, YOU ARE SO INCITEFUL!!! I am an artist but typically only do realistic works. I've had many artist friends over the years who do representational art and I've never been able to understand it. To me it's like looking at those pictures hidden within a picture ... I've never been able to "see" the hidden picture.

PamH said...

The gifs of Robsten pic of the day from Robsten Dreams is hilarious. Kristen doing her sexy dance move and Rob looks like he's doing the rub / smack that ass move. Dang I wish we woulda got RK commentary :(

According to Hollywoodlife Kristen attended Taylor's 21st Birthday celebration at a bowling alley on Feb 9th arriving with some friends at @ midnight til 1:30...I thought this was the same day as the EG show...but who knows ?
Hope Taylor had a great time on his BD :)

@ Ginger
Yeah, when he added the squished plastic boobs with paint the creepy factor raised. I can picture him being someone to watch OTR and using pause ALOT. I found it ironic he did a painting saying Fuck Spidey when he was part of the franchise....bad experience, maybe.

Anonymous said...

Rose - Nice new banner! I know there is a story behind that banner, it's so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, he was in Spiderman, I forgot. Wow, I really don't get the art.

To be blessed with 3 Spiderman movies, but maybe he means it in the way of he was Spidey's enemy?

Oh bother, it's too confusing for me.

I'm going to watch some of his interviews to see if I can see what Tufenuf mentions.

Rob is the best! In that old vid that Pisteuo linked, he's already saying cool things like "can't complain about early starts when there are several hundred people there already" when you arrive, and how every single person of the two thousand on the set are nice people. Love that guy!

Anonymous said...

Gargamel - if you ever find out the answer to that question, you are legally bound to share it with us! LOL!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Pam - Bahahahahaha - I love it and I bet he hits pause (no offense Robert)

I t was the same night as EG so maybe they Pit Stopped after the show or they made it up - never know but we know she was at the concert.

@Stella -Captain America to save the day - sounds all about right to me now lets just take the boobs that he obviously fondled the nipples off and I wouldn't totally hate it. I really like your take on it, once I shake the creep factor off I see what you are saying.

Annie said...

Ginger: I had another take on Franco piece....

Whenever James Franco has spoken about Kristen he has done so in glowing terms.
He has openly said he has a crush on her.

I think Kristen with her role as Snow White in SWATH blew away the Disney fairytale idea that a girl needs a man to defend her and come to her rescue always. Innocence be dammed!
I also think his drawing Snow with her skirts up is a giant "fuck you" from Snow White and in turn KStew, to those who think Snow White and SnowStew can't be strong women.
Kristen got a ton of flack for bringing life to a strong non needy Snow White.
As for the image in the top left hand corner.......Thai's Franco's wishful thinking!

Christina said...

Hello everyone!
I saw James Franco's artwork as well and at first it gave me a "kiss Kristen's ass" impression, LOL I know it's shallow and superficial approach, but that's what I thought at first sight.

PamH said...

Looks like the Chris Dorner search may finally come to an end....THANK GOD

@ Ginger
Yeah, I think he fondled a little to hard...eeewwwww
Has her stalker fan gave it a rest for awhile? I bet the nonnies didn't like having to see the pic of Robs old car at the house, I bet he took some heat for posting it.

If JF is having his art shown he's going to have a lot of people be asking about his meaning behind his work so it'll be interesting to see how that turns out.

missDI20 said...

wowwwwww you are very lucKy!!!!you goT A VERY IMPORTAnt thing:you have A fans signATURES OF THEM!!!!!WOWWWW VERY VERY IMPORTANT


STOP TALKING ABOUT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




missDI20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
missDI20 said...

wowwwwww you are very lucKy!!!!you goT A VERY IMPORTAnt thing:you have A fans signATURES OF THEM!!!!!WOWWWW VERY VERY IMPORTANT


STOP TALKING ABOUT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Unknown said...

I would love to hear his interpretation of that painting because on the surface, it definitely looks very derogatory. And even if you try to look for deeper meaning, it still seems derogatory. My understanding of SW is someone who represents purity and goodness, but because she is showing her red colored pantyhose/underwear, she is not pure, good, or perfect. She is someone with flaws underneath the surface. The box that she is in suggests a photograph of her that was taken without her consent because she looks as if she has no knowledge of her surroundings (with her back turned), so her privacy is lost. "K-Stew" suggests the person in that photograph is Kristen Stewart, but her name suggests celebrity status/someone famous, not just any random person. The photograph is drawn on a T-Shirt, and to me this suggests that someone is trying to profit from this negatively perceived image of her. The T-shirt is right above the ugly colored rainbow, which I think symbolizes evil. So any object placed above the rainbow is in evil territory, including the unclean breasts and the picture of what looks like the comic book character Captain America, which suggests an object belonging to a society of cultural America as well as any other object near it. So to me, his message is about the exploitation of celebrities for profit in cultural America. I just wish he would have chosen someone else. This young girl has suffered so much vilification by the press and haters already, she doesn't need anymore of this shit. I don't know how he feels about her, but he is displaying his selfishness and insensitivity towards a young and embattled girl.

Ginger with a Soul said...

Caps lock is not cruise control for cool - there is only one person that I can read caps from and that is Patty because it helps her see. Preach on sister while you are on a blog for them, preach on !!!!!

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Topaz - I wish he hadn't picked her either for many many reasons

PamH said...

Is your comment directed to someone or all of us here because I'm not understanding your meaning ? This is a fan blog for Rob and Kristen it's designed to talk about them.

Anonymous said...

Ginger & Topaz - I agree, I wish he would have chosen someone else. She's so young, and it's kinda like he's put her in Playboy mag or something. It does seem a bit selfish.

Unknown said...

Ginger, so I just read a headline of a shootout between him and the police. They are on a mission to kill him, not bring him alive. It is murder, really what they're doing. He needs his due process, a trial. People have no faith in their government anymore. I for one don't. And once they start taking our guns away, we are in deep shit.

Unknown said...

Here's a little bit of interesting news: my former boss told me she went to high school with James Franco and that he was was very arrogant.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Topaz - Dorner is dead I think - the cabin they trapped him in caught on fire but the blacked out all radio signals so no one knows if he killed himself or a sniper did, one of the cops in the earlier shoot out died

I have heard he thinks very highly of himself

Unknown said...

Ugghh, I'm beginning to really dislike this Franco creep now. If my name was displayed there, I would have asked him why me? followed by you insensitive piece of shit and wannabe artist with a strong slap across his face!

Unknown said...

Ginger, either way, lapd will distort information to benefit themselves, not the public. They don't care about protecting the citizens of LA, they only care about making money to fill their own dirty pockets. Lapd disgusting pieces of shit....

tufenuf55 said...


He has always struck me as arrogant.

To me, the art of K-Stew with her skirt blown up revealing red underwear is like Snow White pretends to be virginal but actually is totally the opposite. I don't care for his using Kristen. I agree that she has been through more in the press than any other actress her age. He has to have known that this would keep her scrutinized and vilified by the press.

This is just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Topaz, I'm really beginning to dislike him too. It's not really fair for him to do this. If he cared about her he wouldn't do it!!! It does smack of arrogance. And just like hundreds of others, using her name for his own fame.

tufenuf55 said...


Right on!

Anonymous said...

Ginger - when you all were talking about the car you mentioned LF1. What is LF1?

tufenuf55 said...

MSN reports police broke windows in cabin and threw in tear gas with no results. Then police pulled down the walls of the cabin one by one. When they got to the last wall, the police heard a shot just before the cabin started to burn. Two police shot by Dorner--one died. No body found in the burned cabin. Police are going to search the basement next.

tufenuf55 said...

The Rover on Twitter was asked if filming was over and response was "no".

Anonymous said...

Hi Tufe!

I was looking 24 pieces in the show on the link Ginger gave us to No one else's name is in the art pieces just Franco's name, Gucci and KS. Really not effing fair.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@ artemisluvv - Los Feliz 1 - the 1st house they lived in over there. Los Feliz 2 is the house in the gated community they live in now

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Tuf/Topaz - they removed his body from the cabin officially now so yeah he is dead

Anonymous said...

Ginger ~ thanks girl! I should have thought of that. :)

Unknown said...

Tufenuff, oh man, they are so desperate, so is he dead yet? Once they find him dead, next they will write articles praising themselves about how brave they were to put an end to domestic terrorism. You know, I read that 10,000 police officers were looking for him, and 1 million dollar offered, lmao....

Unknown said...

I'm sorry if I offend anyone with this whole Christopher Dorner case, I just can't with the lapd.....

Unknown said...

Christopher Dorner....RIP for speaking up against tyranny and corruption by our government....someday, this nation will crumble from the inside out just as Rome did.

Anonymous said...

Topaz, no worries, it's just a very sad situation. Two people that I know who live in LA also believe the LAPD is very corrupt.

Unknown said...


I've been wanting to tell you that I too have visited Forks, the Oympic Forest, and Mt. Rainier. I camped at Mounthaven Resort Cabins, it was so beautiful, I saw deers outside my cabin the morning, I went up to them and fed them. They are'nt afraid of us humans. You live in beautiful green country. And the eastern part of Washington, I visited Walla walla (north, south, east, west) wine regions, the eastern part is a desert, but still beautiful, parts of it reminded me of death valley here in CA. I visited the public market in Seattle at sat on that pig, and saw the fish throwing. Then we took a boat from Seattle to Bainbridge island and drove to POrt Angeles, and from there took a boat to Victoria Cananda for afternoon "high" tea at the Empress Hotel. My favorite part of that trip was the Olympic Peninsula and Mt. Rainier. Hubby and I can't wait to go back.

tufenuf55 said...

Yes, Dorner is dead. Police say they found his "charred" body. Topaz, there is corruption everywhere, but when it is rampant by those who are to protect the citizens of USA, both here and abroad, are the most disgusting. Still, I don't think killing people is the answer. Glad that we (the taxpayer) don't have to pay for a trial for Dorner.

tufenuf55 said...

The "killing people" was meant about Dorner killing people.

Unknown said...

Tufenuff, I would say it depends on who you killed....

when it comes to evil and corruption, some people deserve to die.

Holy said...

They finally found that C Dorner in the cabin and his dead.

I think Alice Enghert(Beautiful Creatures) is right.It was a nice reply to the journalist and the girl doesn't want any drama.

"And as for the Kristen Stewart comparisons, I just don't think that's fair. I thought she was great in On The Road and Into The Wild. But she's got enough people scrutinising her without me adding my take."

Kami said...

Tuff you're completely correct and I think you said it BEAUTIFULLY. THANK YOU. THANK YOU THANK YOU...from the bottom of my heart as a family member of a police officer. brother in law is a police officer. In Oklahoma granted.


LOS ANGELES -- Fugitive ex-Los Angeles police officer Christopher Dorner was charged Monday with killing a Riverside police officer. He also is suspected of killing an Irvine couple after declaring a revenge war on law enforcement in an alleged online rant. Here's a look at the victims:


Monica Quan, 28, and her fiance, Keith Lawrence, 27, were found shot in his car in the parking structure of their Irvine condominium complex on Feb. 3.

Quan was in her second year as assistant women's basketball coach at California State University, Fullerton – the culmination of her love for the game that began when she was a child.

A standout high school basketball player, Quan once dreamed of playing professionally for the Los Angeles Sparks. She had a reputation for being fiery and intense.

Quan met Lawrence while both were playing basketball at Concordia University in Irvine.

After several coaching jobs, she joined Fullerton, where she was known as "Coach Mo."

"I loved her work ethic. I loved her passion for life," head coach Marcia Foster said.

Quan's father, Randal, was the first Chinese-American captain in the Los Angeles Police Department. Later, as an attorney, he represented Dorner in the officer's failed appeal of his dismissal to a department Board of Rights.

Dorner allegedly posted an online rant naming Quan and others that says: "I never had the opportunity to have a family of my own, I'm terminating yours."


Keith Lawrence loved basketball so much that he would drive miles for a pickup game. But his professional goal was to be a cop.

In August, he was hired as an armed public safety officer at the University of Southern California, where he was praised for his professionalism. Before taking the job, he attended the Ventura County Sheriff's Academy and trained with Oxnard police.

He grew up playing basketball. As a player in high school and at Concordia University, he was known for his calm, no-drama attitude, even after scoring a half-court basket.

Friends told the Orange County Register that Lawrence was flamboyant in other ways; he loved wearing bright colors, such as neon green and yellow, and loudly played every kind of music from hip-hop to country.

He and Quan were such basketball fans that Lawrence even wanted to propose at a Nike store. His younger brother, Chris, talked him out of it.

Days before their deaths, Lawrence instead scattered rose petals on the floor of their Irvine home, got down on a knee and asked for her hand, the Los Angeles Times reported.


Crain, a police officer with the city of Riverside, was mortally wounded on Feb. 7 in an ambush shooting as he sat in a police car at a stoplight.

Crain, 34, leaves his wife, a 4-year-old daughter and a son, 10. They remain under police protection until Dorner is caught.

According to the department, Crain loved attending dance recitals with his daughter, coaching his son's baseball team and restoring his 1970 Chevy Nova.

An acquaintance told the Riverside Press-Enterprise that Crain, a SWAT and field training officer, was always focused on officer safety when answering a call, and always had a plan if something went bad.

But officials said he had no time to react when a car pulled up and rifle fire erupted as Crain and a trainee officer sat in their patrol car during a graveyard shift. The trainee was wounded and is expected to survive.

Crain joined the Riverside police force in 2011 after leaving the Marine Corps, where he served two tours in Kuwait, was promoted to sergeant, and later taught military operations in urban terrain at Camp Pendleton in San Diego County.

Anonymous said...

Topaz, Your trip sounds very nice. I came here from CA 6 yrs ago. I'm planning to explore more this summer. It is wonderfully green, sometimes too rainy, but the trees love it.

Anonymous said...

Ginger - was the LF1 found out about like the LF2 was? Hope that stalker is under control now.

Unknown said...

Kami, I have a close cousin of mine, he is a police officer too. What do you want me to say?

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