The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Rob and Kristen- Forever Smitten

I wonder if there is a way to find out just how many times
I have used this picture on my blog.
I bet it's a scary number.
A scary high number.
Because this is (obviously) one of my favorite pictures
of Robert and Kristen.
To me...
This picture is the epitome of their relationship.
Rob's HUGE smile on his face
(and you can tell Kristen is smiling too)
The fact that Rob showed up... again
On Kristen's set to see her.
Rob looks completely and utterly SMITTEN with her.
He always does.


Whats going on around the ol' fandom cooler?
Not much.
The water is pretty damn low at this point.
People are parched.


We did get to see Rob on the set of THE ROVER.
(I picked the walking pic... of course.)
His hair is super short.
He's all grimy and gritty
and sweaty and dirty
and ...
well.. hell
This ALL looks good on Rob!
Reminiscent of Water For Elephants... Right?
One of his all time awesome looks.
Some people were complaining about his hair
like hello?
It's hair.
And if you have followed Robert for any length of time
You know how quickly that man grows hair.
No worries.
I kinda dig the short hair.
Oh yeah... I still am nostalgic for the unruly
slightly greasy, wild hair days of early Twilight.

Nice jacket. Heh.

But I have to wonder if we will ever see that again.
I'm thinking... no.
Rob is more polished and shiny these days.
And even if he's not...
He covers his hair with a hat most times.

What else...


The Rob/Kristen fans on Twitter are
doing a #28DaysofRKLove
It's a nice, sweet way to get through a drought.
So what does the Lunatic Fringe do?
Needless to say
since they have zero imagination
and zero originality
(They are the ones who stay pressed
with PR excuses after all)
They have to 'copy' what is being done
and twist it in their usual vile way.

Of course... that is ALL they do.
Hate. Jealousy. Bitterness. Anger.
Rule their world.
IS their world.

Is imitation the sincerest form of flattery?
It just shows how closely the Fringe
watch everything their 'opposition' does.

On one side
It's sunny and bright and full of hope and promise.
There are laughs and sweet memories
And anticipation of all the good things to come.

On the Fringe side?
And constant...
Never ending

Isn't it great to be on the GOOD side?
The Happy side?
Yes it is.

Oh look. Rob with the director and producer.

Another nugget of bullshit that is going around
is that Rob left EARLY for Australia
just to get away from Kristen
and so he could party and check out the pubs.
Rob was seen with both the producer and director
of the movie he is currently working on
*Key word... WORKING*
He was seen with people he is working on The Rover with.
He obviously went there for pre-production
Unless the director, producer and the rest of the crew
all wanted to escape and party too!
The most amusing part of the whole lie
was first Rob went there a week early...
and now it's worked up to 3 weeks!
Cling on.
Cling on.

Oh and lets not forget the whole mystery blonde
bullshit cling that surfaces just about every other day.
You all know the recent blonde (admittedly attractive) fan
who had her picture taken with Rob
and then kinda intimated that not only she had dinner
with him... but that he appeared 'stoned'?
Yeah. Her.
Of course there was the usual uproar.
This chick was lucky enough to have her picture taken with Rob
And she shared it with the masses and got her 5 minutes of fame.
But honestly... sometimes people just don't know when
to leave things be.
She eventually recanted the whole 'stoned' scenario
saying she was just having a laugh
and even tweeting at Ryan Seacreast
"Thank you for putting everything straight with
Robert Pattinson. Sat near him after dinner.
Nothing in it. Made me laugh."

So yeah folks...
She then proceeded to post a pic of flowers
with the cryptic tweet of
"I can't believe he sent these"
followed by 
"Not saying!"
when asked if they were from Rob...
I'm sure Rob would send flowers to a girl
he probably doesn't even know her name...
AND said he was stoned...
Sounds like legit reasons to send flowers!

That is someone who is clearly enjoying the attention.
Even though she admitted more than once
that it was nothing more than a fan picture.
See how easy it is to rile up this fandom?
Do you hear that?
That's the alarm clock.
Her 15 minutes are up.

Bring on the next mystery blonde/girlfriend.
You know she's out there somewhere.
Refusing to be banished to the shadows any longer!
She wants to claim what is hers!

Someone sent this to me.
I don't know who made it...
But whoever you are
I fucking ADORE you.

@UnpaidPrivEye is the creator of this beautiful collection...
Many thanks for sharing!

These pictures trump all other pictures.
No matter how intrusive they are.
(Sorry Rob and Kristen.)
These pics more than rival the Cannes pics...
Although those still rank at the top because
there is actual video of the whole thing.
(excuse me while I swoon a bit.)
OK. Better.
Why Rose... why do these pictures surpass all others?
I will tell you why.
Because they were taken
And lookie what we have here.
Hugging. Kissing (although that pic isn't included.. wait...)

Where was I?
Still kissing.
Still hugging.
Still having the biggest fucking smitten smile
on his face when he looks at her.

And that my friends...
is what is called coming full circle.
A never-ending circle.

Rob and Kristen.
Always end up...

Which brings me to the final cling of the week.

The whole drama surrounding whether Kristen
shows up in Australia or not.

Honestly... does ANYONE know where Kristen is
right this very minute??
Guesses. Speculations.
But no solid evidence of her being...

As much as I miss her beautiful face
I'm loving that she is living her live undetected.
I'm sure she is loving it too.

This post is brought to you by

and by my complete adoration
of Thomas Sturridge.

Until next time.

Bye for now


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tufenuf55 said...

On another topic, the paps continue to go deeper and deeper into the sewer. Paps have taken pics of pregnant Kate, in a bikini, while on holiday. Magazine states they WILL post these pic. Damn, can't they have a least one vacation without scumbags hiding behind bushes or whatever?

Kami said...

Topaz, honestly you probably didn't mean it the way it came across, but as for what I want you to say...Nothing.

LizzieD said...

TUF --- I can't help but think of Diana when I hear about that crap. I still remember the time she was skiing with her boys (they were fairly young) and she actually walked over to talk with the paps to ask them to give them some peace. Lot of good that did. That's a perfect example as to WHY R & K don't try to "reason" with the bastards... they know it would only make things worse.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@artemisluvv - LF2 was found out when a relater person posted it on line with full details - nice right. I know her people know about him - they sent one of the pictures he posted sitting outside her house to them and people screen capped all the stuff he was writing about seeing her movies over and over and she owed him a picture.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@Lizz - did you see that JGL video - they know who won't stop for photo's so they just run up on them.

Unknown said...

Kami, good because I've expressed myself clearly on the subject and have nothing more to say.

Anonymous said...

Ginger - wow, I wonder if the realtor person got paid for that! It's so dishonorable because it makes life difficult & sometimes unsafe as we see now. Very good to know that her people know about the stalker.

DreamerKind said...


Anderson Cooper ‏@andersoncooper

LAPD says no search of wreckage has been made because it's still too hot to search. No body found. Contradicts what sources told CNN.

Anonymous said...

And the JGL video also shows just how calculating they are about their shots. They want to not only take pics but create scandal.

tufenuf55 said...


Yes. I do remember that about Diana. They couldn't even respect her when she was dying..taking pics of her. I still believe to this day regardless of her driver being intoxicated that had not the paps be chasing them as such high speeds, Diana might be alive today. What power do they have that continues to allow them to be so heinous? Rob knows how bastardly they can be for real. Remember when they followed him and followed him until he just got out of his car...asked police to stop them from following him and said they couldn't. That pic of him just standing in the middle of the street, head down,while they continued to take pic after pic of him. I'll admit brought tears to my eyes. He just didn't want them to know where he and Kristen were living.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@DK - hello pumpkin - smooches

Anonymous said...

Tufenuf yes that Rob video was painful to watch. Although, he did stand his ground. Wonder when it will end? Everyone thought after Diana's death things would change.

Ginger with a Soul said...

@artemisluvv/Tuf - I know Chris Brown is not everyone's favorite (I honestly don't care - the person he wronged took him back their lives) but what they did to him the other night was criminal not just invasive - they trapped him and caused him to crash.

tufenuf55 said...


The paps are denying it. They said he crashed his own car. Wonder who to believe? Neither are known for being completely truthful. haha

tufenuf55 said...

Hoping to have a new post from Rose soon. I'm ready!

Ginger with a Soul said...

New Blog up

Ginger with a Soul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Ginger - oh yeah, another recent example of their indecent activities. Wonder if they have some powerful lobby that prevents laws being made to limit them?

Stella said...

Lizzied, I'd love to see your art some day, I didn't know you were an artist (among a thousand other things, I'm sure LOL).

I love the way Rob and Kristen distinguish themselves from the madness surrounding them. But I can't deny the fact that it must be very difficult and mind-consuming at times. I hope things will settled in time and they will be able to live their lives the way they've chosen, without being "harrassed" all the time by paps or "journalists" that work for dubvious quality magazines or internet sites.

Also, I didn't know of this Dorner guy, but, to put my five cents in the conversation, IMHO, guns are bad. Police should have them, military should have them, but I don't like the idea of my next door neighbour having a gun. I'm saying this living in an area of the world where guns are very common and almost every other house has at least one. If I step on my neighbour's flowers, I'd rather him coming out holding his book to through at me than his gun. I think I'd survive the book... LOL

Good morning everyone, have a great day!

Anonymous said...

lindooo! I am in love with Rob. Loved all the pictures especially hope you will not mind if I put some of them on my blog. visit :) The blog is Brazilian.

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