Because there is some controversy surrounding the pictures
I used in this post...
I have decided to remove them until further notice.
No, I didn't get a Cease and Desist
I'm not a big blog by any means...
But some blogs did
which means the photographer doesn't want them online.
They are his property... not mine
So until it's OK... I will take them down.
I've had to substitute other Robert pictures.
But let's face it... they are ALL Intoxicating!
I've had to substitute other Robert pictures.
But let's face it... they are ALL Intoxicating!
This was some 'behind the scenes' picture from "On The Road"
Garrett Hedlund and Sam Riley on the chair
Tom Sturridge and Kristen Stewart next to them.
Kristen is all blurry.
And Tom has a beer?
I'm shocked.
(No Oreos?)
Onward and Upward.
There were a bunch of Robert pictures released yesterday.
At least I think they were released.
I have no idea.
I see something I like...
I click and save.
I'm not trying to 'steal' anyone's pictures.
I just like to look at Robert Pattinson...
and share the wonderful intoxication with others.
So... Let us begin.
Let's see how intoxicated we can become...
because quite frankly,
I kinda lost my mind yesterday.
Yeah... I talk all big and brave and tough
about how I'm not so obsessed or addicted to Robert anymore.
And then pictures like these come out.
Simple pictures of the man just sitting there.
Being all fucking gorgeous and killing me.
He still makes my stomach flip.
He still makes me catch my breath.
He still intoxicates me.
*Pulls out the Thesaurus*
Just fucking bury me because I'm already dead.
Is he sitting on my fucking grave?
Because I will haunt you forever, Robert Pattinson.
And this one.
This one is my favorite.
The hair.
The sunglasses.
The scruff.
The skinny tie.
Because that is all it really takes.
Just Robert.
He can be all scruffy and wrinkled...
He can be all polished and poised.
Doesn't fucking matter.
My heart is actually beating faster right now.
are those beads of sweat on my brow?
I'm finding it hard to type because my hands are kinda clammy...
(OK, clammy is a silly word... isn't it? I'm not crazy... am I?)
Who am I kidding? Of course I'm crazy.
Have you read up to here?
I'm a complete and total lunatic.
Thanks Robert Pattinson.
Thank you VERY much.
So I did a little tweaking to an INTOXICATION chart...
because... well..
I fucking felt like it.
(and I do apologize for the flurry of fucks in this post...
but see... you can thank Robert for that, too)
As you can see by this magnificent chart...
It doesn't take many Robert pictures to get stoned.
8 pictures and you are gone.
And any guesses how many pics I posted today?
So enjoy the buzz.
The high.
The feeling of fucking euphoria...
Because it is a helluva hangover when you come down.
Did I Thank You for that, too, Robert Pattinson???
Did I?
This post is brought to you by the letters *I* and *K*
I for
Thoroughly and Totally Intoxicated.
(Still Crazy After All These Years)
K for Kristen Stewart!
Because she has that man...
That face
That scruff
Those hands
all to herself whenever she wants.
Way to go, Kristen!!!
Bring on Rio!
Bye for now
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 804 Newer› Newest»yes Nikey Read nice you can spell it any darn why ya wanna.. hello
I would love to see Syd and NICKEY talk, wouldn't you?
Kami- Don't let the beast affect you like this. That is exactly what the BEAST wants. She doesn't matter and she knows it.
*hugs* Kami
Sounds like a plan, to me.
That is very interesting information. I'll be sure to keep that in mind.
Y'all I'm sorry bout that I had no idea what was happening I thought I had been hacked by her, but my husband was being extremly nice for him. He is furious. I am through letting this person have control over my emotions. thank you for the support Kami
Heith...Please send Kami HUGS from me...She's a Wonderful woman.
Take care
Kings, queens, parliments, governments and smaller folk, have tumbled down the pit, for far less.
Kami a comment you made was sent to spam again... I put it back into the comments... but I'm not sure why it does that to certain comments.
Heith, please do not apologise. We love Kami and support her 100%.
She is one hell of a lady and from what we hear of you, you are one hell of a guy.
Hugs to Kami.
HI DK! Hi PL :) I was just dropping by to say hello and of course..I see are boil on the ass is here. I mean do they ever sleep? lol
I think I should blog about the Beast... Hmmmm...
You should you really really should
glad to be back but I better go find my sage and do a blogging cleansing is there such a thing...? Great legal info
That would be absolutely wonderful!!
That's a great idea
hey 30 ... you have a great sense of timing and humor..lol ~ waves ~
(((((((( HUGGLES to you Kami )))))))
DK would that be a " shit pit" oh my I've been away to long...
I'm sure you never expected to encounter the Beast when you started your little blog.
I would like to hear an explanation but I know I never will. A rational explanation or thought behind these attacks and claims. Why do this? What does the action of tearing someone else apart accomplish for the person who is the attacker? What does it feed inside of the someone who is doing it over and over again? Why visit this blog spot at all if that is your only purpose?
If this is the only way that person can feel good about him or herself, I feel so very sorry for that lost and pathetic soul.
I already did a post about her...
But I was much too kind...
I need to work on that.
Hi Boogie! I personally dont think these pl ever leave, they have like shifts and shit. lol
Kami, please promise me, you will not let these pl upset you to that extent, Rose is 100% right. That's what they want. It's so not worth it. I am still hoping there is a way to get rid of these people once and for all, but if there's not, we have to find a way to deal with it if we want to be on Roses blog. Its not fair at all and we prob lost a few friends, it sucks but it is what it is. Lets try to keep this place fun if we can. Hugs to you!
Kami -
What an incredibly sweet husband!!
****HUGS**** to you!
Does this description fit? Sociopath- a pyschopath with strong antisocial tendancies.
Hugs, support and understanding to Kami and Hubs.
Hi to B w/S, yes a sweet smelling sage smudge would be lovely right now. Sweep out the foul odor.
Shitpit, pits of hell, the pits, pity, pitiful, piteous, pitiable, pitfalls...
Back atcha 30... you so smart.. and I don't think we'll ever understand
mental illness..
giggles .. going to go look for my sage..brb
Its been a year, maybe we're due for another one.
Birdie - as Rose would say "...slide that bitch on..." [I love it when you say that Rose :)]
Very, very lovely post this morning, Birdie.
Wow--seems like it would be defamation of character to say someone is mentally ill. Also I think there are rules about impersonating a doctor so unless any of you are actual psychiatrists--better be careful.
Nice try, ikki.
The smell must be sulfur since satan's spawn a.k.a. The Beast was here.
(the sound of a toilet flushing)
Hey Troll that's the one person who actually gave a shit about what you said.
got it ..its burning chant ..ladies something that rhymes .. I'll let your minds do the comments..
Well, Syd, you yourself said we all are posting under fake names, so who's to say what our professions would be? Doctor, lawyer, Indian Chief?
Must be sad when ABSOLUTELY NO ONE cares about what you have to say...ahhhhhhh poor little troll
Syd needs a shoe?
Oo ooo ooo I call Queen of Sheba!
Gwen and DK! Check my FB pic! (yes DK) LOL I got my hair dyed... from blond to brown with caramel highlights, I need your opinions. :)
30 I promise
By the way Rose...You're my hero
Thanks Kami... but I hardly deserve that. :)
Hey 30... may I look on FB for you?
So is the new game being revealed?
Pass the sage smudge stick around and let everyone gently wave it around their room and computer.
"May everyone be filled with loving kindness.
May unkind thoughts and desires melt away."
Well, I tried....
Thanks B w/S.
Are you still here? Perhaps forensic psychiatry is something you are familiar with, or maybe you will become familiar with it.
we also might need some Holy Water and a priest to perform the exorcism
Oh Good Lord!
Someone forgot to eat their Wheaties!
And as everyone knows I did work at a mental Health hospital, but I NEVER said in what capacity...you never know..I MIGHT be a doctor..then again I might not.
hey ikki -
don't you have something to do? are you out of work? word of advice, you should be careful with what you write on public blogs, you might find yourself out of work.
and i want to remind you that this is one of the most read blog on the fandom and there are many lurkers and already know who you are. so you are not gaining supporters but only proving what they are all thinking all along about you. PATHETIC!!! GET A LIFE!!!
Some people can sure dish it out... but most surely cannot take it.
Right Sikki?
How are you doing? I suggest a glass of wine, or spirit of choice.
Your Heith is certainly special. You are a lucky woman.
awesome Olivia... go away negative one...take your bad energy and be gone.. foolishness and games
using false names..
go to another blog and become their smog... still smugging
Boogie.. we can talk about that when the "demon" is gone. lol
Thanks PL I'm ok, just got off the phone with him as he tried to explain what in the hell happened...one second I was typing the next I was off line, it was odd...but he's amazing and I'm happy he's mine.
OooooooOoooohh.. Kami.. Queen of Sheeba!
Can I be Catwoman?
Sorry! Trying to cook dinner :) SO making the mac and cheese tonight!
angelic it posted twice, but VERY interesting stuff!
Yes you can be CatWoman!!
Hey Dreamer Kind I think I go find my bottle of wine.. hey that rhymed too..
yes it was, and I love the way it started off with "Picture if you can" reminded me of "the Twlight Zone" which is kinda perfect in this situation.
The Queen of Sheba, Cat Women. Hero Rose.. we're on a roll here..
This whole thing kinda reminds me of Snow White, with someone in front of their mirror going "Mirror Mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all" and then being told it's NOT them...I guess this is their version of a Poison apple...and all the different personalities are the deranged 7 dwarfs.
“Some people have a way about them that seems to say: "If I have only one life to live, let me live it as a jerk!”
oh 30 meant to say I love your avi lips..
Sa-weeeet!! I get to be Catwoman!!! That means leather! w00t!
And a really cool Mask too Tracy, it's going to be great!
Kami I snorted on that one
sad but true Annie
Can I still be Prom Queen? LOL
I want to be Wonder Woman.
let's see the 7 deranged Dwarfs
Moron (Which is why all their entries start with M)
The Beast reminds me of Linda Blair in The Exocist...head spinning, vomit spewing...what a vile, soulless pathetic being. Maybe the PTB will put it back in it's cage when promotion starts. Many people are getting an idea of it's true nature.
PL As Wonder Woman
Head Cheerleader anyone??
Thanks boogie! I really liked the black skeleton face in it lol
Tracy! Cat women= Tight Leather and a hot looking cape! Perfect.
Ok, then I wanna be Lady Godiva I get to have really long hair ride a horse and eat chocolate ....
But wait.. SueBee's Wonder Woman isn't she? Or am I seeing that picture wrong?
When she's not wonder woman, she's prom queen (we all need secret identities)
And when I'm not Catwoman, I'm mild mannered secretary..
LOL I love Godiva Chocolate...yes I know you're all shocked by that.
You look a-m-a-z-i-n-g on FB. I predict a new man will appear in your life within 3 weeks, if you want one to, that is.
The blonde bombshell was dynamic but smouldering is even better.
My magical mirror, twin sister of my magical wand, says you are the fairest in the land, except for Snow White, dear.
Yeah, waving while on a parade float does get boring....
Me me!! I want to be head cheerleader!
Kami its always a M... must be a mental thing.
Or on the occsion when its not a M, they think we are stupid and don't know its one of them. LMAO
Well, if SueBee is wonder woman then I'm going to be Nefertiti, the most beautiful woman in the world.
That will really upset Icki
Hello Rose,
I've had about enough. How about you?
The good part is that every single post, every snipe, ever comment, every email, has been captured for teh last 2 months. So really it is just a matter of what we want to do with it at this point. Blowing the doors off of it would be fun and satisfying but a bit messy. Of course, if it would stop, well, I'm not above being reasonable. Doesn't seem like making things well known (even within small circles) would make much sense actually, unless it was completely necessary. But the continual harassment of the nice people here, well, that needs to end. I have a friend named Lou, he's a great guy, very knowledgeable, and we've been talking about harassment, in person, online, that type of thing. Just a general discussion but, the things that were captured, well those combined with other events, that becomes a very tempting thing to pursue.
Kay Yay!!
30 I have a theory about that...MAYBE she saw those names somewhere and took over their personalities
Awww thank you DK! :) I have been single a while now though, its so hard to find a "musician/writer/sensitive/adorable Guy. Am I to picky? LOL
Yay Boris!!!
Hey Boris...Yes, I've had enough.
I've saved a lot of the comments, too... if you need any more ammunition.
Lou sounds like a great guy... and it sounds very tempting indeed.
Boris, it makes me ecstatic to hear that!
Hi, Boris!!!
Hi Boris :)
Oh, BTW, I really do have a post saved that could help.
I don't get it, I really don't understand how anyone can waste precious time/a life being a hateful bitch!
Get a grip!
I've saved a couple too.
Boris its SO nice to see you here.
I agree, and unfortunately they have proved over and over that they don't care about any consequences. It's not going to stop until there stopped.
I have two but don't know if it helps
Annie, it's beyond comprehension, we are dealing with a self centered person who only cares about causing problems.
hey 30 I just got on FB to friend you? love your hair darling.. I have to go with DK's prediction..
You go Boris...thanks for that great post..
Sue Bee... be careful don't fall off the parade float..
Nefertiti you go girl
What do you mean? Please let us handle this. Thanks!
Rose--You know another thing Lou and I discussed--just in theory of course--but when for example, artists are under a performance contract with a studio, there are clauses which require a good faith effort to improve the performance of other involved in the project. Those clauses specifically prohibit the artist from intentionally or even negligently causing anyone else in the production stress that affects their work. And you know, this has been discussed in person, with assurances that certain in person behaviour would cease. I would not think such warnings had to be given here also, but apparently, whoever is doing this needs to speak with their "friend" and be sure it is wise to continue.
Just thinking out loud but really, there are so many other things I can think of for this person to be doing. I would suggest hitting the gym for one, but that is just a suggestion.
Boogie.. I wont leave my email or real name here. Sorry love. If you are friends with DK or Gwen they can send you my email or name threw FB, but I wont post it here with these craziness.
Boris that's what I meant, I have no desire to get into this. My husband made a comment earlier which is why I said not to fear I have it under control meaning him.
I wasn't prepared for that last sentence! I almost spit my drink on the screen! LOL
Kami - It goes back to what I posted a little while ago. My mother was actually a psychiatrist. She told me about a psychopath that she treated and how chilling it was to hear him speak completely dispassionately about murdering his wife and pet Dalmatian, they made too much noise while he was watching TV. He honestly didn't see the problem. How terrifying is that?
Suebee me too.
I'll give Boogie the FB info.
Cool Boogie! :) I will except.
Boris... I never tire of reading your thoughts.
yes... hitting a gym is a great suggestion!!
Yeah Angelica I know, I met several people who killed family members and didn't bat an eye when I worked at the Mental Hospital. It was very scary
No, I won't, after all, cause she is at the top of her game, baby.
txs will delete my info on the last blog ok
Shit, Ghost Hunters in starting, Gotta Go. Have a nice night my sane friends of Roseland :)
Boogie, I will be on the look out for the FR. :) Night all.
30-saw your pic. You look great! The color suits you.
After reading what Boris has said, I am really blown away. This kind of behavior is just surreal to me. I work with a few slightly crazy women, but this is really over the top! How does someone this messed up manage to function and maintain a job? Had to laugh at his last comment.
Ok Kami--I know you were upset by a comment about your niece but really this nonsense is the tip of the iceberg. Leo has it all recorded--every single post so thank you all but I think we are covered.
I'm just going to throw this out there Rose. This shit stops now. No more. If it appears once more I am done and people who are STUPID enough to record criminal behaviour will be prosecuted. I am sick of watching someone I love (much less her friends) be intimidated and humiliated by a soulless, friendless, satan loving whore. Everything she has said, is simply a reflection of her own personality. I hadn't seen much of it to be honest, until Leo began sending me the highlights of her or their comments. If only such creativity and passion were put into her real job it might improve her reputation. Instead it is the same monotone and sad work, frustrating everyone she touches.
It's a perfect time for a martini, right? So, I'm going to try and create a new one for myself out of Orange vodka and what?
Hitting the gym...what a great suggestion...coughikki ass is gotten bigger
Boris like I said y'all handle it, I have no desire to deal in any way, shape, form or fashion with this person.
As far as my Niece goes, this person will have to live with that, not me.
(Clapping for you)
I toast you, or will soon, for defending the innocent.
OMG I love it..Satan Loving Whore...Boris that was priceless
Obviously you have received good counsel and have a well-thought out plan and strategy in place.
Good luck with whatever course you choose.
Boris, I can only concur!
It's heartbreaking to see someone I care about being relentlessly attacked for no reason other than bitter jealousy and delusional hatred.
I know you will handle this the best way possible. Thank you for loving her.
I'm not as articulate as some but... I have lived with some folks that medication in heavy doses would work wonders... I've lit candles burned the sage and tadaaa the shoes must have fit and Boris arrived.. I'm a believer...
Orange Vodka hmmmmm
Katy giggles and wiggles
love and rose colored glasses and a glass of liquid spirits cheers ..
I was going to say a quote out of the Wizard of Oz but I better not jinx it...twiggles
Steph does it rhyme with "Bing Bong the Bitch is Fred"?
I like seeing good overcoming evil.
"Satan Loving Whore"---now that was priceless!
Thanks so much for this and please give our friend love and hugs from me.
I am SO glad, Boris! Thank you!
damn Sue Bee.. your a girl after my own heart I love ya..I'm coughing..
and I raise my gonna be full of wine glass to you Boris.. thank you
This is my happy place and we have the Roseland gang
(Back from a long phone call with my son.)
Bravo Boris!
If someone has a bit of port, I would love to raise my glass in solidarity to Boris.
welcome back Oliva..
DK wine spritzer in hand..
slice of orange and some ice..
cheers... refer to Sue Bee's post via Boris..taaa daaaaaaaa
I had to take a phone call but....
Olivia...I have Port!! I'll raise my glass with you in solidarity to Boris.
darn I had some moscato .. cheers anyway to Boris & Lou
Run Devil Run & Big Guns
Jenny Lewis & Watson Twins:
Thank You/hiho44 - youtube
I don't drink (I know I'm boring :) but I'll riase a glass with all of you!
It's not about the booze, it's the toasting that counts!!
Love it DK...you are so on it...perfect
Annie get some southern wine aka sweet tea and no one here is boring..
Yeah for Katy! Thank you, I will return the favor one day.
A loving toast to our wonderful and gallant gentleman.
Boris, a toast to you, with great affection and admiration.
A toast to you and yours for health, happiness and great love.
A toast to you for peace, calm and tranquility.
A toast to you for lifelong happiness with faithful, trustworthy, and life affirming friends and family.
:) :) :)
Olivia I'll drink to that my friend
(Sipping my martini, oh, so happily) after having toasted to the Boris Babe!
my house smells so good of sage and candles, and wine..lol
Cheers DK, I can't do martini's you got the power
Great toast, may I steal it for future revelry?
This is OT but my husband just informed me he wants potato salad tomorrow. I have never made this before as I don't like it.
He's watching Bobby Flay right now and its a Throwdown for the best hot dogs so now this is what he wants for dinner.
Anyway anyone have a good, easy recipe for potato salad? There are only 2 of us here so I don't need to make a lot.
DK...it has taken me 20 min.s to read through the posts! I have just gotten home from work but I was just wanting to request some lyrics from any of the songs from the twilight movies...i never seem to be able to understand most of them. thought it might be fun to slide some of them in if they can be found..
ROSE and ALL...Things have really escalated to "INTOLERABLE". I dont know if we can discuss the fine points of this "problem" here
but if this person is who ROSE is insinuating and there is proof to that effect, can somebody notify Summit? Just asking
is it me, just asking but when the negative " people" get on here shit goes haywire with my computer, and when they exit, electronics are back to normal? just me thinking out loud
While I have the power of the liver, that is, lol.
Super RN,
Trust, its being handled. :)
Please do, DK.
First of all, Boris is on it.
Secondly, sure I'll post some Twilight songs, which ones do you like?
We did Flightless Bird recently courtesy of darling Gwen.
And we did a somewhat in depth explanation of it, as it is one very deep song.
Olivia - That was a wonderful toast. :)
Hey PL I have one somewhere you can get on Epicurious ..
Hey Super RN GP this has gotten deep since I've been away DK tried to warn me... 3
I'm guessing they got a handle on this as they found out the "H" one's IP address and she had created another personality as well... this world..
How have you been?
PENNY LANE...I hate to admit it but i like Walmarts "HOMEMADE" potato salad that they sell in the Deli section. It tastes just exactly like the kind my mother used to make from scratch.
WISH i could raise a glass with the rest of you...tempting after reading the posts tonight but i can't because i may have to go back to work.
funny DK...I'll splain one day on FB..
No, darlin' you are too important to slow down your motors.
just my nickel but I like Publix's red potato salad..
Sorry you gotta go back in..sorry
Steph - My computer seems to go nuts when one of them is around too. It's very strange
ok see I can't sip, type and watch taps it too much for my blondetimers..
DK...i will get back with you about the xact songs..i listen to those CD's in the car and i dont even know the exact names...thanks i will get on that task tmorrow and talk to you then.
PENNY and BOOGIE...i am so glad to hear that. Boogie...i have been good. glad to see u here tonite.
txs angelica 1 for answering that one.. it just seems too coincidental..
My internet conection...Kills me
Olivia, that was a wonderful toast...Cheers
I may have drunk two more glasses of Port :)
OH hello ladies, and possibly a sir. Sorry about that, had to go to Wal-mart real quick. What did i miss?
Glad to be back Super RN GP... my computer still acting up???
Here's a toast to all the great nurses, my grandmother was one!
Nickey Read scroll up to Boris's comments
darn where does the time go??? my bed is calling my name .... love to stay but 5 O clock comes early and an hour commute...gotta ride off on my horse..
twiggles and love to all
Boogie with Stew ♥
Life Is Beautiful
Let's go drifting, through the trees
Let's go sailing, on the sea
Let's go dancing, on the juke joint floor
And leave our troubles all behind, and have a party
So easily forgotten, are the most important things
Like the melody and the moonlight in your eyes
And the song that lasts forever, keeps on gettin betta
All the time
Cuz life is beautiful
Life is wonderous
Every star above is shining just for us
Life is beautiful, on a stormy night
Somewhere in the world the sun is shining bright
I get crazy, so afraid
That I might lose you, one fine day
And I'll be nothing but a tired old man
And I don't wanna be without you, at the party
So easily forgotten, are the most important things
Is that I love you, I do
And I want to spend my days and nights
Walking through this crazy world with you
Cuz life is beautiful
Life is wonderous
Every star above is shining just for us
Life is beautiful, on a stormy night
Somewhere in the world the sun is shining bright
So easily forgotten, are the most important things
Is that I love you, I do
And I want to spend my days and nights
Walking through this crazy world with you, that's right baby
Cuz life is beautiful
Life is wonderous
Every star above is shining just for us
Life is beautiful, on a stormy night
Somewhere in the world the sun is shining bright
Keb' Mo' leads the way:
Thank You/nanchi05 - youtube
This isn't potato salad but it is a really nice cold salad to which you can add variations.
Pasta Salad
1 pkg. Rigatoni or Penne pasta ( 1 lb.) cooked
1 lb. Feta cheese, crumbled or cubed
1 large can extra large black olives, drained and quartered
3 cucumbers, peeled, seeded, and quartered, then sliced
1 container of cherry tomatoes ( cut in half or even quartered if large)
3 bunches green onions cut up ( optional )
1 large bottle ( 16 oz. ) Italian dressing
( I use Wishbone, can even use low fat if you wish)
1 large bunch of fresh dill, finely chopped
( discard the woody stems )
Yield: Serves a crowd
Combine all of the above 24 hours before serving in a large serving bowl. Mix well several times while refrigerated. Mix again before serving.
You may add additional items if desired. For example:
1/2 to 1 lb. cubed ham, ( or even turkey )
diced sweet red pepper
diced green pepper
green olives
chopped celery
( I add all except the green olives )
I love port! Which do you favor?
OLIVIA....that looks really good!
'Night Steph!
Olivia - that salad sounds fantastic!! Thank you!
Steph, you get some restful slumber and I am hearting you big time, at all times.
Thanks, that sounds really good so I think I'll save it. Problem is this has to be potato salad.
I think I'll just go to Meijer's and get it out of the deli.
good nite all thanks Dk what a wonderful song to end the nite..♥
Night Boogie, have very sweet dreams.
GOODNIGHT ALL...gotta get a little sleep...guess Nickey didnt wanna talk to me huh?!
Oh My. Boris, You are my hero.
And don't worry, MY heart is actually a good one.
So Nickey,
What have you been up to?
DK, hadn't heard that song before, nor heard of the artist Keb' Mo'. Thank you, it was lovely.
"Somewhere in the world the sun is shining bright"
Both the whole song and especially this line make me smile : )
Nothin much. Just being a loser really.
Totally putting off a project I need to do..
Dear Boris,
You are the Bees Fuckin Knees. :)
Good night y'all. Off to read for a while.
I'm bad with names, have you posted here before?
Penny Lane
How about a potato salad recipe that I made in my senior year for the senior picnic?
Well, it's kind of a recipe. All I can tell you is that there were about 10 other potato salads that day, and mine was GONE in about 20 minutes, cause it was decadent.
Boil potatoes (for two, you decide how many)until almost tender.
Boil eggs to hard state-10-15 minutes, or however you like them. Cool in cold water or fridge.
Slice or dice, no one cares, just add them while mixing the whole mess up, but don't break the potatoes, silly.
Chop hot onions (don't know which ones those are, maybe white).
Garlic-chop or mince 2 big cloves if you like it or 1 if you don't
Dill pickle-dice
Parsley fresh or cheat with flakes to taste.
Celery-chop some, add.
Mayonnaise-lots of it, to taste
Salt (now I love sea salt),
Cilantro or coriander, if hubster likes it, or not. Chop leaves only. No bitter stems.
I'd say you can accomplish this feat in about 45 to 60 minutes or rush out to a gourmet store and buy the good stuff.
Mix it all up, don't worry, it will be so good.
Or follow someone's else real recipe and that will be wonderful, too but not as much fun as this one.
Oh, forgot to say, have a glass of wine while making this.
Nickey yep Boris is great, don't you love when a man protects those he loves?
Can someone block this nut? I mean really enough is enough. I don't know if I can handle a attack on Boris to be honest. I will lose my shit.
Please Leo/Rose jam this person or whatever it is you do.
I think this person is ok 30 think they are on the right side
Wait a minute...ok
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