The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thanks Robert Pattinson!

Because there is some controversy surrounding the pictures
I used in this post...
I have decided to remove them until further notice.
No, I didn't get a Cease and Desist
I'm not a big blog by any means...
But some blogs did
which means the photographer doesn't want them online.
They are his property... not mine
So until it's OK... I will take them down.
I've had to substitute other Robert pictures.
But let's face it... they are ALL Intoxicating!

This was some 'behind the scenes' picture from "On The Road"
Garrett Hedlund and Sam Riley on the chair
Tom Sturridge and Kristen Stewart next to them.
Kristen is all blurry.
And Tom has a beer?
I'm shocked.
(No Oreos?)

Onward and Upward.

There were a bunch of Robert pictures released  yesterday.
At least I think they were released.
I have no idea.
I see something I like...
I click and save.
I'm not trying to 'steal' anyone's pictures.
I just like to look at Robert Pattinson...
and share the wonderful intoxication with others.

So... Let us begin.

Let's see how intoxicated we can become...
because quite frankly,
I kinda lost my mind yesterday.
Yeah... I talk all big and brave and tough
about how I'm not so obsessed or addicted to Robert anymore.
And then pictures like these come out.
Simple pictures of the man just sitting there.
Being all fucking gorgeous and killing me.
He still makes my stomach flip.
He still makes me catch my breath.
He still intoxicates me.

*Pulls out the Thesaurus*





Just fucking bury me because I'm already dead.


Is he sitting on my fucking grave?
Because I will haunt you forever, Robert Pattinson.


And this one.
This one is my favorite.

The hair.
The sunglasses.
The scruff.
The skinny tie.

Because that is all it really takes.
Just Robert.
He can be all scruffy and wrinkled...
He can be all polished and poised.
Doesn't fucking matter.

My heart is actually beating faster right now.
are those beads of sweat on my brow?
I'm finding it hard to type because my hands are kinda clammy...
(OK, clammy is a silly word... isn't it? I'm not crazy... am I?)
Who am I kidding? Of course I'm crazy.
Have you read up to here?
I'm a complete and total lunatic.
Thanks Robert Pattinson.
Thank you VERY much.

So I did a little tweaking to an INTOXICATION chart...
because... well..
I fucking felt like it.
(and I do apologize for the flurry of fucks in this post...
but see... you can thank Robert for that, too)

As you can see by this magnificent chart...
It doesn't take many Robert pictures to get stoned.
8 pictures and you are gone.
And any guesses how many pics I posted today?


So enjoy the buzz.
The high.
The feeling of fucking euphoria...
Because it is a helluva hangover when you come down.

Did I Thank You for that, too, Robert Pattinson???
Did I?

This post is brought to you by the letters *I* and *K*

I for

Thoroughly and Totally Intoxicated.
(Still Crazy After All These Years)

K for Kristen Stewart!
Because she has that man...
That face
That scruff
Those hands
all to herself whenever she wants.
Way to go, Kristen!!!

Bring on Rio!

Bye for now


«Oldest   ‹Older   601 – 800 of 804   Newer›   Newest»
SueBee said...

If anyone needs me, e-mail me. I'm going to bed.

Goodnight friends.

Nickey Read said...

I actually have. Just a couple of times though.. I wish I could more and join in on all the convo's but I'm always too busy.

I would have posted my "real" username but I cannot seem to figure out my password.

Where did all the regs go?

Kami said...

Night SueBee

angelica1 said...

Kami - I'm sorry if I'm wrong but I think this may be a different kind of crazy.

Mary said...


Boris is really something. I'd sure want him to be on my side, wouldn't you? Seriously.

Kami said...

I think all the regs are just a tiny bit leery

angelica1 said...

Night SueBee :)

30 said...

Gotcha PL and Kami.

I am going though.. again. LOL talk to ya all tomorrow hopefully.

Kami said...

LOL could be Angelica but I think I like this crazy...the answer to what have you been doing impressed me.

Mary said...

Kami and I are pretty much part of the "regs" so I guess you haven't been here in awhile.

angelica1 said...

LOL! Yes, Kami, I have to agree with that

Kami said...

Well crazy or not, gotta love that have a good night yall, heading to bed. Nice seeing you Nickey Read have a great evening

Nickey Read said...

Aghhhh! I just read ya'lls posts concerning me.

I promise I am not crazy, have any ill intents, or anything of the nature.

Maybe i should figure out my password and switch to my real username?

anyways ask me any questions you like guys.

Oh wow, I'm seriously not a troll. The only reason i did this is because I adore Rob/Kris and now Tom. And I firmly beleive in standing up for whats right.

DreamerKind said...


Boris is a big boy and can take care of hisself, don't you think?

Call on Rose, to decide this, as she was chatting with that moniker.


Kami said...

Ok Rose am I right in thinking this Nickey Read is a friend and not a troll?

DreamerKind said...


You da bomb, in my book of knowledge. Sleepytime, goodness for you.


Kami said...

Good luck Nickey, please don't make me out to be a liar...please.

Mary said...


You're going to have to help us out if you want us to talk to you.

We can't just talk to everyone who passes through.

katy said...


Port wine is not my favorite drink. But I have a bottle of NIEPOORT Twany that someone offered me.

Are you familiar with the Madeira wine?

Rose said...

I don't know Nickey Read.... I just thought the name was funny. I don't trust anyone anymore. Sad but true

Nickey Read said...

I completely understand as I would do the same. Bare with me my computer is EXTREMELY old in computer years!

Kay said...

'Night Kami!!

Big (HUGS) - better day tomorrow. :)

Mary said...


So definitely not and "S"

Mary said...

'Night Kami. Sleep well.

gwen said...

ok im back...

So i didnt miss anything important just Boris posting info how to stop our fave troll.

Nickey Read said...

Okay My username is Teeth but I cannot remember my password.

And after reading "Syd's" comment telling someone to "watch theirself", well I guess I like a challenge. Because I can guarantee "Syd" won't be outside my window tonight..

Rose said...

I will just say... Proceed with caution. They usually show their true colors soon enough....
Of course God help them if they show up here again.
Boris wasn't kidding.

Kay said...

I do remember seeing the moniker Teeth before.

Cautious though.

Mary said...


You aren't familiar to me so I think I 'll just say goodnight.

Thanks for the recipe.


Nickey Read said...

Well I agree about the colors thing Rose. I think I'm gonna start posting regularly so ya'll can judge for yourself.

My real username is Teeth though. Will use it as soon as I remember my password.

Rose, I think I'll email you. Do trolls normally do that?

katy said...

I don't trust the newcomers anymore too...Sorry.

angelica1 said...

Night PL :)

Kay said...

'Night Penny

I am going to say goodnight, too. Loooonnnngggg day ahead tomorrow.

Rose, I am SO glad that Boris wasn't kidding.....

Good night everyone still here and everyone I missed that already left. Sweet dreams. :)

angelica1 said...

Night Kay :)

Nickey Read said...

Well as a Lurker I don't trust em either.

I'm not going to bed but Goodnight and God Bless. Will see you tomorrow ladies. (And gentleMAN?)


katy said...


I know Boris wasn't kidding and I am glad he wasn't.

Good night everyone...sweet dreams

DreamerKind said...


Oh, yes, Madeira, I am so loving it.

Tell me, more.

katy said...


It will be a pleasure to tell you everything you want about Madeira...but sadly I'll have to do this another day...It's 3 am here...way pass my bed time. So I will have to say goodbey to you sweet Dreamer.

Take care

DreamerKind said...


Adieu, my Portugese amiga, soon, eh?

DreamerKind said...

Who's here to play?

gwen said...


You still here? Sorry i didnt came back yesterday. Been busy here at work.

DreamerKind said...


Dearest, I am here but my two cats and my sister are driving me crazy with their craziness.

gwen said...


LOL, being crazy sometimes is good compared to boring... Do your kitties wanna play? I love playing w/ them but if they can keep their claws to themselves.

DreamerKind said...


No, my cats don't have front claws, instead they call out, so loudly, for me to see their fake mousies, and bug me to love them.

It's kind of like a man, but not so intriguing or demanding nor fulfilling. I am so lost, and so selfish.

Lest you all are worrying, my sister says hello and my martini, says "so what".

Love you, Roselandians, plus the offsiters, Smitty, Syd and Boris.

Help me, you Roselanders. Not really.

DreamerKind said...

What is going on? I am allowed to rave on and not post some music?

gwen said...


im kinda lost there. Where's my brain head to.

DreamerKind said...


Let's pick some songs, tell me!

gwen said...


Ok play me some 'on my own' from Le Miserables.

DreamerKind said...

Rave On

The little things you say and do
Make me want to be with you

rave on - it's a crazy feeling and
I know it's got me reeling
when you say “I love you” - rave on

The way you dance and hold me tight
the way you kiss and say goodnight
rave on - it's a crazy feeling and

I know it's got me reeling
when you say “I love you” - rave on

Well, rave on - it’s a crazy feeling
and I know - it’s got me reeling
I'm so glad - that you're revealing your love for me

rave on - rave on and tell me
Tell me - not to be lonely
Tell me - you love me only
Rave on to me

Buddy Holly raves on:

DreamerKind said...

Do You Hear the People Sing?

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?

It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!

When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums

Here is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!

Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?

Beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?

Then join in the fight
That will give you the right to be free!

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?

It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!

When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums

There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!

Will you give all you can give
So that our banner may advance

Some will fall and some will live
Will you stand up and take your chance?

The blood of the martyrs
Will water the meadows of France!

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?

It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!

When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums

There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!

Les Miserables asks:

Thank you/darocks - youtube

DreamerKind said...


I didn't see the "own my own" part, so do it!

gwen said...


Found it.

DreamerKind said...

Gwen or Bren

Where are you?

gwen said...

right here DK...

God im sleepy and i cant take a nap...

DreamerKind said...


You must sleep, so goodnight, dearie.

gwen said...


Im still at the office :-)

so how is that sister of yours?

DreamerKind said...


I meant when you get home-go to asleep. At the office, well, then stay awake!

My sister is still yapping away, about very funny things, but I am almost done.

gwen said...


Your sister always calls on you? Maybe she likes your company more

DreamerKind said...


My sister, likes me more than, you? or who?

gwen said...

of course, i love your company too. And your sister that is aside from her family or friends.

DreamerKind said...

So, what should we do now?

DreamerKind said...


Right about now, Bren will ask, "Where's Gwen?" or you will ask, "Where's Bren?" and I will say, "What's with you two, am I invisible or omnipesecent?", and no one will answer me, get it?

Getting to be a bore for me.

gwen said...

what do want to talk about.

Oh so Boogie talked bout voodoo dolls, my friend knew someone who performed one. Dont know if its true tho

gwen said...


i was about to, lol

DreamerKind said...


And spelling words, is getting to be too much for me, since I've had the most delicious martinis and popcorn and natchos with port wine cheese (which I don't think is very good after all) but I didn't notice it so much due to to martinis.

So, don't be telling me, as you usually do, that I am loosing it, just amuse me for a change or tell Bren to because I work hard for you, baby.

gwen said...


That food talk makes me hungry...youre taking too much martinis.

Youre loosing it...there ive said it, lol

DreamerKind said...

She Works Hard For The Money

She works hard for the money
so hard for it honey
she works hard for the money
so you better treat her right

She works hard for the money
so hard for it honey
she works hard for the money
so you better treat her right

Onetta there in the corner stand
and wonders where she is and
it's strange to her
some people seem to have everything

Nine a.m. on the hour hand
and she's waiting for the bell
and she's looking real pretty
just wait for her clientele

She works hard for the money
so hard for it honey
she works hard for the money
so you better treat her right

She works hard for the money
so hard for it honey
she works hard for the money
so you better treat her right

Twenty five years have
come and gone
and she' seen a lot of tears
of the ones who come in
they really seem to need her there

It's a sacrifice working day to day
for little money just tips for pay
But it's worth it all
just to hear them say that they care

She works hard for the money
so hard for it honey
she works hard for the money
so you better treat her right

She already knows
she's seen her bad times
she already knows
these are the good times

She'll never sell out
she never will
not for a dollar bill
she works hard

She works hard for the money
so hard for it honey
she works hard for the money
so you better treat her right

She works hard for the money
so hard for it honey
she works hard for the money
so you better treat her right

She works hard for the money
so hard for it honey
she works hard for the money
so you better treat her right

Donna Summer did that:

Thank you/emusito - youtube

DreamerKind said...


I'm not going to be polite, cause you are doing what you always do, and I had only two martinis, sillybilly.

So, I am not "loosing it" or "losing it" for one cannot lose what is not one's to lose, see darling girl?

On my darkest day, I can lose it, many times more in one hour, than you can in one whole day.

It is a matter of practice and yes, I have put in my time practicing, for time is long when you are long in the teeth.

Understand, my little spring chicken?

gwen said...


yap i now get it, practice makes perfect, perfect sense dont you think.

Be out a minute or two. Just do your thing for awhile

DreamerKind said...

(Sh, sh, sh, Gwen is sneaking around her office, trying to find some food and a place where she can talk to me without the boss lady having to get off of her chat room and give Gwen hell, although Gwen cannot be fired for they cannot do without her, although that has never been proven, so far.)

So, I am to do my thing for a while, just like Robert P. thought that he was making the sexy face in that interview, only to be questioned about it. Now that's fucked.

When one thinks that they are being themselves, and doing quite well at it, and maybe even amazing people at what they are doing, and to be told that there is some question about what they are doing, well, I say, WTF?

Do you see how messed up that is?

DreamerKind said...

Any second Bren is going to pop on here and make some kind of wise, smart and pithy comment that will put me in my place.

She is good at that and has been doing it since we met on here, maybe a month ago. I am so goodnatured that I have encouraged her to vent on me, cause I can be anyone's inspiration, for anything, at anytime. Again, mucho practice at being whatever you need, that's the ticket.

Anonymous said...

Mucho practice...

It's why I'm a good Ninja

Just sayin

DreamerKind said...

Lurkers, I need some support here, so jump right in, but not the ones that we are not enjoying, only the lurkers with good pedigree, like if we believe what you're saying, which is you better love our favos and us, cause otherwise, we don't like you, AT All.

Some forget that I have a magic wand and a magic mirror, both items are powerful and I have so far, held back from using them when human powers, through the courts or in government, can do just as well.

Enough about that, as I live in Illinois and I haven't checked the election results yet, so I may be already "ipso facto" in this regard.

Having fun yet?

DreamerKind said...


Oh, good, another ninja. You staying around to chat?

gwen said...


Im not sneaking now, im putting it out there, lol. I went to our warehouse just outside the bldg. Trying to find some sale items to be sold tom. Now about if i get fired im already planning on leaving them. I plan to take the action first.

DreamerKind said...


It is a wise thing to always have a plan before being fired.

Then again, there is that element of surprise on their part and yours, that can make the end result, uncertain.

Find more items in the warehouse for the sale tomorrow, and then make a family member buy them, so you can say that you made an excellent choice, in choosing the best items to be sold, as a sure thing.

Meanwhile, take two days off and look for that failsafe other job, cause they are going to fire you without you're knowing in advance.

I know, it happened to me, twice and yes, I had planned to find another job first, but I just didn't believe that they would be smart enough to fire me before I found that new job.

Get it?

gwen said...


Im careful that no one knows about it. Enough of work talk. Im already busy of it. Busy yet i have the time to post, lol

DreamerKind said...

I don't know if it could be martini brain or just my regular state of brain?

This quote from Nickey Read's post is very complex and worth some studying, so I will:

"Okay My username is Teeth but I cannot remember my password. (Really?)

And after reading "Syd's" comment telling someone to "watch theirself", well I guess I like a challenge. (Why is it a challenge for you?)

Because I can guarantee "Syd" won't be outside my window tonight. (What collateral do you have to back that up?)

Wednesday, November 03, 2010 9:45:00 PM"

How can anyone guarantee that Syd will not be outside their window?

Syd is a ninja, too. We do not know where Syd is tonight or any night, unless he visits Roseland, and he tells us. (Fact-he has, does and will continue to tell us.)

He visited today, but not really, cause anyone can use his name, but not anyone can be him, that is apparent to the sharp Roselanders who noted the differences.

(You know what those differences are from them being the same ones, over a long period of time, and space.)

In conclusion, not buying you, Nickey Read, sorry, but maybe it is my martini brain or usual brain, or just that you haven't shown me any reason to?

Don't worry, Birdie will be here around 5am and she will do a complete evaluation, based on all of the comments (right Birdie, and don't do any dishes first as you promised, and only one cup of coffee before you read the comments and get caught up, you hear?)

Birdie is a good barometer, in fair or fowl weather. Not me, unfortunately. My head is usually in the clouds, where the clarity is.

(Smiling on you.)

DreamerKind said...


You cannot blow me off on the work issue again tonight. I am on a roll.

Don't think that I was married to one of the most brilliant attorneys at the State of Illinos, without being focused, damn straight!

No more work talk, I am right and you are not.

However, that was rude of me, and I do love you for being you, and me for being rude.

gwen said...


LMAO that 'studying' crack me up. That 'Syd' is weird, i mean weird weird. Maybe its not the brain or martini, you need to rest.

DreamerKind said...


That does it, does it? Now because you tell me that I need rest, I am to rest?

Not this time, and not again. I am wise to your bossiness.

Don't think that I haven't noticed that after you convince me that I've lost it, or that I need rest, you are on here all night, making comments about everything under the sun.

Yet, you have to work, when I am here and wanting company, so you insist.

Well, I am not fooled by online convos, you do not work a job, I'll bet. You make comments on here because you have all of the time in the world to do so.

Prove me wrong....

DreamerKind said...

Tick, tock, goes the clock, it must be time for:

"DK, Where is Gwen?"

"DK, Where is Bren?"

Being invisible I can observe that neither one sees the other, and therefore, must ask someone they don't see either. Muffalumps, all.

Autumngal said...

Just dropping by to say hi, guess everyone is asleep in their own time zone.
I just hope tomorrow will be a better day for the blog...hoped that shameless Troll had taken the warning seriously.
To be honest the "it" has done more damage to itself than what it purpose. Showing 'it' true colour.

DreamerKind said...


Did you think that I am asleep? Well, I suppose you might, if you didn't read my comment made 6 minutes before you posted.

Anyway, I agree with you and say Happy Day to you, too.


gwen said...



DreamerKind said...

Since one person in Roseland told me they liked my little story about lucky in love, I take advantage of that and share another one with you:

My friend of five years moved here from New Jersey because what little family she had left, was living here in Illinois.

It was a tough adjustment for her, living in the Midwest, where people were nice, open and trusting (her words) compared to Jersey.

She has a daughter that refused to talk with or see her for the past 16 years. Seems like my friend's sister had mislead the teenager about her mother, and then took her place.

About two months ago, my friend got a call from her long lost daughter, they talked about misunderstanding things, and have renewed their relationship. Now that is something to celebrate.

Was it mere chance or luck that changed the daughter's mind?

Chance may have been the factor in that by moving away from the Aunt, she could finally see the other side of the story.

Luck may have come into the picture, when the daughter eventually met a wonderful man who wanted her to have a relationship with her mother, no matter what. So, a new chapter has begun for all.

Don't you marvel that when love that has been denied, it resurfaces, because it cannot stay lost any longer?

DreamerKind said...



Birdie said...

DK and Gwen (I don't see Bren),

Did I miss you again?

DreamerKind said...

Time After Time

Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick,
And think of you

Caught up in circles confusion--
Is nothing new

Flashback--warm nights--
Almost left behind

Suitcases of memories,
Time after--

Sometimes you picture me--
I'm walking too far ahead

You're calling to me, I can't hear
What you've said--

Then you say--go slow--
I fall behind--
The second hand unwinds

If you're lost you can look--
and you will find me
Time after time

If you fall I will catch you--
I'll be waiting
Time after time

After my picture fades and darkness has
Turned to gray

Watching through windows--
you're wondering
If I'm OK

Secrets stolen from deep inside
The drum beats out of time--

If you're lost...
You said go slow--

I fall behind
The second hand unwinds--

If you're lost......
Time after time.
Time after time.

Eva Cassidy now sings with the angels:

Thank You/ironizxcv - youtube

DreamerKind said...


I'm still here and posting shit and songs.

Birdie said...


Thank you for the Eva Cassidy! My sister told me about her along time ago and I have always meant to look her up. Beautiful voice! She died of cancer didin't she?

gwen said...

To all the nurses in Roseland, have a good laugh...

An ambitious NURSE INTERN in a tertiary hospital
dialled canteen
and shouted: " get me a cup of coffee quickly!!!"
The voice from the other line said" "You fool!!!
youve dialled
the wrong extension! Do you know who you are
talking to?
im the Chief nurse of this hospital, you idiot!!"
The intern shouted back " and you know who
are talking to you bitch?"
Chief Nurse: No!
Intern: Thank God!(hung up)

DreamerKind said...

To Brasil-take good care of our favorites, please!

You've Got To Hide Your Love Away

Here I stand head in hand
Turn my face to the wall

If she's gone I can't go on
Feeling two foot small

Everywhere people stare
each and every day

I can see them laugh at me
And I hear them say

Hey you've got to hide your love away

Hey you've got to hide your love away

How could I even try?
I can never win

Hearing them, seeing them
In the state I'm in

How could she say to me
"Love will find a way?"

Gather round all you clowns
Let me hear you say

Hey you've got to hide your love away

Hey you've got to hide your love away

Pearl Jam-jams here:

John Lennon - 1965

Thank You/pedrobosan - youtube

gwen said...

hello Birdie!

DreamerKind said...


Yes, she did. There are many more wonderful tracks on youtube.

I'll post more in the future, and you can listen them them anytime, otherwise.

Say, I commented about you at 2:55 am.

And, your post of earlier was very articulate, loved reading it.

DreamerKind said...


Cute joke, it made me laugh and I almost forgive you for something, you said, wrote or didn't.

gwen said...


It was forwarded by a friend.

Birdie said...


Good one! After 20 + years as a nurse, it is easy for me to find the humor.

If you return, One of my very favorite CD's is Cindy Lauper's "Body Acoustic". I never bought her music years ago, but always got a kick out of her. She has written some amazing songs. But this CD is a grown-up version and she has some other artists on it. Highly recommend.

DreamerKind said...

Gwen didn't see Bren.

Birdie didn't see Gwen or Bren.

If they see me, they don't say or ask each other if they do.

I'm invisible as usual, you know it's so!

gwen said...

Dont know if you catch this one. I just repost it then. Hope no one gets offended.

An Arab was interviewed at the US Embassy for
a U.S.A. Visa.
Consul : What is your name?
Arab: Abdul Aziz
Consul: Sex?
Arab : Six to ten times a week
Consul: I mean, male or female?
Arab : both male and female and sometimes even
Consul: Holy cow!
Arab : Yes, cows and dogs too!!!!
Consul: Man,...isn ' t it hostile?
Arab :Horse style, dog style, any style
Consul: Oh...dear!
Arab : Ah Deer? Me no I love you!, they run too

DreamerKind said...


Well, tell your friend that they made me laugh and I take back my comment to you.


DreamerKind said...


You deleted that joke last week because you must have decided it was offensive and I think that it is, very.

But with my being invisible, you won't see this comment, so let it be what it must.

gwen said...


aww come on, i always ask for you...whenever your cyberfishing

Louisa said...

Hi Gwen, DK & Bren... I hope you had some well earned rest.......:)

gwen said...


are you doing some household chore again? What time is it there anyway?

Hello Louisa!

DreamerKind said...


I am a fan of Lauper's and will listen and post that song soon.

But now I am going to disappear or give in to being invisible, like usual.

P. S. "One of these days, Alice, straight to the Moon!"

DreamerKind said...


Can you tell that I am here?


Louisa said...

hey Gwen hows your night evening been?

Louisa said...

DK yes i can what are you going on about? Your such a numb

Louisa said...

DK you know numbskull is not a bad you not? coz i didnt mean it a bad know that .....right?

Birdie said...

The jury is out on Nickey Read. As Rose said, time will tell. Someone make the comment about newcomers and being wary. I don't know we are all newcomers at some point I had to overcome my fear of flying(fingers on the keys). Am I still a newcomer?
Good morning, Louisa. Is it morning there?

DreamerKind said...

It's a miracle of the mind!

Apparently, someone can see me here and read my comments in Australia!

Louisa said...

Birdie i wish i could decipherer your last comment...if it is is 8.52pm Thurs night here

gwen said...

youre waving your wand that why you're invincible and we cant see you...

my night would be just boring...i'll just sleep or maybe read some book

Birdie said...


It is almost 5 AM and unfortunately I have to get ready for work. I stepped out to take care of my pets,of which I have to many.

DreamerKind said...


I'll take being called numbskull any day, rather than being smart and invisible.
Thanks so much, I'm grateful.

Going to bed now, chickas.

DreamerKind said...


You're a Roselander now, especially since you convinced me that you are a nurse (very important here in Roseland) and that you can get up early to chat with me (more important even).

Here's a little test-what is in saline solution?


gwen said...

nite DK! See ya later...

Louisa said...

DK goodnight my numbskull friend.....i canst see why yo have a long standing friendship with your closest are a remarkable

Louisa said...
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angelica1 said...

Birdie - It's a shame that the delusionals make us all so cynical. I think the concern was that they turned up in the middle of the drama and immediately addressed it.I think all of our protective instincts are on overdrive, unfortunately.

Birdie said...


Wow, your nearly a day ahead! I'm not sure what part you didn't understand, but would gladly explain.
Thank you for the comment on my post. But it is really not a good idea for me to come on here unattended.I have a tendancy to run off at the mouth, with no one to reign me in.

Louisa said...

come on Birdie...educate whats saline sol? lol

DreamerKind said...


Oh, muzzle it!

Birdie said...

saline-sodium and water

Birdie said...


Birdie said...

Muzzle it? My family has been telling me that for years, to no avail!

Louisa said...

Birdie you did scare me and confuse me...i admit...i wish i could say more to you personally.....i would love to do that......But being a mum Im understanding.....i understand and forgive you...hey i know how to fly off the deep end at the best of times.So forgive and forget.....and I mean this from the bottom of my heart....ok

Birdie said...


Another early riser. I completely understand and actually my radar or paranoia(as my teenagers say) was up.

gwen said...

you are practically 2hrs ahead of me.

i think youre not a troll ;-)

Birdie said...

What comment are you referring to? I am confused.

Louisa said...
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Louisa said...

Gwen sorry i mis read that so you are 2 hours behind me sorry ok
@ Birdie yout 5.00am comment

Birdie said...

I am a little slow on the uptake, but thank you.

Louisa said...
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Louisa said...
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Louisa said...

I hope I haven't
said something "out of line"....but Im going off to bed now.....goodnight or good morning all

Birdie said...


I am very thick when it comes to the computer. Getting on this blog was a major feat. I am not certain how to find your email, but would love to talk.
I have to leave for work now, but will check back later.
Good night and good morning to all!

*I*Believe* said...

Good Morning Roseland!

Hope everyone's day is off to a good start. I have been reading but have been too busy to drop in. I have a recipe I want to post but have to find the time~Pumpkin Biscuits:)

Rose~Thank you for all you do!

Boris~So glad to hear from you, you made me feel better

DK~Please wave your magic wand my way, we are having nothing but rain today

Kami~maybe we need some of Leigh's moonshine

PL~the other night I knew you guys were talking about sprinkler BJ's(can't believe I just typed that), I was being silly with the double jointed comment

Off to work~sending you all GOOD Karma!

SueBee said...

MMMMMM! Pumpkin Biscuits! That sounds like a great recipe! Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Pumpkin biscuits?!

I've never had pumpkin biscuits.. I've had pumpkin muffins, yes.

Right now, I need caffeine.

It's too early to function without proper caffeine.

angelica1 said...

I'm going to need bigger jeans by the time I've tried all these yummy recipes!

angelica1 said...

Tracy - It's not that early here and I need a caffeine drip!! That's what comes of sitting up half the night talking to you lovely ladies :)

30 said...

Hi all! Just stopping by to let my SANE friends know I am not going to be here the next few days. I have a lot of RL things on the agenda and to be honest the fuckery and mind games on here with the fuck nuts are getting to me.

I need an online break. :) Have a nice weekend ladies and gents!
Love to you ALL.

gwen said...

To the ladies of Roseland

A special toast for women who refuse to be silenced

Here’s to the women who stand up tall,
to the ones who fight and refuse to fall.
The ones that won ’t accept defeat,
no matter how depressed or beat
Here’s to the women size twenty or eight,
and to the older ones that still look great.
To the fair of skin or a flawless tan,
to the ones that flirt like would a man
Here’s to the women who just don’t care,
about their looks or what they wear.
To the sexy ones that dress to kill,
and make the men both sweat and chill.
Here’s to the women who will not cower,
when faced with threat or those in power.
To the young, the old, the big, the small,
and the ones who stand each time they fall.
Here’s to the women who just won’t quit,
and those that shout or throw a fit.
To the sweeter ones that wont attack,
but will find a way to pay you back.
Here’s to you all, I raise my glass,
to the women out there no matter your class.
Drink to yourselves and shout out aloud
“ I’m a strong special woman and of that I am

by Gabrielle Llambias

Cate said...

A Happy Friday Eve to you all!

Not enough caffeine in the world to make this brain work right this morning, but have to work with what you got right? lol

Standing up: C.L.A.P…C.L.A.P…C.L.A.P for Heith and Boris.

My husband says “you never mess with another man’s fries,” the fries being metaphorical of course. There are just certain things that a man finds sacred. God help those that mess with the fries.

Gwen, great poem.

Missing you ladies!



katy said...

Hello Roseland!!! I hope you all have a happy day.

Gwen...thanks for the wonderful toast...and I raise my glass to you, because you are among this group of special women.

30...don't take to long to come back :)

Boris and Smitty...I heart you both...much love

Take care everyone

jentoo said...

Good Morning Everyone!

So, I learned an important lesson yesterday....when you go to a new place to get a pedicure, no matter how fuckawesome the lady does with your pedi, maybe it's not such a great idea to let her wax your eyebrows if you're not familiar with her work. Especially if you're fond of having eyebrows. Just a little life lesson I thought I'd share with everyone:)

I hope everyone has a great day...and that you all get to keep whatever hair you may have growing above your eyes.

Geo said...

Good morning Roseland!

I am a newbie here, but a long time lurker that finally got a google account so I could comment yesterday. Unfortunately, the name I picked started with a "M" and forgot with whom those names are associated! gah! Anyhoo, hope everyone's day is starting better than mine. We all overslept and woke up having 15 minutes to get ready and out the door to drive kiddos to school. Now I need coffee.

On another note, I was so glad to see Boris step in and hopefully take care of this situation. No one should have to put up with that.

Have a great morning!

angelica1 said...

Cate, I love that analogy and it's very true!

Jentoo - Yes, a friend learned that lesson the hard way, only it wasn't her eyebrows unfortunately...

Mary said...

Good Morning,

Rainy and cold today, but what should I expect, it's November. Do you think we'll have another day of follow the clues here?


It sounds like you'll be coloring in the spaces for a while. I would be really upset, seems like you're handling it better.


I thought you knew that we were talking about, but I wasn't sure. Just in case, I didn't want to go down that road. Re-reading my comment I thought I was probably a little abrupt in my response. Don't worry about it.


Mary said...


Give us time. We aren't usually so suspicious, but its become necessary.

Geo said...

Hi PL,

Oh I understand completely. Like I said I have lurked for a while so I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. I frequented the AT board last year and had to quit because it was so disgusting. I was glad to find Rose's blog a while back and people that support Rob and Kristen.

angelica1 said...

Hi Penny - Let's hope Boris's comments were taken seriously and we can just have fun :)

Toni said...

Goodmorning everyone!

I*B- Pumpkin biscuits sound good (as I slice off another piece of pumpkin bread).

Hugs to everyone. I hope to hop on later.


Mary said...


To be honest, I vacillate between wanting that and wanting the other outcome.

I'm out for awhile. Mother Hubbard's cupboards are bare.

katy said...

Hi, Penny!!

I am facing the same dilemma.

Hi, Angelica, Cate and Toni...Hugs

angelica1 said...

Hi Katy - To be fair, there is a little bit of me that feels the same way

Hope said...

Good Morning to everyone in Roseland !!!

Thank God for stated what I have been thinking/wondering about for weeks. Please let there be END to this madness.

30..I really appreciate your articles...please continue to inform us.

Rose..I read the old telling and insightful you were a year ago. Amazing...yeah...'Rose Knows' indeed!!

Kami....I sent you an email...Hello from Hope...let me know if you receive because it took me a few trys..LOL

Kami said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kami said...

Hope, just got it, sending a response in a sec.

angelica1 said...

Morning Kami! I guess we'll find out before long :)

Kami said...

I just read my comment about Geo and I realize it is a little snarky and I'd like to apologize to you Geo, you have done nothing to warrant that and I hope you never do. I'm sorry I reacted that way, it's just we are all on guard right now and unfortunately when someone we are not used to posts a comment we are cautious. so I once again apologize to you. Have a good day Ladies

Anonymous said...

Hi Roseland,

Hope everyone is doing well. Listen I need to say something and I want you all to understand that this place has been really fun and all that. I feel like alot of you are good friends and all you sane ones defend the hell out of Kristen and Rob which is totally cool.

All that being said I think people need to keep this shit in perspective. I mean, on any given day, this crap is being said on like 100 other places on the net. Its all been said before and it will all be said again. Really the only way to deal with it is to just say fuck it and ignore it. There's really nothing that can be done. But getting SO upset over it and letting it make you leave if you like it here, that's kinda over the top--just in my opinion you know. This is a wonderful thing--Roseland--people all over the world having fun and just talking but if the trolls get to you to the point where you are like crying and shit--like that is too much. They do NOT care that much about any of you--trust me. Just let it go--ignore it or not--whatever but at the end of the day their stupid statements and all the rest should not mean a fuck to anyone.

So just chill out a bit. God, new people may come on here and its not cool to like be that hard on them. If they end up being assholes than whatever--says more about them than about us. But let's just take it down a bit. I'm okay, my friends are okay, everyone is fine....its just words and really they don't matter enough to make everyone so upset.

That being said, Kami, I totally get that you were upset about your niece...but honey if you were seriously crying and your husband--just try not to let this get to you. They are idiots and liars and haven't a clue about anything in life that matters like family and friends and love and trust and honor. So just blow it off if it happens again but if you let them get to you then you let them win. I guarantee you they probably LOVED hearing they upset someone that much. That's what they want.

This place is fun and its cool to chat with different people and all of that but, like I said, just try to keep it in perspective and let the whole troll girl thing pan out however. They can say whatever the fuck they want about whoever they want but its not going to change how I think or act. I do feel sorry for them but that's about all I feel at this point. I'm not letting them ruin another day, or even minute, of my life and I hope all of you will do the same.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kami said...

Smitty, thank you, you're right. That being said, while I know you and my husband BOTH are right, I am human, I get angry, I get hurt, I cry. I am handling this the absolute best way I can.

Geo said...

Hi Kami,

No worries. As I said previously, I posted yesterday under an "M" name, Marcia to be specific, and realized I may be considered part of the underbelly that comes here. That is why I changed to Geo. I have too many blessings in my life to waste my time spreading hate and lies. That is not who I am and never will be. I hope you are feeling better about coming to this blog. You would be missed by many. I have a lot of respect for you and have been very touched by your niece. She seems like such a brave soul and you do as well.

Geo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Kami--I totally get it--your niece puts it in a whole other category for you. I just hate for this board to turn into the "let's all focus on trolls" board cuz really what fun is that? I totally would have reacted the same way you did. I hope you understand what I mean--I'm not saying it was wrong for you to be upset. I would never say that. Hope you are better today.

And yea, I didn't mean to post it 3x--lol-it kept saying error so I hit it again. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Today's inappropriate picture brought to you by Bunny Bread

Hi everybody!!


Toni said...

Hey Tracy, I don't know you that well but I may love you! You make me laugh till my belly hurts.

On a totally unrelated topic, I hear you make blankets. Have you ever tried quilting? I am trying my hand at it and was curious if you had any tips.



angelica1 said...

Hi Smitty, Glad you're OK :)

In my calmer moments I actually pity them.Like most of the people on here,I go home to a husband,family,kids,dogs,friends - a happy life basically. Clearly these people are not that fortunate or they couldn't possibly be so hate-filled. In reality they are a very small,albeit loud,minority and for myself I truly don't give a f*ck about the opinion of anyone outside of my family and friends. That said, my natural instinct when I see someone else being attacked unfairly, is to retaliate on their behalf and with the best will in the world,I'd like to sit on my hands when these lunatics turn up but I know the linmit of my own willpower! lol. However, they would never stop me coming here to chat to these fantastic and generally hilarious, people.

angelica1 said...

Tracy - I love that :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kami :) *hugs*

Smitty! *hugs* :) You're right.. it's best not to pay attention to the trolls.

And as some people know.. I'm a tad bit stubborn at times.. Ain't nothing gonna drag me away.

Hi Geo. I hope you're able to enjoy it here. You may have gotten off to a bumpy start, but hopefully that will change :)

Anonymous said...


:) *hugs*

I have quilted actually. And my mother does as well. It always looks best if you can keep your stitches pretty small and consistent. And mom always works from the middle out.

I haven't quilted anything in forever though. I've been meaning to make one.. I want one of the double wedding rings patterned quilts. Mom's supposed to piece it together for me and then I'll quilt it. We'll see ;)

Mary said...

Hi Smitty,

I agree. I think if we think of trolls as useless noise in the background we're better off. Kind of like that one person at a party that annoys the heck out of you and you just smile and ignore.

On a side note, you might want to let Boris know he OWNS everyone here now. More so than before.

Mary said...


I remember you posting as Marcia. You sounded perfectly reasonable but you were right, the "M" was confusing. Join in and welcome.


Toni said...

Thanks Tracy.

My husband has these beautiful hand sewn ones passed down from his great grandmother and I really wanted to at least try it. I am totally starting from the beginning though, Quilting For Dummies right here.

katy said...

Hi, Smitty

Thought it's hard...95% of the time I completly ignore T.G...and I did promised I wouldn't feed the Trolls.



LJ said...


Hope your all having a great day.

Hey Smitty my friend! Love you, miss you, hope everything is going great. Awesome to hear from you. I agree and I try to ignore as much as possible.

Kami *hugs*

Tracyyyyyyyyy!!! Love you my little Americano! Lol

Love to everyone,

Melinda said...

I feel the need to comment...

I am only angry at myself for being an idiot and hurting someone.

The good news is at least I am not the biggest idiot in Roseland. That title will forever and always belong to Honey!

No troll is going to make me leave this blog. Some of you weren't around when Rose had an anonymous button available. The trolls were pretty bad then and I'm still here.

Smitty said it so wonderfully about the newbies, we will know who to chat with and who to ignore b/c eventually they will show their true colors.

As for some trolls with nothing better to do I am totally over it. IMO, only therapy will help them so it is pointless to worry about what they do or say.

Now gotta get back to work. Have a great day everyone.

Geo said...

Thank you for the welcome PL, Katy, and Tracy. I really appreciate it.

Geo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
angelica1 said...

Hi Melinda - I'm really glad to hear that,it was really bad when you could post anonymously, at least now we have some hope of identifying the crazies ;)
What I love about this place is you have a conversation about penis euphemisms, mixed in with recipes and a conversation about occupations or something.If I've been away all day and scroll through them in order, they way they follow on sometimes has me laughing until my ribs hurt! Being able to have that much fun is priceless and I hate seeing these idiots spoil it.

Kay said...

Happy Thursday Roseland!

Smitty –

I’m glad you’re okay and thanks for laying things out there like that. That being said, I know we are going to continue to be fiercely protective of everyone here in is in our nature. There are some extremely strong, caring, compassionate women in the sassy sisterhood....I don’t think any of us will be backing down and leaving Roseland anytime soon, pretty sure we are all a bit stubborn like that.

Tracy – LOVE your toaster avi!!!

Gwen – Your poem was wonderful, thank you for sharing it.

Hi Penny, Kami, Angelica, Toni, katy, Liza, Geo and anyone else out there!

Welcome to the newbies that have dropped their lurker status and taken the leap to post...I haven’t forgotten what it feels like to be new...thanks for joining in.

Have a good day everyone - TTYL

Mary said...


I think you have totally pinpointed the attraction here. Beyond the first maybe 10 comments no one is even talking about the blog anymore. (sorry Rose) Its fun, more often than not, ridiculous. Just a bunch of women yakking away, with the occasional male thrown in.

I do think the penis euphemisms was a high point (or low, depending on how you take it).

SueBee said...

Let me say this and then I'll carry on with euphemisms and whatnot.

As for getting emotional--for me--it's hard not to get angry or indignant. I was trying to ignore it. Honestly.

When you come here everyday, you become involved in your friends' lives. Others have mentioned that they like how easily we talk to each other and how comfortable it is here.

The troll was changing that dynamic daily. Even if it is ignored, and NO ONE's fault, it's irritating as hell to get interrupted with constant nonsense.

Imagine being at a party with a group of friends, carrying on and having a good time. Picture this stranger coming up and standing in the middle of the group--screaming insults at the top of her lungs.

It's natural to ask said person "What the hell is wrong with you?"

The person hurls more insults so you take your friends somewhere else so you can enjoy yourselves while trying to ignore the crazy.

You are nonplussed by the insanity yet you carry on because you know this person is beyond reason.

Besides, it's a great party and you want to get back to it.

Keep all of this in mind; we are doing our best to stay out of it. Even so, the sicko has decided not to be ignored, so she spits in your good friend's drink and slaps her in the face.

How can that be easily overlooked?

My reaction is giving that bitch a slap of her own and the spit drink thrown in her face for good measure.

It's a relief that the bouncer comes and bodily removes her. You don't want to see her because man, she pissed you off.

You need time to go outside, get some fresh air and some perspective.

It doesn't matter that the troll only wanted attention and could care less about the party goers feelings.

It still pissed you off.

So, the point of my little metaphor is that she fucked up our fun and insulted us on top of it.
It's hard NOT to care about it.

Even so, damn I really liked that party. There were some awesome people in there and the drinks were fabulous.

Another deep breath and I'm ready to go back inside. Hell, I hear the bouncer is a gorgeous gentleman and his wonderful girlfriend is here too.

Yeah, I'm ready to back inside.

Sorry for rambling. I'm the Prom Queen not the Drama Queen so I want to do some karaoke and hold my friend's hair back if need be.

Now, where the hell's my drink? LOL

DreamerKind said...

It's My Party

Nobody knows where my Johnny has gone
Judy left the same time

Why was he holding her hand
When he's supposed to be mine

It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to

You would cry too if it happened to you

Playin' my records, keep dancin' all night
Leave me alone for a while

'Till Johnny's dancin' with me
I've got no reason to smile

It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to

You would cry too if it happened to you.

Judy and Johnny just walked through the door
Like a queen with her king

Oh what a birthday surprise
Judy's wearin' his ring

It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to

You would cry too if it happened to you

Lesley Gore wants Johnny to party:

Thank You/fc1907augsburg - youtube

angelica1 said...

SueBee -LOL! I love it.I have vodka, I'm not drunk enough yet for karaoke but I'd be very grateful if you held my hair back later :)

Anonymous said...

Omigosh SueBee!!

I have this mental picture of us standing outside a bar.. hair a little tousled, clothes a little askew, nerves a little rattled.. all from a confrontation with a party crasher.

A few deep breaths later, smoothing back the hair, readjusting the clothes (making sure the boobs are still looking good and sitting pretty in the snazzy bra bought just for the occasion of going out.. making sure the ass is still looking good in the jeans..), going back in and ordering another drink to calm the nerves.. and we pick right back up where we were, before the crasher. Party on :)

We didn't make it onto that prom float for nothing sister!

Kay said...

Brilliant SueBee, absolutely brilliant. :)

That is why you ARE the Prom Queen!

SueBee said...

Amen, sisterfriend! I didn't squeeze into these hip huggers for nothing!

A little lip gloss and we should be good.


Anonymous said...

Well Said, SueBee a.k.a. Prom Queen!! A title well deserved!!

Hello Everyone!!

I hope you all are having an awesome day!!

Toni said...

Wonderful SueBee!

This is by far one of the reasons I come back again and again. You are all great people with fantastic camaraderie and you throw one heck of a party!

Hi all.

LJ said...

Heh heh SueBee that was awesome!


Louisa said...

Hi all Im a long time lurker but a 'newy' to commenting.....just want to introduce myself.....You can call me well thats what my friends call me anyway......
Just want to mention Tracy your avi is hilarious.....leaves nothing to the imagination......dear....

Prom queen.....we dont have them here.....even though [it should be 3 hours not 2 behind......;0) shouldn't it "H"
For i think it was Gwen.....sorry to hear about your eyebrows dear....your right there.....we seem to need those little buggers.....I suppose maybe an eyebrow pencil might be to some

wig4usc said...

Hi, folks!

I post from time to time, but haven't every introduced myself! Feel free to call me "Wig", I don't get to play with everyone all that often, I'm on the West Coast and usually don't get on until everyone is asleep! I was a Twilight fan first, but became completely intoxicated with Mr. Pattinson after the movie, much to my hubby's dismay!

I read the blog every day, and have come to recognize most of the repeat offenders - good and bad! :) I love sassy, adult humor, so this often is totally the place to be!

I loved SueBee's analogy of the trolls presence on the blog, and having them deleted is like the bouncer kicking out an obnoxious drunk! Absolutely!

Thanks to not only Rose, but the rest of the "gang" who make this a fun place to check out every day!

SueBee said...

Hi Wig! I remember you.

*I*BELIEVE said...

Hi Roseland,

How are you all tonight? Sue I am glad you posted your analogy as it was very true and insightful.


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