Time to dig deep into the darkest
recesses of my email.
Sticks and Stones can break my bones...
So please...
Don't throw sticks and stones!!
Rosese you must be crying in your cheerios that Rob and Ksl*t
weren't reunited for valentines day!
LOLOL Stupid sheeps actually thought Rob wanted her there?
They are done. You must as well face it.
Rob has moved on to someone who will appreicate him
and never hurt him. LOLOLOL we win!
-- Nonsten Forever
Dear NF
No, I'm afraid I'm not crying in my Cheerios...
(What does that even mean?)
(What does that even mean?)
Although your email does hurt my brain thus making
my eyes water... does that count?
What did you win exactly?
What did you win exactly?
I'll admit that I would have loved to have seen
Rob and Kristen together on Valentines Day.
But I like seeing them together no matter the day.
But I like seeing them together no matter the day.
But after finding out just where Rob was in Australia
and that it wasn't really a fun place to visit...
It doesn't really surprise me.
It doesn't really surprise me.
Loonies seem to forget that Rob is on the other side
of the world... WORKING.
He's not on vacation living it up without her.
But let's be honest
If she goes or doesn't go
It matters little in the grand scheme of their relationship
Rob and Kristen are perfectly FINE.
There is NO separation.
They will be together soon enough.
Hi Rose! Love your blog!
What did you think of the pic of Rob and Kristen in the car?
Everyone seemed to make a big deal out of it.
When was it taken?
-- Amy
Hi Amy-
Let's see.
I thought the picture was cute.
And that's because its a pic of Rob and Kristen together.
Yeah, there was a lot of drama over WHEN it was taken.
Not sure why it mattered.
There is this line drawn in the Robsten universe now....
Well... it turns out this picture was taken BEFORE.
Does it make it less cute? No.
Does it prove anything or impact anything? No.
It's just a cute picture of Rob and Kristen
much like previous unseen cute pics we have seen in the past.
Enjoy it.
And thanks for the kind words.
Hi Stupid Sheep Bitch.
You must love all the new BD2 pics and videos that are coming out.
You sheep are so desperate you hold on to these old pictures like your
life depended on it! They're old pictures!
Let it go already!!
-- Anonymous
Oh dear.
I don't suppose you see the complete hypocrisy in your rant?
"Sheep" look back over 4 years of pictures
pausing on some of the sweet moments in Rob/Kristen's relationship.
But the Lunatic Fringe hangs on to one set of pictures from
seven months ago...
So. I now say to you
"You Fringe are so desperate you hold onto these old pictures
like your life depended on it! They're OLD pictures!
Let it go already!"
How's that working for you?
The end is near! How does it feel to see your SHIP go down?
In another month it will all be over.
How sad for you and your flock.
You had your wool pulled over your eyes by that bitch.
Tick Tock Time is running out.
I can't wait to see the sheep meltdown.
Lamp-chops for everyone!
-- Anonymous
Thank God.
The End IS near.
The end of all the lame PR excuses that you Loonies
have been hiding behind for the last 4 years.
What happens after the DVD drops?
That's in 2 weeks... OH NO!
How long can you drag it out?
What rationalization will you come up with
when Rob and Kristen show up together again?
And you know that they ALWAYS do.
I expect the psychiatric wards and padded cells
to be overflowing with angry, despondent Loonies.
Tick Tock on the Clock!
Hi Rose--
LOVE your blog! Thanks for always being a true
fan of both Rob and Kristen.
I just saw on Twitter that the Gio guy
who always claimed to be so close to Kristen
has some sort of court thing going on that says
he's a fake and a fraud?
What do you think?
-- Libby
Hi Libby.
Yes. Fresh headlines.
I personally never really took much stock in Gio.
He talked a good game (obviously)
But my main thing about him is
HE is the one who always talked about Kristen...
SHE never talked about him.
Of course he knows her... they did work together
during WTTR...
But I always found something... 'off'
about his whole demeanor.
I just don't think a real close friend of hers...
would discuss her personal life on Twitter.
But if what is being said about him is true
(and I guess 'innocent until proven guilty')
Then Kristen was duped along with everyone else.
I honestly don't care about him...
I just don't want Kristen getting dragged into this.
LOVE your blog! Thanks for always being a true
fan of both Rob and Kristen.
I just saw on Twitter that the Gio guy
who always claimed to be so close to Kristen
has some sort of court thing going on that says
he's a fake and a fraud?
What do you think?
-- Libby
Hi Libby.
Yes. Fresh headlines.
I personally never really took much stock in Gio.
He talked a good game (obviously)
But my main thing about him is
HE is the one who always talked about Kristen...
SHE never talked about him.
Of course he knows her... they did work together
during WTTR...
But I always found something... 'off'
about his whole demeanor.
I just don't think a real close friend of hers...
would discuss her personal life on Twitter.
But if what is being said about him is true
(and I guess 'innocent until proven guilty')
Then Kristen was duped along with everyone else.
I honestly don't care about him...
I just don't want Kristen getting dragged into this.
What do you think of the whole trial separation, Rose?
I hate the thought of Kristen sitting home in LA
trying to get through to him and him not taking her calls.
Why isn't she there if they are together?
Do you think they have broken up for good?
I read that Rob is interested in Liberty Ross now!
People keep talking about Kristen and her new co-star
having better chemistry than her and Rob!!
Is it really over?
- Sue
Well. Ok.
Sue. Sue. Sue.
Here's the deal.
1. You shouldn't read the Gossip Rags.
It's ALL lies. All of it.
2. You need to find a different hobby if you not only
read the Gossip Rags... but believe them.
3. Rob and Kristen aren't on a trial separation
or anything remotely close to that.
Rob is W O R K I N G.
Why is that so hard for people to understand?
Every time Rob and/or Kristen go out of the country
to work on a film...
The first thing that is said is 'They are broken up'
And time and time again...
Idiots are proven WRONG.
This time will be NO DIFFERENT.
4. Rob and Liberty?
*deep breath*
oh and
5. Movies depend on chemistry between co-stars.
But its what happens OFF screen that matters.
And the only person Kristen has real chemistry with
is Robert.
Day after day after week after month after year.
It's always Rob and Kristen.
Happily Ever After.
6. Sue... repeat after me.
Rob and Kristen are not broken up.
Rob and Kristen are not over.
Rob and Kristen
End up
That's the end of the mail for today...
Some scary sticks and stones... huh?
This post is brought to you by Robert Pattinson.
He is looking all kinds of cute on the set of the Rover.
I'm a bit excited for this movie... OK?
It's wonderful to see him smile.
To know he is happy.
Even if he is wearing a beanie in the desert.
But then... that's one of the reasons we love him.
And this post is brought to you by
Rob and Kristen.
Because they love being around each other.
On the clock. Off the clock.
All over that fucking clock.
Love is strong.
And of course...
What post of mine would be complete
without mentioning my undying adoration of
Thomas Sturridge?
Well... I guess it wouldn't be a post of mine!
Yep. That's a 'lolly'
Told ya.

I hate the thought of Kristen sitting home in LA
trying to get through to him and him not taking her calls.
Why isn't she there if they are together?
Do you think they have broken up for good?
I read that Rob is interested in Liberty Ross now!
People keep talking about Kristen and her new co-star
having better chemistry than her and Rob!!
Is it really over?
- Sue
Well. Ok.
Sue. Sue. Sue.
Here's the deal.
1. You shouldn't read the Gossip Rags.
It's ALL lies. All of it.
2. You need to find a different hobby if you not only
read the Gossip Rags... but believe them.
3. Rob and Kristen aren't on a trial separation
or anything remotely close to that.
Rob is W O R K I N G.
Why is that so hard for people to understand?
Every time Rob and/or Kristen go out of the country
to work on a film...
The first thing that is said is 'They are broken up'
And time and time again...
Idiots are proven WRONG.
This time will be NO DIFFERENT.
4. Rob and Liberty?
*deep breath*
oh and
5. Movies depend on chemistry between co-stars.
But its what happens OFF screen that matters.
And the only person Kristen has real chemistry with
is Robert.
Day after day after week after month after year.
It's always Rob and Kristen.
Happily Ever After.
6. Sue... repeat after me.
Rob and Kristen are not broken up.
Rob and Kristen are not over.
Rob and Kristen
End up
That's the end of the mail for today...
Some scary sticks and stones... huh?
This post is brought to you by Robert Pattinson.
He is looking all kinds of cute on the set of the Rover.
I'm a bit excited for this movie... OK?
It's wonderful to see him smile.
To know he is happy.
Even if he is wearing a beanie in the desert.
But then... that's one of the reasons we love him.
And this post is brought to you by
Rob and Kristen.
Because they love being around each other.
On the clock. Off the clock.
All over that fucking clock.
Love is strong.
And of course...
What post of mine would be complete
without mentioning my undying adoration of
Thomas Sturridge?
Well... I guess it wouldn't be a post of mine!
Yep. That's a 'lolly'
Told ya.

1 – 200 of 322 Newer› Newest»Bahahahahahahahahaha.... Yes Rose I too am laughing at the nonnies because stupidity is like a disease....it just eats away at your brain along with hate and jealousy. Pooooorrrrr nonnies. No poor us because they keep lurking on the fringe and just keep being annoying. They need help, like therapy.
Great post Rose. Laughs a million, thanks!
Bahahahahahahahahaha.... Yes Rose I too am laughing at the nonnies because stupidity is like a disease....it just eats away at your brain along with hate and jealousy. Pooooorrrrr nonnies. No poor us because they keep lurking on the fringe and just keep being annoying. They need help, like therapy.
Great post Rose. Laughs a million, thanks!
Great post Rose, as usual. I am so tired of all these web sites and all the magazines with all their headlines about Rob and Kristen. I wish they would leave them alone, but know they never will. Thank you for supporting them, you are always in their corner.
Take care Roselanders. Rob and Kristen always end up together.
as always!!! GOOD JOB ROSE!! ♥
well Nonies are so desperate and sad, and jelousy!!
if they are not together NOW is because he's WORKING in the middle of the freaking desert... and she's waiting for him im L.A
or maybe she can give us a surprise and go to see Rob... everything can happend!! but the truth is they are together period!!!!
Love u!!
I always enjoy your practical advice and the salient points you make for sane living!
So, I use them, remaining sane through crazy times.
Really, truly happy for such a lovely couple, as are Rob & Kristen.
Bless us all.
Some cute pictures I've never seen before, thanks Rose...always so much sweeter than the angst and drama of the fringe.
Take care and stay happy everyone. :)
Bless 'em All Medley
Vera Lynn (WWII):
Thank you/Ww2MusicChannel
Enjoyed the post. I really dislike all the dumb people who are soooo delusional! Thanks for your thought...
Great post as always. I give you props for putting up with all the haters. I think I would go nuts with all those type of emails. I guess you need something to make you laugh.
Hahaha...indeed....I can hear them right now...in perfect clarity...if the happy couple get married to each other one day....
Oh, it was just PR
Oh, Rob will see what a horrible mistake he has made. It won't be long before he will file for divorce
Oh, Rob can't stay married to her....everybody knows he wants to marry Liberty !!!!!!
OMG...that takes the cake , doesn't it?
Stay tuned for the next installment of...." The truth is stranger than fiction" :))))))
Love to All
HI ROSE!!! Wonderful post. I a always appalled at the email you receive from the nonnies ... what WILL they do in a month?
I'm thinking Rob was wearing the beanie to keep the bugs from biting his scalp, LOL. It looks hot and "itchy" there. I'm guessing he can't wait to get home to the "family" ...
Kristen is having fun with some of THEIR friends and of course, she's working. Just because she's not filming doesn't mean she isn't doing something work-related. Not to mention all the scripts she has to read.
I can't stand people that send crappy letters and then don't have the balls to put their names down! LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! and say it with me Kristen and Rob always end up together!
Rose- brilliant post.
Seriously,the rags/ninnies are losing it.Rob is interested with Liberty.That one their really deserve a Bwahahahahahaha.
After seeing the location where Rob is filming,I'm glad that Kristen didn't go to Australia.I don't even think Guy and any of the cast families visited them.Rob will be home soon to be with his other half Kristen.
Terrific post to keep us sane and ignoring the rags/hags.
In watching the video of Rob and Guy, where Rob swats away the mossie/fly, I'm reminded of the commentary in the first Twilight when Rob talks about how he doesn't like his hands; then later in interview with Rob, Kristen says she calls him "flippy". lol
I agree with Rose. Every time they are out of country working. They are always thinking that something goes wrong. I am so glad and happy together. Or by the way Rest in Peace Mindy McCready. Its sad that she is good. Whatever the trial she is going in her life. I feel sorry the family. My thoughts and prayer goes to the family.
Rose you are doing a good job on website.
I agree with all of you about the gossip sites. They needs and peace and time for themselves.
Thanks for putting up with the "Lunatic Fringe" with the classy humor that you personify. You are the flame that we 'moths' gravitate to for a reason. Your brilliance is beyond compare. I, as well as many others here, are blessed daily with your insight and humor, and find solace from the rag/hag tags that spew forth from other sites. Please know that you are appreciated for the kind and loving soul that you are, not to mention the intelligence and wicked beauty that you bring to this fandom. I look forward to the coming days when R/K vindicate your viewpoints. Separation just makes reconciliation that much sweeter!
Excellent post Rose. It amazes me that some people cannot grasp the concept that Rob is in Australia WORKING. They act like him and Kristen have never been separated because of work before. I usually don't read crap like that but when I come across it, it makes me laugh because I know it's not true. These idiots need a new hobby.Rob and Kristen ALWAYS end up together. ALWAYS. xo
Great post as always Rose. Bless your heart for having to read that junk people email you. They say laughing will make you live longer, well Rose you will live to be a 100 because of the stupid laughable emails you get.
As you always say Rob and Kristen always end up together. That's a fact.
Waves to everyone here at Roseland.
Just wow.......Some of those E-mails are very nasty.
It's amazing to me what the delusional choose to focus on.....Rob and Kristen are apart because of work and the howling by the unhinged is out of control.
I guess they need to howl about something..........
Rob and Kristen will be over by the end of Twilight, that was shot to hell. So now we have , over by the DVD release........., that too will be shot to hell.
First, I would like to say this is.my first time commenting after years of visiting this blog. Second, I am a former Robsten supporter, but I'm not a ninnie or nonnie or whatever its called. At this point I read all blogs to read both perspectives and mutual blogs. But what I get confused by is what is going to happen when Rob and Kristen will actually break up in regards to this bog? Years ago when I first found this blog thought it was about Rob, but I know Kristen became a big part of his life so she bcame a big part of this blog, which is understandable. What's gonna happen when its actually confirmed that their no longer dating and he's dating some new lady. Is she not going to be accepted? Because Rose keep stating, "In the end they always end up together" What if their not; then what? I didn't post this to upset or excite, I just wanted to state something that's been on my mind
WOW my hats off to you for having to deal with all those batshit crazy people...but on the other hand I bet you have a lot of laughs over the crap they come up with ( Rob wanting LR- WTH ) they better be working fast with only 2 more weeks to use the PR/DVD angle till they need a new reason why they are still together.
@ vickix14
Can't speak for Rose about her blog but I think IF the day came that they went their separate ways we would just be a little sad for a while but would continue to support both in the same way we do now and wish them happiness and success.
@Rose - Love the post - the crap you have to put up with or attempt to read is just amazing, thank you for being here for both of them
@Pam - I have some video's I will post for you tomorrow ;)
@ vickix14 I agree with Pam IF the day comes and Rob and Kristen go their seperate ways, life will go on. Sure we who have supported them from the beginning would be sad but we would know it was their choice.
We would continue to support them both and want what they want. That's why we support them now, we want what they want, and right now they want each other.
Their relationship belongs to them not us, they make the call, the nonnies, ninnies, doubters, shippers, fans, can't force them to be together or not be together. That is in their hands not ours. I want what they want, I'll always leave that up to them. It's their relationship not ours.
Oh my gosh on "4." Rob with LH...that is like science fiction, alien invasion kind of thinking! Rose your comment response made me laugh out loud for awhile, in fact I'm still laughing! Bahahahahahah
Oh thank goodness for you Rose!!!
You know, I feel sorry for these crazies. They are really sick in the head. I hope they will have a one on one with a therapist soon and really look deep within themselves and ask some questions like:
1. Who am I?
2. What do I spend most of my time doing and thinking about on a daily basis?
3. How often do I get angry and upset vs. how often do I feel happy?
4. What is the cause of my anger and rage?
5. Is it someone in particular that I direct most of my anger and hatred at? Is her name Kristen Stewart? Why do I hate her so much?
6. Do I have a real relationship with her? Does she even know I exist?
7. Am I jealous of Kristen? Why does she make me feel jealous?
8. Can I go on a day, a week, or a whole month without thinking about her?
9. Why do I need to think about her so much?
10. Why does she make me so angry?
11. If I don't know her, why do I hate her so much?
12. If I hate someone who I don't know, is there something wrong with me?
13. Am I secretly in love with Kristen Stewart? Does she love me?
14. Do I hate myself?
15. Am I a good person if I talk bad about someone else who I don't know?
16. Will meditation help me to stop thinking about Kristen Stewart?
17. Will talking about my anger to friends and family help alleviate my stress?
18. If nothing else works, does that mean I have a mental disease?
19. Is it best that I seek help from a psychiatrist?
20. Will prescribed medication help me get better?
21. Do I need to seek divine help about my problem?
I think nonnies can start with some of these questions if they want to get better.
oh rats..typo on my post I meant LR, but you all probably know that..
LOL Topaz great questions. It's obvious Kristen owns them and she is in their every thought. Doom and gloom rules their world because they want to be her so bad, and have her personal life. How sad that they can't live their own life from worrying about her.
Time to call it a night...Have a great night everyone.
Good night Oneheart...
And good night to myself for I have had a long day, with good friends, good food, and good wine.....
Robert and Kristen forever....
How bout the RAGS' and wannabeblogs' CONSTIPATED propaganda against K? What could we do about that?
Rose, the hate you have to deal with every day is amazing...
I'll always wonder why some people spend so much of their precious time to actors whom they obviously don't like. I really don't get it.
Which reminds me: it's nice to be on the good side of this fandom!
Take care, everyone!
Loui White said to Rose
"You are the flame that we 'moths' gravitate to for a reason. Your brilliance is beyond compare."
Loui - I feel the same as you. The comments you wrote to Rose are so true and you express them so wonderfully.
vickix14 - We love Rob and Kristen for the amazing artists they are, and for the inspiration they give us, separately and together. Whatever happens in the future will be their choice, and it won't change the love we have for each of them.
Hello everyone!
your post was spot on, as always. You answering a few e mails publicly makes me wonder how the mails you get vary. There are the ones who are sweet and supportive, others who might not agree but are politely expressing their opinion, the ones who are annoyingly insecure and finally those who are mean and nasty. The last ones make me wonder what is wrong with some people who are unable to be happy looking at a young and lovely couple. Why do 2 people in love cause them so much pain and lead to extreme reactions and hate? I truly wish for them to be able to be happy someday and get over whatever issues they might have.
And something else, do you answer all the e mails you get? I assume they are thousands and some not pleasant to read.
it is really hard to think that there are people that are so hateful, really what exactly is their prize? we win??? madness...
@ Topaz
thanks to your list I am grinning and it is monday morning!!!
have a lovely day everyone!!
spring is coming (hopefully)
Frist...BAWHAHAHAHAH Rob and Liberty...stomach pain from laughing SO hard.
Some of those emails, too much crazy to absord.
Psychos, ignore that Rob is in Australia to work because it fits they little twisted agenda. If Kristen was there right now, these idiots would be saying that she was there to help sell the BD2 DVD's AKA the old PR bulshit.
I am actually curious to see what delusional rationalization they will give for after March.
Loving the new/old pics of Rob and Kisten coming out!
The vid from The Rover set was a unexpected amazing surprise. Always a win to see Rob...hearing his voice, looking all kinds of cute and adorable.
Have a great day everyone. Take care.
Good morning Rose and Roseland!
Rose, that is some really silly shit. You are a patient woman.
Topaz, loved your list!
If you have been reading this blog for years, then you know that people here are pretty accepting for the most part. Even when things got tough, most remained compassionate and supportive of both. That has always been the nature of this blog and the comments. I may be presumptuous, but I don't see that changing.
Morning all.
Viickix14:You get kudos for posting your thoughts politely.
So many what if's. My question to you is.......So if it is confirmed that they have never been apart, that they're engaged let's say.
What then?
Will the almost five year outright hate against Kristen stop?
Will those hateful tumblirs, tweets, tabloids/bloggers (enough to give one whiplash) stories and vicious E-mails to Rose finally stop?
I'll tell you what I know for sure.........I will still support both!
Annie, good questions.
IF it ever came a time where Rob and Kristen would go there separate ways...nothing would change about the way I feel for them. I would stll love them both and be here supporting them in everything.
I can't really predict the future in the action of others Annie. But from reading nonstens blogs for the past few months I guess, no, the hate for Kristen and attacks on Rose would not stop. I would even say it may even get worse, for Rob. They would most definitely start to hate him. There would probably be a count down for their divorce.
For ones like vickix14 who say they're former Robsten fans,who obviously haven't gotten past the incident,have to realize Rob and Kristen have healed past this and found a way to keep their family together. Yes,they are a family,in which they share a home and two adorable dogs that they love. After we started seeing pictures of them together after the incident,obviously he forgave her and understood that she made a mistake. So it's not rocket science as to why we still love them as a couple and as individuals. They're both adults who know how to take care of themselves. The fans here on this blog already knows this and respects them equally. I wish some others would do the same,but we're dealing with the lunatic fringe and that's asking alot.
Howdy Roseland!
Hope everyone had a sweet Valentines Day.
Rose, so sorry for the crazy emails.
Dear FGM, where are you? Tell me what to do about this terrible head cold.
Morning Ladies and Gents
@vickix14 - I didn't say anything last night just because I needed to crawl in bed and had a wee bit too much to drink and had zero filter. We can't predict our own futures let alone anyone else but having positive thoughts and hopes is never the wrong way to go. They won't start to hate him - they already do. How one can call themselves a fan and degrade, dismiss, and call him a PR machine is beyond me. They lost sight of who they claim to adore long ago and their entire world is based on hating her with vile words that show the world what they think of themselves more than anything else. Pathetic is not even the right word for it, sad is more like it. I feel sad for the way they look at the world and even more the toxic views they project from within.
I support both now and will support both in the future. Natural progression of a relationship is not its downfall but its up rise.
I think you're a little pessimistic. Of course nobody knows what the future holds. We don't know if Kristen & Rob will be together in one year or ten years from now. We don't even know about our lives next week. Sometimes things happen unexpectedly and we have no control over them. For example we could all be dead tomorrow if an asteroid like the one which passed very close to earth a few days ago hits us. And we will surely die one day. The thing is what do we do in the meantime. Do we keep thinking about unfortunate events which might or might not happen or do we try to live and enjoy the moment? Because if we start living by ifs and whens for the future, we will eventually miss the present.
Why can't we enjoy looking at a couple we love (or just one of them), admire their work and support their careers instead of thinking the endless possibilities of their life path?
Ginger: Morning! How was the concert?
Hello Roseland
@ Ginger
Sounds like you had a great time :)
For those that have today off...enjoy
@Annie/Pam - it was awesome. We were really close to stag so we spent a lot of time passing crowd surfers to the front. I recorded 2 of Papa Roaches songs and 3 or 4 of Stone Sour (I got through the glass and Bother for ya Pam). Corey Taylor was amazing !!! I will upload them on you tube in a little but you have to turn the volume down because it is so loud
How are you ladies this fine morning ?
I believe in reality. Some people stay together; some people separate from each other. No one can say for sure what is in Rob's and Kristen's future. But bottom line: this blog will always respect their choices as it is their lives; and this blog will always support their individual careers.
Too many webloids against R&K. If you call 20 too many....that keeps on shutting down after 2 -3 news craps only to re-appear after a day with a different name. These are by the same group of people that's been chewing PROZAC and ZOLOFT for 4 years hating on K. OH THEY READ AND COMMENT ON EACH OTHERS BLOG BY THE WAY....very constipated effort! congrats usweakly for being the biggest moron.
Ginger: Sounds like you had a great time. How's the hearing? :)
Well, I'm taking it easy today and resting my voice....... Watching Pineapple Express.
I was able to order my coffee this AM with a voice that sounds like there's a very raspy frog residing in my throat. :)
I'll take raspy over no sound at all.
I got the words out and the Starbucks barista gave me loads of honey packets. :)
@Annie - LOL hearing is fine - used to it by now although the next concert I go to in March will be much more mellow. Your voice - poor thing , surprised they haven't tried to get you to get tea instead. I am watching Gremlins with the kids - rolling old school today.
The honey will do you great and make you even sweeter
Ginger: :)
I drink tea with honey and lemon but I like/ must have coffee in the morning.
I love black and white photos of Rob. This is one of my favs:http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2009/04/08/exclusive-robert-pattinson-smolders-in-photo-outtake-from-dossier/
However, this is my #1 B&W photo of Rob with his wonderful hair:
New info on RD that The Rover will finish filming in mid-March.
Correction. info about Rover is on Robsessed.
I just cleaned my kitchen. And rearranged my furnature in the my kitchen. I maybe sick. But when I feel bored while sick I end up something. I am trying to keep my mind off the pain I have in my stomach. But I am hanging there. Tomorrow going to the doctor to figure out the problem. As for Rob and Kristen. I have been praying for those two stay together. I know in my heart I believe in faith for those two. They are my favorite people. Like Rob said he doesn't like sell his personal life. And so does Kristen. I am so sick and tired of those tabloids and Paps getting in their personal life. And that goes for Haters and Nonnies and the other idiots. To me they are trouble makers.
The only people they should on like the ones like abusers their girlfriends and the ones are destroy their lives like that Linsey Lohan and that Olympic guy that kill his girlfriend.
Now I said my peaces about that. Now I looking forward what Rob and Kristen future will hold. I also enjoy Roses blog. Keep posting more. You are doing a great job.
@Pam - ok I have uploaded them - they are loud as hell as a warning and some have the rattle/muffle since we were so close to stage LOL. Also you catch me having to lift someone to crowd surf and then my sister screaming at me to break up a fight because a guy was trying to fight a girl (we stopped him). Also may have some of my off key singing in there but hopefully it was just someone else (we will go with that).
Papa Roach Ones
Stone Sour
Anyone can look at them :)
hello, anyone lurking.....
I have food poisoning since early this morning. I vomited twice. I feel like I still need to let more out. Hubs has gone to get me apple cider ginger or vinegar, i forgot what he said. Anyway, does that work? What will help me vomit the rest out or kill the bacteria? Please help, sorry, i don't want to go to the emergency.....i feel like crap, never eating beef again.
@Topaz - I am sorry to hear that - that sucks. I have no idea what works for food poisoning .
Topaz: I think if it's that serious you need to visit the Emergency room......Food poisoning can be dangerous.
If you're a healthy adult you'll need to replace the fluids you lost from throwing up......Gingerale, Ginger tea, applesauce, Gatorade all help.
Stay away from milk.
Annie, Ginger,
hubs just got back with apple cider vinegar, i just too 4 tablespoons of it. IF this doesn't kill the bacteria and prevent me from vomiting, i will go to emergency....
Topaz: Did you mix it with water?
no mix, just straight up
OMG Rose... Those idiots really send you those fuckin' soopid emails and then have the nerve not to sign them!?!?!? OMGOMGOMG! How do you manage to keep your sanity? I think I would have to hunt them down and shove those emails where the sun don't shine!!!!!!!!!!
:) It's best to mix it with water but I guess straight up can't hurt.
How do you feel now?
Annie, slightly alleviated pressure on my chest, but i still feel bad.
should I drink more of it?
Drink a glass or two of water.
annie, how much am i suppose to drink the cider?
just sipped a little bit of water...
Topaz: I think you should go to the Emergency room. What you've got sounds serious.
It's suggested that you take 2 tablespoons to a glass of water.
Topaz: You ok?
i just want to vomit
Why don't you want to go to the Emergency room?
Food poisoning can be really serious in some cases.
Are you still feeling the pressure on your chest?
annie, i just vomited the cider and water out. It's my third vomit. For the first time since this morning, I feel much better, like it's all out of my system now, cross my fingers. But now, my head hurts. So I'm now drinking a packet of vitamin C flavored drink called emergen-C cause i guess i loss a lot of electrolytes.
never eating beef again.
i asked my husband several times to take me to emergency, but he said i don't look that bad and they couldn't do anything for me anyway, blah blah blah. He said i'm not throwing up blood, or fainting, so.....
@ Topaz
Sorry your sick and hope you feel better soon :(
@ Ginger
MANNNNN I Love Corey :)
That looked like an awesome show and Thanks for videos. I haven't seen him perform Bother before it reminded me of watching him sing Hesitate ( which I love ) very soft, mellow between loud and fun. Did he do any dancing last night...he's hilarious !!!!
I'm sure DK will also love watching Through Glass
Try eating some applesauce, or plain bread (no butter!) and some bananas.
No milk!
I love applesauce, but i have none at home :(( I hate bread. I think we have bananas, i'll eat a banana, also a little bit of tofu w/eggs soup.
Thanks Annie....my chest feels better now. Hopefully that vomit was the last of it, it takes so much of my energy to vomit, jeez!
Topaz: Glad you're feeling better. Fingers crossed that you won't throw up anymore.
Hopefully the apple cider got the last of the bacteria out of your system.
Hey Rose ~
Sorry the "viruses" infected your computer again. I hate that you have to put up with their BS.
They really do need to get a life (loved your list, Topaz).
Roselanders - Hope all is well with you. Enjoying my day off for Presidents' Day. Guess my Monday is actually tomorrow.
TOPAZ -- Sorry you're sick. Maybe you should CALL the ER to see if there's anything you can take. Or maybe your local Urgent Care or your doctor's office? I can't remember where you live so not sure if doctor's office is closed by now.
HI EVERYBODY --- I've been working on getting my taxes together for my appt. on Wed. ... not fun but necessary. I still have a couple of more hours but now taking a break.
VICKIX14 -- We on this blog (I'm speaking for myself and the majority here) will always support Rob and/or Kristen ... whatever happens with them. They ARE together as Rose has said and he's not dating anyone else so no worries for that any time soon. None of us know what will happen in the future. Some of the BEST marriages have fallen apart after 30+ years so we'll just have to wait and see.
GINGER -- So glad you had fun and you can still hear!!! You are brave to attend those concerts, LOL.
LATERS, y'all ...
Annie, yes, hopefully the last of it it is gone. Cross my fingers xx
Thanks Pamh, just ate half a banana.
I think I should sue Stark's Steakhouse, lol :)
Topaz: Try not to each too much too quickly. :)
Keep sipping lots of liquids (water, Gatorade and the like)
Plain rice, clear broths also and get some rest.
Litmom :) thx, i made that for the nonnies and i hope they read it.
Hey Everyone! I'm really glad to have found this blog! Love all the warm and fuzzy feelings I get from reading your positive comments.
@TE Hope you are feeling better! Love the list. :)
@vickix14 I will still follow them both. I think they are great together but if they happen to go their own ways that is their call. I will still come here to read all the positive posts (and the negative as long as they're not nasty). <3
Annie, good advice. My body is telling me to eat slowly and not solid foods, and to slowly drink more water. I am exhausted and i really do need some rest.
TOPAZ, I hope you feel better soon.
And, PISTEUO, you as well, from your head cold.
Take care everyone.
@Pam - he was dancing and running all around - it was the last show for them on that tour and he loves Denver so it was all perfect. I loved him singing bothered - he kept stopping and thanking us - really cool guy
@Liz - Hahahaha that is not even the loudest or craziest one I have been too. If you don't like being smooshed that is not the venue for you. The lead singer of Stone Sour kept throwing water into the crowd so I got hit with water, had beer split on me, and the floor was so sticky I had to really work to walk (I don't want to know what the crunchy stuff was because they didn't serve food) - ahh such is the life at a crazy rock concert and it was a blast
Hello guys.
@Topaz-I hope you feel better.
@Ginger-hey there,girl you really had a good time.
@Holy - waves - that I did, keep that in mind when we invade your area next year for Coachella LOL
@ Ginger
Corey is a hyper guy but funny as all get out. Larry and Zack both say that he can sing anything. When he performs with Slipknot they do some amazing things onstage.
I can't remember which band it was because quit a few performed at the Rupp in Lexington that night but one of the band members crowd surfed and on his return to the stage he had no shoes on and raises each foot one at a time and says sorry if my stinky shoes landed on you and everyone laughs....but he never got his shoes back. LOL
BARB -- WELCOME!!! Always glad to find positive people here, especially those that love "our kids" ...
Hi Annie, Pattybg, PAMH, Katy, Holy and anyone I might have missed!!! And TOPAZ, I hope you are feeling better. Annie, are you sick also? Hope you feel better.
ET is going to show the videos from BD2 sometime in the next few minutes.
LIZZIED: I had laryngitis. My voice is still raspy but at least there's sound when I open my mouth. :)
I love watching Touch by an Angel. I was just watching the part a story about some boy dying for cystic fibrosis. I was touch. Some reason I love their shows. It has message.
tried to take short nap, just got up feeling like crap, i want to vomit again, i can't take this!!!!!! will probably have to go to emergency or i will just die!!!!!
@Ginger- I can't wait.
Topaz: Go to the Emergency room!
Topaz: Do you have where you live call Urgent Care? Try there first. I usually let it all out. I mean food poisoning. But try everything possible you can then go to to emergency room.
Stop fooling around and go to the ER. Some home remedies work, but you've tried them and you are still sick. Please take care of yourself! Concern is for your well-being. Let us know how you're doing. Hugs!
@Topaz - Go to the emergency room - simple food poisoning shouldn't last this long
For everyone that watches Amazing Race - two of my sisters derby sister's are on there from Rocky Mountain Roller Girls - Mona and Beth aka Fiona Grapple and Triple Shot Misto (their Derby Names)
Fan: i wanna help R&K...but i dunno how...i really like them both.
Gargamel: stop googling their names...stop downloading APPS with their names....stop clicking and reading links to the stories...and call homeland security and tell them about a certain misbehaving cuban gay refugee named perez hilton.
You may have that bad stomach virus. We are worried about you. Seek advice. It is not good to advise garlic ingestion either, as I usually do. Will wave the magic wand for you, dear.
Garlic, netti pot for nose/sinus, steaming water in pot on stove with towel over head and herbs in water. Humidify house. Cayenne and/or chili powder in tea or on food, as spicy is good for circulation. Vitamin C 5000 mg. And whatever works to loosen congestion. Chest packs. I will wave the wand for you, too, sweets.
Hi everyone
Topaz - I hope you are better now. What everyone is saying about the ER is correct, because not all food poisoning is the same.
gargamel go for it! I love your fan instructions! I never click on those sites anymore, I learned that from Roseland. SmerezHilton is so, so disgusting. Maybe one day he'll be done on the internet. I can't imagine why anyone goes to his site.
Not sure if anyone mentioned it, there is a couple new BTS up on RD.
@Ginger-where are you girl?Have you seen the new pic of Suzie/Jack/Marcus/CJ together in twitter?
@Holy - I am and I did :)
@Holy - I spit soda through my nose because what everyone else say was the 1st thing they noticed was the 1st I did as well........
@Ginger-LOL.But I like CJ he's like a teddy bear.
@Tuf- don't forget to watch The Following.
Ive done everything except calling USCIS (immigration services).
I hope Topaz is OK now. There was an outbreak of rapid norovirus back in September 2012 . It is called GII.4 SYDNEY. It causes severe acute gastroenteritis. Vomiting and diarrhea are the main symptoms. IT ACTS FAST AND SPREADS FAST. Highly contagious too.
I understand the concern.
I wonder if the 1st thing you and everyone else noticed was the same thing I frist noticed? LOL
Pisteuo and Topaz, I hope you're both feeling better today. :)
Take care everyone.
Today is the day. I am going to the doctor to figure out what is the problem with my stomach. I have been having pains. I just pray for not serious. So wish me luck.
Good morning all.
My voice is somewhat back. It will be impossible not to talk today but will try my best.
Topaz: I really hope you went to the Emergency room and you are hopefully feeling better.
Have a good day everybody.
Arleen.......Will be thinking of you today and praying all goes well.
Think positive! :)
Annie: Thanks. Always do. Keep me posted on Rob and Kristen. I just want to hear some good news. I don't understand why Hollywood Life keeps saying like Rob and Kristen acting like they are separated. From what I see on Gossip Cop and plus I haven't from E, Just jared and others like et. So I know its not true they are separated. Someone needs to do something Hollywood Life. Still keep spreading lies. Unless I don't know about.
Morning Ladies and lurking Robert
@Katy - my face is red again - it is the lighting or something but I am sure it was ahahahahaha
@Topaz - I hope you went to the Dr.
Good morning Sunshine ! Face red? I'm sure only temporarily :)
ARLEEN. Welcome to Roseland and I hope you feel better soon
ANNIE. HUGS for a speedy recovery for you also
PIST. Ditto ! This time of year sucks.
Happy Tuesday Everybody :)))
Thanks for the reminder of The Following. I was on the edge of my seat most of the time.
Nutty Madam has released a new video and ranting about R&K; even saying that Rob is not that good looking. hahaha. She has the right name: nutty. I still could not believe my eyes that she was at BD2 premiere and interviewing. When I seen her, I thought...WTF?
Arleen - hope the doctor can help you and you are all better soon.
Ginger & Holy - I'm so curious, can you give us the details about the Twitter pic with Suzie/Jack/Marcus/CJ and what made you spit soda through your nose?
Arleen: Stories from HL are only there to cause drama.
Taking them seriously is like the ninnies/ nonnies/delusional believing Rob will someday knock at their door wrap them in his arms, kiss them senseless, fuck them again and again and then say....."I want you, You, YOU!"....Only you!"
Here's a quote that I like:
Above all else, go with a sense of humor. It is needed armor.
Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lip is a sign
that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life."
-- Hugh Sidey
Super RN Gas Passer: Thank you.
Super: Morning! :) Thanks. How are you?
Ginger and Artemusluvv: Morning to you too. :)
Ginger: What about the pic???? :)
Annie: I know about HL. I wish someone make them stop. At first I use like them because they were saying nice things about them. And now they are spreading lies. Stop I stop reading them. I put a spam. What gets to me is this. These tabloids and Paps are getting on my nerves. And they are getting away what they are doing. People like HL and other tabloids should be stop and should fired. One thing I still believe Rob and Kristen are still together. I am glad that they are private people. And I don't blame them.
@Super - ahahaha - I blushed, I mean it is like your eyes travel right there no matter how hard you try no too
@Artemusluvv - it is just the lighting or something but oh god I conflicted - something just pops out when you look - ahahahahaha
@Annie - um - when you look at it, it looks like someone is ready to go camp and has everything ready to go, tent and all
Ginger: :):):):) Oh wow! I understand!
Tenting! :)
Good morning all
@ topaz
I hope you are feeling better today :)
@ Arleen
Sending you positive thoughts on your doctor visit today.
@ ginger
I'm with artemisluvv in being curious about photo. Is there a link to pic ? The Suzie/Jack fandom is probably very happy :0
@ Annie, tuf and Super
Waves :)
PamH: Morning. Waves back. :)
Ok......I have to get some work done.
Have a great day all.
@ ginger
OMG I missed your other post. Now I'm really curious to see photo. Wonder who he was excited to go "camping" with..lol
Here is the link from twitter - don't look at the comments because there is a real nasty troll posting crap and will make you rage - to me it just shows how worried they are about it all
Rose, these 'humans' who write to you must be around 8 yrs old by the look of it, prob sticking their tongue out aswell. Bloody hell what a bunch of childish arseholes.
4 yrs of the same old boring arguments. The longer this BS goes on the more laughable it gets. I noticed I've become totally immune to it all: the headlines in rags, comments, GC etc, it's better than any soap you can find.
I've been physically out of commission for a while now, I managed 1 comment on 'Do I dazzle you' in the last 2 months but I see nothing has changed, same old crap. Blondes hiding in closets, Kristen single or wearing his underwear, Rob contacting (hahahahahah) Mrs (I'm sick of her face) 'nude model' Sanders. Oh man, it's a fucking joke and than they call us losers, hahaha. It still puzzles me that these rags are allowed to print this shit(and idiots buying them!!) or is it that celebrities are just not bothered suing them as that would be a never ending story?
Oh and hello everybody, hope eveyone is well apart from you Ginger, dying from a hangover? Serves you right naughty girl, pouring this delicious liquid poison into your body.
Oh and again I saw my name(wasn't me, I didn't turn into a harpy in my absence) in one of the messages Rose got, maybe I should use my full name and not this common as fuck abbreviation of it.
Hey Roseland!
Thanks to Katy, Super and dear FGM for your concern and advice.
I do feel a lot better. About time!
I remembered the garlic, DK but, couldn't remember the other. I also drank a lot of herbal teas with lots of honey.
In fact, I'm feeling so much better I may just get out of the house today and may even cuss someone out before the day is over. Hahaha!!
Have a great day/evening Roseland!
@sue - waves - nice to see you !!! I just ate greasy food and felt tons better. For whatever stupid reason I decided to take a shot of Blueberry Vodka with a Beer chaser - it was so gross so I spent a lot of time chugging beer to get the taste out of my mouth. Got tipsy and still could taste that shot - arg licking the ground would have been a better taste
@tufenuf55,I just saw the Nutty Madam vid on Youtube. Why she doesn't have her own reality show or been carted off to Belvue is beyond me. She wasn't making any sense in the vid and I think was just ranting for the sake of still being seen. I was surprised as well to see her even having anything further to do with Twilight,since she was obviously so "devastated" by the July incident. Ones like her are going to have to learn not to take things so personally,when it's not their life,but Rob and Kristen's. Someone should tell her FYI-Rob's in Australia making a film,not hiding out there to avoid Kristen. Sometimes I'm beginning to wonder if some of these gossip blogs like HL have secretly merged with FOX news and we didn't hear about it.
Ginger, I know I missed a lot but could you tell me the meaning of that picture? Is that the fellow that got arrested and the guy who defended Kristen 7 months ago? And why is he a álleged' fraud?
@sue - nah has nothing to do with Gio. That is 2 of their friends with Marcus Foster and a band mate of his. Just look at CJ was is the guy on the far left and you will see what made me feel like I was 10 again. The soda came out more on people joking on twitter than anything but yeahhhhh
Thanks Ginger, now when I look at it better, it's nothing like the Gio fellow. I almost feel like a virgin again being here, hahaha.
@Sue it is all good ;) - i don't think I have even seen Gio with Kristen since WTTR but I am standing on the fence with that whole thing - if he did it then that is sad because he fooled a lot of people but if he didn't then I guess it is par for course in Hollywood - either way I am not sure I care too much about it all, the courts will sort it out.
I can't wait to get the movie for my birthday. Which is in April. Me and Kristen are both Aries. Hers is on the 9th and mine is 16th.
@ Ginger
Thanks for link :) that photo does make you want to giggle like High schoolers. While there I checked out some of Suzies pics, they do look like they have a good time. In one photo it looked like Robs truck ( from new pic of RK ) and a mini cooper ( not sure if Ks ) behind Suzie and friend. It'd take a while to look at all her pics.
Missed the Gio thing, did he do something bad ?
What is the deal with other stars being asked about what they think of Kristen ? Jared Leto now Demi Lavato. It's like they are just hoping someone will say something bad about her.
@Pam - he is being accused of being a fraud and using a false identity/ties to the Fiat to get money - he changed his name to Gio something like 15 or so years ago whicch I guess he has openly admitted prior - really name is Billy Jack
@ Ginger
He must have really wanted more flair in a name, big difference from Billy to Gio. I just hope that wether he did or didn't do something wrong that it doesn't negatively affect his family members, he's accountable for his mistakes but he has someone who counts on him that isn't.
Watched the new BTS video up on RPLife and Robsten Dreams of RK doing sex scene and finally heard Kristen say OH MY GOD just before they start laughing....they are to cute!!!! never heard her say that when I first watched it. Rob trying to flip/roll cracks me up every time I see it and him saying I Can't Do It...he is adorkable :)
HI EVERYONE! Hope all the sickly ones are feeling better. :)
HI EVERYONE! Hope all the sickly ones are feeling better. :)
Happy Tuesday everyone.
@Topaz-I hope you're feeling better.
@Ginger-hey girl,still giggling with that pic from last night.
@Tuf-hello, The Following is really getting creepier each time.Joe is just evil.
WAVES--to Pam/sue/Annie/armetesluv/Arlene/Pisto and to all that I miss.
This is interesting.
Comment from @ERCboxoffice - "When you're pushing your film as a Twilight knockoff, which WB's press machine so (cont) http://tl.gd/l3g9oc
Barb: How about pasta with a side salad or a huge salad with leftover chicken or so, if you have.
Barb: ......Or a quick stir-fry.
Ginger - Yay! Thanks for the pic on Instagram! That was so funny and embarassing at the same time. I can totally understand the soda spitting now! LOL!
PamH Thanks for asking for the picture link, I was wanting to ask but lacked the guts to do it! LOL!
And, for the idea of looking at Suzie's other pics. They are amazing. Several pictures of the London trip. Looks like she had a lot of fun there.
I wonder if this is the birthday party where people jumped in the pool with their clothes on, that Ginger was talking about awhile back?
@ artemisluvv
Dont worry about asking Ginger, if she knows about something she doesn't mind sharing, or anyone else for that matter :) curiosity will always kill the cat for me hahaha
I think your right on the BD pic because there was one that showed Christina Perri (hope I spelled that right) IS THAT NOT THE MOST AWESOME VIEW EVER!!!!! I'd like to look at all the photos but will have to do it on our desktop since my iPad kept closing to my home screen the longer I looked. To meet so many interesting people and go to great places....must be awesome :)
You are right, it's Christina Perri!
In the group photo, left side, middle, there is a person with their back to the camera wearing a skinny black bathing suit top that looks exactly like the one seen in those personal photos taken of RK. Could be a coincidence I suppose?
Holy: I was at the doctors. Won't know the results til tomorrow. I have been having problems in lower ab. One thing I am against that take out of my body. Is I don't believe in taken out womanhood part of my body. I am against Hysterectomy, Or my boobs out, and my tube ties. I just want to go thru life. If you know I means. I am woman and I have rights. I even told my doctor about it. So he respect my wishes.
So right now he said it could be numbers of things. So right now I don't know. And I still want more children before I menopause. That is what I want to go thru. Its same thing as some of us women are against abortions. But I don't know what it is. All I am praying for goodness.
ARLEEN -- I have only read the last couple of your comments, haven't been on the blog all day. Maybe I'm misunderstanding your comments BUT as for hystorectomy and your being against it ... when you get to the point where you cannot even leave the house for 2 days out of a month THEN you seriously consider doing what needs to be done.
Also, my Mom has her first mastectomy when she was 47 and her second when she was 61. She is now 85 and doing as well as possible considering she barely weighs 100 lbs. and has a serious heart condition.
As I said, I have no idea what prompted your last comments, I just couldn't help but comment about some circumstances which make surgeries necessary.
Lizzied: I meant me. Just me. I don't want that stuff take out of me. I wanted go thru life. I am sorry about your mom. But me in my body I don't that done. Only appendix or gallbladder. But that it. No matter what happens.
@Arleen- I hope you feel better soon.
ARLEEN -- I understand. I hope you get good news about your tests. It's always a difficult time waiting for test results ... we WANT to know what is wrong but we don't want it to be anything serious. I sincerely hope that will be the case for you.
Right now I am waiting for the results of my blood test. He said it might be Pancreas or endometriosis something that women has. I know I have endometriosis. I had endoscope two years ago. That is when they told me. Some women have that part taken. Some don't. He think that might cause it. I hope not. I am just praying it doesn't come to that. And I don't want that part taken. That is why I said I am against it.
Evening ladies - work went to hell real fast today and had to cook after.
@Holy - waves - it was funny but he is a great guy
@artemisluvv/Pam - it was Christina - she posted up pictures too.
Thanks Lizzied and Holy. I hope so too.
I was just thinking about how blessed we were for the five Twilight films love between R&K we were given. The touches; the kisses; the tenderness. And the promo and interviews. R&K gave us so much of themselves. And I, for one, am going to miss this so much! We will never again see them as they were during that time and I am so grateful that I was able to see the love blossom right in front of my eyes. That I got to see two young people grown up in front of my eyes. To see them hold onto what they hold most dear: privacy. And not go "Hollywood" and keep their saniety. It is a phenomenon that I had never been apart of before and doubt will ever be duplicated again. Thanks a million times over to R&K for all the suffered and all that they gave to their fans and their careers.
Yes, I guess I am feeling a little melancholy.
please forgive spelling
@Tuf- it is all good - I destroy a sentence 90% of the time ;)
Thanks, Ginger. I really should read my comments before posting but sometimes I just get caught up in what I'm expressing. I'm watching BD1...the wedding scene is on and I'm crying again. lol
Great Post Rose. I feel bad that you have to be the recipient of hateful mail. I enjoy your blog alot. You always tell it like it is.From what Tempest told us about the Outback, it sounds really vast and rough. Not just somewhere one could pop into. I know they miss each other, but working is good.
@Tuf - I proof read and let my mind see that it is right and bam right after I post it I want to start all over again.
My kids were watching that today, 2 weeks and we get BD part two :)
Tufenuf It's like you read my mind! What you wrote so eloquently tonight is what I've been feeling all day. They gave us so much.
It amazing to see R&K live in the glaring spotlight for almost 5 years, and become the inspiring and loving persons they have become. I have so much respect for them. It is a phenomenon that we might not see again, but millions of people cherish it. It's making me rethink my attitudes about relationships between men and women.
I went to see BD2 again tonight at the Northern Lights Theater in Salem Oregon. It's a $3.00 admission; they serve food, wine & beer. BD2 has been playing at a theater in my town since November. Even tonight there were quite a few of us in the theater. I feel like writing thank you notes to everyone in the cast and crew for all 5 wonderful films.
Watching Rob and Kristen in their roles is still pulls me in. Rob's Edward and Kristen's Bella will be beloved for many years to come.
Ginger - thanks for the confirmation on Christina Perri. That looked like a fun party.
I still haven't watched your vids from the concert yet. I will do that later tonight. Thanks for posting them.
Arleen - I wish all best to you. I'm glad to hear you have a good doctor.
@ artemisluvv - make sure you turn your volume down :) they are so loud
Hello everyone!
Thanks everyone for their well wishes for my food poisoning recovery. I did go to Emergency and they pumped fluids in me. The doctors and nurses in the ER at Kaiser are so nice and professional. I felt so taken care of! I am well and alive now! Never again will I eat beef! I know they say pigs (factory farmed) are filthy animals, but I prefer pork any day over BEEF!
PamH, I saw the BTS sex scene video, and after replaying that part like 5 times, I actually think Kristen said to Rob, "You look good" then they both laughed, LOL :)) They look so comfortable doing these scenes together, lol :) Good for them!
Almost hump day, and as always, a new day for new beginnings. Cheers!
Hope your pain has lessened. Follow your heart.
Maybe these websites may shed some light on natural ways to ease your condition, aiding healing. Just type in the condition and search until something resonates, within that part of you, which holds all of the answers:
I have no affiliation with any of the sites, but I have seen complete recoveries in myself, my kids, ex-husband and family who did.
Go get 'em!
Ginger, thanks for the suzie, Jack, Marcus, and CJ pic, with all of them
holding hands together! They seem like such good friends now, reminds me of my friends and I holding hands like that in elementary school during recess. Oh and that first thing you noticed was probably the fourth thing I noticed, LOL! First, I noticed Suzie and her blonde hair, then her clothes, then of course Jack the guy next to her, then Marcus, then CJ and that's when my eyes lowered to the bright spot, hahahaha! They all seem so cool!
Funny, that "OMG" if it was that, is rather exciting for sure!
Or "You look good." works given the part they were filming. We could invent scenarios forever, to our amazement and delight.
So pleased you are doing better.
DK, you're always so sweet, thank you so much! Oh my God, you look good, keep going, work it baby, give it to me, all these scenarios could work, indeed!
Arleen, I hope for good news for you.
Annie, I'm glad you got your voice back!
Pisteou, I hope you get better! And I miss your jokes! I read that Prison Escaped joke to hubs he had a good laugh!
Choices may limit & serve us
Limit To Your Love
James Blake:
There's a limit to your love
Like a waterfall in slow motion
Like a map with no ocean
There's a limit to your love
Your love, your love, your love
There's a limit to your care
So carelessly there
Is it truth or dare
There's a limit to your care
There's a limit to your love
Thank you/scyldbNY
Tonight's my night to not be able to sleep so figured I'd check in.
@ Topaz
I went back and turned the volume up with earbuds and your totally right it does sound like she says YOU LOOK GOOD it's so cute.
@ tuf
I agree with you whole heartedly, just like Rob and Kristen, we as fans will probably never experience this again that will ever compare.
Now for the DVD countdown to begin :) can't wait!!!!
I wish there'd be some news on Focus soon, at this rate maybe Kristen will end up filming The Big Shoe first...either way doesn't matter to me.
@ DK and Topaz
You Look Hot, You Feel Good, huuummm the choices are endless :0
I'd like a little peek at the BTS of when it was rated R, was there giggling ? I think not :)
@ Ginger
As I was looking at Suzies photos I noticed in a few that her and Jack do have a funny flirty banter with each other so I can see the little following they've acquired.
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