It's been a while... hasn't it?
Come on now...
It's not like I don't care
Cuz I do.
But contrary to some opinions...
Sometimes you just have stuff to do in life
that has nothing to do with this fandom.
In fact...
Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?
Let's look at the above picture.
Isn't it adorable?
I mean seriously adorable.
We've got Rob
(which is always a good thing)
We've got Kristen
(in the same frame with Rob... a brilliant thing)
We got some Matilda
Some Sam
(and I'm sure the Fandom CSI know who the rest are...)
But you know what makes this picture even more
fucking adorable than Rob and Kristen?
My sweet lord.
That RED hair!!!
How damn cute is he?
(like a bunny ~inside joke~)
But the way he is looking at Kristen...
and they are all smiles.
(and prepare yourself... I may be using profanity
even more than usual this post.)
Next picture.
Take a good look at this picture.
Really good look.
I'll wait.
What do you see?
Kristen fucking Stewart
being all gorgeous
That's what!
This isn't a photoshoot...
or a movie set
or a red carpet.
Oh no no no no
This is how she fucking looks going to
a motherbitching magazine stand!
I mean...
I'm sorry.
But this just proves that
Kristen really is better than you.
And you.
And good fucking grief...
Definitely better than you.
This picture isn't new
(and its not that old...but you get what i mean... Right?)
But I love it.
Rob has got that big ol' smile on that purty face.
Wouldn't you like to be on the receiving end of that smile?
Wouldn't you like to be the one to have made him smile?
Goodness me.
We haven't gotten a lot of pics of Rob recently...
and surely not ones like this.
How can you look at this picture...
and not smile?
I suggest to the hags and nags of this fandom
(and you know who you are)
That you just look at this picture...
Or this one...
With Kristen being all beautiful and silly and wonderful...
And maybe you could learn to smile too!
Kristen was all kinds of smiles at Sundance.
And can you blame her?
She got wonderful reviews
She was in her element in that atmosphere...
and oh yeah...
she got GREAT reviews for Camp X-Ray.
Oh sure...
You know the lunatic ninnies
(and you know who you are)
scoured the internet looking for the few negative reviews
(and let's be real... every movie gets them)
in hopes of making themselves feel better...
But alas
They failed.
As they usually do.
Sundance was awesome for Kristen
and this proves it...
Kristen has this connection with Roberts...
This is the 'latest' pic with Rob...
People don't seem to know when it was taken.
There is all kinds of bullshit drama surrounding it
that I won't even get into.
People focus on the most arbitrary shit.
(who throws a shoe?)
Some asshat on twitter
(You know who you are)
Was commenting to me about how
I somehow always said
"caring is sharing"
And that's complete bullshit.
Although I used to think it was cute
(like a bunny!)
when Kristen was spotted out with one of Rob's t-shirts
I don't pin all my hopes and dreams to an article of clothing.
I kinda think its funny now...
How people dissect everything they wear
as some sort of secret code...
And it's even funnier when the lunatic ninnies
work even harder to disprove they aren't the same.
And if you can't laugh at this shit?
Why the hell are you still here?
It's not life or death.
It WILL be OK.
Final thoughts.
1. The Lunatic Ninnies can't seem to make up their minds
when it comes to Kristen...
(and obviously they don't have much to work with)
I know they desperately want to believe that
Kristen is a 'lesbian'
(Not that there's anything wrong with that~
but in this case it's not true.)
Not because they really believe it...
(remember... small itsy teeny minds.)
But because they really can't wrap those tiny brains
around the fact that Rob LOVES Kristen.
They hate the fact that Rob and Kristen were (are)
in a relationship for years and years...
living a life together.
That Rob CHOSE Kristen.
And he REMAINS in her life.
(Believe it)
They would rather believe that Rob was 'bearding' for her
for years, mind you.
No integrity. No honesty.
That he also went year after year after year
after year
after year
PRETENDING to be in a relationship with Kristen
and sacrificing any chance of a 'real' relationship
all for money.
Because millions and millions of dollars
just isn't enough for Robert Pattinson.
Some FAN you are.
![]() |
there. there. |
2. The word HATER is being thrown around
a lot lately.
Here's the deal...
When someone doesn't agree with your opinion...
that doesn't make them a HATER.
A HATER is someone who spews vile lies and innuendo
and tries to hurt someone.
That's a psycho hosebeast.
3. And speaking of psycho hosebeasts...
(You know who you are)
If you leave comments on Kristen/Rob's friends
family members
anyone connected with them
You are fucking scary.
Step the fuck back.
Whether you think you are defending them...
or you are trying to further your bullshit agenda
or whether you actually think they give a flying FUCK
what the hell you have to say...
Get. Off. Their. Dicks.
You embarrassing Fuckwads.
(You know who you are)
and by the way...
just a little tidbit on the 'sharing' thing since I brought it up...
Although the color on these two pics make them seem
like different t-shirts...
they are indeed the same one.
imagine that.
This post is brought to you by...
I adore him.
And guess what?
It doesn't mean I don't adore Rob... Or Kristen!
People can actually like more than ONE PERSON
at at time!!
Isn't he cute???
and by
Robert Pattinson Intoxication!
I'm not going to change the name of my blog.
You know...
the one you NEVER read
but somehow always seem to know exactly what I'm saying?
I see you!
This blog is dedicated to everyone
who wonders if I'm writing about them.
I am.
Until next time.
Bye for now.
1 – 200 of 210 Newer› Newest»Tout ça, ça me fait peur à moi. Je sais pas comment réagir, je ne sais pas quoi faire. J'adore tout contrôler, lorsque les choses m'échappent je me perds, je ne réfléchie plus et me mets à faire n'importe quoi. C'est sûrement, comme ça que je t'ai perdu d'ailleurs. Les sentiments, l'amour, l'affection tout ça c'est pas mon truc. Et puis, tu sais j'ai jamais été habitué à ce qu'on m'aime, qu'on m'apporte autant d'attention. C'est pour ça que j'ai préféré fuir, je sais c'est lâche. Mais sous mes grands airs de garce, tu as réussi à me faire goûter à l'amour, au bonheur. Juste un instant. J'aurais aimé que cela dur éternellement, mais comme à mon habitude j'ai tout saboter. J'ai trop de fierté pour avouer que j'ai encore besoin de toi, et que je t'aime tout simplement.
Thanks, Rose...I really LOVE this post!!
Take care, be safe and be happy, Roseland!
Great Post Rose! I agree with you, it is very scary to see people ranting and asking extremely rude questions or leaving innuendo on friend twitter's and instagram pics. Crazy Bullies.
Well, I loved this post,Rose and it had just the right sprinkling of profanity.Haha!
"You embarrassing fuckwads." Love that one.
I really prefer the "it's not that serious" route and really think there are some people out there that should heed this.
So happy for all the wonderful reviews for Kristen and her movie.
Thank you for the picture of Mr. Redford and Miss Stewart. That was the cherry on top!!
And yes Smiling Rob and Smiling Robert Redford...K is a lucky girl ...yep:))))
Happy Tuesday ROSELAND
Hi, it's been a long time......but I was in bed looking through my twitter, as I do, and I saw this post. I think it's a good post, makes a lot of sense.
So anyway.....hi everyone....take care + massive love.
Liza <3
I visit three different blogs that "support" Robert and Kristen and yours is the only one that that is uncomplicated. Does that make sense, Rose you are straight forward, no "sources" just fun and appreciation of Robert and Kristen be they together or separate. Thanks for that.
So glad to see you !!!
I agree with you:)))
I love the new post Rose. Good job!
Thanks!! <3
Hi LJ!! It's always nice to see some of the earlier posters pop in. Hope to see more of you and maybe a few other regulars from the past. :)
Linese, I agree with you and Super. But, that's no surprise, right? LOL!
It was an awesome weekend for Kristen and crew. Hope you all enjoyed the Sundance festivites as much as I did.
Hopefully we will be celebrating The Rover and/or MTTS...soon??
They both have an exciting year ahead and I'll be right there with them, cheering them on!
Have an awesome fucking week Roseland! And stay Happy, Happy, Happy!! :)))
Rose'I couldn't believe it when I opened up RPI and there you were. The pictures were wonderful. Thank you so much. But I don't know the people in the first photo excerpt Rob and Kristen, of course. And why would anyone think you re going to change the name of your blog?
Good post, Rose. I'm so proud for Kristen & CXR & the other movies she has coming along as I am with Rob & his movies. What a great year for their talents, they are a force together. I'm wishing you well in 2014, & want to say that I really envy your blog spot.
Eagerly, eagerly I wait for your words and pics, they always seem to brighten my day. Rob loving Kristen, Kristen loving Rob is what I love about Rob and Kristen. Always appreciated, never disappointed.
Thanks Rose
Eagerly, eagerly I wait for your words and pics, they always seem to brighten my day. Rob loving Kristen, Kristen loving Rob is what I love about Rob and Kristen. Always appreciated, never disappointed.
Thanks Rose
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I had a busy day. First I babysit my two nieces. Had fun. Then I went to tutoring to help students to read. The same ones. As for the eight year old. I still help her. Me and my boss both agree to right it down. So when DCSF comes to check it out. Then she will know what is going on.
Rose- Great job on your post. I believe in you.
As for the rest of you I am beat. I also made dinner and cleaned my kitchen. Now I am tired. Well, I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all a good night.
I'm smiling THAT smile! Thanks.
Here You Come Again
Dolly Parton:
Here you come again
Just when I've begun
To get myself together
You waltz right in the door
Just like
You've done before
And wrap my heart
Your little finger
Here you come again
Just when I'm about
To make it work without you
You look into my eyes
And lie those pretty lies
And pretty soon I'm wonderin'
How I came to doubt you
All you got to do
Is smile that smile
And there go all my defenses
Just leave it up to you
And in a little while
You're messin' up my mind
And fillin' up my senses
Here you come again
Lookin' better than a body
Has a right to
And shakin' me up so
That all I really know
Is here you
Come again
And here I go
Thanks to/pjnoodles
Well, rest. I am having wine, and you don't drink. We can have ice cream, which I will later. We do not have to think, be or act the same, and yet, we may be one in the scheme of things. Who can say, but I'm a believer!
Sweet to see you here again.
You are a poet and writer, thus, deep and yet detached. Not bad to be in this life, while passion pulls you deeper.
Vous êtes un poète et écrivain, donc, profonde et encore détacher. Pas mal pour être dans cette vie tout en passion vous entraîne plus profondément.
The past has passed
Let It Go
Idina Menzel:
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation
And it looks like I'm the Queen
The wind is howling
Like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in
Heaven knows I've tried
Don't let them in
Don't let them see
Be the good girl
You always have to be
Conceal, don't feel
Don't let them know
Well now they know
Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back any more
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don't care
What they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me
It's funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears
That once controlled me
Can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits
And break through
No right, no wrong
No rules for me
I'm free
Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry
Here I stand
And here I stay
Let the storm
Rage on
My power flurries through the air Into the ground
My soul is spiraling
In frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystalizes
Like an icy blast
I'm never going back
The past is in the past
Let it go, let it go
When I'll rise
Like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand in the light of day
Let the storm rage on
The cold
Never bothered me anyway
Thanks to/disneyanimation
Who's said he was a part of Robsten for money? How rude....
Chanel Spring/Summer 2014 sneakers & kneecap pads! Wonder what inspired Karl? I'm thrilled, hey, hey.
Parfois dans la vie, il se forme un lien indestructible entre deux personnes et parfois vous finissez par rencontrer cette personne sur qui vous pouvez compter quoi qu'il arrive. Il peut s'agir d'un être avec qui vous vous unirez lors d'un mariage de rêve, mais il se peut aussi que la personne sur qui vous pourrez compter pendant toute votre vie, la seule qui vous connaisse vraiment, peut-être encore plus que vous même, soit la même personne qui est à vos côtés depuis le tout début...
Great post, Rose!! Beautiful pics!!
Smilie Rob can definitely put a smile on my face.
Love that pic of Kristen and Robert Redford.
I'm thrilled for all the great reviews that Kristen got for CXR.
Now, if we could just have promo Rob for The Rover or MTTS... soon....PRETTY PLEASE! I miss promo Rob.
WAVES LIZA, great to see you here. Hope you are well and happy. Hugs.
Take care everyone.
Psycho Hosebeasts.
Oh man. And I thought I was the cool one who had heard it all before. But, Rose, you've outdone me when it comes to colorful language!
Got to add that one to my Internal Dictionary.
Your post is a super-blast this time, Rose.
Knowing how we love seeing Rob smoking a cigarette, have you seen the Maps To The Stars cover or whatever you call it for advertising a new movie. I saw it on Robsessed. Wonderful!
Good morning to all the Roselands! Hi everyone! I just got to work! Its 3 degrees here in Utah. All of you be safe. Keep me posted.
Good morning to all the Roselands! Hi everyone! I just got to work! Its 3 degrees here in Utah. All of you be safe. Keep me posted.
Promo Rob is coming !!! I can feel it in the air...:)))
Happy Wednesday ROSELAND. Give us weather updates . Here in SC it's sunny and 34
«Je suis tout à fait étrange et différent, mais ce qui est mal à cela? Il faut être fier d'être celui que vous êtes. Et si les autres ne peuvent pas accepter ou de vous la façon dont vous êtes, alors c'est leur problème, pas le vôtre ".
« De quoi un honnête homme peut-il parler avec le plus de plaisir ? Réponse : de lui-même.
DEAR ROSE, This is just a perfecto post! PERFECTO! Love the pictures, love the post, and so hope you and family are well I have a sore throat and ear-ache, but I had my flu shot! What! The flu shot does not work on ears and throats? This is a happy good nice and sweet post! THANK YOU! Happy Day Roseland!
Rose there are a lot of people out there who try and immate you but fail miserably. YOU are one of a kind. Very few people realize just how special you are in this fandom. You allow people to have different points of view, as long as they aren't being complete and total pot stirring trolls who disrespect you, Rob, Kristen or anyone else, and you don't berate or belittle people for feeling how they feel. You've never once insisted that people who come here have to adhere to your take on things, unlike other places.
You've been attacked for not falling in line with what others who write blogs are promoting, but you've stayed above it all. You've truly handled this whole thing with more class than most people could ever muster. So I applaud you and I have no doubt that you'll be still standing after all them have faded from memory. Bravo!
You will probably bash me for this but the only thing I didn't like about Sundance is Kristen saying to Robert Redford, meeting him for the very first time, that she was shitting her pants. Of course, being the gentleman that he is, he would still be a class act in taking his picture with her. Remember, we are entitled to our opinions.
Ha....we won't bash you for that but maybe she was paying him a compliment...I mean would you shit in your pants if Robert Redford had his arm around you? I might :)))). The bathroom better be nearby if Rob Pattinson puts an arm around me...I can tell ya that lol
Awesome post Rose! I'm trying to figure out what I enjoy the most about it. I love that GIF with the knife, your calling out of the embarrassing fuckwads and psycho hosebeasts, and your reminder to people that it's really not that serious. I wish people would take that to heart in the manner in which it is intended.
I'd rather think about the incredible career news that just seems to keep rolling in. I know if I were Kristen minutes away from the first post-Twilight film premier with a film that is IN COMPETITION at Sundance, a whole army of not-so-nice critics ready to pounce, and meeting Robert Redford at the premier of my film (no pressure there), I'd be shitting my pants and much, much more. Kristen handled all that pressure with so much courage and grace. In each of her interviews, she came across as a class act. It was clear to anyone who listened to her that she cares deeply for the characters and feels a responsibility to the film. I don't think I've ever heard her give a "look at me" type of answer to an interviewer like so many other actors do. I would hazard a guess that if she had given Robert Redford a canned, unauthentic response, he would have seen right through it. In that profession, I can only guess that people like Robert Redford see so much falsehood that they really appreciate authenticity when they see it.
So many great projects to come for both Kristen and Robert. I don't think I can even list them all, there's so many. I'm intrigued by the Still Alice rumors. I love Julianne Moore and the book has gotten phenomenal reviews.
Is it wrong for me to only want to hear Queen of the Desert news after Rob's done filming? It would be so refreshing to hear of him having the opportunity to film a movie without the embarrassing fuckwads and psycho hosebeasts (thanks Rose) stalking him while he's working.
Ok this is driving me nuts...Imitate sorry...I truly CAN spell
Tell me about it, Kami. That "Publish" button just isn't my friend! (Stick a smiley face here for good measure).
It's my iPhone's fault!
Liza!!!! It was wonderful to see your name pop up here again! I do hope you are well... I've missed you :)
Kami- I truly appreciate your kind words...
It means a lot to me that some people still 'get' me.
Thank you.
And thanks to everyone else who has had nice things to say... It means more than I can say.
Rose, It must be down under. I'd really like to know what the hell it's under though...a rock, a book, the pile of laundry in my son's room...
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love all your comments. Great job! I agree with you there. Well, I am going to bed now. I am tired I had work and had fun with my friends at the ski resort. I just watched not ski. But I had fun. Well night all of you! Keep me posted. Night all of you! Hugs to you all! Night!
Funny! Clever peeps. Love ya!
Good morning to you all been busy for last couple of days with family business but all sorted and back now,loving all your comments, looking forward to weekend im really tired,Rob/Kristen love to you both,take care hugs to you all.
Hello everyone,
Jane, I don't see nothing wrong with what she said. I imagine that she was nervous, excited and honored by meeting him...i know I would.
Super, indeed, I would be shitting on my pants and I would also need the paramedics if Robert Pattinson put is hands around me...but that will never happen so I think I am safe, lol.
And Yes WHERE IS THE ROVER trailer???
And, CXR?
As always, thank you for this, Rose
A24 @A24Films 53m
Next week is the last week in January and we don't make promises we can't keep. Prepare accordingly @TheRoverMovie fans :)
OOOOH! it is mighty cold here-seven degrees and heaters and electric blankets here I come! I am on medicine for throat and ear problems and I really wanted to say thank you again for the new and spunky post Rose! So thanks!
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands!I love all your comments. Great job! Right now ! I am just supervising my daughter and her date. Making sure nothing goes wrong. I don't know the guy. But I am doing my job as a parent.Now he is gone home. And now I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all! Night!
DK, let's hope they keep their promise and we get a Rover trailer next Fri. YAY!!!
A lot can happen in a week. Let's hope it's all awesome news!
Way to go Arleen!! You can never be too protective when it comes to teens. They are sneaky little rascals. LOL!!
Stay warm and HAPPY Roseland!
Pisteuo- Thank you! Good night!
Can it be possible...at long last? Thanks for the news, DK!
LJ, It has been far too long. So nice to see you.
Arleen, I don't envy you those teen years.
Pist, It is 3 above. These days that is considered warm. Hope you are staying happy!
Have a great day,Rose and all you positive people in Roseland!!
Robert Redford:
"Are you nervous?"
"Yeah. I'm shitting my pants."
"I just say the first thing that comes into my head out of nervousness. During interviews I’m literally shitting my pants....” Robert Pattinson
Love it Tracy!!!!!
Certains se sont brûlés les ailes et essayent d'effacer leurs souvenirs pour repartir à zéro, alors que d'autres voudraient voir certains instants durer éternellement.
grrr computer keeps freezing up...what I meant to say was "Hi Tracybell and Vernier, nice seeing yall here, are you taking a break from HKN?"
Hey Kami, Good to chat with you.
Nope we're chatting there too!
Stay warm its ridiculous cold out!!!
Lurk around a lot. Chat a lot on HKN at times and at times just lurk. Everyone here and there are so positive and upbeat (minus trolls and paranoids) Rose is still doing an awesome job. The girl got some talent!!!....:o)
Have a great evening!!!!!
So awesome Kristen interview:
Gonna try those waterproof pencils. Also, love clumpy, smeared mascara, for it fascinates the eyes.
Oh, hell, what better excuse to open up some bubbly, than that fucking great article I posted and saved?
Champagne Quotes with Some Famous Quotes from Famous People:
"In Success you deserve it and in defeat, you need it,"
Winston Churchill understood the true value of Champagne
"Champagne is the only wine that leaves a woman beautiful after drinking it." Madame de Pompadour
"I drink Champagne when I win, to celebrate…
And I drink Champagne when I lose, to console myself."
Napoleon Bonaparte, 18th century French conqueror (1769 - 1873)
"Come quickly ! I'm tasting stars!"
Dom Pierre Perignon, French Benedictine Monk, (1638 - 1715) when he first tasted his newly created champagne.
"He who doesn't risk never gets to drink champagne."
An old Russian proverb.
"Too much of anything is bad, but too much Champagne is just right."
Mark Twain, American humorist and novelist (1835 - 1910).
"Champagne, if you are seeking the truth, is better than a lie detector..."
Graham Greene, British writer. (1904 - 1991)
"I drink it when I'm happy and when I'm sad. Sometimes, I drink it when I'm alone. When I have company I consider it obligatory. I trifle with it if I'm not hungry and drink it if I am; Otherwise I never touch it - unless I'm thirsty."
Madame Bollinger, one of the "grande dames" of French champagne (1884 - 1977).
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love all your comments. Great job! I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Night and hugs to you.
DK- Well said about your comments.
Hey Vernier you're right it IS so cold out, even down here on the Gulf Coast! You're also right about Rose, she does try and stay positive, and she's very kind in that she allows us all to come and say what we like, and encourages us to just respect each other and of course to respect Rob, Kristen and as much as possible their privacy. I like that. I also like the fact that she always reminds us go with those facts we know are true, otherwise we're just yapping and spreading rumors and gossip which then alerts the media and puts Rob and Kristen in the crosshairs of the paparazzi even more than they already are, I love the fact that she truly cares about them not only as celebrities but as people.
It's great to see you I hope you visit more! Stay warm and have a great weekend.
Americana music worth celebrating!
Cover Me Up
Jason Isbell:
A heart on the run
Keeps a hand on the gun
You can't trust anyone
I was so sure what I needed
Was more
Tried to shoot out the sun
Days when we raged
We flew off the page
Such damage was done
But I made it through
Cause somebody knew
I was meant for someone
Girl, leave your boots by the bed
We ain't leaving this room
Till someone needs medical help
Or the magnolias bloom
It's cold in this house and I
Ain't going out to chop wood
So cover me up and know
You're enough to use me
For good
Put your faith to the test
When I tore off your dress
In Richmond on high
But I sobered up and I swore off
That stuff forever, this time
And the old lovers sing
"I thought it'd be me
Who helped him get home"
But home was a dream
One I'd never seen
Till you came along
Girl, hang your dress up to dry
We ain't leaving this room
Till Percy Priest breaks open wide
And the river runs through
And carries this house
On the stones like a piece
Of driftwood
Cover me up
And know
You're enough
To use me for good
Thanks to/FranceIsHell
Green Eyes and A Heart of Gold
The Lone Bellow:
Green eyes and a heart of gold
All our money's gone
And the house is cold
And it's alright, it's alright,
It's alright, it's alright
You wear your faded old dress
The night of the fourth of July
The darkness kept your silhouette
When light flashed 'cross the sky
One crash at a time, oh
One crash at a time, yeah
We're broke in New York City
The F train takes us home
Our wide-eyed ways may look like
A wreck where we're from
It's harder than we thought it'd be
We're losing blood with every beat
Our song is not a dying dream
You're not alone, you're not alone
Green eyes and a heart of gold, all our
Money's gone and the house is cold
And it's alright, it's alright,
It's alright, it's alright
For one crash at a time
And it's alright, it's alright,
It's alright, it's alright
Thanks to/kdhx
Country Girl
Carolina Chocolate Drops:
I was raised in the country
That's a natural fact
Food on the table from the garden
Out back
Everyone working to make the land
Their own
Red clay crackin'
Where the silver queen grows
Runnin' with your cousins
From yard to yard
Livin' was easy
But the playin' was hard
Didn't have much
Nothing comes for free
All you needed was your family
I am a country girl
I've been around the world
And every place I've been
Ain't quite nothin' like
Livin' in the south
Oh, honey, shut your mouth
I am a country girl
I am a country girl
Biscuits in the morning
And gravy too
Fried chicken in the afternoon
Jaw draggin' eatin'
Sweet potato pie
Takin' half an hour
To say goodbye
Blackberry patches
Scuppernong vines
Sweet Georgia peaches
And dandelion wine
The best kind of food
Is made by hand
The only place to get it
Is from the land
All day I dream about
A place in the sun
Kinda like where I'm from
With the tall grass
Blowin' in the breeze
Runnin' barefoot round the tall
Oak trees
All day I dream about a place
I've been
A place where the skin I'm in
Feels like its supposed to be
And anyone around
Who looks at me says
I am a country girl
I've been around the world
And every place I've been
Ain't quite nothin' like
Livin' in the south
Livin in the south
Oh, honey, shut your mouth
I was born in the country
That's a natural fact
On these long city days
I want to look back
See tobacco fields
A row after row
Red clay a crackin'
Where the silver queen grows
Thanks to/ccdrops
Me Wanting You
John Fullbright (Listen while reading):
This is not reflection
Reflection is true
This is just me
Me wanting you
Sweet silver memories
can’t undo
This is just me
Me wanting you
And when I drink
I find myself longing
Never too sure
Of what I’m to do
Sometimes I think
You're still out there
But this is just me
Me wanting you
Memory’s a river
It winds and it changes
It cries when it’s happy
It smiles when it’s blue
I taste your kiss
I feel you around me
But this is just me
Me wanting
Thanks to/Music Fog
Dimming of the Day
Bonnie Raitt & Richard Thompson:
This old house is falling down
Around my ears
I'm drowning
In the river of my tears
When all my will is gone
You hold me sway
I need you at the dimming
Of the day
You pulled me
Like the moon pulls on the tide
You know just where
I keep my better side
What days have come
To keep us far apart
A broken promise
Or a broken heart
Now all the bonny birds
Have wheeled away
I need you
At the dimming of the day
Come the night
You're only what I want
Come the night
You could be my confidant
I see you
On the street and in company
Why don't you come
And ease your mind with me
I'm living for the night
We steal away
I need you at the dimming
Of the day
Yes I need you at
The dimming of the day
Thanks to/Cleapatr
Time to dim the lights, crawl into bed and read.
'Night all.
YOU ALL check out the new shots of K in New York. She looks great and there is a good interview with her!
Great post Rose!
The lunatics ninnies haven't seen Camp X-Ray but they low rated it online. I guess looking for bad reviews didn't work out for them. Now that's an example of a hater/psycho. It's sick.
"Trailer coming soon" and its finally here. Well almost here. The Rover's Teaser Premiere: Thursday 8:30pm (Australian Time).
Good morning to all the Roselands! Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I am up, ate my breakfast, and now I am going to clean my kitchen.
ADD- I miss you. How are you? I agree with you about those trouble makers.
Happy Saturday ROSELAND
Loved the songs, champagne quotes and the article and pics of K !!!!
Hi girl. It's freakin cold alright. And we might get a little....dare I say it or I'll jinx it...shhhhh...s n o w ...on Tuesday !!!!!
Hi ADD, SM, ARLEEN :))))
VERNI and Co over the meadow and through the woods
You said you understood where we were coming from over here but your comments over the meadow sound like you are making fun of us....I confess I'm a a little disappointed....but not so much as to lose any sleep over it
You are welcome to say how you really feel . You don't have to be disingenuous and untrue to yourself by talking out of both sides of your mouth
Again...ugh...not that it really matters but, oh well
We support R and K, together or apart
We would be pleased if she turns out to be pregnant but are turned off by people discussing and being intrusive...I mean really...people have been following her doctor visits...Don't you think that's over the line ? Nope, I didn't think so:(
People have been ugly on other sites about Rose...YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE ... Yep. Because she said she didn't think she was....WW 3.... Silly
We dislike trolls as much as you all do but we dislike people being ugly to Rose. If you want to be ugly to some of us posters for sticking up for Rose and defending K's right to privacy concerning her medical status then GO FUCKING AHEAD AND MAKES FUN !!!!
By the way did you know that a HIPPA Violation ( Health Information Privacy and Portability Act) can result in fines of millions of dollars?
Have a party :(
Hey kami
How about this...
1. I never slammed rose and to my knowledge not one single comment on hkn has ever been derogatory towards her or about her. No one cares if she believes kristen is pregnant...she is still loved and read by many, if not all, posters in all rob and Kristen blogs. So dont you dare bring rose into this. This is about you and your above comment.
2. Jane has always made insuating and derogatory comments about kristen and my comment was to her and not rose or anyone else at rpi. My comment was to point out to jane that rob made an exact statement himself. I said nothing derogatory to her...just stating actual comments.
3. I never addressed you once...you addresed me in response to verni. And your thinly veiled insult towards hkn and posters on her blog did not go unnoticed.
4. For someone who insults bloggers who believe something you dont, and post comments about things you think are disgusting, you sure do know a lot about whats going on there. You are a hypocrite.
5. In the future dont be so self centered and think every comment is about you. Get off that throne you put yourself on and grow up.
Great to see you...hope you visit hkn more often. Stay warm and have a great weekend.
Tracybell try and spin this anyway you like, but your comments were directed towards me. In case you missed my comments on the other blog, the one I was actually referring to...let me set the record straight. Yes I have been known to lurk on HKN when needing a good laugh. Along with Damnyouautocorrect , clips of Mrs. Brown's boys HKN has become my favorite place to go when needing a good laugh. Having said that, let me also make it clear that I frankly could care less what happens over there, and other than being shocked at how people who do not believe there is a pregnancy are attacked or being amused by the latest 'theory' as to why Kristen is not sporting a huge baby bump, and the conspiracy theories as to how the tabloids can make more money if there ISN'T a pregnancy than if there was, I frankly could give a damn what happens there.
Again...blow smoke up someone else's ass Tracybell I'm not buying it.
People are wondering why the rags and mags aren't running stories of the "pregnancy"
Could it possibly be that they could be in violation of medical privacy acts ?
Hmmmm, I wonder. Too bad that individuals on blogs can get away with writing about someone's medical status without the persons permission and not have a multi million dollar law suit on their hands...
Too bad :(
Oh and wrapping this whole thing up so that we can all get back to our normal life and off of Rose's blog, let me say this. You came here, to 'put someone in their place' someone you consider a troll. You came here and posted a lame comment thinking you were being oh so stealthy, when in reality you're nothing but a hypocrite, and frankly if anyone needs to grow up it's you. You and everyone else who is obsessing about baby bumps, tabloid consipracies and attacking people who do not agree with you. Someone decided to promote the pregnancy story and some people fell in line with it..whatever floats your boat, I could care less...where the line was crossed is whenever people like YOU decided to take it upon yourselves to attack those people who do not look at every picture and see 'bumps'. We're all entitled to our own opinions and beliefs, so feel free to believe what you like, but don't try to force the rest of us to drink YOUR Koolaid
Rose I apologize, I made the comment that this should be addressed on "Our blog" meaning WYR, not here. I guess I was misunderstood. I'm very sorry.
« Plus tu donnes d’amour, plus tu recevras, c’est la première loi de l’amour l’égoïste qui reste dans son coin avec son petit peu déjà accumulé restera à jamais dans son coin malheureux sans amour véritable. Ne pas être découragé si l’amour ne nous est pas rendu immédiatement est la deuxième loi. Car quand nous donnons c’est avant tout par amour, pour le plaisir de celui qu’on aime. Attendre en retour serait alors une façon de vouloir profiter, de réclamer et l’amour ne se réclame pas, l’amour s’offre. »
« Ce n'est pas la jalousie que les femmes haïssent, c'est la manière dont les hommes sont jaloux. »
« Je préfère avoir des yeux qui ne voient pas, des oreilles qui n'entendent pas, des lèvres qui ne peuvent pas parler, qu'un cœur qui ne peut pas aimer. »LOVE
I've been kind of busy but things will slow down soon. How are you? I hope you're well and keeping warm.
Hi! I didn't know people were acting a certain way here and then making fun of us somewhere else. It's a shame. I feel like--if you're respectful-- you can say what's on your mind here, you don't have to pretend. Just don't expect others to always agree with you.
For lemoine
Stop Beatin' Around The Mulberry Bush
Bill Haley & the Comets:
Stop beatin' around
The mulberry bush
Beatin' around the mulberry bush
Come out
And say you love me
Stop beatin' around the mulberry bush
Stop beatin' around the mulberry bush
When there's a moon above me
This is the way to win my heart
Win my heart, win my heart
Better begin before we part
Blue and brokenhearted
You better begin to rock the joint
Better begin to rock the joint
Rock it for my baby
Stop beatin' around
The mulberry bush
Beatin' around the mulberry bush
Come out
And say you love me
Thanks to/crazypatrick1993
"Dis-moi, combien pèse un flocon de neige ?", demanda la mésange à la colombe.
"Rien d'autre que rien", fut la réponse.
Et la mésange raconta alors à la colombe :
"J'étais sur une branche d'un sapin quand il se mit à neiger. Pas une tempête, non, juste comme un rêve, doucement, sans violence. Comme je n'avais rien de mieux à faire, je commençais à compter les flocons qui tombaient sur la branche où je me tenais. Il en tomba 3.751.952. Lorsque le 3.751.953ème tomba sur la branche - rien d'autre que rien comme tu l'as dit - celle-ci cassa."
Sur ce, la mésange s'envola.
La colombe, une autorité en matière de paix depuis l'époque d'un certain Noé, réfléchit un moment et se dit finalement :
"Peut-être ne manque-t-il qu'une personne pour que tout bascule et que le monde vive en paix !"
Hold On
Alabama Shakes (Skip ad):
Bless my heart
Bless my soul
Didn't think
I'd make it to 22 years old
There must be someone
Up above sayin'
Come on, Brittany
You got to come on up
You got to hold on
Hey, you got to hold on
So, bless my heart
And bless yours too
I don't know
Where I'm gonna go
Don't know what
I'm gonna do
Yeah! You got to wait
Yeah! You got to wait
But I don't wanna wait
No, I don't wanna wait
So, bless my heart
And bless my mind
I got so much to do
I ain't got much time
You got to hold on
When everybody lookin'
At you funny
You got to hold on
Thanks to/AlabamaShakesVEVO
C'est difficile de partir quand on veut rester, de rire quand on veut pleurer. Mais surtout se faire une croix sur les personnes qu'on à trop aimer..
I saw the photo from Sundance where stars were having their photos taken with an old camera process and Kristen is wearing a chain and in a photo on this post of her with books she also has a chain obviously around her neck. Is that the necklace that Rob gave her, do you know?
I saw the photo from Sundance where stars were having their photos taken with an old camera process and Kristen is wearing a chain and in a photo on this post of her with books she also has a chain obviously around her neck. Is that the necklace that Rob gave her, do you know?
Super I make fun of no one. I do find it humorous when people throw shade. I said and still believe that people change their tag and troll other sites. If it's not you don't get bent. I also said there are good people here. I have always considered u one of them. I have my beliefs and u have yours. I don't force them at anyone and I don't throw shade. As far as hippa violations i f I were in the medical field and privy to her medical history or signed some form of contract with her then you would be correct. My friend Constance is a lawyer and says everyone makes comments and have opinion as long as you are not her doctor, nurse, or lawyer you are not violating anything unless she felt people saying she was pregnant with Roberts child slander and that would be far reaching. I don't know of anyone who slammed Rose. If they did I missed it. Rose and blog is awesome.
Oh and people wishing for blessings for an awesome couple is not making fun it is called lifting Up.
Everyone needs to calm down, get their panties out of a twist and enjoy the upbeat goodness of these very gifted bloggers. No one will ever agree with everything that's why you learn the flow of that particular blog and stay in that lane. The next may be different so you find its flavor and go with it. It's called being respectful of others feelings and opinions without the hate or shade thrown. Have a great night and hopefully stay warm..... I still say there are very good people here and that I will not back up on either!!!!
This used to be such a nice place... but now people just come here to bicker and then go off to other blogs to be nice and chat.
That makes me sad.
Seriously considering just eliminating comments altogether.
I'm so sorry Rose.
I would really miss the comments if you eliminated them, Rose...but I can understand and respect it if you decide to. :(
I know about privacy laws. I'm just trying to make a point...that it's invasion of a celebs privacy to be snooping and speculating about a medical condition that you know nothing about until the celeb decides to release the info
There are people indicating they have a cousin or a this or a that that have insider information. Are there insiders that are in K's camp or in K's doctors offices that are releasing information behind her back? If they are they should be careful. That's what I'm sayin
You and I have always gotten along very well V but I know what I read. It's OK though. You are not the first one to join the "friendly banter " across the pond. No worries.
I Imagine you are correct some people changing their Avis and pretending to be something or someone else, That would not be me....lol...I don't have the time for such trickery :)
Stay warm VERNI
Rose, I hope you don't do that...but, I respect your decision to do so. I'm sure it would delight a few other blogs if you did so. I feel that is why some of them come here...just to stir the pot and say things they know will get a reaction from some of us. But, that's just my opinion.
There seem to be quite a few people that try to control all the RK blogs and almost demand that everyone there think and view things the same as them.
Rose, you are the only RK blog that is fair and allows different opinions without calling people haters or trolls if they happen to differ. So, it would be a shame for it to end.
And.....beter get this in before no more comments.
Why do people have the need to go from RK blog to RK blog to make comments in the first place if you are not on the same page as the regulars there?
I've often wondered what the point was.
I lurk on other blogs sometimes...just to see what people are talking about.and sometimes for a laugh..however, I keep my comments here and at CP where like minds gather.
Vern, people do change their ID's to troll other blogs and I don't support that or quite understand it to be honest. That's kinda like being afraid to be yourself and hiding behind a facade.
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands!
Rose, I am still here. I agree with Pist and Super. Please don't do that. I already making friends here.
ADD- Hey you! I am fine and now relaxing.
Thanks...but im not quitting the blog... just thinking about disabling the comments.
I love to read what you all have to say.. even if i don't agree.
But the bickering gets tiresome.
again Rose I sincerely apologize that the bickering came HERE. Tracybell at one point visited CP and that was where I was suggesting she come to discuss this. I did not want this drama here, since I knew I was opening a huge can of worms.
I truly am sorry. I could go into how I was being talked about, although not openly on another blog so I went there to discuss it,and it led to this, but that doesn't fix what happened here today and I truly, truly am sorry.
Totally understand, Rose.
Oops! I have not visited any other blogs recently so, I did not realize what this was exactly about.
So, not sure how it got here. But, my comments still stand.
I am sorry that it has come to this...especially since this is going to be such an awesome year for both Rob and Kristen...professionally.
But, nothing good ever comes from people sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.
Thank you Rose!
Pist- Hey you!
Just to clarify...
2014 is going to be a phenomenal year for both
Rob and Kristen ... I'm not going anywhere!
Rose- I am glad that you are not going anywhere. Because I love what do on your blog. And I already making friends. You were the one welcome me in the first place. Thanks for that. You and the rest of Roselands have make me a better person. I have stay away from those trouble makers. Thanks to all of you. And no I am not going anywhere. Well, I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Keep doing what you are doing on your blog. And standing up for Rob and Kristen. I support them too. Well, night. Hugs to you and the rest of Roselands.
I understood that, Rose. I was talking about commenters not being able to discuss all the awesomeness of 2014 here if the comment section is closed.
However...again, I respect your decision to do so and will visit often to read what you have to say...if you decide to close the comments. <3
DEAR ROSE I understand how you feel but truthfully each blog is different with very different posters and you have a good blog, which is normally very positive. I believe being polite and kind to one another and not cross over to fuss and fume would be the ticket. I would not close your comments just yet there are many nice comments FROM d/k and Arlene and Birdie and the list goes on and on. Hope this does not sound stuffy. Hope everything works out. Everybody has different ideas, that is why the world is so very amazing and great. Please have a better day.
There really are going to be so many awesome things going on for both of them professionally in 2014...lots to look forward to. :)
Once again, toasting to Rose, Roseland and those who linger here.
What a ride!
Ella Fitzgerald(Gershwin 1928):
Soon, the lonely nights
Will be ended
Soon, two hearts as one
Will be blended
I’ve found the happiness
I’ve waited for
The only boy
That I was fated for
Oh, soon
A little cottage
Will find us safe
With all our cares
Far behind us
The day you're mine
This world
Will be in tune
Let's make that day
Come soon
My dear, you’ll never
Never be lonely
You’ll find I live
For you only
When I’m with you
Who cares what time it is
Or what the place
Or what the climate is
I'm talking about soon
Our little ship
Will come sailing home
Through every storm
Never failing
The day you're mine
This world will be in tune
Let's make that day come soon
Thanks to/OnlyJazzHQ
Spiritual Truths @TheGodLight 43s
"You only know your true strength in times of hardship, for no man ever became strong by doing nothing."
Chill with me
The Best of Django Reinhardt
Django Reinhardt (Guitar 53 mins.):
Thanks to/Gui tar
After chillin', now watchin', "Will & Grace" and laffin' my ass off. Why, oh why, did I wait years to do this? Raising kids, running a biz or just obliv? All. None. Fun.
Warm bath, book and candle time.
Spirit be with you.
Well, this all makes me sad.
Rose, you have the only place I comment on and blog I enjoy. I love following these 2 young actors, still find them fascinating and will continue to read your blog. I may not comment often but enjoy reading what many have to say. So, I would miss the comment section. No pressure,haha.
Hello Miss DK, wherever you are!
Have a great day, Rose and all you Roselanders!!
Ce titre est extrait de l'album : Non Homologué
Année de sortie : 1985 | Label : Epic
Paroles Confidentiel
Je voulais simplement te dire
Que ton visage et ton sourire
Resteront prés de moi sur mon chemin
Te dire que c'était pour de vrai
Tout ce qu'on s'est dit, tout ce qu'on a fait
Que c'était pas pour de faux, que c'était bien.
Faut surtout jamais regretter
Même si ça fait mal, c'est gagné
Tous ces moments, tous ces mêmes matins
Je vais pas te dire que faut pas pleurer
Y a vraiment pas de quoi s'en priver
Et tout ce qu'on a pas loupé, le valait bien
Peut-être que l'on se retrouvera
Peut-être que peut-être pas
Mais sache qu'ici bas, je suis là
Ça restera comme une lumière
Qui me tiendra chaud dans mes hivers
Un petit feu de toi qui s'éteint pas.
Rose, I hope you'll not disable the comments section. Things may not be like they used to be here, but I still enjoy reading what people have to say here.
I ADORE Rob and Kristen and as long people are not talking shit about them, I really don't care what people believe.
Take care everyone.
Good morning to all the Roselands! Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I am up. And about to get ready for church. Keep me posted.
Congratulations to Kristen for sharing the Best Actress award at Sundance for CXR. Bravo! Congratulations to Anna Kendrick also. Very happy for them.
Excited to see the films coming up this year!
Life is very good!
Virginia, the chain around Kristen's neck is for her dog tags.
Good morning to all the Roselands! Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love all your comments. Great job! I miss some of you. Don't forget us. Well I better get going to church. Just waiting for my ride. Keep me posted.
I understand if you end up disabling the comments. I can only imagine how stressful it is for you to run this blog--I mean you've posted the crazy e-mail you get. I hope you don't tough. It's very hard to find a sane comment section like yours.
Good Afternoon ROSELAND
To all the regs my apologies . If Rose decides to close this section then I will feel in large part responsible.
I am excited for all the actors and look for great things this year and many years to come
Hello everyone.
I have been reading this blog from 2009, and find Rose's take always to be very nice and fair. I only have a question about the last couple of posts.
Does she believe that Rob and Kristen still remain friends but they ended their romantic relationship?
I know it should not be so relevant for people, but I did not understand that.
Thanks and enjoy the day
Hello everyone.
I have been reading this blog from 2009, and find Rose's take always to be very nice and fair. I only have a question about the last couple of posts.
Does she believe that Rob and Kristen still remain friends but they ended their romantic relationship?
I know it should not be so relevant for people, but I did not understand that.
Thanks and enjoy the day
Hello everyone.
I have been reading this blog from 2009, and find Rose's take always to be very nice and fair. I only have a question about the last couple of posts.
Does she believe that Rob and Kristen still remain friends but they ended their romantic relationship?
I know it should not be so relevant for people, but I did not understand that.
Thanks and enjoy the day
Hello everyone.
I have been reading this blog from 2009, and find Rose's take always to be very nice and fair. I only have a question about the last couple of posts.
Does she believe that Rob and Kristen still remain friends but they ended their romantic relationship?
I know it should not be so relevant for people, but I did not understand that.
Thanks and enjoy the day
Ooops, I am sorry for the multiple messages, my computer sent me an error as I was posting this message, then froze, then i resent it and now I see all of this.
Please don't blame yourself for my view on the comments... this has been an ongoing issue.
No one person has made me rethink this... its been months in the making.
But that being said...
If people could just be a bit more tolerant of different point of views (as long as they aren't trashing/hurting anyone) that would be good.
And oh yeah...
If you could please leave my name out of it, OK?
I'd appreciate that.
And the comments will stand.
I can't imagine a day without DK's songs :)
Thank you Rose, for all you do and your tolerance!
Thanks Rose, famous lyricist that you are, my compadre. :)
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands!I love all your comments. Great job! I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all from the bottom of my heart. Night all of you!
hii Roseland :) hope everyone around here is happy
Dreamer u must have snoozed early :)) was hoping to catch u around but hope ur having sweet dreams :)) hope to catch u around soon
Vous n'avez pas besoin de motiver les choses que vous faites - vous avez juste à faire ce que vous voulez Et parfois la chose qui semble foiré à tout le monde ce qui est bon pour vous, vous devez faire et ne pas avoir honte.. de celui-ci ".
lemoine Idiane vous ne devriez pas avoir honte juste de sortir et de dire ce que vous pensez de son mieux pour être direct et arrêter avec les messages mystérieux
I hope you are having a long, deep sleep. My eyes have yet to close. Been reading for hours and hours, long after Beyonce & JayZ made me drunk!
Dreamer :)) no sleep for me yet I took a nice long walk w my dog tho it's nice to be out when everyone else is sleeping so calm n u can really see what's going on around u without all the noise
It's good to be drunk on love <3 stay happy n when u finally snooze hope u have the sweetest dreams :))
As a reader who rarely comments, I'm glad you are keeping the comments section. I've learned skip certain names because they tend to only show up for drama. Otherwise, it's usually pretty calm and positive in Roseland. Hopefully, we can follow your example and just ignore comments we disagree with. Thank you for continuing to provide a fun, positive place for fans to gather and support our favorite actors.
PS: I would miss DK's songs, too!
Good morning to all the Roselands!
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love all your comments.
Em- I miss you. How are you?
DK- Love your comments. I am miss you songs too.
I hope all of you have a g
a great day. Sorry I didn't get chance to finish here. Keep me posted.
Good evening to everyone hope you all had a great weekend,loving all your comments, love to Rob and Kristen and to you all, take care and be safe hugs to you all.
Je te réponds direct puisque tu n'arrives pas à lire entre les lignes.
Je ne suis pas une personne qui parle méchamment de deux personnes dont je ne connais pas leur vies privées,Je préfère parler de leurs talents.(ce n'est pas parce que l'on sort avec une copine que l'on devient gay et si on prend un peu de poids on devient enceinte)
Là , je suis assez clair.
merci pour la compensation que vous je ne tiens pas à lire entre les lignes et je ne devraient pas avoir à son comme vous l'avez dit avant dans votre commentaire, vous n'avez pas besoin de justifier les choses que vous faites donc de même pour les choses que vous dites tant que tu es vrai :) avoir une bonne nuit
lemonine idiane,
Si vous êtes si clair alors, pourquoi devrait-on besoin de lire entre les lignes? Etes-vous un poète? et vous voulez simplement partager ce que vous écrivez? Parce que vous êtes vraiment pas très clair ... pas même à des gens qui parlent français. désolé
« La vie c’est des étapes… La plus douce c’est l’amour… La plus dure c’est la séparation… La plus pénible c’est les adieux… La plus belle c’est les retrouvailles. »
Good day!
Thanks for the kind remark. :)
Lovely sentiments, as usual. :)
Pizza or Chinese? Big decisions.
Good night to all the Roselands! Keep me posted. I love all your comments. Great job. Night! Hugs from the bottom of my heart.
Saw a set pic showing the filming of QOTD (green screen, sand, camels, peeps). Heard Rob is in Morocco. 1+1=2 and maybe even true. Yoo-hoo!
RIP dearest troubadour
Sailing Down My Golden River
Pete Seeger:
Sailing down my golden river,
Sun and water all my own,
Yet I was never alone.
Sun and water, old life givers,
I'll have them where e'er I roam,
And I was not far from home.
Sunlight glancing on the water,
Life and death are all my own,
Yet I was never alone.
Life to raise my sons and daughters,
Golden sparkles in the foam,
And I was not far from home.
Sailing down this winding highway,
Travelers from near and far,
Yet I was never alone.
Exploring all the little by-ways,
Sighting all the distant stars,
And I was not far from home.
Thanks to/countryfolkblues
Banjo from heaven
Ode To Joy
Pete Seeger:
Thanks to/s3nn5
When I Grow Too Old To Dream
The Everly Brothers:
After you've gone
Life will go on
Life has been beautiful
We have been young
After you've gone
Life will go on
Like an old song
We have sung
When I grow too old to dream
I'll have you to remember
When I grow too old to dream
Your love will live in my heart
So kiss me my sweet
And so let us part
And when I grow too old to dream
That kiss will live in my heart
Thanks to/nipstertunes
Paul McCartney:
Don't look at me
It's way too soon to see
What's gonna be
Don't look at me
All my life
I never knew what I could be
What I could do
Then we were new
You came along
And made my life a song
Oh, lucky day you came along
Just in time
While I was searching
For a rock
You came along
Then we were new
We can do what we want
We can live as we chose
You see, there's no guarantee
We've got nothing to lose
Don't look at me
I can't deny the truth
It's plain to see
Don't look at me
All my life
I never knew what I could be
What I could do
Then we were new
Now we are new
Thanks to/PaulFactsBR
Goodbye for now. Howling at the moon.
Howling at the departing sun. Same thing, different day. Yet, life is good, for the coffee's hot and the cream's sweet.
Happy day Roseland!
I hope you had a happy day!
Awesome news: Julianne Moore, Alec Baldwin, Kristen Stewart, Kate Bosworth in Still Alice the movie.
Yes, I did.
Very good news indeed. Thanks.
My local restaurant "Capones" reality show premieres tonight at 9 CST/10 EST on REELZ. I eat there and enjoy the family antics! (They are related to the real Al Capone.)
ADD, that is indeed freaking awesome. A lot of talk about this movie. I can't wait!! Yay!!
DK, that is so cool. Any chance we will see you on TV? :)
They'd have to catch me unawares, let me see the shots, and when I sign the release, slap some $$ across my palms! So perhaps. I'll let you know if. Meanwhile, just for you, I'll post a new avi of myself from October.
Future reality show guest?
Be safe all peeps in snowy, icy states! It is really not worth it to go out, unless a real emergency!!
Good night to all the Roselands! I love all your comments. Great job! I am going to bed. I had a long day. And now I am tired. Well, Night and keep me posted. Hugs to you all from the bottom of my heart. Night!
I ship Robsten! (Robert Redford & Kristen Stewart) it speaks volumes that RR was at her premiere!
Good morning, Roseland! Still f**king cold here.
DK, Lovely picture and I love the short hair! I think you are ready for a cameo.
ADD, Thanks for sharing the movie news. Great!! These two sure have a busy year ahead.
Thanks! A cameo indeed. More as my new avi shows, future celebrating at a Super Bowl party feast, with some ham and cheese!
Keep warm and bring the dogs in quick!
Such exciting news about Kristen's latest role in Still Alice! It sounds like a great cast and it is such a relevant and touching topic.
Aren't we supposed to see a teaser trailer for The Rover today, too?! Really looking forward to seeing Rob in something so different.
Take care, be safe and stay warm out there in all of this ugly, stormy weather Rose, Roseland and lurkers!
Evening everyone hope all is well ,been poorly so thats why not been on for a while ,see we got confirmation for Kristen for Still Alice so looking forward to watching her films,Rob busy filming his part looking forward to his films as well so proud of them both for what they have achieved so far and will do in the future love them both, hugs to you all keep well be safe.
DK....hey sexy lay-deh! ;)
Will you marry me? :D
Could it be true? Are we going to see something today? I don't even want to say it for fear that I'll jinx the whole damn thing!
Here it is! Amen!
The Rover Oficial Teaser Trailer
The Rover teaser looks SOOO good!!! I want to see mooore...with Rob speaking preferably. Want to hear is Texan accent. :))
Looks great! The cinematography looks wonderful. That bird with the insects crawling around on its eye, blech, but incredible shot. I'm appropriately teased and want more!
Jajajajaa, I love you!!!
Totally agree with you!!!
I don't know a lot about The Rover because I try to avoid spoilers. But it looks good indeed. It's intense and kind of creepy. I believe it's going to be very different from anything Rob has done before. I can't wait to hear his accent--let's hope we get another trailer soon.
@DK, Birdie, Pisteuo
I have to read the book before watching a film, so Still Alice is on my list. It has great reviews and some say it's heartbreaking. I usually cry a lot when I read--I'll end up dehydrated.
The Rover
"The feeling that you have when you wake up in the morning. When your feet touch the floor. Or before that, when you’re lying there thinking about your feet hitting the floor. What feeling do you have? What does that feel like for you?”
Like how I feel now, as my jaw hits the floor. So good.
Sure. I'll be the matriarch. :O
Thanks for posting the trailer. It greeted me upon my waking up.
I'm totally teased and all emo and wish there was some dialogue from Rob.
I wasn't expecting him to look so handsome though. But, I guess that might change when he gets all bloody and dirty and shows his teeth. LOL!!
DK, ***toasting to our engagement*** :D
ADD, I like reading the books too before seeing a movie.
Well at last it is here. Just a teaser, but here. It looks gritty and I can handle that. I would have liked to have heard Rob speak,too. I would guess they will trickle out more, just to pull us in(like that will be hard to do),lol.
ADD, I sometimes like to read the book. Sometimes it creates expectations and I wind up being disappointed. Sometimes pleasantly surprised. Actually, I am terrible about not knowing how something ends. I cheat alot because I can't handle the suspense.
No problem. You're welcome.
You're right. I always wind up disappointed. It's so annoying when the screenwriter cuts a part of the book that you think it's vital. It ruins the internal movie you created in your head when you read it.
IMO, the only movie that's better that its book is "Into The Wild". (I swear I'm not saying that because of Kristen LOL!)
Have ever read The Game of Thrones novels? Each character gets a chapter. You read that Jon Snow was hurt in chapter one--> 50 pages of other characters' POVs -> you find out if he's alive or not. It's torture.
The Rover trailer looks really good. I can't wait for it and all the other R/K films coming out this year. It's a great time to be a fan of both.
I have watched Game Of Thrones and love it. I hear the books are very good and very long.lol
Two books perfectly adapted and 2 of my favorite movies were To Kill a Mockingbird and One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest. The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo was well done also.
The Shining is a good example of a disappointment- the book being scarier. You just never know.
It does seem that most movies these days are book adaptations.
Yeah, they are hiding the Texas accent and yellowed teeth from us by not having Rob speak in the trailer, leaving only a very handsome lost young man, prey to unsavory types in that existence! Still very intriguing.
"Toasting along with you, drinking an outstanding 2008 Zinfandel. "To our lasting affections!"
I sneak peeks, too. Am not going to read the books of their upcoming films until after seeing them, as I expect too much, also.
Like with the Capones reality show, folks around here are shaking their heads, for that is an old time style of behavior they showed (acted). I found it amusing and the cast is much more lovely in person.
Are we sistas from another muddah? I heartily agree, although watching Girl With (GWDT) was tough, I adore Lisbeth Salander, and made myself read all of the books, despite seeing the ugly realities involved. Am surely old enough to see or even be them.
I have never been disappointed as their fan, for they rise above the debris. :)
Wowza - that is definitely an intense *teaser* trailer....when can we have more?!
Alive! Tasting wine!
A Lot Of Livin' To Do
Sammy Davis Jr:
There are chicks just ripe for some kissin'
And I mean to kiss me a few!
Then those chicks don't know what they're missin',
I got a lot of living to do!
Sizzlin' steaks all ready for tastin'
And there's Cadillacs all shiny and new!
Gotta move, cause time is a-wastin',
There's such a lot of livin' to do!
Oh, Life's a ball
if only you know it
And it's all just waiting for you
You're alive,
So come on and show it
We got a lot of livin'
Such a lot of livin'
Got a lot of livin' to do!
Thanks to/InSinatraWeSwing
An interesting observation:
I wear perfumes made from pheromones and have much younger men respond to me with hugs and smooches.
I say hail young woman, get some "Realm" or Marilyn Miglin's perfume and entrance dudes.
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love all your comments. Great job.
DK, ADD, Pist, Birdie, and Kay- I love your comments. Great job.
DK- I love your comments and your songs. Great job.
Well I am going to bed. I had a busy day. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all from the bottom of my heart. Stay warm and snuggle up. Night!
Feeling inspired Gershwin like
Rhapsody In Blue
Oscar Levant (Instrumental 12:48 1945):
Thank you/davidhertzberg
Killing me with delight
Gershwin - Second Rhapsody for Piano and Orchestra (1931)
Oscar Levant & Morton Gould Orchestra (personal friend):
Thanks to/DGatsby
I watched the Swedish trilogy(with Noomi Rapace) and it was very good. The American version was also very good. It came out during Xmas season and just didn't do as well as expected. I cannot believe they have not finished the trilogy. Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig were perfect for these roles. Damn.
So pheromones are the ticket? Haha
Have a wonderful day, Roseland!
DK- Yes they do!
I am reminded of how we were all so looking forward to Kristen's SWATH accent and they made us wait for it, too. Teasers indeed! ;)
Happy Thursday!
I think THE ROVER teaser trailer was perfect. It really stuck to the old show business adage,"Always leave them wanting more." And that just over one minute of film did just that.
I think THE ROVER teaser trailer was perfect. It really stuck to the old show business adage,"Always leave them wanting more." And that just over one minute of film did just that.
I have to agree with you all about the teaser trailer leaving you wanting to see more. It was very exciting!! And a movie you can happily bring the Mr in your life to. Looking forward to seeing more and getting to hear the Texan accent. I can live without the yellow teeth, but I'm sure it's important to the character he is playing LOL
ok call me stupid but I didn't know he would have a Texas accent...that I've got to see...well hear. I hope he nails it.
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love your comments. Great job! Sorry you guys. Today, found out one of my students the one I have a problem. Didn't show up for school all this week. I won't know what is going on til Tuesday. I just pray that she is alright.
Well, I am going to bed now. Keep me posted.
Rose- I love your banner. Great job.
Night everyone! Hugs to you all from the bottom of my heart. Night!
Rose..I love the new header for your blog. There's something almost magical about those photos and they have been way underused. I love any scene from the first movie. There was something elemental about that one. It's the strong foundation that all of the rest of the saga rests on; and that kiss was central to the whole thing. Thank you for reminding us of that. The little indie that could. It launched the juggernaut that became the Twilight phenomenon. The rest as they say is history. I think of that every time I see them in other films ever since that November 2008's launch date of Twilight.
Heading to bed early with a tiny headache, so trying to head it off with a good sleep.
Best to y'all!
GOOD MORNING TO YOU ROSELAND! I am really looking forward to these new movies! The reason we do not hear Rob is simple. They want us to go see the movies! But, I thought it was all good anyhow! Weather is just a mess these days, very odd in the South and Southeast! You all stay warm keep thinking warm thoughts!
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