I was sorting through my emails
and was reading all the questions that I get asked...
I decided to respond to the ones I keep seeing
over and over
and over
and let's not forget
OVER again.
Dear Rose- How can you not think Kristen is pregnant? You have to noticed how much her body has changed over these past few months! Her clothes get looser and looser and the bump gets bigger and bigger! We are not obsessing over her body, but we can't help but notice the obvious!
Rosee- How dare you mock anyone for thinking that Kristen is pregnant! What do you know anyway??
Hi Rose! I agree with you! I don't think Kristen is pregnant either. I can only imagine the crazy emails you get about this topic. I don't know how you do it! Stay strong!
That was just a small sampling of the 'pregnant' email
I have received lately.
It seems to outweigh most topics at the moment.
It seems to outweigh most topics at the moment.
My mind is still boggling over the fact
that people got so offended just because
I don't think Kristen is pregnant.
I don't think Kristen is pregnant.
So what?
Does my opinion make you doubt your own?
I honestly don't get it.
If you believe...than BELIEVE.
As for 'mocking'...
Unless you have written me emails
asking me about this topic...
I wasn't talking about you.
To be honest
I don't take a great interest in this debate
So up until recently... I hadn't said much.
Kinda like the whole "TGC" thing.
I don't have anything against people
who like to talk about the offspring
of Rob and Kristen.
And believe me...
If Rob and Kristen decided to have a baby
I would be thrilled for them.
But it's just not something that is important to me.
To each their own.
Dear Rose- What do you think about this stuff with Alicia/Alannah? Do you think Kristen is gay now? What happened?? They share clothes all the time now and shes always hanging out with Alicia. What's going on?
HAHAHA ROSEEEEEEE! Kristen is all about Alicaboy. Isn't it adorable how they share their clothes? You used to think it was when she shared Robs. HAHAHAHAHAHA. How does it feel to LOSE? Kristen is fucking gay and her and Rob were just a PR fauxmance. EAT IT!!!!
Oh poor Rose. How hard is it for you to admit that Rob and Kristen are OVER? They didn't spend any of the holidays together, Rob couldn't wait to get to London and even when he comes back to the states for NYE, he still doesn't see her! Face the truth, Rose.
Kristen is all about Alicia. That's who she is sharing clothes with and hanging out with now.
This type of bullshit gives me a headache.
If hanging out with friends means you are 'gay'
Then I guess we all fall into that category
(at least those of us who have friends.)
And anyone who has close girlfriends...
Are you telling me you have NEVER borrowed their clothes?
Good Grief people are idiots.
Here's the deal.
You don't have ANY IDEA where Rob was for Thanksgiving
nor do you know where Kristen was for NYE.
That's the TRUTH.
People talk with such certainty about
the wheres and the whos
but you are basing it all on a few pictures
that consumed mere minutes of time.
How about you face the fact that you have
no fucking idea what you are talking about?
I actually find it ~interesting that Rob flew to NYC
for New Years...
Kinda in the middle of LA and London...
That's enough for now.
It truly does give me a headache to read some of the
pure unadulterated hatred and stupidity
I get in my inbox everyday.
Which is why I usually delete most of it.
Final thoughts.
1. Rob looking good in the airport.
There was a big debate about where he was going to go next...
LA or London.
We've already discussed how NYC
was the midpoint between LA and London...
And the boy does have a movie coming up.
So why wouldn't he go back to London?
2. My Sweet Lord.
Kristen in a BTS video for Balenciaga.
How can anyone look at this
and not realize how fucking gorgeous she is?
Is it any wonder Rob fell so hard for her?
I don't see him ever letting go.
Just my opinion...
Of course.
3. Bernie.
Bernie at Kristen's house.
This surprised some people.
Not sure why.
Bernie is Kristen's dog... too.
Some people got all bent outta shape...
Calling Kristen's friends names.
Remember when the Ninnies called
Bernie a famewhore?
They did.
They seriously said that about this sweet dog.
A dog, mind you.
Like Bernie was selling her soul for attention.
That's what happens when you don't behave
the way the psychos want you to..
They let the crazy loose and attack dogs.
Then they start attacking Kristen's friends
on Twitter and Instagram.
The more insecure the lunatics become...
the more they lash out at Kristen (and Rob)
and Bernie.
And Bear.
Yeah... once upon a time they even called Bear fake too...
They said Kristen bought a litter mate of Bear's
just so she could pretend she had the same dog
to carry on the 'illusion' of Robsten.
They really did.
I know.
At least know that the more hate they spew...
the more nervous and insecure they are.
They must be really worried.
4. Love this picture of Thomas.
I miss his face.
Which usually means he will pop up somewhere.
I hope so.
He gives good face.
excellent face.
brilliant face.
This post is brought to you by Love.
It's Long.
So very long.
And when you find the one
you are supposed to be with...
You just don't walk away from it.
You can't.
You stay.
You figure it out.
No matter how long you have been together
one month....
one year.
One decade.
You are always working on relationships
And they are worth the effort.
No matter how long you have been together
one month....
one year.
One decade.
You are always working on relationships
And they are worth the effort.
Because nothing good
comes easy.
Until next time.
Bye for now
![]() |
Love is Long |
Sundance is days away.
Rob might already be on set...
Exciting days ahead.
It's getting BETTER all the time.
Rose- I love it! Great job!
Thanks, Rose...that's some scary, scary email you get! :O
Unhinged fringe...yikes. I'm looking forward to all the exciting things ahead for them in 2014. :)
Take care, be safe and have a happy weekend Rose, Roseland and lurkers! <3
Great blog...again...and always. Sanity in a very insane fandom! Nobody knows for sure where anyone is except for R and K and whomever they are sitting with! 2014 will be awesome...we are do! Not that they owe us a thing...just longing here. You really need to change your e-mail address....dumb asses for sure!
On another note...don't care anymore the football season, next year Pack next year!
Hi ladies! bernie a famewhore geez a dog! someone tell me how to change my icon
Thanks Rose <3
Yes, love is long and is never simple.
Pattybg- Miss you. How are you?
Pattybg- Miss you. How are you?
Rose, I know...I know....some people....and poor sweet Bernie..a Famewhore. lol
Vangie, click on your name, it will take you to your profile page, then click edit profile, it will take you to another page, halfway down is where a box is that has the picture you're using now..under it, it says remove picture...then it gives you the option of uploading a new one. Good luck!
i was searching the internet and stumbled upon this... i dont know if you've read it but here...
Love the post Rose, enjoyed reading it. I am always fascinated by the amount of hatred people can spew at someone they have never met; totally boggles the mind. Peace
Love the post Rose, enjoyed reading it. I am always fascinated by the amount of hatred people can spew at someone they have never met; totally boggles the mind. Peace
Dear Rose, thanks... I totally agree with you!!!!
Do people really think Rob is "hiding in plain sight" with a wig and posing as one of her friends??? Okay, that would be hilarious.
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love all your comments. I completely agree with you there. Well, I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Night and hugs to you all.
DK- Again Happy Birthday!
Good morning,
WOw, some of those comments, especially the "gay" ones are just idiotic. Thank you for keeping things real, Rose.
Rob in the red hoodie is a perfect combination...handsome man is handsome
Kristen looks breathtaking beautiful in that BTS balenciaga ad.
And, Bernie, (poor baby being called a famewore, how fucking stupid is that?!?! ) looks adorable.
"Love is long"
Take care everyone.
Good Morning ROSELAND
ROSE...ugh...you kow what scares me the most is they are probably adults...not 13 year olds...s c a r y:(
You got that right, Super!
Crazy shit, Rose. Consider the "sources". Haha!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Good morning to all the Roselands! Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love all your comments. I completely agree with you.
Super, Birdie, and Katy- Good morning!Happy Saturday! Hugs to you three. I love your comments. I agree with you there. Great job Rose.
ROSE another great post totally agree with ever word you have typed ive always been a supporter of both Rob/Kristen from both their first movies and my love justs grows for them both but as ive said before i dont need pictures,videos ,stories especially the made up ones from the trolls,nonnies and the paps to know they are both fine and happy. Hope everyone is well have a great weekend be safe take care.
GREAT POST ROSE! I agree Nancy Allen, I really do not think anyone knows where both of these two people are at any one time but them! And we know already that Rob and Kristen do wear some interesting wigs and hats and noses to blend in. But, again, we just do not need to know, because it just is not our business! To think they have to hop around to different homes and rotate where they are to avoid pictures says a lot. The press is still looking for that picture and I would bet you that Rob will keep them in limbo for a long time. Very little is really known about his newest movie, and he could be in the midst of shooting, and we would know afterwards. If this is overseas, I would bet this Morocco shoot is really going to not be known for some time for all kinds of reasons. Keeping the faith.
@ Rose People are fucking nuts! Glad you can stay sane through all of this crapola!
Ninnies are narrow minded psychos. If they aren't 12, they really need professional help.
Who can resist a dog lying belly up? Bernie's adorable.
I wish I had a dog!
Exciting days ahead indeed. One week to Camp X-Ray's premiere!
Rose I just can't get into your blog tonight.
Okay I finally made it. Why is it if I don't post at least every week I have such a hard time getting in? Concerning your blog, we need your "feet on the ground" attitude. Thank you.
definitions: Leave: To depart; go away from. Remove yourself.
Never: Under no circumstances, no amount of amount of argument can persuade you differently
return: come back.
So put together I take that to mean: to go away and under no circumstances come back. Hmm Odd I guess trolls have a different dictionary.
Happy New Year Rose! I loved your post you always get down to the nitty gritty! A love like theirs is not easy to walk away from. They are keeping it on the down low and have become experts ninjas.
Wow, Kristen is almost having a wardrobe malfunction in that dress. If I didn't know better, I would think she had a boob job. I have never seen her looking so much fuller.
Scan angel
Go take your fucking medicine you boring idiot.
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love all your comments. Great job! Sorry I took so long. I was shopping, decorating my kitchen table, and doing laundry. Now I am beat. My left hip is still bothering me. But I am managing here. Well, goodnight all of you. And Hugs to you all. Keep me posted. Also, I am having storm over here. I hope it doesn't keep me up all night long.
Rose I saw a comment today somewhere that I think fits your situation.
"You don't have to explain yourself to stupid people. You're not the jackass whisperer"
That is classic, Kami!!
Girl, You have an inflated idea of your own importance to think Rose would write a blog in response to anything you said. Please...as if.
Thanks for the lovely birthday wishes!
It was a delicious dinner out that for once, everyone enjoyed equally, and a precious overnight with my kiddos, their dog and my bff! Hope to be recovered today, in time for a pizza party with friends.
Have a great day!
I find that the more attention some things get the larger they grow. No air water or fertilizer they usually dry up and blow away. If y'all know what I mean.
Have a wonderful day all true R/K supporters!!
I lost count of the number of times Scanangel swore she would not come back. Maybe three? It's hard to take people seriously when they do that.
As for some of the emails Rose shared, I'm just like WTF?
Couple of thoughts...
1. Paranoia: A mental disorder characterized by systematized delusions and the projection of personal conflicts, which are ascribed to the supposed hostility of others, sometimes progressing to disturbances of consciousness and aggressive acts believed to be performed in self-defense or as a mission.
2. You would be fucking surprised at what I know.
*wink wink nudge nudge*
Evening all,agree with your comments i myself thing the latest pictures of Kristen out and about are old or photo- shopped i still believe Kristen has got a baby bump until i see otherwise but thats me if im wrong im wrong i will admit it, i just wish them both happiness wherever they are and i wish the paps would just leave Kristen alone they are on her back or Robs 24/7,wonder what the paps would do if they were constantly photographed 24/7 with their friends and familes and nasty crap/comments/stories written about them maybe they should get a taste of their own medicine,food for thought ay,
I decided to delete my earlier comment.
I was reacting to some comments made here.
No good could have come of it.
All this stupidity is getting really boring. So, maybe another day. LOL!!
Phew...thank God, Pisteuo. Thought I was going to have to volunteer as tribute for a minute there, and I'm an introvert...it would have ended with me either curled up in a fetal position somewhere, or drunk off my feckin arse yelling at people. Not a pretty sight. ;)
Happy Sunday!
Wise beyond your beers or something like that. ;)
I love picturing you being that, and I did not even see the deleted comment nor pay much attention to the conjurers either.
Henry V
Act 1, Prologue
"If only we had divine inspiration, our play might rise to the highest level of imagination.
If we had a stage as big as a kingdom, real kings and queens to act the part of kings and queens, and royalty to also witness the glorious spectacle, then it would be as it really was.
Then valiant King Harry would resemble the god of war, as he did in life, and famine, sword, and fire would sit like dogs at his feet, waiting to be unleashed.
But, ladies and gentlemen, since that’s not the case, you must forgive us plain, ordinary men who dare to act out so great a story on this humble stage.
Can this theater seem to contain the sweeping fields of France? Could we even squeeze into this little theater the helmets that looked so frightening at Agincourt? Hardly!
But, pardon us, because just as a few strokes of a pen, a few zeros, can signify a huge number, we, who are zeros in this great story, can work on your imagination.
Pretend that within the confines of this theater sit two great kingdoms divided by a narrow but perilous ocean.
Let your thoughts make up for our imperfections. Divide each man into a thousand, and there you will have an imaginary army.
Imagine, when we talk of horses, that you see them planting their proud hooves in the soft earth.
Because now it is your thoughts that must dress up our kings and transport them from place to place.
Your thoughts must leap over huge spans of time, turning the events of man."
Pist, I doubt anyone would willingly put their life and personal business under the microscope, I know I would be right there next to Kay rolled up in a ball crying if I had 1/100th of the scrutiny into my life that they have in theirs. Unfortunately what you and I see so plainly others refuse to see, and besides, like I've said before, you just can't fix stupid. HUGS
Morning to everyone hope you all had a great weekend loving all you comments have a great day be safe take care.
I wouldn't be surprised at all...lol:))))
My niece is so funny she just asked me "If a troll walks into a room and no one pays attention, will it wither up and die? Hopefully?" Kids, gotta love em
I didn't see no troll :D
Me either =D
Hahaha Kay!! Like DK, I kinda like the idea of you drunk on your freckin arse, yelling at people. ;D Hugs back at ya! XX
Hugs DK, glad you enjoyed your B-day weekend.
Hahaha Kami, your niece is so cute.
If only...huh? Hugs!!
And Rose...exactly! :D
Part of what I said earlier was... Some people act like their lives depend on what's happening in Rob and Kristen's private life and they don't even know them and never will.
It is actually hilarious and sad at the same time.
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love all your comments. I agree with you there. Well, I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all.
Good morning Roseland!
Sounds like you had a great birthday weekend. You so deserve it.
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest Roselands! I love all your comments.
Birdie and DK- Hugs to you both.
BS, lies, opinion & truth
Spinning Wheel
Blood, Sweat & Tears:
What goes up must come down
spinning wheel got to go round
Talking about your troubles
It's a crying sin
Ride a painted pony
Let the spinning wheel spin
You got no money, and you
You got no home
Spinning wheel
Spinning all alone
Talking about your troubles
And you, you never learn
Ride a painted pony
let the spinning wheel turn
Did you find a directing sign on
The straight and narrow highway
Would you mind a reflecting sign
Just let it shine within your mind
And show you
The colors that are real
Someone is waiting just for you
Spinning wheel is spinning true
Drop all your troubles
By the river side
Catch a painted pony
On the spinning wheel ride
Let the spinning wheel fly
Thanks to/flutooth
For Rose
I Know What I Know
Paul Simon:
She looked me over
And I guess she thought
I was all right
All right in a sort of
A limited way
For an off-night
She said don't I know you
From the cinematographer's party
I said who am I
To blow against the wind
I know what I know
I'll sing what I said
We come and we go
That's a thing that I keep
In the back of my head
She said there's something
About you
That really reminds me of money
She is the kind of a girl
Who could say things that
Weren't that funny
I said what does that mean
I really remind you of money
She said who am I
To blow against the wind
I know what I know
I'll sing what I said
We come and we go
That's a thing that I keep
In the back of my head
She moved so easily
All I could think of was sunlight
I said aren't you the women
Who was recently given
A Fulbright
She said don't I know you
From the cinematographer's party
I said who am I
To blow against the wind
I know what I know
I'll sing what I said
We come and we go
That's a thing that I keep
In the back of my head
Thanks to/Heiman Fabra
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all.
DK- I love all your musics. Great job. Hugs! And night.
Some things we keep go deep
A Secret Love
Doris Day:
Once I had a secret love
That lived within
The heart of me
All too soon
My secret love
Became impatient
To be free
So I told
A friendly star
The way that dreamers
Often do
Just how wonderful you are
And why
I am so in love
With you
Now I shout it
From the highest hills
Even told the golden daffodils
At last my heart's
An open door
And my secret love's
No secret anymore
Thanks to/Margriet Askew
Feeling kind of crazy good
Crazy Dreamers
Ray LaMontagne:
Here's to all you
Crazy dreamers
Dream your crazy dreams
Don't let them go
Deep inside your heart
I'm sure you know
Deep inside
Your heart I'm sure you know
Here's to all you crazy lovers
Love the one's you love
And serve them well
Give yourself some time
And time to tell
For he to love another
Got to love himself
La, la la
Here's to all you crazy dreamers
Dream your crazy dreams
Don't let them slip away
There's more to life
Then living day to day
Here's to all you crazy lovers
Love the one's you love
Don't let them go
Deep inside your soul
That love will grow
And deep inside
Your soul
That love will grow
La, la, la
Thanks to/youandmebothUK
First a nice hot bath and then a tally ho/goodnight!
Good morning to everyone, loving all your comments,Rob/Kristen hope your having peace wherever you both are together or apart love to you both, gotta fly busy day ahead so take care be safe and enjoy.
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love all your comments. I agree with you all. Well, I better get ready for my tutoring. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all.
Dear Roseland, This is the place to listen and learn. While we all have different ideas, we can agree to be wise and be protective of Rob and Kristen the best way, discuss their movies and their true devotion to each other. And be patient with each other for in doing so, we are truly human. Dreamer I am glad you had a good birthday and Rose, I truly hope the crazies stay away. I would at this point have eliminated so many regular nitwits. Nancy Allen is truthful, no one knows FOR SURE where anyone is except Rob and Kristen, their friends and family, and we do expect a good 2014 for them. I am a positive thinker, and I think they have their own lives well covered and are just fine.
After reading some of the recent interviews, I have to say that I am even more excited for Kristen's upcoming projects. It's great to have wonderful career news to focus on. I'm excited to learn more about Equals and American Ultra, and love the casting choices for these two movies. Awesome things on the horizon for us all to talk about.
I'm excited for both of them. They have a lot to be excited and proud of. I wish more than anything else, in regards to them, that they could regain their privacy and be allowed to be normal. They have amazing jobs that put them in the public eye. From what I've seen they've both been very kind to their fans, I mean how many pictures have there been over the years with one or both of them posing with a group of fans? I think it's time for people to do something for them and allow them to live without being under the constant scrutiny of the public. I know people love them, and I mean who wouldn't? But they deserve some peace, quiet and privacy. In my opinion anyway.
Saw two quick glimpses of Rob Pattinson at the 2014 Golden Globes. He has such magnetism!
So many exciting things going on for R&K this year, interesting sounding films for both of them, and what seems like some great upcoming entertainment for us, yay!! :)
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love all your comments. I agree with you there. I just got home from zumba with my friends. But you know I rather stick with water aerobics and walking. Zumba not good for my left hip. But other that I am good. I miss some of you. Hope you all are well and healthy plus safety.
Good night to all the Roselands! I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Night and Hugs!
Happy Hump day!
Je ne suis pas prêt tout le monde d'accord. Moi-même, ne suis pas d'accord avec tout ce qu'il dit. Mais ce n'est pas votre «examen film blogueur biaisée 'habitude. Il suffit de lire:
❝ "Elle est une force réelle avec des instincts terribles."
-Sean Penn sur Kristen Stewart
"Kristen n'est pas intéressée à laisser échapper ses émotions tout en face d'elle, et qui se traduit par des performances vraiment intelligents et intéressants."
-Jodie Foster sur Kristen Stewart
«Elle est unique, et je ne vois pas de l'extérieur, peut-être deux ou trois personnes beaucoup plus âgé qu'elle, une unicité dans actrices d'aujourd'hui. Elle est un one-of-a-kinder".
-Bruce Dern sur Kristen Stewart
" C'est une femme courageuse .... jeune, lumineux, merveilleux, talentueux, attentif ... "
-William Hurt sur Kristen Stewart
"Stewart est, tout simplement, une merveilleuse actrice."
-Roger Ebert sur Kristen Stewart
Il ya sans doute beaucoup de gens qui ont juste eu un moment de WTF majeur tout en lisant les citations ci-dessus. Ces gens parlent de la même Kristen Stewart? Le très mauvais acteur dans les films Twilight terribles? Le même que celui qui est maintenant, tout à fait injustifiée, l'actrice la mieux payée jamais?
Qu'est-ce que dans l'enfer sont ces gens autrement respectables sur environ? Je veux dire, allez, il ya des pages Facebook , les mèmes et montages YouTube qui se consacrent uniquement à confirmer que que tout le monde sait déjà:. que Kristen Stewart ne peut tout simplement pas agir si, si, juste pour un moment, nous considérons la notion ? que peut-être Penn, Foster, Dern, Hurt et Ebert ne parlons pas seulement de leurs ânes (bien que je voudrais payer un bon prix pour voir qui) Par exemple, nous allons jeter un oeil à cette scène: http://www.youtube. com / watch? feature = player_embedded & v = Iin1bfKXkrk Non, Kristen Stewart n'a pas guest star sur Les Sopranos. C'est une scène du film de 2010, Welcome to the Rileys vedette Stewart, James Gandolfini et Melissa Leo et réalisé par Jake Scott (fils de Ridley Scot). Le film est au sujet d'un homme d'âge moyen (Gandolfini) qui, après la mort de sa propre fille adolescente, tente de devenir une figure de père à un jeune de 16 ans emballement toxicomane s'est travailleuse du sexe (Stewart). Je vois beaucoup de choses dans la performance de Stewart dans ce clip mais je ne vois rien qui suggère qu'elle «ne peut pas agir"
Morning to you all ,loving all your comments cant wait for sundance,have a great day keep safe and take care.
Good morning to all the Roselands! Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I really miss getting up at this time going over to babysitting my nieces. Then go to work. Well, I am going to work now. I am walking to the bus. Right now its 12 degrees here.
DK- Hugs! Happy Hump Day too!
Well, I better get to work. Keep me posted. Take care.
lemoine idiane said:
I am not ready everyone in agreement. I myself, do not agree with everything that he said. But this is not your "review film blogger biased 'habit. It is enough to read:
" "It is a real force with terrible instincts." - Sean Penn on Kristen Stewart "Kristen is not interested to let escape its emotions, while front of it, and which is reflected by the performance really smart and interesting." -Jodie Foster on Kristen Stewart
"It is unique, and I do not see from the outside, perhaps two or three people much older than she, a uniqueness in actresses of today. It is a one-of-a-kinder". -Bruce Dern on Kristen Stewart "This is a courageous woman .... young, bright, wonderful, talented, attentive ... " - William Hurt on Kristen Stewart
"It is a courageous woman .... young, bright, wonderful, talented, attentive ... " - William Hurt on Kristen Stewart "Stewart is, quite simply, a wonderful actress." -Roger Ebert on Kristen Stewart It ya without doubt a lot of people who just had a moment of major WTF while reading the above quotations.
What is in the hell are these people otherwise respectable on about? I want to say, go, it ya of Facebook pages , the same mounts and YouTube which is used solely to confirm that that the whole world already knowsThat Kristen Stewart simply cannot act if, if, just for a moment, we see the concept? That can-be Penn, Foster, ENRD, hurt and Ebert are talking about not only their asses (although I would like to pay a good price to see who) For example, we will take a look at this scene: http://www.youtube. com/watch? Feature = player embedded & v = Iin1bfkxkrk Non, Kristen Stewart has not guest star on The Sopranos.It is a scene from the film of 2010, Welcome to the Rileys starring Stewart, James Gandolfini and Melissa Leo and carried out by Jake Scott (son of Ridley Scot). The film is about a man of average age (Gandolfini) who, after the death of his own teenage daughter, attempting to become a father figure to a young person of 16 years racing addict is sex worker (Stewart). I see a lot of things in the performance of Stewart in this clip but I do not see anything that suggests that 'it cannot act"
lemoine idiane where did you get all this from? Some of it makes no sense.
Lemoine idiane où avez-vous obtenu tout cela et de certains qu'elle n'a aucun sens.
Sundance is expanding the exposure of the 2014 newest films!
"Kristen Stewart's 'Camp X-Ray' among films selected for Sundance USA initiative
Nine films will be screened in nine locations across the country on January 30"
Read more at http://www.hitfix.com/in-contention/kristen-stewarts-camp-x-ray-among-films-selected-for-sundance-usa-initiative#KoQg0UQwtTQrkRfT.99
"Life" with Robert Pattinson filming starts in Toronto
Feb 18/14 – Mar 27/14
Source: http://www1.toronto.ca/staticfiles/static_files/economic_development_and_culture/docs/currently_filming.pdf
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I just got home from watching my daughter and her friends sledding. Plus all the parents were there too. But apparently my daughter got hurt from sledding. She end up hit by a thin skinny tree. Just on her right hip. Just bruised. But its going to leave a mark. I can't sled because of my left hip. But I watch. Before I got out of the car I end up slip on the ice water on the ground again. I was careful. But can't control these slippery ice outside. Even you are careful. But I am ok. Just on my right shoulder. But do you expect I am a clutz. But at least I am alive. And I can do things that I love. Anyways, enough about me. I love all your comments. I agree with all of you. Well, I better hit the sack. That freezing cold outside makes me exhausted. Night all of you. I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Night and hugs to you all.
DK- I love your comments and your musics. Great job! Hugs!
Hey Vernistene-- I think lemoine idiane's translate app was a little off-- some of them are a bit problematic... mine said this:
I 'm not suggesting that everyone agrees. I myself do not agree with everything he says. But this is not your "usual biased-blogger movie review. Just read:
❝ "She's a real force with terrific instincts. "
- Sean Penn on Kristen Stewart
" Kristen is not interested to let out all her emotions onto the surface, which results in a really intelligent and interesting performance."
- Jodie Foster on Kristen Stewart
"She is unique, and I do not see her kind of uniqueness in today's actresses, except in maybe, at the most, two or three much older people. She is a one-of-a-kinder. "
–Bruce Dern on Kristen Stewart
"This is a brave woman .... young, bright, wonderful, talented, attentive ..."
–William Hurt on Kristen Stewart
" Stewart is simply a wonderful actress. "
-Roger Ebert on Kristen Stewart
There are probably many people who have just had a major WTF moment while reading the quotes above. Are these people speaking of the same Kristen Stewart? The very bad actor in the terrible Twilight movies? The same actress as the one who is now (entirely without justification) the highest actress ever paid?
What in the hell are these otherwise respectable people talking about? I mean, come on, there are Facebook pages, memes, and YouTube montages dedicated solely to confirm what everyone already knows: Kristen Stewart just cannot act; but, just for a moment, may we consider the concept that maybe Penn, Foster, Dern, Hurt and Ebert are not just talking out of their asses (although I would pay good money to see that). For example, let's take a look at this scene: No, Kristen Stewart did not guest star on The Sopranos. This is a scene from the 2010 film, "Welcome to the Rileys", featuring Stewart, James Gandolfini and Melissa Leo, and directed by Jake Scott (son of Ridley Scot). The film is about a middle aged man (Gandolfini) who, after the death of his teenage daughter, tries to become a father figure to a 16-year-old runaway addict sex-worker (Stewart). I see many things in the performance of Stewart in this clip but I see nothing that suggests that she "can not act. "
I hope everyone is well and happy this bright new 2014-- can't wait for the premiere of CXR!!! Bring it on!!
so much love to you all,
I couldn't get lemoine idiane's link to the scene from "Welcome to the Riley's" to work, but here's a good one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZd0EtmLmlU
Enjoy, dear Roselanders--
love always,
I think that might should have read : "The highest paid actress ever." Not "the highest actress ever paid."
Yikes!, and lol-- sorry, Kristen!
Good morning to all Roselands! Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I just woke up and getting ready for the day. I am going out before tutoring. I am just sore on my shoulders from last night. But my daughter she is going to be sore for a long time. But I am going to take her to her doctor today just to make sure.
Pattybg- Thanks! We will both do.
Right now I am stepping out. I am going to look around today. Keep me posted.
Afternoon to you all,Arleen sorry to hear your daughter got hurt fron sledding and your shoulder is sore hope you get better soon big hugs to both of you, loving all your comments, love to Rob and Kristen and to you all ,so looking forward to the weekend been so tired all week,Sundance soon be here exciting stuff ahead, take care be safe xx
Thank you Pookie. I think she is by far one of the best if not the best young actresses of this day and time and in a long time.
Have a great day!!!!
Happy Thursday, Roseland!
I'm looking forward to all of the great interviews we'll get in the next week and wishing Kristen and everyone involved in CXR lots of luck at Sundance. I'm also kind of hoping that we don't hear very much about QotD for a few weeks if that translates into Rob being able to film in peace, without fan and pap intrusion. :)
Take care, be safe and be happy, Rose, Roseland and lurkers!! <3
May the best always happen to them. May their love last for a very long time if it makes them happy and it is for the best, may they find each other if they get lost in the way... or just remain friends to salvage some of the best that we could perceive from them in the previous years
Have fun in Park City,Kristen!! Great buzz on Camp X-ray!
What a busy day I've had! Just getting home. More bday celebrating but it's now tea time.
Agree with all of the excitement for Sundance overall and Kristen/CXR specifically.
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! Sorry you guys. I was having a great day. From this morning til 2pm. You see I have been Volunteering tutoring in the reading program. I volunteer from 1:30pm to 2:30pm. The 1:30pm I have not problem with that students. But at 2pm. I had a problem with. But today was a shocking and hurtful thing that I just witness a eight year old. While I was helping her with reading. From 2:00 pm to 2:30p. I witness this. I already told it to the twitters. No more the other way around it. Sorry I am just hurt for this kid. I was helping her with her reading. She keeps hitting herself and like its funny. I don't find it appropriate to hit herself for eight year old. Or asking about a sharp objects like stapler things asking if it hurt. I wasn't laughing because its sad. At the end of the reading when the bells rings. I had to report to my boss that is in charge with the reading program. And then we both reported to the teacher. Of what is going on with her. I have a feeling that something wasn't right. After that I was so shocks by this girl. When I was out in freezing cold. I had to let it all out. Not yelling. I am end balding crying. Because I feel for this kid. But I will be ok. I am so glad I have all of you here. Thanks for being there for me.
DK- Is there a music that will cheer me up? I always enjoy your music. Thanks! Well, I am going to go to bed.
As for the rest of you I am going to go to bed now. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all. Night!
Pookie Lewis..I enjoyed your comment
from Lemoine Indiane very much. As well as many of the other comments also. Thank you for translating for us.
You're so very welcome, both Vernistene, and Hannah. I too enjoy your comments very, very much. And thank you to lemoine idiane for supplying us with another really nice article about our beautiful girl. She is admired and respected by the most talented and powerful people in her profession-- and you can't be admired and respected by people like that unless you are truly gifted.
And didn't she look so nicely tanned at the airport arriving at Sundance. I doubt if you can get a tan like that in 5 days, which was the supplied (accent on the 'lied') date of the library pics. Sumpin' fishy, eh peeps? Maybe a little ninja side trip to Morocco?? lol Just a thought...
love to everyone,
Pookie Lewis__I'm thinkin a lot of people are thinking the same thing.
Any way you look at it sooner or later there's going to be weeping and rejoicing over those two yet. Happy because they are happy or happy because Kristen is sad.
"We think we know what's going on. But we don't really know what's going on." Not even now, just like D.Cronenberg said all of those months ago.
This is my first comment ON Robert Pattinson Intoxication. I answered Pookie Because I like Pookie. I hope my thoughts have not offended anyone. Bye ladies..N
Hi all, first post ever from me but I have been lurking for a while now... I just want to clarify something. Some of you have been very nicely trying to translate Lemojne Idiane's posts lately. I am French and I just wanted to say that LI 's latest post doesn't make sense in French either. Either she/he is translating into French before posting on here which would raise the question "why" or else her/his train of thought is very confused...
I also have to add the last comments he/she made were very nice but it didn't use to be the case as the first ones from a few months ago were very anti Rob and conveying very bad pieces of gossip on how unfaithful he was to K and how she could do so much better... I wanted to translate them for you but I hadn't figured out how!
It was just a word of caution...
Have a great day all of you!
I will keep on reading you all every morning as I find this blog fascinating.
Happy Friday everyone!
Welcome again Pookie, and also you first time posters Nick Burton & lefrenchy! I do read your posts on other sites at times.
As I translate all non-English posts for my own understanding; I have noted when gossip and anti-Rob or Kristen remarks are made. I'm sure others have noticed, also. Thank you for your observations!
Rose does not support moderation of comments, however, she asks for respect for all. She sees every post in her emails, and has endorsed the "agree to disagree" philosophy.
It pretty much works that way here in Roseland, unless abused. Then hang onto your hat, there will be some surprising results.
Meanwhile, it is an exciting time for Rob & Kristen, and I am surfing the high waves along with them (in my mind)!
Take heart. I am certain that you helped that young person today. Don't have any music handy to lift you up today but am soon to post some Oscar nominated songs. Anyone is welcome to post music, of any kind, anytime!
Happy, happy, happy wishes to them, and us all.
Lefrenchy, DK
I understand French very well and I too have noted. the same thing.
Wishing as always the best of everything for Rob and Kristen.
Be happy everyone
Hey there! You've always got it going on. :)
On the way to the gym? It's Friday!
Good Morning to all the Roselands! Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! Thanks for yesterday. You all are a great big help. Hugs to you all. DK- Thanks! Also, I love all your comments. Great job!
Happy Friday Roseland
Welcome newbies and please don't feel anxious about posting Our response to blatantly horrendous comments concerning R, K or us equals the offense. Funny how trolls are though... Can't take one flick back at them without crying wolf
Have fun at Sundance !!!
Hello Rose and Roseland!!
Today is a very exciting day for Kristen, the Camp X-Ray team and her fans.
I'm very anxious for the reviews. Hoping it's mostly good! :)
I got my fingers and toes crossed! LOL!!
I too would like to extend my hand to the newbies.
I think DK and Super explained very well how things roll around here. I think most of the regulars here know the difference between R/K's private life and their public/career life and sometimes when those lines are crossed, they may be challenged.
Hope you all have an awesome weekend!
Stay Happy, Happy, Happy Roseland!
Just a quick shoutout to NickyBabyB- heehee ;-)
thanks brother for the nice word-- I have always enjoyed your many illuminating and entertaining posts scattered far and wide across the RK virtual landscape... I look forward to your next posts, adding your positivity to this sometimes dark world... and I sincerely thank any and all of you that do the same.
love to everyone, and YAHOO! A NEW KRISTEN MOVIE!!! (sorry, I get excited!)
your friend, pookie
Best wishes to Kristen and the Camp X-Ray team at Sundance today. Such great buzz surrounding this film.
Pist, I'll join you in crossing my fingers and toes that we'll be hearing glowing reviews.
Go Kristen!
Oh yes, and thanks for the welcome back, dear DreamerKInd-- I always love your posts too-- lovely, lovely poetry
--the pook
Well PISTEUO, I really have to agree with you on keeping their public life and private life separate on this post. We are very happy about Camp X-Ray and for that matter, the Aussie folks are getting Rob's picture rolling but no clip yet, darn it. The really nice thing about Sundance is that it is expanding to more showings than ever and that's good! I think you will find good reviews for the most part from those who are intelligent and knowing the craft of acting. Actors have the advantage of recognizing skill and talent from other actors. Skillfully discussed by those in earlier posts in this blog. Kristen is one of those actors who is very careful about what little she says and she is very intelligent, she is a thinking mans actress, and there are no assumptions from her. I am much more interested in what Kristen's thinks and says, if they can drag anything out of her skillful silence. Have a great weekend everybody.
Pist you're right it is an exciting day for Kristen at Sundance, and I am hoping that Camp X-ray gets great reviews and is a huge success.
POOKIE LEWIS, your posts are great wherever you land. I enjoy reading you, hope you stay out of that rabbit hole! It is so easy to allow the negative to influence creative thinking, glad to see it does not affect yours a all! Was that a Mouse hole or a rabbit hole, I cannot remember as I claim brain freeze of 70 years and climbing. DREAMERKIND, onward and upward with the arts dear! Billy Joel? Lovely man who likes to sing about his hometown, like THE BOSS. I like Billy better but that's just me.
I Spy HBG and Robert Redford at Sundance (Camp X-Ray)! Kristen continues to as beautiful as ever!
Non, rien de rien,
non, je ne regrette rien!
Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait,
ni le mal;
tout ça m'est bien égal!
Non, rien de rien,
non, je ne regrette rien!
C'est payé,
Je me fous du passé!
Avec mes souvenirs
j'ai allumé le feu!
Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs,
je n'ai plus besoin d'eux!
Balayés les amours
avec leurs trémolos,
balayer pour toujours!
Je repars à zéro.
Non, rien de rien,
non, je ne regrette rien!
Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait,
ni le mal;
tout ça m'est bien égal!
Non, rien de rien,
non, je ne regrette rien!
Car ma vie,
car me joies
ça commence avec toi!
Thank you Lemoine-- we shall never forget the Little Sparrow--
(wipes away a little tear)
--la pooké
Oh and hey there Sue Morris! It's nice visiting with everybody--
squeakin' up atcha from the mousehole, with lots of love--
Evening to you all see lots of picturs of Kristen at Sundance she look radiant and is absolutely glowing thats my girl, hope you all have a lovely weekend hugs to you all, i cant contain myself with happiness all this great atmosphere going around im one happy person others will agree i hope x
So I check online to see what is happening at Sundance and there is Kristen getting a hug from Robert Redford. Superb.
Love all the positve things I have read about Camp X-ray and no surprise,Kristen's wonderful performance. What a nice way to end a long day!
Have a great night, Roseland!!
Hi everyone on Roselands! I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all. I love all your comments. Great job! Night all of you.
Sundance is going wonderfully it seems! Am feeling totally "transfixed" by Kristen's insight on her role in CXR, the reviews of it, and of course, that darling pic of her and Redford. I'm full of it. ;)
"Kristen a la performance d'une vie LOVE
"Life" The Movie @LifeTheMovie 5h
Jack Fulton (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5385972/?ref_=tt_cl_t3) was added to IMDb for LIFE as Rodney. He's the son of Dennis Stock, played by Robert Pattinson
Camp X-Ray got a standing O! That's awesome.
I have read a lot of great reviews, Kristen and Maadi's performances have been praised. Most of the criticism is directed at the pacing of the film. I can't wait to see it.
CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! Wow....I can't wait to see this film!!!! I'm so happy for you and the whole cast !!!!
I'm thrilled that Camp X-Ray is almost here. We've got a theatre here that specializes in indie films, so I'm pretty sure that's where it will play. And this is a film that my husband will go to as well (we usually want to see different films), so that adds to the excitement.
Yay Kristen!
Evening all loving all your comments been a good day on here,Kristen just shines cant wait for her and Robs movies to come out, love and hugs to you all,have a great weekend keep safe and take care.
Good morning to all the Roselands! Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I am making breakfast for my family. I love all your comments. I completely agree with you. Great job! Hugs to you all.
Wonderful reviews coming out for Kristen, so awesome! HUGE congrats to Kristen!
Good night to all the Roselands! I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all. I love your comments! Great job!
Twirling, whirling and fangirling, all day long!
Gülendam @_gulendam 19m
RT @LFMoreFilmBlog
Brady Corbet will be the director of "The Childhood Of A Leader" starring Robert Pattinson, Juliette Binoche
Noticing wondrous changes
Michelle Featherstone:
I see you
Across a crowded room
I see
You across a crowded room
I see you across a crowded room
And I'm paralyzed
I'm paralyzed 'cause
You're perfect
I wonder
If I'll ever get
To talk to you
I wonder if
I'll ever get to
Talk to you
I wonder if I'll ever get to talk
To you
And I'm paralyzed
I'm paralyzed 'cause you're
When you leave tonight
And your lovely smile
And the way you shine
It won't be mine
If all I get is just one day
I have to say
In every way
You're perfect
I wonder if
You'll notice that you change
My life
I wonder if you'll notice that you
Change my life
I wonder if you'll notice
That you change my life
And I'm paralyzed
I'm paralyzed
'cause you're perfect
When you leave tonight and your
Lovely smile
And the way you shine
It won't be mine
If all I get is just a day
I have to say
In every way you're perfect
You're perfect
Thanks to/Neymar Junior
Shaking it fiercely
She's Always Dancing
Neil Young:
She wants to live without ties to bind her down
She wants to dance with her body left at ground
She wants to spin, and she lives in her own world
She wants to dream like she was a little girl
She's always dancing
She's always dancing
She's always dancing
She's always dancing
She's always dancing
Now and forever
From palm to palm
From hand to hand
Floating in the air she looks to find him there
She wants to live without ties to bind her down
She wants to dance with her body left at ground
She wants to spin, and she lives in her own world
She wants to dream like she was a little girl
She likes to burn
She likes to burn
She likes to burn
She likes to burn
She likes to burn
Out on the edge
That's when she gives
That's where she lives
Floating in the smoke
She says it gives her hope
She has the fire
She has the fire
She has the fire
She has the fire
She has the fire
But it's burning out
From hand to hand
From palm to palm
Floating in the air, she tries to hold it there
She wants to spin, and she lives in her own world
She wants to dream like she was a little girl
*She's always dancing
She wants to live without ties to bind her down
She's always dancing
She wants to dance with her body left at ground
She's always dancing
She's always dancing
She's always dancing
She's always dancing now and
Thanks to/janjanjan963
Seek and find
Shake It Out
Florence & The Machine:
Regrets collect like old friends
Here to relive your darkest moments
I can see no way, I can see no way
And all of the ghouls come out to play
And every demon wants his pound of flesh
But I like to keep some things to myself
I like to keep my issues drawn
It's always darkest before the dawn
And I've been a fool and I've been blind
I can never leave the past behind
I can see no way, I can see no way
I'm always dragging that horse around
Our love is pastured, such a mournful sound
Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground
So I like to keep my issues drawn
But it's always darkest before the dawn
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh whoa
And I am done with my graceless heart
So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart
'Cause I like to keep my issues drawn
It's always darkest before the dawn
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh whoa
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
And given half the chance would I take any of it back
It's a fine romance but it's left me so undone
It's always darkest before the dawn
Oh whoa, oh whoa...
And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't
So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road
And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope
It's a shot in the dark aimed right at my throat
'Cause looking for heaven, found the devil in me
Looking for heaven, found the devil in me
Well what the hell I'm gonna let it happen to me, yeah
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh whoa
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh whoa
Thanks to/FlorenceMachineVEVO
Dust yourself off and start again
I Walk A Little Faster
Fiona Apple:
Pretending that we'll meet
Each time I turn a corner
I walk a little faster
Pretending life is sweet
'Cause love's around the corner
I walk a little faster
Can't begin to see my future shine
As yet
No sign as yet, you're mine as yet
Rushing to a face
I can't define as yet
Keep bumping into walls
And taking lots of falls
And even though I meet 'round
Each and every corner
With nothing but disaster
I set my chin a little higher
I hope a little longer
Build a little stronger castle in the air
And thinking you'll be there
I walk a little faster
Thanks to/nostalgicjukebox
Nice tunes for a Sunday lazy.
I'm walking slower, towards a peaceful repose, and later will pick myself up, to be in this new day that's given me. Free.
Warm cuddles, for you folks out there.
Happy sunday morning to you all, Rob and Kristen have a great day, hugs to you all take care
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I am leaving for church right. I love all your comments. Great job! Later! Hugs to you all. Keep me posted.
Well, I am sitting here watching Breaking Dawn 2 for another time. Jake asking if he should call Rob Dad? Now that Rob and Kristen are making terrific new movies they will have a more varied group of admirers. I am looking forward to both of them directing. And I hope they continue to act for a very long time! Stay warm and well!
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I love all your comments. I agree with you. Well, I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Night and Hugs!
Rolling, rolling, keep them doggies rolling!
Sunday is almost over and it's ending on the high notes of Downton Abbey and Sherlock Holmes!
Quite the delight, this night. Going to keep out of sight, unless inspired with songs, quotes or info, then return I might.
Keep hale & hearty, mateys.
In celebration today:
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com
Wise Man River @WiseManRiver 7m
"Never let someone with the significance of a speed bump become a roadblock in your life."
Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! Love all your comments. DK- Love yours too. Great job. Well, I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Night and hugs to you all.
Lindsey Stirling (Dubstep Violin Original Song):
Thanks to/Lindsey Stirling
J´me tire, me demande pas pourquoi j´suis parti sans motif
Parfois je sens mon cœur qui s´endurcit
C´est triste à dire mais plus rien n´m´attriste
Laisse-moi partir loin d´ici
Pour garder l´sourire, je me disais qu´y´a pire
Si c´est comme ça, bah fuck la vie d´artiste
Je sais qu´ça fait cliché d´dire qu´on est pris pour cible
Mais j´veux l´dire juste pour la rime
J´me tire dans un endroit où j´serai pas l´suspect
Après j´vais changer d´nom comme Cassius Clay
Un endroit où j´aurai plus besoin d´prendre le mic´
Un endroit où tout l´monde s´en tape de ma life
Si j´reste, les gens me fuiront sûrement comme la peste
Vos interviews m´ont donné trop d´maux d´tête
La vérité c´est que j´m´auto-déteste
Faut qu´j´préserve tout c´qu´il me reste
Et tous ces gens qui voudraient prendre mon tél´
Allez leur dire que j´suis pas leur modèle
Merci à ceux qui disent "Meu-gui on t´aime
Malgré ta couleur ébène"
J´suis parti sans mot dire, sans me dire "Qu´est-ce que j´vais devenir?"
Stop! Ne réfléchis plus, Meu-gui
Stop! Ne réfléchis plus : vas-y!
Parti sans mentir, sans me dire "Qu´est ce que j´vais devenir?"
Stop! Ne réfléchis plus, Meu-gui
Stop! Ne réfléchis plus : vas-y!
Good morning to all the Roselands! Hi Barb, VickMonick, sue, Holy, olivia, super, Katy, Atticus, Kay, Stella, Morning Coffee, Litmom, DK, Pist, kay, Tracybell, gargamel, vernistene, Elizabeth, RKsoulmate913, sue morris, Ginger, Birdie, Em, artemisluw, PamH, PC, Rose, ADD, and the rest of Roselands! I am getting ready to babysit my two nieces and then at 1:30pm. to 2:30pm I tutoring these two girls. Wish me luck at for the 2pm one. I know can count on all you. Well, I better get ready. Keep me posted.
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