Well I was right... Stuff did blow up since I've been gone.
(I'm still gone, but I wanted to try posting with my iPad)
ANYway... So Rob and Kristen didn't get to London.
That would have been nice for them to get away for a little bit...
But finishing work on BD came first... What can you do?
Hypothetically speaking... I guess by the time they got done...
London just wasn't an option.
And you know how it goes...
Between working and packing... And stuff...
It just didn't work out.
So no Baftas.
Oh well. Not the end of the world...
People were losing their Minds.
They most definitely will NOT be there.
They most definitely ARE there.
Everyone has a 'source'
Were any of them right?

Does it really matter?
Because you know what?
It doesn't matter where Rob and Kristen ended up
(but I bet Kristen got some good peach recipes...)
Because you KNOW wherever they were...
They were TOGETHER.
( Search your feelings, Luke... You know this to be true.)
Imagine how romantic Rob can be?
So so sweet.

I only hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day like Rob and Kristen.
That's what really counts... Right?
And in the end...
The love you take
Is equal to
The love you make.

I miss Tom.
A lot.
Just because.
This post is brought to you by the letter *L*
L for Love
I hope you all have it in your lives.
Bye for now
<3 <3 <3
1 – 200 of 224 Newer› Newest»Oh my gosh, am I first? What a great Valentine's Day present! Thanks Rose...hope everyone is having a great day!
Happy Valentine's Day Roseland and all young lover's wherever you are....
DK, we need a little "King and I" if you know what I mean.
Welcome back Rose,hope you had a great weekend!
I hope everyone in Roseland is having a wonderful Valentine's Day, with the ones they love.
Hi IB and Birdie. Hope you are both well. Congrats on being first, IB. Sorry I missed you over the weekend.
Hello Freddie and IB,
I'm off to a class. BBL
Talk to you later Birdie. Have a good class.
I'm off to teach religion class. See all you sweethearts later!
Take care IB.
Happy Valentine's Day Rose! I hope you are enjoying your time away from the real world.
Peaches, eh??? I'm a southern gal so that does bring something to mind... I love romance!!!
Hugs and Kisses
Hi Freddie, IB, Dottie, Birdie
30...so happy the wedding was wonderful for you and yours.
Hope you're having a wonderful time Rose.
Happy valentines everyone! ❤
(my word verification is 'CORPSE'....lovely!)
Hi back, Hope!
My words are always nonsense. I never get a real word. Or maybe they ARE real words & I'm just not smart enough to recognize them...
Hi Hope, Liza and Dottie - I hope St. Valentines has been good to you.
This whole fandom could definatley use more LOVE! Great post Rose, happy Valentines Day!
Happy Valentines Day Everybody!
Rose, did you see the news about Tom---no not that trash about him and Sienna Miller. ewww
The one where he's to be in a movie THe Treehouse with Jeffrey Irons--should be interesting, yay Tom.
Sad and glad we didnt get to see Rob and Kristen. Boy I need a fix. LOL
Happy Valentines Day Rose and Roseland! I hope you all have had wonderful, sweet, romantic, lovely days. :)
Yuck, Liza! You deserve a better Valentines Day word verify than that.....hmmm.....let me think..... ;)
Hi IB, Birdie, Hope, Freddie, Dottie and anyone else out there lurking! :)
I know Dottie, scary eh!
Hi Freddie, I'm afraid St Valentine has been a complete selfish shit this year....ahh well theres always next year! ha ha
Bye everyone, enjoy the rest of your day!
Happy Valentine's Day Everybody !
"Love is the flower you've got to let grow." John Lennon
Tom and Sienna Miller? really?
Freddie...did you have a nice weekend?? Get anything for Valentine's day?? I got a new ski jacket. No jewelry this year...LOL
Liza...sorry about St. Valentine's being a shit...I agree with others here that you should go see Tom on the London stage!!
Hi Kay
Hi back to Kay and Freddie and everyone else!
My Vday has been kind of blah. No peaches for me! LOL
Hubby is BACK in school full time & has class till 9 tonight. I bought myself a fudgesicle at the grocery store, though! haha
Seriously, he's really the sweetest. I'm sure he will bring something home for me. ;)
Liza - That selfish twit. Don't worry, St Valentine will regret it one day. Mr. Right will come along - no doubt!
Hi Kay, bev and beaculen.
Hope - Valentine's Day has been quiet for me as well - I'm not complaining - truly. I treated myself to some jewelry over the weekend, so I did fine. And my special little man (my cat) gave me lots of kisses this morning, so all is good.
Sweet post!
Happy Valentines day everyone!
I have no significant other lol so its chinese takeout for 1 tonight for me!
People going crazy about the baftas just don't get it. Not surprising.
I hope Rob & Kristen have a wonderful, romantic Valentines Day together! As rose said, wherever they are, they are together and that's what matters to the happy couple! :)
Finally leaving work now, have a lovely night everyone! Hope its filled with lotsa love!
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Rose, loved your Star Wars reference. I feel it too that Rob and Kristen are having a fantastic Valentine's Day where ever they are. Love is a beautiful thing and looks great on them.
Well Roseland, I am off to prepare for my evening. I hope everyone spreads a little love today and has a lovely Valentine's Day.
Hi, I'm a newbie, not a troll don't worry. Enjoying your posts Rose. Just thought I'd leave something for all you lovers out there in Roseland
Once again, Happy Valentine's Day.
My Valentine was really really good to me.
You haven't been around. How was your day?
Happy Valentine's day!
Penny, I haven't been around because my husband has been spoiling me rotten!! Breakfast this morning he made ham and cut the steaks into heart shapes, then I was pampered all day, massage, manicure, pedicure...no he didn't do those...then he made a candlelight dinner for me...Cornish Game Hens,scalloped potatoes, shrimp pasta, and for dessert, Cheesecake...that he had made for me...been a wonderful Day!!! It's been 22 years to the day that he proposed!
Hope everyone is enjoying their day whether or not you have a significant other.
Wherever Rob and Kristen spent the weekend and whatever they did hope they enjoyed it.
Kami- You really do have a wonderful hubby! Sounds like you had a wonderful Valentine's.
Freddie- Like your motto of treating yourself this weekend. Just because your single doesn't mean you shouldn't get something.
Penny- Are you enjoying your new toy?
From Birdie & DK:
Hello, Young Lovers
Deborah Kerr/Valerie Masterson/Film the King & I/Listen here:
When I think of Tom.
I think of a night,
When the earth smelled of summer
And the sky was streaked with white,
The soft mist of England
Was sleeping on a hill.
I remember this,
And I always will...
There are new lovers now
On the same silent hill,
Looking on the same blue sea.
And I know Tom and I are a part of them all --
And they're all a part of Tom an me.
Hello young lovers, whoever you are,
I hope your troubles are few.
All my good wishes go with you tonight,
I've been in love like you.
Be brave, young lovers, and follow your star,
Be brave and faithful and true,
Cling very close to each other tonight.
I've been in love like you.
I know how it feels to have wings on your heels,
And to fly down the street in a trance.
You fly down a street on the chance that you meet,
And you meet -- not really by chance.
Don't cry young lovers, whatever you do,
Don't cry because I'm alone
All of my memories are happy tonight,
I've had a love of my own.
I've had a love of my own, like yours-
I've had a love of my own.
Thank you/Glenmed
Happy Valentine's Day to All!
Come Live With Me And Be My Love
Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
That valleys, groves, hills, and fields,
Woods or steepy mountain yields.
And we will sit upon the rocks,
Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,
By shallow rivers to whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals.
And I will make thee beds of roses
And a thousand fragrant posies,
A cap of flowers, and a kirtle
Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle;
A gown made of the finest wool
Which from our pretty lambs we pull;
Fair lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles of the purest gold;
A belt of straw and ivy buds,
With coral clasps and amber studs:
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me and be my love.
The shepherds' swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May morning:
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me and be my love.
Christopher Marlowe
(Snagged from Bright Star-Robsten Angels website)
Hello All! OMG Kami what a fabulous day and a fabulous man you have! My day has been pretty much like all others.
Great post Rose...I think it was asking too much for them too be at BAFTA's but in a couple of weeks we can hope for both of them at the Oscars???? If we start praying now maybe! LOL! What can I say I miss them.
Off to catch up on the mountain for CHA readings!
Have a great night all!
Yes, I love it, if you can love an inanimate object.
I'm in the learning phase with some help from my friends. :)
Haven't posted lately, RL gets in the way, how dare it!!!!
Wow, we are really in a drought, but I sincerely hope that R/K are having a good V-Day wherever they are. I just hope they are happy.
I am praying that we'll see both of them for the Oscars, hey, it doesn't hurt to dream, right?
DK...Good Evening dear friend. I see you are busy posting songs..I hope you had a wonderful V day thus far. Can you believe the realtor called again today and they want to show the house tomorrow! lol..we will see..hmmm
KAMI..Your husband is a keeper..what a great guy. Please tell him I am impressed with the dinner selection. I had a plumbing issue in the kitchen today so the plumber came and "fixed" the problem but said no one can turn on the water in the kitchen sink until in the morning...sooooo..we went out to eat!!!
Hello FREDDIE,PL,MISSY,DOTTIE, MELINDA and anybody else I missed.
I'm so happy for you, cause you deserve it all!
Good news about the house showing and that you went out to eat!
Hello, dear Roseland Pals! I'm going to run out soon to meet my son and his girl at Joker's Bar, since she is working tonight.
See you all, later.
PERFECTO! Thank you and see you later. Can't beat Rogers and Hammerstein! I can think of a couple young lovers that I hope are having a wonderful day.
Kami, now that man "gets" it. You are a lucky girl!
Hope everyone else is feeling the love today! For those of us that are single, I think Freddie had it right and just be good to yourself.
I think I may have a little envy for all of you. I want to be able to use cool symbols!
Maybe for my b-day I will treat myself to one.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Rose, I hope you're having a great time :)
No sweetheart for me this year but my little nephews brought me chocolates and flowers.
However and wherever Rob and Kristen spent their day..I know it was together..that's good enough for me :)
I saw this on twitter & thought it was sweet & appropriate for the day.
TIME PHOTOS: A couple married for 50 years shows us what love looks like
# 182
Ticket To Ride
I think I’m gonna be sad,
I think it’s today, yeah.
The girl that’s driving me mad
Is going away.
She’s got a ticket to ride,
She’s got a ticket to ride,
She’s got a ticket to ride,
But she don’t care.
She said that living with me
Is bringing her down yeah.
For she would never be free
When I was around.
She’s got a ticket to ride,
She’s got a ticket to ride,
She’s got a ticket to ride,
But she don’t care.
I don’t know why she’s ridin’ so high,
She ought to think twice,
She ought to do right by me.
Before she gets to saying goodbye,
She ought to think twice,
She ought to do right by me.
I think I’m gonna’ be sad,
I think it’s today yeah.
The girl that’s driving me mad
Is going away, yeah.
She’s got a ticket to ride,
She’s got a ticket to ride,
She’s got a ticket to ride,
But she don’t care.
I don’t know why she’s ridin’ so high,
She ought to think twice,
She ought to do right by me.
Before she gets to saying goodbye,
She ought to think twice,
She ought to do right by me
She said that living with me,
Is bringing her down, yeah.
For she would never be free
When I was around.
Ah, she’s got a ticket to ride,
She’s got a ticket to ride,
She’s got a ticket to ride,
But she don’t care.
My baby don’t care, my baby don’t care.
My baby don’t care, my baby don’t care.
My baby don’t care, my baby don’t care.
Thank you/1234crackerboxpalace
# 183
Till There Was You
Beatles (from The Music Man):
There were bells on a hill
But I never heard them ringing
No I never heard them at all
Till there was you
There were birds in the sky
But I never saw them winging
No I never saw them at all
Till there was you
Then there was music and wonderful roses
They tell me in sweet fragrant meadows of dawn and dew
There was love all around
But I never heard it singing
No I never heard it at all
Till there was you
Then there was music and wonderful roses
They tell me in sweet fragrant meadows of dawn and dew
There was love all around
But I never heard it singing
No I never heard it at all
Till there was you
Thank you/zamboni1732
# 184
Tomorrow Never Knows
Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream,
It is not dying, it is not dying
Lay down al thoughts, surrender to the void,
It is shining, it is shining.
Yet you may see the meaning of within
It is being, it is being
Love is all and love is everyone
It is knowing, it is knowing
And ignorance and hate mourn the dead
It is believing, it is believing
But listen to the colour of your dreams
It is not leaving, it is not leaving
So play the game “Existence” to the end
Of the beginning, of the beginning
Thank you/idioticscheme666
# 185
Twist And Shout
Well, shake it up, baby, now, (shake it up, baby)
Twist and shout. (twist and shout)
C’mon c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, baby, now, (come on baby)
Come on and work it on out. (work it on out)
Well, work it on out, honey. (work it on out)
You know you look so good. (look so good)
You know you got me goin’, now, (got me goin’)
Just like I knew you would. (like I knew you would)
Well, shake it up, baby, now, (shake it up, baby)
Twist and shout. (twist and shout)
C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, baby, now, (come on baby)
Come on and work it on out. (work it on out)
You know you twist your little girl, (twist, little girl)
You know you twist so fine. (twist so fine)
Come on and twist a little closer, now, (twist a little closer)
And let me know that you’re mine. (let me know you’re mine)
Well, shake it up, baby, now, (shake it up, baby)
Twist and shout. (twist and shout)
C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, baby, now, (come on baby)
Come on and work it on out. (work it on out)
You know you twist your little girl, (twist, little girl)
You know you twist so fine. (twist so fine)
Come on and twist a little closer, now, (twist a little closer)
And let me know that you’re mine. (let me know you’re mine)
Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby, now. (shake it up baby)
Thank you/sgtpumkin123
# 186
Two Of Us
Two of us riding nowhere
Spending someone’s
Hard earned pay
Two of us Sunday driving
Not arriving
On our way back home
We’re on our way home
We’re on our way home
We’re going home
Two of us sending postcards
Writing letters
On my wall
You and me burning matches
Lifting latches
On our way back home
We’re on our way home
We’re on our way home
We’re going home
You and I have memories
Longer than the road that stretches out ahead
Two of us wearing raincoats
Standing so low
In the sun
You and me chasing paper
Getting nowhere
On our way back home
We’re on our way home
We’re on our way home
We’re going home
You and I have memories
Longer than the road that stretches out ahead
Two of us wearing raincoats
Standing so low
In the sun
You and me chasing paper
Getting nowhere
On our way back home
We’re on our way home
We’re on our way home
We’re going home
We’re going home
Better believe it
Thank you/Queenesy
# 187
It’s been a long time
Now I’m coming back home
I’ve been away now
Oh how I’ve been alone
Wait till I come back to your side
We’ll forget the tears we’ve cried
But if your heart breaks
Don’t wait, turn me away
And if your heart’s strong
Hold on, I won’t delay
Wait till I come back to your side
We’ll forget the tears we’ve cried
I feel as though
You ought to know
That I’ve been good
As good as I can be
And if you do
I’ll trust in you
And know that you
Will wait for me
It’s been a long time
Now I’m coming back home
I’ve been away now
Oh how I’ve been alone
Wait till I come back to your side
We’ll forget the tears we’ve cried
I feel as though
You ought to know
That I’ve been good
As good as I can be
And if you do
I’ll trust in you
And know that you
Will wait for me
It’s been a long time
Now I’m coming back home
I’ve been away now
Oh how I’ve been alone
Wait till I come back to your side
We’ll forget the tears we’ve cried
It’s been a long time
Now I’m coming back home
I’ve been away now
Oh, how I’ve been alone
Thank you/Lucastavaresqueiroz
# 188
We Can Work It Out
Try to see it my way,
Do I have to keep on talking till I can’t go on?
While you see it your way,
Run the risk of knowing that our love may soon be gone.
We can work it out,
We can work it out.
Think of what you’re saying.
You can get it wrong and still you think that it’s alright.
Think of what I’m saying,
We can work it out and get it straight, or say good night.
We can work it out,
We can work it out.
Life is very short, and there’s no time
For fussing and fighting, my friend.
I have always thought that it’s a crime,
So I will ask you once again.
Try to see it my way,
Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong.
While you see it your way
There’s a chance that we may fall apart before too long.
We can work it out,
We can work it out.
Life is very short, and there’s no time
For fussing and fighting, my friend.
I have always thought that it’s a crime,
So I will ask you once again.
Try to see it my way,
Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong.
While you see it your way
There’s a chance that we may fall apart before too long.
We can work it out,
We can work it out.
Thank you/johnniewalker23
# 189
What Goes On
What goes on in your heart?
What goes on in your mind?
You are tearing me apart
When you treat me so unkind
What goes on in your mind
The other day I saw you
As I walked along the road
But when I saw him with you
I could feel my future fold
It’s so easy for a girl like you to lie
Tell me why
What goes on in your heart?
What goes on in your mind?
You are tearing me apart
When you treat me so unkind
What goes on in your mind
I met you in the morning
waiting for the tides of time
But now the tide is turning
I can see that I was blind
It’s so easy for a girl like you to lie
Tell me why
What goes on in your heart?
I used to think of no one else
But you were just the same
You didn’t even think of me
As someone with a name
Did you mean to break my heart and watch me die
Tell me why
What goes on in your heart?
What goes on in your mind?
You are tearing me apart
When you treat me so unkind
What goes on in your mind
In your mind
Thank you/TheJakewilson
# 190
What You’re Doing
Look what you’re doing,
I’m feeling blue and lonely,
Would it be too much to ask of you,
What you’re doing to me?
You got me running and there’s no fun in it,
Why should it be so much to ask of you,
What you’re doing to me?
I’ve been waiting here for you,
Wond’ring what you’re gonna do,
Should you need a love that’s true,
It’s me.
Please stop your lying,
You’ve got me crying, girl,
Why should it be so much to ask of you,
What you’re doing to me?
Thank you/CapitanArgentario
# 191
When I Get Home
Whoa-ho, whoa-ho,
I got a whole lot of things to tell her,
When I get home.
Come on, out of my way,
‘cause I’m gonna see my baby today,
I’ve got a whole lot of things I’ve gotta say
To her.
Whoa-ho, whoa-ho,
I got a whole lot of things to tell her,
When I get home.
Come on if you please,
I’ve got no time for trivialities,
I’ve got a girl who’s waiting home for me tonight.
Whoa-ho, whoa-ho,
I got a whole lot of things to tell her,
When I get home.
When I’m getting home tonight, I’m gonna
Hold her tight.
I’m gonna love her till the cows come home,
I bet I’ll love her more,
Till I walk out that door
Come on, let me through,
I’ve got so many things, I’ve got to do,
I’ve got no business being here with you
This way.
Whoa-ho, whoa-ho,
I’ve got a whole lot of things to tell her
When I get home - yeah.
Thank you/xrockxxandxxrollerxx
Thank you for your Valentine post and I hope yours was great.
What a lovely Valentine's Day it was! You can be only with yourself and treat yourself right, as in lovingly and kindly.
@Bren, Gwen, Birdie & Louisa
Tickle me, Elmo, for I am waiting for you to show up. If tonight doesn't work, that's fine, tomorrow is another day.
I'm Alright
Kenny Loggins:
I'm alright
Nobody worry 'bout me
Why you got to gimme a fight?
Can't you just let it be?
I'm alright
Don't nobody worry 'bout me
You got to gimme a fight
Why don't you just let me be
Do what you like,
Doing it nat'rally
But if it's too easy
They're gonna disagree
It's your life
And isn't it a mystery
If it's nobody's bus'ness
It's everybody's game
Gotta catch you later
No, no, cannonball it right away
Some Cinderella kid
Get it up and get you a job
(Dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip)
I'm alright
Nobody worry 'bout me
Why you got to gimme a fight?
Can't you just let it be?
I'm alright
Don't nobody worry 'bout me
You got to gimme a fight
Why don't you just let me be
Who do you want?
Who you be today?
And who is it really
Makin' up your mind?
You wanna listen to the man?
Pay attention to the magistrate
And while I got you in the mood
Listen to your
Own heart beatin'
Own heart beatin'
Own heart beatin'
Own heart beatin'
Don't it get you movin'
It make me feel good
(Wow, Cinderella kid)
Then give it up and give it the job
(dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip)
(Boom, boom, boom, boom)
I'm alright
Nobody worry 'bout me
Why you got to gimme a fight?
Can't you just let it be?
I'm alright
Don't nobody worry 'bout me
You got to gimme a fight
Why don't you just let me be
I'm alright
Nobody worry 'bout me
Why you got to gimme a fight?
Can't you just let it be?
I'm alright
I'm alright
Just let me be
Thank you/KingTekins
If It's Magic
Stevie Wonder:
If it's magic...
Then why can't it be everlasting
Like the sun that always shines
Like the poets in this rhyme
Like the galaxies in time
If it's pleasing...
Then why can't it be never leaving
Like the day that never fails
Like on seashores there are shells
Like the time that always tells
It holds the key to every heart
Throughout the universe
It fills you up without a bite
And quenches every thirst
If it's special
Then with it why aren't we as careful
As making sure we dress in style
Posing pictures with a smile
Keeping danger from a child
It holds the key to every heart
Throughout the universe
It fills you up without a bite
And quenches every thirst
If it's magic...
Why can't we make it everlasting
Like the lifetime of the sun
It will leave no heart undone
For there's enough for everyone
Thank you/johnniewalker23
Hey Little Mama,
ICU and the Beatles....
I can only play for a little bit, going to bed late, and getting up too early did me in.
How was your day? I know you don't need a reason to celebrate.
My day was good, and how about yours? Did you take the grams out for breakfast? And, R, any special surprises?
The Only Exception
When I was younger
I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind
He broke his own heart
And I watched
As he tried to reassemble it
And my momma swore that
She would never let herself forget
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love
If it does not exist
But darling,
You, are, the only exception
Maybe I know, somewhere
Deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways
To make it alone
Keep a straight face
And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable, distance
And up until now
I had sworn to myself that I'm
Content with loneliness
Because none of it was ever worth the risk
Well, You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
I've got a tight grip on reality
But I can't
Let go of what's in front of me here
I know you're leaving
In the morning, when you wake up
Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream
You, are, the only exception
And I'm on my way to believing
Oh, And I'm on my way to believing
Thank you/xoxolettersxoxo
I made it a point to go to breakfast with the grams cuz you know life is short, and we should take advantage of special moments you can share with loved ones.
R gave me my fav chocolate dipped strawberries...they have the long stem, and huge...they are delicious..there's a dozen in the box, but I share.
Remember the ring he gave me for xmas, the wrap around that had love inscribed in seven languages?, well, I had mentioned I would love if I could wear it on my pinkie...but trying to make it smaller would of taken the message on it out of whack.
He remembered this so he bought me a little silver ring, really dainty with a little rose on top, to wear on my pinkie...so sweet...
How delicious and how lovely! Strawberries and a silver pinkie ring.
Memories are made of that.
I agree on the doing things now, for no one knows about what lies ahead.
We took flowers to the grandmothers, cuz they don't do sweets..(they're the gals with great teeth)
Any surprises for you?...
Did you go out for drinks.
word v...mater
Word verf. is "phalific". Hmmmmm.
Yes, I met up with B and J and had a few. Talked with some folks at Joker's Bar about getting speeding tickets and how to get out of them. Learned a lot.
Nice time, but I'm finding I'm tired. Strange for it is early for me.
I was dragging all day, I was blaming it on the midnight housework, then only getting about four hours sleep...but it seemed like many people were feeling and looking like me at work, as well.
Hey, just say if you want to hit the the hay...
That getting out of tickets convo, was probably very funny...
I was amazed how many can talk themselves out of tickets by quoting the law, to the police officers, and being correct about it.
Did you know that a squad car cannot be hidden from view, that there must be lights on and a partial view of the vehicle?
If they stop you and were hidden, you can file a formal complaint and will win a dismissal of the ticket.
Also, if three cars are in a row, and a few car lenghts apart, the last car cannot have been properly caught on radar for speeding.
So if you are stopped, you bring that up. Only the first two cars, would have been able to be monitored.
Who knew?
How can you prove they were hidden?
Isn't it just your word against theirs?
word v--tallsydr--how is syd, anyway
The guy talking about this, said the cops know that they were hidden, and it's against the law, so you tell them when they stop you. They have to let you go, and will, he said.
And I'm supposed to know how Syd is?
Ask Smitty or Gruff, silly.
The Trio hasn't visited us for a while, and must be very busy.
Hey Syd is your pal...
Ya, very busy, these days.
Lovely Rose,
I know it's a bit late but-Happy Valentine's to All-and of course to you and your family
Really hoped that Rob & Kristen would show up in Baftas-missed them
But like you said-Rob & Kristen will always be together-that the most important thing
Just keep apreading the Rob & Kristen LOve
Lots of Love to Everyone
I am his musical arranger, as I arrange music here on Roseland, and if he wants, he listens/looks at it. Simply an acquaintance of strangers, him being, stranger.
Love and Valentines to you, too.
Let's say goodnight early. I've put on my Betty Boop gown and diamond earrings (tsk), and am ready to lay it all about.
What do you say, we'll meet here soon?
Musical arranger, that's funny...
Lady, we're going to have to continue this tomorrow, I am really beat...remind to tell you of a porno cake shop, when we talk again...
See ya!
Bren and DK,
Sorry I missed you. I see you called it an early night. No new love at Joker's?
Bren, you have one of those guy's that "gets" it too.
I hope you had a fun girl's night out!
Hi DK-
Joker's sounds like a fun place. I'm glad you had a nice time. Feeling better?
Good Morning Guys..Fixing b'fast and trying to get jump started with some coffee...
DK..LOVE the songs you posted. I see we are in the W's now..so we are close to the end. Its been Monumental. Thanks for the memories.
RHONDA ((hugs)) have a great rest of the week off
Thanks Super :)
Not sure why I'm up this early but couldn't sleep.
Enjoy your breakfast..
RHONDA..You have an inquiring mind..you dont want to miss anything and its fun to hang out with DK! I hope you are having nice weather this week..we have sunny and mid 60's all week..
60s for us this week too!
Hi, Rose!! I hope you are enjoying your time away!
Wherever Rob and Kristen were/are I hope they had/are having a wonderful time and
even thought I miss their beautiful faces, I am happy they are being able to stay out of sight.
Hope everyone had a happy Valentines day and wish you all a great Tuesday!!
Hugs to all and take care.
Hi Everyone :)
Kami - your husband is a sweetheart!
I did get flowers and he went out and got me Haagen Dazs at 2am because I couldn't sleep until i had some!!
Hope everyone in Roseland received and was able to give love, kindness and appreciation yesterday.
Thank you Rose for being you and so true to yourself.
Have a beautiful day. Hugs to y'all.
Looks like it will be in the 70's all this week in my part of Texas. Quite a change from just a week or so ago. Geraniums are out on the front porch!
Good morning Roselanders!
Wishing you all a wonderful, happy and safe Tuesday wherever you may be!
Miss you, my lurking Roseland friends.....sending ninja hugs. :)
Hello Roseland-
I hope y'all are having a great day!
I'm looking for a recipe for marinara sauce. If anyone has one they would like to share I would appreciate it. Post or e-mail it to me....
Thanks :)
Hello Roseland! Hope everyone is enjoying their Tuesday :)
For 149.99 you all can by a Angelia Jo Lee/Jasper look a like doll if anyone is interested. LMAO
Awww, the cutest pic of Rob and Kristen at that wedding last August - he's touching her face. Such a great moment (although I feel bad the moment was caught on film but I can't stop looking at it) It so obviously shows the love.
Hope you all had a great V's Day.
Guess it would help if I said it was over at Robsessedpattinson.com for anyone who wants to see it.
30 - It looks more like Melanie Griffith
I saw that pic......It's such a loving and warm touch.
What I find funny, sad as all hell but funny are some of the excuses by the delusional. I guess some people just love consistently embarrassing themselves online!
Hi Roseland! :)
30 and Angelica-
I'm not quite sure what to say about that :)
Yup, how can people look at that picture and think they're not in love?
Hi Angelica!:) Hi Rhonda! :) Now admit it.. you both got your credit card out and bought that thing already didn't you! LOL
30 - I have 2, one beside my bed and one on my desk :)
Lol..you weren't supposed to tell anybody about that!
I think I'd have nightmares if I put that thing beside my bed!
Roger Dodger,
What made you suddendly crawl out from under your troll rock? Why don't you crawl right back under it and get lost!!
Roger Dodger,
Oo ound upid!!
Me being nasty? That is the pot calling the kettle black. (If you even understand what that means!)
I am so happy that the delete button was invented!
Looks like someone is having a temper tantrum:)
Hi IB!
Are you feeling better?
Hi Rhonda! I was feeling better but then my sinus were acting up today. I had a terrible headache.
How are you, other than you know who, who is having a meltdown?
Just ignore him IB, Rose will take care of it.
I'm good but I hope you start feeling better soon :)
Don't you mean he-she?
I will try to ignore he-she. Good thing Kami isn't around, she has a hard time ignoring.
Anyways, did you see that new pic of Rob and Kristen at the wedding? They look soooo happy!
Yes, it was really sweet :)
Your new avi is interesting.
Pretty cool Rose...POOF!!! and Roger Dodger is GONE!
Let's talk later..after Rose has taken the trash out, okay?
Bye Rhonda!
It was the cover art for a local magazine here. I thought it was cool :)
Rose you only have to ask nicely....
Hello everyone!
Hope u all are having a great night!
I'm still at work dealing with some chaos, looking forward to the weekend already lol
I see the delete button is getting some well-deserved use tonight!
"Just when you thought it was safe to go into the water....da da da da"
That pic of Kris & Rob at the wedding (although creepy to have been published) is sooo telling...their feelings are broadcast to anyone not too blind to see...all sorts of romance captured in that one shot!
Kenzz~How did you make out with your roof and the ice problem?
Hi Kenzz & IB :)
Hi IB!
No worries...hubby's homemade ice melt packs, as well as a spat of warmer (OK, relatively speaking!) weather, has vanquished the ice beast..at least for the moment! :)
Sorry to see you're some sinus issues... have you tried steam, followed by a saline nasal spray? Gross, I know, but seems to work! Feel better soon.
My avi was created by an illustrator named Daria Jabenko. Her work is whimsical and feminine. I like her stuff a lot :)
IB: meant to say *having some sinus* lol
Hi Rhonda! How are things in your neck-of-the-woods?
Rhonda~You're back!
Kenzz~Yes, I've done all that stuff...irriagtion included...nothing helps....I shall just suffer:(
It is suppose to be 50 degrees here tomorrow!! Yee Haw!
The avi is cool! Very avante-garde!
IB..How are you? You are one busy mom..Did the snow finally melt?
KENZZ...I saw the picture you are talking about..his hand is sooo big and K is sooo tiny and adorable!!! lol
GROOVIE..Hang in there..I hope you get everybody straightened out so you can go home SOON.
RHONDA...(((hugs)) and feel better soon.
ROSE..I hope you are enjoying your "much deserved" mini vacation...
Did you all see the WFE behind the scenes thing on ET tonight? They will have more tomorrow. WFE looks amazing! Can't wait!
Rob was cute, laughing while being interviewed & they showed a short clip of a scene with him & Reese dancing.
Rhonda~She is very interesting...I like all of the black line detail....was the lady in the pic named by the artist?
Hi Super! How's life with you?
Rose, aren't you back yet? We miss Queen Rose!!
Things are going well. Trying to fend off a cold :)
Yeah!! It feels like the calvary just arrived! You know who was here---serious issues there---if ya know what I'm sayin.
I think she was a representation of the artist herself.
I'm spraying Lysol and wiping with Purell all around Roseland!! You fabulous ladies need to get better quickly!
Rhonda~She is really cool:)
Kenzz~Thanks for the Lysol
Super~Next weeek is winter recess so I scheduled myself a facial:)
Thanks Kenzz :)
I'm going to take some meds and settle down with a book for awhile.
Goodnight ladies :)
Have a good one Rhonda~ Take care of yourself!
Nite Rhonda! A good night's sleep cures a plethora of ills! :)
Kenzz~My daughter's cheer team is going to a competition in Boston in May~
Hi Kenzz, IB, Rhonda, Super, Groovie - how is everyone?
Rhonda - it looks like I just missed you. Sorry to hear you are under the weather. Take care.
IB: How exciting! May is a really pretty time of year up here...
Hi Freddie! (waves)
We also have an overnighter coming up in Springfield. Springfield is actually only an hour and a half away but it is a two day competition so we sleep over.
Freddie~I'm good, other that my sinuses and dealing with Freaky Deaky earlier~
I was just waiting until all the trash was gone.
So did everyone have a good Valentines Day? Sounds like Kami had a great one.
IB - if I recollect you had another busy weekend - with your boys this time??
Kenzz - nice to be on at the same time finally. Glad the ice problem has resolved itself.
Valentine's Day wasn't anything too exciting for me. The kids at school had a great time at our Valentine's Day Party....at home, I was too busy shuttling kids to really enjoy it.
How was yours?
IB..High Five! Enjoy that facial! Yeah..once you get back from winter break it will be time for spring break..another school year bites the dust.
KENZZ..Life is good so far..but its just Tuesday(shhhh..I have my fingers crossed)..heh..One of the doctors I work with came to see my house today....this is the SECOND time its been shown in 12 months!! lol
So, I see where BD is about ready to move to Vancouver to finish filming...Gosh, time flies...and it wont be much longer be4 WFE!!!!! GROOVIE..I didnt watch ET tonight..sorry I missed that!
IB: sounds like Springfield is evenly between us...we're about 90 miles (1 1/2 hrs) from Springfield, as well!
Freddie~You have a great memory...I was split many different ways. LOL I was just practicing for baseball season this spring
FREDDIE..Hi!.. I too waited for Rose or her cyberpartner to take out the trash..they didnt disappoint...They took that shovel, scooped the poop up quickly, and threw it out..lol
Kenzz~We'll have to meet for lunch someday..our own Chapter of Roseland:)
Super~You are right...after April Break it is all gravy...we slide into SUMMER VACATION!!!!! No sweeter words exist to the ears of a teacher:)
Super: the market is picking up for spring, they say...keep your fingers crossed.
We sold our first home about a dozen years ago, and I remember what a nightmare it felt like to keep the home in "showplace" condition...course, I had a 2 & 4 yr old at home, and they were constantly working against me!! haha
Best of luck for an offer to come in SOON!
IB - Sorry it was a busy day for you personally. It sounds like the kids at school had a good time. I remember it being special - except when I didn't get a Valentine from someone in the class.
Valentines Day was pretty low key for me. I actually worked from home yesterday. But we had a Beach Party Birthday celebration in the office today. That was a nice break in the middle of winter.
Sorry to hear you are under the weather.
IB: we'll incorporate the Northeast chapter of Roseland...do you want to be Prez, or vice-Prez? :)
Do you think we could collect membership dues? lol
Hi Super - yes you are right. Rose or her cyber-partner are pretty efficient.
Hope you are well. Are you moving within the same city or changing cities??
Super~Bury a statue of St.Joseph upside down in your front yard. Beieve it or not, it has worked for a few of my friends...once you sell your house, though, you have to dig him up and bury him right side up in your new front yard....weird, I know but hey, ya never know:)
Kenzz - could a Canadian join the Northeast Chapter?? I'm sort of across the lake. I'm pretty good at note taking - I could act as secretary, if that would help.
Kenzz~Dues? Definitely...that way we can start a pot to pay for airplane tickets to Roseland Roundup when DK gets that organized...or we could buy wine or Bailey's:)
Kenzz~Field trip to Canada!!
Freddie~Here is a cyber-Valentine for the one you did not get..
I have a strict rule that everyone brings a Valentine for everyone. One of the little boys in my class gave one of the little girls a rose wrapped in aluminum foil...it was so cute...all the other girls were so jealous...it was very cute.
IB, Kenzz - any time!
Freddie: Of course! We'd be lucky to have you...You could be our International Manager of Across the Border Intoxication (which leaves you open for all sorts of interpretation!)
Freddie~I will have to get me one of those new "enhanced" driver licenses to cross the border:)
IB - thanks for the cyber-valentine. Very nice.
Wow on the rose. Such a romantic for a second-grader. I would have been jealous. How did the little girl who received it react?
IB & Freddie: I'm lovin' me a road trip..how long will it take me to get a passport?
Oh, and the "dues" issue...we'll probably have to send some back to Rose as a franchise fee... we may be stuck with affording only the boxed wine :(
Kenzz - I love it. LOL. I'm going to start using that title at work. Everyone will be impressed (if not worried for me).
Well, he arrived earlier than she did so he put it on her desk...the minute she walked into the room all of the girls went running over to her..."You have a rose! You have a rose!" She is a quiet little girl so she was shy and cute about the whole thing. I helped her wrap a wet paper towel around the bottom of it. Remember wrapping flowers like that when you were a child?
Hey, wine is wine. In a pinch I will even drink those fruity $4.99 bottles....maybe we should think about fundraising?
IB: The rose story is simply the sweetest...what an intuitive teacher you are to have such a clear take on the pulse of your kiddies!
IB: a car wash? bake sale? bowl-a-thon? I'm in!
Kenzz - boxed wine works for me. And yes, a fee to Rose does seem appropriate - for rent.
You guys could come in late May/June. At least, we could say we are in the same city as Rob, if he's filming in Toronto (no - I'm not suggesting set stalking).
Ah, they are good eggs! I dread next year...the cycle usually goes good class, bad class, good class, bad class etc. Last year was hell on wheels:(
Freddie you could take us to the Spaghetti Factory!
Also, we will have to get to work on our Chapter Pledge...who's good at that??
IB - really, really cute story about the rose.
IB..Where do I buy a statue of St. Joseph???
FREDDIE...We bought a lot a while back and were hoping to build another house..we will have to see if we still feel like doing that IF we ever sell this house..
Good Night Everybody.
Can we wear sashes too?? After all Sue Bee has her crown and DK has her magic wand, Jacob has his jorts, Charlie has his moustash(sp?)...we need something also, right?
Night Super - have a good night.
IB: my sister-in-law
s a teacher of 4th and/or 5th grade...she says the same thing about cyclical classes...how weird...
A Chapter Pledge...hmmmm...I'll need to take my glass of the aforementioned boxed wine and retire to my office (alright, my comfy bed and pillow!) and ponder the appropriate amendments to this oh-so-important document. Perhaps we should consult with the other chapters?
Super~Most religious stores carry little plastic St. Joseph's for that purpose
Spagetti Factory - check. Wine - check. Membership pledge - check. Sash - check.
Yes, Kenzz, consistency in the Pledge might be a good idea...don't forget to ponder the sashes!
I think the sashes should be "rose" pink?
Goodnite Super...good luck with St Jo...hey, it can't hurt!
IB: you are def. in charge of decorum...I love the idea of sashes...not as pretty as the bedazzled tiaras, nor as powerfeul as FGM's wand...we in the NE Chapter are a much more subtle Roselander! hehe
IB - I was going to suggest rose pink beanies or baseball caps - but they'd be bad for my coif...
Kenzz~A fourth/fifth grade teacher? God bless her...it get tough when hormones start to kick in:)
By the way, a chapter roadtrip to NYC for the WFE premiere would be a blast!
Freddie; how about headbands? Or maybe colored i-pod earbuds?
Kenzz - yes, we are more subtle, refined (when not tipsy from the boxed wine)
Freddie, that goes without saying! Maybe we'll incorporate that into our mission statement for our chapter?
We, the members of ROB INTOXICATION, pledge the following..to defend the integrity,talent, and relationship of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, to give the same consideration to their dear friend Tom Sturridge and ROSE See..to continue to share dreams, opinions, recipes, games, songs,and to be actively interested in all things related to these talented individuals we uphold. heh..
Well, Mr. Sandman is calling me...I will see you ladies tomorrow:) Hold down the fort!
PL~Hope all is well!
IB - I like the WFE NYC idea. I have only been to NYC once for a quick trip. I'd love to see it.
Kenzz - love the pink ear-buds idea. That would distinguish us from other chapters.
Super~Excellently stated!
Wow Super - Excellent. Absolutely excellent. You can be a honorary member of the Northest chapter.
IB - have a good night. Hope you feel better.
Oh, damn..and to appreciate fine wines, beer, cocktails, and ales..regardless of their price..teas and coffee also
Annie says that premieres are zoos but I would give anything to catch a glimpse of our darling Robert:)
SUPER: You are now, officially, a charter member of Roseland/Northeast! let's get that drafted into our constitution ASAP (Roseland's, not the USA's...well, actually, why not?)
Alright, you witty ladies..I've too much fun for one 40-something, so it's off to bed I go! Thanks for the laughs...hope to "meet up"again, soon!
Good night...I am really going to go now too:)
Super - great additions to the pledge.
Kenzz - pleasant dreams - talk to you soon.
Good Night..
Goodnite Roseland/northeast (both charter and honory members) :)
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